' Seining " tror7 Oct WOT. II. BEBNABD, Editor. on the ciceuo W. HARKIS . ; WILMINGTON, N. C.: Saturday Mobnino, Oct. ' 10, 74&F' TUB WOBE BBFOBK W VS I.EGIS- Two matter of mmarni'' importance namely: T eariy ia the session, rhe settlement of the pub-" ot and the question of Conven- V.' tion. The paramount propositionin legis- . lation in North CaVolina at this time, tf we take it, is this: Shall an eamesda&vLr ' attempt be made to adjust the debt of the -Beside thi,: all, other propositions are of small moment and interest. S fThs people' 6aiV live under Tm Trpspnt Constitution a few vears the present constitution a tew years longer without material loss or serious consequences of aisTv kind. But if the State's credit isimpaired, if immi- gration is stopped, the whole pOpula- tion will suffer, the ; growth t of ' the uommonweana win uo reiyiMeu auu its industrial interests will receive a blow from which it may f be hard to recover. -LettheXegislature" wisely consider the danger, prudently resolve to em- I h ploy the means irfitePpOwerlW avert I its duty regardless of clamor and witn J art atra cin rrln tn ViiA WroHneritv of the I onanT ih"old Sit "-.".-? I never yes sumeu ujr Jici bi uc ovuo. i episcopal uonvenuon in rtew iorK me Let some arTanrTunerrtr f or a compro- Pr. Mr. Richards, of. Rhode Island, is re Ll some anrangemen lor vyvF . . I aaying lhat u would be Detter l0 mise ot trie aeoT., an arrauKi"tu' I which will not impoverish the people and which will be just to the credit ors, be' devised as soon as possible. The' people favor a fair and honorable adjustment of the debt "of the State, Wo do not think thev desire a Con vention at this time under all the sur. roundings. ' . - OCB SODTHEBN NEIGIIDOB. 1 The Conservatives will support Green and Delany, and the Republi- cans who have not sold themselves to I Chamberlain's ring will vote for , , rnx. Gen. Kershaw for Congress. There is a gleam ot nope in tne aarK iana oi i the Palmetto in this proposed combi nation of honest men of all parties and races. Elsewhere we print portions of the proceedings of the Conservative Con vention which met in Columbia last Thursday. It will be observed that there was'unanimity among the dele- gates of this convention. Drowning J men are not apt to be over-nice as to the sort of assistance extended to them. OTJR. LIVING AND OCR DEAD. Tt.n fflnlu nnmTAV nf Vila An a(ra?ifiA -ff f divided into three departments. TneTIrst," the historical, '-is made up of contnoutions and will he of service to the compiler of the history of North Carolina and the late war. . r'" '.-.'i I The descrintive and statistical depart- - i r '' - -I ment, in the language of T. B. Kingsbury, Esq., the gifted associate editor of the mag azine, is one in which the commercial.jig ricultural, mining and other interests will he represented all that concerns . North Carolina (heaven's blessings attend her) in her past, present and f attire.' The educational department contains a sketch of the Orphan Asylum, prefaced by a very correct drawing of tho , institution, the school law of North Carolina, an ad- dress by Prof. Doub, and .the continuation m, tv!!I! .t. O 1 1 n oi x ue xicipiiut; ui ovuwuk I The editorials are evidently, written by Sir. King9bury. We are sincerely giaa to rpr this mnUaman occuDvin? a field for which his pure literary taste and ability pe- culiarlvfithini , :, . - . .... ' . ' Tbe'poem 'Over the Grave of Col. Sol. crediuble to the Warren boroi7(LS5 wetn nVTnel boro wonH" i7a. wetmnK.) inesec ondDOem. "Two Years Ago." pays a beau- - . - tnui iriDme 10 ovner croei oi me uun Cause," whose names "As lon aa life and thought endure, No Southern bosom can forget" A literary magazine is neeaea in jNonn Carolina A strictly literary department would be an addition to Our Lhing arid Our Dead, and we kiow of no one more coruDetent to conduct it, ' than the present associate editor.. An occasional serial story might also give it more of a magazine char- acter and appearance. We are glad toTearn thatthiapeculiarjy ; North Carolina publication has every guar antee of success. Long may it honor our glorious dead and amuse and instruct our living. -i ' Y ' - ' " 1.1 TEIt ATUItK AM) liKAMA. Neilson has arrived. Pudley-Warner owns a journal and a farmer; neither has impoverished him.?fr;J i 'fiv . Donadio, the new prima donna, I ppears in " The Barber'! DektWeek.J who appears sailed for America at one day's notice; Scott's b atr ; Maid of Perth" uaa uwu uiaiuauitiu at .mo oianaara Tnea tre, Loadoauoder the title of V Hal o' thel Wind." ' j?4 n l mi r . -"TrfeSSriL-S iUr.ni8 say on Tyndali" t' the next number of the lidermtionai Review.,,, - ,,. 7,er01 A Statue has . been priori -f Ttlfin thn vPBtihniA hf nrnr'iT .n.Tk-.. trei ; London, to jioi iu ii cBuuuigici Auucjr uavio ueeo Ue- TordayL Mark Smith'.' .the actor who lately died in Paris, will be buried by the Lotos Club from the " Little Church Arouad the Corner.". New York. a : ,, GeorgiSf 19. .ate Fair , at Atlanta ' ti, " 7 , ' I V- Boston University instructs 59 f feminine students. ? '. T7 :t A11 tne Prettv waiter girl sa loons in Ban Jnrancisco-nave been closed under a new local law. ,.. , -,. f , , . , There ' were 1 less 'than' half the building permits issued for September in PkUadelphia than were for the same month last year, t; - ' ; . ... v I 11 Mr. ' James McHaile, "a young ed a sermon. Bishops Lee, of Dela Savannah man, while fishing was blown ware; Greene, of Mississippi; Atkin- oui 10 tsea, anu unneu mice uajrs wuiioui I food or water. , . s ; I , One member of the iunior class Dartmouth College is a clergyman; about ln the high school at Dover, N, S!iSS& reading of newspapers. . f Requisitions for etampedi enve- loPe3 and newspaper wrappers, aggregating 7 50o m have beea xeCeived at the Pos office Department since the 1st inst. . The title of professor" cannot Z .gjgi was ordered to expnnge it within ..SAresnlt of fte recent erQp. gJQp. iirn -if "P.tnQ a fnoaiiro tTiroo milaa lnnir Itaa been opened on the northern side of the mounjain, in tne course ot wmch several I j-TtJFroxn thd atomaoh' of Capt. Otis Rogers, ot Marahfield, Mass., has been ex- tracted an animal five inches long, which thinks he swallowed while rinkin wa ter In South Carolina during th 'war,4- - r . .... - . ! -in titude lately assumed by Senator Schura has effectually disposed of what little pros- Pcts.he had being re-elected. . , : At a late session of the Ueneral nave iewer ministers ana Detter ones." - 43k - Carpenter's StKtemeiit. : At last Senator Carpenter explains the " Dear Kellogr, business. And what an explanation ! : His letter is addressed to the Chicago Tribiine. It denies several specifications con tained in .an article in that journal, and then proceeds: r H '"i""'' ' In December, 1873, Hon. Caleb Cushing called on me, and retained me to assist him for Kellogg, to argue the question of the -power, of --the bu- preme Court of the United States to ? w"1 SU1-1?1? a cuit Court of the United States in an equity case prior to a final decree in the Circuit Court. ! examined "the question fullv, and devoted considerable time to prepara tion for the argument, and afterward Mr. Cushing and myself argued the case, and it is reported in 17 Wallace Keports, 64 As Mr. Cnshin g had retained me, Virginia, Bishop Johns; Massachu 1 had done, 1 con- 8etts. BishoD Paddock: Delawarfi. and knew 'what suited with him as to what my charge should be. He named $3,000, and said he would "Bend my bill with his own,, and when ne received tne money, would pay me. I 'suppose he did send my bill, because the first money I received was part of a- re mittance from Kellogg to Mr. .Gnsh- L'iug, which llr. Cushiog forwarded to ' 0 mi - - ' i. , l ino oaianco oi my dui waspaia a HifTavAnr ftirt ao t ln loot Hrt in I DeceraDer iast., All I chartred was $300,' and that was all the money I ever received from Mr. Kellogg, and .that, 1 understand, was apnropriateu bv the Legislature. I wrote several '. " . tr .it letters to Kellogg, asking for money, and he gave various reasons for tho delay,, but never objected to the amount charged. - - The New York Tribune of the 30th ultimo has the following: - Dear Kellogg : " I am desperately short. Can't you send me fljOOO Tf Rn wond 1. ffodsend. Yours trulv, .. Matt. II. Carpenter. August 1, 1873. ' f f r jn reply to this letter, ; if my recol- i '-..2 . H,f "T7-11..-. f nn. cation RprviR me. Mr. Kellosrsr sent M mf- - - , m . CO1 me $500jr atfd promised the balance i ouu; in a snort ume, auu um uumij I Dav it in - December last. ' All f-my letters stolen r from Kellogg T give foil permission to haye.: published. Mv friends in New Orleans heed not ve .the slightest fear that their, pub- The question I was retained to ar- . , oth:n to do wUhthemer- P -e i.wTW.. .nA it miht. I ivo mo iiuuioiaua viv, i a8 wej jje ariserr tl a suit toi tore- close a mortgage aa in the Kellogg suit.. "" ' .' - No one who, will examine my record i on tDe Txjuigiana matter can be made ta-believe that I was bribed by Mr. Kelloea as everything I have said and;done in the premises, in the 'Sen- I ate or before the ; people, has pro ceeded upon, the. ground and been n- tended -to prove that1 Mr. vKellogg iure me in this' particular ; is 3ohly,3 part ot tne general conspiracy i.u i gu even witn me,- wnnoqi -retaru .u , . . 7, j truth or justice. .. ." t ii: . . 1 . 3 A i ) mt . o Matt 11. - uarpenter., ; ., m . ; v J vjii Died at the Pout of Honor; Bishop Quinlin, of Mobile, has. : re ! ceived ', a dispatch from "-Pencola, f annniinrincrthatithrec i of. the-Sisters of St.; Joseph, who had been aursjng the yellow fever patients at th navy yard, were themselves stricken with tlie disease, and died of it It is gratifying to, learn, bjartcle- I Krau trvrjr--riicTaet,a anujuoirei pvtwipcb,- that the fnw In&z has - 6used gratn tromMjafeaita ana-otneivsowees, that t bomp " ? , T ,yf T7T' comparatively little loss of lii ..That ue aiarra waB " uoiiieaU8 gruunu 1 the alarm was nv no' means - crouna - less, now&veTf , ja Bumcienuy proven bX the fact,-that $600,000 .natives-are i ebiii ouppireu try liuv-guvmruisiiii re liet works. :.The ContempararyrRemeWyioT October, will publish an essay Hf Mri Glad' - stone, on 4!JUtUAli8ti aqd tualisrrt'r i j, EPISCOPAL CONVENTION. Proceeding or the Protestant Epls- copal Convention. ' - V ' V ' ' FIRST PAT. J T f . t i .. I cupai convention or tne united states opened in St. John's Chapel, Varick St., New York, on the 7th of Octo- a. ber. The building was densely crowd- ed. At the morning and communion r; services the following eminent divines among others participated: ;Bishop belwyn,o ou,oi xm onu carouna; jrotter, or iN ew 1 f York: Clark, f Rhon Tlan1 finl I McCoskev. of Minhlmin tnV part. - The officers of the House of deputies are: President, Dr. James VB"!!?? - " a giSS Rev.' William C. Williams, D. D., di: ocese pf; Georgia; Second, Assistant Secretary, Rev. George A. Mallory, D. D., diocese of Connecticut; Third Assistant Secretary,1 Rev." 'Charles' L.' Hutchins; D. D., . dioces of , Massa- 'i - '. The"House of Bishops , DrJ Henry (rPotter.-oI elected ? Rev. P "T tit VrkiV "v,", . VVlj - ilHI IpCCrcfcary. . . r " . . . --i ; -The House of Bishops is composed ; or htty-three members, f it holds its except m4tho case of matters a pub" lie character, when the doors are thrown open. T The eldest bishop in point of consecration presides over its fa.i norQTinno ' a nn x w,rr thia t nit ta ent the prelate filling this position is the Right Rev. Beniamin - Bosworth I Smith p. D., LL. D., Bishop of Ken- tucky, consecrated in 1832. The See- retary is Rev. Henry C. Potter, D. D., rector of Grace church, New York city, and the Assistant Secretary, iev. wrn. latlock. ot btamtord. Conn. The House of Clerical and Lay Deputies is composed of four clergy fromach oVthlT fort of the church which evv men ana the same number of laymen one dioceses gives this branch 164 delegates of each class. : The secretary of the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies is Rev. Wm. Steveus Perry, 1). D., , of Georgia, and the second assistant - secretary, Rev. GeorgeS. Mallory; of Hartford, Con necticut. The never ending dispute about Ritualism it is-believed is certain to come before the convention in more more' than one shape and on more than one occasion, together with the Cnmtnins movement and : other issues which have attracted general atten tion sincejthe last Triennial Conven tion.. Seven of the forty-one dioceses, v:z.. Central New York, Bishop Hunt- ingdon; Western New York, Bishop Ttrrlnn Wostprn Now VArt Kichnn I f!rTP TAnnflT7l van! a T?Iohrr Stovono Bishop Lee; and Rhode Island, Bishop Clark, have adopted strong resolu tions against the "extreme practices" commonly known as ritualistic, and appointed as delegates to the General Convention men known to be more or less identified with low church principle. In addition to these matters a num- i,OT. f -w- iu . , - 1 . . sidered. One of the most important of these is the proposed increase of the Episcopate, The subject of inter communion with the Russo-Greek Churc,h has also been referred to a commission, who have visited Con- stantineple and laid the subject before the patriarch .of that city., 1 Another commission on friendly intercourse with the Church of Sweden have vis ited Stockholm and - also prepared a report to the convention. KJKCUMU VAX, r The nomination of Rev. Dr. Wil liams as assistant secretary was con firmed, and the usual standing com mittees were apppointed, . The appli I cations of BishoD Sevmour. of Illinois. I J J 9 I and Bishop Wells,- of .Wisconsin, for election to the House of Bishops was referred to that body. Resolutions expressing gratification at the pres- ence , Of tne ilSbopS OI .Lltcnneld, Montreal and Quebec in the conven- tion were adopted, as w also reso- .Orthod.kphhtotainthe bodv.rThe chair appointed Dr. Breck. -n'Vint Chirf JnrtW Wait Vnrt . .u.v..., , . . Mr. itacei a committee to tender thanks to the Bishop of Litchfield for his sermon yesterday. A memorial I from Texas asking that the diocese be divided, was referred to the;com mittee on canons. A memorial from I the diocese of Mew Jersey requesting a division of that diocese, was referred to the committee on admission of hew dioceses.! .It Was resolved tl sessioua pfthe body b,e hId- that the from. 10 1 ops annouucing that the bishops of i inuiana, miirnesuta auu veunaiiicw f f . I Tr 1 . 1 1 1 . IAI . mmmmfmmZ i x oris nau oeeu auuoiuieu a wiuumtw; 1 : , ..ii .i, i! to make suitable response to the tele gram 'received, . yesterday irom tne jburch Uongress sitting at ingnton, England, that this committee had de bided on'the following' answer to be Ucnt:";'y " ,rt,a,A'. f "'V,. V . ;ArwV;vZ-W. :isi'ThP J GTeneral Convention' reciprocate the greeting of the Church Congress, and J rayff 'fof1 the1 unity v of the whole .huroh in the faith of our Lord Jesus; (Sighed,)IKs5op;9fJndiana,;,Chair- A man m- k . , , -m i The consideration ofs the rules ocj hied theoonventton until th' hour cupiea tueoouyvuuuu uuwt x u. 1 0f adjournment. T ' ' r : ll i : -w.t! niJ nntn nit TJritiriti .-i UCJIiUUltt jVASS .12? JE' ld.hats Airri." o BONNETS "LEACHED, pressed ana mane tQi; ';..- t"ii r-.'t i Look as Well a Xew. For particularg can on MRS. JENNIE ORR, on Nun, between 3rd and 4th streets., it, . -t -BUSINESS CARDS. THOMAS G-RJEME AINU LIFE. . -m , " Street, between Fronted Water Sta- adsxax ' " - n. voubL A I It I A N ' & TO LLE US, ? CouwrjroBt and DpeWiU ;: , :. witniNGTON, I. ,c Wholesale ?kocf-s branches. and examining oar stock. nor 19-tf - II. r. MITCIiniiL t sow, OMJUSSION iKERCUANTS ftjid Dealers la Grain, Flour, in. iivur) uu; . v Or o and Meal, Pearl Hominy and Grits. "Nob 0 and 1(1 TvL Wnter t... WDmlneton. N. C. i Proprietors of tne Merchant's Flooring Mills. , -nov85-tf , 'i r,: LEGAL CARDS. V. S. Claims, Collections, Bankruptcy, Bnlldlns Association, Penaltle. djmMABJy CANTWELL, Attorney anil Counsellor at Law, Ho.-1 Hat Wl EiMrt Stairs, Nearly RKADT-The stsond edition of my N. C. J,Btice Appendi of Forms and taauc- tions for Soiicitore. -rice $5 oo. Address as mAlElJ. Jr. Attorney at Law, ELIZABETUTO WN, N. C. 3uly7-D&Wtf ' " " ' . ' - -r o ! O - MARTIN , Attorney at Law, wilsiihgton, N. c, At col: strange'S office,5 win practice in state and federal courts. nnr9assm JAMES H. HILL, otary Public, OFFICE "WITH A. D. CAZAUX. aug25-tf - ' . ; " ' ' . ; ; j MISCELLANEOUS. GRAND LAND DISTRIBUTION ;. IIOCSTON, TEXAS, DEC. 21. - S300,000 WORTH OF GOOD TEXAS LAND AND HbUSTON CITY PROPERTY ! fl A PTT A T. ftTPT1 Q HHH 1 ' NO GIFT LESS THAN FORTY A CUES LAND, OR ONE GITY LOT! PRICE OF TICKETS, $3.00. Parties wishing Tickets can obtain them from Agents, or-by remit tance direct to us, by Dfafts, Postofiicft Money Order, Ex press, or Registered Let ter, when it can be done. We refer to all Banks, Bankers and business Men of - Houston or Texas, where we are known. Address, - - WACLIJY & LOCKART, -. Managers, Houston, Texas. The managers are men of hish regpectahility and great business capacity,- and therefore reliability is assured. St. Louis Eepubiicaiu We take pleasure ie commending them to the public- Texa Odd Ftllow. The distribution will comprise over 60,000 acres land and city property. It will be t airly, honestly and equitable distributed. Qaiveiton News. , , . - For three dollars, one takes the chance of becom-. ing the lawful owner of Texas property worth from 300 to $18,000. So far as regards, the standing of the managers, that iaa matter beyond the possibilitv I liable citizens. Houston Ag. - tiiju. : We can vouch for the resnonsibintv oftha flrm. and that all they promise they will perform. Tne ..k,. a.ahI 1 nn . nna in Il . I means of settling up our State and inviting immi-: l0-2!r: . l'l rdTT to secure faimess to aiL Messrs. Wagiey liocT- art are old Real Estate Agents of Houston,-and. are . men wna navea repuiauon ior aonesty and in- tegrity." ' " - Kansas City Chroi&cU remarks: - " 'Wagley Lockart, of .Houston,' TexasJ offer chances to get a good farm in Texas for $3 00. It is a square tning." The Press. Paris, Texas, remarks : . torsof this scheme by which ttmueands of acres win be bronht 5nto p . Th Willis Observer states : " Thee gentlemen are. too well known to need any further endorsement of ours." ,- ., ; ; The E11U county News, Texas, comments as jfol- These gentlemen are trustworthy and reliable, cnance ior you to ooiain a gooa none ny the smaH-saaref three -dollars. - The dis will positively take place at -Houston, De- cemberaist i; commendi i . inn iiir.iiunLniin va buv . itiiuuuua auv Commendations of the ' Distribution," are being 1 J i-X nn JSr ' l , s0 vu omcialspf Texas, showing that they .are fully ai J teitsmerite. . public ante -.,; ;M wt wiivren. oct7-Dlw W-8t E have decided to offer on MONDAY, Oct. 5, FRUIT OF THE; LOOM ..SHEETING j ; Al ,12c pet yard,?pfcr bolt." 'T s- Trench Wove CorseM.at 65c per rair valL' 6ther goods at Correspondingly -Low Figures! ; . . , ,a v.,a- ti , t-u .. 1 ATi- x Im oct4-tf -iFire DoR;!l;to:,lottt"; Stair itoDiirr ctjttibs- mkatstup- fers; Coal Hods, Coal Shovels, Axes, Wood , ; i 1 1 Saws, Saw' Horses, &cv, "e at. . , j .. :: . doss IccBCHisON'r' i oct 6-tf "-88 North Front St - I Newv Toft and Wilmington ' Weekly STEAMSHIP LINE' jQOMPOSEIJ OP THE STEAMSHIPS ; , ,,,rr!;"-15ENBFACTOil, CapL L. Jones, s - ' - i REGUIiATOR Capt. Wood, Other Steamers to be added within a few weeks for a regular Semi-Weekly Line.' ' '' For the present will sail from NEW YORK n t Every SATTJUOAT, at 3 P. 11., - ' - - . . AND TBOX : . , , . ; f WILMINGTON Every FRIDAY. ! ' ' Theee Steamers connect at Wilmington with the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta and Wilmington &' Weldon Railroads. Also With North Carolina Central Railway and Cape Fear River bteamers,: s s IVINGfTHROUGH BILLS 0Fv LADING : f To all points in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. , For freight engagements applyto , :. A. D. CAZAUX", Agent, i ; , , tj Wilmington, N. C Wat. P. Cltdb& Co., Genl Agents, (, , . y . v i - 6 Bowling Green,. New Yotk, '-- : july 'a tf Or Pier 34 East River. ; " Baltimore- and Wilmington . semi-weekly: steamship iinei QOMPOSED or thx FIRST CLASS STEAMSHIPS D. J. FOIiET, Capt. D. 3. Price, LUCILLE, Capt. L S.Bennett, " ItEBECCA CLYDE, Capt. D. C. Chuds, , ItA LEIGH, Capt. Oliver. Will hereafter sail from BALTIMORE " , Every Tuesday and Friday,' ; AND FROM WILMINGTON Evefy Wednesday and Saturday, CONNECTING AT WILMINGTON With the Wilrainertwn. Columbia and Augusta Wilmington and Weldon, and the WilmingtOB, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroads; also the several lines of steamers So Fayetteville, Giving Through Bills of Lading To all points in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama; connecting at Baltimore with the Bal timore and Ohio and the Northern Central Railroads for all points in the West and Northwest, and with steamers and Railroads for Boston, New York and Philadelphia. For freight engagements apply to A. D. CAZAUX, Agent, Wilmington, N. C. - Akdrbws & Co., Agents, Baltimore. dec 81-tf PHILADELPHIA & SOUTHERN Mail Steamship Company ! rjAHB FIRST CLASS STEAMERS PIONEER, 812 tons, Capt John Wakeley, TON A WANDA, 844 tons, Capt C. C. Wiltbank form a Weekly Line, and sail alternately from Phila delphia and Wilmington every Tuesday morning, a 6 o'clock. Througn Bi9 of Lading Given te New York, Boston, Providence, Fall River, Portland and all points in the New England States, at aa low rates as by any other route. Also to Liv erpool, London, Antwerp, Bremen, Hamburg, Ams terdam, and all points on the Continent and East Coast of England. Through rates from Philadelphia to all points in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee, at aa low rates as by competing lines. For Freight engagements and rates apply to WORTH & WORTH, Agents, Wilmington. N. C. J. M. Forshkk, Superintendent. Or to WM. L. JAMES, General Agent. june6-tf 837 and 239 Dock street, Philadelphia. MISCELLANEOUS. " Proposals. MAYOR'S OFFICE, V City of Wilmington, - " Oct. 6th, 1874. ) Proposals will be received at this office until the 10th inst, at 12 o'clock M., to furnish Winter Uniforms for the Police of the city. Sam ples accompanying bids will be required. They must be made of substantial goods. For further particulars, apply at this office. Signed W. P. C ANA DAY, oct 7-4t Mayor. ,. A Bare Chance. Being forced by ill health to quit business, I am anxious to sell at Reduced Prices my whole stock of goods, a large portion' of which are now arriving and in transit from New York, and none old. To a person wishing to embark in business in a lively and growing village in the best cotton region of the Pee Dee, ' . ' NO BETTER OPPORTUNITY CAN BE OFFERED. . The large new storehouse can be bought or rented." '-" ' j. j. COX, Agent. - Ln.ESVTtxE (C. C. Railway). Sept 29, 1874-tf J Final Notice. OFFICE, TREASURER & COLLECTOR, 1 . , ; Citt or WnJiiNOTOw, N. C.. ; -l ;; ti' September 6th, 1874, y ':- All PERSONS OWING CITY TAXES FOR 1874 on REAL ESTATE and PERSONAL PROP ERTY are- hereby notified that if the same is not paid on or perore the ''" iiiTH D i.V OF SEPTEMBER, INSTANT, . , " Their Property will be ADVERTISED and SOLD at Public Auction, 1 ..1 ;. 1 .. T.aSERVOSS, ' sep6-tf . Treasurer &. Collector. Marshars Office, : 'ii w.'..:irl. tli:lr5 ii-mnu:';.) '. wTT-MnffOTrnir. w. .n.. ort. nth. iri , , .us rrr."Tr . NOTICE. On AND" AFTER MONDAY NEXT, 12th Inst, t ' - -under Geceral City Ordinance, I. shall proceed to take np and impound all cattle found at large in the streets of the city. i J '. J. )H." ROBINSON,' oct3-4t v. City Marshal. C. H. Ward's JASHIONABLE JApRJiaSINa & SHAV- ing 8aloon, 7 South Front St Wtfinlngtoto; N.' C.v? t N. B -1 have secured the services' oi the BEST artists of my profession. , . .r . 1 FERTILIZERS. PERUVIAN GTJAHO; j? ihis armebs, AeBicrrLTOBisTs and :Dxaxxbs in Fer tuners nave now an -opportunity of obtaining i i pose of dSivering Grenuine Peravianrtiano to con- Burners at an v accessible port or irallwav station in the country. Full particuhtragjLvenJn circular mail- mA frp. nn nTiTilip.At.inn t.n " K. BiLfJAtAR, V i i . r. !-,.'.No. B3 Beaver.StiiNew York. ... REFERENCES BY PERMISSION. Messrs. Uobson. Hurtado Co.. Aeents of the Peruvian Government 59 Wall St, N. Y. . -. . - Moses. Taylor, president National City. Bank, 58 Wall 8t, N. Y.! ut&hn T . : 1 J. C. Tracy, Esq,,. Peruvian Consul,, S6 V Broad way, tf.Y. - - may 13-DAW10ms STEAMSHIP LINES. 5 T i-Tjfi it. :.'. ;. . .; -' INSUItANXjiE. PD3DM0NT & ARLINGTON Life Insurance Company, Of Richmond, Virginia. Over 22,300 Policies IssBed.1 Armuallncome Over $1,500,000 V. T" Progressiye ! Prosperous ! Prompt j SMALL EXPENSES, SMALL LOSSES, SECURE ., , , 1 INVEST JfENTS,' AMPLE RESERVB -. AND- GOOD SUBPLUSI Premiums Cash, Policies Liberal, j Annual DiTfsion of Surplus. . , . . AETHUE J. HILL, Jr.; Agent. ct Office for the present with Dr T. F. Wood, Medi cal Examiner,' cn Market street, two doors west of .r ! . . v;' ' . Green Fjanners drug store, Wilmington, N. C. September -tf V . - A Insurance Rooms. " ; 127,000,000 FIRE INSUKAHCE CAP ITAL REPRESENTED AFTER PAYING BOSTON LOSSES Queen Insurance Co., of Uverpooi and London, Capital $10,000,000 North British and Mercantile insurance Company, Capital , Hartford Insurance Company, Capital. . National Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford, Capital .'. . Continental Insurance Company, of New York. Capital 10,000,000 2.600.000 "600.00P, 2,500,00e l,5O0,0OC Phoenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, Capital ... Virginia Home. Insurance Company, of Richmond, Capital 500,000 MARINE The old Mercantile Mutual of New York. LIFE The Connecticut Mutual of Ilartford. ATKINSON & MANNING, nov 22-tf . General Agents ENCOURAGE HOIWE INSTITUTIONS. Security against Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME UVSURANCE COMPANY, RALEIGH, N. C. This Company continues to write Policies, at fair rates, on all classes of insurable property. All losses are promptly adjusted and paid. The "HOME" is rapidly growing in public favor, and appeals, with confidence, to insurers of property in North Carolina Agents in all parts of the State. - jsJ R. H. BATTLE, Jr., President C. B. ROOT, Vice President BEATON GALES, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor, ATKINSON & MANNING, AGENTS, augl-tf Wilmington, N. C. EDUCATIONAL. German-American Institute, NEW LOCATION. THE exercises of the above named Institution will be resumed at the new locality, cor. Third and Market streets, on MONDAY, the 5th inst A full corps of competent male and female teachers en gaged. No extra charges for German. Instruction given in Music, French and Latin st moderate charges. ' Mrs. E. L. RTJECKERT, sept 27-eod2w Sun Wed Fr Principal. LADIES WDLL RECEIVE THOROUGH IN STRUCTION IN Vocal and Instrumental Music from J. F. RUECKERT, Music Rooms Cor. 3rd and Market E3FClasses of gentlemen In Vocal,' Orchestral or Military Music thoroughly trained at reduced rates at their rooms. - oct 2 tf ' The Public Schools Of THE CITY WILL OPEN IN THE SEV eral School Houses On Monday, October 12th. HENRY B. BLAKE, Supt of Schools. Octl-td- MISCELLANEOUS. Reduction in Price ! cr. sc w. TO L LEY'S Celebrated PING " ' ENGLISH Breech - Loading .Guns, Manufactory, Pioneer - Works, Si BIRMINGHAM ENG. . BAYING ESTABLISHED A BRANCH HOUSE' in New York for the sale of our celebrated weapons, we offer to sportsmen the Cheapest Guns of guaranteed quality and shooting powers ever Bold in the United States, They are built with every im provement for American sport, and are made in six ' qualities, each Gun being branded with one of the , undermentioned names,' which denotes its quality : TIONEER .i.L..:....t 65 Gold.: TOLLEY. ..... .t ........... . 90 f ' STANDARD . ... 7. '.'." .."h't; . ". . . .. 115 " NATION AL.....,.,.,;. -m- M0.rti; PARAGON . . . i.-. . . . ...... i . S25 ". ; Any one of the above brands mav Deselected with. the greatest confidence, as no Gun bears our name . mat we ao not. tnerougmy guarantee .m every re-: spect. GUNS FORWARDED C O. D. ., N.' B. ' Guns built to order., at-above, nrices. a- speclalty.' . Send for detailed particulars, with illus- trated descriptive price sheets and testimonials, to D A ILYi A N D WEEK L Y -our Branch House, , - 't t ' 29 'Maiden Ila'ne, New, York. pubHshko by ' sept 25-D&Wtf TOT" A VVTTTesA 7 tl USL . XUA JLVtUt The " OLD RELIABLE", brand of CIGARS. , . i . ..-, . :: .. r !""" ' ' ' Also, a selected stock of Pipes Ci gars, smoKing and cnewing s . TOBACCO, i it j , . GEORGE HALL, . Wholesale: and Retail Tobacconist, No! 12" Market " street, , WILMINGTON, N, d , 4 aug30-tf i t Eemoval. YV E are now located in the commodious WIL LARD BUILDING, where our facilities are greater for accommodating the TRADE. octitf ' EDWARDS ft HALL. ill . in r n r in m. MISCELLANEOUS. AJPIXTOH'S American Cyclopaedia Kew UcTised Edition. - Entirely rewritten by the aolest writers on every BCV - Ject. Printed from n ,r type,' and illustrated with Several thousand Engravings and Maps. !S!.uaat etuieof 18b3, since which time the wide circulation wmThu cas attained in au pans or the United States ami the signal developments which have ukeupluc i, every branch of science, literature, and art. Lave ii, . duced the editors ana publishers to submit to ans act and thorough revision, and to issue a new e.H tion entitled Thb American Cyclopedia. .muiuiuM um mju jeare me progress of vliscover in every department of knowledge has made a unl work of reference an imperative want fPViA mnwam.nt t YirtlWSn.tl JIT . : t . 11U with the discoveries of science; and their fruufnlau- plication to the industrial and useful arts and the convenience anu rennement or social life. Great wars and consequent retentions have occurred iu ' volvlne national chances of neculiar civil, war of our own country, which was at its height when the last volume of the old work appeared, has happily been ended, and a new eourse of commercial and industrial activity has been commenced. Large accessions to our geographical knowledge have been made by the indefatigable explorers of Africa. '!-'.-,-... The great political revolutions -o-the last decade with the natural result of the lapse of time, have brought into public view a multitude of new men whose names are in every one's mouth, and of whose lives every one is curious to know the particulars. Great battles have been fought and important sieges maintained, of which the details are as yet preserved only in the newspapers or in the transient publica tions of the day, but which ou&ht now to take their permanent and authentic history. -- .-. In preparing the present edition' for the press it has accordingly been the aim of the editors to briuu down the information to- the latest possible date and to furnish an accurate account of the most re cent discoveries in science, of every fresh produc tion in literature, and of the neweut inventions in as weu as to give a succinct am1 progress or political events, mpn n. after Armct .mH n..r '. preliminary labor, anfiwiththe most ample reeourcet for carrying it on to a successful termination. None of the original stereotype plates .have been need, but every page has been printed on new type forming in fact a new Cyclopaedia, with the tame plan and compass as its predecessor, but with a fur greater pecuniary expenditure, and with such fan- provements in its composition as have been euggesi ed by longer experience and enlarged knowledge. The illustrations which are introduced for th ul timo in the present edition have been added not for the sake of pictorial effect, but to give greater lucid ity and force to the explanations in the text The. embrace all branches of science and of natural histc ry, and depict the most famous and remarkable f ea tnrea or scenery, aremtecture, and art, as well as th processes of 'mechanics and manufacturers. Al -though intended for instruction rather than embcl nshment, no pains nave been spared to iiiturc thci. artistic excellence; the cost of their execution i. enormous, and it is believed they will find a welcomt reception as an admirable feature of the Cyclopaedia and worthy of its high character. This work is sold to Subscribers only, pavable ... delivery of each volume. It will be completed u sixteen large octavo volumes, each containing about 800 pages, fully illustrated with several thousand Wood Engravings, and with numerous colored Lith ograph Maps.' Pi'ice and Style of Binding. In extra Cloth, per vol '. In Library Leather, per vol. $ 5 00 B 00 In Half Turkey Morocco, per yoI f tx' I n Half Russia, extra gilt, per vol h t In Full Morocco, antique, gilt-edges, per vol. . 10 0, Hi Full Russia, per vol 10 00 Three volumes now ready.' Succeeding volumes until completion will be issued once in twelve months. .'Specimen pages of the American Ctclopiedia, showing type, iiluetrations, etc., will be sent grulis. on application. Fibst-Class Canvassing Agents Wanted. Address the Publishers, - D. APPLETON & CO., 649 & 551 Broadway, N. V. jan 9-tf - . THE British Qu&rteriy Be views. EDINBURGH REVIEW, Whig.) LON DON QUARTERLY REVIEW (Von servative). WESTMINSTER RE VIEW, Liberal.) BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEW .' (Evangelical.) AND Blackwood's EuiaMnli Mapitis , REPRINTED BY THE LKiAKD SCOT!' PUBLrSil IMG CO., . 140 FULTON ST., NEW YORK, By arrangement with the English JPublisherSy who receive a lib eral compensation. These periodicals constitute a wonderful miscel lany of modern thought, research, and criticism. The cream of all European books worth reviewing is found here, and they treat of the leading events of -the world in masterly articles written by jnen who have special knowledge of the matters treated. The American Publishers urge upon all intelligent read ers in this country a liberal support of the Reprints which they have so long and so cheaply furnished, feeling sure that no expenditure for literary matter will yield so rich a return as that required for a sub scription to these the , ' . ; : ;- .f" ' ;-'- ; .':' Leading Periodicals of Great Britain : TERMS: , . About one-Udrd the price of the originals. For any one Review. . . : For any two Reviews. For any three .Reviews.;. .', .i .. For all four Reviews. For Blackwood's Magazine For Blackwood and 1 Review.. $ 4 00 per annua. , 7 00 " M 00-" " 1 00 " 4 00 " " ' . 7 00 ; . , 10 CO " ror macrwood ana 3 iteviewff. For Blackwood; and 8 Reviews... . 13 08 " For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews. 15 00 " Postage two cents a number, to be prepaid by the quarter at the offica ef delivery. - s .V ; LUBS: ' A discbunt of twenty per cent will be allowed to clubs ot four or more persons. Thug ; four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent to one ad drea for $li80 r for copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $48; and soon., . To clubs of tea or more, in addition to the above , discount, copy gratis will be allowed to the getter- np of the dab. I - t " ' : I - Premiums. r". t . ' - - ' . . ' ' ; ' ; New sobscribers (applying early) for the year 1874 may have, without charge, the last volume for 1873 of such periodicals as they may subscribe for. -' Or instead, new subscribers to any two, three, or four of the above periodicals may have one of the ;Four Reviews' for 1873; subscribers to all five may have two of the " Four Keviews," or one sefc f . Blackwood's Magasina fer 1873. .''-.. , Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to clnbs can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums given to Clubs. ; Circular, with further, particulars may be had on f application. - - ; THE LEONARD SC6TT PUBUSHING CO., " j jan 3rt( V-; j -140 Fulton St, New York. Tlie Ealeiffh News. STONE & UZZELL. TTEVOTED TO THX BEST INTERESTS OP I J the State of North Carolina to the success of the Conservative party, the development of the hid- ' sen weaitn or tne state, tne inviting emigration ln- . to our midst nd advancement of the welfare of our people in everything that erve -to make a State y" prosperous and independent Its . . ( : ADyERTISlNG COLUMNS I - H - will be found of great advantage, as both the Daily I and Weekly circulate largely in every portion of the State.'. Rates moderate.' -SUBSCRIPTION RATES y , - i2j' K , r,je.u , xjauy, uue i ear. ...... 1 Weekly, On Year; .$7 00 . 3 00 Hii ; Subscribe for 1874. ; - ,: ' : , 5 ;s STONE AUZZELL' ' ; jan 2-tf. . v ; 1. 1---: i . Proprietors. ; , - Tlie Illllsboro Recorder, ; THE OLDEST PAPER IN THE STATE. CTR- counties. Subscription price $3 50 , per annum. j.. Published weekly. v . ?. . , a -iUvJOHllgr'C!AMKROR.'t-.aj ct9-tf Editor and Proprietor.