Ho&Tmo mm; 'J : PUBLISHED DAILY, BY . : RATH8 0lpitdCBIFnOM Throe months, la advance I , one month, in advance. (' ) To City Subscribers, delivered in any part or the cttv Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agent are , one yrar,. . . i ..50 00 Z:!o?rt,ct;AT9rB?mllt Uksn at propor ' Ucmately low rates. w7 Ssqaaws estimated as a a.nartenunin,' and : ten Squares as a half -column. . - i not authorised to coiieci inr. more man s montus in VOt.XIV.--NO. 153. :WILM1NGT0N, ' N.-'C, TUESDAY. MARGH 24- 1874; advance. WHOLE NO. 2,023. j r i THE too -'tAJ-- r . " - V -rr' ; it o-:., , 7 T7 . f - . t - -si Ht --.lfomontf jbw.) ,fc r A half-million fire Windiauapoli9. An explosion in &r4n camp killed and wounded ""y f pe. 03. Finance Committee in SenateTCport a new bill pro' ; ; viding for free bankiund redistributing J currency. 'ponqa.,made a long speech. s in (Senate yesterday H avor of inflation, House of representatives passed, bill yesterday fixing . legal' tender circulation' limit at $400,000,000. Hostile Indians are to be removed from Texas and New Mexico to Indian. Tem tor j'. - Cotton an New Tork'16i7. Union printers Sn New'Orleans are on a strike. The incendiary, tie at Indianapolis 7 -will greatly ,fertpple4bat city. : A WaAhingtib cOrVespondent under i date of SatufmVisats: ; ' j t, rujB investtgaiwWof the District ui vougress ws l,gir?5ng more rapia- jy than could bftVbeen expected The Board of 'PaWibAVorks Drofess DrofessH i to be delighted at nndio themselves" o honest thus farVi slU) the news- i.papera in theDwtri6tein agreeably ;:- disappointed, as lira mernonausis nave no organ whereby toj inform the pub lic of daily developed iniquity. An impartial observer cSiibnly judge of the true condition oliiairs by wading into the flood of fcetftotry pro and -con, or watch barcntriltyariations .of newspaper rejoi6tAg,Iffiough they tsometiutes crow lttudt 4 wiheu their euro looks wrst. J jS ' One contractor test ifiiedLt his after . noon that hie . nett-fed. teS3, thousand three hundred dollanrT(iiit?of a thirty nine thousand dollatoirtract. Thir-ty-three! percent, oayihatf need not be more than a f ortriightQvestmeut .at the outside is a libfajrojfit. The memorialists! will tiiidli wpxJiill work .o fasten any specifiechiyge of down aigiit fraud,: jon the BoaKj. It is a 2iard thing to do iu any s:we, especial ly where the past djebt F and future rewards in the shape of ajVropriatioris depend on the issue. JTv isjt questiop for the man of aveirUgei honesty whether or jnot any'lothtr body of men with the same advantages, temp tations (if not to say .natural terjden . cies). would have gotten fiph as rap v'ldly as the members :'of jtliie: present Spirits Turpentine. - CharlottV had a K Mfglary, a few nights sinc l? 4 r i' - lhe rteiasviiie srniptwivca9 is only a mdd type of varioloid, ' Mes'srsL Avery, of HUe'--Jiiekory Press, ana Webster, of the ReidsviBe Eeeord, tbave boh been Ul. yf x-'': There quite an" feiithhsiastic nemperance deiaonstratiou at tGrange on East Friday evenings, v.; ;t :( ,j a - Senator Merrimon fy6 kbne of (be Congressional committee JL0 lieud. the remains of Senator Sumner to Bp6l(o6. Mr. Fab." II. Busbee delivV'fd a brilliaHt lecture at " the : Peaces Institute, Kaleigh on the ?Imortahtj bl f re". - A nlank ;kiln V beloneStrer. to xVhrens' saw mill at Charlotte V'asJUiinied :Saturdav inorniog says the Qfire1ir$.L0B Te-.Gntli'tigilatciteCuity -i.-t nl-iirh wst: , ainlcatiilv arranirtdSaturdav, and Judse TcJurgec . remitted tiiiea flOO Affainst Mr. Batcbelor and SW aktanst Mr. Mr. I. W. Rogers, havifiofje ed bis resignation as Keeper oi tne yapiioi, Oov. Caldwell accented it. andhasiendir ed the vacant position to Air. E, .W? (jFu- cett, of Burke connty, a one-legged goarei erate soldier. ....--.K- -'fv.vg f'f;'it:- tJalv in J orner. 1 ii-sq.. -a mgu esteemed citizea of Pitt countyiahiUt Re presentative m the General Assembly dur ' ing the sessions of 1870-71-72fc dted ol.Vty- ' phoid pneumonia, at bis residence, , on the Messenger; The District neet iorforthe Second Congressional .O'africt, of. tbe Cohncil of Friends of Tiemperahce, met at Kinston on Fridav laK and : able speeches were made by Rev. R. 'Whita Kerandcapu w. r.K. ueu.r Apouiiwsy delegates were present . '' :' if"JJ-d Wayne Court has lust jsedtts Spring term,! after a session of two weks.v , aturday tbe case of the btate-aoaitteowys. ' Harrison Palmer, for the alleged iinrdeif f uuas. Bcott, a brother ol tne prosecutor, n the 27th of last September, .was deeidcdl !fp . It appears that the man Hatcher, ... who stole a mule from Mr. John fteidV of Iredell county, and sold it to Mr.pv worth, of Charlotte, bad a sweethearO Hickory, and' was to have beenmanled very soon... He was threading a needle jfor : - - inis proposed unoe as ene tucKea sway ion Jjer wedding dreBa, when be was "arrestidJ r "-f- Raleigh News: - At a lehurbh" meeting of the Salisbury street Baptist Church, of this city, held Thursdiry evea ing, all the former restrictions as .to ibe : right of females to vote on- church matters were abrogated and they were endowed , with the full elective franchise as fatas tie - Salisbury street chui ch is concerned,,' But jnattersdid oot'stop bere--four l&dWtr 'Jtona. :;Peacohesses were elected, V'i' $t The Raleigh .News '-wWi ,d4y afternoon the kitchen oa the premises t of Mr, a J. Fall, corner of Person and BAri ?gett streets was burned. Mr. Fall's ciat, 1Q one. of the iwkvla nf whlfh lhpr wiift a purse containing some $33 or' f,as- a. naogtug up in ttie Kitchen, and was atnfjng ' the articles burned. .The premises' belong , v" Miss Julia Peace, And weie rented )tf Mr. Fall as a private 'residence, andjiAters ue puuiisiies his paper, tbe fsprnt qftfcAgf---Last..rjaay nigh'ta ihofWfi. uraston naiiroad, below uendersoo, ttfoung white man named Tucker, aged - sevtfrfteen years, was mo over by the down fl Wilgbt train, and had his liead ma";'! to pieces. , Shortly before the body Was fouc iMtker i was seen to leave HendersoaiiV a jb4 t 3f of ! intoxication.- It is surrcsed he wail over- - cbme by liquor, fell on t ' e track . an ; thus met his death. lie resided near .thrf i lace where death overtook him. , :jVtflr; t ; The following ditfor "l pointments as Vice Prpsirlpnfa f et. Agricultural Society have been made by the President Cof. T M. Holtr'Additionah .Yc rresiaentstor the State at Large Dr. Engelhard, New Hanover couoty.. 1st Dis-A,(irDr- Palemo John, Pasquotank: A. Blount, Beaufort. 2nd District G. W Stanton, Wilson; P. R Smith, Halifax. 3d District W. A. Faisori. Samnsinn- tl 7. French, New Hanojrer. :4th District J. C. Gorman; Wake, R As Gapehart, Granville. 5th District D. W. Kerr, Alamance; A. C. Hege, Davidson. 6th District T. H. Brem, Mecklenburc: Jaa . A. T.pnfc Ano,,n 7h District E. Belo. Forsytbe; M. L. Holmes ttowan. 8tli District M. P. Shelton.' Run. combe; T. G. Walton, Burke. - , Jhe mails will close from, this date as fol- ows: ... -, f .' Northeru through (night) mails. . . 8 P,-M.! through and way (day) , t malls:...: ......... .... 5 A. M: Southern mail. i... ......... 8 P. M. Carolina Central mails. 5 A. JI Smith ville, Saturdays and TueB- , days.:. ti...ts.i.. ...... .i. 6 A.M. FayetteviUe, river, Mondays and JJTWays 1 1. M. FayetteviUe by C. C R. W., daily 5 A. Mi Onslow C. H.. (horse rnailV everv Friday. ...i.... G A. M? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. : L. D. Sink. Gift Enterprise. ' : r SCKIBKEK & CO.'S MoKTRIiYi ' . i ' " James A. Bradley. For Rent G. R. FnsatCH'di; 8on. Boots & Shoes. D. A. Smitb: & Co. Furniture, &c. Heinskergkb.'-' Hidden Sin." i K. . PADDisoN.-Tournament. i The Schr Hover arrived at Ber- muda from this port on the 13th inst. . The Schr J5e, Davis cleared from New York for this port on the f 20th inst. ... i . Jr'.-.i- ;- . The Cape Fear is still repotted J very.high from the influence of the recent freshet. ' 4 ' The 4tK Annual Dinner, of the Society of St George and St. Andrew takes place this evening. v Justice Win. M. Harriss .has re moved his office to the Northeast comer of Front and Dock streets. ; , The Schr Emma C. Bahcock, Tomlin, srrived at Brunswick, '.Ga., from this port ion the 13th inst : ... . - Two barques, two barquentines and a brig were reported in below yester day, and one vessel off the bar. ivdismasted Schooner, name not knownJ was reported coming up the river veaterdkv afternoon. She was bound for j . , Savannah. , , . j - ? Hie weekly prayer lneetisg at the Fifth Street Methodist t!hurch will be kiAdfo? the present week on Tuesday instead of Thiir-dav eveninsr. f '-s - - r , ... , A Court of Bankruptcy will be I . . . held in the IL B. District Court Room, in U . . . , una Ul T ivu.i , uu ,v.imw..w. - ; v . tl here was no -session ot tne Mayor's Ctouft yesterday mbrning, the Court faahV noinir 'vminimi on a naiiin? mace, AW&U W.M vvw....-. " 1 J There are several cases for trial: T -The Humpty Dumpty Troupe of Messrs. Fox & Denierj to be here09 the 30th and 31st insts., had their flaming posters on the walls and fences yesterday. The chicken coop of Capt. A. B. Moscty, residing on the corner ol Sixth and Ann streets, was breken into on Sunday nightand robbed of Several fine fowls1 ; frm.- uw:iM:n-in Cl.AZn.ha j'-tt. , hu"6,,uu " lately undergone some-.-verj.fuevMicw. iu- provementa, among which shade.trees nave Teett set out at regular intervals around the I 12. . "Cornet Concert Club." Whose pro ai ' ' - " "" . I ficiencv since their organization sneaks im- enure eucioauic. The proceeds of the " hop " to ' - ' . i ' "--' i.i'li-"i-l.-s- glveyttecojopiea HaU, corner of ghttt anoSPrincess streets,! ontne 554Uiinsv, , J. ... f .ilt . - a A W0- newiemvoojcy. - v . ,; . , vVfc- 5 Revv Dr. Moran, of theU -font Stxeet Methodist Church, Will, be absent for sveral days, and on next Sabbath morning, w iiBdersUnd, his pulpit will be supplied tft-.ftevG D. BernheiHiil v ' '. I " , FT-; . - . . . t- A Wasningtoa teiegram y at the. North parolina colored people ere state that they will have an interview ith the President, Friday, to secure a change in the Collectorship of the port of JWilmington. t - Persons residing in the vicinity i express themselves as highly pleased with the change of tbe management of the cbain- gang, how operating , on Mulberry street, mrich better order ' being preserveu mau ., j formerly prevailed. - - - m - . Arrested for Wile-Beauus, e. r, ftioses jeiuc, v ' i' -n-u.. nlii nga nrrMtftn nun- rlftv nisrht on the charge of beating his wife, driving her from tbe house, after, which be took off alotoiciotning, DeionSinisWuu people, which she had taiten in to wasu, wtpH thie door uoon her. One Moses -BMmw'ktm made comolaint; yesterday, to J r - . ' ... . " ? . the effect that Felder bad cursed and j oni AiatnrhpA the neiffhbors ftUUOCU UlU' . lUr -Potior and Jhis wife reside on nrTiap between Anson anu wiauu huwis., jj-icae, uctwee awaiting an lnywugatwu 1 . "'"i.TT, T j - ' An Evil to e Bemdie. UompiaanB 10 uiouc u ""v's"' theoutSKirwv. Vi.ii.t .... . . v i. wn .vna n n coyance.ol peopie reaming a viC tvx.vj. It is also represented that dead animate .are pnnentlV deposited in tne same, locaunes. It ia hoped that the matter will be, invest!- -otid ; as such pfactices, iff contiriued, are a v-ire and swift way to breed a pestilence. ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION. " ' Fmu AunUenarr oftbe W. S. V. E. Company No. 1 Tlie Paraded pnd Fnfflne Trial The Supper, Toasts Speecbeii, &c., Ac. v The fifth anniversary of the Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1, coming J on Sunday, tbe 22nd inst.,, 'was appropriate ly celebrated yesterday by a' parade and en- Koe triar in the afternoon, followed by supper at night. The trial of the engine took place on Princess street... The engine - was stationed at the deck and the pipemen at thecorner of Front and Princess, from whence. a stream was thrown with ease over the ' cupola of the New Hanover Bank. The engine proved herself to be in good order and behaved herself admirably. The mala feature of the occasion, how ever, was THE 6UFPJKK, . which came off at the Hall of the Company, corner or ourta and Princess Btreets. Capt. John Cowan presided and the. tables groaned under 'the weight 'of the nXaaifoldde!ecacleft, euftstantials and re freshments with which it was laden. The' supper, ot. course, ,was lLe recipient of ample jastieeand -was. hugely sjoyed, the members i of 'ithe' company and invited guests, at its conclusion, entering with be coming earnestness into the spirit of the oc casion, keeping time to the popping of corks and the clicking of glasses as were announced in their turn the following ' KEGULAR. TOASTS. 1. The 22nd March, '1869. Responded to by Capt A. L. Tie Rosset 2. The Fire Department of the Citv of Wilmington We recognize in our leader, one in whom we can repose implicit' confi- dence. knowincr full well that-the re-: sponsibility and trusts, which attach to the jjosition, will be faithfully assumed,' and welt guarded. : Responded to by Capt J. H. Robinson. 3. Captain A. Adrian One who backs his muscle with his means, and his means with his muscle, ' Responded to by A. Adrian. . " Col. . Rojjet; Moore A Dieneer of the pres ent Fire Department one, 'who adding ex perience to-wisdom, has seen the acme of his hopes realized, by the present efBciency oi tne hook and ladder Uompany. Responded to by Col. Roger Moore. 5. The Alex Adrian Who adds raDiditv of movement, to power of endurance. Her capacity for execution being measured by a full length "Furlong." Responded to by Walter Furlong. 6. "The Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1." The advanced guard in time of action. They conquer the leaping name, and demol- isu tne iounaations upon which it feeds. Responded to by R. H. Beery. . 7. " The John T. Rankin." In the snirit of gain the Company set upon, and at last I obtained their "Price." Responded to by Capt. Jos. Price . "Our retiring Foreman'--Our leader I . 1 . 1. 1 i i i n i "uui me urak, wuouseu iiis wooie innuence ia perfecting our organization. Tohim we tender our iastinggratitude, and he has our best wishes for Ins future saccess. i s. .Tl T r . . ... appropriate and feeling remarks. Oiir Fnnmn nn ia iiafiiiri his past positions of trust with dignity to We i : . . " "i"1 know that in his present position, we will have a leader whom we will be proud to follow. . Responded to by Capt. F. G. Robinson, felicitously. 10. "Our 2nd Assistant Foreman." We greet his installation with a degree of pride and salisiacuon which fully, attests the worth of the private. Responded to by N. B. Rankin. 11. "Our Chief Eneineer." Whose adaptability to the management of a ma- tumeLumMiiunBYvaicr, una uvea sausiacr toruy proven. ; We propose a bumneTf wwcimug muic.Hcuk . , r - - Kesponded to by Uapt J2. W. Joining. menselv as to their asmdultv to the task im- posed upon themselves. V Though f ully able I to do their own blowing" thev desire assist MCe wh wet thflr wfiWl-V -i-'-- I a . s 13. Our Deceased Comrades."-Though calledromus.yet their memory is ever dear. olrank standing, and' Tesponded to by Jn0 c. James ia a very feeliag ahd touch- in8peecli 14 , . Tlie , Press. "r-The bulwark of our liberties. It stands like a sentinel upon I tKn wot tnwpr tn-nrarn iifl nf riflnoRf 1 - A letter was read from W. H. Bernard in resp0nse to this toast. 15. "The Old North IState. Heaven's blessings attend her, wbtlst we live we will cherish, protect, and detend ner. A letter was read . fronr Col. - Wm. L. Saunders in response to this toast, which wasjollowed by the song of the " Old North State" by the whole Company, 16.; 4'? The Ckys of Wilmington. 'May ber efort9 10 paramount abovg all cities of the south ue successruiiy aainou,auu cs .1 ions may auewanis. iuo uy muc m u Uitifs of the North. We hold the good old rire dear in oui hearts, and will do all in r Drotect the property of her litizens. I . r . .Mlvor w p. Cannadav being absent Geo. R. French, Sr.y responded in fit- terms. , ' . ;. J7 Qar Invited Quests.? We extend I to them a fireman's welcome. f: John London, Esq., made a response , ... ' . .' l abounding m capital aiiusioos iowj I nitr which nrevaiied among tue jire 1 J . . ; nartment of the city. . ?,io.-t . ,111?,""" tt .t . r r 1 -lw:.W.ti.tKotiimHMiMklnf words.: r pa hi .. - - : I v.t Anmnaninnain hmiira rif nrosnentV. theT render needful soiace in uios? m uuxciwj r Responded to by J. C, Stevenson."" 4 QorfMercbants,'. Who .l)y their j ijherality.to enterprises or; great mpmeuu, i iw. n a.i OTacTinn sir luwiinr.Lnt; 1 1 1 1 1 w iminw v& th mechanic dailv at work, knowing that , theif labors is ell'gUarded 1 aga4ngt.ltie ravages Qf thft 4wriBg ele- ment MSi:" Responded to by p. W.. Berchner. 20. 4t0ur Bar and River Improvements." 1 By the co-operation of the friends of the measure,-we hope ere long that our waters will be' enabled to extend a uearty weiwuie to vessels from all ports'of the , world,-- of whatever tonnage. , . ? . v. ; . Responded to by CoL. W. L DeRosset The regular toasts concluded, the follow ing, among other impromptu toasts, were offered r . . - . : ' .;" IMPROMPTU TOASTS. ' Metropolis.of Itha South City of Balti more. 5 , ; Responded to by Mr. Jannej', of the firm Of Hopkins & Janney, of ) Baltimore. Sampson, God bless you may the huckle berry crop never fail. 1 "' ' Responded to by Capt J. W. Galloway. Let ub folks w the head of Our Republic and recognize the Vice Consulate. - Responded to by Capt. W. A. Cumming Haytien yice Consul,. . , .. . The music for the occasion was furnished by the Cornet Concert Club, sad it was ex cellently rendered. The young gentlemen composing the band centaury show a re markable proficiency considering the &hor.t'. time they have been iu practice, and we be-; speak for this useful institution, so promis ing of pleasure and gratification to our citi-1 zens, a brilliant and successful career, ex-1 celled, by no amateur organization of its character in the South. .. ... Body of an Unknown Han Found Browned.' - On Sunday afternoon, about half-past 2 o'clock, the body of an unknown- man was found floating in the river, opposite the ferry, and was towed by the ferrymen, who were first to discover the body, into tbe dock foot of Dock street. Coroner Hewlett was notified uml at 4 o'clock an inquest was held over the remaio? Thehridy "was well dressed in black cloth coat and pants and had on aa under-suit of coat, pasts and shirt.5 The face of the corpse was horribly disfigured, but enough was seen to render it pretty certain in the minds of the jury that it was that oL a white man. His pockets were perfectly empty and nothing could be found about his person to give the least clue to his identity. It Was at first thought that the body might be that of the sailor drowned off the Re becca Clyde a few days since, but a little re flection served to disabuse the minds of those present of this idea., .The body was not only dressed entirely different from a sailor, but it had to all appearances been in the water for several weeks. There was no evidence to show who the man was nor how he came to bis death.there being no indications of violence having been used. The jury, therefore, returned a verdict to the effect that deceased came to his death by accidental drowning. Yesterday it was reported that the body was believed to be that of a bright mulatto, by the name of Jqhn Brown, whom it was difficult to distinguish from a white man. Brown was a native of Raleigh, was a stone-mason by trade and bad been in the employ of Mr. P. Liuehan for the past three years, being recently employed on the Pee Dee Bridge. He left there about six weeks ago with the avowed intention of coming to Wilmington, having in his pockets at the time a considerable sum of money. - Since that time he has not been seen or heard of to Mr. Linehan's knowledge, although Mr. L. has been here and made inquiries about him. Mc . Linehan's description of the clothing worn by Brown when he left the Pee Dee Bridge agrees exactly with those f ound'on the drowned man alluded to above. The shirt worn by him opened at the back, wpich was the case with those worn by the. deceased.l Mr. Linehan also savs the boots Jvorn by Brown were rather long for him and turned up at tne toes, wnicnwas tne case with those worn by the drowned man. There, was -some talk of exhuming f the? body, - which was buried in the"-National' Cemetery on Sunday , afternoon, and insti-tutraga're-exara!natfon with the view of identifying it,- but no difinite actioain the matter, so far as we could ascertain,- had been taken up to late last evening.. - If the body is that of the missing Brown it is taken for granted that he must have acci dentally r f aHesT into theTTriver "and was drowned, or that be was foully dealt with. The Election Yeaterday. Tke Afpro. ' " prlatlona Defeated. The electon yesterday passed off very qufetlyj as was to be 'expected, there being no potitical question involved. Early in -the day it became evident that there was no chance for the -appropriations, and the final result was therefore, not surprising. A great many did not go to the polls, as the shortness otthe vote will 'indicate..1 The following is the result in the various Wards for and against the Donation of $4,000 to the Cape Fear 'Agricultural Association and the .Subscription;: of Ifi&OOO" to the special stock of the SeaSideJ5ailWfty:.Y - riBSTWARDj, -i't-,'- For Donation; 32 A&mst - ' , , , For Subscription.-... . . . . 48 .Against " '' 200 : SECOKD WARD.- For Donation ... .f ...... I 77 Aarainst T. . .:.. :. ............... 70 For Subscription.-. . ..... :V. '.5. .: 98 Aeainst " 61 v THIEI WAiu3. For Donation, iyv. . Against p. . . . . . . . . For Subscriptions . . . . .147 .64 .124 Against i t-1 . '- J. . . . v . v' . (U'- i EODRTH WARD, f For Donation';.:.1.; 'i' r., . U 4L it Jfor Subscription v . .". t . .103 Against For -Donation. . . .. . Against " For Subscriptipn,. . ...16 ".i;.-.ir.l9ii f'fe.-V tii na .461, o. tit 3KCATITTJ1.ATION. , ,, , if or JJonation, iw; Agamsiijonauuu. .u. RatiXr, jfcs. AiminBt Subscrirj. or-- -- VoS. tlon, -.657. Jliaionty against Xionauoo, ooo; i .Minrt BniiuirrnHnn '972. J majority against Subscription, 272. J"JhnG-Sae- : ' ,Te) int to be given b thlsgentl take phiqe att. Ope e?entige the WiiouoonLibfarjr Association, wffl doubt' less;, attract .": large ; and appreciative audience.' As a poetof extraordinary genius and abUlty, his name has long been promi nently before the country, and as a lecturer and reader he is hardly less distinguished, rendering the1 name of John G. Saxe almost as familiar as a household word. - - Reserved Seats can be secured at Heins berger's without extra charge., ' Another Attempted Ineendlarlsm. The house on the corner of McRae and Walnut streets, occupied by a colored fami- ' ly,-was set on fire Sunday night, but the flames were fortunately discovered in lime to prevent serious damage.' The Incendi ary had dug a hole under the side of the house, in which combustible material was placed so that the fire' would communicate with the weatherboarding. ' It was just get ting' undejr way. good, howeypr, when some one passing saw the flames and extinguished them. t ,. . , . . , -. ;. SUng'Snote. . Two Serious accidents came 'near result ing on Sunday by the use of sling-shots, and as a consequence we learn that a 'large' number of the boys have resolved to ' ob- stain from their use hereafter. It is to be hoped the dangerous sport will be discarded altogether. '. Will Vlalt Vm,' : : Rev, Frank H. Wood is expected to visit the city during the present, week and will preach, at the Fifth Street Methodist Churcb of which he was formerly the Pastor, to morrow (Wednesday) evening, at 71 o'clock. CITY ITEMS. Draft Books for sale at the Star Job Printing House. Wxddih Cabds, &c. The most elegant stock of Wedding Cards, &c, may be found at tbe Star Job Printing Honse. Ail the latest and most fashionable styles just received. Tbahsfer Pbimttno-Inkb will copy clear an distinct for an indefinite period of time. Send your orders for work to be done in these inks' to the Morning Stab Printing-Honse. The Right Kev, Bishop IHaven, of the'M. E. Church, will preach in the City Hall on Thursday evening, March 26th. Services to commence at 8 o'clock. The public generally are invited to attend. The consolidation of the Carolina Farmer and the Weekly -Star having largely increased the circulation of the latter, advertisers will find it an admirable medium of communication with the farmers and planters of the two Carolines. - ' Tbansfer Print isg-Inks for copying letter-head ings, statements, way-bills,. &c. Can be copied in the ordinary letter-press book. Send your orders for printing in these inks, and for all other descrip tions of printing, to the Mornino Stab Printing- Bouse. ' Book Bixdby. Thb UoBxnro Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Ruling in a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of their orders. Transfer Printing-Inks. Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others. They are en during and changeless,-, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having just received a fresh supply of these inks, we are pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prlcea, ' : . ' ' " " - ' ' job Printing. Ve cau the attention of mer chants, clerks ot courts, aheriils, lawyers, railroad and steamship' officers and agents, and all others: having orders for printing, to the facilities offered at the ' MoBMiKe- Stab Pmntdw Sbtabubhhxiit for the prompt and faithful eiecntto of all kinds- of Job; pBnme. j We can furnish at : short notice .Cards, BUl-Heads, Letter-Heads, Programmes; Ball Tickets, Blanks, Pamphlets Tags, Hand-Bills, Cata logues, Bills of Fare, ,Sbow-BUls, Checks, Drafts &C., &c" 'SaUisfaction guaranteed. IF TO IT . Want a Situatton, . -Want a Salesman, - ' . . Wat a Servant Girl. Want to rent a Store, . . . Want to sella Piano, , Want to sell a Horse, ' ' Want to lend Money, ' Want-to buy a House, Want to buy a Herse, ''.' : Want to rent a House, ' i Want to aoU a Carriage, ; Want a Boarding place, ..Want to borrow Money, " Want to sell pry Goods, ' Want to Sell Groceries, Want to sell Furniture, Want to bell Hardware, Want to eell Real Estate, ' Want a job of Csfpentermg, Want a job of Blaekami thing, . Want to sell Millinery Goods, .ant to sell a House and Lot, ! Want tb find any one's Address, 'Wanlfto self a piece of Furniture, ' I'Wantto buy a second-hand Carriage, ; Want to find any thing you have loat, Want to sell Agricultural Implements, . - ; , Want to Advertise anything to advantage, . Want to find an owner for anything Found, I': THBi MORNING STAR. HjUTKb . AUttl VAI4S 'Purcelf House 'J. RJDaViB. Pronrietbr. .U M ClrMm,Mi attA -mm to : TV am Vn.lr TV 1VJU ua il vj, muu iiiiv. tyn jl Dodd, Chen, O ; John L Hodges, S C ; Spen cer W Snyder, Uichmond, rva;,Gen. Henry Brinker. New York: SJ Cauffman. Phila- 'delbhiS: E T Smith.' PhiladelDhia: Albert PearceV NewTorkf Miss T H1Th6rnas;, Jek sey City : M -M. Johnsou,! Thdmas Gainer, - City; M V Clough, - Baltimore' S 'Drrien.j New Yorkeookj9,.Phlladelphia; -i 7 MurchisonTCity; PR Cupel, D Parsobsi- RiChmond. VftilM T itednll; OC Ry; J G jverett,' Jjauriaoucgt J jJb Jtvjerett,: iienetts yilleSCj Capt Anderson, ship A; : J Fahans,' Farmefs'HoteL' -BrtCBardeli! .Proorie toriSJohu D Eerr, ' Sampson ? county ; t D Mallard Tsacheys; Nt C; Calton tSessums, flamoson county s Samuel Crawford. Augus ta, Ga; J L AujerySampson county; R ; ,Bteaverson,-uarneu; uweq qpew, ampspn .countyr E'sBoiiy; Teacheys, Cj J rR' Bmctiana.Tamrjsc'')mirTi' ttawiey. Sampson county-W D Hawley, Sampson I eountv:AN8andlin Saamson countvt R I tv' ' -r,..i: .I.. t mu " ' j v wuuubuu, wupau wuuij; vr Auttgguu, Cnmber snBcanDtv. - - -r " Remaining in", the; city ' post-office JIarch 23rd, 1874: ' ' ' ' """V. ; ' , a. iiiui j auucisuu, ouuscb iuiusiivug. . f B A B Blesse, Amos Bryant, Beajomin T3elL :Adline Beasley, Charles. Bossard. Messrs E & A Betls, H D Brown, Prince Hardeet Boydet James Bums, James E Boiety, Isaac Boyscot, Lizzie L BebV R M Brown, Richard : E Bowden, Richard M Drown, R P Boss, S B Bradley, W R Berry C Tclpho J Campbell, . W Qi Craig, Thomas Cross, Smith Carter, Sarah Curtis, R 8 Cotton;? Martha Croom, J A Chamburs, , H P Coleman, DL ChatwickvD Conmop. D ThosD Davis, Mary Davis McDavid son, Jack Davis, James D Davres, I Calip Davis. .:U,t--A I E Mary E Ellis, M-A Edenes. i 1 F--Will Frendenbcrg, Zillis Fowler, Mag- fie Forman, Henderson f Faison, Daniel 'urguRon, George N Frayser. ; G Katie Groves, Mary Green, Rennie Gilts. H Thomas Henderson, Polly Hender son, Mingo Hows, Hattie A Hill, Frank Henry, Church; Hines, BuckHolden, Annie Howel. ; . . .. -. ?. . ; .J" Adlino Jones, James Johpson,;L H James, Milley J Johnson, Nathan R John son, Thomas Jones,-Thos Jonos; - . j Ij Nancy Anu Louwis, Renard Lamul, RF Laswell, Edward Labaiy, IPI Daniel MacMfllan, E W Mints, Geo W McMillan, James KMelvin, J O Miller, John Moton, K McKay, Mariah Martin, MaryMcDail, Phillias Martian, Rose Malok, S Martin, William Maclntier, Violet Martin. N Edv News. O A Obendorfer. . P T E Phillips, George Pearsal, Alex Price, E L Powell. - R H Rongl, Rhodiah Roe, K F Roberts; James Record, G H Ross, Eugeine Rossy, Lucy Ratcliff. . : : , ; - S G H Smith, Dane Shan v Chester Scott,' Ed ward Satterf ox, Gottloh Siegler, James M Sayre; Mary V Spinner, Mordecai Stevens, ,W H Swindell, William Simmon. T Smith Tbommas, Sophia -Towers, Sarah P Theyer, Rosa Thornton, John H Thees, JobnHTihkens, Joe Thomas; Allied Taylor, Adline Turner. V Ann D Veney, H D Vann. W Lisbon Waddell, Maddio D Walker, Ceasor White, Charles F Wheler, Elcicl Williams,- George W Walker, Harrey Wal ter, John Walker, Jas W Wyinn, Richard Williams, Spencer Win stead, Walter W Williams, W L Wheallih, William F Walker. Z William Zellowly. SHP LETTERS: CaptK Forstensa, Brig Avaace; Fred Gaurd, Schr Cary Hillis; Capt W Staples, AW Ellis, Capt Stephens Harding,, Schr Telumah;Capt Alex Fulford, Schr Fare field. Persons calling for letters in- the above list will please say ."advertised." If not called for within .30 days they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. Ed. R Brink, P. M. Wilmington, March 23, 1874. Appointment for Services by Blab-op Atkinson." ':' Tarboro, Easter Sunday, ...... April 5 Marlboro, Pitt county, . " 7 Snowhill,. " 8 St. Johns, Pitt county,. ....... " ly Kinston, " 12 Holy Innocents, Lenoir Co.,. . ' 14 Beaufort,. " 17 Newbern,. . . . . . " 19 Collections in behalf of Diocesan missions made at the places visited. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tne only ReUahle1 Gift Distribution in the country I a i WaUuu yy -: . I N" VAXiTjABliE G i F T S.Y. , . , ' TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN : Lr D; SIN-E' - Qih Megxilar Monthly t GIFT ENTEEPRISE ! . To be drawn Monday, May 4th, 1874. ( ' Two Grand Capitals or ; $5,000 each in Greenbacks I TwoPrizes tl;000 each in Greenbacks? Five Prizes $500 each in Greenbacks! Ten Prizes $100 "each in Greenbacks! 1 Horse and Bugzy, with Silver-mounted Harness, worth f 600; Due Fine-toned Rosewood Piano, .worth $50; Ten Family Sewing Machines, -worth $100 each: Five Gold Watches and ' Chams, worth $300 each; Five Gold American Hunting Watches. worth $135 each ; Ten Ladies Gold Hunting Watches, worth $100 each. SOS Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watches (in t alhworth from $30 to $300 each; Gold Chains, . Silver Ware,-Jewelry, Ac, &c JVumber of Gifts ,500 ! 5; Ticieti Jimited to 0,000. Agents wanted' to sell tickets, to whom liberal premioms will be paid. Single Tickets $1; Six Tickets $5; Twelve Tickets ' - J' '"; $10; Twenty-five $20. Clrcalars containing a full list of prizes, descrip tion of the manner of drawing, and -ether Informa tion in reference to the Diatnbntion, will be sent to anyone- oraenng mem. Ail letters mnst be ad dressed to ' , main OFFicie " 3L D. SINE. Box 86.' f i ; 101 W. Fifth t Cincinnati. O. .marM-tulaprSa W,vt ..-ti' v SAVE. Y0UE HONEY; pay by eiamlnin : ur BOOTS' & SHOES' ! and jearning: 'at.what low. prices they are being old. .r rij i.r t t f. J J - - GKO. R. FRENCH 2b SOBS, mar24-tf 89 North, Front street. rTSTR,NpRra IST wiIALEAVSMOF." I A. lett a wharf at!2 :.s- wharf atl2:T.,s-r "mTrt!- ymom I W Bound trip to Ptw W - mp S4.it " Jr -i ec i return a vx jnar41t J. P. PADDI Jiiiau 1 :iNEW7 ADVERTISEMENTS. j Sdribner's Monthly. THE. SUME1T 'CAMPAIGN BEGUN. ; Another Great Literary Sensation. The Modern Bobinsnn ' rrninn WiTH'lSO BrAtrMrni. Iixustrations. TMesers. Scribner 'A Co. nave mmirail fe aari! publications in SORIBNKR'B MONTHLY, M." Jnlea Verne's Latest Btory, ' , " THE MYSTERIO US ISLAND," ltt which, not content with the old stories or "ROB INSON CBUSOK" and thovSWISS FAMILY ROB INSON," the writer undertakes to shew how a parly of men cmt upon amy sterions and desert Island, may live by their own tcientiflc resources alone, without J he aid of any wreck to draw upon for their materials or llfeAnd comfort. The nartY are Amerleaaa who start oat from TMrh- mond, Va.. durine the ael&e. In a balloon.' 11. Jnlea Verse unitt s with an accurate scientific knowledge, an exuberance of inventive genius that has ; : Fascinated the World. ' i . ; it . ' . z '. The theme of the Dresent storr aSorAtt th inthnr the finest opportunity for the display of his peculiar gifts. The story will be profusely illustrated, and is begun in the April Nnmber. ,, . FO Sale'bv-U ITewa Sealer nr Itnnkullera Price $4 00 a Yeart S5cenU a Number. "Vi- . ' "r SCRIBNER CO., mar 34-1 w v , 654 Broadway, N. Y. 1874; Furniture. 1874. OUR LARGE STOCK OF , P.OPnPtC llQtiTPWPC 8,0 uutfiutiit " iuaiuvuiivp) uu.j v isNpjv tompletKjJfor JQT3R SPRING JUfD SUMMER' ''URADE. - Owing to a small fall In Winter trade we now offer to cash pnrchaaersi ,i -r , . . .. , , v Unasnal Indnceinents. 'Call and examine Stock and prices. ' mar24tf J). A. SMJTH A CO. . the " . y, H I DDEN SIN; A SEQUEL TO - j " Tie Dethroned Heire$.n f . I BY, MISS ELIZA A. DTJP1JY, 1 Author of "The Dethroned Heiress," - Why Did ' He Marry Her ?" "The Mysterious Guest," "All for J Love" "Who Shall Be Victor " uVldiul Rn lolp," "The Gipsy's Warning," "Was He Guilty," The Planter's Jaughter,'",The Cancelled WllV'AC. ' Price $1 75 in Qoth; or $1 60 In Paper Cover. - 1 For sale at . -- - - i ' ' : . HETNSBERGER'S - . I mar24-tf Live Book and Music Storef For Rent. rpHAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, F Garden and lot attached, comer Seventh jjj jjj 7 and Chesnut streets. Immediate posses-iSfllrLJ sion. Apply at the house or to ' mar 24-1 w JAMES A BRADLEY. TOBACCO. Change of Business and Location. In order to a change In Busiueos and Location on 1st April, our well selected stock of . - TOBACCOS, SNUFFS, . CIGARS,' PIPES, and ' SMOKERS' ARTICLES, fcs&wui De soia at a concession la price Lfor CASH nrnetmtiahlii niuwtrr A rare chance is offered to the trade and consum ers. D. PIGOTT Tobacconist. Wnmington, N. C, March 15, Wtf. . r T . 1 " . ' 1 j 1 ' .' 1 1 .iridles, g ADDLES, HARNESS.! TRUNKS, i VALISES, Traveling Bags, Plantation Goods. Feather Duster. Whips, Spurs, Axle Grease, Saddlery, Hardware, second-hand - Baddies,) and! all kinds, of i Baddlery Goods. Very cheap for cash at . i' - i- ' .;; i. i r-;-;J ;Tsplir- : )., 5 Harness Factory, Wilmington, N C. feb 18; tf na Jfl-: i Uvf'J-ti!-!:-. . : A SUPERIOR ARTICLE i FOB BALK AT t, Twenty - Five" Per Cent. Xess : THAN OTHER LIMEy r By - WORTH fc WORTHt V . : ' . - i. KERCHNER A CALMER BROS, mar 11-nac 1m . , . , . 'MISCELLANEOUS. PERUVIAN GUANO; : Molasses, &c. 1 000 1 Peruvian Guano, -f CT A Rhds A BblsNew Crop Cuba, 10U 125Hhds ABhlSOIdCropCuba, jQQQBbl. Flour, :f - ' TOO 8pIrIt CaetB (new 8110 Sad-hand),' 8 A An Bushels Corn, ' UUU 1,000 BushelsMeal, 225 Bales Bsr f -K BoxesDS Sides, 4 '. LLO 75 Bbls Pork. A AAA Sacks 8alt (American and Liverpool,) 250 Sacks Marshal's Blown Salt. JA Tons Hoop Iron, XV . &D) 900 Bbls Glue . Bbls Crackers, )AA Dozen Water Buckets, UU SO Bbls Corn Whiskey, 2QQ Cases Brandy Peaches, Cases.Schnapps, 250 les Candy, v , 1 ic iMxes uanaiea, - Ac. -.JfirJale.by, 1 KERCHNER C ALDER BROS., ; : ST, North Wa S8 SSter St. rt- mar fi-it Commissioner's Sale. ' F; T.MOHTEUt. fc BAKTOW 1 ''.1 .-...:?( ' 1 .. J-Commissioner's Sale. Jakes T.' Pktowat. et at ) - v-.-u-iv . IN PXIRSJQANXlE-OF-k--DECREE OF FORE closnre, made m the above entitled cause at Jan-'. nary .Term, vsi. i tne Bupenor www or new xiiui- overConntv. I will on TUESDAY. lhe S4tb day of il DAY, lhe 4th dsy of i . - . March, inst., at tbe Court House door- In tbe City of 4 s , w uaungcon, as 11 o cjock, a. wi ww u'S" . , t . bidder at Ptthlie Anction, for cash, thaf Valaable i body of land;-covering several tracts,, containing. s , about 300 acres, sitoated about fonrr mile from; the . Jj ; City of Wilmington, in New Hanover Connty, and 1 , known as the Quince Mill tracts. Also a tract ad-t M Joining the same, containing- TOO acres and situated i 1 , oa the south side of Quince's MIITPond. ' I,,'1, , J Dr-BRUTZ cutlas, I ' March 4, 1877 4'- .Cxnanu J .l OLD HATS AND . BONNETS IXIC, D, , l'f . pressed ajadaaade to , . "."""f5.i -." -: 1 Look ai Well ai Kew. - For particulars call on MRS. JE3GSIS ORR, 4th Street, betweea Hon and Chorea.- . ; -aovJsi-tt ft If H i I : K. V3 3 7 ) r i. I 1 -J a - V t - J .1: .; i - I. 1 I; J

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