N a- f :r 1p:M 7r O CUT! WOT. H. BKBNABD, -Editor. CICKROW.HABBIS,) WILMINGTON 2T. C: Sunday Morning, May 17, 1874. Conservative -Nominations. Fob Superintendent op Public In- - steuction: STEPHEN p. POOL, op Graves. ' ' - For Congress, Third District, A. M. WAUDELL, Of New Hanover (pouuty. For Judge, 4th Judicial District, A. A. McKOY, of Sampson Co.. . For Solicitor, W. S. NORMENT, of Robeson Co. J AVB CAN ELECT OTJtt. JUDGE BIT A HANDSOItlE MAJORITY, We felt confident before the meet- ins of the late Judicial Convention that the Conservative candidate for Judge in the Third District could be erable, majority. With such a can didate, as Col. McKoy and faithful work in every county we may undoubtedly succeed by a ma- ....... r ..: l 1 jority nywnere irom 6u ,,u..ut to one thousand. The annexed vote in the election for Attorney General in 1870, and that for Governor in 1872 are the grounds of our confi dence. . In the counties composing this Judicial District the majority of Wm. M. Shipp for Attorney General, iu 1870, was 1,003; in 1872, at the Gubernatorial election, MerrimonV majority was 547. So we see that if the Conservatives n D mo1T ,',a v.or o foir AA in . 1870 our majority will be one thous and. In 1872 the majority Avas small er because the success of Grant was greatly dependent on how this State voted, and every means, even the most unscrupulous, were resorted to to ensure Caldwell's election. There is no such incentive for the Radicals this year; hence McKoy's majority - ought to approximate, if it does not reach Shipp's majority of 1870. These figures and all the favorable signs in the political firmament should " 1 encourage our friends to make a bet- ter fight than thev have made since I O J I :i: , I tne war.; vv e cannoi see now any man who professes Conservatism as his I political creed can vote for a Radical when his own party offers a better candidate for his suffrages. Let all Conservatives and all men whether Conservatives or not who desire to a ' .t l -i . see the Judiciary of North Carolina elevated vote and use their influence , - . - for Col. Almand A. McKoy, and he wiU be elected by a considerably larger . . : . . majority than Shipp's. HON. W. W. EATON. Last Wednesday night the Demo- cratic caucus in the Connecticut Legis- ment othces m the customs, excise, latore nominated Hon. W. W. Eaton .P;.offlf and telegraph departments take place on a change ot govern to receive the suffrages of thenartvat mont the Senatorial election next Tuesday, nu.ss 11118 18 4'vaieu w .an eiecuon, as tne democrats nave a majority in the Legislature, and the nomination in the caucus was made unanimous with enthusiasm on the first ballot. Be fore the election of Mr. Eaton it was believed .that Barnum, member of Congress and one of the wealthiest men in-the State, would exhibit such strength as to leave the choice of Sena tor in doubt. The friends of the pres ent able and liberal-minded Governor, Charles R. Ingersall, were hopeful that in the event of an evenlv-bal- ,a , - , nard their man would have a chance. But Mr. Eaton was an old and in fluential leader with qualities that have always given him immense power in the councils of his party, and it was fonnd on comparing notes that a lartm mainrit v fr.r 1,5m '.. V trrrii; ' iit t. tt .. . vv imam vv . Hiaion, oi narttord, has been a party leader for more than twenty-five years, though he has a .,.-!,' ...... ... uum r-muun uimi a oiaie unite, ne is a man ot . lair ability and of decidedly aggressive character. His chief recommenda- , . , , . . tions are his honesty and his boldness. tub cotton tax. Jborty-nine representatives repre- Benting the States of North and South Carolina. Gp,rmi TiMnri.la AloK, .. ' b Mi8si8sippi,.Louisiaua, Texas, Tennes-" iff uoia?a j- iuues see and Arkansas met at Washington last lhursday in the room1 61 the r v ... ' - - -j. Committee on Agriculture for the purpose of considering the question of tu frij e .A. . - theiefunding of the cotton tax. ' Mr. Lamar, of Mississippi, presided. Three bills are how pending, one offered by Mr. Cook of Georgia, one by Mr. White of Alabama aqd one ,ly Mr. McKee of Mississippi tt . tt n 1 t r I lion. A. H. Stephens . prefers ITT. , , ! ... i , .j C ,i, I White s bill which provides fpr the- i : : ,1 I uppqiutmern oi comiuisssiuneis w uc- termine whether the tax has been paid and makes the receipts of the e ' l commissioners oi internal revenue prima tacie evidence or payment, it is then proposed that the govern ment shall issue bonds in each in dividual case. The whole subject, was referred to a special committee of ten, of which Mr. Cook is chair- man, and the next meeting will be held as soon as the committee shall be prepared to report The passage of such a bill u I WOUld be largely beneficial to the Southern states, and would pe an act ot resti- tution far more potential in the re- storation of confidence and ?ood - feeling between the sections than the ivuueau iuimwuwus w.Lvy.o , THE ESSEX REVOLT. The Essex-or Sixth District of Mas- s-achusetts is by no means a lovely unit for the return of B. F. Butler to -i rri oi n jj. I vxjngre&s. lue ouiem iruzeue, iU0 loarlirKr Rpnnrlir!n ionrnnl rf Ispv b J" ' " . county, remarks that the only thing "tnat win prevent tne nomination oi "a new man will be the failure of the " public mind to unite upon a candi- date in opposition. To this failure " there may be great liability, but in " all other aspects of the case the pub "ligare ripe for. a change, and we " are confident that the correctness " of this view will be generally re- "cosnized bv all careful observers of "rmblie sentiment." Now these anti-Butler men would havfi Rhown thpir reform zeal tnnrfi I 7. effectually had thev declared sooner CKTainst. t rio rroi f ' TlomnrrnTrrrkvi " oo v ttt t- t t 11 3 i Glynn the flutter of expectation be the Washington Patriot . called ugly came audible, and as he ascended the Ben a few years ago. They are late pulpit manv rose from their seats and in discovering the obliquities of their notorious Representative. We im agine that there is no danger of his being beaded off at present. But the fact that a respectable revolt against him has been set on foot is an encour- firrinrr Girrn 1 rwl rmna -for in tTio aima 40 . to , , , , direction with, the defeat of the But- ,er candidate for the Senate to indnce a belief that there is yet some hope for the morals of Massachusetts. Hon. John Bright on Civil Service. Washington, May 13. 1J- -laton, Esq., the Chairman or -i;...! a 1 - -n . . a. .1 Hie vivii oervice vOLUinisaioi, uas re- I ceived the following letter from John i Bright London, April 29, 1S74. Deak Sir: I am sorry I have been so long in replying to your letter, and now I dp not feel that I can say much that will be of use to you. The open ing or our civil service has met with general approval, and after the ex perience of some years it would be now impossible to go back to the old system. The present plan is one which is felt to be more just to all ciasses and it i8 calculated to supply more capable men for the various de- partmentsof the public service. You wi0aa oro tKot . ont. are doubtless aware that - appoint ments with us are to a large extent of a permanent character. No changes in the persons employed in govern of disturbance and corruption which I Kr, noc i F tl.r. ,.o,r r,io " - T 4l . . Nnn(rnVprimionts c manv persons are employed bv them. 1 v w j v J a.--wa M. J V " "VII it seems absolutely necessary to take precautions against the selection of incompetent men. and a-ainst the i. -cr i corruption which, under the purest administrations, is always a menacing evil. Your proposed reform is a great undertaking. I hope the good sense of your people will enable you to complete it. All the friends of your country in other nations will congratulate yyu on your success. I have diected to b.e forwarded to you i some oi our parliamentary puouca- Hons, that you may know the latest Godard, A. M. bliss, Ihos. H.. btew facts connected with what is doing art, W. R. Selden, ex-Assemblyman here in the matter of our civil ser- Niles, Col. E. B. Lansing, Alotizo vice. I am, with great respect, yours, VV elch, and Mr. Swain, of the rough very sincerely, ' John Bright. keepsie JVews, and about sixty others. Hrogile In a Slippery Place. The Duke de Broglie, ever since the formation of the present Ministry, has performed a sort of dirty work for the Legitimists and the Bonanartists. . . . . ... . r - . which rendered him serviceable to to them. The Legitimists seemed to liave reached the conclusion that the time has come when be should be no longer tolerated in office; for, we are informed, they will support a motion tor postponing consideration of the Electoral bill. If they cair unite with tne ieit in support oi a resolution f or pbitponeniSit;: it is not improba- ble that there will be. a Cabinet crisis, and the iernominious withdrawal of the Duke de Broglie. Colonel Mayo,, Tr. Rfv;w: C:A C k 7 V .r'"" u" wl tije Staunton Lunatic Asylum, has written to a relative of Colonel Mayo ln Richmond, Va., that Colonel Mayo I, -:ji ; . i7 j rapidly jimproving mentally and Z"tl Tf V V w?l- "Vt5 nope or his ontire and speedy re- covery." STAEVT. a son or Aueruacn, tiie uennan ; novelist: IS travelling in this COUntry, I ? ," T, v- , . I The lion. F. F. LOW, late XtllUIS- 1 il; i t, Vo; 1 5 " - - i dency 0f tiie Anglo-California Bank c o i.i I of San t ranciseo. mi , ni. i i.i - ioe crusade in uino nas largely degenerated into prosecutions under tbedur law, .nits tors lander, neigb borhood feuds, general ill-feelinr, and mher dirty politic8 her dirty politics. " An overflowed widow with three children" advertises in the New Orleans Picayune for her lost cow that disappeared with the flood. Franz Liszt has, it is said, left his whole collection of curiosities, works of art, &c, valued at 400,000 florins, to "the Huugarian nation Hannibal HamKn has been in public office without cessation for 38 - . J .1 1 : vears. ailU inev UeiTlIl lU til I iu, .hn t. tL had his share and ought to give sorae one eise a chauce. Whatever uncertainty may vet envelop the question of candidates, ,Je, 13 liU a enmo0an wKteT on ihe coming campaign -Huffalo Courier, Father Ryan's Oratory. New York Sun.l The poet priest, Father Ryan, of Mobile, preached in St. Stephen's R, C. church in Twenty-eierhth street at i nl. A TVf vcDinnorf on1 -tlio nonol I 8 j.vrw-.u, Uu iiKicguuu wnu iisieneu lo ms eiu- quent and logical sermon returned to lhe lecture in lhe eveningj reinforced by at least a thousand more persons than were in the church in the morn ing. As soon as the church doors were opened the throngs who were waiting surged into the edifice, and as fast as the tickets could be taken they were accommodated with seats, until every pew in the body of the church and botli of the side aisles were tilled. ' Respectful and music-lovintr as Catholic congregations are, that in St. Stephen's last night showed signs of impatience that the floods of mel- odv from the organ loft should cease. anA nnrmW tKcm - lUfn -. V I , tor; and when at last father Kyan made his appearance with Dr. Mc- stretched their necks to catch a bet 4 ter view of the small, ungraceful, un pretending man that stood before them. He looked neither the poet nor the orator. For an hour and twenty minutes beheld his auditors enchained by a succession of alternate logical points and flowers of poetic metaphor and symbolism, mosaicked in a stream of pure and elegant English. As soon as he began speaking his form and face glowed with the fire of eloquence, and every movement and gesture was full of impassioned grace and beautiful in expression. His small and well-formed hands are as expressive as his face. His; conclu It i ,n .1 . - I uing WOruS WCret HiVer Since that I Good Fridav truth has become a coro net Jinked With a SOlTOW. I hey nailed ed in a barrel; for the city, 2 dozen in a box. TheXX: his feet to tho rrns but infpnl rf Massey Ale and Porter equal in strength, body and ins ieei. 10 me crpss, Dut instead ot flavor 'ndare BOld ttt om?-founh the price, of in Un stopping them ,in their pathway it portedarticie. rr.n'Aa tKom ctrft 4 K-.,u Lare Walnut framed cards for distribution free made them btl ong to tra el through ef cbgC to dealers, subject to be called for at any ages wuii niscuuuren. in crucnving Truth thev crowned truth. Roses fade, but thorns endnrn thrnnvh I years and ages. Truth was cradled before the human race was cra dled, and earth and humanity will die before its De prqfundis will will be sung. Truth never wears a t-it1 hro Tr i o ark nifor!oc-t!ri irnn Tt i an PVprlaKtintr vo it is an evenasiing yes. F""l"'- V " ioiiij jra. af. 'f"'!; arithmetic and geometry laugh at your efforts to i She IS as intolerant Of Uncertainty as .... are. lhey your ettorts to make twice two three, or to make the three an- ctIpo of a frianrrlA pn nl to fnnr TifrVir gies OI a triangle equal lO IOUr right angles. But while truth is intolerant fiU.J o "! . vi laincuuuu dug iuusw tuiciilUb Ui those who fall in falsehood, but do it unconsciously of the mistake they are mnlrinir KmiTo not. ah t.hfi T)m?1 mh Smile not at the Druid who clasped an oak thinking he had found truth. Honor him rather that he pursued her though he worshipped an an error. I , - . ' 1 . gleam or heaven tnrongn a rut in a "'' w rt gleaming sunlight of truth to lead us Ul uie sunugin, oiieiimy. A Liberal Republican Conference. Albany. Mav 13. The following representatives of the Liberal Republicans are now in this citv for the purpose of holding a conference in regard to the political actitfn of the party in the coming campaign : Messrs. J ohn Cochrane, lieujamin r. Aianierre, Charles vv I he Conference was in session at the Delavan House, until midnight. The discussion was very full and free. The Hon. Charles Hughes, of Wash- ington, presided, and the Hon. Alfred WajTStarf. of Kew York, acted as i d Secretary, Letters were read from Liberals in all parts of the State strongly urging that the organization be maintained and that aState Convention be called. j Delegates, were present from nearly I all the counties, fin m,..i,m at PaI W.ll.c. Tt IT. via in; j va VVr-i V IIIIC IU W CIO liesoloed, That the Liberal Repilb- Jicans will, in the future as in the past, keep their organization intact. Oi motion of General Cochrane, it was Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting, ; without intending to l,rtTT o.l t T' State Convention be held at such timend place as the State Commit- tee shall determine, and the call should j.-.,, .c- ii invite "co-operation from all men or "e8 l ?iai wna iavor j honesty: and purity in the Govern- ment. State and national. SPECIAL ; NOTICES. ... . : ' V- annirWn.f w vn M'fmm-the effeets of 1 Errors and Abuses In caily lifc.Kanhood Restored-ii Impediments to Marrueremovea. ew memoaoi treatment. New and remarkable remedies. J Hooka and Circulars sent free, in waled envelopes Ad- areas, uu w &nu aooinLaiiu, iu ouum i'""- street, Philadelphia Pa.,-an institution having a nign repuiauon lor uuuumuio cujiumi sionaiskiiL ico (-vsux BUSINESS, CARDS., mTTOTVT A Q .IKnR! . : Gen'l Insurance Agency. Finn, MARINE AND LIFE. Princess Street, between Front and Wa'er Sts. may 10-1 y ' A. ADRIAN. ADRIAN H. VOLLERS. &. VOL.L.E11S, Corner Front and IocJl StaM WHOLESal. grocers branches. . :n irfi -.H, 1 wranur meruuiuibs wiuuu ncuuj vastus . "s and examining onr stock. nor IMf B. F. MITCHELL, Jk SON, commission meschants And Dealers in Grain. Flour, Kay. and also Freah Ground SXeal, Pearl Hominy and Grits. Noa. 9 and 10 N. Water et, Wilmington, N. C Proprietors of the Merchant's Flouring Mills, nov 25-tf DR. JAS. E. KEA, DENTIST, 46 North Front Street, (Over Mrs. Lnmaden'). Inserts Beautiful Teeth on Roots, (improved method) for SS. Achinsteeth made nsefnl and dor able at two sittings. No better work done any where lor less money. Come and Bee. Wilmington, N. C, May 5th 1874-tf MISCELLANEOUS. NEW ARRIVALS This Week. WACCAMAW CAPE FEAR FKESH-BEATEN RICE, HAMS, SIDES, S1I0ULDERS, (Dry Salted and Smoked). English and Scotch Ales, . ..... . . . . . " COFFEES of all kmdsat lteduced l-nces, fish, CASE GOODS of all kinds, TOILET SOAPS, Fine Paleknd Common SOAPS, Twenty different kinds of TONIC BITTERS, Cigar?, Tobacco, Kerosene Oil, Hay, Corn and Oats, WITH HUNDREDS OF OTHER ARTICLES OF Groceries at Wholsale. CASH or close buying customers can be suited al ways, with Good Goods at Lowest Market Prices. may2-tf ADRIAN A VOLLEKS, M. KORDLANDER, SOLE AGENT FOR Iflasscy & Co.'s Philadelphia X and XX Ale and Porter, SOLD IN QUARTER AND HALF BARRELS, and in Bottles at 75 cents per dozen, the same v J OlIU 111 1M1LLILH HL ill ITtrULH delivered to dealers, families a thn rilT fn nf rhaiw Alan aud shipping depots in i. arrangements made with Kailroad and sSSmboat ' with Railroad and Steamboat Companies to return empty kegs and bottles free of charge. For the . Cl 1 1 . 1 1 3. c 111 A L . V. umcujuwuuuaBisueu. KORDLANDER. Fourth and Hanovur street, WUmington. N. C. iuly 15-ly Truth is Hiiflity and will Preyail. TT IS DEMONSTRATED EVERY DAY, BY PEO ple of every class and every size, at our store on Princess street, where they are fitted in size, in price, in quality; and also the head is fitted, because the Boots and Shoes suit them. Our long experi- ence in tne Shoe ana Hoot Dusiness gives us great advantages in" selecting: rstock that will wear idvantsjes in" selecting: ts wel'- The handsomest styles and peculiar shape, I Aft that ttiA fihnA nr Rswit will tit. av lnrlr r.nr Hurl I please the most fastidious. Our Friends from the Country. who buy Boots and Shoes to sell again, we invite to come and inspect our stock which we have in store, and continually receiving new additions, consisting ln Prt of 411 grades of Men's Kip Broeans, Men?s uair ana iiipcoots at very low prices, women s l Hewed ana Jf the lowest prices. . Respectfully, may JfiVANS ffl VONUIUIN. TICK! TICK! TICK ! JohnH. Allen, Jr., WATCHMAKER AND ' JEWELER, No. 11 Nortlt Front Street, WILMINGTON, N.C. LL WORK DONE IN A WORKMANLIKE manner. With an experience of twenty years at tho bench, be guarantees to give satisfaction and prices to suit the times. Give him a trial. He has on hand a very fine assortment of Watches and Jew elry, Clocks, Silverware, Pocket Cutlery, &c : . N. B. Ship Chronometers properly adjusted, dec 11 tf LATEST STYLES We have now in stock some very neat and pretty BOOTS and BALS, lor Ladies and Misses. Call and examine. OBO. R. FRENCH A SON. 89 North Front street. may16-tf ON DRAUGHT ! ! CONGRESS W A TER! Also a Fresh Supply of Toilette Soaps, Caf bmere, Boquet and flder Flower; SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR, Cod Liver Oils, Croton Chloral liyd:at. A aiW BLUMWti I And a full stock of Drugs, Chemical , Patent Med- cines. &c . Ac. Sold by J. K. McILHENNY, N. E. Corner Market and Front Streets, .may 14-tf THE CHEROKEE HERALD. MURPHY, CHEROKEE CO., N. C. Thaonl naner rmblished in theTwelfth Jndicial Dtetrict. J&SSSSSSSSSS $ZJft& interests of the country. . xt . r Hasalarge circulation in North Carolina, upper Georgia and East Tenneeaee,and affords an excellent -rcr-jaUGomkT& ' ; Subscription taper annnmia advance., Address JAMEL P. ROBERTSON. Murphy, N. C. K, "V , MISCELLANEOUS. " " J '' " CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Headache, Toothache, Scalds, Lameness, Barns, Soreness, Boils, Wounds, Ulcers, Bruises Piles, Sprains, Colic, Old Sores, All Hemorrhages, Diarrhoea etc ft feb 22-eodw3m eon wed fri aV A NTi ftTPT nn"MnF."R,T. UAWXiXIXf J-J- - wn,-. w $28,350,00 In Valuable Real Estate and Cash, to be dieliibitcd to the Ticket Holders "at the i -Oj- ,,a, I VI diAxvL V4 XX j VUUUVi c TO BK HELD AT LONG'S HALL, K i n s t o n . C, SATURDAY, JULY 4TH, 1874 At which time Gifts will be;distributed as follows : 1st. The Kinston Hotel and Furniture, (Family Furniture excepted), located in Kinston, N. C. This is is the only Hotel in the place, (a town of 1,500 in habitants). The house ij in thoroguh repair and has a good patronage. 2nd. One cottage and lot located in Kinston, 3ox54 feet. Oft brick basement, has four 18x18 feet rooms above, broad hall, with dining room, kitchen, pan tries, &e., in basement. The lot contains one acre of ground. 3rd. One cottage and furniture, (bedding and one chamber set reserved) with one acre of ground, sit uated wilhin 100 yards of the depot at Old Fort McDowell county, N. C, on Western N. C. Rail road. $28,350.00 GIFTS AS FOLLOWS : One Gift, Kinston Hotel & Furniture. . . .$15,000 00 " " House and lot in Kinston 3,000 00 " " House and lot at OlA Fort 2,500 00 " Cash Gift of $2,000 2,000 00 " " " 1,000 1,000 00 " " " 500 500 00 " " " 500 300 00 ' aoo 200 oo " " " 100 100 oo Ten" " 50e-ich ... 500 00 50 " " 25 " 1,250 00 200 " " 10 " 2,000 00 208GifU amounUugto 1 28,350 00 ?One Twelfth of the Tickets will draw Prizes. The object of this Concert is simply to convert the property into money, therefore I will not sell any more tickets than enough to pay the above Prizes and incidental expenses of drawing, and the Manager pledges himself not to retain a ticket for his own use. E2?The following well known gentlemen have been appointed Commissioners under whose super vision the drawing will take place : Hon. W. T. DORTCH, qf Goldsboro. N. C, HENRY R. BRYAN, Esq., of New Berne, N. C, JOHN F. WOOTEN, Esq., of Kinston, N. C. Whole Tickets, $10. Halves, $5. 11 Tick ets. $100. Good Responsible Agents Wanted. Liberal Commissions Allowed. PSMoney should be sent by Express or by Draft on any solvent Bank, by Post Office Money Order or Registered Letter. For particulars, address- DR. G. K BA.GBY, Manager, Proprietor of Kim ton Hotel. J. C. LUMRDEN, Agent, At Mrs. E. A. Lumsdeu's Millinery. Front Street. feb 17 d&w4m Established 1840. B. W. PAYNE & SONS, Corning Foundry and Machine Shop, CORNING, 8TETJBEN CO., N. Y. Manufacturers of Stationary Engines, Boilers and Spart ArresSm PorlaMs Ensbes For Plantation Use. Delivnred Free on Penrd Ship iu New "SSork City eiia ior tarcuiar. reo i&-eomUW-6Hi 3 A US II A IAS OFFICE, Wilmington, N. C, April 22, 1874. ) NOTICE. I WOULD MOST RESPrCTFULI.Y CALL THK attcnti'in of ihe citizens to the fact that the vv irm and sickly season is near at hand, and it le comes my du y to adopt the most stringent sanitary meagre at ihia particular time to preserve the health of the city and prevent the introduction of disease ihat my originate frim foul and unwhole some matter, filth, garbage, trai-b. and refuse matter wttxh has a tendency to crea e uuwholesomcsad oflenrive odo' s. In nr.ter to prevent as far as poe sible :he f pre id of those diseases peculiarly incident to thir se .hOu of the ear I would most respectfully solicit the co operation of the citizens generally in placing our city in such a sanitary condition as to render it as far as practicable impregnable, at least to those uieases 'which originate from foul and a -wholesome matter. To this end the entire force of the city will be employed in cleansing, draining, cleaning, disinfecting and removing trash, &c, for at lenst the next fifteen or twenty days.- All persons are requested to have the trash, offal, rt f use mat ter, Ac, cleaned from their premises and placed upon the streets, whence they will be removed im mediately. When it is convenient please use boxes or barrels. 4l Persons needing disinfectants can have the same free of charge by calling at my office. . The health officers, designated by a yellow rosette, may ne notified of any stagnant water standing upon any lot, or damp eellar, or anything l;hat woul'J im pair the health of the city, and any complaint lodged at this office shall reeeive prompt attention. - Believing that a proper sanitary condition adopt ed now, at this early season, wilL. inuw a healthy Bummer I earnestly Solicit, the aid and co-operation of all the eood citizens to accomplish this good end. . Respectfully, &c, GEO. W. PBICET JR., ap23-tf City Marshal. r -INSURANCE.. vPIEDMOSfT & ARLINGTON . m -m- - life Insurance Company fiiclimond, Virginia. Over 15,000 Policies Issued, , Annual Income Over $1,500,000 ProgresslYS I Frbsperoiis ! Froipt! SMALL EXPENSES, SMALL LOSSES. SB;crilB INVESTMENTS, AMPLE RESERVE, -AND GOOD SURPLUS! Premiums Cash, Policies Liberal, Annual Division oi Surplus. ATKINSON & MA-KHlM, Gesl Aifiits Insnrsnce Rooms. 5 N. Water St. W. 0. Oirrington, President; John L. Edwards, Vice President; D. J. Hartsook, Secretary; J. J. Hopkins, . ' ... . . , , . . , i' C. Hartsook, Cashier. mar 2S-tf Insurance Rooms. $27,000,060 FIMS INSURANCE CAP ITAL REPRESENTED AFTER PAYING BOSTON LOSSES. Ouee.n Insurance Co.. of Liverpool and London, CaDital , $10,000,000 North British and Mercantile Insurance ComDanv. CaDital 10,000,000 Hartford Insurance Company, Capital 2,500,000 National Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. Capital Continental Insurance Company, of New 60e,00P York, Capital . 2,500,000 Phoenix Insurance Company, of wboklyn, Camta! .. 1,500,000 Virginia Home Insurance Company, of Richmond. Camt&J 500,000 MARINE The old Mercantile Mutual of New York. LIFE The Connecticut Mutual of Hartford. . ATKINSON & MANNING, nov 22-tf ' General Agents , : TNCOURAGE Jld HOME INSTITUTIONS. Security against Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, RALEIGH, N. C. This Company continues to write Policies, at fair rates, on all classes of insurable property. All losses are promptly adjusted ana paia. i ae " HOME " is rapidly growing in public favor, and appeals, witn connaenee, to insurers oi property in North Carolina Agents in all parts of the State, sl R. H. BATTLE, Jr., President C. B. ROOT, Vice President. SEATON GALES, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. ATKXNSON MANNING, AeKNTS, ang 1-tf Wilmington, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. L. H. MILLER. MILLER'S SAFES AND Iron "Works BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. SALES ROOM, 2C5 BALTimORR ST., ONE DOOR ABOVE HANOVER: Factory Square, bounded by Henrietta, Calvert, Tre- mont ana Warner streets. TT VERY VARIETY OF THE BEST BURGLAR AU and Fire-Proof Safes, Bankers' Chests, im proved Combination Locks, Bank Vaults and Psora. FIRST-CLASS GOODS " AT LO W PRICES. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATA LOGUE. AND PRICE LIST. .. Refer to all the Banks in Baltimore, Treasury De partment, Washington; D". C. ;" Branch, Scott & Co., O. J. Matherson, .Augusta; National Bank of Chea v. tf. iantucinm. AUgUBM, xbuvum BUllk.ul . Xjaw ter, Smith & Melton, Chester, S, C. ; J. E. Johnson & Co., Palmer & DePisR, Savannah, Ja. ; Farmer's and Merchants' National Bank. Charlotte, N. C; 2,000 in Baltimcra, 200 in Richmond, Va.; Clinton Bank. Clinton; Worth & Worth. Wilmineton: Isaac B. Kelly, Kenansville; W. T. Hannaford, Magnolia; IL Weil & Bro., W. T. Kornegay, Emetine &. Bro., New Bank of Now Hanover, Goldsboro; Wilson tjoumy commissioners, iiomu insurance company, xuueiga, ii . v. Over Twelve Tlionsand Safes in Use and Testedlu Two Hundred Fires. oct .l4-eofl9m Tu Th fcu Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, MARVIN A, CO, Tie Oldest & Largest Manufactory of Safes IN AMERICA I nTHESE SAFES ARE MADE WITH THREE AND JL four flange around the door, of refined wrought vvii iraiues. wuu angle corners, aim Warranted Free from Dampness! Fiom the Scientific American, May 3d, 1873. - - . Since the Boston fire we have given some atten tion to the real merits of various safes, with a view of supplying our own office with the. best article in the market, and have accordingly made selection of a dry filled Alum and Planter Safe, manufactured by maxvirj x uu. , sra rjrwuway, a. j. . We will deliver these Safes in Wilmington at same price as cnargea oy manufacturers in New York. june7-tf WILLARb BRut., Agents. Snjerior Conrt-New Hanoyef Comity. win. H. on-MS, aa Administrator, d. b. 11. 1 a ' -f TnK .. .... .1 . . 1 J 1 bi'hftlf of htmsplf nnii ntrii.ni i ttr a l r laintlll, of Frederick J. Hill, deceased, J Against Wm. C. Bondinot, a Executor of said reuerick J. u ill. and TP11E lDERSIGNNEU l- commissionerrx h jreby give notice to ad Dersons having claim against the estate of the said testator, Frederick J. H.'ll. to present the same ai d make due nmof rhor. of to the undersigned on or before Wednesday, the 17ih day,f June, A. D. 184. Those who prove their elaimd withni said" time will be, entjUed to share pro rata in the distribution of the assets of said Frederick J. Hilt, in our hands, according to the provisions of tbe decree of said court made in saia cause. -i nose wno neglect or fail to make such prooi wm oe exciuaea tw nenears of said decree. wubkutz CUTLAR, i ; CHARLES M. STEDMAN. mayl6 30d - Commissioners. E. Fi Cpe's . A MMONIA TED BONE , : .'. .' '---mi ; SUPER rnOSUATE. IN BARRELS and BAGS. : v. For sale by in the above entitled canse. people in everything that serves to maae aprStf-tf O. G. PARSLEY A CO. 'MISCELLANEOUS. a r r Jj js TON'S American Cyclopsedia New ICcviscd Iditlou. Entirely rewritten by the ablest writers on every st-. ject. Printed from new type, and illugtr with Several thoiuand Engravings and Maps The work originally published under thctiti, . Tub New Amebican Cyclopjsuia was couid 'ri 1863..siuc6 which time the wide iriiiti,. ...r"' has attained in all parts of the United fetates ,7 11 thu bigiial developments which have taktn ,i. every branch of science, literature, and art havi . i doced the editors ana publishers to submit to im act and thorough revision, and to issue a new " Hon entitled tui American Cyclopedia Within the last ten years the progress of discov in every department of knowledge has made a ,! work of reference an imperative want. i lie movement or political affairs has kentim, ' with the discoveries of science, and their fruitful! plication to the industrial and useful arts and -i convenience and refinement of social lift. e wars and consequent revolutions have accu'itcu in uivitg usuvuu uuujgM ui peculiar moment 'n.- w vu wuiiu j, wiiicu was at its heii'lit when the last volume of the old work appeared K happily been ended, and a new course of commerriS and industrial activity has been commenced L,arge accessions to our geographical knowlede have been made by the indef atigablq explorers of The great political revolutions of the last with the natural result of the lapse of time l av brought into public view a multitude of new'm whose names are in every one's mouth, and of hn j www .d u.vuo w uiun uie paniculai't' Great battles have been fought and important eie J. maincaincd, of which the details are as yet preetrvi only in the newspapers or in the trannipnf t.,.ki Uons of the day, Dut which ought now to takp th.T permanent and, authentic history. in preparing tne present edition for the press it has accordingly been the aim of the editors to brinV. down the information to the latest possible datr,? and to furnish an accurate account of the most cent discoveries in science, of every fresh prodiv lion in literature, ana or tne newest invention-;,, I luai-um , a n(,u m w give a succinct ami original recora or the progress of political evpntu The work has been begun after lorn? preUminary labor, and with the most ample resource for carrying it on to a successful termination. one oi iub original stereotype plates have been used, but every page has been printed on new tvee forming in fact a new Cyclopaidia, with the bame plan and compass as its predecessor, but with a far" giomci pcvunuuj ci(iv;uuinuc, au wiin such mi provements in its composition as have been tu"WM ed by longer experience and enlarged knowledge The illustrations which are introduced for the fl., time in the present edition have been added not for the sake of pictorial effect, but to give greater lucid ity and force to the explanations in the text. The emnrace ail Drancnea or. science and of natural hietd rv. and depict the most famous and remni-urhii. fu tures of scenery, architecture, and art, as well as tin processes of mechanics and manufacturers. Al though intended for instruction rather than embel lishment, no pains have been spared to insure thei, or lib Liu CAciiv-iiuc , vueb UL lllcir exeCUUOU ih enormons, and it is believed they will find a welcome reception as an admirable feature of the Cyclopaedia and worthy of its high character. This work' is sold to Subscribers onlv. navahi delivery of each volume. It will be completed lr, sixteen large octavo volumes, each containing about lgB8, iiuiy muBiruit:u.rviiii several tnouBuid Wood Engravings, and with numerous colored Lith ograph Maps. Price and Myle of Binding. In extra Cloth, per vol. $500 In Library Leather, per vol tj () in nait rurKey morocco, per vol 7 ( I n Half Russia, extra gilt, per vol s 1 In Full Morocco, antique, gilt edges, per vol. . 10 Ob In Full Russia, per vol 10 00 Three volnmea now ready. Succeeding volumes until completion will be issued once in twelve months., . Specimen pages of the Aieebican Cyclopedia, showing type, illustrations, etc, will be sent gratis, on application. Fikst-Class Cany Assure Agents Wantep. Address the Publishers, D. APPLETON & CO., 549 & 551 Broadway, N. Y. jan9-tf THE British Quarterly Eeviews. EDINBURGH REVIEW, Whig.) LON DON QUARTERLY REVIEW Con sermUve). WESTMINSTER RE VIEW, (Liberal.) BRITISH Q UARTERLT REVIEW, (Evangelical.) AND BMw coil's Eiidurifli Magazine, ' REPRINTED BY THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISH ING CO., 140 FULTON ST., NEW YORK, By arrangement with the English lJublisherSy who receive a lib eral compensation. These periodicals constitute a wonderful miscel lany of modern thought, research, and criticism. The cream of all European books worth reviewing is found here, and they treat of the leading event of the world in masterly articles written by men who have special knowledge of the matters treated. The American Publishers urge upon all intelligent read ers ia this country a liberal tmppott of the Kuprints which, they have so long and to cheaply furnished, feeling sure that no expenditure for literary matter wm yield so ricu a return as mat requireu lur bbuu- scription to these the Leading Periodicals of Great Britain.' TERMS: Afoui 6ne-tlurd tiie price of (lie originals. For any one Review. 4 CO per annum. For any two Reviews 7 00 " For any three Reviews 10 00 " ' For all four Reviews. 12 00 " For Blackwood's Magazine. . 4 00 " Fer Blackwood and 1 Review A 00 For Blackwood and 2 Reviews. . . 10 CO " " For Blackwood and 3 Reviews. ... 13 00 " " For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews. 15 00 " Postage two cents a number, to be prepaid by tn quarter at the office of delivery. CLUBS: A discount of twentv ner cnt. will be allowed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent to am fi dress for $12.80; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $48, and so on. To clubs of ten or more, in addition to the above discannt, a copy gratis will be allowed to the goiter- up of tne ciuu. -; PREMIUMS. New subscribers faDDlvine earlvi for the year may have, without charge, the last volume for ISW of such periodicals as they may subscribe for. Or instead, "new subscribers" to any two, three, or four of the above periodicals may have oue of tho " tour -lieview-a"- for 1873; subt-criuers to all five 1. . . . e . 1 T.i T 1 : . ...1 .. ill iii T utvu in u ui tuc rvur ivu V ic v , vi uut Blackwood's Magazine for 1878. JNeiiner premiums to sunscrioers nor msceuut c'nbs can be allowed unless tbe money is remitted direct to the public hers. No premiums given to Clubs. Circulars wim further particulars may De nau u" application. THE l.KO ARU SCOTT PUBLISHING jan 3-tf 140 I'ultoa St.. New York. The Raleigh News, DA IDT A ND WEEKD i , PUBLISHED BY STOIME & IZZELL. DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF k. Ut. f Hilh I amHntlln thfl SUCCeSS Ot the ousnrvative party, the development of the mu- oiir State urosuvlous and independent. Its ADVERTISING? COLUMNS will be found of great advantage as both the Daily and Weekly circulate largely in every portiou of wa Stale. Rates moderate. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Pailv. One Year fT W Weekly, One Year 2 00 Subscribe for 174. '. .. STONE & UZZELL, Jan2-tf Proprietors Tbe Hlllsboro Recorder, T'HK OLDEST PAPER TNTHE STATE. CIR" conntiea. Subscription price 3 50 per annum. Publiahed weekly. - rummi. others, , v-ji.c. aen weaun 01 tne oiaie, ine uivimis Biugi 1 wwvocira .vn I tji nnr Tnuiar ani nH vtinfement of tne Welfareof , aa ulluuo . niiij 1 , : , oct9-tr Editor and Proprietor.