THE HOMTIITG STAR. HiTKM or XisFKHTisiNC. One Square one day...... . ..fl II TUSLXSSSD PATJ.Y. BY .two aaya, -j- ? " z - ourdays......-., w v UTI1 Of 8T7SCBIfTIOa. One year, in advance (by mall)., Six months, in advance ( " .- " Three months, ta advance ( 44 One month. In advance f " To City Subscribers, delivered In any part of the city, Fifteen Cents per week. Onr City Agents are not authorized to collect for more than 8 months in advance. , , : - , OUTLINES. Bazaine has writtea a " complhnentary letter to Bennett, of the New York Herald. Schura is with the People's Party in Missouri, Owlngto the , pressure of the times brick masons and their assistants are abandoning the eight hour law. Great strike at Bolton, Eng., among cotton mill operatives. ;:; New. York markets: Cotton,- 16J17i; rosin,3 20$ 2 SO; gold, 109109i. . . ,v,', ... VIEWS OF T VO FROJI1INENT MEN ON CONTENTION. ' We have received a private letter from a distinguished ex-Governor of Korth Carolina, in which occurs the following passage: " The better opinion of our people here and they are as true and intellU gent as any in the State seems to be that we should take on no extm weight, but should save ourselves for the great struggle in 1876. I concur fully in this j.udgmeut and for the sake of the great end am willing to suffer on a little while longer." Hon. William Eaton, of Warren one of the ablest, and coolest public men of Eastern North Carolina, says, in replying to a letter from Senator Cooke, of .Franklin, enquiring his views on the question: I think that it .would be premature and unwise at the next session of the General Assembly to agitate the question. ; - A bill for that purpose, if I Lave not mis taken. the public mind, would be rejected. All of the Radicals, and probably some of our friends, would vote against it, j and a two thirds majority is not to be expected. Debtors who constitute a large class of our people, are extremely sensitive in reference to their homesteads and personal property exemptions, and it will be almost impossi ble to convince many of them , that their rights in these particulars would not be en dangered, however groundless may be their fears. The colored voters would be , ex ceedingly uneasy about their, equal rights and privileges with the white race, and al though it is certain that a Convention would not, and could not, without 'a violation of the Constitution of the United States, in vade these rights, still it would be hopeless to make them believe so. The apprehensions of these two classes would be engendered by the harangues of unscrupulous demagogues, who would know themselves that there is not the slight est foundation for the alarm which they in dustriously increase. ' Some of the people would oppose a Con vention in our present depressed financial condition on the score of expense, which would be much exaggerated for political ffect. ' '; . , . I feel unwilling to do -anything which is , evidently calculated, to imperil the success of that party. No doubt whatever, is enter tained by me as to the pure and. bono-able intentions of those of our friends, who have solicited a Contention, some of whom have acqnitted themselves nobly in the late contest, and I certainly mean to cast no reflection whatever upon their intel ligence a;d worth; but they must permit me to say that in my judgment their course on this particular subject is precipitate and ( injudicious. The failure of the Supreme Court to sustain the constitutionality of the amendments passed last year would in Mr. Eaton's opinion alter the case. He would then favor a Convention as a necessity. But he thinks the Court will decide that the amendments are constitutional. Tlie Next President., Instead of speculating a to the man who is to be the next 'President of the United States, .we had better be considering the principles and pol icy on 1 which the ariti-Kadical ele ments of the country are to be crys taiized for : effective k orgaaization against the common eriemy. There is a chaotic confnuion in tiational pol itics just now which baffles all calcu lation as to the shape or strength of parties in the national-campaign two years from now.;;';y.l-. 'lv. -: ; We hear this man and ' that ' man mentioned for the Presidency, as if we had a personal government de pendent upon theaprice of the chief magistrate of the' nation for the., di rection of its course, regardless of all established principles and in utter de fiance of airconslitutional 'tia-ritatipria! The country is ib need of a plain and positive p. jficy, embracing the inter ests of all sections, founded -upoti the organic laW of the Union as it now stands, tole rating no sectioual preju dices, att i encouragmg a ' generous spirit of gennine friendship among ail the people of alt bur country; 'f h is im portan t. of con rse, as to the man who may till the first office of the go eminent. Unt it is more ftnpor taiit ilint the orineiplefl represented hy that man whe'n-he-is.rdeclafed the eh'ici- of the teoole should be such as to axsiire the country of ? peaces har uiuuyj jusiticf'i.ijill sections arid wise ami 'libisil lpcrislation for the eeueral go(d of every State in the Union. Our! (Jonstsrvfttine' oartv offers broad ... - . basis to Guild upon. r The Spellio2 of Shakespeare or Baeon Tlielrc wa an inerenious irenlletnan iu riiii idelphia whA published a venriH marvellous Shakespearian n:imnhl(f . It. eonsinted wholiv of the name Shakespeare,' spelled in' over t W t Wov Thpfft WAS Sliak- speare, 4 ShakespereShoeckspear, bheakipare, bhuckspere, oniKespere, and alLnnal WvArvthinS but SDokesllire or Shy spoke. It looked like a list of lettera written by over two thousand lnnntia tvanaorihod hv delinOUS DOS- tal clerks and put in type by a band mm m . or inebriated compositors . s ; . There will be a' meeting of the A'eterains of the Mexican War in Raleigh . - . M . . . it. IT ju a. a aunng the approacnjng J! air, says wvsjw VOL. XIV.---NO. U6. a ucro'i uevotlon. ' I M. dfi Molt.lro n qotto n Urwn0nAJ. "v 5cb wu reifuiarivat 10, out I on a fintf summer's gva Via will firat. in. I dulge in another short solitary stroll. u .wiuu ne mentally prepares the next is concealed bv a row. nf ovnrpHn on a hillock in the park.. He lost her on the Christmas nigto of 1868. She was young and charming, and thev an- r; . " "a!f ."wm - lenueny attacnea uave Deen ner lather. WbpnAvor h arrives at his seat, his first care, be- lore entering the house is to go and rj ..v.. hi i v iimm r wtMMW rwa i7n" i An American Cannibal. 'PI 1 !. ..; I A I1B IlOrriOie StOrV Ot MnniNIiam I in me t ar vv est is conurmed bv thp dlSCOVArv f ino fivaVI Packer, the cannibal, confessed he hadv killed and in n.irt. HavnnaA His confession was not credited at nrst, and it was bejieved his suffer- ings had made him insane. But the details given by our Omaha corres pondent leave little doubt of its iruth, and , indicate the speedy cap ture ui ine monster, . - , The pretext which Bismarck has onar wanted fornieddlincr in the in ternecine quarrel in Spain has at last Konn fnr?oVil U . i1 I UI.VII. 1UIU19IICU Iff blJC XaillHlS, WHO I have most to fear from foreiern inter- vention. Not content with seizing f ilia r.n. e n.. .'ll i I shootmsr the corresDOndent of A Opr. man newsDanerl thev at laat onpnprl fire on 'the German jrunboat-. Thp alter, of conse. replied, aud the re- suit was vigorous shelling of Gui-1 puzcoa and a heavv loss to th in- surgents, but the end is, of course, not yet. Spirits .Turpentine. uiuwonn noDtnson win tie in Raleigh on the 2th of October. The Milton Chronicle records a case of highway robbery of a negro. r ine uenaerson irtoune i says ine cotton crop, tnereaoouls, will be short. , Rev. A. Munroe Gillespie died as Glen Alpine Springs, Burke county, last Manv ''revivals 'of relieion ; have been going on around Ijouisburg, says the vourier, ( i . . ; ' Henderson, still further, ; pro poses to increase her large tobacco wait house business. . , . Tlie case against Chief of Police King was peremptorily dismissed by the Mayor m Kaleign. ' i Col. D. J. Godwin, of Ports mouth. Va., will deliver the annual address before the VVeldon Fair on the 22nd of Oc tober. " I " -A Milton" Chronicle printer swam over the Dan, waked up tbe ferry man and went back to get his horse and bis clothes of which, he had ' divested himself. 1 1 A '-'negro man - named Reuben Harris, was found dead about a mile from Davidson College, on Wednesday evening, the 9th inpt. Ue died while getting over a fence, the doctors said of con jestive chill, so we learn from the Charlotte imerwri A few days since Judge Schenck, of the 9th District, was forced by a drunk en, insolent and aggressive negro carnage driver to shoot The negro was wounded, the Judge takirg care not to kill him He first led the negro out of his yard. On the latter's drawing a knife and rushing on him be shot him. - Milton Chronicle : At a colored amp-meeting south of Darlin, Halifax, Va., a iew uaya guif of tbe church during service, and in which most of the males present took a band the preacher leaping oat at a window ana . - S ! - ... . runnioir line a viuui iei . uuik, nunc mo women screamed ana tne cuiiaren squawr- ed. We bear that a Milton negro got bad ly handled, and was pitched neck and heels out or the window. THE CITY. . . . N BV ADVERTISEMENTS. -yrVL HARKisON-OfflcM?'??- CShrikb BnbiiDfotbing.. T , r Henbt Kokowskt: Notice. 4 ( ; -Mcnbon & Co.--Men and Boys Clothing See ad. of School for Young Ladies. Williams & Mdrchison. Bacon, &c. Giles & MuEcmsoN.-r-Cotton Gins. ; . DsRossbt & Col For Sale Low. j VI Geo. R. Fbench & Soh. Fall Slock. Kekchueb a. Caldeb Bros. Powder. The Malls. The mails will close from this date as fol lows: " i 1 " k 'i ' Northern (night) mails. . . .. . . .:. 6:45 P. M, ) thronirh and wav (dav) u mails , 5 A.M. .Aniithprn mail. 6:30 A.M. Carolina Central mails... .... 5 A. M Smttiivillw Saturdav8 and lues- rinvH - 6 A.M. Fayetteville, river, Mondays and Fridavn l i ai- . .A : V. t inr j.m K A M f-ayeuevnie Dy v. j. a. Onslow C. H. (horse mail) every , ' Ifptflqv L .r. u Q 'JU Al. Mails delivered from 7 A: M. to 7 P. M. and on ounaays irom b:u io a. j-i., y. Stamp Office open from 8A.Mtl&M.. and from x io u t." money .uruei uu register Department" open same as stamp office. . ' 1 m.nirioni rbaraeicrt. ; .. ;:...! , Two youu5 men, .who left .Wrightsville v I.R Rhodes, charged with disorderly con Sound for this city yesterday morning,' state duct, was found guilty and ordcred'to pay that, soon after starling, they suddenly came in sight of three colored individuals lying iown on the side of the road, and mat as soon as they discovered the young men ap- proachlng they jumped iip and dashed into a thick, swampy place Sltuatea ai tne poms indicated. They are supposed to be the conduct, was found guuiy. o uugmeu bub tbree escaped prisoners, . Wright Powell, pended on the payment of costs. ' - ' - L a ttoii- nri rvlrt Martin' who are un- derstood to be roaming in the locality of tbe Sounds. ' :" - f WILMINGTON, nA. t n.'ir ,,,.. .,. .. The Mobniko Stab, , ; St. -r The interments in Pine Forest, numbered three, all children: in ting and ruling done n meanest grades of copying ink at the BTAR Job Office. . tf There were onlv three marriajTfi lifnsM i- a,, ino .air J they were all for colired couples'. v-ui Vo iu uuw una a market of its own; located on Nunj be tween Fourth and Fifth streets .. r : Uautain W.. J. Pottfr rPtnrn ed. from New "York yesterday, where hehasbpin in nttoniknon nnnn a tronorol " " fe"" rnnvpntlnn nf tlin f il.n TT:tj Rtm one mischievous person placed a number of rocks and brickbats on the slreet car track, on Market, betweenFourth and -th streets ast night, causing sever- al stoppages and no little inconvenience. A new Lodge of the I. O. O. F. was instituted at Whiteville, ; Columbus county, yesterday, by W. S. G. Andrews, D. D. G. M., and G. M ; Altaffer, Grand iUarsual, of this city. There were three interments in Oakdale Cemetery during the past week, t.ho atrna nf flio nnrtias Vintnir A 19 and 9'i "" O t,...v.v. uv.uf, , uuu uu years, respectively. . The diseases were diphyieria, pneumonia and child-bed. 0an. Independent Fire Company are requested to meet at tbe Eureka ilouse to. morrow Monday) evening, at 8 o'clock. Applications for membership will be re ceived and considered, COCNTf COMMISSIONERS. The Board met yesterday, at 11 AJ M., pursuant to adjournment; present: James Wilson, Chairman, and Commissioners Morris, Wagner, YanAmringe and Nixon. The application of John J. Fowler for the position of Register of Deeds, provided the office be declared vacant, was referred to another meeting of the Board. It was resolved that the Chairman of the Board be authorized to make such arrange ments as he may deem proper to take up a note of $10,000 now due by the County of New Hanover. The petition of Alexander Bryant, for the position of watchman for the county jail, was ordered referred to another meet ing of the Board. - The petition of Simon Hays, for the po sition of Janitor for the Court House, was ordered referred to another meeting of the Board. ... . The Board then took a recess until Mon- day,-Sept. 14tht at 10 o'clock. Wilmington Retail Market. - The following prices ruled during yester day afternoon: Peaches 40$50c per peck; apples, (dried) 10 12$ cents per pound; dried peaches 25c per pound; walnuts, 50c per peck; pickles, 20 cents per dozen; lard, 18 cents per pound ; butter, S545 cents per pound ; Cheese, 25 cents per pound ; grown fowls 6O80. a pair; spring chickens 50 cents per pair; geese $2 per pair; beef 101G ceuts per pound; beef, (corned, 1215 cts. per pound; veal, 12K&16 cts. per pound; mutton, 12i16J cts. per pound; ham, 1820 cts. per pound; shoulders, 10 12 f cents per pound ; tripe, 26 cts. per bunch ; clams, 25 cents a peck; open clams, 2025 I cents a quart; soup hunch, 5 cents. ; eggs, 30 cents, adoz; sturgeon, 25 cts. a chunk (5 lbs); potatoes, IriiA,Wcts. a peck; sweet 40 cents; fish trout 2550 cts. per bunch, mullets 1025 cts.- per bunch ; shrimps, 1 20 cents a quart; turnips, 10 cents a bunch; onions. 50 cents a peck; snap beans, 2530 cents a peck; cucumbers, 1520 cents a dozen; squashes, 1520c a dozenf; j cabbage 10ai5 cents per head; tomatoes, 5 cents a quart; green apples,; 2550 .'cents a' peek; canteldpes, 510 " cents; watermelons, 10 25 cents; beets 20 cts. per bunch; green corn 25 cents a dozen. . , , . . , . , Two More Beernlts. A colored man who could neither be pre vailed upon to preserve the laws of gravita tion or those in close relation to the general peace of the nation, but persisted in a course of demoralization, was, much to his aggravation, though the fault was of his own creation, taken under the protecting care of a policeman, yesterday afternoon, and lodged in the Guard House. A "friend and boon companion," who entered a very emphatic protest against the whole proceed ine. received a very pressine invitation which it was out of the question for him to decline; to 'take tea and lodgings at the same institution. This was the only varia i,,n nnnrnarthinir a sensation that occurred I Kf.. --t-o ,.- Bf,ot trptprrtav. - h , 'i ne parwes uciougcu u yuo tffn vessels in , port and . could not speak i -pn-ii-h : g8Q;:: i w t . f - 1 lAVA r Mayor court. , . . ( . : The following cases were disposed ot yes- f jr. tf f.H'r " teruay moiutug $5 and costs. 4. h - - ! ' ' James Wooster, charged with attempted Lnurgiary, was oruereu.: o; tjiTo ocvuwV m fOie sum of $200 for.' his appearance at the 1 next term of the Superior Uurt , .. r xieury uranaiu, uuui6w .f---: The case 01 Amaony ttomwr, suspicion of larceny, was continued tintil ; I Monday at 9 o'clock :N. 0:;istKlAT;;';SEPTEMBEB 13, 1874. Oar Cbarebea ToDay, ;,, - ;;!; i Services in . Paul's. .Evang. Lutheran Church as follows: German service at 11 a.:ra'.4 Sunday School at. The English service will be held, jointly, in the First Presbyterian Church, atlj pr m. . Parishes of St. James aud St. John--loth Sunday" afef Trihify." There wilf be joint services for the Parishes of St. James and SL John as follows : - Communion : at St" James' at 7 a. m. ; Morning Prayer at 8L. James at 11 a. m. ; Evening Prayer at St. John's at 5 p. m. - ; Services at St Paul's (Episcopal) church, corner of .Fourth and Orange streets, as fol lows: Morning Prayer atll o'clock; Even ing Prayer at 8 o'clock. . Rev T. M. Am bler, Pastor. Seats free. First Presbyterian Church, corner Third and Orange streets r Joint services with Lutheran congregation at 8i p. m., Rev. G. D. Bernheim officiating. ,. l Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets: Services at 11 a. m. Seats free. Sunday School at 4 p. m. Services at Front street M..E. Church at 11 a. m. J and 8 ;p. m. Sunday School at 4 p. m. Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at o'clock. Ushers will be in attendance to conduct strangers to seats. Seats all free. Rev. R. S. Moran, D. p., Pastor. 1 , Fifth Street Methodist E. Church, South, situated between' Nun 5and Church streets, Rev. James Wilson, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath "School at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at Si o'clock. .. St. Tiiurn Catholic Church, Dock St.; between beeond and Third. lGth Sunday after Pentecost Feast of the HoIy.Name of Mary.Mother of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. First Mass at 7 a. m. Hieh Mass, 10 n. m. The Rev. "W. F Clark. Society of Jesus, Baltimore, will preach. Subject : " Feast of the Holy Name of Mary." Ves- rx'i-8 chanted at 5 p. m. Officiating Clergy man, Rev. Father James B. White. First M. E. Church, Walnut Hall, Fourth street, BrookIyn,.Rev;,vv.-. J. Parkinson, Pastor. Sunday School at 9i a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Seamen's Bethel: Services at 3 p. m. Rev. Jos. L. Keen, Chaplain, j Services at St Mark's (colored) Episcopal church to-day, being the loth Sunday after Trinity, as follows: Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock ;Eyerdng;Prayerat 8Ji o'clock. Wednesday evening, Prayer at 8 o'clock. Services at the First Colored Presbyterian Church, Chesnut between Seventh and Eighth streets, as follows : At 11 a. my and 8 p. m., Rev. J. W. Telfair officiating. Sabbath School at 9 a. m. Bible Class at 4 p. m. I-. Cotton. Mr. R. K Hcide informs us that his crop of cotton, which was so flourishing a short time ago, will probably not yield over half what was then expected. This is owing to rust and caterpillars. What is left of it, however, looks very fine. More -Engines Arrived. The two new engines for the Carolina Central Railway, alluded to by us a few days since as being nearly ready for deliv ery (the 44 W. Ames" and " Pee Dee") ar rived here yesterday afternoon. Others are in process of construction. The managers of this great enterprise are pushing things with a view to its completion at the earliest possible moment. Opening of tne Season. , George Hooper, ) Irish - Comedian and Vocalist, will open at the Opera House in this city on Friday of next week, remaining twodays. , .v . . . . ,, ' Mr. George Sands,' Agent of the troupe, arrived here yesterday evening and stop ped at the Purcell House. Watch the bills that be will display on Monday. Receipt of Taxes. , ,-2 :, .The receipts, at the. office of the, City Treasurer and Collector during the week closing yesterday footed up as follows: " Real :and persona) t , I'X . .;.9,608 90 Specific taxes." .". ." ." 798 00 Dog and Dray badges.. 19 00 .TO till .J . .110,425 SO To Resume Her Trips. . - The Steamer Kortheast, which has been laid up 1 for ; repairs, for the past week, is now ready for service and was expected to leave for Point Caswell last night with the view of running her regular trips between that place and Wilmington. The Clinton alias Great Eastern) will bow be laid up in her stead. Unfounded Report. T .t ,t . , A report having obtained circulation on the streets to some extent that n case of yel low fever had appeared at the Marine Hos pital, in. the outskirts of the city, we would state that we are authorized by Dr. J. E. Winants, physician in charge, to pronounce the report as being totally without foundation. There has not been a solitary case of the disease at the Marine Hospital or elsewhere in the city, this season.;' 5 ; f! , JCorreepondence. Rock tSaiNrf Nfew Haitoveb Co. , ) ff September. 10th, 1874,. Mack, Esqmington; K.C.:iU 5 Dear Sir:' On the occasion of your leav ing tbe office of Sheriff, which you Lave filled with marked faithfulness, your old neighbors of Rocky Point and vicinity de sire to testify their: appreciation of your character and Tisef ulness. They authorize us, therefore, to tender you the compliment of a public dinner at such early time as may suit your conveniences Exemplary and use ful in private life, your ' public service, whether in ; the , cause, of ' education or as nommissioner aud 8herilt of the"County, has been distinguished for integrity, un v?SJ!JSi M u4 officer. Independent, standing aloof from political parties, you have ruq on your own individual strength and personal merits. Born of the people, you are of the people. The large vote, two thousand eight hundred and forty-five (2845), recently polled for you for Sheriff, shows that, you received tbe support, as you are tbe well-known favorite, of the moving, intelligent masses of New Hanover county, , . - It is well, then, that you should meet around the festive board those . who have known you longest, that . they . may ; make known their sympathy in your recent defeat,-and their undiminished confidence in you as a gentleman, -citizen and officer. Very truly yours, &c, James H. Durham, , ; F. H, Beliv "' JOSEFH H. WesTBROOK, ; William1 RoBrrYsca, ; S. S. Satchwell, A. Gamberg, John H. Hicks, Com. of Correspondence. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 11, 1874. Messrs. Bettt Wesibrook, Durham, 8atchvcJZt : Iiobttysch, Hicks and Gamberg: Gentlemen Your kind invitation to be present at a dinner tendered -me by my old neighbors and friends reached me this morning, and I may say at once that I have no language adequate to express the gratifi cation it affords me, coming, as it does, as an expression of approval. The plaudit of i4 well done" is always acceptable to the hu man heart few, perhaps, . deserve it. I only claim this: that I have endeavored to fill whatever place has been assigned-me with honesty, impartiality and faithfulness. " It is impossible for me now to indicate a time for the festivitives you are kind enough to offer me. I remain, with sentiments of the highest regard, the friend and obedient servant of each member of the committee and the dear old neighborhood that has shown me so much kindness. , A. R. Black. HOTKlT AKHlVALS. Purcell House, J. R. Davis, proprietor. J B Clarke, H S Best, Baltimore.Md ; J D Bland ihg, Sumter, S C; A Garrason, Str Murchison ;&eo E Sands, Business agent for Geo Hoope tt Combination; R Mayo, jr, Richmond, Va; Brown McCullum, Selkirk, S C ; Capt Childs, Baltimore, Md. city kTenft. Thk Alakx TlUi Compart of this city, Is one of tbe lnetitationa that does not complain of harp times. It is the largest till company in the world, and demands for their goods come from China, Japan, Knasi. ana in fact all parts of the globe. Although Anemst is asoalh the doll month with them, tne Company has sold nearly one thousand drawers. Providence Press, August SStfu . t , Msbsbs. Fathbanks & Co., the celebrated Scale Manufactarers, are ag-nta for these drawers. , : j Latk PipiB8. To Uarria' News ' Depot, West side Front Street. , we are indebted for copies of the New York Ledger, Chimney Corner ' and Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper for the current week. The Stand will remain open tintil 11 o'clock this morning. PnnrriNe Famb. We now have In stoek over 900 reams of news paper, size 24x88, weight SO Ss per ream. It is good, rag paper, and will be sold, In. ts to salt, for cash, or sent by express C. O. p. Transfer Prixtmo-ikks tor copying letter-head-ings, statements? wayliT.-; Can' be copied in the ordinary ietter-preSB book. Send your orders for printing in these inks, and for all other descrip tions of printing, to the Moknino Star Printing HOttBe. , ,'. i , . - - :"';;. Book Bixdert. Tui mobkum Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Baling in a work manlike manner," and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of their orders. Tbahsfer - FBiKTiira-lHKs. Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, manufactarers and others. , They are en during and changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having just received a fresh supply of these inks, wears pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. " ' : - ' ' - ip you Want a Situation, " Want a Salesman, Want a Servant Girl, Want to rent a Store, . ' Want to sell a Piano, " ' Want to sell a Horse, - - Want to lend Money,. Want to bay a House, Want to buy a Herse, r Want to rent a House, Want to seU a Carriage, Want a Boarding place, ; Want to borrow Money, Want to sell Pry Goods. ' Want to seil Groceries, - Want to sell Furniture. Want to bell Hardware, Want to sell Real Estate,, Want a job of CJarpentering, . Want a job of Blackamithlng, ' " Want o Sell Millinery Goodf, . Want to sell a House and Lot. ' i Want to find say one's Address. ' Want to cell a piece of Furniture, Want to buy a second-hand Carria. Want to find anything you have lost. Want to sell Agricultural Implements, Want to Advertise anything to advantage, Want to find an owner for anything Found Advertise in THK MORNING STAB. N EW ADVERTISEMENTS. official DrawiHss or the I. C. Ileneflcial Association, SATURDAY, September , IS, VBSk, ; Class 63, Drawn at 12 M. , 14 G9 84 . M 41 29 65 70 4 43 ftS 25: Class M, Drawn at S Ps M. 27 57 17 65 ,72 . 71 8168 18 48- 14 44, i Class 67. Drawn at 9 P. IT, 45 19 74 38 1 35 37 84 18 82 60 30 31. sept 18 It W. H. HARSSSON. Cotton Gins! L HE CBLEBRATitD GEORGIA, GUT, Gift BeK- in Bristles, Grain Fans, Com Shllcwt; Hay act UfMm rrraM Jr J Aa -tVts. InM Vf ' .'' '. T 1 GILES MURCHISONV i - ' ' 88 Nortn Front St: sept 13-tf French Thinks, S OLE LEATHERiTBUNKS, TRAVELING RAGS and a fall assortment of Saddles Harness, BrMIes -, . : :t ..! t ..;, t Whips, Ac., at the Saddle and Harness! Factory . aug 8 tf nac ; . Si B Tepbaim -4e Cm, For, Sale or Bent, i TTOR SALS OR RENT, WITH IMME JD diate possession given,' the cottage, on Market street. tmmediatelT opposite ISBSt the toll Kate, cemprisinz one full lot of III groand. ' i ; Apply to Cronly ft Morris, or septus naczw L R . OR A rNOER WHOLE NO, 2467- . NEW, ADVERTISEMENTS, et; ; ' SCHOOL FOR -JOUHS lADIES MISSES KENNEDY AND HAET, - Principals. ! - The exercises of this SCHOOL Hi ba regarded, ' THCRSBAT, the 8th of October. ; Punctual attendance at the beglnnlns of tbe Ses-j sion is highly Important ' " .... . . . -, f -'.- Only the Ablest Assistants "Employed Department of Music, vocal and instrumental, under " charge of F, P. TAMBTJRBfLLO, from Con- servatory of Music in Milan. For particulars, see Circulars at the Book and Jewelry Stores, and, after October 1st, consult ..." Principals, corner Third and Market Streets. ' sept 13-seodtf Sun Wed Fri i For Sale Low. fJQQ SECOND-HAND SPIRIT BARRELS, New Tork and Country. f7K BBLS. GLUE. '" tO . SUPERIOR AND INFERIOR. 2,500 POUNDS., . Superior N. O. -Hams. 30 BBLS. AND HALF BARRELS N. C. CUT AND ROE HERRING. 2 BBLS. STARCH, FOR FACTORY USE. , Flour, Boxes Starch,, Canned Goods, &c, dec. sept 18-it . ' DsROSSET & CO. Mra and Boy r :' I.-'FULL' LINES' " ' ! HanTrTrftTflliiefa.' ChiCollaM. Suspen ' ders, Ties, Bows, Half Hose, &c, &c. MTTNSOJSr&i CO., SI NORTH FRONT STREET. Sep 13 tf Don't Purchase Your outfit for the fall and winter until you have examined our elegant stock of CJLOTHIIT Or Those beautiful NAVY SUITS, for children from 3 to 8 years old, are going fast FINK WHITE SHIRTS, TRAVELING BAGS, SCARFS, BOWS, Ac, at ... ... SHRIER BROS', Clothiers. sept 13-tf ; Fall Stock. We are now daily receiv ing our Fall stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, bought direct from Man facturers, and offer in ducements to dealers second to no house in the country. Examination Solicited 1 GEO. R. FRENCH A SON. S9North Front street. sept 13-tf Powder ! Powder ! Ve HAVE ACCEPTED THE AGENCY of the Oriental Pawner Mills of Boston, Manufactarers of the beet grades of Sporting, mining Blasting Potrder, . .... and offer to the trade -,- A Fall Assortment in this Line. : : KERCHNER & CALDER BROS., ; sept 13-tf . - -: ; 27. 28 & 29 North Water St. Bagging and Ties. 100 ROLLS STANDARD BAGGING, I 2 TONS TIES, , For sale by ! , KERCHNER & CALDER BROS..: ; sept 13-tf 37, x8 A 29 North Water St.; Hay, Flour, Eice and Coffee. 2Q0 84168 Eastern Hy, ' 1 ; " ' JQQ BBLS FLOUR. Bbls and Tierces Rice, 1 Sacks Coffee, ' ' For Sale by' 1 ' ( ' KERCHNER A CALDER BROS., sept 13-tf . 27, 28 A 29 North Water St Bacon, Pork, Lard, Flour. QQ Boxes D. S. and Smoked Sides, Hhda. Smoked Shoulder?, q Q Tubs Prime Leaf Lard, 1 AAA BBLS. FLOUR, all grades. For sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. sept 13-tf Coffee, Sugar, Idolasffes, Salt. -j q Sacks Prime Rio Coffee, TQ Bbls Sugars, all grades, .7 125 Blbl" 8 HSyrwp '" -ii : ! For salelowby -. WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. sept 13-tf Corn, r Hay, Glue, Hoop 4- 000 Bu88 rIxne Ml1 Com.' ' AQ Bales Prime Hay Iron. Bbls Distiller's Glue, 5 Tons Hoop Iron, fa "For sale low bv' sept la-tr WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Spirit Cask,: Kails, Tobacco; Ac 500 SelectSecod"?and Spirit Casks, i 300N-8'- - ' -r- j 75 Boxe?.T?bacco- ,;i('! 25 Half-Bbls R. R. Mills Snuff, Cases 1 oz. R. R. Mills Snuff,. 50 ViwuUlmrhv . sept 13-tf - WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. All it enrolled members of the German Independ ent Fire Company are requested to meet at the Eureka House at 8 o'clock P. . M- Monday, the 14th ibsv., sharp. Applications for menabersnlp will be raveivea ana conaiaerecb , ' . . ., J By order of the President. IJ '4 - -eptlMt HENRY KOKOWiZT, Sec'y, - j Two weeks... ' J .Thrw weeks,. ......,ft.rrH--.- i OnemoniA.'.24.....ii.'.''"vO -r " -;?r -Two nwmtns.,... rr v .rt - Three montbs .-, . . a ' . S XX ." s One year. ...... ...60 Of HrCoatract- AaverUsexnents taken at propor Mmi4s1 1a VsltAM. 1VUWW J wvvv.aww . " j 35 onataly low ra Piva Hnnszea ten sqaares u aJottf-tttfJiStti. ;.,NEW AP yERTISMEENTS. NEW GOODS, NEW Q00DS. By Express - To-Day;. ' 'JX' yi r cxitfsisTCfa jp''yi : ' Ladlsa Belts and Buckles, all kinds. - Kid, Glftves,. finest quality; . SJJkv JHtU, Fans, ;, Llijon Collars and Cnlti, plam and embrold r ; v irod. Neck BaflUngs, ScarfsJ CorseU, ' :" 1 Hoop Skirts, Paiisoie, Veilings, Edg- I-'-.';' J 'j.'-;?!"" ings and Insertings, Slipper Pat- ! " . -'ff l: j.'O . "J . t . terns, Zephyi Worsted Hair .; ,. , . . ' . , - - Plaits and Switches, . . -TO BE DISPOSED OF AT GREATLY REDUCED The Largest, Keatest, Cheapest and - Be8t Kept Stock of- FANCY GOODS AUD HHXINEBY '"; -ifr the drt.1 1" ' 1 Variety Store, No., 49 Harket , Street aag!5-if nac , , L. FlaHAGAW. "DWELLINGS, &c.t FOR RENT." For Eent. C! TORE NO. 6 SOUTH FRONT; ST., l RKVRRAT. DWKLI.TNOS. ! mm m WHARF, WITH WAREHOUSE, on west . side of River. : -.-. lllii t istl Apply to nept fest ... HARRISS & HOWBLL. T7ROM 1ST OCTOBER, FOR ONE As year, the dwelling on corner Dock and 8eventb streets, now, occupied by SSI Mrs. Meareg Tbe dwelling contains six rooms kitchen feur rooms. There is a llli II good well of water on the lot. , ; . 1 - r or particulars, appiyto - , . . - MAR8DEN BELLAMY. ESQ. septl3-Sun&Thatoctl . v 7Tr' FOR RENT. ' ; " F OR ONE YEAR FROM OCTOBER Jjs 1st, the store No. 2 Market street, ate . , I nnttent orr.nninl hv Messrs. JHofland & III t wa--' ' "J r ' J. aaa.6 1 BUHXING LOTS FOR BALE! SltUV iT S ted on Qaeen, Castle, Churth, Ann, Nun, Dock, Orange, Chesnut,- .Mulberry, Red Cross aad ether streets.' Apply to i ; r JAMBS WILSON. sen u-jw f. FOR RENT . ' it' ' M.f ' ' ' ' Until Oct. 1st, 1875. rpHAT DESIRABLE STORE, corner Market and X South water Streets. ApdIt to aug 16-tf " , H. B. SILERS. : To Eent: HAT LARGE DOUBLE STORE. , w vt.i nvt nSI . : .1-. . " ' ' J. . i. . ... ' . . - - i , , . . - HANCOCK A DAGGETT, sepC-tf " ' 8 Market Street Eroin October 1st. Elegant Boom ! ni First-Class TaMe FOR LADIES i AND GENTLEMEN. CEN TRAL LOCATION. Also a few Table Boarders. sept li-lw - '" Address ; : " ' P. O. BOX 373. MISCELLANEOUS. TURNIP SEED TURNIP ; SEED. NEW CROP TURNIP, RUTA BAGA, AND other - ' . SEASONABLE SEEDS, For present and autumn planting, for sale by . UKJJtt ct JvLiApirinxt, vug 19 tf " Wholesale Druggists, 47 Market st For Smithville. Si TEAMER "DIXIE" will resume old schedule, Leaving Wilmington at....;.. i.j.4 P.M. "7 Smithville at... ............ 1A.M. ' :i : COMMENCLNG THIS AFTERNOON. aug28-tf . . O. G. PARSLKY A CO. Patent Process Flour ! - EMPIRE BRAND! w OUR NEW" TROCESS ' FLOUR THE 'BEST Flour in North Carolina. One barrel will make 25 per cent more bread than all other brands. Try it For sale otJy by ,--j,;t sepS-tf GEO. MYERS. Unllets Unllets. . A FINE LOT! v 'jT', ' i !. s SEPTEMBER CATCH, , . , . JUSTRECErVTOl" tt.wpT.-l ep6-tf EDWARDS A ;HALL. On Consignment. 15 BOXES CHEESE, L O TF!, TO CL OSE O ITT. ausS9tf EDWARDS A HALL. ... SPARKLING CATAWBA Q AUTERNE,; CLARET ; AND HOCK , ., t ; . WINES ! k, - 1 TEN BARRELS PIPER HEDDSEICK.' . - : 1 CHAS. D. MYERS A CO.. ' sept 11-tf . 5 and 1 North Front, tt CJIARXOTTB OBSERVEBi TO ADVERTISERS WILMINGTON AND EAST - ERN NORTH CAROLINA. PERSONS wishing to aaake their businma exten sively known among the merchants and people verv or auTervuuog. Toe Obsbbtks la the only, dally paper in Western North Carolina. Advertising- rates low enough to reach the humblest tradesman. Rates and specimen copies forwarded upon application. Address . i . 1 T :'n!i,l OBSERVER, . Charlotte,N.!. trt 1 " - o.'.f The Ilonroo Enquirer, U O YiL t "Sjt & W'O'L'F E, Editors and Proprietors. tTHR ENOUntER IS TUBUSHID AT MON- JL-; roe, Union county, ,N, C, every Tuesday, at $ 00 a year. ' The ENqcraaa circulates extensively throughout the counties of Anson, Union, Chester Held and Lancaster, aad reaches a very large ' num ber of intelligent readers. t The merchants of Wilmington win find Jt to be one of the best advertising mediums on the Caro lina Central- Railwav. as we narantea aa lam a t bona flde circulation as any paper between Charlott ana vy umington wiia rxaBJLrs one excepuon. t ' sept 8-tf : - - .- . Corn, White and Kixed; Hay, Oats, &c, s . - -V -For Sale Bv ,.f , seped&wtf BLNFORD, CROW A CO. , Bagging and Ties ,.5 w -mmmm BaIm Tw iiforo: , sepft-d&wtf RDi CROW A CO I V lit 1 Jsssif I