IP Ipoming tar. WM. H. BKUNARO, CICERO AF. HARRIS, ) " WILMINGTON, N. C: Sunday Morning, Jan. 17, 1875. SJIOTHBBING FACTS. The bungling, lame and impotent message ot President Grant on the New Orleans outrage, which the Herald calls "an apology" and the ' Tribune "a weak defence," has al ready reeeived at oar hands sufficient consideration. Since the appearance of that document, however, notice has been taken of the failure of the Pres ident to transmit certain papers im portant as throwing light on his views and the transactions of the Lieuten ant General in Louisiana. He omits the telegrams addressed to him by Governor McEnery, and what is more important, he does not include all of the orders and correspondence with General Sheridan, some of which would shed mueh light on the subseauent transactions, wnat u A given shows conclusively that General "Sheridan was sent for certain partisan objects since made apparent, and that he fully under stood what was expected of him, -and proceeded to carry it put according to his own ideas. If all the corres pondence which has passed between the White Uouse, the War Depart ment and General Sheridan was given it would leave no foothold of defence for the Administration and its sup porters. Hence the omission. It is the duty of the Senate to call for this correspondence instanter. But they -will refrain sedulously from doing so for the identical reasons why the President failed to send them in the first instance. They will stand up to the Administration despite its crimes, because they are " afraid "to injure the party."; With them the first con sideration in every matter is the safe ty of (he Republican party. V Do the reflecting Republicans out side sustain this view of the case ? SPEAKER WIL IZ RIAKBK A POINT ON THB PRESIDENT.' Speaker Wiltz after the appearance of the President's message telegraph ed to that logical functionary to this effect:- . ' , " Seeing from your '.message that " the interference by the military on "Monday, the 4th inst., with the or ganization of the House of Repre sentatives of Louisiana was unau " thorized by you, I now, as Speaker " of the said House, ask you to direct ." the military to restore the statu quo " existing at the time General De " Trobriand ejected certain members " from the House, in order, that the " House of Representatives may pro- " ceed in the discharge of its duties " without molestation." Everybody but ; the thick-and-thin ' supporters of the Administration can see that Mr.' Wiltz has made of the Presidential argument a reduciio ad aisurdum. If Grant - is not respon sible for the illegal action of Sheri uan, ins ms consuiuuonai auty i make Sheridan restore the status that existed on the morning of his inter ference. If he does endorse the ac tion, he did not say so in his message. From his apology.. the public would naturally be forced to conclude that he is not willing to be held responsible for the act. Whether or hot he was ; responsible for that particular act, he is responsible for all the consequences of that act. If the Legislature . of Louisiana has been invaded and its sovereignly overthrown, the . com mander in-chief is responsible cer tainly to the extent of making restitu- - tion. Mr. Wiltz stands bn impreg- nable ground. Mr. Grant with all his convenient ignorance of law and statesmanship must at least see to what an absurdity he has been driven by bis violent partisanship 'I IPTOS'S 8 P EEC II.'" Logan made a bullying, speech in the Senate last Thursday on the Louis iana question, in the Vain hope of drawmgout something rash from the Southern Senators.- Mr. Tipton, the bold Liberal Republican Senator from rv. . .-v. .... V iicuiasiiii, reuiieu iu uim in-earnest and trenchant style, not u!y exposing the bitter partisanship cf the Admin- istratioir supporters but thoroughly 'i.V '- i v e c endorsing the revolution of bepleta- ber., 'Out of this no capital could be made, as Mr. Tipton, though a good man, is neither, a Southerner or a Democrat. '" i ' ' ' ' " tllE LEC1SLATURE. : The Legislature of North Carolina Wilt reconvene in Raleigh to-mdrrow. morning. Let it .vote down all prop ositions for a Constitqtional Conven tion ihis year, and-it as ill save the Conservative party, and. the State of North Carolina rp nch , . trouble" probably hurt. ' ' " ' LITTIiKFIBLD fPBAKS."t-j "Col. Milton Shakspeare Little- field, late of North Carolina, admits that there are no banditti' in Florida. that he knows of." This pleasant tn- brmaticn is from the A Savannah Morning News. --The sublime - gob bler of railroads and maner ot Ad ministration organs must be ;gettipg " feeble-minded" to talk in'this ridicu- ous manner. Very soon, he will jbe I declared insane and incarcerated with Bryant, Adams and Evarts in an asylum for weak and disorded intel lects. FEEBLE IN INTELLECT, The Grant organ grinders are few and far between, but ; they ' make up in sublime audacity ; for the paucity of numbers. They have- invented a new name for those members of the Republican party who dare question the absolutism of Grant.'. Such rash persons were formerly called " Sore heads," but now ' they are termed i . weak-minded." The happiness of Me i i i the expression is especially noticeable when applied to W m. Cullen Bryinjt, Win. M.. Evarts, ex-Gov. Bullock! of Massachusetts, and Charles Frahcis Adams. J DON'T IiIK ft TUB AKGUMENT. We. think Mr: Evarts, who! as staunch Republican, was very hapfiy in the following passage from his speech last Monday night attheTew York indignation meeting; Well, now, I don't exactly like the 'orm of argument addressed to citizens of the United States as we all are that we patist not be unconcerned or careless about; lljriS action in Louisiana, for it may be repeated in New York. Oies of JNever! JNeyerlj I don't like that form of argument tol citi zens. I tell you, T fellow-citizens of the United States, that when it is done id one state it is done in all. Applause. J TIIE DECLARATION IN HISTORY. Proofa of It AntueDttclty. Among the interesting articles in the January number of Our,Zipiff I vw uvum jsii i Col. John H.I vVheelef, furnished from advance sheets of the National Juaffa ziney being a reply to an attack bn the authenticity of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence in) the North American Review. The fol lowing passages we copy for the bene fit of any possible doubting of the Thomases: I j " There is on file in the Rolls office in London, a dispatch from the rojM Governor of the Colony of North Carolina, Jusiah Martin,; to the Sec- retary of State, Earl of i Dartmouth, dated at Fort Johnston, N. C, June 30. 1775. which contains the- folio w mg passage: i i i- " The resolves of the committe of I Mecklenbnrg, which your Lordsl iip will find in the inclosed newspapler, surpass all the horrible and trekson- able publications that the inflamma- J j tory spirits of the continent hav e yet I produced, and your Lordship mav de bend its authors and abettors will not escape when my hands are snfiioifntly strengthened to attempt to regain the lost authority of the Government. A copy of these resolves was sent off !by express to the Conarress at Philadel vs. phia as soon as they were passed tne committee, i All the testimony agrees tha he was declaration of. the 20th. Of. Maw dispatched as soon as passed to the Congress at Jrmladelpbva, and James Jacfc was the express sent. The! date that J Qf Gov.;Martins dispatch proves he must have referred to the proceed- ings of the 20th and not those of the' 31st of May, for he was. at the! last.! mentioned date, beleagured in Fort J body."" The committee of the South Johnson, and all intercourse iwitb the Tern Assembly ask the committee of interior was cut off. ' And again the learned writer in the article we j are examining agrees that the declaration of the 31st was not offensive td the mother government, and that it "t6ok back the parlous warlons -wordstf of the former declaration,; while Gov. mariin aenounces it is as "norriDie and treasonable." . j ' i ' i . ITT we nave examined this ongi; ignal dispatch,' with its inclosures in the Kolls. office m Chancery Lane,London, with much care".' The inclosures sent were indorsed in the:sarae band-writ ing as the dispatch. . AU the inclos- ures were there excertt thn nWRnpr I containing the Mecklenburg procied ings This wasj; - th chief. ol)ject of the the tvoiis, oir. joom iiomiiy, aii(l it was Btated that it appeared by an in dorsement on .this.J dispatch hat "the printed paper had been . taken out by Mr. Turner for Mr. I Steven son, August 15, 1837.", Mr. 1 Steven son, of Virginia, was at that datefthe I Minister ot this' Governmentl to jthe J-lPS1! f Hon. J. W. J3.ngnsn t;ourt. tie is dead: his feon. in tJontrrpsa f vnui iho Slaio Jlci tucky, as bis execntorj has his fatHe j papers in his poasesbiori, and has pifotn-. 186,1 to make a search for the jpriited paper. Should it be the resolutions & ?he 31rt.of .May it would ot prove the ? existence,-of those I of t h 20th. Both without doubt were passed. Jitner sett es the fact i iht toe people of Mecklenburg boldly pronounceu tneir jiKiepen-Jence int ad vance of any other State, and niore than a year in advance) of thej-United States., ? .;. J . RltaallanTln the Enllsn Coarka. ' RituaHsm in ; England has a jtest case in the courts. Mr. Machono chie has been suspended for "usin tr lighted carrffesaryro6o1s; holding processions in the jphurph.witbj a Ban per!beari'n, representation Tofltho Tirgid Mary ft making ih.6 1 sign of jthe search. Itsndss was bronghi to dering the name of President Lin- atteiltion Ot thelMastepf the r-hlri biased imm thl nravPNnL f . , . - ., . . t I , ... r-- f "J wr cross to 'the congregation'; wearing the cope, chasuble and ; alb, and hav ing the 'Agnus Dei' sung after the consecration prayer in the commun ion service." The i case will ; have a speedy hearing in the higher courts. PALMETTO JLEAVES. Col. J. M. Hill, of Greenville, is dead. !;. . The Timmonsville ivetOT has been revived by Mr. J. W. Hammond. j. . In Greenville on last Sunday; at sunrise, the morcury stood at the sixteenth degree Fahrenheit sixteen degrees below 4 the freezing point. ..,.. , i - j ij.. Mr. 8. A. Cousart, of Lancaster, while sitting in the clerk's office on last Fri day was suudenly seized wilb a fit, and full with his face in the fire. He was almost insiautly pulled out, but not before he had received dangeious if not fatal injuries. H I sTABDIIsl. i The Lynchburg News, just nine years old, Has donned u new suit ot types ! Kistori narro wly I escaped death by a railroad aecident ia Mexico the other day, ft The late E. B. Ward, of Detroit. . : . . . ... . ' ..... . ' ,?:8lle.a w lave leI an eswie worin ' . - st hi inn. i- T M A M VJ DbUltll AUUI111V UiliVlUg v Saint Anthooy, of Fadua, has been returned Dy me tuiet. -The present is a very good time for a careful read.iug of the Coustitution of the United Slates, j i' ; J ' I liubiuslein has written an opera which, he calls "Nero" to express a pianist's contempt for fiddlers I The great grandson of Daniel Defoe has just been I admitted iuto an asy lum for idiots near London. : If Lord Keane (Edward Arthur Wellington Keane), of JSngiaod, has taken ijp his residence in JSew York. j" I Mrs Meade, widow of the Gen eral, is slated to have declined to receive tiie pension (fifty dollars a month) offered her because It was less lhan that paid Mrs. Lincoln. I 1 ' " ! I The losses by fire in Boston dur ing 1874 were $749,131) on buildings, and $1,043,213 on stock, i The insurance amount, ed to jf2,O00,la on buildings, and $1,770, S)7b on slock. i Apropos of Geneial Schehck's handbook on poker the Boston Herald sug gests: "Fancy Minister Washburn publishes a book on faro, or our Minuter to Germany an essay on three curd monte." As . Arte- m us Ward once remarked, "As,soon imag- ugnts, ooiug me uymg trapeze in a one hoise circus. . 1 ' '' , " I Abortive Close of sue Presbyterian I CdIou Conference. j Baltimore Sun 15. J ! - The conference of the two commit tees respectively of the Northern and Southern Presbyterian General As semblies was terminated yesterday, resulting in a complete failure to ac complish the object of their consulta tions.' It was understood thai the organic union of i the two great Pres of the country! was byterian bodies not to be sought, and the Southern committee was not authorized to con fer for that purpose, but a fraternal Union, .with the interchange, of dele gates between the two General As- semblies, was the object aimed at, and in wuicn their negotiations nave proved entirely abortive. j I The communication between the twocoraraittees were entirely written, &nd great courtesy land amenity of tone marked the correspondence. The original obstacles in the way j of a closer union, it seems, could not be Removed. Several propositions-were made by each side, and -a large mass of correspondence is about all that re mains as a memento of the confer fence. This will be arranged by some of the members of the commit- -m ' i a a' tee and . puDiisned in a cnurcn pa per, lue committee of the South I em Asssembly insisted that; the 1 deliverance of the! Northern- As sembly are a hindrance to closer fraternal relations, j ihe committee :bf the Northern Assembly insisted that all obstacles had been removed by the action already taken by that the Church North to recommend their. I Assembly, to' make some further ex I pression. : This they declined to do.1 I there the correspondence ended. The I members were entertained during I their conferenc by Mr. W. W. Spence. U. Harman Brown, Rev. Mr. Morri- I son ana otners. A Vfllfler iriafeea n Rldlcalous Blnn ;..-.:r !..;.;:',;;;.aer4-" v. uj, ' Bishop Wilmer, of New Orleans, who gives the weight of his clerica character to, the statement that; all is peace find quiet in Louisiana, is not an entire novice in taking part in po litical controversies. He distinguish ed himself several years since by : or Jan 2th. 1875. ; VVashintox, D. C, Jan. 13. To the i JSditor ofhe Evening Star: Sir: The foregoing is cut from the Chronicle of Tuesday last. I that paper -means Right- Keverend Wilmer, D. P., Louisiana of the by .the above the Joseph Fere- Bel LL.;D., Bishop- o Protestant Enisco pal .Church in America, the under signed wishes to ask through, your columns bow this can be ? Is it true? President Lincoln expired on the morning of April 15, 1865, and Bish P Wilmer was consecrated Novem "vr 1860 about 571 days after the "fain ot Jir.uncoin. And one more question: In what eaitionoi tne prayer book did rPres lqenl Lincoln s name appear? J r Si ' Very tespectfully, Fbkdebick A. Holdkn, Itegister of St; James Parish. Heuairnia of Old Hats and BGMets. OLD HATS AND .BONNETS pressed and made te BLEACHED LooK as Well as JSew, stamping of all kinds done. iff?ir!rtlc',J5!ieaU. on MK. JENNIE uSm. ol Nan, between 8rd and 4th streets. - I hiH diocese. Washington iJhrbnicle. BUSINESS CARDS. B. F. SMITH, C H A R L O T T E,x N C ; , y-niMTirijTn'Nr vitRrw atsit L DEALBK IN COUNTRY PRODUCE,' Grain, North Carolina Bacon sail, syrups, Molasses, etc , and general dealer in . ; FAMILY UR0CEBIE3- - Consignment solicited. - dec 18-lm . THOMAS GRAEME, Genl Insurance Agency, r MniwaStmt Iwtween Front and Water Sta. I ' may 10-ly . . n- km ABBIAH. A li It I AN H. VOLLKBS. & VOLLEItS, Corner Front and Ooek iits., WILMINGTON, N. C. TTTTHOT.HflA LB GROCBRS ' VV IN ALL ITS BKANCH.ES. Country merchants will do weU by calling on us ana exanuninK ear block. " t"-" li. F. 5UTCIIE2L.L. -fie SON, 10MMI8SION MEBX3HANT3 And Dealers in ' i Grain,' Flour, Hay, and also Fi Groendflleal, Pearl Hominy also Fren and Grlta. ;ii Nob. 9 and 10 N. Water rt., Wilmington, N. C. ProprietorB oi the Merchant's Flonrina; Mflls. aov35-tf ' I LEGAL CARDS. 17. S. Claims; Collection, Bankruptcy, Eb WARD CANTJWELL, Attorney and Counsellor at JLaw, i WILMINGTON, M, i . n -. . ' ii ' ' ' Nearly Rbabt The second edition of my N. C. Justice, with an Appendix of Forms and Instruc- tlona for Solicitors, above. - ' Price 00. Address as ii oct 9-3mo8 D.lLvRUSSELL, Attorney at Law, WILMINGTON, N. C. Office 'at' residence, corner of Secon and Dock Streets, i . I oct 13 E . 8 . MARTIN Attorney at Law, I WILMINGTON, N. W OFFKJJfi : Makket dteeet, be tween Second and Third. Will practice in STATE and FEDERAL COURTS, ang23-tf ! " . " N. A. STEDMAN, Jr. Attorney at Law, a . . . j - ELIZA BETH TO WNf N. jaly7-D&Wtf ' j : MISCELLANEOUS. O V ERCOATS 25 Per Ct. Below Cost. IN CONSEqrENCE OF OUR INTENDED Dis solution uf copartnership, we will sell our en ure Etock or ciotnuig AT COSTAf jan ia w . jtiitTemrti ND DOME8TIC CI6ABS. Also, Fine Double-Thick Navy, And' Other Brands of I Fine Chewing j Tobaeco. E. BUEKHHHER, ko. u Market Street. jnly S8-tf THE UNDERSIGNED BEGS L leave to inform his friends and the public generally, tha' he is still in the Tobacco business, and that he still utends to keep on hand all kinds of Plate and femnking Tobacco, At his Store can be found as fine Cigars aa were are m ine vaiy, enuns ana fine cut Tobaccos of all kinds, and smokers articles generally. He begs to call , particular attention 10 the WAYERLY AND GOLDEN SEAL S PLUG TOBACCO. And his celebrated Brand of Figaro and La Escepcion Cigars. Call and Bee for yourself, GEO. HALL'S Tobacco Store, No. 12 Market St. jan9-tf TICK! GOTO ALLEYS AND GET, 1 - ; - . Christmas 'Presents, Christmas Presents, . Christmas Presents, dee 16-t1S The Western Expositor " J ASIIEVILLE, KJ U. W. H.Malone, - - Ed. &Prop'r H AS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION Western Northern ftornnn . ' . 'i "- ' - - . It is the paper for baaustss men, in which to ad. Specimen copies mailed On application; ' i: - Address nov9-tf ' - EXPOSITOR OFFICE, V. . . . Asheville N. x Concerning l)r8prf afe Carts, m TCwLoS OiiOAIN, That any Dray, Track' Wagon, or Cart found in use within the City limits without the Badge or Registered Number asreqnired by City Tax Ordinance passed Mav thl io , snau oe subject to secure by tiie City Marshal, and the owner thereof subject to a fice of Fivit DoLLAHs for tach and every day the siune is used In thia City without the prepayment of the monthly tax, or without having on the 1 " . .., . Badge or Eegistered Number as the Ordinance of the City requires. Any Ordinance or ' parts thereof conflicting1 wit the foregoing are hereby repealed. - v-,. The above Ordinance was passed by the Board c Aldermen at their meeting February lith, 1874.- -. ' . ... ,T. C. SEKVOSS, eb!8tf "--.!- CltrClek. ITTEDDniG CARDS AND VISITING CARDS .ff, printed i the most elegant style, at - ' - "WJt a BERNARD'S -. Pf1etiand Fohjtshing Hoaaa aaglX . a i J j Jusk MISCELLANEOUS. THE "STAR" f -j STEAM Job Printing House, JjVWlV - XSA1N U JtlX X AND BLANK BOOK 'MANUFACTORY WILLIAM II. BERNARD, PROPBIETOU, WILMINO TON. N C THE ONL Y ESTABLISHMENT IN IHE 82ATE HAVING ALL THESE FACILITIES COMBINED, THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF TYPE. PAPERS, Cards and Inks. i- j !-.. j - " SKILLED WOBKMEIf FN Every Department. NOT THE LOWEST PEICES, PRICES ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. FOR THE BEST QUALITY OF WORE . Printing, Ruling AND I IsT 3D X 1ST C3r , OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Executed Promptly, AND SKI L F UIL Y Improved Machinery OF ALL IKZIIETIDS! 8INOK ADDING STEAM POWER, We aire enabled to nit orcterawltli " T H U T ii'.d S T . D ISP A T C H EASTERN. JAY AND POTATO. 1,000 Bales E A, S'T .E It N II A Y t - 100 Barrels For Sale Low W' v- i-" ' X . dec,154&wtf V I BINFORD, CROW 4 CO. c ;; .' fehtillzeus. ;; , " :;. TSKUIAH , J ; In Large or Small Quantities. , t ' ' " BY; INST HUCTION 8 of tne Peruvian Govern ment, their Agenda here have; advanced the pi ice ot Unanape Gasno, from September 1st, 1874, to Bixty-two dollars and fifty cents $ti.f 0), geid, per in of 9,240 Tbs, gross-establishing at the same time a ' new scale of discounts the lowest -being. 60 cents on parcels frem-SO to 100 tons, and the highest f3 TO on 600 toes and ever. As aeual, they will not sell in lots of lew than ten ton. ' '. Under thie now arraaffement I am enabled to fill ordera lor lotn of wo Ian. ind upward at Lt. Price tnan tbe Afceute of H.o' Peruvian uovern-naeat.,-. 1 will, as heretofore, supply ontities under ten tone at THE SAME RATE AS CHARGED BY. THEM. Circular containing testimonials, ref erenoee4rikBartklars mailed free on applica tion, to r.. . . ..:.. j U. BALGAKalM. i-- 1 p: Bo 1. ' VoZ 53 Beaver St., ew York., j . mar U-D WlOmes rf.r f :,, t .' I i I -: - i RE C U TTTP. PAVORTTF. I , HOME, remedy; Mercury, or any Injurious mineral substance, put is PURELY TEGBTaBLE, containine those Southern Roots and Herbs, which an all w tee rroviaence utas uiaccu ui " . . Liver Diseases most prevail.: ..win nr Ulaeaaea eaaaed by sjerauKenentol the Llverand Boweis. - , :: L jf . Sinons' Lifer Regulator, or Medicine, . . i' - - ' ' Is eminent ly a FamUy Medicine, and by being kept rtadv for immedi'ite resort wUl save many an hour of suffering and many a dollar in time and doctor a talis. .... Alter over Forty Tearstnai w is siui receivjug . n.i;no t.atimnninlo to-ita - vir nes from 1UUM UUUU.HUV. ... , . , , . persons of the highet-t character and respousiblUiy. ninunehtDhysiciaiui commend it ax the most j EFFBC1DAL SPECIFIC j for Constipation, Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, wsi ottoire iir.it-tinn nf the HeaxtLlrain in the retrioa of the Kidneys, despondency, gloom ana foreboding of Cvil, ad of which are the offspring or a diseasea laver. For Dyspepsia or Indigestion. i t, thia anttdote. au climates ana IUVU waika vuw - - i , - . rhnn.s of water and food may be i seed without tear. AS a rtemeay ia naiiflMuijo BOWEL COMfuAISTS, RESTLEaSNESS, JAUJN DICE, NAUSEA, I IT 11 AS KO EQUAL. It is the Cheapest, Purest and Beet Family Medicine in we tt unu i Caution! Buy no powders or Prepared SIMMONS' UVER RTtfli i I.atOR nnlussin our eneraved wrapper, witn Trade mark. StamD and signature ub roken, i is one other is genuine - Jaacon, Ua., and Philadelphia. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS,1 i Simmons' Liver Kegidator. For all disease of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen As a Remedv in I MAT.ARTOTTSFRVKRS. BO EL COMPLAINT. DTsPKPfelA, MENTAL DKPRKSSION REsT LESNllSS. JAUNDICE, NAUSKA. SICK HEAD ACHE. COLICi CONSTIPATION and UELIOUS- N1SSS, - . . ! IX MAS HU MIVAj. PIEDMONT & AELINGT0N Life Insurance Company Or Richmond, Virginia Over 22,300 Policies Issued. Annual Income Over $1,500,000 Frorssi?8 ! Frosserons ! Frsiiit ! SMALL EXPENSES. SMALL LOSSES. SECVEE INVEStMENTS,; AMPLE RSUsEavJ. AND OOOD SURPLUS ! V t - Premiums Cask, Vollcles liberal. Annual Division of Surplus. I. - . i . if ARTHUR J. HILL, Jr., Agent Office for the present with Dr. T. F. Wood. Medi I - cat Examiner,! on Market street, two doers west of Green ft Flanher'a drag afore,. Wilmington, N. C . September 2-tf . Insurance Rooms., t27,0O,00 FIBB INSURANCE CAP IT A" I BEPRE8BRTBDAFTER PAVING BOSTON LOSSISsJ . . 4 t y i Queen Insurance Co.. of Liverpool and London, OaoiUJ .t.. . uL. .i : ,t .. fld,OGO,009 North British and Mercantile Insurance f ' iximpany, Capital... ..!.......:....... 10,(503,000 Hartford Insurance Comsanv. CanUsJ . . i l fwm nnri nauuuu r uv xiiBuxauew v;umpanyt OI j 600.00P owu ura, wipiiai Continental Insurance ComnanT. of New xora, capital.. S,500,00P Phoenix Inwirance Company, of Brooklyn! i Capital.; j..... ....... 100,00( Virginia Home Insurance Company, of i RichmoDd, Capital. ......... 508,000 aLojKLw js x ne ia jaercaauie Mutual of New LITE The Con&eetieut Mutual of Hartford. I' . ATKINSON MAmnNO "bov 89-tf v . ? Vji. eeaeral Aeents TjN COURAGE HOME lN8TrrTJTION. . Seicurity against Fire. r. THE fcoRTH CAROLINA HOME ISSIJRAXCE COM RALEIGB, N. C.4 .s I ' Thia Corapany continue to write Pelides, at fair rates, on all classes of insurable property. , I - - All losses are promptly adjusted and paid. The "HOME " is rapidly growing in public favor, and bppeals, with confidence, to insurers of property in North Carolina- - ; T . i Agents In all pait et the State. - ai ;. it. u. UArr dr.; president. ; C. B. ROOTj. Vice President i V i- SEATON GALES, Secretary. . .. PULASKI OOWPER. 8nnervisi: ATBJMBL Be MANNING, AoUTS, aug I-tf j h: -yt ' Wilmington. N. C :; Tuscola XXX. 200 ISSST. FAyomi j FLOUR. . ,11 .1 : EDWARDS & HALL. r4 -Tha Hrractoms of LiTOT Complain t ar nneatuicM auu psiu w im nuc. homatimes the pain Mas thcabonldrt and Is mistaken for rheumatism Tne btamaca is affected wita loss of appe tite and sicknees, bowels in general costiTe,- sometimes alternating with lax. The head te troubled jWitn pain, and dull, heavjr sensaiionj consider able loss of memory, accompanied with painful sensation of having left undone something which i ought to have been done, often complaining of weakness, debility, and low spirits, sometives many of the- above symp toms attend the dleeare, and at other times very few of the n; bat the Liver Is generally the organ moat involved. LA TO I TESTIM0NIAIS. " T kave never seen or tried such a simple, effica cious, satisfactory and plea-taql remeriy in my lifr. " Hon.4lex.H. SiepTiens. I occasionally use, when my condition leqiire 1 v Cimmnn.' T.ww Htfom I Al flT. WILh CTinn ftt.onr 1 Hon. mil ri. bsKrHjiNs. - Governor of Alabama. Yonr Reeulator has been in use in my f mily for" some time, and I am persuaded it is a valuable addi tion to the medical science. "Qor. J. Gill Shokt KK, Ala. - i ' V ' ' j ' . "Ihaveused theRegulator in my family for the past seventeen years. Ian safely recommetid jt to the WOria a tne oest mcuitmo m. ubvg ever utwa lor that class of diseasea it purports to care." U, Jf. . w mnaeat ff vuy jsaruc. i ' Simmons1 Liver .Regulator -has proved a good- and efficacious medicine;" v. a. .nutting. Druggist. "We have been acquainted with Dr. Simmons' Liver Medicine for more than t enty yeans, w.-t know it to te the bet-t Liver Kegnl tor offereu to tiie public." M. R. J.TOH and H. L. LtoS. Bellefoii tainfl, Ga i ! "I was eared by Simmons' Liver Regulator, vfter having suaered several years witn cuius ana ever. K. Jf. AHDBBSOU. " f - ThA , Clergy "Have been a dyspeptic 'or years j began the Rezulator two years ago; it has acted like a. charm in my ease." Rev. J. C. Holmes. 'Ladies indorsement " I have given your medicine a thorough trial, and in no case nasi faiied to give fall eatiaf action." Eixbh MxAcour, Chattahoochee, Fla. ShaiffBibb County. "I have used your : Regulator with' succefsful effect in Bi ions Colic ana Dyspepsia.1 It is an ex cellent remedy, and certaiuly a public bleBaing."- lib a. .-1 C. Mastxksox, sidd county, ua. : Mj Wife. ' . My wife and self have "used the Regulator for years, and testify to its great virtues.") Rev J. If. fsiDEB, Perry, Ga. V j - . "I think bimmons' !L(ver Regulator one of t o best medicine ever made for the Liver. My wife and many others, have used it with, wonderful effect." E. K. Spabks, Albany, Ga. M. D. "I have used the Regulat jt in my family, and also in my regular practice, and have! found -it a most valuable and tartafactory medicine, and be lieve if it was used by ihe profession itrwoula be of service in ve.y many cases. I know- very much of its component parts, and can certify its medicinal qualities are perfectly M. D . Macon. Ga. harmless.' B, F. Obiggs, X'lby all Draggists. Wholesale by GREEN & PLANNER. im&Weow. posifteieut of tie" qRAND ,. GIFT GiONCEET, rpo HAVE BEEN GIVEN IN THE CITY OP A; Greensboro, N. C., ion December 81. 1874, for the purpose of erecting an Odd Fellows' Temple, . has been po tponed until - j , Wednesday, Harch 17th,! 1875, At which time the Concert will certainly be given andthe DRAWING GUARANTEED. I A partial drawing con Id -nave been made at the time appointed, bnt numerous letters from Agent and tlcket-holdcre urge the Manager to make a short postponement in order to secure a full drawing. BEN BOW HOUSE, worth. uc unu i. x is me new ana wen iuruitmru $ Ot 0 ( 0 urand Cash Gift,...:.!..... ....L. Real Estate Gifts,. . .1 ...... . j.. JDUUW 81000 00 82,600 00 WUBU V. AM LD, . . . , a,... ....j.... rotai,. Grand Tot: $184,000 00 ' BEPERKKOES. .. - , VJ fU. unco I VJil. w bun iviumuK gcuwe- men of our city, and would he glad if the credolong would write to any of them: i R. r. DIt K, Judge U.I B District Court, Western District of N.C - r i T. B. KEuGH, Reelater in Banteuptcyi 'Wuwmo, v.io. jnar-nai. t v. . o. liaia jsaitor New North State.) IJUTFT ALBRIGHT. Ectttora Patriot. CHAS. B. SHOBEB, of Arm of Wilson! Shober, JULIUS A. GRAY, Cashier of the Bank of Greens- imu. I ' I .w.nmia.row Master. - Price of Tickets $2 5 X umber of Tickets I ssaed only 100,000. . - j HOW TO REMIT. Money should be sent by Registered Letter, Post t fflee Order, or Express, with name, post-office, county andbtatej of the pur chaser, written plainly i Rnr fnrthe nurtlenlura aim! tn Wa If. tint 8, Greensboro, N. C ,(,(. i ' . CYfiUS P. MENDENH ALL, Manager. AGENTS WANTED, iye Tickets may be had of Georee N. Harrtsa. Wil- laaJSlm , . , R ALEIGH FEMALE SEMINARY. ' ' RALEIGH, K.'C. T. V. Hoboood, A. M., . - - - - I Principal. A.F. Rksd, A.M, - Math, and Nat Science. Fbkd. Aothu, . - .. - - - - Muaic Jjeprtment. The Spring Term wiB open FEDRUAKY 1, 173. - Board ner month .$15 . 90 EnflishTuliionper Session.. The adoption of a School Uniform prevent ex travagance in drees, and makes the cost qf dreesing as little as it would be at home Apply for Circular.. I dec lTdUw8uwtfel Coupons. Office Xreasnrer dc Collector. ) City of WrtkrNQTON, N. C.j -, (( ;.j Dec. 29th, 1874 ) fj ANUARY COUPONS payable ia this -city . of Bond of the city of Wilmington, N. C.will be paid atlhsBAKX OP New Haotb on and 'after Jan uary 1st, 875, and sach January (Gold) Coupons payable in New York, on Bonds issued of 18 i), will be paid at the National Bank of the Republic in New York.''r . .. U... , . :. y .-tcNi-.VSv T. C. SERVOS, . decSO-lw . :; - ., Treasurer. DUBONT'S Rifle,. Sportimani Blastiar PoWuOr, j ln whole, half or quarter kegs, . FOE SALE AT JslAlfU?ACTUBERS' PR1CE31 1 first and Final . . , laa Urts o; Ck PARSLEY A CO. Aaents. t 1 5 i- : tit V 1