. V 4 - TUB GOIiOBSUB'l'' ' - - : SAlTUEIiLOKQFEXLO-VV. 7 The golden sea its mirror spreads . . Beneath the golden skies, -' ' ' ' And but a narrow strip, between , v. - .;..., Of land and shadow lies. . The tfond-liko'rocks, Jthe rpcU-like- jslouAv Dissolved in' glory float, iU f, And, midway of the radiant flood r M Hatigs silenfly the' boat. i - 1 i ' 'v The sea Is but another sky,v .,u 1PV " The sky a sea as well, And which is earth, and which the heavens The eye can scarcely tell. ; .s , So when for us life's evening hour- - ..4 Soft passing shall descend, 1 ' ' '"' ' ' May glory born of earth and heaven, : i ' t; The earth and heavens blend; - Flooded with peace the spirit float, . . ' ' With silent rapture glow Till where earth ends and heaveu begins The soul shall scarcely know. A Fashion Decree' from Paris. From the London Globe." " Coming events cast. their shadows before," and ';if fashion has any rnflu- ence upon Fahrenheit,-"- we ' are likely. ;:,to hava;at .winter of: very great severi ty. be pPArii' ;drefS designers have already rhg.de tnelr arrangements for .. ft" and "th e last no vel ties iare revealed to an .expectant public. For the last "few years the' fnilirner's ideahas been n -to.dress her customers, 'as luuclulike' men as possible, to give them stand-up eollars aad leather belts, to arm them with"nBabrellas hanging 'from :- the waist as if they were swords, to sup ply them with gentlemen's watch pockets and gentlemen's watch chains. Even in fashion the world must ad vance,' "and the mov'4:XKc?Fg winter is decidedly a move forward. Fashionable ladies, who have been dressed like 'men, ' must " now' dress like- wild apimal8.s All' tber new-tis-sues-are to resemble f arsfand -as a few years aero yoong., ladies? were said to wear Polly Vartiensi "so now they will put on their "camels." '.. That is the generic name by which the Parisian modistes have called this year's fabrics, though of course there is a variety allowed, and a young lady may appear as a .reindeer, as a , bear as a northern elk in fact, 'as any . rougn-sKinnea animal sue may seieci. " But it is necessary that the skins should consist of as few i pieces as possible. The "camel" and a collar which will be known in tbe : fashion able world as a dog's collar, will complete the costume. ; 'Bub this new. invention oTthe French" dressmakers has not so mach originalitv after alL; The idea is merely a development of the Ulster great' coat, which was bor-1 k rowed a-coaple-of years ago from the Irish peasantry. 'This desire for the roughest materials and the rudest make ha8rpuc.d.aiready: strange results. In. bwitzerland .Lnghshmen are- dressed'sa, like.' guides that it is difficult to distinguish them. Even at Brighton the ; taste for, walk ing, ' sticks 'has f 'declared thai " a perfectly .'pTauT . 'of alS cut out of the wood and: innocent of scraping and varnishing is the most fashionable cane. A silver ornament is allowed near the handle as a sort' of trade mark .to show that it belongs to a gentleman:..-Even- if the winter of J874sshould beas inclement as that of 1870,- there "may yet; be days when' the 'camel' would be too warm," and so less heavy" garments have to be prepared.3 .Stillthef relations with the animal world will bo kept . up. Ladies, when. they cannot go out like beasts,. will ;gQ , out like birds. All trimming are to be flaade-.of, feathers. The plumage is to cover the dresses, but a whole bird will be in the hat. A very fashionable, lady may there fore assume a parrot's , head and pea cock's tail." , ' '-- .....J- The Coontrjr Scbool Mom. Josh Billings.J . JTO-IilC" She is invariably just about twenty . Hbfee yeato;abdi5d.ttODtb& old, van! remaius rite tharefor a termov years. K ; She wears her- hair either kut short or hanging around in ringlets, ' andiz as precise in jall-'things az one' 'f Fairbank's improved platform 'scales. She never laffs out loud j and sel-' uuni even smues, out wnen. sne aoes, she does it accordin to the rales laid down by' Murray for speaking: out and pronouncing the inglish language korritlvvr f ? ' one is tne,;very j essence? ot aouoie extracted propriety ,' and would rather be four, jears behind the fashions, in he id r ess and-bonnet than to-spel a woad wrong, or parse a sentence in- She keeps a scrap book and ' an al bum, and would prefer rather to have autograph ov sum milk and wa ter pbe?,: than the name' of sum" good man. to a sixty days note. . - The country school-mQaL-m-dies' an old maid i she gets married It.f "JJ'O.- I ti... generally 10 sonie mau wuu un uut little edueashun, and he thinks (as he ought to) that : there ain't another iuch a larnt woman as his wife on the face of the earth. " '. With' all her precise "phoblishjiess, her" pompous knowledge, ' her silky - sentimentaiisra, and her allraost : all wuss mistaking manner for .matter, I reject the country school mom; she taught me 'mi letters, she was pa- ; shunt when I waa stupid, shej soothed ' fne" .'when1 'I wus frackshus, 'and "she often give me a titbit from, her lun cheon at noon-tiirie. ' ' May kind Heaven strew some kind ov happyriess in her path way, for she iz paid, poorly, woiked hardly, and the stepmother to everybody's chil clroin; he never . .-receives,- from- the world .'..enny thing. - better, tjian. the most formal respect. ' . -- -.t.-r .-- v-f j f "I wouldn't be a cook for -the whole , world'' said a fashionable yoiii' ladyUo herbetroth'e'cf husband. "Of course not.": he replied; -if :you were to coot for the' whole world you wvujd peveribe ablOi): get through your work; but ypu'll be able to man age it- nicely for our little family.'? Li. . , Matrimony and Purgatory. 1 A priest whd was examining a Con'i firmation class in the' "South -of "Ire land asked, "What is the sacrament of matrimony ?" A bright little girl at the head'pf-. the ' class ; answered : 'A state of torment into which sowls enter to r prepare for,, a, better wor fuld." "That's the answer for pur gatory," ' said the pnest. ' "Put her down fut of the blass," said .the sub deacon r:" Lave her-alone," retorted the priest- w for "anything -you or; I know to' the contrary she may be per fectlyJnght.") "i; J VI ; -The saTary of $40,000 per annum, paid .to President J ewett, of the Erie Railway,' is the largest paid! to any railroad official : in the United Sfates, and , it as believed, larger than' any paid to any railroad , officer Jn .the worH --- "v -J- l "y" . Coprtlng PUease, . , .j f The ladlvldnat may be said to court flisease who xposcs himself ta the mtastaatlc infiaeaoct which give rla to chillfl and(fever and. ;other -malarlou epldemias and endemic! without previously fortify ing his system against their insidious attacks hy the Use of a protecbya medicinal agenV" The hardiest constitution I4 by no means proof against ,sach maladies, much less one'natnrally" weak' or bihons, or the antagonistic, power of which islesfened by an Irregular habit of body. . The inhabitants of the bot. torn lands of the 8outh, of the ne -clearings of the West, of euburbaa districts where sunken lotsextet, of every locality or tne; American cor.cuient,yiniact. where malaria is epidemic or sporadic, declare that the only true antidote 10 tne miasmauc virus laat thev have ever naed is Uostetfei's Stomach Bitters. the only true antidote to 'the miasmatic virus that There seems to b something peculiarly resistant in this standard preventive and remedy to all hurtful atmoftpnenc innnences. . nor 6-lweodlw-Th SatTu , ..MIgqiiXliANEPUS ; A'-':V; PAINTS OILS, GtASS'l:i'- J LARUE XN1 WELL BKLKUTEU 6TOCK. Lowest cash pricec.. Call and -examine, r ; i , AT JAQOIU'S HABOWARtf DEPOT; BUGGY IIARNESS,:g;U:;y Riding 'Sadesci,S . .-i- A complete assortment just opened f At ; JACOBrS HARDWARE DEPOTS ! THE :k C O B I A X E, Is superior to any other an4 needs bnt a single trial to convince. .. t I COOPERS TOOLS, - Carpen ters Tool s, MACHINIST TOOLS. . . ; 1 Of gcd qualities and best makes. kJ J j At N.'JACOBI'S.' Hardware Depot, No. U Market St. o NE OP THE LARGEST AND BEST Ai SOHT- menUi in the Slate of ., ; $ - i GUNS, PISTOLS,' Table and Pocket Cutlery, &c - - - - - . ' -. ' I Builder's Hardware, Locks, Hinges, Bolts, Ac, of every description. ; t : Agency for the celebrated SHALER S SASH HOLDEti AND LOCK. It will not get oat of order or wear out in a lite time. For sale at . i NATU'L. JACOBI'S i "K L. . ' f " jJware pepot'J Postponement. ; I OFFICE TREAStTRER AND COLLECTOR, ') CITYOF IVILMINUTON, N. i October 27th, 1874. ... vK i.T THE UBQENT SOLICITATION OP MANY ' - -. -v --y-.r- u:-- f f ' atizens.the Crrr Tax Saus adveniued to take .'.'' j : '.--'-- --- !;'.'.- tv j' i place this day in front of City Hall, is Postpon until Tuesday the 17ih day of November, 1S71, at 12 o'clock, M. in front of City HalL if T. C. BERVOSS;- oct28tf .Treaaarer and Collector. iDon,t? Read This; f i .A. LARGE and. WELL-SELECTED rSTOCK Of Hair Brushes, Dressing Combs, Kail Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Zozodont, Tooth. Powder, and , , I ; i w Drugs, Ckeinical8,:&c &c $ Also, HYACINTH BULBS and ONI03T 6ETTS, at I" " ' i I - J. K, McILHENNT'S Drug Stored j , w 'W- Corner MarkerandPrOBl tee5to. tST Prescriptions : compounded -by competent Druggists. , fnot 1-tff Flour I Flour ! -Flour I t AAA BARRELS (all grades) at BALTIMORE 1,UUU PRICES. , Having direct communication with the West, we are prepared to offer -great induce ments to oar customers. ' ' " n " -li it,-. i ., PINFORD. ipW- CO. MEATS. BrySaK Sides and Shoulders; -8mok Sides, Hams and Shoulders, at low figures.. ( i , . ,.s ..i.BlMFORD, CROW- CO ! BAGGTNG, -'TIES, f ULLETS' MACKESE& Hay, Oats, c. fi BINFORD, CROW-&.QO.T ACRgieClofa;SeWanjfngaY,1B6xes v ana jbdis., vanay; snuir ana. cannea uooas.i j .; Tor sale low by j xrt KWiwtf 5j BINFORD, CROW A CO. i ILlillUERy. Ouif FALL and WINTER EXHIBITIO Vmilldery'V-v" Frenqli Flowers, Featliers ; -lPATTERN' BONNETS, . WElfNEDAlf, the 4tb, r F I is. - and continue during the week, at our EMPORlllM -," .on Princess Street. ,-:.i.-',Uii' ' nov 8-tf 41 THE MISSES 8TROCK'. . WILLIAMS,"' BLACK' S CO., ! l No. 1 William Street, New York, , WCl xnake LIBERAL, CASH ADVANCES on cofc ton consigned to their address, and will endeavor to meet the views and wishes of shippers desiring to hold! charging T $ cent interest'per annum on such advance. ,vr . j- It Js believed by many that HIGHER PRICES WILL RULE later in the season, and: to those sharing this belief I invite attention to an oppor tunity of realizing their wishes. . " j ; . :y oct29D&Wlw' ; . ,WM. BLANKS. r : Hiss M.? J. ! Hoore? 1 PRACTICAL WORKER IN' AIL' KINDS 'OF i i i HUMAN HAIR GOODS, such as - ..-11 i . i . , ' " ' FRIZETTES, "j "'" " ,.,;',; BRAIDS,;; ; r . BANDEAU3, CURLS,; , . : - , Ccmbings niade up ia any ty: .-,'o1 '5.. i ?' i 4. 'Jli. -La ----t.--i-.ta T.--f '' corner oi.arjtcj. muwunumiiyip,,,.;! nof 8-lw ''-''' - : s - piw ,j : J A RAILROAD LINES. General Sup' ts Oiilce. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA &. At- r'- GUSTA R.. B. COMPANY, -J ' . WILMINGTON N. a, Sept. 6, 187i SSL ai CHanee of Schedule.: Tim FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL GO INTO effect on Sunday. Sept. 6th, at 8:00 A M. . ; ' A EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.! ! Leave Wllxnineton ... 6:10 P. M. Leave Florence...;..". ...".............a 11:8T.P. M. Arrive at Columh;a.t.".,. .............. 4:00 A. M Arrive at Augusta,. I. 8:45 A. M. Leave AnguBta,. 4:15 if. m. Leave Ct-lumbia..; ...v. .&45 P. M Leave Florence.. A. 3:10 Arrive at Wiliuing1xm..;....:...,i;..:.. 7:10 A M.- Passengers iroinjr west to 'points beyond Colum bia will take Express train, leaving Wilmington at 6:10P.M. . ... .........v wjt ...i.t . ,-' . ,1 ( ''4 ACCOMODATION DAILY f (Sn ildaya ; i Kxeepted.)w A: . 1 - . jeave Wilmington... '. .4, Leave Florence .-..,ji-4.f.i.., t ArriYe atOolumbia..,.,.,v; 4. H '-. 9.00 A. M. 4.00 P. M. -:d5P. iM. A. M. Leave Florence. . , ...... i j Arrive at WilminBton.i.ii 2.... 11:10 P.M. 6:45 P. V. Accommpaatioa train makes ,no connection at Columbia.'- f v 'j ---f Express trains make close connections both North- aria, youths , . , ' - . t ' ' j sept 10-tf en'lup Miliiington & W.eldoiQ RAILROAD CO. 1 Office of Gxn'i. SuFinnreiirDKirT, F 5 (W WUmingwn, N. May Wth, 1874. f ' 111 1 in i-i 11 -T '-rrlJi, V ! Gh.ane ofi .Schedtilei ON AND ' AFTER " MAT M8iH'nINSTVPA8 sender trains on the Wilmington and .Weldon Rattroad iwtmktBji'':pVi' Leave Union DeiMl imr 'TlJIAi iiS X M. Arrive at Goldaber6..Uv '.... 11:50 Ai M. ,V t, KockyMount4.w..4.s.,....i, S:00 P. M. Leave Weldon datlv"...... - At' U:60 A. M Arrive at: itocky Mount.. : 11:35 A. M A:3T F. M x Unioa Depot"; EXPRESS TRAIN AND THUOCGIT Leave UntotfDepot dal .At SsW P. M. Arrive aiGoldsborof.:.. .........-.... .. S:ll A. M. Rocky Mount.:..: . . 5:19 A, M. -y- Weldon.:. ..... 8:00 Al M. Leave Weldon. daily.;-'-... 7.-00 P. M. Arrive at Rocky Mounti.. ,,...," 8:36 P. M. . uoiasDoro ........ ...... js:su A. M. . ' Union Depot... ........... '17:00 M, The mail train makes close connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek roatea. , . ' . ' . : , ' , . Express Train connects only with Acanla Creek routo. PBllmsm's Palace Sleevins Cari on tbln Train' "'. , -. t.--, jVT t FREIGHT TltAINS will leave WHminrtoa tri weekly at 5:30 A.. and arrive at 1:40 P. M. - i , ' JUUH JT. DIVINE" maTlQ-tf ; ; ' ; General Superintenden Carolina Central Railway Compasyj WILMINCTON. N.I Civ - i . Sept. 4, 1874. ff WCafsatUIsj Change oLSjcliadule, PASSENOKH TRAINS. . EAVE WILMINGTON DAILY (EXCEPT 8UN t days) at..i. s-tm v Arrive at WUmwsirton -at. . .. . ;. . ...ii 5:4oP. M . v' 1 - FREIGHT TRAINS. ;fr-Y ir-T Leave Wilmihgtoa at . . . .. ... . ... . ffwO A,M Arrive at Lanrintmrg at..... ...... 5:30 P. M Leave LarUibnre at.. .................. 6:3U A.-M Arrive at WUinuieton at.... . f.. ........ 7tWP. M Leave Laurlnbarg- a-. . i. 6:00 A. AvHvn at Pnllctnn- nr. ' A ' . v. . i 'I.12:0a Leave Polkton at..:. '..I.i. ..W laXrr. M Arrive at Laurinbur at...... tt"30.P.M t atres to Charlotte connect closely at, Kearer Dam with PaMeneer trains, runslnif through to Charlotte same night: f asseuuyrs TBavffig Charlotte aboat Oars: reacn uever uam k. connect wim.u-ainp reaching Wilmington in 30 hours from Charlotte, t i (r. Tne tracK m ecing exwnaea ax we xaiai 01 "tb ree-fourths of a milo per day. , 1 sep5-tf Chief Engineer and Sup't. ;., 1 . .1 . Wilmington- and Tl'eldon Ral s . t : , .'. road kmpanr. -. . . ... '1., : -3? V V OFFICE OF SECRET ABY ain TREASURER, WIX.JUNUTON, . C OV. , 1H74. ) rpBE Thirty-Ninth Annual meeting of the StocK- jl noiaers or me wumington & weiaos ruuiroaa Company will be held at the office-of the Company in w linungion, on w eanesaay, me loin usu , : nov tm ' " ' J. W. THOMPSON', Secretary. Wilmington; Columbia and: Au gusta Railroad Company. " ' ': ' .' OFFICE OF SECRETARY & TREASURER, j J vte V WmtoroTOS, N. C Nov. S, 1874. f j rpTHETirth Annual Meeang'of the Stockholdeij X. of the Wilmington, common a Augusta xtai iioif rvirnnAnv will ha held at the office of the JCan i deny in Wilmington, on Wednesaay the 18th. -Ins J t nor 8-tm '" ' ' Jf. W. THOMPSON, Secretary, Reduction! in Price TOILET'S " - r! Celebrated PIN K 71 ENGLISH Breecli -Loading Giuis ManufactoiyV.lnP!r TVorksi smMiifods:' ! HAVING ESTABLISHED A BRANCH HOUSE in New York for the sale of our celebrated weapons, we Offer to sportsmen the Cheapest Guns of guaranteed quality and shooting powers oversold in the United btates.' They are built with every im. provement for American sport, and are made in six qualities, each Gun being branded with one of the undermentioned names, which denotes its quality t Bband. " t Pnicr. I PIONEER. . . 1. . .". . .'. . A.V. it r $ 65 Gold! TOLLET. .'.... ... . .. -90, " BTANDARO ..... 115 i,k ! nation AL..1 A. . . . . :. .: . 140" CHALLENGE.. ; . ...: . . 180 PARAGON ......:... S25 Any One of the above brands may be Selected with tbe greatest confidence, as no Gun bears our name that we do not thoroughly guarantee in every re spects, - 0 XTNS FORWARDED O. O: D. '1 ' N. B. Guns built to order, at above prices, a Specialty. Send for detailed particulars, with illus trated descriptive, prjee sheets and testimonials, to our Branch House, , ,; , t hif . . . r , 29 Slalden L.anc, J New". YorItt ! sept 25-DAWtf In -j- 1 1 1 1 1' 1 ii "ftUW ' t 1 wte I F NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; Freejto Bobk Agents. A N ELEGANTLY BOUND CANVA samo nnnv J. for the best and cheaneat Pamirv-. Tlihla published wiH be sent free of charge to any book agent. It contains over 700 fine Scripture Illus trations, and agents are meeting with unprecedented' tnpAttB AnnrfJH. luilnff .TnArtotiMi at. will show you what our agents are. doing. Natiohai? i PtiBLlSHlHa Co.. Philadeluhia. Pa.. t:hkao-o. Ill nn ! SL UUIUB, .OlV. TtTP. MASnN ITAMUN flPGJlN nn TTTinners of TBREE HIGHEST MEDALS and JJ fLOMA 01 tloiN OrC at Vienna. 1873. and Paris. 1867. now offer the PINEST ASSORTMENT of the BEST CABINET ORGANS in the WORLD.' including new swies witn recent improvements, not only exclusively for cash, as formerly, but also on NltW PLANS OP JtASY PAYMENTS, the most favorable ever offered.- ORGANS RENTED WITH PRIVILEGE OP PURCHASE, trialmostanvnartof toe conatry.1' First payment $9 9i or uowards. - .iiiostratea uaiaioKneana Circulars, with; full particulars, sent free, on request.,- Address --4 "MASON HAMLIN ORGAN CO., f l II ...!!' 1 S rtnn tiuxsv . Y'. V 1 I ) -Tsr r.w -f msr rv V IS rtlii!3 it ! f ft -if-'a -T -! f if4t 1S"? t-'trfi" i i , rmrTTTT AT5TT, A "rVTm I , ! . I The best iri the world. ... . m l.. tfif , 1..-.: "I tff'i:rtit7. 'i Vill Jast more than a lifetime. ; It. baino; cojgorpnngs:; Rf Light-running an(i poiieless i 5 V l?Hces feaiter!tO tiorknd $50. iJm'' i.u::' i SEND FOR CD3CULAR- Aldress - .vl r i t JW a,:5BERNHEIM, ,. ; ; , -,-' f ; ; y - r - . . . CoBcerd, N..C. j3 q 85 3 J3 gY3S 5 f a - SBKB - - ,t r. : z s ft fc a s " r-c h4sS w S I OVA a 2 i s . :.'-. 1 ' FI$ST43LASS, AT Write for prices and for catalogue of Peach and otner ues ami plants, to y . " , vu '. EDWIN ALLEN, New Brunswick Nurseries, - ' - - ": . ,, , -' :.: NewJerney. Wtt H. HENNE0EN & CO., Wholesale Jewelers add Jobbers V in AME rtCAN and yOBEIQN WATCHES, To ola, ST aterlala, &ei "Alao ' WHOLESALE CLOCK DEPOT For t& desirable styles ofAmericari Clocks. ; S20" iBai3mpre St, Baltimore, Md." "(up-stairs). .fficKKonSty . UU1UU XIUUlUi- ,aU map, 20 cen-.a- J. $5 nn per day-at-home. Terms free. Address, Ueo. bTmsoH & Co., Portland, Me. dTT A WEES guaranteed to Male and Female "So I Aeents. In their locality.' Costs NOTHING to try It Particulars . Free. ' Pr O. V ICKERY A CO., Augusta, Me. - . .. . t- . . , SHELL, SPAEKE & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF. - ! Side and End-Spring No-Top Buggies,. . f ! . Top Buggies, Tura-out-beat Biggies, . j Phaetons, Two-Seat Wagon. Cabriolets, , Barouches, Rockaways, . &c, Ac.i ! NEW HAYEN,TCONN.; , 8end for Catalogue add Price LTst A-, t QCt 10-l)AW4wk 3- ' r jTRiiHAIICE ' " 1 IN AID OF THE . ' :" PiibUallibraiy of Ky. -,! POSTPONED TO , , . . 'i ' "" NOVEMBER. ' 30th," 1874. "j-4---nk'yif (K'i? -' tU'nW : 'JuM DEAIIHS CERTAIH at THAT DATE; :iTuVl' -A" LIST OF,O0T&i.. , A i ONE GRAND CASH1 GIFT,.! .i i.. .. : J $150,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT.. . 1WJ0W ONE GRAND CASHGIFT....... .. 75,600 ONE GRAND 0A8HGIFT,Z............ r 60,000 ONE GRAND CASH GlFTi.,.i..s,... . 95,000 " -"8 Cashtitrts. fw.wo eacn,.... 100,000 10 Cash Glftfc- U.000esa..r.:i,i..:. ., 140.000 4 1 M3a- Giftsr: 19,000 sear: jrnsrrrrr-JWO.lO lCahUUt . isuuocn,...,.j., jou,uw 6CashGifta. J4,00Oeaehl-1..i..'.1..'i,. 100,000 80 Cash Gifts,:. 8,000 each,.i ....r 90,000 B0 Cash Gifts, 8,000 each. 100,000 5 .TOO tfestt- Gifts, 1 1,000 eaeh, . .!,vt A . . i n . 3 100,000 . S40-Cash,Oif ta,,, r. 6P each,. t, ,, 130,000 SM Cash'GlftsV ' .100 each,.. 60,000 19000 Cash Gift, ii V each,,.. 950.000 it l1 .111 . m.-.ViiA.imwm iia. ...V f a km mvi PRICK OF TICKETS. ? Ax.iTi ' A-i,- 'i"l .( Whole Tickets.. ,..;Jii..;.,.i.yt 80 00 Halves... j, 23 00 Tenths, or each Coupon........ 6 00 11 Whole Tickets for.:;:..1 , - 600 00 231 TlckeUier:v3uJ..i .WAW 4,000. Op . For Tickets and Information, address .i- i-. ." - . Tim ul uttAMi.trrner! ) Pablic Library Baildlag, Louisville Ky. j ect8Maw4wks li-jll 21 AM OlIIiIWlNrE..?!" 1 . -!T t '.' 1. . :-..-.! .Il't' f I Isicrtg DraysW apis,. .Carts,. Sc. ffTttlfi;B(JARDOF ALDERMEN OF' THE CIT ay.-J .Truck AVagon, or lity limits without the QSDAIN, That any uray, Cart found in use within the ci - i. Badge or itegisterea'JNumDer as required by City Tax' Ordinance passed May fltht ifnra. shall b subiect to seizure by the City Marshal. and tha owner thereof subiect to a fine of Fits Dollars for each and every day the same is used ta this City without the prepayment of the monthly tax, er without navmg on tae ... . Badge or Eegistered Number a fViA rtrrlinanr-A nf the Citv reauirea. ' Any Ordinance of parts thereof conflicting with .Out fnrRtmino' ara hATehv renealaiL.i . t.j- i.s The above Ordinance was passed by the Board of Aldermen at their meeting ifehmary ita, iiri4. l t.. j. , s -i t. dsERVoeSi. fee 18 tf , ir.Jif.U"f4'.v City Clerk, Harshars Office. ' .41 -f. , Q.J 1071 f Nov. 8rd, 1874 . - Notice. , ., Under genera! - ORDis a-nce of thk Cily of Wilmington, I will sell at Public Auction, at the City Pound, on Thursday, the 5th inet; at 13 o'clock, One Heifer, red and white,, medium, ei?e, - . ... 1 white face, marked with swallow-fork in right ear, and smooth crop and underbit ia the leff ear; one Heifer, red and white, medium lice, red face, with ,. - . j.- t - ) 1 - underbit in left ear; one large Shpat, black and yel- low spotted, no mark. i f . HJ ROBINSON, , DOT 4-tf .-j: s ClyMarshaL 1 1 Corn, C6nii( Corn, f t AAA BUSHELS PRiME MIXED CORN, 4..IIIIII Koranlnlowbr: l-;?i i--;" nov 1-tf ' ' WILLIAMS A MTTRCHISON. sV 4V. i-vovnnAif a -VTivr j-v-n oattt -sriTT & DUfVn t I t XT How eithwi six Wfascinate and gain the tO .tbe people Ot W JlrqigtOn. lor thejr wperemoomt orterprise ;ano, loyeandsflecUonsof any iewu they choee;, in- former patronage ancl hopefully 80- T ' , - v ,v i r - stanUy. This simple mental acquirement all cau B- SMV1"?J pv- TTonctloriahlT the best dailT iournal to North Ba'thSo hcits.a continuance for.-.,,,:, u:vj c&yKeri ., . f 'l". . - r ' ...WEIIibJS IMVVilTA.: I MISCELLANEOUS. SAFE INYESMEKFJR CAPITAL TN TTEWOP ' THExINSTAB TLTrY OP MANY -JL t avs Institutions w the present day. itftm iW: T begs to call the attention of DSPQ&ltORShether of large or small sums of jmoneyj'to the , i ADieiuie Gaiety j of this Institution. ' ' " . - 1 .'-The paid Up Capital of ffe Association already amounts to upwards of Fortv ttva ThnuMoul TXJlar. and increases at the rate of $3,500 per month. This Paid up Capital,' Invested in Meal Estate, and other unaouDtea securities, is held first and above all oth er naouuies, lor ine PAYMENT OP DTtVOSTTS; i V. so that Depositors have not only the security of the investment of their own Deposits, but the security vi mcuiytwuueni 01 Llla ' ' ."Whole Capitol Stock of the Association, at tAe rate of which place ' affj.v- th ACCRUED PROFITS ot the- Assoeiatirti'are retain edi instead of beingdivMed among the Stockholders, thus rivms DeposftorsTK) only fievuarofi nu the Capital JStoct,' but 3u addition, alt iAe . Accrued Irpjlt Of the Atmelathm; - - - --" if i i'iii-i -n Adrian. Wnu H. "Bernards L B.. Grains'er. Georze . nnw.vjm.i .nui ' t, 1 1 1 1 T. . I mr. . "nun -.l,imr.rwriiDu.. t yx7ia. iu.i.t.iijj Harriss,"Thos. McKoy Itoger Moore,'. Sam'l Northsoo: George -W. Willfarnn. a v -..T". t ; . i Deposits received, at any time, by the Secretary anot'4'reasnrer, wa, 41 maraet street. ... t-; CHA8. S. ELLIS.8ecretarT and Treasurer. ap i8tf r WeilP&,!DeGosta; ! j:.V:;-.WHpBABXAlI.OBI r IVI : , OFFER At 'RETAIL1 TO' THE: 'LADIES'' OF Wilmington the Largest Stock of "V.t ,j - ; Plain and Staple Dry Goods i uufTUKKUi unau .uuuub ii ujjuuicw. cuiiMnbiufi wouwcaueBpeciatawennonio our sroca or oiaca 8ilks. couspribing, as it floes twenty dimerent fl.ual- ties, covering aU4be grade irom Low, to. Super. . ENCilJSlI J!I,.CK .ALL'ACCAS Are with us a mecialtv. iTheir suDeribritv over th American fabric (commonly sold), as to i quality' an durabilitv ot color, is nndisuuted. We brine direc from the importer, keep constantly the 'same goods and guarantee every price. 1 v .':'-'"; ' t Is very large, and embraces" every srticlcr "required lor nouteaeeprng or personal use. in it may be found . " ? 1,000 PIECES PRINTS, r 1,000 Pieces BLEACHED COTTON, . r EVERY Q Y FROM-3-c UPWARD. , 1 1,500 Pieces Brown Cottons. ' f . From 5c to lsest Ajaality. i Assorted for -i Men and Boy's Wear. I -r-Tr i TTTnmn -T V-.. . 1 3HAWLS, FLANNELS, -LININGS, i .SHIRTS. ETC. A. -Weill "returns his sincere thanks ( Journsl copy. Office, Treasurer &' Collector, ;yj CITY OF WILMINGProN, N. C.,1 "i - j ' :1 .February J8thWT4i . OCtMrtf, TiLlrX . " This paper, though not many years oia, is one w - stvb dolAlABS per annum, in advance, w Notice tO Owners Of, wy UHtCkyMray the bestdallles in the SUte, and weU merlU thol ahromosfree. ? t.i , I ' -; t.,.j . - ..,, i " i . ""' ww-t-Xoi4frufw Courier. : t -iH-OT-ta--'-'di'aiV1'''' ' . ' Or iVuyOn .. j. . -,p . . , . : ;- " ' .-' ; 'j, t-.i ' I mounted, Tarnished, and prepaid by maiL - -r-.-- .-.' A l . .... i r.-rtiMnf nik,f "--v.""" I iron irnrair ko.i... ,,. k..;.vi riHB OWNER of -any Truck, Dray,- Cart' or - a. . wagon, nsea in tee city, will send tne same to the shoo of John A. Parker, on Second. Stxsatv and' .have their Registered number painted thereon be- rore tne nrst cay of marcn, prox., wnen tne urea-. nance impoamg a renaity will d enrorced. 1 - ! . A list pf the registered numbers will be furnished on applicatiou at this office. . - , . . ... .A, -., .. ... . ,. - DAnVUBO,. feb-19-eod tfthur av : 'Treasurer. g:swest sons AUadin Security Oil THE BEST OIL IN DSK. . Warranted 150 Decrees Fire Test. WATER WHTPl! COiLOR, " 7 " Tf-S '1 st ,'. . V". .. t.. v ";;;;'; fi ' " ; t f ; FUtLT DEODEEIZED, And It Not Exploded ! It barns in all Coal Oil and Kerosene Lampi TRTlt..AskforAIaddln SecurltyaatakV 113 and 115 W. Lombard St, i t . at 1 'I octS7-mos ' . ..... - r- - t ouumuni, aa.r Wilmingtoiito TXTHO sWISH TO EXTEND THEIR BUSINESS f f on the Carolina Central Kaiiway shoaia noti; overtook the fact that Rockingham is the wealthiest and has the greatest population of any tewn between Wilmington and Charlotte, and that it has but one newspaper, tne x. .. ". - r . . Spirit of :tte;Sotitti, . ? ' .) i:i .v;-whichienJoys the of any paper published in tbe Pee Dee country, ihak- lnsitinetiwx'AAiVAitiASAnU' jolu.uj.ujl. Atatea or aaverusing reasonable.' BUDsenpaon f a a year. Address, w. H- Tiuuti. niDiisneri ieoo-ir itocamgnam,?i. v. !- i i 1 1 '' r - qeek. . the 1 trade. : of eastern. KOKTH EToSetorof th. ENOIRER has nurchase. the? SOUTHERNER, with, which it is.'now.eonsoli- dated, and on the first of Janaary 18W wUl ibegia the publication of, . ; , 1;.. t-j -,. , .;".!?- " i ---r-f-j I A Large Elght-ColHinn PttpCrL ji . , - - - f I t ;S-;SKt v . ; .A AA AVA W - W VS A.Vfl. JRi(:tMe JMIV tCfBviqr, atVatMett,! :&."J To THIS t)LDEST-ESTABL5rlfiL rAJfSM in X Kerchaw county, and nas an extensive cwcuiaoon among the Merchants, Farmers and all classes of StrL. t m mmi . S k.vI i lliiouu,t.i." . v.j.. . - , v.itoffersto the Mercnantsoi wumington a oeur- able MediunX le? AaVertUing, the country in which Fli .iaU k .U. annt urtth tltot Mf Kv Btaam. er on the Watereo River, and the Wilmington, "Co4 l A a ... C A -i.. -..-..i-j.i- XbUaTvUiaLCS' UClilg VFUiJ VVa vv awaa mivv; v""T. I t :k.i ,tt Ka maAa with thnoa Ipnlrlnc FubHcnpuon price, 00 per annum. . ; ? :, . Address, - i--'i - -'il. H. m ixnAn in&a as 1 r feb7-tf Uj s!-1? Editors and .Proprietors Thei'Kerskstwazette i 1 mUK T.K AnrNf NEWSfArKK IN JUUCBUA w X county, is published every Wednesday at Cam Han m n . hv Frank P. Beard. It has a laree and in- rirohlation in one of the. most productive" portions of Central Carolina, guaranteeing greater inducements to advertisers man any outer paper m the county. The most UDerai rates 01 aaveruamg. I w.- FRAlilK P.? BKAED, : Proprietor, i nrlrlrVaa - i- . . . tA.4sr aj-V.. : i - 1 ..... - slanarlan sT 3 The Camden Journal f.'.i W. H. Bxbhabd, Agent. Qaal4-tf dee 30-tf' Eonand'ftogrTf . j Vt a- m fa 3 1W . fit 4 C! -.-ivf'4 mhs can be allowed unless the money is remitted .;;,,.CAHDE4,8t. ..-.I .. . pberaNopreumsglTe "DTJBLISHED EVElS'TitTJlRSDAT AT' Q : Circulars .furtt IeraMuni.-'Aavne.i,T , "aj lboFAED SCOTT JrtJBLISHDG OO-' , "Mii" MISCELLANEOUS. TJte T-l of mn Stair i I pPXlBHSXPED BALLY UBlisiIX Y A1JDTE 1EKLY i i 4 SnfecriEtica.RatesrlQ';Afifance: DAILY STAR, One Year. -$7(00 . S fiO 1 . S 08 " ' Six Months . .' Three Months............. - ; . .- - - . ... -5 . a f One Months . . 1 . : 78 KM i WEEKLY STAR. One Year.........: .... Six Months IN ' l"' IfhiX VlrihL 4 Bo I H virj. - ITnree.Moatli.li-. ,oo I Notices of the Press : 1 A fintrddM paper.atfZWor9 Advance. J . j : v ' i "4-J. aa t v .jwjrr- w vw- The STAa is s live papert-r-Acr (& C) Aetea. one or our oest excnanges.-AnoM A- v vmaner One of the best daily papers In tbe State. Weldon .-r - , ..w...k- .,. - SoutA Carolinian. --- . i VUG VlV I 1J. 3W0 .AVUM."M- Ranks among the leading' Dailies of the State. Mrtsuan Aovocaie, . , z...r. 1 ifl i- if J ; J- ' ? . . " i. One of the best Dailies in the State. UtaleevUU InteUiaencer. I A valuable paper. ' We cheerfully recommend it. Hanks amonz the leading journals of the SouthJ Marion os. V.) (Star. i One of the best and most desirable papers in North arollna. A(rf Virginian. j i;MI'! 1TJ .,! - S! -Mi 5 I : Full of general news, and a credit to Wilmington mtzaoet- vtcy jnorwi uaroaman. One of the best daily papers published in the Boutiicrp states. Horry os. U.) JSewe. One of onr best Southern journals. As a newspa per not surpassed by any. Jfrtend of Temperance One of the best conducted in the State: bold. Inde- penaent ana weuiniormea. ziwoorw jtecaruer. ? : 1 k '.,- . j i - x .1 . .1 .1. 1.1 .-u at-m Amy euiuso, auu uao cirviuauuu wuiui cyva Tolunvjs of -comment on Its influence. Magnolia Onward and uDward it eoes until how it has the lareest circulation of any Daily in the State. The WCmlneton Star, now very mncn.improveav has the largest circulation of any paper in the State. junjuta ivnet.- . The StJlb etandft among the first of North Carolina ' For editorial abilltT; eeneral news, correct market reports and fine literary selections the stab has bo superior. uacKy Mouni juau. Ia well conducted and has as much and treat a va riety of good reading matter as any Daily in, the state. rrarreiuen uazeue. : - . . '" This paper, though not many years old, is one of j ' One Of the best ull lonroaln list. BeloBKS to BO'mTe tnaJwhich encirc ea tha good of the peopie. Savannah Mirror. J .y The Wilmlneton Moiarma Stab is among the best newspapers in the South. Rich. rare. racy, always fresh and !on time." AsheviUe Exvoeitor. - . ;' i t"u' iiaT"J?'; a . -A staunch and independent advocate of th neo-1 lj , , . . . , pie's ngnts. Deservedly ranks among the first jonr-t naia or jhe Southern country.-jociW'iwi uoserver. A lire newsDaner and' the best DailT . n the State. The - circulation is larger, than that of any other. Daily In the State, which proves It. Muton Chron icle.- : . !-; r These of our readers as to taxe a daily or weeklv Baoer from North Carolina cannot" do better than taker the Wilmington Stab. C Aerate (& a) uemocrac .': -s . : Jfa paper ever started in North Carolina has grown so rapidly as has the stab. - Though only five years eld, it is now a fixed institanon, enjoying an infia-: ence and a prosperity second to none In the State. - fdpt&man. The Sta is one of our . most hiehly valued ex changes, ana uanoros us pleasure to recommena u ffiS and reliable dailies in North. ". " - . us-iiv:liws tu SCI I - ! I JWJLOJB UJSWlo. juh WJLa-nf nmg. .jimxt- :nlV annTP!T?r.YnTBVTRWrrx,. ,l.,, JLT --.- .5.5 j BlaclifsEi tuUrti jll REPRINTED ST-THR i :dT i jf arrano&nenf ADUOf we jangiisi mmmn UiXdii lan-raf modra thoacht. reeearch. and criticiani. The cream of all Kurppeaa books; worth reviewing is found here, and they treat of the leading events or lie found here and tney treat pr tne ieaoin the world in masterly articles written by I have special knowledge of the matters tre written oy men wao matters treated, -l'he n all . intellhrent read ers ia this country a liberal support of the .Reprints Which thev have so, long and so cheaply furnished. ieelmg sure that no expenditure for literary matter will yield so rich a return as that required for a sub acriptie;thesetaei Vi:f-sKrfy.tt l Ufiti.i-'' i Ahwt ojfrtitird Hie price eflfo original, i Tfar bt one Review... .W.ii.Ui..t 4 00 per annum. I For any twoReriews.r?...j, l w ; ;v 4 Vcr anv three Reviews ' For all four Reviews. 1 00 u'r.F-Ritti-fewood'sMafazine. ...... 4 00 Vt Blackwood and iReview."i . .i 1 00 i For Bbwdcwoott I For Blackwood and S Reviews.: . 13 0? '.".-I I :Lni ..A k.lPsv1inra IS 0 : . 1 irBiBvvu.--"-" ,..1 Postage two cents ber. e PreP L nnartpr At the OmC Of sreUVCry. rfS i V. i I -4- HTTTHS; - nf Woiifv iwr rant will ba allowed to blubs of four ormore persons. Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent tome ad drese for $13.80; four copies of the four Reviews andBlacKwooarorw,naBu . . To clubs of ten or more, in addition to the above discount, a copy gratis will be allowed to the getter UpOftbeCiUD., r, . I - . :.1,..ii1 ,,; j- j PREMIUMS. f: vtm. ..oriVpm nnlvinr earlrl for the year 1874 may have, without charge, the last yolume for 1873 Or instead, new subscribers to any two, three, or four of the above periodicals may nave one m taa "Four Reviews" for 1878; subscribers to all fir; may have two of the "Four Reviews," or one set ef vnither oremuuas to subscribers nor discount to 1anS-tf t in irnitAn Mr nitnm t nrtr .. :i MLSCELLANEOUS.ri: Prospectus for . 1 874. - ! E V E ST'H ;Y E A E 5 the aid in e; An illustrated monthly Journal, universally admitted to be the handsomest periodical in the world. A representative ana cnampion - -of American taste. NOT FOR SALE IN BOOK OR. NEWS STORES 1 TEE ALDIKE, WHILE ISSUED WITH ALT. TKS resnlaritv. has none of the temnorai v or timely interest characteristic of ordinary periodicals. It U an elegant miscellany of pure, ligbtand graceiui lit- ' erature, and a collection of pictures, the rarest spec imens of artistic skill, in black and whiter Although each succeeding number affords a fresh pleasure to its friends, the real value and beauty of TUB AL . . . . . . . j i . ... JJIjxjS will ee most appreuaiea aiierik nun uecn bound nn at' the close of the vear. While other pub lications may claim superiorbeapness, as compared with rivals of ft s&nilar class, TUE ALD1NE i a unique and original conception-raione and unap proached absolutely without competition in pries or character. The possessor Of a complete volume cannot aupiicaie im qaanmy oi.nne paper ana en- .vtngs in any snape or numDcr 01 -voianiee, lor times its -cost, and then there are the chremoc besides! . - . ART DEPARTMENT. J874. .. . . TheJliustratiohs of-TBS ALDINE-mava- wn a world-wide reputation, and in the art centres f Eu- amplee of the highest perfection ever attained. The prejUQe in favor of " steel-plates," israp- ldly yielding to a more eaucatea ana aiscnminauiig taste which recognizes the advantages of superior artistic Quality with greater facility ot production. . . . . m . . . . T TMHT13I .11 . V. .3 .. 1 'X ie WOOO-CUL8 VI X MX A JUJ1JU1 J3 HJDDt3DO Ml U UCI ' Icacy and elaborate fiaieh.rOf tha-moat mostly steel vc&icj ana -aiMiriiw umu,u.-vi uvauw .wd.ij plate, while they afford a better rendering of the art ist's original." ' v 1 " M' " ' To fully realize the wonderful work which THE IS GOUUg lor uie cauao ui urt cuuuni ui it la only necessary to consider the cost to eof auv 'other decent' representations f the productions of great painters.,. . . , . ' ' In addition to designs b V the members "Of the N a- THSALDIN will reproduce examples of 'the best forei; the Kuhscriher 1 fcost,'ien joy in his own home the pleasure and refining influences or true art. . .,., .. -. ... . . Theonarterly cntea plates ror i4 win oe iy Thos. Moran and J. D. Woodward.,, . ... , - ThBChristJnaSlseueToriWT4Wiu contain special designs appropriate to ths season, by our best arcisis, and wUl'surpass in attractions any of it predecee- sore., ,a.. si-;" " villi' s'!ryji1 ? '- PTfWVTTTMS 1R7J: . '.. - Every subscriber to THE ALDINB for the yeur 1874 wUl receive a pair of chromoa. Tbe original pictures were painted, in oil lor -cue moiienera i THE ALDINE by Thomas Moran, whose greaCol- thons&na aoiiars. ne Buojecis wtre cuoseu vo rep resent '."The East" and The West." One is a view to The White Mountains, New Hampshire; the other gives The Cliffs of rGreen- River, W yonihjg Territory. Tha diSereno in the nature of the scenes aisplay of the artist's scope aBd coloring. ; The chro- mos are eacn worsen iiwauunj- aisuiiui. unites, ai.u are in size (12x16) and appearance exact fac-eimiles of the originals. The presentation of a worthy ex ample of America's greatest landscape painter to the subscribers of THS ALDINB was a bold but pecu- ' liarly happy idea, and its successful realization is at tested oy tne louowmg testimonial, over uie sigua tureof Mr. Moran himself ? 7 ' NawABk, J.,.8ept,5o, 3873. Messrs. JaJtes Brm-OM & Co. --'' ' k Gentlemen:! am delishtca with tne proois n rmlor of vonr chromoa They are wonderfully suc- oeesful representations by mechanical process of tha orisinol naintinsa. :!( 3 hn.i ;JAJ-..ti ;i (Sighed)"'- , : -THoWmORAN... These Chromoa are In 'every' 'sense American. They are by an original American process, with ma terial of American manufacture, from designs of American scenery by an American painter and pre-. sen ted to subscribers to the first successful American Art Journal. If no better because of all this, they will certainly possess an interest no foreign produc tion can, inspire, and neither are they- any the worse if by reason of peculiar facilities of production they cost the publishers only a trifle, while equal in every respect to other chromoa that are sold singly- for double the subscription price of THE AID INE. Persons of taste will prize these pictures for them selves not for the price they did or did not cost, and will appreciate the enterprise that Tenders their diu- tribuuon.possime.: jnvjin 4-.. n., If anv subscriber should indicate a preference for a figure subject, the publishers will send .V Thoughts of Home," a new and Deautarui enromo, ivpw mcnes, representing a little Italian exile whose speaking eyes betray the longings of his heart. .... . .. . -J, TERMS :..s --a:- A 1 1 as i n I ii in smi r ja m as a aa a w wuvv w hm u . sent - THE ALDINE will hereafter . be obtaiBahle oaly :ription. There will be no' redecea or clut mm ih if in uMiijutiiB must ne sent io tne pub '1 iwHihimv n th KnMi :.. nanpTS mri.T at nanrloil th. . I vhAM the iwrtMratii u trinn v, ;i I ahrnatnra of James Sutton Jfe fin. r-7?. ".....-, . CANVASSERS WANTED. ''-r1 V 1 t iii h. i rTT... - . I -AilT uci0cxi.-iTioiiillg IV PWUUIVUUT BH a lOl'I J canvasser; will receive full ana nromot iiffoiir,r. I bv anDlvine to , ----- ... w V.,L4 UUUDUCI B,1 ; ., . No, 68 Maiden hweNew,YcrK. -"ff occ;S5-tf jy;..fMiL i ; Carolina Herald THE UNDERSIGNED PROPOSES: TO CCM mence the publication, in Oxford, NT. C, on or about the 1st 01 February, 1874. of a large and hand some Weekly Paper, thirty-two columns, to be called v ,'in'! politics ' tbe HERALD will 'w strictly 'Cesr SKBVATiva-liaiiocKATio, and will use every honor able means for the success of that party. .' v,- The - .Commercial,! Industrial, -Educational and Manufacturing: ; Interests of ' tbe State, County and Town will be carefully eonsidreft,-and every exer tion: made for their speedy development.-) .:..'J . , It will be the constant aim and purpose of the pro prietor to make the HERALD a? f v',.. - Live Newspaper In every respect, and he. 'confidently appeals to the people of Granville and surrounding counties to nstain him in this effort The advertising rate will hfl af tliA mntt UKonl character; and It will bethe ehdeavor of the nronri- ?tor to. make the HERALD a reliable, medium for erery class, trade and profession. . , 1 r j . Terms $3 per annum, invariably In advance: Lib eral deducjioas made to dubs. WM. BIGGS, . - , . Editor and Proprietor. 1 xpydnp, N: C, Jan. 14, l874.'' '- Jan lg-tf THE BAPTIST . EEVIEW, An Independent Religious JVew s U V .;;;.:-t;'.--.!PaP.e,,:Mt :'. ! 0 It sup upports and defends the doctrine of free agea id Personal Acconntabilitv.. Tf. ao vnrntn the cyand doctrine of the unlimited atonement ;, and belieres that salvation is attainable by all persons who hear and understand the gospel. It advocates the t'nion and Communion of all Christians at the Lord's ta- ble regardless of Denominational or "Sectarian dis tinctions. -: And vindicates the cause of Christian Union upon the basis of the New Testament. It recognizes Christians of all-evangelical Churches ss members of the Church of Christ ; and advocates co-operation .amoue tbe proteatant denominations in the work of evangelization. It advocates Im mersion as tne only believers as the on!- ly proper made of baptism and ily subjects. -Our motto is v 1 ON. FREE COMMpNION AND FREE SALVATION. FREE COMMpNION '';"..'..,: luauttnuun. -", - tMt J w BUBSCKirTION KATES V"'- One year ... ... i ...... ..... .... ; 2 CO , Six months ... .....i........rf, ......... 1 25 Three months.-.;........;'.......... ... ..... 1 75 : - . REV. B. W. NASH, ih-l XxlUi.'.: --f:t,'-'.--.' 'La Grange, N. C, : : vjii.. a A'-; h Editor and Publisher. : ZJOH'S LAND MARES. Exponndbig the; Doctrine and defending the Bibla u iV.--'iWrtar''?0,w'rf"i""'-r' '; ilSriiiiitive - 1 , Is published semi-monthly at WDson, N. C. T. GOLD .:.;..;..A.;..;v.:.....JLoito $2 perannum; Cliibpf 6 $10;pf 8, $12. ' Also a, .' ,",.- ,t--.f ',.',","... '-, '"" . STTPPLEMENTAL SHEET, For advertising useful kinds bf business.' : And n very issue of the Supplement are several columns of valuable reading matter on important subject of morals and .-industry, local and .general news, Ac. -This Supplement has a good circulation in Eastern North Caroliaa, especially in the counties of Edge combe, Wilson,. Green, Halifax, Pitt; Martin, Nash, and Wayne, among a tnrnty, nonest, aeot-paymg class of peoplu. It therefore offers special induce ments ier aavernsmg. : rne ordinary rates ot aover- Using are charged. P. D. GOLD, Editor, WUson, N. C. nov26-tf 10,000 Persons Read f, TUE ABBEVILLE JIEDIUM, i t--:-." I f -..-wr, -. . J-4..-r . ..... '; iW; PUBLISHED AT ' Abbeville Court House, S. C. ' A LARGE, HANDSOME SHEET OF THIRTY 2V TWO COLUMNS. - A representative Journal of the enterprise, wealth and intelugenee of the Vp Country. .- .' ; ;.$2 PER AioIUM IK ADVANCE, .-j In one days travel from Atlanta. f Bend subscrip tions and adrertisements to . V. HEMPHILL-& CO., Proprietors, -deel8-tf " Abbeville, S.,C. ' x. n

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