1 i i' i ; 1 sr.'.- II, ,1't 1 :0 I) THE HOEliniG STAR; published daily, by 1 j RATB8 Of BUMOBIPTXOll IX AOTAKCX: On yew, (by mall) postage pa 7 00 Six months, " ) ' V i XX Three montW" J V , u 2 S" One month, " ) " ' I To City SabBcrlDera, delivered In any "part of the city, Fifteen Cents per week. Oar City Agents are not authorized to collect for more than 3 months In advance, .i ... - . OUTLINES. Alfonso has amne8tiedall the Carlista. - Belgium has, recognized Alfonso as King . of Spain. A family of seven i were murdered and burned near Vicksburg Saturday night. -Besides State troops 1 18,000 Federals we on hand yesterday to I see the Legislature organized. : 7 Iegis 1 lature of Louisiana which; met yesterday 1 was the most orderly for years. Conserva tives seem to have controlled the temporary j organization of the House. " ; New York markets: Gold, 112fH2i; turpentine, 36i cts.; rosin, $2 10$3 15; cotton, 14 5-16 14 11-33 els. Another new paper. It seems, too, to be a Vtdette to the grand journal istic corps of reinforcement for North i Carolina's; CentenniaVy ear. The Vi: dette is published at . La Grange by: i M'erss. Pfestoa- W. ' "VVooley and Starkey F. Gardner. Mr,r Wooley will superintend the political depart ment: Mr. Gardner, well -known in this section, the literary and general news departments. . We" hope the new paper will flourish and grow fat. Spirits Turpentine - J The project of annexing Webb ville'to Goldaboro is just now being dis cussed. ! 1;, ;. j: ;j - The mortuary statistics " of Goldeboro ; for 1874 barely show one per centum of deaths, j .. The first term of Waynef Court under the new four-term arrangement com menced yesterday. The! Milton! SJ closed the second year of its .third series". O King, live ioiever. I : ' ' The old bank building, just. south of the Yarborough House, Kaleigh, has been converted into law offices, jl Major PateJ an old citizen, died very suddenly on his farm near Gdldsboro on Sunday evening, Bays the Messenger. The La Grange Vidette men tions the robbery of bed covering from Mrs. Chancey Davis house Christmas night. The Reidayille Enterprise re grets to learn that a son of Mr. Stacy was so unfortunate as to have his leg broken by a wild mule on Xmas day. . ! . The Milton Chronicle records the slight wounding on Christmas day of a negro boy who stood at the distance of 100 yards and challenged a party of hunters to Kuout him. Smart boy and. smarter men! Tbe Woollen Manufactures or Cali fornia. !; " While our manufacturers are com plaining of depression ' and curtailing production, it is refreshing to hear encouraging news from : tba .Eaciuq, coast, iree irom ine aiscomest wuicu has come to be clironie at the East, feo long have complaints been indulg ed in tiiat it i now very difficult to J4t-t at ttie actuat facts of any indus try, for ail are " depressed''- it is the fashion.: The San Francisco Call gives Some valuable information as to the rapid " progress of the woollen manufactures, of that State, from I 1 , ', . 1 . . " V . 1 I which we learn i that the constantly .increasing home and Eastern demand "has necessitated an enlargement of nearly all the factories on the; coast som,e nine in number and excited , an interest at many points of the State for the erection of new mills. In the qext ' five years, it is estimated that the number of mills will be doubled in California and Oregon. The warehouses of Fan Francisco now contain 27,000 bales of wool, in store, for the use of those mills, and there is room for at least a 'dozen more mills in California alone.4 It is esti mated that California imports from ten to twelve millions of dollars worth of woollen- goods, while the factories of " the coast now turn out only $3,000,000 worth, with a consumption of about $3,000,000 pounds of mate rial.' As yet these factories have not attempted to compete with the finest qualities of Ifrench and English cloths, but thev manufacture lower grades, which have a popular demand and are IJ ,1 - extensively boiu, - uoiu aii iiuuie auu abroad. The Dead of the Tear. The necrology of the year just , passed away does not contain so many distinguished men j as that of 1873, but the list is still a long one, and contains many names linked with our political J" and social history. Among them are Charles Sumner, ex president Eilmore, ex-Senator Wig- fall, Chief Justices Perley, of New Hampshire, arid Thompson, of Penn nylvanra; HonJ Ezra Cornell, Mayor UavemeyerAdmiral Buchanan,Presi dent Thompson, of the: Pennsylvania Railroad; Rev. Dr. Kirk, Elder Kriappi Rev.r Drs. CartgBjLon, Slicer and Marvin, Charles AstorBristed, K. S. Dodge, Wm. AJ Wheeler and Gerritt Smith. h . I Our Railroad HaUdlngv I In the whole country in 1873, not withstanding the panic, there were built,1 3,900 miles of railroad, while in L1874 but 1,825 miles were construct ed, the longest ..and most .'important ' being that of the Chicago division of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, two i hundred miles of which were com- pleted during the year. , KlDST Alfonse's.Vlewa. In his interview with the Paris cor I respondent of thLondon Times, Don Alfonso said; " Liberal Constitution- , alistLas I am, I know well that it is not a matter-of pleasure to be King ! of Spain at this moment, but I shall try to understand my duty and do it.;' - i . .ii Hi .li ii w w i i i r.x i v ii t m va . v i ir ii v r 1 1 . - i .. VOL. XV.N(X 88. E OITY. The Malls. The mail8Will closefrom this date as fol- lows: Northern (night) mails. .'7..... . 6:45 P. M. through and way (day niaUs 5 A. M. Southern mail. . . ..... ..... . 6:30 A. M. Carolina Central mails........... i5 A- M Smithville, Saturdays and Tues-1 1 S - days :.. 6 A.M. Fayetteville, river, Mondays and t 4 . JJTiaays . .-. . . .. . . .r.'-. ... . .-; ;1 f. aU Fayetteville by C. C.R. W., daily : 5 A. M l unslowu.il., (horseman) everyiif : Friday . . . ; v..Wa. M. . Mails delivered from? A. M. to 7 P. II., and on Sundays froia3:30 to 9:30 A,r M. Stamp Office onen from 8 A. M."to 12 M.. and from 2 to 6 P.t M.. Money order or Register Department open same as stamp office. " 1 : ' si NEW AJVKItriSEITlKNT.i( W. H. Harrison. -Special Drawing. Heinbbejiger. Blank Books, &c v Munson & Co. DdwiSTTfiev Go. 4 v ' HARRisoif & Allen. Silk and Fur Hats. 1 ' Cronlt& Morris. Sundries at Auction. G. R. French & Son. Ladies' Rubbers.- John McEntee. Hibernian Society. Local Dots. . , :-.'' The holidays ended, business on the wharf is beginning to "brisk up" The Schr. JTattie Card, Moore, arrived at New York from this port pn the 31st ult. ' J'-. The Steamship Achilles, Capt. Artis; arrivei atNew York from this port yesterday." - 5 J'-1 ' The colored firemen uave the -market house a good ' cleansing yesterday afternoon. i - -Tbo wea,ier.WiSe p thai we shall have, no settled weather till tbe lipit ninnn i I i S A schooner, name unknown, was reported in below ; yesterday afternoon, bound up. ' ! . . v The conspicuous posters pf , the u Queen of Tragedy' adorn the fences and bill-boards. - : i 1 i i r ' i : . We noticed the steamship D. J. Foley mentioned among the arrivals at Charleston yesterday. Ml Very few police arrests hare taken place lately, which we hope is an in dication of an improved state of morals. , The Cape Fear S. F. Ej! Com pany No. '3, colored, were out yesterday for regular monthly parade and engine trial On the tapis An excursion in the pond - at the . Corner of Seventh , and Market streets,on the little steamer Acc or '. The only case before the Mayor's Court yesterday. morniDg was that of Chas. Stewart, charged with disorderly conduct, who was discharged on the payment of costs. : i: ; . t '- if. . - ' 'f ; '.-:.- . - v.l ' I. . ' : I. V There were 324 bales of ?cott0n received at this port on the W., C. .& A. R. R, during the past week, making a tola! ... - - - . . . 1 ' ; . . of 15,541 bales received-over this road since the 1st of September. - V j The "Emancipation Hop,!? which was to have come off at the City Hall on the e vening pf the 1st, but was postponed on account of the bad weather,- will take place this evening. The annual meeting of the Hi- . w .- ft bernian Benevolent Society, for the election of officers, &c., will be held at the rooms of the Wilmington Library Association this evening, at Si o'clock, b ; 1 jj : The weather on Sundays was in tensely disagreeable, especially in the latter part of the day and at night, a large amount oi ram tailing aunng the time, j esieraay tnere was out little rain ana no sunsmne. The last Raleigh Sentinel states, on the authority of a gentleman just from the northeastern section of the State, that the wharves of Elizabeth Cit kre three deep with large vessels loading with corn J for this citv. 1' J . After January 1, 1875, j we will mail the Daily Stab, postpaid, for $7 00 per year. This is $1 20 less than it' now costs subscribers, including postage. The rates for periods less than one year will be advanced, as follows: Six months, $4 00; bree months, $2 23; one month, $1 00. ; Superior Court. . h. .1 . i-; ''.v The Superior Court for New Hanover County, 'Judge A." A. McKoy to preside, will meet in this city on MoBday next and continue in session four weeks the. time provided by law for the January term, un less the dockets shall sooner : be disposed of. We learn that there are 83 cases from the last criminal docket remaining over to commence with, to which there have been a large number Court. of additions I since last frisiKlat rate's Court, f i . : . :r . Joshua Richardseo, colored, was arraign-: ed before Justice Cassidey on the charge of forcible trespass, and in another case on a charge of larceny, in both of which he was required to pay the costs including the vtuuo vi luc aiuuc tancu, as - mcuiiuucu IU the latter warrant), in default of which he was sentto jaiL ' i i ' - A New Eeterprlse. We are informed that Mr. Edward Matthews, principal owner of the Carolina Central Railway, will erect a steam cotton press, on a large scale, in this: city somi time during the current year. This will be "done in anticipation of a heavy increase in 1 the shipment of cotton to foreign ports. WILMINGTON, Probable nomlclde. ; pn Monday of last week, at Point Cas- well. in this count? - Knmfl TnlsnnflfirHt.ftnfl- ing occurred between a colored man by the name of Elijah Lamont and a colored wo- man named Grace Watson. The difficulty originated in front of the store of Mr. L. Vllers, arid finally led to a blow on the part of the; man, which knocked the woman down. Sfiej when rising, struck Lamont wUb a piece of hoop, when she ran behind. the store, followed by her maseuline antago- niat-L Here the parties in and about the Store lost sight of the two and saw nothing further that transpired. ' A number of men ou a flat close by, however, said that after chasing . the- woman to the rear of the store Lamont . burled two bricks at her, - which L: struck her and probably caused her death, which ensued soon af terward.' Tbe abdve.l as we under stand it, is the substance of an affidavit made by a resident of Point Caswell be fore" Justice Cassidey, yesterday afternoon, upon wfiich a warrant was - issued and placed in the hands of-theSheriff for the arrest of the alleged murderer. Ah inquest was held over the body of the unfortunate woman by Special Coroner Mack Horrell, appointed for the purpose, but the verdict of his jury which indicated her death from natural causes, seems not to have been at all satisfactory to the -com- munityat large. I : Tbe aiasqnerade Ball to be Repeated. I Many will be glad to learn that the grand Masquerade Ball, which, ' under the man agement of Mr. Jas. M. Brown, was given ,'ajt City Hall on Thursday night last, will be repeated at the same place on Tuesday night next, the 12th insC - Those who failed, on account of the inclemency of the weath er, to be present on the former occasion, should avail themselves of the opportunity to attend next Tuesday, as it will certainly be a grand affair. -i . r Improved Order of Red Men. I At a regular meeting of Wyoming Tribe No. 4, Improved Order of Eed Men, held last evening, the following, officers for the ensuing term were duly installed by W. D. Small, P. S.:. W. S. Hewlett, Sachem. W. H. Griffith, S. S. J. J. Beasley, J. S. Tax Receipts. I The receipts at the office of A. R Black, Esq., Tax Collector, for the week ending on' Saturday, footed iip as follows:. Schedule B, Sute...i j " " CountyJ ?eneral State tax.. " County " . Township tax ....... 62 18 ...... 250 31 148 95 .....I. 203 16 9 24 I -Total.., 673 84 A colored man by the name of Henry L of tin was arrested at a late hour ta Satur day Bight, by Officer King, of the police orce, under what he considered suspicious Circumstances, aid Lof tin having a bundle pf collards in hjs hands or under his arm, for the possession of which he did not ac count satisfactorily to the officer. He was tailed to appear before the Mayor on Satur- I i L ( I ' ay next. Failed to Come. j For some cause unknown' to us, Miss Ada Gray left her troupe at Charleston and iherefore did not appear at the' Opera House in this city last night in accordance with the announcement published in the paper. The Remainder of the troupe, we understand,. passed through this city on Sunday evening en route for Richmond. I Count) Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners met lyesterday in regular monthly session, but, without transacting any business of impor- tance, adjourned to meet again this morn- I ing, at 10 ocIock. Both printing and ruling done In the finest grades of copying ink at the i Star Job Printing Office. ; tf Import Entries for sale at the office of The Morkino Star. "i - ' 8L CITY ITEMS. Trakstxb FRiuTiKa-lNKS wiU copy clear and distinct for an Indefinite period of time. Send your orders for work to he done In these inks V the Momma Stab Printing-House. , - TnAKsrsB Pbihtiji-ihkjs, for copying letter-head lugs, statements, way-hUls, fcc Can be copied ii the ordinary letter-press book. Send your orders for printing iri these inks, and for all other descrip tions of printing, to the Mobntko Stab Printing I House. Latb Papbbs. To Harris' News Depot, West side Front Street, we 'are indebted for copies of the New York Ledger, Chimney Corner and Fran Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper for the current week. The Stand will remain open until 11 o'clock this morning. , -. . I 5 Tbanstxb PBnrTTKfrDnis. Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others. They are en during and changeless and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having, just received a fresh supply of .these inks, we are pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. ' :' v.p . AVffr ::: ''- Copt of Tbsttmojciai- Haknibal, Mo., May 30, 187C Messrs. J. & W. Tolley, 29 Maiden Lane, Nejw York Gent.: The 12 Gun which you built for me, No. 2093, has arrived safely to hand. Allow me to thank you for the' fidelity with which you carried out my instructions; The.' general outline, beauty Of proportion and excellent finish, are all that could be desired, and more than meets my expectations. !I am more than ever impressed with the idea that it Is as necessary for a man to have a gun built to meas urement as to have hoot so built to ensure a good -fit. The pattern 175 and penetration 40 are very su perior. The pattern is as close as I desire, and the penetration I think is seldom 'attained, being far ahead of any public record which I have seen. j Respectfully Yours, G. W. DOBXAK Ni C.; TUESDAY,, JANUARY 5 1875. MATHEWS. In this citv lan. ' 4th. of meni ?itls, attie Hattie Howes a. infant daughter of David and. Mathews, aged 5 months and 26 days. i - idaaghter of Thos. H. and Kate Falton Wtight,aged a years ana iv months. . j i Tbe friends of the family are ivited to attend the funeral this afternoon at 3 o'clock, from St. Thomas' Chorea, thence te Oakdale Cemetery. ! ; ; ' - - j.--.;- ,-v;:- ,.. .... .!,... ...... . i , II I . . BOWDKN. On Monday morntn? 4th Inst., at 6 V O'clock. Julia Emma, daficrhter of Sarah C and the iaieieseie Jiswaen, aged 23 years 1 month and W The faneral will take place X o'clock at Front Street M. E. Charch, and thence, to Oakdale Ceme tery. . . Julia Emma BowdenU dead I He w sad wiH be this intelligence to aU who knew 'henet Tender and gentle in her ways, loving and kind to thOBe with whom she associated, she entwihed herself around the hearts of all so that none knew her but to lore her. How truly has It been s&fd that 'Bhe was The Pure of the Earth," and this by those who knew her best In early life she gave her heart to God, conse crated her life to Ills service and was ever fonnd a Joying example of Christian Virtue, faithful to he church, f&ithftu ,her Sunday School, faiflrful to the friendship entrusted to her, faithfn in her family relations," faithful to her God, a Christian fitted for that higher life above. . God In Bis providence yes terday morning, at 5 o'clock, bade her come to Him, and thus after having suffered weeks of afflic tion without a manner she answered the summons and "breathed her life out sweetly there," impress ing us with these words. ; j t How blest the righteous when he dies I I When sinks a weary soul to rest, i now miiaiy oeam ine ciobie eyes ' iow genuy neaves ur expiring preast i j . i in tna iiu.ieramiivp.irciernere ."varAnteniur " in the Sunday School class there is a vacant seat, in all the relations of life there is a vacant plaee, but thanks be unto God these places so well filled here have prepared her for all those golden treasures which our Heavenly Father has in reserve tor His nnauyiaitniut. i ; w. jn, ra.uii.jsxt. The members of Front Street M. E. Sunday School, w'.il assemble at the church this evening at 8 o'clock, to at end the funeral of their deceased Sister; Miss Julia x.. Bowden. Let there be a full at- tendance. W. M. PARKER. ' I v Sup't. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Official Drawings of tbe. N. O. Bene ficial Association. TUESDAY, January 4, 1674. j - - Class 353, Drawn af 18 M. ' 72 24 40 13 63 8 68 10 61 19 . 42 15 Class 354, Drawn at 4 P. M. 1 37 7 .43 8 60 28 46 41 15 66 26 77 Class 355. Drawn at 7 P. M. .44 60 73 13 72 21 70 45 43 15 14 75 61 61 Janlt . f; W: H. HARRISON. Hilierniafl Beneyolent Society THE ANNUAL. MEETING of the Hibernian Benevolent So ciety will be held at the rooms of the Wilmington Library Asso- r elation lais viuesaay; evening, ai km o ciock Ai an eiectioH for officers will be held it is im- ' ', portant that there should be a full ' attendance of i memDers. n i janS-lt JOHN McENTEK, Secretary. Sundries Auction ! rrHIS MORNING AT 10 O'CLOCK, WE WILL X sell at our Office, an assortment of : FURNITURE, CHEESE AND BACON, , AND 12 HHDS.r ASSORTED CROCKERY. CHONLY MORRIS, jan 5-lt . ' . - I j Auctioneers. Silk and Fur Hats, s ILK, MOHAIR AND FUR CAPSj JfS A D I E S F V R S , TRUNKS; UMBRELLAS c.. j " ' At HARRISON & ALLEN'S, jan 5-tf - City Hat Store, 38 Market St. Down They Go! OVERCOATS $5 00, ..-'1:1 CHINCHILLA OVERCOATS $10 50, TALMAS fS ana $10 50, j GOO D SUITS 10 50, . !i . : . i TO CONTINUE BUSINESS. I TO CONTINUE BUSINESS. MUNSON & CO., jan 5-tf . - . City Clothier's. Keep Tour Feet Dry. LADIES' RUBBERS . .vS. only 75 cents a pair, LADIES' RUBBERS 75 cents, GENT'S RUBBERS only $1 00 per pair, Gent's Rubbers $1 CO. BUY A FAIR FROM GEO jan 5-tf R. FRENCH SON, 89 North Front street. Just Received A Nice Assortment ' ;:: .- OF- I : ; j . ' ' -"' " - ' '"'"4 :- , CORAL GOODS AT VERY LOW PRICES, AT? GEO. HORNET'S, janB-tf No. 53 Market Streei. 3181111300113,! RAFT BOOKS, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS, TIME BOOKS; j SCRAP BOOKS. MEMORANDUM j BOOKS, LETTER COPYING BOOKS. - - .-. . --..it . i INDEX BOOKS, MONEY BOOKS, POCKET i.! t booksI f "! For sale at I : .. - ' HEINSBERGER'H, Live Book and Music Store, JanStf Horse Blankets, The LARGEST and CHEAPEST assortment of Trunks in the City, Saddles or all kinds. Harness, Collars, Saddle Blankets, Feather Duster s.Horse Brushes, Currycombs, Saddlery Hardware of all kinds CHEAP FOR CASH. i t oct 24 tf nac J. 8. Tepham & Co. MISCELLANEOUS. Bacon, Shot. Nails, Rlee. Hay. 200 Boxes D Sand Smoked Sides. I 300 ' - i i 300 Keg8N"IlB' .1 ! 2 Bbls whole Bice, i '. I RAA Bales E. and. N. B. Hayj For sale low by janStf WILLIAMS Sr MURCmSON. .MISCELLANEOUS, f r.TILLIWERY, AND FANCY NOVELTIES FOB FALL AND .whiter, now opening. . i New Groodtand Low Prices. A splendid assortment of Frencii Importei Flowers And MilliEBn Gools, Human Hair Goods; iFrizettea, Braids, Curls. &e.r &c C II R IS T MA 8 T v- tt ci I J. O. I AUD OTHER HOLIDAY GOODS. THE! 0II6SBS .STBOCK, Princess, between Frost and Second streets. ndv 10-tf ... : . ' . i :.. Merrv Clristnias. OTBAND OPENING AND HANDSOME Dis play of - j ; H O LID A 1" GOO DS. Now is the time. Come early, CHRISTMAS . GOODS In endless variety. Choice Clusters of Malaga Grapes, . FRENCH CONFECTIONS, COENETTS, , " - ! ' -HAVANA ORANGES, FIRE WORKS, FIRECRACKERS, TORPEDOES - - i . And every description of Christmas tree trimntinss. Come an id be convinced of the great reductions in prices at GEO. MYERS', II & 13 South Front St. dec23-tf Treasurer's Office, " , ' . . , ., I Carolina Central Railway Company, NO. 4 BROAD ST., NEW YORK. rvHE COUPONS OP THE FIRST MORTGAGE . i GOLD BONDS of this Company falling due January 1, 1875. will be paid hi GOLD : on and after ' VVAllbUPl MATilJdjVVD, dec 81-dlw wit Trkabucbb. Between QM ani New lias.- X HIS IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR GARDEN READY. f CALL AND GET YOUR SUPPLY OF SE13DS. I have on band and to arrive per Steamer, a large. J peas, beans. onions,lettuce!,tomatoe. lotoi SOUASH. CUCUMBER. OKRA. FRESH AND GENUINE. K; McILUENNY, 1 Drueelst ana Chemist. N. E. Corner Market and Front Streets. dec 31-tf !" -OlcefTreasnre?;& Collector, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, j. CDruary loin, io4. ) .' j Notice tot Owners of any Trick,Dray or Wagon. rnHE OWNER of any Truck. Dray. Cart or A. Wagon, used in the citv. will send the same to the Shan of John A. Parker, en - Second Street, and nave tneir jKegisterea numoer pain tea tnereon do- rore tne nrsi any 01 marcn, prox., wuen me urai nance Imposing a Penalty will be enforced. j A list of the registered numbers will be furnished on appneauen attnis omce. . 1 1. V. BJSKVUSSS, feb 19-eod tf thur Treasurer. " What Can She Do!" BY REV. E. P. ROE.! V THE EXPANSE OF HEAVEN," A Series of Essays en the Wonders' of the Firma xnent, BY R. A. PROCTOR, B.! A. "STEPPING HEAVEWAED." BY MRS. E. PRENTISS. "TUB CHRISTIAN YEAR," .1 . BY KEBLE. ; Pi "Yesterday, To-day and jForever,' A Poem in Twelve Books, . By EDWARD HENRY BICKERSTOPH, M. A. All for sale at- I CON9LEY & YATES' jan 3 tf City Book Store, No. 47 Market St IS THE PLACE TO BUY ' i i : . ! . - " I. ; Your Confectioneries. THE ONLY CANDY FACTORY IN THE CITY. Candy, Apples, Oranges,' Nutaj Dates, Figs, Malaga, Catawba and Isabella Grapes, sold LOWER than at any other place in the dty. j -i dec 20-tf Edam Cheese, pineIpfle cheese. BLOCK CHEESE. Whiskeys: N. C. RYE and CORN 1 854 GENUINE BAKER, I in 1- For sale by PLANNER 8HURK. - A Consignment JF fresh mountain BUTTER AND'EGGS, just received fromiCharlotte over the C C. Rail way. janStf CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., 5& 7 North Front SV Dressed Turkeys, 1 EACH "AND APPLE BUTTER, MINCED Meat, Bried Figs and full line of ' CONFECTIONERIES AT dec 34-tf JAMES a STEVENSON'S. Heads of Cabbage, ::; ' For sale very low by -'--.-A; "'I' - . : J. A. SPRINGER. dee 30-tf : Cor. Front and Mulberry St. "Wanted.' A PARTNER OR CLERK IN THE DRUG business, In a business well established and doing well. For further particulars apply at the Ian 3-3t STAR OFFICE. WHOLE NO. 2,262. MISCELLANEOUS. Commlss oner's Sale of Desirable Eeal Estate. By CR ONI. T & . MORRIS. M. CRONZY, Auctioneer. XT VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE SUPERIOR Court for the county of New Hanover, made on the: 18th day of Nov.. 1874. in the case of John London lotn aay o and wife Lucy, against H. N. Latham and wife Eliza W. and Isaacs. Grainger, Gd., . pray aying for a sale of the Real Estate, hereinafter described for , nereina led bv sal partition, the undersigned by said decreo duly ap- ooiniea . uomnussioners ior. ma v. the 26 dav of January. immiseioners for. that will on Tnewliv- the S8 dT of Jn at 11 o'clock A. M., at Exchange Corner In Wilmington, expose for sale by public auction the following described pieces or parcels of land with all buildings thereon, situaiea in inis citv. 10 wu: r. 1st. That most eligibly situated lot on the East side of Front street next to the southeast corner of Ches nut and Front streets, with a front of 69 feet on Front street running back East 165 feet, the same Demg a part or lots siana 3 in- tsiocK i ts. xne im provements consist of a large first class Three Story BricrDwelling Containing 14 rooms. Including bath room, brick. throughout the entire building; also brick office con- taing 2 room Suitable for a Lawyer er Doctor, a fine cistern or water and every otner convenience per- i aning to a- . . : ; . v Number One Establf siunent. 2d. Lot situated on the East side of North Water street. 141 feet from the southern line of W nl berry street, with a front of 18 feet on NorthJ? ater street. running back east 56 feet; the same being a part of a partot ixitsi tsioeK l'JW. rne improvemenu con sist or a Twd Storv Srick Bnildinsr 13 feet front by 41 feet 3 in deep; at present occu T w pied bv Mr. J. F. Heine. Also a lot in rear of the above 103 feet deep, upon which there is a BRICK WAREHOUSE I 20 by 63 feet. SrtL Lot situated on the East side of North Water Street 19 feet from the southern liue of Mulberry street, with a front of 36 feet on N. Water street, run ning back East 171 feet to a stone waUf the same being a part iof lots 8 and 4, Block 190. The im provements consist of a U rrWt Cfxm idnnV Ttnililinap 18 feet front! by 41 feet 8 inches deep, at present occupiea oy jut. jacoo jnonn, ana a two story Dries building same size with an L attached, 41 ft. deep, at " present occupied by A. M. Nelson: also that desirable bti with a fronton Market street of 42 feet more or less. rnnnlng back North 132 net; the same being a part of lots 4 and 5, block 166. The improvements con sist oi a large ana commoaious Frame Dwelling cos taining 20 rooms and.at present used as a PriVate Hoarding House. KITCHEN, GOOD WATER, dc. upon the premises.. Terms: one fourth cash: the balance on a credit of 1,2,3 and 4 years, with interest. Title reserved untill last payment is made. Purchaser to pay for arawing ail papers. . 4 A Lli. A. T. LUNUUH, T S&D S Thur Commissioner. Salt, Molasses, BaggiDg. SACKS' SALT. 3,000 25 f A QK HHDS S. H. MOLASSES. 150 BBLS 8. H. d3 MOLASSES, . , Hhds an 1 Barrels Cuba Molasses, 150 BabSt 1,000 Bundles Ties, gQQ Barrels Flour, OA TIERCES RICE,." IOR TCS. and TUBS LARD, I p Q Barrda Pork, 60 BOXES D S SIDES, OR BOXES D. S.SHOULDERS. JQQ Boxes Candy, 200 Box Candles, Boxes Raisins, 100 XB Barrels Crackers, 200 Bas Shot, 200.000 CAPS 2 vases Tomatoes, dec, &c For sale by jah8-tf KERi CHNER & CALDER BROS. Dividends - Received now can be . SAJFEL T INVESTED ' L- IN THE ' BE AL E S T ATE AND j Loan Association, And bear Interest at the rate of -EIGHT PER CENT. PER ANNUM. As no money is loaned bv this Association on PER SONAL bKCURITY. the Safety of the Depositor is DEPOSITS RECEIVED AT ANY TIME AT ." No. 41 Market Street, JOHN WILDER ATKINSON. President, C. 8. ELLIS. isec y ana XTeas. jan a-ot The Great Eevolution ! Clothing at greatly reduced prices. . ; J Call and be convinced of the fact. FINE TALMAS for 12 50, Wortlr $16; FINE OVERCOATS for fl 00, WORTH $15; Suits for $10 and $12, Worth $16; WilTE SHIRTS FOR $1 50 and 00. i TIES, BOWS, SCARFS, HATS, &c.. ' I At ? janStf; DDmra ntyna Flenr, Sugar, Coffee, Syrnp j00 Bbls Flour, all grades, --j0 Bbls Refined Sugar, 200 Dags Prime Rio Coffee, - ( f Bbls B.H. syrup, 1VV For sale low bv 1 Jan3-tf WILLIAMS A MUIiCiLLSOJH. Spt. Casks, Hoop Iron, Glue. oats. OA A New New York Spirtt Casks. 600 Hoop Iron, 1 AA Barrels Glue, AW A A Bush. Black Oats. For sale low by jan3-tl Clarendon Saloon, SOUTH! MARKET ST., NEAR THE FERRY, TAYL0E &OEAY, ProprV Finest Wines, liquors. Ales and Cigars In tne dty. Also. Board br the day. week or month.' J. B. TAYLOR, dec 16-lm J. F. GRAY. 9 BATES OP A.pyUitf-AtANbi two oars... ! 4 f A three days.. ..1. 0 four aays.... ............ ...... fvedays, one wees.... rs ' 1WV WCBJL... ...... i. o to Three weeks........... . One month. ... . Two months Three months.... Bix months One rear. . -. I 101 V ..8 to ; ..is co :tv ..SS 00-j.i. ..86 tt) '(.-; ..50 CO - tVContraet Advertisements taken at wwot- tionately low rates. . i I Five sanares estuoate as a anarter-colnon. and ten squares as a half-column. -, " J. t MISCELLANEOUS. r OPERA HOUSE. POSITIVELY1' ONE 20IQHT.. dNKT, Saturday. January 9th r ARE WELL APPEARANCE -OF THE UNDIS PUTED AND REGAL QUEEN OF . j ENGLISH TRAGEDY , THE WORLD RENOWNED j JAIM AUSCHEK, - . . I .. Supported by her new and most brilliant NEW. YORK STAR COnFAjlY, ' 5- SATURDAt JANUARY TH1J First time in this City of the Grand Historical v - - . i j . , . Tragedy entitled , j j f, Earl of Essex.'? JANAUSCHEK in her unrivalled, imperaonationjof QUEEX ELIZABETH. ; i THE ENTIRE STARCOMPANT IN THE CAST Prices or Admission.! ADMISSION. 1 00: Reserved Seats.; SO xents Extra; Gallery, 50 cents. j. xne sale oi ueserved seats ill! commence on Wednesday morning, 6th Inst, at Heinsberger's ! Hook and MOFic Store. ' , ' ian 2-7t- ; r THE Morning "Star JOB BOOMS AND BINDERY. New Type, h . ! , 1 ' j New Presses, ' i - . ! . . J' ' ! I New Prices BANKING, MERCANTILE. RAILROAD, AMUSEMENT, AND ALL KINDS OF -Job Printing, Rilling AND BiisriDinsra-, IN PLAIN AND FiNOr COLORS.! March 1-ti Closing Out Sale. i ! o WING TO OUR INTENDED DISSOLUTION of Co-Partnershlp, we will sell our entire Stock of OLOTsiiisra-1 ' r : AT GREAT REDUCED PRICflS. h The Goods must be sold in the next sixty days, ..." i But for Cash Only. JanStf - SAVTD jft WEIL, THE LANDMARK, - PUBLISHED AT i I 'I STATESVILLE, IREDELL I CO., N. C. -IS THE ! Leading Hewspaper in Western North Carolina- . j It is the only Democratic Paper published in Ire dell County one of the largest and wealthiest conn- ties in the State and has attained a larger local circulation than any paper ever heretofore published in the county. j j j .. Its circulation in Alexander, Wilkes, Ashe, ADo- rhany, Yadkin, Davie and Iredell, is larger than that of any two papers in the 8tat combined; and f hat oi i is rapid! is rapidly acquiring a strong foothold In Forsythe, Surry, Rowan and western j i jaecKienDurg. i It is the only naner In Western North Carolina ' that employs a Rxsuxab CamrAssnie Aobtt, and . thus kept constanUy before the people.! 1 nder this system a rapiaiy increasing circulation ine resnn, making the Laxdxabk 'I f- THRBEST ADVEBTlflRG BIEDIUn IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. A" ADDRESS, declKf ' nanvutaiiKi" A Statesvllle, N. C Sonttaern Star Steel Plows, R ESSE AND HORSE STEEL PLOWS, EXPANDING HARROWS, CULTIVATORS, :; An Cucuaxxs Ptrars. AH the abov.e articles took diplomas it the late fair of the new Cape Fear Agricultural Society, and are for sale at Inannfacturers, prices at the New Hardware House of ' '..J - Jan 3-tT , kjiIaHo ammmwv ;'s . . - .'" - ': ' V.- - ... . , .: V f . J i A xjM

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