. " " I s '' ' '"" "ri1'"''''""""l"ll -l,JL ... j-t -' .. ulji ,M.iwirg-iTfirTr ' " ' -. - "- ' ' , ' , -'" , ' " jt '' '"' ' i-: :' I - I'.. f - 1 J. . I" W I aATXS 0 BUBSOBmiOB, rascai-moa. One year, la adTanoe Sfrmont s. In r 'v&nca (by ian)..... $r 01 4 -rifASBl Three Aonuis, la advance one mooxn, in advance TO City Subscribers. AtM-wmA In ut nart nf the city, -fifteen Uenti per week. Oar City Agents are not authorized to collect for more than 3 months la advance. i -,': OUTLINES, i i .v - v K. ti 'Ail rr?:-V p f r" in V J . i r- iB3ybordination.. . r--r A ew Xprk Times correspondent trying io get' to line Carlist headquarters Vaa caugal) and bqt. - New York markets: Spirits torpenllne, 37f f "ftekinw place n Alabama ) , v."; ) J STATU FAIR. - the Last day. v W condence the jdoirigs r,at :.th - the pro'xramjn.o suspended on account A larci Bomber.of articles reship ped to the Wetdon Fair.-'V " ' ' ' W12ak.frm cfetaryt wi TreksarerHhtVthe'nutnbet of article" .. on exhiUpf;22lho8e, of. last "'year,' a nan "i-ai... &ue-ijiwuu wytiij wrecVell "f -t .wdititthshtrvri therefore we natarally infer and so. state, that the 14th Antitfal: EihibUt6Wnihe North Carolina Agricultural Society was a grahduOoesWrpasaiojgall of its predecessore.in everr particular that Name oC CDcreineii Elect. ItepubUcant. VI..UUtoa S. Kobln r oo. -w Vn;.Morton C. ELun ' ler,- ' .- " . , rx . . Thoa. J. Cason. XI..Jnmca L. Etfans XUI., John H. Baker. , Democrats. " X.cBeaoni 8. Fritter. : . II.. J8. IX William i III.,Miehael C. Kerr. IV;.Jeptha D. New. V..VVm,S.Holman, VII.. Franklin Landers. X,. Wm. 8. Haymond. XII .. Allen H. Hamilton. W. McCrary.' I " II.. John Q. Tatts. ' HI..?haH.jr; Qranger.! IV. Henry O. rratt. -"V:.Jam Wffaoifc SYI..?zekial 8.r8amp- ' eon. - -jj -- " ' Vlf . . John A. Kaeeon: ' VIIf..Ja.-W. JieOUU tJ! JXiVAddiaon Oliver. ..M-U ei " .'J r . J'. h '. in'.' OHIO. VIH..Wm. Lawreaoe. -:J I. Milton SaTler . ' X..Cha,'JPter... -' XV.-.N. 'H:-Vaa.VorH 1I..B. ii. Bannine.' ; :-ni..J.S. Savage. , , IYv J. A. MeHahcn 4"' VwAmerieaVVRice. VI. . Prank H. Hnnl. vVI..Lawrene T.Neal IX. . K. P. Poppleton. XI. . John L. Vance. XII. .Ansel T. Walling. Xni..M. I. Southard! . XIV, .John P. Cowan. -XXwHenry B. Payne. '. XVI.IrMo. i 'Da- foroX.io'. A'.-I'm .. XVH..Ii. IX Wobd-i '" -'-i-i worth;: - i XVm..Jame Monroe. XIX..Jaa. A. Garfield. ' ..', '. r -. I ' i v gij in. .-.. i rWEST VIRGESriA. ' . ;; .'ii v . " i 1 ; : i.iceng. wiison. II. .Cha. J. Faulkner IU..Frank Hereford. r utebraska.' - . Loren (ioanea, , Present lacambent. Spirits T-uehtmej; Houston, the Charlotte forger, has notyet'giTen his bail, 'and-is: likely ttJ t remain (d jail till court, 'J'll:.- i . Art "rf ri iTrpicrrif. frnin has lr Tit. rosin, fai 4V im motd ; goltf llOilt othewis V prpprjat o payment Arrests' ople by, luhdredi W-Jn lcale.a Firont Saturday from the .lT:r;HaCeind o&ehexerciae8 rin" -.-j M " - - 'a - ' 7 ran over the Korth Carolina R&ilrotkd, from r.Orcensbro to Charlotte, "nearly every day. ; ' At Charlotte on Saturday a .brick feft fifty . feet f roui jl ' ecaflol d a 11 li struck a- negro named George Caldwell ou ' the head. 1 Ur course ne' was not &iid. On Saturday inV the Charlotte ; .; pror-hoiise-Vdiedra ;. :;wattdwr:fiw,Jwct was ordered to pay a,Aie !of . : Marion, N. a, named John Jlod ford, who J r J had been found on the ground aenaeless . and destitute. ; r -X- r ' Raleigh Arew. The full eapaci:.. ty.of the .Tarboro House was ascertained on Thursday. - Dr. Blackball fed and lodged on I ' that day Ox Tamdred imdfffy penom.- How :;;:'istba:fbbigh. J l;:':'":is:,- iil ii s " ' At the Raligh Fair a Charlotte gentleman,-who is establishing a regular manufactnry in that city, exhibited a wood " "pump, invented by bttoself, that is said to le superior to tho cucumberwppd. pump.,: It is ' made of mountain poplar and North Caro ! Jina from the top to the boltoni, i;t . - Charlotte, Observer says : ... Sev-r -1 ,eral days ago Ir;.' thrower, the ore man of Mr. P. M. Murray brick. Jaying -' 1 f oree? was ntoopin fiowla under the scaffold-' ' ''m front: of "the buildmffJ behig put wa w, College BtreetyMessr8. Sandera;&i" Blacky when a brick fell from off the-scaffold and -struck him on'-te-Mnall of the back.- He 4 was "much Hurt ana1 pro'strajed byJtheblow. Newbern hist week, as given by the. 3 Mwbeticm, are-N. ffhiBre Jwaa consumed; J about $10,009 worth pf property, consist inff of eih-hou'se.- 80 bales of cotton, 2,000 bushel? -of ccfttqp seed a Jpt cotton ties" dairy bouse and; shed, , J& beerhive, 2 and bagging, farming implements and caMl ''- peoters ' too buggy ( ahd carrlagel ..15 'V: stablea, 45 stacks ofcorn andtay fodder.ij f 1 chicken 'Uoases, uwine'-presses ana uis nM dwelling.'1 Afprtiqrn;of WWjrtttiWrejwafl,, saved, though in a damaged Condition. J - Msv.Yi,trtb'aketebof North Carolina, ,u 'which We present today, has the' ifterf of condensing a great multitude of valuable . facts within a1 sQrprisingly-.small compass, and when, we comparethe wealth of infor 'TUation in this paper;"witlf the space it qc-; ' cupies, -we are amazed at the -ingenuity Of the .. performance.' The author modestly , adviseslhe" "sentimental reader" to, skip1' - this paper; but we, with a better appreCia tion of fhe vaue of hie workadvise all ! in terfcstcd in1 the OTd Nbrtli Stated to make it ; their own by a diligent study: for it gives i us a' bird's-eye view" of the whole State,, adAthe bird whose eye, he uses has the -v,jglance'of the ekgle strobg, comprehensive and minute. 1 , . .t . -. . . The Newbern Conservative pa- pers print the proceedings of the Craven '7 J'-'county mass meeting ba favor "of CdtiveaJ '- -,' liua. Resolutions, drafted by a committee of , which Judge M;yE. Manly wwaa chair- i man, were adopted. uoe or tnsse aeciarea thai a restricted conventton'"Was called for ' - by the people of the State. f Convention was - r also advocated by Judge Maniy, Honl C. CL' .'.Clarkv'Messn. J. H. Hanghton and-Alex- - tinder Justice.- A conunittte of three, was -- apjKinted, consisting of llon. M. E. Manly," Hon. C. C. dark and Col. II, T. Guion, to ; proceed to Raleigh at the proper time and. .. lay before the Conservative members of the legislature, the views bf the Conservative people of Craven on the convention quea jion. Craven is the only county that has taken any collective action in behalf of Convention.-'"- --.-": . . TheJVew gives a synopsis of the argument in the suit' of 1 H. Yi 0. ' Wil ' eon, tiuatee, v.- David A Jenkins, i Treas urer, and John 'A, -Reilly Auditor. t.The caso was argued before Judge Henry last - - - w - -v m K' avj .ai a a " a a urn "ear a s m. a r. - - - a - i b . jar - - - n '- w . - aw . - v ; v- -. m-m. e -a . . j is . as VQL. XV.--NO. 24. ; Friday in Balelgh. This action was com rnenped in February last and is an applica tioa for,a viaTiSnui afiint 4he Treasurer to pay $8,000 of coupons on "old bb$ds," some of Uiem Issued for- the North Carolina Ttailroad bnd others fo 'other roads. The position is taken that lhe Treasurer isre quireTUoderthe vCOtttfact'irlade, with flie Bondholders to apply all " money, not sasurv arid rmcm ttfhaL'wnt beTrftr.ftvvfirt'from tlift taxes now being paid. It is also claimed, lhat under an-ac -passed at the Special Ses-j sion'bf 1868," the Treasirer is directed to' rmv interest on the debt out of " all moneys ' received from taxes and other sources the Auditor is, made it party to this action, thousli flie positUm is taken that a coupon' is of itself a warrant and that the provisions-; of the Act of i 9 H '.money shall be" paid" bttot tbeTreasary xcepll arjonntha; wftrjnl i!f bf4udator,7 is un- constituuonai as . to toe uoiuers vi oiu jBondibvltfcJhe AwditoW JbrQaghyio to issue the tramftt if the above position is not u9th!e2byf he -Consk Many qTies-j " tiOBjteresyiroJNToljr agreea tnainisriooarngso iieurj, suuum lrdbotli law and facta. Major And Messrs. Smitli & Strong forthe Trees- urer-and Asditor. The case had: been apj- pointed for Monday, hut at the ,requeal or some of the parties: war postponed Hmtil Friday at 9 Ai lL -'itkieciees all questions lately argued - before- Chief - Justice Taite and other aMPfl.es Q6t hejetofpre presented. "f . , N BW, ADTBBTISEiaENTS. ifrlL "Harrison. Gftfciaf t)rawin. j J. C. Mtjnds. Prescriptions. ' DeRosset & Co. Roe Herring Hams. See ad.(oi Nbrtbroprmmng jyij j John London. Notice. S " r C:: .,; ... m.m.m'.,. ' ".. ' I . ! Rlayor'a court.""' J ' f - $ The following cases were disposed of yes terday morning: j frOharlesk Carter, and Ffancis .ullivan, charged with disorderly'-1 cbtidnct; rCase dismissed on; the payment of costs. U Charles Johnson, charged with disorderly conduct, was found guilty ;and' sentenced to six days in jthe Guard House. ' s . ' Peter Bennett, chatged 'witli disorderiy conduct, submitted, and the case was dis missed on the payment of costs. j j f David "Walker, charged with, fighting quarreling, &c., was found guilty and 'ordered o"pay! a.fiab Cj aOr.jworte for thirty days on the streets. ! i t DavId" Walker, charged ?wiUi;.diaor!der1y conduct, was found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of $30" and costs or work ;for thirty days on ,the. streets. i i ''" James Daniers-j chftrgeotth-isoiderly conduct- Case continued until "Wednesday. Win. Cain, disorderly conduct, submit ted and' (U& case wasJismissed on' the pay- ment of-.ooat' .o,,-. ,:..r.ri - .-' f'-f.t Susan Ivobinson and j Mary Hat hey, chaJw fonrf(t gullty and requiredf id - pay- ' fine of fTCreacb'ttdd costsror work for thirtyl days ticthe:8trtjtssr his ; :-. t 'i'zi 'l IK Tueker, charged with beingdisorderly, submittb-d and was ordered to pay a fjncjof $5 and -costal . . . . ' ' .JTri u'i' :' ! . Wm. . Phinney, charged i.with ' bei ng 'dis orderly, flourishing f a' pistol, &c. on; the $20 or work for .thirty days on the streets. Henry Harrison, charged with lacenyf was ordered -to0 give bond" in the sqtft jof $100 for his appearance before, the Superior Court. el:Davii:cbarsJed with :'cureiD j and nbusiirff Dennis Perkins, waa; ordered ? to pay a fine of $10 or work for twenty days on the streets. Two-jor tliree jothec. trifling cases; were disposed of aTthreeVwere'continued over i or a luiui v iiciuiut. Exeltlns Bnnaway on Sunday.; , A horse belonging-to-Mr. J. Borneman, to whic( aMalliea ran away w Sunday '.-if ternoort t-.Te aniiTal distance when- thur-iwji 1hjrn Out but, fortunate1yLwloafc-ilnffi4n -his febadlong'course along 'Water street and was never Ialtedj"ViW f.. reajSedtthe yicmUoildpplltVice nouse, near the f oot was badly; stoashedV-.-Soon' after starting the -runaway teara ranlover la fine large butf 'dbg. the property, of .Officer D. Bhean, pf thcpoiice lorceana.KiHeo aim. i . s i u Rilled on a Railroad. A colored manTBy, the , name ol believed to have been a resident of Florence, 8. C, was run over by .a (freight train atGames' Turnout, on the Wflming ton, Columbia and Augusta' Railroadj'afew days sitice, and kilred.1 Deceased is sup- posed to, haye been asleep': on the i track ;The accident, caused Vy .a train, corning in the ' directioa ' of WUmidgton, . occurred about 2 o'clock la the afternooa and the in jured man lived until 4 o'clock: I Entertalameot tlil. Eyenlng;. '. The young ladies belonging to the Front Strect'M. El Sundey;School Social Spdiety will give one bfheir entertainments to ht; ili 'flail h;Megp6ey!s ne build ing, corner of Market'ancT Second j streets. All person friendly to hc?r -success are m' vited to be present. A pleasant evening is promised to those who Viay attnd,!and the reiresnmema. we arts ooaunu, i uv. Tax ReeelptBt - "'" The receipla for taxes i;at t,he, office "fit A. R Black, Esq., Tax jCplJectorJ for the week" ending on Saturday, footed yjp'as fol- lows ' General State. ........ Vi"s :55'.V$2;oOO 11 . ' County.,.: . . . , , ;3,43i 47 Township. 139 3d Total...:.;... JV.s $6.070 .07 Sunday was one of the dteliegt flavfiof the season. ' f ' I 1 IVBOUI V la uuuviowvu v w va. vv vw itw w ,, i ' - i ::t-(-i;.au-j f:i v,' Ju9iw..wi ,'on a lift.'.; . . ' ' WILMINGTON THE NEW HEOlInlS. . v The New JndK and Solicitor of the Superior Court Charge to - the Graud Jry'rlddre fjaa. liar, dce Sec. : i Seldom have we seen our Court House so crowded as it was yesterday with all par ties and colors to see and listen to our new Judee-and Solicitor Rarely have we,vit- nessed closer kttention than -was igivea to the lucid and able charge of Judge McKoy, as well as to his carefully prepared and schrjydress to tjie Bar, on, ics and etiquette of the legal profession. The latter is a novel feature f the Bench in this section, Jbutthe handsome and accept-: able manne'r in which the Tadge acquitted himself, both in his charge to the Grand Tnn. nnJ in 1. 1- .1 .1 I .,1 leavesfthe pleaSijfjr hope;ihat, mhia the dis confaging chapg;es It&t : haTp- taken plac4 since "the war in all the professions," much good was affected : in our' county jesterj day by the course of the Judge. Much may be'hoped foV.also from the genflenrauly. er meanor and devotion to duty of Solicito Norment Tle Judge laid down the crimir nat Jaw. bo plainly '.and f uHy ba io Grand Juror can fail to recognize his duty. H evidently feels the evil and dangerous ten dencjeaApfy.th. times, as, crime in all" its grades stalks 'abroad, and his appeals to the Jurors to ferret out these violations and to bring ta.puaisbjnent misdemeanors, whether in private individuals or in sworn officers of the county, some of whom,' as magistrates, -constables, &c., . in New Hanover have the reputation of ex tortion, malfeasance, &c, as well as p nexeusable .ignorance, tmaet have 1 the 1 eff $ctr 1 it v the Grind 1 j4ry $ do their duty, to produce punishment of J these officers, as well as to bring about investigations of our new Solicitor, and our peaceable and law-abiding citizens hope for much- f foav.him -otnd Judge McKoy. If the members of the Bar heed the admira ble lessons, so well laid before them on !!s and or duty given them by the Judge, much will be done to improve and elevate ! the profession. In laying down these es tablished doctrines of morality and goodj manners, he did not claim originality, but onty sought to rebearp ajdjendop-views and "conduct hanowecTby the precepts and examples of . the highest authorities and brightest luminaries of the profession in all1 ages and countries, especially of our own. The charge of the Judge to the Jury that there should be a more rigid adherence to the landlord and tenant act on the part bf tenants; that larceny, now so- common, among us, must be in all cases severely pun ished, that arson and burglary are- doing much to ip jure society and mui bedequaie: ly punished; that official extortion of Justices of the Peace and Constables, in the exaction of fees higher than the law allows, is to j)e ruuK-eu uuiuug crimes ueservingoi more at tention, met with a responsive echo f-roini the large number of substantial citizens, present from th county Townships asjtvell as from the city. - j There is, from appearances, to be a new awakening all over the county, in that and various other relations of the criminal lajw and off eHdersK whether. 1 private; or.offlctaF life, may well take heed to their ways, for our new Judge and Solicitor mean busi ness and a vigilant,-independent discharge of duty, - " Fatal Accident. I . ,TA colored; train: hands employed -pa the Wilmingtonl Cblumbia'ahd 'Aifgdstk Rail road was run over on Saturday last, be tween 12 and 1 p'clock, neat the old junc tion, and instantly killed. It was the outgo ing local freight tram from which the acci dent occurred and it is supposed that the mao fell between two cars, the remainder of the -train' passing over him; f H,e was not missed until the train reached ITemington. On Sunday morning, when the passenger train passed the point where the accident happened, the body of the unfortunate man. was discovered literally torn to pieces. The engineer was first to discover the remains and rarn hc engine- back. A -coronet's in tjfiest "was held during the day-theterdict being in accordance with the facts. Our, in formant could not give us the name 9 the dex5eased,Jnbr tell us tehere' he belonged, but he is supposed to have lived in Wilmington.' It is the general opinion that he was intoxi cated. -fCT 'firrff-, fS -v PT ' i .-. ---j -- 1 f 1 i'aa ata n'1 i Steallns Dacki. Mr. Dennis McEnerney, residing on Sev enth, between ij31aden and Brunswick streets, whose fine garden was recently so nearly stripped of its contents, j an account of which we gave in-this column at 'the time, r wae again visited- oa--Satarday night last and a number of splendid ddeks stolen. No Clue to the perpetrator. BOOJ neeavsrou, . The body of Carl Heuse, the sailor who was drowned off the German Barque Zud- win. on. Tuesday afternoon last, while engaged in painting the, Iraiy haarjheeni re covered and Coroner Hewlett held an in quest over the body yesterday, the jury re turning a verdict of accidental drowning, Fixed Him as Last. "WillianC Phinney," who made his, escape and so successfully dodged his pursuers on Saturday afternoon last, was recaptured at a later hour in the evening by officer Simon Richardson,' who, having ; the benefit of his Bredecessor'a experience, successfully logWhimintheJ' The British Barque - Jacinto, j "Fleming, cleared from Boston.lor.ihis port I on the 16th inst. .NVtJESiVO.CTOBMt-20, ! Local Dots v ; -'i : ' SB to IheUQth Octo ber inclusive. Wilmington exported 4,801 Wtlea:Of -CSDHOQa.' ja:v wjt-Srnsin x&! t- '-jjhre anpar4qewl Aguirresailedjfrornnavana for this port on the 10th "hut l ' ' ,w. : " " 0 , -,Mr. W'tt- Tcrr of the Rock- inghain cpfrmyM,i3&iioit waa a viau to our city JtS it i.z ' : V;' Itr!Mdore, ' J. :i iP.V vreppHs iiBal Be return turn;wstaiercseso 2wer' seatlt)n: f or1 trial and 3: of which recefly a; justc of ha,peaceof tbU town,! ship, and a welt known citizeifof this place,; 'died on Sdnda Wwrndbn last: ' "y 'r t this porjforWleJpUia7rhich wenti shore pear peanfort during the late gale and was subsequently' Caken to ' Norfolk,' baa been iibMlea "for the 'repairs put ' upon Sirper-lbriCjOU-a. I J The fall term of the Si (Isupefior Court ior thjs.c2pty,m$ sterd3irrroinJi Judge A. A. McKoy presiding. , There is a large amount ountof business to be transacted and it W'.U' probably be one of the busiest sessions of the Court since the war ..The 5 Ctiuri; "Souse and iujfvicuiityfwas crowded durfhi the day, many no doubt being present from nlJ1Lav tftkt aaot AivivAtW UtVaJZik TA ViAQP thfi laav VI' j 1 aeaaai u aua.sOA(jFu.ti J3VV aa uw new Judge. and. Sljqitorhopr the first tiine bold, cqurtin this city t and count'. The charge .of Judge McKoy, together with his address u the liar, are alluQea..tp,1 else where, n l 1 Y if . ; Tlie following bompri'ae the1 the Grand JVJ: I W!kee "gorria, RgA Price, CJias. juooiugue, x rantt jucAOy, J erry al. urruuy, . 3; figdea, J Bi Qasteeqi S. E. Bush, R. D. Davis, A. Taylor, George Tlbnnett, T. W; Howard, ; J,;"5yawkins, Archie Walk er.lT. J.sam8ayjlli Newman, Jefferson . Larkius, and J. D. Flowers. ( The followmge thepetit jury --Robert Tate,'.Thbs."Raan, JRisley, Chaa. Mc- Clammy, B. L. Gornto, GeoMosely,.J. T. Udehs, V&XVffiy-T&K Hr Shep pard. Jbsl1 Jones, H. M.Bishop, Wm. obDePrimusMoot:e. c: ; Fourteen mySfitacepntSt were dteRoaed iof during; the afternopnjk ' "A laTyaterv and.' anaaSIosTV ;tast night, about half past 4 'jie-ck, the denizens of that'part of the" tlfy in the neibboihood of Ninth and Chesnut Sts., were startled by loud shouts of murder and other soul-harrowing -exclamations on the street "There was -of j course an excited and sbaiultaneotis "tl-n'',tb 'doots aodT wih- dows,'When a colored man was discovered madly rushing up Chesnut street, between Ninth and Tenth, closely followed by a col ored ; woman whose cries resounded at every step she took and were continued until she got 'out of hearing lii the distance. Con-.' aidering.the mystery attending the affair. which was heightened by the fact, that the cries'of distress' came from the party seem ingly in pursuit, together with the other faCt that apparently ten thousand barks and howls from the throats of as many curs bf high and low degree, big, little and medium sized, mingled their dulcet tones with the shrill notes of the dusky. daraSeton thswar- path, the' " folks' : in"that Usually juiet Mhborhbri think they ate' ehtiaed to the creait 01 navmg naa a nrst-ciass sensation 1 X l .. i m , i -: - . Itobbtns-an Eoelneer. - ."A colored: man by the: name: of Henry Harrison- was ; arrested r yesterday, on the rharirfi of atealiBfirrafflambM of . nrthiTflii. in - eluding a box of toobi and a ...pair of; over alls, from Mr. Thos. J. Smith, an engineer on the W. & Wl Railroad, on Sunday night.. They were stolen rOm his" engine at the deobt." When arrested Harrison 1 had a a. - - - - - w memdrandumjbpQk; jiuftpossesaion which belonged to Mr. Smith. The .thief - had taken the,pxeaUH0Aiear,.out a Icat on which the owner's nanje w.as wnjienan; aiso tne leaves upon wnicu ne naa aaae entries, but had overlooked the names of. jtixpmun in piain letters on tne pan ox u Coverwhibb bides the booktbinderiS stitch ing. Harrison was in !J)6d-piritaunUl tills uiscurury mma- laauu.ueuig uuwvr impressionvprobabjy,, that tiebef jjoufd not be proven on him, but af terwaros S he exhibited evident signs ofjjtroubleJ.'OL j - - . . .- . -. .- a I i COUrt. -- ; - : -, . . - ; .tin i, i h i rn.i -v Out of tbe FrTlBff-Pan,tu4,0) tbe Fir v Seven colored prisoners, six, nrnles and one female, who have been kept in the chain-gang whue awaitirg tlie; Vesent terrp of Court, were yesterday turned oyer: to the V Sheriff and locked up in the jail. From appearances they were not pleased - with tJicjiaue. JHO t fv r. . ,-. -j i7rr- -.1 v, uPqrjthe Star" Mr. Editor : It has been our happy liriv ilege heretofore tb drop you an item of in formation now and then from this prosper ous and desirable little village, but always with the conviction, that he who gave rise to so much -interest here; would continue with us to reap the rich harvest which must soon follow his noble efforts. In this hope,; however, we are disappointed. We learn, with deep regret, that our zealous;" active friend, Capt 4. Jr. raaaison, wm leave tnis morning our beautiful river (Black) to run in future his comfortable Steamer North East on the Tar River, between Tarboro and Washington. We know him well, and but speak tbe .sentiments of this entire community when we say he is the very gem of enterprise here that in relation to; his people he completely reverses the maxim that a prophet has no honor in bis own countryj a Ha leaves us with the love and re spect of alL and the prediction that if energy, patience, ? fidelity, t unwearied; in dustry and gallantry can accomplish any thintr. n -mott' enviable and brilliant future awaits him. He will be aided by Capt. W.; C Price, who; witb.a short stay amongst us, 'has-won for himself the confidence and respect. pf, all, who haye.mada. Jbw acquaintance.-- f;;:r,.;.4i';,:5T-;.' ' Veritas. ; t6tKt AsSroi;octHo tjsti. awl a .. A laSJHaVu?.7itftrrli Nqw style Bcarf Rings, Fancy Caff Button, Opcri -Chainf and SpectaclcB, jast received at ; . : 2 1 : TakKencB PKrtmsa-IK wiB i copy Clear and distinct for aft indefinite period ot jUme,) Send,yoar orders .for, work to. bo done in. thesa Jnks, jto, iixe MOHHTKa Staw Prtiitiiir.TToWaft '" " ' "" ". ' i j ; vi-KB.rBraoi i w aj-ks- 14at. tu woyai wgi- ness has been detected in many an act which has startled :the-0.ueen,. The last ef watch -is aid be th ordering of $20,000 worth of tickets for thePnb-i nc uiDrary or ji.enracKT. tier Majesty-.-n w statea, did not object to his pnyine liberally,, bat; in the present; "condition of the Prince's finances,' Bhe thought $20JXK) worth was too mnchor him to in vest. It is asserted dat -he-insisted on. sending his' order to Governor Bramlett,1 -aesttring bU royal mother that he knew what he was akont, for that as $8,b00,00awas tobedlstribntedto the ticket holders n NovcinbeD 80, and ia, each jrif ts as $250,000, $J00, OOG, Ac, he would have a Splendid chance at one of these splendid priaes. and tons, easily pay his debts.; octlfi-dAweodlwJFt Sua-Wed, , -. . A.T. ASi T. iL' R, ' Toranv KifRVL .laay-. 18th, 187i Messrs. J, &W. Toixkt39 MArpnir LaKX,' U?w Tobk Deab Sinst-I have just retomed from a shodt, : with . the: President, of , our. road. Henry Strong. ; On one occasipn .five .curlews came over us. I said to pirn, 'fLei'.hs try them.',v' He repiied ?There'vs' no they are toof hlgii.',r' ' JI ralsetf my gnn and killed two of them deadj' X cannot say bow highthey were, bat aau sure they most have been at least 79; or 5 yards.; One: wm; shot through and through, the shot entering under the breast and, go- I hig oot at the back. J used IjTo. 6 shot, l ozl, and 4 uxu. iu jiunuer. ui course mis was a large cnareeoi powder mad large sized shot for birds jof thou slze,but !thifr lfl an advantage I clAim, for yourgmns, which en ables, one to use 9ne p); two; sizes laj-ger shot and shoot them as close as ordinary guns with the fine siie. " This is a great advantage when birds are wild and difficult to kllL I never had two harder, or closer shooting guns than the two you turned out for me, arid I can confidently .recommend your weapons to sportsmen, feeUng sure ' they will not only be pleased ' with the splendid ' quality1 of 'ma terial used in their construction, the perfect work manship displayed, in the fitting of all the parts, and ' style of finish, thremghont but v tie fine shooting qualities of your weapons, whicii, I thinJti are tan rivalecL I give this recommeiidatlon after two years 1 experience" lh the nee '6fydari(gun,' having used them in aB kinds of hoting', nnd nevr at any time ' have I had reason; to wish for better pr more reliable ' weapons. . They suit in every respect.; , , y.. . Yours truly, - - :0jcti4-d&w:ni ''' ' " 1 ' '':t'B.''C. Hxwxbt. . '- :-Tr-Toir--r . ! Wanftf qpatfjoa, J f. li'MQ: ,. Want a Salesman, Want a Servant Girl,- -. -a Want to rent a Store, , --,),- ' ij"' - : . .Want to sell a Piano, ' ' . ' f , vy ant to sen a noree, . Want to lend Honey, -: Want to' buy a House, Wait to buy a Horse, j ; Want to rent a. Beas,; . Want to sell a Carriage, ' 'Want a Boarding place1,' .v j - ' Want to borrow Money: '"' '" ' j '' r Want to sell Pry Gdode. '-ii;. a" - c '. Want to sell Groeerieaj;;;": ' j ( ; -. j Want to.aeUJEatara,'.,...-:; - Want,teD Hardwre , . , Wantto Sell Real Estate!; v- ' 1 ' Want a Job of Carpentering, Want a job of Blacksmithinu, , . WanttosenMilHnery Ooodf, ,'" ; WanttosellaHonse aud UHwj '-. . j ' . Want to find any one's Addrese. , , . Want to sell a piece of Furniture, ' Want to buy a second-hand Carriage, Want to find anything you have lost. Want to sell Agricultural Implements, Want to-Advertise anything to advantage. Want to find an owner for anything Found, Advertise in " '' TUB MORNTSO) STAR. ;( "' ' HOTKI. AsaBlVAlA;-'-'1'--' ScarborougbHpus&JL.J: Scarborough, proprietor. CH Thompson., Baltimore; T, Anderson, Richmond W, S V Sims, Flori da; A M Quthrie,L J Pepper, E QrissomG BBowen, J C .Swain, Joseph Pinner, C & Smith; Smithville C M Harria; JinrLewis, John Miers, C R Mayer, R H Snell, James Buie, city. J "W. W.estbrobky JnoE Wood, Rocky Point ;" Cap PaddisonVW. J Price, CJ White. New.Yorkz J.Q Bell Williams- foint uasweii; u-r lwncarr.'xtoeKy roini.; Sort; tx unman. J u xenson, -areterson, j I Sleur, C COld, Europe" A FBiaVis, Batry Island iW Hodge; Brunswick : Co; C W Craig Joa Craig, Federal Point jCapt, Hard ing, Beaufort; Capt Hall, Geo WilsohV Phil adelphia; John OflOridy, Baltimbre;W; J lQTkhauz;Petersburg,-Ya.i ; .1 Farmer's -Hotel, B O Barden, proprietor . A Kamsey, Jfi; JJbJWaUterM YValker, New Hanover coupty; D 8 Wells, Duplin" tdurify iJiO 1 Barefoot, VToWmbua" county J--P aait Rockhaniocounty;' D W Alderman. .TeacbeysiiN h4es:Fugu- BaltimoreVHPatifeH'-lBeg McEefe.oBavan nub ; M D, Kvls. Jamea W MoCarrick. Vir- ; ginia ; , 8 J .KeiChmahwith, ' H Clark, city ; Rocki'dKbam Ii 0-' Wyche, Red 'Banks'; (Judge. P Randall,,. Tallahasse, Fia- James lUdgw.ay,,t(y85hburg. : .f- , . ?aamaaaraaaaaTaaaTaa s s4iTH-n-Priteyf 25th:SembeH 1874, after a long ana ja-nTui ltiness, Jaj.. j,. v. nvtn,oi piaaem county ' aed about 67 years. , ; - '" ..' i UUnkhrul -KiA finnllv. Ma miMnn .1 . ... M: identided with his native county; and Ala j. Thomas, C. Smith was no ordinary Wao. He war a friend to the poor, and his large wealth enabled bim- to be a geuerons patron to the 'needy', while Ms fine cense and -true appreciation q( - the: Oelicats forbade his riaimine credit from tne wona or exactlnz nomaee from dependents. . , His suSenngs were long ana were poignant, and his fortitude wae equaled only by his resfenation. r He was nursed by affectionate relatives; and medi cal skin and faithful attentions struggled hard with relentless disease but the struggle was in vatni his powerful constitution succumbed to the strokes of time and to the inroads of sickness.-' He ttas-eronel Hi-f rL mains lie in ho family burial ground, sur rounded -bv-those of his kindred: and the little !awble slab.tells the passcrt-bj that, another of his race nas gone to nis uoo. -. , -S - uazette aau uooesonian piease copy, t , REAVES. In this city, on the morning of the 18th inst, Mrs. Sarah Reaves, consort of thelate Joel Reaves, of . Brunswick county ; in the 84th year of ber age. . - , . v..- . ," NEW ADVERT1SMEENTS. Horse and . Mule ; OoLLARS, HAMES AND TRACE CHAINS, Blind Bridles, Axle-grease, Whips. Spurs, Bridles, Saddles, Harness,-Trunks and all kinds of saddlery foods very cheap, at , f ; oufni.n'yidi '':!: sept 20tf nac - J S. Tepham & Co's, . S i i Kedriptions ... X REPAREDwtth ACCURACY sad DISPATCH; J ' WhlOSBT and DAT, at ' :' "i ,' JAMES C. MUNDS' Drugstore," act 28-tf ,4." Third St, opposltelCity Hstt, so.o, City j v, usDoMetexapurg,, va. ; , Jftir'ceU House,' jlavTs'proprietori- Gfeo" E' tlibbs.. . ChaMestori V- Paul-' Allfen. J, -W.HOIJS NO. 2VU)8. Olllcial Drawings' or the IV. f ivAftis Beneficial I A ssoeiailon, . . j Kyf . , j MONDAY, October 19, 187t... .... : " : : r Class 153, Drawn at 12 M. " W .83 4 68 61 W: 14 89 . 67 .18 46 58 li , I i, ; ; Class 1E9, Drawn at 5 P. M. ? C8" W S i 73 64 TO 36 6 83 28 71 O'f if Class 160, Drawn at ft P. M. : 43 48 68 69 30 16 28 88 62 . 40 11 '26 OCt20-lt i : W. H. -HARBISON, i , i y NOTICE. uuriiirj. B Y yiRTUR OP A DECREE of the SUPERIOR CX3URT of Nw Banorer county: rendered: on . the 19th day of October, 1874, In the matter ot Ed ward B. Dudley and others' ex parte, the ' nndet--signed Commissioner will offer for sale at nubile mingtou, on batnntay. tbe Mat day of November,' it,nui tuiuuiouit m city oi. wilm: locatea on Market street, and beins nart of T.nfn a h4 and InBloclc:173.:beeinnine at a noint isMt jsiutwaraiy rrom me xtortneastern intersection ft Market and-Ninth streets, andrnnning along Market street Eattwardly 66 ft , and roiuiiag back 165 ft. - TiRMS OP 8ALK One-third eash, balance la six and twelve months. Title reserved. Purchaaer to oct SO-eodSOdys Tu Th Sat - Commissioner.' . THE OFFICE OF THE JLMIQTON STEAM- SAW & ui ir;PIjANING -.MILLS'-': ; iHT-i-O' -fxw.f fiifj ;i ''jsvn "; ? JLLAS been rembved to the JTr itL YA11D, .'.'. i Jj-j'-'T'oT". .'), i ; :.-r.r ; FOOT OP CASTLE STREET. J 13 '' I''J,ir .ifM-t :K i'' 3-';t'f !.f: f Orders left at the otBce of. Messrs. pAKRISS:& HOWEIJwJOTllaVtf fctar desk) wiU receive" prompt attention''' " ' i oct 20 It i s NORTHROP & GUMMING. , -; M Mnm-ytiMi Hams. , ; PEW KEGS I OP . VERY - SUPERIOR ROE HERRING and a email, lot of PRIME VIRGINIA HAMS in store, which we offer, at VERY LOW FIGURED oct20-lt- . ;.!, DsROSSET & CO. : , Flanner : NO. 31 KOBTII FBONT STUEET, WE offer to the public superior .inducements in ttie'parchase of ! ".-v-,. -s s. -j ' U)Vii jprRST CaJLSS GROCESIESi ;! ? ; -We buy from first class houses in Baltimore, New York and Boston for cash and tell on small profits. We can only sustain our " trade by SELLING FOR CAStt; or: thirty' days' to reliable customers.'- We simply ask a share of public patronage. , Goods; de livered free of cartage. ; oct !8 nac4t. MTOOODSW GOODS, By Express To-Day. if- CONSKTINGOF Ladies' Belts and Buckles, all kind, Kid Gloves, 'finest quality; Silk Mitts, Fans, i " Linen Collars and Cnff&HUain and embroid ' ' ' ereo, Nectt"Riiflrtags, "fecarfs, Corsets, ' ;" ' J'h;: v'vr.nt" ?: '. ,;:f kJ M Hoop Skirts, Parasols, Veilings, Edg- i. . . . ipgs and Insertings, Slipper-Fat- v : jt ' . terns. Zephyr Worsted Hair ' , . ' - Plaits and Switches, .- - TO BE DISPOSED OF AT GREATLY REDUCED - , , FIGURES. ; . . The Largest, Keatest, Cheapest and ; ' Beat Kept Stock "of ; PANC-Y-GOODS ATsT) MTT.T.TNEBY i;" -12T THE ! :; ,Variety Store, Ho. 42 Market Street augtfjaac:',,, I.FIifNAGAN. "' DWELLINGS, &c.,! FOR RENT. ; EOR RENT Until Oct. 1st, 18751 IAT DESIRABLE STORE, corner Market and South Water Streetau japplyto- i -: g i6.-tf; v , fi. B. MLfiRS. c aug: To Rent, Until Ootobfir. 1875. "A TWOSTORY " DWELLING ON d. Molberry, Between 7th and 8th sts. hi liiil vAppiytoij u-i;.:.- Oct 15 Iw in, a. ,t ,' JTJSK'A. EVERTrT.i CMXANEOUS. The .UeeiNot Judge, For our Goods in price, style and quality, are such 'that fh1nbsi luf ihistf caied can buy nhdlie-Tiappyi If you have the slightest inkling idea of having a SUIT iff AbE TO 'ORDER, you can save 25 cent . ,'; . . -- ' ,. .. -1 - . - . ; "by giving us a call. . . , Ajforttfl' tlie Wise is Sufficient. oct 18-tf r DAVID as WEIL.' Mm EstaMisW-Beisada DouM : rrHAT ,WE DO NOT SELL the imnemsvlUe 'A'-'-'-- " Shirt;' ' That our brand, the- : pVerles's,";,; is par excellence THE SHIRT OF THE PERIOD; That nowhere ia the State can so good COATS and VESTS be found as those we are SELLING; for, $5fc:kK(i 5Q ! octl8 tf . r ' . City Clothiers. THERE IS KOTHIp LIKE LEATHER. ALL KINDS. OF BOOTS & SHOES of best quality and make at LESS PRICE than Elsevliere -in tte 8 T A T E', , . u .' ; GEO. "B. FBENCH A BON'S, act 18-tf W North Front street. iT! SISaH OucSQUBreoneday,,;,,,. ................... $3 tt "f?,..- I Tr .e,ays.4-ff.vi'rtPiiM'.. .-2 jk fonrdays tA five days.. ..i.. ; a M one week... i..... j...;.....,. s 50 Two weeks.. ...... 5 01 v xnreewecks... ....... ..:...".. C 50 - j One month.... g 0C Twomontht i...... ........ .15 01 KT,?nonths.... .'.-...22 00 m X."UUU11I"' ...85 00 atowlster-"?18 tak'V proper .te. qnarte0lum, and VJ MISCELLANEOUS. Propose TO GIVE OUR CUSTOMERS THE BEN5PIT OP ' The Decline in Prices in ' r ' Q-OOCDS,- And oer them flt the best 4ualtty of Calcoes; at TEN CNTS 'B-ttb9I jthei bes prints made.. We arc hourly (fffltjngJOS pieces of PRUTJ .'OFLGOM8HrBTINp.wich.Sve wiU;seU at TEN CENTS aT5LYA,-p'j ;-,.' ' THE RIVAI, CORSET; ATj CeMa. yl.'v 1 j Jtt beatoftha wordil for the -money. . Another lot of SHAWLS,and DRESS. GOODS by Express this morning, ad by steaiaeraa tovolce of IdieB Trunks,' Satchels & tJsxbrellas, witn many sew articles in the various lines of gopls at the leading dry goods house of - 1 1 . BOSKOWITZ A LIBBER, t ; .,' tint,. . 1 Al .. -w. i r.tU i, . oct 11-tf 39 Market street. fiBpairifii pf Dia Bats' iMJeiiuets. I VLDt HATS; ANp BOJTNETS BLEACHEb I V pressed and made to - JLook as Weil. a New. i , Por particulars call on MRS. JENNIE ORR,, oi Nun, between 3rd and 4th streets. '' . .. A CARU. TTING SONS'. POI iRTSMOUTH, VA.' DYE XV WORKS, bee to inform their friends and cus tomers in North Carolina that they : have , opened a Branch Office at No. S Carrs- Block,' Second street, Wilmington, for the reception nnddeltvery of ods, which wQTbe under the management of Sir: George S. King. Orders for Dyeing or Scouring are respect fully solicited.' -.'.1.- KING SONS, octlO-lm . -No. 2 Carr's Block, Second St - For the ladies THE SUBSCRIBER: HAS JUST RETURNED from New York with the finest and most select stock of Preach Millinery ever offered in, this city. Also, all the latest styles of Dress Patterns. You are respectfully invited to call at her elegant room up-stairs directly over her former establishment. JJue notice ot tne grand opening will be iv octl3-2w fi. A. LUMS ven. SDEN. Notice to Trespaissei:s. A LTi PERSONS are herebv forewarned atrdlnot shooting-, hunting, ranging, -nshingor otherwise trespassing on my premises known as the Bernard's vreea tract, aoout'5 miles soutn of Wilmington The penalty of the law will be enforced against all trespassers.-" '-' ' J - -oct lMw , R, MORRISON. First Malaa rGrape of -tlie Season. FRESH MALAGA-GRAPES, i. Mr' v.'v : ,, ; qnoiCB bananas; . , . . APPLES, LEMONS, AC., u -i'J .- C-i i. 1 iij'U.-'- ' r.1- ' ,!; . At .. " S. G. NORTHROP'S, ! Oct 15-tf ' - Bruit and -Confectionery Store. B, H. SBA&T. 3. N. HTNTOS. GltANa? & IITNTON, General Commrsslon itlerthants and .;-H';r,a?ro4oee;-JPeaiers-1 -. . No. 6 SOUTH WATER 8T. WILMINGTON, N. C. o We keep always on hand. at bottom prices, a full supply of Choice Groceries. , Orders and. consigE ments respectfully solicited. ' ' ; ' -" ; oct lT-tf - rUR NEWTaTROCTSS JTJR-THE, BEST Jr tPlour la North CaroTina. One barrel will make ,25 per cent, more.b'read than all. other brands. Try it, iror saieoiarny - - ept.tt-i."i''t -:a!OEO. MYERS. ' Cold Weather: H AS COME AT REMEMBER THE New Coal and Wood Yard or. Front and Mulberry, where prices are VERY : i LOW.- - "o5tl4-tf J. A. SPRINGER. i'lonr; Sngiir and Coffee. gQQ BBLS FRESH GROUND FLOUR, KA BblsSugsr; LTV 108 Bags' Coffee, octtl-tfi; i " . . f ttx.saie j -was.'C'or - ' - 1 r. sale by i'M-'-?f; .- , ,f! Ep WARDS: & HALL, Fralt of the Loom ; :i -Ki !.-v'-i:oi:: fl.i-i ted Soon. 9. -? lo f-i: are expected and will be: bit baud 'soon, which we Will continue to Bell SO per icehfc cheaper, than ever before offered in this market.' 'y':. ' ' 1 -' -' "-- ' u i- oct 18-tf .' :.: "wiXKWIS A DAVIS. ; ; It WUl A8toriUU;Yptf ';,' 1 0 SER HOW tOW WS CAN SELL A FINE iBeaver ivcat-1 . " '-ii.J 5 ;,v!; .. i;t-'i ;.'V;';u f.!;.'.. The foiulotof "lioflFINB WHl2 SHIRTS, which we are selling at" $a JUST RECEiyED. . Genuine 'iCTftndre.jflio t'oolen Gloves, cidijan' Jackets,3! ' u: :.!;.'.- ,.. ;, ' :.' BBKCSj& BROS, . ,' , -'OCtift4f-- :-iUi-!-:r': is 'WlVkettree. 3 0 0 R5"?-8t?? dHa2 Q TONS COTTON TIES,-; ,., 1 000 1,08 PAUNO s113, .Forsaleby.J ;V: :t. itu,u" j . KERCnNER A CALDER BROS., Oct 18 tf - 97. 8 A 89 North Water St. , Powder, Powder. 400 KEGS RIFLE, SPORTING -' AND BLASTING POWDER- ?' .'. 1 . . ,. :;; For sale by ' KERcHNER A CALDER BROS., octiStf T. 88 A 99 North Water St. G. H. W. Bge : Has just received fresh rye flour. Oat Meal, Oat Grit and Barley, Candies, Coeoanute Chocolate, Canned Fruits, Meats and Preserves, at oct 18-tf 63 MARKET STREET. PianofSind Organs. A LARGE VARIETY, of different styles and makes are always to bs seen at tha LIVE BOOK STORE, where they are sold for cash, aad oa the instalment plan. . T ORNA DOONE, a romance of Exmoor, ' By R. D. BLACKMORE, Squire arden. A Navel.' By Mrs. OLIPHANT. HEINSBBRGER'S Live Book and Music Store, For sale at oct 18-tf A T. - "!; 1 .'. '3 1 - I " r r. i i j - 1 .6 . .- : "'n - 2 1 - - ':: v : ,.v v:.;.,';viCw,J