i:xj?--;ir$&m - 3a.ssi IS Where in red sammer noons. - : i. ' Fresli leaves JtustlingT l Where 'aeatb. large Autumn jnoona '. .-.Young biri-ijesUiog--i, Do thev dwell there v i ? ,' rS .:- Whert by Hie torrent swell,-- V. Crystal stones glitter? Over the river--' - Do they dwelt tUereJia' jfo; for in these Joey slumber to decay, ' i -And their remembrance with their life .' , departs; "--" '- ? y They have a home, nor" ; dark, nor. , f ar away-- . . . i ; ".'i . Their proper home, within pur faithful . hearts; ' 1 There happy spirits wed,' . ' There dwell with us, the dead. Parting ah, never " There do theydweBfU'' COMMENT AM CONDENSA TION. .it, . What Is Doing In General PoU - Two hundred and fifteen granges in Teunesseeeri The independent movement iu politics having been - so . successf nl . in California, has. gone over utoJTeY,ada, and threatens to abolish the old par ties. . , ; . .s- ft 5 --M ai Hjzt r. - - - If Mr. r Villiams- had as much delicacy of feeling as an average canal horse, he would request the President to withdraw his3 nomination as Chief Justice of the Supreme Conrt,- Chi cago (Ind.) -The npshot of the irginius mat ter shows how we might ; have : gone to war for a Btupid fiction, a fiction just as crirninaL as thatr under which two men stand np to kill each other in a duel to satisfy the codeJrr'Spt'ififf' Jield Republican. v't. ' This tragedy wUl;tiev:e? 'fully closed until our Govern men t , at least improves the event to protest to Spain, in unmistakable terms against a bar barity that ' involved . the l)ves, :of American citizens ! Will V the . State Department manifest anf efluai Bolici tdde for these ?H6iston Pos. f There are ; not : five men h7 the United States who onght to- be4 ser iously thought of in connection j with lUUhlV lUUU"Ut'Vl: tn XUilUCUUUUJ W1IU 1 the office of Chief Justice; but .there J .fio..r-v-4.t.naMA-rfVk'-awAnM 1 ttlC 4 M IvttoV f Ul W a utoilt. , i ; w vm a.av make -iost affood - JJitd?e; as Mr. Wiiams.JIUicaukce J3entinel (Re publican.) - . jev.eai newspaper, are urging tihat the?people ought toCholdineet angs duThrg"thef-recessf "tJongress and" p!rtre3STgar of Ja3ge"Winiams oJ Ihe ' ChieTustice ship. The Worcestor-JVe thinks the members of therbar Odghtf to .move first. : The Hon.. John P.: Verree,?; who had the honor to be expelled from the directory of the; Ur4wn "peag of Philadelphia because ne, cousentect to act as Election - CommissionerZnnder" the new Con8titntion;vis mentioned as a Reform Republican candi4ate: for Mayor of that cityt I ' TUB WIL.L1ABIS SOAJf OAaV. it. An Oregsa r Ceftesaenaent Chargss the yr iamitjy. Cemplleuy tea am InxaaiaBt Mln Corrnptfeia. .. : . A letter f nm Portland, Oregon, the Springfield liepubhctui contains some damaging J disclosures concern- ing Attorney-General Williams. The main facts ; alleged are.WfoloWsi.t the election "Jield In OHobef to choose .a successor to the ' fate " Congressman John G. Wason-, hem4pdblican candidate-was -dfeatetMily be cause hetxqdorropiat;foCTi3ifldors iing the notorious.. Senses a itch:uliri)aeKtt-ilMaarrjt&r in favor of hw candidate tis charged 1 that thertt was the most barefaced hriberrand-corrupttmi- Wen t&e, United States oStnct ? Court met ' T- -T-AtiW -I. ttiarri St in jrlnJuiJL . I1V 11 H 111 II I'llftl I T's irinT" washed the matIJV Atttj order calKng ft hewGand iCrlte ... , r ... . - -v. fi oraer was issnea snuaa uoues- gurj., selected.": At , ibis point, Attorney- General Williams telegraphed 6 Mr. Gibbs to rescind the orderfdr aW iury. aSTieVaasafisSeiahalKe old ury'could do, the business , of. .CoGrt, - Mr. GitW 'legrapb-back ...w..t! L k a new jury was necessary. Me. heard -nothint more from Mr William! nn- ?s?tJJ? au vc. wnea,DeDuf ewwW' -i n 2 .ri r i mL' r r A 1 1 . I r wm I I a n I ir. I UU1ID1B1H w - . ipointment as DistTict-Attomer ;P1W W for (llegTl voting, bat it is expected great public to''Jj that the new -AtUrney wiU-iUfniss name besid e 'those of them alL-, Commenting ; upon . jthese bodj. r.Coopeand heWbho-diselosnres,:.- Porttind Waftfl?, He;was - nnmarried. ia (Rep.) says: -:r-.,.i j --'lil','mii We have: admired. Attorney inf mM "1 -eral Williams" and have rejoiced at , ,f ,r v, nrnrrjoN:1 lec'5. every step of his promotion ' through which he has reached the . high ()posi- 4ouJiew4rjei elad to e the armonneement-of his probable exaltatiorf to the first pi : m the national jddieta1Btlt?pte fa not hfisitate lb saTithaL-Bni fTSi.a v. - v j. - f u mveti slates, .anaxis-jHHTMM, 1... .1 CS . . 13 1 . . X -Hbertv throuehout the country, .. , ilhnn) hi. i : iimeuin me manufactur ing districts and distress among the unemployed workmen of New York and otherJajetMiJbut how many of us know anything of the terrible destitution that now prevails in South ern agricultural distriets where bank failuresandHjaBioft-iii-.h-.fit feet are anndwn.naih-H.u . -. - piMu.ci nrtiu retains the ownership of an estate is supposed at any rate to be iu no dan ger of starving SU-Yet- in these fertile regions there is perhaps more terrible suffering than in any other part of the United States. "Give' the the scraps from your table writes an educated citizen, of Montgomery frVl am starv ing. It m nhL -aggeratlott: " The people of certain portions of Alabama are actually in want of food. They are in danger of losing the homes in which they can no "longer; support life; and already they are moving but of the State to seek their fortunes elsewhere. We do not read that the political situation is any more vexa tious than it has been for some years !u i PfPte are willing to work; they do work; but the end of a long season in the cotton fields finds them without a mouthful of food and with out apenuy;---,;siY ?sh i.razf j . Mr. Edward King, who "has .been traveling throogh' the South writing a series of.y napersj- for Seribner's JfotitMy gives an' explanation of this distressing condition of things in a letter to the Tribune which we print this morning. The planters have un-fortnuately-tmatedatoo much to cot ton. Embarrassed by various finan cial difficulties, - they mortgaged their crops in advance to buy food for their negroes. It has been a bad .year. The caterpillar 'has strip1--pedihVfields.' The yieiawof cot ton in some sections is not half the average; it is not enough to pay the advances on the crop, and leaves nothing for the winters All the krri. and flour, and bacon, all the clothinc - i-i.'aij.i I auu uwer uiaiiuiactiurea ifouus lor these exclusively cotten-rro wing dis tricts,' must be brought from' abroad. There is no money to pay..for th,em, so the planter and his laborers go cold and . hungry, i,.TJU..industry'; , in the South is organized upon a more pro vident system, a crisis like this will be a frequent ocenrrence and a' constant menace. i There are twot r remedies, One is in the hands of the Southern 'tteonle A . . . F themselves, and consists in raisin with Ihelf cottou' at least a moderat rate supply of food for home consumption. It is madness to live year after year at trie mercy or money-lenders and caterpillars. The other is in f our hands, and we -should lose no time in applying it. If the South could man ufactureits own cotton it would have work and wages for the idle.' ! To do this it needs .capital, JkUHs ha v e beeu established in some places -and ', are doinsr well; there are thirteen cotton mills m'viaoama, ana 'Trotn- inff but the! want of prevents .their erection . at all. the centres - of cotton : production w h ich are now suffering most severely for the-lack of food; In manufacturing enterprise however the ' South is un able to make a single step without hebfroni ni Destitute and burden ed with debt, it looks to the North for aid. Any man who will build a will do a more" beheficiaKaeed than the foundins: of a hospital or the openin s of a soup kitchen- ' And it is. a charity which !' will paynpti-the-1 priceless rewards which are reserved: ior tne,:nexi..me, ,nu. me: soruui mvv; lendS Which follOW a "gOOd DUBineSS I itr.war'..' -' 21 auwuiawvu iu uu i m ass sail ! ' 'hniTUAtt'l'' " !v vssSi!!xittesJ . j&trj'i! .V.) osiawisSfc-.?.- el TrTTNT n TmwrTK I date of the 24thiBst4 report na ol. 1 lows: John O. Hopkins, who was re-. noted the wealthiest citizen1 $&rBaIt4; more, aieu tuu .AM-wrMuig-r" dence. Saratoga street, in the 79di j '""ffeff? "88" : . l. f from4ftr44epP I 1116 leaaiOff lnaUBtneB iHwywihusj, He was in all respects a most exerh-J i . - I mnfl Ith Tn nnn in 98.T1I1. T1HI VXLH ine a free hospital in the city for the indigent sick wroj- gara to ftx, age 0,.; with-whicb a rttaimngHor nurses. pr0inmphnat8 been made for the ..endowment of a Tf 7t .HlS r j. , . rt- f.t.sM-a., ,accommo4almg30or.:400. children. nuedalao orovided fdr founding Z ".u- An hi. valnahl Ptate. I aha.rp.ti m J A ' - A l'V-." . T rHf. lej ha..n een m. ln doh for a -weaaUwfib return from his. round of visitsin tae nortn er ij,ng- - 4's.jaMfvi faf stBrfr)er-erci gomeumes prooiww n"w j IJatlLllltUl 93 aUU . XUAW wsii 'M ? -rt" tJii, rx;tloas ia theTState. r AOTernsementa wiu fiver since; iMrvs Motleys was; "driven fretohisfMiftistryi In "ctreanjistanoes Which1 rrtertme" fen the President I nowregretaTieJhaiix8u5ered7in the :aff?rhnder an iudiit?Mi ,, has nasoieipea to impair has strenstn. Oh u his. last book,! JoDdr Barnfeveld.i which will be oat in a fewjday Mr.1 Motley has spent as much "labor in' proportion as on the rest' of the series. f great historical works of which it forms a part. It will prove, I believe, no anworthy companion f to its prede cessors. ",rwT.'ti:" -..:' ' John j Kaaclllfe,. col.f convicted J Of mnrdpr. and .Tnr-V "fMTT.fn nh . uu II W V JdUUUlC WU UIIU Wm. Seabrook, ool., convicted.of thB: murder of John Houston,' the colored watchman of the ; steamer 4; Maggie Saffold in September, 1872, were sen tenced in Savannah Wednesday to be nangea. - - , viH its appearance in -Columbia county,1 Fla.. and larsre hnmberi of ikttl ar dying.5 .The first symptoms' rare an extreme weakness 'of th loins when they "sink down and die within a few hours. :.'-r MISCELLANEOUS. Doors; : SasE, : 3Unds, ix 1AB6S AND WELL SELS0TED 8T0CK. Lowest cask prieeal Call and examiBe, - '.. " " i.TJAcoBrs habdwaiue depot. Biuldefs Hardware. LOCKS. HINGES, feOLTS, Ac.',' e j ... -.. of every-description. fAgeneyfor . i i . - i.i .. ; : ;: THE. CELEBBATED SHALEBS ' 8ASH, H0LDEB AND LQCl '" ' . TT will wot gbtoutopokdebobwsab out in a lifetime. , For sals at : NATH'L. JACOBrs Hardware Depot, l?o. O Market St. BUGGY ; HARNESS,' Or Bidingi Saddlesj &c, ,i A complete assortments uat opened. -, : COOPEBS TOOLS, : ; : ' - "f v'?. ..." ; - Carpenter' Tools, i ; ' MACHINIST TOOLS, 'i ' - Turpentine Tools, AT N. JACOBI'8, .1 Hardware Depot, 9 Market Street. oct 9-rf BOODvHEWS FOR THE CHILDREN. St. Nicholas lias Cwne. ' CHRISTMAS COMES BUT ONCE A TE AR, bnt Ku Nicholas, the beaatifal new Hagaaine for Girls and Boys, lost published by Scribner Co., of New York, comes every month.: : .-.-. It is fall Of Eood things.- Pictures. Stories. Talks with Children, Historical Sketches, fairy Tales, Nnracrv Rhymes. JlnETlee. Pnzzlea. etc There are two sernu stones, wnu mignt aave Been Expected," a Story lot Boys, already com menced. by Frank R. Stockton, one of the best writers for children In the country. -The scene la laid in Vinrtnia. The Boy Hero has started oat with a gun on his shoulder, and you may be sore there will be no end of Fnn and Adventure. The other is a story for Girls, a Troubles," by Olive January, ful sjory nary. The Mttora VftmS say It is a good Strang helpful siory sad will be fall o interest for both eirls J and boys. and boys. We are not sore bat that theboya will like the eirts atorv the best, and tha airls be most delighted with that written or the boys." Then there is JACK-IN -THB-FULF1T who ten 8 the children the most curious things they ever heard. ST. NICHOLAS has already the hearts of the voonff folks whe are eager 13 r the next the next namDerv xnepaoBsners nave led a veey amoslng ptetuie,1 entitled "Little Children Crying t at 8t. NWiolaa." - T-i ; .. i u he mostaeaaurai Hasazino over tsanetL -and I it has s hundred delightful suggestions for the Lit- 1 tio-iroiM. maeeo, yoa nna m its pages aometniag for an. rrom Grandpapa and GrandmaoM to the Babv. , TnePubiisherssay theymeante-make it ust aa wood and helpfnl aa thev can. Thev want 100.000 cnuuren unw umayj vj dii wvuvuis mun 1 tee (a a year-one price to' an. BT. i foe sale ov all News Dealers and 8ub- acriptioas are rvoeived by all Booksellers, Ppatmaot I ters and Publishers or Newsptmera, aa by ; 0 0 i t- m r-u-'SClHBNBB' av'-OCK? I 8 fcoVlft-tf.-S 0 St i .y&l Broadway, N.T.: nTTHJB iSOtrTHEEir' AEMpS. maJ. fklXi. TUB JUATE' VAttl Tf THE ITEST OiP JAHUABY WEar. wE VJ shall betdn the pubMcatioa of the Narrative Of this Great Work erf Grace in serial numbers in the IciuftoBdij Clritlan Advocate, inTiScrlbeearrraiid" secure $3 yon win secure readhig equal to a hvge volome. Send your name, poatoffice and money to . a vf . B"aiii, 1015 Main atBichmond. Va dec4w B6 FOE 03. YihUKVILLK ENOTJIEER win nreseat turee-dollar chromo to every sabscribsr for 1878," who pays $3 00 in advance for a year s auDecnpaan. The Chromo entitled .'The Unwelcome Visitor' 1 i execated in the finest style of chromatic printing; the printed surface is 13 by 17 inches, an- the picture sens m ine an nvra iuc a. . u w iiuu xj every respect to any oi me coromo premiuuia vi1 iered oy oi other publications. , devotedto The Emi otttkir u a xamiT Daiier. Ble. thd Fanner, the Mechanic the Trsdes- inic the Trades- man, alike in every m $ ch8A Beside, ail the new, Bvery section or. tne union; is nec-sec-, character, nor partisan or sectarian. news of the day. collated with a view to correctness and accuracy, its columns are filled with the choicest matter appropriate te the different departments Stories, Histories and Biographical Bketchea, Travel and Adventure, Sabbath Tteading, a column for the Children, Wit and Humor, Agricul tural, Correspondence from Abroad, Excerpts on all Subjects, anEpitom,ol . the News ;of, tho Day, Ac ORIGINAL STRLES.yj ! The publication of Original Stories la a feature of the Emqpibkb, and for the next volume we have mm) mveral from thepens of popular and: enter''' taining mittrr T" ii--Jigrinamt.iaBa -can? promise our readers entertainment equal In charao- Ta mharrlntfrai nrice of the EvotTIKEB la ZS anT"!"". jntn unromo. gremjum,. jprf- wH.awatrro' mhua, two copies one year fa; one copyavx monms, $1 60:-tme- coprthre months, It The Chromo will be promptly wailed subscribers on receipt of subscription. Specimen copies of the paper sent on Prbfttietor. . declOf, -,ltOFKViue,.H rsRKD t3,00 per tTimntfjf..-1 airs,. B. H. WILSON, Editor. 054-ti GRANB OFFE&! 1 Ml E :I "irf f.,-'i . AJ-Ajr,r ttX&,AAZI taxiOCT l-TTC ONETJrTHS a;r MJWiw ow T iTTSt . - ..... -.. -i'-j .-. ., -- MISCELLANEOUS - - : - nVv3?Dr r&rY 1 - -...i ,.-s:r.r- r'A Special Term1 of tliel Superior. Conn of New Ilaimxcr Copnty. SAVING BEES NOTJFIED BY- JttS KXCEL- leacyf Tod fe. (aweli,. tWvferaoKthat a Special Term V th (superior Conrtot New Hnofer oonty day, the 39th dy of Decembw. 1878, and oiittaa- tog oaUl the basjneta i disposed f- SatftiOdmi' wfilbsfflr.tlie trial of tfyUMdCWniicwe XBla is io zive naucs to au parnaa uiibicblcu. .f-. CbfcirmaH County Commlsiionetf P i) 3fc;0 WWW J ONLY fS FOB $11 IN TALUB t- OR, : fOE $4 ' nhBtK BEATJTirUl: AND . ARTISTIC CBJtOMO. ' X " n't 8ha Prattv." liiffhly fmishsd. HMMnted ana varnished. Size 13x17 (after LUlie 1C. fipencet,) retail orice. &&. will be sent ot maU. secnrelT done ut, post free, as a Breminm to every ta. yearw auW rHbr to DRMO REST 8 MONTHLY, aclcnowledeed tha mmt beautiful and nsefnl Parlor Masazina in America, "Iant She Pretty is a aeantiful ckromo and splendid parlor piertare, and a vataahls work of art worta more man aonnie ae oost or saBsenpaon, and together with Demerest's ilonthly affords an opportunity for the Investment ' of $3' each as ' may -never oocor again; or in place of "Isn't She Pretty' for $1 sddiUenaL " HiawaOuf ; Wooing (after Je rome Thompsonj size, nice $15, will be seat post-Tree; or oetn enromos ana uemoresi s monta Fy, for one year, for $&. Hiawatha's Wooing t' is an equally splendid work of art, . large and beantt ful Chromo. and worth f oar times the price charged. Hnabahda. fathers, brothers and Lovers, do not fai to subscribe for DEMO REST'S MACf AZINE and. present It. wM si beaatifal Chromo. It will make Lddress. W. Jenninss J -WITi IWK' wuun V1.-MIV m immw tha Macazina. SS cents each, pes free. ,. :. f nova-u : OUR AJJt OUIX EAI: I TestimQiij &om tfieBaltle FielSsv TtNDER THB ABOVE TTTLB I PROPOSE Ta KJ pnblisn first in new8iaper and anbseqaenuy in book-form, a series Of articles giving-the war -record of North Carolina from the election of Lincoln in November, I860, to the close of the war between tne states in may, uses. . jny pian emDraces tnree divisions: -ti.,-m . lsC Accounts of each skirmish aad battle on the soil or upon the waters of - North Carolina. 2d. Accounts of every battle fought daring, the war on the soil of every- -State id wuich any of the troops of North Carolina took part especial care being takes to show what these troops did and suf fered in each of those battles, and what glory and renovro our officers and men fairly won. .-i 3d. " A Southern Chart for all time." An expla nation of the third division of, the proposed plan will be submitted at a later day. That I may successfully accomplish this srduous bat pleasing self-imposed task; X Invoke the aid of all bit brotaer soldiers aad ask them to famish me material which can be arranged aad digested so as to rorm a complete recora or tne neroic aeeas or tne sons of North Caroliae npen-ths battle fields of the' Confederacy ; and especially do I ask all who can write to famish me detail of every battle In which they participated, and the part borne by their im metll&ta AommandB. . . ... .v. : General omcers roia ather States who command-: air of those troops. In endeavorins to dlastice to the aokUara of rtv nattare State, I certainly shall most carefully abstain, from doing injustice to those from any other. Address Oar Living and our Dead," Newborn, N. C . ., , ,i;,t ; Ths Srst number wtn be issued about the 10th of Jane. Subscription price $3 per year in advance. : STEPHEN J. POOL, 'i i Late Colonel 10th Regiment, N. C. 87t. - v is? s. a RICE MiTUSCES.AND BASBSL8; rtOMliES-RIO, LAGUAYBA 4JSU JAVAf I ! ' J5 UGABS ALL GBADE8; :i jrjOX)UX-TJPEIL TO E2THA PAMILT; Ralstns Candles, Fire Oackers, ! IN LOTS TO SUIT, For tale at. ADRIAN ; VOLLEBS'j deel9-tf .i. '.Bacon: I00,(f00 U rCA AXB8 SHOCLDEEff AKDi SIDES ! 7a sntSjr iaiehy SHI .ie.ASHSHf r uWaVI T-.aaf ana: iSig4 w . , BO PBL&.,rOK& Oa6W.jB.essl -'y ; i , " ' . ' . 60 BAGS COFPEBL 1 tkil CANDtb MMK IJonPJtt, TObW i s- ii -uJ."ti' , mw ror vasnr, h u pv,yAW4M!h " HBVafJBHBHsaaBBaaBaf9BasVa HiiB SitfS m ml w twi XihiiH hurt 1 ni '.smi n iff. WOTUUl O 1 , J'J" f 1B4 V!M'" bi riaaMBASaa2aaxBsa To iiTt tV T.?m 'Tttl tt.$Y J rfTAW.vi 8ALTEB nAND 4UtOKID" J WEST I. 1 -J fitinaiaraTid !UaalaHoafaaadSSd BOXi 1 Sngsr-Cared Hams and wreaaiasr ecnpn Stt mvmt .,( lHM.fii 1HJ N,l!-s"aW1 eVS i wT 'tf . ' ll-w voa I ICE . I- TABLE BUTTER, BEST FACTORY CHE IW LOTS Xl SUIT. ,-x- orSX pFH 0AfiBiJJRi H anaiy-jartfy! yAirt.i'5!J'' wTgog-arirp j tia zzlui-j?f ins 2 . .tA will boa w'. r- ...vr.'t -.fjiT f 12- ,VqotS & MtSt ,KF.Ok KAJOfciAl LOTTERIES. t - TaaonJ; iv. ' it; s i-N'B'' s- To be tdrawn TbarsdjTanawy lil, I871T . ' $200,000 00 iIN,-T53t?i3 GIFTS! I 1 UIOUU. VOUIUfl 1 IlfVl , i I . - i I t v.T-m i -.T-ra niun itrjrsrn rim SIOOO.IH'GREEOAGKS:. r j on vjkmrxua :or W4. wt, I. $5,000 IH G.R.EEHBA'CKS. One' Pn2e0f tlOTOlfreettbacK!t six frizes S1,00P eacnin lireen Ten pjrs,$50,jBacil in,GEe.enbacksl K00 Gold and Silver Lever Hunting W ' worth from ao to 800 each. Coin Watches On all) saver vest unains, Bona ana uoaoie i-iaiea eilvevt 1 .ware, jeweiry, Yc.,c ; "Wible Knmber of (Grift8"25,0OO. J 4 TicieJte Ignited to' 100,060: ' Agents wanted wll tickets wlwwi liberal premiums will be paid. ;- L-.;-r" ! BiDgle Tickets tS; Six Tickets $10; Twelve Tickets i nE iuwenty-uve .wi y imui. r - - - Circulars containing a run ussoipnsea, tiwroiin Jaon of .the manner of drawing,. ana otner uuonna- tion in reference to tt Diutribation, win be sent to any one ordering them. Ail letters nms& os ! i 'dressed to main amcx 101 W.-Fifth st Novl8-tillD"siSa. L. D. BINS, Box 66 t Cmcinnati, O.' FOSTFONEItENT 4tli CkidifCoM Over sHuUon iii Bank. !f:T5 0-iSlt . -L'f til--'.'-.' 6V i S U O CESS m S U R ED j 1 On Tuesday, 31st of Warcn, Ifext. i TfNJ'cbElsitiME QBNKBAmsfl I ui maHori of the nubile and- the- tieket- lioldera. far tha full Pavment of the management of the magnificent gifts announced for the Fonrth Grand Cift Concert of the Public Librarv of Kentucky the management Mvodetermlned to postpone the Concert aad Drawing until -1 f Tuesday; uf3iel3lsof March, 1874. They have already realized , And have a great many agenta to hear from ; No doubt UmtertaiM&of the talt, of etxr ticket before the Drawing, but wluther ail art tola or not tht Concert and Jhxnoing will positively ana une quivocally take place on the day nmo flxtd; and if any remain unsold thep vriil bt cancelled and the prizes willot reduced in proportion to the wuold tick- ttt. ' ' ' " ' ' 1 i Only 60,000 tickets have been leeued and 13,000 C A 8 O GIFTS, ' will be distributed among the ticket-holders. . The tickets are printed in coupons, of tenths, and all fractianal partawill be represented in- thedraw ing just as whole tickets are. .. - . v.: y ;;ust pp oiml :. ONE GRAND CA8H GIPT,7i $250,000 ONJS UK&Mll.U&SU .1Twi.-..,i ONE RAND CASH CHIT,... 60.000 ONK GRAND UABU UUTl',... 9&,00ft va GitANU UAau uri . 10 Cash Gifts, $10,000 each,. , . . i SO Cash Gifts. ifiOO each,. 60 Cash Gifts7;t,000 each,. '5S 100,000 160,000 50,000 40,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 83,500 550.800 hu uasa urns. - oov eacsu 100 Cash Gifts, -400 each, ISO Cash Gifts,.; 800 each, 350 Cash Gifts. 200 each. 825 Cash Gifts, . 100 each,.... .. 11000 Cash Gifts 80 each,.;.... TOTAL, lx.000 GUTS,. ALL ,C ASH, amounttngo.. .............. ........ $100,000 XW The chances for are as one to five. FltlCBOP TICKETS. .' Whole ticket, $504XhlHares $85,00; Tenths, or each coupon, $5.00 L Eleven whole tickets for. $500: 33K tickeis tot tlfiOQ; lis whole Ucaau tor $5007 firwiwle tickets for -$10,000. N disconnt on toss than $900 woatiuaf tteketAr c Ths Fourth Gift Concert, will be conducted in ill respects, like the- three -which have already been I driven, and full oarticalarr xnav be. learned- fitRn circulars which win be sent free, trom this offlce to .swhoappIyfornlem.22l:",'' Jl r i - vraara tor ncasia ana appucuirw i naTsgwaw, will be attended to in, too ordertaer aura xecetvea, and It la hoped they will b sent la bromptiy thai there may be no disappointmeat or oelay m fllling alL Liberal terms given taihose who nev to sell again. All agentaaw perenutortiy reqeired to set tie np their accoonts and return all nsold Tickets by the 30th day of March. '-- - ' H THOtEs BBAMLETTB. A geatPablia Library gaatBekynd Manager GU t Concert, Public Ubrary Building, LouiBvule,y. 1 Havana Edy al lottery .5Bf "H'oU -91 !J VH 1 1 ' Class SOfjalyl 1878Cfeaa 9.C6ctt "VStL tCl Class 90S.. July 39th, 1873ClaeS 918- Oct tSnd, 1878 Ciaas 909i Aog. 14th, 1873Class 914 J.NOV. 8th, 1878 Class 910.. Ana 90th, 1878 Chtsa 916, . Nov. 96th, 1878 Class 9ll.-Sopt 17th, 1878J ., ;.., r . strand Extraordinary Drawing, 918, on 18th Dee,', !73 !lii irs!iui'-i ei-jvr.a 4 lilli.i ' J.iufa"sii The, amount dxsta ererj! Ordinary Drafint $450.000 bfifled InW782FnUPrixem, ar follows : . i ,1 " Of tu.uvo, i " of t.-..-y. asOwO 1 " of 10,000 (. .r of $5,000 eachv...i......T...t7;( 10,000 - on u Mtn aa.h IA.AAAm VU V. ............ . -vvww 646.' of 300.eech. . r., ,.,...-r... lwv fiou,uw nue 9 Approximations of $808 each to the a $50,000,-Priae.i.. if 9 Approximations Of $900 each, to the r. t .' i H.i - ao,uuu iTM.u......-.. ,v 'sTw ; , APproximaaona oi swuewatufW . s, . ' $10,000 Priae l0v 4 Approximations of $100 each to the i - at W $5,900 Prises.', i. . i mi uIhJ409 Address all . orders o OBNIOT Jk kBBOTHBRj, Commission Merchants, who are my only authorised enrresnomienta in tne unite. Biatea to receive pr.' i ders and cash s4 prizes mNewCeans.LaNOj 77 . First Sub-Collector for exportation in Havana, Cuba streev.e--. . - jnnese-aww "iiisGixAirEotrs. 4, K H II U MIV rvLD HATS BLEACHED: pressed and made to i. Look as Well as New. a 'V ?v a ' -. a e t .. ' Tdrh)articulafcaTI otr MRS. JENNIE ORR. 4th Street, between Nan aad Church. nov 9-tf J ' -7 OK .1 l(jia aoifqHs'n 4 se-wiso(f w?feio I H'- Wj..- fT. a!jjiiinTri rTlaa-wsa us :?j idut aw aan i deemt f ,,?St it .Agjti'.'i revi'l ,fciaat.i "3 mz'Pri--! raRPGriVtffia;;;ii? EKir t u anaiTniiir BT Tin u otct tih n umnrnTS- UUUUUlll&JlLUlU liULO.Ulia JJUUilUUta BONNETS TTrTTTTJ TT5T5T TT- MISCELLANEOUS. JustAa!ftislied ! i i!VMWW,iy'(i"rr,Y' ' BodK'i. ORrjLaiHP acsoourUBSictf is .!,:,. ...... c.l r i I '- The first of an excellent rie.,of GRAlB and i V.J A , f EMEI1SON S SINGING SCHOOL. ' I jbacompletVclieap,'aBd' jnsveftit 1oltr. tor. SinjUg. ?-fuca aoi o.'fa sish to-b mrru f Clarlce'i Dollar Tmrtrroctor: fbrEeed Or . t 1 rDOTU!UJr' iUTi btructor:. -xarvrV.iouxi..ii 7 beginners ssd araatenn. i Full of msefil, in-' Btracuve, and at via same urns oruuant mainc j FatherlKemtfst, ... -Jiri'rfJI JJJ-,1; tt.it nnwm . n ml S ': nnVaa mS TIATIFW TrV"TTG Sang everywhere with great applause from young. Sold evervwhl Sent bOstoald.'f or retail price. Oliver lllllfln tr. ;o. i u uimvu k vw w Bostovv1 J 1 til BVay, Wea Tork. ;decsa.-ttaw, sat wed wtr An illustrated monthly OTaI.nidvfieal admitted ' to be tne aandaomaet penoaioai in tne won&i i i v . A xepresentatlve and ehacapion t NOT FOR SALE IN BOOK OB NITW'S 8TOXESI; mnt AtJnrHB. wileLe Issued wrrs ' JL regularity, has none of the: temporary w timely-t Interest characterisUoxtf ordinary periodfcala. vlt ia I au elegant miscellany or porefijigManagracanu sc eratara, and a collection of pictures, the rarest spec linens of artistic skill, m black and white. Although ch succeeding aumber attorns a man pleasure m i friends, the real vain and beauty of THE AL nmiEwin ha most-aDnreciated after it has been bound np at the close of the year.. While other pub- ncatkms may claim snperior cneapnesa, areomparea with rivals of a similar class. THB ALDINE is a ! unique and original conception alone and unap-, Tiroached absolatelv - without competition in price or cnaracier. ,v a ne poaaeaaur u - awqusw nnuu ; cannot duplicate tne quantity 01 nns paper ana en gravings in any shape or number of volumes, for fen times it eocL and then there' rs the chremot The fflastratlona of THB ALDINX: tav 'won a ; worlwiderewitatio,attdlntheart eemxeeoi jsn- rope it is an admitted fact that Its wood cuts areex- amptea ox tne nignest penecmw ever khviicu. xud common preladice la favoret "ateel-plates,,r urap- Wj yieldtagito ttore edncated ana- taste which recogniaes the Advantages, artistic'quamy with greater facility trf saperiov twOdnctkn. The wood-cuts Of THE ALDINE possess aB tfcedel- mi aim eianorata nnisn ca rae -boss oauv: nlata. while thev afford a betterrendedna of th To fttflyreaSi &owoe AlAmiUacg lor ue csase oi ars Tattars an America, it is only necessary to conaide .the cost to the neoole of anv other decent representations Of the productions of great painters. ' In addition to deaigna by the members of the Na tional Academv. and other noted American artists.' THE ALDINE will reproduce examples of the bes i forei artis the s cost, enjoy in his ownome the pleasure and refining influences or true arc. - i sors. . - , . Every subscriber to THS ALDINB. for the year 1874 will receive a pair of cnromos. The origlnaT pictures were joamted in on ror aae poonsners or THE aTJTVit by Thomas Moraa, waoa& great Col-, orado picture was purchased by Congress- for, ten; thousand dollars. The subjects were chosen to rep- reaent 'The East -ttd "The West." One la a view in The White Mountains, New Hampshire; the other gives "The Cliffs' of Green River, Wyoming Territory. Tha difference In the nature of the scenes . themselves ia a pleasing contrast, and affords a good riignlftvnf the mrtiat'a scODeasd eotorinz. - The chro mo are each worked from thirtv distinct plates. Slid 'are In alio 03x16) and appearance exact fac-similes nf Hki nrlirtmln Thn wrnsrmrsrlnii of a TrnrtiiT ex ample of America's greatest landscape painter to the 01 ina Aiiiiian waa a duui uui wsik r idea, and its successf ni realisation la at- te loilowmg testimonial, over ins sgj Moran himself : .. .; tore 1 NnwanK,K. J, Meaars. Jum Smros A Co. ... . . Sept 30, 1873. , Oentiemea: I am delighted with the proofs la color of your chromoa. .They are wonderfully sue eessful representations by mechanical process ef tha rizinol paintings. Very rospeetfally, ' ' ' 1 (Signed) - -J. THOS. MORA1C. c These Chromos are m every sense Amertcsn. r They are by an original American procoss, with ma tenu ozaAmencan manvactare, mm oeaigas w American scenerV bv an American Painter, and ' eentad te subscribers totheHret aacceaaful Aaaei Art Journal, if no better because or an suavtaey will certainly possess an totarest ho foreign -proaac-tloh can inspire, and neither" ace they, any the wees If by reason ef peculiar facilities' f prodictton they doable the subscription price oil .OXSCAUa Persons of taste will nriaa these tnetorea for : them- selvss aot for the priea they didor 9id not cost, an4 will appswaansuisrasjeTPCsae fas: rfatapiawgw-. UJr Should fnltrai a refca loo aigimambiai thiabpjhara w4Ufcssd HThourtU aw&mMsrsjewaabaanfaiehrom representing a-little. Italian axiiO. whose speaking WVMSij bjbav ivittuuu w as-uy aw. aw ,.t. t,. ? bacKS! AjiVQiVvvup vAWA'jj-.:- -Sr aSi fa S3US ' 5: v. I afnCtaxsmy, CaaaW ; r x uSi silJk t e i 7 00 Tnos. Koran- ana J.x). wooaw&ra. . - ; I uvw , . s . s ..v.-. . 7 i The Christmas lseue for 18twm oonIapf 5Sr f&2k -.Wa S deeiiroaannnitAtothaaeaaonlbYonr baatarti J-Kr , I VX rkoS&Ifea:? ailriatii f:M9ieM8lvrr OiSl att 8K,iU; nsoQua varnianea. ana prepaia ojtbmlu i -a THE ALDINE will hereafW be obtstnshle Kbsi twaabsntetlons most be sent to the PSb' HduM Imrtnr banded a th loc stt Srithaat respoasiaiiity to- tho publishera. eaeeptut ?ease. where the certificate is given, bearing, the fsc-etm&si sJgnatare of James Sutton Cow" - - J i . CANVASSERS WANTED. Any person, wishing to act permanently as a local iaer,wiiri t receive fall and prompt information -7P?aAftBTJtN " .i.jxoa 98 Maiden lane, ixew x ore, oce35-tt GASBSir SKEIJ t GA2DE27 tE2!: VTTBCTIYISFBCBGISALANDEBTH' QardeiviFieldw j : ' and i lower-seeds.' yi tt-iisj. Hi . i. - hi . 'J4 i! ompN' SETTS; JEto., Sold wholesale- and retail at V1 ( ' 7! - . J. Aw S10H.MH.MJI X O Brus and Chemical Store (Lippltt's old standi ;. declStf '. ;- - CORNER it and Market Stav Sales Boom for IOK.KK-. G"8nd,WE-' BKB CBLB-' ,BRATE3.lPI VltisTtiwn itcjis nntf xuia3 ecur9fl ,-fs i; Consignees ;TiT 1 ! Barqn !ldaig! wHLbo keady. to recefvo j,Jr I 1I ieoi n-AM tvAlm LTJXJ WS XCHTTLTZ. fSAt iK-2 -a-'i'Mastea. .TllISirpe'IoIuiroif, - itf ft-SMIlaVi jr1flf Tfa jfg .; PB!i Q5tEB 53 ? PTJKLJSHEt)'1 AT' MON--dLiToevUJ cosmtrv'Tf. Xweiy TajiM $3 00 a year. The EKQUxann circulates exteaaiveiy' I thronghont the counts of Anson, yawn, Mwt & I m - a w . Llina Central Fail way, as wo iUffaA onarie circuiauonaaanypiw iw. 4WilnUxigtwiAraaaMOeaoaptkm,- ept bh ........ TV' ij CH V1 PIAKQSLVIr! f - MTSflEIXANEOTTSk ;r 1 V, tlST1 ' j il J 1 li 1 t -! i.T it I Ml 't ) i CITY TAX ALE. IN ACOOBDAISCXJSfrrEMDCISTIHO LAWS, I will offer for sale at public auction, in front of CitvHalLat o'clock M on TUB8DAT. TflK 30TH DAT OrDECaEia rtnatoat), the follow, ing described property, to satisfy the City Taxes: wm expenses aae taersoa ana mniiming upaia for the year 1813. 'iiti T. . 8KBVOS8, Traarer andixuector. .3 H . . , S.B r. .. ....!: . ?'T'i ,1. ' . r ArustroBgv BmUy V" --IS-' -1 s 1; 5:3. &:.$8 60 Beatty, Edward . 161 . mid S 4 S's f CO iiecion, jotm in . nuaso ou Biehon B K txriozc lm. w-W S SS 00 Btossom, Samnel,, . , 9 ,t r , a i ;- w ... wea - -T"ria m ' Bryan, Richard; BrvaBi mko oa I&nn.n? 41 MiSr.rn SO S w 1 2 KarrV. MraM-tf f t c-iujioJci b4 VfO.isw joine. ji.rs k. w j :-p .? vm .kiu: w Calais, Wm J, agt Cantwell, Edward CaiT, ThosB - I L:t80 TO m 57 00 -s INI anirMS-fi JB - I) n liii-nl CM TO Cassldev. Hear. for w 15mttnS4Sf Casaidey. Henry Q tras 90,14 intfa84r W Bavi Jackaoa D J ? 4 0Q3a!i 1 60 DAVtaj; JnBi! si! 8f go LIMwp ..! 00 Draa. Virginia ..- lliiTi iwl,!;.., 71 00 Eb&w$r&P& Wgt.-J 60 Bdioa,Taae"ij6aK ,tsvd ,T.s?t 00 EaBafhaa-j gw nA5 S Evans,. Julius, . ,Wr,i J 4JawO " 00 XT. 4 : f .. zoo. aua l.-. . mm ten Gafdett.TkoiKaffin mV Jsrrx-T :US 00 ii:i? jiBj r.coteloil'rarsaaB ,.- .a ,.T, -,1S :sW 00 Oreen, WmA-: -' 18 -ptasi -;ia 00 Ui-TU 00 4l-.5 jtau, xsa naursoT .jiovtw,? - i rim a - , by J U UU extr iw ,1 BenderamK' A V ast of i Bewattidam. ..:-;.' B8T a !ixre4 84o aca m m SSSS- !$$$ assail; IrtMitt It 80 ... "MJ . f , w- ------ fett, Annie. r.m 49 00 00 iH r.l uoaaeaii Jtasoo -j -u Hooper. ChaTtottO; : e ", UVAhtr 1 M ts 60 Henrj.Trank;:3 f T 11' rJ.iftntx- 1 00 Johnson. Herbesi-7' ,'-'0 -!.$iTi P.D;t::.a 60 Jones, Abraham $MstllhlrXci ti.I1.00 Jones, James 119 swS 9 80 Kahnweiler, Hina '188 ptlS I M m Kent,Thoaflija ? 8T-i W84S SO 10 King, Elizabeth 6 w6 - IT 00 ;i3wn?S&sflls1 c-4 00 ti ween w iaaje.as eu 861 f 186 80 et i McAinsferi Peter J 99H 45 80 McGwire, Josephi'tnt; KSJcc .aS aij;i;6 70 Mcimennyr'4nosMs. " . .-,- a4i. Bt - ;..-!-: tl 4 40 M f"-' tttU B ;-8o8-ffaaii 5 1 McLean.DsnlorHny, 60 m. u -.8 54 sutcneu, jbacyv: F,E3.,!Wstt9'wi w MS 1 80 Moore. Wmlt A othrsoff, ,w 4 .: ' ir! 18 10 Nashv James est of -39-q- ?1 00 tica ftotih? tail ! . im i!00 i'f.Ut 80 00 lftar,Hehelrior'S54 '""'nj' iJt!' nn Pltati Aleais)evaUl9T. i419T8Q--$ 90 Reed, Heaekiak: 931. mt4:;ib 88 10 Reese, Edward -,, 148 -,r.Ssi -. .-5 00 RepiMr8araiS165 " -atB' J ""til 00 RSidaoJaelV5U3 Zifetfe"! m Robiaaosu Rebaoant lti;i eH matal -i6 00 Davage, omi a, or. . arr psiaae fo-.--'- Lm aisi im&m &rrto satTtaoo Shaphsjr,nwv!ettmstf)c.( Th-Iiw 70 Shielda. GWavnaSfet9ei?e!T : 18 00 Dimmonav AMasao m aiii i w SidbarcT.John m : 9 00 5 TO 4 60 UpsMlVWfiiH RUnler. wm 6 00 IJoleS 9W 00 00 J TbbarnTobt tias I vanAmnnge, uiacy i -riH I- itr .on .xoyasajiSfs niii W1SS48 fSlfiO 17 00 00 00 04 40 llHIW'awy I WulU WJM" .Woodruff. J Hpreet tnmMT!taZ tit 1 . 164 ; 9 f w IS : 1 wsf a vsaj 35 it fvvf ff Kll 00 klSS4 aa r.- -aa -m BeieyiRfchAia!rf04: ii;ui,M8i'!n rit 91 00 Cmig.H Ahk of W 1 9 " tT ' 11 00 DteaosuJ Baeemka 904 4X4i' ' '97 00 8 00 fc' lit rgf- HaD. Rachel 7 . -- 9 00 Hankiaa.Kary M rlWJ JfeitA jt-i 18 00 HaseLUargaretaat 96. ' . sn8f r 4 00 Xju Richard . ,- pt 4V1 V J , 9 00 MilllsTVaalev Mi i-i.m . '-non uudietonvdi ji ess. at? it-A Martin, John."., v 848. i j ,n sCfwt -i', IB1 00 1 h.a 5 s 8 00 Swain. Anton! 988- e'4 41 00 dec a, 7, 18, 10, Do Ton Wi ai TsJBBhporsuae Paporf TMosi"93aeril for THE FRIEND OF TEMPERANCE wHrrAint,AT $ -ai tab, . i&t-',&ia$M w& hjm nertl o ft Wf,it "A NO tOU' Wttjj dETOirntW1!! il. and best TssaUy and Teapexaiios nowepapers published m tne soutn. -- i Its editor. Rev. S. H. Wbitakeft. has. nectedwith the press for Tnaariy twenty years, and by hgexperiencohaelesw dto make good sad useful paper . Theophilos Hunter HTTi. taw North Carolina Poet, la Aasoaisan JCditsavsaw QsyvJS T. Whitiey, of Va., a gentleman of fine ability, Isorrespondiag Editor. . No paper Sonth has a larger list of eontribntors, and. no paperhas sgrea.TariyHof fieamnx and 3 ciHtHuiTflCCXAJtCCXLX-jvai ni '. paper, is presided m by k?,!. 41 eri boP , tejirtosiss) totho MVnr r-. -. as f al Ray." SsiOia- - Of it Order ef TrKnds of ireepawcVaad of the State Csam3lIcdidGM.YiiSt Soatbi T!""spf: JiiAtarnireaegtryrMr"th. A.n fur one tou. . - Bewbi Casstdey.FiaaXAiV j JaintinS4):n u 1 nuniHbiusv : lOJ 2H X B . AW Cj!dnamVC&r V fc OUhaa. Alex Jc'o .309 ilt4 M?"-vm.-- " 4 90 il fiUHM tm. o..Antv.i;.'U aa an SSf: IStoSS i; & 5a 14 tJ-4 iisIJOSi 58 waVinmlt fe8 iiartmanaatoi ntKj .4 tv-s.; l M M ivt0S;.:5 ti&MMif;" arT -fJ t W W sr