THE HOBHING STAR. PUBLISHED DAtLY, BY bates op snBscBiFnoa Inr adyatci: One year, (by mail) postage pa ' t on Six months, ( " ) Tr"??. " I 22 Three months( " ? One month, (" ) l no wyaubcriber8' delivered In an'y'partot the city. Fifteen Cents per week. Onr City Agents are not authorized to collect for more than 8 months in advance. i ; OUTLINES. Dissatisfied at the report of the sub-com mittee, the whole Committee on the South nave gone southward. 4 Over 20,000 miners are idle and pennilbss in Pennsyl Yuma, liiey nave resolved to arm and help themselves to bread. Germany nd Spain are. in correspondence respect ing a Larlist outrage on a German vessel. --Hotel at Sacramento burned with three men, possibly others. -New York mar kets: Cotton, 15; rosin, $210; spirits turpcnune, oo; gom IlSgUlZf. Ke. port that whole Congressional Southern Affairs Committee had gone' S South is de nied, but there is discontent. Grant's message on Louisiana will e considered' to-day. It seems that the Republican Siib-Committee, lately in session at -New Orleans, is going to submit a report to Con gress substantiating what the, people have all along claimed, in almost or in every particular. -Senate passed resolutions calling for Merrill's report of Conshatta affair. Schurz spoke on the Louisiana question in the Senate. (-Assassination of Grant was humorously discussed in Con Sieaa yesieraay. , -inere will De a meeuug mis wees in wasmngton or one leading Democrat from each State, for the purpose of . consultation. ! A decision of the United States Supreme' Court in a cotton case looks like a step towards rec ognizing the late war as something more than a rebellion. -An Ohio Congress man wants to abolish Sheridan, or at least his Lieutenant-Generalcy. j Hawley, of Auiuuis, movea ,iuai uongrcss recognize Kellogg and lhe whole winked-at, sustained and organized despotism in Louisiana. X JEE3 CITY. The Illatls. . The mails will close from this date as fol lows: . ' Northern (night) mails. . . .... . . 6:45 P.M. through and way (day) - mails i K A HI Southern mail. ...... . Carolina Central mails. ".u... .........,.. J A.. -Ui. 6:30 A.M. 5 A. M ! Smithville, Saturdays and Taes- . days .J.. 6 A. M. Fayetteville, river, Mondays and Fridays I.. 1 P. M. Fayetteville by C. C. R. W., daily 5 A. M Onslow C. H., (horse mail) every Fridav ....... L. 6 A. M. Mails delivered from 7 A. M. to 7 P. M.,- land-on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. j Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M.. and from 2 to 6 P. M. MoneV order or : register department open same as - stamp , omen. i . XSW ADVERTISEMENTS. j W, II. Harrison. Special lira wing. j W. F. Lesssian. Notice. ; T. A. Watson. Citizens' Market. j Conoley & Yates. A Terrible Secret. i See Advertisement of Simmons' Liver Superior Court. The January term of the Superior Court of New Hanover County Jud;;e McKoy -uesiding, Icommenced yesterday. The charge of His Honor to the jury was a very able one and at the same time clear and .comprehensive in its dealings with the ques tions touched upon. The following' com prise the Grand Jury: Benjamin W. Beery, Foreman; Hezekiah Bonham, A. J. Mal- lard, Edward Ancrum, Wm. G. Fbwler, Jr , Mathew Carr, Isiah Shepard, Jno F. Hines, Joseph Sternberger, Isaac Stokesi Edward G. Esia, Jno.,J. Alexander, L. Flannagan, Tama. Dinhatlann Xt-i nnn .T ivnn f a II T-Q McFarland. Samuel Merrick, Abner Mor gan. i Among the cases disposed of following: were the State . w. , W. R. Bishop 'alias W, R. Holmes, charged with larceny The de fendant being now in the penitentiary from Duplin for ten years on the same charge a nol. pros, was entered in this casej I State vs. Abram Davis, charged with bastardy. Dismissed on the payment of C08t3. , State vs. C. Mallett, charged with assault and battery. Found guilty and ordered to ' pay a fine of $20 and costs. j State vs. C. Mallett, charged w th assault and battery. Case dismissed on the pay- ment of costs. State vs. Raleigh Montague, arraigned on -apiece warrant in two cases.' Judgment hici entered. State vs.. J. M. Campbell, charged with iniuring stock. Judgment nici entered. In the cases of several parties arraigned' on the charge of larceny, or with having stolen goods in their possession, said goods being a portion of those stolen from Messrs. Binford, Crow & Co., a year or jtwo ago, Hie Court ordered a nol. pros., with leave, John Legget t, an important State's witness, having absconded. The "with leave" in this case is intended toconveythe idea that if the said John Leggett, upon whom the prosecution relies for a conviction, be at any time arrested and brought forward to testify the parties can be again brought to trial. Magistrate' Court. Before Justice YanAmringe, yesterday, Wm Jones, colored, was arraigned on the charge of perjury. He was adjudged guil ty and ordered to give bond in the sum of $500 for his appearance at the present term of the Superior Court. The same defendant, -arraigned on a peace warrant, was ordered to give security iu the sum of $100 for his appearance at the present term of the Superior Court tils Hame. ' Dennis Smith is the name of Ithe indi- "virinnl who wna nrrpsterl in the Act of HD- prooriatingalotof bacon at Messrk Hotten- dorf & Hashagen's store, on Water street, Saturday night. He is in the Guard House awaitinz trial before the Mavor's Court.' nni HE VOL. XV.--NO. 94.' t.oea4 JDotn. The Flosta, Dohl, sailed from Exmouth for this port 6n the 20th ult, lhe Irene. Arentsen.i sailed I from Truro for this port on the 21st ult. The Miletus,, Iedersenf arrived at Falmouth from this port on the 19th ult. We learn that a night Express will soon be placed on the Carolina Central Railway. ; j The German BrigDer Pqmmer, Bohen, arrived at Antwerp from this port on the 7th mst. ! t 1 - -i ... - The Norwegian Brig Ara, To- biassen, arrived at Liverpool from this port on the 6th inst. j The German Brig Atlantic, Halding, arrived at Falmouth from this port on the 8th inst - lhe bchr. John H. Converse, Ecjnmer, cleared from. New York for this port on the 8th inst. !;. j i ; ; '1 Both pnntmg and ruling done In the finest grades .of copying ink at the Stab Job Printing Office. ' : ; tf City subscribers ;who fail totre ceive their papers regularly will please re port the fact promptly at this office. tf The examination Unto the case of Geo. W. Shaw, charged with infanticide. which was to have come off before Justice Cassidey yesterday, was postponed. grand mask ball which! was -i i I i to hav come off at City Hall last $igbt, wa3, on account of the very inclement weather, postponed until Wednesday fcven- i; i We are requested 'to state Miat in consequence of the bad ! weather the funeral of the child of Mayor Canaday was postponed, ana will take place at 3 M. to-day. Georgiana Gause, col., charged I- with larceny, was surrendered by her surety, Riley Moses, yesterday, and she was there upon lodged in jail to await trial beforthe present term of the Superior Court. j At a regular meeting Of Stone wall Lodge No. 1, K. of P., held last night, Mr. W. S. Warrock resigned as Representa tive to the Grand Lodge, which meets in Raleigh on the 27th inst.i and Mr. Newton Gillican was chosen in his stead. Our citizens, on awaking yester day morning, found everything out doors covered with sleet and ice. ilany valuable trees were broken and ruined by jthe weight of the ice. A more intensely; dis agreeable day could not well be imagined. - ! Rev. J. T. Gibbs, the new Pas . . , f I7i:rw c. ft t -it, -.I i. .!. lor oi nun rsireei m. k i ummh i. far made a very Tavorable impression upon his congregation. He preached two excel lent sermons on Sunday, which we have heard alluded to in terftravery commenda tory, After January 1, 1875, we wall mail the. Daily Star, postpaid, for $7 jOO per year. Tins is $1 zu less man it now costs subscribers, including postage. The rates for periods less than one year will be advanced as follows: Six months, $4 00; hree months, $2 25; one month, $1 00. Italian Opera To-NIgUt. j We presume it is unnecessary to invite anybody to go to the Opera this evening jto hear Miss Phillipps in that , masterpiece bf Italian musical composition, "The Barber of Seville." Beauty, fashion, culture lov i- ers of good things, elegant; idlers, whilers- away of an evening hour from the busy walks of life all women and f'the rest of mankind" will go, in spite of j every effort we could make to keep them away. Miss Adelaide Phillipps, of English birth but American residence, tastes, fame and ore dilections, will delight us by her admirable singing and herremarkable personation bf the coquettish Bosina. A Northwestern journal says she exceeds in the part she takes the highest anticipa tions of ber most sanguine friends. Quot ing from the same paper, we learn (hat her singing, in the "Laughing Song," which she gives us to-night, is exquisite. . tier " Una Voce Poco Fa" is also highly com mended, and the duett she sings with Bar tolo is superbly rendered. ; - j Orlandini makes a capital Figaro his voice rich and full, his acting natural add unrestrained, provoking mirth, throughout. Tom Karl is represented; to be a pure, sweet tenor. Baccelh, who acts ISarmo., and the deep bass voice of j Loqatelli come in for a good share of praise. B-B-S Typographical Tantrums It is, to quote Milord Dundreary, one of the things "no fellah can find out" why the types should play such : fantastic tricks before high Heaven on Sunday mornings. Now, we are particular j to say Sunday mornings, because two days ago we ago nized over Orsini's ruthless! assassination in this department of The Morning Stab of Rossini's splendid opera (not-"elegant little opera" Italics operetta), "The: Barber of Seville." It was sad enough to seethe magnificent Italian composer so stealthily and damnably taken off, but we confess to the most excruciating and harrowing anx iety when a learned and agile compositor without the fear of Shaksjjieare or any other man "jerked up in a glittering grief " th'e unfortunate, oeautirui lioiyn. ; ferked up on his lofty pedestal, we propose to "keep him there, an everlasting type of the su premacy of that audacity withbut which Lgeniu9 ia impossible, the office of prooi reader unnecessary and the business of thO local news writer something less than ' "glistering grief or "a golden sorrow MO R N stir ' - i -. i i . i WILMINGTON, Fire Sunday Morning. The fire on Sunday morning, about o'clock,1 originated in a frame dwelling house on the corner of Nun and Seventh streets, formerly the property of Mr. E. Kidder, but lately purchased by a colored shoemaker by-the name. efPegram. The fire was discovered in the upper part of the building, the house being unoccupied at the time, and spread with such rapidity that there was no possibility of saving it. The flames communicated with the adjoining building on the South, which was also con sumed. This house was the property of Mr. - Curtis, and was occupied by himself and bis son-in-law, Mr. Thomas Hodges. ; There was an insurance of $400 onthe house, which, we learn will not cover the loss. By the assisfcjjce of friends the furniture was all removed, though con siderably damaged by breakage. The fire men and .hook and ladder men were on hand with their usual promptitude. It is the general impression, ; we learn, that the fire was the work of an incendiary. Carolina Central Railway, j The Lincolnton Progress says: H Our.peo- ple are discussing the propriety of permit ting an amendment to the charter of the Carolina Central Railway, which has per haps been forfeited by the non-completion of the track to Shelby by the 1st of Jan uary, just past. Gaston, Lincoln, Cleave- land and Rutherford in theWest, and An son. Union, Richmond, Robeson and ' New Hanover in the East, are very much inter ested in the tariff of freights that may be adopted. It is suggested to call a meeting of the citizens of Lincoln county at the court house for Thursday next, (the 14th,) to take some action in the matter. We would also suggest a meeting of the other eounties named so that the Legislature on re-assembling might, know the views of their constituents and act accordingly." Mall matter Burned. The entire northern mail that left this city on the evening of the 6th inst, wasdestroy ed by the burning of the Mail and ; Express cars of the New York Express train on the evening of the 7th inst., -en account of which appeared in our telegraph columns Saturday morning. Among the mail mat ter from this city were many valuable checks, drafts and other papers, the owners of which should take prompt steps for securing duplicates. - Extending Its Business. ! We learn that the Cape Fear Building Company, whose works are located at Ab- bottsburg, will establish a branch of their business at Charlotte. We also understand that Maj. Thos. H. Allen, late Principal As sistant Engineer in charge of the construc tion department of lhe Carolina Central already contracted for the building of about twenty houses in Chariot. j A Scare. The burning of a f ul chimney on Ninth, between Princess and Chesnut streets, on Sunday night, caused considerable excite ment in the neighborhood, especially as the cry of fire was started. The chimney was very foul and burned so furiously, the burn ing soot flying in every direction, that it was found necessary for a man to mount the roof and pour water down the chimney. The house is occupied by colored people. f admitted to Practice. In the Superior Court, yesterday, Mr. Thomas Grseme, of this city, who was re cently licensed by the Supreme Court to practice law in the several Courts of the State, was, on motion 1 of Adam Empie, Esq. , duly qualified and admitted to prac tice at the Bar of this Court ,We wish Mr. Grseme a brilliant and successful ca reer in the profession he has chosen. Promoted. ' Geo. M. Arnold, col., formerly of this city, has been appointed Collector of Cus toms at City. Point, Ya. He secured his appointment, we understand, through the efforts and influence of W. HI H. Stowell, more familiarly known as Cadet Stowell, who represents the Petersburg District in Congress. Bishop Atkinson's Appointments for February 1875. h Clinton.. Ouinauagesima Sunday. .Feb. 7 Faisons. .Evening oi. Goldsboro. . . . .Ash Wednesday. 8 10 12 U 16 17 19 21 Wilson Rocky Mount. Enfield .... Ringwood Halifax..... Welrlon - Collections at each. place in behalf of Diocesan Missions. Th Toixkt Gtjh. Copt oi Tkstxkoniai. Hudson Citt, N. J., 8ept 80th, 18T4. Mksbrb. J, & W. Toixkt 29 Maiden Lane, New Tork: The 10 guage Gun No. 3078 1 ordered from yon gives me entire satisfaction. I was very exacting when or dering the Gun, bnt must say that yon nave more than fulfilled what I rtanlred of yon. I have shot several - breech-loaders by first-class makers, and voar eua beats them all for bea ty and workman ship. Aa for shooting qualities, your guc shoots stronger and more even than any gan I ever shot. I have shown, it to several good judges (including first-class gunmakere) and all agree that the action is very strong and durable, and that the gun ia one of he best they ever saw. I have made some very long' shots with it, using only 8 drs. of powder, which is all your gun requires. 1 have shot it at a targat according to the rules of the Turf, field and Farm trials, and the average of 6 shots at 40 yards is: Left-pattern, 169; penetration, 88; right-pattern, 176; penetration 39;' using 3X drs. powder. Now I am sure such- a gun is seldom met with, and am very proud to be the owner of it ; But the real test of your gun is in the field there it ezcells all others, killing cleaner and handsomer than any gun I ever saw, as yon assured me they would. Both paper and metal shells work splendidly. Gentlemen, I have to offer yon my very best thanks, and will recommend your goat to all my friends. Tours Respectfully, Hznbt Lobiot.. ING N. C, TUESDAY, . Book Butdbbt. i-fla mokhijxs stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Baling In a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, r other work, may rely on promptness lathe execution of their orders. - j . j it To Epobtjjibn. Eead the advertisement of J. & 4 W. Tolley, the celebrated gun mannfactarers, of Birmingham, England. .Their breechloaders are without a rival, as is shown by the large number of testimonials in the possession 'of the Messrs. Tolley. Send to their branch! house, 2?' Maiden Lane, New York, ., . , . , ! 1 Tbakbfb FaiNTiNa-IirKS.-Invlaable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others. They are en during and changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of. time. Having just received a fresh supply of these inks, wears pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. . . - IF ITOIT Want a SttuatkJh, Want a Salesman, " Want a Servant Girl, Want to rent a Store, Want to sell a Piano, Want to sell a Horse, Want to lend Money, Want to buy a House, Want to buy a Heree, Want to rent a House, . Want to sell a Carriage, Want a Boarding place, Want to borrow Money,' Want to sell Dry Goods. Want to sell Groceries, Want to sell Furniture, Want to bell Hardware, Want to sell Real Estate, Want a job of Carpentering, Want a job of Blacksmithing, Want iu - V, Millinery Good?, Want to scil a Mnnee and Lot. Want to find any one's Address! Want to sell a piece of Furniture, Want to bny a socopd-hand Carriage, Want to find anything you have; lost. Want to sell Agricultural Implements, Want to Advertise anything to advantage, Want to find an owner 'o anything Found, Advertise in (j TUB MORNING STAR. Spirits TurpeSntme ; I - The Milton Presbyterians have called Rev. Mr. Fitzgerald, of Hillsboro, as their pastor. '! The Field Crop Premium List of the N. C. Agricultural Society has been published. I Hertford Academy Was barned on the night of the 6th. Ashes left in the building carelessly. jj ' .- Three sisters, all of Yadkin Co., N. C, at three births, delivered six girl children, says the Mt. Airy Watchman. In Wake Superior Court, Satur day, the jury rendered a verdict of "guilty" against two negroes charged With burning Cedar Fork Academy. Penitentiary. The Statesville Arnric that a man named HutcCl ,im' Uh a umanet.-tu k ur-Tirs Slab Town, Yadkin county. , The murderer escaped. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Official Drawing Of the N. C. Bene ficial Association. MONDAT, January 11, i875. Class 371, Draan at 12 M. 25 56 73 3 74 43 27 61 81' 12 32 61 Class 372, Drawn at 4 P. M. 28 62 74 53 15 8 3 25 18 17 60 Class 373, Drawn at 7 P. M. 30 14 69 52 43 20 69 67 13 73 26. Jan 12-it W. H. HARRISON. Notice. ! Members of the howaed R. F. E. Co., or leave the No. 1, are hereby requested to sen size for their Hats on or before Thursday, Jan. 14th, 1875, with W. F. EESSMAN, jj Committee. Jan 12-lt For The Citizens' Market. Fine 3ampson county stalIfed beef; also a fine lot of cornf ed Pork. Come early and leave ybur orders. T. A. WATSON, jj Proprietor. jan 12-tf A Terrible Secret, NOVEL BY MARY A. FLEMING. t THROUGH THICK AND THIN, OR "LA 1 OUKRREDUNXZABU,- EGYFPAND IBYfARo1874. Ki IMROD Of THE BEA, OR THE AMERICAN IN WHALEMAN WANDERINGS OF A VAGA BOND; AN AUTOGRAPHY joAmorm8 QHILD OFTOroi d1 All for sale at CON9LEY & YATES' 5 City Book Store.- jan 12-tf Horse Blankets. The LARGEST and CHEAPEST iassortment of Trunks in the City, Saddles of all kinds, Harness, Collars, Saddle Blankets, Feather Duster s.Horee Brushes, Currycombs, Saddlery Hardware of all kind CHEAP FOR CASH.' ii m oct 24 tf nacl - J. S. Tspham Sc Co. MISCELLANEOUS. Repair of 01ft Bats aMf Bonnets. OLD HATS AND BONNETS BLEACHED pressed and made te i pook as Well as Sew. . ks Stamping" of all kinds done. gc3 Forparticnlars call on MRS. JENNIE uitK, or Nun, between 3rd and 4th streets. J Clarendon Saloon. SOUTH MARKET 8T NEAR TB FERRY, TAYLOR & GRAY, Propr's. Finest Wines, Liquors, Ales and Cigars in the city. Meals at all hour Also, Board by the day, week or month. J. B. TAYLOR, dec 16-lmJ J. F. GRAY. G. H. W. Eunge Has Removed FROM 63 MARKET STREET i to the ii Nortbeast cor. Market and Second Sis janyl-tf . j Sundries: w-totpqh rra t mrwma mil OAKKS. : Jti "" p-chiid Apple Butter. ORANGE COUNTY BUTTER Ii of very superior quality, At I -. . " TV "WW il -" jan7-tf JAMES C. STEVENSON'S. Star JANUARY 12, 1875. Cuba Molasses. jTJST ARRIVED A CARGO OF BRIGHT CROP CUBA MOLASSES, Which wo offer at lowest market prices. ALSO fJQ HHDS. SUGAR HOUSE SYRTJP, BBLS- 8UGARH0USE SYRUP. KERCHNER& CALDERBROS. jan 9-tf EASTERN BAY AND POTATOES. 1,000 Bales E A S T E R N H A v 100 Barrels APPLES. 200 Barrels POTATOES. For Sale Low hv dec 15-d&wtf BINFORD. CROW & CO. Edam Cheese, PINEAPPLE CHEESE, BLOCK CHEESE. Whiskeys: N. C. RYE and CORN, 1854 GENUINE BAKER, jan l- For sale by FLANNER A 8HURE. i j Just Received A Nice Assortment OF CORAL GOODS . AT VERY LOW PRICES, AT GEO. HONNET'S, 8-tf "No. 53 Market Streei. Closing Out Sale. Owing to our intended dissolution of Co-Partnerthip, we will sell our entire Stock of AT GREAT REDUCED PRICi:8. The Goods must bo sold in the next sixty days, But for Cash Only. jan34f r 1 DAVID & WEIL. Potatoes. Potatoes. i '; -1 A A BARRELS EARLY ROSE AND UTtLSK 1 U U SEED POTATOES. 1 For sale by ' EDWARDS & HALL. 1an 10-tf Choice Butter in Rolls. THRESH WATER GROUND MEAL AND HOM iny, Prime November Mullets, j For sale by jan 10 d&wtf i GRANT ft HINTON. npHE UNDERSIGNED BEGS 11 leave to inform his friends and the public generally, that he is still in the Tobacco business, and that he still intends to Keep on nana au Kinas of flue and fcmoking Tobacco. At his Store can be found as fine Cigars as there are in the City, Snuffs and fine cut Tobaccos of all kinds, and smokers articles generally. He begs to call particular attention 10 the VaVERLYAND GOLDEN SEAL PLUG TOBACCO. i And bis celebrated Brand of Figaro and La iiecepcion uigars. Call and we for yourself, at ! GEO. HALL'S jan 9-tf ' ' Tobacco Store, No. 13 Market St ! Remains of Lost Empires. SKETCHES OF THE RUINS OF PALMYRA, Nineveh, Babylen and Persepolls, wh some notes on India and The Caehmerian Himalayas. By P. V. N. MYERS, A. XL lllustratea. For sale at HEINSBERGER'S. THE COMMUNISTIC SOCIETIES OF THE X United States. By CHARLES NOKDUUJrJT, with illustrations. For sale at ' HEINSBERGER'S, jan 7 tf Live Book and Music Store, Floor, Urn, Coffee, Rice, 1000 Bbl Flonr' ftU grade' 1KA Bbls Refined Sugar, 1UU 100 Bags Prime Bio Coffee, 1ET Bbls whole Rice. LO For sale low by jan 10-tf WILLIAMS MURCHISON. Hay. Hoop Iron, Glne. Spt. Casks. !QQ Bales E. and N. R. Hay. 600 anlc8 p 100 Brfel8 Glue i )AA New New York Spirit Casks. ZUU i e or sale low by jan jotf W11L1AM8 A MURCUISON. ; Bacon, Syrap, Sbot. Oats, Nails, 100 80X68 D 8 11114 amoked Bides. JHA. Bbls S. IL Syrup, : 400 Bfg8Siot 500 Bueh Black ats- oan Kegs Nails, For sale low by . jan 10-tf WILI4AJUS if MURCHISON. I Jolin Dawson HAS IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE 600 PLOWS (of all kinds) 7 Tons Plow Castings, 85 Coils Cotton Plow Lines, 800 Pairs Trace Chains 40 Dozen Collars and Haines, 100 Dozen Weeding HoeB. 50 Dozen Shovels and Spades. For sale at the lowest Market rates. janlO-tf . Nos. 18, 90 and 81 Market 8t TTKDDING CARDS AND VISITING CARDS printed in the tBARD'S augll Printing and.PublUhlng Hoose. WHOLE, NO. 2,268. AnSCELLANEOXJS. OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONL T, Taosday ErenlnK, S pj Bt.9 Jan. 12th, Adelaide; Phillipps QRAin) ITAXIAIT COMPAN T. When will be presented with appropriate Costumes. n.cuuuj uiu ouucv eaecw, xwssini 8 cnei d'oeavre, in two Acts, The BARBER of SEVILLE. . T HE C 0 MP A N Y - includes the following Artists: MISS ADELAIDE PHILLIPPS,! '. ' , ' the American Contralto, . MR. TOM KARL, Tenor, fifiuui uiiuuujuii, xkariwne, Signor BACELLI, Buffo Basso, Signor LOCATELLI, Basso, MR. GEO. W. COLBY, Musical Director. Admission. CI 00: Reserved seats. 1 B0: Gallerv. 50 cents. Sale of seats at P. Heinsbereer's. CHAS. M. ATKINS, jan6 6t Business Ages t. The Low Prices Easily Account for tbe Extent of Our Daily Sales. SINCE WE RESOLVED TO SELL AT PRICES that would surely reduce our STOCK, it ha required no Salesmanship to sell our goods. SILKS, BLACK ALPACAS, ! FURS, ukuss onn-ns Bleached and unbleached Shirting and Sheetinsr. BLANKETS, 8PREABS, . FLANNELS, HOSIERY, RIBBONS, V GLOVES, LAChS, COLLARS, Gent's Fine White : Shirts, Underwear, 8uiiings, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs and COLLARS, I With thousands of other goods belonging ina First Class Dry Goods Stock, are daily being disposed of at prices- that reallv make it to the advantage of persons in want to buy them now from the best Stock in the City, at tbe prices never sold at beiore. Remember the iodncement is offered only by the leading Dry Goods House of Wilmington. BOSKOWITZ A LIBBER, f 29 Market street. jan 10-tf Merrv Christmas. Grand opening and hanlsomk ths. play of HOLIDAY GOODS. Now is the time. Come early, i CHRISTMAS GOODS In endless variety. Choice Clusters of Malaga Grapes, FRENCH CONFECTIONS,' CORNETTS, HAVANA ORANGES, FIRE WORKS, FIRECRACKERS, TORPEDOES And every description of Christmas tree trimmhigs. Come and be convinced of the great reductions in prices at .' j ,.. whisk Brooms, gHIRT FRONTS, TALMAS, DRESS SBIRTS, II A TS A MIX CAP IS, OYERG OATS HAIR BRUSHES, DRESS SUITS, SELLING VERY LOW BY MTTNS ON & CO., jan 10-tf City Clothiers. Arrived at Last ! THOSE CHILDREN'S S UITS. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF the most btylish Boy's and Youth's Suits Ever brought to this Market, and we are disposing oi tnem ai very w priceB. NEW LOT OF SCARFS, TIES, BOWS, &c, i JUST RECEIVED, ! 8IIRIER BROS., 30 Market 8t janlOtf NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, First Importation of the Season, Und8' now Laading ex. Schr. "DONNA ANNA," and for sale by WORTH A WORTH. jan 7 Ct nac Salt, Bagging, Ties, Corn, 4.Q0Q SACKS SALT, 200 BoUa rolIs Sagsie' er Tons Ties, ' 15 000 BnBl1" WhIte 11114311x64 ?oTn' I For sale low by i iwn 10-tf WILLIAMS b MURCHISON. "THE CRY IS, i 1 1 C4-M1 ThflTf flnrrifl 99 OliAAA AiiVJ i VVUiU TIT ' Ii YY E HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM AUCTION ; mnv T . A PnKT BTfMTir fllf SHAWLS EVER ' before broneUt to this Market. It consisU of ISO REVERSIBLE OTTOnANSHAWlB AT o r.A wnuTO umi 1 Kn FULL SIZE DOUB-. E SHAWLS at $2 'SO, worth $5 06. Also 0O All Wool Boulevard Skirts at $1 85, worth $ 00. Heavy and Superfine All Wool White and Red Flannels 35 cts, and nnnranll r ' i 'J he above, together with a fine assortment of Staple ana Fancy ury uooas, wm uv wuu . J. & H SAMSON, dec6-tf No. 43 Market St Handled Steel Potton and Corn Hoes. mnnii nnrn WHICH ARE ALREADY handled. A" ready for use, and are warranted of the beet material, are for sale at low figures, at the New Hardware House of j; janlO-tf QTXE8 A MURCHISON. New Styles, TjilNB FELT AND 8TD7F HATS, FUR AND SILK CAPS, TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, Ac. 'At HARRISON A ALLEN'S jan 10-tf City Hat Store, 88 Market St Molnesea, BIoUf MI"e. Hhd. New Crop Cuba Molasses. H 50 For salelois or' jan 10-tf V Xi. LLIAM3 & MURCHISON j ) Rates of adtkktisinci. wne aquart obe flay,....;. , three dava .... ....i. 4.,,. t 0 " fpurdays... ls. S bo veoays.... one week:... " Two weeks. " Three weeks " One month.. .... S 60 ... . 5 CO .... 6 0 T. 2 montia , .15 Cc V Three months.. I SS CO Wx months .,...!.... ...85 W 8 CO Contract AdvertUements' taken "at propor tionately low rates, j - fl FiTeSqnares estimated as a quartor-column. actf ten squares aa a half-colnmn. , f MISCELLANEOUS. CoMissioner's Sale of iDesiralilB - I Real Estate -4 By CR ONLY & MORRIS. M. CR ONLY, Auctioneer. T X Y VIRTUE OF A DECRKR OV TOK RTTPWRim Court for tfca eountv of New Hanovar. mu). nn ti. 18th day pf Nov., 1874; in the case of John London and wife Lucy, against H. N. Latham and wife Eliza W. and Isaac B. Grainger, Gd.1 praying for a sale of the Real Estate, hereinafter described for partition, the undersigned by said decree duly ap pointed Commissioners for that purpose, will on Tuesday, the 28 day of January, 1875, at 11 e'clock A. M., at Exchange Corner 4n "Wilmington, expose for sale by public auction the following described pieces or parcels of land with all buildings thereon, situated in this city, to wit: J . 1st That most eligibly situated lot on the East side of Front street next to the southeast corner of Ches nut and Front streets, with a front of 9 feet on Front street running hack East 105 feet, the same being a part of lots Sand 8 in Block 178. The im provements consist of a large first class Three Story Brick Dwelling Containing 14 rooms, including bath room, brick. Kitchen with 2 rooms attached Gob and water throughout the entire building; also brick office con taing 2 room suitable for a Lawyer Doctor, a fire cistern of water and evcrv other poiveninpo ti: taining to a ' j , Number One Establishment. I 2d. Lot situated on the East side of North Wcter street, 141 feet from the southern line bf Mulberry street, with a frout of 18 feet on North Water streflt- runnlngr back east 56 feet; the same being a part of a part of Lot 3, Block ISO. The improtements con sistofa i 1 Two Story Brick Building 18 feet front bvi 41 feat 8 in deen. at nresent nmi ptedby Mr. J. F.tHoine. Also a lot ini rear of tli above 103 feet deep, upon which there is a BRICK WAREHOUSE i 20 by 63 feet. 3rd. Lot situated on the East side of North Water street 19" feet from the southern line of Mulbcir street, with a front of 86 feet on N. Water street, run. nin? back East 171 feet tn a attnn ivnll the umn "being a part o' lots 8 and 4, Block 190. The Im provements consist or a 1 Two Story Brick Buildine 18 feet front by 41 feet 3 inches1 deeni&t nroulnt occupied by Mr. Jacob Mobn, and a two story brick building same eize with an L attached, 41 ft deep, at present occupied by A. M Nelson ; also that desirable lot situated on the North fide of Market street 93 feet westwardly from the western line of 3rd street, with a front on Market street of 42 feet more or less, running back North 132 feet; the same being a part of lots 4 and 5, block 166. The improvements tou sist of a large and commodious 1 . Frame Dwelling' containing 20 rooms present used as a Private Boarding House. 1 KITCHEN, GOOD W A TER. d-c. , upon the premises. ' ! Terms:' one fourth cash: the balance on arxedit r.f i 1. 2. 3 -and 4 Tears, with' interest. reRorvprt ! untill last payment is made. Purchaser to pay for i drawing all papers. f ! TJ. LOSDON. dec 24-eod T S&D S Thur Commissioner. A CARD. In THANKING MY FRIENDS FOR THElh ihf ea t ur WaSrVBg of which "c iioeitv to inform them, that All Accounts Are made Out and DUE; that I have sold to them the whole season at the HO WEST CASH PRICES, GIVING MY FRIENDS THE BENEFIT OF 1 And hope they'll show their appreciation by PA YING UP N O w. M. M. KAT2, i janlOStSuTu We 36 Market St. C. VEST l&. SONS; Alladin Security Oil. .... 1 . THE BEST OIL IN USE. Warranted 150 Degrees Fire Teat. WATER WHITE IN COLOR FULLY DEODEfclZED, And lit Will Not Explode. i 1 It burns in all Coal Oil and Kerosene Lamps. TRY IT. Ask for "Aladdin Security," and lake no 1 C. .WEST A SONS, other. I oct 27-6mos 113 and 115 W. Lombard bt. , Baltimore, Wd. Sweet Oranges. rpwO THOUSAND SWEET ORANGES received and for sale low at JUST S. G. NORTHROP Fruit and Confectionery Store- decS7-tf Tonsorial Removal E. AA I AO USB inuuun. of James Carraway and removed to the shop form erly occupied by him, in the basement of the Purcell House, where he invites his old friends and the pnb- 1 lie generally to call on him. Best workmen, in the State employed, and Shaving, Hair Cutting, and Shampooing done athe shortest notice. Try htm The Monroe Enquirer, BOYLIN M O L I' K, Editors) and Proprietor. THE ENQUIRER IS PUBLISHED AT MOM roe, Union county, N. C, every Tuesday, at S3 00 a year, i The-Eno.trnum circulates extensively throughout the counties of Anson, Union, Chester Held and Lancaster, and reaches a very large num ber of intelligent readers. . J. The merchants of Wilmington will d " to be one of the best advertising mediums on th Caro lina Central Railway, as we gustee M lsire bona flde circulation as any paper between Charlott gfltt TT IIMlllljtwl. " T j m tf ! ' I THE VINDICATOR AND SOtJTHERN WATC Newton, N. C XlUSINESs i MEN OF WILMINGTON WIIX X find it to be to their interest ; To Advertise In the Vlndleatoi', Which has a good circulation to VgSS! Gaston, Oeaveland. Rn therf ord; , Fott. .cBowe Burke and caio wen counuiw, v L.rr th Warren, Edgecombe, Nash and Nortpton.inthe Bast Liberal terms offered to yrly fj'gf JanSl-tf Publisher.

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