' it t ft 3 V i I i i 1 I t i I i v. i ;H' ''- " 1VM MLV DVDKIDII''!'!.'! " :-! :- " Editors. CICKBOW. IIAIiniSv f , The-irictoyy -"wonr brer - Radicalism in Connecticut bri the 6th inst., is one - that carries oy to the heart of everyj true lover oft the law and the consti- liable to. be . misinterpreted. We therefore prjnt the annexed ".extpcts. JH ram tvi of1 the leading l5embcratio! apethetateg jffjj 'J- ' &ew Haven Register. - Tle Adniinistration waa forced intojhe t CHDtass; Mb people bare repudiated the Earty of Uje'AdministratiDn; Hundreds of lepublicans, men who have acted with the Republican parfy from the iiUrt, voted on Monday the Democratic ticket for the first time. Thia is la victory for the Liberal Democracy, and they now have it in their power, to, coo trai the f Stale from this time forward. . ; : j ...'' . Hartford Times. "We d not claim this sweepintt ind alto gether unparalleled result in Connecticut as a mere Democratic triumph. It is indeed belongs to anyeftral and deeply earnest movement of a great people, who after, long endurance arise; at last in their, might, and willingly sacrifice all minor considerations, of party, in thejone strong purpose of .res cuing their country from shame, and re storing the Government to honest hands. This extraordinary and overwhelming re sult in Connecticut expresses just that feel ing; and it could never have been brought about by aay, one party alone. -i ' ' f i ; TIIK GBBREAN VOTE LOST TO THE BEPtTBLICAIf PARTY. For two y eirs , tho MeaVen : of dis content has beri.wdrking among- the Republican " Germans in the West. The ascendancy of the . Republican party has been maintained chiefly by the German jvote in the States of Ohio, plinois, jW.iscousin, , Michigan, Iowa and Minnesota. , The elections in these States last year were all ad verse to the Ilepablicans. The muni cipal elections in Ohio last week de- mopstrated the .utter weakness in the -KT . . ' c-o -x a i Northwest otjthe party of Butler and Sanborn. Bdta few years ago all the . cities and large towns j in that great State were controlled by Republican officials. ' To-day the Liberal Democ ' racy and Reformers have control of every city in ihecommon wealth. The most tjeedless or illiterate way faring man may easily read such signs as these: ; j No false pride prevented Hon. R. M. THunter from .accepting the po sition of Treasurer of .Virginia. Once a leader in tlie Senate of the United i . Stated ? Chairman , of the Finance Committee o the .Confederate Sen- i , ..... ate, in every a ' sage ' and forth from' situation and at all times a statesman," he "goes Ins honored retirement inter the service of his State in a cdm naraUvelyEninKle cApacrtr i The ex- pcrience of Mr. Hunter will be worth , muchto thejfinancial department of - s L r: ; : ent .Bnfprtuhate, derangement. . .The . extrication of the old Commonwealth from present embarrassment by this able veteran of finance will entitle him to the United States Senatorship. - The good news reaches ns that the provisions sent by. the British Gov ernment will be more than sufficient to stop the dreadful fjanrioe which his prevailed in jlndia for some time CorenaiU o f Peace JBetweeu OU1 and : till. An, Atlanta letter writer says: . : An incident occurred at the sapper given , ex-GoveTrior Vance the other evening which is exciting much com-- something' far frnore significant thanany, piere p&rtyfacceea.f It partakes largely of Altlmpxesnre characterwhiclrteees9arily raent v and .speculation, especially withoat hot bricks, and she ought to among political outlookers. Among make aireductio;:'nnpricef?." We the guestsrascnt-weTe" Gen Toombs have more i,han once saya the wicked and Hb9J W. IfiliM Jong Courier-Journal, haA occasion to re series of years have been :at 7 dagsrors mbustrate with'-the Free ' Press tor 'drawn. During the. progress of the evening it is said that Men. Toombs a rose from Ihis seat and remarked: " Mr. Hill, vou to be a I have always believed rr. st-OUJulnri, but recent events haveiffijfetJ-toremove that liuprwwioii, and 1 truxt that hencej tortli our association may , be both trieiidly and prohtable." This little speech has been the means of briiifr- iug itito iioticw and retuark the khhi- ing friendly! nil ercOurse between the two gentleraenj : , : '.: !v' , tSince : anc before the . delivery of imt overture oi peace and good will GeWalf Toombs and Mr. Hill ha v e been seen on the streets arm in arm, audits clo and as.it , were, confi- deottairiRimaiWri at the'hutelsi and other 'public. renprtM. Your, cone- spoudent yuld state,' however, that there were others present at Uie sup- connection with similar remarks nli tharpNl as a disgiiisV' expression of iis dislikp for Mr, Hill. The re marks Ascribed to "Mn Toombs, how ever, should be received with some de gree kqU iay9waocer ior.hey were doobtWw caught byh9 hearers amid the confusion pf clinking wine glasses a'-' -L iLlzl.ii.: ' had the Tnisfbrtuoe to inoculate perself with virUs f rom a friendwhbliad dlea most. agonizing and her life is despair ed of. ONLT A POSTAL CARD. Or the Trouble a Alan Got Himself Chicago Tribune. t A prominentfeHban0.in St. Joseph, Ma, J. Bl Johnsofe, Esq., has f Uli XllLUSCtl lllbU UUUU1C I. lie J. wu master of St. Joseph into trouble, the Postmaster of Chicago into trouble, nd the Gpv,ernnpent of jtbe United tales into troubles AH gfdwirig out of f fHWfesteboard-with gome-wr'rtiHg on i,t.,- borne weeks ago, JMr.Jonn son, having occasion to order, goods from Chicago. posted :a label about tne size or a posiage-siamp Dealing. m , il l hia Knoin oca alnracfl rr f no nnct a I. I a-A - Thn rhiAflA.nnnnontYa. ceived the card in'd'ae time, but had 4 to pay C cents extra postage, -aiwll so f notified MK J ohnson. As tbc latter had been in the habit of posting these labels for some time and had never before been : called upon for extra postage, he consutted.the Postmaster of St. Joseph, MK 'Arnholt, about it. The latter, authority;, informed mm mat, ne naa a ngnt 10 lauei ine cards and could continue to do so with safely, unless the cards were agoing to Chicago, whose Postmaster didn't un derstand the law. Thereupon, in a happy' frame of mind, Mr. Johnson addressed a card to the Chicago house in his best handwriting, and with a I feeling : of exultation i trinmphanlly and m a bold hand wrote tnese, words: "Our Postmaster says your Postmas ter is an ass." The Chicago Postmaa ter forwarded the obnoxious postal- card to Washington. ; Mr. Creswell put on his spectacles and read the St. Joseph Postmaster's pithy opinion of the Chicago Postmaster. The result of the reading was a postal-card from Mr. Creswell to the bt. JosephPost- master,which nearly lifted the latter functionary out of bis boots, and made him realize, as he had never ? done be- xore bow irau uie ienuroi a posiomce may be. Thereupon the Postmaster called upon Johnson, and informed him that he had never said the Post master of Chicago was an, ass. . Mr. Johnson brushed up bis memory, and, after a while, concluded that he was mistaken in the language used, and gave his Postmaster a statement to that effect. This relieved the Post master. He- forwarded ' the. state ment to Mr. Creswell. and once more felt secure in his office. But it did not end here, for on Thursday an-oraer came ior tne arrest ot jur. oonnsou ior using scurrilous ianguage on a postal-card, andlthat nisht he was arrested. Thus, f or the sake of a little business label abojit the size of a postage-stamp, the" St. Joseph merchant got into a difficulty with the bt. J oseph Postmaster and the Chicago Postmaster got the bt. Joseph;Postmaster into trouble-with nits uuvciuiueui. auu lias gut uim- self into a tight place, , in which he mav have to pay from $100 to L,000, or go to jail and stay from one year to ten years, before he can extricate himself. He has written a card to the St. Joseph Gazette, in which he savs: When Shakspeare made the illus trious Dogberry say, "Write me down an ass," he was in blissful ig norance that such language was ." ob scene and scurrilous? That discovery. was reserved tor the genius who pre sides over the I ost-Ofhce at Chica20. Webster defines the term ass, "a dull, j heavy, stupid fellow; a dolt."e Wor cester and other lexicographers give almost identically the same definition. In uch a sense it is used by the best u i:-t- 'o.-L. .i a u I mhU'h. I nsAd tho ornrpoeinn as tha 1 " -r'-"'" connection clearly shows." In what sense, Webstenan, Wor- cesterian, Dogberryan, or.; Johnston- iarx,-the mr J oslrmerctiatir'taTred the Vhicago rostnjaster an ass, it now behooves him to "show or pay the penalty. Meanwhile, let us all .be thankful that the Government exer cises such watchful care over its chil dren, and-tb at none of them can be called asses on postal-cards with im punity. rLeast of all will it allow oBe of' its Fofltmasters tbTecerVea: loog eared compliment of this sort without making the sender pay handsomely for tne conipliment. The Anthony and Her Ilet Brick. The Detroit Free Fresh says : " The season is getting so laraavancea mat Susan B. Anthony can get along talking to promiscuoBS crowds about Susahs1i6t tncksrwFich are none of the F. P.'s business. . And here let us us iretntark, in exteiinalwui of the hse of hot bricks, that they are tfie bent f ail known siiiHt it nte for a htisbaiiil. for tliev never yet drunk ainl go to bed withjUieir hoots on. never, nrirfre in ineir sieep nor kick on the oed- and if a button is missed f roru their shirts in the morning' they make no rnss about it. It hot bricks had the capacity to -i support a wife ana cniniren, no woman should ever ': A Qaeollou Iir OtaeHilnirjr. ' When the celebrated; French chein 1st. Qrfila, wan on one.oce-axioti.a wit- nens at a inai ior poisoning, he was asked by the i' president if he ciuld state'the qnaritity of lirsehic requisite to kill a fly. "vert am ly. M. le Presi dent," replied the exje ft ; "but I mnst first know beforehand Hthe age of the nyr its sex its temperament, its condi tion and habit-of body, whether mar ried or single;1, widow-or '! maiden' wmvwer or DacngMuWt .w ) -;- ClaaairjrlnK iBntter. "A WHirnaTTeT-wrsdeatefs ttf batter classify it as Vobl grease, cart grease, soap crease, vaneerated. ; tes- ",orcui "wrsrase;-Doarauig nouse breakfast!ihferl6HuKrmnon tub. niedinhi!roiU eoocl roll: and 'mlti'edcra ?j I Toll , rho . . i .'r - l r . .. r 4H6 reiu ulv pvnctiy xecnm- nlcaV2- stau-ditst. The Sultan of Turkey has -an befre tisnrevand a kindle face. Ik l. iphicao song dedicatedto till crj r"3 Mr. Stephens contemplates re- turninsr to weorgia ror rest ana - re cuperation, "j-,. PI1'1 )died in A petriffed tooth embod 'tRTbTeTwas lately discovered near Jttiddleburg, 'a;n - uric , a omeroy s. tortune has; dwindled from a million to les than lhjrt iKnnoon j ilAiiara - ! .' -Ill I t J " V VevaeJ -. ' - ; j , . t .' . LvTr Aoe, .London Saturday Review itarticle on the liqnor-crusa , r ;..'ff.V Tho Brooklyn Aravs is of opin- iou that a kind word "jwill always go furtner than , a flat-iron : or - a.; M)tato masher." " uih.- m ; ; - AT Western liauer annoiinees the deaih': pf ,a lady celebrated for the purity of her character ana com plexion." : -yj :.;,.:.;::;l:::."'; ' ; Next to the sweetness of having a friend whom you can trust, is the convetiience of having a friend who wiH dccasionauy trust you. J . , There is a Maine clergyman who says from his pnlpit that he had " rather, possess the . pearl of great priqe than the wealth of all the Uoths- children." " . : . By prbclamatioo of Governor Furnas ' of Nebraska., the second Wednesday of April in each year is set apart as Arbor Day, in pursuance of a resolution of the State Board of Agriculture. A few evenings ago a commit tee of ladies went' into a Laporte, Ind., saloon, called for " three beers," which were gallantly drawn, drank them and walked off without offering to pay, tor them. It is a very pretty fashion : But there is not a modest-minded girl m the world but. would blush celestial rosy red if she dared to stop and ana lyze the reason that she pins the skirl ot her dress back so tight. " Farewell, Susan, von have driven me to the grave," wrote John Barch; of Alabama,4 fojaWfeari aero. and left a note on the river bank. He was arrested in Cincinnati, living with .another woman, last week, Duluth, that lovely Duluth. " where the lemon trees bloom, and the gold orange glows in the deep mal belt UBder the ear and her ther mometer is down to .three .degrees above zero, What Zaccbeas Did. I N. Y. Letter to Chicago Times. a story is ioia i a certain news paper proprietor who relieved his dis honesty by a splde of humor. lhe agrtit of' a large manufactur ing Jioase went tOVbim to protest against frequent assaults in the edi torial columns. "What the devil is the matter?" asked the latter. "All vou say is an infernal lie. But then we feel - that we can't afford to have this thing go on. w hat sball we do to stoD it?" The proprietor appeared abstracted lor a sew moments, and then .re marked: "I wan thinking about : character in the Bible.., Let me see liis name was -was Zaeeheus. What did ho do? Oh ' ves: he climbed - a tree to see tjie Lord; and he didn't see him either. What did he , do then? Do you remember, Mr. Agent, what he did then?" " He came down, I suppose." " Ah, yes! thank you that's it He came down, sensibe fellow; he came down." The parable was fitting. The acrent imitated, the example of Zaeeheus and A.X.. i-.i-J.-i: . ... . iue juumsHsiio aiienes were mstan taneously spiked. All Deatb Is BIrtb. Th4Gernian .jphUosopheTcJrte, says: I shall not die for myself but only tor others lor those surviving me from whose company I shall be torn for myself, the hottr of death is the hour, of birth to a new, glorious life, The sun sets and rises, the stars sink beneath the horizon and return aerain and aH' the spheres' contih'tre- in their circling dance; but they .never come back exactly in the same state as. they disappeared, and in the bright sources ui me is um useii auu 11s continu ance. .. , ; very hour brought forward- by tQeln every morning and every even inS 8,nks with !Lew increase to the world; new lite aiii! new love thril from the spheres as the dew drops trickle fioin the clouds, and embrace nature J:S "th'ecool niht does the earth. All deaih in nature is birth and at the moment ot death appears visibly the rising of life. There is-uo dying' principle in nature, for nat lire turouMiioui, is uuiuixeu wuu me,wnen concealed behind the old, begins again and develops itselr. JJealh and birth is siniply, the 'cii'f liug of life in jtse in orucr to prebent itseu ever more brightly aiaii6Wlikeflo ifself, From Vlrjjlnla. PdlilSMOUTH, VA., .Aplil 9. John M. West, of. .Petersburg, bought the Ilvgeja Hotel, at Old PoiUt.'at auction to-day for $27,000, 1 htiij, The burgtara gang com mend&t In tii"e' 06rptMib'n ''Coart pi Norfolk to day. 'If red. Bear was'coa victed and sentenceti? .to eight years : i. - : . . : ti. . . , iu tut? euiyeiitiivi v. xne trial o DavI ;gsy is progressing. . . , BroklriT Arsti oa tTalt Whitman . Some . iihscrupuloos-triflerJ latelv- copied Walt iWhitiranV 3?raver o Uolumbus. papes ,orc puDucauoH.-"i.ne- eauor- declined iV tWmjiffcHTf tha author 'llielAift klk t J I -i-m. , . i . . . i my ywri85aneiBecniet aecs-nand .r-txrp . The Tllton Mess. Theodore Tilton has come but bold- v in hia rjaner. the Golden. Aae and snallenced investigation into hiscon luct ioithe;B.eher-Tilt jnatter. t would be wbrth thevhie of PI y-W miiutlj- jQh u rch to in vfiBtigate, anX se tie this scandal, if it were simply for the purpose of squelching such annoy ing agitators and iacks-in-the-box as I Tiiton JpbWdhnll,) Clain &A o. - SPECIAE NOTICES. OBSTACLE TO MARRIAGB. Hbddv relief for YoflBR ifea from, the efleets of Errors and Abuses la early life. Jttannooa xsesiorea. Impediments to Marriage removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books rin.niava icnt f mn. In sealed envelopes.' Ad dress. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No 3 BontkNinth high repntation for honorable conduct and profesj' slonal skill. ' . BUSINESS CAUDS. IV. A. STLIDTI W, JR., Attorney anfl Connselor at Law. WIIMING TON -N. V. - apr l-D&Wtf "" 'J , , . .. A. ADBIAH. , f ' a. VOLLKRS. ADRIAN Comer Front hd Dock St., . WHOLESALE OROCEKS ; ; in ALL ITS BRANCHES ; ,; Country merchants will do well by calling on hb ana examining our siqck. , , ; nor 19-it is. f. irrcionL,i, & sox, QOMMISSION MERCHANTS A.nd Dealers in Grain, Flour, Hay and also Pre.mh uroana meai) reari Hommy and Grits. Nos. 9 and lOTCWater stTWilmlngton. N. C. Proprietors of the Merchant's Flouring Hills, nov 25-tf MISCELLANEOUS. ZDsTOTICIH. ListiDg of Taxables for 1874 WITHIN THE CITY OF Wilmington, N. C. THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITT of Wilmineton. N. C. having bv "General Tax Ordinance" declared that all Property liable to tax ation within the corporate limits of this City, togeth er with Polls and all other Taxables, shall 'be jven in to the "Persons appointed to repeive the Tax List" at the City Hall, between the first days of April and May, 1874; and in violation thereof ehall pay a aonDie tax tnereon r Alii Persons and Corporations will therefore be required (by themselTes or agents) to give in tneir THiaDies to tne duly appointed City Tax Listers, viz: J. L. BaHow.W. H. Banks and D. E. Hooting, at the COliKT KOOH In the City Hall, during the month of April, 1874.'(Sandavs excepted) between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and o'clock P. M., and on Friday evenings, between the hours of 6 o'clock and 9 o'clock P. M., nnder a penalty of DOUBLE TAX TOR FAILING TO LIST their Taxables as aforesaid. . T. C. SERVOSS, City Clerk. City of Wilmington, March 80, 1874. mar 31, -apr 1 & eodln fri sun wed CORNING FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SnOP. Established 1840. B. W. Payne & Sons, ' Manufacturers of Stationary and Portable Engines ' and Boilers. Gearing and Shafting, and Machinery required for Saw Mills, Grist Mills and Tanneries, Ovens and Grates tor burning Spent Tan; Screws, for moving umeacnea ana leacnea pare; ijasungs, ttoite, tau roaar rogB. unairs, sc. , . . t Jr CORNING, STEUBEN CO., N. T. Send for Circular. Machinery delivered free on board vessel in 'New xork city. , . , leb la-ecaaUAWm INIT IA L 'PAPER. THE FOLLOWING PAPER PUT UP IN BOXES X of green satin finished paper, handsomely litho graphed on top and;end, utam'ped with any desired initial,: will be sent to any address, postage paid, on revcipi ui lua juico. " - " . Connecticut yII)y Initial Eack nox contains One quire ofr .extia s'uper white joctavo, and two rack of white envelopes, -stamped wiuu tunic litiuai iciicrf, , ratx cenis.. Brighnrood Hose' Tint Initial Each "box contains one artire of rose tint octavo and two packs of tinted envelopes',' stamped with msiic inuiai lerxers. nice xa cents. i Coari Initial, : Ew-h box eonta'mi one quire of lon?-f old p'-pars. (iK.melbini, ei tirdy m-w). hi-k ted tiiit, tud two liai iii ji Oiirti.i.;l tuv. itjptd, large squnre 8 .e siaiDirecl wiiU iuiiiol luttt-r. nice 5j ccl.i. . Any of the above paper sent, postage pa'd, to any addros.i upun receipt of the prior, bv . ; - J. T. KliLYSON. . ! PookMle-and Wta-Kiiie-, , i apr 8-lw 1112 MainSt, RichmonU Va., t " " ' ' . " ' TO THE ; YOTKSSv (IP JEW II AOVKII COUNTY. AT, THE SUGES'1'IUN . O JdJf FRIKNDh, I have coiic'uded to niiinmucc iii.8-."ltcujidl utc for Registerof bevi.s f. r'h s Cwuufy at'tae'PlcVtiKii inAag-st ntXu BniMneos engagements - wlil' pre vent my canviKbiiig tin coun.y. - - . ., j....,f . . , K. N BI-OOiiWOiiTH. WTLMnroTOH, N. C April 8th,' 1B74.-Iiii ; " HOMES FOit, THE ;H jMKLKS.u-v. Building Lots lor sale ou ,Jaw.le, Church, cjffiS Nunn. Ann. ' ( irauire. DOck.' Chesiiut.!? Mulberry, Waluut, . -Ked .t.-roes, Hai.kl-., ;!! l.ickini-on, Wood. Charlotte, ftixth, Nt-v til-, enth. Whsotn Eighth;1 Ntath, 'inrh,li ifL-vi-.utfit Twelfthv vTbirtemtiiriFourj;- enth; .iTif-en.iuiBix-; teentn,, and' hcviaentti -, etroeis; , . isoi , im-J small houses for sale. Sutisfactory time tiivn. for. payment. Apply to JAilES V LLSGN. iip 8-lw - - ..- , 1 , I I" ! i-l I i.'H.A- TT AVTNQ RE-COMpENCED-THE f I would be pleased to receive th patronage of the Merchants in Coopering RoehiTar, or, ISpirit ,Turr Sentine. Guarantee to give general satisfaction-. rdersleftatGen'l S. H. Manning's store, .will tei cetve prompt attention. ' iiti w A .u:!Jiis;;; ..k. fjana-tf f ,t;f . s uiiWHi AiTBJBB3La') ;;h For Sale,? in.- iiMJJ, J.Ik il J.jA.ePRJNfiR.,,, rt cjair?03i :'" :r--nV': moltw .adas MISCELLANEOUS, JJ RE Rheumatism, Scalds, Lameness, Neuralgia. i f Burns, Soreness, Ureirdatf Boils, Wounds, HoarsenessT Ulcers, Bruises, Headache Sprains, Toothache, -Colic, Old Sores, IMl Hemorrhages, ' Diarrhoea etc f eb 22-eodiw3m enn wed fri GRAND GIFT CONCERT. S2S.350.00., In Yalnable Real Estate-and Cash, to be distributed - ito the,Ticket Holders at the G-rand , Gift ; Conoert, TO BK HELD AT JONG'S HALL, h a w i inston, C. SATURDAY, JULY 4TII, 1874. At which time Gifts will bejdistributed as follows 1st. The Kin s ton Hotel and Furniture, (Family Furniture excepted), located in-Kinston, N. C This is is the only Hotc,liatlie place, (a town of 1,500 in habitants). The house is In thoreguh repaRr and has a good patronage. 2nd. One cottage and lot located in Kinston,.36x54 feet. Oft brick basement, bos four 18x18 feet rooms above, broad hall, with dining room, kitchen, . pan tries, &e., in basement. The lot contains one acre of ground. ' ... ! .; ,i .; . ' ,'-... 3rd. One cottnge and furniture, (bedding and one chamber set reserved) with one acre of ground, sit natcd wilhin 100 yards of the depot at Old Fort McDowell county, N. C, on Western N. C. Rail- r6ad. . ... S'28,350.00 GIFTS :AS FOLLOWS l One Gift, Kinston Hotel & Furniture. " " House and lot in Kinston.., " " House and lot at Old Fort. . , "Cash Gift of $2,000 " " " 1,000 , M " ' 500 : " " " 800.... " ' 200 " " " 100 Ten" " 50eich 50 " " 25 " 200 " i' 10 " . . $15,000 00 .. 3,000 00 .. 2,500 00 .. 2,000 00 .. 1,000 00 500 00 .. 800 00 200 00 10OC0 500 00 . . 1,250 00 . . 2,000 00 208 Gifts amounting to $28,350 00 tSOne Twelfth"" the Tickets will draw Prizes. Tho object of this Concert is simply to convert the property into money, therefore I will not ecll any more tickets than enough to pay the above Prizes and incidental expenses of drawing, and the Manager pledges himself not to retain a ticket for his own use. CJBT'The following well known gentlemen have been appointed Commissioners under whose super vision the drswuni will take place : Hon. W. T. DORTCH, of Golctsboro, N. C., HENRY R. BRYAN, Esq., of NewBeme, N. C, JOHN F. WOOTEN, Esq., of Kinston, N. C. Whole Tickets, $105 Halves, $5. li Tick- - tsf-fioo; ' ' Good Responsible Agents "Wanted. Liberal Commissions Allowed. "Money should be sent by Express or by Draft On any solvent Bank, by Post Office Money Older or Registered Letter. For particulars, address " DR. G. & BAGBY, Manager, Proprietor ef Kinston Hotel.. J. C. LTT5IRDEN, Agent, At Mrs. js. a. L,nm8acn'fl Miiimery,- Front Street. feb 17 d&wJm A DAT OF EEJOICme Has fomc at last for the Ladies of Wilmington : ; V ; our stock of (l ;;; a spring; GfooiosI Is" Open Snd ohr Lady Visitors "CAch exelaim, " OS HOW-PRETTY r : We knew we '-could' select the Goods to pleaee them, and our daily increasing sales is the best evi dence of. their appreciation of our - efforts. . Right here Tettis thank them for their patronage so prompt and liberally given, and "we assm-e them that 'bur every eort wili be in the direction of famishing ;;u';j."':.j b-etg o p d s . ; IN ENDIxESS VARIETY, at reasonable Drices. '. We invite you all to an examination of our lieao- lirni storK. J!epecnnllv. y in, sc.. ' miSKUWITZ MERER, mar .9 tf 9 Maik' t St Hli SAM 1C ' ; " - Besr BulrliiTE WsrM.5' LtiAX.s S YR UP. AT dec -0 tf .GEO. MYERSV.y 11 and 18 Front Sf;' : - '..'j j: .... 'iV - Molasses Srtipr; r!;:i.t!".i 'jo; i Ja. . 2,150 II II .PIERCES -AND BARRELS 07 8 - .bt'i" For sale vry low aS&jijwW octa-tf vt.J, .-VyW.MyT BKOS. r Hi ! .IJ .'lit! INSURANCE. T?IpMqffT & ARLINGTON pjie Insprance Company jL. tilciuokoitd,. Virginia. Annual Income OverjUSjOOOOO . Progressive !. Prosperous J Prompt ! I e SMAIX'EPBKiSE,''-iBkA:'ibS,"ECURB i , INVESTMENTS, AilPLE RESERVE, , . , AND GOOD SURPlUSI JiM : Premiums asli, t'blicici Ubcral. ,- Aiinuul Division of Surplus. AlkiSsp 4 MAKHlNS, fiei'l Agents : i i j ' InsHrance Rooms. 5 If. Water st. W. C. Carrington, President; John L. Edwards, Vice President; D. J. Hartsookj Secretary; J.J, Hopkins, Assistant Socretary; Prof. E. li. Smith, Actuary B, C. Hartsook, Cashier. . . . . mar 28-tf ' Insurance ; Rooms. $2060,0O F'ialE iNSlJltASrCE CAP' ITAL BEPRESENTED AFTEB j PAYlNGROSXON LOSSES. Queen Insnrance Co.. of .Liverpool and London, Capital. . . . .'. . . . . . : . . $10,000,000 North British and Mercantile Insurance Company, Capital . ..... 1 10,000,000 Hartford Insnrance Company, Capital 2,500,000 national 'ire insurance uompany, or i Hartford, Capital- 600,000 continental insurance company, of New York, Capital , ...... .i ,- 2,600,000 Phoenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn! Capital.......... 1,500,000 Virginia Home Insurance Company, of Richmond, Capital 500,000 ALaKiNl The old Mercantile Mutual of New York. - ' : - . ,: - . LIFE The Connecticut Mutn&l of Hartford, ATKINSON & MANNING, General Agents iv 22-tf ' TNCOUUAGE Aid 1IOJIE INSTITUTIONS. " Security against Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA I303IE IK SURAXCE COMPANY, ; ' ' RALEIGH, ' N. C. This Company coatinues to write Policies, at fair rates, on all classes of insurable property. All losses are promptly adjusted and paid. The "HOME" is rapidly growing in public favor, and appeals, with confidence, to insurers of property in JSC forth Carolina in p: R. H. BATTLE. Jr.. President. C. B. ROOT. Vice President BEATON GALES, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. ATiSJJNSUN B MAJMNINW, AGENTS, angl-tf Wilmington, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. MARTIN & CO.. T&e Oldest & Largest Manufactory of Safes IN AMERICA ! HTHESE SAFES ARE MADE WITH THREE AND A. four flanges around the door, of refined wrought irun irames. wiia uiigte corners, ana Warranted Free from Dampness! From the Scientific American, May 3d, 1873. .. . - . . : Since the Boston fire we have given some atten tion to the real merits of various safes, with a view of supplying our own office with the best article in the market, and have accordingly made selection of a aryniiea Alum ana fiaster Safe: manufactured by juarvin & m., zoo oroaawayJM. x. We will deliver these Safes in WDmington at same price as cnargea oy manufacturers in New iork. jnne 7-tf WILLARD BROS., Agents. M. KORDLANDER, SOLE AGENT FOR Jttassey & Co.'s PhiladeSpliia X and XX Ale and Porter, COLD IN , QUARTER AND HALF BARRELS O and in Bottles at 75 cents per dozen, the same delivered to dealers, families and shipping depots in the city free of chanre. Also, arrangements made with Railroad and Steamboat Companies to return empty Kegs ana Doiues iree oi cnarge. i'or the country 8 doz. Ale, Soda, Sarsaparillaor Porter pack- eu in a uarrei ; ior me city, z aezen in a dox. TheiiX. Mascey Ale and Porter eaual in strength, bodv and flavor, pnd are sold at -one-fourth, the price, of an im ported article. - ' . t . .. Large Walnut framed cards for distribution free of charge to dealers, subject to be called for at anv units uy luu uiiuureigiiea. M. KORDLANDER, ii ) Fourth and. Hanover street jnly 15-ly ' Wilmington. N. C, TTAVING DISPOSED OF MY STOCK OF, TO JLi Dacco Goods to itr. GEORGE HALL, I would solicit for him a continuance of the liberal patronage .?t ..Respeclly,?, , D. PIQOTT. GEORGEHALL, Tobacconist, WILMilTG-TOW IsT. O. itKiiiiiii! 5 1 "Bl II1 apr l-tf ' Toiltttu GoquS ! .. , , JTST RErEIVD. PER STEAMRR A LARGE lot of Ptrfumery and Toilette Goods, viz: - , Grand Du he-s Cologne, Lubin's Extracts, genvlm, ' t ' l.abiu's Soap, tloiida Vater, 'pay '..Rum, Boqiietgap, ' '.. Elder Flo wer Soap, Comb,Tooth, II air ' Nail and Shaving Brush' s. J'a fell assorment'of : " ' ' : '' t'atent Med-'cines. ' ' t.f '!-.":' Chemiicals:' Acids. . .1. K.,NclL.HENiy, , r l Wholesale aud Re ail'iruggit;t, .' ': . Lippitt'si timer. '. old by feb 12 tf : Wade;.;fioykiii .& Co.'s T'HESE STA1HJARD S OtfTiiERN ' ii ;ir-f!j Jcu irj'ol !! nS aift " . - , ...v, FAMILY IHEkICINE TnotrGH Drbhght before the' public" ohry three or foar years age fere a well known mxi as geaer ally used In N .C., as any of the older and more gen erally advertised remedias. J Dr.' Wade's-"LiwrCor"-' recfr!? and care for Dyspepsia, -Dr. Worthinstan'a Boyfcin'sWbrmKiller and Cough Syrup are all as reliable ttmedies for the varjous diseases for rhtefc. they are intended, as can be found in any Market. Calf for tfea; Don'tlet yoirr DraigistsbTtS1 Wjm-hnti !9SiI'r- ? ihiw vtiid sill la it ,I?f Wl4,fWWfef Bpos.jx,i APP't ET ON' S ericanCsrclopsedia Xew itemise!' Ediiioii. , Entirely rewritten by the ablest writerson every ub- Ject stedfram-jttewilfcnd' illustrated witn Several thousand Engravings and Maps. The work orfc&illry Ddbfisnea undpr tho tin.. . Th Nbw American Cyclopaedia was completed in , -vuu w ciriuauon which ir has attained m all parts of the United stato .'. the bignai developments Which have taken place in cijr uiaui.u in niciiw, jitcrBLuru, aDa USX. nave in duced the editors ana publishers to submit to an ex- Vi.-r. r,-.l.,,l H-.V-. A . , " C,'I" within the last ten jrears the progress oi tliscnvur.. in every department of knowledge has made a new work of reference ad Imperative want. ' . The movement of political affairs has vont with the discoveries of science, and their fruiiful an plication to the industrial and useful art and iiiJ uuuvcuicuce auu reimeineni or social life Great wars and consequent revolutions have occurred hi volying national changes of peculiar moment The cirn war 01 mirimn country, wmcn Was at its hcicht w hen the last volume of the old work appeared has happily been ended, and anew course of commercial and industrial activity, has been eoiumenced Larce accessions to our e-eoorarihirni tni. havebeeBimade'by the Indefatigable explorers of Africa ,i ,.: , .,, . The great political revolutions of the last decade with the natural result ;of ,the lapse of. time have brought into public view a multitude ef new men whose names are in every one's mouth, and of whese lives every one Is curious to know the particulars .Great battles have been fought and important sieges main cained, of which the details are as yet preserved only in the newspapers or in the transient publica tions of the day; but which onght now to take their la preparing the present sedition: forihe press it has accordingly beeu Jthe aimjattheseditors U -brio"-down the information to the latest possible dates' and to furnish an accurate account of the most re cent discoveries in science, of. every fresh produc tion in literature, and of the newest iHreMenij in the practical arts, as well as to give a succinct and UllgUitU 1CWIU VI LUC. '- The work has b preliminary labor, f or carrying it on to a successful termin&Hnn , None of the original stereotype plates have been nsed, but every page has been printed on new type forming in fact a new Cyclopaedia, with' the same plan and compass as its predecessor, but with a far greater pecuniary expenditure, and with such im provements in its composition as have been suggest ed by longer experience and enlarged knowledge The illustrations which are introduced for the first tune in the present edition have been added not for the sake of pictorial effect, but to give greater lucid ity and force to the explanations in the text They embrace all branches of science and of natural his to ry, and depict the most farnous and remarkable fea tures of scenery, architecture, and art. a8 WPH as the processes of mechanics " and mannractttrers. Al though Intended for instruction rather than embel lishment, no pains have been spared to insure their artistic excellence; the cost or their execution is enormous, and it is believed they will find a welcome reception as an admirable feature of the Cyclopjedia and worthy of its high character. This work ia sold to Subscribers coaly, payable on delivery of each volume. It will be completed, iu sixteen" large octavo volumes, each containing about 800 pages, fully illustrated with several thousand Wood Engravings, and with numerous colored-Lithograph Maps. Price -and Style of Binding. In extra Cloth, per vol In Library Jather,. per vol... .. . In Half Turkey Morocco. Dervol. ......$ 5 00 . .' 6 00 7 00 ft rui In Half Russia, extra gilt, per vol. . In Full Morocco, antique, gilt edges, per vol. ". 10 00 lh Pull Russia, per vol.. io 00 Three volumes how ready. Succeeding volumes until completion, will be issued once in twelve months. w Specimen pages of the Ajcxbigax Ctclopkdia, showing type, illustrations, etc, will be sent gratis, on application. First-Class Canvass ins Aoents Wanted. Address the Publishers, ' D. APPLETON So CO., 549 & 551 Broadway, N. Y. jan9-tf : , - British Quarterly Ee views. EDINBURGH REVIEW, (Wliig.) LON DON QUARTERLY REVIEW (Con servatite). WESTMINSTER RE VIEW, (Liberal.) BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEW, (Evangelical.) 'AND Blactwooa:s Ettiiiuurgli Magazine, REPRINTED BY THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISH- IKG CO., 140 FULTON ST., NEVC YORK, By. arrangement witA the English Publishers, who receive alib eral compensation, - ' i . ;'.',- ' -. , These periodicals constitute a. wonderfal miscel lany of modern thought, research, and criticism. The cream of all European books worth reviewing is found here, and they treat of the leading events of the world in masterly articles written by men who have special knowledge of the matters treated. The American Publishers urge upon all Intelligent read ers in this country a liberal support of the Reprints which they have so long and so cheaply furnished, feeling sure that no expenditure for literary matter will yield so rich a return as that required for a sub scription to these the :' " Leading Periodicals .of great Britain ,-.(. -, . i , ..-. ; TERMS:! : Abchjione-lMr 'd tlie price of the originals. For any one Review'. 7.1. . .$ 4 CO per annum. For any two Reviews. ;.... u... 7 00 " For any three' Reviews. .......... 10 00 "'' Forallfomr Reviews.. .i.V.Ma 00 -"" " For Blackwood's Magazine.. 4 00 " " Fr Blackwood aud 1 Review, i 1 08 " " For Blackwood and 8 Reviews. . 10 00 . For Blackwood and 8 Reviews. ... 13 00 ' " For Blackwood aad the 4 Reviews. 15 00 41 Postage two cents a number, to be prepaid by the quarter at tho ofllcef deUvery. - - " " ' 4-,-. !. (JtTBST" .t-.'l-MS. Kl SI HlifIiH!- A discount of twenty per cent will be allowed to clubs of four or more persons. : Thus: four copies of Blackwood or ef one Review will be sent to one ad dress tor $12.80; four copies of the four lteviews and Blackwood for $48, and so oa. .sir . ' . To clubs of ten or more, in addition to the above discount, a copy grathvwiil be allowed to the getter up of the clHb. PREMIXJAIS; New fcubscribers.(applying early) for the year 187 tswy have, without chasge, the last volume for 1873 of such periodicals a ihey may subscribe ior. , Or iii?teaii, new subsori)trs to any two, three, or four of the above periodicals may have one of the "Four Re vie s". for ,1873; subscribers .to all Jive may have two of the ''Four Reviews," or one seuof Blackwood's Mugaaine for 187J. . . n Neii her preraiuins to subscribers nor discount to cubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to the pubiir hers. No premiums given tu Clubs. Circulars with further particulars may be had on application., . , : - . . 1 liE l.EO AR1 SCOTf PUBLISHING CO., i jan a-tf J' 140 Fulton St. New York. ! TKe Ealeigli r Kews, D A IL Y A N JJ WEEKL T ', puBusiiEp by :: ii u T .&,za5Eli. ... . , DEVOUO )TO..THS BEST J INTERESTS OP"' jhe (State of North CaroJiun to the success ofj the viiservrtfive party, the development or the hid-' den wt-alth-uf the SfnXjt the inviting, emigration In-f . to our miristV sud advaucemenl of the welfare of onr: pe-ipte in errthlng, that nerves to make a tsutei prosperousand iaiSi2SBdEf-Si A6VteRtl9fij.tr COttfitNS' ' will be found f crest At van tag aS beta the Daily : and Weekly circulate largely in every portion of toes State.' Rmes moderate.- - ' -i ?' v, fl r INSCRIPTION RATES: I YHBtrJOneXiiiirttJ.. It,.v.J.V-:y7.'tt!.,V.T' Io lyt0f Year..t, ,.4rV..., SW, 'ry.ri':SuttMbo'.frl84iTs::''- ' VA ' . ;ti iUT vSTQHBA-'XTEZUX,'. jad2-tf. . . .Proprietors THE OLDEST PAPER ,'IN TUB STATE, i CIR culates extensively in Orange and adjoining counties Subserlptkm price $3 60 per annum. oct9- Editor and JPreprietc. "1

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