the nonuniG star, " ' 1T3WJS3SDL DAILY,. BT .1 WM!- EI. BUIi35rJR3D; - - aitrn or guBscanmoM ma tow, in advance (by man 00 " . - - - T It " S..4 8 1 60 Three mom s.lnadvance." " ...L. ...... 00 One month, la advance ( " )...... 75 To City Subscribers, delivered In any part of the city. Fifteen Cento per week. , Our City Agents are not authorized to collect for more than 3 months in advance. , " . .: .' ; :t V OUTLINES. ; ' . McMahon irritated the Bonrberaiats by his message. Norfolk " and" Portsmouth have organized a cotton exchange. , The lightning struck the Erie oil works, Weehawken, and they were banted up, with loss of $600,000. ; -One cholera death in Louisville. ' ' - THE EDUCATIONAL ASSOC I AT ION i This important body was in session for three days of the week just closed. W lfiflrn from the RaieiahimAr A tuw " - ,u e8tiu5 . I good to tne &tate. i f lie proceedings have been printed - in theses columns. I The Richmond: Enquirer . is to be felicitated on the accession iq its staff of the versatile and. spirited Venable, late of the Petersburg Index-AppeaL Spirits Turpentine. Raleigh tfetos: We gave yester day a portion of the proceedings of the meeting of the stockholders' of the North Carolina Railroad, at Hillsboro on Thurs day. We learn in addition that the resolu tion of Col. Wm. " II. My ers, to accept un conditionally the Legislative enactment au thorizing consolidation, was adopted by a ! vote of 85,000 to 3,000. The following per sons were appointed Directors on the part part of tne State Dy uov. Ualdwelir Messrs: Wm.. R. Myers and , Rufus' Barringer, of Charlotte; R. M. Patterson, of Salem; Samuel Wiley, of Salisbury; j W- N. H. Wilson, of Greensboro; AY. Albright, of Alamance; L. W. Humphrey, of-Wayne, leaving one vacancy to be filled by the Gov- crnor. The vote on the part of the Board stood: For T.'M Holt 6,477, M. L. Holmes 6,043, IL B. Haywood 6,033, W, A. tJmith : 5,456, the latter being elected in place of Col. J. Li. Morebead, who received 3,470. The American says Mr. W. R. Sloan's dwelling, store, stock of goods' and furniture, between Statesville and Taylors- vilie, were burned Monday night. Sentinel : A colored man be- ; lonsing to Col. Ruffln's family says he knew six weeks ago that ho would have to vote for Mars Tom. 1 v ! - ' - "- . ! Ma j. W. A. Smith b as been re j elected President of the N. C, Railroad' j Company. j A number of cases 'of typhoid fever in different parts of Kicnmond county. THBCIITY. NKW ADVERTISBDIENTS. - Williams & JlcKcnisoN.-j-Corn, Hay. See ad." to Commercial Travelers. J. MileslHusteb & Co. Physicians. Munsoh & Co. Underwear, &c. 1 W. J. BtjhmAkk. Howard R. F. E. Co. Jas. W. King Third Ward. . Many Citizes8.--To the Public. BosKOwrrz & Libber. Good Investment Heiksbekoer. The Gilded Age, &c. Kercitner & Calder Bros. Cbrn, &c. G. R. Fkexch & Son. Prices to Suit.. - mm m . i APPOINTMENTS TO SPEAK IN TUB FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. The Hon. George Davis will address the people at the following times and places: Sljoe Heel, , Robeson county, Friday, July 10. .. ; , Kenansrille, Duplin county, Tuesday, July 14, " ' ' : ftndaen Dmtli of Former' Wllmlug- We regret to learn of the sadden death in Charlotte, N. C, of Capt.- Julius Moore, formerly a merchant and resident of this city, where he has , numerous ' friends and s relatives, who prized - his many excellent ' traits of character and will mourn his de- parlnre. .- ''- ' ; " '. Postponed -' l i - - The dedication . of the new Methodist Church at Scott's Hill,ron Topsail Sound, in this connty, which was to have taken place this morning at II o clock, by Rev. VV". S. Black, Presiding Elder: of this Dis trict, has been postponed on account of the want of time to finish the buildings The dedicatory ceremonies will therefore take place on the, fourth Sunday in August '' An Vnwltlns WltneM:';f: !:;;- ', . ., There was a man summoned before the Mayor's Court yesterday morning to testify in a case, of the merits' of .which he said lie knew nothing about, who stated that he had been living in Wilmington forty-seven years, and had never been summoned be- fore any court before, either as witness or juror, and he seemed to be exceedingly an noyed that he should have been called be fore The court in this instance! . ft eeelpie of Taxes.; : ', ') : '" The rcdeipts at the office of the City Treasurer and Collector : during the week j closing yesterday footed up as follows: Specific taxes. . . .'. Real and personal. .$ 927 75 1,153 00 Drays. 11 00 Total....'.'. .$2,091 75 A Lively Corpse. ? The report was very generally circulated on our streets on Friday afternoon j that 'Squire Wagner, who bad been: attacked with paralysis, was certainly', dead; hence we gave it publicity in these columns Yes terday morning, however, be appeared on our streets and was so positive in his asser tions that his reported death was incorrect that we were compelled to believe him, es pecially as his friends say that he is a man whose word can be. relied upon in such a case. One of his friends asserts that he came back to sella lot of snap beans which he had neglected to dispose of. . However this may be we can testify that he was one of the "liveliest corpses" we have ever seen, although he suffered intensely for awhile from the disease with which be was at tacked. , . .; -" .ay-; . v ... ; ,- s. -; i; .!.; VOL. XIV.--NO. 92. Local Dote- The steamer Wm. Nycc took quite a party down to Smithville yesterday afternoon. , The interments in -Pine Forest Cemetery during the past week numbered 2, both children. ! . The Ordinance of Baptism will be administered at the First Baptist Church to-night, after the sermon. There were only three cases- be-i fore the Mayor's Court yesterday morning ana eY WCTe contmuea over until to- Firth Ward Democratic Conservative Club wUl meet on Castle street,! between Fifth and Sixth, to-morrow (Mon day) evening. .At last accounts from Miss Amy Bradley, received by her friends in this city, she was in Rome, Italy, with health greatly improved. 1 A colored fwoman whose name we could not ascertain, was found, dead in her bed at Burgaw yesterday-' morning, Coroner Hewlett was notified. A called meeting of the mem bers of Howard Belief F. E. Company, Na , 1,'will be held athe Engine House to-mor row (Monday) evening, at 8 "o'clock; There were 7 marriage licenses issued by the Register of Deeds during the week closing yesterday, .of which l'.was for white and 6 lor colored couples. . A meeting of the Executive Committee pf the Democratic-Conservative" Club for the Third Ward will be held al Masonic nail to-morrow (Monday) evening at C o'clock. Our Democratic and Conserva tive friends in the southern section of . the city were never, more fully aroused and Radicalism in the old 5th" is V trembling in its boots'! . ---There - were .only three inter- ments in Oakd ale Cemetery during the past week, their ages being respectively 83, 20 and 1 year. One of the parties met his death by drowning. There wasa meeting of the Fifth Ward Club last night, which was addressed by Messrs. Wm. Allen, J. W. Hansley and Frank Wilkinson. Quite a large crowd was in attendance. ' . The dog ordinance. -goes into ef. feet on Wednesday and plenty of badges are now on hand at the City Hall. .- Our friends should remember the penalty for allowing the brutes to run at large without a badge. "V V'f '"1 T ' 'f V .; ; . y We are advised that ',The Old Slavery Nightingale Minstrel-. Troupe of North Carolina," a colored organization, will give a Grand Concert and Ball at City Hall, to-morrow evening. The Committee of Arrangements are J. C Scott and J. Chavers. A noticeable feature of, the so- called Republican mass meeting last night is the fact that in the official call not a speak er was named who is not on the ticket of, or in sympathy with, the Riproarious, Ran tankerous, Radical Regulars. The Reform era were utterly ignored.. Where were Mabson, Price and all the other great lights of 'the party ! WADDELL AND HcKAT. Old; Cumberland All Blsnt Hon. Ai Jtl." Waddell and Col. Cornelius Mc Kay at Cedar Creek Great Entha slaem A Glorious nay for Waddell Cornelius Badly Hacked, v J Correspondence of The Morning Star. ,. Fayetteville, N. C, July 10, 1874. It was my pleasure, Mr. Editor, to hear thecliscu'ssion'torday between the Hon. A. M. Waddell, thegallanf standard-bearer of the Conservative party for Congressional honors in this district, and his opponent, the miserable demagogue, Cot Cornelius ; -McKay,' v';,-,.? C-V.- . I left town this morning at .7 o'clock ' in company with the La Fayette Cornet Band, and about seventy-five other citizens of the good old town of Fayetteville, all of whom entertain for the gallant Waddell the very highest esteem and the wannest friendship, and are proud to hall him as their leader. their chief and their future Congressman. We are bound to him by ties closer and stronger than could possibly be inspired by any omer man m wis district,, ana we in tend to give him cheerfully, heartily and cordially, our entire and undivided support. McKay led on glibly, and in One spirits, but when he looked around him and saw about 300 gallant Conservatives as true as steel, it unnerved him and he quailed before the indignant and steadfast gaze of the white men whom he was trying to hun bug. and the handful of negroes present 4 could not bolster mm up, ana nis speecn was almost a failure. His friends admit that he made a weak effort, and lost votes. Silence reigned during his entire speech, and not a cheer was given at its conclusion. . Col. Waddell then took the stand and was greeted with three rousing cheers, and a salute from tne nana. . Jiis speecn. was a crlorious vindication of his action in Con gress, and of the principles of the party of . . . . 1 , T- wmcu ne is me representative id uiis ui trict. His honest, manly words went straight to the heart or every one, and they saw that in him mere was no guile. He proved con f lnsivelv to the mind of everv one bv evi dence which he had with him that McKay was, and is now in favor of ded righU. He met everv charge made against him. man fully and fearlessly, and held his opponent nn to the ridicnlc of all Dresent. At the con clusion of his splendid effort cheer after cheer rent the sir and the people were wua with enthusiasm. . "We are coming, fellow-citizens of Wil mington. to greet von on the 6th of August with one hundred and fifty majority from old Cumberland for Alfred M. Waddell, and you may safely count on an increase of three hundred majority over what he re ceived two years ago. from Cumberland. Harnett and Moore. Iietns .all put our shoulders to the 'wheel, and give him an even thousand majority 4a tne fnstncT. MORNING - v' ;WILMINGTON, Stealing Cotton Cantbt In tbo Act. I On Friday night, about 12 o'clock, officer E. F. Martin, of the police force, who was on the beat neat the f ootof Mulberry street, noticed a colored man acting-in a very sos- picious manner around the warehouse of Messrs. I Worth & Worth and resolved to watch him. He had noticed the fellow going towards the dock and returning and he i finally slopped in front of one of the win-j dows of the warehouse, from which lie pro- ani will do her full duty for the Democrat ceeded to draw the bolt and remove' the I ic-Conservative cause in August, ; , bar, showing that he had already arranged matters to suit his' own convenience in go ing in or out of the building.! Just at this moment he 'gave a low whistle, evidently intended to summon a confederate. At the same moment, however,! a white man who keeps a small grocery in the neighbor hood happened to approach (and the man left the window and started towards the new comer under the impression, it is sup posed, that he was his "pal." Upon get ting within a few feet of him however, the thief discovered ; his mistake and started to run, but just as he did so he found himself in the grasp of officer Martin, who had pouncedhipon hinl like a hawk upon a chick en. Officer J J. Cutlar subsequently found .u . . - ... .... lt J. , . . , -J-- -"'-"!; : - wuiuuiue prisoner, wnoproveaio oe a man by the -name of Archie Stewart; had previ ously removed from the- warehouse to that point, with the intention, it is. supposed, of j carrying it oft in a boat when he had se cured a sufficient quantity of the staple to satisfy! his present wants. Stewart was taken to the Guard House and locked up, where he will await an examination before the Mayor, to-morrow morning. Finn .Ward, Club. . ; . j : The following named gentlemen have been .appointed by the President as the Ex ecutive Committee, of the Democratic-Conservative Club of the" Fifth Ward, viz: F. A. L. Cassidev. Chairman; Wm. Wescott John H. Savage, F. M. James,! Frank Wilk- inson, J, C. W. Muller, George. A. Poppe. John Bonneman, j J. C. Jackson, Henry Sholar, R. A. Price, ! John G. Dai den, Jos, P. King; Wm. H. Swindell, Wm. Griffith, P. Dixey, James Darby.- - . . : The meeting advertised to be held at Masonic Hall On Monday night, will be held on Castle street, between Fifth and Sixth,. and until further notice all the Fifth Ward meetings will be held at the above named place.! 't Isaac Northrop, I Secretary. Oar Cbarrbei To-Day. - : First Baptist Church, corner Of Market and Fifth streets, Elder J. C. Hiden, Pastor. Services at 11a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 9J a.- m Prayer meeting Thurs day night at 8 o'clock. I ' Services at Front street M. E. Church at 11 a, m. and 8i o'clock, p. ro. Sunday School W. 4 p. mi - - Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 8 o'clock. Ushers will be in attendance to conduct strangers to seats. Seats all free. Rev. R. S. Moran, D. D., Pastor.-' -; - . ' -!-.. . Fifth Street Methodist E. Church South, situated between Nun and Church streets, Rev. James Wilson, Pastor.;' Services at 11 a. j m. and 8i I o'clock p. j m. Sabbath School at 9 a,f m. . Prayer meeting Wed nesday evening at 8J o'clock. Services morning and evening i by- the Presiding Elder, Rev. W. S. Black. ' First Presbyterian Church, corner Third and Orange streets: Joint services with the Second Church. Preaching in the Second Church at 11 o'clock aJ m., I after which Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be ad ministered. Preaching iq the First Church at 8i p. m., by Rev. C. M. Payne. '' Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets: Services at 11 1 J U.a s .: tr '. ii a. ui. uug iw prater ai xv a. m. There will be joint -Communion service at this Church with members of First Presby terian Church. Rev. C. M. Payne wil. officiate. Address to Sunday School and parents at 5 p. m. Services at the First Presbyterian Church at 8 p. m. Rev. C. M. Payne will preach. v Services in St Paul's Evang. Lutheran Church as follows: English service at 11 a. m.; German service at Bp. m.; Sunday School at 0i a. m. Services at S. James1 Church to-morrow, 6th Sunday after Trinity, as follows: Morn ing Prayei at li o'clock; Evening Prayer at 6 o'clock: Sunday School at 4 p. m. Services in St John's Church to-morrow, 6th Sunday after Trinity, as follows: Cele bration of the Holy Eucharist at 71 o'clock. Morning Prayer, Litany and Ante-Commu nion office at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer at 6 o'clock. Services at St Paul's (Episcopal) church, corner of Fourth and Orange streets, at 11 a. m.' and 8 p. m. Rev. T. M. Ambler, Pastor. Seats free. ,,: . - St. Thomas' Catholic Church, Dock St , between Second and Third: First Mass at 7 o'clock a. m. ; High Mass at 10 :30 a. m Vespers' chanted' and 'Benediction at 6 o ciocK p. m. eunaay dcdooi at v:ou a. n a ' f 1 1 .l A AA m.. and at 4 o'clock p. m. Officiating cler gyman, Rev. Father White. ; First M. R Church,' Walnut Hall, Fourth street, Brooklyn, Rev. W. J. Parkinson, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 71 p. m. Sunday School at frj a. roT Prayer meeting Thursday night at8o'clock, ; ; . . . .h Seamen's Bethel: Services at 8i p. m. Rev. Jos. L. Keen, Chaplain. ? St ! Mark's Church Sixth Sunday after Trinity: Morning Prayer at 11 ' o'clock. Evening Prayer at 8i o'clock. Seats free. Services at the First Colored Presbyterian Church, Cheshut between Seventh - and Eighth streets as follows : At 115 a. m: and 8 p. m. by Rev. D. J. Sanders, pastor. Sabbath ochoolat 3 p.m., " t ...... . ... '-."iJ. ...-X ' Light rains last night, with a rospectof moretoay. - N. ;C, SUNDAY; JULY, 12, 1874. Tn speofclnK SHoeiHeei. . : ... v There was a largo ; crowd in attendance upon the Democratic-Conservative meeting at Bhoe Heel, Robeson county, .on Friday last. Addresses were delivered by "Hon. George Davis, CoL 1 W. - Foster French, Capt W. S. Norment, J. H. Morrison, Esq., W. P. Tolar, Esq., and others, all of which were greeted with enthusiastic rflemonstra- tions of applause. Old Robeson is all ngnt Educational Convention. In the Educational Convention at Raleigh, on Friday last, a resolution was introduced byDr.: S. S.! Satchwell and unanimously adopted, requesting the Executive to select Wilmington as the next place of meeting of the Association. : ' . Wonldu't Tell. ' . ; . A colored woman, by the name of Han nah Brown was taken up in that delightful 'resort known by the appellation of "Paddy's Hollow,"; yesterday afternoon, in a state of intoxication, and with the blood streaming from a severe wound id the left hand. ' She was taken to the Guard House and ques tioned as to who had inflicted the wound, but persistently refused to "divulge." . An artery in the band of the prisoner ha artery in the hand of the prisoner had been severed and the blood continued to flow for some hours," but was finally staunched, j Wagutraie'a Court. A colored man by the name of Anthony Ballard,, hailing from Harnett township, in this county, was arraigned before Justice T. M. Gardner, .. yesterday afternoon. chargCil v:tb an assault with an intention to commit r.-. upon' the person of a small colored girl by the name of -Rebecca Jane White, 'aged between 10 and 11 years. The offence wits alleged to have been commit ted on the 6th inst., during the absence of the father -and motherof the little girl from home, and the principal witnesses were the ffirl an4 her 1!tle brother. The mother of the girl, when she relumed home, found her in, tears and she then told her (the mother) the same story that; she repeated before the Magistrate. - Other witnesses tes tified to facts in the past history of defend ant which served to create a lively impres sion of his probable guilt in the above in stance. . - " - - Justice Gardner required the defendant to give security in the sum of $500 for his ap pearance at the next term of the; Superior Court, which he did, and was thereupon dis charged from custody. - Homicide An Unfortunate Affair. There was a pic-nic at Mullins' Depot, S. C; on the line of the Wilmington, Colum bia & Augusta Railroad; on Wednesday last, which was attended by a very unfortunate affair between two young men, resulting in the death of one of them. It seems that in the evening, about 9 o'clock, a young man named Hicks, formerly of Raleigh, and a youth by the name of M. J. Gilchrist, a son of Dr. Daniel Gilchrist, residing on Lumber River, between Mullins and Nichols' De pot, had some words, but as they were pre viously on intimate terms there was no tip- prehension that anything serious would grow out of the dispute. Hicks, who had been drinking, walked into a store in front of which they had been standing and got another drink, after which he came out, Walked up to Gilchrist and struck him a severe blow, knockin g him down. In rising the ' latter seized apiece of board, with which he struck Hicks on the back of the head, just below the ears, inflicting, as it unfortunately transpired, a fatal blow, i Hicks , subsequently walked' into ' the store, And from thence to the house of a rel ative with whom he was staying, where he lingered in much agony from the effects of the wound until Thursday about 4 P.M., when he breathed his last ; r We learn that both -of the parties to the unfortunate affair were under age, being only about eighteen years Old. The body of young Hicks passed ' through this city yesterday, en rout for Raleigh. Gilchrist, who, we learn, was thought at first to have received the severest blow of the two; suffered but little inconvenience. At last accounts he was in custody awaiting the verdict of the Coroner's jury. Wilmington Be tall Market.' The following prices ruled during yester day afternoon: Peaches 75$1 ' per peck; whortleberries, : 10 . . cents per quart; blackberries,- 10 ; cents per quart ; apples, (dried) 10 12 Cents per iound; dried peaches 25c per pound' walnuts, 50c per 'peck; pickles, 20 cents per dozen; lard, 15 'cents per pound butter, 4050 cents per pound; cheese, 25 cents per pound ; grown fowls 6080 a pair; spring chickens 50 cents per pair; geese $2 per pair; beef 1016f cents per pound ; beef, (corned) 1215 cts. per pound; veal, 12116J cts. per pound; mutton, l2J16f ctsi per pound; ham, 1618 cts. per pound; shoulders, 10 12J cents per pound ; tripe, 20 cts. per bunch"; clams, 25 cents a peck; open . clams, 2025 cents a quart soup bunch, 5 cents. ; eggs, 20 cents, a doz; sturgeon, 25 cts. a chunk (5 lbs); potatoes, Irish, 40 cts. a peck; swet, 3040 cts;fish trout 2550 cts. per bunch, mullets 1025 cts. per bunch ; shrimps, 25 cents a quart; turnips, 10 cents a bunch; -onions, 10 cents a bunch; snap beans, 2530 cents a :': xeck; - cucumbers, 30 cents a dozen; squashes, 25 cents a dozen; spring cabbage, 1015 cents per head ; tomatoes, 10 cents a quart; green apples, 2550 cents a pteck; peaches, 25 40 cents a dozen ; apples, 25 50 cts. per peck; cantelopes, 1025 cts. ; squashes, 25. cts. per dozen; cucumbers, 20 cts. dozen; beets 20 cts. per bunch. T-UHBT-ni Tantrnre-Unts will copy clear and mmm tnr innitAneriod fif time. . Send your I orders tor work to bo done la these Inks to the 1 Mobsctb StIb Prlnting-House. , w4 .. :L T . -Tf ' THE DOCKpiy MEETING. DellEbtful Be-TJnlon Harmony and . Love Doclcery Falls Time, , to Come to ; Taken altogether, the Dockery- Radical meeting announced to take place in front of the City Hall last evening was the most gigantic failure of the campaign; Music, tar barrels and fire-works were called into requisition, but these usually ; powerful ad juncts of . a campaign seemed to have lost their charm; and, for the occasion, thol at tendance' of ' Republicans was decidedly small. : " 1 ' -'' .. ;,i ' ; ,; . The meeting was called to order (?) about 9 o'clock, and a committee was immediate ly appointed to wait on CoL O. H. Dockery, late Brigadier-General of the Holden-Kirk inilitia; and request his presence, (But Dockory came not to denounce Civil Rights, he came not to take issue with Frederick Douglass, the great colored orator,, on this leading principle of Radicalism; in short, the great Congressional canvasser, who car ried the county of New .'Hanover by only 440 majority, in 1870, came not at i all. And great was the marvel thereat. ' 1 But things were kept sufficiently lively without the presence of the gentleman from Mangum. The meeting, in truth, was one of the most disorderly we have ever known held in Wilmington. , Bloody; fights, horriV ble oath's, discordant yells and all the not and confusion incident to a first-class Radi cal meeting were the order of the nightj ; Judge Cantwell commenced speaking' about 10 o'clock, and when the Star re porter left he was making touching ap peals to " the party" to stand by the regular nominees, which can by no possible con--structionbe so arranged as to include Judge Russell, who is no nominee at all. Blessed are the peacemakers! First; Ward. A Democratic-Conservative Club will be organized in the First Ward on.Wednesay evening next, and a full attendance ol bur friends in that Ward is earnestly requested. The place of meeting will be designated in Tuesday's paper. Bocky Point, - . j A gentleman from the Rocky Point sec tion, in this county, informs us that the crops' are in splendid condition and the political feeling in every way encouraging to the Democratic-Conservative cause, j A CampaignClub was to have been organ ized at The Bluff, about three or four miles from Rocky Point depot, yesterday, and one is expected to be. organized at Rocky Point in a few days. Roll on the ball ! Resolutions. The following resolutions were passed at the Radical family reunion at the City Hall last night: . . ... V- - : Resolved. That we, the Republicans of the city Of Wilmington, earnestly pledge our selves, to a man, to stand by and support the Regular nominees of our party, to-wit: tnps&maae on tne otnoi June, 1874. i. Besotted That we brand all bolters as malcontents and disorganizers,-and utterly repudiate and discountenance them. HOTEL ABBIVAlS. Pufcell House, J. R. Davis, Proprietor. W Cogin, Ft Monro, Va; James M Shaw, Rocky Point; Simon Bear, A H VanBok kelen, Henry C Brock, City;! Uriah '.Tim mons, Camden, N Y; Q W Dolbow, Leeds' Point; F H Simmons, Brooklyn, N Yi R Mayo, Jr. Va; Wm Rogers, Savannah; N Duty Charlotte; T B Blade. Whiteville, N C; W H Lindsay, C CRy ; N F Young, Bal timore. ,s.-;.5 . .: , r. ' -.. ': CITY ITEMS. Lam Paters. To Harris', News Depot,.. West aide Front Street, we are indebted for copies of thfe New York Ledger, Chimney Corner and Frank LeslWt Illustrated Newspaper for the current week. The Stand will remain open until 11 o'clock, tbia morning . . - i i COL. WADDELL'S CANVASS. : Honl A. M. Waddell, candidate for Congress, will .address & fellow-citizens at the following times and places: 'I ' . July 11th, Saturday 'The Hollow," Bladen Co. July 13th, Menday Elizabethtown, Bladen Co. July 14th, Tuesday White Hall, Bladen Co. ' July 15th, Wednesday Brinkley's, Brunswick Co. July 16th, Thursday WhltevUle, Columbus Co. July 17th, Friday Cerro Gordo, Columbus county. July SWth, Monday Meares' X Roads, Columbus Co. J illy 81st, Tuesday Cook's Store, Columbus county July 2d. Wednesday Shallotte. Brunswick Co. ; Other appointments, as desired, will be hereafter I Tribute of Jtespect. ' At a meeting of Germania Lodge No. 4, Knights of Pythias, held at their Castle Hall, in Wilmington, N. C , cn July 9tli, 1874, the Committee appointed to draft rwo-utious on the death of Mr. Henry Bremer," submitted Ike following: '. f Whekkas; It has pleased Almighty God, in His 1...S... I . ni v t i r . f . f i t H f mlrl.t nw deceased Brother Knight, Henry Bremer; therefore belt ! ;- ' . -- - 4- Ilescleed, That by the death of our brother Bremer this Lodge has lo t one of its best and most active members, und the Order at large one of its truest and firmest .. - ''. Resolved. That while we deeolv deplore and reeret the lof u of our deceased brother, we bow In humble submUkiun to the will of Him who doeih all things Besc&ved, That while we never more wIQ meet with our brother in the Lodge room here upon earth, yet we live in the hoDe of a future meetinz in the Lodge above; where tbe Great Chancellor Commander of the Dniverse does preside. Resolved, That as a token, or respect for the memory or our deceased brother Knight the mem bers of this Lodge wear the badge of mourning for space oi tnirty aaye, ana uiu tne ensrter oi tne Lodze be covered with crape for the same period. EKige oe covered wua crape ior tne same penoo. Resolved, That a blank page in cur Record hook be inscribed with the name, birth, age and day of de mise of our deceased brother. Resolved. That a copy of these lesolvtions be sent to tne family of our deceased brother, with the assurance of our heartfelt sympathy in this their sad bereavement , -. . . . , - Resolved. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to TheXtuffht, the Pf (Man Record, and the Wil-;. mington papers, with a request to publish. .. . -; , HENRY BRUNHILD.y . . f , . 1 W. BUHMANN, 1 renins : ' JOHN HAAR, Jb., Committee. , - H. HUTAFF, . - ' -) DIED., MATHEWS. In this city, on the 11th tost, Frank Wooten, only son of D. W. and Harriet Mathews, aged years, 1 month and S days. . I The friends and acquaintances of the family are 1 re8Dectfollr reauested to attend the funeral this 1 (Sunday), afternoon, at 4 o'clock from their rest. I denceonthetmerorsixtaanavainuteweeta WHOLE NO. 2,113. NEW -ADVERTISEMENTS. Corn, Hay, ; Oats, &c. 2 QQQ BUSHELS CORN, - .... 4QQ BALES HAT, ; 1 000 BUSHELS ATs 7QQBblf,our,, j t , (TP BHDS. CUBA MOLASSES,: tO 150 Bbls. Sugar House Molasses, ' . v . lOO Bbla. Golden Fleece byrup, ) A A Gross Matches, UU ' 60 Doz. Water Buckets, 1 0 K Cases Pickles, - ' . l&O r . . 100 Boxes Soap, " -IOK Bbls.Glne, ' ' iO aOO Paper RiTets, gQQ BUNDLES HOOP" IRON, 1 QQ spntiT casks;: ' - :: ; Cases Lye and Potash, ' : Boxes-Candy," 1 HO Boxes Tobacco, 75 Bbls. Crackers, Bbls. and Half Bbl&Snnff, fQ Cases i and S lb. Peaches, - ' JQQ Cases i and 2 lb. Oyster., " ''"'' 2QQ Bags Shot,' ' ' :' - J50 M. CAPS':'.;1- -; ; ';' ' "- ;' ' ' ' For sale by " :,: S EESCHNER '& CALt)ER BROS.. julyl2-tf . , 87, 88 4 29 North Water SL A Good - Investment. One that is sure- to pay better tlian 1 5-20 7-30's, or Even: Northern ' ; ' Pae&c Eailroad Bonds- . " A N INVESTMENT. MADE NOW IN GOODS at xj tne figures we are closing oat at ' preparatory- to taking stock,'.' will av. eren if ttm havn m m. mediate nse for the articles better than: money in Teeted in any other shape. We find in our stock' various articles which we ate determined tp close out, bring what they may, sooner . than carry them through another season. As evidence of it we now offer the following goods at prices named: Striped Grenadines, 18Jc per yard; CoL do. 8jfc; Japanese Poplin from 10 to 15c. 4-4 Grass Cloths, : 15c per yard. 4-4 Lawns, 10 to ' 12tfc per yard. 16 YDS. BLEACHED SHIETING, $1 00; 16 YD. UMBLEACHED SHIBTING, $1 COL ; :" : : At " . ; BOSKOWITZ & LIEBER'S, jnlytf 29 Market street ; merino, Lisle Thread and Gauze Underwear. ' HEMMED HANDKER QBIEFS Trayeling Suits & Suits tiat Don't Trayel. Trunks, Bags, Satchels, Dusters, LINEN SUITS CHEAP. MDNSON & CO.. City Clothiers. Julyl2-tf Dr. J. Miles Hunter & Co., i OF GOLBSBOBO, N. C. Specialists In the cure of Cancers, Tumors, Chronic Ulcers, Scrofula, Epilepsy, Female Diseases, Liver Diseases, Skin : Diseases and all - Kindred Affectidns. ;i -Doctors Hunter and Burkhart will be at ' . Woodcock's Store.. . .... ...July 20 to 25 Caintuck (G. W. Bonhom's), ....... July 27 to 81 Conway boro, S. C. August 3 to 22 Little River, S. C .Augcst 24 to 89 Lockwood's Felly. ......... ... Sepfber 1 to 8 Shallotte. Sept'ber 10 to 15 New Butter Ferry. . .... .... ...... .Sept'ber 17 to 24 july iiitw4t - ' - IMPORTANT TO Commercial Trayelers. COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS who solicitorders I J by Card. Catalogue. Trade-List sample or other specimen, also those who visit their customers and solicit trade by purcnases made Direct rrom stock in i any s .ods, Ing any class of goo BC SINESS and PI wcuou, uj ojux or jkhii, seu- I are requested to send their I SINESS and PRIVATE ADDRESS, aa below. statins class of roods they sell, and by whom em ployed; aiso inose wno are atpresent unaer no en casement, rmg matter is or uueat iMrjJtci'Asc-i- iNDrVXDTJALLY to salesmen of this class, or men solicitlnK trade In this manner. ' It is therefore K8- PECIALLY desired that this notice may meet: the eye of All Commercial Travelers and Salesmen in this country and that they : will AT ONCE eiye it their attention. Those who comply with above re quest will be CONFIDENTIALLY treated and duly advised of object In view. - Please address (by letter only), CO-OPERATION, care Geo. P. Howell & Co., 41 Pgtrk Row, New York city. Duly 18-dw4w At Prices to Suit. You can buy a good and handsome pair of BOOTS AND SHOES POB k. Very Little Money AT . GEO, R. FRENCH A SON'S. July 18-tf . 89 North Front street The Gilded Age. By MARK TWAIN (Samuel L. Clemens), author of " Innocents Abroad," ''Roughing It," &c. Taken at the Flood, A NOVEL. Jiv MISS M. E BR ADD ON. For .ale at july 18-tf' ' H EIN SBERGER'S Live Book and Music Store. m Corn, Hay, Flour. K A Art BUSHELS " PRIME WHITE CORN. T 500 Bnsh- Prime 111x64 Com, " 25Q BALES PRIME EASTERN HAY, 300 Bales N nay 8u?enor uaMtv 1 f(f BBLS. FLOUR, ' l.uuu july ltf For sale low by , WILLIAMS MURCHISON.- Howari Relief Eire Enpe Co. Ko. I. ,k TTENTION MEMBERS! There will be a called X a. meeting held at tne icngine House on nonoay, the 13th tnst, et 8 o'clock P. M.. Punctual attend ance is required, : , By order oi the President. . IlJ julyl3-lt t Recording Secretary. : Bacon Pork, Lard, j 125 B0XES,D & SMOKED SIDES, -g Eh&a. Smoked Shoulders, . ,. . -;' . , 100Bbi.cMPork,:; rg Tubs Prime Leaf Lard, . , For sale low by Jnlyia-tf ., - WIILLUli. & MUECHISON. " BATES OF ADVERTISING. ' One Square one day,. ...;,...''. ...;?'..,.$ C8 ' v". ! ,- tWw day0M . .. i ..-....t. 1 W three days.... , t 00 . four days t 60 . " five days..... . ....... ....... S 0 " one week S 60 " Two weeks.......: 6 00 i Three weekfl S 60 w One month.'. 8 00 ." - - Two months.. 15 00 " Three month. ...i.. ...... ........M 00 Six months.:......'.:.;...;.. ...85 0 -J: " " Oneyear ....... .0 Of t-DContraet Advertisements taken at propor Uonately low rates. Fire Squares estimated as a quarter-columa, and tan squares as a half-column., f i'v 1 NEW i ADVERTISEMENTS. ; To -the Public. V We ANNOUNCE JAMES ALLEN AS A - ' - -' CASDIDATJS TOU "- ' . Coroner of New - Hanorer County. ' jnlyia-lt MANY CITIZENS. Sugar, Coffee, Molasses. . ?J0 Bbls Kefined Sugars, ' ; - Sacks Prime Bio Coffee. 250 Bbls SH Molasses, -1 . , For ssJe low by July 13 tf .': WIUJAMS & MTJRCHISON. Spirit Casta, ' Hoop Iron- and Glue. . yQ Seleet Second Etmd Spirit Ca-ks,'. . 25 Tons Hoop Iron, . .. v 1 A fi BBLS. BISTILLER'S GLUE, , rL . AW. For sale low br ' . ' WILLIAMS St MUBCHISON. July 18-tf Third! Ward. ThEKE will be a meeting, of the TCmUvn Com. mittee of the Democratlc-ConserratiTe party for the Third Ward on MONDAY, . 18th Inst, at 6 o'clock P. M. , at Masonic HalL By order of the President joly 12-lt JAS. W. KING, Secretary: DISSOLUTION OP : ' "" f CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE CO-FARTNERSHIF HERETOFORE EX istingunder the name and style of DAWSON, TEEL & HENNING is this day. dlssotfed by mu tual consent. , --John. Dawson V ALONE 1st smtborlxed to settle op tbe bnslneas of the firm and alien receipt fortbeaame. . "v , ; JOHN DAWSON, GEORGE TEEL, ROBERT HENNING. Wilmington, June SB, 1874. , NOTICE. , rnHE SUBSCRIBER STILT, no "NTT tw nits 'Xthe '-;-. . - HARDWARE BUSINESS IN AT.T. ITS. BRANCHTta. L . JuneSfnaclntDAW . . JOHN DAWSON. Direct Importation. Aft nflf choice 8EGARS, .DIRECT FROM ' lUiUvU Cuba, of our own importation. ;:1 " ' For sale in lots to suit' . July 8-lwnac EDWARD KIDDER & SONS. Bridles, C ADDLES, HARNESS' TRUNKS, : VALISES, Traveling Bags, Plantation Goods, Feather Dusters, Whips, Spurs, Axle Grease, Saddlery, Hardware, second-hand Saddles,- and all kinds Of Saddlery Goods. Very cheap for cash at 1 J. S. Topham ft Co,s, Harness Factory. Wilmlnrton. N C - feblStfnac - -.--., MISCELLANEOUS. EXTRA LARGE ; No. 1 New Fat Mackerel I . RETAILING FOR ' : ,., , . . -'. . ". . . .- - Ten' Cents Each. Barrels! Half Barrels &.Kits. ' " . . CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., 8 and 7 North Front St v, nV. jmy v-a OFFICIAI j. AN ORDINANCE : . - rf-V- -W . - r . - . ,s ' -s. RELATING TO ; , V - CONDUCTING (WATER) PIPES AND QUTTERS. THB Board of Aldeftnen of the, City of WQming- -ton do ordain. That all conducting (water) pipes r Hitters leading from - roofs- of houses . or sheds. and coming within five (5) feet of the line of any street, or alley, shall be continued to within six inches of the ground or pavement Any person violatine this Ordinance shall pay a fine of Ten Dollyre for every day that the work is , not completed, after receiving five (5) days' notice in , writing itohx tne wy jaarwaai. Theabove Ordinance was nassed bv the- Board of - Aldermen at their meeting held Monday night, June 23d, 1874. T. C. SERVOSS, " . June 24-Sw Wed Frl Sun Office, Treasurer & Collector, : CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C., . . February 18th, 1874. Notice to Owner 8 of any Tfruck, Dray or Wagon. ' f HPHE o of any Truck, Dray, Cart or JL Wagon, usedi tbe city, will send the- same to theshopof John A, Parker, on Second Street, and . t ceYmy.peSwife A list of the reeistered numbers will be furnished on application at this office. feb 19-eod tf thur Treasurer. .Official. OFFICE TREASURER AND COLLECTOR,! ): Citt or WnJONSTOK, N. C, July 8th, 1874. Notice is hereby given that this Dog Ordinance lb 1874 will go into operation on and after WEDNESDAY, JULY 15th instant : (By order.) " ; ' T. C. SERVOSS, . july $-tf : City Clerk and Treasurer? r f For Smithville. OTEAMER WM. NYCE WELL LEAVE OUR wharf this Saturday afternoon, at 4)4 o'clock. Returning Monday mOTnlng," leaving Smithville lulyll-tf ' 1 '"' O. O. PAR8LCT j. CO. " fjgACON.SIDES AND SHOULDERS, ; - v - DRY. SALT SIDES AND SHOULDERS, "Flora, Cam, Sugar, Hay, ; Ilolasses, Salfj &C., &C. ; For sale by Jnlyfr-DAWtf BINFORD, CRQW CO.

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