) THE HOENHTG STAB. 'PUBIJSlIKD'DAlLt, BY ': . C - . JU - -f . - 5 aiTis or tvaaaaaviom vx advafc: Oi.'year, (by mall) postage patf...... .... ft 0 .Six-months, (").. " ......... 4 CO Threemonthfl" " ) !' .' 2 . One month, (" " ) " - 1 Ofr To City Subscribers, donveredla any part of the city, Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents arc not authorized to collect for more than S months in advance. - - . . r-;-.. . ;., i-,;.;,.,, Bismarck made bold speech in Uie lteiclistag yesterday on; the Alsace anl Lor-, raine bill. - - A'German editor liab been' imprisoned.-- Denied, that a sale of the Philadelphia jPrm has'.bcen . made i or cooO templaied. that pater remiiuinc rn'Fornevrs hands. A London report that the Czar - of Russia, ia insane. f our persons drowned in the Chesapeake by ihe'running j " .r- , " U .i::.iW:..rn...::':Li' M ieyucuujr . trow! lion Convention m Rtchmond yesterday JayCookes creditors in a bad way. -new xormaris: otpn, iiOf ; spirits turpentine,. 84354 rosin, $3 30 j goia, iiiu,. - jNews of wrecks and loss of life pnjtaast of Scotland : anu Xiiigiuuu. : Ajuauu-.jiinuauiprnent of Kunjht Templars- in . session at New Or- leans. -In the United Slates Court in ' 'Sew York, yesterday, Henry Clews & CoJ wnre adiudffed hankrunta. - Tn ih N" -, U. Senate Mr. Jenkins, of Cleveland, iatro- - duccd a biU for the adjustment of the pub- lie debt, which was referred andodl be printed '"eder&l Court met in Ral- : ,a T.,i... ti-Wi; The Legislature. TWELVTIlDir, SENATE!. Condensed from the Rileigh News Wednesday, Nov. 30. T v UA?, iwr, ow. .- l ie Judiciary Committee asked ... k:m :.:zu- " r . .. 1 convention be referred to the Com- ntiitee on Constitutional Keform. So referred. Mr. Morehead asked that the Judi ciary Committee be increased to thir teen members. Kules suspended and theireqiiest granted.-, : . A bill to prevent the sale," delivery or receiving of cotton in quantities loss than is usually baled, either in lint or seed, . between the hours of sunset ' an'd' snniiseJ' beiusc an amendment of former law, - was con- f Bidered, and after some discussion as to needed amehdm'ents.. was, on mo- I lion of Mr. French, recommitted to I the Judiciary Committee, - i An nr-r. tn Vmpn j tlm ant. nrmntJnr, Rtock raisinV was indeiimtnlv, nnst. i .,..nn j I i!;ii'.i,n:;:t'T r,.n: xin . "..iuuviiiucj, of Wilmington," was 'Vecom'mitt'ed to tiie Judiciary. Committee, -at the re- quest ot iur. uancweii. . . . . I IVill to amend tho law of ' 1 8G8 'G9 I ronfH.rnin insolvpiirdeferidahtsJtiass- - " r -" --T- - j r -- - Bill relating to iheremovalof cases, l.fcn.g anaet to ainetid sections .115 J anu no, cnatei -)i i noiacu vuue. i .lJtscussef! at some lengtn. Jsiessrs. I Busbe and Graham favoring the plac- ing of all cases from another county at the foot of the docket. Messrs. Morehead.Standford. Freuch.Parrish. it- .i i .i . i an iron rnle and much hardship, and .l, ,,, oll ij u tua that the matter should be left to the uiscreuuu me uuuge. :k - Mr., Jernigan moved to nave toe; I law as it was tjiirjy.yars-agp, Adop- Qr Beaver Pam four miles from ted. Hill th lis amended passed its Asheville last Saturday "'nighV a fighi: 6c-Ponrl-rPfldiny. - " " '-v ... f " curred. between JJenrr BcaxborQUgh!, and Mr. Morehead asked .a, suspension of the rules to consider resolution to ..t :.v.i'Ai-::.r.WA n.V' U , J ctjjcti&i Ail uuiciai omcer lor ine.iriai.oi oouci-, tors. Uesolutuin adopted. l 1 ' r.- . t' -'-vw ' i wUiouiWg.nd .Groujds,-;; Messrs. McCauley, Boddie andSneed;., mi id r rerich.: j -'- T." J HT- J..Iti '( ,' ; ( ' 'ft i nntinSMessrs, .-.jumnY, T-XUcres - head- and ''FrehciW y''L,'?-;-M'',,'.,;" Bahts'and"Cnrrfncv MessrstHar-4 erOve Albright and Kerr aic ana uantweu. . . . . :. ..... r- HOUSE Deaf, JJumb.and .Blind : AsyltimTT ' cause known at present unlessn.be Messrs! Anderson,Busbee and Holton. an old grudge, Abernatby isail aur, Wo AmsfsV'f-Mills,' gMmi Staj,dfardcAd;Wat-lJgr -PPpl. . Vfl. R.non.1 Colored BaotiaVchureK Sinet Enrolled liilfs JUessrs. "Jlarler. Penal Institotionsrr Messrs, lfO'er Uion sufficient to pay the amount necessary , Ymim-errt-i' I f to release theirtpastdr-frora jaitritawas: "ti konfinedon the amare fbasirtK J , , ..i .i'Kh,SiataMrrbeo.vNiRmserraized ine-appiMntmenior-acomm Mr. McRaeVbrU- to 'iee:utate the limy t).t,sjkiuUf , Miv u ii! iio.. wu- leriorCou;rt:of;:eUrn i linn i ru turn i rvo aufcrtJtx , m iuiiiuuef 1 of .1. C. L. Harn?, Solicitor. -.Calen- Koxobl nd Harrison's X Roads, iu Bfirye Ar UlUi cbuntVikMurffcesboronxt? Winton'in Bv Mr Glenn a bill lo eobuomise Hertfprdcounty; GatesvUleand Sunabuty, I PWl W' bin eoouoipi B inGate8fct)ljn,Y..EdeDtont Qbowan kmY in the niatter ofpoWwWfnttngn(a;( Wootlville, jin: Perquimans irqyf404CiUti'rA'iyy'' tait . county : Greenville, in Pitt ebunty; . Indian'; lteferred and ordered to be printed liisell'8.Mll, coucernitig' puuitC" t udu.h,,, m ?w ; nSnb jur. teSLl- ' " " ' f" - ": Gtanvnie county, andLoutsburg and FranKy dent ret erreu-. -5 :.-..v,;i'. ;- Vr&'wvnMMiiitit. Ho."sasl the was referred. ... ..; . .r '"Lf.'4rA .jrjk,w. ToiieTsfiSidenlJWeiSie jAr.,f v.)AV tjiwruu v"c v i Sheriff ad -tai collectors in collecting'; taxes. referred, f. t U;a , U. ' poses to repeal act aHowrng Upvernor of thaLegislatnlre of m&-Wnd W lair spccini,enoti the janorance of that body. The reoeal of the lawSw6iiIV transfer lh Wiial tf J C? J. lis . 4 . I . - ....., lis?,' how roeRSitlffirinho lGover . ' ' . I i ' L, :niJ.. .t?.-j jfi,!ti -t a f ,v.i.ij.v r-i.,.fiw.i -Th -tmneVal outline., beauty part oi . section ino, cnapier ,o ot Krr-x-'r-'-Tv.z', i-- ' :ar. ... . t i - i i .i . i dctlred and more thaa.met my .expei'trtU.ins. ;i L!. R?y ip regard to the t rial - of Solicitors, by the , bovef nor. 1 ni- w;t0hayelWii,lirt- MrV Strdng S'a'ld 'tlie laVaa ic ' stoOtf ' j,eri!; t?attora1srclOBe w I deal.rea;tbe niMifi' t hVir aYiii -'.wln ' :i"mn aVIi'n-' ncne ration I think La seldom' ktUlaeJ being far Dior's office, to this House, the only chants, .maHnfacxurerr jT IS ili tw ...... ,k 4 t a .i? '3 '1 i durinir and ehngeles-anoS-wIll eopy-ebarp-aud !ower that ; had tha-constitutional JZULt ,aang jort ngnt to act. Hill VOL. XV.--NO.-60. - ir uie appointment ot a select Uom 'mittee ot five to enauirelntb the al leged misconduct of J. C -Ti; Harriss, as Solicitor bf-'tlid:'6lh'l ' Jd!jb?al' eDia tnct, was taken from ; tholCalendar put on its passage! , ; b , v p:iA r Jir orment asked somoi informa "f"1' ,n regard to th'e contiluttooaliiy l? ?B0'.''-i"i v .aiKer oironS aa enn, ;Of,4he Juduary committeet notonlv gave the. required information, but urged.the fassage'of the resolution, - When Mr. Mcllae's billgulatin; the time of holding Cumberland. Su- perior Court Came on. it wak nnnn. by Mr. Walker, of llichmoiid. fit was discussed, and finally passed. BilL repealing law tjiVine inaiS' inut's jurisiticiion OI -cases dt lornica' F"Qtt and .adultery. uassed. J Honse bill to extend the time of henlfs and lax Collectorsito collect arrears ot taxes, passed its TeadinffS. House bill to repeal chap! 52, laws otHa71 - 72, appointing a' financial 4TTnt? " TT Ti A f T. ' aug8. IIl"se b11 to annd ehap. -104 sec. 15 of Battle's, ltevisal which requires road overseers to remove from roads all loose jock, ev lis well, as "runners," passed Us readings. J ; House resolution of instruction to the Judiciary Committee to report by bill or otherwise as to whether or not Battle s Hevisal is now the law of the lnnrl -Tol.lol r - House resolution of instruction 'to Finance Committee providini; that M committee prepare the reventie v.m . . j I jt i i bl!l at lnc passed it reading. ! I ne following select committee was appointed to investigate the charges against J. C. L. Harris : Messrs. Walker of Flichtnond, Dortch, Erwin, Candler and Glenn.- . ; f I Spirits Turpentine i The Kaleigh; Nietcs pronounces "Prof." Hare the Prince of Humbugs, j i Raleigh eudeavors to . increase her water 'facilities. -'A- committee of the Board Jof 1 Commissioners is considering plans. Mr. B. II. Norriss, keeper I of the Fair Grounds in lialeigb fell from a wagon baturaay evening, ana sustained 8riOU3 injuries OD IU0 head. 1 . A cotton factory in Rutherford ton, owned by A. R. Homesh', was burned on Wednesday night.last The lire is sup- posed to nave been accidental. Lioss $20, 000 I i i Since the resignation. ot'Rev. Air. Aldrich, tbe JLutberan Church or Uhar- lotte has secured as Pastor, the lie v. A. L. Yunt. who will regularly serve the Church J udSe Schenck of the Charlotte KrXjer gay8: it Lasbeen many terms since there baa been such a Judge on the Aleck lenburg bench. . Jacob Kiscr,: Esq.,! of Gaston county, in forms the Charlotte Dcmocraf that there is living near Cherryville in thatcoun- lr :man b u.e name of John Shell, ;w ho 13 1U3 j'ears old The- case of James Moore, of Gaston county, who has been on trial for his ltfeiQ Mecklenburg Superior gourt,waacon- eluded last Saturday eveaing, and tlie de fenont,waS'acquiUed:.. - ...rjLv David Redman.Jn which thf former was j li" tOHv lwenty-one snarpers, garao ; leof. &fimbs Thev met with a cool reception and wore n tueirnomewaraDouna trip, fj j - Qn the 'Pri Cherikee COUDty, a young man by the name of David other yojungman. yojunglmanaftmeiL Fulton-HenTy. in their churxb, Suadav. and whh.oomoaeii4 able zeal and liberality, raised VaiBUbscrip-, Iki - k i, ZrniitfHi t-tite!ast turm f ih Rnnerior Court. fUhe lister-en -naretr&L-i bmJ6iUMaotMQ ceived the parson;, witl open; axmsr itwas i ?i'' '"T- -; rM ; , , & r ----- . I r i. -Tit' ybrk Oen.tr The 12 ounwmcn . joai onui ivr.utv no. 3093 has arrived eafy to hiind. Allo tae tft iim4ilEy,WMM of utmvaX M to have a boot so bhiit to ema-a good hcad-ani; public record whicji li ecbg y . " - -' a o. Tfr. i obhah. '.VHiNTisarlitBj.T-layAluabW to , 1 - -: 'road companiWtmhiPl?an wx, , . S CITY. ytkt Malls. - ; ' -' '" ' The mails will close from this date as fol lows: ' v Noithern (night) mails.-. . ... . ; 6;45 P. M. , " through and way (day) -' mails.. .1. ....... 5AM Souther --maili i vj ji u . . a- M. Carolina Central mails. . . .;'.". ;. 5" A: HI Smith ville, Saturdays-and Tues- ? , , days. ............. ...."..;!. 6 A.M Tayettevllle, river, Mondays and ' . Fridays, LP. M. Payetteville by C. C. IV V., dailv 5 A. M Onslow C. H., (horse mail) every ; Fridav 6 A. JI. ? : Mails delivered from.? Ak M. to 7 P. M.;' and on Sundays from 850 to 9:30 A. M. ' Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12M., and from 2 to 6 P. M. Money order on Register Department open, same as starai) offlc ; ; " kw v eu nsKn kjvts. - - V, IL IlAttRisQji.Official Drawing. : Junes A. Bqkitz. Holiday Present. : Jas, W. Exsa--Third Ward Meeting. -fl. JBu.19. Loan Association. 4 . Savage A Wioatss. -Rough liici. - x R: ,W. Anduews, Notices - Henry Savagr. Copartnership Notice. ; llErNSBEitGKK. New Novels. J.; G. Dakden. Notice." Sampson County Agricultural Pair. ; We are glad to learn from parties who were" present that the Sampson County Fair, which opened at Clinton on the 25th4 was in every respect a success. All the de partments were well represented, some even better than at previous Fairs, and the attendance was very good, numbering on Thursday from 1,500 to 2,000 persons The crowd , promised to be still larger, however, on the succeeding day. Flora1 Hall is represented to have been well stocked with specimens of the skill and in dustry of the ladies of Sampson, Duplin and other counties. The exhibition of needle and fancy -work , was especially creditable. The exhibition of stock was very fine, both as regards quality and quantity,. among : which were noticed- a number of excellent horses. Friday was expected to be the big day. Gen. J. M. Leach delivered the annual address. Since writing the above we have obtained some particulars in regard to the last two days of the fair. These days were devoted principally to the exhibition of fine stock, racing, &c, which proved very satisfacto ry. The annual address of General Leach, on Friday, was attentively listened to by a large audience, who attested their appre ciation by loud plaudits. His theme was '.The Dignity of Labor," and the address abounded in mauy valuable suggestions, plain truths and much useful information, evidencing deep research and a thorough un derstanding of the subject. on the part of the distinguished speaker. - ,- Friday evening there was a grand ball at the town hall, which was largely attended and greatly enjoyed-by the ladies and gen tlemen preseuti Taken altogether the people of old Samp son have cause to be proud of their annual 'exhibition of the products of their soil, of the handiwork of their wives and daugh ters, and the skill and ingenuity of their mechanics and artisans, all of which afford ed a striking illustration of the fact that "there is life hi the old land yet"!- in the Poultry KdiIucm. Certain circumstances Jhad directed sus picion to a colored man by the name of Walter Coopef as probably having some- jthJng.tQ,do .with, the frequent, raids chicken: coops ia the southeru part ot tue city, and yesterday ho was found with a fine fat hen in his -possession which he could not satisfactorily account for, making vari ous contradictory-statetireritanis to how he 1 came by it. Finally he said that he had received the fowl from Dr. Schonwald s colored boy, Wm. Barnard. As, thcDpcjlot has recently lost heavily by thievish incur sions upon his fowl house Cooper was ar rested on suspicion and lodged in the Guard House. Upon being searched in the guard room a number 6f eggs were found in his pockets. SubsequentlyWiUiainarid waa-ajwork ot an evangelist, 'and.-make ftnl proof L..ik.i. iZi...ij 4L.:i;.Oxhi8 ministry.' beinir thoroughly lurmshed Ijestedrwlio cbafesaed that he gav-thefol to Cooperlhe two, it is supposed, being in t sort of copartnership in the business. In fact, it issidby'patSes whoavewafclied alieir movements that a system of signals existed between them by which Coopei 'could adlly;mnHilla confederate- .wuen le wamca to reneuiau m imusi add fdthe funds of the joint stock compa ny. Both are now locked top : awaiting an examination. Uarbor master' Keport. ' CapL 15. G. Bates, harbor master, gar nishes tlie fblhywintf report ofvessels18 ar- f 'lived at this port, amount of tonnage, &c, ;for the month of November: Steamers 17, baiques 10, brigs 13, schooners 16; total (1. Aggregate tonnage 20v626 tons; aggre gate foreign tonnage 5,447. Many small vessels arriving from ports within the State, are "not included in the. Above, v. ' :Tle)ori5 tit -sVirndlngs tm-tiie bars and Mps, al low water, as made by the pilots, is jfts follows: - , " BUd Head Chntiel. - Vino feet 4 inches WcsternBaF........--.-li ;-); J t, Rip x.p'ir 'fi urn j.cxiwa - - . '".if Jv . . r-( Uip.V... Ward MeeiliiK. ; ' p-' - ConservativesUetiVhticward: meetings .... -r - .it- riM,:-, will be held this evening as iouow. irifth Ward at Odd Fellow's building, Third r8trec"OpP08lte "Gy M't o'clock. Important business will be uans- Ward, at Dr. J. P. Cobb's office, oni-ria- cess, mf$m& f o'cl3ci.ouit1i Tard,rat Lippitfs Hall. r M A i ; iiJiUKMBER. 2,. 1874.-.,:, IjOt-al-cjotttt- -.W-aiirfer weather predicted or to-dayi:.-,-: ... ; zrz7 "zz r " Import Entries Jar. - gale .&$,lhftffice .of The Morning Star. , v ' . t. v I'lie.-AnTLual .Csof eeppeoJE ihe M. E. Church, Souths meets in Raleigh lo-day.--.. v- ; - lteuular meeting- of tho.'Bnnrd if Managers of; the Produce Exchangeo- aay, at iSM. J .;. , . 7k Both printing and ruling done In the finest grades of copying: ink at the Star Job Printing Office. - . tf. . - Wfi Jiare; rarely : seen a grater musician than L. P. Williams, of the Ber ger troupe His tmpotpourri is superb. - Sheriff Manning leaved' for Ral eigh this innrningwhere lc is to appear as fl. witness ia the U; S. Court in a case from this city. - " By special teWrjamdii&IiuRaH ejgn, we learn ttiai lion. Jostah Turner was nominated for Public Printer in the Demo cratic caucus held last night. ' " The members of the Prod-ice Exchange are requested to be present at an important meeting of that body to be held at the Exchange rooms Jim day at 12 o'clock." --v- l- " The 64th regular monthly meet ing of the Mechanics'. Building '-and Loan Association will be held at the. rooms of the Library. Association this (Wednesday) even ing, at 7- o'clock. .:tr January 1, 1875, we will mail the Daily ?tar, postpaid, for $7 00 per year. This is $1 20 less than it now costs subscribers, including postage. The rates for periods less than one year will be advanced aa follows: Six months, $4 00; three mouths, $2 25; one month, $1 00. tf Geo. Pegram, the little boy who was found locked in Messrs. Gilbert & Baw er's confectionery store on Sunday morning last, was, on account of his tender age, re leased on Monday evening, and told to "go yand sin no more."-- Upon being asked if he. had rather go home or remain in the Guard House, he replied that he had rather stay where he was.' . - na o ei OPERA HOUSE. The Uerser Family. This excellent .troupe concluded their brief engagement in this city at the Opera House last night. The audience was a large and appreciative one and exhibited every indication of intense, satisfaction through out the entertainment, which found its ex pressipn ever and anon in bursts of genuine applau.se. The fine reputation already ac quired in our city was abundantly sustained by the compauy last night, and in their fur ther journey iugs through the country we feel that we cau conscientiously and cheerfully commend the Bergers ubd their auxiliaries as combining one of the most - chaste, ele gant and thoroughly enjoyable travelling exhibitions to be "found anywhere. Front Mreet ITI. IS. Cbnrcb. ' At a full meeting of the Board of Stew ards of Front Street M. E. Church, South, held on Monday evening, the 30th inst., the following' preambfe and resolUtibhswere utiattimusl.y.adool(ed,byaiisiag vte ' Whereas, wqpard Qf.Sjtewards,p Front Street Methodist ibpiscopal Church, South, sensibly feel our almost irreparable loss in parting with our beloved and faith ful pastor and friend, Rev. Robert S. , Mo- rau, v. y:, wu, paving , foriue, jjasv iour years (asl '&elXRS,tvo;ye Ilate war), served u8 -with 'Uuwearied4i:eal and li dcltty," without fear, ftdr:;dt;age(ftljbf; is now c'6'D4iij;W4w iSeureU.' to leave '.uAand.whereas-weoeiieve it' is his' intention to sever5 his conmeMlod ' trttti 'the ' ulay enter upon fields.of-laboFa.inkaown-to-us, and perhaps far dfetaritVtheref ore, j Resolved, 1st, That we do earnestly "a&d heartily recommend iiim to any and all peo pleamoDg whom he may-be called to preach the; trasearchable riches of .Cliiist Jesus tli& Lord, as a" pastor who will V Preach the. word; be instant in season" and out' f sea-- ... .V. T 1 ' I. ' . i.-''- sonjTeprove, reous.e, exuort wiiu an .iousr. sunering ana doctrine;' ana ao tue iuu -of his ministry, beinir thoroughly .... j . -,.1:41...!' n Wltn ail gooa worKS as a maDwuwi. t , ; t ;Re$olved; 2d.' That copies, ot tM".'lo&P ing preamble and resolution be f urjaibhed. '11IES MOBNISPO tSTAKTintlVTnramgKJn war nal, with request to RniM:CwP.!iW aisonaia-.cpy-"""4111-- H Mitivarcd if I la; -ft i n ret ' r it- -rijtt-t A sue.-wha traded a horse" wfth a! eomrpq ruan by the name of Jones .foca gold - wiici whici-i8ui)?gQUi nother;tfi(ij succeeded-yesterday-tn wcoTeltnw UHfatu-1 ma)aneaiayilig.At , .fimu rafuicd hi wis-t, render rAWMk thougli'lre outid itr'tMr thefstreet " W: i.s propertv.ahd.that 4be-trda!-wasc.aiegu? mate. .Qns,,-'., e ... honnn- .t: u.jr ''r' niavor's court. , ,v . ' , . .. ! I' The'foowing cases' were dUposedof 3 ear. t.s?w xsi.V-j J-' i!!,,''! 'f- ' JJdward Mttrpby.-ohafgefi wnii cisohtw--lv conduct, was found guiliy audioittredt pay 'a fi'nepf $;&4A JBtSj.. .m.- a, . Eve Harris. arewiibejSg drunk arid disorderly was ordered to pay a.4nof. $20rand costs or work for thirty days onje streets. : :tM 'rJrdi olii . . wot iP?re4tf-rv-T dr ' In atir iastTitaave-aa aentof Aheac, r.idental discharge of a.pistol in the hands a colored girl by he : nameof Sahr R6ed, bywh i Dall; was hd, ip wrist, after vpassiflgriRtO- ine paim oa attracted. lQttgU .8?1ifin. -1 A iLuuW from '-the fcffeots'-of ; S ran, sand -that tUtV' ue'etfterea uporerne mm utcsj xlosiUghW prii Itosetie Party. : Tbe ladies "of the First ? Baptist ' Church give anbtheT-of these pleasant-r sociables on Fridayeveoing.'at the Curria BuUding,-"on Second street. "Ice pream, lemonade, cake, &c.a will be among the terapting luxuries provided. A Womc t tskTba.vxu.ibo PrmiiicSmTgrafite and travellers going to any point- la the Soatfe- er West Etaonld corgult their Interest and coBTenienc 7 purchasing tickets, via. the Atlantic; Mississippi and Oh5f T?fti!rnafl ' -Ttwiil and Ohio Railroad. It will save time, distance and money. Mr. H. A.' Jenkins, Greensboro, Is the North Carolina Agent. , - j- - Tbassteb . Fbiktino-Iiikb will copy deuz and distinct for a indefinite period of time. Bend your orders for work to be done ia these inks to the Moksiks Star Frintins-Honse. :. ; Book Bisbkit.t-ths MOkin Stab Eook Bind ery Goes all binds of Eindinir and Enllng' In a work manlike manner, and at reasonable price. Mer chants and others needing Heceipt . Books, or other work, may rely on promptness .Jathe- exeenxjoa of their orders. - ' ' " TbaSsi-jeb. VsasTmo-xmui Iur copying letter-head iugs, statements, way-bills, &c. Can be . copied in the ordinary letter-press book. Send your orders for priming in. these inks, and for all other descrip tions of printing, to the Morning Star Printing House. : . A. T. & S. F. R. R., Topbklo, Kak., May . 18th, 1871. Messrs. J, &W. Tollbt, 29 Maiden Lani, New Yokk-t-Deab Sins: I have jast returned from a shoot with the President of our road," Henry Strong. On one occasion five curlews came overos. I said to him "Let us try them." He replied,. 'There's no o Be, they are too high." I raised my. gun and killed two of them dead. I cannot say how high they were, but am sure they must have been at least 73 or 15 yards. One was shot throngh and through, the shot entering under the breast and go ing oat at the back. I used No, 5 shot, 1 oz., and 4 dre. i f powder. Of course this was a large charge of powder and large sized shot for birds of their size,but this is an advantage I claim for your guns, which en ables one to use one or two sizes larger sh.t and shoot them as close as ordinary guns with the fine size. This is a great advantage when birds are wild and difficult -to kill. I never had two harder or closer shooting guns than the two you turned out for me, and I can confidently recommend your weapons to sportsmen, feeling sure they wiU npt only be pleased with the splendid quality of ma terial used in their construction, the perfect work manship displayed in the fitting of all the parte, and style of finish throughout, but with the fine shooting qualities of your weapons, which, I think; are un rivaled. I give this recommendation after two years experience in the nee of your guns, having used them in all kinds of sheoting, and never at anytime have I had reason to wish for better or more reliable weapons. They suit in every respect.' . Tours truly, cctl4-d&w B. C. Hawlet. IP JTOIJ Want a Situation, : . Want a Salesman, Want a Servant Girl, Want to rent a Storo, Want to sell a Piano, Want to sell a Horse. - Want to lend Money, . . -v Want to bay a House, Want to buy a ilerec. -. - " i Wan to rent a Hoase, . Want to sell a Carriage, Want a Boarding place. ' - Want W borrow Money, Want to st-li fry Good:-. Want to sell Groceries, Want to sell Furniture, . Want Jo bell Hardware, . Want to sell Ileal Estate, Want a job of Carpentering, Want a job of Blacksmithing, " Want to sell Millinery Good?, Want to sell a House and Lot,' ' Want to find any one's Address, Want to sell a piece of Furniture, . Want to buy a second-hand Carriage, ,. , . Want to find anything yon have lost, , , , . , ; Want .to sell AgricultOTal,ImpiementB, y f Want to Advertise anmung to aavaniage, Warit to find an owner for anythingf Fbund ' : " . ! : i. f ; ? .. ' ' TMl3 'MOBNINQ STaBL- r ? ? SEW, ADVERTISEMENTS. .... OfflctalDrawlngs.of tbe. N, Bene- i flciaiXMoaatton.'5''';'' ! t,v qKsm'TVniAtarMr 'r.'fmsf. I';' '-' i t.J ' K?f"ClasB69Drawn at'l MJ ' tua ;.t ! i . Sl.,13 .11..22. 48 ;.27,,SO. ., , ClnP9 27i). Drawn at5 f. JM, !;.. -64 7 -19-" 14 '9 JiT 8r S95 Si :'28!i88" ! ft-! i -.-,Clas271.Drswn at-TP. it; hl4ii Wt 5 ; 5-3 , a 20 15 , 33 24 3P , 62 '38 23 68, 74 61 dec2 1t " ', , W.,ir;.nARBI30i. ; i, ;. . i"l ' ' ' r-' Tltc, 'lilrd.;! Ward b Dfimocijatic A .R&REQTjyeSTED TOMEETAT THE OFFICE XJl. mpe. S F. Cobb, on Princess, between 5th andtfth streets Shia eveningi at doar;imcta- ,JA,!.t f.i yoerbf dPrideri:i'!??, i '.-,'... . v if unit.. ,.? JfA8tW. .KXH . dec2 1i ',.. , , . ; , bpcretary. 'Atteiiiiofi,' '.) Menlers of the- 4tl Vardi Democratic 'CJiiscrya'-- ; J -- fMU f?ff he AV TlilJ REQUEST 'OF TU B ClT EXECUTlVK A Pj ini! ittp... ,-vim nrt rennHted to., nieet at Lil i ts Ji'a 'Ihir'evetiher. for the transaction of iin- By crder of lhe President... ' - 1 , ?fi W.. R. KENAN',' s 1 '! :iieG2;ii ,.,,;,;,.., f?retanr... ME.UBI5HS OF BTH.WARD CLUB' WUiL MEET rhl4.ie',!iw.t 7if o'clock, at fe)Od FellitWS ' !bttit A. g n'3ty otrefeit: oppdrff e iiy Httll. r6.nt: 1 eiaMce, qet,a8. p.upmces o wpwfvaifve i ' n s-' .-By ovfierof tbiePrfesidntv. 'i-!-- i J. G, D R:I N.. . lKe-ll,,: V"'" jbecnjlary." ! A'n' ' I vffoftr a'nT ME&TC? -of ' tbe Produce "fexcattifie witt -b ' he d :thi i Wednefday t K1 o'c K-k P. M.. in the rtMmsoT the Kxthange. ' Meui Be;s jitis respeotJU ly requwstea 10 ue rctwuw ; ' U.CiiARO Wv-ANDttEWS, Dec 2if(.,,.t t&wmmhTr&iww-- TPS R -RKGOLAR MONTHLY' MEETING OF 1 HK" X Board of Managers. f ; the-Poduce .Exchange this' Wednesday atl2 bcbtk St'-At embers of, the, BoatdpserlwWifled. i !'i ti.'5 rr trri; .'? H . ' , .. lUCHARDiW..ANDlSESS;Sl DecSrlt ,,, cremandTeaEurer. e f- . ' ,-; '! Jack'a ister: . . . . f.i r.t n j t v .. a . .75 . 1 -4i- ..j..'.?.. Squrere Arden. f......,v. , ror Love and liiie . ..... -. . -. ., f . j - -'""it 7 'H,"Jt fiJ'-'J ? ! MW f .ftii i:i Adorns Aiopitji. .cj.- -r" vf:tu ffW.'i.?r-tiH The 'sa'ng'd'f No Land, IrrFftrJaatd J.v1 A it' ! treasht Htlatera.'. .V.'; .'.'....'. Jt; W decltf IjvT BooK-i4 Msafc-StarV: ' -. - -.. - -. , : . i WHOLE - NO: 2,234. NEW ADVERTISMEENTS. A SPLENDID HOLIDAY PRESENT --Tig Carolina Eonselioia -Msfiazine, r : A"N ' ILIiTJSTHATKt) MONTHLY' VjF CHfJICBr . LITERATURE wiU be issued from the GOLDS BORO MESSENGER OFFieB ommencin? Wlth' January. 1875. The first number wiU be ready for mailing by December Mth, and the periodical will be gublisfiedeaeh succeeding month thereafter without Iterpupflda. -Ko-advantage will fre neglected which' either talent or capital can command to render each issue an &reeibaand rnstructivc compendium of choice readius, by popular writers, both home and abroad.-- .... J-.-..,' 1 Tlie Carolina Household Masazlne - wfll be a large S3 page, eighty-four column monthly, ' handsomely printed on tinted book paper and beau tifully iUustrated . It isa thoroughly southern enter prise and its Boccess ia already tuny .assured. Tt e publisher means to make- it a first-class xnontlily; that, once introduced in the family circle, is sure to be eagerly watched for and carefully preserved. IfB POtiTKAlT GALLKRT," will prove an attractive feature. The January number will contain a- life-like picture of j . EX-GOV. ZrBVAN7E:- ; - and biographical sketch, to be followed in each, socr ceedins nnmber. jrif h photogratrtts of olher pro mi- J t nenx statesmen, aivmes, &c, - v Only Two Dollars a. Year . . - and each subscriber can make a choice of Tdbeb MOST BEAUTIFUL, LARGE If NGRAVm08 Size ef each 24x39 iaches. viz: " The inding or the Saviour la the Temple,?' -The .Manonna," or -"Ring Lear Defying the Storm," forwarded on receipt of the subscription price. - "Either of the Engravings" is worth aouble tbe price asked for the Msgazine. . tw- Any one sending a chib of five will rf ceive an' extra subscription free. ' Single copies 20 cents, free by mail. Six months subscription without tbe n raving$1.00. . .. . Agents AVauted Every w lie re. Address ' JULIU3 A. BON1TZ, Fublisheb, , dectf Goldtboro, N. C. MecMcs' MMg & Loaii Association. THE 64TH REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING will be held at the Wilmington Library Rooms, thiii evening, at 1 o'clock. . -. . ; C. S. ELLIS, : . Secy.& .Treas'r. Dec2,.18".4-lt Hough Rice. Cash paid for good quality delivered at Hilton Rice Mill. Deci-lt SAVAGE & WIGGINS. Copartnership Notice. HILTON RICE MILL, 1 Dec4let.il874.-r-- T HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED WITH ME L in the Rice Mill business Mr. O. A. Wii ns, ig- and hereafter the firm name will be Savage & sins. Dec 2-1 1 HENRY SAVAGE, PEREMPTORY SALE OF Valuable Beal Estate at Auction, at LilCltlMIVftG, N.- C' - cajOSLY & MORRIS, Auctioneers. Sal6 postponed until Thursdayj De cember 10, 1874. ON THURSDAY; December 10, 1674 co'mmenc--ing at 11 o'cloek A. M., I will . pell at' Launn burg, N. C. jxmiively to the highest bidder, that W4 ,bi1.mmw4Ai. Xlvnfa-, i- UiMrtK.pirtfWhP taimus nine ronms, ail o which are law. airy and: of unusual - height. Dining Room 18x26, all in thorough order, papered thronghout.. Tbe Lotcom-' pi-ires ahonLfi acres, and there U alro thereon a two tory Kitchen, -4 1 ooms, Innie Smoke House, Servants Qijarters, Crib. Kcland Chicken House, Carriage Iioae, fctablee, feed and lumber rooms, 2 irood welii of water, a largi atfd very productive Vegctal lo Garden. . ... - ' That House and Lot boiU.4 actes). GDDO.-it?.. Dwelling 7 rooms, Kitchen, Loom House, fcervants' Quarters, Stables, &c. My deeds for above call, for centre of railroad track, no right of w ay having been granted therefor. . A Tract opposite, heavily timbered with Oak, ad joining the lands or the late domrcitown, ana wnere he resided during the late war. ' ; . . ' - 56 TOWN LOTS, about 400 feet .from depot, eligibly situated, each measuring 66x143 feet. ; , .. .TERMS; AT. SALE.. ...i. . t i Xo CSOaSTLYvO nA 1.Kt 19 OH 97 SfU-OtTW tibp VQNSJSTJNQ.J?: if T j4a " 'Ladies' Belts and Suckle& 'alT kinds, . Kid Cloves, fiitesv' quality rSillf Mitts, Fans' 45 ' 'iuientebtfars tend duif s, 'ptain.'ahd embroi'd-' ' - . .VIr. nffltnn " ROff rnfOi ! tfinra-and&sertiasrs. SiiDOerPatJi ? iJ H i -J; .--" ttrn,'ZephW6rstea'HaWt "!' !,M" . ' l li f f!I !'! Aft J-V'l! IB'!' , D1.U. ..4 Oi4tn).u IIUW OliU un4UVD. 1 , !TO"UE DTSfPO'SED 'b AT GREATLY RtJt'jfi!D' FIGURES:'" .ts''.:t.'-;'! . 1 -. ) .- ' Tli"Laigest,"' ; U eateif ', CUteapestv;,anai ! Varkt v Store. SoT Saxket street Li MHoi'seitBlankets-i 1 H1C LARKSTiairfMrHEAPBSTaoiftmeirt,f I' Trunks in the City, Saddles of all kinds, Harness, ColIarHt Had (He- BianEets; rent ner uuHiets, iiorta Bru-?hes, tlarrycnmbs, .Saddlery Hardware . cf all iVliiNG cards- Xn15 VTSITlNfi' CARDS " VV ?4Hjrtndi! 'n he taot' elegant stylei at , , , WM. H. BERNARD'S .. 'U ..'i5iTttyann:IMhHlrl8AW-' ,.1 MISCELLANEOUS.; . TIGE"! .-. ' --.?i''i'ta .')! i.nO'ffH 5.iii Vii ? v "f;! It';t1ffoist ' -.yit i'liiui' littltivt 1 "1 Z TltfKl! .rI ?. . MOEiM dec'Xn'!.. J 'S'.t ViX.f "itAfth i y r&l t.ii't ttt-t . .two 1 0 " UevV;.,.,, U . - foai day i If five day .,.,... .... sit " one week. ....... ..... . 8 " Two weeks I 0 " " Three week.. C' 0 -'Oue month....... -,-.v.-.r. 8 0 . . Two mon. m 115 1 0 Three months , .SSiO StaSmonttn! ...350 ' - One year. . , . . , . ; ................. .60 CO ' C9Cctret AdvertisetncBte -rakfir. -ex propoi tionately low rates. v ; - - -r --; v . ..... . . Five Squares estimated as a euarter-cohima. tr( ten squares as a half-column. - - - MISCELLANEOUS. - Just Eeceived. FINE ASSOP.TMESIT OF ;'.;'.-".: DOTS' AND CBILDRSN'S SUITS., which will toxoid at a VERY LOW PRICE, Thoqp in wanting will dp well to examine our stock. " ; Boya' and Children's OVERCOAT8 and TALMAS. SHRIEK EROS., CO Market St. .HOv9-tf I T W 1 L L' P A Y -... -f.. "" .- - ' . - - . .- -.: .- .. TO BUY OUR . cXiOTEciisra-. - - THE PRICES ABE . : fXC E E D I N G L Y L O W J MUNSOST &, CO., 'nov29-tf City Clothiers. . Every Getallcman whether a Mesfdent Every GenUcman of Wilmingtoa or a rtrancer Every Gentleman Every Gentleman Every Gentleman Every. Gentleman. Every Gentleman Every Gentleman Every Gentleman Every Gentleman Every Gentleman Every Gentleman Every Gentleman la the city, is cordially ir .'ited to pais lEISUtiELY THROUGH our IMMENSE STOCJi tnd critically "es amine it - We have the most excellent and beautiful Fail and Winter Clothing ever made. Cur facilities for makirg splits to order arc far in advance tf what many - people suppose. DAVID & WEIL, Merchant Tailor and Clothiers. nov 29 tf - Novelties, All thc.latest sty lea jml novelties in Boots and thocsat Lowest Prices 1 i' 1 at S9 North Front St. 1 T . t m.4.4i.wjM. 4.' Ti 4 vimug uuimg C44JV- thins in our line wou'd find it profitable to ex amice GOODS' AND PRICES.' 1 i nov 29-tf ' GEO; R.i FRENCH & SON, ' . 39 North Front street. Wring cf OiMats ;mitl EueebII' 5 OLD. HATS .AND-.. BONNETS . BLEACHID pressed and made to Look as Well as Kcw. - Stamping of all kinds dene. For bartlcnlaW call' bh MRS. JENNIE ORH. nt " Nun, between 3rd and.4th streets. Flour CEiecse, gar, Soiree, - , 2 000 BLS" FLOlTIl'al1 graces, . aQQ Boxes Factory Cheese, 2 Q Q BMs Refined Sugars, k 200 BS8 IneI'io Coffee For sale low by nov.2fl.tf ,.; j- i , VE J. 11 1 tu" ;";E"axoii; pyrin?, Oats, Mi-llcts, 2 poxes CR Smoked Sidep, 10.0 sS' 11 sJru"- 300 US.II;I'S BLACK OATS, QQ BARRELS NO. 1 MULLETS, For sale low by nov 28-tf..,.: ... WILLIAMS A MURCH1SON. SUGAR, SUGAR, SUGAR. - j 25 - HhdsVDernararaand P RiSugar, 1 .50 Bbls. , Refined Sugar, v . ...For Sale ljy . ... ;', ... ' KERCHNER & CALDER BROS.,' ; nov S9-tf , - -f 27. 28 & 29 Nortb Water Stl - PicWcs,? Candj Oj'stcrs and Lye. ' J ; 150; Cases Quart ahd-Pint- Picklet, i 1.0Q oxjes Gaudy,l 5jO.Cascs Oysters, t i 15 Cases Lye, . . For sale by .. Atii.KERUHNER&CALDER BROS., ' -! noyS9-tf 27. 28 & 25 North Water St. JOffl.;,BAGBIMi,TlKf-SiLT,'.' 3 'D 00 PCSPBCS a?KIME' MIXED "CORN,- RolU Extra. Heavy -Bagg ing, ., , .' , . ' 2Q Tons Cotton Ties. . t ' i 6:000 8S'-V''' ;v; 5 - For f ale low by " ' ? .-..'.-.. ,,, nov 29-tf WILUAMi & MURCHISON.' final QTirl IXTnnrl ARG.P S,TPCKMPrlce Extremely Low. 'Sea-..,. soned Oak, A h, tc. Best of Egg Stove aad Chesi- , , nut'CtoalJGiveydurotderSearly. r- ' J ' j-,, A. SPRTNGEPr . Cor. Front and Mulberry StsZ 1 : : It, III. i: v I nov 89-tf Sausage Cutters, - IJUTCUVR'S CLOCK SCALES,'SWmlWgfeSi4n,ers;fi ltnrr.hrra M4.Hti Saura ItatMitfl I4ntv44a Mtiila Jb 'at the .-Tory -loevt 'priced; aC 'lhe' old CTtabhed iiaraA'areicne or , noaS.tf, r., v.cNos,19,B0aB'di24MarkekStv f i iipr BKmsfe spup; ' ": 1 '. ifii 50 Hhd. " " - ,f' k$S?ER' fcALDEiV riiais.; '' ? nov 3? tf,; r,. f a?.,, A , 29, North WaturU ., , , Bagging;; -Flour ' and ,! Ooifee."1 s 4 lTl Wta&taridaril 15a;gin, ' ; 7; ' For sale fcy . ' , . . . ,.' . ' I -n v -A ) l 1 KEUCHNER & CATLDKR'BROSV ' - i nov za-tr , , ,27. z and 83 Nortii water 1 ; rUJKESS: Ail D . . K EaLlGEH HATS,.,;.'. I Iadie' SyHli Felt Haip and Fa. . Vr !i Tllte SQUiRREL-TAIh BOA. ' ' f 1 " ( KS4 'BAGEJi, UMBRELLAS, Ae at - HARRISON & ALLEN'S. - 54?f?'1, 4 . . 'Ciry Hat Store,-" ; t bov 29-tf J 3S Market fcf. , - " .-'-j - f '-"M in J .J. r Spirit Caaks, Glae, llovp Irou, Hay. UWliWi VJ(AJJ AMy 5 00 Bdls Hoop Iron, A 'BALES PRtMElIASfEBiiand kit. HA1"!' ' X v .V A ,s ' For sale low by' , , nov tf, ., , , :f WILLIAMS, &MURCHISON. 4; j Powder and Shot, - AT'lim'AIL.at' V GILES '& MURCHISON's! .4 i -iw Hardware Stow,, ... By each steamer we are receiving additions to our . already large' stock efiGeileral Hardware, which we . . are selling at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. - ' noVBS:tf'-: ''- : ? -mBS 'ft 1IUBCBIS0N.' J C ,; V!Wf y,. gtcelrtioi: JikVwf-'P'r Jed at these meetings and a full attend-. lywX'nf W -ce li desired! T h T J H I ' alr; Valker, .pt, pnees. - ,,y-:.-tj'"i ahe Senate' withQiit th. he wottad. ifji'. ; Oir motran oi - ----it I V.