aaw-T i in i . -... , , - mJ E. wv.. - - . j One SflTlflra nwia Jt j.. ' .onswepk :'; sw ! TWO weph-n' ."............J S 0V EATss or scEaczurnoM. tn year, In advance f mail).,. $7 CO ix months, in advaaca " " )...... 3 60 iiiree months, In advance ( " " )...... .. W One month, in advance ( " )........; 15 kabscribers, I. ..vered In any part of the ZvJ' .un CenU per week. Our City A (rents are not authorised to collect for mora than 3 months in advance. - : j M. J -i -w vr ..'6 60 8 0C 15 Oft 23 00 r-nf.r.. ieJ"".-. j :. . ..Kft nt WHOLE NO, 2,190.1 tioely loVr;61611161118 Proper- VOL. XV. NO. 16. WILMINGTON, N. C, SAT J It 10, ; 1874. i -J' r t t j: i 'I 1 1 't A three hundred thousand dollar gutta percha factory in ! New York was burned yesterday. '. Q. n. Lr-r, of Gsorcia, left a munSScent bequest iaLi3 -will foraged and infirm negroes. Movement alleged to be on loot to prevent the confirmation of Dr. Scmour, as Elshop P. H; Bloccns of II linois, by the Episcopal Con vert! on.' - -A clean sweep ia tha Ccr-".i tlecUrn .only f-.rco counties KcpuLr. : .V i Armia's arrest, i3 not a 1 : ;.. Revolution in Argentine r : increc.3 " ing ia' importance.. 27e? .Yc;k mar : ketsf Cotton,; 1515J; Isold,' 110ail0i; rpsin firm; spirits turpentl-c, 83. Polkton cotn crops, splendid. ' Great demand for carpenters, " shingles and lumber in Polkton. One man in Aaheville has . sold 40 bushels of tomatoes this season raised in a small garden. . ; ' While trying to pop acorns little Frank Green, f - Davidson county, was burned to death last Monday. -r -7 The cotton crop in the Polltton section were greatly damaged by the recent heavy rains, says the Anaonion. - Messrs. Robert Blow and John T. Britt contemplate starting a paper in Oxford, to be called, Tha Leader, says the v ilson Advance. . , ; - Cotton is coming, into market : now ia much larger quantities than at the same period last year, or indeei for a nam , ber 01 years, says the Wilson Plain-Dealer. On Thursday night at Tucker Hall, Raleigh, Miss Lillian J. Edgarton, of Boston, delivered a lecture on fashion, , , which the News says was highly appreciated. Fonr prisoners, John Dinkins, P. Marlow, L. " Melton and Cicero Goss, made their escape from Wilson jail on the night of Wednesday by means of a wooden key. . . : .- The Bank of Wilson organized , last Monday with an authorized stock of $300,000. The following are the officers: W. D. Rountree, president; G. W. Blount, vice president.' Election of cashier post poned. . - - . News: Item on the State Fair which opens at Raleigh to-day: The cadets of the Bingham School, Mebanesville, and the Horner & Graves' School, Rillsboro, have entered for the flag premium on drill- . iSg .r- Of the regular troops, only the Raleigh Light Infantry has entered for the prize and - premium offered for the best drilled com pany, though other companies are expected to enter in a few days. The Fair will open formally at 10fc o'clock Saturday morning. Ilia Excellency, Gov.' Brogden, will deliver the opening speech from the Grand Stand at 11 o'clock. .The procession, in charge ' of the Chief Marshal, -will be formed in f ron t of the Capitol on Fayetteville street at - 10 o'clock. Thirty-two car-loads ef stock from the West will reach the Fair Grounds this evening. Every indication points to the largest exhibition and largest crowd of citizens ever known in the South. There has been much trouble in Edgecombe over the Superior Court Clerk ship. We learn from the Enquirer that on last Monday II. L. Statoo, Jr., Esq., pre jBeuted his appointment from Judge Hilliard to the Board of County Commissioners and, After filing his bond, was duly inducted into !iia office. Mr. S. then made a formal de mand upon Mr. John Norfieet, the present incumbent, for the seal, papers, &c, be longing to the office, which Mr. Norfieet re fused upon the ground that Judge Hilliard was not the legal Judge of the District and had not the power to appoint a Clerk; the matter was then brought .before his Honor, Judge HilliaTd, who ordered Mr. Norfieet to appear before him at Greenville on Wed nesday and show cause why he should not be ; lield in contempt. Wednesday morning, liowever, Mr. Noi fleet concluded to surren der the office to Mr. Staton and the disa greeable and difficult matter was ended. At the time Mr. Staton was inducted into office, Mr- Robt Norfieet presented his ap plication as appointee of Judge Moore. Some attempt was made a few nightasihce by Radical leaders to excite the colored people of James City, a subuib of Newbern. The following are the resolu tions adopted at a meeting subsequently held, which cannot be too highly commend ed: "A mass meeting of the people of James City held on Monday night for the pur pose of taking action on the cause of the acare and excitement in that place on Fri day night last. . The following resolutions were offered by P. J. Lee, and the same on motion adopted : -1st, that the colored citizens of James City disapprove of and condemn the action of the individual or individuals of our Own color who maliciously and without cause crtated an alarm and a feeling of fear for their bodily safety from the white people of this section. 2d. That in our opinion there has been ho occasion for fear, and that we have every confidence in the white people, and appre hend no injury from them, believing them ' to be well and kindly disposed towards us. ad That the foregoing be published in the Newbern Times.1' A. Blount was chairman and L. Williams secretary of the meeting. Hev. S. B. Hunter, colored, asserts like opinions in a card. .f be lemr Kelloetr . 3Iore stubs have turned up in New Orleans. One of them relates to a 43 000 transaction with Mr. William E 'Chandler, the Secretary of the Re publican National Committee, , the , rwliinnr latelv nominated .... ir,WTr;dent for Chief Justice, 'J - T w : A irvrn T.p.m. 01 tuts c ipientof variooa checks from "Dear Kel,ogg lTL man.' looker lor - guucuu, .mu. f money on the just-and on jhe un it t! and, candidate for re-election. Sthir stubs throw light 1 upon the martner in which Dear- Kellogg" stained himself, by an r army and rlavv of bis own, and incidentally, cu rious interesting information as to where some of the money of iheLou- . . ' navers went- He seems to isiana tax-pyer wc"" fmve had agood Uroe of Jt witkhis :.: .nil naval force, . . -1" n. ; " , KIHDMT.-Tmi HOBHMO STAB BOU idr banner, at re-onable prices, Mer tZfn prpmptneu.ln. ecnioof their onJcra , . .. The Salli. "I- The mails will close from this date as follows:-:.----"-- - ' ' ' A"J '':; -i Northern (night) mails'. V . I . ; V 6 :45 P. M. " through and way (day) mails. 5 A. M. Southern mail. .... . ..... . 6:30 A. M. Carolina Central mails... 5 111 Smithville, Saturdays and Tues- . days C A.M. Fayetteville, river, llondays and ' v Pndsys ... ......... . 1 P. IT. rayetteville by C. C. R W., daUy 5 A. II. Ocslow C. II., (horse mail) every t Friday ;v; . n : ; . i . ...rClJt Mails delivered from 7 A M. to 7 P. M., and on Sundays from 8;30to 9:80 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A M. to 1211., and from 2 to 0 P. II. J'oti order oa as star) .r -NEW ABVKJaTISKmttelV'f f' S W.H-'HARitisoii Official Drawing. ; ' Kino& Sons. A Card. " 1 W. R. Empik. Auction Sale. . , I Wright & Stkdmajn. Foreclosure, i : W. F. Wenzel. Fashions. ; -. ', Bixford, Grow & Co. Flour, &c. J Local Ilota --. - Seud in advertisements carlv to day in the forenoon.- ; - ' 3 Import Entries for sale at" the office of The Morning Star. - - 3t,' - The Helios Borscwardt, 'sailed from Oporto for this port on the 19th ulW ; The British Brig Essex, Smith, arrived at Rotterdam from this port on the 5th insL ; Col. S. D. Pool was on a flying visit to this city yesterday, but leaves for J home this morning. C Rev. R. B'Blake has returned from his vacation and the public schools will open on Monday." Both pnnting and ruling done In the finest grades of copying ink at the Stab Job Printing Office. tf , The German barque Hermann Helmreich, Oestreich, sailed from MaasUus or this port on the 23d ult. ; There were no cases ready for trial before the -Mayor's Court yestefday morning, but two or three were continued over for a future hearing. 3 1 Messrs. M. J. McSween, of the Fayetteville Eagle, and W. W. McDiarmid, of the Lumberton Iiobesonian, were on a visit to our city yesterday. ! : ? - Paring the month of September therewere eighteen interments in .Uie city cenietery7T5rpsnper's burial ground, in the southern suburbs of the city. ; j Preparations have been coin menced for the construction of the njsw bui ldings to be erected at the northeast cor ner of Second and Market streets. . ,- f The.,Schr. Annie Edith, Lyoiis, from this port for. Philadelphia, whicli weut ashore at Beaufort in the late gale, but was subsequently gotten off, reported not much damaged, put into Norfolk on the 5th inst., in a leaky condition. . " . ; . Wo arc requested to state' that the order for the Burial of the Deadwillbe recited over the remains of Miss Eugenia W. Davis, at St James' Church, this (Sat urday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. The rela tives and friends are invited to be present at the service. ' T ! Mr. A. R. Collins, Secretary of the Texas Gift Concert Association, wishes us to give him - advertising' amounting- to about $125, for which he recklessly agrees to pay twelve dollars in currency and twelvf tickets at one dollar each. - We haven't yet concluded to accept the . proposition' of Mr. Collins. ' ' "-v V A Colored Alan Run Over by a Freight . Train. .... ; i The down freight train on the Wilming ton, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, yet. terday afternoon, when jost this side of Grist's station, ran over a colored man who was lying asleep on the track and "cutolf both of his iegs.,' Th" .hoJe . train of cars ran oyerjaim crushing his limbs fearfully. vThe train was stopped as soon as possible, when the wounded man was taken up and carried to Whiteville and a physician sent for. He was still alive when the train left, but it was supposed impossible that hecould survive. . His name our informant did not learn, but he belongs at Fair Bluff, Colum bus county. The unfortunate man is about .25 years old and is supposed to have been intoxicated when he went to sleep, The state Pair. : . Tickets from this city to the Raleigh Pair, which opens todfty, have been put down to the very reasonable figure of 8 cents tper mile for the round trip, making the actual cost only about $4 05. This will enable all who desire to visit the State capital, and at the same time' attend the great agricul tural and mechanical exposition, to do so at a very moderate outlay, ; The Fair this year Will probably far surpass any of its prede cessors. . . - - ... , t j: ; . A Clothes Vender Arrested. . , ' f i'V A colored .girl by the name of Nancy Henry was arrested yesterday mornirigon the charge of selling clothing on the streets which Maria Debose, the .complainant in the case, says were stolen from ber. ; In, de" fault of security the girl was lodged in the Guard House to await a hearing before; the Mavor this moraine. --4 magistrate Court. John McFarland, colored was before Justice Gardner yesterday morning on the charge of committing assault and' battery on the person of his wife. The case rwas dismissed o.a condition that the defendant would pay the costs, ia default of which he was lodged in jail. Iarse Meeting of Depositors In Wasli - lngton TVhat the Commissioners Had to Say jr. P. Sampson In the Chair. From the report of a Star correspondent at Washington 'and other sources we' glean the following facts in regard , to. a meeting held in that city on Tuesday night, the 6th inst, for the purpose of hearing frczi ihi Commissioners ia reference lo the true con dition of theFreedman's Bank. which may be of interest to the many sufferers by the now defunct-institution iacur nidst. Tv - t-.eting, which was a vcrj la-.orv.,,. presidFWerb Prof. - J.? p. Sampson colored formerly of this city. The chair man'briefly related the object of the meet ing. He said there were thousands of honett colored men in the South who live not by politics, nor speculation, but by manual labor by the sweat of their brow in the fields, in the workshops and at the anvil. They denied themselves of the ordinary comforts of life in order to get homes for their wives and children. They had entered into large contracts for farms rand landed property, and then, governed by our advice, deposited their money in tikis bank, expect ing by it to meet their obligation; the back having closed by the act of defaulting creditors, most of them officers missionary brethren who come to teach us habits of economy and now, we, who advised the deposits, are reproached by the poor de positors, and yet we are quiet; and they have no redress no reliable information hence we invited the commissioners to .appear here and make a public statement in regard to its affairs and the responsibility of its present embarrassment. - Commissioner Purvis was then intro duced. He felt it to be his duty to let the depositors know the real condition of the institution, and made the following state ment: DEPOSITS. To depositors. .'. . ; To other creditors. . .. $2,793,898 22 ....... 1,000 00 . ASSETS. ' iveal estate loans. .$1,301,929 58 Other available loans on per sonal securities......... 317,409 00 Real estate in the District of Columbia and elsewhere. 40,287 40 District of Columbia securities 27,798 96 North Pacific bonds. 955 1 9 United States bonds. . . . .-. . .. 400 00 Claims, against Jay Cooke & Co. 1,094 57 Maryland Freestone Company :; ' second mortgage bonds. . .'; 57,500 00 Loans of the several branches - 340,611 57 Accrued interest. . ...... . . . . " '187,667 37 Due from Chas. L. Mathews, :- i - v . receiver 4,356 64 Cash.. 45,047 05 96 per cent . .$2,689,753 23 Purvis thought the institution had been .badly managed ia the pas 'ahd thus the charter had been violated in very many par ticulars. His associates be thought were thoroughly in sympathy with the depositors and were doing all in their power to realize all out of the assets of the bank possible. Remarks were ;made by other persons.; One of the speakers wanted it to be known that the rascality was not . confined to the white men employed in the bank. Resolu tions endorsing and thanking the Commis sioners for their efforts in behalf of deposi tors, and also condemning in the strongest terms the defaulting cashier and all who, in their official connection with the bank, were endeavoring to take. advantage of the de positors, were passed. . .. , ;' For a time, says our correspondent, the greatest feeling was manifest in the meet ing against the frauds committed by the cashiers and officers of this concern in the South. The Commissioner said one Cashier alone ran off with $70,000. r A poor hard working colored woman, connected with one of the oldest white families in Wash ington, saved over four thousand dollars .before the war; it had been in safe hands, but she was induced to deposit her money in this (District) Trust Company's bank, and how in her time of need there is no hope. Sampson, interrogating the trustees and commissioners, said if they had only col lected $45,000 on their claims in favor of the Bank and it ; required $6,000,000 to pay the depositors 20 per cent, they could - not by the amount on hand pay 5 . per center HsC Wanted to know if the process of winding up would continue several years in order to absorb the money and continue the salaries of the commission ers, and asked if Alvord, the former Pres ident, and chairman of the loaning commit tee, was not a stockholder in the bogus Sen eca Stone Company when the $50,000 loan in favor of the Stone Company was nego tiated. By what rule of action did the trus tees allow the actuary. 5 per cent on all trustee sales, he being a large salaried offi cer nv the Bank. Many : questions were asked by different persons, proving that the thing, as the commissioner said, was a ring to despoil the poor freedman of his momey. Accidental Drowning.1 A young man by the " name of Henry Koch, watchman at the Government Works on Zeke's Island, but formerly a resident of this place, was accidentally drowned about twenty miles below this city, on Wednes day night last, by falling out of a boat An inquest: was 5 subsequently ' held. over the body by Coroner Hewlett the jury return- in sr a verdict of accidental drowning. : De ceased was about 26 years of ageJ - The body was. brought to this city and will be interred in Oakdale Cemetery to day. See funeral notice in another column. - y m naisjsJfr..fr-s 1 1 . : Narrow Escape. 1. , A small colored boy, son of Eliza Finch, living on South Water street, between Dock and Orange, fell off the wharf near the foot of Dock street, late yesterday afternoon, and m?Ae a Darrc : Fortunately tlicrs s ;: near at hand, who G.iiiicuUy, in jirina. Transfer FHiNTtsaly dititinct for an ir,C ..'i'.'..': . orders for work t - I Co Honmsa tab Trl:: - ' " iuga, statements, way-t: the ordinary letter-pre for .'printing In t'.u ' To SposTtttEH. -Bead the advertisement of J. & W. Toiler; the celebrated gun mannf&ctnrerfl, of Birmingham, England. Their Creech loaders are without a' rival, as ia shown b y the large number of testimonials in the possession of the Messrs. Toller. Send to their branch honse, 39 Maiden Lane, New fork. . Tbakbveb FHnmHe-lNKS. Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others. They are en during and changeless, and -will cepy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having just received a fresh supply Of these inks, we are pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. ..... .. Tot Tollbt G tin. Copy or Testimonial. Hudsoh City, N. J., Sept. 30th, 1874. Messrs. J. & W. Toixkt 29 Maiden Lane, New York: The 10-guage Gun No.. 8078 1 ordered from you gives me entire satisfaction. I was very exacting when or dering the Gun, bHt must say that you nave more than fulfilled what I required of you. I have shot several breech-loaders by first-class makers, and your gai beats them all for beaity and workman ship, a for shooting qualities, your gun -shoots stronger and iuore even than any gun I ever shot, I have shown it to several good judges (including first-class gunmakers) and all agree that the action is very strong and durable, and that the gun is one of the best they ever saw. I have made some very long snot with it, using only drs. of powder, which is all your gun requires. I have shot it at a targat according to the rules of the Turf, Field and Farm trials, and the average of 6 shots at 40 yards tot Left-pattern, - 169; penetration, 38; right-pattern, 175; penetration 39; using 3X drs. powder. Now I am sure such . a gun is seldom met with, and am very proud' to be the owner of it But the real test of your gun is in the field there it excells all others, killing cleaner and handsomer than any gun I ever saw, as you assured me they would. Both paper and metal shells work splendidly. Gentlemen, I have to offer you my very best thanks, and will recommend your guas to all my friends. Tours Bespectfully, . . i Henry Lobiot. . if rou Want a Situation, ' Want s Salesman, " '--rO;'C";'f-?S '.; Want a Servant tart, :v ; -' '.' .. . ,. "Want to rent a Store, " ' '' "V ; - Want to sell a Piano, ' ; : 1 Want to sell a Ilorwi; " Want to lend Money, Want to buy a House, Want to bay a llorsej Waut to rent a House, . Want to oU a Carriage, Want a Boarding place. Want to borrow Money, Want to sell Dry Good. Want to sell Groceries, Want to sell Furniture, Want to bell Hardware, ' Want to sell Real Estate, - Want a job of Carpentering, -Want s job of Blacksmithing, Want to sell Millinery Good?, Want to sell a House and Lot, ; Want to find any one's Address, Want to sell a piece of Furniture, Want to buy a second-hand Carriage, Want to find anything yon have lost. Want to sell Agricultural Implements, Want to Advertise anything to advantage; Want to find an owner for anything Found, Advertise in THE MORNING STAR. HOTEL AURIVAL8. Purcell Honse, J. R. Davis, proprietor. AD Black, NC; J McCarthy, Richmond ; Chas J, White, Savannah, Ga; R Well,Phil adelphia; E EnglehardHenry Clark, city; A O Taylor, U S A; S D Pool. Newbern, N C; T Harwood, Baltimore; A Phelps, Staten Island, NT; M VB Clough, Wm J, Egar, Baltimore; James Sinclair and son, C C Ry; A Lynds, Richmond, Ya; G Walker, Sound. I Scarborough House,1 R J Scaiboraugh, Tironrietor. J A Burrisa. A TVT HnthriA C! n Smith, Smithville; J..W Dinkelshiel, Cedar Keys, Fla: J E Pollock, Castle Hanes: J S TT -kt ii tm m , Miuiuug, nuuwiNj u it Auriier, jrucnigan; Capt Birch, Philadelphia; M V Sutton, Brunswick Co; J"N troker, MississippL . DIED. SAVAGE. In this city, at 7X A. M on 9th inst, Oscar Parsley, sen of Henry and Jane P. Savage, aged 9 months and 15 days. ; -.. Funeral services at lOjtf o'clock this -morning fit the residence of his father, on Third, between Bock and Orange Sta., thence to Oakdale Cemetery. ' KOCH. Accidentally drowned. 90 miles below Wilmington, on Wednesday night last, about 11 o'ciock, iienry iv.ocn, agea xo years. -The friends and acquaintances of deceased are in vited to attend the funeral this morning at 9 o'clock, from corner Fourth and Chat ch streets. NEW AD VKItTISMEKNTb. Official Drawings of the ?V. i Beneficial Association FRIDAY, October 9, 1874. ' ' ' ' Class 184, Brawn at 12 M. ,4S 1219 28 52 21 67 ft 73 83 40 13 22 17via; v: Class 135, Drawn at 5 P. M. 55 S9 43 4 ' 3 48 SO 4ft- -48 8 -6J T5 . Class 136, Drawn at 9 P. M. . 20 60 4 48 - 47 31 19 17 t8 5 74 ' 6 39 88. oct 10-ltf'rr v T i "iy ffi HARRISON. ' M. CROJSrii T, Auctioneer. By GR ONLY& MORRIS. : STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I . Countt or New Hakoveb. f -; GEO. K. FRENCH A SON J ' ' ' ' " ' vs. . . . JNO. W. HEWETT. ) . BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE of the. SUPERIOR Court of New Hanover County, In the above mentioned case, I will expose for sale at Public Auc tion, at Exchange Corner, in this city on TOES DAY, November 10th, 1874, at 18 o'clock M., the following piece, parcel or tract of land described as follows: ' " , Beginning at a stake Catharine Hewett's corner, in or near the Timber Road, running thence North 80 chains, thence South 88)tf chains. East 22 chains and 50 links, thence South 30 chains, thence North 88 chains, thence West 22 chains to the beginning, containing (67X) sixty-seven and a half acres, more or less, saving, excepting and reserving euch 'por tions as may have been sold therefrom. ..J(-. . ; , CONDITIONS CASH. W. R. EMPIE, oct 104t 1018 no SaIO Referee. ADVERTISEMENTS. . 1875. 1. SHI'O IsT FOR T . . mm . c - r.riAixY invite Tzn rurLic n csn ... eual to rxi' :.iy : , "Tid Winter . Styles,"' BJAVE DOESKIN, CLOTHS and CASSIMERS, : jl w in All Colors. . A beautiful selection of French Vcstings, Velvets t, i, : i i and Silks, and my V , , 1 FURNISHING DEPARTMENT - is supplied with a ijch and choice selection of Scarf, Ties and Fancy Articles, Shirts and Under wear of the best manufacture. The Merchant Tailoring Department is under my especial care, and the patronage so lib erally bestowed upon me is sufficient that I give per fect satisfaction, as I cut by the very latest fashion ; and FIT, STYLE AND TASTE are unsurpassed for elegance. . W. F. WENZEL, No. 6 North Front Street." N. B. I herewith notify all who have furnished their own goods, to be made, to call for them at once, or they will be sold to pay expenses. oct 10-6t Sa S T-Fr Sat Sun Sale of Real Estate Foreclose Mortgages. By VIRTUE OF and in accordance with the provis ions of two certain, deeds of mortgage, made by Solomon Levy to The Bank of New Hanover," the first dated the 1st day of August, 1873, and register ed in the proper office in Book G. G. G., at page 764 et sequens, and the second dated the 24th day of Oc tober, 1873, and registered in the proper office in Book H. n. II. , at pages 298 and 299, we will on TUESDAY, the 10th day of November next, at 12 o'clock M., at the Court House in the City of Wil mington, in the County of New Hanover and State ef North Carolina, expose to sale for cash, by pub lic aucUon, the following described Real Estate, situ ate in said city of Wilmington, viz: Beginning in the Southern line of Market street in the centre of the wall, the dividing line between the store now occu pied by Samuel Blumenthal and the store occupied by Laurence Flanagan, said point being seventeen feet and six inches eastwardly from the centre of the wall the dividing line between a lot formerly be longing to the late Thos.' Cowan and one now the property of Thomas B. Parr, running thence east wardly with the line of Market street thirty-five feet and foot inches to the line or corner of a lot form erly belonging to the late Emanuel Bettenconrt. thence southwardly with said line sixty-six feet to another line -of a lot which formerly belonged to said BettencOurt thence westward ! with the line last re. fered to, thirty-five feet and four inches to the centre of the wall first before referred to, and thence northwardly with the centre of said wall to the be ginning including the store now occupied by Lau rence Flanagan and the store recently occupied by G. W. H. Runge. WRIGHT & STEDMAN, Attorneys. Wilmington, Oct 10, 1874-2tawts Sat To. Flour : Flour ! Flour ! 1 Ofift BARRELS (all grades) at BALTIMORE 1 a VJ J J PRICES. Having direct communication with the West, we are prepared to offer great induce ments to our customers. BINFORD, CROW & CO. M EATS. Bry Salt Sides and Shoulders, Smok'd sides, llama and bhoniders, at low figures. - BAGGING,- TIES, MULLETS, MACKEREL, Hay, Oats, &c BINFORD, CROW & CO. CRACKERS, Lemon, Soda and Sugar, in Boxes and Bbls., Candy, Snuff and Canned Goods. For sale low by octlO-d&wtf BINFORD, CROW & CO, NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, By Express To-Day. . - CONSISTING OF Ladies Belt and IBuckles, all kinds, Kid Gloves, finest quality; Silk Mitts, Fans, - Linen Collars and Cuffs, plain and embroid ered,. Neck Rufflings, Scarfs, Corsets, - Hoop Skirts, Parasols, Veilings, Edg- " ; tags and Insertings, Slipper Pat- ', terns, Zephyr Worsted Hair . t , . Plaits and Switches,- , . -,TO BE DISPOSED OF AT GREATLY REDUCED i . FIGURES. The Largest, - Neatest, Cheapest and " : ; Best Kept Stock of FANCY GOODS AND MILLINERY ' IJNT THE CITY. Variety Store, No. 42 Market Street aug 15-if nac ,u L. FLANAGAN. Horse: and::Mille - "J '".-: .,3 -lit ! c OLLAR1. HAMES AND TRACE CHAINS. Blind Bridles.-Axle-srease. Whins. Sduts. Bridles. Saddles, iiarness. Trunks and all kinds of saddlery goods very, cheap, at , :- .- i - -i '' " - sept 20 tf nac, J. S, Topbam Sc. Co's. : 1 '" a .cauo. . :'v.-' V:; KING A SONS', PORTSMOUTH, VA. DYE WURKS, beg to inform their friends and cus tomers in North Carolina that they have opened a Branch Office at No. 2 Carr's Block,' Second street, Wilmington, for the reception and delivery of goods, which will be under the management of Mr. George E. King. Orders for laying or Scouring are respect fully, solicited. , - , KING & SONS, a oct 10-lm , No. 2 Carr's Block, Second St . MISCELLANEOUS. JUST RECEIVED PER S. S. BENEFACTOR 10 BAliiELS APPLES. ; GEO. MYERS, Esepa-tf. " 11 and 13 So. Front street. Tuscola XXX; 200 BBLS. THIS CELEBRATED : -BRAND OF FLOUR JUST IN. ;,T-i For sale by ; - . . - ,...(..; . .. : f 't ,; - septl8-tf EDWARDS St HALL. MISCELLANEOUS. 113 Y7" -A2SI,VAifl This Wee!:.-. -,! ..... v - - ' ,-i . ' ' K . WACCAMAW & CAPE TEAR FF.ESH-E3ATEN R I C Et. .. . . HAJfS, SIDES, SHOULDERS, - -V ...... m. .11. J J e - 3 . ..-.. . Ai- rxi t-.. i liry oaii.ea auu siuukeui. .- - i COFFEES of all kinds at Reduced Prices, FISH, CASE GOODS of all kinds, TOILET SOAPS, : k Fine Pale and Common SOAPS, Twenty ' i : different kinds of TONIC BITTERS, ' .. - .... J i. .-.t ' ,.' Cigar?, Tobacco' Kerosene Oil, . Hay, Corn and Oats, WITH HUNDREDS OF OTHER ARTICLES OF Groceries at JWholsale. ' CASH or close bnying customers can be suited al ways, with Good Goods at Lowest Market Prices. . may 2-tf ADRIAN A VOLLERS, SCHOOL BOOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS! A COMPLETE STOCK OF. SCHOOL BOOKS, such as are used in all the different schools in the city Just received and for sale at HEINSBERGEB'S Live Book and Music Store,; octt 7 tf .l:;--For 'Sale;; 100, Cases ;"Bl00u- Wolfe & Co.'s 25 Cases P o r t e r DIRECT IMPORTATION. oct 9 lw Journal copy. VICK & MEBANE. OF THE ; . Wilmington Trust Co. ani SaTingsBant; WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Interest .on their deposits will be due and payable ,.rON AND AFTER THE 15 th INSTANT. . Interest not called for will be credited and draw interest aa if a deposit. Money deposited this month wiH draw interest from the 1st inst oet 9 lw F. M. KING, Cashier. At the Bottom. We have placed enr " "... prices lower than Any House in tlie ! ; STATEj while our goods are of superior quality & make. ' We ask comparison. j . GEO. B. FRENCH & SON, oct 9-tf 89 North Front street Best Butter in the World .ALL DUEma 132 WARM WEATHER THIS DELICIO US B UTTER stood the test and held its sweet and rich flavor. We receive It fresh every week through direct from our dairy. For sale only by GEO. MYERS, sep 2-tf ' 11 and 13 So. Front street Rejairinpf OH Hats and Bonnets. OLD HATS AND BONNETS BLEACHED, pressed and made to , Look as Well as New. For particulars call on MRS. JENNIE ORR, on Nun, between 3rd and 4th streets. Cheese, Spirit Casks. IQO Boxes Cream Cheese, 00 SPIBJT CASKS, ; ' .,, ;. ' For sale by ! ' ... . f KERCHNER & C ALDER BROS '. 27. 28 and 29 North Water St oct8-tf llaggitig and 'l ies. 200 110118 Heav Bagging, . 20 Ton9 Tic8 ""'::' -Forsaleby . KERCHNER & CALDER BROS., ' 27, 29 North Water St oct 8 tf Removal ! Removal ! jyJES$RS. GREEN 4 FLANKER, Druggists, will removwOctobftr 1st to their new Store, one door East of the old.stand. t ;; sept 29-tf Fire "Dogs, Slioyeis,anu Tongs, - Otair rods, meat cutters,' meat stuf- : ; fers, Coal Hods, Coal Shovels, Axes, Wood . u! : Saws, Saw Horses, ic. t, at Hi ' U A: GILES A MURCHISON'S, oct 6-tf , s ,i a- 38 North Front St -' f Removal. YY E are how located in the commodious WIL LARD BUILDING, where our facilities are greater for accommodating the TRADE. : . : cict4-tf V . r ' EDWARDS & HALL. Patent Process Flour ! EMPIRE ' BRAND ! r- -. - : - i- - ; : - OUR NEW PROCESS FLOUR THE BEST . Flour in North Carolina. One barrel win make 25 per cent more bread than all other brands.' Try it For sale only by . - - -- sep 2-tf . u ; ; . GEO. MYERS. The Brawn Cotton Gin; RUBBER BELTING, Gin Saw Files, : Leather Belting, Gin Bristles, Lacing Leather, Belt Rivets and Hooks, Cotton. Scales Bagging Twine, fcc, can be found at the OLD ESTABLISHED HARDWARE HOUSE OF oct 4-tf JOHN DAWSON. -K DWELLINGS, &d,ORENT7 FOR RBNT . ; Until: pet: lst 1875, THsthsBST0Bate' W a Apply to ang 16-tf 11. B. XILERS, MISCELLANEOUS. ---THE. LEADING ,1 ni c:od3 EbiisE'OF yiimiBioii IS THAT OF Boskowitz & Lieber , 29 MARKET STEEET, Where is shown in endless' variety ; all of the . NEW GOODS OF TEE SEASO JST. ' And we are disposed to acquaint the people with th6 FACT that Dry Goods were bought and Should be sold . At Lower Figures This Season than Since the War. f e Deal in First-Class floods Only. BLA.CK GOODS A SPECIALTY. BOSKOWITZ & LIBBER, oct4-tf ' 29 Market street. . NO TROUBLE To Send. Out Goods! QASH BUYERS CAN GET LOWEST PRICES , and BEST FAMILY SUPPLIES. We deliver Family Groceries when paid for-hi any part of the city: ... ; i . FROM HILTON t GREENFIELD, .. From BROOKLYN to DRY POND. - Our pripes are LOW DOWN, and- GOODS BENT : ,' . V - ' - CHAS. DT MYERS i"bO:," ct 8-tf ' J ' " 5 and T North Front st Marshal's Office, WH.MINGTON, N. C., Oct 7th,: 1874. NOTICE. On AND AFTER MONDAY NEXT, 12th insU under- Gereral City Ordinance, I shall proceed to take np and impound all cattle found at large in the . streets of the city. 'A " ' . i 1 . J. H. ROBINSON, ct3-4t I . ' City Marshal. Iir and Square Dealing, h: WITH QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS is the motto of. the,new.Dry Goods Stere of ' : LEWIS & DAVIS. Frnlt of tile Loom Sheeting; 12 Cents. JO SHODDY. STOCK TO WORK OFF. ALL our goods are new and will be sold at ' SMALL PR O FI T S . oct 4-tf LEWIS & DAVIS. See to It Parents ' X HAT your childrea are well supplied with CLOTHES v Children's fancy suits Just received. BOY'S WHITE SniSTS, BOY'S CALICO SHIRTS, . ' BOY'S SHIRTS and DRAWERS. Boys' and Children's Oyer & Caje Coats. . SHRTER BROS', Clothiers, oct8-tf V ts 80 Market street. Bacon and Salt. -j Q Q Boxes D 8 Sides and Shoulders, gO Boxes Smoked Sides and Shoulders, . 3,000 sacks mu. ; For sale by ;. KERCHNER A CALDER, BROS., . oct8 tf 27, 28 & 29 North Water St. . Salt, Basslng and Ties. S.OOO84111 w 00 140118 Kxtra Heavy Bagging, 20 Tons TiesJ J. . i . j - For sals low by 'a".s-: OCC f u WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. ; 'JolTeet Nails, Suar, Shot. joo Bag8PrimeBio ffee' 20 Kegs Nails, ; ; ; .. JO BBLS REFINED SUGAR, yft( Bags Shot, : . : For sale low by WILLUMS? MURCHISON. OCt 4-tf Hoop Iron, Spirit Casks, Syrup. 400 BuDdle8Hoop Iron, tJO NEW N- X- SPIRIT CASKS,: ? 0Q Seco,ia-HIld sPirit cBk8 -.' ' 2oo Bbls8QSjTa For sale low by Oct 4-tf 'V WILLIAMS MURCHISON Coal. Coals Red AND WHITE ASH, FRUNACX, GRATE, Stove and Chestnut AlTof best qua !ity. " - Delivered promptly In any part of the city at lowest prices for cash. sept 20-tf , O. G. PARSLEY 4 CO. J a;.