WM. II. UEBNABD, CICEItO W. HARRIS, Editors. WILMINGTON, N. Wednesday Morning," Dec. 2, 74.; TO OUIl SUBSCRIBERS. Oar Tcrins Under Tlie New Postal Law. . Under the new law which goes into effect January 1, 1875, we are re quired to pre-pay the postage on The Morning Star. This will add con? siderably to the expense of publica tion, but we have determined to make no advanco in. the present price of subscription to yearly subscribers. The price for six months will be advanced from $3 50 to $4 00, that for three months from $2 00 'to $2 25, and that for one month from 75 cents to 1 00. . . This will make our new rates as follows: Daily Star 1 year (postage paid) $7 00 " ; " 0 months " " 4 00 ct "3 " " 2 25 " " 1 " " " -1 00 With the exception of the monthly price these new rates are all lower than our old rates, as the postage now paid by subscribers is 1 20 per year. In the case of yearly subscribers the cost of the Daily Star is now $1 20 less than formerly. Under the new svstem we shall en force the cash plan more rigidly than ever before; and this will result in the stoppage or many papers u pud- . i serihtiona are not renewed bv Janu- j , ,1 ary 1st.. We cannot afford to send naner on credit and oreDav the our postage besides. We hope every subscriber on our books will renew promptly. tf EXPANSION AND TUB NEXT CON GUESS. We incline to the opinion, contrary to that expressed by leading New I ork journals, that the ettect pt trie late elections and the triumph of the Democratic party will be an increase or strength to the exDansion side. Although such hard money advocates a Mr. Kerr, of Indiana,. and Mr. Payne, of Ohio, both men of distin guished ability, are chosen by West- gress, yet u luubu ue uorue in miiiu ta at thev represent stales tnai are i stronger than any in the Union in fa- ..Fi;nti,QnTrr,rtfin;t , ; 'y . - J I ui v.auia i nauc. j.ncjf occm have been elected because of their su- nerior iuteliienco in general, in spite 1 b 1 f nerhaps of the known sentiment of i I their people, or because-of a sporadic attack of the bard money disease in j areenback region. Their election . Bignitief, if we are to believe the party . . . i 5j5.ciwuB of the leading Democratic newspa- pers, if in one word we are to regard ,lb i f ' aanaaa io r.ii the evidence of our senses, just noth- ing save the dominance of ideas over sectional prejudice. The House to which Messrs. Kerr and Payne are elected, and in which they will take their seats next Monday, will, be decidedly in favor some form of greenback expansion. "' Will the Senate show an expansion majority as well? "1 The Senate, as at present constitu ted, stands about as follows: Classed as Inflationists, 39. These can be re lied upon, as leading Contraction journals iais aamit. adu innauon, 34, !nln;.. , S-. not in all cases to be deoended on at not in ail cases to be depended on at the last session. - i Now here is an apparent nominal .majority of certainly five; and this was in fact the majority on one or more occasions last winter. Bat the Senate could never be - counted on as dead sure to vote for a liberal scheme of expansion. , , ! . Let us look at the ' probable com plexion on this question, which will be one of the great questions of the coming Congress, pf . the Senate of the 44th National Legislature. The terms of 25 Senators expire on the 4lh of March, 1875. of whom 10 are Expansionists and 15 Anti-Exnan- sionints. The 10 Expansionists ren- resent Florida, Indiana, Minnesota, AiiiBsiipi, ieurasita, Jvnoue XSianu, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia. ! - Ur. . rn , , and Wisconsin. Two of these States nave already elected, and it is easy and just to assume that, representing " Expansion constituencies. Senators -. W.it,OM,ni n ..( . . , tt : . .v..-..- , Virginia ana MissiBsippi, will vote in f -,i .icasouauiu expansion schemes. The 15 Anti-Expansionists whose terms expire represent the States - . uwuv, eiaware Marvlmd m,.. u ' Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, -3 - - - s -- - " ' .--.--rv- - - - . n - . i - - 4 " - ' - . BBSBSSSSSSSSWSSBSSPSWT' mim - - --- --- t. . , i i ' '- - - -r. - Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey,"New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Vermout. - Sir. of these havefelected Senators. 'There I is probably no change in either! In Missouri there seems iittle doubt that Mr.j 'Schurz; one of the ablest" of the hard money men, will give place to a Democrat on the opposite financial pole. So there will almostcertainly . be a gftin of one for Expansion, whatever other changes subsequent elections may make. :i ' I I . . . . . i The late victories were a moral ex- pansion triumph. The namby-pam- the hoodlums howl at him in the by financial policy of tho Adminis-, streets. . tration was put on trial and knocked u Washington special to Cincin off the stool. The result will accrue nati Gazette : "A personal friend of trtthfcnpfif.nrtlip:t.Wrvfio ablvand persistentlr advocated-jy thinkers' lgy. brings .mformation from the pe 1 . . . J - ! Senator that he will probably remain South and West, and in the nexton- gress we have the utmost confidence I in either the nnai iriumpn otp ixpau-ji sion or the relegation of the whole onestion to the fceopl'e. to hold in; A ' ! . v, nrtalio PrAsi.lont. ftl j - " i ; I election. . I CAROLINA HOUSEHOLD Z1NE. ...t. We greet with pleasure 1 the an-- nouncement by Mr. Bonitz, of the Goldsboro Messenger, ol intention; to issue in time for the "holiday sea-j son a large 28 page, 48 column month-j ly, to be handsomely printed on tinted Daber and beautifully illustrated. It will be called the .Carolina House, hold Magazine and will be ajjjleasantj . i! I visitaut to every family circle. I hef Janaary uumber will contain a like picture, accompanied by & "1 j rrrflnhin.-il sUh of x-Goi.-. Z. IJ. Vr,,.o TM-- r.JhJl in n,U W aKS A I.J .? H 111 VWV',V'"'V , - . - , ; 1 ceeunuj H Lrti o ujr Fl.u,aFU3 eminent ministers, statesmen aiul 1 . .. .. ii other prominent characters. Among iKam will WnUm. AitJnsnri (RAvJ. . o . t J i mi r Graham, Senators Ransom and Mer-j riraon and Rev. Dr. Deems. ; M We print in this number of The Morning Star an extract from a let- ter to the Windsor (Bertie) Times, ia It "- -i which a sensible position is taken on the usury question. The author of the letter in question is Mr.; P. II. Winston, Jr., who is oiie of the bffl cers of the 1 resent Legislature, and a gentleman of ability and intlaeuce. j 1 1 ' usury. Editorial Correspondence Windsor Times: I T T t..u . ;t .. introduced a bill to-day amending the present usury law so as to apply 1 to banks, and providing for a forfeit?" ure of double the sum loaned in case of a violation. We think that usury Money is the representative of labor, ii a man works ono Hundred days ami Seis one nunareu uoiiars ani icnus it toaiieighbor he is not allowed; tp charge him more than eight dollars , for the use of it for a year, liutif be buys a horse with the one hundred dollars he can hire him to a jieighboi-. ........... n.. . ' V- T- ,m" HAl !rQ mrA for V:- twit" fMUlt in ttta t; hundred dollars) and nobody's feel- I ing are hurt. Usury laws defeat the object Tor which they are passed.--- Thon m.ln 'ixtnt kinl. I V" "VnXr. n low: sirme lennfirs will rilwavn p.narai I more tnan tne wortu ot their money J in the way of insurance. . J I SnPP'y and demand, regulate val- I ues or rather the cost of production, -ir,imnllUrw-.1mnAn.ri'w or:J otbCr laws of like character iido mote j harm than good. Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates. ILynchburg News.1 It is altogether too soon - to be naming the standard-bearers of the Democracy for. the next Presidential campaign. We have said so before and we say it again. And as a jour- tion to the South, we asain Warn th' oouiuern peopie vo lei Dom tne canai- aaies oe taiten outsiae tne iooutn h the Northern Democracy deemsit "-Jf" X? v""v,-"tt 10 ".c I OWU AAX. iUCSBUlOB, UUl ' U1CU, SIS S v ? mur good Democrats, and we care not s - j - wnere tney come irom. - vy fiat good w.v uwu Mi iucuv the South ? It might do the man eiecteo sorae-ntRw. uih no one else. , . . . . , .. , ... - j i ; an1 i ht riitrnitiAf tirt " 4kf-: n ' Ivn... 1 ,,HU" .-VH.tew.wMMW7f man. as v ice jrresiueni. migui, aeieax ; Tig! he S, the whole ticket. Let the South wait' awhile. In the words of Father Ritchie, "Stand aside and! let the fluid pass;" General x.0nctreet .. - f A correspondent of the New Xor World, writing from New j Orleans, makes the following allusion to -one of Lee's favorite lieutenants: j General Longstreet, for so. many h tl courage and . mainstay ;of r i Diaie. nas u sickness, from which,: it is "j thought, J niny never more use. - xiieu,ai- bo:rod b7 those who -once IfplloTO bim even into tne valley ot qmtn,Hiis Lud-with all his faults will be aad one. If he had died wbertbelpft J away that sword which wasjas bright an Pure as any ln 1116 'ana, aave,one, a nation wouia nave mourneq nis . i jk t a l . hnt tluA.v hft w;il na a I - iv,'!" l- ii Ia.I ait hn tni II rn ja o set a t o thilirv Vr TA- "I """it" irm UrfUonored and unsung." - - - - ; ! ; : ,: I I it is the Jiazoo, the I Canafoharie liadii of tb e empire, of Cali-1 lucre is a ueyrepapci uuuusueu I ooutu wm not tase part nor snare in - . I at Yokaharua called the -Isliiikh'in. I it until her hpad in an- far Ant r.f ti,a , . . 7 X - A I " -w WW SMS VMW VS. W I w KOTES. Fflstidious Richmond rejected Aimee "because she kicked too high." In South Carolina the official majority of Chamberlain for Govern or is 11,589. A1l. fin Joimo o -tiortm Urow bas been fanned bv tho zephy'ra of one hundred and eleven summers. Au you is the exclamatory name 0f a Chinaman strongly suspected of nvuraer m auarysviue, v;u., uu juou released tor lacs oi- legai ; evmeuva - . Senator Morton, who arrived here to- California throujrh the winter and will not attempt to take his seat at iuc uumiujj pctsiuii Courier-Journal : .Nobody can blame Jirother lalmaae for preacli . . .1 . . 1. . H.. 1U2 againsx, xne lueaue u ue i.eauy iliinl - j it m o iiL-orl nifiTitnt inn - Miif. he ousht not to talk about plowing it lit-, in oCionnn nf oort h lul nfll ouch language is impolite, inaeea, . .. ... -r i i it is worse- -it is unagricultural. SOCTII C1HOLINA LKG1SLATUHE A SUglit Clianse for the Belter. Charleston News Uorrespondence.l Columbia, Nov. 28. If the action of the House of liep- ! resentati ves. oil several -important . ;. 1 . i. . . J- . ,J - ... . dex of tho future policy of the major itv can only he biovt'U by tunc. 1 he history of past legislation in South - 1 11 I KJa I Willis IllbJUUVUUl T VAAIIIUIO Wl thJ eeceutricitiesof roguery. In this instannp. nowevpr. ihn maioiitv spr-m to be earnestly bent upon reform, , , and they are entitled to especial cred it for what baa been done. In the first placo about $5,000 was saved the State by the action of the House on voting aown a resolution ouereu uy Humbert, of Darlington, instructing the: clerk of the House to subscribe for the Columbia and Charleston pa- pets for the use of the members dur ing tho session. This resolution was tabled by a vote of 90 Id 11. While the majority of the members of the House need the enlightening and civ ilizing influences of the daily papers it is only proper that they should t oot the bills mt of their own private funds, and they are, therefore, to be commended for their action. The i,lext tbig that is worthy of 6ommcn fj..: ..r . i i in reference to the class of mcorpora tion bills which the reconstructed legislator of South Carolina delights so much to revel in. The question was made and settled at the verv ii, the matter may be regarded as a linality. ynC of L.esli s sable col leagues irom liarnweif, wno appears to be not so intently bent upon. lre form" as hi leader, the ex-land coin- the Leslie Kepublican Club of IJarn- weil. Now, under ih-j rules of the ii .ii i -it . . . . previous nouse, a. urns were pnuieu . cww. iinMPla.l lkr t Iwi ..nntmit. tees, aud the one item of !)i intin: bills of incorporation alone must have cost from $10,000 to $15,000 every : .TT..- .1.- A t . 1. r H Vv w u k " - T.aolio Konnhiifian rili hw ita itln Mr. Crittenden, of Greenville, called the attention of the House to the law passed at the last session, 'which pro- vides that all such corporations shall w. f v rL,,,- n mon Pleas, and that ninety days' notice by; publication must be giveu of the intended introduction of any such bill in the .Legislature, lie also called the attention of the House to the expense that would accrue to the State for the printing of such bills, and made the point that, under the omnibus incorporation act alluded to, this bill should be ruled out unless proof was offered that the legal no : t, uu nuA u .,mn,i ,.,i that, while the , infor.Jiality noted might be fatal to the legal existenc I iha rnrnnrntinn OAnnrlit t .Thof. tered, yet it did not prevent the in- tmAnJnn f ti,0K;HF WoCcto,i that the difficulty might be met -in- wvpvs' w mrwwsssa. -v uuclc vbwxa, two ways: first, by a resolution de claring that the House refused to en- ,; w.u ji w lEi voni biic uiii. auu. auiUiiiiiy. uy 1 . ' ' r. change in the rulcieuiriug all 1U1 . t m ;i....;,,j- ;.wi..;,i., . .i. ation oi ine Dili ana me motion was carried. At a later period of the day Mr. Crittenden introduced a resolu tion declaring that the House refuse to receive or consider any mcorpora l'on bill included in the act passed at the last session and known as the omnibus incorporation act, and this too was adopted by an almost unani mons vote. Tbe Kouili DeMres'no Keactlon. II. V. Red field in Cincinnati Commercial. . 'PL.. .- - .1 r i- . . i - i ne general leeung is jusi mis: 'We have not got our head entirely out of the lion's mouth; go slow, boys." Ihe desire to go slow, to be cautious and circumspect, to do noth- ing. to cause a baikward flow of the tidal wave, is strong in the hearts of 999 Southern men out of a thousand. - l Ins ftehng. go stroug, so universal, will control I 0 " ' 7 T - vw"" vri j I 3 l . r . rw i - anu wnateyer weorge Ticknor Curtis and the New Yorlr WnrM ma v nrn. i pose in the way of revolutionary leg islation, you. may rest assured the take another bitet '. pucute, ytue lion's mouth that the animal can not LTTisLNKSS GAUDS. THOMAS GRAEME, Genfl Insurance Agency, i nilK, MARINE A AID Princeea Street, between Froat and Water Sts. ',, my 10-ly - .. - :". A. ADBIAR. H. TOIJJSBS. & VOLLEKS, Corner Front and Dock Si. , ; WILMINGTON, N. C. wholesale; gb rrs branches. Country merchants will do well by caUing on a ana examining our biocjc lirr. MITCIIEIl. & SON, QOMMIS8ION " MERCHANTS i '. And Dealers In - ' Grain. Flour, liar, and al Frei - Ground Oleal, Fearl uominy " and Grits. ' NOs. 9 and 10 N. Water U, Wilmington, N. C. Proprietors of the Merchant's Flooring MiU. nor 25-tf LEGAL CAKDS. U. S. Claims, Collections, Bankruptcy. EDWARD CA NT WJELL, Attorney nnd Counsellor at Law, Ho.- 7 Hat: Bant BuiIp-llB Stains, XyiLSIINGTON, N Ci" Nbably Ready The second edition of my N. C. Justice, with an Appendix' of Forms and Instruc tions for Solicitor, nbove. 3T- Tries 00. Address as OCt 9-BIU08 t f T . T TTC CT? T T Attorney at Law, WILMINGTON, N. C Office at 'residence, corner of Secon and Dock Street. octl3tf 17 Vi A T A R T T N JJJ KJ XIJ. XX -A- JL :. Attorney at Law, . ' WIJUM1NGTON, N. C-i UrriUE I , iNlAUKET bTREET. E- TWEE.f SkCONO AND ThIKD. WI1 practice in STATE nd FEDERAL CX)UUTS. cugsa-tf N. A. STEDMAKi Jr. Attorney at Law, ELIZABETUTOWN, N. C. JulyT-D&Wtr JAMES H. HILL i! o i a ry Public, OFFICE WITH A. D. CAZATJX. ans 35-tf MISCELLANEOUS. iieip tuo poop mid Fatiiericfts! Grand Gift Concert .FOR TUB BKNEF1T OF THE OKPHAN ASYLUM. $17,500 3r I J1 O? S To betDlairihcted Anion; the Ticket-Holder. -:. A IT T C O N C E It T WILL BX HKLO IV WILSON N, C, On Thuraday, the l7thDec2mber, 1871 For tho exclusive benefit of ile ORPHAN ASYLUM AT OXFORD TICKETS ONLY TWO DOLLARS. Number of Tickets only 15,000. 2,1 09 Gins to be GIYen Away, niaklnr One Gift to Every Aven Tickets. RKAL estate gifts. One Lot in the town of Wilson, N. C, con tainlng X)( acres, with large and convenient dwelling, having 10 rooms, and all necessary and convenient outhouses; situated on Uames street, valued at (5,000 xjuo eu-KKnt s siurr jxesiaence in w uson, cor ner of Pins and Green streets, with XX acre, and containing 8 rooms, located ln the most eligible part of the town, valued at 4,500 udb j mere xoc, suaatea on tne corner or Vauce and prlng streets, with neat resi lience ana out nouses, vaiuea at.,. CASH GIFTS. 1 Cash Prize.. 1,800 ....$1,000 ... 500 ... 256 ... 400 ... 250 400 ... 800 .... 600 .... 1,000 ... 1,500 r i 1 4 5 20 80 100 600 1,500 $100 each. 50 " .. 20 " .. 10 . S T.. -i "... 1 . " .. MISCELLANEOUS GUTS. One Fine Top Buggy ..$250 One Hue Buggy. 166 ne Fine Gold Watch. ub One Fine Ladies Watch... : 75 yomnutiee or Arrangements G. W. Blount, B. y. HigB uiu a. oaraes, csqrs. uepositsry jtfanic or Wilson. Eq., Kocky Mount; lr. K. W. King, Jus. W. Lan caster and James E Clark. Esnn.. Wilson. While this interDrtse is not eondnr.trd imi1r fh direct uuspice-! or any Ludge, yet H bjct is to aid that noMe incitution. the oxford Orphan Asylum, whicu whs enabli.hed by the Grand Lodge of the Swte, and the management is entirely in ue bands of members of the Order. The object i exclusively for the benefit of the Orphan Asylum, and the Committee deem it un necessary te make any extended appeal to the peo ple of North Carolina in behalf of an Institution which ia ok worthy of 1 heir cupaort. 1 he low price of the tickets places it in tbe power of every one to aid a m.ble cause, and at the came lirae the chances of being reimbursed are unueually favorable. it is, Cunudvntiy believed that the enterprise will be a success, but If, from any cause, there should be no Conce: t and distribution, all ihe money received from the ticket holders shall be returned to them lic. e' B'uw11' 00 entitled to a chance for the urns umess iir money for the same ha beet re ceived at this office The Gifts will be distributed immediately after the Concert. - Any person holding a ticket entit ed to a Gift who desires the Asylnm to have the benefit of such Gift, Will liOtifv the Secretary h anrh mriArumpnt m the back jf the ticket, and the same than be appro- t" Mnuey for tickets ranst be tenOy Registered I at rap XT a a, d HH TH .... . .. jnuusj urnuf or Axpresii, aireciea to - A. BARNES, Secretary, nov8 dwlm WILSON, N. C. , Mountain Butter, -A. IlvTE LOT. ALSO 37 BARRELS ArPLSS, NOW LANDING, For sale by nov22tf - EDWARD3 '& BALL More Good News. : 7-7 JUFt arrived and landing 800 Bbls. New Elver juuueis, a no, i, also ,ooo dozen No, 1 Fish Roe. b nov.lt If - No. S South Water St. Advisory Board John Nichols, Esq .Raleigh: W. P. Davis, Esq., Kittrells; A. 1L A. Williams Esq Oxford; Mai. J. P. Jenkins. Nashville: J. H Thorn MISCELLANEOUS. THE "STAR" STEAM Job Printing House, BOOK BINDERY AND BUM BOOK HAMFACTORI WILLIAM H. BEKNAUr, PROPRIETOR, WILMINGTON, N.' C, the onl y establishment in the 81 ATE HAVING ALL THESE FACILITIES COMJJINEIK T112 BEST ASSOItTMENT OP T.Y P E. P A PER S , Cards and Inks. SKILLED WORKMEN rs Every Department. NOT THE LOWEST PEICES, KBIT vi L Of P R .1 C E AS iLNY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. FOR THE BEST QUALITY OF WORK. Printing, Ruling AND B I U 3D I 2sT O-, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, E xe cut e d : Promptly, ANU SKI I F UI L Y Improved Machinery or ALL KZinSTIDS I lNOE AOII1NO, STEASV1 POWER, We are. enabled to till orders with THE ITTMQST DISPATCH INSURANCE. PIEDMONT & ARLINGTON, - Life Insurance Company, Of Richmond, Virginia. Over 22,300 Policies Issued. ; Annual Incoino Over $1,500,000 FrosressiT'e! Frosprons ! Prompt ! SMALL EXPENSES, SMALL LOSSES, SECURE . INVESTMENTS, AMPLE RESERVE, AND GOOD SURPLUS! Premiums Casta, f olicies Liberal, Annual Division of Surplus. ARTHUR J. HILL, Jr., Agent. Office for the present with Dr. T. F. Wood, Medi cal Examiner, on Market street, two doers west of "jQreen & Flanuer'i drns store, Wilmington, N. C. September 2-tf - -. - Insurance Rdoms. -t-x $27,000,000 F1BE INSURANCE CAP- ITAL REPEliSENTEBAFTER PAYING BOSTON LOSSES. Oueen Insurance Co.. of Liverpool and London, Caoital . .v. . . . . ....... $10,000,000 North British aid Mercantile Insurance Oompany, Capital ...... 10,800,000 Hartford Insurance Company, Capital ,2.500.000 National Fire lnsuranee Company, of .tvt Hartford. Capital . 600,00? C-onunental Innurance company, cf New York, Capital i.CCO.OOO fp.uinix iriffuraHCe coninaiiy, or urookJyn. Capital... : 1,500,000 virama Home insurance fjompauy, or RicbEond, Capital .... ' 500,000 JHAKirtit The old Mercantile ttntual of New York. . LIPE The Connecticut Mutual of Ilartf ord. 'i ATKINSON 6 MANNING. nov234' General Agents Tj" N COURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. Security against Fire. . T1IE NORTH CAROLINA -HOME I.SUI1AIE COMPANY, EALEian, N.C. This Company continues to write Policies, at fair rates, on all classes of insurable property. All losses are promptly adjusted and paid. The "HOME" is rapidly growing in public favor, asd appeals, with confidence, to insurers of property in North Carolina Agents In all parts of the State, .jsrj R.H. BATTLE, Jr., President C. B. ROOT, Vice President. S EATON GALES, Secretary. PULASKI COW PER, Supervisor. ATKXNSO.N & MANNING, AGENTS, aogl-tf Wilmington, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. NE AfEIViLS This Week. WACCAMAW & CAPE FEAR PRESU-BEATEN . J ZL.l C E HAMS, SIDES, &I10 ULDERS, (Dry Salted and Smoked). English and Scotch. Ales, COFFEES of all kinds at Reduced Prices, FISH, CASE GOODS of all kinds, TOILET SOAPS, Fine, Pale and Common SOAPS, Twenty different kinds of TONIC BITTERS, Cigars, Tobacco Kerosene Oil, Hay, Corn and Oats, wrrn hundreds of other articles of Groceries at Wholsale. CASH or close buying customers can be fruited al ways, with Good Goods at Lowest Market Prices, mayg-tf ADRIAN A VOLLERS, Reduction in Price ! cr. & "w. TOLLEY'S Celebrated -F.I ti IS ENGLISH Breech - Loading Gun?, manufactory, Pioneer Works', BIRMINGHAM ENG. HAVING ESTABLISHED A BRANCH HOUSE in New York for the sale of our celebrated weapons, we offer to sportsmen the Cheapest Guns of guaranteed quality and shooting powers ever sold In tho Lnited States. They are built with every im provement for American sport, and are made in six qualities, each Gun being -branded with one of the undermentioned names, which denotes its quality : PioNEa , 65 oSd. TOLLEY..... ............. u7 STANDARD ". 11 " NATIONAL. 14a CHA l.LENGE. . .J. i ...;...'."""" " " Ign" ' PARAGON ....."""'I" 825 ''" Any one of the above brands may be selected with the gre-ittst confidence, as no Gun bears our name that we do not thoroughly guarantee in every re spect. . GUNS FORWARDED C. 0D. " N, B. Gans built to order, at above prices, a spt-cialtv. Send for detailed particulars, with illus trated descriptive price sheets and testimonials, to our Branch House, , . , . . . 20 Maiden Lane, New York. sept 35-D AW tf avana Lottery. EXTRAORDINARY DRAWING. - $1,200,000 Prlaes, Dec. 16, 1814. Ocly 16,0C0Tickcts-one Priao to every 7 Tickets. 1 Pdaeot..... 1 .. of.... $500,000 . 100.0OO . 50,000 . 50,000 . 40,000 . 0,000 . 400,000 1 of. 8 4 n 2176 of $2,fX)0 each, of 10,600 each, of 5,000 each, amounting to... Circulars with full information sent.Ves. Tickets for sale by P. C. DEVLJN, Stationer and General Agent, fob1.VTW1y i - SO Liberty St. New YorK. pilK moHNING STAR BOOK R1ND- X BRY is complete in all all Its appointments, and Is in charge of one of the most skillful workmen in the State. All kinds of Binding executed neat I v cheaply and expeditiously. Al ICEJ.LANEOUS. APPLE TON'S American Cyclopedia New Ctc vised Edition. Entirely rewritten by the ablest writers on even, . ject. . Printed from n ; type, and iUastrated - with Several thousand Engravings and Maps . . .. .. -. .. ! This Nkw American Ctcxopdia TcomP, i 1863, since which time the wide circu:atk.n ?lmt the signal developments which have ukenpk'Tr -every branch of science, literature, and -rt w, 1 1r.rj.rt thn rAitsir B.,n l,H.I..r. Lave IB. ..wwucuti o tu Buumit to nn not. nft thornncrh rfvisSnn r. . 10 aex. tion entitled This amehicak Ctclopdix Within the last ten years the progress of Uiscov. in every department of knowledge has m.! I ' "v.. v. . v. uui. tu .hi jn.i a , c want. rPh movement, nf Trlirir-uV F.. . 1 . with the discoveries of ecieuce. and their frmi'hf plication to the industrial and useful arts ana tT " - 'V-.V1UI, v, bucjbi iiie. Grpt ,.... ...juuuju,,,. occurred in volvicg naUonaTchangcis of peculiar moment T civil war of our own rxiniitrv nrKiok . ", .lae when the last volume of the old workTpnXTf ' happily been ended and a new course of comtoeS' nnd industrial activit.v has h.n "?ui-msr - . j vviumcucea. xjorgc nutccruuuD ui our geOKraDMcal L-Tm,..i j toveeenmdrby the iAeAulKSgS The great political revolutions of the last icc with the natural result of the lapse of timp brought into pubUc view a multitude cf newirtl whose names are in every one's mouth, acd of u ' lives every cne is curions to know tbe panv-m Great battles have been fought and imiWiai i i maintained, of which the details arc as jet ijrp ' only in the newspapers or in the transient t.iTv,!.1'1 uons of the day, but which ought now to taWh permanent and authentic history. In preparing the present edition for the d has accordingly been the aim of the tditcm down the information to the latest possible i,? and to furnish an accurate account of the moM , -cent discoveries in science, of every fresh w ' tion in literature,' and of tie newest iBvenncmV'. the practical arts, as well as to give a suceu ct original record of the progress of political eveni The work has been begun after long and caiyf preliminary labor, and with the most ample rcsou :L lor carrying it on to a successful termination. - , j -...wv Miaica nave lh -:. need, but every page has been printed on t,p t ...... .tcreuijrpe plates nave bv formina' in 1 in fact a new Cyclopajdia, with the slW plan end compass as us predecessor, but with . rr B i r . j iciiuacuxe, anu wun tucu h i proyements m its composition as have beentD"es ed,? ?ger exPenence'and enlarged knowled" 1 he Ulusuauoiis which are introduced for the ii. time in the present edition have been added not t.,; the sake of pictorial effect, but to give greater lucid uy and force to the explanations i5 the text Ti e embrace all branches of science and of natutal hibh ry, and depict the most famous and remarkable f tares of scenery, architecture, and art, as well as tin processes of mechanics and manufacturers. 't though Lntended for instruction rather than cmhVt Uahment, to pains have been spared to insure- li j artiatic excellence; th- cost of their execuin,'."i. xnormous, and it ie believed they will find a woiw-r-,, reception as an admirable feature of the Cj c'-ii- ', and worthy of its high character. This work is sold to Subscribers only, paal,ie . delivery of each Volume. It will be completed . sixteen large octavo volumes, eachcoEtauiiii" ubu '", 800 pages, jully illustrated with several thousand Wood ftngravings, and with numerous colored Lith ograph Maps. j Price and Style of Binding. In extra Cloth, per voL -, ., . In Library Leather, per vol.... " . y. In Half Turkey Morocco, pervol.. ........... . . In Half Russia, extra gilt, per vol " ; , I? S?9 Morocco, antique, gilt edges," pe-Vvd." ' l'tt ., In Full Russia, per vol -ti) ,,t Three volumes now ready. Succeeding voiu"i-f until completion will be issued once hi tv.eiv months. Specimen pages of the American CYCL.)r; ii showing type, ifluatrations, etc., will be seiu ar:,ii' on application. - Fibst-Clabs Canvassiko Agbsts Wan-vk:) Address the Publishers, 1. APPLETON & n; - - .649 & 551 Broadway, N. ; Jan 9-tf The Eaieigh News DAILY AND WEEK L 1 PUBLISHED BY --. - STOGIE & FZZELL.' DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEHESTS r the State of North Carolina to the sucl-s, the Conservative party, the development of th " oca wealth of the State, the inrituig emigrati-ji " to our midst, and advancement of the welfare t:i c people m everything that serves to ciaka s-. prosperous and independent. Its - ADVERTISING COLUMJSs" will be found of great advantage a Doth the andWeckly circa late largely in every porticii i ; State. Rates moderate. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Daily, One Year. . . ; Weekly, One Year. ..5 1 w .. Ot Subscribe for I74. STONE & UZZELL, jan 2-tf Proprietor Horry eekly lews, PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING AT CONWAYBOHO, S."C., T. W. BEATY, EDITOR; J. W. G. SMITHY PUBLISHES Terms $2 JPcr Anuum. ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED AT LOW rates. The Horry News is the only paper puu lished in the county, and having a. large circulation in this county, and a considerable circulation in Co lumbus and Brunswick county, N." C, makes it desirable medium for advertisers. W. 11. Bernard is our authorised Agent in Wil mington,N. C. . dec lS-tf Tie Jortli Carolina Arps A WEEKLY, FAMILY AND POLITI- CAL NEWSPAPER. N. Knight & Son, - - Proprietors. WADESB0R0, N. C, HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION than any pap r in Anson county. Established in 1843, it is the only official organ of Anson,Iont gomery and Stanley counties. It is the only reliable advertising medium In Anson county. Terms reas onable. Every merchant and business man should' have the ARGUS. AGENTS WANTED! Agents Wanted ! Agents Wanted ! ! Liberal Inducements Offered. TWO BEAUTIFUL CHROMOS, "TDEUNCON scious Sleeper," and "The Jewels offspring. One a gift free to all subscribers of the Rural Carolinian, 2 Tie Great Southern Agricultural MonUdy. - $i 00 per annum, .with usual Club Rates. Canvassing Agents wanted in every County of each ef the Southern States, to whom the meBt lib 'al terms will be offered. . - Persons who desire to undertake the duties of" Canvassing should make immediate application to. the publishers, when circulars se ting forth terms,. &c, will be sent them. The ChromoH are. now ready for delivery. The " Jewels of "Spring" will be furnished to subscribes for the moderate charge of 50 cents for mounting: ready for framing and ''The Unconscious Sleeper" at. $3, mounted. Express charge for each Chvoino, 25? cents, prepaid. - WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL and - W. L. DAGGET, Publishers, an8-tf - Uharleston.S.C. The Georgetown, S. G.,Tinies PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, Al 83,00 per annum, Special attention paid to Local Affairs. IN ONE OF THE BEST TURPENTINE SEC: .tions in the State. Advertisements will be in serted at reasonable rates. For terms apply to Wbi U. Bernard, agent. DOAR & CO.,. Publishers. B.H. WILSON. Editor dec4-tf " l 1 . - " The Camden Journal CAMDEN , S. C. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT $2 50 L per annum. Advertising rates liberal. JOHN KERSHAW. Prop'r. W, H. Bsrsasd. Agent, " U811 ,4""