THE -BOBHlMhflTAa -.-OTSnb daily, BT-rniiM " Pjr"l"f"'' "'C "'i''1"'-" jT"'' ,' -, Lr''Mfif "' ' ' f " i - p 'inn- mi ir iii wi...... if , : v . j.... m i m.m -in Tr mi r-yrm wi i n m iw ' 1 i ;Wtt ; 1 a ir-v I ' PUBLISHED OneSoiareoneday,...-... .i.,... 1 tl " " twodsys, ........i....... 1 t KAT8S OF SUBSCRUTIOiV. vi:r i" -advance (by mail) f,7 00 ' 'Jmths in advance ( " " ) . .... S 60 "b. u 9 g Mnbscribdeliroa to part of the . Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are ,,t authorized to collect for more tnan 3 months in advance. SO X. Y. firms protest against a total re j,0:ll of bankrupt law. The Tirginius lms'3 feet w.erf in lief" Hol andfoleltrig' , - Office of the Diaro, in ' Hav ana, burglarized of $28,000. Great rejoicing at Madrid over rumor that U. S. has decided Ylrginiits not entitled to carry American flag. Howes & .Macy ad judged b ankroptsi -J fN. j inktel ; meat: Loans increase $2,623,000; legal tenders increase $2,500,000 ; deposits in crease $4,000,000. Cold clear weather and northerly winds i -i-'K 1". nrWketsv' Cotton quiet 16 ; naval stores dull ; money easy o8;". gold weak 1101. Gov. Booth elected toiU e.?SwmtJtnm Cali fornia. Jorth Carolina vLeslature. Condensed from the Sentinel. TWENTy'SEVESTBTDlY. Tuesday, Dec. 19. Mr. Cowjes made a, .verbal .report from the coni'rnTtlee ori privileges and elections, in regard to the bill pro viding for the election of Judges of the Supreme Court; and toiilf Vacan cies of Superior Court Judges in the Second andigMJJadjejal Circuits. He asked for further time to report ; said the committee had referred the l u es t io a A of the jcmstj ta tjouali ty 3 "the proposed elections to the Attor ney General and awaited i written opinion from him. Further time to report, was gtantpd . Message frdm the House" transmit ting a bill to amend Battle's Itevisal, allowing the Supreme Court Judges to appoint, and, rejraove at wilt a Majr-J ? shal of theirClurS f Ife&aiM dieiary committee. Special order announced and post poned until 15thJignniaryw. Special order, a resolution author izing the Governor to withdraw at his -discretion the appeal, ?f tb rSVestori, ,onn Carolina awiuroaa umpaiy t ihe Supreme Court of the United the suit wherein one Sibley sad the Southern Security Company are plaintiffs. Passed its several read ings. Also bill extending the .time for taking ont grants td public lands huF" til 30th December, 1874, passed sev eral readings. Also bill to adjust" the State . debt. This bill was included in the motion to suspend the rules upon motion of Mr. Worth. Mr. W. offered several amendments in order to perfect the bill that it might be printed, so that it miht b coisklred:-bvmerbrr daring the- reeees, all ol-which were adoDted. On motion of Mr. Morehead, of Guilford, the wholtf subject, with all the amendments, was postponed until 16th January, and 250 copies of the bill and- anjfcndmeais ,odered.f to- be printed36rihe is&fof thfe SoThlte. On the motion of Mr. Morehead, of Guilford, the bill in relation to the sale of Battle's Revisal was taken up, fixes the price at six dollars a copy for single copieSj; redpctioBi iOf ten per cent to book-sellers, passed its several readi n gH. On motion of Major Dunham, the mles were suspended and the bill to charter the bea Board and lialeigh Railroad Company was taken, up, and passed the second and ihitid. readings. A bill to add -certain sections to Battle's Revisal to go into effect the 1st ot January next, passed its sever al readings u n d e rllfe"" f o7m e r suspen ,sion of the rules. , The Senate adjourned until 1 J. clock to jnprrpVl gLilj ilVfL . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Feidat, Dec. 19 Mr, from Bryan, of Sampson, petition citizens of Sampson county Against ihe sala of liauor in- aert&itvi Jocalilies.' 'i-'J- ? Vs- -r" HILLS INTKODUCED AND E.EFKEUED, 31 v. Perrv, of Bladen, a bill to amond chapter, 80, private! laws of 1871-2. -dr. Richardson, bill to re-euact .chapter 76, laws of 1870-1. Air. Maxwell,, bjll -,to prohibit the sale of lioaor-incertairi ' focalities 1nw Sampson couuty. . Mr. Richard$o;i,.a bill to cure cer lain defect. ' -!i At DILLS. 1 resolution of instruction to N. C, Senators-and RenresentSllivt'S inTCoTa? gross orr thetobafcy tat jfsse'd its several readings Mr. Rhodes moved to suspend the i ili-s :md put thebuiats third reading. Adopted, The Speaker announced the special nlt-i- being the consolidation bill aniciidment: That if the North Car oliua Railroad Company, through .its Joard of Directors v6r otherwise, sii all remit any of the provisions of this act, or if any of its provisions, shall be decidedto. bannfion8titntion al, thetLilLpWwi, -traaClwBe Hgbtej .ana privileges herein granted, shal lo void and of none effect. The Senate bill jtoincgrporate the Oriental Fish and Oyster Company, passea its several readings. i he biUju .referfinef m twigs thtHkloloQlnH Direo5t6rix.t the Carolina Central Railway Com- pany gagged tiB second reading. V ariow jbjjls passed : their second VOL. XIII .--NO. 77. GIT Tlie Bialla. The mails will close from this date as fol ws: Northern through (night) mails. . . . 8 P. M. -o " "J aJ i mails .. 5 i M. . . 8 P, M. Southern mail. .......... Cnrrklina M Smithville, Saturdays and Tues- days i'. '. 6 Fayetteville, river, Mondays and Fridays ..... . ........ . ; i p. M. Fayetteville hy C. C. It. W., daily 5 A, M. Onslow C. H., (horse mail) every -1 S?4W,His-,t,-...6:-A'JU.,l NEWADVERTISKMRNTS. Mcnson & Co. Christmas Gifts. Dupi.EY j& , Es..Christma3 Presents, WrLiilAMB & MuRl7HTON.---Crn, ; : F. "W. KERCHEB.-Baggingj Coffee, &c. R. E. Heide. Lyneborer Salt for sale. Chas. D. Mtees. Favorite Flour, '&c. H. B. Jewett. L' Arioso Pleasure Club. Giles & MuRcnisox. -Cutlery. Geo. H.' pKEsrcn & Son. Boots, &c. F. B. HoBGOOD, Ral. Female Semirrary. Georcus tMxEKs.--Christma4 Goodies-'1 Services at front street M. L Church at 11 A. M. and Ji .jit, Sunday School at 3 M. Grayer meeting Wednesday at 7i o'clock. , Seats all free. Gentlemanly ush ers .will , be in attendance - to conduct strangers to seats. Rev. R S, Moran, D. D.,' Services in St. Paul's Evang. Lutheran Church as follows r: German' service at 11 A. M.; English service at 7 P. M. ; Sun- jday School at S P, M. ; Catechetical lectures bn Friday at 3i P. M. Services at the First Presbyterian Church, corner of Third and Orange streets, at 11 A M.'and 7f P. M., by Rev. Wo. S. Plunxer,D. D., LL. D.. :'; : ' ' '' Services at the Second Presbyterian Church, corner "of Foufti" and CampbeliJ streets, at 4 P; -M. ; Prayer meeting Friday evening at 8 o'clock.: ' " T First Baptist Churcli, corner of Market nd Fifth streets. Elder J. C. Hiden, Pastor. 'Services at 11 A. M. and .71 P. M. . Sunday School at 8 A. M. Prayer meeting Thurs day night at 7:30 o'clock. S. James' Church, corner of Market and Third streets: Fourth Sunday in Ad vent Feast of St Thomas the Apostle: Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer at 4 o'clock. Serviced hi - SL John's -Church to-day, being the Fourth Sunday in Advent, and Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, as followsr Celebration, of the Holy Eucharist at 7i o'clock ; Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock ; Even ing Prayer at 7i o'clock. . . Services at St. Paul's (ProL . Episcopal) Church at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Rev. T. M. ijnhlerastor. Sefr v Servicer at tlie Fifth Sixeet M. E. Church at 11 A. M. and7P. M. W. N. Conoley, Pastor, .-i J.Vi ' Services at, Bf .TmasCatholic Church, Dock street: between aecwd-anti-Tnirdras flollows: 4th Sundayin-dveint-Mass at 7 and 1:30 A M.; Vespers' cTiauteffaf 4 P. M.; Catechism aiJiJO. AA&Ob&mdilktir, Dee. 25th To Nativity our Lord-rand Savior Jesus Christ: Service at 6 and lUtfo A. M: ivpu Fridiyi l-Si: ftfbfk's ;Proto martyr, and on Saturday, t , John's Day, service, at 7 .A Mpfflciating clergymen, Revi.1 Mari Grosa, P.P., and James B. White. ..-' Independenl Clurch--Services at the Sev men's Bethel at 11 A.1L and 7P.M. Sun day SchooLat $i AM., Pjrayei; Jeeting Thnrsdiy,erenings; at"7rP W", Services aV SC 1BA,i:lnQQ Episcopal,) every , Sunday at, 11 A- Childress iervTceat 4 P. M. Night ser vice atfi$ Pi 1L 'Meefing Wednesday even- All About it Hatchet. A colored matt by the name of John Da vis went into a store on the corner of Tenth and Maiket itreets, yesterday morning, and - while lounein? round nicked up a hatchet MelonrfnfftotheDronrietorand con "belonging to the proprietor and commenced chopping a piece of wire with it The pro prietor requested hm to desist, saying that the hatchet was used to cut meat and he didn't want it dulled. Davis treatedthe remarks with indifference and upon again .being ordered to . quit . chopping, in a tone more peremptory, Davis turned upon tne DroDrietor.Tcursed; snd abosed Mm,r and raised the ha tenet In bis tiandas if to strike4 him, whereurwnthtfpirietor of the store seizeS aWliaudhVand struck Davii bh the head, ffiftictrag qtifte1 an' ugly wodnd. f Uie meihtima a policeman had been sent: for and arrestea, both, the parties,' ana car: ried them to the City Hall, bea the pro- prietor of tne Store wm rewasetr u u a reMfindTiAiUuyf required to give security in the ' sum of $30, both tor their appearance before-tbe Jttsyor s court L f -morrow morning. At meeting of the Board of Directors of the aW't3ncJmpaii jf, tot-OTlV. mington, held Friday nighty the following officers were elected: 1 R R, Bridgerg, President.,; n. Donal McBae, ; Secretary and Treasurer. f!nl a. "Ti GmfflniSuneriMendent 1 Water G. McBae, Book-keeper. iRev. Mr. Crletzburg, of the South Caro a Conference, fdrmeirly" stationed at the Front Street Mi' s.1 Church, andBeT. M. Lv District, "will preacn at tne aooye . iuu;m. rchurch to-day, one in the morning and the WItMINGTON, mi m rr i i i r -1 i i i . i if n. i maxltrte Court. Bejore Justice T. M. Gardner: i ' : James McCarthy, charged with forcible trespass and assault. It seems that between 12 and ljo'cjock.on Friday.Bight defendant went on board of the Norwegian brig Fido, lying at her wharf, and was discovered by Capt Thorsen making ' an effort . io induce some of hisi men;sei.,:'8jtvls!ioes8' Was folly understood by the captain, as McCarthy had been on 'the vessel ituriHgl iue uay ana suusequenuy. , two or tne men had deserted. . Capp. Thorsen (lbercupqn ; immediately ordered him. on shore. - He sprung over the. railing and landed on the wliarf ; but. turned and confronted'the cap- 1aib, usingv abusive epithets an.d finaliy forced himself again on the deck of the Ves sel, and upon a disposition being shown by 'CaptT to forciblyieject him he placed his hand behind, him, as if in. the act of drawing a pisteV hd defiantly remarked that he could. shot; 8even times to his (the Captain's) one. In the meantime the offi cer had called for Assistance and just as McCarthy thrust hts hand behind him, as jf to draw.ra weapon, the carpenter, a large burly specimen of an . "old tar," slipped up behind the intruder and pinioned his arms as securely as if they had been in a vice. - He then threw him on the deck and tied him, when he was taken in. the cabin and kept there under strict surveilance un til morning. A warrant was then procured and an officer appeared and took him in charge. " On hearing the evidence, Justice Gardner sentenced him to" pay a fine of $50 and the costs in each case.' When the above judgment was announced McCarthy turn ed upon Capt. Thorsen in the presence of the Court, and used some very abusive and threatening language, whereupon Justice Gardner ordered him to be confined in the county jail for twenty days for eontempt of Court, which sentence will be carried into effect. ' " Before Justice Van Amringe :. Annie Jones, charged with committing an assault upon the person, of , Solomon Nixon. Defendant plead a former convic tion before the Mayor's Court, which fact being established the case was dismissed at complainant's costs. Xbe Orphan Asylum. ' A Bilk qudt and sofa cushion will be raffled for at Heinsberger's book store on Christmas Eve, provided one hundred chances are taken before that time. There will be no difficulty in securing the chances, we presume, when it is understood that the raffle is for the benefit of the poor orphans at the Asylum at Oxford. Messrs. P. Heinsberger and Jas. M. Brown, together with Mrs. John. Dawson, Mrs. James Hill, Miss Mary Bellamy, Miss Lou Holmes, Hiss Annie Kidder, Miss Roe Wiggins and Miss Carrie Meares, are authorized to take the names of persons wishing to interest themselves in this effort of the ladies to promote the pleasure and comfort of the children alluded to. Wilmington Retail Market. The following prices ruled during yester- ".V- rfkS ' . 4 1 uay aiwjruooii: vmous, iu ctyiis jwr quart; cabbage, 102o cents per head; carrots, 5 eta, a bunch; apples 6075 cens per peck ; apples, (dried) 10 12J cts. per ft ; dried peaches 25c per pound; walnuts, 50c per peck: pickles, 20 cents per dozen; lard," 12 cents per pound; butter, 3545 cents per pound; cheese, 25 cents perpound ; grown .fowls i7080 a pair; spring chickeas 50 cents per : pair; geesr $2 per pair; beef 812i . cents per pound; beef, (corned) 15 eta per pound; veal, 1520cts.per pound; mutton, 20 cts. per pound; ham, 1618 cts. per pound;.; shoulders, 10 12J cents .per ound ; tripe, 20 cts. per bunch ; oysters, New Hirer $2$2 50 perbuahel or $1 25$1 50 perganbrt; (Sound) 80 cents gallon; clams, 25 cents a peck- open clams, 2025 cents a quart; soup bunch,' 5 cents'; eggs, 30 35 cts. a dozen; sturgeon, 25 cts. achunk(51bs); potatoes, Irish, 4050 cents a peck; sweet, 20 cents; sausages, 1620 centipef lb. TlmmonaTille. We have received the following card of acknowledgment with the request to pub lish: Editor Wilmington Star Dear Sir: Please publish inyeur col ums the followine subscriptions to the new. Baptist church in this place, recently re-, ceived- in Wilmington: B. FMitchell & Son $10; John W. Hinson $5 ; F. W..Ker- chener $10; Adrian es v oners juessrs. G. R. French & Son $20. Very truly yours, S. M. Richardson. - Timmonsville. a C. . Dec. 18th, 1873. f Coact signals. J The Weather Bureau is about to estab lish on the Atlantic coast, from Cape Hat- teras northward a system of coast signals, designed to warn vessels that have been out of port some days of approaching storms. Thas a vessel having left port aihour iafter a storm warnidg has.been fcoisted, will pro ceed but a short distance on her way before the coast signal men will notify her of dan ger. ,Thiawillbe the. first service of the kind unkertakep, and if it should be suc cessful, will add to' the already great use fulness 6f 'a Government Bureau thai! Kas . bus far been managed with intelligence and enterprise. "V ;; , . " ' ' m ': 111 ill I .1 lliajrr" court. The only cases before the Mayor's Court yesterday morning were those of two young men implicated in the recent disturbance of a congregation while engage :in relig ious exercises, who werp? required to-pay a fine of $5 and costs each. i t ; , , City Taxai.1---.- . -- The receipts latatheilofftce iOieUSiy Ljreasurer and Collector during the week, closing yesterday," amounted to ii,, of which $785.10 were for specific and N. G., SUNDAY DECEMBER 21; 1873; 1 i i mi ; , . i . i . i. Local Dots. .dear and cold to-day. Superior Court meet3 one week from to-morrow. . " 'J ? Regular meeting of L' Arioso Pleasure Club to-morrow evening. , Some of., the property, owners "have commenced fixing their sidewalks. ; An adjourned meeting of the Board of Aldermen will be held to-morrow (Monday) evening;":;; " . -fj ' A white man, slightly "fatigued," was treated to a free ride to- the .Guard House yesterday afternoon. ! - f ; The Register of Deeds Issued 0 mar riage licenses during the past week, of which 5 were for white and .4 for colored couples. ' ' .. .. " : We are authorized locate Jthat Rev.1 Mr. Burr has returned from New York and will preach at the Seamen's Bethel, morn ing and evening, at the usual hours. A fruitless Attempt was made to break into the residence of Mr. H. Marcus, , on Second, between Dock and Orange streets, Friday night. The thieves were no doubt frightened from their purpose. The house of a colored woman by the name of Maria McFarland, residing -on Sixth, between Chestnut and Mulberry streets, was entered on Friday night and robbed of about $70 in money. The trials and tribulations incident to this present life are sometimes hard to bear. We heard a man say yesterday, however, that the more trials he had the happier he felt. It is needier to say that he was a justice of the peace and that his mind was running upon the inevitable "costs." Children Festival. The Fair and Festival to be given by the children of St. John's Parish will take place in the Court Room, in the City Hall, on Monday evening. It is expected to be a very pleasant and interesting affair. "Santa Clans" wilj appearln, appropriate costume and distribute th presents with which the ;"Christn-Tree',1 will be abun dantly supplied. Tickets, which will entitle the holder to admission and to a share in the presents, can be had for 25 dcents. There will also be Christmas toys for sale, tempt ing delicacies furnished, &c. Go and en joy a pleasant evening, m . Fifth Street M. B. Church. Rev. Wm. N. Conoley, the new Pastor of Fifth street. M. K Church, is one of the youngest members of the Conference, the present being bis first appointment. He came to this State from Georgia and joined the Conference at its late Session 'at Golds boro.' Though young, hi efforts in the pulpit are spoken of very highly and we hope he will meet with a befitting recep tion at the hands of our people. He as sumes bis charge to-day and will preach morning and evening v , : mortuary. .' There were 3 interments inOakdale Cem etery during the past week. The ages of the parties, respectively, .were 67, 77 and 82 years. Two died of old age and one of heart disease. The interments in Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery numbered 2, of which 1 was an adult and 1 child. CITY ITEMS. - r An Blksaxt Chbibtjias Gitt. One of those elegant Cbickering Pianos now at Prof. Baeckert'a Piano Booms, corner 4th and Market streets. J Th New York Ledger aud Chimney Corner, which failed to come to hand at the usual time this weekv are expected at Harris' News Stand this morning. ParlrrrKa Papxb. We now have in stock over 200 reams of news paper, size $4x3, weight 80 Bts per ream. , It (agoeB, rag paper, and will be sold, in ots to salt, for cash, "or sent by express CCD. Book Bo(dxbt. THg Mo&Nnra Star Book Bind ery does all kinds of Blading and Bvllag fat a work manlike manner, sad at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rey oa cwsptaess to the execution of their orders. The consoUdaao of the Carotina farmer and the Weekly Star haring largely Increased the circulation of the latter, advertisers will find it an admirable medium of communication with the farmers and planters bf the two Carolina. Jos Panrrma. We call the attention of mer chants, elerka of courts, sheriffs, lawyers, railroad jnd steannbip pfflceri sad agents, aad all others Aavingeraen lorpnnting.xo tneracmnes onereait the Mormiko Stab PRnmxe EsTAMiiMnrsyT for the prompt and faithful, execution ot all kinds of ob Fbotdw. We cari furnish at' short notice Cards, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Programmes, Ball Tickets, Blanks, Pamphlets. Tags, Hand-Bills, Cata logues, Bills ef Fare, Show-BOls, Checks, Drafts, Satisfaction guaranteed. ' '.' ,, ' ..' IF TOtT v:,lV, Want a Cook, Want a Situation, Want s Salesman, Want s Servant Girl, Want to rent a Store, . Want to sell a Piano, " ' , Want to sell a Horsev . Want to lend Money, . ; Want to buy a House, Want to buy a Horse, Want to rent a House, I Want to sell s Carriage, I Want a Boarding place, ,, -: Want to bocrow .Money, ; , Want to sell Dry Goods, Wgnt to sell Groceries, . ' Want to sen Purniture, ?Z . ; ' , . r " Want to sell Hardware, l Went to seH Seal Estate, Wsnt a Job of Carpentering,' , V.. V . i Want a Job of Blaeksmithing, -Want to ftell Mintoery Ctoods, 1 ; Want to sells House and Lot, . i Wsnt to find any one's Address, ' :; . ' Want to sell a piece of Funittare4 t',., VMj ,' '' ' Want to buy asocondhandCiasriage, . wsat to .nd tatffoi htvf 7,:;. . Want to sell Agricultural Implements, vHrsatto Advesttss asytbtog to s4vantags, w ani w nno an owner zpr anyiamr wuna, tTs''iii. 'n ni: .tit Tarboro Enquirer : Money went at a gilpin rate at the last meeting of (he i arooro uuuaing and Loan . Association. All the shares redeemed were taken by one person at $119.25. Looks as if money were scarce. . 1 :' . ."' ' ' : Asheville Mcpositor : The hog cholera is raging fearfully along the French Broad the infection caught from' the droves passing from . Tennessee and Ken tucky. Capt Alexander, Gen. Vance and others have lest most all their, hogs. North Carolinian: ; ' A ' Wasbing ton, N. C., correspondent informs us that times are improving, trade1 is increasing and money getting easier. This i3 good, good news. The steamers Olive, ; Com merce and Hackensack are now. carrying large quantities of cotton from the place. ' Enfield Times: -The Annual Re past of the Patrons of Husband ry of Enfield Grange, " will be given' at the- Caledonia Hotel, on Wednesday, the 24 inst., by the Master elect, Capt, M, T. Whitaker, who has extended an invitation to all the mem bers of the Enfield Agricultural Club, through their President- Raleigh Sentinel: The-' 'Council of the Patrons of -Husbandry met atKin ston yesterday and closed its session to-day at 12 o'clock. Two hundred delegates were present and perfect harmony pre vailed... H. R. Bryan',; of Newbern,' was re-elected President Measures of treat interest were enacted. The next meeting will be held at Greenville on March 19th, 1874. . Newbern 2wf. Tb; dwelling house of Dr. James W. Gray, on Myrtle Grove plantation, in the lower part of this county, was set on fire and burned down, together with tho furniture, books, papers, &c, early on Thursday morning last - When the fire was discovered by parties in a kitchen hear, who were awakened by the crackling sound of the flames, it was too late to save anything. There was' in the house in addition to the furniture, &a, some $25,000, in old and new notes, some of which were good, also about 2,000 worth of goods and jewelry. The total loss, ex clusive of papers, is estimated by the Doc tor at over $5,000. The property Was only partially insured. It will be remembered that it is only a short time since that the barn was burned on the same premises by an incendiary. Judge Brooks of the United States Circuit Court, has filed his decision in the case of Swazey and others against the North Carolina Railroad Company. The object of the suit was to sell the stock in the Road to pay the accrued interest on the bonds of the State held by the plaintiffs. These bonds are not due until 1885, and the State's stock in the Road is pledged for their payment Some of the interest on the bonds has been dtie for years, but the interest is only secured by the dividends of the Road. Notwithstanding the fact that the bonds have over ten years to run before they are due, the plaintiffs endeav ored to have the State's stock sold to pay the interest for which only the dividends, not the stock, were pledged. Judge Brooks refused to grant the motion for the sale, and has dismissed the suit with costs against the plaintiffs. So says the Raleigh News. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Christmas .Presents. F O R THE rc H 'It D R E N. Pretty Colored Boots, BUTTONED AND LACKD. Beaiitifal Infant's Slippers, BOYS' BOOTS. I o w For C a t h . DUD LET A ELLIS, dec-4t nac ' ' Sign of the Bi Boot T Christmas THE MOST APPBJCCTATTvi FOR A GEOTLE man. is a -.! . . Nice Suit of . Clbtlies, Which cam be bought of V M U N SON & C O. , . - AT - -'- "Actual Cost" for Cash Only.' decSl-tf . .. : The Best TJung. NOW THAT MOKET Is scarce the best thing for s Christmas present is s good and neat-fitting BOOT OR SHOE. . They will be ' service able for a long time. THE BEST IX TOWN x - AT- : ; Bi FRENCH 4 SOH'S. ; 89 North Front street GEO. -dec91-tf RALEIGH FHliE SEHINAET, RALEIGH, N. C. T. B. HOBGOOdJlM.. .............. ..Principal. H. W. REINHAKT, ttJ. Va.,) Asso. . . . . . .Principal. Dr. L. TON MEYEBHOFF, of Yienna, Music Dep't The Spring. Term will open on Monday, Ian, 10,1174, Por particulars apply for Circular and Catalogue, dec 21-Doaw&w till febl . ' 1 ! ' ' . 1 I 11 1 1 . ''I'll. L' Arioso Pleasure Club. JEGULAB MEETING TO-MOKBOW (MON day) evening, at Commercial Exchange Booms at 7.80 o'clock. ' ' JL B. JEWETT, dee 81-lf Secretary. - Corn, 'Hour, Bacon, Sugar. 5 000 BU8HBLS .9bn. . JQ BABBELS FLOUB, all grades. 100 00X18 D S' ' 8M0KKD SIDES. . y BBLS. C. M. POBK. '.'.. .. JgQ BBLS. BSFrNED SUGAB, .,. ' : Fqrsslelew-y ig -f decM-tf f yTXj.LAMS JtTJBCgs0If. f BiutiCs : 161000 SSftSS" AMBfc Q An BALES PBJMB HAT. r . rr ... Ot HEDS. a H. SYRUP. ia.u WHOLE NO. 1;947. NEW 1 ADVERTISEMENTS C3rD Favorite Floiir. YOTJ CAN ALWAYS RELy, ON. IT WHITE BKEAD 1 1 WHITE BOLLS! . i WHITE BISCUIT! , : LIGHT FLAKY PASTBY! ' Are best When mande from our ' ; - ' ' "FA VOlllTE FLOUR''! ' The only Articles on1 Exhibition - at the late Fair made from this FLOUB., : .-; -.t. LOAF BBEADi AND SPONGE CAKE TOOK ,1 ' ' FIRST PBEMTUMS. : chas! d; uyebs & coi. . 5 and 7 Nortb Front St. . dec Sl-tf Haltiga Grapes. JN SPLENDID OBDER, AT LOW PBICES. : i; CHAS. D. MYEBS CQ..T i dec2I-tf -r 5 and 7 North Front St TO Hails, Hoop Iroa, Spirit Barrels, Glue. kegs nails; Ji 1 200 BDX8' H00 iron. 1000 OTWWRK8PnOTBABRKLa' BBLSi GEfJB.'i ' dec tl-tf WILLIAMS 4 MUBCHISON. Yarns and Sheetings. rjK BALES LITTLE KTVER-YARNS A SHEW I O TING. . ,. 2 BALES BEAVEB CBEES SHEETING. . For sale by . dec 21-tf WILLIAMS A MtmcHISON. Cutlery, JABLE AND POCKET, OF BEST BBANDS. GILES A MCBCHISON, 88 North Front St For sale by dec Sl-tf CEO. MYERS' Bagging and Coffee. J g BOLLS BAGGING, ; ,: v 2gQ BAGS COFFEE, ' ' 'or sale' by ' dec M-tf " F,;W. KEBCTINEB. , Booms to Bent. APPLY AT COB. DOCK A 8TH STREETS. . - :.- . . -.. dec81-U, Corni Hay and Oats. 8 000 BUSHKLS wSTEBNCOBN. ijf BALES HAY. ' "' '" 10.000 : ' . l" ..Forsaleby . .. , .. dec21-tf F. W. KEBCECNBR. -it ; CSq1 andJotasi. J(QQ!?E8CANpT. r , gQ BOXES SODA. . BOXES LYE. ' BOXES POTASH. " For sale by dec Sl-tf F. W. KEKCHNER. Bacon, : Kerosene and Nails, 125 BOXES D. S. A SMOKED SIDES. KA BBLS. KEBOSENE OIL. 0J 800 KEGS NAILS. m For-sale by - n:i . on dec21-tf , . , . , F. W. KBRCHNE&, JjADIESJ( AND GENT'S fBUNKS, SATCHELS, Shawl Straps, Beitatehels, Adl,t the Saddle sac Harness Factory of J. 8. Topluust A Co., . . No. Seat Front Bt, ; Wjlmiiwton.N.a may8-tf nac CHRISTMAS For Sale. SMALL CABGO OF 400 BAGS , ' ',' ' It TNEB ORQER SALT, Direct from Hamburg. Sample to store fine article, dec Sl-8t B.E. HSIDE. ChrislmaiSr PALE SHEBBT AND BRANDY, FOR TABLE dec Sl-tf '((!;: '-i.i it it.'., r.ili-.- t i'-i .".;iv! "f I onesreek ........ ...... V VV . .. .vl . . . . . 3 6ft- : 5 DA .Two weeks.. ' ''"'TlireweeJM.;.....w''e.Mv, " TtoejBotns:7f.?T..;.r:T !:?!;..w..; oe taf Contract Adverfisements taken 'at bropor Uosately low rates. .s i it .Five Squares estimated as a (iuarter-cMumh, and ten squares as a half -column. NEWrADVBRTtSEEKTgT" TOBACCO. .. J- HiiU u it .!.: - .-- .. Awarded First Premium at North A iti';' : . ' 'a i .. 'i . :.v .. : Carolina sr.d AlaVma State Fairs .ui . :s'.,i i : i and Fairs at Sarannah and.Atlanta, , . Ga, and Wilmington N C . hi k ,,,:'.! , ui" J j .11' !'i 1 By ' TJ.' PlGOf T, Tobaccoplst. decSO-Stnac ByVRlfLYORm:: M.;: QROJfZY Auctioneer , ON WEDNESDAY, DSC. 24TH,. WE sell at Exchange Corner, by order of N. Oft l iargeteipi . ..' -r-ALSO,-:,,..., .,: A Large Quantity of ' Ixpef Stoafc. ; :. Commssioner'ir Sale. 115' .Choice Bnilding Lots STATE 0& NORTH CAROLINA, if h in: , V luduA ,T , V Superior pourt Nsw Hahovxb Conrrr; I ) Mary Kliaabeth Hartaasn. Jacob A. Bartaun. James ' C. Hartman, John B. Hartman, Alonxo M. Hart maay Frank Hahn sad wife Aliee, sad BMzabeUt Hartman, .... . ' against ! --.- Walter P. Hartnum andCnarlesMi Bartmaa, tofaats ' ' i T3 Y VIBTDE. OF A, DECBES ttc days. ill.. iii. : THE; ABOVE -n. JL entitled cause the nnderaimed appointed by said Court wUl expose ior sale at pub . i -lie auction, at Exchange Corner, to the city of Wil- . mington, ojsri;, .-.n' T - uu vrii minu : sera ,eonunncingat ll.e,clockA..M the foUowini? des cribed City Lota, 'compriaing the whole or six Lots eseb:H I . -.-.. .. -i -t--- t.- -.j-. Blocks I4,4, S5, n, , tO, 40. 4S, 85, 66. 68. 89. 81. 89, 618, south half Block 610, southwest haUt mock ; r 611, south half Block 614, southwest half Block 615. 1 north half Btoek 6K north e.uarter BleckSsortiv west half Block 688, Lot 1 in Block 86, LotsS and 3 taBlockj Ea Lot to be sold separately. v? Terms onforih catk;' balance in oae and two years, interest added, for notes with approved seen- M. CBONLY, Oommiaaxioars. nov saa dec Sl-St Standard Scales. Stock Soaxm, Coal Sciiss; Hat Scjxss, Daibt Seuas, Cocynai, Aa, Aa Scales repaired promptly and reason : . - aWy., - i:i -r For sale also, Troemner's Coffee and Drug Mills, Composition Bells, all sues Letter Presses, Ac, Ac the most. noqw; ALARM CASH DRAWER; Miles AlaiTP Till smb.'s 'v ,: EVEBY Merehant 8HOTJLD i ' Bse.Tta warraiM FairbanScae .Waretoases, FAIBBANKS & C0 . v v. ww .j. now M. v X m. m 166 Street, tt&Mote; ' i. 'r ' FAIBBANKft ft. ZWINQ4 ti V' Masonic. Hall. Phlladelnhis. t,F0rWe.yiesp4wa(eM '":-:.;. ' ept S-Staw4m TueaAHat is TOai) SEES. THE TBADBi OF EASTERN, NORTH Carolina that now goes to Norfolk, Vs. Norfolk bustoess men ADTEBTISB, IN THE " ENQUIRER. ' The proprietor of the ENQUIRES has .aarenssed the SOUTHERNER, with which It is nowconsoli- , dated, and oa toeirsled tfsnusry, l&i, r begin the publication 01 t r ' A. Xarge IHghtlaintn ; l4tperf , ii. TARBORO, JT. 1 G. j The only paper published to Edgesombe county, the fmertagriaUturalsectionln the State. ' STAMPS- if - Sdl ter and Proprietor: ' ff..:-. IJBXT TO THE' FAtB-ti LTvM ' BOOK " store oirers tne most popular Uy'sjoyiaent. ' Tbe exhibition displayed dairy U.vlewed by large crowds their avpreclatioo especiauy xne isaier, wnotesary- w tneir noKs tvf tbemanv' elegant- Gift Goods on tttnlbiUon.1 To be sure the varied House nolda out so, tempting) inducement to. the -wsyo., r-pastc prices," nut u paces nnns msrcK us wnnst mas Stock of goods relying on the truth of the Com- , ' merdal adage that the real vahieef anything Is Just as much ss it will sttog. The Lite Dwt Stoic's Yesterday was dfroUyed aottbewifdVinz as sortment of HoUday Presents which sia to be on view daily, gift Givers, call sad select your Uat i 1 HEINSBERaEE'BV - , decl8-ff Live Book and Music Store. Aflhland' Ahead. rpHE BREAD AND CAKE WHICH TOOK THE Premiums at Oe mat Fair was made f ASHLAND' FIXXHB, slwaa fresh, and for sale only by ; h .'- .-q -id : j c. STKVESHWN. deel4-tf . HOTICE, IThc Uest Butter in Uio lYorl 4L, r?i'.'ii ft ii-ti- '.? !-i t ( -;; ON AND AFTER THIS DATS WILL; KAYS ; 6UB ST AMP ON EACH PACKAGE. TTVAMuJES will please notice to prevent mistakes JD mads by servants. i--. . i -tjnu BEST BUTTER IN THE WORLD -';ForSaIebalyDy'; -'- ''''"''C'" ujeukua aim, novSO-tf i 1 .). ' 5. ir -h : friftvfit .V v .. -.1 sal A LLOBERS-LABGE OB UlXrB THE j 2A. above will bs prowptiy and satisfactotfly filled ay the marslasd. he vsristfevars selected wUh especial view to ttw cltauta of JHettif fmth,.. . CwJWandarentimerOtt. " "7- ' - DseDssMocuss sad PriosList fnobassVeaf . 1 ae xioase adjo.iaxnpd. other at night, m : f3?i t4 tw.'i ".-'ht -fsL ahU t(A bc A? Nov. S,.lE3-lJsrDAlf . ?s tK.jAfpssV,5i.T.. u i f i r