i i 4 THE HOEIIHTG STAR. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY . BjLTSS 0 BTO8CRTPTIOH IN AOTAffl: : On year, (by mail) portage pa .......... f.7 00 Six months, ( " " 4 00 Three months?" " ) " .......... Si One month, (" " ) 1 00 To City Subscribers, delivered In any part of the City, Fifteen Cents per week. Oar City Agents are not authorized to collect for more than S months in advance. . , - OUTLINES. Gladstone withdraws from Liberal leader ship io England. Immense crowds : grented Alfoaso at;:Madrid. The protes - tant journals hate been allowed to resujcoe publication. ' Democratic caucus Domi nated McDonald for United States Senator. ; T. Jagger, of Philadelphia, made Bishop of P. E. Diocese ; of Ohio. New York markets: : Cotton, 15J15i; spirits turpentine, 87; rosin, $2 05$3 10; srold. llli112. Pull Outrage Com mittee will go to New Orleans. - Con gress seems to have receded from its position in the Irwin case by ordering the sergeant to produce him in court.- In U. S. Senate fortification bill reported. Bill to restore to pension rolls persons whose 'names have been stricken therefrom for disloyalty, was recommitted. De ' bate on Louisiana affairs to be speedily closed. Large Louisiana indignation -meeting held at Bostos, 3,000 persons pres ent, and 'stioDg resolutions adopted de nouncing the recent military-interference with the Legislature, . State Senate of New .York condemn Sheridan's course at New Orleans. Concurrent resolutions denunciatory of Federal interposition in Louisiana affairs, have been passed in the Virginia Legislature. Immense in dignation meeting at Baltimore. TUB IfltiSSAtiti IN LOUISIANA. KellogzUea Displeased by Grant's iaisatatements. A correspondent of tbe Tribune from New Orleans telegraphs this: The. President's message does not greatly comfort the Keliogg party or the army, as it is only a stream of apologetic special pleading. Atten tion is directed to. some very grave errors of fact in the document. For example, the President cites the kill iug of Judge Crawford vi District Attorney Harris, in NortR Louisiana, in .October, 1873, as specimens of po litical murders. It is very well known that they were assassinated by a band of outlaws, beaded by a convicted mnrderer, who had escaped,' and that politics had nothing to do with it. Judge Crawford was unusually res pected as an upright man and Harris was an ultra Democrat, the iutimate personal and political friend of Gov. McEnery, ; and a Southern man by birth and principles He raised the first company in that district for the Confederate army, served . through the war, and was always a consistent andstaunch'oppouent of the Radical State Government of Louisiana. The (ruth is that he and Jndge Crawford were fiercely proSecutmg a gang of criminals, who murdered them in re venge. .There was absolutely no poli tics in the case. " : " : .The Picayune this morning pub lished a list of the murderers confined in the parish prison daring the years 1873 and 1874. They are taken from the official records. The total num ber is 74, and of these 59 were ne groes and well-known Radicals. Sev eral were policemen or other stipend iaries of the Kellogg Government. The evening papers publish a list of convicted criminals pardoned by Kel logg during the same period. The total is 8413 murderers, 6 convict ed of manslaughter, and "9 others for for crimes punishable by death. KelIoze Legislature InrolTes 111m ' lu a uifflealty. i Richmond Dispatch. ' The Louisiana Legislature, that is, President Grant's Legislature; now in session, is composed two-thirds of negroes. iy a sudden movement with no premonition J.to go into the election of a Senator on a certain day ' they elect Pinchback to the United States Senate. So the competitors of Pinchback were deprived of all chance by a 4m ip-judgment." . But what now ? The election of Pinchback is a confession (though the black Legislature denies it) that his former election now under con sideration in the. Senate was illegal t. c, that the Legislature which elect ed him was not legal. Such a con fession involves the whole Kellogg government. ' But it's of no consequence. " The thieves," with the help of the Presi dent, have "bound the true roen" and it matters not with them what may happen so they hold their places and continue their robberies. The Confereuee on tbe Public Debl. Raleigh News of Friday. In accordance with an act of the present Legislature, a conference bf bondholders with a committee of the General Assembly ! was held in the Senate Chamber yesterday and con tinued throughout the day. ' The following members of the Legislative Committee were present: Mesxrs. VV arms:, VV ortny, Latnam and Taylor on the part ot the Senate and iM essrs. Mendenhall, Tate, Mc- Rae, Moring, Rioiiardson 4tnd Cand ler on the part of the House. 1, The bondholders present in persbto were Messrs. Freeman Clark, of New York: Thomas BranctT. Jr.l and An drew Kevan,-of Virginia :'and Judge Thomas Ruffin and Parker Rand, of North Carolina. A laree number of letters from Northern bondholders were received and -read. .'' V 1 As the conference will continue to day, we are unable to report the pro; ccedings of yesrerday's meeting. The trams of yesterday brought in an aa ditioual number of bondholders to those mentioned above , We will re Dort in full all Droceedincs of thisim portant conference that we can ob 'tain. , nPl-irTnr-i VOL. XV.N(X 98.i TJBIJS CITY. The Kalis. j ' ' . I The mails will close from this date as fol lows: - i , ; Northern (night) mailsJ ; ... ... . 6:45 J M. 44 - through and way- (day) j mails 5 A. M. Southern mail. 6:30 'A. M, Carolina Central mails. ..... r . . . . 5 A.' M Smithville, Saturdays and Tues- . s days ,................fc 6" A. I. Fayetteville, river, Mondays and ! "Fridays 1 P. M. Fayetteville by C. C. R. W., daily 5 A. M i Onslow C. H. (horse mail) every ii Friday...... 6k. M. Mails delivered from 7 A. Mto 7 E. M., and en Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. i Stamp Office open from 8 A M. to 12 M.; and from 2 to 6 P. M.; Money order or Register Department open same as stamp oincH. . .. . -i" " r W. H. Harrison. Official Drawing. . .Williams & Mubchison. Cora. :.s See Ad." A Lady Leaving the City." v D. Pigott.-j $50 00 Regard. f ' J. & H..Samson.-4-To the Ladies. 1 Te Snbaerlberat Sa4U of - IKarket i : :" " . -'Street..;-. tt-V- 'Mr. John H. Savage has charge of the city circulation of The Morxino SiaR in all that portion of the city south of the cen tre of Market street. All subsciiptions are payable to him from January 1, 1875f f3t Local Jttot. . Import Entries for sale at the; office of The Morning Stab. -. 1 St; - Several vessels are" now! due here, but they come i a very slowly. 1 t . The StanbOy .Gundersen, failed from Cadiz for this port On the 16lh lilt. t '' :- t i - .-A The Schr. C. G, Berry aisrived at Vineyard Haven from this port . On the 12th inst, I The prospect of theatrical amuse-. ments for tlie next week or two is not' verv encouraging. , ; . :,- Both pnnting and ruiing jdone nthe finest grades of copying ink ftt the Star Job Printing Office. . ; . : . i tf City subscriber who fail to re ceive their papers regulairly will please re port the fact promptly at this office. tf - The vicinity of the Court louse continues thronged with people of all ages, sexes and complexions, in attendance! upon Court. " - j H -' S There was a very jdecided change n temperature yesterday, especially dur ing the afternoon, which was one bf the coldest of the season, the only consolation being the bright sunshine and cloudless sky. . " ' ' j After January 1 1875, we will mail the Daily Star, postpaid,, for $7 00 per year. This is $1 20 less than it ; how costs subscribers, including postage.! The rates for periods less than one year iil be advanced as follows: Six months, 4 00; hree months, $2 25; one month, $J,p0. may or' tt court. f The following cases were disposed bf yes terday moining: i; I Joseph Rodderick, charged with! disor derly conduct, was ordered to pay a fine of $10 and costs. - li i 1 i Dennis Smith, charged with the larceny of a ham, the property of Messrs. Hotten dorf & Hashagen, was ordered to give se curity in the sum of $100 for his appear ance at the present term . of the Superior Court. - j ;l In the case of another party, charged with disorderly conduct, judgment was sus pended. - ' ' 1 '' ' I The case of Samuel 0. Larkins, charged with insulting police officer Miller, was con tinued over until this morning. Supreme Court. Appeals from the Fifth Judicial District were taken up and disposed of as follows: John D. Williams efafc. vs Job nTl Coun cil etaZ. Continued, li i John A. Long vs. A. T. Cole et al from Richmond. Argued. Merrimon, Fuller & Ashe and J. D. Shaw for plaintiff mnd J. W. Cole, Giles Leitch and Piatt D. Walker foi defendant. M. C. Thomas vs. Abner Kelly, from Moore. Continued. , ; F. W. Kerchner vs. ' John Eeilly, Sheriff from Cumberland. : Argued. J. Wl Hins dale and J. C. McKee for plaintiff and B. Fuller and Merrimon, ;Fuller & Ashe for fendaht. v - lj :-.-. Auother Narrow Kacape From a Fire. ? A dwelling bouse on Sixth; between Wal nut and Red Cross streets, occupied by colored, man named Jeff James, caught fire yesterday morning, between 9 ind 10 o'clock, and but for the timely discovery of the flames would have been , destroyed. It appears the family raised a fire in the fire place and then left the house. After being absent for some 'time they returned and found the wood work round the file-place in a light blaze. With the assistance of the neighbote, who quickly . gathered fat the spot, the fire was soon 'extinguished. " I Accident. : ''.':' A few days since a colored man j by ' the name of Canaday, whp was walking on the railroad track, was run into by a hand-can br which one bf his?Iegs was badly mashed. He was taken to the poor House Iospital near by, where be received proper attention and is now in a fair way to recover, Injured by Powder, A youth by the name of Benny Jacobs was badly injured about the face on Thurs day by the premature explosion of! a lot ef powder with which be was experimenting. His eyes were badly scorched and appre hension was felt at first that he m them. . 1 f ight lose WILMINGTON, N. BOIBO OF ALDEB9IBN. Extract from the Proceeding. The Board met in regular semi-monthly session last night; present; the Mayor and Aldermen Atkinson, Moore, Adrian, Fish- TOlate. lifce, Banks, Hankins, Holmes and Brewington. -; Communication from Northrop & Cum ming in reference to the condition of Queen street dock, which Interferes with their milling operations, was referred to the Com mittee on Streets and Wharves. ; , The application of G. H. West, M. XX, for appointment as City Physician, was re ferred to the Committee on Finance. Application of Chas. H. King for refund ing taxes on salary or income, was referred to Finance Committee. i Communication of Benjamin White in reference to injuries received through bad condition of sidewalk on Princess street, and asking an allowance for medical attend ance, was referred to the Board of Super visors. . 4 . . Petition of FtC. "Sadgwar, Secretary of Witmington'FlrerBucket Company No. 1, lor a suitable truck for the use of said com pany, was referred , to the Committee on Fire Department. Applications of R. M. Capps and B. T. Price, for positions on the puttee force, were referred to the Committee on Police. Petitions for lamps to be placed at the corner of Sixth and Walnut street, corner of Seventh and Walnut, southeast corner of Tenth and Dickinson streets, northeast corner bf Fifth and Taylor streets and cor ner of Ninth and Swann streets, near Union Depot, were referred to the Committee on Lights, with instructions to report at next meeting of the B.ard. i It was unanimously resolved that the Board regards the aid heretofore accorded to the free schools for colored children in I Ws citr by ITDral friends of the race in the North, as money well spent and. they com mend these schools to the continued con sideration of the charitable, and any state ments, which may lead these benefactors to believe that such aid is not now needed, are incorrect. I ! I Application of Porter & Coates, of Phila delphia, requesting the nurchase by the city of a steel; plate, engraving of Wilmington in perspective, to be used with others in illustrating a memo rial work to be issued by them in an ticipation of jhe one hundredth anniversary of the nation's birth, said plate (costing $500) to be returned to the city after it has been so used, was referred to the Finance Com mittee for reporl The Board ad journed to meet again on Monday night next. j Then of Tobacco, i . The new tobacco store just opened by Mr. D. Pigott, at 23 Market treet, was en tered on Thursday night and robbed of two boxes of tobacco, valued at about $30. En trance was effected through the frtnt door by means wf a false key. The only clue obtained as to the perpetrator of the robbe ry was the fact that some person,saw a man with something bulky under his arm euter a certain house on Nutt street, at a late hour at pight, and immediately upon the door being closed a sound was heard resembling the fall of a heavy object upon the floor. A search warrant was obtained and the house in question examined, but no traces of the tobacco could be found. v The tobacco store of Capl George Hall was entered in a similar manner on Monday night ' last "and robbed of a box of to bacco, making the third time within the past month that he has lost a box of " the weed" in the same way. . He changed the locks on his doors but without effect. That the perpetrator of these robberies is a sly rogue and ad expert in such matters may be iuferred from the1 fact that there is a police- . . i - : - man and a private watchman located in that neighborhood, neither of whom noticed anything unusual going on. Campbell Encampment. s At the meeting of Campbell; Encamp ment No. 1, 1. O. O. F., held last night, the following officers: were duly installed for the current term: - ' . . ( Jas. M. McGowan, C. P. Geo. H. Kelley, H. P. R. S. Townsend, S. W. Chas. Schulken, J. W. J. A Nicholson, Scribe. Wm. Goodman, T. W. L. Smith, Guide. M. Bear, O. Sentinel. A- Dumelandt,'L Sentinel. Jas. Fleet, 1st Watch. Jno. C. Koch, 2nd Watch. "W. W. Yopp, rd Watch. R J. Jones, 4th Watch.. W. J. Yopp and H.- D. Lemmerman, Guards of Tent. f . Superior Court. Tho following cases were-disposed of by the Superior Court yesterday: ; Statfe w. Julia Palmer, charged with lar ceny. Judgment nts entered, i State ts. Henry Robinson, charged with larceny. Recognized in the sum of $300 for his appearance at the next term ot the Court. -j;;;':' jr ; J ;''V"'-';" . --j-,,- !-;:: State vs. Phillip Holley, charged with bastardy. Case submitted and defendant discharged on the payment of . costs. Stateas.. nay wood Johhsoh and Hector Pearsall, charged with assault and battery. Guilty. Johnson fined, $10, and judgment reserved as to Pearsall. j The case of certain parties charged with larceny and receiving stolen goods was on trial at the hour of this report. In the case of Anthony Ballard, tried on .uwgcu nuaauu wiin intent J to commit rape, the jury rendered a verdict of guilty. .. ' I: NINO a, SATURDAY; JANUARY 16, 1875. - CITY ITEMS. Book Bihtdbbt. -m mosnihs Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Ruling in a wozk manlike manner, and &t reasonable prices. Mer ctants and others needing Eeceipt Books, or other work, may. rely on promptness IB-the . eiecutlon of taelr order. j I-i V ' : To Spobtkxk, Read the advertisement of J. & W. Tolley, the celebrated gun manufacturers, of Birmingham, England. . Their breech loaders ate without a rival, as la shown by the large number of testimonials In the possession of the Messrs. Tolley. Send to their branch house, 39 Maiden Lane, New York. - . w Tbahsmb . PEnmNa-Isua', Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others,; . Thoy are en during and changeleBB, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period 6 time. Having just received a fresh supply of these inks, we are pre pared to execute orders cremptly and at moderate prices. .- . I - -'- - Th Tollet Guk. Copt or Tkstijioiiiai Hudson Citt, N. Sept. SOthj 18T. Mkssks. J. & W. Tollet 29 Maiden LaneJ Keiv York The 10 guage Gun Np. 3078 1 ordered from you gives me entire satisfaction. I was very exacting when or dering the Gun, but must say that you nave more-. 'than fulfilled what ixqcled- j jroa,?t Jui va anot several -bre'eh loaders by first-fclass makers, and your gnu beats them all for bea jty and workman ship. Aa for shooting (Jualities, your gun shoots stronger and more even than any gun I ever shot. I judges (including have shown It to several good first-class gunmakere) and all agree that the action is very strong and durable, and that the gun is one of the beet they ever saw. , I have made some very? long shots with it, using only 8tf drg. ef powder, which is all your gun requires. - t hifo shot it at a targat according to the rules of the Turf, Field and Farm trials, end the averager of 6 shots at 40 yards is: , Left-pattern, 1 69 ; penetration, 38: right-pattern, 175; penetration 89; using ZH drs. powder. Now I am Sure such a gun la seldom met with, and am very -proud to be the", owufj of it But the real test of your gun is In the fitlu there it excellsj all others, killing cleaner and handeuicer than any gan I ever saw, as you assured me they would. Both paper and metal shells work splendidly. Gentlemen, 1 have to oSer you my very best thanks, and will recommend your guns to all my friends. Tours Respectfully, 1 Hekry Lobiot. ,-' iir roirj Want a SitnfitiOH, ' - Want a Salesman, Want aeryant Girl, Want to rent a Store, Want to Bell a Piano, Want to sell a Horse, ' Want to lend Money, Want to buy a House, Want to buy a Horse, Want to rent a House, Want to sell a Carriage, Want a Boarding place, Want to borrow Money, Want to sell Dry Goods. Want to sell Groceries, Want to sell Furniture, Want to sell Hardware, Want to sell Seal Estate, . Want a job of Carpentering, Want a job of Blacksmithing, Want to sell Millinery Goodr, j Want to sell a House and Lot,' Want to find any one's Address, Want to sell a piece of Furniture, , Want to buy ccend hand Carriage; ' " Want to find anything you have lost. Want to sell Agricultural Implements, Want to Advertise anything tej advantage, -Want to find an owner for anything Found. Advertise in; THE MORNING STAR. Bishop Atkinson' Appointments for February, 1S75. j Clinton. .Quinquagesima Sunday. .Feb. 7 Faisons. . . ... . . .Evening ot. 8 10 13 14 16 17 19 Goldsboro. . v .Ash Wednesday; Wilson. .. J. ..... Rocky Mount...... !L Enfield.;...,... ..t... Ringwood... Halifax..............:., 3 Weldoa.. it 21 Collections at each place in behalf of Diocesan Missions. i; Spirits Turpentine. ' i r r T. B. Kingsbury vvithdraws from the Spirit of Oie AgeJ I,. j Raleighnew-born white baby three days buried paper box. ..r- The Jfriend of Temperance has a new and conspicuous heading. ' ) The editors of the Kaleigh News and Washington Echo are severely, indis? posed, we are sorry to hear. Nelson Gunjiingham, respect able colored .man of Person county, was killed a few days ago by a falling tree. I A Minnesota family are so well pleased with the North Carolina climate and people they spend their winters in Win ston. 'i ; The Sentinel says the tobacco interests are alive at Winston, and the quality of the plant raised in that region is highly esteemed. J "J.- ' The Eastern Conference of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North Car olina will meet in St. Peter's Church, Row an county, on Friday before the' gun . Sun day of January, 1875. ; 1' .: f Tie 'itqilylfutSAejl .is"ih ap propriate name of adiminntive journal pub lished by Messrs. Hill & imnu, Newbern, N: C It is about 9xl2 inches inches in eize. Let it be lucky as it is' little. " Raleigh Sentinel: Mr.' Kindred Goodin, of Swift Creek Township, was fell ing a tree last week, and as he slided one foot out of the way, the other, foot slipped and spread both legs out and the tree lell and struck him in the forkjof hislegs break ing one of them close up to the thigh. Mr. Goodin is a very old man and it will go hard with him. ' .; . ' jj , ' The Clinton Reporter, of which Mr. W. Thomas Johnston' is the publisher and proprietor, is to be removed to Graham, Alamance county, at an early day. Mr. E. S. Parker a gentlemen of considerable abil ity and not unknown to the literary world, will assume editorial charge Of the new pa per. .? So the JXem tells ua.j ; - Wilsoo Advance, : It affords us real pleasure to chronicle the good fortune of bur esteemed friend and fellow-townsman, Capt. A. J. Hines. On yesterday, at the residence of the bride's father in Wades- boto, he was married to Miss Eliza 6., daughter of the Hon. Thoa B. Asbe. Many warm congratulations are waiting the arrival of the Captain and his accomplished bride, who are expected to reach Wilson this af ternoon. ' ' 1. " ' BlattUlKO. HONNb.T-OrTfiKBOUSa.i-At Fayetteville, Jan. 18tb, by Rev. W. J. Michelbacher, Mr. Geo. Bonnet and Miss Marie Otter be ur. nn .! - - .rXlST OF LETTERS ---Remaining in the city post-office January 15, 1875: A Henry Anson. .. BTeray Brown, Samuel Bevans, Louis Bryant, JoknJ Berry, James Bailey, Har riett Boon, Hester Bradley, Emeline C Barde, George Barritt, German American Savings Bank. G Elder Coopper, Hannear J Cumbel, Mr Choen, George F Colin, W H. Coutant. , D Kirchard Dickson. F Fannie G Ford, Josepk T Ford, Nancy Frasier, Samauel Faucett. ' Q Abram Graham, Xaurer J Gill, O O Gonert. - , ; i : - flW H Hill. Samoson Hevword. S FJ l TT . i - . ' i uayes, noa uamei, Tom Hall,, j A Ham- ner, tjnas iiotman. J WBJiler & Co, Pemolpy Jordan. " Xi Jis4rt Laurington. I M-Caroline Alarshell, Dick McCray, Eliza McCollum, J B McPherson, Hersy Mcintosh, Mary H Moore, Polly Mack, T E McVeigh, W P Meyers. N William Henry Nash, LidieR Nelson, Edward Nagle, Ben NeilL , - P Jessee Parrott, Julia Pope, Bennur Piece, Alice M Philyaw, Alex Parker. R D H Russeili Jesse Redding, Peter Roberson, Willian RenneL r . S-i-W D SmaU,Theodore Stanly, Rich mood SnuthJsaacRtocka. rEngcatuS-Seoty Betsey An Seam. - . ' T Josephene Turner, T B Turner. W W H Watson, Unity Ward, Stephen Whitfield, JohntM Weatbertly, A S Wil liams. Persons calling for letters in' the above i8f, will .please say "advertised." If not called for within 30 days they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office, i . ! Ed. R. Brisk, P. M. . "Wilmington, Jan. 15, 1875. j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. " Official DrawlDgi of tho N. C. Bene ficial Association. FRlDAt", January 15, 1675; Class 383, lira a n at 12 M. 60 7 44 84 19 65 28 8 44 S5 58 Claps 38 1. Drawn at 4 P. M. 77 20 42 26 59 7a 24 22 SO 61 8 72 I Class 885. Drawn at 7 P.M. 1 22 47 13 49 2 63 42 39 31 76 15 29 Jan 16-it , VV. H. HARRISON. j A LADY LEAVING THE CITY VlSHE9 TO DISPOSE OFA PIANO reasonhly. For particulars a?ply at S. L REICHMAN & BRO.'S Segar Store. jan 16-lt 50 Dollars Reward. 25 5 DOLLARS FOR EVIDENCE SUFFICIENT to convict tbe thieves, and 25 dollars fur the return or the H and 5 box Tobacco stolen from No. s!2 Market otreet, on night of Thursday, 14th instant. . ' jan 18-tf D. PIGOIT. GUAJSO, GUANO. 250 Tons No. IGuanape 350 Tons Eureka. For tale to arrive low for caph, or on reasonable terms or crop time. jan 16 tf WILLIAMS Ss MURCHISON. CORN, CORN. 10,000 Bushels White and Mixed. For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. janie-tf To The Ladies. WE ARK NOW OFFERING GREAT INDUCE; ments in our - . FALL AND WDITER GOODS, consisting of Dress Goods, Shawls, Flannels, j ' Blankets, c We have on hand a lot of CAMPBELL'S HAIR. SHAWLS, worth $10 CO, i. ' - which we will sell at $9 00 each, and other goods comparatively low, at janl6.tr i. & H SAMSON'S. No. 43 Market St. Horse Blankets. 1 HE LARGEST and CHEAPEST assortment of Trunks In the City, Saddles of all kinds. Harness, Collars, Saddle Blanket, Feather Duster s,Horee -Brushes, Currycombs, Saddlery Hardware of all kind CHEAP FOR CASH. oct 24 tf nacj J; 8. Tepham &Co, j MISCELLANEOUS. ! NEW STYLES A it d N e w Goo d s ! NEW iOT LIGHT COLORED OVERCOATS . juet received and very cheap. In-. I Boy 's and Toath's Clothing We have the finest assortment in the city and we are Offering Great' Inducements. A fine assortment of Hats, new styles, just re ceived, iixtra slae Pants, Coats and Vests. SHRIEK BROS., jan 19 tf 30 Market St. SELECTED POEMS, (Illustrated,) 1 . - THE CHEAPEST EDITION EVEW BROUGHT to this market, on y Ten Cents a number:. LOCKSLEY HALL, Alfred Tennyson: THE PRISr VERSES. Byron; THE HIGH TIDE ON THE COAST OF HN r 0LNSHlRB,IriKelew; - Bernard's Del Corpei, FeUclaHemans; The Bridge of sighs. Thomas Hood; My Mother's Picture, Cow per; The Fishers, K.lngley ; Tarn O'ghanter, Burns; To the Unco Uuid, Burns; &c, Ac, . All for aale at i . " . C0N9LEY & YATES' , jan 15 tf City Book Store. RepairiEg, or Old Eats ani Bomets. OLD HATS AND BONNETS BLEACHED pressed and made te I liook as Well as New. Rtamnlntr of all kinds done. For Darttcalars call on MRS. JENNIE OtLH, oe Nun, between 3rd and 4th streets. "-:5T-V ' --v.-lj-K.i'. , . ' . Al TP!) WHOLE NO. 2,272. MISCELLANEOUS. A CARD. 1 THANKING MY! FRIENDS FOR THEIR - I: V:-,' I. ,.J. . ' " 6 ' ... ' kind patronage heretofore, a continuance of whtea I shall always tiadeafw.tQ deserve, 1 take the liberty to inform them, that - V''-l- All Accounts Are made out and DUE; tht I have sold to then " the whole season at the ' , : V ZOWEST CASH PMICJS8, GIVING! MY FRIENDS THE BENEFIT OF - ! . . And hope they'll show their appreciation by JA YI2TG VP NO TFIV 36 Market St. Janl0 3tSuTu We Merrv Christmas. VJTRAND OPENING AND HANDSOME DIS- play of II OLID AY GOODS. Now is the time. Come early, I CHRISTMAS GOODS In endless: variety. Choice Clneters of Grapen, i : f- FEENCn CONFECTIONS, COS5ETTS, HAYANA ORANGES, FIRE WORKS, FIRE CRACKERS, TORPEDOES And every description of Christmas tree trimmings. Come and be convinced of the great reductions in prlpeea GEO. MYERS'. II St, 13 South Front St. dec S3-tf C. WEST & SONS, Alladin Security Oil. THE BEST OIL IN USE. Warranted 150 Decrees Fire Teat. WATER WHITE IN C0L9R, J FULLY DEODORIZED, And it Will Not Explode. It burns ib all Coal Oil ind Kerosene Lamps. TRY IT. kak fcr "Aladdin Security," and take no other. C. WEST & SONS, 113 and 115 W. Lombard St, , oct 27-Cmos Baltimore, Md. Just Received A Nice Assortment OF- C O R i l G- O O D S AT VERY LOW PRICES, AT GEO. HORNET'S, - No. 53 Market Streei. jan 5-tf ONLY TEN DOLLARS AND A HALF FOR A NICE OYEBCOAT, ONLY $10 60 FOR A NICE TALMA, B0TS AND MEN'S SUITS AT VERY LOW RATES, j MUNSON & CO., Ian 13-tf City Clothiers. Orton Plantation. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. ' F - ' " - ' ' T- ' A LLPersons'arhereby, warned against shooting, hunting, fishing, rangnrg or otherwise trespass n on the lands known as the Orton Plantatim, in the County of Brunswick. Tbe indiscriminate slaughter of game at all seasons and the 1ncesiant depreda tions in other and more important respects, have rendered it necessary to post these lands;, and fair notice is now given that the law will be rigidly en forced against all off enders. dec 12 d&wtf , I. B. GRAINGER. Candy, Candles, Crackers and Cheese. Boxes Candy, . -:."'..'., ! Boxes Candles, : j QQ Bbli and Boxes Crackers, ; RA Boxes Cheese. For sale by KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. jan 14 tf CflM Oranies ! Cnlia Oranics !! Seventeen barrels sweet; cuba i Oranges, just received and for sale by I janl4-3t EDWARD KIDDER SOF8- Bagging't. Ties and Sop Iron.: 50 Rolls btandasd Bagging, f 1000 Bdls Arrow Ties, ' i . i . 600 Bdls Hoop Iron. f For vale br jan. 14 tf KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. Clarendon Saloon, SOUTH MARKET 8TM NEAR THE FERRY, TAYLOR & GRAY, Propr's. Finest Wines, Liquors', Ales and Cigars in the city, i MEALS AT ALL HOURS, s ... Abo, Board by the day, week or month.' 3. B. TAYLOR, Idee 16-lm J. F. GRAY. For Th& Citizens' Market. ; Fine sampson county stallfed beef; also a fine lot of comfed Pork. Come early and leave your: orders. -TA. WATSON, Proprietor. Save Your Health AND ADD TO YOUR COMFORT BY HAVING YOUR BEDS RENOVATED. All persons de airing to have their - . . BEDS RENOVATED i Will please send in their orders to me, over Cronly A Morris's Auction House., on Water street, as my Mtay at this place is very limited. t janlMt T. O. TOWE. TTTEDDING CARDS AND VTSmNO CARDS printed In the moat elegant style, at i . WM. H. BERNARD'S augil Printing aod.Publiahing House. BATES If AJVHTlSi;sfj. One Square one dsys,.'.;... u" ; r two dayt,...i... i to . three dan. T ant fottfdayi....., i...... M . uays..i.i... . ' " one week....... ...... a vv : .8 6 a ... 8 CO 6 (0 U--i wu moncn.. .............. ,l ..... . ..... 8 CO monrns .... ........ . Three months,...-....;..... ..15 CO 8S 00 . ...86 oe ......so ce at proper- on months ' r- One year. i niuxa ub m tuui-ewuniB MISCELLANEOUS, r , Commissioner's Sale J ef DesiralilB RealJEstate. By C It ONLY & JfOHBIS. M. - Clt ONL Yi Auctioneer. ' XY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE SUPERIOR 18th day of Nov., 1874, in the case of John London and wife Lucy, against O.H. Latham and wife -Eliza W. and Isaac B. Gralneer. GL. nravinsr fnr a . eale of the Keal Estate,- taertinafter described for partition, tbe undersigned by said decree duly ap- pointed Commiwionera for that purpose, will on " Tuesday, the 86 day of January. 1875, at 11 e'elnck A. M., at Exchai ge Corner in Wilmington, expose for tale by public auction the following described - pleeee or parcelaof land with all building thereon,-' uiiuaiea in inis cuy, io wu; , 1st. That most eligibly sitnatedlot on the East side of Front street next to the southeast comer of Chcs nut and Frnt sreets, with a front of 69 feet on Front street running, back East 166 feet, the same being a part of lots land 8 In Block 178. ..The iui- provements consist of a large first class j Three Story Brick Dwelling Containlnk 14 rooms, tnciudmg bath-room, brick, y Kitchen with looms attached. Gas and 'watej -, throughout the entire building; also brick office eon- -taing S room soluble for a Lawyer Doctor, a fire cistern of water audi every other convenience per taming to a " - ? : , Number One Establlshincnt. 2d. Lot situated on the East side of North Water street, 141 feet from j the southern line of Mulberry street, with a front of 18 feet on North Water street, running back east 56 feet; the same being a part of a part of Lot3, Block: ISO. Tbe Improvement con- -eistof a . . . . j j . . - Two Story Brick Building 18 feet front by 41 feet 3 in deep, at present orcu pted by Mr. J. F. Heine. Also a lot in rear of the . above '05 feet deep, mpon which there is a BRicit 1 warehouse: 20 iy 63, feet. . j 3rd. Lot situated on the Eaet side ot North Water -street 19 feet from the southern line of Mulberry street, with a front of 36 feet on N. Water sti eet, run ning back East 171 feet to a stone wall; the same . .. being a part o lots 8 and 4, Block 190. The Im provements consist of a 1 i Two Story Brick Building 18 feet front by 41 feet 3 inches deep, at present occupied by Mr. Jacob Mohn, and a two story brick, v building same eize wiih an L attached. 41 ft deep, at . resent occupied by A. M Nelson; also that desirable ot situated on tbe North ide of Market. Btreet fcJ feet wextwardly from the western line of 3rd street, with a front on Market street of ii feet more or less, running back North 13 feet; the same being a part -. of lots 4 and 5, block 168. The improvements con- ' slat of a large and commodious j Frame Dwelling containing SO rooms and. at present tued as at Private Boarding House, i KITCHEN, 'f O OD WA fER, !tc. uponitbe premises i Terms: one fourth cash; the balance on a credit of 1, 2, 3 and 4 years.! with interest. Title reserved untill last payment is made. Purchaser to pay for drawing all papers, j ; i I ALEX. T. LONDON, ! dec,S4-eodT 8&D;S Thur Commissioner.! A Popular Whiskey, POPULAR PRICE, 3 00 S3 00 B Select Whiskey : ' ' ' A STRICTLY PURE R YE WHISKE Y. . i t Wft are Sole Agents in this City for the B Select Whiskey, ONLY $3 00, PURE, OLD, RELIABLE ALWAYS. CHAS. D. MYERS, iA 5 A 7 North Front St. jan 14-tf Planner $f Shure, : ' v ' -. : i ' .'.1 DEALERS IN : CHOICE fAmily groceries, WIXES, LIQUORS, Cigars, &c, NO. 31 NORTH FRONT STREET. jan 13- j For) a Trifle s YOU CAN KEEP YOUR feet dry and warm with a pair of rubbers from FRENCH'S Ladies1 Rubber only 73 cents; Gents' Rubbers bhljf fl , at OHO. K. FRENCH Jk SOS'S, y-l jan 13-tf 89 North Front street. Rice, Flour and Coffee. Tierces Rice. 800 BbUFlour nnn Sacks Coffee. For sale br jan 14 tf x KERwHNER A CALDER BROS. I v ; John Dawson. I HAS IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE 600 PLOWS (of all kinds) 7 Tone Plow Castings. S5 oil Cotton Plow Lines; S0O Pairs Trace Chains, 40 Doxen Collars and Hames, MO" Dozen Weeding Hoes, GO Dozen Shovels and Spades, j' For sale at the lowest Market rate, jan 10-tf ' j No. 19, 90 and Si Market 8t. v G. II. W. Bunge Has Removed j FROM 63 MARKET STREET I to the 1 - Nortbeaat cor.jBIarh.et and Second lie. ( janyl-tf : j. Potatoes, Potatoes. -lA A BARRELS EARLY ROSE AND OTHER" IUU bEED POTATOES. ' . & ii i Forsaleby EDWAllDS ALL. Ian 10-tf Handled Steel Cotton and Corn Hoes. THESE HOES WHICH ARE ALREADY handled, ready Tor use, and are warranted: of the beet material, are for sale at low aguresj at the New Hardware House of j - 1 v. jan 10-tf ' GILES St MURCHISON. DTJPONT'S Rifle, Sporting; ani Blastmg , Powder. In whole!, half or quarter kegs. FOR SALE AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES, jan 13-tf O. b. PARSLEY, ft COo Agentt. -.1 i i 4 ! i 1 -! i i f. i i i : I: . A t -j r t

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