THE MORNING STAR. BATES OF ADVERTISING, Oae8eriart .-k..-l f ,tiJtwosjialIv.-.aL...'v i bo L three-days 9 00 " fourdavs 3 50 PUBLISHED DAILj BY" Mi: I f j hi' , ' 1 . . . v. ji .-..,! ...... ."vr,'-.; 13 WT KATBS OI 6UB8CBIPTION. in advance (by mail) ; $7 00 vt'iLr. " ) . 3 60 " ).... S 00 " ) 75 Three moutha, in advance One mouth, in advance ( ' nv ritv Subscribers, delivered in any part of tbe s,tv Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are "t authorised to collect for more than 3 month ia Advance. - I.J f f 'f X O i.j r OUTLINES. Two heavy dry ,:goods houses 4nf New York failed. - Senator Gorden 'intro duced a resolution into the Senate unearth-in-r certain cotton frauds. New York markets: Cotton, 1G16J; gold, llf Salary bill as passed by House was re ferred in Senate io CoramiUeeBetrench- meiU Judiciary Committee of House of Representatives report the Civil Rights bill. Morton made a Senate speech for slight inflation - of ' currency. i ! DEATH OF UON." WELDON N. KM- Hon. Weldon N. Edwards died yes terday at his residence in Warren county. ' v - - ;:vt. ;V "i ' Mr. Edwards was many years ago one of the prominent Democratic pol iticians of KorthCarolina. He was a man of uncompromising, Roman in tcgrity. For a long while Mr. Ed wards made no appearance in the tield of onr politics on account of in creasing decrepitude. We remember to have seen him on the occasion of the reception of President Buchanan during his visit to this State. He was a member of our two historic Conventions, those of 1835 and 1801. lie was also a member of Congress from the Fourth District. " : " A truly ffood man has gone at the ripe age of four score years. One by one the great meu of I the past igo forth from the scenes of a life that is becoming strange to them. Spirits" me. The Charlotte gas house has sus tained some damage by fire. Wild ducks are quite plentiful in the waters near Beaufort, I ? TJ Grand Tournament and Coro nation Ball at Princeton (Boon Hill) on" Tuesday, Dec. SOth. On Tuesday Dec. 23rd, there Nvill be a irrand Tournament and Ball at Stonewall, Pamlico county. . The Washington Republican (Grant's organ) quotes Hon W. A. Smith as an "Independent Republican." - On last Sunday at 3 p. m., Hon. A. W. YenableVtbe venerable statesman, conducted religious services at the Orphan Asylum. W. F. Thom;has been appointed Special Deputy for the purpose of organr ' izing Granges of Patrons of Husbandry in the Greensboro District. ; The naine of the newlMetblodisi Protestant organ to be published at Greens boro and started in January is The Central Protestant, says the Patriot. ; The Washington Express says the remains of the fifteen or twenty gallant Confederates who were killed in a raid 0$ that town iu-'6 should be beUer fared ion Rev. DrEdwrd fcacrW Ivrge and appreciative audience on the occasion of his first appearasce Wednesday night be fore a Raleigh audience as a -lecturer, says the Sentinel. Send the Orphans at the Asy lum in Oxford something nice "and beauti ful for their Christmas tree. Directed to "the Orphan Asylum Oxford, N. C, for the Christinas Tree" it will go free of charge for transportation.' Sentinel: Col. Bennett will re ceive the thanks of the whole people for his timely amendment to the consolidation bill, by which Judge Manly, Col Anrifieid and Governor Graham were appointed to sell the bonds, instead of Billy Smith, the Presi dent of the road. 4 Kinstoh 'Gazelle : On last Sun day two young men, Fr'ivnk Page, a brother of our postmaster, and Christopher Wodten, son of Jno. F.:Wooten,; Esq, v suddenly left without informing therr friends of their in tention, and, with the avowed purpose of going to Cuba or some other port. . - Laurinburg Scotchman: We :learn that Mr. Pate, formerly of the 18th Pigment was killed bv a man named ChaviB the other day just over the line in ,S. C. It seems that Chavis had two wives, Jind Mr.l Pate was offeringVtd ffancATwith une 01 mem, wueu v 11a via hih.ii. mui ucau, iind then made his escape. He was not ar rested at last accounts. Raleigh Era : We, learn that a horrible murder was recently committed in Ashe county. Jt seems that a man nam ed Richard Andersen had courted and mar ried a lad v who was loved by a man named JStisha Peacock. The parties afterwards wet and Peacock 'stabbed Anderson, caus ing his death in seven minutes after. We Wrn that Peacock was the eon of a very worthy minister of the Canipbellite persua sion. The Richmond Religious Herald ia an editorial headed "Distinguished North Carolina Baptista-Sp fYirginia,J referring to iiireu.-viz: Kevaonn .err, iwrv. a. jm. Poimlcster, D. D., and Rev. It. B. C. How ard. D. D.. remarks: It is no disparage ment to the living or the dead to affirm that tliev were amoiur AheJiblest. the most pop ular, the most useful and the most distm- guisiiea ot air the Baptist mmisiers- uu have labored in the State during the period of him- niinistrir .extehdir'throueh- niore than half a centmfy. Tliat paper also highly compliments Judge Kerr, 01 Uasweu, one of the most fervid of the Carolina -orators jf the past. -. An Old Idea Exploded. X.e6-.flfl adl to tbe,firaller.v ofvf atnous cecentrics, Samuel -Darwifl-Wflas 1ut died at the age of eighty-one. Vor twenty years he never left his bed thaugbj iiv gopAl1610 an seldom gooke. His appetite never failed ; his sleep was sound and hia heattfAgtjbir.v As crra ift!Trnped tathe attention of lh6&itio&W o- cate regular exercise in the:opeq air as absolutely essential. to, bodily well being. The lazy old skulker was waited oil W! liis' datiailertrttt the last, and died naturally and quietly wnicn was probably tho oest tuing ne 1 1 - r . . n-4. . e- tf TB 'a tuuiu ao. ' ' - j VOL XIII. NO: 75; '' North Carolina Legislature! LCondensed from Raleigh Sentinel. ' ' V X TWENTY-SIXTH "DAY. i SENATE. Wednesday, Dec. 17. Reports from committees were sub mitted: also a resolution from the House in regard to adjournment. The resolution rescinds tho former resolu tion and proposes to take a recess from .the 2-2ud of December to I2th of January.' ""'' Mr- SeymoUr moved to. indefinitely postpone, statihgHhattbere' was no business before tbe General Assembly that could not be finished by-the 24th. Messrs. Allen and A vera ; opposed the motion. Mr. Worth said that as Chairmau of the Committee on Finance he would like for some of those who seemed to attach blrfme to the com mittee for not having reported a rev enue bill at an earlier day, to show cjoulcKbe doneuntii the appro- pnauons were made. air. Todd hoped that the motion to indefinitely postyone Svoujd prevail. Dr Murphy and - Col. .Welch ex pressed the opinion that it would be impossible to transact the business before the holidays, h . ',J: V" 1 he motion to pdefiqitel v post pone was losC A close vote. Mr. Seymour offered an-amendment providing that no Senator should draw per dierii after the 22d instaDt. and denanded the ayes and noes, which were ordereq. Failed. Mr. Troy offered au amendment to strike oqt.224 inst. .and insert 24th, and to strike out 12th January and insert 29th December. - ,. : On motion of 'Mr.Flemming, the previous qoestioa, wa ordered. Mr- roy a amendment, was lost. The1 question recti rreT upbn the adoption-of UieoriginaV resolutions, which were adopted by, 2 6 ayes to 20 nays. . .. - . .. Epps civil rights resolutions came np as the special order, upon, Whieti ne proceeded to make - a ' very amus ing speech, and in , hia? efforts . to ex- lam the objects of .ms resolutions, got very badly tangled. '. .riarris onerea an amenament strik ng wit the reference to the 'Sumner bill m the t resolutions aoii insertiner. equal rigur, oeiore tne law to ail citi- 2ens, and epoke at length iri favor of tne Din ana the amenament. Mr.' Humphrey, objected to the amendment and said the Senator from Halifax desired a viite upon his reso- utions. and he4; wasTdispQsed- to ac- cord it to hirn' - . i ; Epps, colored, " , said .. that he ac cepted; the amendment of Harris, col ored. - ' . Mr, TrpV moved that Mr. King be required to yote MxKias -said -he -was -not within the bar Of 1e: Senleiwhstilthe ques- tion. was voted upon. .. - ; Un mquonTof was excused. w The reAolatioas bailed to 'pass. JiIr..Xove, obtained , permissionh to introduce- ab4ll -in :elaio -tor'-the Western Division." of , xhe Western North- CarplhnaaUroad. ' , A a Air.- iannam obtained leave to in troduce a "bill " incorporating ' the Indies Memorial Society ill Wilming- t. 1 11 . . . ton,: ana a riu,u resirau corruption iri office, and.,.a .bill?xplanatory. of chap. 83 laws of 187071. aj . :: MK" MerriirwainbvecTa a wispensioti pf ; the ilrales," take tipftifs resolution declarlngthe special J tak bonds uncpristitatioal; "J: t - - mr. JULernmoo an an a Die arguiueut, urgeCtllSCoOn respitions. Fetrdriii theiHft)8ideraiion,the Sen- Ate adjourned until 11 A. M. to-mor row. . , . . . i HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ,. 4uWBDf:Dec.;l7. Mr. Gorman,'petilSbn from, Judge Tourgee .as King i an investigation oi - - . ' . . . e charges heretorore macte against mm. jvirt moss, a otijt aiaeuu entitled an act to cnarter tnevviison and Tar RiyeKarro uaT Rail road: laws of !i8727S: ;,r 1 : Mr.; Lindaavajjilt for the relief of V.LwtUli iklR!nK! ( an4 t tOlTlOUUM ! in North Carolina. ;:.-";:...., j ThHpptthed business being, ..the i 1 . 1 "11 : ' :j I eonsuiiaaiiion .bui jr iieiiwiiBiuereu. Many amendaent f ere ffered and adoptetimeW Hill niiase itabtra Weadtnfi t' !i ' i Af t- A-hrterAtiTt bf 'Clarf? JUOved "to ' reconsider the votei bv whiehr the bill passea afla;iM,iy,.4M,'iti'vvi. .w w." -t iiOo motion sxf fJieit jiennett i the tuWB8tnaed'a'n,tptt10r ize the-au'Dointnient of commissioners tb 'fov Idtt'lwaysaHdmeanar.tfirrjdthb Carolina Central 4iaiiwayCoTnrjany lofJmKerdpafute5wg a railway trom cu gear lincpbitoruto Hickory; in (Catawba; li G as read and passed ..its recond reading. nosltlon of jcespedee - .The ; New e'ua. Presidency ad Cabinet. The following mteUigence has been received from the beadquartec&f .the rebelUon: hetjaUebanttouse jucal de Jignani, 1 have?foimaJlyva posed Cespedes f romf the Presideficy, by virt&e 'bfpfiWers conceded; the legislative branch' iri Articles 7, 8 and 0.-. of .the tOonstitution of Gnimars. WILMINGTON, N; C.,' FRIDAY, DECEMBER' 19; 1873. The object of this act is understood to be the restoratioh to : power of the old junta of New York. , Pancho Aquilera will' take . charge, of the Presidency, which is now held ud in terim by the Marquis of Santa Lucia, ' a member of the House of Represen- wnvcis. u nuer uie new. Aamuusira' tiou Vicerate Garcia becomes Secre tary of War, Dr. Macco Minister of Foreign Affairs, and ; Calixto Garcia ,Commander:itt-Chif .of the forces operating in the Eastern Department. T1 IE3I IE3 O I T 5T. Tbe ISallii. -The mails. will close from this dale as fol lows; ,? : Northern through (night) mails. ... 8 P. M. ... " , -through and way (day); ; mails.:.:...:.............;. 5 A.M. Southern mail 8 P. M. Carolina Central mails. 5 A. M. Smithville, Saturdays and Tues- ; -days C A.M. Fayetteville,' river; Mondays and Fridays........... 1 P. M. FayettevUIe by C. C. R W., dafly 5 A. M. Onslow C. II., (horse inall) every Friday . . . .......... . ...... . C A. M. 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . O. R. Fkekch & Son. Boots,' Shoes , , Cronly & Morris, t-Auction Sale. "Vick & MEBANE.-For Sale. Heinsbergek, "To You." A Raid on Scotch Herring:. On Wednesday evening, about 8 o'clock, four Colored boys, named respectively Da vid Price, James Anderson, Joe Davis and Ellis Merrick, assembled in front of Mr. R. . Heide's store, on SouthFront street, and entered into a conspiracy to obtain posses sion of a number of boxes of Scotch her rings, Mr. Heide and his clerks being in the back 'part of the store at the time en gaged in writing and the front door being slightly, ajar. - Price was selected to enter the store, secure the herrings and deliver them to the others on the outside. He accomplished his part of the undertak ing, without detection and the party proceeded to dispose of their prizes. It was the understanding that 'they were to . carry them to a certain shop in " Paddy '8 Hollow,", where they -were -to receive the money for them. Three of the boys adhered to this bargain, but the fourth decided to take his' box home! It happened, however, that a policeman dis covered the boys with the boxes in their arms and came to the conclusion that there was something wrong He succeeded in capturing James Anderson and took him to the Guard House and on the way he con fessed his own guilt and implicated his three companions. Two of the others" were sub sequently captured and -the remaining one is no doubt ere this in custody. " They will have a hearing before the Mayor this morning- .... .-. magistrate's Conrt. Before Justice VanAmringe yesterday: Duncan Holdcn; charged with assault and battery on the person of Jas. Merritt Case dismissed on the payment of costs. ! James Merritt, charged with assault and battery on the person of Duncan Holden, was released on the payment of a fine of $2 and theieoets. ,-s r Xii i J Before Justice Cassidey : , ., . Jas. A., Ashe, charged with assault and battery" on" the person" of Sarah .Ann Mer rick. Judgment; suspended on? the pay meht bt'lepsts. Defendant appealed and -was required to enter into -security in the sum of $100 fox his appearance at Court Jt Jahe.Chavers, charged with committing anTassault on the person of Martha Culley. Sentenced to confinement in the county jail for, fifteen days. J . . V . Mary Poisson, charged with assault and battery on the person of Mack. Mann, was found guilty and required to pay a fine .of $10 and the costs. A Berlona Runaway. 7 "yesterday tncraing, about 11 o'clock, ; as a young gentleman of. this city, together with his mother and small colored girl, were returnipg home .from Myrtle Grove Sound in a1ttggyV arid whenrhearthe city limits, the horse attached to the Same, sud denly became frightened by an ox on the side of the road and dashed off at full speed through the bushes.. He ran but a ' short distaBoe, however, -before the buggy was overturned and the parties were thrown out The lady was severely bruised and cut and remained insensible for; several, minutes after -the accident, but her in juries are not considered serious . ' The ; -y oung , i man and the girl also ;.' received .several ugly scratches, - The animal was - recovered a short distance from the scene of the mis hap, where he was grazing as leizurely and unconcernedly as noimng nan Jiappenea. .The 'buggy .was. almost , completely demol- miieu. - Explosion or a SaW Mlll--Three Per- sous Injured.. A'tCTribleexDiosien'occurredin the steam Saw MiH of Mr; W Ei, Eldridge, of Argyle, (Robeson county yesterday, mocnine,- about plete demolishmcnt of the milt and pf eyery thing ; appertaining to it! . Qf) 'the persons who were at work in the mill atf the i nline, one colored man was badly crushed about injured: another was thrown a, distance of and Mr. M(bte,ahtaer,iM s braised b the f allmaW-lbexBof and '; tinv ne was iQnunaieiy auie iu uuitw uiiubou., Under the circumstances it is a great wonder .that of Iheniwere.nbVHllecU .; -:- u-t rEfiridrlpsst tdeVisestfaia was absentat the 3tuimstoess connec-. ted "with the estabushment." ; ' Local Holn. -'The Board of Aldermen meet in regu lar session this evening. Steamhpalmen report the river in good boating order, but gradually falling. , There were no cases ready for trial before the Mayor's Court yesterday morn ing. ii- The Brig Black Swan, Winslade, Ar rived at Point-a-Petre from this port on the 20th ult. In the- Senate,, on Wednesday, -Maj Dunham introduced a bill incorporating the Ladies' Memorial Associatien of Wilming ton, t : - Judge Cloud, ef the Eighth Judicial District, will hold the special term of New Hanover Superior Court to commence on the 29th inst We learn that over fifteen hundred bales of : cotton passed Union Dept .on Wednesday, going North, being one of ;llie argest shipments this season. ' '' The work of frescoeing the Lutheran church is progressing finely. Thesteeple and entire front of the building has been covered and presents a neat and handsome appearance. t An exciting runaway occurred in.front of the City Hall yesterday afternoon, the cart being upset and the contents, composed of coffee, &c.,-. scattered in every direction. A goat was attached to the vehicle. '. TheSchr. J. C. Crafts, bound from Rockland, Me., for this port, with lime, put in at New York on the 16th inst. for repairs. .. She encountered some very rough weather and damaged the bowsprit so bad ly as to require a new one.' v Freaks of a Lunatic. A crazy colored man, who answers te the name- of General Hart, and who has been in confinement m the Guard House for several Jays past, was turned loose yester day, under the impression that he had suffi ciently recovered to, and suc ceeded in alarming a large number of oar citizens last night bys going through the streets and shouting murder. &c, at the top of his lungs. .' In the neighborhood of Sixth and Ann streets, about 11 o'clock, he fairly " startled the natives" withhis .unearthly yells, and several gentlemen rushed out of their dwellings to ascertain what was the matter. They followed him for some dis tance,' but "crazy as he was Tie ' managed to elude them. ' ! Efforts were made to secure a policeman, but there seemed to be none of the city's guardians anywhere in that locality. Final ly, between 11 and 12 o'clock, he made his way to the Guard House of his own free will, still shouting murder and was locked up by the janitor in charge. Assaulted by a Soldier. As officer Geo. W. Davis was passing the corner of Third and Walnut streets last night, about 8 o'clock, he was startled by the appearance of a colored woman who was almost literally covered with blood, and who craved his protection. She gave her name as Annie Jones and said she lived over the railroad. . She stated that she was passing tbe City Hall jvhen she was accost ed by a member of Capt .Cooper's colored military company, who was standing on the steps. His remarks were anything but polite -and she retorted in the faame spirit He then followed her until she had reached; a ,pointjaear the corner of Third and Mulberry streets, when he assaulted her withbis bayonet, cutting asevregftshtnejSle?: :The officer saw her LsafelyxlfftiiwestbiaUon and. then repohed4heCase .: ffie CitjaauVTlThe woman could apt give the name ef. the in- dividual who trucK;ner, pus saiasne wouia 'knowtiuTifjBGuird see hfaagan." nin rnrt Noticed J', " Many of tne prises drawn at the Gift Con(ctheCr Fear Agricultural As sociation have nftt'yet been called for,, Per sohs holding the tickets with the following numbers on them can obtain the prizes to which they are entitled by applying to Dr. , B. Carr, at Ma btSclSo. 8d Market St Persons holding tickets with other numbers inay Juumijfcad ere not drawrirTrPrizSs net called for be fore JamullrjB bene fit of the Assotnv" 1, 6, 8, 91, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 203, 204, 208,.294,J?97 701, 703,? 706. .710,- 712, 803, 906, 1102, 1104, 11UO, 1107, 1108,1111,114, 1202, 1211t 1212, 1214s 1316j 1219, 1220, 1225, 1228, 1229, 123T, 1246,125(V1250, 1260, 1262, 1265, 1270, 1291, 1297, 1299, 1300, 1501, 1504, 1505. 1509. 1510. 1512, 15141 1515, 1535, 1568, 1600,1701, 1706, 1709,1713, 1717, 1718, 1719, 1721, 1723, 1724, 1726, 1730, 1731, 1732, 1734, 745, 17Cp,170D, J761,' 1YCO, SSUWi Business Iiooklns 17p - As the holidays approach there is a gen eral revival of bUslnessj perceptible tin this city in nearly every department of trade. The banks are doing better business than they have done since the panic commenced and we hear much less complaint from our merchants: and other- business men, who were grieving so bitterly a Jfew weeks ago over the " dull times. -Naval tores,and cotton are comins in more freely and are generaQy bringing : better 'ces, with' a icon our4 rauroaas. i rom present . muivauuas the new yeanow' kolftlbie' upon ns will be commenced with'a much more encouraging prospect . than , has . marked : the t closing months B of the one now about to end. Tbe Sidewalks. Prorriybwnerf. On .JIarket street, and elsewhew'weTe'benig notified: by the au-, J3Mti!ttkAxr that sjocnef: their aide-. jwpahwitnin.&nexOea i.dle they m-be reconstructed tne 'cilvat Jtteir expense.-! There is' cocsiderable room for ovement In this respect ' ' ' . A Woman Attempts tb Frlaliten Her Husband." ' . Quite an amnsin'g affair occurred at Point Caswell oi few' days since." A certain indi vidual, who is in the habit occasionally of indulging too freely of the " cup that ine briated," had met a party of his friends '. at a place where intoxicating beverages are dealt bnt to thirst humanity; and 'was hav ing a good time of it. ; ?The wife 0f the man alluded to endeavored to induce her " liege lord" to forego for her sake his pleasant but demoralizing pastime and accompany her home; and, oh' his ' refusing to' do so, she declared that she was not going to put fip with such conduct anymore; she would kill herself first Finding that, the threat had. no effect, she though she would try what its apparent realization would accomplish. She went home, about, one hundred and fifty yards. from wherejher huadand was worship ping at the shrine of. : Bacchus, and shortly -afterward a gun was heard to fire in that direction. : Remembering her threat, a gen tleman of the party hastened to the house, and, peeping through the cracks, saV the woman extended at1 her f uir length in the middle of the. floor and the gun lying' by her side". He hastily returned, horror de picted on, his countenance, and informed the jBtletnen that his we had committed suicide nd. was the lying on .the fiobr' of their house weltering in jier blood. : The reply of her strtled husband ws ;yery touching and revealed the strength of .his affection in' a manner which was truly sub lime. He said, "I don't care a continen tal; I didn't do it!" A party soon got together and went to look after the poor woman, when it was' found that she was alive and well, having mehiry: perpetrated a grave joke with the View of frightening her husband How far she succeeded has already been shown. '," !i";t,' CITY ITEMS. FancriNe Papib. We now have' In' stoca: over 900 reams of news paper, size 24x36, weight 3e Da per reanu' it la good, rag paper, and will be sold, in ots to salt, far cash, or sent by express C. 0. 1). . Book BnanaT. Thx Uokhins Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Baling in a work manlike' manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, ' or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of their orders. .,; u .: . . .' - f. The consolidauom of the Carolina Farmer and the WmUj Star having largely, increased the circulation of the latter, advertisers will find it an admirable medium of communication with the farmers and planters of the two Carolina. . Job PBnrrika. We call the attention of mer chants,' clerks Of courts, sheriffs, lawyers, railroad and steamship ' officers and agents, and all others having orders for printing, to the facilities offered at the Mohnihs Stab Panrroia Estabubhmwt for the prompt and faithful execution of all kinds of Job PmirriNO. .We can' furnish at. short notice Cards, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Programmes, Bail Tickets, Blanks, Pamphlets. Tags, Hand-Bills, Cata logues, Bills' of Pare, Show-Bills, Checks, Drafts, Ac, Ac. Satisfaction ruaranteed. " '.'. if iroxr Want a Cook, . . , ,. Want a Situation, ""'.' Want a Salesman, ' Want a Servant Girl; ' Want to ent s Store, Want to sell a Piano, ; , Want te sell a Horse, Want to lend Money, , . ; t . .. Want to bay a House, Want to buy a Herse, Want to rent a House, Want to sell a Carriage, Want a Boarding place, " ' Want to borrow Stoney, . . . ' Want to sU Dry Goods, - : 1;. . , Want to' sell Groceries,. , . r. Wan t to sell Furniture, Want io bell Hardware, ; 'Want te1 sen iBeal Estate : ( ' ' ' '' Wants jobof: 'Carpentering, " ' : Want a Job of Blaeksmithing, Want to sell MilliBery Goods, - , . .Want to sell a Hoase and Lot, . , ... Want to find any one's Address, . . Want to sell a piece of Furniture, Want to bay a second-hand Caariage, ' Want to find anything yott have lost ; - Want to sell Agricultural Implements, : . Want to Advertise anything to advantage, Want to find an owner for anything Found, .. ' , Advertise in , M TUB HORNIXG STAR. 9 DIBD.' CRUE3. In this city, on Wednesday evening, at 9 o'clock, Mary J. Crues, aged 8jl, years. , Born in oarsiar, waauuioupe. .;:.. u i 5 The funeral will take place this (Friday morning, at 9 o'clock, from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Brocket,, corner of Second, and Cliurch streeta, ' thence ' to 01 akdale Cemetery. Friends of the fatally invited tb attend.; ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M CRONLY) Auctioneer. By GR ONL Y MORRIS. Bank Stbpk at Auction. fS TO-MOBUDWi. (SATUKDA.Y). MORNENG, S at 10 o'ciocK, we wui seu, at isxcnange uorner, in lots to sou, - . - . . ; ... ' .,, 1 ' 32 SHares Capital. Stock ; - -"mf tSm- -" - --- ---- lstMinal Bantif-f Mf$m. N. 0. dec 19-3t The Inducements if.i .-Hi-rt t i we oner 5 tne tttsatRir pablkT-the largest stock me greaxest vanry or stytos the -best; Mxia? the. best to weae, and at THE IXWE9TPRtCES '', Ton. areiaiviie C? aminatian. Jv'I J; i ex 'amintion.j vfcvt Jfc j ::A -Arc 3 . -J.U 6Tiais(mbm dec 1-tf ; . 89 North Front street; r t r u , JiiiV?. lit kUlzlU 1 WCXt tJ-MT iIOW .J'.Jii.-V'BVH! si-US BOOtS & Sillies WHOLE-NO. 1,945. NEW ' ADVERTISEMENTS. TO TEXT .TO THE FAIR THE UVK BOOK Store offers the moet ezBlbluon dun. especially the their, approclation of - the maaj elegant Tarted uiu uoooa on exmoiuon. ie oe sore tae noose '.holds oat so: tempting tadncemest In the way of "panic prices," but it places in the market its Christ- mercial adage that the real value or an g ia jurt as much as it will brine. The Lire Btoce'B role ia to sell goods,.not to keep them. Yesterday was displayed a most bewDdBiing as- eortment of Holiday Presents which are to be on view daily. iQift Givers, .call and seleetyonrpresests at HKLNSBEKUKH'8 4 dec 19-tf . : u ; , o . : Live JBook and Moaic 8tstt i ; Ladies' Belts, v ; ADIES' AND GENT'S fEUNKS, SATCHELS, Shawl Straps, Belt-Satchels, &c. at the Saddle and Harness Factory of j.S.Tapham &Co., No. 8 South Front St, "' ' wnminstonilf. C. may8-tf nac MISCELLANEOUS. J5y. GR ONL Y & MORRIS. M. '' GR ONZ Yt Auctioneer. " f- if: ON WEDNESDAY, DEC. 24TH, WE WILL sell at Exchanee Corner, by order of N. H. D. Wilson, Assignee, 1 toe Fire-Proof & Biirilar-Proof SaTe. - ... ALSO, , ' A JUtrge. 'Quqttiity of Paper Stock. dee 14-lOt , AC AIM The Premium Bread - AT THE LATE FAIR .. WAS MADE FROM OUR OWN. BRAND OF Favorite ur. House-keepers' should remember ibis: li is just ss satisfactory to YOU to use it as it is to us to sell it IF YOU NEVER HAVE. , AFTER TR YING IT ' NO OTHER BRAND WILL SUIT YOU. CHAS. D. MYEES & CO.. S o l e 0 io fi e t s , B and 7 jrortlt Front St. dec 14-tf Salt, Bacon, Floui &c. V( KAA SACKS LIVERPOOL AND AMEEl 1D.OUU CAN SALT. . ; -A r BOXES D. S. SIDE8. BOXES SMOKED SIDES. ;; ' 1 ()()() BARRBLSrLOUR,alleraiea ' - 10ft BAGS COFFEE, shgraaesT' 22 7 BBLS. SUGAR, all grades. JgQ BARRELS SYRUP. ..-y ' f HHDS. STRUP. ' ; 5 000 iPSLME MIXED CORN, . 2AQ BALKS PRTME HAY. 200':a8 . . gQ BBLS. MULLETS. ; ij BOXES CHEESE. .";-.:! tubs prime leaf lard. boxes candy. ; :' qqboxeS paddles. 2 boxes soda. ; , , . , cases potash. 50 6ASES LYE. : ' ; ' CASES SNUFF. ' ' rrt BOXES' TOBACC07 For sole low hy ... .WILLIAM A MURCHISON. dec;l(Mf . MUSICAL PRESENTS. Finely Bound ! . : r . Jf Xsefdl! Entertaining! Bbethoveh's Lxttbbs ". $3 00 IjreoS-GOTTSCHAiK....;... 1 50 LlFB OF BSBTHC-YSIf . ................ . t .., 8 00 Ln or CHora...:..U'.-.. 50 Urs or HANPf l.... . .i..;..-. .... i..A--. 00 AtlFS i orMxyDsxssoHH. 1T5 175 un .of ivoistfi. . . . i , ... : . i . .-. . . i ; i r. : i i u Ld-b of Yob Wbsbr, 3 .Vohv, each ,....4ns LlFB OF 8CHXTXAKH. ... J 75 Ltjv of Mozart .v.. . .. . .u .. . i. . .. 1 75 Mozabt's Lettxbs... , ,...175 MXHSBUSOHBS LBTTBBS.....,.!..V...........i.i' 1 75 polko's 8kitchx8.. ......... 1 75 Ehubt's Lbttxbs oh Mubic '. .' 1 60 MOOBB'S.BlSTOBTOF MCSIO...t ...........,.U'l 50 Rittbb'sHistobt of Music..... ............... 1 50 Moobb's Enctclopidia of Mdstc. . ....... . 00 iGABBKBB'k Music of. Natubb. Chofix's Mazubkas axd Waltzes . .,:5 00 Gbks of Stbaom.. .Cloth $3 00; (GUt $4 00 ObsahatHobb. ...... " 8 00; 400 MusiCAl-TBBASJcmB.......... v t 8 09? : 4 00 Wbxathof Gibs..: " 800; , 400 Moobb's Ibish MxuHnss " 8 00; " -4 00 GixsorOiuusSeMf.A..- " 8 00; u 4 00 "8&.VBB CBOTO.'...V.7.n.?.3... :t " 'flW? " ! 5 4 00 aBHOWXB OF XBAKLa. . xitecs n , ! 500; " 4 00 PlanofobtbGibs.v!.. 1.. ' 8 00; . 400 Hobb GraXKB. Vols, til !Sa IIL es. 8 00; i 4 00 All books sent, postpaid, for retail price, t. 01lT-erXitson4cCo. IC.IT.Sftson&'Ce. - - Boston. ' ' f 711 tJ-way, ew York. ;l J?Mtr Mft Wed4W.,fj,W,)lsu,M tij 1 ;;:fWXprk; OUUli'- I-$; REGULAR 7V)tILL'HAVE OJDXC BXSPATCH AS ABOYE. "TTTTTTS- 'JttCl Salt Salt; oi .XV.UUU jmd BkWBSeitl -i. v, " .-. nTwo weeks Ot. 5 00 " " Three weeks,,,,..;.,, 6 50 " " n Jwoinoallii'.. ..:..T.o....l5 00- . 5ThreemonQi8j.i!..Ui.ii 2 00 i - tke.. 85 00 tBfContract Advertisements taken at nrnnnr Honately low rates. . . ' Five Hanares estimated as a- jnarter-lna. and ten. squares as a-kaif -coIbbib. ; .- ;,. . , . ; MISCELLANEOUS. 0 AU.TIO N. - J ii "'J 'BtTY ONLY; THE i.'i' I ;;t ii: : U , .i'ii: Genuine Fairbanks : Scales. . r - , r .. . . t ' ' XAKUTACTUBED T . ., 0 i&ij&ttf-Lyl s .Till or Money; Drawer ! MILES' ALARM TILL OB ; :Safety Money-Drawer, A 'Sure Protection asainst Tlileven. AelButrably adapted to lfea, aaybody ffiaMrutj the .needs of Store ateepers, or i ' - .1 FITTED WITH, iCOMPARTMENTS . For Bills, Carreney and Specie, or Nickels. Ready to attach to any counter in a few minutes time. . SOLD AT ;r iFahrbanks ' Scale Warehontes, 2.811 BROADWAY, NEW -YORK,. . . 2 TffTLK 5TBEET, JBQSTQg, : - 7.7: ; 71.. ... . j ...... ..i AND BY THE Hardware Trade Generally. septt-Staw4m TuAFr . .. .. . r . i L. H. MILLEE. MILLER'S SAEES AND!, ,; iU Work s It on BALTLMOHE, MARYLAND. SAI.ES BOOM, 265 BATliriOHlJ ST., ' l'1 ONE DOOR ABOVE HANOYPR: " ''. i:--!j':i;fi: : 't-j . -i'iiz rii liUi: Factory Square, bounded by Henrietta, Calvert, Tre - . mont and Wamex atreetK: l : TVERY VARIETY. OF THE BEST BURGLAR jjj ana jnre-iooi lafes. Bankers' Chests, im Mks, Bank Vaults sad Doers. proved Combination vi FIRST-CLAS GOODS ATLOWVPEICES. 8ExW 0nM8TBATED CATAr LOCECU AND PRICE LIST, ; Refer to all the Banks in Baltfeaor; Treasury De- and Merchanta' National Bank.. harlotte. V. c.: a.000 in BaltiiBeTm, 900 In Richmond, Ta,; Cliatom nan, u union; yvoru s w orto, w umington ; Isaac laiora. usgBoua; GoMsboro:. Wilson County Commissioners, Home Insarance Company, RafaigBiMV.; vii;i!v uilS.viai 4V-?T' OreirsTweliro Tbonsand Safe In' Use ' and Tea tod In Two Hundred Fires. octl4eod9mTaTh8a :' i..: Standiird Scales. Stock Scaijm, Coal Scasks, Hat Scaus, Daisy Scaus, Comrm Scalbs, Ao,- Ao. Scales repaired, promptly and reason- .-.-.- ; sably. ,jiai . For sale also, Troemner's Coffee end Drag Mills, Composition Bells, all sizes Letter Presses, : Ac., Ac. .,; r THBI0St rBBliCUirit; !. , ALABM -CASH' DEAWEE, imiesaMii Till CbVi : ' : . . i EVERY.' )'! t U ! -j V Ifcri,. '''1 ' ETERY Uerehant tJ V f . SHOUtB- J DRAWER famiiteu. Use Then SOLD AT ' " '"- Fairbanks' Scale Wareboases, 168 Baltimore Street,1 Baltimore, 633antp Street, i Nefr Orleans. i , . j ' ' TAJRBANK8 A SWING, 'Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. . : , FATRBANKB, BROWN A CO., ' '.' ' 2 Milk Street, Boston. . For sale by leading Hardware Dealers. . -sept 9-2Uw4mTuesAsat " ' NOTICE. OF. : Under Power Coiitameaii Mortisie. 1? ton Baiiding Assodsaon wiiu at i e'ciocK JL on Fridsyllidalrrf'Ja for cash, by Buplie auction at the Court House, in ; tbe city of Wilmington,, tne- iana - ana-prenuses conveyed-1 aaid siti tnatein Southern line of i Market sqeet .sapointrpae hun dred and thirty-two :feet astwaWv--irom its -in tersection with the Eastern line of Sixteenth street, thence running Eastwardly with said line of Market street one hundred and ninety-eight feet to the Western line of- Seventeenth street,1 thence south wardlv with said lino of Seventeenth street three hundred and thirty feet to. tbe Northern line of Dock street, tnence weecwarajy wltn saia una oc awck Street onehtmdred and nfnety-eight feet, and tiience Nortbwardly and parallel with seventeenth, street three hundred andthirrr feet' to' the BegiBnler: being parts of lots 1, t, 8, V and & oa. flock 489 as munhered aM-deslgnatei oa the planrfsaid eity. WRIGST A 8TEDMAN, dec 8-law till janSwe4 4 iii ' ' Attorfiejt. C" r. i . r i BBS : f 4 ' : . V- - - C' if& 'toic out ; ; ! u rmmmm money. Mr PfS aass Sartment, wasnington, D. c. ; Branch, Scott A Co., . J.:MaersonT'AngtAvNatkual-Baak'of Ches ter, Smith A Melton,. Chester, S, C,:J. E, Johnson deedi v4a: A certain, pieco or -parcel ef land thetitvof Wilminrton. befrinnimf fs-the

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