In!. tuotmng - mux. Mr WM. 1. lililtNARD, Editors.. : OSCERO W. HARRIS . Wilmington, m a.- Tuesday Morning Dec. 8, 874. ST. TO OTJK SUBSCRIBERS. Onr "Terms' r under xiie New Postal TTrwinv 'pv effect January 1 1, 1875, we are re- quired to pre-pay the'postage on The Morning Star. This will add con- niderablv to the expense , of-pablica- , , , i" - . - -, no advance in tho present price of subscription to yearly subscribers, The price for six months will be advanced from 3 50 to &4 oo' that n " '" , . , auu Uini lor 0,30 month Irom 75 cents- to 1 00. Tb is v, i 1 1 in alee .our follows: ., new rates as Daily Star l"year (postage paid) $7 00 " i "- ; G months " 4 00 2 25 " 1 00 V:P --V. . . .... ..... ..v,v.rvvu yt uiu luouiuiy prico these new rates are" all lower ilmn our old rate, as the postage now paid by suusenbers is Si 20 row T r J in Liecaso op yearly subscribers the cosl. 01 iue ail" bTAK is now $1 20 less thau formerly. ; r , . tTnder the new system we shall en- force the cash plan more rigidly than , . ever be.ore; and tins will result in- thc stoppage of many papers if sub- scriptions are not renewed by. Janu-1 ary 1st. We cannot afford to send our v paper ..on credit and prepay the ' 1 r J postage besides. We hopo5 evtiry. subscriber 'on our I books will renew promptly. tf TKANSIT OF VENUS. Diagonally across the Cape Fear f J . . . liiver from, tho summit . of Sunset Hid, persons who frequent that favor- ue resort az tne approach of twilight, have doubtless uoticed a large, bril- ; liant and Solitary, star.: It followed immediately, in the track of theW . appeared before any other sW and " . ... i ;. - shone with unusual lustre: from out the iris-colored back ground of a clear, autumnal evening. sky. During the monlhs of September and October it the F!f ct yon.iSi'wJ.ich to-day ...aivoiw I'w-iiouicai vaosit across tne sun's disc. . The first transit ever observed took i.lnpn in inr.o .TKio fn.:V'.'m.a . -, ,. v TT - - - J l astronomer Avho had looked m vain j for tne ; occurrence r in -1631. - His lailuro to ee , ; it is attributa- ble to - the - fact . that ; the j.'.., .1 . transit was not visible from the point "ficnose. .ine next transit, that ot .June, itbi, louna awaiting its occnr- I rence a number ofohiffblv improved telescopes, nnd nn ingm;Vm , . , , 1 subtle and piercing than Jhe-telescope ewton s calculus The penodbe. tween the two last mentioned transits is marked by the advent of : some of the most illustrious men whose names o "c ' m. adorn the history.-of science. The v - ., , transit of 1769 was even more widely observed. To-day, Dec. 8th, 174, scientific men from every part of the enlightened .world: will bring to their aid two additional ana powerful agents, photography; and the spectro- scope. 1 o-day, unless clouds inter- vene, the sunbeam, darting from the luminous centre of the solar System eecuon couniy irom contiguous porl-..:(r;un:z:"'-. . . - tions of Abbeville, Laurens. Edsre- ;.w,,l,u u'y 'g-ugnL ana mys- """U3 ,in nierogiypnics science can easily decipher, f And, the mo- ment the planet makes her first con- tact with tlie sun the light of the en yeloping gas wiJL cease to' be visible I on the gpect roscope. ' " T I The transit of Dec. 6th 1882 will be visible , here. To-day vit occurs City, says it was one of the most mag after the sun sets in our longitade. nificent weddings of modern times.' The intei vals between the transits are respectively'; vein '-12 U Svear. loitvi . .n ! - , years, 104 J yrs.; and; so. on for cen- r'CS' . "!'" V' ,:v.-: .j The astronomical iraportanc qf ,the transitistsrinlhef means t affords of 'a om?.Cf Tv auorus ol determiuing the distance of the Mm from the earth. This dis- h?, guests. The finish of this def iance, serves as a'celestial "yard stick". Sant apartment is in satin wood : and ior astronomers an their calculations janer or a uoauty, tbdt They know Vpnus ; is o rt T WUld ke the anels ven turn t, , , , vr--U.5-.1?:- .fOhe. ereen witbenvv.-The rnnirino-o vi. -uarin s Uistancel from -Ji'ho nii .1.: , . tury oj-ioa of the same distance- haturn, ten times the distance- thus it becomes impoilint tn w' corroctlv s rill 1 , t &8 correctly as possible that ; distance, Acknowledge of the ekact length of will aid in lerfectiHg the artof n:- vuullUv uuu tir ."7o -rri ,;i.) I J " ' - -w-.- JTv-.j'' i.- '. i tion, it will throw new light on. .the science of optics, and add another link to the chain which bind the finite mind to the wonders . of the Infinite. . -ij ; .V - The physical cause of the transit is y-s the coming of an opaque body be Nrrpppn t,,i ol.V onil ll CW UUUW6 this respect to a solar eclipse: In a solar eclipse the intervening body is the moon; in a transit, it is the, planet Venus. .On, account of - the LviQ 1 a far-less imposing appearance. ' Ve mis will not cover more than 1-900 0f the sun'sdisc at a' time, and will seem to , pass ovef-it asa "dark spot. The Prjnciple, however,; is the same. Another stronS analogy between so lar eclipses and transits is. theirlperi odical characteiv. There ave strikiiiff differences between them. : Eclipses cross the sun from west to east; tran sits"' fronv east to west, i: The' whole iIluminat'ed hemisphere sees the trail sit, the whole illuminated hemisphere never sees.the eclipse. o i q - The follow Wt.nrV 'At Snf ,;; j 7 - O " J v nyvu u JT th'olbgy. is said t describe the phe nomena of the transit: The Phccnix a wonderful bird of bright plumage, once in many centuries, ! came flying straight from the East to the Temple of the Sun "in; Egypt, plunged itfto the fire which alwavs burned unon its 1 ipp, was. inere consumed to asbes,and I TlsnS from its ashes flow away west- War(J n renewe1. youth and beauty. - .- ' - - 1 v - irom the Ji,ast towards the snn, pass through it as a dark, aslv snotl and then fly away westward beauty and brilliauce? in renewed Tne trans5' he watched by ob- J"3 hefS peditiona fitted out by! the United States, Great Britain, Germany, Ilus- sia and other -leading powers. .The stations are in the far East and in the ?0Qth Seas where only the transit is I . AUW MVI tllllUCUl ,111. Lilt ttwqI . ,f" ' J United States expended $150,000 in preparations for the event. ... . j STARDUST.! The Florida lumber business. wbas been steadily growingsindo. the war, is now very dalll . n - ta , -t--.-, completed his bast of Whittier and' win send to Kome 111 January. . f Some of the Radical organs now- adays rea(3 a good deal like the back Uinbers of the Independent journals. A cheerfulraorrfevails to the effect that the Isew York MemtbUc will be suppressed and suspended at no distant day. V 1 An elaborate "Histbry, of Dl- mocracy, oy Mr. iSiahum Capen, of I,!t.oov. Jara(!8 ,,. Knis!, i. kpromiuent candidate forj cratic nomination for CoH the Demo rrroso in tlio Second Connecticut district. "Noilsson, the Beautiftil." has been greatly damaged by some utrlv Blv' vi uer private lire, lven lirooklyn society has tabooed her. Congressman. Iawes; chances Ior eection to the U nited States Qeri- ate from Massachusetts are thonght by the lioston Herald to be verv small. 1 The bank clerks of, New York and vicinity have a thriving society, with a membership of 1,018, employed 1Q 108 banks. " ; One of Its features is a mutualhfe insurance plan. rj,,- j Radical paper, speaks strongly against the passage of the civil rights bill", by Congress at this session describing measure astrenchirig- upon the o-angerous gropna otjocialismr r-i T; - -T "jVjt , J It lsjnnouncedintoe; Washing ton Chronicle that Daniel Am P nt tained a divorce in aj Virginia court Monday last from his wife, Mary lemraer Am8' e well-known Tan- ua .u ; - 'a bill Wn intnrW the South Carolina . Legislature" for the formation of anew j judicial and field and Newberry, to be-known a tho county of JNinely-Six, with thi court house at Ninety-Six Depot. ! ; ... T 'j zzS., $ Grant Bouore totdne, , j 1 he San Francisco Call, peaking of 'the marriage of Miss Clara A. aroP'.iauer Wm. A. Sl.aron, r: Sharon has just completed the' - ?erD Tf mence n the 1 acm.c coast. It covers nearly an acre. of ground, and isTa huge pile of marble, carved wood and plate) glass;,- The interior is said to be of Oriental splen- r -D ; a11 it8 f PPintraent8. -On1 drawing room alone, with dome-like; r.U w;n .mv, .i:L- the blaze of a $5,000 chandelier, and eath the aovr of a floral templW of exotip from every clime. -I- JIiss Sron is not . Tended as beauty, though she?: is qaite. .-pleasinfe and 8aid a be yeryintelligentrrShe Si66868 with eX(luisite taste uitjvj- t viciiii-uiuiuiH 111 - : . -. . .; umu, ijjijr. 1 .wvu. vuvo. uiaw iu nils luuui. untiRr - ,The;Legislattire. Qandcnsed from the Raleigh Sentinel. SEVENTEENTH DAY. ' SENATE. J. , ' , Satukuay, Dec, 5. J udiciary Committee reported ad versely on the bill for the disability relief of W. W. Holden. -,Mr Graham -introduced a bill au thorizing .the working of convicts at Others places than 'the. penitentiary except those convicts sentenced for pjurder," rape and arsom f .. r. ,. f Mr.. Peebles, bill to repeal the bas tardy law. Referred. . . .. Mr. Parish's bill for Justices of Peace .to give bond, was again taken up arid-t discussed. . Ayes and nays calledton second reading; j ayes "28, nays!17. - Bill passed second reading, v ,Mr. Standford moved. to; suspend rules and take upill for the relief of the Sheriff u of x Sampson. Granted. Bill passed third reading J jt v1" . Mr. Latham moved to suspend rules and put bill for fees of jailors on its several readingsr Granted Mr. La tham amended 45 cents day to jail ors, instead of 50 cents. Mr. Bell asked that the Board' shall not pay. the sheriff Or officer acting as jailor, any extra compensation. Mr. Graham saw no necessity for this . bill. ! Mr. Morehead spoke for this bill. Mr. Morehead's substitute on tlio third reading passed ayes 24r nays -1-8, and , wm go 10 Aiaiuauco.ny Aionaay. ' ' Mr. Stanford moved to suspend rules and take ,up House biy for re lief of Sheriff orBriinswick-'Granted,' and bill passed third reading - ; ' r I Mr. McElrby; resolution asking .W. :A. Smith toV1fupis", papers with re gard to ' the Status ot the . Western North" Carolina Railroad. : BiU that the Bank -of Monroe shall only charge legal interest, passed third reading. . ' v ' - -- Bill for relief -.of bid school master. L. JfcGinneyy of Wilmington, indefi nitely postponed.- ' - " ' tlonie" resolution concurred in in structing our representatives in Con gress to get appropriation for remov ing obstruction - to navisration in Neuse' river. ' ' t Bill for fees of Solicitors as amend ed by the committee adopted. Bill passed second reading. i ? : ----- HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Candler, a bill to prohibit the carrying of side arms.. Mr. Munden, a bill to provide for the payment of overseers of public roads. . - . v; Mr.Walker, 'of Richmond, a bill to be entitled an act concerninr pnblica- tion of accounts audited ty county commissioners. Bill for the relief of the Sheriff of Halifax county and his sureties. -LHU to be entitled an acttto incor porate. Olive Branch Baptist, Church in Union count v. Mr. Hanner, a bill to prevent ir'am bh'ngonFair Oround3 trus i caUed ui. On motion of Mr. Finder, under sus pension of the rules, an amendment offered by himself to extend the act io. an paonc exoioitions appeared, wnen, on motion, ine Din was recom mitted to the Judiciary Committee.. IK Senate resolution in regard to the invitation to'the General Assemblv to I attend the next annual meeting of the Cape Fear Agricultural Association, was nnauimously adopted. Message- received from Senate amending House Bill regarding fees curred in, and the bill ordered to be enrolled. " Election for) .Bishop of Iowa. Iowa elects a successor: to Bishop Lee on December ,9, Among those already mentioned are Dr. Hare, who ha$ been laboring among the Indians ot Nebraska and Dakota; Rev: G. V. . . r .. . I n;iit3B, oi rr iscunsiii, m me incum bency of Red Wmsr, JMiiin.; Dr. Mc- Ilwaine, of Keokuk; Rev. John Cot ton Smith,' Dr. Edward Sullivan and Rev; H.,N, Powers, of Chicago; Dr. D6 Jioven, Dn W. M. Harris, Pto- lessor ot ii.cclesiastieal History in. iinawojia Uollege; Dr. Jd. C Totter, of Union Colleger Dr. Goodhue, ol Davenport: Dr, Huntington and Rev. Philip Brooks, of Boston, and Dr. H. N. bchenck, of Philadelphia. MISCELLANEOUS. (VULLlftlERY, A ND FANCY: NOVELTIES FOR FALL AND XI. ' . winter, now opening.. A J ' T " Tl ' I!' bw uuuuts;tmuuuw races.; ... a. j-, , - -v i A splendid aasowmenfr of " - ' . i -.-f ; i - IIUUIU liUpUllbU i iUIYbU r-'iiid Millinery Goois, Uumanj Hair .Goods, Frizettes, Braids, Curls. &c- &c. . (1 IT R -njf T MA S T O V S AND OTTIEn , . : H O I I A. Y G O O D P. THE MISSKS STllOOK, - Princes?, between Frosi and Second streets. noyl,tf - ' - - ' MliohtMts Molasses,, Molasses. ' iAWs Sugar House Molasses, k ,Hbia.ftnr Honse Mo asses.' . ' 100 Sugar House Molasses, OP Hhds Sugar House MolasseSj -l r Puncheons Demarara Wolasses, - . . Ilhds Centrifugal Cuba Molasses.. , For sale by - &E11C11NEE & C ALDER BEOS.. dec-a-tr .- 87. as A 29 North-Water St. DlV JAME S E , KEA, Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist, a v rnr iortpf. and Second r . wm'v.invi v. ... t.. .. w . . - C 1 1 ClU D. . VY JLLIUULLVU, v.- t-.-v .3.1, . .... . i v .1. .. I. ... Anno and 'All worit a one in me ucot v warranted. Prices low. ' nov 8-t WEDDING CARDS AND VISITING GARBS printed in the most elegant style, at 1' i , WM. H. BERNARD'S . ' SBglt." ; Printing ond PuT)lishing Honse. B USINEiSS"CAliDS, THOMAS "G-RJEME , ; Genl Insurance Agency.' MARINE AA'D L.IFX2. Princess Street, between Front and Water Sts. .w i. ABMAN. - H. VOLLBHS. ADBIAN & VOLLEKS, t Corner Front and Oocli.Sta., tr t , , WILMINGTON, N. C. , I X7H0LE8AJLK GROCERS r Tf TPJ AT.T.TTS KPA-WmTRS." Country merchants will do ,well by calling on un .uu eiiumiingear Biocg, . . .. . . nor i-tT . U. E. MITCHELXi & SON,, 0OMMISSION" MEKCIIANTS ' ' - a And Dealers in v Grain, Flour, Hay, and also Vreni urounajueai, feari Hominy U..iiH?titi.kd ; Proprietors pf tao Merchant's rionrfie Mills. ... vi - LEGAL CARDS. U. S. Claims, Collections, Bankruptcy. EDWARD GANTWELL, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, No." 7 Nat. Bant Buildiu-Up Stairs. WILMINGTON, N. C. ' Nbakly Keadt The second edition of my N. C. Justice, with an Appendix; of Forma and Instruc- tions for Solicitors, above. Prica 00. Address as oct 9-3mos D.L. RUSSELL, : Attorney at Law, IFJi JAJ A GTON, N. Q, OS&ce at: residence, corner of Secon and Dock Streets. - oct 13 tf E . S.MARTIN , Attorney at Law,".. J WILMINGTON, X. C, ' OFFICE ; Makket Street, be tween Second and Tiiikd. - - Witt practice in STATE and FEDEEAL COURTS. ang22-tf , ' JAMES H. HILL .Wptary Public, OFFICE WITH A. D. CAZATJX. ang25-tf . . N. A. STEDMAN, Jr. Attorney at. Law, ELIZABETHTO WA JV. C. joiy7-Dwtr ' . MISCELLANEQUS4 Help tho Poor and Fatherless! (Wri f d-if-t hnri ,"rm wuvvi u FOR THK BENEFIT OP THE ORPHAN ASYLUM. $17,500 ;-x.3sr-. a-1 nr a? To be Distributed Among the Ticket-IIolders. A . u 1 b T C O N C E U T WILSON TsT C 0n Thnraday, ths 17thDecember, 874, For the exclusive benefit of the OUPIIAN ASTL UM AT OXFORD TICKETS ONLY TWO DOLLARS Number of Tickets only 15,000. 2,169 Gifts to be Given Away, making One Gift to. Every Seven Tickets. REAL ESTATE GIFTS. One Lot in the town of Wilson. K. r... mn. taming l)g acres, with large and convenient unciuiig, uaving iu rooms, and all necessary and convenient onthonses, situated on . .Barnes street, valued at nm (Inf. AlMnnt Q .fn I) 1 J . if.ji nd containing 8 rooms, located in the most nir.r-, ,tlOW"i valud at v -. 4,500 One x acra-Lot, situated on the corner of uvo ana rpring streets, with neat resi- uence and out-honses, valued at. . . CASH ! H"T 1,300 . 1 Cash Prize. 1 ...$1,000 ... 600 ' " 1 4 5 SO 30 100 600 1,500 $100 each.. ' 60 20 " '. 10 " "" 1 5 " " -'-. i " ......II;!.!";' MISCELLANEOUS GD7TS. .. S50 ... 400 ..' sso .. 400 .. 300 .. 600 .. 1,000 ... 1,600 One Fine BuT....y ... V. f t)ne Fine QoYi Watch. ' iU BriandX JteSCT Srsl18- W Depository Bank of W ilson. ' " AT? .V1?0r ao&TrJ Nichols, KsqRaleieh: W iry Bo nVSS IT f Jt?eu2; H' A- Williams" Esq., Oxford; Maj. J. P. Jenkins, Nashville: J. H. Thoni Esq., Rocky Moant; Dr. K.' W. King, ias. W. LaSl ca?,t,15 ,anifame8 B aark. Hsqs., wTlsonT "rteirPt" not conducted under the ttOT wlucq was established hv th l ..j IT. ? a.,. j .i . " '"u wi tug i i'JSJS" " 18 entirely in the hands H The object is exclusively for the' benefit of the necessary to make any extended appeal to the Deo- pie of North Carolina in behalf ofan tostUnt wmcu is so.worthv of their T-?i?iff??w' one to without discount. fi0Jp:iocforth rpivd or nAt " mvvaa ic The Oif ts wilj be distributed immediately after the ..' Any person holding a ticket Cntifed to a Gift who desireslhe Asylum to have th. iJy.J?J,!? rae Asyium to biwe th benefit of attck Gift wUi no Wythe Secretary bgnch endorsement on 'b,f kof5heti(ket,andrfsame shall be appro- pnated as directed.- . . . ; . t-p" Money for 'tickets must be sent hy Registered Le"er Moiiey rdlr dlrected t0 ... A. JjAKNJLS, Secretary, . ; " . , wilbun, N. C. avana Lottery, EXTRAORDINARY DRAWING, $l,300TO0O(PrUe, Dec. 16, 1874. nly 16030Ticket9-one Prize to every Y Tickets. 1 Prize ot. .. ... . . .. . . .'. .. ...$500,000 ... 100.OOO 1 " of 1 " of ; 3 " of $2o,000eack... 4 " of 10,600 each... 18 " of 6,000 each. SC7C " amounting to.. 60,000 50,000 40,000 60,600 400,000 Circulars with full information sent free.- Tickets for sale by P. C. DEVLIN, " Stationer and General Arent. feb 15-DWly . 30 Uberty St., Neyf Yorf, - beVs& 1 ...... .. ' ., uM noConMrtanddistributionntha monevrectivP!? I ' I t ., ' - ' from the ticket holder h.i 1 I! J"."5i civetl 1 - 1 .f . - - .".'( tl r MISCELLANEOUS. M; t .4 ; 1 -V Jg?A? r J ab;Ef intjiiig House, lis BOOK BINDERY 5 fr ' J ''BlAte BOOK-, MAKDTACTOfiLv '" ?.. ?y wr ' U4AI 1 aV? 1 uu .1. 1 '-1. ' WILLIAM JLBKllNAjRTci" s t , t'KOPBIETWU, PIE onl y establish i in aim 81 ATE HAVING, ALL TJLESB CILITIES, , 'COMBINED j J IUE DEsT ASSQIiTMENT Ol? ' .1 ' -, T1-.PE.P A fe 15 IIS, Cards andlnksV-' SKILLED WOEEHEH:1 Iyery department, i : it . .n, o t r lr.-E LOWEST ''HUGE s; j i . EJCJ'fl' AN ;5 : . J a. AS ANY OTILEIl ESTABLISHMENT. FOR THE Warn n IT it t w ' vaU' d jj u i y u ii l l T I u f W u K K it 31 1 Printing, :,Ruling:l, . i i . ' TC3 ;X TOT nr "-rs.-r-. -n - ill rl on.-, i ' ' -a I OK EVERY DESCRTPTTOW 1 -v s ii 1 ST DESCBIPTION - i; j v. XeCUtea. PrbltlW.l v: V .. j "f- .. . - ii . ' j- " , AM) ..j.J. ' 'v 1 IT . .... i i f i . . . I ". r 1 "mI ... a - - r "jL a ; , .I J- . r v.'oc . "" - ,1WK, TTTl-nrn-lVor! TVjT " . . 1. I . . 'jJ ' P W tf J J - Pi OyeCl IViaCJllIierV 1 V K OHlPn IT TT rr . : - v .... , "TT V . MoTliK N ' H A Y -DnHUmnPa n "' ' " " J' iAlllW11,U Hal A 1 rU Tn 1 ULo. - i - " i. , -. cA ' ' - - ' . i V' OF , .i' J-' ;, .f-f Uj',: '.. J I 1, ' .-tJ. .:;.(.. j ' . ... - , . ijV;" of Li T T f 8TEAW..RQ.W.ER; Wearc tabled to flllordeVwUi f JII E XLiTiMi) S T D I S P ATcil I - ' '-yr-.'; r , INSURANCE. PUa)SL0KT & ARLIKGTOH Life Insurance Company, Of ISIcJinioiid, Virjrinla. Over 22,300, Policies Issued. ; 1 rSnnnal IncomeOver 1,500,000 ! FronGTons ! " Prompt! SMALL J!XPilNSI!Sr .SMALL' "LOSSES, SECURE INVESTMENTS,' AMPLE RESERVE, . .... ..... v ' , . . and' good surplus! -" Premiums Cash, Policies IJberai, Annual Divisiyu $urplus. ATHITR J. HILL, Jr., Agent Office for the present with Dr. T. F. Wood, Medi cal Examine on Market street, two doers West of cTnt dicoviriesl TsSi off lHmost -OrP, t,; W' H.nJ? teratur and of Sie neweTt J?; Green & Planner's druar store, Wilmington, N. C. ' September 2-tf Insurance Rooms. $27,000,000 FIRE INSURANCE CAP T s 1TAL BEPRESEKTE9 AFTSB PAYING BOSTON BOSSES. Queenjnsnrance Co.r of Liverpool and r vM - - .$10,000,008. iw,w iu erciauie metttsnee wmpwyr, puai.... 10,803.000 fl Rrtn Oftfi Phoenix Insurance Compaqyi of BrookiyrC ' rrViJt-'vir - l.X).00C v "V.'S? Jwoe company, of MARINE The old Mercantile Mutual of New LIIllfi-s-Tho! Connecticut Mutual of Hartford. nov sa-tf f ..-.. Qenerai Agent? ' Tj N COURAGE HOME INSTITUTlONt?. . Sepurity against Pire, THE NORTH CAROLINA IIOIilE IK.SUItANCBS.COIflPAN"," . : RALEIGH; N. C. ,f This Company continues to write Policies, at fair rates, on all classes of insnrfttil SiS5Sat,,re PpnPtlyadjnsted and'paid. The """ ' rpicuy growing m pnoiic favor, and appeals, with confidence, to insurers of property in North Carolina' ' W7 MJ P811" of State. .1 1 R. H. BATTLE, Jr., President. - -C.B. KQOT, Vice President , i ; SSATON GALES, Secretary. . . I . . , PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. ATKtNSOS & jfANNTNG, Asssw". ; .ansl-tf - WilminEton, N. C. , , MISCELLANEOUS." " " NE W AREIf lL S nis eek. ACCAMAW & CAPE FEAR PRESII-3EATE2 'R' I- C E , IIAMJS, SIDES, 6 UZDEES, (Dry Salted and Smoked). ' - ' 4 English, and Scotch. Ales, COFFEES, of aH kinds at Reduced Prices, FISH, CASE, GOODS of all tinds, TOILET SOAPS, K Fine Pale and Common SOAPS, Twenty . -. ! different kinds or TONIC BITTERS, ' '.' Cigar?, Tobacco Kerosene Oil, ' Hay, Corn and Oats, WITH HUNDREDS OF OTHEB ARTICLES OF (groceries atr Widlsale. : stJl OTT .1. '.!. . " - V..1 ' 1 - ' '-i"1? "aylS enstomers can be raited al- H:WaTlS; - Reduction . in Price ! T 01 LEYS Celebrated, FINE ftn'SttS l-TVr r T T O TJ nOKttR' Xl IN Ijf j X O JLjL Manuructory, Pioneer , AV nri.s . i: TtTRMtWO. vr a Vr rr ' i BIRMGffAM, ' ENG. f ' OTeMeafe SFILESSS in ui - 1 iu v i -Ul0eral aucemenU Offered. UmiS rr rS, " '"wiin every im- provemcHt for AmericSo "id are made Quaiitics. each artri hain t,-"r5rmaae "1 TOLLEY I ! 65 Gold. TANDARli":""""V-'"""""' ? . " NATIONAL, v.!." I CHALLENGE v 140 V v i . ...... 225 . " thA?' tn2v ldjrmy be8elected'with the. greatest confidence, as no Onn hp. XT,- ;"fwe V,11?' thoroughly -guarantee In every re- vmu ' vi rr A.SJJIjlJ (A f)r '7l t- N. RJ firiTb v,, ,. : - '. . 'speciaiivr "tetfl fnMrJV00 Prices, ourBrMhIrf"v"I,e.saeet8 and tesUmonials, to . - . uvmuu liai i.ii.iu.r. nnr n I da 1 1 r,. "r!r" - -r uuane, iW York EuA S;cT -E-R ir II A Y. . - ,10 Barrels . , 'EWING Ip?A T QES. ; , , JustrWeltedand for sale low by iitTBlNFORD, CROW Jfc CO. floar, NalU. jnhe.. 2000Bbl8Flonr'a!1p, ; rfOO KesaN. 100 "toWCheese, dectrr0' ' ' dec 8-tf. WILLIAMS ft MURCHISON. . : MISCELLANEOUS. AP P LIS TON'S Americaii Cyclopedia Kew Kcv!scI -Edition. totirel.nswnttca by the ue writers on-everv . : ject." .Printed from u t-vne ptt - with Several thousand L 1863, since which time the SJTP'l1 a has attained in all. parts of he S ! utlcl1 " the signal developments wWch lV18' every branch of science, ineratnrke.n p!ace duced the editors ana tabffiJS& have iu- act and thorouRh revisTon, to i 2T to aa bon entiUcd Tint AMBiuoiKCwii U new ' Within the last ten yearheprrfs in every department of knowledee 1 "lovery work of tolerance an impcrav8 mh a tew with IhSverii ' o?cWa?h8 Ptpaee plication to the indastrial and nsrf.,i irlUl"ilsy convemence and reiinemeuf nf .a.t8 aEd tii wars and consequent re , ons hav Gre volymg national change, ofpecSSS.! ccurret'. civil war of our own conntrv h'i moment- Tie when the last volume of u oh tX as atltsbgtit happUy been ended, and anew Teare has and industrial activity luJw'WWttl Large accessions to our Sraffi?- , have een made by the laMffieSe?; , Tho great political rcvoliitinTiB ' wt.naraBulj ofXlapMttof brought into uublin vi iirZs? ot. t!ffie, hav 'M'hosenamcs'arein every one's S .J,ey rcci!. liyes every one is curioas to Jt?,? .rti' Great battles have been fmrirhaJ16 Ti: only in the newspapers oiirithw yt ui tions of the Aiy.M&i lermjinent ana authentic historv L':' '1 the oractieai BJT mvemum ., preninary labor, aTd wiThl Lhe SK for carrying it on to a successful termMaticn v'c" None of the original stereotype plates W i used,, but every page has beeKed on now uV" formininfacta new Cyclopedia, with t ' Plan and compass as its predecessor, bat ; with ' ''l greater pecuniary , expenditure, aad with snc'f i provenients m ils composition as have Tbeen t 1" time in the prsfeedltoaTr3i m JTr rThSrT "tV" f introduced for tin: lii ... tne sake of pictorial effect hnttZUUUl.' not ,,; tty and force to th rni-MVr: W'"1 p.mhraro oil hi T IQXt. The . wuMSMiacr mecnanics ana' manufactrrpri i though intended for tastractloffffi-,- artistic excellence; -th TnrTw-""1" enannons, and it isbeneved thpv wiiTo ' and worthy of its "iUctaratte- 3 '1"-L' , This work is sold to Subscribers oni v mv-.'. delivery of each volume. It will be com n 17) .' V KL 44SnS&' Pi-ice and BtyU of Binding. In extm -Cloth, per vol.... , - . In Librarv I.ftaf.her i hS, S"1' Moroeco, peV voU in Half IinsiRia PTtro i t tju.1. vt ' lfr vui . . S ! 10 -:r V'.i. nnTZ?I?s ready. Sacceedi Rg VClUll'lv'i months. once m twuivt' onSgco'n!11110118- Cte- be tr.ti,: : D. APPLETON A fo 54J & 551 Broad war, N. jan 9-.f iie Ealeigli Mgws9 " DAIL T AJSTD WEEK L ) PUBLISUEir BY STOBE &. UZSE1LS.. - . DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST-. , . the State of North CarolinLto thttf . -""i.i'aii'j,tueaeveiopmentof j!t v. den wealth of the State, the inritincmtr. , to onr midst, an? advancement, of the wpUmV."'; "' people in everything that serves to a prosperous and independent. Its ADVEEflSIITG CCLUJIKS will be found of great advantage as hot" i... ... . and Weekly circulate lastly in evo- " " Siate. Kates moderate. 3 ' SUr.SCEIPTIONIi.VrES: ' Daily, One Year. '. . , - Weekly, One Year...'..'. ."'.'.'.'.'.'.'. k Subscribe- for. 1274. ' jail 2-tf ' STOPS' & XIZZELL. ' Proprietor-. weekly Em PUBLISHED EVEEY TUESDAY MOKIXG AT COSWAYBOIiO, S. C, T. W. BEATY, EDITOK; J. G. SiirTIfY pculisher : Terms-02 Per Annum. A DYEETISEMENTS INSERTED AT LOW jft Pea Theforry iVew's is the only paer ubii lished in the connty, and having a large ircufciii'i in this county, and a considerable circulation in Co lumbus and Brunswick county, N. C, makes it desirable medium for advertisers W. U. Bernaril is mington,N.C. 111 dec 18-tf : ; ' lie HorUi Carolina, Anns A WEEKLY, FAMILY , AND POLITI- CAL NEWSPAPER. H. Knight & Son, - - - Proprietors. J : . WADESBORO, K C, rTRS A LaRer bona fide CIECLTLATION --M-o,13? paprrin Anson county. Established -vr, viia uuijr vmciai organ Ol ad son, jioui---gomery and Stanley counties. It is theonly reliable meuium in Anson county. Terms reas- mercnant ana ousmess man sdouiu ' 3 rLVTJrsi .'AGEHTS WANTED ! ?nts Wtated ! Agents Wanted ! TWO BEAUTIFUL CHROMOS, "THEU'COX scious Sleeper," and " The Jewels of Spring. One a gift free to all subscribers of the Rural Carolinian,' 27ie Great Saufliern Agricultural MonGdy. - 00 Der annum, with snH.IT!lR Tintpa. ' canvassing Agents wanted in every Count fch ' the Ssoutnern States, to whom the mot al terms will be offered. . Canvassing Agents wanted in every County of t iib- Persons who desire to nndertake the duties of i puuiiBuers, wuvn circulars soiling lortn ternn-. I win De sent them. The Chromos are now ronrlv fnp Jflivprv. l"he j.urniD a. wnw.n 1 1 x. . r 1 . i . i. . 1 , . . . 'or the moderate charge of 50 cents for meuntiug F reaiyiorframinarand"TheLn( inf nnacion! Sleeper" at S2 mnrmtpr) .ho.,.. rh ininn. 5 cents, prepaid. i WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL and . W. L. DAGGET, Publishers aa 8-tf Charleston. S C. TheOeorgetowDj S,C.,Times PUBLISHED EVERT TIITJUSBA T, Al . S3.00 per annum.. Special attention paid to Local Affairs. IN ONE OF TIIE BEST TURPENTINE SEC tionsin the State. Advertisements will 1-ein-serted at reasonable rates. For terms app!y to Wai H. Bernard, agent. DOAR & CO., Publishers. : B. n. WILSON. Editor. - , : dec4-tf The, Camden Journal BTJBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY AT $2 5 per annum. Advertising rates liberal. ' JOHNKEKSDAW. Prop r. - W. H. Bkrnawd, Agent. Qan W ;

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