HATES Oa ADITKBTISIIIG $1 01 St' WBIIHtD DAILY, BY 00 days. 60 S 00 . S CO . 5 00 I - i WW WwUi m K ffUl . CM Sonars one oar, . . A TO) Ck ' onrdT..r;. t IM 1 J .. .4 " " " V .f7 00 . ft 80 . S 00 71 A U1VUUWI " "vm Three month, In advance rt month, in. advance, i To City Subscribers, del tvered in any .., ... nart of tha city. Fifteen Cent per week. Our City Agent are not authorized to collect for More than 8 month in . artvanc. rv . t 4 V!- , , T OUTLINES. -After a little row in Abstin troops n ceived Mexican Veteran. -Next session National Board of Trade will be held in Philadelphia; -neit -session of Transportai tion Convention ifc Richmond. '. -Leflth mills, England, bnTned.?Pacific Rail way" offlcesburned at Ottowa. -The President again declines to assist Davis, of Texas, with troops. A man -was ar rested in Potosi, Wis.,' for- murdering his brother who confessed-that "'lie had also kiMed several other men. " '- New York markets: Cotton 16Hl&i, gold llllllf spirits turpentiae 4647, rosin unchanged. Judge fjchrane, of Georgia, and oth ers in ; Cheap 'Transportation ''Convention argued constit utionaUtJ'of ': Congressional regulation-01 suojec ot ireignis. Transportation Con vention asked Congress to assist the various canal routes.' X- : la ithe Iialeigh News oi 'yesterday Captain Samuel T.. Williams briefly announces his . withdrawal from that paper. - Since its first number was is sued, this gentleman has been. the jhiei editorial contributor and con- . doctor of the political department A talented - and 'genial gentlemen, a spirited and graceful writer, Captain "William will be missed. - We hope the press of the State will not belong deprived of his useful labors. North Carolina Legislature. LCondensedfrom Raleigh Sentinel. THIBtT-FOirrH DAT. SENATE. 1 Friday, Jan. 16. , By Mr. iloCabe, peiitidH: from cit izens of Edgecombe, asking that Edg combe county be placed in the. th Judicial District. Heferred. - f. The bill to provide for. the support of the Institution for the Deaf - and 'Dumb aud the Blind passed its third reading. :- ,', The bill for the adjustment of the State debt was taken Up at 12 o'clock as sp ler. Mr. Norwood ments. 1 offeredj,wo amend The q iestua then - recurred upon Mr. Norwood's amendments as amend- ded. - ...v."--' it The pith of Mr. Norwood's amend ments is contained in the last resolu tion, to wit: i "That upon a review of the whole subject, we submit if to the enlight mied consideration of Congress, if the (IWneral Government-would not act wisly by Assuming the payment of ino much of. the debt of the State of iNorth Carolina as in justice and equi-. rty ought, to be paid." Messrs. Norwood and Cunningham poke i hi ad voeaey pf the amendments, and Mr. Harapferey in .opposition- : r Mr- Morehead, Guilford, offered an aneHdmetiAwbicb we will publish toniiibrrow, asVbe fnrther considera tion of 'tbe bill couies up as unfinished business. By Mr. Ellis, of Catawba, a bill to authorize the town of Hickory to is jsue bonds for thev completion of the Carolina pehtral .1 Kail way and for other purposes." Referred. J 10 USE OF REPRESENTATIVES ' " ' " Fbiday, Jan. 16. -Mr. Innett,' peVition from citi zens of. a part .of Anson couiity la rofprence to the sale of liquors. Fletcher,col; a petition from citi-i zeus of Richmond county praying ior By the same, a memorial for a, law against the sale of ipiriuoua liquors -within three miles of ethe church in Richmond county. -' Mr. Moss, a b)ll to charter the Bank The bill to make the jurisdiction of instices of. the peace hual in certain - !..rim?n! Woceedintrs was takenup .and the substitute offered; by the J u- .-diciary Committee amended, adopted kand passed, wvvvfffs'-f..:!.- tOWRKtf BIVAttBD. ,rg Bn4 of Rblr la th. Central Co.. lie Half ' tliMi WMi- . Th.i M4 ( life and ef A correspondent at; Jackson Hilt N. m 1 writes ' tb lhe ; Rockiiham vri, under date of the 4th inst., as follows: r.; - -' , i ' V T writ?? t. inform vou that this HntWL iariRfeeted with a band pfl .ihhori Mmilar to : the Lowery band of Robeson. . Tbey have been, in the, woods ever ; since " the ;iirarj were a very dangerous, troublesome gang, to those troublous Mays,: and . have Km .r. f thpir "mean qualities since. Th-J oa." moet of Iheir tiaw in the western part of Randolph and east m portion- of Davidaon: countiea--' raakinff dccasionalJorayB into Rich MAxTAr Mjonteomem Stanley iaaiiownicotinties.,rb tand'nmv; ers aboat 4S,f iocludg some m w a.dozen-wtfme-Tfeey empl K i H t axt aA sfeal everything they i hr hMids "on. , A few day ne yar, in utum (by nan) VOL. XIII.v-NO. 98. most respectable citizens of Davidson, a Mr,, Washington Harris, broke into us store," tating t some $40 in ' gold ana surer, ana carrying on a eonsia erablenlifyof merchandise. They left in the .store a number of clubs with which they; went provided to defy any opposition that might be offered to' their operations. One of the; party named Nance, who was en? gaged in the robbery of Mr. Harris, has vi been arrested and confined in Asheboro jail, and hopes are enter tained of capturing others of the gang. The people inhabitating the region of country where these.villains operate will not say anything about the band for fear of i beiug murdered or burned out of house and home." Our correspondent thinks that it is incumbent on the General Goverti ment to devise some means of ridding the country of this dangerous band of marauders. Turpentine. Fayetteville Knights of Pythias. has. a new lodge Tuesday Edgecombe Lodge L O. O. F. installed its new officers. - Gen. Patterson, of Caswell, is eo low there is little hopebf his recovery. Rev. Dr. Wm. Royall, late Pres ident of the Louisburg Female College, has removed to Texas. .-J oseph 1 Baker was hanged in Charlotte Friday for the murder of Newton Wilf urig. CaroUnian. - - Two serious cotton gin accidents occurred in Camden county on Friday last. m a ii i -r i r . i i k. o. xerry ana xUKe yvrigat eacn naa a hand crushed. -.The Tarboro JZnquirer-South- erner &B enlarged to thirty-two columns is a magnincent looKmg sneet and is a really one paper in every respect. . . -Mr! Jr IDsLassiter, of Hender son, killed a few days since three pigs, 19 months old, which made 1,535 pounds of pork, says the Jyew. Mr. Mark Cole, who resides in the vicinity of Rockingham, had one of his bands caugnt la a cotton gin a xevr days ago and Wribly mangled, says the Spirit. Observer: ';The High Shoals prop erty in Lincoln county was sold a few days ago, and was bought inby the old stock holders for $62,000, hardly one-third of its real value. Ths is said to be the Quest wa ter power in the Southern States. In his lectureThursday night in Raleigh on the "Early Governors of North Carulina," which the News compliments very . highly. Col. Wheeler entered, con amort, upon the discussion of the genuine-' ness of the 20th or May Declaration, and adduced new historical facts to substantiate his position in favor of its authenticity. The following cases from the 5tinHitrict were called up in the Supreme Court; HMWall et al., vs Henry Fairly t aK, - from ; Richmond. . Argued. Battle & Son for plaintiffs, WMcL. McKay and ami l. A. iicxeii ior ueicuuauis. juu Johnson vs. Duncan U. Kennedy . No counsel for plaintiff, Neil McKay for de fendanL Argued. Joseph Ulley et aL, vs. James M. Foy et al., from Cumberland. Argued. B. & T. C. Fuller for plaintiffs, VV. McLi. Mciay ior aetenaants. Rockingham'; Spirit: Carney Spivy and J. T. Brice were examined be fore Justices Shortridge'and Milliken at tbe Court House in this town on Tuesday fast,; onX'charge of assaulting the family of Mr. Bafnuef Leviner at his residence a iew miles south of this place, on Saturday night last, and takinz and carrying, away divers articles ef clothing, bedding. &c., besides nearlr tarine down LeViner's house. The parties were held in $300 each for their ap pearance at tne next termoi tne Dupenor Courts Tne 9a.Ua. -. The mails will close from tnis date as ioi lows:.' : . ; -- Northern through (night) mails. .. 8 P.M. throueh and. war mayi Southern mail. . . ; , ; ....... ..'8 1. Jl Carolina Central mails. :v. .. .; . ; 5 A. M Smithville,Saturdays and Tues- days i . k'j .V . t . k . . o a fti. Fayetteville, river, Mondays and . -r - " ' 1 -TIC . x nonys ... . . ... ........ ..... . Fayetteville by C. C. R. W., daily 5 A.M Onslow C. U., (horse mail) every ffaFridav. ..: 6 A.M. ' ? The following cases , were disposed of yesterday morning.: ' ,-; .Edward Gause, -charged with fighting and other disorderly, conduct, was found guilty and required to pay aflne of $20 and the costs.. ...... Jas. Willison.ehargedwith drunkenness, was found guilty. Judgment suspended on tbe payment of costs. . , Wm. SkilUtt, charged with being disor derly and cursing on tbe streets, was found rtrilty and required ,to pay a fine of $10 and ' costs or to work thirty days on the streets.! ,""-'?' " "' Severd cases were continued over for a future hearing, ''. .'...f, s ; v ' " - " -nrm. ' ' Tn Pst.a: Stamp C.e.,; : ' " ; Justice TM. Gardner rendered his de cision yesterday in the cases of David Joy- ner." alleged to have been implicated In the postage stamp case, auuuGu iu u jcowr day's paper, requiring him to enter into se curity in tbe sum ot fi.ooo ior nis appear ance at the next term of the Superior Court, in'default-of "which he was commuted to JaiL A decision In the casd of W,,T. Tbax ton is stili reserved ' 'v.r Stabtlng Affray.', . Simon Lindsey and Herbert both colored; engaged ia a fight a few days since, near Maogum, Richmond county, when the former "uras ' stabbed ia several places and has since died of hir injuries, . att.pr i&M&sJt&f Mm 1 1 Some , one tried to get Into Liles& Little's tllestiUe; oa WW? Vfehf lat'l moving apertlottof (ibe 1ui. . . ieaserforrthe purpose, but hey were-dhv covered; jud almok captured, Jefoe fetog WILMINGTON, N. GM SUNDAY, JANUARY 18, 1874. Ijneal Dot.. . The JTreitde, Braun, arrived at Swine- munde from this port on the 80th ult. ' ' The La Belle, Skare, sailed from Maas luis for this port on the 80th ult. Of course everybody will go to see Mrs. Oates on Tuesday night in "The Grand Duchess." She is one of Wilming ton's greatest favorites. V . ' v J The Vera, Sorensen, from this port for Antwerp, was off Falmouth on the 1st inst. - -- The C. Neumann Oadebohn, Dethloff arrived at Cuxhaven from this port on the 81st ult. - v::,, The ; British Brig Lone Star, Kenealy, arrived at Waterf ord f rom this port on the 3l8t Ult. . V'.,;'. , There were only 2 interments in Oak" dale Cemetery during the past week, both of which were, still-born infants. Tbe Steamship Tonateanda, Wiltbanks, hence on the 14th inst, arrived at Phila delphia at 1 P. M. yesterday, the 17th inst, The Register of Deeds issued 10 mar riage licenses during the past week, of which 5 were for white and 5 for colored couples. - ; In the House on Friday Sr. Maxwell introduced a bill Concerning inspectors in the city of Wilmington, which was appro priately, referred. Rev. D. K. McFarland, of Oxford, Miss., a young but able divine, will preach at the First Presbyterian Church to-day, morning and evening. t In the Supreme Court on Friday the 4th District was concluded with the case of the State vs. David, Martin, from New Han over. Attorney General ior tne state ; no counsel far the defendant. No decision yet arrived at. OarTnoreaei To-Day. Services iu St John's Church to-day, being the 2nd Sunday after the Epiphaay, as follows: Celebration ef the Holy Euchar ist at 74 o'clock jMorning Prayer at J 1 o'clock? Evening Prayer at 7i o'clock.' ' h. .Tampa' Chnrr.h. earner of Market and Third streets: 2nd Sunday after the Epipha- ny : Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock; Evening jl. a ckj a -x v vivua. Services at St. Paul's (Episcopal) ehurcb. corner of Fourth and Orange streets, at 11 A. M. and 7i P. M. Rev. T. M.: Ambler, Pastor. Seats free. First Baptist Church, corner ef Market and Fifth streets, Elder J. C. Hiden, Pastor. Services at 11 A M. and 7 P. M. Sunday School at 9 A. M. Prayer meeting Thurs day night at 7:30 o'clock. - At the First Presbyterian church, corner of Third and Orange streets, Rev. D. K. McFarland, of Oxford, Miss., will preach at 11 o'clock A. M. and 7i P. M. Services at the Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets, at 4 P. M. Services in St Paul's Evang. Lutheran Church as follows: Preparatory service (German) at 10 A. M.; German service and Communion at 11 A M.; English service' at 7t P. M. ; Sunday School at 3 P. M. Services at Front street M..E. Church at 11 A. M. and 7f P. M. Sunday School at 3 P. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7f o'clock- Seats all free. Gentlemanly ushers-: will be in attendance to conduct strangers to seats. Rev. R. S. Moran, D. D. , Pastor. Fifth Street M. E. Church, Rev. W. N. Conoley, Pastor: Services at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday School at 9i A. M. Class meeting at 3 P. M. Prayer meeting Thurs day evening at 7? o'cloek. Sendees at St. Thomas' Catholic Church, Dock street, between becond and Third, as follows: Mass at 7 and 10:30 A. M.; Cate chism at 9 :30. Al M. ; Vespers chanted at 4 o'clock P. M. ; Instruction given to the col ored poeple in the basement of the Church at 3 o'clock P. M. Officiating clergymen, Revs. Mark S. Gross, P.P., and James B. White. - ' . Independent Church Services at tbe Sea men's Bethel at 11 A. M. and 7i P. K, by Rev. H. B.-Burr. Sunday School at 9 A. M. Prayer Meeting Thursday evenings at 7i e'clock. - Services at St Mark's (Colored) Epis copal church, being the First Sunday after tbe Epiphany, as : follows : ' Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer at 7i o'clock. Pursuant to announcement, the Alumni and Senior Members of the Wilmington High School conyened at the , Library Rooms on Friday night last for the purpose of organizing ; themselves into an associa tion for their mutual moral and social im provement. The meeting came to order by Mr. Jos. N. Hintorf being called to the Chair, and Mr. Fowler being requested to act as Secre tary. , i-.f Upon assuming the Chair, the President addressed the meeting at some length in a very able and interesting speech. By motion of Mr. N Cowan Green, the President appointed a committee of four to draft suitable Constitution and By-laws for the government of the Society, and report the same at the, next ' meeting.; president appointed upon the committee Messrs. W Cowan Green, DeL. Evans, Thbs. G. Pick ett and Reuben; H.: Pickett- u tt'- was' unanimously Lresolvedl that this Society be known jRndJ designated as Tbe Lee Literary Society and that its meetings be held on the first and iblrdFrldsy nights of each! taohth. ; ' fl r, a ' An electiofl tor; Corresponding Secretary was entered Into, Iwhlch; resulted in 'the unanimous selection bf Mr Thos! G. Pick ett, after which the meeting adjourned. Vtf Fire ;in ; "BrookIyn-Tnre Balld t?:r lng-s beairoyea1. yj1-.-.'. ' ' Last night, about 7 o'clock, the alarm of fire was sounded, and was finally discovered to be located on Fifth, between Taylor and Nixon streets, in 'the section of the city known as "Brooklyn." iThe fire was first discovered bursting out of the south side or end of the house owned by Mr. Wm. Cam paign and occupied by a man by the name of Williams, whose family had not moved into it, he having lately came here from the country' and they not having yet followed him. ,,; We learn that Mr. Williams was not present at the time, the house being closed up, so no information could be gained as to the origination of ther fire. The wind was blowing quite strong at the time and the house was soon enveloped in flames. The house adjoining, owned by Mr. Chas. Huffman and occupied by a man by tbe name of Mason, soon caught,' there being only a gateway between them, and it too was speedily wrapped in the fiery mantle, the flames speedily communjeating to tbe next house South of it, owned and occupied by Mr. Samuel-Scarborough.' All three of the buildings were comparatively new, and, fed by the strong current ef air, were soon a mass of ruins. A small house just North of the one in which the fire originated, own ed and occupied by a colored woman named Sophia Merrick, was badly damaged in the effort to save it, all of the weather-boarding being torn from the end next to the fire. We learn that nothing was saved from the house in which the fire Was first discovered, hut that a portion of the furniture was re moved from the other two buildings. The various engines and the hook and ladder company with their truck were on the ground with their usual prompt ness, but tbe former could render no assis tance on account of the want of water. Tbe book and ladder company, however, did good service in leveling the.walls of the burning building, fences, &c., and thus as sisting in preventing the spread of the flames. Showers of sparks and cinders were carried by the wind to a considerable distance, but persons on the roofs of the various buildings in theic course prevented damage in that direction. The loss to the parties interested could not be definitely ascertained, but will prob ably ameunt to about $400 or $500 each. The parties were all men of small means, however, and it will consequently be severe ly felt by them. Mr. Campaign's house, we understand, was the only one insured. . mastscrateik' Courts. . Before Justice T. M. Gardner, yester day: The case of Officer Lewis Gordon, charged with the illegal arrest, assault upon and false imprisonment of Eliza Finch,-colored, came up for a hearing, when the defendant sub mitted and the case was dismissed on the payment of costs. To give an understand ing of this case we would state that a well known fiddler by tbe name of Henry An derson, who is working out a term of ser vice as a convict on the streets, was wanted by Eliza Finch, the complainant in this case, to furnish the music for a dance at her house. She went to tbe proper official and got permission for Andersen to go en con dition that she would become respensible for bis costs in the City Court Time passed on, and the money not being paid, Officer Gordon was sent to arrest Eliza Finch for the amount, which he did, whereupon she sued out a warrant before Justice Gardner against Officer Gordon en the Charges above specified. The Magistrate held that, where as, in the case ofAnderson the costs of the" Court were the subject of a criminal actiba, when the woman, Eliza Finch, became re sponsible for the same, it became a matter for civil procedure, and as a person cannot be imprisoned for debt, the case in question was clearly established as one ef illegal ar rest, false imprisonment and assault, in the eyes of the law. . .Joseph JUTnrpny. The Joe Murphy combination, under the management of that old acquaintance of Wilmington play-goers, Harry Watkins, will give one ef their inimitable entertain ments at the Opera- House to-morrow (Mon day) evening. The Savannah New of Tues day thus alludes to the efforts of the com pany in that place: . ..-s .'. Another crowded house greeted the sec-, ond representation of "Help at the Theatre last evening. Murphy, if anything,- ex ceeded his previous efforts he is simply immense and carried the house by storm. His personations of German and Irish char acter are conceded to be unequalled even by those who have seen Florence and Bar ney Williams. Iu truth, Mr. Murphy rich ly deserves his title of great, for he is unde niably par mceettance in bis various speciali ties. As be is in German and Irish, so is he in Ethiopian delineation, far excelling tbe most noted end men in the minstrel profession.!; His bone solo should be heard to be properly appreciated, as it is one of the most pleasing features in the entertain ment Those . who had the pleasure of being' present on Monday evening, ac knowledge that our notice of the perform ance in yesterday's .issue was merited in every Particular: indeed, that too great praise cannot be awarded so accomplish ed and versawie an actor as jut. josepn Murphy. . The drama was well presented last night, the various members of the company doing their resDective characters and themselves full justice. The play is exciting, thrilling and altnougn tne penormance is : some what prolonged by the entertaining and amuHing speciatuca, iue uuw bwouv ly dispersed with regref ' ' . . . - ina-ii Almost aFlre."-; K Considerable excitement was created Fri day night, about 8 o'clock, in the "vicinity of the corner ol Fourtn ana yrange streets, by the burning out of a feul .chimney, the sparks from; which were communicating with the roof.- The -family commenced moving their ; furniture; but? were soon in formed that the danger was over. There was no general alarm. Golden Lyra Lodge.' j ' f At a 1 regular meeting ' of Golden Lyre Lodge G. U. O. O. F., the' 'following offi cers were installed by a Committee of Free Love Lodge No. 14ti9, consisting of J. H. Cutlar, W..T. Harriss, John Sheridan; An thony; Maultsby and iL Ellis, to serve for the ensuing term : Chas. Walker, P.N. p.; Mathew Noble,! N. G. ; J. L. Mi Merrick, V. G. ; Jas. Eagles, Secretary Trim Lee, F. 8. ; Ishmael Lennon, O. . G. ; Anthony Back, L G. X - ; -rrranl -naja .n - Killed b a Tree. -,; r,-r We alluded in our last to the accidental killing of a white female near Lilesville by the falling of a tree. . . We since learn that tbe unfortunate was a respectable yeung girl, about 15 years of agerby the name of Henrietta Kelly. She was horribly crushed and mangled,. The accident occurred on Friday of last week. The JTIasque Ball. Those proposing to attend the masque ball on Tuesday night in masque are re quested to leave their names and residences with Mr. F. M. Agostine,at his confectionery store, so that a carnage may be sent . for them. Those wishing costumes will also apply to him. ' , Tax Receipts. The receipts at the office of the City Treasurer and Collector, during the week closing yesterday, footed up $810 35, of which $497 45 were for specific7 and $312 90 for real and personal taxes. The Express, Frelwurst, cleared from Dublin for this port on the 30th ult CITY ITEMS. LA.TZ Papkbs. To Harris' News Depot, , Wast aide Front Street we are indebted for copies of the New York Ledger, Chimney Corner and -FVoni Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper for the current week. Tbe staad will be open an til 10 e'clock this morning. Thx Lm ot Ed wis Forkest. The Lot. Bkki- M84 KNCK8, AND PEBSOKAL RXOOLLICTTONS OP Kn win P0BKK8T, the Great American Tragedian, by Jahxs Bku, (Colly Gibber), which have been ap pearing for several months past in weekly instat ments, in the Philadelphia Sunday Mercury, is now in press ana wm oe puDiisnea in a lew pays, m dook form, by T. B. Peterson A Broihera, 306 Chestnut street, fhuadeipiua.. The anthor, Keea, was not only a warm admirer of the tragedian, bnt a long time friend ; one of lie few men whd understood Mr. Forrest not only proiesaionaUy, but socially, and he uvi upuurtiuuuea yv-'wmcu vj uu uae iie, Ji ap preciating 4118 character m the private detail? of his career. He has also caref ully revised and re-written the whole of the Reminiecences and Personal Recol lections, and the whole will now be published in one large .uodeclmo volume of new Six Hundred pages, and be printed from the newest type on the finest white paper. Every copy of the work will contain a portrait of Kdwin Forrest engraved on steel, in line ana stippie. m the finest st ie 01 tne eneravers art. from the last picture for which Mr. Forrest sat. and which he pn no 'need to be the best portrait ever taken of himself, a- well as a copy of his Autograph, and his Last Will in Full. The work will be bound in morrpeco cloth, gilt back, and be sold to subscrib ers at tne low price or rwo Dollars a cod v. Advance copies of this work will be sent, pst-paid, to all sub scribers, prior to the day of publication, upon any one remitting the price, Two Dollars, at once to the p .Winners. T. B. Peterson & Brothers, 306 Chestnut street, rnuaaeipnia. Priktins Patkr. We now have in stock over S00 reams of news paper, size 34x36, weight 30 fis per ream. It is good, rag paper, and will be sold, in ots to suit, ror caau, or sent Dy express U. u. L). The consolidation of the Carolina Farmer and the Weekly Star havinK largely increased the circulation of the latter, advertisers will find it an admirable medium of communication with the farmers and planters of the two Carolinas. For the Morning Star. RAILROAD TO THE SOUND. Mb. Editor: Lately I had occasion to visit your city, where 1 arrived on a beau tiful day in this present month -ef January. I was invited to accompany a party of gen tlemen to the sound, as they term it I had often heard of the old-fashioned sound par ties, and I Was eager to avail myself of the invitation. I went and was wefrrepaid f or my visit After a ride of one hour and aj quarter, we came .in sight of -old ocean, rising ia all its grandeur, dotted here and there with some snowy-white ; sails, that added much to the picture. After we had imbibed a little (which I understood is not an unusual practice with the gentlemen that frequent the sound), we sauntered to the lauding, when, . after hav? ing built a fire, we ordered oysters for six, and for fear of the shells remaining in our craws, we thought it advisable to wash them down, so our .black friend was passed around and welcomed, with many, a gulp. After a pleasant chat, my views were asked respecting tbe scenery, &c I hardly know what I said then, but I must say that I had no idea you had so beautiful a place so near Wilmington. - I learned it is a fine place for bathing,, not exceeded on the coast Some of the spots that I saw were beauti ful. . -. ;. ' . . I seeyou have the street cars in Wilming ton, : 1 Why not' extend the track to the sound? Do you ask mei it would be a prof itable investment f I. answer, . most de cidedly, fit would not only put money in your podkets, and yield you a good divi dend, but it would amply repay yovi in add ing health and comfort to your citizens. Do tbe street cars that run out of Savannah pay ? Most assuredly they dot Do you think there is a city North of us which, if it had the advantages Wilmington possesses, would not have long ere this bad a car run ning to that point ? The distance is noth ing, in comparison with other cities, where citizens have a much longer route to travel, to inhale the sea air. Reflect upon it, you who have the street car interest at stake. It would seem that money could not be in vested in a better enterprise. . M j ; It may be said with truth that there fi no produce to be brought, from the sound. Even so; if, it did not furnish one ounce of freight,1 the travel would mest certainly pay ali the year round. '- Little cottages would spring up along the line of the road, where the mechanics would rest free, from the necessarily burdensome taxation of the city, where health would smile benignly Upon his better half and his way-checked respon sibilities could snuff the pure country air,4 and where the noise and bustle of town life would be a thing unheard of. In fact, it would give vigor to your whole community,. It is no experiment It la a perfect open aud shut game. It has been tried elsewhere with success. I would like to see the enter prising citizens take .hold of it, and I am convinced that there are many in the com munity who think with me. I trust a "hint 10 the wise Is unlcleiit.nv;r---.- t Imporf ant llotxce. , HAVTSa PURCHASED THX dTTCENS MAR ket corner Second and Market Btreeta, I ahall open Monday with a full line of CHOICS MX Al & 1 reopecttuuv aohcit the patronage of my friends and the public generally v I guarantee they will always And the best of evert3 to my lbie. . JanlMt ' . T.A, WATSON, WHOLE NO.5 1,970 NEW, ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE ! . . . : TRACT W. T1TU8 ........... .Max aq u. 4 ONE NIGHT ONLY. ; Tuesday Eyeniag, Jan'y 20th. : ti The Season's Greatest Attraction -:. : 1 . .... Only appearance ot the fascinating Southern Klghri ; ingale,' an, JasTa. , , , ; O T "El S , j . .. . And her newly augmented , Comic Opera Company. First time of Off enbach'a Oomle Opera in four acta, .. . fi entitled ; . ... , i THEjRlH VM CHESS, ADMISSION Parquette and Dress Circle, $1; Farquette Circle. 75c.; GaUeries 60c and 5c Ue served Seats, without extra charge, at Heinsberger's Bookstore. , 4.W. ALIJN&OS&- jan 18-St sun tue Business Agent . Commissioner's Sale . - - o -' . !-' SEAL ESTATE. ADRIAN A TOLLXRS, PLAnrnm, against JOHKT W. MILLIS, j-.. -KIJZABMH MUijS, fDnASTt- gT V1KTUJE OP, A JUDGMENT OT FORX- closure and sale made in the above - entitled action, the subscriber, a Commissioner for that purpose du- ly appointed, will sell at the Court Boose Door in the City of Wilmington, on WEDNESDAY, the 18th day of February, 1874, at 13 M., the ESAL ESTATE and mortgaged premises directed by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as. follows: "Be ginning two hundred and sixty-seven (267) feet North of the North-Western Intersection of Wooster and Seventh Streets, on the Western aide of said Sev enth Street and running North along said Sev enth Street thirty-eight 08) feet, thence West, par aljel with said. Wooster Street eighty (90) feet, thence South thirty-eight (38) feet, thence East eighty (80) feet to the beginning." - t TERMS OF SALE CASH. - , ; ,. . , F.G.ROBINSON, Commissioner. MARSDEN BELLAMY. Plato tllT Attorney. ' Janl825,Jebl518. r?,; UNDERTAKER, Cabinet Makerv the Odd 1 Fellows' building, where he la prepared to do all kinds of '--' . . ...... Undertaker's & Cabinet Maker " . work. . , ; Coffins and attendance at funerals furnished at .5 ,n.otlce' ad satisf action guaranteed in all kinds of Cabinet work. jan 18-eodlm sun wed frl 8. L. YOPP. A CARD TO" LADIES. toenlareemv Hair Drassln tMMfhmn left i he store of Mr. A. D. Brown for more spacious premises situated on South side of Market, between Second and Third streets, I thank them for past fa vors, ana will continue to manufacture all kinds of HAIR GOODS, ' In all styles at reasonable prices. Also ,184168' and Children's Hair Dressing and Cutting. ; . Alwayson hand, patterns of the latest Parisian Styles received every 'month. ' jani8-xt F I'hROINAND DELHOMME. YyHEREVE R THE Favorite" Flour has been fairly and fully tested it has proven "itself. . '. . : .... .A .' - ' '.- -j " .! -ii .'.-i.i;:-.y:a j f . Superior In. Every Good 0,dalitr ' " , I : ., ' ; .f . i ji-1 totirtih'ktT.' Sold enry by at' Jiand 7 North Ftont'Stieet. j. ' Jan 18-tf ' ; :;; jCHAa P. MYBRife CO.- ! 4 7. E ENGLISH DAIRY, r ' "' and CREAM CHEESE. I . CHAS. D MYERS CO., i ; h ;ii 8 and 7 North Front St . Jan 18-tf t Bacohy fork & Bice. Aft BOXES D. 8. SIDES, V J 80 Smoked Sides. ijTfJ TIERCES fs BBLS. RICE. . FQ BBLS. PORKC For sale by' Jan lt-tf F. W. KERCHNER. SflniT, Basiiiig & Res. r . , - A BBLS. & HALF BBLS. SNUFF. AV CA ROLLS B4GGINO, 1.0d0Bdls:"Tles. , ' ' .?"-5Si Jan 18-tf osfsaleby : .-r. -W. KERCHNER, ' Drug Store For Sale.4 THE 8TOCK AND FIXTURES OF THE STORE on the Southwest corner-of Market and Front Btreeta. aud lately occupied by Wooster tt Conoley, Everything in good saleable condition. Stand the most pupultf and oldest in town.- Lease one year, with the privilege of three years, on fair ttrms. ' Terms for Stock and Fixtures liberal. - ' AddIv in nerson or bv teleenmh to 'i ' UEO F. ATKINS. City of roimington, '-' ; Jtmrtrs office, i rfA i vki:t.vvrt. - 1 January yifb, 1974. f : ,t; BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THIS OF 11 ce until Saturday. i4th day of January. 1874. at li o'clock, M.. for the Paving of thaBidewalka on Prinress between Water and Second Streets, on Second between Princess and Market Streets and on Market between Second and Third Sta. wfth the best. Eastern Brick (what Is known as the Eaaternt linck en); said walks to be laid i front af aH property that has not agood brick or stone sidewalk at tkw time, W. P. CAHaFaTT i JaalStsunthusat ..'.. , 1 Xqor. V'Jaflu Aifis;Hacrpfflers, -V 2g ; poz; BOXING AXES. "t Iflfl DOZ- PULLLER5.: - i t- AVU )00 Doa Hacka. , , For sal by i Jaal&tt .FWl KXRCHNER. ' Pfllatocs, Cli'eesa taoC! :." ,7 100 BBLST-BARXY ROSE" POTATOES. 150 Bagggk J - jror saieuy JanlSktf w. KjtscijsrKB, I TAKE THE PLEASURE OF INFORMING THE Ladies of Wilmington and vldnitv tht n ni " H fmnnntlii 15 00 I r , y . ( Th,,. awnttui.,, 00 wnavear...v.....;wi....;J... w Contract Adverttaementa taken at propor nonateiy tow rates. Five Squares estimated' as a raarter-column, and teaaquaiesaahalf-otdumn. i - '.. I MTSCKTiL AKEOU8. ins . 1 ... Corsets, Corsets, Corsets Wortli $1 50 ' For 75c. JuAJLL anb.kx amine them at A. D . BROWN'S, EXCHANGE CORNER, - DEALER IN Millinery,' Hosiery, Kid Gloves, ONE PRICE! r : ? TERMS CASS! Jan 15-tf SUNDRIES. s. a RICE IN TIERCES AND BARRELS; 1 GOFFUES BIO, LAGTJAYRA. AND JAVA; OUGASS-ALL GRADES; r ' ; flXiVXr-SUTTQL TO EXTRA FAMILY; lxalip, Candlei, Fb Crackers, . lots to strrr, : For sale at ADRIAN VOLLERS'. dec -tf -. -. L&B6B , i mf AUD" ATTRACTIVE SALE AT : AUCTION Saved from wreck of steanuhip Sher man by Schrs. Spray and Florence. , M CSONLT ' AnetIoneerr j- ': ; ' By CRONLY fc MORRIS. ON MONDAY NEXT. J9TH TOT COM mencing at 10 o'clock A. M., we will sell at our Sales Rooms, Sooth Water Street, under inspection of the Agent of the Underwriter, for and on ac count of whom it may concern, all the Genial Hwcndise j SAVED FROM THE WRECK. OF, STEAMSHIP r8 11 Mi li M A. Jx y By Schooners SPRAY and FLORENCE, viz : 795 Pieces Prints, , , T ' I7S Pieces Sheeting, - , , 400 Dozen Spool Cotton, ' . V 160 Pieces Deains, f 886 Piece Velvet Ribband, ' 830 Dozen Tape, 69 Pieces Corset Jeana, - - . , . ' 85 Piece Blea Sheeting, i neces i-t oaeeosg, ? w 65 Dozen Comb, 19 Bug,. : . b, ' 18 Rolls Matting, ' li PleeeM Mole 8kln, nonkirfrkinic -485,PakShoea,7 .-. 7 f - .TT- ,iS ltyrtWdyCaMorted): With a General Aaaoitmarojt fiariirare Fascj 0ot Stationery, &c. ' ' ' " ' Aim ft game .time aodplae, ON METALIO tlFX BOAT, FT. LONG. ' kjSf lnp?ftm tnray 17tb inst; 10 oclock r jTany 16, .187441; . . ,' 4. :,,,. OPERA HOUSE ! nit ; in .. . .... i MANAGER, ............ ... ,. .HARRY WATKINS . GENERAL AGENT. . .V.. V..GEO. W. REED. h: lie i&ieatest of ; ali , Attroctioiis ! ONE ITOGHT Mondar, Jannarr Idtb. Introduction of the celebrated Coatadlan, and great est of all Dialect Artist, IttMtederU great SpedaKy DramaT ''' H li'IiP , ' ' p. Iatreduelng'hl worid-famoua. "SKETCHES OP TiKUTCHLAND," Comicalities and Wltrlcismi. IF YOU FIND HIM OCT YOU'LL FIND BIM IN. Secure your seat, at P. Heinsberger's Book More, and avoid the rash that will be made to witness the acting of tue truly-great artiste. . , . jan 14-6t NOTICE TO SELPPEES. INSURANCE POLICY HAVING EX- pired the Lorillard Steamahlp Company assume no monltMtiafi BJakf,.j f , . -.,-'' ParUe heretofore7 covering their neks through th Steamship Company will please' take notice. $ 6si" ts'i.-.-j ' C BARKY BROTHERS, janH-at 'Poteopy":;'; Agent. TICK! TIOK! TICK ! "Joliii H. jmcJr., WATCHMAKER Ain' JEWELER H: 11 North Frcstt 8f reea, ,VT ILMI NOT 0 IT, H. C. ALL WORK DONE1 IN A WOCKMANLIKX manner. With an experience of twenty veer at the bench; he guarantees to rtv aatifaetiom and prices to salt the time. Give him a trial. Be has on hand a very fine assortment of Watches and Jew elry, clock, silverware. Pocket Cutlery, Ac. i - V. R Ship Chronometers properly adjasted. . dee 11 tf Ladies9 Belts, 'JUPIXS A3tP GENT7S TEPNJgB, SATCHELS. fthaM Strata, BaltataJMhHieuth Saddle a4 Parga flirtQn.N.O. ago they made rai4 - Wof h In. -