THE HOBHIHG STE: F. iSWt: ifcW-pv.V'V: f.--.vo.-.f. -y-i ' : " lP ' ' - ' " ' ''M 5 iO iv bJ5b f--i -lAVfM -' 1 ... v - It 1 - . - a '.' . iftwoaays,. ........ ...--.... . - .- ;, . -; v - . RATES OF SUB8CJOPTIOS. m advance (by man). . . . . $7 00 ,,nu yf'T- advance f A ) 8 60 x "Ninths invance( " " )........... 00 Three inontD8'm, Tl ik H month, to dnc ., ..-.. ...... 5 Bteare ie ll".""'T..jKn delivered in my nart To City BWE-'r-S. onr Cltv lire! city. v;irf-morelhw months m OUTLINES. I . ! . VOL. XIII.---NO. 50. K;5MLMiNGTON;:;:N;v : c.;; Wednesday, November ij, 1S73.: , Local Dot.. ni,t irk.! : - - ? - ' ' rnWl Lml ires at Yadkin 3olleec David- NEW ADVEliTlSKoLkr ITS. Clearinjr Weather i8 reoorted for to-1 ti' nnt;rnAiW.K;l'mnrniiiir u son county; Mocksville; Fork's Church, j -I a v 'ir - r. , - I rtnvio omintu. Smith's ti.p nubanlndisoatiou meeUogv ihcKew I vi ipAH;Wn.-i','U V'riif? : j HfH ?en. ... n Innk to Grant. We are I CJottoh larlrTn nn l!trtn-f.itor. I Black Crook 1 . . :n rf o I riav I at thfl Onprft TTniisn in tliia ftitv. ommcno- UuredtO KtrOT'attdience attheUOTrt J afraid tue bidoko " . . - :;jirsIir7J iB LexingtoD7o Friday evening. A printing office, value -jpauu.wu, ournea L Cloudy. and dssagreeable all day yes- OR " ' - Chariotttf ifeioraf:i It is Buffalo. Feared that the U. S. terday," 1 -H nnd the costumes and eflectaare ,Jfdallcor. steamer anfortymen. are lost. exhibition d Jobe ng8 de8PtlOBi poratipns in A State, th tbe unsettled . Tir TkWo . " . . - me lamous uernanoez Troupe, wen koowb condition or our state aeos is a ioshic m- umwcxi , sjo juuqiu., Jjuixyugix w in this city, belong with this company. jury ana arawDacKra inmymu -Another direct shipment of cotton to 2SJ?!S!J v . Bk a mw aa. a. n - id : .... iir.r.rmilT lm auk - - am vwmw w j - w laverpool was made yesterday. w-i-.i. x 4u.ft part ot the deUwlne8t a irni u- km. . jui & . Li- ah . XLiui iuc uv i - - . i t j i ; - . raw i VwA-tAo r rt honaor Yort siinnm i titnii- i hw m iMrn i4fwi iiim nwsf hi KniiN. . WHOLE ;N0, 1,920: inSCELLANEOTTS. -to-day' Tuesday V, and' Wednesday, ',. Hbv. 24, 25, & 26. , ..v. Reported Uiat Santal Rosa i was Aotld the atthe Pair Virgiiuus, but landed m a scnooner. Committee on prolongation of MacMahon's term granted him, seven yejurs. f -.British Government will hold SpaikrespWitble for all subsequent executions. North Carolina Legislature convened Monday and got to work yesterday loss of half million by burning of" a Manchester cotton London Tdegraph iriew's -with I UfkW--riU-jI -t-'vi favor Cuban annetatiob- with, th United "good times come, again once more." . ZZraZ. ZZ l.Vf 1?, Pny Philadelphia, was , wrecked upon o;i. r"v; ...:n: i - - , iuo unuunvu ,vuuj . lw.- v.,rs Khno o nr, thA n msi i ne States. oihuii. -uu w -Workon theLutheranchurchhasbeen Wwmnin otw !n th 4v ' of t o - TTo rPrniirSo r . I OLtLf u. a wun - i i i w-i llilllin i V IV V were aveaiue i n Txrr uiTTt-n iun a" ttt.t. and first mate, m - a w mr -r A JU. A. JU. A. .A A V Uk r, jm. x-J. The Schr ,T Cr draft arrivod at Roa- I . i . . nonest. . inc nonesi ,paj-fc puuum uo vvw 1 4, xtus awx uwuAVUB-vwviyn, !:tr t. Ane cr-- 0, arrived at Kos- ptnt -Sriperlnteiidehr-of . "the" County pronli8ed "and weepeat what we haV0 Th. . RskowxT-O Ghelik-;, -WoiTDiB t9Hro-kxj pxwt-ieiettUn-Wj, WorkHousewMnot be a candidate for often said, the IidslatOTe1 should take acr M ' V The Else Esricht, Esricht, arrived at the positioi 'for the coming year, iBids for tkm on the mattCT at an eariy day. ...... V-MM UMX9vn. - Helvoetftom this port on the 3d Inst the place willoseioil the flrfit Monday The clipper ship HeniiettaV-of -l S' TJ3, -There is evervnn to hnn.. that th mecember Charleston fiVJ?" : ' U ' "Sll. 'I I li. . 4 -j-.- - -1 - i----. - : I WUQ: a : cargo VI muiaiKtCB hum www wu- ' THE riUiAUSll oriSUlAiiTl juiixorm ' - I ' . . .,. . -. I j i iiTL TS 1.1J O . TTnnoo flnm. I ' . t : t ; , Acua, v ww .. T7i . n U c rw r fi am V. r r ' 1 H p? TBS FE2TJTIAS' and Enriche tha Bioad,Tene ap .th jrBia (Jompiainta, hum ft Tj mnit ftt been changed by tha ' use of mt xamaoy ' . from Weak, stickly, aangareatarea, tor Ma and wxHnen: and - jayalkU eaaaot reaaocabiy blttB to glra a trtO,.; unnton. jm auiv jvu k ihs that 'Panrriaa flyraB! t N-m in tea jrVaafc t nhtan8ed&dnal 8KTH W.FOWLK - im vnnriT.n . . ' : : .. " - Two montha. ,1. 3-. U W J? - " , ThraaHMmth....v,...... . ..... 00 .'?; -:?tt SIS -WtaW.VjAa4,T.a;.5 J5'W'80 Qnayeax .,...60 00 t3fContract Adveruaemeiits taken at propor Uonatoty low rate .'--w:. . ,..Vlv 9qftres ttimAtd m a qtrtouBa, and teaiqnarfaaBaaillliunn. . .. z. MKCELLANEOUS. Genxiine;aPairbaiikB-kd AUrtTTACTtTEIB Bbtr,lieltliy;-nd !i ' ' ' v. 7;J.'iv-.-: imptuetaarea. een THE "WONDfiKTUI , IT .WMnf wore on me Liutnerancnurcn lias been commences in Clinton in, the early part of ship fad-a crew of sixteet make satisfactory settlement ol Vtrgtntus delayed on account of the inclement next Wee-TOoI Pld-ottMs-ci, which number only two. -w difficulty, but wwstMntegnty of ter- weather; - " ' - remembered wffl deliver the carm, WUHam Wywaing, ritorv -Only 18of the Virgimu peo- -i-. - : I? owd be temembere wiu aeilver tne j These two ntory pie not killed. Those were condemned to chain-gang, t imprisonment for Various terms and three were set free. Cotton in New York 15J to ; gold, 9 to 10 up ward tendency. v v ! t-- The Amelia Hedurig, Gehm, from Ant- I address on Friday, the 28th inst. werp Tor this port,1 put iu at Plymouth on I '.'' ' ': , ; ; th9dlh4,t : -. '. r For the Morning Star; .men were .ex- posed five days in their open beatithotit TlCKKGAD X 1 ' .a miAlIV: TtlvPfl Tin I Jfc- ww. - food or water, land were? finally picked up by a Norwegian bark, f ' They were taken to Robeson's, N, C, Nov,-18, 18TS.; " Boston, from wnicli place ougm wniaA. The Greek; Way of Cboalu. an Km press A numbor e? fences were blown down in i this city and. yicinity during the heavy o-.-jwk-.. T in vonrbaoer an ac cpuut of the accident -Mr. Ss A- Fish; JNOrtll UaTOllIia 'iieglSJaTnirei TliA I '. . . -' - sept 17-Deod W it M wtawed '-r' - ; -'n 4KOTTOS OFFICE, 1 Wilmingtiii Sept 23, 1873. J NOTICE. V7N AND JlTTSS XHEIST OF OCTOBER AJ-L Hogsancf Cows tm running at large iwithts the ".: ;vi :i- :r:f5 - "-T : ' MMuwIuJ 1v 4ia A1ti.A aajk rtv tnA ADJONiiiiette and Brew Circle, 11 00; J ryiCl 1 7' 'UrHeber. Board! of : AMimen., wm W:d Book Store pa sad after FridayjJNov, U -Owing to bit Alari Mm. HILES' ALARM TILL, 08 gale on Monday night. The German Barque ifoJWp&, Paske, I blaie.'af "puftore, on turday llasC" The AccordinVW the Grlc-h'istbrians Jm Prt fbr JHroet, safled from articuhusaeem toenti f tu m-ntl. fPntnrv thf TCrrmrPM awiw-w-wn an ue awn uit stood iromyour staiemeni, anaimpues neg- of the ninth century,, tne- impress - u xr'w - J , - " : - ligence o'our -: part In,' OutTing . "parte??-. Enphrosyne, beuagde-wous to marry :m!. Kobert.M." We8cott;.haa.,bu.ap. iymg ,ioos around. jThe facts are,- that lier son Tbeophilus, then but 12 years pointed Inspector of Custpoas at Smithville Mr. Fishblate came ia the store, poured old sent messengers into all paiti of in place of . E. M. Iiosafyl removed. some powder from a tin can mto a wooden onri A mnrAndino-hRm I i .i . 't.,.:!..; ' ' VJ match-box, , as we tnougnt at tne umeio jjuiwjv -,-- ) - Raleigh News, Condensed. " ' SENATE. ' - th Atifffmoda axoense attending thu exhibition the frt list will be restricted to members of the presaj Re gu'lair Liii e. poanded. 1 . sepH-tf - GBO. W.PBJCB, Jr.,- : . i ; ::'!. .; ' City.. tfarsbal, . Monday, Nov. 17. At 13 o'clock Lieut Gov. Brogden called Messrs. Giles & MurChisOn have I lod a niatoU bnt he took the nowder in the road in front or tne store, strucK a matcn onrT trrnifoi frtn nnwpr tfunlrmor: hfi oonld Cast the box from his hand in time to save responding to tlieir names: -i ; - 1 it I - : f cnpLr nnt. arm nnnp' Derore ner ail I i j - : -"'. -.;-ti I j i ,. n4A.M .-s-i.w wioak . r-. . , " movea mso tueiruew ouuamg on j-run., u u uw . - I t,r-c,nt Tn nr1p- thA fnl Win .-members 1 mwR the most ueauuiui msiueua between IMnss and CesnuttstreeUi M : - x.VT ii U OLA At UBCHIaiON, couldhnfl. un tne return or ner en- r vovs,the:girIs; they ikdrbut With -- There Is: considerable caucusing al- l. iem were arraveu m tuts urea, uau j-, s-e -ro --.- i , , of the palace; and Euphrosyne, lead- I number, aspirants for position is daily J prformkig H.m.n.a to Wm-Jf hnt under tha clrcilm- Messrs. Avera, Ajramer, vuumusu-ui, stands he was not near as expert as Wy- Dam Dunham EUis of Uatowba lans FINK 8C8S. WM. C." JONBS... . . . . ........ ..V: . .Usster, wlrit. HAVK CISPATCH AS ABOVB. in2 on .the' jacrease. CITY ITEMS. her son into the apartment, placed a goWen applp snd, J The word lumber in the first paragraph and told him reflentdto taerir- I of the Vnmiun.catie of : Messrs. Bowden gin of his choice. Among the many and Green, jmblished iti. bur: last issue, beauties there assembled, the maiden oald lmn u ,, , ; . , Icasia shone faireat fall. Pausing - ,' before her in wonder at the sight of vnTb Krd regal monthly meeting of so much loveliness, the boy-Prince tne Wilmington Building Association will involuntarily uttered aa aiol-s whicn be held at the New Hanover Bank Hall 3iad been-taught Mm bV'hb priestly this evening at 8 olocfc ; ;i tutors: "Women are the cause of Tt onld be reniembered that a meet- iiRtlnM fivils .n "Yes." answered Wf th- fs'"f tW-niU.An i-d Pnlnt Btarulagnews-as wfttovealready leceived private the nuabashed beauty, "but they are Caswell Railroad will be held daring the likewise the source of much bliss., Fair the former place next week. The vom-2 fool, either piqued or con- : . faJt ttia ,lv nl trareithe F. M. Woonten, of the Carohna r - jL. 7 -. I -i l x-:i: - - ----v o--, vvau J I ma J , uiouc uaiiutr vayc j being thrown freer -buggy a day or two since. Happily be was not in jured. have been: though I uoubt his I viumuus, t reiuu-Bi wiu6, a-dmilai trick successfuUy. 50llomanamPJ' J,onf 'rIt' f(.sM -tod I maDBon. tju. iuKvaiucj, juvwhw. Tor Fntgbt apply to npvl4t WILLIAMS MUBCEaSDN. . : The above is a true statement. quite a numbei jpresent who saw it. ... ' Yours, respectfully, "". . : Geo. 3. Robeson. . : ? Old firm of .Love & Robeson. Merrimon, Morehead of Rockingham, Mur ray, Nicholson, Price, Scott, Todd, Walker, Welch and Worth 30. ' " The President, in opening the Senate, said he congratulated the body upon its re assembling, and expressed the hope that the labors of the nresent session would be con- I -l.iv.-v- 4-. MAfiniwiT flMKrw7 anrl tha Koar. in. wMCmHEi-t-T, ls: leading topic of or ento. coontry. We have not KTsAlon Q and gprtm. the least doubt that it will be, the recent outrage- m he rferted to the present financial onsmagacreof American citizens cannot sad will emharrassment existine throiL-hout the not be overlooked. We may dafly expect to hear I gtate an)j he Question of the State debt and the effort now beine made to hamper the telegrams to famish ten lefments with dothtng at Treasurer of the State, and hoped that such Cost; bo all wishing to buy a fine suit ana overcoat i action would be taken to give some relies at actual cost had better . do bo at once, as we are to our people, .relieve the Treasury of its selling our entire stocK at cost. . . . ' DAVID & WBIL, r COEH AND OATS. 4000 fmjtX WHTTB jCJOEIC, . 3000 BUSSIEL, y8- MIXED C0BN.;,: 2000 BUSHKLS PBIiai 8KKD .ATS 'f JUST EKCKIVED EX . . . . - i: i 8CHB. LUOtiA ItOBCBlSON, AND FOR'SAltt BT ' : . . . - f ill-'. ' . , . ' , - J B. P. MITCHELL & SON. - for Sale. - li ft TONS KNQLISH HOOF IROK, best1 qualr . Oil! ity- : , ,,i::r : jQQ0 SPIB CASKS, , : ; . ... . , ; 25 BBLa aLUE- O A A EOLLS SAOGIKG AND C0TT0NT1ES vu . - . J -J 500 SACES WAKSHALL FINS SALT. ; i()0Q SACSS ltvkrpool A salt- The Art Gallery ! 4 A , LARGE AND BKATJTIEDL ASSOBTMENT rpHE collection has just been selected with great "X " care. These Chromos are valuable not as works of art only; they are at double interest as portray ing in natural colors and beauty the scenery of the world of nature In its variouB forma. Now is the time to BElAtJTIFT TOTJE HOMES with these CHOICEST OF PICTUBES. .' h Mottey-Brawerr : A Sure Protection, ..ItTM-e . ! i . i ... . - - - t" . 1 . Ikc.. I Ajlrlly jj3 l'Mil a-yb.dy . ofStore-! I .f I i-' Itpersif:"ji t I . reeetviH. kmi p ay- lnKomt aami. For sale at nov 18-tf HEINSBERKB'S ,;J ' live Book Store. apple to Theodora of Paphlagonia, who was supposed to be about the worst. match iiith, galaxy of beau ties. Is a Passenger Obllsed so llayaXlcket to go ou a Rstllrosid Train. A singular case was tried at Mt. T ernon, Ind., last week, in which the St. Louis and - Sou theastern. Kail road Dobs it Pat? This question is saked about many investments, but the case is so clear as to tickets for the gift concert of the Public Library of yr-L. i . A nm Tk. OA tHufr IhaM la not KBK1BCKT. UICUUH1 VU r U. V I . Theerger Family Swiss Bell Ringers, room for a doubt on the subject It does pay if- I Senators elect from the Second L-ongression SernoSuTe INTENSE EXCITEMENT. Usual resolutions of organization were adopted. ' " Mr. King presented the credentials of Messrs. S. L, Johnston . and Ed. . Ran6om, SlNew Goods For Cash. TTTE INVrrB THE ATTENTION OF THE VY Public-to-our - STOCK OF GKOC3EB1ES GREAT RUSH FOR BARGAINS! which we wiU sell unaraally close to CASH BUY- nor. 18-tf im.- tAttfl am nlv -in ft tentlia SL-- I v t:v-S--a -All V -smo nAiaa notact nrtorl . . . i I TV UCU f uuic us-w .-f --j v - r" BAI WIHLJTAli-. IAJ AAAA UiC T HMUIVlVia wvwoiw uvv witU 550I. fcmiin itusseil, areniung an en- when $1,500,000 ig distrlbuted to cab-, in guts vary- . h.tinn ftf. Measnt Resoess and W- . ,i v 1,,1 inginsefromf,owuienignesv , w X."" " " ; . . , gageuicui m lutuiuuuu. x w w iivrj-y i ggt no. there is one gut to every niui ucei, mere 1 omieyi ; xucy weio "" . ' i" .1 AND FULL LINE 'OF thev wHl visit Wflmlnrton 1 durinir their iopDmt--:-jf.. 1 - jar, weicii, irom we wwui iiw.w Southern tour. I yi.-iorwra of tha ftiro&na Farmer and the Two alarms .offiie on Hondar nieEt WJBy or having largely tacreased the circuwion General Assembly Come and Buy ! FITTED WITH COUP AST MKNTS For Bfflsl Currency snd Specie; or Nickels. Beady to attach, t any counter in a. few mluutesUme. -.-.ii.Z i.SOIfD AT . :' .. FoirbAnJ-sV Scale Wreltiiieaf t'ltBBADWATi NEW TOKK, . ' 2 Sl-tEET,: BOSTON, 'yy . c'AND "BY THE' t-' ' Hardware Trade Generally. ' ' sept 3-Staw4m Tu&Fr ' ' Standard Scales. t Smck fiOA-xs, Ooai. ScAixf, HIT Soixs, Dintr SCAUBS, CPUNTXS SCALXS, &C., &0. .. Scales iepaired promptly and reason- ' For sale ahw, Troemner's Coffee and Drug Mills, Composition Bells, all sues Letter Presses, ic &c. if - l j.' -:;y jj. ! j 1- -i ths X08T wrarxcr . ALABM CASH DBAWEE, ; Miles. Alarm Till Co,a Merchant BHOTJLD upon the Governor, reported that the Gov- iTirnisniiig uoou,, ernor, would sena . in nis message 10 iue 1 x m ' A 1MITT A T IQrp General Assembly to-morrow at' 12 o'clock. 1 jfi. A.V JL U - I 1 4 A A bbls;flottr; Use Tfienf. FOR CASH O NLt! hovM-tf ' - At SHBJEB BBUS. 50 BBLS. PORK (New-Mess) ... .100 BBLS. MULLJfiTS, : . 1 . 50 BAGS COFFEE, - 700 BOXES SOAP. CANDLES, STARCH, POTASH, IiVE, TOBACCO, TEAS, CANDY, CANNED GOODS, &C-, &c. ; Low for Cash . EDWARDS & HALL. 6vl8rtf . ' ' . Ac DRAWER: WarraktCu. -' - - - - - - I -r-n . . 1 A At- TT--.-. v j e j 1 riilWji i ti-w1q I - '.-. v: , i--'i " I of the latter, advertisers, wm nno u. o atuuu-ui-1 Hr. iJemmine moyea ioav uib nuuuo uo was defendant, and Charles Myrtle, f 8tartled the denizens of the particular parts 1'' nlcatlo wltll tne farmer, and Jd to connr in a resolution that a of that place, was plaintiff, borne of ftecUy in which they originated, bnt Blanter80f thetwoCaroMnaa. - : joint committee be 1 appointed to' .consider onknSrogoTo g .o.P ofmesfy ScMp, Braiiuy PeacliBS aaiC-erM Evanvilteu- He wa not provided with bothattrma. ' c,erii of courts, sheriffs, uwyers, railroad cial t . v v . i t lrkcimstnSAB:i '' 1 a licket beiag unable ti procure one - The pending dimculty with pain and wteaaAip d -l other, action .m connection -with the same. npHE beqtjlak m onthlY ' meetinq of X5 0 - 1 I f 7Mf lh-local the prospect that we wm soon be in poses" h-ing orders for printing, to the facilities offered si AOopieo. : , X the OA A CASES BBANDY PEACHES, y si. J 7 . i".- "r . 1 I . .I J..:- fV l.m Af Ihfi I h Ifnmrnra RtAR PmwBB EOT 1ST.1SH- Kay IQT I r-n-nriTinTiw-i mtTTOO I rvv rwn(-n- nifll nWCl I AWVV )i-L-ot -iffpnt H i tootfc nifl aeat in ine I sion 01 uiab w'Cku pi uc, uo - v.. -1 . huuoju xurtuiiarinA-xXiO. , . 1 w luaiinuiwii a aj a :et agen... T" TirlTrv. "7, "whln-th--,. the prompt snd faithful execution fall kind, of cars, ana wnen ine ewawwwr uc- auuuw, " a . T w. - rnmUh at abort notice manded his ticket, be prompt- on our atreetsfor a. Say or two past - Cu9MtWl.Bmaiit Letter-Heads, progrsmnu,Bu J - A412 m. Mr. Speaker Robenson called 1 a. ,1 1 ,mnal fara '-- rtr i - I m.v. ini,ifa Tim TTtul.BilA Cats- I fhA TTnnRfi to order. ly Le.miClx u..o r.,T "rtrsni-lfi nwWA.wdredtocallthe roll and -.w -i..--i 7 7 t to ti,;r Juk 01 xiew xuuover mix wias auv-m- UXQ XU11U W JLUg J5Cl-waa --i w viv- ww --- . , ASSOCIATIOB. WOlbeheklstthe i K BOXES BBANDY CHERRIES, W ..... 1 For sale by' ;nov.l6t F.V. KERC TI. 38 and 39 North Water i m . . A. -- I -n - -.- - - " ' 1 - I Tni-i a "- -M hrttr Kl 1 1 K 1 !. lfiU more 11 necessary, so great wao 1 ----logo-q, ' hi anrietv to reach his destina- , Eyeiy eSort u Deing auoe w cossiiww satisracnon - The conductor said mat tne t tne approacning rwroiiuc vi -6- tion. 1 f f Via f,,1T,T- inV did Tlflt. allow 1 nnitnrAl A tArcitkm. 'which commences in him to take money, and that he this city dToesKtay; the tlt of December, would be compelled to put the plain- the most successful odt that luu eret been liff off the cars, and be did. The held here. :, Superior, inducements iq. the ulaintiff broucrht suit for $2,000 dam- I w- ef horse-racine will be held out, very :ges, and the jury Tetnrned a verdict I jiheral contributions' having already been lor $562 50. A few verdicts like I f or iis purpose. The pigeon match -.this would teach certain railroads I . .lo .ttrtWft fitnre -snd we whieh are disposed to tickle for the lear aat;the prospects for a fine display .enfoxecment of impracticaDie f rcleafor eal-bMon aw very eneour- Tthat the travelling public have rights :as well as themselves. OIT NOTICE TO ADVEBTI8EBS. aging. Let the friends of the Association, the farmers and planters generally of this sec tion, thbse skilled in the mechanic arts, and the ladiea particularly, be up and doing, and we shall have such an exhibition as nL . Antnmiii nn Snndav morn- in? U so great that we are compelled to requeet ad- may well ChaUeUge OUT pndend. admira- vfrri-w-tn send in advertisements ior 1 .5. . . --X- -t .... .A. 1 UV-U as early an hour as possible, in order tnai tneyin-j with certainty Secure the proper insertion. . ;.. AnriiHrl-IIrtli Darllmsiad Tlr- The mails. I Thew wlli De ameeungiuKj j? The mails will close from this date as fol- Conncfl of Virginia and North Carolina at lows: ' - - ' I peter8burgrVa., on Tuesday next, me axa. Northern through (night) mails.... or. M.. I Qeo. . -French Esq., is authorizeu a. - x 6 A.M. through and way (day) oiails 5 A.M. I .ojjlhern mall. . . . . ..... - 8. Cart-soa Central mails. .... .... . . 5 A. M. ;Smitlwate, Saturdays and Tu-s-ttla-vs. IFayetle-viHe., river,' 31ond"ays and iFridays... 1 R Fettaville by C. C. It, W., daily 5- A. M. OaKWwC H: ; (horse mail)-every Ffidw 6 A L WBW ADVBltTiSKittEISTS. Edwabd W-.TAVLOit-Brunswick Taxes. . .1 A HKittT To the Public. Sre Ad "Ojiera Uouse . y Mttssoit & Oa.-1 Actual Cost. .Williams & Mubchison. Corn. 11. F. Mitchell & Bon. Corn and Oats. O. G. Parsley & Co. Coal. SimtKB Bros. Overeoata to superintend the election ef delegates from this city aud county. Ail mteresiea are requested to meet at the Court House in this city on Friday next; the 21st inst , at 780 P. M. . Bronchi to Justice. . Violet Hehry, the colored woman alluded - 1 " " tv ttotj ' Want a Cook, - t WantaSttnation, ii.. Want a Salesman. ..Wants Servant Girl, . Want to rent a Store, Want to sell a Piano, Want to sett a Horse, -Want to lend Money, . Want to buy a House,: ' Want to buy a Herse,- Want to rent a House, Want to sell a Carriage, -Want a Boarding place, Want to borrow Money, Want to sell Dry taoods, ' Want to sell Groceries, Want to sell Furniture, Want to bell Hardware, . Want to sell Real Estate, Want a job. of Carpentering, Want, a Job of Blacksmitliing ' .Want to sell MnBnery Goods, -f Want to sell a Hoase aad Lbt, -s,. Want ta.i4an7.eBf Aa4wV-??- Wanttobmy socbBd4ti i Want to seH, Agricultural llensents, -; i; Want to And anything 7o--V(? Joirtv S Want to Advertise anytln-ya4vaage, Want te owner for anythtat Found, .- , ., , Adveriw-i':;:.. . ' . ' . - Ttiil MORNING STAB., r - irits TTOTentine. It snowed Monday in Raleigh. ening at 8 o'clock, , DUES RECEIVED AS USUAL. Nov.l9,187S-lt C. L. 'CHBSNUTTi J - !.;:;. Treasurer., Messrs. Abbott, Anderson, of Davie, An derson, of Clay, Bean, BlackwelV Blythe, Row "Brown, of Davidson. Bryson, of Jackson, Bryan, of Pitt, , Bryan, of Samp- t-.- A11oVn-ir-"Rrrmtrn "Rnllard. Btmn, ByrcL TJrter,CobbCottonjJ)ardli, BaCOIL. POfk. Dudley, Juisoniieuaier,josttjr,xre Gant, Gilmer, Godlrey, yormanr uuoger, i -j qq bujuso v. UUytner, ilAmpron, xiuguw, K HHDS. SMOKED SHOULDERS, nant, Houston, Johnston, Jones, of Cald-1 iQ- waII - Johea. of Camden. .Jones,' of Orange, 1 . en BBLS. CM, PORK. . "f av-reil Jnvnp.r., Jordan. Lindsav. I 'UV vuw, --r---iZirTi' mr-T ' ' mOZABT SALOON, No. 1 Granite Kowy: ; OU T n :-W. RON 1?' 8 T BE &' i , FIEST-CLA88 SALOON, NEATLY FITTED I ntoejr; wlfti w-teh yoa up for tne accommoaanon 01 tne puouc, con tains a line selected stock of Xlqnors, Cigars, Ac'. Bst Philadelphia Lager and Ale always n hand. Oysters in every style; the best of everything guar antmvl. Cll-nd imtm for vonraelvea. . Kiv tin a xLAAtt Jnopnetors. : ; SOLD AT .: ...... Fairbanks Scale Wareljonses, . ' riraATO & co. : : . 311 Broadway, New York, : 166 Baltimore Street, IkLttdmore, : . 53 Camp Street; Sew Orleans : h ; FAIRBANKS A EWTNG - ' " " " : Masonic HaH, PimadeWbla. . j.: ,-.-, FJRBANBROW 0O,. : ' : t Milk8treet, Boston. For sale by leading Hardware Dealers. -u. sept8-taw4mTnes&Sat LITTLE THINGS. ' A LITTLE ATTEN tion to saving' 'your pe- Mes wffl fdvemslUkv eao, nay gwu ymti vt g BOOTS : SHOES novlft-tf S. AND SMOKED SIDES. iSoVWc 100 rin, JIcNeill, Michaet : , Mi-ell, Outlaw, I - a a BBLS. REFINED- su a. v prrv of Wake. Presson. Reid, of Meck lenburg, Reid, of Randolph, Rhodes, Shaw, I f -Sharp, Shinn, of Iredell, Shackelford, SUGARS. 19-tf For sale low by WILLIAMS; MURCHISON. Jwt Arrived, 2QQ TONS C'a.AND; ' . 20 000 SHTNGLES,". At woott, uoat,sningie ana muw inu aapiuh Front snd amid vra k Stowe, Todd,, Trivett, Turner, Warlick, fJ"U00fl ,' TnrA HnTlHIpfl Waddl, Wateon-lWebb; Wlnslow, Wiley, lllieeSe,, -.arU, UailUlS, " I Ajv Rn-VTES HOTn FACTOET CHKE8K. ' AVU Cash orders wan novJo-tfj i streets. at once. J. A SPRmGEB. '.V" mUnaire, ?Weeler rnWhiBnant, house. . . - -j -M -...i - The newlv elected Renresentatives from the'couulies of Wake and Lincoln came forward and were qualified. 1 , : ' " .' r Messrs. Gilbert, of Wake,- and Costner, of Iincoln, members elect: to filL.the said vacancies, came forward and were qualified. An indefinite leave oi aD&ence was grani ed to Mr. Heaton, of New Hanover, on ac count of sickness.' Usual resolutions on organizing were adopted.; fJt,z-:: u---n'h -:'..:.'.- ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TO THE PUBLIC. To the Be&ldeiits on the Jine of the 7, Street (I-ailway,: : .., , YOU DBSTRB THEi CONTINUED ACCOM rfrt TUBBS PRIME LEAF LARD. c-:iJ- '- - JQQ BOXES CANDLES. . , ; f-g BOXES CANDY. ; i K A BOXES SOAP. : nov 19-tf For sale low by . ' WILLIAMS MURCHISON. uenry me The JVe says there is no trace TF to inyesteroay apaper . of Mr. Annstrong who se mysteriously dis- A . - . o wM nnmnat see that they treated her little child, who was paraiyzea, ' ared in Brooklyn two weeks age. -- -77 The Sheriffs of Clay and Lin- sresufllcienUypatroniaed to pay tne expeu coin counties and the collector of Madison the regular trips, or their frequency will be material- county have.settlea wnn me otate iu- lvdlmlfltehad. . - ,. -. , ... - lv whiDDine it unmercifully with a rope, was arrested on a warrant issued by W. H. Moore, J. P., and brought before him for - Wn--in. vftstp.rdav mornins. She was found guilty of the inhuman assault and wqolred to pay a fine of ,25 and the costs. Spts'jBblSa, Hoop Iron, Glue. W AAA "NEW N. Y' SPIRIT BARRELS. ; : 00' SND HAND SPTBIT BARRELS. -J. TONS UOOP UtOS. 2 BARRELS GLUE, y Forsalelowby '' 'novltf.- , - WILLIAMS At MURCHISON. Eed & White Ash CoaL ; i ' Of Very Best Quality. S : TTOR FURNACES, GRATES, 8TOVES AND J? HEATERS. -. .r , . , . Every load well screened and weighed. - -1 " ; Delivered promptly in any part ofthe dty. nov Wif . O. G. PARSLEY fc CO. Tte l 0-lristiaIl(JraJDew f, NEW $5 PICTURE OF SURPASSING GRACE snd beauty given awey each nbscriberto ABTHDE'S BOMEHAGAIINE for 1873. - X m-g.- f" e-nnred-homes: "a mags-tea al- waysuprotne savancmg -wgus -- y andspfritof the times; a nwig-rfne which the lighter literature ot-M ariodiA Buuiethe vehicle of pure and nobis .sentimeat.. j ,! TBCE ' -. .' FAITH, CBBISTtAIC' . HOME, GRACES.' O H A R I T T'S m Ax.ii -nr abidoth Faith. Hodo and : Charity: .thesthree, but the greatest of these Is Charity . , $1.50 IN VAIiTJE FOB $2.50. J. is along time since anything has appeared in Christian art so lovely and so exquisite in design .: . . j AT i; (, I ''' ' ' GEO. R. FRENCH SON'S, novifrtf ; " "' Nbrt-! Front street. C T TJ AL q O S T i-ij WITH IJ.St ;v? AO TtTALJGOS T. 3Wf-v ':'.:' i-)v"J!?il ''; rl ORDER TO SELL AS ABOVE, WU tomers.will please not ask ua to ; ; . -? -': lAXi ASIDE AlTITTHII-CL - ' We uet M w effec so;WaJn7 artidesold, not perfect, will be taken back and the koklST BEHAVED' ' , j -MTJNSON & .CO . novlOtf , ... , ... Clothiers. :. ,v Hotice. ' :TOS public is -ere-rforwed -ot to trait any of the crew of Nor. ZRufus, on account of said Brig, as none such accounts wfil be paid by Captain or Owners. " R. E. HKIDE, noviast -i ' ' ;-: v "' 1 Agent. OrangeSj Halaia Grapes, Lemons, Costly SPrt. .- ' " , Vi.t- Ellis Merrick, the colored boy who Was arrested on Monday on the charge of break ing a glass in the window of Mr. S. Levy's .tora'bv striking it with a rock from a C. L. Chessutt. Building Association. 'Unahot, had a hearing before the Mayor AttePed Bb-err , !T V 'T veaterday, Who requireoia rT An unsuccessTuT atiempt was made, on $5 "and the costs. t This should be a Sunday morning last, about 2 o'clock, to warning to beys who are in the habit of enter the residence of Mr. L. J. Thornton, nsmg these dangerous piayinings. residing on the corner of Fourth and- Har- nett streets. The thief entered the piazza " . f Wilmington, especiaUy the h IndQf nr rVortibn of them, aw wquested to 1. iii i.'-i-iVa t Js- r-' , -r- , T-' meet at. W "v"" nnA d oTaminincr. tu.teJkSrSn, S3 W - B llSS-Bi SAM AiseBiF ' "-ni - . " . i the time and heard him when he steppea ? a-loHAtion.Mft-Onic Hall, on ,AWiW f - - . . . weapon and "went for mm." n utl-flrf- :l!r-ll-?l, ji-uu. ,!, peu fFw -i--rrTT-r-. '-- worthy enterprise. rer. nou 19-lt JAS. REILLYK Superintendent. l Thk Sentinel learns that the to bacco factories at the growing village of tlA Prlv nart ot last weea. fjj ; - j SUITS IUH.I1B LU . . VI UCi A vouncr XJ. S. soldier was I w tthtcTtttt a qqijt Wi.t! op found dying, with : a tickler . of liquor by . ;- tiiMonali " ' ' " Wm, in Lvov's grove, Raleigh, Monday Clotlis, Dtagonal- ; night, and diea soon aner. i; : r.i: h- r-f- Rev. Junius T. Hams writes to .r 1 ;'WActiil tb rj&itiaa Advocate from JliiisDoro mat AUXUAfc ju-i.-"- liis ehurch has just passed through a sue- mv j .munson ; Cft...City Clothiera.; cessfui revival in wnicn mere were iweuijr -, , . t ... r . .,, ccesiona mnMtjM , ; Itttiuiiwiw- axes. . ,-r,10B ,PJ?,':r'-'-;-" -rinWAUn WL. TAYLO&SHBRIFFiOFBRUNS- of JWge Boydea was ch; astto prepare imm wlxmfr.( his fanfilv and friend-sipf.ri announce-1 oounty. tofaWiW,y' ; . . . AI -.(- AAAT al ml 111 llUfUMTMA. k ..Al I Cn T '.i " I 1 - IIJ 1 1; I i ' ' J mnT. in ! i - f . . - i j , i -"- - r ii- Ladies' Belts, ; Christian art so lovely and. so exquisite in aesign . . . A. A - . . l - 1 r.if llaa aau execution- as win -I' - "5?"" ti"" -"S . T! ' tnti!Tt ta Ar-npC '! stipple steel engraving, 4?The Christian Graces," IRISH FOTATOES, . size 21 by 37 inches. The grouping of thenguresu 4 ; t.-ai.ii.f . - i:i graceful Wond cneepittoi and A ND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF CA rare ana dokbui " -- ". ; i , . V K m f v 4a1k . Kn r MlM TI- 1 .in mask . o mm w . - i ber to " Abthub's Ii.nsrATD Hon M-OA-m " for 1813 will receive a copy of this splendid $5 gleture nn. Price of Home Magazine 3.(S0 a year, peeimen copy of Magazine 15 cents. ' i no. at. AGENTS WANTE3 sverywhere to get subscribers for our beautiful magazine, so well known for the last twenty years, sad- so great a fa- CANNED FRUITS, VEGETABLES sad PRESERVES at nov 18-tf . 3. C. STEVENSON'S. .t. Htl, tbo namilft.. fn.lH--t men wpv h- KommisaionA' "feendfor asrentsr con- AD1BS'. AND GENT'S TRUNKS, SATCHELS, I ftdential .circular. ' Yen can. hardly, show ."The Christian Graces " to any person oi taste ana nne no - Halaga Grapes. IN" S F X ENJli ORDER. 1 CHAS. D. MYERS & CO 7':' nor 18-tf neat ana flesusiiw j-rw iirr'Jl mt. thA hftArtvsuDDort at the hands of the Mewodisdenominn learn it receive r finriii f!orn. C6m,w iearaw.iives'rtatv1? r-r-f; : ,- -;-Z 'r-rV NvRamsaytteg W f: '"S .Joa in'ki.ton- th -n-ffh tha Suttain theiinterests of the Qood Templars. He has recently or. -In- ..1. loW bV no? " wn-AAMff&MUJJCIHISOIT. Shawl Straps, BaUSatchelsi Ac., at the. Saddle- and 1 rengtoss feelings wiout getting- a aobecriber. ..r. . ... I Usappointmeni about prompt delivery of pictc Harness Factory 'of '' ' '. '. j as we have made ample arrangements iforthetr : 'may8-tf Aac.r-.f jrfS.Topham Ac Co., . ":. No. 8 South' Front' St . . .f-1 Wli--naov'H..u. Bacon. pLardl J putter, j.M.i .- i i- 1 1 Mtl, 11,(5 Fj. CO KJ. -" v-iW . a atLted and smoked ? wbstekn U. Shooidr an Sidae in Hopea(i .apd Boxes. ; Sugar-Cured Hams and Breakfast Strips i ' -nrrcr nnnm JnmD. nOP- ' JOT? ito TESCES AND TUB-i Cto-Ct ' BtJTBEST FACTYCHEESK, K J3-ae avhI tZtASaiik towers. lil nm-lnrtinn. T. S. AR' - oUv ana oxa iirau Dun. x iummavaj eirrap- Salt Salt Salt, 6,000 1 ; CASES YOUNGEB'S PALE ALE; f -i j? or Diu. 15 .-g .CASES BASSVPALB AJJE. Now. landing from BiunO; .JJ fnovl8--' T Y1CK MEBANE. SACKS AMERICAN P- AND LIVER POOL SALT, . -.' i f -':.'! .. '; :. AAA SACKS BLOWN SALT, 4UU MSaeksPacketSak, s ' ' - ' " For sale by h,iUf i-f'' -i F. W. KEROHNKR. 8DBS, DOUBLE AKDi SlSfllEi: A ND ; A COMPLETE. ASSORTMENT OF- UciL Sportsmen's Outfit,. - U---y-4' 1 i: Ate3ta-ar : 4ioy tuttv;?:;.''-' ionjEs mubuj Luhiii's Extracts, ; FRENCH COMBS. ENGLISH BAJB. BRUSHES, Matc Safes, Cigsx-Holden, PitifBoxes, Boas Boxes, . Hsnd'Mirrora,Tooth Brush-,' Tweeserf, Ac., Ac, .. For sale low by.. f GREEN TINER. 1 octS04f-. J l U- 1 ' '' ' Droggists. rvTMsnmr- nivnR AT VIST1TNO CARDS- printed totheinc-te-"! augll - iiitiag and -unnaning Monao. Consignees ; PLEASE TAKE NOTICE thax to Germaa Brig ? v ' t , A I A5 rr-, wittbereadvW receive cargo'TUES- 9t DAY MOBiO. Mov.lfJV jjs, ;-jr. wit, auawn. V3 t . WU-ngtoiNaiNov;n, 1873-18-3t

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