lis MoxnixiQ Star. WILMINGTON XT. C: Saturday Morntng, Oct. -25, 1874. BY TELEGRAPH. NOON UCPORTS. i NBtT YORK. Heporte Dtath of Carl Forme Coo . tradlctedU-A. Curioaa special IMs patch from Madrid. . v N?v York; Oct. 23. The report of the death of Carl Formes is -untrue.-'- ' " : The business of Henry Clews & Co., lias -. been assigned to i reaenck Taylor lor me benefit or their creditors. " A reliable dispatch says tho Madrid Gov ' eminent has sent $5,000,000 for distribution . among the Carlist chiefs to close the war. The friends ox Seymour claim that he bad a clear majority among the Bishops but1 the peculiar way of voting by the dioceses ana orders aeieatea mm. ' FOREIGN ; AFFAIRS. i ; Honors to Prince Charlei Bonaparte -The Count Von Arnlm Affair In Germany ltallaii IS ewa A German XTlIniater Uobbd Near Clndad, Spain ' Tlie Revolution InSouth America. , , . . . Paris, Oct 23, Price Gharles Bonaparte has been elect- President of the Corsican . Council .General., Count Yon Arnim's civil suit has been re ported, to Court. This1 is the second in slance. , . - . : Tiio ultramontane members of the Reich stidt will question Bismarck regarding Yon Arnim's treatment , , - ' , ' . - - Flokkkck, Oct' 23. Garibaldi accepts the Parliameltary can didacy from itome, stipulating that bis at teidance is optional." - He will only appear waen lie thinks his presence is necessary 4 . , ' London, Oct 23.; ' Brigands stopped a train bearing Count. ; Voa Varlenburg, Minister 01 - uermany, on his way from Lisbon homeward near Cin dad. in Spain. The Minister lost lys money, watch and clean shirts. v: . , Buenos Ateks, Oct 23. r at The rebels are still camped outside of the city. Both parties are afraid. , A colonel with 500 men deserted to the rebels. ! - ; ; ' B1ICHIGAN. - ' ' . . ' i . fc i i Tbe City of Brooklyn Explosfou' Thirteen Person. Killed ,i j - Detroit, Oct 25. j Five passengers and eight of the crew ' were killed by the City of Brooklyn explo sion. Their names ore unobtainable. The Steward's books went down with the wreck. - Some of the dozen injured say the Brook lyn was racing with the Cuba. No bodies have been recovered. " ' ; ';' -. ! IELECTBIO RPABKS. . . ,-, ; , The mother of Senator John A. Loan is dead.. - Commodore Win. Inman died at .Philar delphia yesterday, lie entered the service in 1812. ' ; ; V . ; Maj. Stokes-has been confined to his bed seriously ill for ten daysatFredericksunrz; Virginia. . - - '. ; Everybody at Shreveport, La., arc itgn in; the document upon .which 'the mer chants are about to be arrested. 1 The of fense seems tobe that people of means will not employ persons that they don't want. The original signers will abide the legal is sue instead of mounting, their horses and taking to tho bush. . , OUR NIGHT REPORTS. SOUTH CAROLINA. ; Reform In tne Appointment by tho - CSorernor or Boards of Commision , . ers of Elections. . ... : rs-' - i ' ' - ' : , . ; f t . Cn AUT.F.SToy, Oct. 33. 'Qov.'MOses has issued a proclamation that , boards of county commissioners : of elections shall consist Of one 'regularRe nublican one indeoendent Renubucan and one Conservative. , The 2fem and Courier aDDlaads Got, Moses for. removing ' the de3p-seated distrust. "With the new com missioners named in the proclamation a fair election is certain and the people will sub mit to the verdfct of majority of the voters. NEWTOBKi - ' j,, Tbe Senrr Clew ' Affair Eptsco pal - . - New York; Oct 23. Judge Lawrence cites Henry for explana tion and. enjoins him" from disposing of his property.- The Sheriff is in possession to prevent Clews from delivering the property to assignees, or entering the premises. . The Episcopal Congress order the send ins of delegates to the Canadian Provincial Synod. Five hundred - laymen petition against the restraint upon the ritual as it now exists. - . MARYLAND.; Tbe Haees) Yesterday at Baltimore. ' Baltimobe, Oct 23. Vanderbilt won the Breckenridge stake time, 3:35. Brigand won the second and Hooper the third. , Kadi won the second race: by a neck- time, vaih ' ; ' : f In the Bowie slakes, four mile heats, Preakness won the favorite in the pools, but did not start. Bessie Lee woo the first in 7:33. Jack Frost woo the second in 7:41 lie also won the third heat and race in 8:11 i i it;,i.;.:,;:.:."::.;':i ':y--y: weatheb report. vl1 WabDepartmeht, 1 Offlce of Chief Signal Officer, , Washington, Oct. 236:35 P. M. J For the Gulf and South Atlantic States, and Tennessee, falling" barometer, , souther ly winds, rising temperature and cloudy weaiuer. wim occasional ruiu. COM PA RATI VB COTTON STATE : :t"y':r-y''l New Tore, Oct ii- Cotton statement for the week ending tho 23rd: Net receipts at all United States ports during the week were 1 33,480 bales, against 1,033 bales the same time last year; total receipts to date, since Sept. 1st, 54,643 bales: same date last rear 271.675 bales. .The exports for the week were 45,838 bales, against 24.1C5 for the same week last year; total to date 141,072 bales, against 103, 253 same date last year. - . '-.i Tlie stock at all United States ports is 338,154 bales, . against 221,656 same time laat year. The j stocV at all interior' towns,; 53,100 bales; same time last year 48.863 bales. The stock at Liverpool is 621,000 bales, 1 i,w fnuuo iiuc law, ycuf. .1 American cotton afloat for Ureal Britain 82,000 bales, against 87,000 same time last jear. ... : . . ; Domumc jiiAuiiUTN. New "York Oct. 23 Noon. ' ' :. " : 1 ". ' ; ' Financial, , , Stocks dull and lower. Monev easv at 3 U cent. Gold 110 Sterling Exhange long $4 85;' short $4 89. ... Government securi ties active, but feteady. State bonds quiet ana Btrong. , ( Commercial. , , w. , , " 1 ' Flour dull and declininsr.; Wheat dull and unchanged. Corn quiet and heavy. Pork firm mess $19$19 25. Lard heavy steam 13 J cents.. . Spirits turpentine quiet at iib cents. Kosin heavy at $2 40 for strained. .Freights nrm. Cotton dull and easier, with sales of 853 1 1 oa es-u pianos i4tcenis; uneans ia cents, r uctooer 14 ll-ieftai' cents: .November I 14 ll-16ai4 cents: December 14 29-32ai5 I cents; January 15 5-3215i cts; February ia 'M(J15 17-33 cents; Marcni5i5 27-3 cents; April 16 cts; May 16 5-1616 13-32 cents; June I6i10 -91-32 cents." is ; New York, Oct. 23 Evening, - - "v Financial -V ' , MonCv is in sood 'demand at 2ia24- rter cent. - Sterling Exchange dull and lower at 4 85i. tiold iuil but steady at 110110J. Government bonds are dull but stead v. I State bonds are quiet and nominal. ! ; . I , - ,vorrmercuu; j 11 1 ; CotJon. weak' and irregular, with! sales of I 1264 bales at 14&gtf5i; .Southern jflour dull I and drooping commoD to fair extra'$5 I 3 3;gooa to choice do. B?aa5. AV heat dull and a cent lower winter red western 115$1 19 camber do. $1201 21; white I western ft .so. - tjorn ami and neavy and 23 cents lower western mixed 8G. 89 cts., afloat Coffee very firm Rio 21$ cents, gold.- Sugar quiet but nrm. Rice quiet. v Tallow steady. Pork steady at $19. Lard unchanged. Whiskey lower at $1 02i $1 0a Rosin easier at $2 85f2 40.,' Spir its turpentine dnll and heavy at 36 centa. Freights shade firmer '.- '-. t' '- Cotton net receipts 620 bales; jgross re ceipts 2,625 bales.' Futures closed steady, with sales of 34,500 bales, as follows s Octo--ber 14$ cents; November 14$ cents; Decem berl4 ll-1614 31-82 cents; January 15 3-16 15 7-32 cents; February 1515 17-32 cts; March 15 13-1615 ,27-33 cents; April 16 1-616 3-32 " cents; May 16f 16 8-32 cents; June 1C16 21-32 cents. ;n j,,'. i ' , - , - Baltimobe, Oct. 23; Flour uncUangcd.' , Wheat weak. Corn dull and . nominaU ' Oats steady' and un- hartged. " Provisions t af shade belter. Lard-s-refined . 14 J15 .cents. Coffee un changed."" Whiskey f 1 02$1 03. 1 Sugar stronger. J l : . W USKI,Y COTTON . RHCKI fT5. Macon 4.202i Columbus 2.866.. New Or leans 28,708, Baltimore 443, Norfolk 17,358, Shreveport 2,019. Savannah 31.672. Mobile ,520,-' Galveston 1,263, , Nashville 1,666, jfort noyai ,odt, Providence zou inaianoia 51C, Seloia 3,722, Montgomery 8,433, Mem phis 12,891,- Augusta ;9;i52,j; Charleston 21,618, Boston 627: ' f V FOItKIGN MARKKTS. j - it.i , London, Oct 23 Noh. ; EruTshares 271. J , ' i! v V Pabis, Oct 23 Noon. ; Bourse Rentes 62L 85c. i?; -t -T ' 1 , .. ',LiyEBrodibct. 23-fWoon. Cotton quiet and unchanged. Sales 12,- 000 bales, including 2,000 for speculation ami export ; . iu export .. j e . , , .., : Cotton Sales for the iveek 67,000 bales, which 6.000 were fonxoor and .5.000 I of which 6,000 were fori export and .5,000 for speculation, btock in port 621,000 bales. including 167,000 American.- Receipts, for the week 38,000 bales, including 17,000 American. Actual export s 7,000 bales; Afloat 251,000 bales, including 82,000 bales American. - Sales on a basis of Middling Uplands, nothing below Low Middling, shipped Oc tober and November, 7Jd.' j Sales on a basis of Middling (Uplands, nothing below Low Middling, shipped No vember and December, 8d. i, Receipts of wheat for the past three days 12,000 quarters, including 6,000 American.; Sales of cotton to-day comprise 7,400 bales of American. . ! T ,.';. i . Livkepoot, Oct 23-rEvening. Sales on a basis of Middling Uplands,; nothing' below ' Good Ordinary , shipped November and December, 7fd. , Sales on basis of Middling ; Uplands, nothing below Good. Ordinary, - deliverable. November aud December, 7 ll-16d. , ,. Sales on a basis of Middling Uplands, nothing belo.wi Iiow Middling,- deliverable' October, 7, .- -;:r- Jl"" . r: .Tarns and fabrics at Maochestef dullwith a downward tendency. - - ; . "'-s- Coffee, Kails, Susar, Shot. f rv 'Rjicrs prima Rio Coffee. '' Ecgs NallB, .- , : i- i r A BBLS REFINED St'OAR, AAA :Bags Shot, : ?'i:f: ' ZUU - For sale low by !? f-i - WILLIAMS A MTTRCHISOX. i American, English and " ' !;V-.. ':. " " 1 German Hardware. HE largest and beet selected stock la the city can be found at ti e old. established hardware boose of JOHN DAWSON, Nos. 19, 20 and il MarketSt oct 18-tf Powder, Powder. QQ KEGS RIFLE, 8POBT1NG 'j - ' " AND BLASTING POWDER. -'.- i f " :-i .."-; 't-'-.s ;.'.''. y i i ' For Mia br ' - 1 - . EERCHNER & C ALDER BROS., oct 18 tf n. 99 A 89 North Water St. Salt, Sagging and Tiei. : i. 6000SackBSalt.. ; j, i ; 2QQ Rolls Extra He vy Bagptpg. f i. .!. 2Q Tons Cotton Tits. . .j. '! , For sale low by i"1 : ' J. oct!8tf "WILLIAMS A MIfKCHISOV. "VUR STANDARD FLOUR IS TilhJ 1 ' 'favorite duand; 4 Barrel?, Half Barrels and Bags. First Premium Floor at erery Fair ef tbe Agricultural Association. SoJdonlvby oct 21-tf -CHAS. D. MYERS A CO-., , , , - 5 and 7 North'Front st Small Pigr Hams, LARGE BEEF TONGUE, " THIN BREAKFAST j Strips, Choice Cuts Fulton Market Beef, SPICED, SAi M t, -' j f PICKLEP SALMON. . Ui i.V;.--.. CHA8. D. MYERd A CO.', oct S9-tf 5 and 7 North Front st Hay! Hay!! Hay.! I! FLOUR, CANNED GOODS, ' ' 1 - - - PEACHES, TOMATOES, BRANDY ' ' . ., . PEACH SH, SUUAKS.hi H SYRUP . . in St eaud forsalelow by. : i ; : ? ; i . ,. . GRANT A HlNTON, ( om. Merchants and Produce Dealers, -V ' oct21-.JAw tf - o. 6 Soa.h Wafer Street Dentistry. -a r V "WB.W OTT AUTKRS. on the s C-: ( JM ond floor of t the . news building . southeast torne? of Market and Kec- ond streets, are now ready and I shiiP be glad to attend to my engagements .n other natrons. oct 18-Smos . '. -'i ; -'.- - ..- JAS. E. KEA. . j ; G. H. W; Eunge, CAULIFLOWER, RED CABBAGE, " ( WHITE AND RED ONIONS, ) - , BEETS, CARROTS, TURNIPS, . I -. 'i j; ' FRESH PEARS; JUSTIN. . 'petit U' 1 V st.:.' : ,' 6S Market Street' WILMINGTO N -M A II K M T. r ' - x ' ' -'" r '-T-j ".-STAB OFFICE. Oct. 23. " SPIRITS TUllPENTrNE--Receipts 298 casks. Sales of 300 casks at 84 cents gallon for Southern' packages a decline of i cent Market quiet 1 -- . ROSIN:f-Receipts 1,879 bbls. .; Sales of SOObbls. Strained at. $2 05, 125 do. Extra No. 2 at $2 25, 200 do (G. and JL) Low No. and No. 1 at &2 50. i3&3!3 25. 31 bbM Extra No. 1 at $4 50, and 19 do. Low Pale u f. "v vvj, ; jiwci mm v u ui Strained. CRUDE VTURPENTINE.-Receipts 215 bbls.' Sales of 189 bbls. at $2 60 for Virgin and i Yellow Dip .and $1 . 60 for. Hard. Market steady. , , TAR, Receipts 256 bbls. Sales of 236 bbls at $3 00. ' Market steady. ( COTTON.Receipts 894 bales. Market firm and potations for tho higher grades bave advanced i cent. ; Sales of . 200 bales i. iuo xuuowing quotations: . , s Ordinary ; i Nominal. Good Ordinary v. VI 13i cents ft. TjOW rfdlHno- - "l iw - r l ' . T.. , V . 4" o .i J.AdaIlng..v,;vii,..,..14;r...;v.V... - : - : GoqU Middling . ; ...14i, MARINE. '"ARRIVED. Steamship Achillea, Tupper, New .York, A 1, Ca?aux, . '. . . . . ' ' ' . .1-Steamship. Pioneer," Wakelv. IPhiladel Dhia. Worth & Worth; - I r . - Steamship D J Foley, -Prfce, Baltimore, A D Cazaux. - . . . ! . I iStmr -A P Hurt. "Worth. : Favetteville: I vvorxu s worm. ; Stmr Juniper Skinner, Payetteville, Vick & Meba'ne. : v; " 1 Schr John, Gabriel, New York,- Williams &Murchison. " - - - ' Brig Caroline Kelley No jep, (11 days) jNewuurjporr;- ja luaaer es ons. s - - .' CLEARED '. ' - Steamship Regulator, Wood, New York, A n CaxniiT;' Stmr AVP : Hurt, iWor'tli; iFayeiteville, Wortn cts worth. ; - v y .u t j &tmr : juniper, smnner, iayetteville. v jaeDane.. EXPOItTS. COASTWISE 'A New .Yobk SteamshipMJejrulator 98 casks spirits, 1,010 bbls rosin, 135 do crude turpentine, 44 bales cotton, 18 pkgs indse ' Iilet of Veeeelft la tne Port of VVU mlnsrten, N. C Oet. 22, 187i. I ' ' STEAMSHIPS. " I Regulator, Wood, ' : - A D Cazauk Kaleigb, Oliver,- ' t - ; a D Cazauk Ludwig (Ger), Seeger, - ' , i tt Peschau &We?termann Hedrun (Nor), Elixen, ' RE Heide Melvina Schutt (Gerl Krogen. JS Peschau & VVestermana Albatross (Nor), Cald, ' - ' ' R E Iliede, Claudia (Br) Dinsc. Peschau'&Westermana rvr... t . t v ir. .,!-. Mediator (Nor), Jan sen, y- RE Ueide Clio (Ger), Schupne. :-' E Peschau & Westermana BARQUENTINES. Adeliza, Pritchard. Vick &Mebane , BRIGS.T-, 5i j Delphin, Ohman;' " ' r. RE Heide Miletus (Nor), Petersen;:,' B 7.: It R Heide Zavia(Nor), OmnndsQii, ivrunt& Hinsori Albert Mason. Rose. ' W orth & Worth SCHOONERS. Sarah L Davis, CoUrell. BP Mitchell & Son Schr Luola Murchison, Williams & M Ann Carroll. Tyler. ; . Jas Walker E G Sauger. Hall. Worth & Worlli S A Hoffman, Stillwell.SO G Parsley & Co -:-. I r C TT 1' Il of Vessels saJUed for tbis Hort. CARDIFF.- G W Walls, Michener, :.v sld Spt 10 - ' . - HULL. ' Ludwig, Andersen, - -sld Sept 23 Schr Mary J Ward, , ; sld Oct yyita-- cuxhaven. yyy Germanla, Vilmon,' H fty' ,f sld Sept 8 " r. SWANSEA. s-i . ; . ; . TpnrimM ; " Freya, Olsen. " :;'.v:V ; Cid Sept 4 , ' VA.SHlELDiS:' r',.;- y;yy' .yy Gloucester Ger Barque-Sonnabund; Pus; sld Sept 16 ? ANTWERP.' ' Ara, Tobiassen,' y-y y :y sld SepllS .Nor. Urig AJsar, WicKsen, sia ept v Nor Barque Da Caps, Andersen, sld Sent -- Nor Brig Rufa9Chrlstenseur sld Sept . viklag, Hansen, -. - : .t del Aug 80 ' BREMEN. Ger Barque Sebastian, Bach, eld May 17 Strathnaver, , ' v aid June 2 LIVERPOOL. , Maria Lamb, Jenkins, - ent out Sept 7 - !sE WBURYPORT Scbr Carolina B Kplley, Noys, . u ir a xr a eld Oct 11 Sp Bnrque Prudencia, Apjrre, - rid OcOO BrBaVdueDta,., cl'dOctlfi DWEtWNMS, &c, FOR KENT, A FOR RENT ! lUatil ; Oct. Mst, 1 875. rpHAT DRS1RABLE STORE, corner Market , x Sooth Wattr Streets. Apply to ng 16 If .; H. B. IILERS. MISCELLANEOUS. MILLIIMERY, i ND FANCY NOVELTIES FOR . ' . FALL AND WINTER NOW OPENING. A GRAND ASSORTMENT .OF . Frencl liaportei-nowers'anli- - ..; . :. Millinery Gcois. . ! ' ' MRS. E M. STROCK, oct S2 tf -? Prta'Ciis bet een Front afii Sts. Slungles Sningles , "j A 'A CONTRACT SHINGLES, ' v ' " Just received and for sale low at , 8PRINGER'.S New Coai, and Wpop Yarp, octtS-tf i.i ..j Cor. Front and Mulberry, New Buckwheat, URYSTAL SYRUP, RYE and GRAHAM FLOUR, ; ' , - Barrels and Half Barrels. X . v; & -CHA8.JD. MYERS A CO?,' oct 31-tf . & and 7 North Front st: FV ' . . . "V F" 7 H . it. , MISCELLANEOUS. We Proposej TO GIVE OUR CUSTOMERS THE BENEFIT OP The Decline in. Prices in - r DB- 'GOOpS And offer them first the best quality of Calicoes at TEN CENTS PEB YARD they are thereat prints made. We are hoarly expecting 100 pieces of FEUIT OF LOOM SHIRTING which we wili sell at TTKIf CENTS PERYAIID. '- THE RIVAL CORSET. AT' 7& Cents ; 1 J' "' - ' 1 : ; ; It beats' the world for the money. Another lot of SHAWLS ana DRESS GOODS by Express this morning, and by steamer an Invoice, of Ladies' Tnmks, Satchels' & Umbrellas, with many new articles in the yariens lines of goods at the leading dry goods house of s - . " . ; BOSKOWTTZ & LlEBER, ' - . 5 ' oct 11-tr ' 1 '- "-' s- ' ' 99 Market street. AM ORDINANCE, l , ConcerEing Drays, apns, Carts, &c, rXHE BOARD Off ALDERMEN OP THE CITY J. OP WILMINGTON. N. C. DO ' UKUAiN. 'rnai anv urav. -irncn tybkuu, vi C.ATttnnnA In nan within t.ha fttv limits Without the vim Badge;orEegisteMNumber as rennlrflil bv Citv Tax Ordinance nassed May Qth. 1873, shall be subject to seizure by the City Marshal, and tht owner thereof subiect to a fine of Fivb Doixabs for each and every day the same is used in this City without the prepayment of the monthly tax, er without having on the- I " ' -, BadgeorEegisteieaNumber "K oTSor'iSSf Sa.oc.a the foregoing are hereby rcpealad. - Airatthee; - . l'T,0 utIVOm llMltlDnM WttB TlfUHMI TVW I T1R tlUHm til jreoraanrwtn, 1st.: i brnarv ltsth. 1874. T. CBEKVOSS, r . - Gitv Clerk. f feb 18 tf Froit of tlioXoom Vot Expected Soon. T TH bvt n LOT Q P THflSE FINE.BLlfcK ALPACAS are expectej and will be oivbaad' socn, which we will tontinuo to sell 20 per cent, cheaper than ever before offered in this market.' oct.ifftf , - LEWIS & DAVIS. THEREISQTHIHGilKE LEATHER. "rols,- hit ok a y.-k- j. : v J. .- - s. . v. . . . : of beet quaiity and make at LESS PBICE than s vt a' t' AT, .in 1 1 GEOV R.' FEEKCll A SOK'8, ; 89 North Front rtreet oct 13-tf . Flour, I JPlour ! Flour ! 1 " AAA BABBErjS (afl grades) at BALTIMORE l.UUU PUICES. Having direct communication witn tne n est, we are pireparca to oner great lnouco- mcnis to our customer. , . BIXFOBD, CROW GO. MEATS. Htj Salt Sides and Shonlders, Smok' Sides, IltuiM aud Shouldered at tow fljmres. 151NFOK1), CROW A CO T AGGEf G, . TIES, MULI.KTS, MACKEREL. X iiay. uau. arc. ; lilIUUU, UllUYV B w. "BACKERS," Lemon, SxU and Su;ar, In Eo$cf v aaa uois., Kjaaay, anna ana .;mua uooua. For sale low by -, , t OCtlO-d&wtf : BdFORD, CROW & CO. CHEAPER THAH "Fruit of the Loom " Our 3?ive Dollar Coats; . OUR TWELVE AND A HALF -" " DOLLAR SUITS. O UR " PEERLESS SHIR 7S, . Onr.O vercoats and Talmas. MJTNSON& CO., oct 21-tf .. City CloUilere.. Best Butter in the World I A ll.dtjring the war weather this J y : PELICI0J7S M UTTER I stood the test and held Its swsetand rich flavor! I We receive tt fresh eyeveelt ihtougid from onr dairy. For sale only by y pXXX MYERS, sep -tf 11 and 13 So. Front street ; Cdmr Corn; Corn. 3 OOQ 5I7SnE1,8 MUD COR,; ; " ; !' . For sale low by . - oct 18 tf ' WILUAMS A MURCHISON. - Cheese, Cheese. ;;; 150 Q FACTORY CHEESE, : ' - ., For sale by .;.-.. y KERCHNER & CALDER BROS oct 18-tf .- ST. S8 and 89 North Water St Patent-PrOCeSS" FlOllT ! " EMPIRE 'IBRa'KI)!. vtTR NEW PROCESS FLOUR THE BEST J Flour in North' Carolina; One barrel will make S3 per cent more bread thanall other, brand. . Try sepa-tf .t GEO. MYERS, Prescriptions, P REPARED with ACCURACY and DISPATCH, " ' both NIGHT and DAY, at ... ... 'V .'. - JAMA.S C. MUNDS' Drug Store, ectiO-tf 1 TUrdSt,6pVosiUcityHalL: Hay, Flour and Bacon. J A A BALES PRIM E EASTERN and N,B. HAY, 1 000 BBL?' FLOtrR' U grades ... .i '-!.- t iinas otnoKua enoaiaera, 100 BoxeD 8 & Smoked Sides, For sale low by oct 18-tf WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Final Koticea OFFICE, TREASURER & COLLECTO beptember 5tKi874. ) XXLL PERSONS OWING' CITY TAXES FOR 1874onliRAL ESTATE and PERSONAL' PROP ERTY arc hereby no tilled that if the etune if net 15TH DAY OF SEP "EMBER, LNi TANT, ; Kmi at .ahiic ""Mon. ' ' ' W 00 H vi sep6-tf The Eefsla'0azeite TVHE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN KERSH4W A, county, is published every Wednesday, at Cam- oen, a. v., oy rranKr. iHtaa. Hmn-- fluential circnlatmn in one of the most-productive- portions of Central Carolina,- guaranteeing greater1 inducements to advertisers tnan any otner. paper in tne county. The most liberal rates- 01 advertising. Address - VRANE P. BEARD. Proprietor.- septlS-if . ... Camden, S. C. .MISUELLANJEO US. .Waill & DeCosta. WHOLE 8AIJ; RETAIL DEALERS, QFJ! -1114 T(X. THB LADIES' OI . yvilmtngton the LargeBt Stock of Plain and" Staple, Dry Goods - Ever Opened In the City. L , Our Stock of Dress Good la all the leadinsr Btyles and would call especial attention to oar stock of Black ciiiuj. cuwprituiig, as 11 aoes, twenty dimerent qual ties, coveting all the grades from Low to Super:-; t ENGLISH BJLAQK ALPACCAS Are with as a specialty. Their superiority over the American fabric (commonly sold), as to quality and durability of color, is undisputed. We bring direct from the importer, keep constantly the same goods and guarantee every price. : . ; cj.;0ar General' Domestic Stoct Is yery large, and embraces every article required uviuuccjjuig ur personal use." in it may be found 1,000 PIECES PRINTS, , , ' ," ' VAMOUS GRADES: 1,000 Pieces BLEACHED COTTON, UVMMX VUAJL1TY; FROM 6Xc UPWARD.- -: i 1,500 Pieces Brown Cottons, 5 J?rom5c. to Jiest Qaahty. - 50O PIECES PIECE GOODS. ",' Assorted for S,SSdBoy's : SHAWLS, . XANNELS, LININGS, ZZfmlTtt o papronage nd hopefully so llCl A Continuance 1 Of ju Mi Jx Mi W w-jr- I it M. THE Jburnal copy. ; octl4-tf NEW ARBIVALS this V eek. WACCAMA W jUAPK i FEAH PiiESII-BRATEN Vt :.: a Sir twAwi '. HAMS, SIDES, SnO UZDEIiS, J Pry Salted and Smoked). i EnglisTi and Scotch. Ales, COFFEES of all klnda at Reduced Pricca, MSR, CASE .GOODS of all kinds, TOILET SOAPS,! ine Pale and Common SOAPS, Twnty' . .different kinds tf TONIC BITTERS, i Cigar?, Tobacco Kerosene Oil, nay, Corn and Oats, WITH HUNDREDS OF OTHER ARTICLES OF Groceries at Wholsale. CASH or close bavin? customers can he nnited al- waTS, with Good Goods at Lowest Market Prices. ; maya-tr . . A.DKTAJJ -Jt VOLLKRS. ' IIoop lrou, Spirit Caakis. syr on. ; 400 Bund,e8HoP ron," . NEW N. Y. SPIRIT CASKS, i gQQ Select Sccond-nand Sphit Casts, i jgQ BblsSHSyrnp, For ealo low by . ' oct ltf WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. ---' 1 - - - ' .. - - j M Fine Turpentine Lands, 4 AAA ACHBS,in5AVILTTIMBHtt3ED frOimd U,UU Trees) in 8. C , convenient by Rail and steam Doai to w ummffion or (;narieston, also $JQ acre fine River Bottom Corn or Cotton Lands, ail in , i , i i. . i .. . . a mwy, win ue hoiu lugetner or sepavateiy extremely low on accommodating terms 1t annlvin vni h. leuer, stating when parties can be in Wilmington. , W. A. THOMPSON, oot8lw Wilminston, N. C. Card. Mt FRIENDS AND PATRONS will find me at the Myers House, on Market street, above the Cloth ing Douse of Shrier & Bro., Just one door removed from iny old stand, where 1 shall be pleased to see them. - : .. . ,; . ;r . :- . . ' :- oct 18 lw MART P. PirKBTT. ' Bellows! A FULL LIMB OF NEWCOMBS' ' ".-'"y "'.:' t -; x surrns bellows, For sale at octl8-ti ' GILES & MTJRCHISON'S ! Hardware Store, -' i. . 88 North Front St "R AT UM at rpOUJET ARTICLES a: . ? A ,: i liREEN FLAjpigR'Sr ; JJAR BRUSHES ad CQIBS at - ; - Eed and White Ash Coal, All Sizes and of Best Quality. Screened free from dirt -- . Every load weighed acenretely.- DeUvered promptly at.LOWEST PRICES. - . oct 18-tf ' : O. Ot PARSLBT Cft OUR JLIYINt ANI OVll BEAD. Prospectus of Second Volume. ' ... " NEWBERN, N C, AneostlO, 1874i! . u Odb Livika and Oub Dbab" will hereafter be published, as a Smo-Montbxt miAxtm, contain ing 48 pages of reading matter, at $3 per year in ad vance. - i; !.- ' For the information of tuose wno are not lamuiar rith this enterprise. 1 state that the chief object of the Magazine will be to publish the Record that North Carolina and her gallant soldiers made in the law War between the States," to gather the ma terial for the use of the future Historian, and to per: petnate the memory ef those brave men. officers and privates, living or dead, who shedimperigbable glory upon uieir mtuvp sw , , - In addition to the War Record of North; Carolina, tbemagaglne will contain sketches of every section, county, city, and town of the Sta, written by com petent and well-iafonnea persons, tnus maKing it pre-eminently a state periodical, in wnicn sii classes of our citizens should take interest and pride. The Magazine will taae tne place ot tne newspaper, having same title, published by me during- the past twelvemonths. ' The first number will be issned Weduesday, Sejjt 9th, 1874, In the meantime, I repettiuily ak o.l snbsenbera wno aesue to renew tneir sunsenpnons, an all others who wish the Magasine to remit promptly, as tne cnange ana improvements require OBSiaeraoie ouuay, auu leauv aiuney ia ueeaeu. 8. D. POOL. Address, till further notice, OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD," an 14 tf -. - Newbero. N. C, or Raleigh, N. a Colnmbia Phoenix, ISSUED DAILY AND TRI-WEEKLY. WEEKLY GLEANER EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, t JtX JUiilAJ Ml. BlGLiSl, 'I ' , ' " V ! A RE THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED NEWS- il papers at the Capital of South Carolina; having- been regularly issued since the 21st March, 1865. In every Issue will be found Telegraphic Intelligence from all parts of the World, Market Reports, &c. ttlis tis fortyigU imiir columns of readable matter, Tbe subscription prices are as reasonable as the times win warrant. - Advertisements inserted en favorable t'! W "IU. ; f. -F .Weixt Gwahub I.;.!. 1 1.-, 1 - . -J :. w i I 1 . r f -4- nhnE Morning stAr book bind X ERY is complete in all all its appointments, and is in charere of one of the most skillful workmen In the State. AD kinds of Binding executed neatly cneapiyann expeditiously. , CHAW C E OF , X AKE3 MUCH PLEA8URK IN INFORMING THE PUBIJCGEliEIlALLY THAT HE HAS FOItM fi epparbienshlp and wm eoAdnet bomneet nn4er tlw flrin SC,:' c:.. j.ia VuishiO BROWN & Having sold oat my stock and interest ' ; be lound at 45 Clarke! Street. ; With i a full and complete assortment, in, air the following departments: Silks, Shawls, Laces, Hosiery, V5 Gloves w and Underwear; Dress Goods. White Gbo&si ' HUUSKKEEPING GOODS,,.-; LINENS, DOMESTICS, . O-u r T e r OUR MOTTO SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK ; RETURNS: Yard wide "Fruit of .the Loom' Cotton 12 cents, by.the pie'eej f';' v J. & P.' COATS' Spool Cotton 7 cents each, orf4 for Ss'-cents.; 't Good Quality; Canton Flannel 12 cents' per yard; 4 ; " . f ).-. Full Width Ticking, 12 cents per yard, &c.,'&W;V I ; ; J ? i - : Our .space being small, we have nqpportunity to ennraerate eyery article' ; Call and Examine fbxi oselves:5 v i A.;D. BROWN, . , 45 " Market Street. . I , P. S. Mrs. A. D. Brown -will still continue her MILLINER V DEPART MENT at the old stand UP 'STAIRS.'-' ' ! ' S , ."t.oct,4.if RAILROAD LINES. General Sup'ts Office 'WII.irEINCTON,jCOi.l73nmA' & AU. ,:. fiUSTA KK-jCOIBTPANY; i . i WILMINGTON, N., C. Sept. C, 1673. r Chansre of Schedule. : rpHE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL GO INTO i,. efiect on Sunday, fcept 6th, at 8:00 A. M. 1 1. -.' "'feXPBKSS TRAIN. tDaUy.) '' ' Leave wnmliigtoii ... G:10 P. My Arrive at Colnmbra..'.. . ,... -4.-00 A. M. k Arrive at Angnata,....vw.i..s ..v...i. 8:45 A.- M. LieaveAngnsta.... ..,..-4:15 ir. XL Leave CSFJnmbia...'.i...j,..,... j 8:45 P. H. Leave Florence...... ... .' 8:10 A. M- Arriveat Wilmington 7:10 A M. Passengers going west to points beyond Colum bia will take Express train, leaving Wilmington at 6:10P.M. ; - , . - j ACCOMODATION, DAILY (Sundays " , Excepted.) Leave WDmmgton 9:00 A. M. 4:00 P. M. M. . B:00 A:4M. 11:10 P. M. Leave Florence., . .' .. Arrive at Columbia. Leave Colombia....-.;. Leave Florence Arrive at Wilmington 6:45 P..M. Accommodation train makes no connection ai Colombia. Express trains make close connections both North and South. - , ; ' , JAMES ANDERSON, .septlO-tf ... ;-.; . . . Qen'i Snp't ? Wilmington t& Weloa RAILROAI0- Wilmington, N. O-J 1ST4. f .... Mi If SmW9a-j ! Change ; of Schedule; ON AlfJ) ' AFTER MAY 18th 'lNST,PAfe sender trains on the Wilmington and Weldqn Railroad will run as follows : ' . . :":.;1HAI.TBAIN. . Leave Union Depot daily. At 7:40 A M Arrive at Goldtbero . .... 11:50 A. M. Rocky Mount 8:00 P.M. Weldon. 3.60 P. M. Leave Weldon daily ............i.. At 9:50 A. M Arrive at Rocky Mount,-, ....... 11:35 A. M GoWsDoro. .... i .... . ... m" 1:37 P. M Union Depot ; . ..... v.... 60 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN! AND THROCGn I h ' ! FRBIiillT'TRAINS, LeavrjBkw Depit dU? ..At 8 00 P. M. Arrive at Goldsboro.... .......,,,. :11 A- M. . Rocky Mount.... . 5:9 A. M. weldon :w A- m. Leave Weldon, daily,.... ... 10 P. M. Arrtye a RxclRrM.ojit, .. ........ ? :36 J?. M. vratioaooro.. ...... a. m. v , Upton Depot... :..v V.1e00 A. M. Tha mail train mAkea clncia eorunectlQn at Weldon for ail points North via Bay Line and Acqula Creek ran tea. - - . ". Eipiees Train connects only with Acqula Creek, on iniixmni FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington trl weekly at 5:80 A. M., and arrive at 1:40 P. M. ' i JOHN F. DIVINE mav I94f General Snpermtenden -Carolina Central Railway. Company WILJUNfiTfl N. c, . I r. Bep , !. 1 jryefi. Change of Schedule; . PASSENGER TRAINS. , . , LEAVE WILMINGTON DAILY (EXCEPT SUN days) at... 8.-00 A. M Arrive at Beaver Dam at.. ..... &40P. M Leave Beaver Dam at A. MJ Arrive at WUmington at..,.... .v 5.-43 P. M I i ,T,y- FREjaHTTBAESaslfJ -it?h Leave WXlmlneton at.....l ... .V....,.,. 8.-00 A. M Arrive at Lanrinbnnr at.......M.i.u.. ftOP.M Leave Lanrinbnrg Ht.. :3A.M Arrive at WUmicgtun at..., v.......... tHJOPM Leave Laarinbnrg at. Arrive at Polkton at..v.... Leave Polktoa at........... ...... ia.00 M ...... IHmP.M Arrive at Lanrinbnrg at... 6.S0 P. M Stages to Charlotte con sect closely at Beaver Dam with PaMengcr trains, running through to Charlotte it. rastensrfci rtas dark reach Beaver Lam to connect with train reach tn? Wilmington in ) hows from Charlotte. The track U being extended at the rate of three-fourths of a mile per day. 8. L. FREMONT, sepS-tf v . Chief Enaineer and Sup t. DIt. GEO. II. WEST, AVINC LOCATED PERMANENTLY IN Wil mington, respectfully tenders his profeeional ser vices to tne citizens or tne city ana vicinity. - Office at Dr. W. W. Harms' Drug Store. . Resi denee an Third, between Princess and Chesnut Sts. OCTOBER 13, 1HT4. OCt 14 lm C. H. Ward's -jpASHIONABLE HAIR DRESSING A SHAV ing Saloon. 7 South Front SL. WQminsrton. N. C. " N. B I have secured the services of the BEST artists of my -profesnon. - - " ; Tonsorlal-T-IemoTal i yj i i E. ARTIS has nnrchased the stock and material of James Carraway and removed to the shop form erly occupied by him. In the basement of the Parcel! uouee, waere ue invites nisoio irienas ana tne pan The Caindeh Journal - CAMDEN, S. C. T3UBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT (2 SO A per annum. ' Advertising rates noerai. JOE KERSHAW. Prop'r. W. H. Bkrjubdv Agent gan u-tr iir i Vr i ,J Zm - isltt!; TT BiAS 1-8 RODDICK. at my. former old stand, I-can now. ,;; , : . r PRINTS,"' ; 'j v GINGHAMS, TRIMMINGS, ;;, ;; ; . ; notions, &cvc.;- m s: 'O a'.s h.'; . :; . , W. RODDIiDK. .pRdsPEc7rus.;w.;;..i IT lie Iorning-St PpnSHED.DAHS: AND WEEKLY DAILY STAR,. One' YeW . Six Months ; Three Month.. '''One Mo'ith.;. WEEKLY STAROne Year.;....... -.'flu"' ; r..i f " r Six Months....... o'i n 'u j . j ... j 1 ... :,i.V? t-J .al Thre Months..,. vlToticesi the Press : ' A flwJAM paper. Aattleboro Aavanc.' , lOnpnatically a livefpaper. CtoW6 ftts. j , The Stab is a live paper. H ft) 1 JMfc.. : One of our best exchi-s.-ifKc (fi. arf. One of the bee papers in the.Statc. 4- Brfcfun Newt.-, .Lf.f ''j' ... - . - '"V " ' . . . :. . ? - 1 Oneofthe verv hneit nf nnr Ml. South Canltoian, ,rti .,f ; j : "xT ' 0 Ranks among theleadtng- thinies fcf the 8tae.i Chruttan Advocate. . ,,,-' 1 t ,'. -, J ' f - " ' . . the;beat Dailies In this 8tabi-&bt!et Intelligencer. , , , . . . . . .' ' . .: . ii , !)' A valuable paper. . We chocrfally reeoiiua.d L WSs iee Cwrieri . Jlanks 'among the leading Journals of the Sewut -Maricn tii..C.) Star, x One of the best and most desirable Danas in Nur" k arQlma,-iVoroi Virginia. , i Full of general news, and a credit to W ilmii.jrton -AZisaosa City North Vmv&nian, ' - - - One of thef best daily papers pobHshed to the 8outheraSUtea,r-2TarryCi?.) Xmm.:u -vr J -( One of onr best Southern JoaxneJai '' as a neWviJii per not Burpaesed by tuij.JTriend qf 2'empa-wtc. One of the best conducted in the State; bold, ti.dt pendent and wU lafonned.'iMortf Recorder. - Anly edited, and haa a circulation Which epeakt TQinsfje of comment on its influence. .Afacw&i Onward and upward it goes until now Jt has the largest circulation of aay Daily in the State ia . nwntPra$ j, -iy -an; 5 The. Wilmingtou Stah, now vrmaelrtepveo hajehkrtculalion of any yaper la the Stattt ' The Stab stands among the first of North Carera papess in point of enterprise and literary merit. Chester &GZSeparUr );:.!:. - a , -Ti-' - V v. UnameStkmablv 4he -est dn-- ioBrnal tn fiarOt Carolina, and has no superior in aay other SonUtera ! For editorial ahflity; general new, comet market report and fine literarr selections the Stak fcaa ea superior. ociy JfauU MaiL' ad great a va DaSy in tha netyof good : reading matter aa aay B..A XL-- J ! 2 ... ' . . . 1 m. . . . . - ' ilia imi-a-, umugaBWBanyxeaaioia, la.esteoi the best dailies la the State., and well marita the sappon it receives . Xoes tbmrw QmrUr. ' Qaeef the best daliv toornals on oar exenanM Bat. Belongs to e ring save that which encircles the good of the peopte. tnaah Mirror, . The WBmlBgtam MoMzwe Stab is amear the best WF.imiw. fa. rk SarIIi " Rifh tu. .i.m fresh and ttme," AAttUU BxfotUor. A stannch and indenendent advocate of the mo- ' pie's rigcta. Deservedly rank among the first Jon r- aaU of the Southern cntry.-tooU?Aam Ubterusr. A ttve newepaner: and the beat DaQv -n the State. ; The eircalatieB Is larsrer than that of any other Daily in the State, which proves tt. Xilto CArwt- weekly papor from North Carolina cannot do better tnan take lue.ttuinincton bTAB. Chenm VS. C'.k .... t -- " , :.'. . r r No paper ever started in North Carolina has grown so rapidly as has the stab. - Though only five year old, ft is now a fixed institution, - enjoying anjnta- ence and a prosperity aecona to none tn tne State. Sa&brt Watchman, , .,, The Stab is one or our meet highly vaiaect ex changes, and it affords as pleasure to recommend it , as one of the most racy and reliable dailies ib North Carolina. Kintlo OmniU. . i The Stab W undoubtedly an eaterprteing sheet. beantifullv orinted ana eonaactea witn maraea . ability. Mr. Bernard deserves great credit for hie efforts in journalism. JtalHgh BmPuL i The Wilmington Stab is 1b the front rank of er Southern dailies, well edited, full of news sad select, reading matter, telegraphiceports, and in every res pect a first rate journal. If we had many each paper our State would be tne gainer by it Urtau. , It ib one of the most roaxuy ana vigorous -Dailies among the thousands in tne land. There is no dodging about this paper, hat tt meets every issaa fairly and squarely. It is always fall of interesting matter, and the wonder is how, Ib the short space of twenty-four hours, item gather up so much la formation, and so varied, it has from, the first had an honorable career, and we wish it many years of prf sperity iV. V. PmfhuUrtan. . Tito IIlHatooro Recorder,; nrnE old: IT PAPER IN THE STATE. CTR- A culates rfftensivelT in O ranee and adjoining counties. Subscription price $ 60 per annum. rubiisuca weeaiy. . -; - et9-tf Editor and Proprietor, WEDDING CARDS AND VISITING CARDS printed in the most elegant style, at i - -; WMH. BERNARD'S 1'' mp Priatlng an4 PublisbiBg Howev , I i! v "' s.i 1 (li ' uJ I- ' ' -V oo r ;:i l 3 !0 . 8 cn '.v..-',"

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