'fii not THE HORMITG STAR. VUBLISHED DAILY, BY KATES Or SUBSCRIPTION one ru m WTOnce toy mail), j. ......... See $7 00 50 , 9 00 i mnnths. in advance ( " Three months, in advance ( " One month, In advance 75 t citv Subscribers, delivered In any Dart of the citv, Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are not anthorusea to collect : for more than 8 months in Advance. OLTMF.S. . j ( 1 " 1 . . i , Havana currency coutiuues to depreciate. A large wool factory at Kittaniny, pa.; and a tannery at Lowell, Mass., were, burn ed yesterday. Livingstone's remains have been recognized at Zanzibar, Serrano gained further advantages over the Carlists at Bilbao. - Grant's sympathy Willi South Carolina was duly expressed to the Tax-Payer? yesterday. Internal ltevenue Commissioner calls attention of Collectors to decision ' of : Supreme Court concerning manner of collecting taxes. Carlists. claim advantage in the two days fighting near Bilbao. ' ' ' 1 i WASHINGTON. A Washington dispatch of Thurs day says: ., , The transportation bill, which pass ed IheHonse to-day, had for itsi spon sors five Democrats among the ma jority the bill recei ved. . Mr. Rob bins, of North Carolina, wa one of the' five. He was importuned by his colleagues to change his vote but per sistently refused. The other four Democrats Lutterel of California, Kendall of Nevada, and Holm an and Wolfe of Indiana plead granger in fluence in explanation of .their votes. Senator Thurman, when be heard of this unexpected denouement among his Democratic allies in the House, remarked that the Democratic sparty stud its principles belonged to the times when there was no paper money and when the earrying trade of the world was done by the ark. The Coleman Case. The Richmond correspondent of the Petersburg 'News under date of Thursday says: The arguments in case of YVT. D. Oe&sman, charged with forgery and defalcation, both on part of the Cora i'.nonwjealth Jand the prisoner coun sel, were concluded at 2 o'clock P. M., and ihe case given to tho jury, who, after remaining out about half an hour, brought in a verdict of guilty Judge Guigon sentenced the prisoner to f onr years in the peniten tiary. ' . ) ''.. A motion 'for a new trial was over ruled and' the prisoner remanded to ' jail, from whence he will be sent to the State prison unless Executive elemenev is lobtained. Colonel Cole- . . man appeared perfectly cool during j the entire investigation, and when he was ordered to stand up and hetar his Ketitence passed, looked at the Judge and jury, perfectly unuloyed, and ..calmly. Tho father of the prisoner, .an old, grayi haired man, has been in .attendance at the court during the progress of the trial, and appeared tmueh agitated and deeply moved when he bade his son farewell, after sentence was passed upon him. JEjc-Gor. Graham. Peteraburg Index-Appeal. The select iou of Ex-Go v. Y ra. A. Graham, of, North Carolina, as the arbiter on the part of Virginia of the boundary line question ' between our Stat6 and the State of Marylann, was a iudicious and commendable act of J i . -: ' . y-. rs General Assemblv. Gov. Gra ham possesst'S every qualification of . discretion, knowledge and dignity ajid firmness of character for the very im portant service; and we may be sure "our interests will suffer no detriment iinhishandsr It was right, too, that so much courtesy should be paid our sister Common-wealth of North Caro- Hi- The jWere-ce shown for o f her distinguished and justly popu- ifar n1 honorpd citizens, evinces the - . 1 friendly feeling existing between our people and those of the old North State. May it- be eternal. ' German Ejnf ; rat ion to the Carolina. New York Bulletin. : " It never rains but it pours is a proverb which seems likely to be ex emplified in the case of the line of steamer from Charleston. In addi tion to the Liverpool line (in futuri ty), we now learn that an offer has been made by a responsible firm in Gtirmantf to Tnt. on a line of steam ships between Bremen and Charleston j fnr tha nniTijincr nf emigrants, "with . guaranteel that they will deliver five T.. . . !:u ji:. hundred per week on very! liberal , terni" It lis not long since tpat tne German Go'ernment was inclined to checTc emigration with the strong itiiuid; but itj must have more liberal views now, else this proposed whole- dePnfttl0! e l(i iMssible. terms" are i not stated. The Galvekloq psitmiiwr. Gen. WmL T. Clark, postmaster at Galveston, exaa, iias resigned. Gen. Clark is noti a defaulter. He supports the Administration. If he were not a supporter would be a of the Administration he defaulter. As it is "bis, nnnnnnts ftrfl short. A special ageni, A special agent of the Posioffice Department, who has been investigating Clark's admin- istiation of the Galveston postoffice f,.r tl.A nflt. fortniebt. has reported a vvv.w. H. . . deficit of between nine ana ten tQo and dollars,! and thereupon Mr. Clark r - , . . A ipolutuieaU for Servlee by' JBUbott Alklnloil. Turboro. Easier Sunday. 1 April Marlboro, Pitt county,. . . ... tnowuill, ... J ........." 3St. Johns, Pitt county, ........ Kinston,. . . .J . . ..' . Holy Innocents, Iienoir Co., . . Beauf ort, . . . i 7 8. 10 12 14 17 19 Collections in behalf of Diocesan missions made at the places visited. JL H Hi XIV.---NCX 5. THIS MOUNTAIN EARTHQUAKE. Very Latest. Special to the Raleigh News. Marion, N. C., via. Salisbury, ) .. 31arch 23. J : News has just been received here that the shocks on Stone Mountain were more violent last night than at any time since the volcanic exeite- ment began. 1 will return at once this5 morning and will report by special couriers if occasion requires. Woodson. .i Virginia Editor. The Richmond Dispatch says: The editors of the State who met here in convention are understood to have had a pleasant session. They established a permanent press associ ation, with young and energetic offi cers, and are altogether satisfied with what they did. That is saying a great deal. Most of-their action was initiatory, yet much good is expected from it. Their next annual meeting will be held in this city, T TEL IE OX 'JZV Tle Kail. "The mails will close from this date as fol lows Northern through (night) mails. ... 8 P. M. ,.. " . through and way (day) - malls...; 5 A.M. Southern mail ..... 8 P. M. Carolina Central mails.. , 5 A. M. Smithville, Saturday and Tues days....................... 6 A.M. FayetteVille, river. Haw days and Fridays , . ... , ...... 1 P. M. Fayetteville by C. C. 6 W dijr 8 A. M, Onslow C. H., (horse mail) every Friday ..... A. M. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. D. Love. Gold pens at cost. Heinsbekgek. Organs, Ac. Oliver Ditson & Co. Organs at Home. Aid for tho Orphan Asylum. Mr.1 James Southgate, so well known as the gentlemanly and efficient General Agent of tlifi Masonic Temple, is now in our city tor the purpose of soliciting contributions for the Orphan syluua at Oxford. There are now one hundred and twenty-five Chil dren in the institution, to bo provided for by the people of the etate. It is not a sec- tarian institution, and tUoqgh to a great (ex tent the offspring of the Masonic order, its benefits are not restricted in any way, but are intended t.0 embrace all the fatherless and motherless lftth? ones who come within jt3 walls for support and protection The stock of pr provisions and clothing needs replenishing, and as no direct and special appeal has yet been made to the citizens of Wilmington for aid for this no ble enterprise, Mr. Southgate now visits us for this purpose, He will call on our mer chants and citizens generally to-day, and where money cannot be conveniently sup plied he will receive provisions of any kind from our grocefs tbaf will bear keeping, and goods suitable for clotfcng frpm our j dry goods merchants. We hope that Wil mington will not be found behind other cities asd towns in the State in her contri butions to this noble charity. AlaKlatrjUaa) Court. Before Justice Cassidey yesterday morn- ing: I Henry Adams, charged with, stealing a lot of plates and other articles from Mr, A. D, Wesejl, about the 3rd of the present moDth, was required to give security 'n the sum of $200 for his appearance at the next term of the Superior Court, in default of which he was committed to jail. Before Justice Moore; Wra. Barr, charged with assaulting P, 1 ." 0? f Tin i.f 1 1 1 ir f The same, arraigned on a peace warrant Issued at the instance of H. Knight, was re quired to give security in the sum of $200 for his appearance at the next terin of the Superior Court John Coy, charged with assault and bat tery. Case continued until Monday. Four other cases were continued over for a future bearing. - Progress of the Carolina Central Ball- From a gentleman who has recently travelled oyer the route from this" city to Charlotte, we learn that the grading on the Carolina Central Railway has been com- peted to within about tea miles of tbs la$ ter piace it is expected to commence tracfc ayinir very soon on the portion of tha roftd nQW grse an(j it i8 hoped to reach Chariotte during August. Ii is understood tnat from 700 to 800 hands will be placed UDgraded portion of the road, com- Prising the ten miles above alluded to. This iooks use ousmcss uu v...-a wftg nece9sary f0r nmi to settle tne same, tion of the near approach to completion of whereupon a friend furnishes the follow the important enterprise which is o con" . nect our city with Charlotte and tne great Weat. mayor's crt. The only cases befre the Court yesier thoaa of two wnite men, UOJ i-g, , T TT I " t us- o., nthr niA rrt AM n X m0i (d Rtenhen oya ana i. n khn vffan xuii ii ui ii li u &l duu w v-mwiuu, vu6v- f", TtS were found guilty and reJm'ea lo y fine of $20 and costs, each, in aeiauii OI . . ..I. II.. itMDtl Two of the colored street prisoners, named Robert Hill and Jake Davis, got into ing-. . Do y0Ur best ; no matter about ex o fi -I, vpatcrdav afternoon, when they were tense you shall be satisfied." The dis- 5 arrpsted bv Officer Mulford, in charge the force, and lodged in the Guard House to await a hearing before theIayor this morn- ing. Both printing and ruling done in the finest grades of copying ink'at the Stab Job Printing Office. tf MORNING WILMINGTON, Local Dolt. ;. The Norwegian Brig Alma, from Loudon, was reported in below yes terday. The river is still very high, but is reported to be falliDg slightly at Fay etteville. TheSchra W. Willey cleared from Baltimore for this port on the 2olh instant. The Schr. Telumah, Harding, arrived at Bath, Me., from this port on the 23rd iost. The German Brig W. Von ireeden arrived at Queenstown from this port on the 25th inst. The German Brig Adolph, Hen reicksen, from this port for London, ar rived at Deal on the 24th inst. The Norwegian Barque Auka thor, Hendricksen, cleared from Savannah for this port on the 25th iust. There are now eighteen prisoners in the chain-gang, four of whom are women one white and three colored. An excursion party visited the scene uf operations of the. steam dredge boat, yesterday, on the steamer Wln, Nyce. The paving of the sidewalks in various portions of the city is still being pushed forward and great improvement is the result. The monthly meeting of the Teacher's Association will be held at Union School House, corner of Sixth and Church streets, this morning at 10:30 o'clock. C4IaoJu Superior Court. Impor- tant Civil Salt. We wave the particulars of an important civil suit, which has been in the Courts for about four years, involving property to the amount of some fifteen or twenty thousand dollars in the town of Lumberton, which has just been decided in Columbus Supe rior Court, now in session. The particulars are as follows: Heirs of Hardy Barnes, deceased, vs. Heirs of Reuben King, deceased. The case was removed from Robeson county to Co- .umDUS for trial, on an issue sent down from I tbe Supreme Court. The action was brought to compel the de fendance to reconvey Jo the plaintiffs two lots in the town of Lumberton tbat had been conveyed to Reuben King to secure the payment of $ 800 and $1,995, tlje plaintiffs insisting that the muey had all been paid. The issue submitted to the jury was as followsj " Did Hardy 'Barnes pay Reuben King any amounts of money to be applied in satisfaction of the mortgage debt ($800) and the trust debt ($1,995), or either of them, and, if so, how much." The jury found that Hardy Barnes did pay Reuben King the sutia of $800, which was in full satisfaction of the mortgage debt, and the sum of $1,995, which was the price nai'd to the Trustee. R. S. French, and that both payments, amounting to $2,795,. were in full satisfaction of these sums re. spectively. Cols. W. McL. McKoy and Nat. Mc Lean appeared for the plaintiffs, and Leitch & Rowland, McLean & Norment, Cols. W. F. Erench and Robert Strange and Capt. John W. Ellis for defendants. A Xmusi Naturai-PartClilia and Part monkey. One of the mott mysterious and unac countable freaks of Nature that we have heard or read of in a long time has come to light in this community. Some time during 1. .child horn inthat of the city known as Brooklyn, the head of . . . which in almost every particular resembled that of a monkey. The child was perfectly formed in every respect save the extreme length and slenderness of its arms, and formation of Its head, neck and face, and facial organs. The ears, eyes, nose, mouth, forehead and arms are indisputably those of a monkey in all the characteristics of form and feature. On the head is a form ation of peculiar fleaky skin, or scales, (dark, light and brown colors), resembling the scull cap usually worn by an organ- grinder's monkey, and it would seem was intended by nature to carry out this repre sentatioa. The child was still-born and we learn will be preserved in alcohol for the benefit of science. t A Slfstat mistake. A young friend of ours following a dif? ferent profession, recently received a no tice from the Internal Revenue Department that his special tax as a lawyer had not q . . a certaiQ yeftr and that it Q..d of old was some in the line Of changing things round most queer to the mind. . But the best metamorphosis ever we saw - Wa8 a D jx 8. changed to a "limb oj vie a taw. Runaway Damaela i a . A difl h was receiyed at toe omce 0I the Marsbal yeSlerday mring' 9 o'clock, from a person at Mt, Olive, on Railroad, requesting the ar- I " . . 1 half nolir iater a second dispatch came, say of patches were placed in the hands of an of- ficer with instructions to look out for the damsels. No explanations accompanied the urgent request to arrest the parties. Import Entries for sale at the office of The'Mobiutjg Stab. N. C., SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1874. Tournament at Point Caswell. The tournament at Point Caswell on Wednesday last is pronounced on all sides to have been a most gratifying success. We learn that there must have been at least six hundred people present. Indeed, we have it from a friend that from the vast number on the grounds, and the many strangers among them, it was suggested that the ernplion of Bald Mountain had certainly occurred and as one of its resultslhe sur rounding community of that much dis turbed spot had been suddenly precipitated to the Point. The tournament was considered a grand affair. The Knights were addressed by C. II. Hines, Esq., in a speech of taste and beauty, fitted to the.' occaion, It. Beverly Frayser, Esq., introducing the speaker in a few neat and appropriate remarks. The speech of Mr. Hines was well received and highly applauded by the large auditory. test resulted in favor of James Colvin, Jr., as winner of the first honors in the tourney.. WbereuponJMr. Frayser proceeded iq ad dress the Knights as follows: Victorious Knights : In. obedience to the spirit and principles of an institution which for centuries past has been sanctioned and commended by the gallant and tho brave. you have met this day on the field of rivalry those who dared with you to contrast their powers. That the strife is now over, and your claims decided, it has been made my duty to announce the arbitrament of the impartial and enlightened judgment of those selected to decide toe issue between you. I will therefore complete my task by hand ing to each of you, according to your suc cess in this struggle, these, the precious emblems of your triumph. The knights then proceeded to crown, as they found them, the ladies of their choice. The Queen of Love and Beauty was the beautiful Miss Cora Murphy, of Franklin Township, formerly a portion of this coun ty, but now belonging to Sampson. In response to a call Major Engelhard, of the Journal, made a bripf speepji, ap.d then the crowd, the ceremonies being over, .pro ceeded to the building prepared for the ball, where the night was spent in frolic and fun. Thus ended one of the grandest occasions ever experienced at the Point, and one which will long be remembered by the good people of that place and vicinity, " m Lecture. Bishop Haven, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, delivered a free lecture at City Hal last night, the subject of his discourse being" Mexico." His remarks were found; ed on personal observation and were of a very interesting character. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. There will be a meeting of the Conserva tive Executive Committee for the Fourth Judicial District, in this city an Wednes day, fifteenth day of April. Every member is earnestly requested to attend, as business of importance will be submitted to them. Chas. M. Stedman, d&wtf Chairman. CITY ITEMS. Draff Books for sale at the Stab Job Printing House. Wxddhto Cards, Ac The most elegant stock ef Wedding Cards, &c, may be found at the Stab Job Printing House. All the latest and most fashionable styles just received. Tbakstxb Pmjjtjng-Inks will copy clear an distinct for an indefinite period of time. Send your orders for work to be done in these inks to the MoBNnict Stab Prin ting-House. PBnrrnje PApin. We now have In stock over S00 reams of news paper, size 34x$0, weight 80 lbs per ream. It is good, rag paper, and will be sold, in lota to suit, for cash, or sent by express C. O. D. The contQldfttus of the Carolina Farmer and the WtMyStar having largely increased the circulation of the latter, advertisers will find it an admirable medium of communication with the farmers and planters of the two Carolina. Tbaksfbb Prist inq-Inkb for copying letter-head ings, statements, way-bills, Ac. Can be copied in the ordinary letter-press book. Send your orders for printing in these inks, and for all other descrip tions of printing, to the Mobhihs Stab Printlng- House. Book Butoiry. Thi Mobnuto Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Ruling in a work I manlike manner, and at leasqnable prices, aier chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of their orders. job Pmktiso. We call the attention of mer chaats, clerks of courts, sheriffs, lawyers, railroad and steamship officers and agents, and all others having orders for printing, to the facilities offered at the MoRNrae 8tjlb Pbtntins Establishment for the prompt nd fajthM execution of all kinds of Job Pbihting. We can foraish at short notice Cards, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Programmes, Ball Tickets, Blanks, Pamphlets. Tags, Hand-Bills, Cata logues, Bills f Fare, Show-Bills, Checks, Drafts Ac., 4c Satisfaction guaranteed. IF TOP Want a Situation, Want a Salesman, Want a Servant Girl, Want to rent a Store, Want to sell a Piano, Want to sell a Horse, Want to lend Money, Want to buy a House, Want to buy a Herse, Want to rent a House, Want to sell a Carriage, Want a Boarding place, Want to borrow Jloney, Want to sell Dry Goods, Want to Bell Groceries, . Want to sell Furniture, Want to aell Hardware, Want to sell Beal Estate, Want a job of Carpentering, -Want a Job ofBlaeksmithing, Want to sell Millinery Godds, Want to sell a House and Lot, Want to find any one's Address, Want to sell a piece of Furniture, Want to buy a second-hand Carriage, Want to find anything you have lost. Want to sell Agricultural Implements, Want to Advertise anything to advantage, 5 Want to find an owner for anything Found, Advertise in TUB MORNING STAR. nn Spirits Turpentine. Frost fatal to peach trees in Wake county. - A grange was organized at Winston last Saturday. There are now nearly three hun dred granges in the State. -An enthusiastic religious revival is going on at Rocky Mount. - A ship-yard is to be established in Edenton to build barges for Northern coasts. Wake farmers are reducing area ... ....... o I of cotton in cultivation, and propose to raise their provisions. Noble idea. The three story dwelling of Mr. H. Hays, of Harrellsville, Hertford county, was destroyed by fire on the 13th. Mr. Cullen Battle, telegraph operator at Wilson, has resigned. Mr. Gibbs, from Lynchburg, Va.; succeeds him. A New Yorker is in Raleigh there. If the sale be effected, he will invest some $30,000 in machinery, alone, for taking up the lead. Clinton Reporter: The executive committee of the Agricultural Society met on Tuesday for the purpose 01 revising the premium list for the present year. Among the important revisions made was one in regard to wines, brandies, etc. They re solved to offer no premium for these liqnors. Wilson Plaindealer : About ten days ago a little child of Mr. J. H. Sharpe, about 8 years old, in Gardner's township, this county, was attacked in the yard by a vicious mule and pawed so badly that its life was at first despaired of. Later ac counts represents the child as improving and it is now thought that it will recover slowly. Crescent: An unusual number of deaths among the older class in the South ern section of Wake county have' recently occurred. Mr. Pool, William Rand. Sr.. and Mrs. Wood, all living near Rand's mill, have lately died, in two or three days, one atter the other. Ana old Mr. Dupree, the oldest man in that section, is now at the point of death. The mumps, whooping cough and measles are all prevailing along the Johnson and Wake line, and have proved very fatal among the children. An investigation of the damage on the University buildings has been made ana the estimated cost or repairs is six thou sand dollars. The Crescent says: The build ings are not in such bad plight after all, though the thieves have now commenced stealing the bars of iron from under the arciies of the hre-places. The library rooms, in the topmost part of new build ings, are considered very unsafe. They cracked and have already sunk down in the middle an inch or two. The sleet storms of winter have laid low the fine old elms in the campus, a.qd there oould have been hauled out from forty to an hundred loads 01 wood from the trees mown down and broken limbs scattered all over the com mon. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Purcell House, J. R. Davis, Proprietor. Miss Da vies and Maid, Miss Lucy Davies, F H Davies, J H Owen and wife, New York: D Yineiiner. Indiana: Wm Gardner. Miss Fanny Bell, Mrs Reily, New York; J JDale and wife, Townshend, Oh;M M Johnson, Uity; A JJ (Jutts, Onslow county, J C. McCaskill, J H McLean, Shoe Heel; G J WinchelL Haverhill, Mass; Jas Robin son, Goldsboro; T H Stanford, Jr., Balto; A F Powell, Whiteville, N C; J D Clapp, JMew York: J a. Jieslin, Savannah, U; C T Jeffries. Philda: Col Deariner. Citv: C B Phillips; USA; J M Decker, New York; W M Cole and wife, Brooklyn; W A Allen, nenansviue; J jn uodo, uaitoi Fanner's Hotel B C Barden, Proprietor Andrew ' Williams, Bladen county; R D Melvm, J S Melvm, Cedar Creek; William Bullard, R M Tatom, W N Edg, Sampson county. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR REED ORGANS t tiTe ORGAN AT HOME i This admirable collection of music for Reed Organs should be at Home wherever there is a Reed Instru ment. Nolhing that is not of the very best quality has been allowed in the book, which has more than 200 attractive pieces, compactly printed on large pages. Nothing difficult Everything nicely fitted to tne popular taste. Price in boards, $3.50. Cloth, $3.00. Gilt $4.00. New MetM for Reed Organs. PRICE $2 50. Bx WM. H. CLARKE. A thoroosh Method, containing not only abund ant directions and exercises, but a large quantity of the best Reed Organ Mnsic, arranged and. fitted with Mr. Clarke's welj-known exquisite taste and skUl. ; Qeus immensely. niarkpa Dollar Instructor FOR REED ORGANS. An excellent and attractive instruction book for those who need a short and easy course. Sent postpaid, on receipt of retail prc$, Oliver Dttson 9c Co. I C. II. Dltson it Co. Boston. I 711 B'way, New York, mar 28-d2taw satwed&wtf Gold Feus at Cost. TN ORDER TO LESSEN AN OVERSTOCK, I X will, For a Few Days, Offer GOLD PENS, PENCILS and TOOTHPICKS, also Gold-mounted Pearl and Ivory, Magic Pencils and Charms, AT COST. The Stock to select from is one of the largest and finest in the South. J, D, LOVE, pjar tj-u w jdook oeuer ana oiauuner. MASON & HAMLIN Organs v XT' VERY PURCHASER OF -A MASON & HAM- xu LIN Cabinet Organ may be assured that he is getting, in proportion to size, capacity, style and class, the best instrument which it is practicable in tne present state or tne art to construct, we are not afraid to warrant all our work as up even to this high standand. Without extraordinatry facilities it would be impossible to furnish Organs of suck ex cellence at sucn prices. ; For sale at HEINSBERGER'S : Live Book and Music Store. ; ifiar 28-tf . . - ' - XJCTEDDING " CARDS . AND VISITING CARDS II printed in the most elegant style, at WM. H. BERNARD'S augll Priatlng and Publishing House. WHOLE NO. 2,027. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, -r. Excelsior Rock Lime. A- SUPERIOR f ARTICLE ! Twenty,- Five Per-; Cent,; THAN OTHER LIMB. Lei By ' WORTH A WORTH, KEKCHNER & CALJiER BROS. mar 11-nac lm : Q ADDLES, HARNESS." TRUNKS, VALISES, eBPlantation GoodsrFeatherDnater-l WlUDB. bDUra. Axle Grease. Saddlerr. H1vi.J I second-hand Saddles, and all kinds of Saddlerr Goods. Very cheap for cash at :,; ; i t; J. S. Topham Ac Co. 'a. Harness Factory, Wilmington, M C: feb 13 tf nac MISCELLANEOUS. THE WIND BLOWETH WHERE IT LISTETH, 1 and no man knoweth whence it cometh or whith . 1 rh ueu,' "u l,u 811 QO KUOW' mn 10 ODiam HURST i.iflflfln.' witifts atm km u.vMk MiuwtHj 11 uvmj ibiuu "U?J I LA QER BEER ,; 1 AND NEW RIVBB OY8TBRS, : ,:. in the ?ty, they must visit jUe,t;; ... MOZART SALOON, No, 1 Granite Bow, South Tront St G?RKEN & HAAH, ! Proprietors. . mar 13-tf Osborn's Celebrated pEEPAEED JAVA COFFEE. Only 30 Cents! We are selling it largely all over the State. The price per pound ia ONLY 30 CENTS ! With LARGE DISCOUNT to Sealers. Every Grocer should keep it. The demand for it growa dally. ONLY 30 CENTS ! Try I t ! T ry I 1 1 ONLY 30 CENTS ! OHAS. D. H7ERS A CO., 5 and 7 North Front 8t, Wholesale Agents for North Carolina. mar 27-tf Further Inducements. JN ORDER TO FACILITATE THE SALE OF DRY GOODS Held by me. under sundry executions, at 41 North Front St., I wilTmoke a reduction of 10 per cent an Actual New York Cost, on all paicnafee exceeding the stun of FIVE DOL LARS, from this date. A. K. BLACK, Sheriff.; march 27-3t 1874. Furniture. 1874. OUR LARGE STOCK OF . - Furniture, Carpets, Mattresses, k, IS NOW COMPLETE FOR OUR ' ; SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE. Owing to a small fall in Winter trade we now offer to cash purchasers Unusual Inducements. Call and examine Stock and prices. ' ' . - mar 24-tf D. AJ SMITH & CO.; TOBACCO. Change of Business aad Location. In order to a change in Business and Location on 1st April, our well- selected stocK or TOBACCOS, SNUFFS, CIGARS, PIPES, and SMOKERS' ARTICLES, itReOYiu be sold at a concession la price 4-f or CASH or negotiable Dater. A rare chance is offered to the trade and consum ers. XI. IflurUTT, TODaCCOniSt, Wilmington, N. C, March 15, 1874-tf : ' rrm Hoop Iron. Glue. Bungs, . &0., &C, TONS HOOP IRON, - 22 ti,iLa' Kj,L,uis't 2 BBLS. BUNGS, 25Q PACKAGES RIVETS, For sale by KERCHNER & CALDER BROS., mar 2G-tf 27. North Wa 8 & 89ter St, Ganno, Salt, Glue. Hoop Iron. JFJQ Tons Guanape, 7 500 Sacka 8alt' 2Q Bbls Glue, . OA Tons Hoop Iron. For sale low by WILLIAMS & MTJRCHISON. mar 22 -tf Repairing of .011 Hals ;anl Bonnets. OLD HATS AND BONNETS pressed and made to BLEACHED, Look ar Well ai New. For particulars call on MRS. JENNIE ORR, 4Ui Street, between Nun and Church. noT-tf Hay! Hay! TN LOTS TO SUIT ' ' For sale by febS-tf ADRIAN VOLLER8. J. M. Davis. & Oa . CLEAN AND DYE CURTAINS. LADIEk AND Gentlemens' Dress Goods, Kid Ctooda, Burs, &C., of eyerydeacription. Orders byJExpress will receiveprdmipt attention. Office at Mrs. Pickett's, Corner Front and Market Streets. " marxism. . vna Squar&ne oay,.....j. '...... 1 "f iwoaaya,....,.. i m Tlkrott woticSw-vv - 50 . " " - One month a . ; . ....8 Of U Jit nv WMim.. a ....... .. .... ....'V WV . Throe jaontha,.. M to vonttu.. ... . . .as m 0-Contnct rertiaemtnta taken at twoimr UoMtelyJow rates; JXTr?r it .rjji v Fire Bqnaret eeinVe4 u a qturter-colnnia, ar.d ten squareras i liaK-cdnimn. .... ij MISCELLANEOUS. OREJiA, HOUSE R. P. ESNDALL, BtnimcM MiHASia. IttONDAir AWD! TUESDAY, ntARCH " ' FOX WElttE&S ' . MKt DMIME .TROtTPE ! ' TONY DEN1BB ' The sole acfcnowledgea tftM if -' ' i I, t F OI ai C LOtW lV, TN,hia famous Pantoaaliue, entld - L - v - ' r. H umpty u in p t y ., ; ; As Played tor a Years in Jlwr, york tyj 25 TALEWTEP ; FaSgFOaWBltS. Including Gymnastics, .the Youngest Cornet Player tat the World, Dutch Oomicalitle, Spade Dancinjf. Spngs and Dances, Imitations of Birdrand AnimalS, Stilt Peri ormancea, Sario Comte Song and Oriental 13L.'.hl mmrnimrn - tut - uA' sons. JiKRGEK'S BOOB Open at 7:15 o'clock: commences at 8. mar 85 t t , ; i J..WM. K. COLBMAN Asnrr. - - Our StirMr PiirQlilses ARE NOW DAILY"' ARRrVTNO, IN vTEW OF i which we will be plewad to offer to the trade a arre opportunity In exhibiting one of the most select 4 Fancy and Stail6 v Dry Goods: Ever introduced into this market, , .-, ' ' : OUB SENIOR, MR. BOSKOWITZ, long known in this oommnntty a to his ability and taste, is now in Northern Markets, catering for our SPRING and SUMMER Supply. ! . . l We invite attention to onr Neat Styles of PRINTS which we bow have la' store, i - ' ' A SPECIALTY in . Jaconet and Kainsook. j dglns and Issertings IN GREAT VARIETY. -. " Also a full line of ALPACAS, at remarkably low prices. ..,; ,?. V : 5 ' : t,i iil -. i ; S3?" Stop in and look at onr Goods.' v . - : Very respectfnlly, ; v, iriarl5-tf BOSKOwITZ & LIBBER. ALWAYS rpiIE SAME : ;"' "Best Butter In tie World." GOZDE&JDRIPS LEAN'S SYRUP. NEW IIUIJLED BUCKWHEAT. EMPIRE FLOUR. MAPLE SYRITP. AT GEO. MYERS: decSOtf ' .llandlSFroatSt. f- ' ' i - - H. BURKHIIIER ; ' HAS- ALWAYS ON nand thellnest brands of VIRGINIA '- AND NORTH CAROLINA ChewlaK and MM, Teliacco ! Also, Bne Imported and Domestic Cigars, at v...- Wo. Market Street. oct!9-tf. - f. ....,-'. r. They Have : : Arrived : THOSE PINE KLACKi" ,; DOESKIN PANTS ; , ALSO, TUE BERLI, SOMETHING "jraiW". Call and see at the 'City Clothing Store. v mar 96-tf City Clothier. Wli61esale I $x$&e BOOTS AND SHQ E S . Buyers of t BOOTS & SHOES Will find onr stock full and complete. ' Our prices are as low. as any house North. GEO. S. FRENCH SONS. North Foat street. marSetf ' Just Received,, 25 BARRELS PRIME ; , New Orleans Holasses. 25baERELS' J '!y"'" Silyei Brip jByriip. 1000 BUSHELS . Lh:u -Uur. Water Ground Ileal. For sale by ' mar 27-lw BINFOBD, CROW, ( CO. Bacon Pork, Flour. I 7 es piaea,- - FJ0 Hhda & Boxes Smoked Sides, ygBbUOMPorkv '"f,':,i 1 ' (fift ibli Fleiir, (all grades), 1 1,VVV7 mar S3-tf For sale by lf: .-j.. WILLLSlMS St MURCHISON. ; For Eent. ' npHAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, Garden and lot attached, corner Seventh JJ J J J ' . 7 T I5s and Chesnut streets. Immediate posses f , , . ' . . n 1'.' - ' "aVgff, " . . I, JAMES A, BRADLEY. .8FQaT;'CAnB8nn; oaks. 1AAA NEW AND SSLECJTXDy ,UUU Hand Spirit Casks, 7 Vnrnkhr SECOND- KERCHNKR CALDER BROS ' mar 26-tf 27, 88 North Water 8t. -1:! 'Ill 9 It I I K is a I n I h 1 : it' if 4- iff.. ii ft', ; i