THE IIOEIIHIG STAR. PUBLISHED DAILY, BT '.. - : a s o sttbsobe oa w aotaitcx: One year, (by mall) postage pa ,. .Bi fT 00 Six months, (" ") " 4 00 Three monthsf " ) .... .... . S 85 One month, C " I " 100 To City Subscribers, delivered in anv Dart of the city, Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are not authorised to collect for more than S months In advance. OUTLINES. The Spanish-German negotiations are not progressing as favorably as was first ex pected. Ramsey secures the Repub lican Senatorial renomination in caucus in Minnesota. New Turk markets: Gold, 112iH25 'spirits turpentine, 8737iH rosin, $2 05$2 10; cotton, 15i15f Ramsey's nomination in Minnesota at a late hour thought doubtful. Rupture be tween the Siamese Kings. BOSTON INDIGNATION. Wendell Phillips, the, Howler, Tries to Break lip the meeting Slakes a Blatherskite Speech. ,In addition to the report given by us yesterday of the indignation meet ing held Friday night at Fanueil Hall, Boston, we repring the following: v Resolutions expressive of indigna tion at the course of the military in removing the members of the Legis lature, and severely denouncing Bel knap for his telegram of approval, were vociferously, applauded. The resolutions were seconded by General JS. M. Quincey, and support ed in an elaborate speech by Hon. . John Q. Adams f rom ipiator SchurzV standpoint regarding recent occur rences as a national calamity. Other speeches of a similar tenor were made. Cries for Wendell Phillips, who oc cupied a prominent position in the gallery, were frequent during , the meeting. He attempted to speak from his position, but was urged to the platform. He criticised Charles F. Adams for heading a call for the Bos ton meeting while he was a resident of another town, but about two-thirds of his hearers did nojlike that, and cries of go on," " hear him," " shut up," alternated, as the majority or minority gained vocal ascendancy. The President, though evidently disconcerted, made an appeal for free speech, and Mr. Phillips proceeded, criticising other prominent , non-residents for the part they bore," and claiming they did not and could not represent Boston sentiment, without being called to account : The crowd would hiss or cheer as the spirit moved them; sometimes be ing in perfect accord with the speaker, at other times about equally divided as to theii views of what he.f forth. Finally Mr. Thill'ma ttf'Demo' his overcoat and was greeti rirs .- ..iiie fn.m alt sides!, :Hfr charty J".e and declared it the duty the United States Government to protect its citizens. The military, he said, would carry comfort into every negro family in the South, while such resolu tions at Were proposed would be pro ductive of nothing but consternation. Voices: We will pass them." I'he blood of hundreds of blacks will be upon your skirts. A voice: "Get out, you have come here to kick up a row. Another voice: " Mesmerise him." The President was vested with power to protect those who were hunted down, and such meetings as this tied his hands. Mr. Phillips closed by. saying he would deem himself wanting in duty as an old Abolitionist not to return the scenes of his early efforts In be half of the, oppressed, and retired amid a storm of cheers and hisses. It was evident tha Phillips' utter ances "weakened the effect of the meeting, and though he was often in terrupted there was no disposition to prevent his speaking. - An additional resolution compli mentary to the President and General -Sheridan was offered by an outsider, but lost by a two-thirds vote, and' the original resolutions were adopted by the same proportion of ayes. ' The tnte Debt Conference. (Raleigh News of Saturday. . Tha conference on the State debt continued throughout yesterday, the proceedings of which are as yet not made public. Gov. Brogden sent to the conferencs on yesterday a num ber of letters received by himself in regard to the State debt question, which were read by the clerk. Sev eral of the letters were from bond holders in England, and others from parties in several of our Northern cities. The general sentiment of 'foreign bondholders seems to be em bodied in the following' extract from the letter of Geo. H. Marsh, of Ports mouth, N. H.: : ; ; t. jf " I will cheerfully eomply with any term of time yo,ar; government raav deem best Baited to the means of the citizens." . - . -.n -' The English letters express a de sire that the past due interest on State bonds may be funded into new bonds and any compromise .the peo ple see tit to propose. f The Sandwich Islanders are said to be the onlv nation who attach a po litical interest to the transit of Venus, it having been on the occasion of the transit-of.' 1769 that they made the acquaintance of Capt., Cook, and ate him ' Our fihspr vera renort that the whole population reveled in smoked class, as naturallv as an American boy takes to powder on the Fourth of July. " ,;V The officer appointed to look after children emblovod in the Massachu setts factories reports that ? 60,000 children are growing up in ignorance VOL. XV. NO. 991 because of their employment at too earl Vr an age in those factories.' f ' Massachusetts has no time tcji look after the welfare of white children. She is trying to. force negroes into, white schools in the South.p I laiehlsan Senator; '.- . W - The bellicose Chandler has been re nominated by the Radical caucus but twelve of the seventy-one' Repub licans refused to attend the caucus or to be bound by its decision. They kold the balance of power, there be ing sixty-one Democrats in the Legis lature. Chandler is on the gtound with a powerful lobby. He arrived,8 attended: by eighty Federal officer holders, and all the rest in the State have been announced to the rescne. Every appliance has been brought; to bear on the recusants, but in vain;' they stand firm as granite. So that Chandler's , only resource, now is on liB0&tic suppcfrt-and io winthat support he is eterting all ' his power.; It is said that jjtbe chances are;, fair that he will be able to bay enough to make his election sore. But jwhat must be thought of the Democrat who could be induced to vote for such a creature as Chandler? Supreme Conrt Friday. Appeals from, the 5th District! were: continued, and the following cases disposed of: Mary Smith vs. William Smith, from Harnett. Argued. J. A. Sjpears for plaintiff, Neil McKay and X W. Hinsdale .for defendant. j i It. J. Holmes vs. Joseph Marshal, from Stanley, j Argued. McCjdrkle and W. J. Montgomery for plaintiffs. W. II. Baily aud S. J. Pendleton for defendant. j State vs. Wm. Allen, from Anson. Attorney-General and S. J. Pember ton for the State. No counsel for defense. : THE OITX The Kalis. i" . The mails will close from this date as tol lows: Northern (night) mails : 6:45 throiiErh and wav (davV M. U j V rf . j mails.. . 5 1A. M, Southern mail................ 6:30 Carolina Central mails. ..... ... . . 5 Smithville, Saturdays., and Tues days ...... J.. ...... 6 A.M. yL M i.M. ii Fayetteville, river, Mondays and Jtmaays .... j ................ l !Pi M. Fayetteville by C. C. R. W.. daUv 5 unsiow u. 11., (norse man) every ! s Fridav ....... 6 A. M. ' Jtfails delivered from- 7 A; M. to 7P."M... and on Sundays from osJU to Ai M. or Kegister Department open same as stamp orac. ? NKW ADVEUTINKlHEN'rs, W. H. Harrison. -r-Official Drawing. See Ad. " Opra House." Harrison & Allen. Hats, Caps, i&c. Munson & Co. I Clothing. -G. H. W. Rcnge. New Pig Porl Flanner & Shtjre. Baker Whiskey. A. T. & J. London. $1,250 to loan. Kerchner & Caijer Bros. Flour, . Giles & Murchison. Plows. j See Ad. Golden Lyre Lodge, No. 3,608. D. Pigott. lew Tobacco Store. j HEiN8BERGER.-j-Organs and Chromos. Surier Bros. At Cost 1 1 John Dawson. Collars and Hames. To Subscribers South of BIarb:et street. S ' Mr. John H. Savage has charge of the city circulation of The Morning! Stab in all that portion of the city south of the cen tre of Market street. All subscriptions are payable to him from January 1, 1875J j 3t Local Dots. . ii . An adjourned meeting of the Board of Aldermen will be held to-morrow evening. 1 Both printing and ruling ; done In the finest grades of copying ink at the Stab Job Printing Office. jj tf j The Spiritualists will meet at; Masonic Hall this afternoon, at 3 o'clock! Subject: What are the evidences of Spirit ualism ? .. . . i i : - 'I' M - r The interments in Pine Forest .!!-- (col'd) Cemetery during the past week num bered 4, of which 1 was an adult and 3 were children. ... :-' ; - ! " 1 - There wei;e three interments in Oakdale Cemetery during the past week, of which number 1 was an adult and 2 were children. , . ' j : j The Register of Deeds issued 8 marriage licenses 'during the week ending yesterday, of which 3 were for whit and 5 for colored couples. f After January 1, 1875, we will; mail the Daily Star, postpaid, for $7 00 per year. This is $120 less tharwt now: costs subscribers, including postage! I The rates for periods less than one year will be advanced as follows: ' Six months, !$4 00; bree months, $2 25; one month, $ll 00. 'i r Our colored Aldermau Brew ington, who is also a member of th Legis lature from this county, astonished Mayer Canaday at the meeting of the Board on Friday night by jumping suddenly to bis feet and exclaiming, in stentorian1 tones,: " Mr. Speaker " He explained byf saying he thought he was in the House of I Repre sentatives. City Taxe Receipts. The receipts at the office of the City Treasurer and Collector for the. Jveek ends ing yesterday footed up as follows j " i Merchants' license . i. I $844 02 Real and Personal for 1873 - 74. . . j 932 00 Drar licenses'.. ..i.... .. ,. 112 TO Total.. ,.....,...........$1,788 02 WILMINGTON, Onr Chnrrhei To-Day. First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets, Elder J. C. Hiden, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. At night there will a Union Mass Meeting in behalf of the Bible Society of New Hanover county, j Rev. C. H. Wiley will conduct night service, com mencing at 7ip. m. Sunday School at 9 J a. m. Prayer meeting on Thursday night at 7i o'clock. Young men's prayer meeting on Tuesday night ?i o'clock, in! Pastor's Study. ';-; f . iy'":: ': . Services iu St Paul's Evang. Lutheran Church : a?P' follows:; Preparatory service (German) at 10 a, jm. V German service and Communion at 11 a, m.; English service at 7i p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. ; Cate' chetical instruction du Friday, at 8 p. m.. First Presbyterian Church, corner Third and Orange streets': Services at 11 o'clock a. m. by Rev. C. II. Wiley. ' Sunday Spheol at 3 p. m. J , Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets: Servicesat 11 a. m.: Seats free. Rev. Chas. M. Payne, pastor. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Services at Front street M. E. Church at 11 a. ..m. and 7i p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. mj Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 7i o'clock. Ushers will be in attendance to conduct strangers to seats. Seats all free. Rev. J. E. Mann, pastor. Fifth Street Methodist E. Church, South, situated on Fifth, between Nun and Church streets. Services at 11a. m. and 7 p. m., Rev. J. T. Gibbs, pastor. Sabbath School at9i a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 7i o'clock, j Seats free. Services -at S. James' Church to-day, 2nd Sunday after Epiphany, as follows : Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock; Sunday School at 3 o'clock p. m. ; Evening Prayer at 4 p. m. .- Services in St John's' Church to-day, 2nd .Sunday after the Epiphany, as follows: Celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 7i o'clock; Morning Prayer, Litany and Ante Communion at 11 o'clock; -Evening Prayer Children's service at 4 o'clock. Services at St Paul's (Episcopal) church, corner of Fourth and Orange streets, as fol lows: Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock; Even ing Prayer at 7 o'clock. Rev. T. M. Am bler, Pastor. Seats free. -I- Seamen's Bethel: Services at Z p. m. Rev. Jos. L. Keen, Chaplain. Services at St Mark's (colored) Episcopal Churcn: Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock; Bi ble Class at 3 p. m. ; Sunday School at 3 p. m. ; Confirmation Class at 41 p. mi; Even ing Prayer at 7 p. m. ; Wednesday even- incra t f-AX tv m 'iSoalafroo . . .,'". First Baptist Church, colored,. I and Campbell streets. Services Sunday 6cTiooL-J2 a. -m 10 a. ru., 3 p.- Wjd7$ p.-iMtpes. Howell, Pastor. t J 4 was Services at the First Colored Pre .and A Church, Chesnut; betwesn Seventh and Eighth streets, as follows: At 11 a. m. and 7i p. m., by Rev. D. J. Sanders, Pastor. Sabbath School at 9 a. m. Panorama, Comedr aud Bell-Ring I t On Friday and Saturday evenings next we are to have, at the Opera House in this city, Warren Bordwell's Original Mirror of Ire land and Mammonth and Artistic Franco German War, now consolidated with the 'Fritz' German Bell-Ringers and James Tay lor's unrivalled London Comedy Company." Speaking of the Panorama of the Franco German War, &c, the Courier-Journal b&js: " The panorama is, by our American con tern parades, pronounced the finest speci men of comic art at present permeating the country. . Most of j the scenes are from the easels of the celebrated English artists, Bev erly and Telbin, so well known to the pub lic in connection with Drury Lane and Hay market theatres. Messrs. Beverly and Tel bin have succeeded admirably in their work, some of the, scenes being pronounced real istic. Amongst the more prominent pic tures we may enumerate ' The Charge of the Chasseurs d'Afrique' (the pet cavalry of France) at "Sedan, in which they were al- most annihilated, at Weissenburg. The slaughter of Turcos A superb transformation view of Strasbourg dihedral, and a terribly life-KSe battle field scene entitled! 'Human Vultures Robbing the Dead.' . The musical department will introduce to our . citizens, Miss Ada Alexandra, the well known prima donna, and a pupil of Dejavet, the vocal preceptor at the conservatoire of La Scala, .Milian. Also, Mr,' Warren Bordwell, a very popular baritone." in very flattering ment. The Raleigh New speaks terms of the entertain- Wllmlnxton Retail market. The following j prices ruled yesterday: Apples, (dried) 12J cents per pound ; dried peaches 25c per pound; walnuts, 25 cents' per peck; . pickles, 20 cents per dozen; Jard -18 cents per pound; butter, 4050 cents per pound ; cheese, 25 cents per pound ; grown fowls 6075c a pair; geese $1 50 per pair; beef 1016c. per pound; beef, (corn ed) 12J15c. per pound; veal, 12i 16Jc. per pound; mutton, 12i16J cts. per pound; ham, 1618 cts. per pound ; shoulders, 121 14 cents per pound ; tripe, 20 cts. per bunch ; clams, 25 cents, a 'peck; open clams, 2025 cents a quart soup bunch, 5 cents. ; eggs, 25 cents, a doz; sturgeon, 25 cts. a chunk (5 lbs); potatoes, Irish, 50 cts. a peck; sweet 25 cents; fish trout 25c. per bunch, mullets 1025c. per. bunch; turnips, 10c. a bunch; onions, 50 cts. a peck; cabbages 1025 cts. a head; sausage 20 cents a pound; bologna 20 cents a pound; liver pudding, 1.215 cts a pound; bog head cheese, ;20 , cents a poupd; New River oysters $1 50 a gallon; Sound do., 80 cents a gallon;' wild ducks SO cents apafrA:: ,.. CtV7-'City 8ubscriber8L .who; fail to re ceive their papers regularly will, please re port the fact promptly at this office. tf N. C, SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 1875. Sllchtly Complicated, t A few days since we alluded to the arrest, by Officer Miller of the police force, of a colored magistrate from Long Creek, charg ed with obstructing the7si4eWalk in front of the Court House, and whose trial has been set for some day during the coming week. Yesterday Larkins,- the magistrate alluded to, had a warrant issued by Justice Cassidey for the arrest of Officer Miller on the charge of assault and battery and false imprisonment. The officer was carried be fore Justice Cassidey, wen, having ex pressed himself in rather indignant terms, stating that he did hot recognize the arrest, &ci, he was required to give bond in the sum of $100 for his appearance on Mon day. . He repaired to the Court ' House and gave - the necessary security, after which he proceeded to arrest Whitney, the special deputy who accompanied him, and, with the assistance of another policeman -who was called upon, theaaid deputy was marched up the City Hall,! but was- subse quently released by the Mayor It was Whitney's turn now, and he proceedecTto 'Squire Cassidey's office and secured a war rant for the arrest of officer Miller and his assistant on the charge of assault and batte ry, &c. The cases will be heard on Monday. Another Tobacco Store Robbed. The thieves of this city must have formed a joint stock company fori the purpose of going into the tobacco business on a grand scale. In our last we mentioned the fact that two of our tobacco "stores, those of Messrs. Pigott and Hall, had been entered and robbed to a considerable amount, and this morning we are called upon to an nounce the fact that Mr. :H. Burkhimer's tobacco stoie lias also suffered from the depredations of the ring.j' His establish ment was entered on Friday night and rob bed of two boxes of tobacco valued at about $35, together with about $15 worth of snuff and a quantity of Bmokinga tobacco. - En trance was no doubt effected through the means of false keys, as the: doors were all found locked yesterday morning just as they had been left the night previous. Mr. Burk himer has no clue to the perpetrator of the theft - . -I -.- " i Anniversary Celebration. Golden Lyre Lodge No. j 1,608, G. TJ. O. of 6. F., will celebrate their first anniver sary to-morrow, and Free ove Lodge No. 1,469, G. U. O. of O. F., is expected to par ticipate. The members wll meet at their Lodge room, on North Witer street, at 12 o'clock x a3 atfJUclock the procession will V Rosa; Bud Rand, and -m to iell ASiC2S?OR, js'8 Church, where the Want to Adrertise anyl. want to find an owner be delivered by. Alfred 'Advei exercises at the THE MO procession will march TisA streets and then pro- - Both pnntitf , oia v r le room At night there will be x; and soiree at XJity Hall The Passion Strons. Dennis Miller, colored, who had just serveTi out a term in the County Work House fbr larceny, and who wasjj released a few days since and sent to the city on aflat that was coming down, had barely reached the wharf when he stole a lot 'of clothing be longing to a couple of thefiatmen and made off with them. Complaint ?as made before Justice Cassidey, a warrant issued for bis arrest and yesterday he was taken into cus tody and lodged in jail to await a hearing before the Magistrate named to-morrow. The prospect now is that he will have an other term to serve at the institution he has so recently left magistrates' Court. j George Wedge was arraigned before Jus tice: Gardner, yesterday, charged, on the affidavitof Mary Larrington, with having appropriated an axe. belonging to her, some time in the month of August last. Defend ant was required to give security in the sum of $50 for his appearance; at the present term of the Superior Court.1. Committee to Assess Damages : We learn that Messrs. j:A. Willard, Al fred Martin and J. M. Wise have been ap pointed commissioners by the Superior Court Clerk to assess the damages to private property caused by an extension of the Carolina Central xtaHway track from their new depot to the main liner The commit tee, we understand; will meet on Monday. Katie Putnam., :" ' Mis8 Katie Putnam one of Wilmington's prime favorites, who has been playing to crowded houses in Charleston during the past week, will fill, an engagement in this city on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the 25th, 26th and 27th insts. Bishop Atkinson's A ppolutments tor JKebrnary 1875.".'"--'.$".-, : Clinton. .Quinquagesima Sunday. .Feb Faisons. .Evening of " 7 8 10 12 14 16 17 19 21 of Goldsboro.....Ash Wednesday Wilson.. ., . Rocky Mount. Enfield..;.. Ringwood Halifax................ Weldon Collections at each place in behalf Diocesan Missions. - Spirits 'rurpexmuc:. The Tarboro Southerner is 52. , 4- The La Grange Vidette is work ing hard for a new county; ' f- The Governor's message in covers has been laid on our table. The Florence and Fayetteville railroad is pushing forward rapidly. - Thomas 7 Cross, ! of . Chatham county, ruined his hand -on his hand saw the, other day. . -j Napoleon Patterson, colored, who was shot ' near .Tarboro and reported killed, is recovering from his wound. , , ,- " - Capt. Haywood Clark has been appointed Conductor of the Tarboro Branch KNK UK Train in place of Mr, R E. WhHehurst,who has been promoted to the Agency at the Tarboro depot .!,. ! , ' I The Janttaty. term of the Su- ly.v. ;. wui . vi ;uuivciiauu yuuuijr will commence on Monday 25th inst . There is no capital case or criminal business of im portance for trial. 1 CITY 1TKJ1S. Book Biwdkbt. ;i-H mobnihs Stab Book Bind ery does all kin 4s of Binding and Holing In a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. -Slfer-chanta and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of their orders. i Lats PAPEB8. To Harris' News Depot, West side Front Street, we are indebted for copies of the New York Ledger, Chimney Corner and Drank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper for the current week.: The S tand will remain open until 11 o'clock this morning. To Spobt'Xbn. Read the advertisement of J. ft W. Tolleyv.the celebrated gun manufacturers, of Birmingham, England. Tkeir breech loader are without a rival, as is shown by the large number of testimonials in the possession of the Messrs. Tolley. Send to their branch house, 29 Maiden Lane, New York. ' . 7 ' Tbaksfer Pbintins-Ihks. Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others. Thuy are en during and changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. . Having just received a fresh supply of these inks, we are pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. Thb Tolley Gits. Copy or Tibtijconial. Hudson City, N. J., Sept 30th, 1874 Mxsbbb. J. & W. Tolley 29 Maiden Lane, New York: The 10 guage Gun No. 3078 1 ordered from yon gives me entire satisfaction.' I was very exacting when or dering the Gun but must say that you have more than fulfilled what I required of you. I have shot several brevch-loaders by first-class makers, and your gua beats them all for bea ity and workman ship. As for1 shooting qualities, your gun shoots stronger and more even than any gun I ever shot I have shown It to several good judges (including first-class gunmakere) and all agree, that the action is very strong and durable, and that f he gun is one of the beet they ever saw. I have made some very long shots with it, using only 8 drs. of powder, which is all your gun requires. I have shot It at a targat according to the rules of the Turf, Field and Farm trials, and the average of 6 shots at 40 yards Is: Left-pattern, 169; penetration, 38: right-pattern, 175; penetration j 39; using 33tf dra. powder. Now I am sure such a gun is seldom met with, and am very proud to be the owner . of it But the real test, of your gun is in the field there it exceils al, others, killing cleaner and handsomer than any gun I ever saw, as you assured me they would. Both paper and metal shells work splendidly. Gentlemen, I have to offer you my very best thanks, and will recommend your guns to all my friends. : Yours Respectfully, Hkhby Loriot. IFtOV a Situation, a Salesman, a Servant Girl, to rent a Store,-" to sell a Piano, to sell a Horse, to lend Money, to buy a House, to bay a Horse, to rent a Uoaee, to eell a Carriage, a Boarding place, to borrow Money, to sell Dry Goods. to sell Groceries, to sell Furniture, Want Want ant . Waat Want Want Want Wnt Want Want Want Want Want Want Want Want Want Want Want Want Want to bell Hardware, to sell Real Estate, a job of Carpentering, . a Job of Blacksmlthing, to sell Millinery Good', j to sell s House and Lot 1 to find any one's Address, j Want Want Want Want Want Want Want Want to sells piece of Furniture, , - to buy a second-hand Carriage, to find-anything you have lost, to sell Agricultural Implements, to Advertise anything to advantage, to find an owner for anything Found, Advertise in i TUB MORNING STAR. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Official Drawtne ot tbe N . Bene- j flclal Association. ! SATURDAY, January 18. 1875. i Class 386, Drawn at IS M. 60 28 4A 65 41 77 65 10 11 60 87 84 U 69 Class 387. Drawn at 4 P. M. ! 16 87 25 17 6 47 66 20 33 6 28 Class 883. Drawn at 7 P.M. 40 61 7 28 13 26 63 83 19 .76 . 64 74. Jan 17-lt W. H. HARRISON. - OPERA HOUE. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Jan. 22nd and 23d. j. -- matinee Saturday at 2:30 P. M. Warren Bordwell's Original , Mirror of Ireland ! and : Mammoth and Artistic FEAN00-GERMAN WAE, now consolidated witn tne "Fritsf German Bell-Bingers '- and James Taylor's unrivaled LONDON COMEDY COMPANY. ADMISSION, 60 cts; RESERVED SEATS, 75 cts. M VTINlfitf fRICEi: Adults, 25 cts.; Children, 15 cts i Every ""hild receives a hwdsome Present Keserved seat tickets at Heinsberger'a Book store :!!- Reserved seat tickets will be sold np to noon of day of performance for 60 cents each; after that hour regular price, 75 cents, will be charged. ian IT-. 8u We Ta Kr. I Men Lyre Louie, No. 1.608( G. U. O. of O.F. WILL CELEBRATE THEIR FIRST Anniversary on MONDAY, the 18th ef January, and Free Love Lodge, No. I,4b9, Q. (J. O. of O. P., of this, city has been Invited to participate in tbe Celebra tion. All members are requested to meet at their Ludge Koem at 12 o'clock, and at 2 o'clock the pro cession will form in front of their Lodge Room, on North VV ater Street, headed by the Rose Bad Band. - Line of March: Up Princess to Fourth, np Fourth to Red Crosg.uD Red Cross to bt. Stephen's Church, where the Annual address will be delivered by Al fred Lynn, of Kentucky, after which the procession will - proceed Up Red Cross to Seventh, down Seventh ; to Castle, down Castle to Front no Front to Princess, down lrincess to their Lodge Room. ' ' - ' : ! i And at night there will be s grand Levee sed Soiree at the city Hall. I'he public is respectfully Invited to attend. - Tbe Ladies have used every exertion to make the Refreshments s Grand Success. . Committee of Arrangements: James Bland, P. W.I Lawrence, H. McDuffey. i janJ7-n:-: ,t; We Are Now Opening NEW LINE OF FINE LIQUORS AND CORDIALS, AND A Imported find Domestic'cigar. CHAS. D. MYERS CO., 5 and 7 Morth Front street. aa lT-tf WHOLE. NO. 2,273. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, s At David Pigott's NEV?TOBKACCO STORE, lSo." 2fc Market Street,' " South Side-Heed of the Market House. . ' j . WILMINGTON, N. C, r T1LL BE FOUND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT VV of Tobaccos, Snuff, Cigars, Pipes and Smokers' Articles, at; prices guaranteed to be satisfactory, notwithstanding the advance of 25 to 75 per cent Da Leaf Tobacco. p;", A trial from the people is respectfully solicited. . i . . D. PIGOTT. January isttt, 1876. - A CARD. Appreciating the liberal patronage heretofore tended to me, I respectfully solicit a conrinni ex- continnasce of the same. D. PIGOTT. . Jan 17-tf Howf! Now!! Now; ! ! ! v f BALANCE STO GK OF - Reduced Rates. jan 17-tf City Clothiers. At post, At Cost. IN ORDER TO CLOSE OUT THE BALANCE OF our Stock of . . OVercoatsf and Talmas. WE OFFER THEM AT COST, A new lot of CASSIMERE SUITS just received, which we are selling at extremely low prices. Boys' and Youths' Clothing, Prices reduced very much. Call and examine, jan 17 tf J SHRIER BROS. Flariner Shiire, . j DEALERS. IN . - CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, . WINES, LIQUORS, o i op c if a &c. PURE BAKER WHISKEY. NO. 31 NORTH FRONT STREET. jan 17-tf - Hats and Gaps, OTYLISH FELT HATS, SILK MOHAIR AND Cloth Caps,) ; TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, Ac. j i it TTA'R'RTarvn' jK. itt-dxtio City Hat Store, 88 Market St G. H. W. Biinge. i- NEW PIG PORK, PEA AND MAR C ELERY, ROWFAT BEANS, SNUFF. Northeast cor. Market and Second. Sts. ?JOTp!itr p3gg?'-C-ll'M''1 1 ivit'fff-rrt Oeb Trial Satisfies Honseipers rpHAT O IR FRESH GROUND COFFEE IS PURE, CONVENIENT, ECONOMICAL. We guarantee its perfect purity and strength. i Ground every hour to order when wanted. CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., jan 17-tf 5 & 7 North Front St. Mountain Butter. i . . NOTHER SHIPMENT FROM CHARLOTTE. Will be closed out low. ! . CHAS. D. MYERS ft CO., 67 North Front St. jan 17-tf B1.250 I Ti . i . O LOAN UPON FIRST MORTGAGES ON City property at reasonable rates. Apply to s ' -. A. T. A J. LONDON, . Attorneys at Law. jaa 17-lt Princess near cor. of Front St Corn and Oats. I ; 2000 Bnllel8Cofn, ioooH8hoiBO,it8- ! For sale by jan. 17-tf j KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. Molasses and Bacon. Q Hhds New Crop Cuba, JQQ Bbls S. H. Syrup, . Boxes p. S. Sides and Shoulders, 2 Boxes Smoked Sides and Shoulders. "- For sale bv ,r ' jan 17-tf KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. ' Hay; Bice, Flour and Coffee sbof?"1? s 2QTferce.Rtee. . ' j 500BbFk)M, -; - - I JgQ Bags Coffee. , ' For sale by I jan 17 tf KERcHNER ft CALDER BROS. ' Powder, Powder, Powder. PjQQ Kegs Rifle; Sporting and Blasting Powder. For sale by I jaa 16-tt KBKOHNER CALDER BROS. HAS IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE 500 PLOWS (of all kinds) 7 Tons Plow Castings. 25 Coils Cotten Plow Lines, . 800 Pairs Trace Chain. 40 Dozen Collars and Hames, 100 Dozen Weeding Hoes, 60 Dozen Shovels and Spades. i For sale at the lowest Market rates.' jan 17-tf - Nob. 19, 20 sad 21 Market St Flows. Plows, Flow, o F ALL KINDS AND SIZES. AT THE NEW HARDWARE STORE. GILES & MURCHISON. 83 North Front St jan 17-tf Chromos, c HROMOS, CHROMOS, JUST RECEIVED AND j- :. - j - for sale at ' HSINSBERGER'S, Live Book and Mnsic Store, janl7tf 8 Market Street OBGAirS, ; Organs, organs.; i ' ... ; f For sale at .. : ! " j BXINSBXRGER'S. f Horse Llaniicto ? ThB LARGEST and CHSAPEST assortment of Trunks in the City, Saddles of all kinds. Harness, Cellars, Saddle BUnkets, FeetherDester sBorse Brashes. Currycombs, Saddlery Hardware of all kind I i CHEAP FOtf U&BU. oct 34 tf nac , jr. m. Tovlkaaa Co. RATES OP ADVKVl81Nb. iauare one d) ' One Square one da I M jureeoays.. ......U....... S 0t u 1. : 'osrdays...... L.. ...... t 69 " " tvedSTS....... ....-.I.. B M ....... t 0 .... i k. l w week. 8 M m Two weeks.... ........... C C - 2week ....4....... 6 ffl H Oao month... IE........ 8 CO " ! . TJbree months... . M 60 ; " ' Wxsaontas.....,..,,.'...!... ,;.86W m ' ' One year... L..-......60 06 -BvS??tr,lct Advertisements taken at propo thmatsry tow rates, i . Five Squares estimated as a quarter-column. ai4 ten squares as a half -column. j , MISCELLANEOUS. GUAISp; GUAttO. 250 TonsNo. 1 Guanape 350 Tons Eureka. For ealo to arrive low for cask or on reasonable terms or crop time. J- ' - jaa 18-tf - WILLIAMS MURCHISON. CORN, CORN. 10,000 Bushels White and Mixed. For tale tow by jan 16-tf . WILLIAMS MURCHISON To The Ladies. WE ARE NOW OFFERING GREAT INDUCE mentsin our j - FALL AND WINTER GOODS, j ( - - " . consisting of . Dress Goods, Shawls, Flannels , Blankets, Ac IWe have on hand, a lot of CAMPBELL'S HAIR SHAWLS, worth $10 00, which we will sell at 5 00 each, and other goods i comparatively low, at jan 16-tf J. H SAMSON'S, No. 43 .Market St C. WEST & SONS. Madin Security Oil. - ' j THE BEST. OIL IN U8kL Warranted 150 Des;rees Fire Test. WATER WHITE IN COLaR, j ' . ' FULLY DEODERIZED, And it Will Not Explode. It burns in all Coal Oil and Keros ;ne Lamps. TRY IT. Ask for ". Aladdin Security,1 ' and take no other, j C. WEST & SONS, US and 115 W. Lombard St, oct 27-6mos j Baltimore, Md. Merry Christmas, . Grand opening and handsome Dis play of- ;'... HOLIDAY GO JDS. r3w4s; Now is the time. Come early, V CHRISTMAS GOODS In endless variety. Choice Cluster of Malaga urapes, FRENCH CONFECTIONS, CORNETTS, HAVANA ORANGES, FIRE WORKS, FIRE CRACKERS, .TORPEDOES And every description of Christmas tree trimmings. ' Come and be convinced of the great reductions la prices at GEO. MYERS', II & 18 South: Front St dec 28-tf SELECTED POEMS, (Illustrated,) npiIE CHEAPEST EDITION EVER BROUGHT J. to this market, only Ten Cents a number: LOCKSLEY HALL, Alfred Tennyson J THE PRIS ONER OF OHfLLON, Byron; LATEST VERSES, Byron; THE HIGH TIDE ON THE COAST OF LIN- a COLN8HlRB,Ingelow; j Bernard's Del Corpel, Felicia Hemans; 'The Bridge All for sale at CON9LEY & YATE8' jan 15 tf i : . City Book Store. Fork Trifle! YOU CAN KEEP YOUR feet dry and warm with a pair of rubbers from FRENCH'S Ladies' Rubbers only 75 cents; Gents' Rubbers only $1, at . GEO. R. FRENCH J SON'S, i J Jan 18-tf 89 North Trpnt rtreeL Potatoes. Potatoes. i ' . I 100 BARRELS EARLY BOSS AND OTHER SEED POTATOES. For sale bv - EDWARDS & HALL. tan 10-tf Save Tour. Health AND ADD TO YOUR COMFORT BY HAVING YOUR BEDS RENOVATED. All persons de siring to have their j i t BEDS XrENOVATEj) Will please send in their orders to me, lover Cronly A Morris's Auction House, on Water street, as my .tay at this place U very limited. j jnl5-8t - T. p. TO WE. Just tteceiveds ' VINEGAR BITTEK 8, j Wintar't Balsam Wild Cherry, BAwrs lTRIC0FTEBjV8, EADWATS BEADY BELIEF. For sale low by ; For sal. low by ! ee 80-tf Clarendon Saloon, . SOUTH MARKET jsT.. NEAR TK FERRY, TAYLOR & GEAY, Propr'i. Finest Wines, Liquors, Ales and Cigars in the city. I.EAL8 AT ALL HOURS. Also, Board by the day, week or month. J. B. TAYLOR. ildee 10-lm GRAY. For The' Citizens' Market Fine sampson cjounty stalled beef; also a fine lot of cornfed Fork. Come . early sad leave your orders., jan 13-tf T. A. WATSON, proprietor. Sweet; Oranges. tWO THOUSAND SWEET ORANGES, JUST, neerred and for sale low at 4 S. G, NOBTBROrS dec 17-tf Fruit and Confectioaery Store. J' A -V,