WILMINGTON, N. Morning. Jan. 1 0, 1 8 75. BY TELEGRAPH. NOON KEI'ORTS. ALABARIA. vnvoadiration into Reported. Ont raffea Vindication f the I White 'People Tlie Testimony Elicited. Litingstok, Scmteb Co-i Jan. 9. ' Messrs. Albriebt and BuckneiL of the Alabama InvestiKatine Commiltee, yester- ilfiv concluded four davs investigation at th is nlace. Many witnesses were examined- The killing of Billings and Ivey, and whip ping the neero .Nelson Doyle, was provea but no proof was elicited connecting those acts with political motives. It was proven that the Foikland riot originated in sixiic between negroes respecting the distribution of government bacon, and that attempts to quell the disturbance resulted in .: 1. : V. a combi- the wbites and an attack by the former, who subse quently transferred operations to the ad- jacent Belmont neighborhood, across tbe river, ana in tins county, wnere tue armeu . . .. demoustration was suppressed- dv tne civil authorities without bloodshed. The reported outrages in Choctaw prove to be mre inventions. It was proven that in this county United States authorities made arrests, seized houses and carried away private property wunoui warraui. The same authorities toek possession of tu county jail, a colored Democrat was arrest- ' ed without warrant, imprisoned and subse quently discharged without examination. While imprisoned the' military guard threatened to shoot him it be did not tur nish information which he could Dot give. It was in proof that Keid declared he would carrjr tiumter county or ride chiru deep in blood. Iu, refutation of the charges of intimida tion of Republican voters, it was. proved that in the last election the Republican vole iu this county was increased 33 per cent. over the Graut vole in 1872. taiued by official returns. ' This is sus- KEW VOltK. mercantile Failure The Indication ItEeetlns Monday A Counter Jlove' ment-.Tho Cabinet Not a Sustaining Sheridan. Unit In New York, Jan. 9, Babcock & Co., grocers, have failed. Mayor Wickham will preside Monday night at the Louisiana indignation! demon- st ration. Both parties are getting The counter-document reads: . up calls. "We, the undersigned, recollecting how rebellion was inaugurated, and the country forced into a war by failure of the! Govern ment to protect its torts and officers, hereby testify our approval of the prompt action of the Government in the late case of the Legislature of Louisiana." According to the Herald's "Washington special, Secretaries Fish and. Bristow, and Postmaster General, stated in interviews yesterday that they were not consulted with reference to, nor did they j see, the oispatcu sent to oiienaan oy ueiKnap, say ing the President and all the Cabinet ap proved of his procqedings. ILLINOIS. Cold Weather In the Northwest CmcAGo, an. 9. The weather has become suddenly cold, with a drivingnow from the Westi prevail ing. A. dispatch from the northwest re ports extreme cold, with heavy snow. At Des Moines, the thermometer fell from 8 above to 28 degrees below zero, the coldest weather known for many years, with, a drifting snow. ELECTUIC SPAItKS. An effort is afoot to have Hinds succeed Healey as Marshal of the Middle District of Alabama. At St. Louis, the thermometer, at 4 o'clock, stood 81 degrees above, and at 7 o'clock was 5 degrees below zero. J ' Saturday being the Second anniversary of the death of ex-Emperor JNapoleonJ number of well-known French Imperialists were congregated at Chiselhurst. OUR NIGHT REPORTS. VIRGINIA. Resolution In Relation to Louisiana -AfTiIrs Introduced In the Leslsla- . ture In Animated Discussion The Result. Richmond, J in. 0. The following resolutions were introduced m the State Senate: Mf solved by the General Assembly of the (jommomceaun. ot Virginia, That the Gov ernors of the States composing the United Slates of America be and they are hereby earnestly requested to convene as Boon as practicable the Legislature of their respect ive oiaies in oroer mat tne estates may con sult together and advise with each other respecting the late interference of the army of the United States with the Legislature of the btate ot Louisiana and determine sim ultaneously and promptly what is necessary 10 ue uone to aeieno and preserve the in dependence and autonomy of the States. Resolved, That the Governor of this Com monwealth be and he is hereby requested forthwith to telegraph these resolufions to the Governors of the several States a.id re quest immediate replies. ; An animated and prolonged discussion ensued, in which a spirit of moderation urn- dominated, leading Senators opposing Vir- o ieiiug mc utiuiuoiy movement as a niaie in tins grave matter. It was tlia irpn. eral opinion, however, that Virginia should give expression of sentiment thronih hfr Legislature in form of a protest against the. ttuuuii oi uiu general government ill rela- , uon 10 Louisiana, and an appeal Ito the American people for redress, and also to express the deep and lasting sympathy of the people of Virginia with the people of iuc oioicr oiaie vi ljouisiana. At the conclusion of the discussion the whole matter was laid over special order for Tuesday. and ma de the WASHINGTON. Both H ouseslof Congress Caucusslng -irimmius sail for Monday's Bat- . tie Letter from Keliose. J WAsmXGTOjr, Jan; 9. 1 he-Senate caucussed upon the orfder of uusiuess, and the House is caucussing on southern matters. JNothiug transpirfed. """Mi, ui reunsyivaniaj pies- cui iuiuisicr u Lousianuuopie, goes to St, Petersburg. ihe freswenrs message regarding Lou isiana, wnicn goes to t&e Senate Mdnday, win De accompanied Dy an immense mass oi documents. The following has been received here; : New Orleans, Jail. 9. To Hon. A. P. Field, in mre of Senator West, : Washington: , j Tbe Republican party does not endorse Dibble's letter. He published it in the Democratic papers alone. . Our friends gen erally condemn nim. f Signed , W. P. Kellogg. Bandit Sheridan's Version j of the . Trouble Consequent Upon the AM sembllne of the Louisiana Iegtslai tare. .,-;.v.! jj t-,..L;.--::...-- , COPT TELEGRAM. : !i H'dq'rs Militaet Division; Missouri, ) jsew" ukleans, jua., j an. e, iovo. To Hon. W. W. Belknap, Secretary of War, Washinaton.V. v.: t . a l " I have the honor to submit the following report of affairs as they occurred herein the organization of the State: Legislature on Jan. 4. 1875: - I i ! l: . : I was not in command of this military de partment until 9 o clock at night on the 4th inst., but I fully endorse and am willing to be held responsible for the acts ot the mm tary as conservators of the public peace spon that day. I 1 1 t Dunns the few days in wnicni j. was in the citv prior to the 4th: of January the gen eral topic of conversation was the scenes of bloodshed that were liable to occur on tnat day, and I repeatedly heard threats of as sassinating the Governor and regrets ex pressed that he was not killed on the 14th of September last; also threats of the assas sination 'of Republican members of the House. in order to secure the election or a Democratic Speaker. I also ! knew of the kidnapping by the banditti of Mr. Cousinier,. one of the members-elector tne legislature. In order to preserve the peace and to make the State House safe for the peacea ble assembling of the Legislature General Emory, upon the requisition of the Gover nor, stationed troops within j the vicinity of the buildinir. OwiD24o these precautions the Legislature assembled in the biaie nouse ; without anv disturbance ot c the puonc Deace. At iz o ciock. w imam vigers, iuei Clerk of the last House of Representatives, lroceeded to call the roll, as; according toj law he was empowered 10 ioa vQe uuu dred and two legally returned members auM n.n...4 Knii w , muo f" lino n ii mlor 1 bntlCU 11 lUbll UftlUtOl Vi V AA aw UUUAW fifty two were Republicans and fifty were Democrats, isetore entering uieiiouse air. L. A. Wiltz had been selected in caucus ass the Democratic nominee for Speaker and Mr. Michael Hahn as the Republican nom inee. Vigers had not yet finished announc- ing the result when one or tne memoers, Mr. Billican. of Lafourche, nominated Mr. L. A. Wiltz for temporary Speaker. Vigers promptly declared the motion but of order! .at that time; when some one put the ques- tion and amid ihe cheers of tjhe Democratic j side of the House Mr. Wiliz dashed on to j the rostrum, pushed aside Mr.1 Vigers and i. seized the Speaker's chair and gavel and j declared himself Speaker. A'protesUiiaii;Si the arbitrary and unlawful proceeding wai ! promptly made by the members ot tu nia joruy, but Wiltz paid no attention to these protests, and upon a motion irom someone on the Democratic siue or the nouse ae-y clare&one Trezevant nominated and elect- ed Clerk of the House. MrJ i Trezevant at once SDrang lorwara ano i occupied me Clerk's chair, amidst the wildest confusion over the whole house Wiltz then again, on another nomination from the Democratic side of the house, de clared one Floord elected Sergeant-at-Arms and ordered that a certain number ot assist ants be appointed. Instantly a large num ber of men throughout the hall, who had been admitted on various pretexts, such as reporters and members ti lends and specta tors, turned down the lapels pf their coats. upon which were pinned blueriobon badges on which, were printed in gold letters the words Assistant bergeant-at-Anns, and the Assembly was in the possession of ;the mi nority and the White League of Louisiana had made good its threats of seizing the House, many of the Assistant Sergeants-at- Arms being well Known as ;aptains oi White League companies in this city.. Not withstanding the suddenness of this move ment, the leading Republican members had not failed to protest again and again against this revolutionary action ot the minority. but all to no purpose, and many of the Re publicans rose and leit the House in a body. together with the clerk, Mr Vigers,' who carried witn mm the original roil ot the House as returned by the Secretary of St ate, The excitement was now very great. The acting Speaker directed th6 Seraeant-at Arms to prevent the egress or angress of members or others, and several jsxciting scuffles, in which knives and pistok were drawn, took place, and for a few moments it seemed that bloodshed would ensue. At this juncture Mr. Dupre, !a JJeraocratic member from the parish of Orleans, moved that the military power of th General Gov ernment be invoked to preserve thfi peace. and that a committee be appointed to wait upon Gen. De Trobriand, the commanding otficer of the United States troops stationed at the State House, and request his assist ance in clearing the lobby.' The motion was adopted. . 1 A committee of five, of which Mr. Dupre was made chairman, was sent to wait upon Gen De Trobriand and sOoa returned with that officer, who was accompanied by two oi nis start omcers. as uen.s De Tro briand walked down to the Speaker's desk loud applause burst from the Democratic siae oi me nouse. uen. ie iroDriano asked the acting Speaker if it was not pos sible for him to preserve order without ap pealing to him as a U. S.J anrny officer. Mr. Wiltz said it was not; whereupon the General proceeded to the. lobby and -addressing a few words to the crowd peace was at. once restored, un motion ot air. Dupre, Mr. W iltz then in the name of the General Assembly of tbe State of Louisiana thanked General De Trobiand for his inter ference in behalf of law and order, and -the General withdrew. The Republicans had now generally withdrawn frbni the hall and united in signing a petition to the Governor, staling their grievances and ask ing his aid, whieh petition, signed by 52 legally returned members of the ilouse, is in my possession. Immediately subsequent to the action or JVlr. Wiltz in elect ing the clerk of the House Mr, Millican moved that two gentlemen from the. parish of De Soto, one from Urim, one from Bien ville, and one from Iberia, who had not beenreturned by the returning board, be sworn in as members, and they i were ac cordmgly sworn in by Mr. Wiltz I and took seats upon the floor as members of the House. A motion- was now made that the House proceed with its permanent organi zation, and accordingly ihe roll was callSJ by Mr. Trezevant, the 'acting Clerk, and Wiltz was declared elected Speaker and fry .(-! ;. Arezevani uiei K oi tne nousej Acting on the protest made by the maj'jrityj ilie Gov ernor now requested the commauuiflg Geh eral Of the Department to aid him in restor ing order and enabling the legally returned members of the House to proceed with its prganization according to law. This request was reasonable and in accordanceLwitn law Remembering vividly the terrible massacres mat tooK place in this city om the assem uiiug ui me vyonsuiuiionai : uonyention in 1800, at the Mechanics' Institute,, and be lieving mat tne lives or the members of the Legislature were or would be endangered in case an organization under the law was attempted, the posse was furnished with the request that care should be taken that no member of the Legislature, returned by the returning ooaro snouid be eieeted iromtne uuwi. tuis iiiiiuary -se jjeriormed its duty under directions from the Governor of the State and removed from the floor of the House those persons who bad but n ille-r gallj' seated and who had mJ legal rights to be there; whereupon the Democrats arose and left the house, and the remaining mem oers proceeded to effect an organization un An- 1 T 11 . . .. . UC LUC IHWK in H!f III14 rilim.-,ll in which bloodshed was imminent, the milita ry posse behaved with great discretion. When Mr. Wiltz, the usurping; Speaker oi uie nouse, called for troops to prevent uiooqsiea mey. were given him. When the Governor of the St ate called for a posse for the same purboss and to enforce the law it wa,s furnished also. Had fthis not .been done it is my firm elct that scenes ui iwuuusea wouia nave ensuea. t c:K T - (Signed) P. H. Bheeidan, itsGenl. . "', U KA IUKU HKeour. , ' : f; War Department, j ' Offlce of Chief Signal Officer, V Washington, Jan. 9635 P. M. ) Probabilities. During Sunday, in the South Atlantic and East Gulf; States, high barometer. northwest to northeast winds, partly cloudy and decidedly cold "weather will prevail, with possibly light rains on the coast of the latter. ' ' ULGCTBIC 8PABK8. i The thermometer at Chicago, ' Saturday night, fell from 18 degrees above to 25 de grees below zero. At Lawrence, Mass., the Atlantic Cotton Mills, employing 1,900 persons, will com mence lull wort Aloud ay. New York Bank Statement: Loans in creased $2,000,000; specie increased $8,- 250,000; legal tenders increased 1,125,000: deposits increased flO, 125,900; reserve in creased P.875,000.; - DOMKS1IC ITIA KKKT.S, ; New York, Jan. 9. Noon. 'Financial. . I Stocks dull. Money 3 per cent. Gold opened at 112 and closed at 112. Sterling Exchangt long $4 86; short $4 90. Govern ment' securities dull and lower for some. State bonds dull but nominal, .' . Commercial.. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat dull and unchanged. Corn is a shade firmer. fork quiet mess $20 62. Lard hrm steam 144 cents. Spirits Turpentine ouiet at do cents. Kosin unchanged at $3 00 i 10 for strained. Freights firm. . Cotton firm, with "sales of 925 bales Uplands 15 cents; Orleans 15$ cents. Sales tor tutures to-day opened weak and irregu lar as follows: February 14M&145 cents; March 15 5-16at5S cts; April 15ai5 11-16 cts; May, 16t15 15-16 cents; June 16i 16 5-16 cents. New Youk, Jan. 9 Evening. Financial. , j Money 22J cent. Securities steady Commercial. Cotton firm, with sales of 1.125 bales at 1515f cents. Flourdull and in very lim ited demand. at $4 80i5 75 for common tofairxtra Southern, and & 80a$8 00 forgioa o choice. Wheat dull.heavyland 1 ent lower for spring; Winter in better; re quest at full prices. Corn opened a shade hrmer for new, but closed quiet and with out decided change. Pork quiet. Lard firmer at 14i14 5-16. Coffee quiet. Su gar dull and a shade easier. Rice quiet. Molasses quiet. Spirits Turpentine dull at 36 cents. Kosin dull at $2 10 for Strained. Freights quiet. - . - Cotton net receipts l,e3l bales; gross 4,002 bales. Futures closed firm, with sales of 34,000 bales as follows: January, 14f 14 29-32 cents; February, 15 1-1615 3-32; March loi: April 15 27 32lo4; May 16 16 5 32; Junel67-1616 15-32; July 16 23 32 16J; August 16 15-16 cents. COTTOH MARKETS. Galveston, quiet and unchanged at 131, 13i14 receipts 619' bales; Charleston, steady at 12, IB, 14, 14Mal4j receipts 1,119 bales; Kavannah, steady, but little do ing, at 13. I4il4i receipts 1,831 bates; Mobile, quiet and firm at 14i receipts 1.779 bates; New Orleans, steady an'd demand good at 121, 14i14f receipts 5,428 bales; Augusta, irregular at 12, '134, 1414i re ceipts 398 bales; Baltimore, firm at 144 re ceipts 204 bales; Memphis, quiet but firm at I4i receipts oil bales; Jrniladelpbia, firm at 14, 14fjl5i--receipts 70 bales; Norfolk, nrm at 14Mai4fr-receipts $29 bales; Bos ton, quiet at 15 receipts 167 bales. FOItJEIGN OTARKH'rS. London, Jan. 9 Noon. Erie railroad shares 26J. Liverpool, Jan. 9 iNoon. Cotton quiet and unchangedSales 12, ,000 bales, including 2,000 for speculation and export. Cotton to arrive 1-16 cheaper. Sales on a basis of Middling Uplands, nothing below Good Ordinary, sbipped January and Feoruary, 7 9-lod. bales on a basis of Middling Uplands, nothing below Good Ordinary, sbipped February and March, 7-s.d. bales on a basis of Middling Uplands, nothing below Good Ordiuary, deliverable February and Marcb, 7 7-lbd. cases on a basis of 51 id tiling- Uplands, nothiug below Good Ordinary, deliverable March and April, 7d". bales on a basis of Middling Uplands, nothing below Low Middline. shipped Janu ary and February, 7 9-lbd. . sales on -a basis ef Middling Uplands, nothing below Low Middling, deliverable February and March,' liA. Dales on basis of Middling Orleans, noth ing below Good Ordinary, shipped Decern Der ana January, vjd. M Breadstuff s quiet. i j - LATER. Sales of cotton to-day include 6.500 ba es American. Sales on a basis of Middling Uplands. nothing below Good Ordinary, shipped December ana January, 7 9-16d. bales on a oasis ot Middling Uplands, nothing below Good Ordinary, sbipped February and March, 7 ll-16d. bales on a basis of Middling Uplands, I; nothing below Low Middling, deliverable h February and March, 7 9-16d. I Sales on a basis of Middling Uplands, nothing below Low Middling, deliverable I .Marcu ana April, vfa. r MISCELLANEOUS.' Cuba Molasses. j TUST ARRIVED A CARQd" OF BRIGHT ! NEW GR OF- G TTBA MOLASSES, Which we offer at lowest market prices. ALSO- HUDS, SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP, 50 QQ BBLS. SUGAR HOUSE SYRUPf KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. jan Shtf Merrv Christmas. p, v M kASD OPENING AND HANDSOMR TITS. pmy of no Lib a y g o ods. Now is the time, Come early, CHRISTMAS O00DS In endless variety. Choice Clusters of MsIum FRENCH CONFECTIONS, CORNETTS, HAVANA QEANGES, FIRE WORKS, FIRECRACKERS, TORPEDOES And every description of Christmas tree trimmings Gome and ba convinced of the great redactions ui prices at . GEO. MYERS', dec 83-tf II & 18 Sonth Front St. COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET. STAR OFFICE. Jan. 10. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Receipts 212 casks. ; Market firm at 34f cents bid and 35 asked. No sales to report. -1 ROSIN. ReceiDts 648 bbla. Sales of 500 bbls Good Strained and No. 2 at $1 75. Market firm at $1 70 for Strained. CRUDE TURPENTINE Receipts 439 bbls. Sales of 370 bbls at $2 50 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1 50 for Hard. Market steady. TAR Receiots 139 bbte. Sales of 208 bbls at $1 75 per bbl. Market steady. COTTON Receipts 202 balesJ Market firm, with sales f 180 bales at the follow ing official quotations: j: Ordinary. li cent lb. Good Ordinary .. 12J - Low Middling 1H Middling. 14 . Good Middling. 14 Marine. ARRIVED. Steamsbip Achilles. Artis, New York, A D Cazaux. Stmr D Mnrchison, GarrasonJ Fayette- ville. VVilliams oc Alurclnson. Scbr Amos EdwardsJ rowers, Provi dence, R. I., Worth & Worth, with phos phates. ! !j ' Nor tins Kana, Larsen, Antwerp, iu Heide. ' , J CLEARED. Stmr D Murchison, Garrasonjl Fayette- ville. Williams & Murchison. Swed Barque Ulnka, i Framburg, uors for Orders, Williams & Murchison. BriffCO van Horn. Hooter. Glasgow, SDruut & Hinson. - I h Bcbr William Hunter, JMeussen, uiasgow, Si)runt & Hinson. German iJaroue unariotte. vvauis, uias- goW, Sprunt & Htnson. j EXPORTS. FOREIGN. Cork fob Orders. Swed Barque Ul- rika 1.700 casks spirits turpentine, 230 bbls rosm. 1 H Glasgow Nor Schr William punter 2,600 bbls rosin. . t Brig UU Van Horn 1,400 bbls rosin, 1,500 do spirits turpentine. ! Ger Barque Charlotte 1,850 Dbis rosin. 1,250 casks spirits turpentine. j SHIPPING DIKECTOHY. : i .:t of Vesem fn me Port of Wll mlngten N. C Jfan. 10, IS 7 5. STEAMSHIPS. I Rebecca Clyde,, Childs, A D Cazaux BAKQUES. Bertha (Ger), Schutt, ! E Feschau & Westermann Elina(Sp.) Basterrerhea, I t Master B1UU8. Max (Ger), Altman, ' EPeschau& Westermann Wenonah, Small, i l Master SCHOONERS. Donna Anna, Wbaley, 1 Worth & Worth E S Powell, Williams, Williams & Murchison C C Berry, Sevey, J H Chadbourn & Co E A Hooper, Snell, Harriss & Howell Anna bhepard. Terry. I ! Master Emma Green, Calkens, G G Barker & Co JNellie blar, Foland, ! f Master Falos, Shackelford, GG Barker Co Ella Strickland. Strickland. i! Master i.lt ot Vcscl Sailed - lor tll Port. LONDON. Barque Israel, Taplin, slklDec UT. JOHN. N. B. Schr Mary J Ward. L d Oct 4 SHIELDS. Dover, Stilphen, . j d Sept 3 ROTTERDAM. Nor Brig Speed, Olsen, eld Deo 12 miscellaneous: Cleveland Banner. I I' DETWEEN THE 15th OF JANUARY AND THE 1st of February. 1875. we will resume the nnhlica- uun ui mc ! Cleveland Banner," At Shelby, filling out all unexpired terms of sub scribers who have paid, advertising contracts Ac In Uen f the small 20-column sheet, printed on an old press and with old type, as heretofore, we will give to the public a large 32-column DaDeri an entire new outfit, jnst from the Foundry at the low sub scription price 01100 a year: -75 cents for six months: 60 cents for three. i 'I - We intend to strive to the utmost to make the en. tpmriM ft mn (1 anmwiu ft hloaatnar tn mnntvo an honor to the town and a pride to every citizen oi me couniy. j Hsnmnlu, 4linf .it a all maamm TIT want 2,000 subscribers at once, and we feel confident that we will get them. i i - . J The O. C. Kailroad being now completed through to Wilmington, and Shelby being the Western termi nus, the ' Uannsb" will be the best advertising men mm west or Wilmington; and we do, in par ticular, call the attention of the Wilmington Mer chants and buiiness men to the Banner as an ad vertising medium, and noat respectfully solicit their patronage. ii . we win give an tne news and keep up with the iimeBin every respect, oe tney ever so last. melius, otricuy, vasn m aavance. ; W. C. DURHAM fc J. L. WEBB. jane-tr. - . j TiiB Tobacco Leaf & Cotton CHABLOT1E, N. C. lant. Terms of abscription : One copy, oneyenr .$3 00 .1X0 " tlx moninn. CLXJBMA TES: Six copies, to one address, one vear .$10 CO , 30 00 Twt-lve copies, to one address. 1 year...., Kates of A elver linings leu true?, or cue Inch, to cnnntitnte & tnni One fjnai e, first inbertion 1 01.! liach enbseqaent 11 J. E. MORRIS, Editor and Proprietor. Largest Circulation of any Trade! Orea iu iuc ouuiuern otaiea. . . deciSS tf Closing Out walk Owing to OUR INTENDED DISSOLUTION of Co-Partnerthip, we will sell oar entire Stock of t i M cxjOTniisra- AT GREAT HEDUCEDj FLlCSj 1 lnettoodamnst b sold in ihe Inext elxty days, Put for Cash Only. jan3-tf 73 DAVID & WEIL. A Beautiful NewlOhrotuo, BY JV. J. A. OSKTM. ij "CHRIST HEALING THE SICK." "i For sale at j j THE NEW BOOK STOMA ALSO A LARGE VARIETY OF CHROMOS,! ENGRAVINGS BijsiiKUocoPES, VIEWS and Illuminated Text ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE It CONfiT.RV TiTkn janStf City Book Store, No. 47 Market 8t WI1QLESAI.E ymcEs. ' M ""X"-r.lin. In making up email orders higher prices have to be charged. .. raicBs. BAGGING Gunny.."....; .... Double Alienor. ..- Double Anchor " A", .i..... BACON North Carolina, I 16 10 13 17 3 HsmBW H... - Shoalders, V B Sides, V Tb r - Wefitem Smoked - - .1 Harna. Sides, Jfi... . Shoulders,.... ....... .4...- Pry Salted ' Sides W lb -i Shoolders 18 15K15X iiXia . t415 6 1 BEEF I '" . - . ! On tne hoot BARRELS Spirits Tnrpenttne, 60 8 00 S 68 S7 8 00 03 SO 83 S5 , 00 .15 15 13 12 83 & 800 & & 3 75 Second nana, eacn , - . New New York, each. . KewCitv. each. BEESWAX BB1CKS Wilmington, f St.... 1000 14 00 Northern 80 40 BUTi'ER--North Carolina, v & . Northern, m 19. ... CANOUilS Spena, t3-i SO Tallow, e -!- A rtamnr.iTiA. S lb . . . J. ... CHEESE-'Northem Factory 9 J1 18 85 5 7 .125 11 Dairy, cream y State. ?9 E COJs'FEE Java, 9 B Kio, fJ 10.. .......... Laguayra, .... CORN MEAL 9 bnehel. ...... nnT'rf N VI H.PS h id . . 8 10 1 25 16 00 8 50 13 00 7 60 II' 00 5 50 8 CO DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, V ydj & Vara, a bunch FISH Mackerel, No. 1. W DbL.. 20 00 9 00 13 50 11 60 i t50 . 850 No. 1. 59 H bbl... Mackerel. No, 2, 8 bulj Nc.2, Jifbbl........ Mackerel, No.3, v tb: Mnllets. bbl H. V. Herring, bbl. )ry Cod, 1 5 50 6 85 6 25 7 25 . & K LOU It l! -Fine. S bbl 6&1 6 00 7 Oi) 75 9 GO 9 50 Super. Northern. S bbl, Extra do. " $ bbl,.,.. Family " bbl. City Mills Super., $bbi.... Extra, 9 bbl Family, ?J bbl... Ex.Famiiy, S bbl .. o 00 9 50 10 00 12 60 & & 10 00 a 00 FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guana, $ 80 00 oo on 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 00 00 00 00 00 oo eo 60 00 15 116 00 00 & 60 00 65 00 40 00 & 4500 57 00 65 00 67 00 70 CO 70 00 & 00 00 2 1 20 Baugh s fhospnate, Carolina Fertilizer, 1 Ground Bone. ' Bone Meal, " Flour. Navassa Guano, ; Complete Manure, " WhamVe Phosphate ' ! Wando Phosphate, " 1 Berger & Blitz's Phoeph. " QLVE-& a GRAIN Corn, ia store, 66 lb Corn, Cargo, w so ns Corn, YeE, bushel. Oats, 8 bushel Peas. Cow. S bushel (3 1 15 80 135 & HIDES-Green. 9 2 TW M tX 7 8 14 1 50 I2XO 1 45 1 20 HAY Eastern, lflOlbs.... .. North Klver, juu m. ... 1 25 HOOP IRON $ ton. i .. LARD Northern, g lb 112 00 117 00 16a 17 North Carolina, w E.. ...... 00 & 00 & 27 00 25 00 23 & 85 00 IJMK W bbl 1 65 34 00 33 00 20 00 20 00 15 00 LUMBER City Steam 8 a win Ship Stua, resawea, m it. . ' Rough Edge Plank, $ M ft... West India Cargoes, according to quality, $ M ft Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. Scantling and Boards, com- 23 00 48 53 & a oo & 80 & 550 00 00 145 110. & 40 350 100 3 50 25 50 00 00 00 00 . y .......... .... MOLASSES Cuba, hhds, ?J gal.. Cuba, bbls 9 gal Sugar House, hhds, $ gal. . ? i " bble.S gal.... 46 86 40 40 4 75 18 1 10 1 00 80 1 CO 80 8 25 .00 Syrup, ddis, 5gai NAILS Cut. 4d to 20d. keg... OILS Kerosene, gal Lard, & gal ... Linseed, gal Rosin, a gal.... PEANUTS? bushel POTATOES Sweet, a bushel.. . Irish, Northern, v DDI PORK Northern, City Mess Thin, 9 bbl , Prime, 9 bbl i.... Rump, S bbl 00 00 00 00 00 CO 00 00 RICE Carolina, ft B 8 00. 130 East India, V & (tK SO hnall 00 20 liAGS Country, ?Tb City. :3 9 6 75 20 25 10 12 11 11 , n io 8 33 00 ROPE.... SALT Alum, V bushel Liverpool, $1 sacz American. 9 sack SUGAR Cuba, $ ft 19 rortaKico, n A Coffee, fSl lb B " ft . C ' ft Ex.C ft . .. Crushed. ft.. 1K SOAP Northern, $ ft SHINGLES -Contract, $ M.... o 4 OC ouu 800 common, m Cypress Saps $ M, Cyprees Hearts 8 M 3 50 6 50 9 CO 30 00 00 00 18 00 08 17 a 13 8 60 4 00 1 00 1 75 30 85 STAVE 3 W.O.BbL.aM... . 25:00 09 00 00 00 00 00 14 00 10 00 6 00 500 & 3 50 40 R.O Had., ?jJM Cvoress. (9K TALLOW TlMBKtt-Shipping, $ M jmu trimc, jfl Mill Fall, H Inferior to Ordinary. 49 M. .. WHISKEY Northern, ttgal... North Carolina, 9 gal WOOL Unwashed, B ft....... waanea. w td BATES OF FREIGHT. Per 8ailinz Per Steamer. vessel To Nw Yobk. Crude Turpentine 9 bbl Tar hbl.... Spts Turpentine bbl 0 45 0 0 0 00 0 0 60 0 0 00 0 00 0 30 3 0 35 85 0 00 Koein DDI... Cotton $ bale 49 0 00 2 00 0 00 0 10 0 0C 0 00 1 0 00 0 feanuts y bushel.... To Philadku'Etia. Crude Turpentine bbl! Tar bbf.j j 0 03 0 50 0 00 0 50 0 00 1 00 0 00 0 50 0 60 3 00 0 00 0 75 0 00 0 0 CO 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 00 2 0 00 0 0 00 0 7 00 8 0 00 0 Spts Turpentine bbl Rosin V bbl.. Cotton bale Cotton Goods ft bale.. reannts 9 Dusnei Lumber $i M.... To BAi.TrMonie. 0 00 0 10 0 00 10 00 Crude Turpentine V bbl 0 00 0 45 0 00 0 45 rar w ddi.. 0 90 0 Spts Turpentine $ bbl 0 00 0 0 90 0 00 0 9 00 0 0 00 2 0 00 0 6 50 ttOBlH DDI Cotton $1 bale Peanuts bushel. .. 0 00 0 45 0 00 S 60 0 OO 0 11 Liumoer w M To Boston: 0 00 8 00 CrudeTurpentine bbl 0 00 0 CO 0 00 0 001 0 00 0 8 00 a 0 rar ddi. Spts Turpentine bbll 0 CO 0 00 0 00 0 0 65 0 3 50 0 0 13 0 Rosin bbl. 9 bbl 10 00 8 00 Cotton bale. 0 00 0 00 Peanuts fl bushel. .1 0 00 eoo I 0 00 a 0 no Limner V M : . . . . 11 no j2 WILMINGTON AIONEi MARKET OOBRBCTSD BAH.T BTTHX BAVX OP ITXW BAHOVZB, I. B. GRAINGER, PRESIDENT. 1 9 uoia 109 111 Silver. 103 iftfi Exchange sight on Northern cities XX disc't. ikxcnange oo aays on " - lSSili Wcdls. Bank of New Hanover Stock.. .. First National Bank; Wilmington Building Stock,.... . Mechamca j " " Navassa Gnano Co. ' ..... N. C. Bonds Old Ex-Conpon. . .. ..(Par 25) 100 29 1C0 95 82 110 ..81 .15 ..14 ..12 ..5 vo. runaing iw6 ; Do. I " 1868...... Do. New Do. Special Tax.-... Do. to N.C. Railroad ... .42 W. A. W. R. R. Bonds 7 c (Gold Int) .90 Carolina Central R. R. Bonds, 6 c. .70 Wilmington City Bonds, 8 70 7c 85 " old 6 c 65 " new 6 Sc. . . .65 (Gold BC. .Mil New Hanover County Bonds (10 years), o c tuo.a intj .ttj W. & W. Railroad Stock ...... s North Carolina R. R. ' 80 C C. Railroad " L 01 WU. GasLiffhtCo. ." 76 nil. Seaside R. R. " ......... .10 MISCELLANEOUS. THE UNDERSIGNED BEGS leave to inform his friends and the public generally, that he is still In the Tobacco business, and that, he si ill ntends to kep on hand all kinds of Plus and Mnoking Tobacco, i At his Store can be found as fine Cigars as there are in the St.y, Scuffs and lino cnt Tobaccos of all kinds, ai.d HnokeM wrticles generally. He begs to ca:j particular attention 10 tha WAVERLY AND GOLDEN SEAL PLUGi TOBACCO. t , ! 1. And his celebrated B. and of Figaro ana usl nccepcion Cigars. ; Call and see for yourself, at i ! GEO. HALL'S Tobacco Store, No. 13 Marteet St. jan 9-tf I-': mm m " Clarendon Saloon, SOUTH MARKET ST., NEAR THE FERRY, TAYLOR & GRAY, Propr's. 1 . Finest Wines, Liquors, Ales and Ci in the city. MEALS AT ALL HOURS Also, Board by the day, week or month. 3. B. TAYLOR, dec 16-lm J. F. GRAY. HEW YEAR TO ALL. & BROWN 45 Market Street. SATA CLAUS' Dry Goods of every JEOLID AY REMEMBER; THE LITTL A Laree assortment of Toys just received per Ladies' Black English SUITABLE FOR Christmas Presents, Just Beceived. The cheapest line of Black Alpacas we have L BROWN & RODDICK J dec 23 tf iimington lyorth Carolina Lines. ' SEMI - Fast Freight Boute to BALTIMORE. I Baltimore and Southern Eteam Trans portation Company, Sailing from BALTIMORE Tuesday and Friday, at 3 F. M. AND FROM WILMINGTON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Olvlns Through Bills of IiWdlns Alabama. For North or East bound Freight, to Fall River and other Eastern Cities. j Liverpool, Glasgow, ; Antwerp These Lines connect at Wilmington with the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroad, WilmpLugton & Weldon Railroad, and Carolina Cen'ral Railway and Cape Fear River Steamers, with their conntctica Roads, offering unequalled facilities for the prompt delivery of Freight to all points, as the Steamers on these Lines on arrival in Wilmington stop at to cars without delay, asd forwarded by he Fast No drayage in Wilmington and no transfer any other boats. Losses or Overcharges promptly paid. Mark all goods via Wilmington Lines. For further information, apply to either of the undersigned Agents of the Line. j " EDWIN FITZGERALD, Gen'l Agent Baltimore Line, 50 South St, Baltimore, "I WM. P. CLYDE & col, GenU Agent New York Line, 6 Bowling Green, N. Y., oct 29-tf A. D. CAZaCX, MISCELLANEOUS Edam Cheese, PINEAPPLE CHEESE; i BLOCK CHEESE. i Wliiskcys: N. C. RYE and CORN, 1854 GENUINE BAKER, jinl- For sale by FLANNER & SHURE. Albert Middlemass BISCUIT, Peak, Frean & Co.'S ENGLISH BISCUIT, Fresh Crackers JWest End, Oyster, Milk and Lemon Biscuit. ! . FRESH GOCD8 NOW OPENING. CHAS. D. MYERS, jan 3-tf 5&7NorthFront St 35 35 75 35 25 10 50 50 80 56 00 75 10 00 45 Just Received A Nice Assortment 45 75 45 00 00 60 -OF 65 65 90 70 00 10 CORAL G-OODS . ! AT VERY LOW PRICE?, AT I GEO. HON NET'S, janS-tf No. 63 Market Street, Repairing or Oil Hats and Bonuets. O LD HATS AND BONNETS BLEACHED pressed and made to liook as Well as Kcw. StamDinz of all kinds done. For Darticulars call on MRS. JENNIE iikh. Nun, between 8rd and 4th streets. Gv H. W. Runge Has Removed ROM 63 MARKET STREET j' 'I 'to the. ! Nortbeaat cor. Market and Second aim. j " jany 1-tf : i : ' Sundries.; FRESH CRACKERS and CAKES. ' Peach and Apple Butter. ORANGE COUNTY.BUTTER of very superior quality, Int) At jan7:tf JAMES C. STEVENSON'S. Remains of Lost Empires.- SKETCHES OF THE RUINS OF PALMYRA, Nineveh, Babylon and Persepolis, with some notes on India and Tbe CahoierUn Uimalayas Iv P. V. N. MYERS, A. IS. Iliuttrat d. For sale at HEINSBSRGER'S. THE COMMUNISTIC SOCIETIES OF THE United isUtes. By CHARLES NORDHOFF, with illustrations. or sale at HEINSBERGER'S. j Live Book and Music Store. Jan7-lf A Consignment WF FRESH MOUNTAIN BUTTER AND EGGS, just received fromCharlotte over the C. C. Rail- ' CHAS. D. MYERS fc CO., janS-tf : 5 7 North Front Wt HRISTWAS fAWD HAPPY R O D D I C K HEADQUARTERS. description suitable for PRESENTS. j E FOLKS. New York Steamer; They embrace a Uttlc of everything. Beaver walking Jackets ever shown in thisjeity. Call early and avoid the rpU. 4. Market tree I. WEEKli Y allPointd South and East, NEW YORK. L Clyde's! Wilmington fiJ:e, kiirw Sailing from YORK Tuesday oudJFrlday. at 3 P. . Ais4''KoaviLMINGTON WEDNESDAY ANb SATUItDAY ' I- i to all points in North! and South Carolina,HtGeor:i, m Baltimore Philadelphia, New York,Bostoo, Prov -. - ji. -ALSO- Bremen, and Othei European Ports. Railroad depot, the Freight transferred under covered tm Freight Express that morn ng. : from Wilmington South. Rates guaranteed as LOW an br Agent Baltimore and New York Lines, Wilmington, N. C MISCELLANEOUS. The Savannah Advertiser, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY AT ' 1 S A. V A N N A II G GEO. N. NICHOLS, F. W. SIMS. Pronrietor. linxineaH Mnnirr THE Advertiser is a live, comprehensive news paper, publishing the lateet News and Market Reports from all parts of the country, particular at tention being given to Savannah's Local and Com mercial Affairs. , i IN POLITICS the Advebtiser will be a bold and fearless exponent of the Democratic Conservative Creed. i j TO ADVERTISERS unexcelled advantages are offered, our large and increasing circulation render ing tne advertises a valuable advertising medium. TERMS. I Daily 1 Year.l... " 6 Months.,. " 3 Months... Weekly 1 Year. Agents wanted in every town. Vample copies fret on application to this office", rseptao-tf ' ; i- . : : - j The Central Protests nt. A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS paper and the Organ of the Methodist Protes tant Church in North Carolina, is published at Greensboro, N. C. j Terms, 2 00 per amum, m advance. I The eligibility of its location, the number and ac tivity of its agents, and the constantly increasinar de mand forit among the more solid classes of readers In various sections, give the CENTRAL peculiar claims upon the patronage of the advertising public. Terms very favorable. Consult your business inter ests, and address the editor, . - i 1 J L. MICHAUX, P aril tf j Greensboro. N.4C. The Georgetown, S.0.,TimW ' i i ! I ; PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDA Ya7 $3,00 per annnni. Special atteation paid to Local Affiirs. TN ONE OF THE BEST TURPENTINE 8EC X tions in the State, Advertisements will be in serted at reasonable rates. For terms apply to Wm. U. Bernard, agent , f B.H.WITON.Edito Wil m l h xrtnn Mornti a n t J . - "QWAA ULUlUUUlliltq WHO WISH TO EXTEND THEIR BUSINESS on the Carolina Central Railway should; not overlook the fact that Rockingham is the wealthiest h8lh Z!: PopulaUon of any tewn between Wilmington and . Charlotte, and that it has butjone oi Spirit of the South,! which enjoys the LARGEST GIRGULATION i of any paper pnbHshed In the Pee Dee conn try. m..k Ing it the BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. 'jSs i jj .v,. DBuscripnon re a year. I rublisher, feb6-tf J Rockingham N O Snso THE NIAN, A Weekly Newspaper, Publislied Polkton, N. C. L. L. POLK. ...l.Editer IT WILL BE PATRONIZED LARGELY BY Umington' lf ,the7 "eenre the trade clnm Tor advertisiny. , .; pr j-t f K ST IL L AHEAD! DE.n?J0 f LACE A WIDE-AWAKE, LI'K hZLZSXL hands V ties we wil send the ? w"TO"u,a ajoinmgnp . R OB.ES ONI A N To all new subscribers at the followlnir rates 1 Copy, 40c; 2 Copies, 75c; 3 vSSSL l 00 1 X5 8 Months, 75c;lCopV M25BiLf1 Wi 1 J Months. x i PT BmA stamp for aaedmen copy" dence. A .1 00 a so 1 75 1 .50 it "1 t