"-5 It ' 1 ' 1 1 , it'. . ... . : i - " - lit; . X J THE HORNING STAR. PUBLISHED BAILX BY I ' I - - IMM MfM 1 ' ' ; - - ,!-,, . . 1 1 wsmwbwwwmmmmmmmmm BATBS 01 SUBSCRIPTIoJr IN ABTAlTCZf - One year, (by mail) postagpa l..f7 00 Six months, (."-") .. " 4 m Three moatW"';" ) 44 " T.T: w 85 2? onth' " " " 1 00 I: 'To City Subscribers, delivered la any part of the City, Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are not authorized to collect for more than 3 months in advance. - 4 .' OUTLINES. That great fraud Kellogg has foond an" other mare's nest. lie pretends to have dis covered that a plot is on foot to assassinate Grant. -Z The great New York indigna tion meeting -will be held next week. The Radicals of Louisiana are in a hurry. - - Spaniards will send reinforcements to Cuba. At Wallace, Kansas "Buffalo Joe," a murderer, was hanged by a mob to a telegraph pole so bunglingly j he finally froze to death. Full jury in Beecher case. - New York markets: !Goldr112i 112f; cotton, 15i15; rosirj,1 $2 10 " $2 15 for strained ; spts. turpentinie, 8j. Hamilton, Senator from Maryland, -" got" Logan bad in the Louisiana discussion by quoting Logan . to refute Logan.1 A spirited address signed by Wm." Cullen Bryant, Whitelaw Reid, Mayor Wickha'm, W. M. Evartsand others, has been issued in 1 New York calling for an indignation meet ing at Cooper Institute next Monday. Senate bill to resume specie payments in 1879 passed House yesterday, 125 to 106. - Durell and Busteed proceedings tabled. Gov. Allen, of Ohio, urges Legislature to act in expressing its opinion on Louisiana outrage. - Message of Gov. Gaston, of Massachusetts,condemns Louisiana outrage. Independents and Republipans com bined to control Indiana Senate, but Demo-" crats have eight majority on join, balldt. LET XHK i ' PRO- TEST, ' T That able champion of local State Kights, the New York IVxbline notic ing the indifference of leading Radi cals in Congress to hear tKe grievan ces of Louisiana, says: ' - ; The statesmen have no time for inquiring by what authority the army of the United States is used to break ur the Legislature of a sovereign State and eject its members at the point of the bayonet. The! President" is in command. . The President can do no wrong. It was under his orders . that the. army acted in Setting up the fraudulent Leg islature, and they have neither the time nor the disposition to question anv of his acts. I So much for Congress. Now for the people.. This is such an act of despotism, so subversive of right and justice and of the Constitution itself, and so fraught with peril to all the J States , and ail the people, that the voice of every State in the Union should Ue heard, and heard at once, in de nunciation of the startling crime. The Legislatures of several States are either in session or about to assemble. There should be no delay on tne part 6fi any of them in entering a solemn protest against - this whole business. This ut present seems to be all that can be done. 'But this should be done1 at once, not only for the purpose of asserting the rights and the diguity of the States them selves, and denouncing so shameful a vio lation of the Constitution, but to give to the people of Louisiana, who challenge the ad miration of the. country for their patient - and heroic attitude, assurances ot sympathy und support. ' Well said, strongly said; and so be It. Let the people speak ...j through their representatives in condemnation of the grebt wrong that has been done to a sovereign people., " jftlKNALISTIC -i The Childterfs Friend is issued at the Orphan Asylum, Oxford, N. C, in the interests of that institution. It shows the brain work of that trench ant journalist J. H. Mills, Esq., form erly of the Bimcal Recorder. The Children's Friend is a paper for chil dren as well as an advoeate for " chil dren's rights." rIt is a twenty-column weekly, printed in large plain type. IViceSl a year in advance. J : Mr. W. P. Williamson prints his"' aledictory in; this week's Washing ton Echo. He goes to the; Taboro Enquirer-Southerner. The Echo ap pears in new types. - . ! Yesterday Mr. Hamilton, of Mary land, declared anew in the Senate the noble old d6ctrine that the people are paramount to Presidents and Gener als, and through their representatives can withhold means . for waging war against popular liberty. Let the Country Shatter the Cou- ' , splracy. , Baltimore Gazette. "j ; We have now come to that point when every, member of-the opposition, in both Houses ot Vongress, must take united actio. It is incumbent on them to meet at once and demand of the Presideut the immediate re- call of Sheridan and the dismissal of Williams from the Attorney Gener- alshipv If this is denied, they should draw up articles of impeachment against tyrant, ana issue an appeal to the country, n we nave i not mis- taken the temper ot the people-not only in biio iuiuuic utatee, uut at lue North and .West the! t response i : . i. t-. . . Ai would be , prompt and' the support overwhelming. Already- meetings are contem plated in the larger cities, and Sheridan's brutal telegram ought to stimulate to action even these who as yet but dimly apprehend its san guinary meaning. Already, too, every decent Republican journal through out the country is protesting as strongly as those of Democratic in clinings against the infamous course which is being pursued to hold Lou isiana in subjection. There is cause for something more than protest: and if there be'any manhood left among us, there will be. before loner, such a popular uprising as will admonish tyrant that he has grossly violated the duties ot bis great omce: 6triD the . 1 i i w . . - . - uouiaer-straps trom bbendan, ana VOL. XV. NOi 91. shatter to fragment8 tne 1 conspiracy that has its foundation-head at Wash ington, and its chief agents in the feenate and among the habitues of the White House. THBO.ITY.j The Mailt. ri: The mails will close from this date as fol lows: - i ' ' :! " ' i: Northern (night) mails . . J i . . . . i. 0:45 P. M. " through and way (day) r "mails 5 A. M. Southern mail..-. ...U....!. 6:30 A. M, Carolina Central mails. . I... .. .1 5 A. M Smithyille, Saturdays and Tues days ji..1..... 6 A.M. Fayetteville, river, Mondays and i Fridays ........... if. . .j-l.'.l 1" P. M. Sayetteville by Q. C. R. daily 5 A. M nslow C. H., (horse mail) every u: Fridav. .......... Jj..:J., 6 A. M. Mails delivered from 7 !A. M. to 7 P. and on Sundays.from 8Xto &:30 A. M. : Stamp Office open from; 8 Ai M, to 12 Mi, and from 2 to 6 P. M. j Money order or Register Depart menUopen same as stamp office. i I : :j - h N.KW ADVERTiSEIIIENTS. W. H. Harrison. Spe'cialj Drawing. James M. Brown. Grind Mask.Ball. C. S. Ellis R. E. te t! Association. G. Williams. Card of tThanks. . S. G. Northrop. SweV dranges. Local Dots. Import Entries for " sale at the office of The Morning Star, j 1; 3t. The Norwegian Brig . Mira, Ster, arrived at Liverpool fi oni this port on the 3rd inst. ' .!.,,;" ' j1 The German Barcja'e Sonnaben d, Pust, arrived at Liverpool -from this port on the 3rd inst. ' j ! ; : Jl Mr. D. O'Connor, Standard Keeper for the county, has removed his of fice to the building next west of the$ Op'urt House. The , greater pai of s Fourth street, from Red Cross to Bladerjtwas over flowed by the late rains, ; rendering the street and sidewalks almost i mpassable This box-sheet fprj the) sale' of reserved seats for the Adelaide Phillipps Italian Opera Troupe wiL be gpen to-mor-G'o early if you row (Saturday) morning, wish desirable seats. We are glad to jslrtl that the condition of Mr. Alex.. -Sprint, whose in jury by a fall was alluded jto, in our last, was considered more comfortable at last accounts, the broken limb haying been set. The crossing at tie: corner of Fourth and Chesnut stree ts, north side, is in a fearful condition, and o urmg such weath er as we have had for two orjthree days past is almost absolutely impassable.; The at tention of the authorities is cahed to the fact. After January ljf jfe75,i we will mail the Daily Star, postpaid, for $7 00 per year. This is $1 20 less! than it now cost3 subscribers, including postage. ; The rates for periods less than' on year will be ti -IE.- A advanced as follows: Six months, $4 00; hree months, $2 25; one month, $1 00. Knf slits of Pythian. The following officers elected and ap pointed for the ensuing term, have been in stalled by the various Loge of Knights of Pythias in this city during the present week: I , v'- i StonewaU Lodge No. 1. -James W. King, C. C ; S. T. Potts, V. C.!; Ji iWJ Zimmer man, P.; W. L. Jewett, K. of R and Si; G. M. Altaffer, M. of F.; "W S. Wiarrock, M. of E. ; George Peterson, M. at A. ; "VW C. Farrow, I. G.; John TV". Rudge, O. G. Calanihe Lodge No. 7. M. P. Taylor, C. C; H. G. Smallbones, Y'. C.; A. jG. M5 Girt, P. ; Berry Gleaves K. of R and S; ; W. F. Toomer, M. of Fj.; D. Greenwald, M. of E. ; N. VasSoelen, M. at A. ; JJ Frank, I. G.; J, A. ,Milne, O. G. ;! 1 Germaniq Lodge ue jxo. . Ai,i TIT". M 1 i'T.tf." -i ll. "the regular meeting of this Lodge, held last evening, the following officers were installed iby D. D. G..C , W. J. Buhmann:AD.7esell, C. Cf ; H. Ohlandt, V. C.; B. H. Ahrens, P.; H Kokowsky, K of R and 8.; W. H. M KochM. of F.; G C. W. MullerM. of E:; J.G. Oldenbuttle, I M.!at A.!; G. L. SChutt, L G.; Jno. Vonderfect, O. Q. . W, H. Gerken and W. H. M. Koch were chosen Representatives to the Grand Lodge. Repairs are being made upon the fire- alarm located in the steeple of the First Presbyterian Church, corner ;of Third and Orange streets, and to-day, at intervals about tbirty'minutes, ; between 10 and o'clock, 4he bell will be rung ! for the pur I pose of testing it. This statement is made to prevent the alarm which might otherwise ensue. - The rope attached to the alarm-bell in the1 First (coiored) Presbvterian Cburch. corner of Eiffhth and Chesnut streets. ha bn ko i o - t 1 r arranged that the bell can be rung without entering the building, which will greatly facilitate the sounding of an! alarm in case of fire. Tne masquerade Ball The grand masqueradg ball, which has been announced to take place on Tuesday night next, the 12th inst, , will, we are noN requested to say, come off on the Monday evening preceding, ' This change is macle in consequence of the fact that Miss Ade laide Phillipps and her Italian Opera Troupe have advertised an entertainment at the Opera House for Tuesday night, and many will no doubt desire to be present at both entertainments. The ball 'will be on a grand scale, .with a great -variety of hand some and striking costumes, etc.1, which I should induce a large attendance of snecta I i ... . - i . , - , - i, brs, ill' WILMINGTON, THE ALLEGED JIUBOEB CASE. Examination and Acquittal ef the Prisoner. " The case1 of Erijah Lamont, colored, charged on the affidavit of John Newkirk and others with causing the death of Grace Watson, colored, at Point Caswell, in this county, on Monday of last week, came up for examination before Justice Cassidey yesterday afternoon, and was continued until a late hour in the'evening. The case, it will be remembered,'had been previously examined into by' a Coroner's jury, a, ver dict rendered that the woman came to her death from apoplexy, and Elijah Lamont, who had tieeu arrested on a warrant sworn out by Thad. Lamont, a brother of the de fendant,! was discharged. Newkirk and others, including Thad. Lamoat, who, sin gularly enough, was among the inost urgent and persistent in prosecuting bis brother, were, however, not j satisfied ;,with -the decision j of the Coroner's "jury,; and came down here and made affidavit before Justice Cassidey, charging Elijah Lamont with being, in their opinion, the immediate and sole cause of the death of deceased. At their instigation a large num ber of witnesses, white and colored j were summoned and brought down here to give in their evidence. ; Messrsl John L. Holmes and R B. Fray ser appeared for the defence. A thorough investigation was had and re sulted in the discharge of the prisoner; whereupon it was moved by the counsel for the defendant that "the costs be thrown! upon the prosecution: Justice Cassidey stated, in reply to the motion, that he wOulv take the matter under consideration. . m ' It is proper to state, in this connection, that the evidence of Thad; Lamont, who swore that the part of the jury of inquest who were composed of colored people were excluded from the room in which the post mortem examination of the deceased took place, was, as we understand, proven; toJe entirely unfounded. ()nly the expectators were excluded, and that for the reason thai the room was too small to accommodate others than the jury and the physician con ducting the examination. ( The Rape Case The; Proclamation of Outlawry. j " . As a, matter of public information, and with the hope that it will the more surely tend to the arrest and incarceration of the fiend who perpetrated the outrage alluded to in our last issue, we give the proclama-' tion of outlawry against Liberty Boney, colored, the alleged guilty party, in full: Stai?e of North Cabolika, ) New Hahover County, j" "Whereas, Margaret; C. Rivecbarkj hath complained on oath before the undersigned, acting Justices of the Peace for Union township, in said county, that Liberty Boney, colored, did, on the night of the 24th of December, 1874, at and in the township aforesaid, with force and arms, break into the dwelling house of William J. Gurganus. at whose; house she was at, and then and there commit a rape upon her, the said i Margaret C. I Kivenbark. And, whereas, the said Liberty Boney flees from justice, concerJs himself, and evades arrest and service oi tne usual process oi law ; Now, therefore, we, I b. J. 1 lllyaw and Rufus Garriss, aeting Justices, as aforesaid, issue this our proclamation, that if the said iberty Boney continues to stay out, lurk and conceal himself, and do not immedi ately surrender himself, any citizen of the State may capture, arrest and brine him to justice; and in case of flight or resistance by him, after being called on and warned to surrender, may slay him without accusation or impeachment of any crime. Given Under our hands and seals this, the 1st day of January, A. D. 187a. l. s.l S. C. - Fill yaw, J. P. it. &. " Rcrps Garriss, J. P. C)ty ys. Ceuutry. Yesterday afternoon about 2 o'clock, a difficulty occurred at a store near the corner of Front and Market streets between the well known Harry Hall, colored, who is in the employment of the! city, and Anthony Ballard, ! a colored individual from the country, during which several blows were exchanged. Finally the hoe which he had been Using in cleaning out the sewer or drain at that point was brought into requi sition by Hall, with which he gave his an tagonist a blow on the head, another on one of; his hands, cutting it severely, and a third on his oyster bucket, which Harry said was fully intended for Ballard's cranium, as he had no animosity against the bucket. At tHis stage of the difficulty, a crowd having collected, Hall was taken in charge by soma of bis friends and carried before a Magis trate, who, after hearing the evidence in the case, discharged the defendant on the payment of costs. I. O. O. F. At the regular meeting of Orianna Lodge, No. 3, Daughters of Rebecca, held last evening, P. G. M. W. L. Smith, assisted by P. G.s R S. Townsend and H. Gerken installed the following; officers: . G. M. Altaffer, KG. Mrs. Mary Altaffer G. "j W. H. Strauss, R S. i Mrs. A. C. Haar, Treas. W. C. Farrow, W. Mrs. H. Watson, C, Mrs. M. E. Gerken, li. S. to N. G. Mrs. M. E. Harris, L. 8. to N. G. W. H.3 Gerken, R S. to V. G. J. B. Taylor, L. 8. to V. d. Joseph J. Bowden, I. G. Robert L. Harris, O. CJ. Bljhop Atkinson' Appointments for February, 1875. j Clinton J . Quinquagesima Sunday. .Feb. 7 Faisons. . . . .Evening of. 8 Goldsboro Wilson... .Ash Wednesday.. 10 12 14 16 17 19 Rocky Mount..." Enfield......... Ringwood. . ... . Halifax......... ! . . . . . . i l 4 . weidon.... ..iX. ' 21 Collections at each place in behalf of Diocesan Missions. ! k . ... N. G., FRIDAY, JANUARY "8, 1875. Patents. -.' I Among the patents recently r issued from U. S. Patent Office to parties in this State we notice the following: .ji Car-Couplings. Thomas L. Shaw, Laurin- burg, assignor to himself and H. G. Flad ger, Lilesville. Filed.OeL 3, 1874 Sash-Fasteners. Thomas L. jjShaw, Lau- rinburg, assignor to himself and H. G. Flad ger, Lilesville. fFiled Oct 3, 1874 Feed-Pumps and Check-Valves for Steam Boilers. Matthew J. Atkinson, Fayetteville. Filed Oct. 12, 1874 1 Safety Tar-Kilns. J. D. Stanley, Wil mington. fFiled-Nov. .5. 18741 Improved Order Ked Men. i At a regular1 meeting of Black Hawk Tribe No. 5, 1. O. It.M., held list evening, the followiag officers, elected ; for the en suing term, were inst ailed by H. L. Clpwe 3.: I G. N Hill, Sachem. E. F. Sessoms, S. S. j. R Melton, J. S. " CITY ITEMr. ' Thi Socthbbk Hokb has a macb larger circu lation than anv paper In Western North Carolina. It Is the official organ of two Graage .Councils, em bracing 53 Granges." I ii Trassfeb Pbintinq-Lnk8. Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others. IjThuy are en during and. changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time.;. Having just received a fresh supply of these inks, we are pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. ' j Copt op Testimonial Hannibal, iMo., May 30, 1874. Mtr rx J. & W. Tolley, 29 Maiden Lane, New York Gent.: The 12 Gun which joa built for me, No. 2093, has arrived safely to hand, i Allow me to thank yoa for the fidelity with which you carried ou my instructions. The general outline, beauty of proportion and excellent finish, are all that could be desired, and more than meets my' expectations. I am more than ever impressed with the idea that it is as necessary for a man to have a gun built to meas urement as to have a boot so built to ensure a good fit. The pattern 1T5 and penetration 40 are very su perior. The pattern is as close as I desire, and the penetration I think is seldom attained, being far ahead f any public record which,! have seen. Respectfully Yours, I . G. W. Dorm an. IilST OF LETTERS Remaining in the city post-office January 8, 1875: ' AHenry J Andrews, Mary Ann An drews. I is . B Jane Bowden, are Margaret Stan ford; Frank Brooks, Martin Brooks, Fred die Barnes, John W Brown,1 M:S Barlow, Mary B Brown, Susan Black, j Rev W S Black, Wm Brown. U-Ben Coachman i A T Clark, Mildred Cutlar, John Campbell, Mary F Qarr.Thos Conner, Thos Clarke.' 1 D-rJohn.Dobson. Belford Davis Fennv Delong, R B Davis,! eare Eliza!) Davis. ' U rKoger U Jfilhsson. j - F-rAlbert Fennerl H J Farmer, Thomas Fenner, Lucy Foreman, Susan Fennell. G-i-B J Garrett. EP George. IJas Green, JL Glenning, Nettie! Gay, T L Green. 11 Agnes M Hawkins, 2; i rea liamme, John C Hines, care E W Ilines; E J Hand cock; J Samuel Hines, Isaac Highfield, In- day Hill, Mary Hines, Cact RUHury, Let- tis Ann Haywood, Thos H Howe. J Wm Johnson, care W W Jimg; Je an- nie Johnson, Lidah Johnson, Louisa Jones, Paul Jenkins, Ransom Johnsoul K Bailie King, A L Krewson, Rebecca Kelly, Daniel AKell. ii L John Lewis, J JLewig, Mary Living ston, J J Livingston, Susan Lord, Harriet Lorsin, Jane Lane. I i; M Annie f Murphy, Ann Martin, Mrs, Myers, Doctor Miligan, F J Mills, Emehn Myers, Ellen A Moore, Joseph Mob arland. Ella McCann, care Edward Smith, Cathe rine Mcviel, John Mathis, Mary McLean, Mary McDaniel, Martha Mason, Thomas Moore, ifannie Mott, T C Moore, W J Mc Keethan. j I O Lowe Oates, care John Robinson. . P Maggie Peterson, Mittie Pearsall,' Pe ter Peacock. i - R Alex Respass, Carr Reidj James R Robinson, Margaret; Richardson, Robert Runnels, R Ruck, Wm Robbinsl S A Silva, Caroline Shuffleld, E P Sim mons, C H Streat, E J Smith, Henry Stern, Henry Smith, Harriett Smith, Jno W Samp son, John O Sa'unders, J H Saunders, Jack Streat, Joe Sellers, F, A Strickland,' Char lotte Stevens, care Thos Myers; Kittie Ste venson, care Wm Moore. if . ' T Haywood Turner, 2; James Turren tine, J B Taylor. I ' WF B Williams, Edward Williams, El la Williams, Fannie Walton, Jane Walker, John Walker, J M Wooding, R H Walker, W D Walker, Wood, Weeks &Co.,RPW. j SHIP LETTERS. jj -.. G W Wheatley, Schr Emblem; Franklin C Smith, Schr Ella Strickland. Persons calling for! letters in the above list will please say ' advertised. If -not called for within 30 days they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. - Ed. R BitiNK, P. M. Wilmington, Jan. 8, 1875. Spirits Turpentine - Kinston had!two inches of snow Thursday of last week. j '- Lawyers and newspaper men are flocking to Charlotte. fj J- Burke county discusses Conven tion on Saturday, at Morganton. , Jl Why do we jiot get lithe Char lotte Observer of terier than once;! or twice a week? - i ' Quite a list of patents!! have been recently issued to North Carolinians by the Patent Office. I ll ' Bishop Marvin will preach the sermon and Dr. Munsey will deliver the ad dress at Trinity at the commencement on June 10th. j 1 jj- The committee appointed by Episcopal Convention to select a. location for the Diocesan College met at Charlotte last week and decided upon iMorganton, Burke county. j jj f The Washington Echo says a colored man by (he name of Napoleon Pat terson, a former resident of that town, was shot in or near Tarboro a few days ago by another colored man (name unknown,) and that he has since died. - ; A Western exchange s boasting of a woman in that section who can perform Yankee Doodle and the Fisher's Hornpipe on the piano and sing Dixie at the same time. : The News office has two wives and a sister who each can perform the same two pieces and sing or whistle Dixie iall at the same time. Raleigh News. - Charlotte Observer: A friend living at Mount Moufne, on the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad, informs us that, on the evening of the 24th December, a Mr W. A. Jones, a well-to-do farmer who lived on the place of Mr. J. H. Reid, at Mount Jlourne, walked out of bis house, without saying anything to his family, and has not been seen or heard of since by any of them. ' . r i - B1ED. -1 WILUS. In this city, of Consumptlonf on the morning of the 7th Inst., Ruth Ann, wife of Hardy B. Willis, aged 89 years and 27 days. . The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral this evening, at 3 o'clock, at St James Church, thence to Oakdale Cemetery. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Official Drawings of. the . !c. Bene fielal Aesoetktlon. j WEDNESDA.y January 7, 1ST5. Class 863? Drawn at 12 M. f 7 52 85 66 81 --IS 46 72 2 21 ;4 15 55 Class 363, Drawn at 4 P. M. 6 25 64 35 15 10 1 19 58 76 14 57 , 41 78 53 . Class 864. Drawn at 7 P. M. 5 75 55 49 58 71 44 19 64 74 161 83 76 Jan 8-lt w. H. HARRISON. Sweet Oranges. rpWO THOUSAND SWEET ORANGES, JUST received end for gale low at j S. O. NORTHROP'S Frnit and Confectionery Store. dec 27-tf GUAM) MASK BALL, -AT- aioiiday, January 11. LADIES.' LIST WILL BE FOUND AT HEINS berjor's Live Book Store: Gntlpm ftnH list Art. James W, Lippitt's "1'ohacco frtore. " i . r. i ) Price of Admission for spectators, 75 Cents. : ! t - JAMES M. BROWN, jan 8-3t j Manager. c Card of Thanks. I LILLINGTON, NEWHAnOVER CO., I j January 3d, 1875. f DAR STAR: I PRESUME BY THIS TIME that you and your readers are aware of the burning of my mother's house (Mrs. E. M, Williams) on the night of the 19th of last month, i Permit me through the columns of the Stab to! return my thanks to Mesers. Jno. Scott and family, W. B. Lark ins, B. C. Bordeaux, G: F. LucasR. B. Frayser, Dick Williams (col ), William Mclntire, Owen Rae (col.), Robert Garrason (col.)nd others who rendered us assistance. 1 also return my sincere thaaks to Mr. John A. Jones, CoL W. 8. Larking and family, for their kind hospitelity. - j . . Respectfully, - I GRATTAN WILLIAMS, jan 8-lt D&W i j . s SAL E!S T ALTE Loan Association. rpHE 2Jui mITHIir-JNSTALLMKNT OF Four Dollars per share Is dne and payable TO-DAY at ths office of the Secretary end ;Yresfre4 No. 41 Market street.. " ' -:- S C" . STSC 0 Deposits received at any time, on whfciiTEreiHT PER CENT, per annum is allowed.. -. V C. S. ELUS, '. jan 8-lt Secretary and Treasurer, NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, . -. i i First Importation of the Season. Hhds, now Landing ex. . t Schr. "DONNA ANNA." and toh sale by jan 7 Ct nac WORTH & Horse Blankets. - i.A HE LARGEST and CHEAPEST assortment .of Trunks in the City, Saddles of all kinds, Harness, Collars, Saddle Blankets, Feather Duster s.Horse Brushes, Currycombs, Saddlery Hardware of all kinds CHEAP FOR CASH. i oct 24 tf nac J. 8. Tepham tc Co. MISCELLANEOUS. Clarendon Saloon. SOUTH MARKET ST.,: NEAR THE FERRY, TAYLOR & GRAY, Propr's. 1 Finest Wines, Liquors, Ales and Cigars in the city. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Also, Board by the day, week or month. J". B. TAYLOR, dec 16-lm J. F. ORAY. Powder, Shot and Caps. OCA Kegs Rifle, Sporting and Blasting Powder. ggQ Bags Shot. 200,000 cp 60,000 FeetrFsale by jan 7 tf KERIHNER& C ALDER BROS. Sundries. THRESH CRACKERS and CAKES. X1 j Peach and Apple Batter. ORANGE COUNT Y BUTTER I of very superior quality. At jan7-tf JAMES C. STEVENSON'S. Remains of Lost Empiri s. O KETCHES OF THE RUINS OF PALMYRA, .1 with some O Nineveh, Baby 1 en and Persepolis, notes on India and The Cashmerian Himalayas. By P. V. N. MYERS, A M. Illustrated. For sale at i. HEINSBERGER'S. Baesn, Shot. Nails, Rice, Hay. 2 Q Q Boxes D S and Smoked Sides. OA ft Bags Shot, Kegs Nails, OK Bbls whole Rice, CAA Bales E. and N. R. Hay. UfJ I For sale lowbv janStf WILLIAMS St MURCHISON. U. S. CENTENNIAL AND Exhibition of 187 6. i : ij A LOCAL AGENT AND SUBSCRIPTION So licitors. Ladies and Gentlemen ef good address, wanted in Wilmington and each Town and Countr in North Carolina. A year's work at $15,00 a week and commissions added. . Address with return stamp 2 weeks, CENTENNIAL SUBSCRIPTION BUREAU, j 521Chesbut8t, , ; ' Philadelphia, Pa. For Prospectus Journals inclose 15 cents. jam 7-aeooiwawzi i WHOLE NO. 2,265. MISCELLANEbUS. MILLINERY, 7" . .. "i . . ; j. AND FANCY NOVELTIES FOR FALL AND winter, now opening. New Goods and Low Prices. ' A splendid assortment of Trek Imported Flowers 1 And Millinery Ms. Human Hair Goods, Frizettes, Braids, Cnrls. &c &c. U JI li I S T MA 8 T O Y S AND OTHER O li I O A Y C O O S. - THE HISSES 'TROCK, Princess, between Frost and Second streets, nov lu-tf Merry Christmas. G"RAND OPENING AND HANDSOME Dis play of HOLIDAY GOOD 8. Now 1a th time. Oome early, . CHRISTMAS GOODS In endless variety. Choice Clusters of Malaga Grapes, j . FRENCH CONFECTIONS, CORNETTS, : HAVANA ORANGES, FIRE WORKS, FIRE CRACKERS, TORPEDOES And every description of Christmas tree tiimmiDgs. Come and be convinced of ; the great reductions in prices at dec 23-tf GEO. MYERS', II & 13 South Front St. AM ORDINANCE, f Concerning Drays, Wagons,. Carts, 4c. THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF TUB CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, DO . -ORDAIN. That anv Drav. Truck Wins, -or ,C!art found in Hse within the City limits without the Badge or Registered Number as required by City Tax Ordinance passed' May 9th, 1873, shall be subject to einre by tne City Marshal, and the owner thereof subject to a fine of Five Doixaks for each' and every day the same is used in this dry without the prepayment of the monthly tax, er without having on the - Badge or Registered Number as the Ordinance of the City requires. ; ' Any Ordinance or parts thereof consisting with the foregoing are hereby repealed. ' The above Ordinance was passed by the Beard of Aldermen at their meeting February 16th, 1874.' T.C.SERVOSS, feb 18 tf i City Clerk. .A-Q-osTiisrrs IS THE PLACE TO BUY Your Confectioneries. THE ONLY CANDY FACTORY IN THE CITY. Candy, Apples, . Oranges, . JNnts, Dates, Figs, Malag, Uwba and Isabella Grapes, sold LOWER than at any other place In the city. dec 20-tf SALT! SALT! 1,500 Sacks Salt v NOW LANDING For sale low by EDWARDS & HALL. ' dec'16-tf Edam Cheese, PINEAPPLE CHEESE, BLOCK CHEESE. Wnl s keys: N. C. RYE and CORN, 1854 GENTJINEJBAKER, i i janl- For sale by FLANNER & 8HURE. Just Received A Nice Assortment OF CORAL GOODS AT VERY LOW PRICES, AT GEO. HONNET'S, No. 53 Market StreeL jas5-tf Sugar, Coffee and Rice. 20 Hhds DEMARARA and P, R. SUGAR. g Q Bbls Refined Sugar. QQ A Sacks Coffee. AC Tierces Rice, For sale by KERCHNER A C ALDER BROS. Corn. Water Ground Meal and Hour. AAA Bushels Corn, i j ! uusneis water uronnoAeai. Bbls Flour. For sale by KSKCHNER Si CALDER BROS. Hay, Salt, Cheese and Bagging 2150 Bales Eastern Ha v. X00 Bxe8 Cnee8e OAilA Sacks Salt, C f Rolls Heavy B ng. For sale or Oil KERC. as a, v&A.ux.a, situs. G. H. W. Runge ; lias Removed. FROM 63 MARKET STREET to the ' I ! " , Northeast cor. Jttark.eC and Second Bte. jany 1-tf i j STYLISH SILK AND SOFT HATS, L A B IE S' E V R S Jn CHILDRBNS HATS, M TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS. CANES, Ac., At HARRISON St ALLEN'S, jan 7-tf City Hat Store, 38 Market St 2 500 600 KATES OP ADVERTISING. One Square one day, k ..j...fi u twodaya,....,...: ..,.... 1 tO T. i . ur days S 60 !" )4vedays..... 8 ( . Ijneweek J... 8 60 ' ! " Three weeks..., ,..... 6 eo " j " i One month....... ..... 8 CO . J " iTwomonths u". L..15 C - " jThree months LtJ 00 " ; Six monthr. ....a L..85 0O ' One year. .................;60 00 lContract Adverti8eineatB taken ab propo ttonately low-rates. r 1 Five Squares estimated as a quarter-column, and ten squares as a half -column. j I MISCELLANEOUS. OPERA HOUSE. POSITIVELY - ONE NIQHT ! i NLT, Saturday January Otli. 17 r A RE WELL APPEARANCE OF THE UNDIS PUTED AND REGAL QUEEN OF , r ENGLISH TRAGEDY .1 i ! . ! JHE WORLD RENOWNED JAIMAUSCHEK, Supported by her new and most brilliant : - i ) NEW YORK STAR COIDPaNV. '. . . . i ! SATURDAY JANUARY 9TH. i 'Hi i First time in this City of the Grand Historical Tragedy entitled j Earl of Essex.'j JANAUSCHEK In her unrivalled Impersonation of ; QITEEN EEIZABETIS THE ENTIRE STAR COMPANY IN THE CAST Prices of Admission. i . ADMISSION, $100; Reserved iSeats, 50 cents Extra; Gallery, 60 cents. i The sale of Reserved Seats will commence on Wednesdays morning, 6th inst., at Heinsbergcr's book ana alusic store. . ian 2 7t. i OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONL r, Tuesday Kvenlne, S P. Ml, Jan, . I- -i Adelaide Phillipps- J GRAND ITAUAN c o ia i A N Y. When wOl be presented with appropriate Costumes , scenery ana t tage ecects, sossini's cper d'Bavre, in two Acts, The j BARBER of SEVILLE. 2 HE COMPANY includes the following Artitts: .4 MISS ADELAIDE PHILLIPPS, i the American Contralto -:.'! i f 1 i MR. TOM KARL! Tenor, Signer ORLANDINI, Baritone, ) ! Signor BACELLI, Buffo Basra, signor iutjATJUjLii, Basso, j MR. GEO. W. COLBY, Musical Director. i . . Admission, $1 00; Reserved seats, $1 E0;1Gallery, 50 cents. Sale of seats at P. Heinsberger's! i . " CHAS. M. ATKINS, jan 6-6 1 1 Business geet. Just Received. A LARGE LOT - FINE IMPORTED 1 AND DOMESTIC -CIUARS. Also,! Fine DoubletThick Navy, And Other Brands of ' i ' ! Fine Cbewtne , I Tobacco. H. BTJEKHIMEK, i No. C Market Street. jnly 26-tf i I Closing Out j Sale.! WING TO OUR INTENDED DISSOLUTION ofCo-Partnerehip, we will sell our entire Stock of V OliOTHIliTQ-, r AT GREAT REDUCED PRICKS j j r i j j The Goods must be sold In the next sixty days, i s But for CasbrOnlyj. ' . jan S-tf 7 i . v . DAYID fc WEIL. v Down They Gol OVERCOATS $5 00, CHINCHILLA OVERCOATS flO 50, ! . 1 TALMAS $8 and $10 60, 1 GOODSUITSflOSO, TO CONTINUE BUSINESS. j j TO CONTINUE BUSINESS. ' . 3IUNS0N & CO., . jan S-tf , City Clothier's. . : ' : i H Keep Your Feet Dyyv LADIES' RUBBERS i i . only 75 cents a pair, LA DIES' RUBBERS 75 cents, GENT'S RUBBERS Only $1 N per pair, Gent's Rubbers t CO. BUY A PAIR FROM GEO. R. FRENCH A SON, 89 North Front street. JanO-tf A Beautiful New Chromo, i BY REV. J. A OERTEL. j CHRIST HEALING THE SICK' j For sale at THE NEW BOOK STORE. ALSO A LARGE VARIETY OF ! j . CHROMOS, ENGRAVINGS STEREOSCOPES VIEWS and 1 Illuminated Text j ' ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE T CON9LBY St YATES' City Book Store, No. 47 Market St. jan C-tf J ! Flour, Sniar, Cote, 1500 Blg Flonr' 411 grade -0 Bblej Refined Sugar, -QQ Bags Prime Rio Coffee, 100 Bbls 8 Siap ! For kale low by jan8-tf j WILLIAMS tt Syrnp, MURCmSON. Repairiia of Oil Hats ani BoniBts. - I - ! ' . ': I gXLD HATS AND BONNETS BLEACHED pressed and made to Look as Well as ct Stamping 'of all kinds dene, ForparttcalarscaO on MRS. JENNIE UitK, oa nun, oenreen oru sou w wwib. x i 1 4 n si 7l i 5