"I ' ' "C V-v -a . :Jf v;y1v;:'; .; '"' ; '-; .1 If . y.--jt..i vaAXES;OF A DVliltTlSlNG. V- 't ltl .......j. .... KB W. 8 Cat? w . . . ... . . . . .- Av---:i.u-i.w . ... I'.' i 'I I sr. f - ;i , . ' 1 nrctmontas" ) . i 2 rt authorised to coWtior more fbSttoS $tnn4.WTettU injured on Old Col ony Rol, Massachusetts. : Emperor of CUina la dead. Yesterday ibe House Judiciary Committee reported a Constitu tional amendment providing for no more than a single Presidential term of six yeari Judge Hoar and E. H. Roberts, of New Yolk, Republicans, advocated, and Butler opposed. : Amendments lost for want of two-tbirds. Ice break swept buoys at New Yorkout to sea. --- Small pox pre avails all over Cuba. : -4-Burnside elected Senator yesterday in Rhode Island. Committee to Congress on compromise of Southern Debt report adversely. THK GUN VKNTIOM QUfcS riON. 11 ; CbarIotte Democrat! :7-:-UA "A v ; When the. Legislature adjourned 'K ?fe P8tmaa holidays it was t weU' krwirthat hotbin v amend tK-A ? State Constitntion; and. wnen itat '.Dody..re-asaembled .;last week : he measure was more uupopu- lar than at the previous session. ': Before the . meeting of the State Democratic Executive Committee on the 20th instaut, and '-- without regard to what newspapers said on the sub ject one way or the other, there never was any possibility of Convention - obtaining a two-thirds vote of the Democratic members of the House. -At the time of writiug this article we are not advised as to the action of the Committee, but it makes no dif ference, whether it advises for or ' against calling a Convention, we are satisfied thit thepresent Legislature will not make the call. f , Besides such "inen ; as Hon. Win, iaton, Hoiu A. W. Venable, T. B. Vojable, Hon. J, , J. Davis, Walter F. Leak, Judge Schenck ; John F. iiu. Uuke,, Jlidge Fowle, and hundreds of . others hpopiJ!j;se jtalling a Con ven . - tion, the whole" Democratic delega tion in Congress from this Slate ad . - vise agaitfst it and think it would be . very, imprudent in : the present condi ; tiou of the country. s.The true friends of the South at the North are of the . ' - sa'me opinion' andtha the calling of : 'a'Conveutiqujwortild afiord the Iiadi "' - cal tartv. which controls the counsels Southern people order to perpet uate the power bTFresident Grant. We have "opposed a Convention nutil after the next Gubernatorial and Presidential elections, but we .have no word of ',censure for those who favored it, forwe knov that the friends of Convention are as true North Carolitiiaaa.as ever lived and are as anxious as anto promote the welfare of the State andls citizens. There has been an honest difference of opinion between friends, and both sides must resolve to remain friends and continue to work together for - the success of the Democratic party. We are willing to contJecle to others what we claim for onrself, the privi lege of. thinking and acting as con ' science dictates without regard to the . frowns or smiles of any one. Since writing the above we see that the Raleigh Ntws states that the V Democratic State Executive Com mittee, at a meeting on Thursday afternoon, passed a resolution advis ing the Legislature to call a Conven tion. We do not believe the Legis lature will do so, and think the people will endorse a postponement of the question. " - The Legislature. A Condensed from the4 Raleigh News THIRTY-SIXTH DAY. SENATE. Monday, Jan. 25, Mr "Graham; a memorial from Catawba : River 1 Grange in regard to the Carolina Central Railway, de--'raanding investigation of . charges against that road.. Referred. Mr. Graham, a memorial to protect the people against all insolvent 'rail roadsC Referred. ; A memorial to President Armfield from the Cape Fear Agricultural Company asking action on the bill for ' prohibitioH of gambling at Fairs, was r-:id and referred. Mr. - Kerr, a bill to amend the charier of the city of Wilmington. Referred. Mr. Hell's landlord and tenaut bill. Mr. Cooke, of Franklin, offered a substitute giving the farmer a lien on " tenant's crops tor provisions on ad vancements furnished, whether the contract be verbal or written. , Mr. Bell stated be woold accept Mr. Cooke's -'aiactvdflent, provided that gentleman'would give Senator Kerr and himself the credit) originating the bilL -..i.-.i-.v-t ; ,Mr. Cooke had jio objection to this '""i, ouu ma fuuusiuuie was ao- ce!Sfd; ; J i ' J a ucser, coiorea, moved an amend ment to strike ouf the word "verbal" wherever it may decur. ; i ; ,1 m r rr PPosed the amendments Tucker urged hs amendment. t C Ir, Shaw advocated the , amend- menWiiv;:-i-;i-J,i, y';,j;::::-p: Mr. Bell, held that the ignorant classes were more likely 1 to be im posed upon by written than by ver bal contracts. " ' ' Mr. Stickney . favored the substi tute. r r::; - - S '.JX - xVt Messrs. Parrishf and Boddle doubt ed the constitutionality of the su ttsti tute. . j ji,p,f. ':r:o-:";-r-oj--;- Mr. French wanted the matter rV ferred to the Judiciary Committee. : ;.::;;Mr.: Cook advocated ibis substitute at some length. -f " Mr. Morehead said there was no use for this bill5 . Heiwis opposed Ho its r ef ereipc bfc J fXjfry Gninv.tteev ThatZiKraraiiteeikad already acted .upon two bills offa) similar character. 3 Mr. Linhey favored the motion to recommit. The bUtras referred. ' f House bill to. rpeal see. 17, chap. 112 of Battle's Ievisal, betng a bill repealing the lawj requiring the; Trus tees of a county io report the condi tion of the roads sof that county ten days before the convening of the Su perior Court of 8id county, was con sidered, and with a substitute making the duties of the Trustees in this case more binding , arfd j general than at present, was referred.; i . On motion of Mrj Linney, the bill providing for mortgage deposit in lieu of bond or money! deposit, was consid ered. V. ' j 'j '';' ; J : Ordered to be printed,re-cominitted to the Judiciary Coramittee.and made special order for Thursday at 12 o'clock. On motion of Mr. , Boddle, Bishop Gibbons was invited to a seat on the floor. j-! J . : . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES By Mr. Norment, a resolution in regard to the : Central Carolina and I the yestern North Carolina railroads. Calendar.7: Z j; ji ;j ; r V-'--:;-f A communication from the Presi dent of the Cap Fear Agricultural Society in regard j to gambling on Fair grounds, &cl, was read. I j House bill to change the times of holding the courts of the Third Judi cial District, returned from the Sen ate with an amendmeut making Greene the first to hold its court and Pamiico the second,! was taken up and the amendment was concurred in. At 12 o'clock tho bill giving right of redemption to debtors whose real estate has been sold 'under executions, mortgages and deeds of . trust, was. taken up as the special order.; Mil Patton, the introducer of the bill, ex plained ils provisions, which jj eives the right of debtors the privilege of redeeming their lands within two years after the sale. . It was just to the debtor and jrjot unjust to the creditor. It sought to prevent the a bominabl practice of Shylocking, i&c. I ' ; : . - ; i Mr. Moring objected to the pass age of the bill, from j the fact that purchasers of lands under execution, could never knovv when they bad a quiet title to property. Besides, the homestead exemption of $1,000, was a sufficient protection to the debtor class. There was also a provision in the bill forbidding the purchaser of such lands from .committing waste. A purchaser theijefdre, would be pre-; vented from cu tivatmg the same property, &c , ;r ' . . ' . Mr. Boyd agreed with the position of Mr. Moring, and urged other ob jections to its passage. f ! Mr. Walker, of Richmond, favored a recommittal, as he believed the 2nd section of the bill was unconstitu- tional. - Mr. Candler Spears opposed j favored and Mr. some itbe at length. i - y S ; .J. Messrs. Spear$ and McRae favored the re-commital, and the bill took that course. '' ;-U? J I-'Kv-'"-" : l . M' On motion off Mr.. Means, Senate bill in regard to the weighing of lint cotton was called up under asuspen sion of the rules1 aud passed its final readings. . - f , : Mr. Candler called. Up House bill to prevent the carrying of side arms, etc. A large nnmberof amend mentis were offered andj considerable -discussion ensued. On motion the bill with the amendients,wai'recbramitted to the Judiciary jCoramittee. Mr. Mclver called np House bill to incorporate Golden Link Lodge G. U. O. O. F., ofj Wilmington, N. C, and put on its passage. : I ' On motion ojf Mr. Freeman, the vote by which the omnibus prohibi tion bill passed the; House- on Satur day was reconsidered in order to add other amendments.); the bill and otn er amendments (was then, on tnotioh of Mr. McRae, jrefeommitted Jto the Committee on Propositions and Griev ances. I J . . . : ? I On motion of Mr. Walker, of Rich mond, Senate resolution in regard to the Constitution, ia full' report of which was given . n our Saturday's Senate proceedings", called up; Mr. Green offered an amendment in substance that t,he best plan of al tering the Constitution was to call a convention but afterwards with drew it. , . j i . s Mr. Spears addressed the House at some length in an able and argumen tative speech in favor of constitution al reform. ! ' r -: . WILMINGTONlf NlGi&WEDMSD AY, MUARY7Si 1- ; Messrs. Boyd and Norment offered amendments, but before they-: could be; read Mr. Staples j moved , to table the whole matter, which motion pre vailedby anal most unanimous vote. j"!Ajourned. . Respect to tbe memory of Col JT. W. : !" :- ' Hlntoii v :. ---V, y : ; lYesterday in an editorial we pub lished the iuforraatioti of the death of Col. James Wi : ninton, of Nor folk, late of , this State, and gave a succinct sketch of f his life, and esti mate: of his character. We learn from Norfolk . papers received last night that a meeting of the officials and congregation of . Granbury Street Methodist Cburch, of which he was a zealous and : active member, held a meeting last Sunday raornincf and appropriately :: testified t by their ' ac tion their, ; sorrow: at his sud- tbeir ; high re- spect for his "mejory. Aft a meet ing of the Masons' next day suit able action was also taken. The bar of Norfolk, Portsmouth and Hamp ton met on Monday and - resolutions 6 eulogy and sorrow and appropriate speeches were made. Among the speakers were Hon. John Goode, Scarborough and Garnett . and ex-Judge-Asa Biggs. We print a sum mary of Jude Biggs' speech. Judge Biggs said that, like himself, Colonel Hiuiott was a native of North Carolina, and that be loved his native State with a tender devotion which time and distance had . failed to change . He also spoke of the love and pride wth which the people of North Carolina regarded the deceased, and that the announcement of his death wonld thrill with sorrow hun dreds of hearts within her -borders. He did not think when Col. Hinton came to this city six' years ago in the full strength of his manhood and mental vigor that he would so soon be taken' away, and that it would be .his sad duty to follow his remains to their last resting place. He spoke of the uncertainty of life, and of the im portance even in the full strength and vigor of health to prepare for death. He spoke at some length of the vir tues of the deceased, and of the bright example his! life would furnish those who follow him in the great struggle, of life. ! , ' i: .: :-, c- - J. -EEC fcU C3 IE T 5TV i N KW ADVEKTISK!HENTS. See Ad. V Opera House." Oldham & Cumming!, Hay. ' .Heinsbergkr. Newt Novel. .Flanner & SHUBK.-4-Baker Whiskey. Mas. H. P, RussBXir-Boarders Wanteds Local Dots.' : j - j Import Entries for sale "at the office of The Morning StarL St. ( No session j of the City Court yesterday, the Mayor not having arrived. ! The Norwegian brig Albatross,. from this port, arrived at Antwerp Jan. 22. Canvas-back ducks were among the rarities of our market yesterday. A polar bear is next in order. City subscribers who fail to re ceive theiu papers regularly will please re port the fact promptly at this office. tf . Falling barometer, rising tem perature, easterl j jr southerly winds, cloudy aod raiDy weather will prevail to-day, if "Probs" is to be believed. ! . i During the ragged edge per formance, last night, .the band, most ap-1 propriately, played "Once I was happy now I'm forlorn." This was a capital hit.- There is in some portions of our streets just now, a first class article of mud. Tbe deepest, blackest land muddiest , mud ever known j within the memory of the dest inhabitant. Tbe magistrates courts all re mained quiet yesterday, offenders seeming, on account of the somewhat chilly weather, to remain in-doors rather than indulge in the expensive luxury ojc litigation. . - " Gen: " Gee Zee, our seductive neighbor-in-law, stood on the ragged edge of the platform at the pity Hall last night. We believe he draws his monthly pay from the "best government" . with commendable regularity. We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to the fortieth anniversary celebration of the Euzelian and Philoma thesian literary sociaties of Wake Forest College. Should we not be able to attend, we beg to be remembered about dinner time. ' . '! ' ' f Mr. N. A. Stedman, Jr., of Marshall, Texas,., and Mr. N. A. Stedman, jr., of Betseytown, N. p., are "in the city." It's a pity Mr. N. A. Stedman, Sr., of Fay etteville, isn't here to complete the list. I We forgot to put this item under the head of "Distinguished Arrivals." After January 1, 1875, we will mail tbe Daily Star, I postpaid, for $7 00 per year. This is $1' 20 less than it now costs subscribers, including postage. The rates for periods less than one1 year will be advanced as follows: j Six months, .$4 00; hree months, $2 25; one month, $i 00. Tlie Klver. i Steamboatmen report the Cape Fear in fine boating order,. and all tbe .boats are making: cood time. Tnere is some com plaint, however, of a scarcity of freights, which shows that steamboating, as well as all other business pursuits, is suffering trom the dull times. , " . K ATI H PVTHAWL J " J, Old Carlo.llr bop. L'i."'' 1 , A. large bouse greeted Katie Putnam on tbe second night of . her present engage- ment H The iplayOld Curiosity Phop."1! well chosen, well acted and well apprecia ted. - Katie Putnam, as Utile . &U, , won, and deservedly won, much applause; w4e she rendered the Marchioness nolesa icredjaq bly to herself and no less acceptably to the audience.- - t 4 - , ' Mr. Burns was a first rate IHck gwitetei v and' for so well sustaining that character he deserves special credit; ; since Dickens, when he produced rollicking Dick,- drew; copiously upon the. exhansted 1 imagi nation that' introduced a "Micawber- into the pages of VDavid Copperfleld." .' Quilp aS.cyid'by;'MriaT4 whose Jiistrionic talents were never shown 6 better advantage. ' i .; rIt! would be invidious tot discrimirate: further, since all the Dirts wem arr fill er, since all the Dirts wera a?n atey .chosenland m thecharacfers success fully assumed. ; v . ' ; To-night, visitors to the Opera House will witness ' The Pearl of Savoy," and! Wilmington -will its favorite, Katie Putnam, a crowded house. I ON THIS RAGGKJD EDGE. A Bonolue Report of the Radical Meeting Last NIffbt The Country Safe Now. Under, the combined influence of a little benzine and the dulcet strains of the Rose Bud B!id a considerable number of able bodied Republicans assembled on tbe "Rag ged Edge" last evening, and j proceeded to business "by calling Jacob Wise (of Alder- manic and cart-captain memory) to the Chair, and Josephus Constable Hilll to act as Secretary. Speeches of the regular cut were made by "Jedge" Heaton, ex-Cashier Smyth and ex-Register Josephus Constitutional Hill 4 A string of resolutions as long as one of Judge Cantwell's orations were adopted Grant and Sheridan were ) endorsed, of course; but, strange to relate,;1 it was only in that way that the course of the Senator from New Hanover was indirectly con demned in the resolutions, ji . ' Jedge" Heaton, boweverim his speech, alluded to the Senator as the: "poor, silver haired, demented old man," ;but expressed the bope that be would be-all right again when he heard from-New Hanover. Ex-Cashier Smyth told his bearers that if the Democrats called a Convention they would make the poll-tax ten dollars, and thus virtually disfranchise the negroes L and we have no doubt they believed every word of it. j - I uuring tn x-uasnieTremai- ored " bandit" made some verv unchristian allusion to the Freedman's Bank business; but the bandit was quickly silenced by a neighbor who said : " Now look a here, nig ger, you shet right up; we ain't a gwine to hab none ob dat here!" Tbe meeting, as a whole," was as tame as a pef rabbit, and will hardly settle the Lou isiana or any other question.! Sheridan, Alack. & Oaf. ji The Sheridan, Mack & Day Combination will give one entertainment in' Wilmington Monday evening, February jl. . As a send off we give them the benefit jof the follow ing, from the Norf orlk Landmark : " The performance of the talented variety troupe last night at the Opera House was all that could have been done for it. Every one in their specialties are artists of a rare order of merit. The clog dancing and protean changes of the Stuart sisters captured us and we do not' hesitate to Say that great .Benson has nothing on them. , Their triple step and double-quick , shuffle, beats rotary motion into utter insignificance. 4 Sheridan and Mack, as character and pro tean actors, are simply immense in all their acts. From prelude to finale the perform ance was of the most interesting and at tractive character in every feature, detail and appointment."" j Homicide la Bra Dstvlck. A mysterious homicide occurred in Bruns wick county, near the works, of the Kavassa Guano Company, last Friday: The parties were a white man named Dinx Swain and a colored man named Eli i Cobb. Swain shot Cobb in the neck, inflicting a wound of which Cobb died the folio wing day. Tbe wounded man, being unable to speak up to the 'moment of his death, could give.no ac count of the affair; and we believe tbe fact that Swain fled the neighborhood immedi ately after the shooting, was the first cir cumstance that excited a suspicion as to his guilt. And even should Swain be captured, it is not probable that it wilt ever be known what led o the commission of the homi cide, asjthere were, no witnesses of. the act. Oar Bird Bos:. , We doubt if our bird-dog has an equal this side of the Bogardus kennel. ? Ele "stands" birds splendidly! Yesterday he intercepted a small culludj female comitig from the kitchen with a dozen broiled par tridges, knocking her off her pins, and while the C. F. Was trying to arrange-bpr new wrapper, fresh from a dollar storje,. that dog opened bis mouth, ' and in went the partridges. He seemed to "stand" 'em.' right well. Tax-Receipts. - ii . v The receipts at the office of A. B. Black. Esq., Tax Collector, for the week ending on Saturday, footed up as follows: I j Schedule B, State ....... 1 167 08 " , " County. . ..I ..... . 167 10 General State - tax. 889 64 " County ' " I 527 9 Township tax . .... . ;i. 14 17 Total i... $1,265 95 I ' JJio rnf al ad jptal "AcldBt- s:f ;.--'It- becomes oot du ty to-dayjto record one of "the saddest i aecidents ;we ; have ? ever known to occur in our section. - Mrs. Black man Who lives on Eighth, a few doors from Bladen : street;, was, . yesterday morning' about 8 o'clock, standing near the nrewnicn wis builtin an open fire place, beating some dainty, for her infant child. ..The child was just behind her at the time and, while, she was engaged in this' occupation.it 'gave a slight scream which caused ; its' mother to turn . suddenly i aiT6und;rjto j ascertain .vte. cause of it As she did so her light clothing came in contact with the fire and. caught, burning rapidly. She at once ran Into, the kitchen, the flames around her body, being j intensified, by the: win d ; owing ; to, the rapidity of her movements, for the pur pose .aS'A she af terwards stated of obtaining a bucket of, water, with which, to put out the fire. . Not . finding . the bucket in its usual place she "caught f jip her husband's overcoat and tried to wrap it around herself, but being blinded by'the smoke, terror-stricken and stupefied, her woman's mind gave way and she could do nothing else but remain riveted to tbe spot, too thoroughly Helpless to even cry aloud, while the flames enveloped her body, con suming her clothes and filling, the room with suffocating smoke, while three small children remained motionless, terror-stricken spectators of the agony of then: mother. One of the children at last went to the door and cried for help, when a gentleman who lives near ran into the house and throwing a coat around the now almost black and naked form of Mrs, Black man, carried her into the next house. She lingered in great suffering until 4 o'clock yesterday evening, when she died, having remained sensible to within a few moments of her death. She was attended by Drs. Love and McDonald. Mrs. Blackman was aged 22 years, was the wife of 'Mr. Irving Blackman,1 formerly an engineer on the W., C & A. Railroad, but has been lately employed at the naval store yard of Messrs.' Williams & Murchison, on the other side of the river, to which .place he had gone at 6 o'clock yesterday morn ing, leaving his wife and three small child ren at home. The family were respected by all who knew them, and much sympathy is felt for this sad berearement. The body of Mrs. Blackman will. be interred to-day at Northwest, on the crolina Central Rail way.! : I. O. of Reeha At the regular meeting of New Hanover Tent No. 57, L f. of R, held last evening, the following oncers were elected for tbe ensuing term Thomas t. Skipper, C. R. T. A. Watson, D. R. W. GvFowler, Jr. S. - ' Jas. A. Alderman, T. Wm. Wescott, L. W. L. Jacobs, Chaplain. John Wilson, I. G. Alex. Chad wick, O. G. The above officers will be installed on uesday evening next by the D. D. R., J. TRT. Hewett. , j Saperlor Court ,'This tribunal disposed of tbe following cases yesterday: ' ' j State vs. Judge Bolden. Verdict guilty. Defendant sentenced to 6 months in the Work House. ' i State vs. Joseph Burke. Larceny. Ver dict guilty. Defendant sentenced to two years in the Penitentiary. ' t State vs. Joseph Henry. Judgment niii ' State vs. Samuel Peoples. Peace war rant Defendant discharged upon payment of costs. State vs. Dennis 8mith. Larceny. Ver dict guilty. Defendant sentenced to im prisonment in the State Penitentiary for 3 years at bard labor. ; State vs. John H. Borneman. Verdict. The else of a peace warrant for an alleged forcible trespass against the officials of the Carolina Centra! Railroad also came up. It wU be remembered that this case was pre viously spoken of in these columns as. hav ing came up before J. J. Cassidey, J. P. The further hearing of the case was, after an argument by counsel, continued over until Friday. i ! ' . ' r ; Tbe Fire Monday NlKht. We learn some additional facts in regard to the fire on night before last, which it was impossible f or ub to obtain for our last . is sue.: The, stock, which was valued at be tween $10,000 and $15,000, is almost a total loss,; being principally damaged by the wa; ter. j Besides the insurance of $3,000 in the insurance agency of Messrs. Tay lor & Giles already spoken of, there was an insurance of $2,000 in tbe North British Fire Ins. Co. and $3,000 in the Continental Fire Ins. Co. Both of these companies are represented in this city by Messrs. Atkinson & Manning. The dry goods establishment of STHanstein &Co. next adjoining, was but slightly dam aged,- the windows and door being broken The cause of the conflagration still remains unknown the only way that it can be ac counted for is that it may have caught from the stove. Supreme Court Oeclatou. The following decisions of the Supreme Court are of interest in this section : By Pearson. C. J. " , r " f ' Haithcock and Hearne vs. Swift Island Manufacturing Company, from r Stanly. JSo error. Judgment affirmed. Ivey Smith vs. S. D. Smith et. aL from jJuplin. io error. Judgment ainrmea. Bv Settle. J. ' ' - Tnomas H Sutton vs. J. L. McMillan,' from Bladen. Error. J. G. Blue vs. J. L. McMillan, from Bladen. JSrror. - ; Both printing and ruling done in tbe nnest grades of copying injc at tne btarjoo Jtrinting umce. - u omotWBfcoat;iic! ; And now tbe county of Randolph wants I to be placed "up in the pictures" on'the tuig from Foust's Milis,tinf he recentlj slaughtered? two; porkers, : one. twd years old weighing 455 ; pounds; the other, eight 1 months oldy weighing 224 pounds.1,1TWl will :do;:very well for our ouaker friends! There's nothing . like a plenty of " bog and hominy." 'Some' i4tili,slf ? We are most happy to announce that our seducktive young friend Mallard, of . the Statesville-ZanTnarA;, has reached home in safety, after his recenf sojourn in Wilming ton. It isn't often that a Mallard can come within ten feeLof our breechloader and es cape wltfcoie?bpnea Rlahop A tklnsona A ppointments for Lplinton 1 Quinquagesima " Sunday. .Feb. -1 i?aisonS.. rEvening of..... .... t rcarparr, isi. t Q:M 7 a Goldsboro.... .Ash Wednesday 10 Wjlson.v Rocky Mount.'. . 1 14 16 17 19 21 TlinorTsnnH S ... L. Halifax.!. ..: J... ....... WeldonJ..., n Collections at each place in, behalf of Diocesan Missions, t r ". JOIED. STEDMAN. On the 26 of January, 1875, in Wilmington, Lacy Murchison, infant daughter of Cbae. M. andKatoDeB. Stedman. The funeral serrices will take place from tho resi dence of the parents at Z o'clock this afternoon. NEW ! ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. T AST NtGHT OP THE CHARMING COilEDI- XJ ENNK and Vocalist, - Miss Eatie Putnam, Supported by her well selected and powerfull COMEDY COMPANY. WEDNESDAY evening, Jan. S7th, , Will be presented with all the Original Music, : ".: 4-;: i "- y . j -THE PEARL OF SATOY. ! MARIE, MISS KATIE PUTNAM. During the drama Miss Katie will sing " A Mothers Prayer "j I .v j. - . - 7 SCALE OB" PRICES. Paiqn'ette and Dress Cir ele, $1 00; Parqnette Circle. 75. Cents; Gallery, SS Cents. Seats can be secured without extra charge at Heinsberger's Book Store. t . For particulars see bille of the day. ':J7:-7y dealers" rsr" 4-V;--hS- GflOJCE FAMILI GROCERIES, Cigars, &c., BAKER WHISKEY 1854. NO. 3 1 NORTH FRONT STREET. an2T-tf Hay, Hay. 500 BALES PRIME EASTERN HAT NOW landing and for sale from wharf low for cash, In teta to suit purchasers, i j aS7U ? OLDHAM & CTJMMINa. BRIE-A-BEAE SERIES. v The QRBV1LLB MEMOIR8. 1 THACKERAY and Dickeaa. Charley, Planche and Yonng Barham. Harness and Hodder, Merimiee, Lamartine and Sand. ," i i For sale at Jan 97-tf ' ; HEINSBESGEB. I New Novel. HaGAEENE, BT GEORGE A. LAWRENCE. i I SIGN OF THE SILVER FLAGON, BY FARGEON For sale at ... l- ' HEIN8BERGER. Lire Book and Moaic Store. i jaaSTrtfv Boarders Wanted. i-- !' 7 7 : "-::-7 7 -:; i .WO GENTLEMEN WITH WIVES CAN OB- taia comfortable rooms and board by applying to 1 v MRS. HENRY P. RUSSELL, ; jan27-lt : I Market St next to cor. of 6th. Horse Blankets. The LARGEST and CHEAPEST assortment of Trunks In the City, Saddles of all kinds, Barnes, Couaco, Saddle Bianaets, reamer vaster a,uorse Brashes, Currycombs, Saddlery Hardware of ait kind. CHEAP FOR CASH. Oct 24 tf nacl J. 8. T.pbim CO. MISCELLANEOUS. Seed Potatoes. OA ft BARRELS EARLY ROSE, OUV j., jj . 2QQ BARRELS PINKEYES. IQQ BARRELS GOODRICH, 2 Q Q BARRELS JACKSON WHITES, j - J ' : At low fignrea, j , BEST MA IE STOCK. I Rpnfl tout orders to i Jan W-dAwtf BIN FORD. CROW A CO. Bent's Boston Crackers, Ti IN BOXES,) IRISH OATMEAL, (TIN BOXES). . f . CHAS. D. MYERS CO., j an 84-tf B A TNortliFreat 8t. New Barbary Bates T ARGE ASPINWALL BANANAS. SWEET Oranges, Pine Apples, 8apad Baa, Malaga Grapes, Lady Finger, Kas-etana JiaiawtB Apples, Cape Cod cranoernes, uorse ttaatsn, ana a jarj assortment of the finest Candy, lost received at i a O. NOBTHROPS ' . )an M-tf ..- Fruit apd Confectionery Store. Pf esli- Pork .Sausages. rOJt KK AND WELL FLAVORED. MARTET8 J gilt edge Batter, freeb Egge at lowest market pace. i j. , ,. 4 - 7?77-. ) 7 FERRIS' HAMS, STRIPS and SHOULDERS at janS9-tf JAKES C. STEVENSON'S. CO . S CO ....IB CO 7 ....M 00 f .SBW " .......ou u "at proI Bqaam estfaatea asa naitotoliunit ak ': UA aqaarea aa a half-oohunn. ,!7Tn7a' a. V C7T. ... T 7 t'T- faJUVilvs Sr- FOR TIIEPXAIfQFpTE-7 TEST t . 8ELLS 15,009 TTeariy stractloa book ever tesned approaches, ft for real ' merit'aad worts, tad no teacher regret Bflng It In" their course of laatrnction. ; Tbia vork la' a power In 3the pknslcal adrance of the daiy, and tf beea a most Important agent la tte recent tremendoaa in. crease of technical knowledge of the Pianoforte -? The success of RICAARDSON'S NEW METHOD ia world-wide, and prompts many competlton, bnt, itsaaie surpasses that of all others ooxBtuxs, and it stands to-day. tncontestably tnperior to all other PUmo.Mettod-;-,.-;??-".-'-, ; , .,; Uaxo bt yhousaxdS or Mrjsic Tkachibs'aud sold ..; ' bt u. Booxaks Mouq Dxuau xh tsia 7 Cbtnrr.BT akd CaXAja.: ( r 7;:y ' . - . .raicE..$a-75i.'.;-y r All books aent, post-paid, for retail pricey ; . ? o. srrsoN co., i ch as. h. iTsbif co.,- Boston. ; I 71i Broadway, N.vY. i :c JaBdw?w Wed & Sat : r-, f. 250 Tons No. 1 Guagape 350 Tons Eureka. For sale to arrive low for cash or on teasonable tt... terms or crop time.' c jan 16-tf WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. LIQUORS, WINES, CORDIALS. OUR LIQUOR DEPARTMENT EMBRACES all theft inestand choicest Brands in the Wood. J ' GENUINE IMPORTED OLD JAMAICA UltM, Pure Holland Gin, OTARD, DUPUY & CO., Brandy Vintage, 1848, Pronounced by- all the " Best" ever brought to this city.' -.. . '-. - ; . i PORT WINE, 18 years in Word. DUFF GORDON SHERRY, ! , CROWN HHERRY, ANGELICA KENTUCKY GEM, and the celebrated " Blue . Grassl" We only have space to call attention to a few special brands and claim only the decision of the beet judgea. ; - i j The above grades only for sale by ' jan 24 f - - GEO. MYERS1, THE LATEST POEMS QF ALICE ANDPH03BA CARY. SEtEGTEDlHOEMSr rrBETBry A Tennyson c, Ac Ten cents each. Also a new and chetp edition f Essays. -"A Dissertation upon Roast rig,',1 fcpharles LK :The Art of ttmtleuJ iSyilg, Vt. own As DU inmi. ai'U'O Oil aifl an Swift. "A Bachelor's Complaint of the Behavior of Married People." by Charles Lamb. Price ten cents each.' ... For sale at the r City book Store by I Jan22-tf 1 1 CONQLEY & YATES. s ; , , t . CORN, corn: 10,000 Bushels White and Mixed. 'Formate low by f jaais-tf WILLIAM8 to MURCHISON. Repairs Oil Hats and Bsniiets. fXLD HATS AND BONNETS BLEACHED pressed and made to 1 : IiOok as Well as New. V Stamping ! of all kinds done, aft For Darticnlara call on MRS. JENNIE UKK. on Nun, between 3rd and 4th streets. Prize Candyj F IFTY (50) GROSS CHROMO, MIRROR, GEMS, and Excelsior. Lowest Wholesale Prices. CHAS: D. MYERS to CO., jan4-tf 6 A 1 North Front St. Tuscola XXX. Onn BARRELS THIS FAVORITE FLOUR, UU Justin. EDWARDS & ALL. jan 10-tf Sausage Machine Stnffers. OUTCHERS SCALES, MEAT KNIVES AND 8teels. Hatchets and Heal t-Saws in great variety at the New Hardware Store of . j GILES to MURCHISON. jan M-tf 7c . - 88 North, Front St. Finest Grades Tps, " mFEBJALS. GUN 'POWDERS AND HYSONS, English Breakfast Oolongs. Bedueed ferlcea. CHAS. D. MYERS CO., 5 and 1 North Front street. anS4tf FINE, SOFT AND STIFF EL T HA T'3, TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, Ac. At HARRISON A ALLEN'S : Jan SH-tf , ' . City Hat Store, 88 Market St. Swede Iron PLOW STEEL, SMITHS' BELLOWS, SCREW Plates, Anvils, Sledge Hammers, Hand Ham mers, &c A large assortment of tho above goods can be found at the Old Established Hardware House of , j jant-tf JOHN DAWSON, . Nos. 19, 30 and M Market St. .8 i Notice., j HAVING PARTIALLY RECOVERED FROM my recent illness, I will have at the Citixene' Market on to morrow,- a lot of fine Mountain Beef. Those wishing choice cuts will please call early. . : ' T. A. WATSON, jan Mf - ' Proprietor.- G.H. W. Eurige. Smoked jowl, choice family flour In bbls. and half bbl., sew tot Celery Fresh Milk. Crackers. . Nortlieater. market anlSeD4 St. JaoyMtf 3r v '. V ;.v-i-' A- ; ' - v 71 "7 ) '7 7:K. -" " Z'Z 'x'rX.: 7: 7 "T- I ' ' ' ""-Hi f - . ' - 1 , -1 f -