r-:ZI II0IHTH7G OTAIt. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY uib or anxsosimoH. One year, In, advance fbr maill ....$7 00 CO I oo 15 F: , oeen Cents per week. Our City Agents are H ant;rorized to collect for more than 8 months in advance. ... , OUTLINES. - An Immense citizens' meeting in Charles ton .Friday night resolved to make petition to the Governor to chango the Election Board. - "A conspiracy inServia. New election ordered for - Deputies - in Parliament ; of , Italy on November 8 and 15tb. . iew York markets: Cotton iSKiS. turpentine, 8GJ&37; rosin, 2 40 3$3 45. ; Alabama Democratic-Conf ficrvaiiva Committee issue an address to the . People, of the United States setting forth Radical corruption, lies and misrepresents' tbns. . .Four -wliite. men ..arrested in Sumter county, ostensibly for murder, but believed to be for political effect ' , t . The nrgent appeals in behalf of the Orpharr Asylum, made since the pub lication of the small list of ? contribu tions for August, Becm to have beeu effective. We notice in the Septem ber list quite a . number of handsome ontrittuiofjffo',n - "' r. , -.!,.) 1.,, t -' .' d, - .y, d .than make good the deficit of August.; Let the friends f the institution continne the. iwork in behalf of this noble" cause. . ' fc-; - f . " J iH"uy . v. . . ; -uonuis, in advance (" ; " )..... ....... a J jireemoitths, In advance " , ).. S un month, in idrinra . .. HIA1IONG .AND JOUNSON. Utfflealty Settied-Cen. Mate Ransom Act as Releree. The telegraph has informed us of , the arrest of Gen. .Mahone, in Norfolk, on the thargV of preparing .to fight aduel with Gen. Bradly T. Johnson, and of his giving bail. The following is what followed until the amicable conclusion of the matter effected by our sagacious and chivalrio Senator, M. W, Ransom, on Friday : Richmond Dispatch. General Johnson, from his position near Baltimore, or Washington, or on . lheEa8tern Shore of Maryland, doubt less promptly learned of the arrest of General Mahone, and through some Bort of communication or understand ing with General Mahone Vfriend on" Thursday came down the Bay on one of the steamers of the Bay Line, which ; rana from Baltimore to Norfolk. He was accompanied by , Mr. R. Snow-' den Andrews, of . Richmond, and upon arriving in Norfolk took- the Seaboard train. Mayor. Whitehead, , learning soon after the train had left Norfolk that General Johnson. was a passenger thereon, telegraphed acting Alayor W. F. Larkins, of Weldon, North Carolina, to : detain General Johnson, as it was thought likely he would stop there; but general John son got offthe trail? yaV LStaUon caiieu oeauoaru,? iweive mues .norto, of Weldon, and therefore Mayor Lar kius bad to inform Mayor White head that General Johnson was not to be found. It was , sur x inised that General Johnson and Mr, Andrews had gotten off at Suffolk and ' proceeded in the direction of Gates county, N. C, and Mayor Riddick, of Suffolk, sent officers out in that direction to arrest them if found in Virginia, or to inform upon them if found yi North Carolina. This hunt was also unavailing and attention was again attracted to Weldon, as it was reported that "': General Jubal A. Early had come down from Lynch burg to Petersburg and at the latter )lace bad taken the cars for Weldon. Mr. J. Barron Hope, Generals Early aud Johnson, and, Mr. Andrews reached Weldon yesterday morning. The two latter, with Ir. Hope, ar rived on the Norfolk train, having probably spent the. night in the coun try to throw, their pursuers off their track. ' C : Before leaving Norfolk (on Thurs day night) Mr. Hope had a long pri vaf e interview with General Mahone, and had a : full and complete under standing how he was to act. . ' Richmond Enquirer. Norfolk, Oct. 2, 1874. I send additional particulars. Gen. Early, Gen. Mat. Ransom and J ames Barron Hope held a long consultation at Weldon to-day. They were closet ed f or several hours, and it is thought there was considerable correspond ence. . It is reported that Hope's visit was to represent MahoneV position, and to state Jhat if a fight ' was de manded he was willing to waive his V bond." General Early, it is Supposed, "represented General Johnson, and General Ransom's presence is account ed for as an adviser or referee to, both parties.' What the result of the in terview was is not known. GlENNAN. Petersburg, Va., Oct. 2. train ffcmi Norfolk at 4 p. m., unac companied, and repaired to his resi dence immediately. It is stated on good authority that Generals Johnson and Early passed through' to-night on the train -from Weldon en route for IUebmond, , Gregory. Upon the receipt of this last we in stituted inquiries and ' learned tha't n Gen. Johnson, Gen.' Early and Major Andrews reached the city- on the Northern bound train last night,, and that the difficultyshad been peaceably "and satisfactorily adjusted, through a meeting between Ueneral iarly and James Barron Hope, at which General Mat. Ransom was called in as referee. General Johnson will resume the can vass vigorously at once. - Both printing and "ruling done in the finest grades of copyipg ink at the Stab JobPrlnting utnee. ti iLlLlLLd VOL. XV.-NO. 11. Th malls. - ; The mails will close from this date as fol lows I Northern (night) mails.- . . i 6:45 P., M. : " through and way (day) maUs. ............... ...v.... 5 A. M. Southern mail...........,.., 6:80 A.M. Carolina Central mails. ......,., 5 A.M Smlthville, Saturdays and TueSf " v days Q Al M. Fayetteville, river, Mondays and . ' v- Fridays r.. .V.V...: 1 P, M. Fayetteville by C. C. It. W., daUy 5 A. M. Onslow C, II., -(horse mail) every . - Friday 6 A. M, Mails delivered from 7 A. M. to 7 P. 1L, and on Sundays from 80 to 9:80 A. M. Stamp OfSco open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6 P. M. , Money order on Register Department open same as clamp office ,-... i - - - - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W. H. Harrison Official Drawing. C. DMtEks & Co. -Favorite Flour. BosKowrrz & Lieber. Dry Goods. j. &; ii. r v- - :;otic3. . I , .JuSiuiU Profits. feirRiEn Bro -Clothinff.i S. Q. NoRXffBOP.'--Fruit, &c. John Dawsok. Cotton Gins, Ac. . Jas. E. Kea. Dentistry.-" Dr. S. & Everitt. Office Changed. See ad. headed " Boarding." c Mukson & Co. Business Coats at $5. See ad. of Copartnership Dissolution. G. R. Frexcii & Sox. Boots and Shoes. J. A. Springer. Coal! Coal! ! ; WniiAMs & MmicHisoN. Sundries." Kerchneu & C alder BROs.-M3roceries. Edwards & Hall. Removal. Our Public Schools. . As the public . schools in this city and county will soon open, there is naturally considerable interest felt by many in the community to know who are to be the teachers to whom will be committed , the charge of these schools during the ensuing scholastic year. It is well known that fo years past these important positions have been filled chiefly by teachers who have no further interest in the .children whom they! instruct or in the community in which they live than the mere remuneration which they receive for their services, many of them coming, among us at the beginning of the term and retiring to their far off homes at the close of the Session to be seen among us probably no more, their places being supv plied by other strangers the 'ensuing seasoni ' Now, while neither we nor the community have any personal -objections-to the teach ers that have thus been introduced in Our. midst, still wo must insist that there are among us a sufficient number of persons, those who were born and raised in th$ county and who have no homes elsewhere who are in every way quite . as fully., pre- pared, competent and trustworthy and who are. wUlinxaad'.anxi(tt toaissuine he posP tions of. teachers in ocf schools,;, which' Lave heretofore - been filled by those who cduhot possibly feel the same interest in the welfare of the rising generation as them selves. No doubt the subject will recall to the minds of many who read this article the nances of numbers of persons of both sexes row living in this County, who are quite as competent as those ' imported for the pur pose, who would gladly become teachers in our public schools if they could be assured that the School Committee of the county would accept their services. Let those who have the control and management of this matter see to it that in the appointment of teachers .to the -various public schools jf the county the claims of our own home people are properly considered and thattlie wishes of the community are respected in this important matter. j New Lodge OdTFellows. 1 A new Lodge of the above Order, was in stituted at Whiteville,;Columbus county, on Thursday, October 1st., by "W. S. G. An drews, L. D. G. M., assisted by Q. M. Al- taffer, Grand Marshal. , The name of the new Lodge is Whiteville No. 85.' The officers for the remainder of the term are: - 1 A. F. Powell, N. G. , ' ! S. B. Jennings, V.t i. . . ,; W. K Stanly, Secretary. . . j Ely Memory, Treasurer. " ' - The Lodge, we learn, starts under favor able, auspicies, ten applications having been received on the first night : l - The reports from' the G. L." of North Carolina to the G. L. of the United Stales shows the Order to have gained 60 per cent, during the last year. h ? . . ! -, Narrow Escape of a Wilmington Ves . - sel. . ' j The Newbern Journal of Commerce, allud ing to the damage to the wharves, both houses and other property at Beaufort by the late equinoctial storm, the , tide being higher thun for many years past; mentions the fact that a schooner from Wilmington (name unknown to its informant) was grounded In the breakers and tne deck load washed .away. , Fortunately tne crew sue ceeded in getting 'the vessel off and she drifted .into ;Beaufort Jharbor without sus taining any. very great damage and -with the officers Imd crew uninjuredl ' f - The Schooner alluded to is supposed to be the Annie Edith, Lyons, bound from this port to Philadelphia. mortuary ,. There were six interments in 'Oakdale Cemetery during the week ending on Satur day, all children. Their ages ranged from six weeks to six years, and all but one died of diphtheria, the exception being a victim of congestive chill. One of the number died in Virginia and was brought to this place for interment. . i Import Entries for sale' at the office of Tmj MQRNpra Star, ' ?t. WILI.IINGTON. N. C, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1874. Local Dots. rThe Schr. JjBen, Davi3f 1 arrived at New York from this port on the 1st inst We noticed a jaumber of water- melons in the market yesterday. The Schr. Tarry NoifTimmon arrived at New York from this port on the - Warm weather has returned E2.in a-3 with it the usual -quctar of mos quitoes, , r . . -, , -"-f . : - The Schr. V.rJ?: &ailey Allenfc 8anod from Bangor, Me., for this port on the 23th ult - - The Schr. Paugassettt Ingersoil, ten days from this port,, - armed' at New York oa the 1st insf. -? - - - : There were three interments in Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery durip the pastv-- , - 1 cLildren. . " n-fiansT.r flruff startr! Messrs. Greer w Flanner is now complete, " and is an-ornament to the city.":" ' . " : ; . , Regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners will be held to- morrow'morning at 10 o'clock. , . ; j . ; The, river yesterday .afternoon was filled with limbs of trees, trash, - &c, which had been brought down by the freshet. The opening of the Cape Fear Academy has been postponed from to morrow (Monday) morning until Thursday morning, the .8th inst. The Register of Deeds issued seven marriage licenses during the past week, of which thiee were for white and four for colored couples. , , V . John Clay born Smith, colored has been appointed Jailor by Sheriff -Manning in place of Mr. Alex. H. Moore, re cently appointed by Sheriff Black. In addition to' those announced we notice that Dr. S. S. Everett, dentist, has removed his office to the house on Prin cess street, recently occupied by Maj. J. C. Mann. , On last Sunday night Rev C. M. Payne, pastor of the Second Presbyte rian Church of this city, preached to a large congregation in the Moravian Church at Salem. ' ' We are indebted to Gen. Albert J. Myer, Chief Signal Officer, Washington, for a neat and handsome publication show ing the practical use of Meteorological Re ports and Weather Maps. -1 WHmlueton Retail STarket. . ' ' The foflowine nrtees ruled durtni vestep- 3tM? f eernobnv Peaches ?$lj)er pck apples,' (dried) 10" 12,ents per pound ; dried peaches 25c per pound; walnuts,' 50c per peck; pickles, 20 cents per dozen; lard, 18 cents per pound ; butter, 3o45 cents per pound ; cheese, 25 cents per pound ; grown fowls 6080 a pair; spring chickens 50 cents per pair; geese $2 per pair; beef 1016J cents per pound; "beef, (corned, 12i15 eta. per pound; veal, 12i16 cts. per pound; mutton, 12i16j cts. per pound; ham, 1820 cts. per pound; shoulders, 10 12 cents per pound; tripe, 20 cts. per bunch; clams, 25 cents a peck; open olams,2025 cents a quart; soup bunch, 5 cents. ; eggs, 25 cents, a doz; sturgeon, 25 cts. a chunk (5 lbs); potatoes, Irish, 50 cts. a peck; sweet 25 cents; gsh trout 2550cts. per bunch,, mullets I025 cts. per bunch; shrimps, 20 cents a quart; turnips, 10 cents -a bunch; onions, 50 cents a peck; snap beans, 2530 cents a peck; cucumbers, lo20c. a dozen; cab bages 1015c a head; tomatoes, 5 cents a quart; green apples, 2550 cents a peck; watermelons, 1025 cents; beets 20 cts. a bunch; green corn 25 cents a dozen; sau sage 20 cents a pounds; bologna 20 cents a pound. A Flat Loaded with Rosin Sinks. . "A fiat belonging to Messrs. Lemmerman & Coney, loaded with rosin about 400 barrels, we understand which was intend ed as a part of the cargo of the. steamship Benefactor, was sunk on the West side of the Cape Fear late yesterday afternoon. It seemed to be a mooted question on the wharves whether the submersion was the result of a collision between the steamer Win. Nyce and the flat, the former having gone over for the purpose of taking the lat ter in tow, or whether it ,was from the fajCt that the ffat was overladen. At all events it was thought that the ..most of the rosin' would be saved. Harbor Master Report. From Capt. B. G. Bates, Harbor Master, we have the following report of the arrivals of vessels, &c, for the month of Septem ber: Steamers 17 Barques 6; Rrigs 4; Schooners 12. Total 89. ; Aggregate ton age 17,142 ; aggregate foreign tonage 2,555. The reports of the pilots of the soundings on bars and rips are as follows: - Bald Head Channel 10 feet 3 inches. The Wes tern Bar and Rip and New Inlet Bar and Rip are about the same as last report. -- Magistrates' Court. ;. ...... fr- "' v Thomas Nichols was - arraigned before Justice VanAmringe, yesterday morning, f on the charge of larceny. The .evidence being deemed sufficient to convict, defend ant was ordered to give security in the sum of $50 for his appearance at Court , -; Assault and2Rattery. - A colored man by the name of Charles Foreman was arrested yesterday on the charge of assault and battery. Ho was ordered to give bond in the sum of $100 for his appearance before Justice Gardner to morrow morning at 1Q o clock, : VPmTTO(r-:::Mnn- a n X... r. . . . ' .. : r .. . . t, . . .. .-. t. ... i . v - : -i ' I Chnrcbe To-Day. ices in St Paul's EvangMlutheran i as follows; Preparatory service ) at 10 a. m. English service and aion at 11 a. m. ; German service at . ; Sunday School at 3 p. ' m. ; 'cal instruction on Friday at 3 pf ' at S. James' ' Church to-day 1 3 x ; after Trinity as , follows; iVayeratll o'clock a. m.; Snn ' rt I o'clock p. m. , -; -ii St "John's Church to-day, - after. : Trinity, as follows: jsr and Celebration of the ' t at 11 "o'clock. Evening Paul's (Episcopal) church, ' and Orange streets, asfol rayeratll o'clbck;Even 1 x:k,. RevJTT, M.i"Am- C (I C. n c in. 'li d- i Hz hi r. ou-whurch corner of Market and Fifth streets,"Elder J,'C. Hiden, Pastor,. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.. Sunday School at Si a.' i. Prayer meeting Thurs day night at 8 o'clock. The Lord's Supper will be administered after the morning ser mon.1 ' ' . Services at Front street M. E. Church at 11 a. m. . and 8 p. in. Sunday School at 4 p. m. Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 8i o'clock. Ushers will be in attendance to conduct strangers to seats. Seats all free. ' Rev. R. 8. Moran, D. D. , Pastor.' - . Fifth Street Methodist E. Church, South, situated between Nun and Church streets, Rev. James Wilson, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8- p. m, . Sabbath School at 9 a. m. ' Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 81 o'clock. St. Thomas' Catholic Church, Dock St., between becond and Third. 18th Sunday after Pentecost Feast of the Holy Rosary. Mass at 7 a. in. ami 10 a. m. Vespers chanted at 5 p. nC Sunday School at 9 a mjr- Officiating Clergymen, Rev. Mark S. Gross, Rev James B. White. FirstM. E, Church, Walnut Hall, Fourth street,1 Brooklyn, Rev. W. J. Parkinson, Pastor. Sunday School at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday night at 8 o'clock. V Seamen's Bethel: Services, at & p. m. Rev. Jos. L. Keen," Chaplain.' AtSt. Mark's (colored) Episcopal church thensual day services will be held and at night Rev. J. A Oertel will preach; services commencing at a quarter to 8 o'clock. Services at the First Colored Presbyterian Church, Chesnut . between Seventh .and Eighth streets, as follows: At 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., by Rev. D. J. Sanders, Pastor. Sabbath School at 9 a. m mayor's Conrt ;The',r8r'tJi er disfkwod of yes-' r:..-i-' i: f lRobertT.iMoVAe,,, " .acdwith stealing chickens from Henry Jones was ordered to give security in the sum of $100 for his appearance at the next term of the Superior Court.'::- ;.y::.' :i N-";.;.--'..: Dennis Deal and Pompcy Smith, charged with stealing a quantity of spirits of turpen tine, the property of G. J. Boney, were or dered to give bond in the sum of $50 each for their appearance at the next term of the Superior Court. - - ' asj SB I ' ' CITY ITEMS. Ths Toixxt Got. Copt or .TasmioxiAL. Httdboh Cnrr, N. J., Sept SOUi, 1874. Mkssrs. J. & W. Toixxt 29 Haidea Lane, NeW York: The 10-gnsge Qnn No. 8078 1 ordered from you gives me entire satisfaction. I was very exacting when or dering the Gun, bat moat say that yon have more than fulfilled what I required of yon. I have shot aereral breech-loaders by firet-class makers, and year gna beats them all for beaaty and workman ship. As for shooting qualities, your gnc shoots stronger and more even than any gon I ever shot I have shown it to several .good Judges (including first-class gnnmakers) and all agree that the action is very strong and durable, and that the gon is one of the best they ever saw. . I havs made some very long shots with IV using only drs. of powder, which Is all your gun requires. . I have shot It at a targat according to the rules of the Turf, Field and Farm trials, and the average of 6 shots at 40 yards Is: Left-pattern, '169; -penetration, 38: right-pattern, 175; penetration 1 23; using 8X drs. powder. Now . I am. sure such ' 'a gun is seldom met with, and am very proud to be the owner of it But the real test of your gun is In the field there It excells all others, killing cleaner and handsomer than any gun I ever saw, as you assured me they would. . Both-paper and metal Shells work splendidly." Gentlemen, I have to offer you my very best thanks, and will recommend your guns to all my friends. . - Tours Respectfully, ' " ,r' ' . HSMBT LORIOT. PMHTiMa Papib. We sow have in stock 4ver !W reae4newipcr,uer4x86, weight 80 9s per ream.i It Is good, rag paper, and will be sold, in ts to suit for cash, or "Beat by express C. O. l. - To Spobtxen. Read the advertisement of 3. Ar W. Tolley, the celebrated gun manufacturers, of Birmingham, England. Their breech loaders are without a rival, as is shown by the large number of testimonials in the possession of the Messrs. Tolley. Send to their branch house, 29 Maiden Lane, New York. , Lin Papibs. lo, Harris' News Depot West side Front Street we. are Indebted for copies of the New York Ledger Chimney ftorner and JVont Le&W MustraUd Ntmpapet for the current week; The Stand will remain epenT until 11 o'clock this morning;'-' v. ........ . .. t .. , BOOK Bdibt. Thx MOBNiks Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Ruling in a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices.; Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of their orders. . Tbaxstkb PBumNe-Iiou will, copy clear and distinct for an indefinite period of time. Send your orders for work to bo-done in these Inks to the MoBKiNoSiABPrinting-House. ' - ' . A Nsw Lxad. How many times does 60 go Into 250,0001 It goes 5,000 times, , WelL that Is a good per cent even for California. Will the best " lead" ever struck pay as muehl Certainly not But there lAhillties that an investment if flftv dollars made In the last Grand Gift Concert in aid then we have only for the result ocU-eodlwFrlBu We , 4 . HOTEL AKBIVALS. Scarboroueh House. "R J ScarhnrmmT, proprietor J F Maunder, city ; 1 J H Her Dert, r ayettevuie ; J ; Ward, Laurenburff Capt Berclv Philadelphia; J S Mulvin, J C Grimes, Brunswick, H E Scot t, Poor House -Capt Walker, Frying Pan Light Ship; F Wiikerson, City. ' Purcell House.' J. R Davis. nroDrietor. JJatnes Weht, New York; F H Gordon. uojumoia, Du;uii isracKway, - jbt. jbouis; A C Taylor, U 8 A; W O Earl and lady, Toledo, Ohio; Louls : Zimmery Augusta; Miss Lizzie CarroU, Miss Fany. Carroll, Miss Placid Engelhard, Flemington ; W R Kenan. City; AD Black, N C; H'F Moore, F P Samburello, J,: Sundheimer, ! New York; Sam'l H Joseph, Robinson Circus, Mrs Mc Irvie, Cheraw, S C; O H Dockery, W D Smith, M Bradley, Hllet,North , Carolina; MARRIED. H ABVB Y CANNA DAY. In this City, Sept SOC 1874. at the lmse tst Eev. John R. HuIiw h tha same, John W. 8. ITarvey and Miss Henrietta Can naday, allof thic::y,-' - . .,r.- I. ACHILLES. In this cltv on vtturAnv nf hillinna fever, Mr. Charles Achilles, a native of the elty of Braunschwlg, Germany, aged 47 years, 5 months. The friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral this even ing at 4 o'clock, from his.late residence at the Wil mington Gardens. " . EAKINS. On the nhrht of the 27th SeirtnmhAi-. of diphtheria, little Lavinia Jane, daughter of Wm. B. and Elizabeth Bakina. aped fl vadtr. Rh wu vrv kind and affectionate to her parents' and loved by every dhe who was acquainted with her.' She has gone to'Heaven, vntttthe angels around the throne, wuonj isutj wui oe nappy lorevermore. TAYLOK. Mr. Charles Tavlor. After snflfcrfiiir many months with the trying disease of consump tion, acpanea mis me at i)f f, m. on the Sd Inst., aged 42 years. . Formerly a citizen of New Orleans, a. .: The funeral will take place at Christian Chapel this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The friends are re spectfully invited to attend. - - "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord." NEW AD VERTISMEENTS. Official : Drawings of the IV. C. Beneficial Association, SATURDAY, October 8, 1874. Class-119, Drawn at 12 M. . 64 47 12 41 64 88 14 7 77 4 35 9 Clasg 120, Drawn at 5Pj M. 47 63 20 87 68 67 23 72 22 62 Class 121. Drawn at 9P.M 65 30. 73 18 34 68 65 11 5 64 63 60 6 66 21 15 oct 4 It W. H. HAKRISON. Dissolution of Copartnership. jnsted by Geo. D. Flack, who is alone authorized to GEO. D. FLACK, NATHAN MAYER. WruntKGTOS, N. C, Oct 3, 1874-3t . Removal. YY B are now located in the commodious WIL- LARD BUILDING, where our facilities are' greater for accommodating the TRADE. oct4tf EDWARDS & HALL. w INTES SUPPLIES OF COAL NOW OFFKR- f ED at rXTKEEH.Y LOWk FlGtrRE$.,; ' ; Send in your orders to ,.c , - J ' J. A. SPEISOEB'S oct4-tf New Coal and Wood Yari Bacon, Flour and Hay. J iJF Boxes D S & Smoked Sides, Hhds Smoked Sides; 1 000 BBLS I'L0UR' ef308 2QQ Bales Prime Hay,' For sale low by oct4-tf WILLIAMS & MUECHISON. Salt, Bagging and Tics. 3.000 8ack88alt Rolls Extra Heavy Bagging, r 2Q Tons Ties. For sale low bv oct4-tf WILLIAMS & MTJRCHISON. Hoop Iron. Spirit Casks, syrup. 400 Bundle8HooP 1 NEW N. Y. SPIRIT CASKS, ' QQ Second-Hand Spirit Casks, JQQ Bbls 8 H Syrup, r For sale low by ' ' WILUAMS MURCHISON. oct 4-tf Coffee, Nails, Sugar, Shot. 10Q Bags Prime Rio Coffee,' 25QKegsNans, JgQ BBLS REFINED SUGAR, 20()BagsShot , For sale low by -; oct4-U WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Cheese, Cheese. JQQ Boxes A Ne. 1 Factory Cheese, " i For sale by :2 . ' ' ' ' ' : , . : KERCHNER & CALDER BROS oct 4-tf . v , 27, 28 and 29 North Water St Powder, Powder. fJQQ Kegs Sporting, Mining and . , . Blasting Powder. For Sale by ,-. t - KERCHNER A CALDER BROS., oct 4-tf , . 27.28 4 29 North WaterSt Spirit Casks. 500 SPIR1T casks For sale by ;' V KERCHNER A CALDER BROS., oct4-tf ; 27.28 &29NortnWaterSt , Bagging and Tics. J Rolls Bagging,. ''.', ' ggQBdls.Ties, . Forul.by . . . , . . - : ' KBKCilKBR CALDER BROS., oct 4 tr " r, 8 & 2ortIi Water St Economy is Wealth; Economr is a frugal ex penditure of your money la buying Boots and Shoes, you can get a bet ter article at less price from Geo. R. French A Son than anywhere In the State. Try it. GEO oct 4-tf R. 'FRENCH A SON. 39 North Front street Horse and Mule C OIXARS. HAME3 AND TRACE CHAINS. Blind Bridles, Axle-grease, Whips, Spurs, Bridles, Saddles, Harness, Trunks and all kinds of saddlery goods very cheap, at sept SOtf nacl J, S. Topham dc Cs. THK FIRM.OF FLACK & MAYER Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All claims against the above firm-and nil dehta Hn tha rm sin k.h ; WHOLE NO. 2,185. C H A W CE A : D T AKES MUCH PLEASURE CN INFORMING ed a copartnership and will now conduct business under the Arm or V BROWN & ItODDICK. ;. : -'. ; Having sold-out ray stock" and interest at my fomier old stand, I oan now 45 IVIarlcet, Street.; v With A; fall, and complete .assortment in call-th ; following departmentsj Silks; Shawls, Laces, HosieryV i&loves : and XT' Y ' ' '5--f 1 mr'-., ' 'Is-; uuuurwear,. iiress AjoouSju vmxe uooas.C HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, , x,f. , ' . .; Out T'e r Et OUR MOTTO SMALL; PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS, 'srf Yard wide i Fruit of the Loom Cotton-12 cents, by the piece; v, , J. & P. COATS' Spool Cotton i cents each, or 4 for 25 cents; . Good Quality Canton Flannel 12 cents "Full Width Ticking, 12 cents per yard, Jfcc., &c , ;' . - Oar space being" small, we have no opportunity to enumerate every article. . Gall and ; Examine for Yourselves. . A. D. BROWN, 45 Market Street. P. S, Mrs. A. D. Brown will still continue her MILLINERY DEPART MENT at the old stand UP STAIRS. ' ' " root 4-tf NW ADVERTISEMENTS. ABOVE ALL BRANDS of FAMIL T FLOUR The Favorite'! is Pre-Eminent. The whitest the best the most reliable, the safest, the surest I Makes more bread, biscuit and pastry and costs loss than most Fancy brands of Flour. THY IT! r: TOtT WILL LIKE IT I Sold only by v . v CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., . oct 4-tf : , 5 and 7 North Front st Fair and Square Dealing. WITH QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS, ; is the motto af the' new Dry Goods Store of T 3 ?ui , LEVIS &.DAVIS. . Frntt of the Loom Abeetlne: 12 Cents. JfO SHODDY STOCK TO WORK OFF. ALL j ' our goods are new and will be sold at S M AJL L oct 4-tf P R OF I T S . LEWIS A DAVIS. Those Who Doubt It SHOULD EXAMINE OUR STOCK OF oxjOTiaciifrca- and see if our prices are not - AS LOW AS THE LOWEST! For beauty, style and finish, they can't be beat Oar Prices Sell Oar Goods. . SHRIER BROS1, -80 Market street. oct 4-tf Fruit and Confectionery. JF YOU WANT - Choice Yellow Bananas from Aspinwall, " Red Bananas from Cuba, ' ' . ' . ' Sickle and Orange Fears from New York, . Pippin, Wine and Baldwin Apples, . The Finest Candles, . . ' Crystallzed Ginger, Crystalized Fruits, . Call at . S. G. NORTHROP'S oct 4-2t - Fruit and Confectionery Store. Business Coats at 85. BOUGHT CHEAP! GREAT BARGAINS t Business Salts at $10 50, $11, $12 50. $14, $16 50, $18 50, $20, $32 50, . - 25, $26 50, $2S. - BRING THE MONEY AND INVEST IN' CLOTSIIlsrCH- ' AT PRESENT LOW RATES. . : r munson&,i:co.', . . oct 4-tf ' :. r City Clothiers. The Brown Cotton Gin, TtTBBER BELTING, Gin Saw Files. Leather LV Belting, Gin Bristles, Lacing Leather, Belt Riveto and Hooks, Cotton Scales, Bagging Twine, Ac, can be found at the , ., OLD ESTABLISHED HARDWARE HOUSE OF oct 4-tf ' JOHN DAWSON. Dentistry. J. HAVE REMOVED to the new and elegant rooms on the Southeast corner of Market and ted Streets, where I shaU be pleased to attend to any calls in my profession after the 15th inst , ; . ; oct 4-lW . ; - , - - '"' JAS. E. KEA. Chanee of Office Eooms. Da 8. & EVERITT has moved his office to the house on Princess street recently occupied by Maj. J. C. Mann, next door to Taylor & Giles1 Insurance office. oct44w Boarding. FlVE Large single and double rooms, and rooms In suits, with first-class table. - - Also, accommodation for a few table boarders. - r4T NORTH FRONT STBBBT, oct 4-naSt Next door to S. Express Office. Feathers! Feathers ! Feathers! 300 a Live Q006 Festhers,. -.' For sale low by ,w . oct4 tf WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. . BATES OF ADVERTISING. -, ' V One Bqnare one day, . . r. ...... .tu. ...... t'l uiree oays.., ....... 2 CO ' four days...".......,...... ..... t &e five days... , s OO one week.. ........ z t5 Two weeks.:...;..-..,-.... B w Three weeks.... 6 66 . tnemonth.;.;.,i...,.,,...-.-i . 8 00'" Two months..... ...""."is 00 Three months..M.......,..4. S2 00 ix months..-.. .;.L . S5 oo . . uneyear ;..60 Of Of :B.A 8 b'ro'wn.v;;;' IS THE PUBLIC. OTEfJUTR AT.T.v tttat - t..o U, "NTOTTn-NTS Jtr Jt . m s " Ca s li.' . .:S" per yard; W. RODDICK, . L . ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. " ; :, - THE LEADING DRY GOODS HOUSE OF WILMINGTON ..si IS THAT OF . Boskowitz & Lieber, - :'....... . . 29 MAKKET STREET, V . F1 T- f V ' ' " - J ' ' , . Where is shown in endless variety ... - , ' all of the new Hoods of tee season. - , - . t ... t ' . .. . And we are disposed to acquaint the people with the FACT that Dry Goods were bought and should At Lower -Figures 'is This Season than Since the War. e Deal in First-Class Goods Only. BLA.CK GOODS A SPECIALTY. BOSKOWITZ & LIEBER, oct 4-tf 29 Market street We have decided to offer on MONDAY, Oct 6, FRUIT OF , THE LOOM SHEETING - " ' At 12c per yard, per bolt' ... French Wove Corsets at 65c per Pair, - ALL OTHER GOODS AT Correspondlnglj Low Figures ! ' - AT - - T J.& H. SAMSON'S, 43 Hartet Street. oct 4-tf J . . ,' ;. : - Washington Market. FAMIL T 18 UPPL T STORE I THE undersigned havefthis day opened a Store. In the New Brick Building corner Market and Sad streets (entrance on Market Street), where they will keep constantly on hand the best qualities of Fresh Beef, Veal, Mutton,' Venison, Pork, Saasages, &c. " Also, Poultry of all kinds (dressed and undressed), Eggs and Vegetables in season. The strictest atten- -tiou given to supplying families with the beet meats that can be bought in this maikct Also, to f urnith- - ng snips witn sacn meats as are required wnue in port, urae Fully filled. rders left the day before promptly and care- CnAS. W. HA WES, JESSE IVES. , octi-naclw , NEW GOODS, NEW" GOODS. By Express To-Day. t. CONSISTING OF Ladies' Belts and Buckles, all kinds, Kid Gloves, fliMst quality; SUk Mttta, Fans, Linen Collar and CaSs, plain and emhroidr ered. Neck Rufflings, Scarfs, Corsets, , ; Hoop Skirts, PsKfSoIs, Veilings, Edg . , . i togs aadlnsertings, Slipper Pat terns, Zephyr Worsted Hair " Pl&iU and Swltohess TO BE DISPOSED OF AT GREATLY REDUCED FIGURES. - . i The . Largest, Neatest, Cheapest . and . ; Best Kept Stock of FANCY, GOODS AHD jniilHERY IN THE CITY. Variety Store, No. 42 Karket Street. aug 15-tf nac ' 1t FLANAOAN.1 EEemoval ! Eemoval! E8SRS. GREEN & FLANNER, Druggists, win remove October 1st to their new Store, one door -East of the old stand. . ' ; - ? ' sept 29-tf : 4 1 ; t - -1

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