: - i . - t i r THE HOBimiG STAB. PUBLISHED DAILY, BT - ; ; - ' ! -' -; ; --' ; is S ' -- " '"' AUlTSS Or BUB80BIPTIOH IH ADTATCB: One year, (by mall) postage pa -t .... f7 00 .'Six months. (" M) " " 4 00 Three months? " 4 ) " -; n ......... , 85 One month, (' " ' " " 100 To City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the city, Fifteen Cents per week. Oar City Agents are not authorized to collect for more than 3 months in .advance. : ' Alfonso takes command of the army in the field. - London Time prophecies war in Europe. 'Sheridan telegraphs another batch of lies from murderer Mer rill. President interferes at Vicks burg. Cincinnati protested by large public meeting, Saturday night, against Louisiana usurpation. Gen. Cockrell nominated by Missouri Democratic caucus for U. S. Senator. Hew York mar- , kets: Spirits turpentine, 37&37i; rosin, $3 05$3 15; cotton, 15i15; gold, 112$ Bill in Senate United States to reduce tax on circulation of Stato banks, so as to make it equal to that on National banks in definitely postpoued. - -Schurz' resolu tion of instruction ;to Judiciary Committee, to inquire what legislation by Congress is necessary to secure republican. government to the people of Louisiana, was laid aside in the Senate yesterday to consider an ap apprupriation bilL -Bill introduced in Federal House, oT Representaliyes for a survey of the Catawba, French Broad and other rivers. King Alfonso has been visited by prominent Republican Gfnerals. Moulton, in Beecher trial, acknowl edges he lied in the interest and at the re quest of II. W. B. -Important U. S. Supreme Court decisions in telegraphic ' column. . nALTlnOHE'ti INDHi'ATION , REVitRDY JOHNSON. At thq great indignation meeting held in Baltimore last Friday night, Hon. Keverdy Johnson presided and was the principal speaker. His speech was one of great logical power, aud demonstrated in the most forcible manner the; indefensibility of the President's course in Louisiana. He stigmatized the actiou of Grant as "a flagrant usurpation of power," say ing:, ' I have looked in 'ain to discover any s'tDgle fact which wouldeven palliate, much less justify it. Most sincerely do I wish that it was otherwise. It is almost impos sible ti believe that he is so ignorant of his const i National obligations as not to know that he has in this instance abused it, and equally impossible to imagine any reason, consistent with high honor, which could have led him astray." Mr. Johnson showed that the lim its of the President's power to use military force in any State of the Union are prescribed by act ot Con gress, 1795, and are confined to cases of insurrection. This and a subse quent act authorizing the use of the arriiy and navy, under the same con ditions, was to protect each State from domestic violence when called upon by Legislature, or State execu-tive-when the Legislature is not in session. -Xoff, in this instance there is not the least evidence of insurrec tion in Louisiana on the 4th of Jan uary, or afterwards; nor that the -President ' had been called upon to put down an insurrection by the Gov ernor of the, State. Referring to Sheridan V dispatch Mr. Johnson said: "Since civilization favorably progressed under the influence of our Christian faith, to words eer fell from the lips of any man, civilian or soldier, which more out rage every obligation of humanity or ex hibit a more fiendish thirst for human blood. Not satisfied with denouncing the people of three States, he suggests thatif the President will issue a proclamation de claring the parties he refers to 'banditti,' . 'no further action need be taken except that which -would devolve upon' him! j. NO CONVENTION. We have received a private letter from an eminently wise politician in this State on the subject of Conven tion. He says: " There is danger. It will be hard to get the wtfites out. The negroes are organized, and: can be got to the polls at any time. I do not think a bill can be passed. I nn- derstand the members from Chatham, Davidson, Wilson, Franklin, Nash and other-counties arer strongly op posed to the proposition. A big ef fort will, 'however, be made to get a bill through." KTirE DEur. - The conference between the Legis lative, committee and the creditors of the State, held in Raleigh on last Thursday, Friday and Saturday, was secret; but it is believed that much good was accomplished. The com mittee express - themselves as well pleased with the, disposition shown by the creditors, of whom there were quite a large number, represented either in Derson -or bv proxy. The committee make a report this week. Solar Eclipses. Astronomers inform the world thai there will be two eclipses of the sun during the present year. The first, on April 6, will not , be visible in this , country, but the second, OQ; beptem ber 29, will be visible in the United States east of the Mississippi, as a partial eclipse, the sun rising eclipsed The eclipse will be annular or. ring- like, from Sodus' foint, on toe soutu shore of Lake Ontario, Lyons, us are go, Syracuse,- Utiea, Saratoga and Northern Massachusetts, to the ' At lantic coast. Along the central line the size f the eclipse will be eleven and one-third digits. 111 . ! - . , (, - . if- j VOL. XV.-NO. 100! THE QXTlrT. Tht MtlU.; .'- "j ' " - The mails will close from this date as fol lows: "' : Northern (night) mails. . . .. . . . . 6:45 P. M. " through and way (day) mails. ,.....,........,.. 3 A. M, Southern mail. . . . . 5 .i. . ... 6:30 A. M, Carolina Central mails. . . . . . . . . . 5 A. M Snythville, Saturdays and Tues- days.. .. 6 A.M, Fayetteville, river, Mondays and I - Fridays ...... 1 Tf.M, Fayetteville by C. C. R W., dailv 5 A. M Onslow C. H., horse mail) every Friday . . tV.-i . 6 A, M. Mails delivered from 7 AJ M. to 7 P.1 M.,- and on Sundays from 8 SO to 9:30 A M Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6 P. -M.' Money, order or Register Department-open same : as stamp office. . i NEW ADVEUTlSSaBNTJk. -: W.; flAKRisoir.--Official Drawing. Rev. C. B. Riddick, Kittrell Springs. Williams & Murchison For Liverpool. BikfOrd, Crow & Co. Seed Potatoes. Jambs C. Steves son. Ground Coffee. R. E. HErDE. Notice. I J. & H. Samson. Dress Goods. To - Subscribers South ef ldarket Street. i'-'-l '"' Mr. John H. Savage) has charge o the city circulation of The Morntno Star in all that portion of the city south of the cen tre of Market street. All subscriptions are payable to him from January 1, 1875. 3t Mayor's Court. j f The following cases were disposed of yes terday morning ? "I ; ' Richard - Stowe and James " Walker' charged with disorderly conduct at the store ot Jur. aiuiier, on Alar K.et street, on Friday night last. Judgment suspended on -the payment of costs. - : i j . James- Clarke.' Cornelius' Charles and Edward Thomas, charged witlj fighting od Eagle's Island, within the city limits, on Sunday afternoon, were found guilty. Judgments for $20 and; costs each against Clarke and Charles, and for $10 and costs as to Thomas. Aaron Jones and Eliza Jones, charged with fighting on Eagle's Island on Sunday afternoon, were found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of $10 each and costs. Robert McFarland, charged with disor derly conduct. - Case dismissed on the pay ment of costs. -;7 ! ' ; J r . .. Two other parties, one male and the other female, charged with disorderly conduct, were ordered t pay a fine of f 10 and costs each. ? - ' ! i ma Cist rate' Court, j Before Justice Cassidey, yesterday,! OmV ras ber Edgar" Millerof the piilicc force arraigned on the complaint of the colored Magistrate, Larkins, of Long Creek, charged with assault and battery and false imprisonment in arresting him a few days since for obstructing the sidewalk. Justice. Cassidey reserved his decision until Mon day next. The other cases mentioned in connection; with the above, in Sunday's issue, were compromised and withdrawn. . j Dennis Miller, the recently released conw vict f rom the County Work House, alluded to in our last as having been arrested for arceny, had a bearing in two cases on the above 'charge arjd was : committed to jail to await trial at ine present term ot tne su perior Court. ' . ' ! Superior Court. Tho following cases were disposed of by the Superior Court yesterday: I State vs. Reuben Sanders, arraigned on a peace warrant. Defendant submitted anq judgment was suspended on the payment of costs. ' ' I - ' i State ts. Joe Sneeden, arraigned on peace warrant. Defendant submitted and judgment was suspended on the payment of costs. A . State vs. Calvin Terry, charged with as sault and battery. Not guilty. State es. Calvin Boy kin. Defendant re cognized in the sum of $200 for his appear ance at the next term of the Court State vs. Louisa Lof tin, charged with a. sault and battery. Not guilty. In two or three cases judgment nisi was entered. ' : " I ' i . f. Stamp Your Cheeks. If the attention of bank officers and bu? iness men in Wilmington has not already been sufficiently given to the point, it may be well to remind themvthat Revenue de tectives are - abroad, looking lor violations of the law ' requiring checks to be stampeq. At Richmond, Va., the collector has insti tuted suits in the United States Circuit Court against about two hundred and fifty citi zens, upon unstamped cnecRs, discovered in an official examination of the bank draw ers; and we observe that Revenue pfficiaU have also lately been searching the banks of other cities north of us for similar proofs upon which to found proceedings, it js said, with great' success.'! Some Hogs! ' - Mr. J, B. Buchanan, writing us from Laurinburg, Richmond county; under date of Jan. 16th, says: VMr. C. W. Bullard, living near Laurel Hill Church, . in this county, killed,- a few weeks ago,: three hogs weighing respectively! 415 414 and 35 pounds. -Mr. Anderson Smith, ' living near Laurel Hill depot; on the cJc. R, killedj a few days ago,- three bogs weighing respec tively 580, 414 and 356 pounds.' Who says old Richmond can t raise some nogs!" Tax Recelpisv ' i - The receipts at the office of A. R. Blacl Esq., Tax Collector, for the week endipg on Saturday, footed up as follows: Schedule B, State ....... $ 659 .14 " - Connty. . . . ."w ..... I 673 A9 General State tax. . . . .3,289 42 " Countj " 4,841 53 Township tax.. . , 185 35 Total. .$9,598 193 WILMINGTON, Local - Sots. .- ,.y. . '.-., . Import Entries for sale of The Morning Star. 1 . 4 " at the office 3L -r- There was a slight; fall of sleet in this city and vicinity ion Sunday night. ..4- Cloudy, misty and cool weather yesterday, with no scarcity ' of mud under foot. ; ' ; , ' ; : ' :; -f The Schr. Maggie J). Mansion, Hooper; arrived at Matanzas from this port on the 6th inst. ; ;. ' ; j ', . -f The ; ' 'Barque'. ;. "'.August ' Tietfye, Dieckfeldt, cleared from Dublin for tins port on the 23rd Ult. ! , i j - ' - r- ' .- The Norwegian Brig Freya, OI sen,' from this port for Hamburg, arrived at Deal ott the 12th inBCZr- City subscribers who fail to te ceive their papers regularly will pllbsc re port the fact promptly at this office. tf A bind man who played on an accordeon, drum, cymbals- and triangle; at the Same time, was one Of the attractions On the streets yesterday.- Officer Lewis Gordon resigned his position on the police force yesterday to accept one on the railroad, Mr. Gordon made a good policeman. 1 s ' I ": 4- Col. E. R. Brink, who has held the position of Postmaster ia this city or some years, was re-confirmed yesterday by the United State Senate on nomination by the President : . There will be a meeting of the Ladies' Benevolent Society at the Howard Relief Steam Fire Engine Company's Hall, on Fourth, between Market and Dock Sts., this (Tuesday) afternoon at 3J o'clock, r -. A colored woman went to one of the letter boxes yesterday and asked a man who was "holding up the lamp post" tor which it was attached if there was any thing in that postoffice for Maria Smitbcrs I She was evidently not posted as to the use of the boxes. - ' v- '. - ! - ' t " ' 1 Merchants should make par ticular -examination of their doors to see that they are well secured in closing at night. One of the doors of an establishment on North Water street has been found unfast ened by the police two nights during the past week or two. - 1 After January. 1, 1875, we will mail the Daily Star, postpaid, for $7 00 per year. This is $1 20 less than Jt now costs fubscribers, including postage. The rates fof periods less than one . year will be advanced as follows; . Six months, $4 00; hree months, $2 25; one month, $1 00. f BOARD OFALDEBHEN. Extracts from the Proceedlnes. An adjourned meeting of the Board was held last night; present, the Mayor, and Aldermen Moore, Atkinson, Adrian, Fish blate, Rice, Banks, Holmes and Hankins. The Tax Ordinance for 1875 was consid ered and adopted. One of the important amendments passed is as follows: That stock in trade is exempt from the tax of 2 per. cent, when a license tax is paid to do business. -The following is the clause; re-" f erred to: That all taxes on real estate and personal property shall be listed, excepting all (such personal property, the value of which is specially taxed by any other clause of this Ordinance in connection with a license to trade or deal in the -same. Butcher 8. As there has been considerable jarring between butchers and grocers on the subject of f resh pork, the following was adopted: Every person who shall sell fresh meat or salt.the same for preservation and sale, shall be deemed liable to this tax. The Board at this jxrint went into secret session and continued to such a' late hour that we were compelled to close our report. Resolutions of Acknowledgment, &c. ' At a recent meeting of the Town Council of Shelby, N. C, the following resolutions were unanimously passed, and endorsed by Mayor W.-P. Love: liesavea, mat we return many, many thanks for the kind and hospitable recep tion given to the Shelby delegation at the VV llmington t air last montn. . I Iteold, That we ask the city authorities of aWfUngton to intercede in our behalf for a reduction of the onerous freight tariff on the C. C. - Railway, which militates ecmallv against us and Wilmiiizton Readied, That we tender our best wishes to His Honor, the Mayor, and Marshal. S 1' -Colored Odd Fellows Celebration. The colored Odd Fellows of this t city celebrated the anniversary of Golden Lyre Lodge No. 1,608, G. U. O. of O. F.,yes terday, with a great deal of spirit. There was a full and large turn out of members in the procession, who, in the regalia of their order, presented ; a very fine appear ance.' They marched through the princi pal streets, beaded by the Rose Bud Band, and attracted no little attention. At night there was a levee and soiree at City Hall. A Neeesnary Precaution. I I Perhaps it would be well for the authori ties examine a certain scuttle leading to the roofs of buildings-on the South side of Market street. - As several robberies have occurred in that neighborhood recent! harm could be done by this matter of caution, especially as iWe learn that ly no pre.-; their atten tion has already been called to it by the private watchman on that beat ; Blabop Atltlnaou'a Appolutmentefor Vebruary, 1875. . Clintoni. . Quinquagesima Sunday. .Feb. 7 Paisons , .'.Evening of . : ....... f 8 uoiasboro. . . . .Ash Wednesday. , Wilson ........... . . . . .... . . . . . Rocky Mount. . . . . ............. ! 10 " 12 1 A iunneia.... .... 16 Ringwood 17 Halifax . 19 Weldon.. : .1. !" - 21 ? Collections at each place in behalf of Diocesan Missions. s N. C. TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1875. CITY ITEMS, j Book Bistdkbt. thi morions Stab Book Bind ery does all kinda of Binding and Baling in s work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. - Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness la the execution of their orders. 4 . ' Tbanwkb PBnrrure-lNKS. Invaluable to rail road companies, gteamshlp companies, banks, mer chants, manafacturers and others. Thoy are en during andi changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period or time. Having mat received a fresh supply of these inks, ;iwe are pre pared to execute orders wemptly and at moderate prices. ' - V ' ''' .- '?-"-.- ?'. V"1 ' Thk .Toixkt- Gun.-tCopt or Tes-rmoiiiAL. Hudson City, N. J., Sept 30th, .1874 jlkSsBs.. J. & W. Toiijrr 29 Maiden Lane, Ner York: The 10-guage Gun No. 3078 1 ordered from you gives me entire satisfaction. 1 was very exactine whjMi, 0Cv. iOwaafrWU say" that yoa;hve meiel thaii fulfilled what I required of you." I have shot several bre- ch-loaders by first-class makers, and your gua beats them all for bea ty andi workman hip. As-for shooting qualities- your gnu shoots stronger and more even than any gnn I ever shot. I have shown it to several good Judges; (including first-class gunmakere) and all agree that the action is very strong and durable, and that the gun is one of the best they ever saw.- I have madeltsome very long shots wife it, using only 8 drs. of powder, which is all your gun requires. -I hare' shot It at a targat according to the rules of the Turf, Field and Farm trials, and the average of 6 -shots at 40 yards is: i Left-pattern, 169; penetration, 88: right-pattern, 175; penetration 39; i using 3X drs. powder. Now I am sure such a gun Is seldom met with, and am very proud to be the owner i of it. But the real test of-your gun Is in the field there it excells all others, killing cleaner and handsomer than any gun I ever saw, as you assured me they would. Both paper and metal shells work splendidly. Gentlemen, I have to offer you my very best thanks, and will recommend your guns to all my friends. Yours Respectfully, ' : Henry! Loriot. I IF XOV Want a Situatioa, Want a Salesman, Want a Servant Girl, Want to rent a Store, Want to sell a Piano, Want to sell a Horse, Want to lend Money, Want to buy a House, Want to buy a Herse, Want to rent a Bouse, Want to sell a Carriage, Want a Boarding place, Want to borrow Money, Want to Sell Dry Goods, Want to sell Groceries, Want to sell Furniture, Want to bell Hardware, Want to sell Real Estate, Want a Job of Carpentering, Want a job of Blacksmithing, j Want to sell Millinery Goodr , .Want to sell a House and Lot, Want to find any one's Address, Want to sell a piece cf Furniture, Want to buy a second-hand Carriage, Want to find anything you have lost, i Want to sell Agrlcalturaflmpltnwnts,; Want to Advertise anything to advantage, Want to find an owner for anything Found," j - Advertise in -f - -i TUB MORNING STAR. Both printing and ruling done In the finest grades of copying ink at the Star Job Printing Office. , I tf - Spirits Turpentine ! - : ' :'- j T- Mr. Johnstone Jones withdraws from the editorship of the State Agricultural Journal, j ;l - Lieut. Mast, late at Camp Rus sell, near Raleigh, exchanges places with Lieut. Gifford, of Fort Macon. The Messenger states that Mr. L. D. Bailey, of Johnston county, was killed by a falling tree on the 9th. We are pleased to see that Maj. Durham; editor of the Raleigh Newi, has been relieved by operation in his wounded limbs, i - . ' ; Sentinel: The sleet in Harnett county tripped up a worthy old white lady, Mrs. Temperance Belts, aged 74, and gave serious hurt to one of her hands. ! Tbese cases were argued in the Supreme Court from the 5th District Satur day: Hatchcock and Uearne vs. Switt Isl and Manufacturing Company, Stanly; T. D. Winchester, Jr. vs. 4i S. Gaddy, Ex'r., Union; Daniel G. McMillan vs. D. G. Mc. Rae, consignee, Cumberland, j - Graubery Winston, a prominent and highly respectable citizen of Youngs ville, on the Raleigh & Gaston' Railroad, registered at a. Raleigh hotel Monday of last week, and bince Tuesday, has not been heard of. by his friends, who' are alarmed for his safety. He is a man of steady hab its, and had on his person some $300 in currency. . ! ' In the case of Mr. G. T. Mock ridge, of Philadelphia; praying to enter 175,0001 acres of public land in Mitchell and McDowell counties, which was heard before Judge Watts at Chambers Friday night, in Raleigh, the Judge 'decided in fa vor of the petition, on the ground that Mr. Mockridge has signified his purpose to be come a citizen,' aud had since actually be come a resident of the State. j -r- Raleigh News: .The newly elec ted Representative in the House from War ren is a carpet-bag, civil righter, miscege. natist. ; Alas! poor Warren, you once gave us a decent negro representative and h hile we thought you could not fall iany lower, yet you have gone and done it. w e nud much rather seen .Natbau Sledge, York Walker or Louis Parker come than old. Thome;. . - ji v j' A citizens' - meeting,) presided over by Mr. K Childs, was held at Lincoln ton on the 14th to consider the; subject of railroad freights. The committee, state that in the opinion of the meeting, the rates of freight on all rauroaas in tne state snouiu be uniform, and no discrimination in freights between points should be allowed, that the members of the Legislature from this county be requested to use their influ ence to have the principle engrafted on all railroad charters which may come before the Legislature for signal passage or amend ment, and that the General Assembly be requested to adopt the principle, above stated.' " : . . ML:.-. :-'.v:-' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . Official Drawing or tbe N. O. Bene l fielal AsaoclatlonL 1 . MONDAY, January 18, 1675. V Class 889, trn alia M. 85 41; 65 14 8i 1 57 88 8t 16 43 66 67 ; I Claes 890, Drawn at 4 P. M. 71 4 11 68 86 41 34 81 8 (1 5 37 6 70 31 i Clas 891, Drawn at 7 P. M. 15 35 65 76 W 26 66 88 13 7 5 30 47 '. Janl9-lt W, H. HARRISON. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. KITTRELL SPRINGS FEMALE COLLEGE: GRANVILLE COUNTY, N. C. (Within half a mile of Kittrell Depot. Raleigh A Gaston R. B.) -ESTABLISHED in 1866. INCORPORATED ia 1867. The many iriends and patrons of this pe polar In stitution will be gratified to knew that the litigation growing out of the title to the Kittiell Springs pro perty has been fully and finally adjusted, ana that it is again open for the reception of pupils. The Spring session will begin the let Wednesday In February. 1875. ' TERMS: PER ISE8SION OF TWENTY WEEKS: Board (including fuel and lights J atdihigher : English! ! $S5 00 Board (inclnding fuel and lights,) and tuition in Academic dep't i. ......... . 8000 Music, (including use of piano)..'.. 25 00 Ancient, or Modern Languages, each. ' SO Music on Organ and Guitar. Vocal Lessons, Draw ing. Painting, Embroidery t Wax , Work, At, at mi derate charges. ' --- - ;as '-- j acb.pupU.wUl hriBgwithhetone pair sheets and r gmow-cases, ana ner toweis. A flrat-claaa Kemale Oolleee. with all the ap pliances for a thorongh and accompliahed education. EST Keference la made to the hundreds of pupils who have been educated here in former jears Even injralid young ladies may secure a thorough education, and, at the same time, the re storation of their health. For other particulars address ' ' USV. C. B. RIDDICK, jan 19-D&W3t " KittreU. P. O., K. C. Fbr JpHB FIRST CLASS THREE-MASTED Schooner, E. S. Powell, 850 Tons. JOHN WILLIAMS, MASTEB, ! . i - Will have quick dispatch es above. Fbr Cotton Freight, Apply to jan,19-tf WILLIAMS & MBRCHISON. Seed Potatoes. 3QQ BARRELS EARLY ROSE, ; 2QQ BAKRKLS PINKEYES. . JQQ BARRELS GOODRICH, BARRELS JACKSON WHITES. At low figures, BEST MAIE STOCK. i Send your orders to jan 19-d&wtf BUS FORD, CROW & CO. NOTICE. WE HAVi TBI8 DAY MARKED DOWN THE residue of our Fall and Winter I JJiESS GOO JDS, Flannels, Shawls AND B0ULEVAED SHUTS To Cost prices. Call and be convinced. jan 19 U j J. & H SAMSON, Roasted and Ground .Coffee. O AVA, LAGUAYRA AND RIO COFFEE, roasted ana ground DAILY. Tbe only place in the city where.Ccffee is roasted to sell. jan!8-tfj JAMES C. STEVENSON. Notice, ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAUTIONED against harboring or trusting any of the crew of the Norwegian Brig " Tordenkjola," as no debts of tueir contraction will be paid by the Master or Consignee. R.E. HEIDB, jan 19-3t V. Consul. Horse Blankets, L HE LARGEST and CHEAPEST assortment of Trunks in tbe City, Saddles of all kinds. Harness, Collars, Saddle Blankets, Feather Duster s.Horse Brushes, Currycombs, Saddlery Hardware of all kinds CHEAP FOR CASH, oct 34 tf nac J. 8. Tepham Sc Go. Just Received A Nice Assortment -OF- ! - - CORAL GOODS AT VERY LOW PRICES, AT GEO. BONNET'S, jaa5-tfr No. 53 Market Street. NEW ARRIVALS i This Week. WACCAMAW & CAPE FEAR FRESH-BEATEN R I C E , HAMS, SIDES, SHO ULDEBS, (Dry Salted and Smoked). English and Scotch Ales, COFFEES of all kinds at Reduced Prices, FISH, CASE GOODS or all kinds, TOILET SOAPS, . Fine Pale and Comnjon SOAPS, Twenty Querent kinds of TONIC BITTERS," Cigawi Tobacco Eeroseae Oil ! Hay, Com and Oats, WITH HUNDREDS OF OTHER ARTICLES OF Groceries at Wholesale. CASH or close buying customers can be salted al ways, with Good Goods at Lowest Marset races. may3-tf ' ADRIAN & VOLLERS. We Are Now Opening A NEW 1 INK OFs FINE LIQUORS AND XX. - i ! CORDIALS, AND , Imported and Tomestic Cigars. - CHAS. D. MYERS ft CO., jan 17-tf 5 and 7 North Front street.- J BXJPONT'S 1 Ms, Sporting ana Blastai . Powfifir. J In whole, half er quarter kegs. FOB SALE AT MANU1),ACTTJBERS, PRICES. jan-Eltf O. G. PARSLEY A CO.-. Agents. Potatoes,: Potatoes. -t r a Barrels early rose, and other 1UV bEKD POTATOES. -.".For sale by - ; EDWARDS & HALL, Liverpool 1anl0-tl WHOILE NO. 2,2741 MISCELLANEOTJS. At David Pigott's i IV E W T OBA C C 0 SrT OJR E, No. 22 1 Market Street. South Side Head of the Market House, f' :- ' . WILMINGTON, N. C, , y TTTILL BE FOUND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT VV of Tobaccos, Snnll, Cigars, Pipes and Smokers' Articles, at -prices guaranteed to be satlsfactorr, notwithstanding the advance of 25 to 75 per cent in Leaf Tobacco. - , - , s A trial from the people is respectfully solicited. -' - - - ; ... D. PIGOTT. I. January 16th, 1875. : - A CABD. Appreciating the liberal patronage h( tended to me, I respectfully solicit a heretofore ex continuance of the same. D. P1GOTT. f jan 17-tf ow!Now!!NbwiI! BALANCE STOCK OF oXiOTninsTca- " " AT : Reduced Rates. MUNSON & CO., jan 17-tf City Clothiers. At Cost, At Cost. TN ORDER TO CLOSE OUT THE BALANCE OF X our Stock of '" j . Overcoats and Talmas, WE OFFER THEM AT COST. t - - .... Anew lot or CASSIMERE SUITS just received, which we are. selling at extremely low prices. i Boys' and Youths' Clothing; I - - Prices reduced very much. Call and examine. jan 17-tf SHRIER BROS. -1 Flanner Shure, DEALERS IN r 1 j : CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, WIXES, LIQUORS, C igjar s,j -&c, PURE BAKER WHISKEY. i 'i - -... - NO. 31 NORTH FRONT STREET. jan 17-tf I ' Hats and Caps. o I' .- OTYLI8H FELT HATS, SILK MOHAIR AND Uiotn (J&P8, ; TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, Ac. At HARRISON & ALLEN'S jan 17-tf City Hat Store, 38 Market Sti G. E. W. Runge. VELEBY, NEW:PIG PORK, PEA AND MAR I ! - I - ROWFAT BEANS, SNUFF, i Nortbeast4ur. JTXarket apSec9nd Sts. Jiyur 17-tf Corn and Oats. 2QQQ BushelsCorn, i ' Bushels pats. ; ." For sale by I jan. 17-tf K E ROHNER A CALDBR BROS. Molasses and Bacon. Q Hhds New Crop Cuba, j JQQ Bbls S. hJ Syrup, f Boxes D. S. .Sides and Shoulders, Ot Boxes Smoked Sides and Shoulders. dJ jan 17-tf For sale by : KERCHNER & C ALDER BROS. Hay, Bice, Flour and Coffee. 300 Bales Eastern Hay, j i 2Q Tierccs Wee. -enA Bbls Flour, 150 Bags Coffee. For sale hv ? jan 17 tf KERcHNER & C ALDER BROS. Powder, Powder, Powder. J 500 Kegs Rifle, Sporting and Blasting Powder. For sale bv 1 jan 18-tf KEKCHNER & C ALDER BROS. John Dawson j HAS IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE 500 PLOWS (of all kinds), 7 Tons Plow Castings, 25 Coils Cotton Plow Lines, 800 Pairs Trace Chains.: 40 Dozen Collars and Hames, 100 Dozen Weeding Hoes, 50 Dozen Shovels and Spades. t For sale at the lowest Market rates. - . - jan 17-tf - I Nos. 19, 20 and 21 Market 8t Plows. (Plows, Plows, o F ALL KINDS AND SIZES, AT THE NEW HARDWARE STORE. GILES A MURCHISON. 88 North Front St jan 17-tf Chromos, C HRQMOS, CHROMOS, JUST RECEIVED AND for sale at HECNSBERGER'S, Live Book and Music Store, - 88 Market Street. janl7tf ORGANS, O RGANS, ORGANS. ror sue at H EINSBERGER'S. Just Received. I VINEGAR BITTERS, I : Wlstar's Balsam Wild Cherry, BABBITS TBICOFTEBO US, f EADWATS BEADY RELIEF. For sale low by :-'-- - - : dec 30 tf i GREEN & FLANNER, One Trial Satisfies HoMeeners rpHAT "OUR FRESH GROUND COFFEE IS PURE, CONVENIENT, ECONOMICAL. We guarantee its perfect purity and strength. Ground every hour to order when wanted. CHAS. D. MYERS A CO.l B A 7 North Front St. jan 17-tf si3srzDiisra-. THE REOBNING STAB BOOK BIND ERY is complete in all all its appoiatments. and ia in charge of one of (he most skillful workmen in the State. All kinds of Binding executed neatly, hetplTMid erpertithwshr. - - . t Sweet Oranges. 1 rpWO THOUSAND SWEET ORANGES, JUST A received and for sale low at i & G. NORTHROP'S Fruit and Confectionery Store. dec S7-tf i t BAT$S OF AOVKUTlSinfi.) One Bquareoiday,;.....-...........,-....:$i (t 44 " thredays.....v.,....-,...V....i S 0 " " ourday.i.;..i........ . .4SM . " aTdays.....ii.l JSOt OMweek......j.v. J 8 60 " Threeweek...i3.., ...... 6 to " " Onemonh.......w..;......;.j. 8 CO " " Twononths...t...............J.il5 W - Three months.... 00 ' Six jnontha ...85 00 " One year........ ;...."...;50 0i y Contract AdveTtisementa taken at propei- ttonately tow rates. 1 - i .- v j Five Squares estimated as a qnarter-cohimB, and ten squares as a half-column. , MISCELLANEOUS. Commissioner's Sale of DesiraW 1 - Real Estate. By OR ONLY & MORRIS. i . - .i. -. M. CR ONL YJ Auctioneer. Y VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE SUPERIOR Court for the county of New Hanevermade on the 18th day of Nov., 1874, in the case of John London and wife Lucy, .against H. N. Latham and wife EllzA W. and Isaac B- Grainger, Gd., praying for a? eel of the Veal Estate, hereinafter described for . partition, the undersigned by aaid decree duly ap pointed Commissioners for that purpose, will or Tuesday; the 26 day of January. 1875. at 11 e-'clocfc A M., at Exchange Corner in Wilmington, expose for sale by public auctien the following described pieces or parcels of land with all buildings thereon, situated in this city, to wit: ' ! 1st. That most eligibly situated lot on the East side of Front street next to the sow heast corner of Ches nutand Frost .streets, with a front of 69 feet on Front street ruttnine back East 165 feet, the same . being a part of lots 8 and 8 in Block 178. , The 1m . provements consist or a targe nrst class Three Story Brick Dwelling Containing 14 rooms, including bath room, brick. Kitchen wirh 2 rooms attached Gas -and watej" throughout the entire building; also brick office con talng 2 room suitable for a Lawyer Doctor, a fice cictern of water and every other convenience per taining to a . j Number One Establishment. - ' i 3d. Lot situated on the East side of North Water street, 141 feet from the southern line of Mulberry street, with a front of 18 feet on North Water street, running back east 66 feet; the same being a part of a part of Lot 3, Block 190. The improvements con - siator a - i Two Story Brick Building 18 feet front bv 41 feet 3 In deeo. at nresent occu pied by Mr. J. F. Heins. Aleo a lot in rear of the above 105 feet deep, upon which there is a BRICK. WAREHOUSE 20 by .63 .feet. 3rd. Lot situated on the East side of North Water street 19 - feet from the southern Hue of Mulberry street, with a front of 36 feet on N. Water street, run ning back East 171 feet to a stone wall; the same being a part of lots 3 and 4, Block 190. The im provements consist of a j Two Story Brick Building j . 18 feet front by 41 feet 3 inches deep, at present occupied by Mr. Jacob Mobn, and a two story brick building same size with an L attached, 41 ft. deep, at present occupied by AM Nelson; also that desirable lot situated on the North tide of Market street 93 feet westwardly from the western line of 3rd street, with a front on Market street of 42 f$?t more ox less, running back North 133 feet; the same being a part oi lots ana o, diock ioo. 'me improvements: con sist oi a large anq commodious : Frame Dwelling costaining SO rooms and at present used as a Private Boarding: House.1 KITCHEN, GOOD WATER, tc. upon the premises. i Terms: one fourth cash; the balance on a credit of 1, 2, 3 and 4 years, with interest. Title reserved until! last payment is made. Purchaser to pay for drawing all papers. , I - ALEX. T. LONDON, dec24-eodTS&DS Tbur Commissioner. GUANO, GUANO. 250 Tons No 1 Guanape i . I 350, Tons Enreka.1 For sale to arrive low for cash or on reasonable terms or crop time. i jan 16-tf WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. CORN, (CORN. 10,000 r ' .' . ' f. : ' . Bushels- White and Mixed. For sale low by jan 16-tf WILLIAMS St MURCHISON. Merry Christmas. Grand , opening and handsome dis play of . . ; . : HOLIDAY GOODS. Now Is th time; Oome early, ) CHRISTMAS GOODS j In endless variety. Choice Clusters of Malaga -' Grapes, . FRENCH CONFECTIONS, CORNETTS, 7 HAVANA 0EANGES, fire Works, fire crackers, torpedoes And every description of Christmas tree trimmings. Come and be convinced of ; the great , reductions m s, prices at - - ( GEO. MYERS'. dec33-tf 11 18 Sontib Front St. : SELECTED POEMS, (Illastrated,) THE CHEAPEST EDITION EVER BROUGHT to this market, onJy Ten Cents a number: , ' i . -; ' LOCKSLET HALL, Alfred Tennyson: THE PRIS ONER OF CH1LLON, Byron; LATEST VERSES, Byron; THE HIGH-TIDE i . - ON THE COAST OF LIN- - . j COLN SHIRE. Ingelow; ' . Bernard's Del Corpei, Felicia Hemans; The Bridge of Highs, Thomas Hood; My Mother's Picture, Cow per; The Fishers, Kingeley ; Tarn 08hanter, Burns: To the Unco Guid, Burns; 4c, &C, f All for sale at I i I CONwLEY TATE8' jan 15tf : City Book Store. For a Trifle YOU CAN KEEP TOUR feet dry and warm with a pair of rubbers from FRENCH'S Ladies' Rubbers only 75 cents; Gents' Rubbers only $1, at j V GEO. Bi FRENCH SON'S, , jan 13. tf 1 j. 89 Worth rmt ttreeL For The Oijazens' Market. Fine bampson countx stallfid beef; also a fine lot of eomfed Pork. Come early and leave your orders. , Janli-tf T. A WATSON, Proprietor, r A ,3 I ! I i l . i ' I--. S

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