'I -1 the nomrtncFSTAR. - PUBLISHED uau.yiiix - . EATxs or iDBacniraoir. : ' .$7 00 ix mbhtM, hi advance C - l.V..:...... 3 60 Ae month, in (ft Tn CitV SQDfCnoers, ueiiTvrcu ut mj innui iu ,u Fifteen Cents per week. - Oor City Afeeata are not authorised t inthorUed to colitX loct for more taa&; months la advance. Western estimates b;th;pcki of the season show a falling off f l75,000 obo pounds.','. "rr- ':.I)w6tUii'fiaa'iii inundated at .iCro nVise gives the Republicabs the speakership of the Iowa House of , JreseDtatives, but the Anti-Monoplyi party coipi otKer offices and the chairmanship 6f ihe impor tant committees.: ' Madam:s Parepa Rosa is dead: tl-'tQs breiog, a Glasgow vfXtf Yesterday the grand wedding of (he Duke of. Edinburgh and Grand' Duchess Mana of Russia, pcc'n"Tkt';:fci J Manner of electing President wilt 1 be considered to day tn Congress' . t r iwa I ........ I V....... , Parepa Rosa, th great prima douV jia, died ih London night before lasti. .. - , I. - -i ; i i:vu. .: . . I.:. I .' .,J 'i !J .!)'Jilb:Jji: North Oaroliiia tejatura Condensftpti .: .THIBTYKINT'D1i'' -! ; On motion of Mr. -Wiring; the rales were suspended and a. resolution con- j cerning the penal ana benevolent in stitutions of the" State was puton its third reading and pasd.;:Jt reads as follows: i .... :-r ::' ';'. -' -.. ; 1 Resolved by ttet&w iyf Representatives eorhcurrirtff, That a committee of three on the part of the Seuate; ind four on-tfapart of .he House be appointed to ionsider nd digest some plan j by which. A uiore. economic system may be devised fojr the management of the' penal and be nevolent institutions 'the1 - State, u4nd that they report fcy bill i' or bUi" T Vrr lv' :i- ...s.-'.-a - Unt n: ' I Mr. Waring moved that the bill be engrossed, and sent-to tthe ;House.-4-Carried; ; i!'"K;r"1ffY: ! j Oa motion of Mr. Worth, the ' biU for tbe justmentif i the'3tote jdebt be made the special order for Mon day next at J2 -o'clock,- and that com raunicatioas from State officers be re ferred to ihe finance committee Agreed to. ' " - ., j By Mr. Troy, a resolution concern ing the management of the Peniteni tiary which was on his motion adop ted nnder a suspension of thelrales. The resolution provideor aa inves tigation of affai connected with the institution, t-ahd,' power -tp send for persons and papers. . . , . . " By Harris, colored, ia ' bill with an accompjinying petition J from th0 grand jury of Wake county, to pro vide for- transportation of convicts j released f rpna . the Penitentiary tQ the counties . whencft they, 4 came. Rer if erred. r - S i5y the samea WTl to 'incorporate he Cape Fear'ottOB and Woolen 3IiD. .Referred y ,;.lJrv it r ; , ML DuhhamV resolution 6f yester day to Hetjonetder the bill concerning the n&ury Hvf - was. taken' up. The motion .was seeoosidered.- i Mr. Allen mojcd to re-consider the vote by Whioh itihe raxnendment of the I Carried' (ttwt-ibira 7.-:wW;rs hI Mi' udt was madral;;WflefcJ . Saturday next; Mr. Dunbamrxi'ove4 ;t1atnit be printed! Carriedy K nT i Mr. Avefa mcrVerythi5 fcSlpptcj priating a Bum tlfual to the sum con tributed by tbfcf cilteens of the State- to the Oxford Orphan ; Asylumy . pro - vided that the sum. do not exceed $6 j- 000, bd taten up. : HiW:p0 : vides f or4be colored i3rm If qJbi' van Asyliim shoaWt be organizei w4 f 1. tpWJVpriJltibali - i 'baa Smfwr'rr-ffl ,i Mr DnnhanXJiia WM .eonstitaiionalto make the appropri- ?tion, wauld like to' hear from Sena- itors, as.o avpoinx,na.was,uipo8eu tto give' the orphan th benefit of . his ritnon th.oaght5it ewtximjMt. Norwood ii2kjitjtg.nrpi- conld make the appropnatioh; Mf. Worth diinovWnkVbe had a right to vole 'donations'to., chantbl,nsti tutions. f- .' .f.tf ! Mr. Dunham .objected to - the ion cairencejbecatjse bf ; h'jsnp'plicfttory .character of the resolfltioni i ZJarrHriioili; as .'Wh ruled out of .'order; -i' vthifi i Go oxtion of Mr. Powell,; Tie Sen- rite acljcrned 16 7:30 o'clock; PrJVl.;, J lOtJE OF jREPRENTATIVES. 1 rif g -0-'j: ' t ,8'''-.:'J3t':.l'-"I" - . . . ,. .'TtfUEspAV Jan,;,22. i Mr. Speaker-Robinson, a memorial from the. j Chkmber)pfv: Cotott , ftt Jlmington. .; . . jfr ;,T J Mr. Bean,, a petiUon to incorporate JigelEhurch ; if itanuoipu county. ,1. i . OudTevi cbL:: a tjetltibbltd ettabliah : a collegiate instltate for h colored vouth of this Stated ht . vi iKfo t r. r Mr.;:: Brb wnf lW&8tM boards depntyl? Zion M. E, cuc tck conn- 1 ' TYni linnr ?friV.WfttaVin 8peciarcomrnitte6'feinMgaw taia ehariyeaiirfluafit tha W n exonerating botn 'paruefcvwA- Mr. Bishop, a bill to prohiblPtbfe sale off, llotog wi'thirrfiihre BWff of I - . 1 1 - . i B-s. ...tv. - -t-t n - fail rmTi an - rhfai aairin mw.. m Tri WfknrV"" 1 III I ! l 4 .ttntlY j iJS- the , institutionf or the Deaf, Dumb and Blind for the year 1874.. Thiii Hfeffi?1 .some, disciisaioo. . to postpone until Monday next. Not agreed to..;"":::"'--:':"-.- k 'iWab opposed 'tixc bill -r did not want his ' people" taxed in that Jar. yarter advocated the passage of tbe bill a"s did , Gorman. i Mr. Bean moved to strike out $46, 500 and insert $45,000. Mr. Morine to amend bv inserting The amendments of Mr. Bean and MjujMoriagwerei&jJtediiun - l.ne amendment offered by Mr, ;ii ......... . ' I , Aftef oehaooacyhe bUil6tie8 resnenslbrntfetf which its termi- oy jur.3 carter,0 etialnnatt '6f lJthe comU mittee on the Deaf. Dumb and Blind .ryln.m gftjkh;t ormeuth.bill passed its several read?ntni. ! name of Lillington wa announced vm j - - . .. . f otiu tue uiii reau. MKigtimfird 6wthVo&i- and Mthwigh. very eblti Jo aa, earoest aurapieauner. ayjocatedahjpa pas sage of the bilL ' I Lovcblantl 'Mrlteaton op- posea the' bill"1 ,'.J0,';r THE SIAISBIIB TWINS. Objecllott or Their Vamillos to i Post Igorf m , Kti mln tlo. ; : " tSpecial idispatch ta the, Dally GazetteuJ : Gbsbnsboro, Jan. 21. I , There has been nb'pos&morte,tn ex amination of the bodies of Change and JLng, nor will there be. The medical men "arrived after the 'death of both twin?j and when they proposed, to ex amine the 1odies the family objected -n4 ;norexajninatQn;sWas' made. It appears there .is a provision in thp wills of the twmaaglnstihe sever ance of their bodies after death-M.hey prohly AnUcipaUog hat ou-woold no survive the other very long. The bodies, I learn, we're given to an en i balmer,,ab:d - tbb funeral : took -place ion .fc moBuayr -1 ney :: aiea .earjy . on ;Saturiiay norningK:;:;;;' i Mount Airy, the . residence of th0 twins, Is such ahT5utyf-the-way place that no medical assistan ce .; could be procured till some hours ) after theit' death. L ,Tb& ', suTgeons Swished parti- LcniaflyjtbLatt bound tlje wna together, so as to as certain the . nature of the connection, and the probabibltiea. as;,to wheUjer Eng Kfe'cculoi Jbave been savea by detachaient f rom his brother's corpse. bowe?er, they . were,not i lljw; d to do i aadO aa this jtsiogular mys tery will never-bc .explained. The (wins leave & ,T?ry respectable : pro perty 1HSU1UU UieUU'.a;.,:;. -u .-.l :..oi .i. j Tbo Kmlla, Tlw malls wultloseftba this 4te as1 fol- niwaV a3sV.V: 8 7; H. , H; ithrovgh -and1 way day) ' : SoutherB jiiaU.i.ii.,t .-r ...- v8 P. Ml Bmithville;' atttday and Tue-i:' ' .n ays .. .. Jr a. m. Fayettevul8.Trr,'itodtfa and' Tayettevilleby C. C. R W., daily 5 A. M. unsiow v. li-y v.norse man; every tfnaav. oa.au KUOiA- 'CttAlfCB OF AOKWTS. Mr. 5Yw & Silis succeeds Mr. Hugh Green as Agent for The Hoxjxsa ta lor that portion of the city South JI the centre or -. -iitrla rr1 f. ' ."rr. vl;.. jf- Mr F.IHb contract dales from Ja'nnaiHi 1. 1OT4, and moneys 09rein3aaimeuB pay able to him. .j KruQraejilffill assifit.Mr: Ellis until Feb ruary 1, in order that Mr. E. may become To City Safcoerlbera iCortb or Jllarfcet WhessVsaTton, our elar Aeeni for that nortioaCiof tberoit North of Mawcet street, WiH probably Thornton1 has bii rsuhsrltute ffehjehig not. be Able to get around as early, or Uver the papers as satisfactorily, as ourreg nhjjr Jigent .anbsenbew- who. f ajj. m re- 1 he office' rot tkent'r tidiww i k: iQBEKir iruuriiEB-Ai great ;nedicftii. O. R. FBKNcn JO?-7Boots and shoe. sWiu; wwo M. ! clmrcli. -fff . Welearri tbanKtb6r services in St. Thomas' Catholitf : Chhrcb. Biaadpbr'RanVtfHa and V!car-Apo8toic of NortvCjBfrohia5-yitij "Holy SacramentofjConUo AM., and tithe aervice at 106 A., rSllcbnwWthe Parish to the Sacrett The pew open to tranwra. -Pf"1 The Schr, Cseifr' H. HuraiCHSEN Consignees,, notice. .Mi 11 &. I'll ?'TiJ- . ... ; T. C. kbvo8s- City poll taxt &c. 1 HECjfgBSBOgBr-yew .books.; J , iill.J.nil:- I )L 1 11 11 I iwmm ' - . '-- I a.Dimn tne- evening r"' . ''r w -m - r w r . . h . i 1 -b'na Jn i x.irraBieEkToiv. ? -?Hts ,t1 .ir5 .iitt-;i Serenade or ibe.I.aie", 24 lb. Reclmeat N. 'O. Troopv tikColvilel Clarke- Mpeectaen or JTa4aea Clarke,-Cant TOWM h ft on i i; iii'j fr-.Ci ?- On Wednesday ngu Haatf . tliere was a .grand: and interesting re-union, . , Lumber- ton, tne music being suppaea ' py the ; fine xjuiuueriua ranu, unaer me leauersuip oi Fred. Bond, Esq., and the occasion being aserehaae:;the 'tfnenit K a State Troops to Col. Clarke, u Tttia gentle-' man came ioxward iirid ! acknowledged the complimuiit paid hhn. in i speech, says ;our correttKmden t, reptete with patriotic fervor Katies and respenslbttittetf which 7 its, termi uauou ana results aevoiTea upon our peo ple, its effect upon tni! fortunes of himself and Others, and concluded bjr ' saying that if we wished to restore eur former pros- yciuj we must turn , uuc aiuuoa :, iu ;tbe, development . the; 4 resources of the State, &c." He " then introduced in complimentary terms, Colonel: Edward Crahtwelr Fho ' referred :;l4y iftattering re marks to the soldiers of the' late 24th Con federata Regiment and to CoL Clarke's cpn- necl'wahthe army boiniiaxico and in Virginia. He also alluded to the duties of paotism and self:brifice which -we pwe to 4he .State. -Said, jfprth Carolina stood foriiim as hJacotuitryandhe found iuucuik. AUj iyttceiye a pawousoi . wuicn could emlpje any others i The nation had grown so ;laige and was so constantly in creisuigi. thai it was fast becoming associa- bail i&.lkimind .Ith' . tie general ;brother- hsod of ll huniamHyj:! The Btate had sur- vivedJ and would Burvive forever. tfoL iiax3ttcCay behigloudlj called for,;rpojded ixf. a speech, of great humor J and etoquence.y . He said that he had com manded Home Gnards and that he still de sired nb higher military responsibility. He lovid ITorUi l CaroljiE was Witii her as once Naomi was to Ruth. Mr. McBryde of the 24th Regiment, Mr. Leiteh and ethers s being called out, re sponded m the'happiest terms. The occa sion '.was one "long to be remembered. Many' compliments were paid to the patribt- sm'aiid braVey -of thtf "old oldies,, oh the field, and their conduet in the .quieter walks of peaceful life; ..The company separated with the best feelings for their old Confederate leaders, and expressions of routiuUkmdpess, Confeases Bla GKllt. A; week; or so ago,, it will be remembered, W. T. Thaxtoa and David Joyner had! an eunihiatioh before justice Gardner on the charge of abstracting a package of postage stamps, amounting in. value to $105, from a maucaroa the W.'R. it, which reslied in Joyner's being eld in the sum of $1,000 for bis appearance at Court, while judjjpiicnpa Thaxtbii'a ease waa reserved. On TTawsflay evening liiaxton sent lor umefMjarf and conxeseed nis Hgout, dui exonerating Joyner, who he says had athingiodo ji0t the iaatter.CiThaxtoh says, howerer, that : he. did: not. steal the stamps, but found them on the track rolled up jfn a newspaper the morning after they '' n .-Uj.- . . -?(- '-i - . were missing, umcer uarr aetecxea several inaccuracies In his statements in reference to tlnisjtterjxuke of Vwhlch was that he oly had some $37 or $47 worth, while the officer has already obtained possession of f upugh t -amount to $44 94, anekaowa of about $30 worth which have bceaoold to different parties and which aye not neenxecovcrsj na. JBUUKtMC0Uy by e-bfQce, tly1the not nr ut nil ahnnt the matter. - :There i still: : considerable , mystery! at tached to the affair and both Thaxtotr and Joyner will beiheld . to answer at the ap- proachiBg term of the Ui & District Court. aattffntion of those of our citizens -to- like to hav the Street Railway pass thcir; doors or in their vicinity is called to a con-! mMicaiien addfised.to' 4henv Mdch will ' be foundln -another part of our paper this mbrnmg?::Mcah'read thed vantages which the extension of the raU- Way tO UM KVUUUUl uwuif n vuiu doviuv, and 4ha;cpmmuuication sets,: ..forth very cleartydfaf Jl'!.!.9. ken and" the small amount of capitolrequhreil to be AH'Ift'iwW ohlynecessarjr 'for a .fe JhdlyWfnm: to -interest themselves in the- matter amd there will iM Wdimculty in securing the amount &Ired,s when' they ' Will hb only possess the a,dviit8getf of easy and cheap . access to other portipns of tbe cjy, but derive a hand some dmahdt frWtiieir inveslment. Wje hbpe'tbe aggeons of our correipohdent will receive the consideration which their importance merit, and that before many mouths-tiro Wad wW ttot only e : running I to oor Southern suburbs,; but that arrange ments j!jusb;hf perfected tbjexteh to the Sound. Par Tar Taxea. r , f h';Persbni;owtog- fessionalcrincomeittx lot 1873, are noti fied to:'callat.the.offlee of the City Treasut- d aettlithosame.hef6re 01 jreoniaryas au uu astb not pa!4ilhailaymiJt1sJJ and the it will W to.ihftintereatM.;att ... I i V." I I 1 1 II n.V:.iH.iiNM-Jll.',U.. II TTT II 7 1 1 I . ' II ' mm ' 1 I . 1 .1 L m I I I VV m 1 . : if "Mi Ioeal .Dots. 'j.jj 'German brig was reported in below yesterday and another brig Off the inlet.11' j 'Tfie Schr:!lf3!;Fisehr, Arrived at New York from this port bo flw Mst. 'V ! i "e'rTUM'CCobk. ar- rived at Jacksonville ffom thipbrVbhihe Officer' "j! 'W, J'Naslij bf thr? police forfee, is reported in ' the" :.laSt "stage of con- snmDtion'. h 'shiUK Clear. or clearing weather, lower tem perature, rising barometer and Northerly to Westerly wmds predicted for torday. ' ' f-: . . r ; ... - - , . t ; '. ,1:; :i . 1 A memorial . from: the j Chamber of Commerce of. this city was presented in the- House i jon; 1 Thursday, by iMru Speaker Robinson. .jhii..i i m la parting with Mr.Hugh Green, who leaves .US Febraary 1, we wish to teatify to thftfaithfuiaess and efflciency with which he has discharged the duties of bis position, and towish.him the fullest saeasure of suq- cessia his new faeme. i lu fci:o;jinvu I The inarriage hoilce sent to the ' Stab from Peacock's Station Is not inserted for the reason0 that- ndh name accompanies it. and for the further reason' that marriage . hbticei are charged for at half bur advertis ing.rates (50 'cents) wheh paid 'for1 In id vancea'and $i :,when not paid .for in ad vance. ' .' : V., h. Vf ., .:' : Carolina Central KaUwayv '1 ' The"CharIptlST Obtener is informed that work onthhr road between Wadesboro' and Monroet Is progressing favorably. It is ex pected to have the grading between the two places all completed by the first of March, and by the first of June, it is believed that trains will be running mrougb from Wil mington to Monroe. '.Very little .new work has been done between Charlotte and Mon roe, but those in charge think that all the work necessary to be done between the two places can be comypleted by next winter. So that it is likely, remarks our cotempo rary, that in less than twelve months, Char lotte and Wuinington our " City by the Sea "will be connected by an unbroken chain of raU. j Mayor conrt. . The cases of Eliza Finch, Ceph. : Finch, EDeh Jaiaes and Geo. E. Borden, charged withj assaulting' Elhbeth . Merrick : and throwing her out of doors, came up for a hearing yesterday morning. The parties were all.'f ound guilty and Eliza Finch was required to pay a ne 01 fau - ana costs, Ceph. Finch $10 and costs, and G. E. garden $10 and costs. In the case of Ellen James, judgment was suspended on the'payment of beets. .There are two "oth er cases against the first named, which will be heard thia ; morning. There were also two or threo other .cases continued orw-for a future hearing. s 10 " ; 1 By a letter received, by a gentieman of this city, we are glad to learn that there is a probability of an early return of the Ber ber Family and Sol Smith Russell to this City. The many friends of this excellent troupe will also be glad to hear that they have been tendered a four weeks, engage ment lhOiymrTJatre 'ITew York, commencing on the 2d of March. New Coantr. - ' ' ' 1 The bill to establish the new county of f iJll&gtbn clnnB uplh ttie)Houa on Thurs day. A motion was made to indefinitely postpone, upon which a long debate en- fcued,' w'henv'on motion;s1he 4 matter was finally postponed and, made the special order for yesterday at 40 o'ciock. Forlhe Morning Star. ! Clty Jtallway .Soatfeyof Karket Street. ';Db tlio citizans -residing' On Veventh, Church and streets,, .and adjoining blocks desire a Citv RaQroad track and cars passing fliel V doors and affbrding them easy and cheap access o Market, rWater and Froi$ streetsT WdkpbtarIf 30, now is the time to build it. .'Mrph Is cheaper than it wttX he again . for a year to come, while labor is abundant " The sum 'of 9 IVtO IH Iml1il tnA nmiln t a WO -ww m waa vmmw 4 1 xne SWCK JtW prqerrea 1 ao a snare and -300 shares will raise the capital re auired. Are there not CO! citizens in the .vicinity that will take (3) three shares each? Are there not 00 outers inai wui w ; two shares eachf Ad are therimet W oihr'SO that will take one share each? .We think there are. If by that means the - Rail road can be secured !)i ; , The enhanced value of property yrSl pay the investment three tisaes over, and they are assured that Such is the1 fact and they can. alab secure a dividend of q to 8 rr cent, ner aBnum on their stock. ; !; . ': Who will call : a meeting of the citizens Sbuth bt Market street to dlscusa the queB tinit and see what can be donai.j. . .,. ( : Who will undertake t6 raise the $35,000 to $40,000 to bund and equip the Railway to the. sauna r ...- - .1.. --.w.,:nH Mf.,i WT. : AtSk a--JUKO -u:.U'-: 'Reinabihihilmb . A Toney r Amory, ; .Eliza' Aliens, .Thilo tF B-Wm Boaxdraan. Robert Button. Robt ;E;Berry, Rbbt BateyPeter' Belli; Martha iJrown, juary uum juerou, x-jsi inn( wso Barrett, lH-B Bryan,- Heary Briaat, - F H .runson vnaers joray, jr, aui- piW ontlar viC,--,! iyin t ; . -OiiOaotC-i W Chase.- EKvah Chatttoh. MarlOoBMCall, RhtiCpfer, . T nTnhn Dahmec JOa ETfSi.-titfSnner.B FarO, G R O Grant, Francis Gend: H-Aaron Haughtov'Caroline Hendef- son,:UT idaringv iiajp ilinion, ja Jtian-kins,- C A Harper, Peter Hagerty, Ned Hewiettirnaianwidtt:BnaHart. J-NathW"Jonea;T 615 fircones, Kate Janet,'Kincher Jtmea; Fannie, Johnspn. B Johnson. - nnttiJL K-2ackSooncDKunnteyti ( - t : : L Chas Luckev. Charles towe, 1 Davie LofuX Jos Lewis; li: M U liurpheyV' Jucf-urson- ma Murphy, K PlIcKoy., Martha Meeks, Mat R. ' M ll! ...... . II , K A. . V II 'I.Jf lVi ! i ' r i,.T:i'i Mendenhall, Thompson Moore, W J Mor ris, Wm M&kinterei.!U'Vf Vu0 r iN Charle3fN,ielLr Julia Nia;! Jane Nor man. -O Starkey OdenV'Lawyd Owehs.?" ' PrA P Pro. Ernie Piersafiu Dossv Pav ton. Molifc '3 ,0?ppe, Margaret " Parr, C, B Papi ThdsFarker. ' itrxBigbt Ruck,, ; Manerya,; Red , , Jesse fcj Mary . Jaqe 1 Scull,; iilda F Schenck, Siks, Ardmon Shappfl! terTft Thornton,! Jehu Turnerri al i W Aimie BiWilhams; Ann iWoodi'Car- rie Whiteny, Eslher. Watson, Ginnett Wil liams, J M Williams,' JaSf A Walker, Julia Wells, JoaH Walters, RE WhitehmvSciler Williams, Sarah E Wiljiamt - Captains O P Nord&enV ' J'Halvarsetil S P Johneqa, M iQ Carlsson iljarsen A. Cale Us,. Henry Donmey, Martin Rufgeny,.' Jack son. J Halvaseftt; Watson' 'Roberts, 1 John Holn. TboaSkile, Peter. G, Andetsoli, Aal- sen kote, Jfi Thorsen . M M Hankms. r . it m ftr.t i Leyd Smith., James Smith. Jack. Street i John Stat' Grefer Sellers. Elsie Swain. E J , 1 iiu9 uuuug ivi icucia iu tuc auy f N"aBDlfctATItnt HONEY OS 0OLB3 list Will please say " advertised'1 If' not f JML Bronchitt,CronpandalldlJeaof thelungi Miiii r irftwn ma Wwni u .miw,atvai. Wj ul-m swmmJ a-i VIIVW a,wa AUU W WtJ 0 MJ II ill 0V to the Dea Iietter OffldeJ h:;m1., i Wumipgton,fvJanf 33,pj -na'j At." x I'A : The consolidatKrt of the Carolina Farmer and the WuUyStar havhurlarzrtv lacreutd the cfttolatum of the latter, advertisert will find It an admirable meoMua or oenuonifleaaon with the 'farmers -and planters of tbe two CstoUku. . Book Bmoxbt-Tscs Mosiras Stjj Book Bind ery does iii Idnds of Binding and Baling in a work manlike iritaner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chant and others needing Becelpt Books, : or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of their orders.'" ' '" l.r. WaniaCook,0-' - WantaBiriafion. ' . y :,y;,u -h. Waata Saloaman,: : o r.:.. ili iWantaeerrastOiriij .,-.'..: J :;:; ,r;y;, . Want torent a Storey. .., ..vtI,;.. WtOBcOlaPtano,, ,;; 0j;'f..,'?t5j wantio sen auorse, . Want fa land Honey, ! Want to bny' a HouBe,'' ' Want to hay a Horse, Want to rent aSotue,- Wast fa sell a Carriaee, , Want a Boardhig plaee, Want to borrow Honey, . Want to saU:rjry.poodBJ v 'V.. Want fa sen Groceries, j : Want'faflenTarhUore,', i;; ' Wantiers Hardware,' ' '' ' Want to sell feeal Katat; : ' WaatajobefCarpeaterJiigvr -r U; 'i Want a job of Blaeksmfthtng, -r', Want to sell Millinery Goods, WantfaseUaHoaseandLpt, j. Waat to find any one's Address, ' . . ' yant fa sen a piece bfPnraJtare, ' l' Want fa y a eocond-hana Carriagej ; Want to nnd anything yoa have lost, Wrat to BglAgricaltaral Implement : : ; Want to Advertise anything to adrantage, Want fa find an owner for anything Found, i : Advertise ia, , TUB MOBNINO 8TAB. ' " :'' Spirits Turpentine Rev. John A. Deal, of High J Dboais, nas accepted a call to the .Episcopal church in Wadesboro. ' .' . - a pe, name on panuoiomew j? ui- date for Superior Court Judges-:' " ; . xuuso iuui jr yuug x xciiiiuiiikb born at the same time in Yadkin county on the 18th, only lived few days. ' - .' Aicolored citizen of.' Salisbury shot himself in the foot and hv' now In a critioal condition from lock jaw ; -ju.u . . Weisner's School House ia Da- vidson county, 3 niUes bdbw Friedberg, waa Durnj on Baturday night, tneiutn mst r : ; Two colored Fchildreh were , rb cently burnt to: death in 5 Davie? county. Their thoughtless or inhuman mother had lef,t them hked up m the housc ny j T t&Sv WJo'p.SFOt was taken to Wilson en Tuesday ; by, the Edge combe - Sheriff and committed lo iail to await his trial for steafiag cottoh,1 says the Salhibaty: ! HWixtcMndrt The . . . house of the wldoW Ellis, of Davie coun ty, was forcibly entered . a few nights agb by a negro man and a white lad who, rob bed her of $15. They have been' arrested. Mrs. Ellis and her daughter were alone, and it is believed that the robbers had a -more 4Tiniah purpose' but wert foiled inlit.7i. -Fayteville'. our boasted; wade af ddv tttaes, and bur coiam.ercSaVaad social importanooj We, Are business influence by Raleigh and. Wil mington. - In a few more more years those two towns wttl-opg with us all over the temtory.thatasaoiPuaaturally attached to.Fayetteyle. Ouy trab (amiit of business is growing smaller every year. . 1JC1 '-raV: from Alamahce. that the extensive cot ton mills locatediht Alamance county, And known as the Rig Falls MUlav;belonj$ngtb Mptaw W. A. &.A. J.-Mtfrrav. Were tntAl- ly destroyed y nre yesterday morning at lX'clock, together. withaflouT, mill ad-Joining.1- !The fire wis the result of ati accl ' deat, catching from some bf the machinery. The loss sustained, is some $40,00(V.there being no insurance upon either .the huUd- lished some 25 vears asO.' having been i in :the possession of the present firm for, 18 years. Aside from the loss . sustained by the Messrs. Murray, quite a number jof operators nave seen aepnveq oi wera.. jar. Inrrav. ' the (bomdax Senator' from JAla- rfatte. Iginf tfco'firm Which' hak' -met "wtth ;thiamisfotTnayun;:i--iit riTn,vo'!t t.'4 - ,v., . - I n.:w-iM BensiDMi-aniofetfs iroszuie vertialafcwrtlilKmd execuor perw IDfl TinWni. 1HW IH I II H.1 1 1 1 1 1 H.Ls4 1 PTI 1 1 1 ME. SS.II 1 1 i ld MlIs jrentrfcllr ttKpor to adytiae4 l ? i ! ai j . : t iS niaow properjy wa ' mavis can wnwiauu; its:: real., ,Valne. ; f .The reauirement Of .fhB u Ttunuea u a nonce ox saie teleeraph yesterday exehine to Senator Mur- except by the few) is stuck u. at fhenou4!6ttTii Aousoaoor aaa astww ojtnepiaceim:tnfii MtU -4liMrKMeb rtiVriii baWatiL law kwmplled with, if cxmbitisstuck hniin.hntaahrtume;a r n J U J. t those, who have business at the court housed Executors and administrators are 'allowed the: greatest latitude! for frattd, and the peo ple, generally, are ignorant, of ,thatt which the policy Of the law should' ' make public. Tie present Uw4 in justice to the 'debtol class, in justipe .io the orphan and oppreesi ed. in justice fb the whole peonle of North Cardlina fehoald bb changed; or;soanaeiided as to renuire all lesal advertisements tn he puunaueu 111 some paper wiunn me county or; judicial district. Such? a bill has been introduced in the Legislature- we hppe, it will pass, and that fraud and dishonesty can no longer conceal itself jundee ,th rProtec- uon 01 tue law. ii i iii' if' 1 If-V.,.-.A-,.TT,.-- .. . . fi -s'f. NEW iADVERTISEMENTSi Drs. Greepe,XilndIey &. JSeat ley's !firtij:tii V U--US!: ifiUni :',:: ;,.! -'iSREATj.MMILYsIEDICIKESi I COMP. EXTi.COBYDALI8, THB trBZAT VBQ- etable aUerative for aU diseases arieinsirom im- - 1 I "TB. GREENE'S FED 'CUBE, FOB THU XSTJliK t 1, 01 SDileDBT. Fits. SDasms. and convnlaibna n IXfBlIRaTXMai 8P3CCTJ1C. A t CEBTAIN ' AND speedy cnu for Neuralgia, Bheomatism, Nei , vrtnft.'MrtAflftAhp ariH all lunniu n.lM. . . 777, ... 1 i Tir ABASH VALLIT AGIIK CCSE, eoSbdnene uiuuic , a siusf poBiuve remeay I or unuia. Biltons Fere andConsestaRma of Liver and Spleep. i-:i vfrf-JfHi.j : i ft ,; GHBB& FliANSBIL ' h : . i , ole Agents for Wilmington, N. C. i ' HEE FACE WAS HEB! FOSTUHE. Poo Homanitvi" "XitlJe Kt Etrbx." An Pa m." per, 60 cents. "" , ' A piwerfol and exciting noveL Graphh, 'Lanhon. An excelient novel' ln thestorv before-ml the eame sostained vimr. the same oricinaHtr in the coaceptlon of character, and the same power of 6x. ecnuon are exniDitea as in all the novels which have come from Mr. BeUnaoh's hand. itotf, London. ' : A very ; clever sensation noveLi The interest in the itoryis admirably kept np.Athenpstfm, Lon don., 1 ! JiM.tr- nii; H; 'l-iV'-MlX f, jljiH! For sale at c' jatfsi' : V:! ' 'Jii 3;HSBBBGffir8: ! lifjitm THE BEirjfJIL;; our. . : BOOTS & SHOES, eide fitting eaefly and comf ortaoe, ' make 1 Che foot klok prettfly mid are:vory; daraite ;.'( ! At low rates to cash GEO..B, JBKNCB SON.' . 39 NorOi.Front.atreet. OFFICE, TBKASTJRZB & COLLECTOB, 1 ; - CrrT o WrumiGToir, NJ T . January 23d, 1874. J , -VTOTICK IS HBBBBT 6IYBN THAT . ALL PERSONS owing, either .POLL, PERSONAL! PROFESSIONAL etlNGOMK TAXES FOB 48t51 and remain unpaid on the 10th day of Febraary (prwt,) wiU be A0VEBTISKD,. and TAXES COLr ACCORDING TO LAW. T. C. SEBVOBS; ; jan.2id-tf : Treasnrer & Collector. CoSsigaees 1 Please Tate Wmu ; THAT THE GERMAN BABO.TTEN TINS.ADOLPH.wIU bexeady to re ceive cargo to-morrow. j Wihnington, N, C. Jan'y 23rd, 1874 Ladies' Belts, J-ADIES AW OENTO Ilira SA Bkawl Straps Bett-Sads, Ax.; at thei Saddle aat iaoBS'sVMTof'..::- nui :.'.! '- iu: n;.:. .' J.S. Topb.am &Co., , ''' " u X'-tl 'fJ J ' Sbi 8 SoauV Front St;' ' I -I - 1 - - ' - - - . - L i i& J2. iLli i :i2i a X A X iii I UNDER o. POWER oiCOOTADSfEB-!! CST i BY- VLttflJlt AND "W-" EXECTJTlOr? OTP THE power of sale contained- a. a .certain deed, of mortgage, made bvJelius Scott and his '-wife to " The WBrnlagOBTaUdai-Assasnon,1 aaxa ins xn ocwKay flea of the Begiater of mBookG. G.G. attoi having been made in the ipmyments required und tin TueeAsv, dry of- Wilmington, the land and -premiees eoi veyed fojoxiddoed, viaHAcertaia piece orpartM of land situate in the city ot, Wilmington, "beginning ih UiaSOBthenilme of TMarket street' at a pomt; one hundred and thirty-twe feet 'eastward! , from ltain tersectienwith the Eastern im oflSJttenth street, . thenceTtaratng Eastwaidlyiwfea said naa ofJAarkot street on hundred and ninetyeight feet 4o the Weetern UncHef Seteatednttt tewflidnce Soota wardly wUhad lb of SWenteeeth street three hundred aad thhieet to the Northern line of Deck street, rheaee WCwardWi with. aai& Omei of I)ockt3Dne hundred and inety-eihtr feet, and -casn. dt dvduc aocnon at uu wan noase int tnekice n arxnwsnuy. ana parsuei wim -peventeen .' Jan. 10-lawtFeblO Bat v ' -."'.u Aitomeys. I v SacrecMItLoio Books, i kyt''-.f aj,i.' wi.!'tt'i?m'c) i if A Collection of Sacred Hueie for Choirs, Copven ' : " " ' Uohs and Singing Schools. , Price $1.50. ! . $13.60 per doxenw il'ti'5 L .-: );;''!!'' u u-ii'-'J.'"4' L By L. O. Exxbsok of Boston, and R. H. ,Pauob of '.!; itvjw..i -t . 'CnUeaeo. . j hieago, Prof. Emerson in the East, , aad i Prat Palmer ih the West, are qnitaanaai inailnrt aa Leaders ana com posers. Tn caxnAKD.,the rasltof the united labors of such men, cannot tau to t be used univer- sally m the. whole couatiy, BAtmBACH'8 SACKED OUABTETS. ' ' i 'iHVAnuid 'itwitd.Tj ha vwa. T AVAUmuaVAt 0 Av AM fV WUUMVAAVUi 1 FM , 1 I a rae - l a- r . p TB4 Bvdvefit osrefirwwiti'uiIe-of ire liexcellencel cuitod to Quartet and other choirs. 1 1 ; i r.un , .l.,. .. . . i - j(f j raj w sac Lii ".-.'Ti'-TKA-lrPj ft-.t j. lifTtia OLBX8t MTPta WTHl STATt1 tW- Kb.w 73ir. .'M tiJ t7l-)-uLJ .: TTER TACK-WAS HXB FOBTrj2rtii Novel, AA By F. W. , Bobinson,, Author ef " For Her Bake.". " Carrr's Confessioii:" " No Man's Friend bnyers. .3an34-tf xs-aaaregiswBea-ui soi the County of New. Hanover ifiwi4 indt folrawimr. Mefaott 'SSr - SATES OF AYKWTISINGt OneSanareoneday,..:;.. SS 1 . -HstbjaysCTI?Xr...Cn..J 0J " ffp fonVdays.. ......... I 6 . . -. five days..,.u ................. .... 3 t)0 one week.....;.... ;. 60 " Two w08k?.V::..e...i.-X..i s OS nhThro8weeka..,...i .-. 60 - - ODeaoath'.uv;;.i;..v.:::i:ii. 8 oc " " Twomonti....i.... ....16 00 " . " - Threemonthk.r... ....M 00 One year.. ,..60 00 ' tJe Contract AdvertHementfl takeA at proper Uonatelv low rates. :u.Fivenaresttedasauaner-olBmn,aEd Jayuaa,a.halfola-t ; U'tilV rii 3nb'mivbl'.-fr.T'llil'. Ssvn k 90 J Vjj-l 'RinrA' t In e;:f j? -;: : 1 gains! Vs rff mmttsSw t -T!vfM -1 . r Corsets, Corsets, Corsets - . Worth .fit 50 For T5c: . ;.ui u.ftijf::f ift rii i :i'r-.J ! GALL A$7) EAflNE THEM AT :Ul nr. tlj'vif Ji .ji. j.fsi f a1 !,'!t'Wln'lUJW I A - II ' K R O W t N , S Millinery, ? hi'. i?f,i.i rjiyjfvfifu.u) w' ''! i:' 1, ':i:KidI:(loT6s, J-Ji-iUJ ''.sfijC1! :ifr.!i ji i'.vJ'fj'fW-j-fi.f U - . WHITE. GOODS. TABLE IvlIM. i L ' at ": ..s-i-l Irj i-; '-ONE- PRICE! n.oot TERMS CASKt y i s. .:t'...,v ;;!;:. : , 17,000. SACKS .I'JMii 2i'lit AMERICAK ' AND LIVERPOOL iiV'u1 .:--. ... .5- GBOTlBBlALulI a ol Fine SaK FOU 8AI.fi BY '! in -1 tj'f ' W1LLABDBBOS. oet me ' SUNDRIES. YA: osi; i. it.n! "..;r ' ,T .: r- O arBXCK IN TTERCES AND ; BARRELS ; 0 i-Iii-'w V . .' . .,.:. .'Jill ... M: - , LAGUAYRA AND JAVA ; tJgARS ALL GBADB8; PTLOpB SUPER. TO EXTRA FAMILY; Clalslris, Candles, Fire Cratkers, TIGE:i-.Tiag!:TIOg ! tlUAXAI. AA. XAAXCll. . . ' - WATMMAKER -i -ANDf' i JEWELER, irl$ofi rtMbiit Street, -i tW I L M I H O T Oi H Hl ALL WORK. DONE IN A WORKMANLIKE manner. With aa experience of twenty yean at the bench, he guarantees to give satisfaction aad prices to suit tbetimes.- aive him a trial. ' H has on handatvery fine assortment otWatches and Jew elrr, docks. Silverware, Pocket Cuti ery,' Ac. veasiBbiE' THBOATjINFLy, J ElfZA,' WHOOP- Caotn', Bo3rrr m, Asthh, and every aflbeUon- of the xaxoT. ucxee and.1 tgasi are ' the use of Da. Wb 'vjktfs BaxiAic o ,Wixi C,mt, wnicn ooes nos ny p oona-a amjnnv mo cmw Iwdilml. hut loMena it rlfTi tha lunea-aad aUarSr ' - lrritmtlhMiMTinthctueof theeotnolatut. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUEED !232d.Sf Srved! wovea by BOBdreas or tssomeniais is ass reosivea. The ffwwtu is signed". Att"en tbe wrapper, VESTS W.TOWtB SONS; rojxwaaov oaM .Soby dsslOTfeaws. sibeooAW alt wWl&i "! IUI OJJlii : Mi iu; 3'. -pTkNK EYESi Oujiiu-'-.tvr." aim. PEEELE8S, " ' f' a r!; i. -i ii .r.v. '5? JACKSON WHITES aad other brands. , ,r , V ; n:-y:ti: JT sale low by t;4it V.V"' ' i JaaWttlw BINEOBD, CBX)W A CO. -r- F avonte I Flour has Veen fairly and folly tested It has 'proven itself . --.'i AVnl AiiX?-ilr H J 'fill i .- f ' s J Snpcrtoi lit iivbry tUoSa QnaUty toanyOUieiVrand'orF'so Sold OBrbyBsatSana Jjaif lS'j.1' :'iCHAS;vx.'arY ,rriif"tt .:'ciJ -i rttfit-MiU !f pffBiw' eavr ftaTr.w i h JI f J ii i v . 1 ;i s i J I i.7hX1 GROUND Java and Lagusrra Coifeee gnaraotKd ruax, isaow TITHEBEVEB THE ! "'.-.? ill i .1-Ji"'fTt- prepared tofarnieh a chefper Cos'ee to the trade at . id : nilhna. ,v t ,: Motets per pound, which, upon trial, wiQ recom- nWita4 'W- f0jalltf Kil JfOtf lh! J I STJEVESSON. W5! 1 jiuf 10 fj1T1 If ATTTi I ft 111 T'f- UB una 04.12 IO llu VOii J y ufr't: -tJit ? P?cial order, 'beihgt;i9l"

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