n the Honume qtak. r J: TpUBLKHia DAILY, BY ' ' ' 0 iUMCSUPTlOH. Three months, msdvsncef " ) ...... 00 One month, hindrance ,(, " . W s ou ctt advance. OUTLIXEST. t ''Two persona killed by ,l!ghtning in a violent storm on Long Island. A boy killed in Indianapolis "yesterday by light ping. Two steamers san tn the St. Laurence. : r 1 Republican papers in France concludelrom his message that Me JIahon recognizes the Republic - Death from cholera in Brooklyn, New York. Another death from hydrophobia ini New York, i tJ..S. Court decided a case in favor of Cuslis .Lee, against Government, and this seems first wave towards affecting Government title to Arlington. . s-w New York marketsj Cotton, I7(ai7j gold 10 GOOD NBWI VaOIl WADOKLL The FfxjetteyiWe - Gazette brings this Tjlcasinffintellieenefei From one who attended the greater part of the Waddell-McKay . caovass in Moore county, we learn that "Waddell departed from Moore, leaving a very fine impression, while McKay "took, his leave disgruntled and in bad humor, r He failed to make any impression whatever on the minds of white men, and the party up there is a unit for WaddelL At Jonesboro . ; Carthae and Carter's inui, me opinion was one ana the I A.mn;ni hnt.- that- intin,nf ; H.f 1 . a iAina mIbbam a.x' whites would cast their votes for their own j nominee. uur informant is so confident that Waddell will poll the full party strength in Moore, that, to use his own words, "if . be falls behind, I am willing to sell my best pair of , mules, and Jurn the money into subscriptions for theaawfte.?' - , , ' Also, this: 'iif; -'W'" t :'f: .:. "We have justreceived a letter from Jones- boro, dated yesterday, which says tbe news from Harnett fs splendid. At LAllington Waddell completely -demolished McKay, and the best men in the coontv,' says Wad- dell's Harnett majority will be between 100 and 200, certain. "-'Rah 'for Waddell ! Rah !! - The Unlned Cities or Arizona. - A chain of ancient rained cities has been found in Arizona, i the Pueblo Viego .Valley, near Gila river. These cities were sit aated ; about' a mile apart. In some places the walls of the houses; can r still ;be ;traced f at others moands, , some of them forty feet in height, are all that rema'm. Manv articles " of notterv have been recovered, together with axes, ham mers, sledges made , of stone, and so sharp and hard that they rival iron. Moreover, a large canal, with reser voirs, extends from the the Gila river through all these cities. Knins like these are scattered over "the whole of New Mexico and Arizona. The in habitah latere probably Mexicans of old times, although the pottery and mode of -building seem to point to anotner race now extinct, l ne tneory .k;,.i w-sw A,;t;a ti.k. 1 rrrr"". rinirs btraits. and then across the -continent and down the. Pacific coast in search of a warmer climate ; is one. wnien wm naraiy ; oear invesng.ii.iou i i ? , -ii i ji : I so far as these remains ot the older I civilization are concerned. The Silk Crop and 811k Manufacture. The silk crop throughout i"ranee and Italy wilt be very abundant this year. The ' silk business has been - extremely doll. in Europe for some time, for silks and ; satins ; do not thrive on panics. Italy, too; is de- votmsr more attention to the manu tfn . r thai mnn. I factnre of velvets : and silks, and the competition with France and ; Switz- ecland may further weaken the- mar ket The imports of silk manutac tures into ' Ifew '. York 5 during - the month or Jane amounted to 1,202, C62, against $735,359 same time last year; a fact Which "woold go to show. that this important indnstryrJa rapid ly recovering from . the effecttj of the panic. - - APPOINTMBSTI TOIPEAKI5 THE i The Hon. (George Davis will address .the ' people at the following times and places: Shoe HeeL Robeson county, Friday, JulylO. - - ' - ienansvuie, ijnpun couniv, uoujr. Julyl4. - Kk ' Tif NEW AbvUttnaKMBRTsW O. G, PabswV Cd.For Sntithyffle.'1 . Narrow Boeo.no front Belnc Wreekeo! The Schr. : Tarry ,;Cpt Timmons, from New York, for this port, while com ing in yesterday morning about 4 o'clock, got ashore on the middle ground between the Western Bar and Bald Head, but finally succeeded in getting off, and arrived safely in our harbor, yesterday afternoon. ; She iiad a cargo ''.of 'stone, for the paving of4 Front street, known as Belgian block, forty or fifty tons of which were, thrown over board to lighten the vessel in order to force her over tbe sboals. The narrow escape made by the Tarry Not will be appreciated when it is understood, as we are informed by the Harbor Master is the case, that she is the first. Vessel that ever passed in' safety over the middle grounds at, Hhat point, and that .the - distance she had to go before she ' was entirely clear of the shoals was about equal to that between the foot of Market street and the Charlotte Depot. -Altogether the larryNet may be considered to have' made a very fortunate as well as narrow escape, showing that she fully appieciated thesuggestiveness of her name in tarrying not in a position where so many dangers and perils environed her. Vnnaatlanlo AVotsero. - The following is a list of nnmailable let ters now in the City Postofifce: Mrs. E. L. HalL Snringfleld. Ohio.tK. "jBI Glem: LeaksvUle, N. C. ; Miss Maggie O. Aiken, Winnsboro;' a' C. ; Mrs. B. P. Eoper, care Wi C. Roper, Ohopka, Orange county, Florida 2; MrsElizabeth Phillips, 15 Lloyd To city omr snni uomtbiuu mij pmaiua r. Fifteen cents per wees. uor vity Agents are ot autnonaea tu Miavt urun uiau a mvaua in ; Street,' Baltimore, Zldy , - , . . " , " J . , r-. " .: 1 . , .' ' V 1 '. .. .' ' : . -. ' - ."-. ' I I n i' : Y l ; Ah Tlv: VOL. XIV.-NO. 9h Local Dots. ' Two miles of the Sound I road have been graded. . f -""'i - The Carl .JDobeln, Hogest rum. arrived at Stettin from this port on the 22d -The Sohr. 7bA. Gabriel, cleared from New York for this port on the 7th Inst. ' ; j t - ..The Edmund Richardson Bro- die, sailed from Hamburg for this port on the 24th tilt " " f Aneierrnan mrque jPmaencA ixaiia, Waach, sailed from Bristol for this port on the 26th ult '" 'l The Schr. Lettie Wells, j from this Dort for Boaton.-arrlvPrt at - . . J - 1 Uaven on 1hn flth inst :.- : . - , ;. 1 -nie 'St. 'Olaf, Hassell and Zweia Omendsen, from this port for Lon don, sailed from Falmouth on the 27th ult. The "Dead Look" in the Sheriff's office, alluded to in our last, was removed ' J9! through t the continued Iperse- verance or the locksmittu v oiers ; residing . m ; :tbe ;liUh Ward will register at the office of Anthony, Howe, Registrar, on Front street, between Orange and Ann, from 0 A. M, to 8 Pi M. 'daiIy.;;-;-:a .-USS: ia.r j. bavage, private watchman in the . roar of .. the ; stores on South Market street, between Front and Water, requests us to say that after a care ful examination, he is satisfied there' could not have been any one on the roof of either of the stores mentioned in a paragraph in our last, and the noise which indicated the supposed presence of a robber was caused by the action of thejwindonthe tin roof, or by a cat, rat, or something of the sort. ; ' J J n , x f - . tnni fc ni - - - : i Ltaten to Frederick. .:-vS Frederick Douglass, the Great champion of the colored race,! thus1 speaks his mind in regard to the recent action of thef white Republican members of Congress in 'regard to the civil rights bill. It will be seen that white, Republicans here as well as elsewhere must come out farely and squarely On ' the civil rights platform, if Frederick's senti ments are taken as a criterion by his colored friends, or" go to .the wall i" i V I ' Bt the treacherr of Tlnnhlirin mem. bers of Congress, elected in '. large part by colored 1 votes, the ' negro is continued an outlaw. Fortunate! v. the nesro has the ballot He owes it to himself to use that ballot In punishing the treachery of the men whose treason to professed nrincioleM leaves him a victim to negro hate.. Every! ballot that shall be cast by colored men for the so called republicans who on ' Saturday night 7T" irrrrrr.""! J.S?JJ2!.?A f.v Rights . bill, will be regarded as so many en dorsements of their treason. Our neoole are not the cowards to kiss the hand that amiiM ihmi Thn minr nnt H 1. s, 1 . - iui the support of pretended friends by sophis-M try and intimidation. Defeat evenr nre-1 tended lieDublican -who voterf frainRt the I Civil itights bill." i I , m m mm ' - I - I Fourth Ward cinn. : r - . ' i The regular meeting of the Fourth Ward I AKjmocrauc-uonservative Uiuo wasjiieldat Lippitt's Hall last evening. In addition to I the full attendance of members, jalarge numbcr.of visitors from other Clubs were . '. T: "t-' : ?T - " " v . 1 present. - ..: After' the transaction ofHsome routine business, Mr. Frank H. Alfriend was called on for a speech.;,' He declined to attempt a regular speech, but: delighted his auditors with two excellent anecdotes. He was fol lowed byi Maj.7 Engelhard, who sjpoke at considerable length and with fine effect. Col. Atkinson also addressed the Club in a short but earnest .effort, and Capt John I Cowan, in response to a hearty call, ex cused himself in a few appropriate re marks. 'BIe.yoro ,ort. (.. r,- .. p Rosanna ' Richardson and William Cam eron,' -charged with' fighting, the", said Cameron 'holding! the complainant, Ida Williams, while Rosanna Richardson beat her. were found guUry. 'Judgment against Rosanna Richardson for 20 and costs OT thirtZ AZvm Vnn' immrmt mnA AnAnanl . - s-vw, jwe saspenaedininecasepi yyiiiianjuameron. Tbe ease ' ot Richard "Jones, charged itOOnimitting thO assault POn Soott , -.r -1. n I r next at v v circa. , . - . .t .. , . d " -r.-mi a di. -riiii '-tim-mmA uu ---t - . - j . .. u--''.. Wltbrbelug- oisOrOeriy, were lOUnfl guilty and required to pay a nne or $ 10 each, or work thirty days on the streets. 1 A Colored fllan makes a Narrow Ea eape frona Lioalnc Bis Head A coloied man by the name of j Hardy Moore, employed at Dr. J. E. .Winant's place, near this city, met with a narrow es cape" on Thursdayafternooni He had been cutting hay ahd was returning to the house with a scythe on his shoulder, when, in at- tempting to pick up something from " the ground the sharp-edged instrument sud denly came down; with considerable force on his neck, cutting a gash about four inches in length and penetrating to the bone, the poor fellow making a narrow escape from losing his bead. Reported1 Dead. A report ' reached here ".yesterday that John G; Wagner. ; Eso... of Masonboro town8nip( who was. mentioned in our last nainir been 8eized with a sudden attack of paralysis, has since died. Mr. Wagner was in the city on Sunday last, in attend ance upon the funeral of Mr. H. Bremer, wjio died of the Same disease. :x! f ;.The Schr. - Tbpat Capt. Harrias, from Beaufort for tbia pert, put Into Malwnborv hn Thnradar at 8 P. II. for a harbor, and nailed for her destination yeeterday morninz. Wilmington; TVBPB1HTINB MANDFACTCllB. Convention of the Association of Tur. 1 pontine RCannfaVtnrer at Plorenieo j Important Action of that Body I Beferenea to tbe Turpentine Batlne Resolntlons of tho meet A meeting ol- the' Turpentine Manufac turing Association was lield at Florence, S. C, July 7th, 1874 ! The delegation proceeded to Lavton Hait i at li o'clock e. M. , . Vn motion Of Maj. L. R. Ragsdale, Mr. 1 tWm. McKenzie was called'to theChalrl and James Btackhouse requested w V - , l Thft Chiifman. in a f p-w hnt nnnrnnrmtfl I ' .rl...r..... ml . . remaras, explained to me meeting tne oo- ject of assembling. i ; J r On motion of Mr. T. W. Bardin, the del egates present came forward .to the Secre- tary's desk and enrolled, their respective names and postofflcea after which, on mo tion of Mr. Henry L. Morr9 : the meeting was permanently organized by the nnani "mous election of Maj. L. R. Ragsdale' fqr, President, "Jas. McRae for Vice President, James Stackhouse for Secretary and John L, Bardin for Treasurer. The meeting then being permanently or-. ganized the newly elected officers took their places. The following gentlemen were appointed by the Chair as a committee to draft reso lutions for the benefit of the organization Wm. McKenzie, D. E. Keels, T. W. Bar din, E. M. McQueen and John L. Bardin The Committee on Resolutions presented the following memorials and resolutions, which, being taken one by one, were unani mously adopted by the Association: , WHKREAS,r The makinjr' and -manufac ture of turpentine has grown to be among : the Jrst industries tnat give nie to tne com mercial interest of . the Carolina, ' and the success of a ' htrce ' proportion ' of our best citizens, merchants and shippers is depend ant inpon its ' prosperity; tneref ore, we as makers and manufacturers, in consequence of the present depression id the bn&iness which amounts to a total, prohibition,. Here with present tbe embodied preamble and resolutions to all men connected with or anywise associated in the interest of the hniin.... ankinir their candid consideration I business, asking their candid consideration and cordial co-operation. : We deplore the consequences attending an abandonment of the business, not that it is our only liveli hood, but for tbe ruin which would be en: tailed upon many of our. . factors who have risked their all in the business. That we may not be 'misunderstood and our motives misapprehended it becomes us to state the principal causes and most pertinent facts which prevent us from "pursuing longer a course which involves a common calamity upon us, our famines and iactors: :rJZ:';7:'ZZ-Z 1st. Uur iactors inrorm us tnat- tne prin tAZolJ rftftrn imrl wiffhewL J together with the i . r---- . .-. z. - . impervious regulations .or the unamoer or Commerce, do not comport wun tne con slant decreasms price of produce, 3rd. The high rents, nign labor ana low prices for imrpenune are simpiy preposter- oos. and we Ditv inose wno aanse us 10 con lDU a,hoPeIS8 race towards certam dereat We belong not to any despondent or croaking class of men. havinjr heretofore J stooanw01 SSSuSttMof 5reiebandMctors, thegreverses of ' . a t xanKeeaom, vneanceruunuesoi negroaom, disease, disaster and almost death; yet in the face of defeat many by perseverance and enercrv have achieved splendid victories and established industry and economy in many wild and desolate places; - it requires no effort in figures to show that we who have nothing save large debts and. good credit are knowingly and unwillingly injur ing our factors, and the fortunate few among us who possess otner means are wantonly rambling the Inheritance ot then zamuies. While we survey the desperate condition of I affairs, we discountenance anything like fraud among our , Brethren, advocating economy in business and integrity of pur noaa in discharging their liabilities. . We recommend a cheerful surrender of business in the factors' bands and a firm resignation to the dictates of commercial law and equity.' appealing to eacn or onr iactors, transpor tation lines and the good sense of. any party . anywise connected with the turpentine busi- nefla tn do their Utmost in' restoring life tO 1 its wasting prosperity, in order to avert a I pecuniary ana commercial canuiy to tne. I - " . i MCKHvea, ist. iflti we, as maaers .ana- i manutaciurers, enjoin me pracuceoi a most I ?a economy in ousiness ana personal ai-1 l"8 I cruuo t I ,11 b.nTnw no-anrl on nM nH i - .z-0-n, - --- --- I ttnprontaoie ooxes ana au supernumerary 1.1 aiIiib 1 1.. noMMoan Tr rawr nn I wreiiiiMi"ij uui bv w.w v. t WOrk in an abridged form." - u: mwtt ma . a - A.At.tkiO A present our memorials to the several trans - handling our produce, asking nberai deduc tions on their present rates and regulations. 3rd. That we recommend an manuiac- tnrers not represented at this meeting and everywhere throughout theCarolinas, Geor gia and -Florida to iorm tnemseives into Councils, with a President and Secretary, and report their proceedings to the Becre - tary of this convention, wno win iurnisn them any information or instruction. in re- ference to this organization. 4th. That a cbpvof the proceeding of this meeting be sent to the Charleston Nem and Courier; the Wilmington stab ana tne tocai papers in this section ol tne state ior puoii- cation. On motion of Henry L. Morris, the meet ing adjourned, subject to' a call from the President at any time, and that such notice shall be inserted in due : time iu the. Wil mington Mobniso Stab. . v L. R. lUGSDALE, Si -. " i; President' "-Secretary. BaAleatl twVow Xo-Nlailit. Tbe Republicans will have a mass meet- J at 8 o'clock, which, we understand, will be I addressed by O. H. Dockery, capv-uenj. I Bobinson, Judge CantwelL James Heaton, I w. -a. Jiooreana ouieravxn.;xicETura 'tlaira ihs proposed meeting u their own. n. g., Saturday: Tbe Drowning; Oaae. Coroner Hewlett ' held ah inquest yes terday morning over the body of-Edmund -vTorth; steward of the Schr.1 2n Tuti, gilder, who was drowned - Thursday after noon, mention ox wmcn was made in wis paper. Deceased was a resident ot ureen's Creek, near .Cape May,'N, J., and was about -twenty years of age. ' He had been in bathing for some considerable time, and was an excellent -swimmer. ...All of a sud den he was seen to throw up his arms, and immediately sank, not again coming to the surface t The Captain .sent a boat to look after .him, but when it arrived at the spot, nothing 4 could i be I seen ? to indicate the presenceof the drowninc man but the bubbles arising from the bottom.1 His- comraues aaoea tor nis ooay ana succeea- oA in nmvarln i in aVm, dAuui mnnAa vlu.vv.v..U6..,.UB1,uu,ulrevu uiuiuo after it went down, but life was extinct. The vessel was lying at the' Charlotte depot warehouse at the time of the accident. r ,.The jury returned a verdict that de ceased came to his death from accidental drowning. - . . ( . . ,: Capt. Vangilder telegraphed . the sad cir cumstances to the home of tbe deceased to ftsftertain from his relatives or friends what disposition should be made of the body, but up to last accounts no reply.had been received. i - . ; - V HOTEL ABBlVaLS. Purcelt House. J. R. Davis. Proprietor. H M Cattingham, Atlanta, Ga;GW Thames, Charleston; G W Bartlett, New York; A H V anJioRKelin, Uity ; A Ly rds, Richmond ; Miss Parker, Waccamaw Lake; J B Albert, New TorV; E Champlin, New York; W T Walters, I) Newcomer, Baltimore; H G Wood, Cala; vraSykes, Columbia, S C; Geo Yonge, New Yprk; H J Wilson, Capt D C Child, Baltimore; M M Johnson, City. Spirits Turpentine; The FaVetteville Gazette has food ' crop reports from : Robeson and loore counties. - .. - t . .. j .... - v -. -' -Wilsou' JVaindeoZer . The wheat and oat crops have been nearly all saved in this section and have turned, out about av erage in quantity and quality, . - Having been asked by some of 3-"- SsXBtZZ,? X l.he,m dutin e. W"! CanVassCoL Wad- A.:MA.akM 0 A aa. - J J aeu was iorcea to aeenne, as his appoint ments in his own District will occupy his wnoie time. Dixon Ingram disclaims the sentiments attributed to him by the Anso- whose article on Dixon's position on Civil Rights we published. - Dixon calls our attention to .his preamble and resolu tions passed by the Radical tneetinsr at Wadesboro. As we do not desire to wron sr any body, we give Dixon the benefit of his disclaimer. - :.. : . murine vvuson atntfeaeron rra -wre : w-m.m . the position of the Radical party resnectine top that they aro opposed to the pet'- meas ure of the party to strengthen which they arc uuiaj cTcrjuuag in ineir power.- Ac tions speak louder than words. To be a friend of the Radical pariy is not the way in which a reasonable man may expect to kill this Infamous measure. Every .Radical vote that may be cast in the coming election will be so much by way of encouragement to Congress and the President to let this bill become a Jaw. To deny this assertion either indicates a very weak mind or a purpose to deceive. CITY ITEMS. . Draft book for sale at (be Stab Job Printing: Hoose. Obasgi Vaixit WamKT. J. C Heyer, Sole Agent, WDmington, N. C, for Muaauun,s Fare Orange Valley Whiskey. Wfll receive a Urge itock I of Aogoat aert. TauniTxa PBERTxaa-IxKs win copy dear and distinct for aa indefinite period of thaftj Send your orders for work to be done in these inks to the Uoaimra Stab Printing-HoaB. PRQrnHe FATBB. We . now nave in stock, otct WO reams of news paper, sue 94x36, weight 80 per ream. It is good, rag paper, and will be sold. In ots to salt, for cash, or sent by express C O. D. Boost ttTOBBT.THB jCOBmito Stab Book Bind err dcos an ktndi Of BindJng and SoUnx In a work 1 wmHlti manner.-' ana at maaonabla nrleea. Mor. chant andothers needing Beceipt Books; or other I work, may rely on promptnew In the ezecnUonof tttett Orders. i;tTnAinnTOPBnarro - iirM for copying statementa, way-buia, Ac Can be copied la tbe orolnary letter-preM, book. Send your orders for winUn in thesa inks, and for a)l other decrij- 1 Pf Prfntg. to tl Mokwhs Star Printing n01.- l . w . . . . i . . 1 t . - ti i i itLAjxBTna raxaTiKB-uias, jjivsnunuiu im . rail I road comDanlea. ateamsniD compauiea. banks, mer 1 dnrlng and chMlgele88t ud wlll copy sharp and received a fraah sapply gf these InksV we are pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices,. lets a Crime : t.-'.rp-'-f To exbanet (till farther the vitality of an already feeble invalid with aharn eTacaants : and other 1 , Mncrfh.dMttn'vliMr mfwlirinen. Ku case of d vsd'I- llver complaint, censupatfon, iiervonswe.iknei or periodic ferer waa ever cored in that way. What the debilitated sufferer needs la a remedy in which the properties of an iavigorant, a -ethnnlant, a mild aperient, a sedative, and a blood deponent are com bined, and Hostetter's Stomach Bittera is tho only preparation before the world in which these essential sanitary' elements are united In the proportions necessary to overcome disease without' prostrating the patient. This agreeable and potent vegetable elixir la In the truest sense of the word a restorative, for It restores the strength of the body, re-establishes functional regularity, enriches " the degenerated blood, and clears Ore clouded brain. . ; JulyMw-Tb8atTa ' . COL. WADDEL1VS CANVASS. Hon. A. ML , Waddell, candldaU for Congress, will address bis , fellow-citizens at the following times and places: A - : . - July 11th, Saturday "The Hollow," Bladen Co. July 13th, Menday EHaabethtown, BUdenjo. ' Jury 14th; ;Tneaday-White Ball, Bladen Co. - uly 15th, Wediiesday--Brinkley's, Brunswick Co. v July 16th, ThmwdayWhitevIDe,CohimbnsO July lTth, Friday Oerro Gordo, Oolumbas eounty. July Mtk, Monday Meares' X Roads, Columbus Co. July Slat, TuesdayCook's StoreColumbas county July SsdTWednesday-Shallotte. Bnraswick Co . Other appoiutments, ae desiredi will e hereafter laid -7-? .v . i . . t DWA,. z - ; : r' v4 FTT t'xIF3)''T5'4-1 july ii, : i874rJ DIBD. BURR. 0 the mornlnv of th lAtk inatant. lfra. Bmiiy Burr, relict of the Jate Talcott Burr, Esq ecu oo yean. -j The funeral will take place this afternoon at 5 V o'clock from St Jamas' Church, thence to Oakdale Cemetery. ' - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ForSmithviUer; 1 STSAMKS WM, NTCaS WILL LEAVE OUR wkarf this Satarday afteraoon, at A o'clock. , Betorning Hondajr aiorning, leaving Smlthville at 7 A. M. Julir ll-tf ', QG. 1PABSLCT it Col V DISSOLUTION -I OF " " ' CO-PARTNERSHIP. rfWH CO-PABTFTllBSHIP HBRBTOFORB BX A ietins under the name and stria of DAWSON. TBBL AHajTRINO is this day. dissolved bj ma- iWOOBBenC.. .4-.".; . John Dawson ALONE 1 amtlrtlrlxedte nettle nptlio Duatnewa oCthe Arm an A atgm ' roeolpto fortbeeame. - " Vsu n , - , - - , . JOHN DAWSON, ' ' OBORQK TBEL, . m BOBBST HBNNINO. - WUmlngton, June , 1874. -i-f ,,u. IsTOTICB. THB SUBSQMBBB STILL CONTINUES the . y , . -r "nARDtTAttE BtSIHESS ' IN ALL ITS BBANCHBS. Juna M-neclm DW : JOHN DAWSON. Direct Importation. AX AA A CHOICE SBOABS, DIRECT FROM twVUv Cuba, of oar own importatioB. , f, ' , ,; For sale la lets to suit. July S-lwnac : - l EDWARD KCDDBR & SONS. g ADDLES, . HARNESS. TRUNKS, . VALISES, TraTellng Bags, Plantation Goods, Feather Dusters, waips, spurs, axm urease, saaaiery, tiara ware, second-hand Saddles, and all kinds- of Saddlery Goods. .Very cheap for cash at. m m 9. i vpniai c jo.'a. Harness Factory, Wilmington, N C. ' feb IStf nac - MISCELLANEOUS. FISH GUANO. ' IJ.EITS" DRTKD AKT OTIOTTNTJl . . . Jt. . .... .. - . . . ... - Good for all kinds of Vegetables, hot particularly for POTATOES and CABBAGES. SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIKE, HSBATS," FOR COTTON. No. 1 Peruvian Guano. For sale by feb BS tf WTLLAKD RBOS. NEW CHOP TUItflllV SEEO. . s it-?.;,. ...; r j JUST RBCBIVBD PBB STBASBR aTlarge lot of .. Tanup and Cabbage Seeds: nr. Bnta Baga, Il&t Butcli, Bed Top, Box- folk; Globe, Golden Ball, and other Yarieties of Turnip Seed, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At J. K. McLLHBNNY'S Drag Store, ' N. B. Corner Karket and Front Streets. JalyS-tf :"- vi Flour, Sasjar, Coffee, .Molasses. 1 200 BU Itoar' s4"' ',-: ? jjQ BblsEefiaed Sugars, ., Sacks Prime Rio Coffee.;--t)K BblsSHByrep, XJUU For sale low bv - , WILLIAMS MURCHISON. JuneSS-tf .EqfliftiJtf pli Hats, and; Beets.-' OLD HATS AND ' BONNETS . BLEACHED, p ressed and made to Look as -Well as New. Fornartienlarscan on MRS. JENNIE OXER. 4th Street, between Nun and Church. aovt9-tf CLAYTON GTJJES. ' j. W. MURCHISON. GILES & IIUHCHISOIT, . WHOLB8ALX AND BET All. DiALXBS IN; t j , HARDWARE IN ALL. ITS BRANCHES, ' ' ; June 88-tf 38 North Front St, WilmingtotvK. C NEWFLOTJB! (1 BAHAU FLOUR AND WHBATEN GRITS a m , CAPS FEAR FLOUR and ' ' ! ? , July 6 lh PEARL HOMtNi MILLS. Do Toxi i Want Good Hour I I- BUT THE " ASHLAND," WHICH HAS, BEEN reduced in pi ice -d . - OUE DOLLAR PER BARREL. Klmwood and Fort Fisher Family also Guaran teed. Good Flour at Redaced Prices. Call on june 26-tf . ; JAM B8 C. STEVENSON. Flour ! Flour i QQQ BBLS. FRESH GROUND FLOUR; .,, -jf r Now combig In and offering LOW. Jnn0-tr EDWARDS & HALL. Soda Water. , ; JCE fCOLD SODA WATER, ' with QENUINB " FRUIT SYRUPS, can be had at " . ' - JAMES C. MUNDS Drug Store. June 21-tf - Third St.', opposite City HalL . New Crop Itlolasses. -I OK HOGSHEADS . 'J- . LATELY LANDED. , For sale low by - . WILLARD BXOS. feb4-tf t Hains. " :yr.i 3,500 Ponnda N, Carolina ' Hams FOR SALE BT uneaO-tf EDWARDS A HALL. First : Mimal. M- tf TitairifEi A DIVIDEND of FOUR PER CENT, has been .1 r declared, payable en the 10th Inst jUr73t K. WALET2; Caslar. . WHOLE NO; 2,112. J4TBCELLANEOUS. New York and Wilmington STEAMSHIP COMPANY. - mm STEAMSHIP LINE . ! QOMFOSED OF: THE STEAMSHIPS r I SENEFACTOR,1 Capt. 1m J OntF, REGULATOR, Capt Wood, i Other Bte&mers to be added within a few weeks for a regular Semi-Weekl y Line, ' For the present win sail from iBW TORt ,( ) L ) Xtrerr SATURJDA al Ik BI,ft 'VTII.illlllOTOH EVery FBIOIT. " ' ' ' "These Steamers connect at Wilmington with the Wilmington, Columbia Si Augusta ana Wilmington; A Welden Railroads. ! Also with' North Carolina Central Railway and Cape Fear Btrer Steamers, 3QIVTNG THROUGH BILLS Ol LADING i'Y. To all points in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. (.- - ' - '--For freight engagements apply to - ' ; ;!. J'i. , A, D. CAZAUX," Agent, , Wilmington, N. C-1 Wk." P. CltdoACo., GeaT Agents, ' 6 Bowling Green, NewTotk, july 8 tf " - Or Her 84 Bast Rvrer. 7 HOUSES ISSa If St ANIW. BmDiNG lots. ; : FOB SALE, PRIVATELY AND AT AUCTION I now offer for sale a number of those beautiful Building Lots north of Newborn Road, formerly the property of Capt. R. S. HACOMBER, en. Chesnut. Mulberry and. Rankin streets,: between Tenth and Sixteenth streets, in blocks No. 187, 189, 200, SOI, aia, io, , tit, (, i (n ina i n, h peryiiui otace or Aessrs. 4AM.au b jucow . ALSO, :.t That very flesh-able Lot with House, on Market street, next to corner of Fifth, adjoining Dr. Bel lamy's. The House contains five rooms, and kitchen two rooms, well of water la the yard: t , , , ALSO . t r;.Vi House and Lot, corner Princess and Eighth streets. The House contains six rooms and kitchen two rooms, well ef excellent water in tbe yard. Block No. ITS. '": ' : - f ' . ALSO,.- : r ........... . - ............... . , , . Shop, House andXot on north aide of Prhtcess street, between Seventh and Ktghth streets, in block No. 184. U - ' . All of the above mentioned property is very de sirably kteated within easy reach erf the Street Rail way, and the business portion of the city, and offers rare Inducements to parties wishing to build, or for investment. Terms easy; title perfect. -v 'i For further information apply to ' . Messrs. JAMES & BROWNV- -Real Betate Agents, ' .-. - - - Wilmington, . Or to R. B. MACOMBER ' - 'i Care NOWLAN A CO.. . apr Sl-eodSm, Tn Th Sat Hlehmond. Var " Still Leading. We still eontIi.ne to of : , i . --' fer our large and varied ' xY, stock of I, BOOTS AND SHOES at lowest prices. Buy ers can obtain a bargain by calling at GEO. B. FRBNCH SON'S, JulylO-tf ' S9 North Front street Pianos, Pianos. -FROM WM. KNABE A CO., MARSHALL A SMITH and Grovesteln & Fuller. ; --zhs: t - ' OX G 'AITS.', . . The Bnrdett and Mason 4s Hamlin Organs. -Also Violin. Guitars, Banjos, Accordepns, Maalcal Boxes, Harmonicas, Fifes, &c, &c- .. ; -;.--.-; i ,1 Pot sale at .; HEINSBERGER'S " ?T . V,1 i. Hi. M ' V ' ' i Live Book and Music Store, JnlyB-tf XXolasses I IXoIasses I - i-.o K A KHBS. CUBA MOLASSES.' " : $ OU . , J0 Bbls. Sugar House Molasses, 150 Bbls. Golden Fleece Syrup, For sale by KERl Jnly -tf 97, 88 A 89 Nortu Water St. Pickles, Peaebes, Oysters, Candy. I 'tfifi CASES QUART and PINT PICKLES IIUU as Cases Fresh Peaches,., 1 OB Cases 1 and 3 Tb. Ovsters. n . i. -. - . tr. ii-. fi Q Boxes .Candy, jrorsaieDy- " t -1 ... - - v , . , EJSRCHNER A CALDEB BROS " July 9-tf 87. 88 and 89 North Wate rSti THETIHDICATOR f AND SOUTHERN WATCHMAN. Newton, N;- C.1 TUSINE9S MEN OF WILMINGTON ; WILL I To AdverUae la Uie (indlcator.' Catawba. c&eweu. Halifax. Warren, Edgecombe, Nash and Northampton, in the .Beat . Jjoenu terms onerea to yearly aaverciscrs. . lTp. ERWIN, jeaSl-tf ' r Pabiisher. 0fflCB7Jreasnrer & Collector, 'CITY OF. WILMINGTON, N. C t reoruary ibui, i Notice to Owners of any Truck, ' Dray v -.-, i T Vaffor,il . THE OWNER, of any. Truck, Dray, Cart or Wagon, used in the city, will send the same to the shop of John A. Parker, on Second 8treet, and have their Recistered number painted thereon be fore the first day ot March, prox.. when the Ordi nance Imposing a Penalty will be enforced. - A list of the registered numbers will be , furnished on application at this office. : " ' , " - . . ,.-. - - . T, a SERVOSS, f ,. ' fe 19-eod tf thur - Treasurer. filuir. fiiTfits. Bnnp and Spirit Caste. IptK Bbls. Glue, f. ; (d : Hi . 200 Pkgs.; Rivets ao Bbls Bungs, ; . . 500 Spirit Casks, For sale by i KERCHNER C ALDER BROS.,'' July Sf - S7, 38 4 North Water St Hails, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels; Hay oy KEGS NAILS, - f . , . 1 000 jarBasi3a H00P IR011 : ItVlA HewKawToABoWtCaaBaV o I'l Kf Bates Prime Hay, & rxur For sale low by JunsStf WILLIAMS U XDECmSON. 7ater Gromid : Ileal. TTOESTT TYT JTTST RSCTSTVTD-. t". . " jror ean) py. - jnir4wU , izxroxDi enow co. Hill V -f-.Jr' ' BATES OF ADYEUTKINCr. , One Sonareone'day,..;.....,. ...... ,........$1 M , ltwodya, 1 M f," three oays....v..v........... 1 00 v-- four days........ ...... 60 . " . niMWMk - - .'..V....... 8 Be B 00 "v- Three weekj,....,M..,i. 6 -'Ciiemtmth....v....'..:...........i8 oc - - - " Two months 15 00 - Three months,;,...... oa ; m - tjir months. ... . . .:..5 W f- t One year..:. BOW tarCdhtract AdTertisementa taken at propor tionately low rates. - i Fire Squares estimated, as a qusxter-cohima, asi tan squares aa a half-column, n,- i lIISCEIJuANEOUS. ldspectus for 1874. 1 . B'i V E NTH ;.Y E A E V THB ALT)TNE, An illustrated monthly Journal, universally admitted - to be the bandBomest periodical in the world. i .. A representatiTO and champion -. of Amerioaa' taste,. . -.-v- NOT FpESALE Df JBOOK OB NEWS STORES 1 rrms ALDINB, WHILE ISSUED WITH ALL THB. X regularity, has none of the temporary or timely interest characteristic of ordinary periodicals, itia an eleganUnificellany of -pore, Ughtand graceful llt erature,and a collection Of pictures; the rarest spec imens of artiatio skill, in black and white. Although each succeeding number affords a fresh pleasure to its friends, the real Value and beauty of TUB AL DENE will be1 most appreciated after it haa.been bound np at the close of the year. .While other pub licattons may claim supertor.ohwpMsa, as compared with rivals of a similar class. THE ALDINS is a iitiinnA 4mi rirtcriimi in!T)tion aJose and unap- proached abaomtely without competition In price or character. The possessor of a . complete volume .per ajiu cu- KVKAaiaAllI ART iEfAttXaUUXX. tTha filnatratlona of -THB 'ALDINB have wen a world-wide reputation, and in vhe art , centres af Eu rope it is an admitted fact that its wood cuta are ex amnios of the hiehest Derfectkm ever attained. - The dime lates,1 common prejudice in favor of M common prejudice in xavor or - steei-piaiea, - imra.p idlv yielding: to a more educated and discriminating taste which recognizes the advantages of superior artistic quality witn greater pacuity or proaucxroa.; The WOoa-CUtS Ol itm AWUia yuwseuo vm uci inntnA elaborate finish of the most costly steel DUte, whilethey; afford a better rendering of the art ' To'fufrealise the wonderful work which THE Afniy K ! doing for the cause of art culture In nit n nm 11 iy necei r other the people of any other decent repreeenuiuona oi in addition to deal ens by the members of the ria- nonai Acaaemy, uauunrivmi jmwvw wni., THE ALDINB will reproduce examples of the best foreign masters, seiectea witn a view 10 im nigBeas artisuc success and greatest weral tatereafcThua the subscriber to THE ALDINB Will, at a trifling cost, enjoy in his own home the pleasure and refining influences of true art. ' . The Quarterly tinted plates ror jsi wm oe oy Thoe. Koran and J.D. Woodward, r t" - . The Christmas iseue for .1874 will contain special designs appropriate to tbs season, by our best artists, ana wiu lurpass inawxacMvno uj vi xta icucvir PREMIUMS FOB 1874: ery'i wdl 1874 receive a pair of ehromoa,. The original pictures werepamtea in ou ior tne pnouanera oi THE ALDINS bv Thomas Moran. whose ereat Col orado picture was purchased by Congreea for tea thousand dollars. ' The subjects were chosen to rep resent "The Kast ana .r.'Jtae west." uae is a w in Th WhiteMountains. New Hamnehire: the other gives The Cliffs of Green- River, Wyoming Territory, j. ae eiueraHre in uw ubuot u m Kom tnemseives is a pieasmg conixseb, uu uums gwu display Of the artist's scope aad coloring. The chro mru, iMawh worked from thirty distinct nlates. and are in size (12xl6)'and appearance exact facsimiles of the originals. The presentation of a worthy ex ample of America's greatest landscape painter to tne subscribers of THE ALDINB was a bold but pecu- harlv hannv idea, and its successful realisation la at is at tested by the following tesi tare of Mr. Moras himself: following testimonial, oyer the signs- NxwAHX, N. J., Sept SO, 1873. Mehmiml Jim Himoi A Co. r Gentlemen: I am delighted with the proofs n color of your chromos. -They are wonderfully suc cessful representations by mechanical process ef the origmolpaintlagB. - - - y'r . , Very respectfully, Signed) $ii-Ai.! o. THOS. KORAN. These Chromos are la every sense American. They are bv an orisinal American Brocess, with ma terial of American manufacture, from designs of American scenery by an American painter, and pre sented to subscribers to the first successful American Art Journal. If no better because of all this, they will certainly possess an interest no foreign produc tion can inspire, and neither are they any the worse if by reason ef peculiar facilities of production they nei snDu i price Persons of taste will prir.e these pictures for them- serves -not ror tne pi nice they did or did not cos t and win appreciate tne tribuUon possible. will appreciate the enterprise jjthaV Tenders their dia- ibutlon possible. , , If any subscriber should indicate a preference for a figure subject, the publishers will send "Thoughts of Home." a new and beautiful chromO, 14x26 inches, representing a' little Italian exile whose speaking eyes betray the longings of his heart ;:; . r ii .i.OTBSMS?T.-(fj Jo ' ' W nnT.T.tM-yfMimi;fa Mft1i mn chromosfree. . For 60 cents- extra, the chromos will he sent, mount ted. varnished, and prepaid bv mail. THE ALDINB will hereafter be obtainable only by subscription. '' There will be no redaced or club by sal rate; cash for subscriptions mnst be sent to the pub lishers direct, or handed to the local agent, without responsibility ' to the publishers, except in eases where the certificate is given, bearing 'the fac-simile aignatureof James Sutton A Co. - v- CANVASSERS WANTED. ' . Any person, wlshmg to act permanently, as a loca canvasser, will 'receive full and prompt information bj applying to grjfoij cjO.FubBahers, 4 ? Np. 68 Maiden lao,Nw York, oce S5-tf . ' .;. . . . AGENTS WAITTED ! Agents .Wanted, ! Ageati Wanted!! i, i Liberal Inducements f Offered. rnwo BKAtmrui. CHROMOS,4 THE uncon X scions Sleeper," and "The Jewels of Spring." One a gift free to all subscribers ot the EiiiM;Gaf61iiiiaii, he Great Southern Agricultural Monthly. - t 00 oer annum, with usual Club Rates. . Canvassing Agents wanted in every County of Agei mtne each of the ern States; to whom the most lib-; r- Persons who desire to undertake the duties of Caavassing should make immediate application to thepublisberswhen circulars- setting forth terms, Cm will be sent them. ' The Chromos are now ready for deavery. The " Jewels of Spring" will be f ornished to subscribers for the moderate charge of 60 cents for mounting ready for framing and1 "The Unconscious Sleeper" at $3, mounted. Express charge for each Cbromo.JtS cents, prepaia. ; . - . " - - WALKER.' EVANS tb COGSWELL and r . v, W. L. DAGGET. Publishers. - frs- 1 , - 'Charleston, S. C. The Georgetown,' S; Oa,Times PUBLISHED EVERT THUB8DA T, Al $3,00 per annmu, .' Special attention paid to Local Affairs. " i IN ONE OF THE BEST TURPENTINE 8EC tions in the State. Advertisements will be in serted at reasonable rates. For terms apply to Wm. H. Bernard, agent. . m , ukj&js, a vv., ruDiienera, -BV H. WILSON. Editor. . dec4-tf The Central Protestant A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS paper and the Organ of the Methodist Protes tant Church in North Carolina, is published at Greensboro, N, C. '. '- ' ' . . - Tarma. aa 00 ner annum, in advance. - y- The eliriillity of its location, the number and ac tivity of its agents, and the constantly increasing de- mand for it among the more solid classes of readers in various sections, give the CENTRAL peculiar claims upon the patronage of the advertising public.' Terms very favorable. - Consult your business inter ests, and address the editor, J L. MICHAUX, marll tf ' h- - - Greensboro, N. C , Tho Camdon Journal, PiMMed Every 17iur$day,at Camden, B. C, rl THB OLDIOT-ESTABIJSIIxb TAPER IN Kershaw cemnty, and has an extensiye circulation , among the-Merehaata, Farmers aad all classes of business aaen in the eounty. i - - I toilers to the Merehanta of WBnUngton a desir able Medium fer -Advertising, the country in which ttdrcalses,1ehigcoaaectedwithfbstcitybyate ; er on the Wateree Xiver, and tbe Wilmington, Co- j hunbla and Aagnsta Railroad. . . . liberal terms will be made with those deairmg to advertise' - 1 - . . 8ubsTipUc'PTice,t3WperaTJ3itthv . Address, - - -r FRANTHAMakHAY. , - fo!7-H Liters aad Proprietv.r.

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