tar. FIELD AND TUtESIDE. : ITII KUEBINQ GRAPE VINES. Now. that almost every farmer, as well as village lot. owner, has, or do sires to have, a grape vino or two, and arbore or trellisses of grapes are to be seen iin almost every garden, it is paiuful to" notice the neglect and tbe blunders which are to be seen especially in summer time, in the matter of pruning and training of grape vine. It is not uncommon, to pee vines of bearing sizes left entirely unpruned during winter and spring, and even till the fruit has set in, fn midsummer; then it is discovered there is not half room enough for the f , i c :. a . . . lonage ami iruit, aim a severe thin ing out is bestowed, taking off haps one-half! of the "shoots leaves, but carefully' sparing all young fruit. The consequence per and the is a sudden check of . the growth of - . i . i . . the vine, wnicn is pretiy sure to be fol lowed by disease of the vine and fruit. We sometimes even see the owners of vineyards make a sad mistake in. too severely summer pruning their vines, and especially if, in connection with removing much ofhe foliage, a full crop of fruit is left to be matured. The mistakes in all such cases are, in not giving the vines proper space at planting, and not pruning properly in winter, while the vines are dor mant, and not thinning the surplus shoots before the leaves have fully expanded in early June, at which lime also, or soon afterwards, the fruit clusters should be thiuned wherever in excess, i - v - SMUT FREVENTIVE. Western Rural. Farmers that have, smutty wheat should not sow such wheat without pickling it. To prepare seed-wheat for sowing: Make a weak brine or better yet have urine kept in an out of the way place to wet the seed. One . gallon of brine will be sufficient for- each The brine should I prefer the urine. bushel of wheat, not be too strong. because it gives more vigor to the young wheat plant. While wetting the seed, shovel the pile from side to side until every kernel of wheat is wet. Then add slaked-lime, one bushel for each ten bushels of wheat. Seed wheat should be prepared in the evening for the next aays sowing, in tne morning before bagging the seed, wet the pile with water and shovel the pile until the lime adheres to the wheat, prevents dust while sowing. Vergennes, Mich. . J. L. B, This FRUIT' AND HKALTII. Aii abseiiee of frriit implies doctor's bills. 'The bestf medicine chest an emigrating family ean carry to a newly-nettled country is a box of , early bearing fruit trees, currant, goose berry anl raspberry bushes, and strawberry plants. Western residents say that as long as they have ripe fruit they remain -free from all dis eases resulting from malaria.. tick, log; Gloriously Sticking Petersburg Index-Appeal." On a certain battlefield, during the late war of Southern Independence, a brigade of. North Carolina soldiers was hailed by some casual staff officer from another State, who said, " Hello, fellows; have yon got' any tar on your heels?" V -'"' The challenge waa' flippant and foolish, but the loffieer in charge deemed it worth his while-to make a serious answer to it. He said: We have tar enough on our heels to stick to any. position in line .of ..battle to which we may be assigned by our General commanding." The retort was not only witty, but wise and well-founded. The record of the North Carolina troops during the recent internecine 'struggle .'will illustrate the fact.of "tbeir ligb n4 duriug fidelity andj,be'rceBt.' poli tics of the State willysbbw the deep, underlying purpoiM . of the people , tp save themselves from the.Vpoison of Uadtcal mal-ad ministration, -- The shining star, a ;theif;fUh not leijs lustruu.H now than ,it. was . wbear jt lighted McRae and Cook to .the plains on which their victories were won. The Miar heels? stiek to their line of political battlo arfd'the gate of hell shalf not prevail against them. We renew and t repeat the cbngrjttU'" lationa with which their Viet or V has heretofore been-welcomed iiy u. Her Heart la Fixed. - I New York Herald. North Carolina has alwajv claimed to be a Democratic State, and no one ia surprised that: she has ' proved ;t,. The Kepuhlicah'wrtycairied the State in 1 872 wlyr bY those 'extreme t ' wt ' 'HI. henvv.vreamve ot tbead ministration liavinar been withdrawn North Caro lina take her blace among, the . Con servalive Slate of the South, and is likely to keep it unJeM the Radical iartv become much worae than it wag in 1872,,whieh is irh possible, or much better.-which w improoaDie, The administration cannot ooerce thin State afirairi. and it is not likely it can nersuade it: tor the ; victory - of the Democracy is decisive v A majority much larger thaif any one had reason to expect a Democratic Legislature and ' seven ; Democratic : Kepresenta tive out of the eicbt which North Carolina sends to Congress, are facts which should' make - it 'impossible to chanffe her roolitical cdmplexioTn in the . o .f . ...... i-u .. -f next two years. Honors ( Betrmreb. The five hand reth anniversary of death of the great poet Petrarch was celebrated' at Avicrnon: France, with ffreat' eclaf! trie rfeastiner and cere monies' 'tasting 'torlihreel days': the it M.jauortmifl.iS Tboocht BttA it. .The sacrifices of Hymen areocca- sionally -celebrated rider extraordi- nary circumstances. Two yeaTs ago', in California, one Joel Mansfield fired a Pistol atMioa Mo.r ti: I .S:t. pistol atMisaMarv.Hein woman-slaughterous intent, and 'then With Suicidal DiirnrMn AA tKa lor - himself. -Recovering, he ! was three tunes tried for the attempted murder of Miss Mary, ana three times did the conscientious and svm- potucuu jurors, atter tne v ordinary manner of such functionaries in'. Kimh cases, fail to agree. So the Court told Joel Mansfield to go about , his ibusi ness. A short time since he made h part of his business to see Mary agair? And this time he had his heart in .his hand (so to speak) instead of his pis tol. This mild manner of nrlrlrnecinrr her mollified Miss Moll, and, with or without the usual blushes, she con sented to become, and she isjnow, Mrs. Joel Mansfield. AllVweli that ends well, but wonderfully queer the ending sometimes is. la Your Stomach Many a dyspeptic Croesus would be willing, it is said, to givehalf his wealth for an easy stomach. If this is a fact, why do any of or " solid men" con tinue to c ndure the p -ngs of indigestion t Is it not patent to the whole community that Hostetter's Stomach Bitters will enre the worst case or Chronic dyspepsia in six or eight weeks? No occasion f"r the expenditure of hair a fortune; a few do'lars wil suffice to accomplish the object Surely, ever man who is not "sand blind" to the ereat ntilitariAn fart of he day must know that this celebra'ed vegetable specific promptly relieves al diseased conditions of the stomach, liver, bowels and nervons sttteni, re stores their vigor and imparts regularity to their functions. I your epiga trium uneasy? Is the vol ture, disease, gnawing at your liver? If so, resort at" once to the Bitters. augo-D&Wlw-TbSatTn MISCELLANEOUS. Doors, Sash, Blinds, A PAINTS OILS, GLASS, i I.ARHB ANU WELL SELECTED STOCK. Lowest cash prices. Call and examine, AT JACOBI'S HARDWARE DEPOT BUGGY HARNESS, ! , Riding Saddles, &b., A complete assortment just opened! JACOBFS HARDWARE DEPOT, ' THE : I ' " At JACOB I A X E, Is superior to any pther ani needs but a single trial f to convince. , ; COOPERS TOOLS, Carpenters' Tools, MACHINIST TOOLS, Turpentiue Tools, Or good qualities and best makes. 1 At N. OACOBrsi1 ' Hardware Depot, No. 9 Martlet St ONE OP THE LARGEST AND BEST Ai-SORT-ments in the State of guns, pistols; Table and Pocket Cutlery,; &C, Bnllder's Hardware, Locks, Hinges, Bolt's &c, of every description ) Ajrency lor tbe celebrated SIIALER Si SASH HOi DKrt AND LOCK. It will not get out bf order or wear 'ont in a lite time. Forsale at ' i NATH'L.' JACOBI'S Hardware Depot, ' jnne35-rf " No. 9 Warket Street. AN OUD1NANCE, 1 Conceruiiig Drays, Wapus. Carts, k. THE BOARD OP ALDERMEN OP THE CITY 1 OP WILMINGTON. N. C. DO I ORDAIN, That any Dray. Truck Wagon, or Cart found in use withuuthe City limits without the Badge or Registered Number as required by City Tax Ordinance passed May 9th, 18T3, shall be subject to seizure by the City Marshal, and tbe owner thereof subject to a fine Of Fits Dollars for each and every day the same is used in this City without the prepayment of the monthly tax, or without having on the ' ' " 1.' I Badge or Registered Number aa thp Ordinance of tbe City requires. t Any Ordinance or parts thereof conflicting with the foregoing are hereby repealad. The above u romance was pas sea oy tne tsoara oi Aldermen at thejr meeting Febmaiy lth. 1874. : T. CLbiSKVOSS. : feb 18 tf . CUy Clerk. The Monroe Enquirer, B O Y L I N & W O LiF E , ISdltor and Proprietors! fTHK BNOCIBER IS PUBLISHED AT MON- 1 roe. Union county, N. C, every .Tuesday, ai $2 00 a ye. Th E9inp6 jarfiulatea extensively tbrougbont the counties of AnKm,'Ui?ton;iChe8ter fleld and Lancaster and reaches a yery large num ber of intelligent readers. , , - j The merchants of Wilmington will find; it to be oa of the best advertising mediums on the Caro lina Ctra)-Railwayra'W'guarairtee' as laree'a bona fide rircalatton as ahy paper between CharTott and Wilmington wua Fffa4reneexcepuon. ; septs-u 'i- -- j ; ; THE, CHEROKEE HERALp. ! MURPH T,' CHEROKE E CO ,t N. C. ; The only paper pubWahedi Twelfth Judicial LllSUlCt. ! t & imtrnthvurWixKEe 'devoted to the Agri cultural. Educational, Mineral, Railroad and general Istewta of rhe country; 3 .:-.' : ? j j Has a u.Tg circulation in jxortn caronna, upper GorgU andEast 7ennessee,and affords an excellent medium for advertising,'; ; '. -,- , j - RATES MO DERATS. j gubsrription $8 per annum in advance, i ' ; Address V JAMEL PBOBERTSON, , ;; - ; . ' i. flurpbyvN. CJ .1 Cleveland Banner, I PUBLISHED . EVERT SATURDAY, BY J. t . . ' I. at. w Ftiwm " '"y 1"""' Wood's ijonseho'd Mai?ainefor?2; 'ine Banner baa a gd circalation in Ciewaao, idneB,v,"w ba, Mpcklenburg, Rutherford and Burke ;etunties, V, C.i md Spartanburg, York and Chestei1. counties, pt. V. it 1 0n9,.0T,tne ops); aovertiBntg .; uiBummo west or wunungton or ypariesfon. riitfuiraui advertising, &a, address,--' janl3-tff j Shelby, Cleveland id.,N.,C. - For SmithviUe! Steamer dixtb will runt as polt.ows: Leave Wilrotogton Monday, Wtdnesday. Thursday and Saturday, at 4 r. ai. xeove smunviue monaay and Thursday at 7 A. M ; Tuesday and Friday at 4 to 5 A. M. Light freight taken every day. Prepaid in all cases. . .!' July l-tf - " o. . fAusbux tu Tne w es tern xixpositor, . - I? . ASIIEVILLE, N. C. j W. H. Malone, Ed. & Prop'r XT AS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION Western Northern Carolina. It is tbe paper for business men, vertise. in which i toad- 8UBSCRIPTION-(IN ADVANCE.) One Year. .. $2 00 Six Months........... 1 00 Specimen copies mailed on application.- k AArMM .. .... i. ii TEYPOH1TGR OFFICE. 111 ' dnyiWMf X Asheville, N. C MISCELLANEOUS.- TIT? W A T T T TT A T o W AfiEIVALS fL" r - TU! lllf . I " This Week. WACCAMaW & CAPE FE AH FRESH BEATEN It I C E , HAMS, SIDES, SHOULDERS, (Dry Salted and Smoked). English and Scotch Ales, COFFEES of all kinds at Reduced Prices, FISH, CASE GOODS of all kinds, TOILET SOAPS, Fine Pale and Common 80 APS, Twenty . different kinds of TONIC BITTERS, Cigar?, Tobacco Kerosene Oil, Hay, Corn and Oats, WITH HUNDREDS OB' OTHER ARTICLES OF Groceries at Wholsale. CASH or close buying customers' can be suited al ways, with Good Goods at Lowest Market Prices. mayg-tf ADRIAN iS, VOLLER8, THE BAPTIST EEVIEW, Au Independent Religions News paper. y: It supports and defends the doctMne of free agen cy, and Personal Accountability. It advocates the doctrine of the unlimited atonement ; and believeB that salvation is attainable by all persons who hear and understand the gospel. It advocates the bnion and Communion of all Christians at the Lord's ta ble regardless of Denominational or Sectarian dis tinctions. And vindicates the caure of Christian Union upon the basis of the New Testament. It recognizes Christians of all evangelical Churches as members of the Church of Chri; and advocates co-operation among the protestant denominations in the work of evangelization. It advocates Im mersion as the only proper mode "of baptism and believers as' the only subjects. Our motto is : FREE SALVATION, FREE COMMUNION AND IMMERSION. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year.. . ... Six months Three months... ............... ..$2 00 :.. 1 25 .... 75 REV. B. W. NASH, La Grange. N. C, Editor and Publisher. Is Wilmington AliTe to Her Merest SEEK THE TRADE OF EASTERN NORTH Carolina that now goes to Norfolk, Va. Norfolk business men ADVERTISE IN THE ENQUIRER. Tbe proprietor of the ENQUIRER has purchased the SOUTHERNER, with which it is now consoli dated, and on the first of January, 1874, will begin. me puDucauon oi A Large Eight-Column Paper, AT TARBOEO, JST. a The only paper published in Edeecombe countv. the finest agricultural section in the State. E. It. STAMPS, dec 20-tf Editor and Proprietor. MIL L I NEB T . -TEW STRAW GOODS, SILK GOODS, A NEW JJ lot of those Desirable French Flowers, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs and Ruffs, Collars and Cufis, Gold Plate Jewelry, Jet Sets and Charms, At , EVANS BLOCK, Princess Street, JJOSIERY AND GLOVES, STAMPED YOKES, RUFFLLNGS, at "MRS. E. M. STRQCK'S, June 18-tf Evans' Block, Princess St. Suecial Order No. 3. HEADQUARTERS, Dkpartxknt Capk Fkab. ) CITIZENS AND STRANGERS. TOUR SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO J the fact tnat tne Mozart Saloon Is still in full blast, and that the finest Wines. Liauors. Cigars. Lasier Beer. &c &c. can be ob tained. Milk Punches. Sherry Cobblers, Claret Punches Mint Julips, Smashes, Cocktails, Toddies and any other Mixed Drink, put .up in the best style of the art. Thankful for past favors. I respectfully ask a share of your patronage. uj uraer, JOHN HAAR, JR.. Lieut. Gen'L N. B. Free Lunch served every day. june27-tf University of Virginia. LAW DEPARTMENT. T ...a-. (J B. MINOR, LIk D.. Prof, Com. and StaL Law. S. O. Southall, LL. D., Prof. Equity and Law-Mer chant, Internat'l Law, etc Session begins Oct 1, 1874, and continues nine months. Instruction by text-books and lectures combined, illustrated by Moot Court exercises. ' For Catalogues, apply (P. O. University pfVa.) to WM. WERTENBAKER, . r awgM.twaW' , Secretary ycnlty. ' Office, Treasmr & CpUector, : CITY QF WlLMINGTON, N. C, Notice to Owner qfuny Tru Dray : ) V: Qr Wagon.- . I pHlfi "OWNER- of - any Truck, Dray, Cart or - I Waeom used in tbe city j will sendtjie same to the shop or donn A ranter, on secpna street, am have their Resiatered number painted- thereon be fore the first day of llarcb, Pr.. when the Ord -tamtealnc a Penaltv will be enforced; A list of the registered numbers will be I ornished on appucauen aiifli omce.- , . , :: r . . T. C. SERVOSS, febjooatfthur .. . . Treasurer. TTARDENS AND INVIGORATES THE GUMS! L Purifies and Perfumes the BreathI Cleanses Beautifies an4 Preserves tfte TEETH ! Use it daily, and your teeth will be te Jaat pi Kft tiue's guts to rau you. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. may SSreoeiyth aattu THE CHICOEA; Slllt, JEWS. RICHMOND COUNTY'S FAVOBITBf A OONSBRVATIYB, LIVELY, SPICY, N1WSY f womiiff JoTiTmal - la Issued weekly at Laurm- burg, Richroona county, at the low rate of $3 per onnnm itm nivealation la verv laree andinoreaainff. Witajingtori merchants ean nnd no better advertising medium on tne uaroima genual muruau. Subscribe for iti Advertise in it! . u. jucjnii.il. Li. n-aicor. J. J. LO WB, Assistant Laubinbobo, . C. .Tune ia-tf MUSIC A t NOVICEf 1Y friends, patrons anp the public iVlV general, wishing my Beryicc iwiil please leave orders for the Summer with Mr. a. f. xoye. hook Store, Front st., or with Rev. G. D. Bernhelm, th st nriirkiTitTi(7 rna iiUUiBrtui tiuuruu- nuiuu nui iumy nitii nunmnf AftATttlnn. - - Belncf temporarily absent Attr nn a nrofessional and business tour. and having discontinued my former place of busi- SS"" j.TficiciaiiT. Bfiok! Brick! TITE. THE UNDERSIGNED,- ARB PREPARED V V to furnish Brick at $8 and $9 per 1,009, deliv ered at any house or lot in the cltv free of charge. Brick loaded on care at any Depot at $9 and $10 per 1,000. All orders from the country promptly filled. Orders can be left at Mr. Joseph H. Neil's Store, Cor;-Dock & Water sts. MATHES & CO.. July 25 Jy Wilmington, N. O. ; MISCKLLAICEOUS.. : SECOND' AND' LAST Qid;G-ift Concert, " ' IN AIDlO.F THE , Masonic Relief Association OF NORFOLK, VA. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1874. THIS enterprise is conducted by .the Masonic Re lief Association, of Norfolk, Va.. under au thority of the Virtdnia Legislature (act passed March 8th, 1873), for the purpose of raising funds- to com plete the Masonic Temple now in course o( erection ui nonoiK. 50.000 Tlcltete 6,000 CASH GIFTS. $2 5 0,0000 ! TO BE OI VEX AWAY. A NEW FEATURE, TO WIT: A mjt is Gwran .. wea 10 one oj every ten vonsecuave Jxunwers. LIST OF GIFTS. One Grand Cash Gift of. One Grand Cash Gift of : . . One Grand Cash Giftof. . . One Grand Cash Gift of. ....... One Grand Cash Gift of:. . . . . . . One Grand Cash Gift of. One Grand Cash Gif t of. ...... . 15 Cash Gifts of $1,000 each. ..$ 30,000 25,000 .. i0,0 .. 10,006 .. 5,000 2,500 ... 2,000 I5,eoo 14,000 x i asn uitts or 43 Cash Gifts of 79 Cash Gifts of 350 Cash Gifts of 578 Cash Gifts of 5000 Cash Gifts of 500 each...... 250 each 10,750 150 each.. 11,850 100 each. 25,000 50 each.... 28.9G0 10 each 50,000 0000 CASH GIFTS, aggregating. .......... . . $250,000 Whole Tickets, $10; Half Tickets, $5; Quarter auntie. z ou; aieven wnoie iicKets cr vt mil xickets lor $iou. No discount on less amount. JrO INDIVIDUAL BENEFITS. This Concert is strictly for MASONIC purposes, and will be conducted with the same liberality , bon- eiy anu lairnesa wmcn cnaractenzea tne nrBt enter prise. JOHN L. ROPER. President. For Tickets and Circulars giving full information, M1UTCBB, . HENRY V, MOORE, Secretary, Masonic Relief Association, Norfolk, Va. Db.' T. B. OARR, Aoisvt.' Wilmington. N C. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. June 30-DWeod2mos Tu Th Sat UTEKPBISE The only Reliable Gift Distribution in the country 850,000 00 Valuable gifts! IN TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN . D . S I N E ' S Mh Regular Monthly GIFT ENTERPRISE ! TO BE DRAWN MONDAY, SEPT. 14th, 1874. One Grand Capital Prize of $5,000 in Gold I Two Prizes $1,000 each in Greenbacks! Two Prizes $500 each in Greenbacks! Five Prizes $100 each in Greenbacks! One Family Carriage and Matched Horses, with Sil- var-mounteu Harness, worm $i,ow;une iiorse ana uugav, witn aiver-mouniea Harness, worth $600; One Fine-toned Rosewood Piano, worth 550; Five Family Sew ing Machines, worth $100 each. 750 Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watches (in all)worth from $90 to $ aooeaen; UoldjUbains, Silver Ware, Jewelry, Ac, &c. umber of Gifts 6,000 ! Tickets Limited to 50,000. Asenta wanted to sell tickets, to whom liberal premiums will be paid. Single Tickets $1; Six Tickets $5; Twelve Tickets f 10; Twenry-nve jao. Circulars containing a full list of prizes, a descrip tion of the manner of drawing, and other informa tion in reference to the Distribution, will he sent to any one ordering them. All letters mast be ad dressed to xaik ojmcs L. D. SINE, Box 86, 101 W. Fifth at. , . Cincinnati, O. ang 4 till sept 8 . : Massey's Pbilaclelplua X & XX Ale, Porter & Beer. rrHE MASSEY ALE IS SOLD BY EVERY RE- JL tail dealer in the city Of Wilmington (with but three exceptions). Lager Beer, $4 5Q per keg, kept on ice for city trade. Tbe best Laser thatis sold in N. C. Scup per song Champagne, an excellent article 1869 viu- . . Ale a DDI. fc3.tOf4 DDiS7.ou;coiueuaje incus, doz.: Porter. Soda. 8arBaiari,la, Pineapple, Striw- berrv. and Gincer Jseer. 60 cts. per doz , for country trade. Shipped by steamboat or railroad n the natent aurins kck ahiDBins cases, containins i doz. " , : . - l 1 . 1 1 13 . I. . . . . , ! .3 cacn BBsenea wtten qruertju. f ruigutvu uc jrcjum on all kegs and cases returned. M. XORDLANOKlt, Sole Agent, ' .-1. . . Fourth and Hanovar street;' inly 16 8m: Wilmington, IT. C. Dramjigi every-VI day; tommenang May i r . 9; 1874. .,..r , I 782 Priisea amounting tft ....;.!r....!Itf f O,Q0O : .1 f o J ullu00 -.If. of:..........:. J.....: : -25;aoo i " of ...v.::::. 10,000 782 Prizes amounting tft .... . . . . .;. . i , f 4 5 v, ,uuu .ooo a " of 5,e00 each. .............. 10,00 10 " of LOQPeach,......,,,..... 10,00 ftl WWiM-iii!"-' - -.-Hi )f jjimepn.v....:. ....... 1! . Circulars wth ful ipftirmatioa ml fr -T kets" f pr sale by . -. h. O, UKVUS, fab 15-PWly Mberty it.. New Yont. 7 IlfiPOILTANT TO Commercial Travelers. COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS who solicit orders ' DUI and who travel in anv section, by Rail or Boat, sell ing any class of gQPfle; are requested to send their BtSINESS and FRJ ATE ADDRESS, as below, statuig Class oi goods they sen, and ny wnom em-, ployed I also those who are at present under no en gagement. This matter is of GREAT IM PORT ANCE INDlYlDUALLif to salesmen of this cias, ..or- men soliciting traoe in this mnerf; it 1 iheretore ES PECIALLY doswed thftt tUis potiee way meet the eye of All Cemmercial Travelers and SaTosmen in this country and that they will AT NCK give It their attention. Those who comply with above re- onest will be CONFIUEN 1 1A L.I.X treated and oniy. advised of object in view. Please addrces (by letter onlv), CO-OPERATION, csre Geo. P. Rowcll &Co., 41 Park Row, New York city. unry ist-d4r4w Pay Tour City' Taxes FOR 1874. . omee Treasurer & Collector, ) Cm of Wilmington, N. C; y June 29th, 1874. ) XHfi CITY TAX BOOKS for 1874 are now in possession of the undersigned, and ALL PERSONS are hereby notified to call at ths olioe (commencing July 1st proband ' , ' PAY THEIR CITY TAXES WiTHOUT uiuAX. T. C. SERVOSS. June 30 tf Treasurer and Collector. No. 2 Shoulders. 1 A BOXES NO. 9 SHOULDERS. 2.000 Lbs S. . Hams. For Sale by &IFTE SO v aug 9-tf ED DWAR ARCS HALL. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS,- Kentucky UniVersity - , A SHLAND, the nOMEOF HKNRTI" CLAY, and X. Old Transylvania -University, the "sitea w the several Colleges. sSix Colleges, hv opetarionv 'wlth their, separate Facmltjee, 80 Prof esaors and lfitrao tors, with an average of more thanCOO Students each eesBiun since iue war. fees very jow. uvkmx ooarop ins from $2 to $5 per week, . Sessions begin Second Monday ui Stptemur. For. catalogues or other infor mation address, enclosing stamp, J. U. BOWMAN, Regent, Ky. U., -- Lexington, Ky. DAVIDSPIM COLLEGE. Next Session will begin Sept. 24, 1874. Healthy location. Moral atmosphere. Strictdiscip- nne. -i norougn teaenmg. Moaerate cnarges. seven professors.: For catalogue or information, apply to a. a. hukkx, unairman oi tne vacuity, - . Fost-Offlce, Davidson College, N. C. RICH FARMING LANDS . ' IN NEBRASKA, . NOW FOB SALE VERT CHEAP.: 10 Years Credit, interest only 6 per cent- SEND FOB " THE PIONEER? A handsome Illustrated paper, containing the Home- steaa law. a jnkw jsumjjkk just puoiisnea. Mailed free to all parts of the world. Address . O. F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner U. P. R. P.. Zf: . . . Omaha, Nkb. Waters' Concerto Organs Are the most beautiful in style and perfect in tone ever made. The Concerto Stop is the best ever placed in any Organ. It is produced by an extra set of reeds, peculiarly voiced, the effect of which is most Charming and Soul-Stirring, while its imitation of the Human voice is super d. WATEKS'PliiHrarmonlc, Vesper & Orchestral Organs In Unique French Casea-are among the best made, and combinePurity of Voicing with great volume of tone. . Suitable for Parlor, Church or Music Hall. WATEKS' New Scale Pianos Have great power and a fine singing tone, with all modern improvements, and are the. Best 'Pianos Made. These Organs and Pianos are warranted for six years. Prices Extremely Low for Cash or part cash and balance in monthly or-quarterly payments. Second-hand instruments takenin exchange. Agents wanted in every county in the United States and Canada. A liberal discount to Teachers. Ministers. Churches, Schools, Lodges, &e. Illustrated Cata logues Mailed. HORACE WATERS & SON, 48 1 Broadway, New York, P. O. Box 8567. $5 (fcOfl per day at home. Terms free. Address, pZiU Geo. Stinson & Co., Portland, Me. CONSTANT EMPLOYMENT At home, Male or Female. 30 a week warranted. No capital required. Particulars and valuable sample senciree. Auaress, wuti be. return stamp, . C. ROSS, Williamsburgh, N. Y. july 18 d&w4wks MISCELLANEOUS. POSTPONEMENT! FIFTH. AND LAST CONCERT IN AID OF THE Public Library of Ky. DAY FIX ED AND . A FULL DRAWING ASSURED ON MONDAY, 30Ui November, 1S74. LAST CHANCE FOR ' AN EASY FORTUNE! A nostoonement of the Fifth Concert of the Fnb- lic Library of Kentucky has been so generally antici pated, and is so manifestly for the interest of ail concerned, that it must meet the approval of all. The day is now absolutely fixed and there will be no variation from tne programme now announced. - A sufficient number of tickets had been sold to have enabled us to have had a laige drawinz on the 31st juiy, Dut a snort postponement was considered preferable to a partial drawing. Let it be borne in mind that THE FIFTH GIFT CONCERT IS THE LAST WHICH WILL EVER BE GIVEN UNDER THIS CHARTER AND BY THE PRES ENT MANAGEMENT. That it will positively and unequivocally take place as announced on MONDAY, 30th NOVEMBER, that the music will.be the best the country affords. ana tnat 20,000 CASH GIFTS, AGGREGATING $ 2 , 5 0 0 ,00 0 ! will be distributed by lot among the ticket holders. LIST OF GIFTS. ONE GRAND CASH GIFT,. $250,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT,.... 100,009 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT, .. 75,600 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT,.-. 50,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 25,000 S Cash Gifts. 20.000 each. 100.000 10' Cash Gifts,' 14,000 each, , 140,000 15 Cash Gifts, iu.uuu eaea, isu,uuu 6,000 each,.. 100,000 4,000 each, ... 100,000 3,000 each, 90,000 8,000 eaxa.. ...... 100,000 1.000 each. 100.000 ao cash tints, - 25 Cash Gifts. 30 Cash Gifts, 50 Cash Gifts, 100 Cash Gifts, 240 Cash Gifts, 500 Cash Gifts, ' 500 each, 120,000 100 each,. 50,000 50 each, 950.600 19000 Cash Gifts, Grand Total 30,000 Gifts, all cash. .$2,500,000 PRICE OF TICKETS. WhqleTlckets 50 00 Halves..:..:..........: ,25 00. Tenths, or each Coupon ............... 5 00 . . mi urm:.i . . fen fv iinuvio JWKCUS IW .. uw uu . 221-2 Tickets for.... ......: 1,000 00. Persons-wishing to invest should order promptly, either of the home office or our local Asents. Liberal commissions will be allowed to satiBfac- tory agents. ' J circulars containing iii parucnirs jurmsea on fHO. B. BRAMLETTE, . . . . ".Agent and Manager, ' Public Library Building, Louisyile Ky. aug4-uw4wrs . - ReduQtibii of CHI SEASON WILL OFFER FOR TBS NEXT THIRTY DAYS OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF ' S IT M M E R DRESS AND FANCY DRYOODS, to which will be added a large stock of Elaci Alpaccas ani Irisl Linens, f '-s I AT LESS THAN NE YORK WHOLESALE PRICES. We also offer a large stock of goods for Men's and Boys wear, at lower prices than ever before fcno.wn in Wilmington. I ' . Ladies" 'end Gftemen desirous of purchasiRg m,ay feel assured of receiving EXTUAOimiN ART BARGAINS. The abov tale will commence TO-MORROW, and be conducted EXCLUSIVELY VASJI ALL ARE. INTflED, The smallest buyer will receive the same attention as the largest. B WEI L L , A. WEILL, Agentv At the New Store, Cor. of Front and Princess Sts. juneaotf . StitH House, NEAR THE DEPOT, Wilson, N. Cr , AMPLE ACCOMMODATIONS IpOfl GUESTS. Iifvery SUblea ajKachf :- R STITH, : ef ' Jjirietor. Miscellaneous. SAFE INVESTMENT FOR CAPITAL. .TN VIEW OF THE INSTABILITY- OF MANY X .Savings institutions oi mo present uay, . .. OF' WILMING TON, . A C, begs to caii the attention of DEPOSITORS, whether of laTge or small Bums of money, to the Absolut e;Sa fet y of this Institution. ' . . The -paid "up Capital of the Association aireaoy amounts to and Increases Paid un (Janisil. undoubted securities, is held first and above au otn- er liabilities, for the PATMKNT OB" DEI'OSITS: so that Depositori have not only the security of the mvescmeni oi meir own jjeposuB, uui iuo bwiuhv of the investment of the Whole Capital Stock of the Association, already large, and increasing mon thly, at the rate of $3,500. In addition to these securities, which place I this Institution on the highest plan of tafety. the ACCRUED PROFITS of the Association are retain- ed, instead of being divided among the Stockholders, thusgmng Depositors not oniy tne guarantee oj au the Cavttal Stock, but in addition all the Accrued Profile of the Association. Eight Per Cent, Interest Allowed on All Deposits. Adrian, Wm. H. Bernard, L B. Grainger. George ttarnss. inos. 11. mcivoy, noger jiioore, sua i Northrop, George W. Williams. l'eDosits received, ai anv time, oy me ccreiarv and Treasurer, No. 41 Maiket Street jjnu. wjxiJJKk ATJ4J.JNJJN, irresiueni. CHAS. S. ELLIS.Secretarv and Treasurer. ap28tf Prospectus for 1 874. SEVENTH YEAR THE ALDINE, An illustrated monthly journal, universally admitted to be tne nandsomest periodical in ine won a. A representative and champion of American taste. NOT FOR SALE IN BOOK OR NEWS STORES! THE ALDINE, WHILE ISSUED WITH ALT. THB regularity, has none of the temporary or timely Ir.tereKt characteristic of ordinary periodicals. It it. an elegant miscellany of pure,' light and graceful lit erature, and a collection ui pictures, iue rarest spec imens of artistic skill, in black and white. Although each succeeding number .affords a fresh pleasure to its friends, the real value and beauty of THE AL DUNK will ne most appreciated aiterit nas ueen bound up at the close of the year. While other pub lications may claim superior cheapness, as compared with rivals of a similar class, THE ALDINE is a unique and original conception alone and unap proached absolutely without competition in price or character. The possessor of a complete volume eannot duplicate the quantity of line paper and en eraviners in anv shape or number of volumes, for ten times its cost, and then there are the chremof besides! . ART DEKAKTJIJSNT, 1874. The illustrations of THE ALDINE have wen a world-wide renutation. and in the art centres of Eu rope it is an admitted fact that its wood cuts are ex amnies oi tne nisnest penecuon ever atiameu. x lie common prejudice in favor of " steel-plates," is rap- lUly yiclUUlg lU n lUUIC VUUMIA& OUU U-.tlV.t I IHIIIUMU taste which recognizes the advantages of superior artistic Quality with greater if acility of production. The wood-cuts of THE ALDINE possess all the del icacy and elaborate nnish of the most costly steel plate, while they afford a better rendering of the art ist's original . To fullv realize the wonderful work wmcn tub ALDINE is doii-g for the cause of art culture in America, it is only necessary to consider the cost to the people of any other decent representations of the productions of great painters. In addition to designs by the members of the Na tional Academy," and other noted American artists, THE ALDINE will reproduce examples of the best foreign masters, selected with a view to tnenignesi artistic success and greatest general interest. Thus the subscriber to THE ALDINE will, at a trifling cost, enjoy in his own home the pleasure and refining influences oi true arc. The Quarterly tinted plates for 1874. will be Dy Thos. Moran and J. D. woodward. The Christmas iseue for 1874 will contain special designs appropriate to ths season, by our best artists, and will surpass in attractions any of its predeces sors. PREMIUMS FOR 1874: Everv subscriber to THE ALDINE for the year 1874 will receive a pah of chromos. The original pictures were painted in ou ior ine puDiisners oi THE ALDINE by Thomas Moran, whose great Col orado picture was purchased by Congress for ten thousand dollars, u ne BUDjects were cnosen to rep resent "The East" and "The West." One is a view in The White Mountains, New Hampshire; the other gives The Cliffs of Green River, Wyoming Territory. The difference in the nature of the scenes themselves is a pleasing contrast, and affords a good display of the artist's scope and coloring, u ne enro- mos are eacu wor&ea iroui tiurty instinct uuu.es, uuu are in size (12x16) and appearance exact f ac-similes Of the originals. The presentation of a worthy ex- ample of America's greatest; landscape painier loiue subscribers of THE ALDINE was a bold but pecu liarly happy idea, and its successful realization is at tested by the following testimonial, over the signa ture of Mr. Moran himself; NEWARK, N. J., Sept. 20, 1873. Messrs. Jakes Sutton & Co. Gentlemen: I am delighted with the proofs n color of vonr chromos. They are wonderfully suc cessful representations by mechanical process of the originol paintings. very respecnuiiy, (Signed) THOS. MORAN. These Chromos are in every sense American. They are by an original American process, with ma terial of .American manufacture, from designs of. American scenery by an American painter, and pre sented to subscribers to the first successful American Art Journal. If no better because of all this, they will certainly possess an interest no foreign produc tion can inspire, and neither are they any the worse if by reason of peculiar facilities of production they cost the pususuers oniy a inne, wnue equal in every respect to other chromos that are sola singly for double the subscription price of THE ALDINE. Persons of taste will prize these pictures for them selves not for the price they did or did not cost, and will appreciate the enterprise that renders their dis tribution possible. if any BUDScnoer buouiq maicaie a.preierence lor a figure subject, the publishers will send " Thoughts of Home," a new and beautiful chromo, 14x20 inches, representing a little Italian exile whose speaking eyes betray the longings of his heart. : TERMS: FIVE DOLLARS per annum, in advance, with ou Chromos free. - - - - ' . For 50 cents extra, the chromos, will. be sent. meunteevarnished, and prepaid by mail. -. . . Tim AiJJtifUS win nereaiter oe oouunaoie oarj by subscription. There will be no reduced or clue rate : cash for snbscrintiQss must be sent to the uob Ushers direct, or handed to' the local agent, without responsibility to the . publishers, except m cases where the certificate is given, bearing the fac-simile signature or dames uuon & Anv nerson. wishms to aet sermanentlv as a loca canvasser, will receive full and prompt information by applying to . . 44a aviiwi o vu,rttuuuwn, No, 58 Maiden Jane, New York.: 86 FOE 8a. Q RAND O F FE B ! rpHE YORKVHXE ENQUIRER win present a X ' three-dollar chromo to every subscriber for 1818 who pays $3 00 in advance for a year's subseription. The Chromo entitle 'fh. Unwelcome Visitar" is executed in the finest styfcof chromatic printing; the printed surface is lax by 17M inches, and the picture sells in the art stores for $3. It is equal in every respect to any of the chromo. premiums of- , fered by other publications. . The Knquwek is a family paper, devoted to the Home Circle, the Farmer, the Mechanic, the Trades man, alike in every section of the Union; is not sec tional In Us character, nor partisan or sectarian. Besides all the news of the day, collated with a view to correctness and accuracy, its columns are filled with the choicest matter appropriate to the different departmentsr Stories, Historical and Biographical Sketches, Travel and Adventure, Sabbath Reading, acolumn ror the umidren, yvit ana uumor, Agricul tural, Correspondence from Abroad Excerpts on all subjects, an epitome or lae.jxews oi tne Juay, sc ORIGINAL STORIES. The publication of Original Stories is a feature of the o.vsro. and for tbe next volume we have pro cured several from the pens of popular and enter, taining writers. In this Department alone we can promise our readers entertainment equal in charac ter to tnat or any oi tne popular Biory papers. The subscription price of the Enquibbr is $3 per annum, with Chromo Premium, or without pre mium, two copies one year $5; onecopyafct months, l au; one cupy burets uiuutus,- &. m"uiu will be promptly mailed to aahsenbers on receipt of subscription. Specines oopfes of the paper sent on application. AoiWess au tetters to L. M. GRIST, Proprietor, Yorkville, S. C. CHWarCs pASHIONABLE HAIR DRESSING & SHAV- ing 8aloon, 7 Soflti Pwa St, Wilmington, N. C. N. Br-rJ have secured the services of the BEST artists of my prof eseion. feb 10-tf Marshal's Office. WILMINGTON, N. C, 1 March 10th, 1874J CITIZENS ARB REQUESTED TO HAVE Shade Trees in front of their premises Trimmed Up by the first of April. All such Shade Trees not so trimmed by the first of April will be trimmed by the City at the expense of the owners. v GEO. W. PRICE, Jr., marll;tf. CityMarshaL upwaroa oi Jf oriy-jive i wununu uu, at the rate of $3,500 per month, i bis Invested in Heal Estate, aud other FERTILIZERS. --i ... -J,;: GENUINE PERUVIAN OTJAN0. FAhMEES", Aateicm-TtraisTS and DiixEES in Fer tilizers have now an - Dsortunity of obtaining this valuable manure i in mall or Isiree lots, at id eoie importer' prices, oy applying to the special Agency lust established (or the pui pose of delivering Genuine Pernviah Guano to con sumers at any accessible port or tailway station in the country. Full particulars given in circular mail ed free on application to V - ' ; -' K. HALVAZAH, No. 53 Beaver St., New York. REFERENCES BY PERMISSION. Messrs. Hobson. Hurtado & Co.. penta of the Peruvian Government, 52 Wall St., N. Y. Mosee. Taylor, President National City Bank, 52 Wall St., N. Y. .. . . J. C 1 racy, Esq., Peruvian Consnl. 26W Broau- Way, N. Y. may 18-D&W10mes MISCELLANEOUS. 9IA11S11AX.'S OFF1CJB, j Wilmington, N. C., April 22, 1874. f Bff O T I C E . I WOULD MOST RESPECTFULLY CALL THE attention of the citizens to tbe fact that the warm and sickly season is near at hand, and it be comes my duty to adopt the most Btringent sanitary measures at this particular time to preserve the health of tho city and prevent the introduction of disease that may originate from foul and unwhole-. some matter, nitn, garbage, trash and reruse matter which has a tendency to create unwholesome and offensive odors. In er.ler to prevent as far as pos sible the spread of those diseases peculiarly incident to this season of the year I would most respectfully solicit the co-operation of the citizens generally in placing our city in such a sanitary condition as to render it as far as practicable impregnable, at least to those diseases which originate from foul and u - wholesome matter. To this end the entire force of the city will be employed in cleansing, draining, cleaning, disinfecting and removing trasb, &c, for at least the next fifteen or twenty (lays. All nerson s are requested to have the. trash, offal, refuse mat ter, dec, cleaned rrom their premises and placed upon the streets, whence they will be removed im mediately. When it is convenient please use boxes or barrels. . Persons needing disinfectants can have the same free of charge by calling at my office. The health officers, designated by a yellow rosettr. may be notified of any stagnant water standing npon any lot, or damp cellar, or anything that would im pair the health of the city, and any complaint lodged at this office shall reeeive prompt attention. - Believing that a proper sanitary condition adopt ed now, at this early season, -will insure a healthy summer I earnestly solicit the aid and co-operation of all the rood citizens to accomplish this good end. jxespecuuuy, c, uau. w..rKiuj, jk., ap23-tf City Marshal. OUR LIVING AM) OUR BEAD OR Testimony froi tlie Battle Fields. UNDER THE ABOVE TITLE I PROPOSE TO publish first in newsiaDer and snbseauentlv in book form, a series of articles giving the war rec ord of North Carolina from the election of Lincoln in November, 1800, to the close of the war between the States in May, 1865. My plan embraces three divisions : 1st. Accounts of each skirmish and battle on the soil or upon the waters of North Carolina. 2d. Accounts of every battle fought dnrinsr .the war on the soil of every State, in which any of the troops of North Carolina took part especial care being taken to show what these troops did and suf fered in each of those battles, and what glory and renown our officers and men fairly won. 9A A Snnthom flii. fn. oil flmi 1 wi.. w ui . n.ui. xii co nation cf the third division, of the proposed plan will be submitted at a later day. That I may successfully accomplish this arduous but pleasing self-imposed task, I invoke the aid of all my brother soldiers and ask them to furnish roe material which can be arranged and digested so as to form a complete record of the heroic seeds of the sons of North Carolina upen the battle fields of tbe Confederacy ; and especially do I ask all who can write to furnish me details of every battle in which they participated, and the part borne by their im mediate commands. General officers from other States who command ed North Carolina troops are respectfully asked to give me all the information in their possession rel ative to the conduct and bearing of those troops. In endeavoring to do justice to the soldiers of mv native State, I certainly shall most carefully abstnii; from doing injustice to those from any other. Address " Our Living and our Dead," Newbern. N. C. The first number will be issued about the 10th of June. Subscription price $2 per year in advance. STEPHEN D. POOL. Late Colonel 10th Regiment, N. C. S. T. THE VINDICATOR AND SOUTHERN WATCHMAN. Newton, IV. C. BUSINESS MEN OF WILMINGTON find it to be to their interest WILL To Advertise fn tbe "Vindicator. s Which has a good circulation In Lincoln, Catawba, Gaeton, Cleaveland, Rutherford, Polk, McBowell, Burke and Caldwell counties. West, and in Halifax, Warren, Edgecombe, Nash and Northampton, in the East. Liberal terms offered to yearly advertisers. L. P. ERWIN, jan31-tf Pnblisher. - 10,000 Persons Read the Abbeville medium, PUBLISHED AT - t ' ' Abbeville Court House, S. C. 4 T HAND SOME SHEET OF THIRTY- J TWO COLUMNS. A representative journal of the enterprise, wealth and intelligence of the Up Country. s, . .. $2 PER "ANNUM IN - ADVANCE. In one days travel from Atlanta.. Send subscrip tions and advertisements to HEMPHILL & CO., Proprietors, ' decl8-tf . , ; . Abbeville, 8. C. Wiliningon Merchnts WHO .WISH TO EXTEND THEIR; BUSINESS, . oh the Carolina Central Railway should not overlook the fact that Rockingham is the wealthiest and has the greatet population of any town between Wilmington and; Charlotte, and that it has but one newspaper, the , ,, . Spirit of tlie jSoutli; " "-; -.; which enioys the ; -' : r,i DiP0'7 nTTi1TTT A VTt TIT of any paper published in tbePeeDee country, mak ing it the BEST ADVERTISING. MEDIUM. . Rates of advertising reasonable. Sabscription $2 a yeiir. Address, , ' W. K TERRY, Publisher, f:b-tf ' ' Rockingham, N. C. Horry Weekly News, VpUBliSHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING. AT CONWATBORO. S. . T. W. BKATY, EDITOK; J. AST. G. SJJltMV, PTJBUSKBIS Term $2 Pr Annum. A 11VERTISEMENTS INSERTED AT LOW J rates. The Ilorrv News is the only paper puti- llubcl in the rnnnlv. and navmz a large circubition, I in this county, and a considerable circulation in Co- lumbns and iirunswiCK county, pt. v makes u s riairAhln medium for advertisers. W. H. Bernard is our authorized Agent in Wtt. mington,N. C. dec 38-tf . CHARLOTTE OBSEKVKB. TO ADVERTISERS WILMINGTON AND EAST ERN NORTH CAROLINA. TkTCRSONS wishin2 to make their business extea- Jr Bively known among the merchants and peoplo Weekly or aavenwing. . . The Obskkvkr is the only daily pape tn Western, North Carolina. Advertising rates low enough to reach the humblest tradesman. Rates and specimen copies forwarded upon application. AddTess OBSERVER.- junel4-tf CharlottcN. a The North Carolinian EstabJUdicd Only Fire Years. THE NORTH CAROLINIAN IS PUBLISHET every Wednesday at Elizabeth City, N. C. It has a large circulation in all the counties of Hasten North Carolina and: Southern Virginia; also- circu lates extensively in the Northern States, especially Pennsylvania, New York and: New Jersey. This, fact makes ic a valuable advertising medium fon those having properties to selL : Terms $2 00 a year,, invariably in advance. Address PALEMAN JOHN, Ed. A Prop'r, -dec4rtf ' Elizabeth City, N. C mil tvyw mm 1.4 is ijij .1 In S-1 ' t J Ik I . ? II .fi; " !'! it.' to ; 1 "' A' is1 v I i t - v I 1