J Editors. CICKRO W. HARRIS, WILMINGTON, N. C: Saturday Mobnino, Jan. 16, 1875. tub conservative, executive The State Executive Committee of the Conservative party, as we have nrfivionslv announced, will meet in r?i;, not VVonPsav. The tirorrj- inent purpose of the session will be the consideration of the subject of calling a Convention to change the J rnno1:,n.;nn nf North Carolina. In- VUllOVIVUViv v. I vitations have been extended to the 'I and to a number of leading gentle- 0);Btu, ttAnr1flnfi and ilnina rn Vio rtrr9 Sinn . I 'a . . . .i . . e ..Li- W3I, II. BERNARD, ' Un this question ine views oi uu tihtrman prick a CARPET iOurnal have been presented with all 0A6 BUBBLE. - J. f . . I mi . L.U:..l. CJ. - TI, - u De0 on,l at fofiamo t me LUC ClllJC?lliVi?nj uuw v I nil ihfi calmness and deliberation which it could command. With only ' - ' I the desire to save the Conservative live nartv from possible defeat and -- - r y 1 disorganization The Morning Stak has opposed Convention from the be ginning of the discussion. The views of reflecting politicians who are ac customed to look below the sp-face have ben printed in these col umns. These have condemned the movement as : risky, imprudent, ill-timed and dangerous. It cost these gentlemen something to come out in ooDOsition to what under - - r 4 other and more favorable circum stances would be the wish of every sincere and thoughtful citizen of the Stateopposition to the expressed desire, qven under existing circum stances, of a great number of our best people. We have told the peo ple that what Venable, Davis, Fowle, Yeates Bennett, Cunningham and .1 1 . . . otners nave written in our opinion ex presses the logic and the wisdom of the great qaestion at issue. With us have stood a number of able and goodly newspapers in different por tions of the State. These papers have not striven to affect public sentiment, at all;they have merely with candor and honest solicitude for the welfare of the Commonwealth sought to re flect the sentiment of the Conserva tives of their respective localities and sections. If the voice of this inde . pendent and free-spoken press is to be believed, there is enough oppo - sivion among the people to make the proposition now entertained the most hazardous ever presented by a politi cal organization in North Carolina. That it is so hazardous we have other means of knowing beside the word of wise leaders and the declaration of responsible newspapers. Every day we have had written or oral proof from private gentlemen whose char acter and intelligence entitle them to a respectful hearing , as to the senti .ment of their own communities. Some of the letters we have published prove incontestably as we are pre pared to avouch the responsibility of their authors the great opposition of the people in many counties to even consider for the present so imprudent a measure as the one the Executive Committee will deliberate upon next week. In two - counties west of us 1 the people are en masse opposed to Convention. In other counties not so far from this city the opposition is very great. In the counties of which (jroldsboro is the centre and metropo- lis the Conservatives are violently op- posed to the suicidal proposition. In the part of the State which Maj. i Yeates will represent in the next Con gress there is also powerful antago- nisni to the measure being adoptedf as a part of our party policy. We hear and believe that Wake cannot be carried by the Conservatives in the event of an election for delegates. So ,P.,it is in in other counties of the middle part of the State. Farther" wjest it is, if possible, worse. These are not empty assumptions. There is hardly a doubt that we have presented the aspect of the question in a brighter light than we should nave done. , Evidence accumulates that the Conservative party is badly divided on the Convention subject. Dark hints and as dark statements b- ' aSfifl on roaannghla r,r.,A s'uuuua arts thrown out; that the measure will ... , , ruin the party. These may not be . " true But n better not to d.fcre- gard them, and rush blindly 011 we know not whither. In this hour of uproar and turmoil in national politics, when every arm of the gallant Democrats and Li berals of the county is raised to deal death blows to Radicalism, when the hone8tpress and the politicians of the North implore us to dono rash thing, assuring us of their determination to right all our wrongs in good, time if we shall patiently endure them the meanwhile, is it - wise, is it patriotic-to force apon oar tired jarid measurably indifferent ! people sneh a rish issae as, this of Ponventiori ? Sorely it cannot be possible tnati tne legislature, with all the lights before Jlj will pans au auii waning a, vucu- tion this year. Sorely . the people, their constituents,! will have weight en0U2h t0 Jeter them from this hasty and dangerous step. Surely the cau- ens of the party representatives next Wednesday win oe 100 wise w vru- posesucu a img. not, we hope for the good of the pn servative party, for the sake of tne date's truest interests, on neoouju ui the great DeinScratic Liberal party ! i : - ' t " of the country, ana me wenare of ie i.i.i mi II ha given up until after j a Democratic president snail Have peen eiecwju in loO. i.ne manner ui wuicuoeimw .( - 31 man shut up pretentions ana aisrepu table little West, of .1 Louisiana the . 1 . 3 a1 - C miKl t-t-rr omer uay m ui obu.' of the days of j bheridan (no the " bandit, but the parliamentary! ora tor.V West had been :on a ferocious ' . ;. !... j rampage, in which he not only charged the white people; of Louisiana with the gravest crimes, bqt alleged that there was an atmosphere of assassina tionin Washington apd New. York He asked if any Senator wouia ap- . I - - .'4-. prove of such a state f things Mr. Thurmansaid he "alwayslaugh- ed when Bombastes; bunoso hwas stamping around.! It ; was an imper tinence and an insult jto ask any! Sen ator on this floor whether he approved of assassination. fThe! Amencanj'peo- ple were not a people who approved of assassination, and this attempt to get up here a cry that .assassination was in the air was the airiest bjibble that ever found lodgment in an empty head." West subsided. : This pricking of the carpet-bag bubble elicited immense applause. THE EFFECT OF THE MESSAGE. The President's friends say thkt his message sets him all right befoije the country. Since the meetings of in dignation in the NortH continue to be held and resolutions of protesuj and denunciation continue to passjj the State Legislatureswe must be allowed to dissent from this modest- claim. We see nothing that looks like re gaining lost ground. J On 'the pther band we "think the indignation ' will increase, and that the unparalleled outrage on republican government will be more signally rebuked than any man now dreams of. j KUODlf.WKKsTI.GS. The smallest of the United Skates, it would seeem that Ithode Island shouldn't take a whole year to ! elect a Senator. Here she is. however, af ter a long rest ready to go at it again. Last spring Burnside lackedl.only twelve votes of an election. Dixon his chief rival, wanted twenty-six;: The Legislature, which, it is sajd, has little else before it, will resume the balloting soon after reassembling next- Tuesday., ' ; j Little Rhody of course is Republi can. The place to be filled is Senator Sprague's. . Our Livinybfidt Our Dead for January, though delayed, is well laden. This North Carolina magazine continues steadily to im prove with each successive Dumber There are two serials (as heretofore mentioned) by North.Carolina ladies, the usual historical reading and, a great variety of other matter The editor, Mr. Kingsbury, contributes the second of his able critical articles on Tenny son - In the February Galaxy we are treated to the first instalments of Mr. Justin Mc Canhy's "Dear Lady Disdain." Mrs. Ed wards' " Leah." continued from the Janu ary number, is pronounced a most ad' mirable story in style and plot. Among the other contributors are Boyesen. Rhodes, R. Grant White; Nora Perry. The Galaxy is one of the most entertaining of periodicals. In its peculiar field, it has no equal! - Wblte Lean 6 lu Arkan!. Litixe Rock, Jad. 13. Gov. Garland ; to-day sent the fol lowing dispatch to the President: if "If th ere is a White League'or any kindred association in this Stale I do not know it,1 and I have asked for those who assert it to be brought be fore the grand jury of this county now in session In olimir tT.J I , v iauVl I J H .1 ' . . r . 1 i ' 1 Micutiiuy an hjk uoweroiinis ffovern- ment to break them up and tonnish 80 .re . thera' a1 1 " I nail nnnn tin I ..iKintn.n L:..- to pass the most stringent Mws t? this end. A. II. Gaklanp, Governor of Arkansas." Tl he Eiyl Or Hom-bors' Bride. N. Y. Qor. Hartford Times.3 An event of deciledly uncommon importance will be the marriage of a daughter of Win. Butler Duncan, (house of Duncan, Sherman & Co.,) to the Earl of Rosebery (not Rose berry), who is shortly expected here to make her his : bride. I heard a gentleman say the other day, when speaking of this matter, " He will get the prettiest and best girl in New York.", 1 - ISTAR DDST. - Lent begins, February 10. Von Moltke wears neither heard nor moustache. Fechter is nursing a broken ankle in Cincinnati. In the past eight Years Snain has sent 80,000 troops into Cuba. Miss Cushman was obliged hv illness to give up her engagement at San Francisco, and she has returned to New York. Gen. A. C. Garlinct.nn. fnrmprlo of South Carolina, has removed from Atlanta to Griffin,- Ga., and become the editor of the Griffin Messenger. On Sundav last. Roh'f. Rn rt.npr was stabbed through thn hearr. and instantly killed near McGugheysville, jvoc King nam county, v a., by his brother-in-law. Matthew Manzv. both parties being colored. v In withdrawioj? from ih Snna- torial contest-in Indiana, the Hon. D. W. Yoorhees eives as a reason for this course the appearance of the Ion. W. S. Ilolman as a 'candidate. tlius depriving him of support which J e had counted on, and exciting tears f a bitter and iniurious contest. threatening, the peace and success of the Democratic party. : - " ADDKGSS. ! ' Tbe Ceuleunlal Celebration. It is proposed j to celebrate the ap- proachitig Centennial Anniversary of the Mecklenburg Declaration of In dependence of the 20th May, 1775. The Board of Commissioners of the i. , .i county of Mecklenburg and the Board of Aldermen of the city of Charlotte joint council have recommended that a Mass Meeting be held in Char- otte on Thursday, the 4th day of February ensuing, for the purpose of taking such action as shall be deemed necessary, in order to perfect the pre- iminary arrangements for the occa sion. . i . T The undersigned a committee, ap pointed by the above mentioned Hoards, to conduct; the arrangements for the Mass Meeting, would urge upon the attention of the public the importance of a full attendance at this preliminary! meeting. Many im portant measures will come up tor consideration, if' the celebration is to be at all worthy of the great event which inspires it. It will be necessary to determine by; means of committees or otherwise, not only the general plan of the celebration, but also to arrange and specify in detail such proceedings as shall be deemed ap propriate to the occasion, and to desig nate and invite orators and speakers and, such distinguished officials and personages as it may be deemed ex pedient and proper to specially solicit to be present; and also to inaugurate measures for raising necessary funds to defray expenses, &c It is confidently expected that the of Mecklenburg people, not only county, but ofj the whole State of North Carolina and especially that the descendants of those who partic ipated in the memorable event which it is proposed to celebrate, wherever they may be dispersed throughout this and other States, will join with alacrity in the movement, and eagerly aiid gladly co-operate in honoring the memory of the brave men who have left such a glorious heritage to their posterity and their country. 1 We hope to Witness a large assem blage at this preliminary meeting, Let no'one wait for another but let every one do his fbll duty. And then we shall have a' grand coming togeth er on the 20th of May next to com memorate the deeds of valor and pa triotism, which, one hundred years before, rendered that day illustrious tor an time to come, mat we our selves may catch afresh the inspira tions of liberty and rebuild the found ations of free government, j Jno. E. Beown, R. D. Graham, J. M. St6ng, I W. H. Neal, E. C. Geier, j ,C. Dowd, V R. F. Davidson, F. A. McNixcn, W. E. Abdeey, R. L. DeAekand, I ;; Committee. Alexis' Flacky and FVltbfol Bride. The pretty jlittle maid of honor,' whom the ttrand Duke Alexis mar ned all unknownst to the old folks appears to be as spunky as she is beautiful. Alexis, it will be remem- bered, was sent to America tbat he might forget her, but while that plan uureu ine vjrrana iuKe, it aian t ap pease his bride, who was sent, out of the Empire by special train. She went to Geneva, and recently it ap pffrs that Count SIku v akff was sen t to treat with heri It was proposed that' she should renounce all claim to the hand of Alexis, change her name aud disappear.! In return for this ser vice she would receive lvOOO'000 rou- Dies down and an annuity of 75,000 roubles, whichj would be coniinued to her child in case the latter Survived her; but Mrs. Alexis wouldn't do it. one loved Alexis too much for that. anu so matters stand at present. The Louisiana Report. Baltimore Sun Washington Special, 13th. The Foster sub committee con eluded their report on Louisiana t,n night. The report will be unanimous anu Hs .suusiance has been stated. Heaven and earth have failed to move iur. oster to bring in a partisan 1 puit. a ue statement that the full committee were going to New Orleans is absurd. As the committed stands it would require an order of the House. The Democratic members I of Con gress, who have conversed freely on the President's message, give as their opinion that it is a remarkably disin genuous document, and that its mis statements will have no more effect than the from Republican Senators. I BUSINESS CARPS, B. N. SHITH, CH ARLOTTE,; N. C, OMMISSION MKRCHANTjt c DEALEK 1N UtUJXiJx jtb-ww. Grain, North Carolina Bacon. Salt, Syrups, Molaseep, etc., and general dealer in WA fTLY OBOCEBIES- CoHsigomtntt solicited. '. 4 ; deci8-lm THOMAS G-R-23ME, Gen'l Insurance Agency. FIRE, MARINE' AMD JL1F. Princess Street, between Front and Water Sta. may 10-ly .- ij A. ASBIAH. ' ' ' IS - H. VDLLKBS. AJIKIAN & VOLLEltS, Corner Front and Bock Sts., .WILMINGTON, N. C. VTfTHOLBSAliB GROCERS i! 1 VV IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Country 'merchants will do well bv calling on a a and examining our stock. i: noT 19-tf JB. F. MITCUL.14 Jk SON, c OMMISSION MERCHANTS S And Dealers in Grain, Flour, Hay, and also Fresb s Ground Meal, Pearl Hominy and Grits! Mos. 9 and 10 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C Proprietors of the Merchant's Flouring Mills, nov S5-tf -. i! LEGAL CARDS. U. 8. Claims, Collections, Uaukrnptey. EDWARD GANTWELL, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, No. 7 Nat. Bans Bmldiuk-Up Stairs, Wlf.miNGTON.lN. c;. , ' Nbaslt Ready The second edition of my N. C. Justice, with an Appendix of Forms and Instruc- tions for Solicitors, above. Price 00. Address as oct 9-3mos - D. L. RUSSELL, Attorney at Law, WIL M I N G T 0N, N. C. OiBce afrresidence. corner of Sccon and Dock Streets. . oct 13 tf E . 8 . MARTIN . Attorney at Law, WILM1NGTON,!n. C, OFFICE : Market Btreet, be- it ; tween Second and Third. Will practice in STATE and FEDERAL COURTS. N. A. STEDMAN, Jr. Attorney at Law, ELIZABETRTO WNK N. C. jnly7-D&Wtf 1 MISCELLANEOUS. O V ERG O A T'S ir . - 1 . - 25 Per Ct. Below Cost. IN CONSEQUENCE OF OUR. INTENDED Dis solution of coDnrtnershiD. we will sell oar en ure eiock 01 . coining AT COST AND B E L O W, But for Cash Only. DAVDD & WEIL. jan 13 tf Just Received. A LARGE LOT FINE IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. j Also, Fine DoHble-Thick I Navj, And Other Brands of ! f Fine Chewing Tobacco. H. BURKHIBIEE, Ko. O Market Street. July S-tf . . THE UNDERSIGNED BEGS leave to inform his friendsiand the public generally, that he is still in the Tobacco business, and that he still ntends to keep ou hand all kinds of Plug and bmokingTobacco.il At his Store can be found as fine Cigars as there are in the City, Snuffs : and fine cut Tobaccos of alt kinds,! and smokers articles generally. He begs to call particular attention to the WAVERLY AND GOLDEN SEAL 1 PLUG TOBACCO. And his Celebrated Brand of Figaro and La Escepcion Cigars. ii van ana se ior yourseu, n GEO. HALL'S jan 9-tf Tobacco Store, No. IS Market St. TICK! GO TO ALLEN'S 9 : AND GET I -i ' - il Christmas Presents, Christmas Presents. Christmas Presents, dec 15-tf The Western Expositor asheville,n. c. W. IL Malone, - - it Ed. & Prop'r JJAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION Western Northern PnrnllnA ii It is the paper for business men, In which to ad- vertiBB. . . .... jj Specimen copies mailed on application. Address nov 29-tf EXPOSITOR OFFICE, , ii Ashevtlle. M. ; AN ORDINANCE. Concerning Drays, Wagons, Carts. &c THK BOASD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. CJ DO ORDATW That ...lh..!m.i.:iii Cart found in Hse within the City limits without the Badge or Begistered Number ftSW, C.iljr Trx "rdhiance pa-ed,May th; 1073. snail be snhioc.t. tn uIhimIi. rH n; uv.i and the owner thereof, subject to a flue of Fivb 1 ZiTZ ,u "u every aay me same is nsed in tnis City without the prepayment of the monthly tax, or without having on the ; Badge or Registered Number as the Ordinance of the City requires. .Any Ordinance or parts thereof conflistmg with the foregoing are hereby repealed. . The above Ordinance was passed by tbe Board of aiwiucu at weir aaeeiuig r uoruary loin, 1B74. ' - ,ni. T. C. SERVO88, feM8tf ii Citv Clerk. Apples, Apples. 2 Q Barrels Red Apples. For eale by - !f jan 14-tf . KERCHNBR & CiALDEB BROS. warn. MISCELLANEOUS. j THE "STAR" STEAM Job Pointing House, BOOK BINDERY AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY WILLIAM II. BERN ARE, PKOFBlETOlt, WILMINGTON, N. O. T1IE ONL Y ESTABLISHMEN1 IN 1KB 81 ATE HAVING ALL THESE FACILITIES COMBINED. THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF T Y 1 E. PAPERS, - i - Cards and Inks. SKILLED WOBOIEN IN Every Department. N O T T H E LOWEST PRICES, I ".. BBT AS - - LOW PRICES I ''-,' 1 - AS ANY OTIIEU ESTABLISHMENT. FOR $HB BEST QUALITY OF WORK Printing, Ruling ' AND ; ' i - i I BIU D.I 2ST 3-5 i OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Executed Promptly, "p'" " ' AND SKI IF ULL Y . Improved Machinery OF SINCE ADDING STEAlVlipOWER, We are enabled to till orders wltli THE UTMOST'DISPATCH EASTERN HAY AND POTATOES 1,000 Bales ; E A S T E R N II A, Y 100 Barrels APPIiES. 20O Barrels POTATOES. For Sale Low by dec 15 d&wtf BINFORD, CROW & CO. FERTILIZERS. .1 -.,,.. ' ' GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO, In Large or Small Quantities. BY INSTRUCTION or tne Fernrian Govern ment, their A gen' t iwsre have advanced the pi ice of Gaanape Gnano, from September 1st, 1874, to sixty-two dollars and fifty cents ($(B.f), gold, per ton of 2,240 Be, gross establishing at the same time a new scale of discounts the lowest being 60 cents on parcels frem 60 to 100 tons, and the highest $8 70 on 600 tons and over. As neual, they will net sell in lots of less than ten tons. Under till new arrangement I am enabled to 11I1 orders for let of ten, tone and upward at E.e Price than tbe Ateeuta of tbe Peruvian Govern ment. 1 will, heretofore, supply atwntities nnder ten tone at THE SAME KATE AS CHAKGED BY THEM. Circular containing testimonials, ref erences and full particulars mailed free on applica tion to H. BALOAiCAHi vn Dn,iM Wn iui RMvevfit.. New York. i may 18-DW10mes J si raj- ra o w s ' Lr ft . REGUL AT O R. THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY Mcfcary, apy injurloud mineral sabstance,- but ie j v PlIBELY VEGETiBLE, an all wise rhrovidence has placed in countris where Liver DlseaBes most prevau. 11 win vhtv ii Disease caused by uerangenentef tbe Liver ana nowua. ,E Siimons' Liyer Regulator, or Ieticiii&J Is eminently a Family Medicine, and by being kept ready for immediite resort will save many au hour of suffering and many a dollar in time and doctor's bills. i : - ' ' .. ' . jno-i unqualified testimonials to its vir ues from persons Oi Ifle uiguett cuaractrr auu icduub.uuuj. . . i : r . .ma-.4 it n Li iTia Trw.ar iUUlueut ptlj eiuinue tuuiuxcuu At, wiwt F.FFKCIUAL SPECIFIC for Constipation, Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, i i . ... wlTAmnnh Karl 4-iu4 k in t m.lTlt.h bil ious anacka. Palpitation of the Heart,ain in the region of ftthe Kidneys, despondency, gloom and foreboding of evil, ail of which are tne offspring of a diseased Liver, j . For Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Armed with this ANTIDOTE, all climates! and changes of Water and food may beiaced without fear. As a Kemedy in MALARIOUS FEVnK, BOWEL COMPLAINTS, RESTLESSNESS, JAUN DICE, NAUSEA, f IT HAS KO EftUAL. It is the Cheapest, Purest and Bet Family Medicine i : 2 . . . i ... u 1 k 111 1 lie TV unu 1 Caution ! . Buy no powders or Prepared SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR unless in our engraved wrapper, w.'ta Trade mark, Stamp and Signature un roken. None other is genuine. i j af a I). KBIlilN at; ;.., ; Macon, Ga., and Philadelphia. FOR SALE BY ALL' DRUGGISTS. Simmons' Liver Kegulator. For all diseases of the Liver, t Stomach tthd Spleen. i As a Remedy in I MALARIOUS FEVEKS, BO EL COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, MENTAL DEPRESSION. REsT LESNESS, JAUNDICE, NAUSEA. SICK HEAD ACHE. COLIC, CONSTIPATION and BILIOUS NESS, .1 t IT HAS KO EQUAL. INSUKANGE. PIEDMONT & AELLNGT0N Life Insurance Company Of Richmond, Yirginla. Over 22,300 Policies Issued. Annual Income Over $1,500,000 Frogressiye ! Prosu erons ! ; Prompt ! SMALL EXPENSES. SMALL LOSSES, SECURE INV ESTMENTS. AMPLE RESERVE, AND GOOD SURPLUS1 Premiums Cash, Policies Liberal, Annual Division of Surplus. ARTHUR J. HHVL, Jr., Agent Office lor the present wltti Dr. T. F. Wood. Medi . . -:!-:.- .: ; ' i- ! ' -v. cal Examiner, on Market street, two doors west of Green A Flanner's dru store, Wilmington, N. C. -September 8-tf . :"' j J Insurance Rooms. ; ' Ji- ) !:-. ' i f .... $27,000,000 FIRE INSURANCE CAP- - ,., ITAL REPRESENTED AFTER PAYING BOSTON LOSSES. . --4- y .... Queen Insurance Co., of Liverpool and London, CaoiUl .....; $10,000,006 Noctb;J3citiati and Mercantile Insurance Company,' .Capital... .....;;...., 10,009,000' B artford Insurance Company. Capital. . . . 2,600,000 National Fire Insurance . Company, of 1 Hartfora, Capital. .4 600,00? Continental Insurance Company, of New York, Capital S,50O,O0P Phosnts Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, Capital.!. ........ i.. ..........TT . 1,600,00C Virginia Home Insurance -Company, of Richmond, Capital . 600,000 MARINE Tbe old Mercantile Mutual of New York, ','i ..'-:-!& , :'. ' 'i ' j ' - i LIFE The Connecticut Mutual of Hartford. i ATKINSON & MANNING, ' nov 23-tf General Asenta E N COURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. Security against Fir. THE NORTH CAROLINA U09I INSURANCE CO IS PAW, .' j ' RALEIGH. N. C. ! ' ' This Company continues to write Policies, at fair rates, on all classes of insurable property.! All losses are promptly adjusted and paid. The "HOME " is rapidly growing in public favor, and appeals, with confidence, to insifrers of property in North Carolina i . , Agents In all pans of the State. R. H. BATTLE, Jr., President.! i C. B. ROOT, Vice President, i SEATON GALES, Secretary. ! I PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. ATKINSON & MANNING, Aokuts,' aogl-tf ! - - Wilmington. N C. Tuscola XXX. . 200 tftafL9 THIS! PAVORITE FLOUR, - r I Jaa 10-tf; EDWARDS & HALL. The iHTDiTitomB of Liver Comolaint are nneatinees and pain; in the side. Hometimes the pain is in. the shoulder, and is mistaken tor rheumatism Tbe Stomach is afiected with loss of appe tite and sickness,Abowels in general " costive, 'sometimes alternating with lax The head is troubled witb pain, and dull, heavy sensation, consider able loss of memory, ;ac omponied witb painful sensation Of having lft iindone aomeihing which ought to have been done. Oftens complaining of weakness, debility, and low spirits, sometlves many of tbe above symp toms attend the disease, and at other times very few of the bat the Liver is 'generally this organ, most involved. TESTIBIONIAIS. "I have neve seen or tried such a Limple, efflca ciou, satisfactory and pleasant remedy in my life. " H. Hainkb, St, I Puis, Mo. ?Hon. Alex--H. Stephens. "I occasionally use, when my condition require it.!l)r. Simmonh1 Liver Regulator, with good etiect.' Hon. Albx. H. Ssefhens. Governor of AlabantaL " " Your Regalator has been in use in limy family for some time, and I ana persuaded it is ajvaluabie addi tion to the medical science." Gov. JL Gill. Shoet Mt,. Ala. " . f - "I have used the Regulator in my jfamiiy f or the past seventeen years. 1 ran safely recommend it to the woild a- the best medicibe I have ever used for that class of diseases ii purports to fcure." Ii. F. Thigpen. - j: President of City Bank " Simmons Livers Regulator, has proved a good . and efficacious medicine." C. A. Nutting. V . It-i . .. t V "We have been acquainted with Dr. Simmons' Liver Medicine for more tban t eaty years, aul know it to e the bet Liver Kegul toi tffereu to tVe pnblic." M. R. Ltok and H. L. Lt;on, Belief un-tain-, Ga .' j "I was cured by Simmons Liver Regulator, fter navmg saiterea several years witn umiis anu a ever. JV. JJ. ANDBKSOa.i , ., fhfi Clergy "Have bten a dyspeptic -or years; began the Regulator two yeara ago. it has acted like a . charm in my case." Rev. J. C. Holmes. Ladies Indorsement T Jtve given you medicine a thorough trial, and in UuTasehas i-, faiMd to give fall vatiaf action." Ellen Mbachak, Chattahoochee, Fla. Sherfff Bibb County. . , "Have used your Regulator w th succefsful effect in Bi ious Colic and Dyspepsia. It is an ex cellent remedy, and Certainly a public blessing." u. jviASTEESON, uido uounty, ua. My Wife, "Mv wife and sell have used the Regulator for years, and testify tO:its great, virtuesi" Rev J. it. Feldeb, Perry, Ga,f 1 I " I think Simmons' Liver Regulator One of t e best medicine ever-made for the Livsr. My wife, and many others, have used it with. wonderful effect." E. K. SPiBKS, Albany, Gal M. D. 1 " I have used the Regnlat r in mjf family, and also in my regular practice, and have found it a . most valuable, aud Satisfactory medicine, and be lieve if it was need by ihe profession it would be of service in ve.y many cases. I know very mach of its component parts; and can certify ' its medicinal qualities are- perfectly harmless.' B. F. Griggs, . M. D., Macon, Ga. 1 I 1 Sold by all Druggtets. Wholesale fey ! ' j GREEN & PLANNER. - jan 12-D6m&W eow. - I MISCELLANEOUS. HARDENS AND! INVIGORATES! THE GUMS I Purines and Perfumes the . Breath 1 Cleanses Beautifies and Preserves the TIE-KT H ! Use it daily, and your teeth will be the last of Na ture's gifts to fail you. , i I SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. I may 28-eoalyth sat tu Office, Treasurer & Collector, CTT OF WILMINGTON, N. C, February lgth, 1&74. Notice to Owners of. any Trxick Dray Or Wagon. npHE OWNER bf any Truck, pray. Cart or m.- w agon, usea iq tee city, win sen$ tne same to the shp of John A.' Parker, en Second Street, and have their Registered number painted thereon be fore the first day of; March, proz.. when the Ordi nance, imposing a Penalty will be enforced. A list of the registered numbers will be furnished on application at this office. I t - T. C. SERVOSS, ! feb 19-eod tf thur j . Treasurer, r Reduction in Price ! 5c W jHTOLIJEY'S I Celebrated FINE 1 ENGLISH Breech-Loading Guns, Manufactory, Pioneer; Works, MIRMINGHA M, ENG. HAVING ESTABLISHED A BRANCH HOUSE in New York sfor thefsaje of bur celebrated weapons, we offer to sportsmen the Cheapest Guns of guaranteed qualify and shooting powers ever sold in the United states. .They are built with every Im provement for American poort. and are made in fix qualities, each Gun heins. branded with one of the. UBaermenuonea names, wnicn denotes its Brand. KICK. PIONEER TOLLEY...... STANDARD . NATIONAL... CHALLENGE. PARAGON ....$ 65 Gold. .. 5W " ..115 " ..140 " ..180 " S3S Anv one of the ahovn hniniia mnv he MlMtte Ith the greatest confidence, as bo Gun bears our name that we do not thoroughly guarantee in every re spect. i G UHS FORWARDED CI O. D. N. B. Guns built to order, at above prices, a epecialtv. Send for detailed particulars, with illu tra tod descriptive price sheets and testimonials, to our Branch House, j 29 iriatdcu i sept 85-DW tf L.anef Ketv York. Coupons. OlSce: Treasurer & Collector, . U-JTY OF WJXMINQTON, N. Q, -J Dec. 29th, 1874. JANUARY COUPONS payable inthis city of Bonds of the city ofj Wilmington, N. C, w'ill be paid at the Bask or Nbw Hahotib on arid after Jan nary 1st, 1875, and buch January (Gold) Coupons payable In New York, on Bonds (issued of 1872), will be paid at the National Bank of the Republic In New York. i T. C. 8BRV08S, i dee 90-lw ! Treasurer. - V. r 9 1 1