---: : ; : -i HATES OF THE U0B1TCITG STAB. ' C -." , J .... . v. . If i - li'li J - i FtnsUSHKb DAILY, BY v. O i three M " .T for din sac. sss3sr.iaiD. " - Avadays,.,...,.........- J . - ana weak:.:. '1. urn i-f-j -... ! . - ... . 9if4A''V a T W 6 Ota "Threewaeks.:.,.;;:,--... 52' - One month. ...... . . . ....... - 'T f fTwo months. JS'i 15 OO, ' Three months.,.... ...... i..' 2 55 , ; : ' six awnths.. .... .......... . .. .85 w? onsr.tnr.".. .. ..-50 i tarContract Advsrtisemenu taken at propor-i utn ttnaoBimoa. Om yaar In advance. thy., mall).... ST 00 Six montiis, In advanca ( " )... S SO Three months, in advance (" I t 00 Out month. In advance 75 he To City Subscribers, dellTered In any part of the ' city, Fifteen Cent per week. Our City Agents are not authorised to collect for more than 3 months in . tionatalriowratea. r r Hti r- , I VOL.XIV.--NO. 130. WILMINGTON, N. C. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1874.: WHOLE NO. 2,151. Five tMuarea estimatea as a oaartor-commn, anc advance. , tea square as a nau-coiumn. - s( - 1DTEBTISIR6. 1 K,r ip a r dTs..i.....-..v........ ? y - ... i sr! ' ,;j !.f OUTLINES. '; ? ; ' T Beecher denies by affidavit the charges of Tilton. ; German delegates take the lead in the discussions of the International Congress. . Conscription -is enforced throughout Spain. Ti-r Marshal ' Murray goes to Kentucky to take charge of U. S. troops, pa collision being apprehended. A. damnable plot of Radical leaders has been discovered in Alabama. The season of outrages has commenced, - -New York markets: - Goldr 109f109; Rosin, f3 25; .spirits' turpentine,5 3535J; T EC JE3 O I T Zr.m HE J UaB ILEE. cotton,; ief17 PRESIDING OFFICERS OF THE CBNBItAI ASSEMBLY. ' ' Candidates for the Presidency of I ofhce., the Senate and the Speakership of the .. House ,of Representatives are badding out like spring flowers, in all their vernal loveliness. , From the clairnsM put forward it would seem that there is no lack of talent for pre siding in, the State. - Among the more prominent gentlemen men- Tb Blnlla. , j The mails will close from this date as fol lows: l.: s i -J.,',. St i i , Northern (night) mails. . ... . . Jj 6:45 P. M. through and way (day) t mails I.. i 5 Ai'M. Southern mail. ..... 4 J 6:30 A. M. Carolina Central mails. . . . J . . 1 5 A. M . Smithville, Saturdays . and Tues days. .v,. ... . 6 A.M. Payetteville, river, Mondays and naays ..i.. 1 P.M. FayetteviUe by C. 0. R; W., daily 5 A. M Onslow C. H., (horse mail) every ! Friday . 6 A. M. Mails delivered from 7 A. M.to 7 P. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6 P. M; ; : Money order on negisier .Department open same as stamp Order of Fr ocesalo m Bow and Where ibe Line will be Formed-tbe Trans- parenelea JHarabals, Assistant IVar. . ' abalsItlaaic-FlrlDS f the Big Gun, henny, 1L: Price ' , A. M. v Sbolar, Jas. Mbland..,, uM: A.'sJ., ' ' Assi3tanV.Marshals--Joha '. MciJntee, J. Northrop, S. P. WiJliajnson,.W. H.: Sholar, P. Aj L. Caa$idey,& ,P,: Allen,, , C. .W. Muiler,.Wt E. Mayerf ohn:J.:King, W.H. Goodman, W. B. Swindell P. T Dicksey, : . .CITY ITES1S. .s 1 7 . ;... : : " Draft Books for: sale at the Stab Job Frmting House. j'-;'!. viru i'.i'.i ,i a .. . i l : , TkAKsrxB PBnmHa-lNKS will copy clear and distinct for an Indefinite period of time. Send yonr orders for work to be done in these inks to the Momraia Stab Printing-HoHse. i . ';'"'' , PanrrniG Papib. We now nave nv stock over MO reams of newspaper, sue 34x36, weight 30 ta per ream. ' It is good, rag paper, and will be sold, in NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , W. EL HABRisoN.-7-Offlcial Drawing. Beinsberqeb Pianos and Organs. James Reiioly S. JR. R.-UNotice. G. P. Kiddek The Jubilee! ; a 0 King, P. A; JFulcber;! X CcParker, The following programme for the order Joel E. Farrow, W. Ki Bell, W'EL Grfflth, 1 ts to suit, for cash, or sent b express c, O. D. of procession on Thursday night . will : be J JR. Watson, Robert Capps, James Hicks, observed by all concerned t s , I F. M. James,- J. D. Klander, ' G. A. A. 1st.. .The Fifth Ward (the Banner Ward) Poppe, W. Mints. will form on Fifth Street, south of Market, ' The officers will be designated as follows: right resting on Market. . . Chief Harshal, , .white scarf. - Aids-rwhite The First Ward will form on the north scarf. Chief of Staff yellow scarf J iWard side of Market, right resting on Third Marshals scarlet - scarf A' Committee c-of street." , . ; - Arrangements-white rbssettes.' All Mar- , The Second Ward will form on Third 8hals will meet at Masonic ' Hall on ) Wed street,: north of Market,, the right resting on J nesday evening at 8 o'clock 4 ' Book Bikdsbt Ths mobhihs 8ta Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Ruling In a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness In the execution of their orders. " ' " ' ' ' ' ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. r The JubUee. MAESHALS,' AIDS, 'ASSISTANT StAR- Bhalsand Ward Marshals will meet this evening at 8X o'clock promptly at Masonic HalL 'fit By order of the Chief Marshal, . G. P. KIDDKB, ang 86-lt Chief ef Staff. French Trunks, : OOLK LEATHEBTBUKES, TRAVELING BAGS and a fall assortment of Saddles, Harness, Bridles Whips, at the Saddle and Harness Factory of Vang8tfnacl , ..J. S. Topbam Ca. FOR RENT. FOR RENT TJntU Oct, 1st, 71875. rpHAT DESIRABLE STORE, corner Market and jl Boutn water Btreets. anglfitf Apply to H: B. IILERP. Foif Eent. 1 V aug tl-lw ON KEASONABLX TERMS, TWO erf desirable stores under the Seamen's Home. Apply to - - . u- B. F. MITCHELL, . - - B. G. WORTH, H. B. KILEK8. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 Market. . The Third Ward will form on the north side of Market,' the right resting on Second street.- 'C The Fourth Ward will form on the south side of Market, the right resting on-Second street. . ": ' .;.,-.4 , 2d. W&id Marshals will appoint two aids from the Assistant Ward Marshals. Aids to the Chief Marshal and all Assist- not more Thin She Bargained For. A lady who keeps a boarding bouse North of the W. & W. Railroad madeja most sin gular purchase on ; Saturdav evening last. tioned for the first position are Arm- the only excuse for which is the fact that field, of Iredell j Waring, of Mecklen- I she. was not aware at the time what she - Durg;-JUoreneaa,iot Mauior.ar mat in rming ant Marshals. wiU report promptly at 7 dell," of Johnston; Standford, of Uu- 8 ceri81D suoP on Me.iine pi ine street 0,dock at Masonic Hall for escort duty plin; Latham, Df ; Washington.; For . W- ' . . pick her out a good cabbage. ; He did so, the ; Speakership, Geo; .X. Strong, took the article into the car and deposited Esq., of Wake; J. L. Robinson, Esq., it by her side, received his pay and retired, of Macon; Major James C. McRae, The cabbage.a good solid one to all appear- f Cumberland; Piatt D. Walker, ances, was taken home and placed on a Esq., of Richmond, have been sug- tae. where remained, until, some time Market, north of Fourth street, the right resting on Fourth street. . 5tb. Visiting Delegations will be formed on Front street, north of Market 6th. The presentation of the Banner will take place at o'clock, corner of Fifth and Market streets. 7th. The first gun will be fired at 850, The Spanish government has taken I investigation commenced, when a large I when the procession will form, and it will measures to stop ; a filibustering ex- I snake was found snugly ensconsed in the move at the firing of the second gun. pedition against Porto Rico,' of which I heart of the cabbage, which was perfectly gtn There will be no speaking lentil the 3d. Transparencies, ships, '&a, on wag ons, will report to Mr. L. H. Bowden on Market street, west oMTront, at 7i o'clock, the horses heading to the south. 4th. Band wagon and carriages with guests will meet promptly at 8 o'clock on 0 ---v ; v - ,f : . prepare it for cooking. It was then she Out of such an array good presid- made a startling discovery -nothing more ing officers should certainly be select- cor less than a snake's head peering ed. The President of the Senate 1 out from behind one of the loose will be Lieutenant Governor. leaves. Assistance to solve the mystery of this strange affair was summoned and an it has information,' and the intended cession of the island to Germany is indignantly denied at Madrid. ' l3ut this denial we were told to expect, and referred to Admiral P0I.0 for the confirmation of the report. If some Marco Polo would find his namesake this interesting question might be settled. The Sioux, the Cheyennes? and the Arapahoes have been alarmed by the military preparations to punish them, and are anxious to make peace. The' Indian war. may be. considered as nearly over, and that is a blessing for which Sheridan and Custer are to be thanked, and not the Quaker cominis sUonerH, who have in vain triad . to jlay the part of William Penn. nollow. Ut course it is not presumea mat ina . -ahfoh will take the snake ate his way into the cabbage, the ace at tLe corDer 0f Fifth and Market streets, when eminent gentlemen ;will ad- birits Turpentine. only plausible theory being that he made his nest in it before it had matured and that the leaves gradually grew and closed over the orifice, with the exception of the slight opening preserved in one side by the snake's occasional egress and ingress to and from his singular abiding place. The cabbage was grown in "one of the gardens near this city and there is no telling how many hands it had passed through before the singular dis covery was made, - j " ' ' MORAL. ; . ' If to buy a cabbage you are led, , Look well first for the serpent's head. mayor' Court. The following cases were disposed of yes terday morning: - j L ; R. P. Harley, , charged with disrderly conduct, was found guiltv and ordered to pay a fine of $10 and costs. . 1 . Nelson Kelly and John Mott, charged with being disorderly in church, corner of Fifth and Taylor streets, on the 14tU' of August, were found guilty-, and ordered to dress the assembly. The following is the route the procession will take on Thursday night on the occasion of the Grand Jubilee in honor of the great Democratic-Conservative victory: ROUTE OF MARCH Down Front street 10 Castle street; up Castle street to Fifth street; up Fifth street to Orange street; down Orange street to Third street; up Third street to Dock street; up Dock street to Fourth street; up Fourth ' The citizens generally are requested to illuminate their houses. " ' ' ; iKi , ' By order of the Chief Marshal., i ' Q. P. Kidder, Chief of Stafft Loeal Dota . ' Import Entries for sale at the office 1 of The Morning Star. St. i -r- The Mira, Nelson, cleared from London for this port on the 8th Inst. ..,; -'The Mijriheer Tesnow, arrived at Stettin from this port on the 5th inst , It is probable that the theatrical season in this city will begin rather late this year. '. ; - The Scbr. Ilowarft, Googiug, arr rived t Newburyport from this port on the 20thitii. , ' There was quite a change per ceptible in the temperature in this latitude yesterday. The Brig . Wenonah, Small, cleared from New .York, for this port on the 22nd inst. ,. .' ; ; Scuppernong grapes are becom ing quite plentiful, but yesterday was a bad day to eat theml " V ' Both printing and. ruling done n the finest grades of copying ink at the Star Job Printing Office. tf - The celebration to-morrow night bids fair to be one of the grandest political demonstrations ever witnessed in,Wilming- ton. - ,. c rl . The marshals, aids, ; assistant marshals and ward marshals will meet this evening at Masonic Hall promptly at 7 o'clock. All are requested to be present. Tbakstsb. Pmhtiko-Inks. Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer cnantsi manafacturers and others.' They are en during and changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having Jnst received a fresh supply of these inks, wear pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. . .-. . . '''"im ' ' ' if you- i Want a Situation, . - .sr. ? ; . Want a Salesman, . Want a Servant Girl, j " - Want to rent a Store, , ( - ' Want to sefl a Piano, ,' " ' ' j ' i . r r V Want to sell a Horse, " ' ' ' ' Want to lend Money,' r '' ' Wait to buy a House, ; j ; : .WanttohuyaHerse, si v t j ... , Want to rent a House, ; . - Want to sell a Carriage, Want a Boarding place,. . - , ' Want to borrow Money, Wantjjto sell Dry Goods. Want to sell Groceries, Want to sell Furniture, " Want to sell Hardware, s Want to sell Real Estate, r ; : Wknt a joh of Carpentering, Want a job of Blacksmithing, Want to sell Millinery Goodf, Want to sell a House and Lot. Want to find any one's Address, Want to sell a piece of Furniture,' Want to buy a second-hand Carriage, : Want to find anything yon nave lost. Want to sell Agricultural Implements, Want to Advertise anything to advantage, Want a find an owner for anything Found, Advertise in TliK MORNING STAR. : 3STOTIOB. wil. seaside b. r. CO., August 26, 1674. f ilAVill. AXtA AH llllk? iJAliH n tits i'aiutfi JJ- whether in money or tickets, must be dropped in fare boxes. Conductors and drivers wiU furnish Change for sums not exceeding One Dollar, bat are not. allowed to receive rare. , nates as xoiiows : Single Fare,. ........... Four Tickets, on card.. Eight Tickets 44 . One HandredTTickeU,. Brooklyn Transfer,.... cemetery Ketum, Union uepot. ..... 70. 60c ..... $6 00 10c. t... 15c. : CALL AND SEE: THE . ' . . .1,1-. Windsor Manor Autumn Cluster. VIENNA EXPORT-BIER. Paul Janaet imp. Cacnae, $5 per Dos. , F. W. FOSTERS' Red and White Scuppemonsr Wine at $1 35 Per Gallon, EASPB UBT SYRUP. AND CATA WBA WINE, At - July Sl-tf : GEO. MYERS', . 11 A 18 Front St aug36-lt Bv order ef tho President. JAS. KEILLT, Superintendent. Home Again. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS. W BEG TO INFORM OUR FRIENDS and thi I public generally that we are again occupying our Jt$y Jbixpress To-uay. OFFICIAL VOTE. For Govern or. 1872. COUNTIES. Alamance Alexander..... Alleghany..... Anson... ...... Aehe....... . Beaufort........ Bertie..... .1.. . Bladen.... the streets. ! Six females, charged with keeping a dis The Monroe Enquirer says the' hail destroyed almost the entire crops of the Misses Walden: in Union County. Mr. J.'EL Stenhouse has been ap pointed by the Board of Trade to represent (be Cotton interests of Charlotte at the meet ing of Experts on Classification, appointed by the National Cotton Exchange to be, held in New York on the 31st inst. The Secretary of the. Treasury , priately fined has decided to accept the bid of M.: A. Mc- Jc4in Scales, charged with disorderly SdMK, c,.dco?ing aice omcer. ... for the superstructure of the U. S. Court found guilty. Judgment suspended. House and Post Olfice at Raleigh, for $97,- : Geo. West and S. Brannan, charged with 798,90. . ""; i't, ' . ; ? ? being disorderly, were found guilty and -News: A gentleman who yes- ordered to pay a fine of $20 or work for terdav rtasaed throueh th5 upper portion of .u i inhn nnt nrt thA P. a Section of wuny uajayu Wake, east of Raleigh, reports .the alarm ing intelligence that the rust has within the down Chesnut ; street to Fourth street; up Fourth street to Red Cross street; down Red Cross street to Front street; down Front street to Market street; np Market street to Seventh St., and countermarching return to head of the Market, where invited guests and others will address the citizens. Chief Marshal F. W. Kerchner. , . s Chief of Staff Gil. P. Kidder, Aids W. R. Kenan. J. H. Robinson, pay a fing of $20 or work for thirty dayson jamcs Reilly.ohn G. Darden, G.W.Davis, The explosion of a pistol in the SS::;;:::.:::: street to Market street; up Market street to Purcell House alley, which was probably B urke...... .. Fifth street ; up Fifth street to Chesnut 1 accidentally discharged, .caused considera- j Caldwell. . . street; down Chesnut ; street to Fourth I we excitement tor a iew moments yesier- dag afternoon. We were shown yesterday, by Mr. Richard Fitzgerald, a curiosity in the shape of a wing of an Albatross, measuring three feet and three inches in length. Al- Carteret... Caswell Catawba Chatham..... Cherokee..... Chowan Clay.......:. Cleveland Columbus.... Craven though a monsjpr wingr it is said to have Currituck..." belonged to a youthful specimen of the bird gjyi?8011 Duplin Dare , Edgecombe.. Forsythe..... J. W. Galloway, Frank H. Darby, W. J. H, Bellamy, C. P. Mebane, H. W Shure, Jos. orderly house, submitted and were appro- price w Cumming, W. M. Parker, A. Adrian, J. Macks, Wm. W.tLane, A D.' Brown, F. H., Strauss, G. D. Parsley, I. B. Grainger. T. H. McKoy, Walter Coney, J. W. Atkinson, John Harr. T-fc , ' ADDITIONAL MARSHALS. . r The following gentlemen have been ap pointed aids to the Chief Marshal for the grand jubilee on Thursday night: Fred. J. Robinson,-John E; Xippitt, alluded to. ... V.,. The Charlotte Democrat is mis taken when it savs the recent semi-annual .. . - . . . -j.t 3 v v- 1 Gaston amaena 01 six per cent, ucuiarcu uy , w 1 Gates.... ... People's National Bant, t)f FayetteviUe, ''is J g!e one per pent, better than any bank in the I Guilford................ State.". ;TheBank of New Hanover has I Harnett".';.::!:::'."": never failed to pay semi-annual dividends j nSndeonV of six per:ce'ht.'V. I.aL'J m' '-v j - "s j Hertford... BBt9,MMW'Sm 1 J ... ........ Attemptaol Boatery. An attempt was' made yesterday morn-J Johnson".".".'.'".!.". '.V.""" .'- . ' ' .. ' ; I Jones. Ing, just as day was breaking, to enter Lenoir...,. . the residence of Deputy Sheriff A. H.,Mor- Jggf;';;;, rial on Chesnut between! Eighth and Ninth streets. A noise was Heard at one ot tne I McDowell. V. . a. , a Ecclesimstleal. ; I last few clays made Jl. appearance, and rvenave. xu, iien avage, .ueo., oioan, t indbw Mr Morria who wal awake;! Z$3mvX': crops that five days ago had the most prom- pamphlet, from the press of Messrs. Simons Holmes, Jr., E. 8. Kash, Henry Latimer l&A x Btaira toascertain the I mSK.V;;' Ms.nAAta sbm rattritf BPnnndiv nim- a it- i Tj:AkMMni J Antii An i n w-; tt ;a ? nuv.M. Tiat;aif CttnAMA i - - Muwa witbin a lew mues 01 rwueigu, exicuuiui; 1 iuuucuw v v .r j y,. j, jujcio, , n - 1 j th fp.llow off rA I unsiow... eanin lu.II nf linnm flOWn T T.nui flihhnno Hl.hnn rT KIPn. I TTT -TJ." Uniih.Mn H" 1 through Wayne,. Juenoir and other sections. 1 mond nd Administrator r-Jialeigli. .JXeu9:.MTS. Dtinner, 1 North Caroiina. Being ,i . it v-tAMfit-a. wwwvaiMT .. , - 7 , ru ftrTn I ill TYl linn.? '- nclUlT - If. ' XLCUIV LU a I a rfam - I .OftQ t W nniTPr I fH. VI II I . -2 a ... - . Ta " v . a a '1 ati r - i mm m I S v fcM w-- - n T 1 . I ITUa. AUAIU AJWbftWt W Ja a - - r - x. J A AaKMA AnlAfAl 111(1 IVinilQ I .1 i mepastbeBpUsrChurchinth Canaday, 9 Radclifle, E. Peschau; I - 9t the resi- ffl city, hk. jnst come into possession of the minglonNC .by RL, Rev. Thomas At- Hcnry. p. West, O. VL Holmes, Ben Ho tfeniejoming kdrrlaTwTo was no 5&? handsome little sura of - $10,000 by-the de--1 kjnsbn,.rx ti. .ProtestantEpisqopal Bishop kins . Chas. A. Price, W. H. Dart, F. W. " . . ,j .t 'ixirtAlx ; Baaliighaiiig.9..r,J cisionof a'sntt in; her favor, t When her r .Knrth ,v, ) ' i viAAar kr2rtA t -r-L09upiUl.v T it--v?.- hnahand went into bankruptcy the house i y , L i , ncjci, uuv v., ,v-.-,,-. . jjark. ofreasv fingers were found On the erarr'- i ni. n a -e m win r 11 i s r . n. vv inun c - . . s ' - '"T' r.l 1 fo r Mi i tt window blinds where the Utiel baa attempt- Stanley, u Tlll Rtnnr -flTl . Wfilll. HI H.- I ' ' . . . ' '1 Stokes.' now occupied by Gea W. Swvpson, corner of Hillsborw ' and Salisbury streets, was claimed as her property. ; The creditors sued for it, the place was sold for $10,000 and the money invested in United States bonds. The suit has been decided in Mrs, Skinner's favor. ' ; 'v Dr. Ed. Warren, during the war L: chief surgeon of the North Carolina forces, writes as follows from Cairo, Egypt, under date of July 28, 1874: 'On Saturday (July 25)P the Prime Minister sent for ; me, and after mauy icornplimeutary . remarks in formed me that the Khedive had been gra ciously pleased to appoint me surgeon-in-chief of , the. Egyptian army,. or in other words, surgeon general I am stationed at the citadel."' . This of course sets at rest all reports heretofore received intimating the Taken to Klottou. - 7"Bryanl Powers,' who was arrested some weeks since, In this county, on the charge of stealinsr a horse from a. Mr.' Abbott, , .1 Vt.-v-I:- FIRST WARD. Ljenoir county, aau wuw uao oiwc wecu vwu-i . -.. 1 ..;.4.l4- thia w Marshal R. a OrreU taken to Kinston Jesterday, in charge of . Assistants-MatU Heyer. IBoon . a M. oi.Kirir for h nnrnofie FUlyaw, Jess. Ives, A. O. Wiggins, G. L. UCyUfiJ UUUUl juivuto V I I - - r - - of standing his trial. going home with the former. and it is sup-l Waka,ViV4!-i!'Ivl: ' posedthey fbllowed1 m.dVrlie im-1 Svn: - j .. r, - - ' I W BBBIUWIU nmKainn that lhev had moutv aboul lhem. I watauga . OFFICIAL HBTOBNS. , ... JACKSON COUNTY Official. r The following is the official vote of Jack son county:. Pool 649, Purnejl 86.;' Con gress: Vance,, Con,, 508; .Durham, lnd., Shutte, H. Herzbg,' Henry fchulken. W. E, Springer, Jno. Rudge, Thos. McMillan, Jno. Etheridsre. John Harden, Martin $Neelan.' SECOND WABD." nMaMalGJW.Wdney. JJ rAssistintsibrierH Chas. Flan- ner, R B. Jewett, George . Leiber, W. Ai . .... . I . . .. . . m o U iho 1 Srospective early return oi warren to 303:,"4ws majonty tor ..ouiuv. Wriffht Jr YThos. Grajme, Geo. Tilley, JL . S. I ' V - - : for Senator wkkliOlJjii He, District. E. Bear; S.' Thoniat. 3 Goodman, Jos. I cood. Asheville Pioneer : A fellow came through this, place a few days ago passlBg himself as a detective from Atlanta, and stated that he was on the trail of a mur derer whom be said passed ere about ,24 j hours ahead of nimv i He employed several assistant, iff this place, who burned forven : gelnce on the bloody fiend, after hearing "the story of his crimes, and also for the two hundred dollar reward promised to each by the shrewd detective. They all, a happy band set out down the French Broad. But alas ! alas ! while his assistants slumbered and slept that fatal night, the infamous de tective detected about $60 from one of the parties, also hi. breeches, which was very unkind, and his coat and his shooting-, irons. One of the anxilliaries has returned lmt is sad and thoughtful We understand the other is still on the trail of his trowsers. DvDavis' majority lnthecouhtyfor toe Wauers, Junius Davis, J. Frank Jones,,T, tiouse oi.itepreseniauyes tsx aaeceipta. . , - jiu . The receipts of taxes at the office of the Sheriff for the week 'ending Voin 'Saturday footed up a follows - x 4 ,-' Schedule B. State.. ........;....$ 119 46 - " County..........;.; ; 119 45 General State. . .'. i ;-. ....... 288 82 -..-' -County.'7.t?.r:... 899 93 Township .. t , 16t93 Total.; .,,' $ 939 59 Steallnc Clothlnar . A colored woman by the name of Fanny Brewington who suffered, a fearful deple tion'of lei wardfobe h.t the hands of one of heVgbt-fingered sisters, had warrant i . vi imn Pimmkiiu fur ooBylnzlettcr-head- iugs, sutementa, way-bills, &c. ; Can becopied'i J iaed at the Mayor's office yesterday for the ordinary tetter-press book. Send ybur orders 1 tjj6 ,j.es't 0f t tbej party .suspected,! who IS for printing in these Inks, and for an other scriB- robaDly erethis inia pdsitioi to ;have a , tltms of orlntinz. to the Mobsius Stab Printing I . . . , . i , , Bonse. hearing before the City Court to-day. C. DeRosset. Ti 7 i v Jf THIRD WARD. tMarsbalHdk,.! 1 Assistants Dr. Cobb, P. D- Cowan, W. YopK J1.' Wv bg W. Ml Poisson, Geo. W iHuggins, S. H. Fishblate,. E. A. Maffltt, G. U Dudley, John; Perdue, jW. L; Jacobs, . W. J. ,yopp, Marsden. Bellamy, Geo. Slon C. W.feHawesA John Cowan, John J. Connelly. t , ;.',fiaO4.1iF6feltT ;v ' : MarshaUWiGI McRae. -. ; - ;, Assistants J, McD Frencfi, Jas. J. King, RobkiMHouston L?N. Belden, Jas.' C Stevenson, W. N. Holt, W. B; Binford, L. S. F. Brown, J. W. Dozier, Wm. Arthur Williams: EH; iUersf JFowllr; Chas- H. Ganzer. C. S..LoveV Murchison; If!. TkTnnrlR. A: O. McGirt. E. D. McD i . : Bf wardpTerdf '. r The ' Raleigh eier bt yesterday; says: The Governor yesterday authorize'di the of fering of a reward of .$400 for the arrest of the negro boy David Martin, r convicted killing the boy William Carter in Wilming ton,: and who escaped from jail some two months ago. - He was to have ibeeii. hung last Thursday. It is thought the prisoner' escaped Into &uth Carolina at r , ; !; ,', The nersonal difficulty between Capt: A. M. Moore and Hon. A. . M 'W addell has been satisfactorily and nonoraoiy aajustea. , .v .v. . ;. j.. b. Mabtht." i.t: t , rv Tho&tG. McIlheskt. - WiMlalton, nm&tob 25, 1874.1 Wayne. Wllkes.U.U.. ".i Wilson Yadkin v.?: yancey. j 1 i - Total. .t;i..k:i 4 it a -a o ,270 545 839 1.191 752 L331 944 1,206 711 ,538' 853 1.161 562 1,062 1,261 1,7741 4H6 576 252 1,099 1,024! 1,142 1,890 763 1.384 tst 1,7501 832 1,474 1,033 1,475 JB7 754 l,976j 783 1,849 1,087 778 ,447 505 1,015 889 184 1,019 761 1,514 L448, 768 1,114 683 811 . 332 . 554 739 1.456 426 1,683 433 742 t42 547 693 2,708 1.883 349 1,516 662 1,035 270 1,560 t83 512 2,655 . 4 1,831 3,640 603 420 716 iup't Public Instruction. 1874. 1099 581 1,165 730 .. ...I 982 l.06 1,008 1,166 815 '"840 67 828 "l",25i 1,804 3961 597 CONSISTING OF ., Ladies' Belts and Buckles,, all kinds, Kid Gloves, finest quality; Silk Mitts, Fans, Linen Collars and Cuffs, plain and embroid-,' ered. Neck Bufflings, Scarf sj Corsets,. ' ? Hoop Skirts, Paruols, Veilings, Edg- ' logs and Insertings, Slipper Pat- i terns, Zephyr Worsted Hair Plaits snd Switches, TO BJS DISPOSED OF AT GREATLY SEDUCED FIGUBES. 816 1,738 504 1.481 994 903 655 635 1.085 ;TO6 8.511 -1951 1475 1.055 1,390 1,095 .892 l'.45 i 657 ,642j 1.1TO 1,782 224 1,864 1.681 1,658 .1,654 '727 04O 905 332 ; 879 1 891 1,022 1.109 402! . : 435 1,747 1,034 1.034 759 T-.503 610 994! 166 1,874 -639 1.270 706 130 641 1,048! .19 4.861 6231 r 653 881 1,284 8.614 1,990 I 492 1.821 1,058 910 819 ?1,TT5 .042 L869 1,003 1.801 M18 1,018 1,484 836 830 838 22 J 206 , 847 J 631 8,843 2,880 ' 917 . .353 919 1,294! 1,294 1.817 l,14tU 2,165 744 '"838 1,790 229 1,142 1,080 864 ' T?6 821 416 712 1,622 649 1.892 538 664 . 341 8813 1,0781 1.402i 2,5981 r962 1.8251 ' 863i . 67 . 885 .1.980 i i 1.839 1,654 o fi 921 92 m l,f87 855 1,327 1,365 939 280 ,- 407 94 488 678 194 1.468 217 761 The Largest, Neatest, Cheapest and I au Best Kept Stock of FANCY GOODS AND MnXDTCBT . IN THE CITY, old stand, , No. 43 Market Street, andarcdapy receiving new FALL GOODS, in all the Departments, at prices , IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TIMES. ' aug 254f ' J . J. & H. SAMSON. SEE THE REDUCED 'PRICES ! Pine Brown Duck Suits $7 00, l'J- line WnipiidcSidtflM 25,.- BoWesa Caaa, SuiU$8 50 Up. ' r 1 J 'X all kinds of ; ; Very Low. , MUNS ON & CO.t CITY CLOTHIERS. MISCELLANEOUS, 767 2,322 1,968 335 953 231 3,406 1,118 t870 420 2,575 874 XhE MOST LIBERAL. ARRANGE HENTS have keen made with tile different- Kallroad' and Bteam- Variety Store, No. 42 Market Street I boattpsaieiTDniffiginrPetsons to attend the augl5-tf nac - ; 1a. FLANAGAN. 4 JubuotthiDecnUc-Conservativeparty on THZUiSDAYNIGHT4 NEXT. Only one fare will bo charged. .Persons will en quire ot DfpoTAgents price of ticket. A ROGER MOORE, - aug 25 2t :' . - - Ch'm Com. Arrangements. Value Beceived; We give value received : ' ' ' ': ' JK C; BOOTS, AND ;SH0ES for the money, taken.- : A large stock to select "' Old Globe," OuB OLD RYE AND B SELECT WHISKEYS, N. C. Mountain Bye and Mountain Cora Whiskeys. FINEST STOCK IN THE MARKET. CHAS. D. MYERS A CO.. ' . 5 and 7 North Front St aug23-tf Table Claret and Sauteme Wines, - 100 ONE HUNDRED CASES - . 100 StrEmillion, St Estephe, Chateau La - Tour and St 5 Julien.- - 4 1 . CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., ' aug23-tf ; i ft and 7 North Front street 1 i 328 "ois .806 86 1,186 ' 661 1,055 ,?840 .an 842 61 & 1,281 3,V4 'Via 1,261 1,017 .808 760 1,799 234 1,687 918 -800 . ..DUivnnDM rictinanist i SMALLEST, SWEETEST SUGAR-CURED HAMS. ; .'' ' - CHAS. D. MYERS & CO.J ' f from and :.---,..-:.,-.'.. f r , ': -Low Pbicss for CASH. u ;: lavfon; XlUBiactfaiSON.' aug 23-tf ' 5 and 7 North Front St aug 21-tf T North Front tree Sugar; Eice and Flour Bbls Refined Sugars, . r? j 2 Q BBL8 and Tierces Rice, ; . j -. A A A BBLS FLOUR, r: , ; ; i ' t:JJ Potash, i .'V. 'l,66 "i',358 i . 685 . . . 97 ...... i i. . : ..' ...' .-( , . """370 """i93 M40 "8 6ii , 922 2,198 7 S46 585 rei "1,799 i,8 "l',i29 72!5 718 T 635 M32 . .. ' - ( , KERCHNER & CALDER BBOB., ' ' aug-tf , ' ' . 27, 28 29 North Water Str j : --- i -1 ; .' "i 1 : L. Soda,; Lye, tfotasli and Tobacco. ? A Cases Concentrated Lye. ,C-Cases " Boxes Tobacco, - J For sale low bv ansSS-tf-2 a WILLIAMS MURCHI80N. - i ii " '' iin1 m j . '. i i Flonri Coffee,; Sngarv ; Mola.se.. 1 000 B?LS; yLOUR." grades, ,;.;' JQQ Sacks Rio Coffee, i; i , 7'Ci bblaiReflned Sugars, 'T ; , 1 Bbls BHSyrnp. ':-' ?' 1 ' " . - Toliacco,' Suuf'CMefr M4 Pieties. CA Boxes Tobacco, , , -j (v Boxes Smoking Tobacco, - , . ;lwsiwj ' -$ .i-'L-i 3ft.-:j'em;;iiv ; KA Cases' (1 oz.) Snuff, For sale by . : f a ' 5 . :Jk7BCHNER & CjLLDER BROS aug 23-tf 27. 28 and 29 North Water St Yh K ' - Olca, Treasurer & Collector, v CITY OF WTLMTNGTOTr, N. C, ' .yeoraary 18th, 1874. aug 23-tf : For sale low by .;'; WILLIAMS A MURCHISON.' r Notice to-Ovitiers 6f4t& Tntcht Dray i t .usTJ.si.i.',"' .t i I or TFacrowjsiur rpiTB OWNER of any 'Tntcc Pny, Cart or . I UrMn rsa l will aaviVI tha ssma r the Btaop of John A. Parker, on Second 8treet, and have their Registered number painted, thereon be fore the first day of March, prox.i when the Ordi nance Imposing a Penalty will be enforced. -' "' : A list ef the registered numbers will be furnished on application at this office. flu,"?;, .rr. j v:.J - ' ''T.'C. BERVOSS, Matcliels, Candles, oap, Starch 100 Gro81' Par,or Matches, f, : OA( I Boxes and Half Boxes Candles, , ; ; g Boxes Soap, k Boxes Starch, febl9-eodtfthur Treasurer. HOTEL AUB1VALS. Purcell House, J: It Davis, proprietor.- Edward Ridgeway, New York; P WClark, city; W Hoffa, Washington -TG Garrett, .iii'mm. n T Frv. G-& A. R Rt H W Shure, W A Patterson, city; G P Weis- A LittlerWadeBboroi J T'Feara, White Stone, N Cj Chas W mis, Xjanxinourg, ri n. tt A Ranndera. Portsmouth.. Vat W D Hiehtowei. Hillshoro, N a1;; ; f J f1 ni- txo1 T fl HirAn - Prorrt.- JD Smithv G A Herring, New HaneTer; Charles Renn,W&W RRfJ WBradbain vv M"Wp?i 1 Tinnlin countv: T J Toler. Roh-r eson county; A M Porter, Kelley'a Covei A j bwinwo isrunswiua. ;r ; vn NEW AD YEItTISMEENTS. ang 21-tf For sale low bj ; . WILLIAs ' s:- -: S & MURCHISON. n 1 f j ; 1 Official Drawing of the N. f . Beneficial A8.ociatloii, .: V 1-'-'-TUESDAYVAug;25,;i874.; class 19. Drawn at 12 M.' ' : . 28 , 81 9 61 74 17 44 83 8 27 55 70 14, 1174; 12 43 55 9 2 70 18 - 78 6B'53 ;a7. i ' Clas 21. Drawn at 9 Pi M. 1 aWsftit''"1 j ' ' 4?i':w;'H.''HAIlRISON.i( For Sale or Bent. 1 fcSL'''THR DWELLING HOUSE NOW.OCCUt X " pled by me, corner ! Dock " and Sixth I streets. Low price and accommodating terms. Appl to Cronly A Morris or " ' ' 1 myself. ' Poseession riven immediately. 4 aug20-lwnac .. . , ; , ;t LTB- GRAINGER. rtrrrw 1TWR! A T i trXTlSTIAT.T. A SMITH. i VVi Grovestein & Fuller. and-Hallet, Davis & Co.; it. ALSOy :1 MASON AND HAMLLN it . j f.f?ft ; -;: I : fjtU 'f i;-fj. --:f s B JI.aliS1?tOI.OfAII ,. for sale for Cash, or (by: Monthly InstaHmenta, at ;itf HEINSBERGER'S i v 1- auk 26 tl y ' " 1 LfV Book and Music Store. Tools! Tools! Fob COOPERS', CARPENTER'S and SMITH'S, all new gTodS. at LOWEST CASH PRICES, ' at n ang 23-tf GILES, & MURCHISON'S . i Hardware Store. epairiim el Old Hats ait -Bonnets. OLD HATS ' AND BONNETS BLEACHED, pressed and made to !-1 ,f Look a. Well a.Wew. !::' i Oili '. tM:'-.- i' . For particulars call on MRS. JENNIE ORR,4th Street between Nun and Church. nov 29-tf trnvncnnn fill a: i.:-aA uuvuu,. wa.a 2Q BBLS. KEROSESE OIL, , , . . ; Vox sale by - .-.'i ( - . KKRCHNEK CALDER BROS., aug 23tf ; i5 74 , 8 4 W North Water St Bell Pepper. ' RESH ' ".- " ' r;i; ;M4i:BELLPEPPER.-i ',--I-vi V i -, FOR PICKLES, . . ; ; " ('''";: '"' ' At.RUNGB'SV:".';; I 44 MARKET STREET, aug953t EVERYDAY. TURHIP; SEEDTURHIP. SEED. NEW CROP TURNIP, RUTA' BAG A, AND other - ' - i." "i ; SEASONABLE SEEDS, vug 19 tf For present and autumn planting, for sale by BEN FLANNKR, Wholesale Druggists, 47 Market st i ; Kvepl;S, ,tu;vrt OUB OWN IMPORTATION, 'augas-St' - ---' f'J-J;, ;y ': Nntt Street. . Salt, Day and SZoIa.se.. ArtA Sacks Salt' ' " ' ' 250 Bales Hsy, 150 50 Hhds and Bbls S. H Molasses, Hhds Cuba Molasses, , ;. For sale "by ' .-. . ,','- ' : , KEBCHNEJC VAUJAUt BKUo., aug 23-tf 27. 28 29 North Water St 4 FLSmONABLB HAIR DRESSING A 8H4-V- - ' ; : : : ' ::" Ing Saleo&i 7 South Front St, Wilmington, N. C. . , . i. .(! - '.') i- . i -i- ' 5 , X. B I have securedtthe services ot the BEST, Bosli'orlFotmd. artists of my profession, feb 10-tf t .4 yj .t. - . F117ND On Srd street, Saturday afternoon, a small Gold Locket ' The owner can obtain tho same bv identlfvine the article and saving for this advertisement by calling at J. C. Manas' Drug Store .on 3rd street aug S&-it KENT. K. KING.