WILMINGTON, N. C: Friday Morning, Feb. 5, 1875. BST TELEGRAPH. XOOM IIEFOIXTS. WASHINGTON. Presentation of Petition Debate on tue Civil Rlgbta BUI. Washington, Feb. 4. . . CONGRESSIONAL. SEN ATE. --Numerous petitions were presented against the restoration of the duty on tea and 'coffee, or the revival of any in ternal taxation, and for a repeal of the act of 1872 relieving certain foreign products of ten per cent. duty. Referred to the Fi nance Committee, - HO USE. The debate on the Civil Rights bill is in progress, and will close at two o'clock, when the vote will be taken. There is an immense crowd in the galleries. KGIITCt KY. Defence of Southern Presbyterians Failure of the Conference between the Northern and Southern Branch . of the Church ! - - ' r LotJISVILLE, Feb. 4. Dr. Stuart Robinson, who represents the Southern branch of the lJresbytenan Church, in a, statement last night, defended that bodv aeainst the charge, that the conferenceTailed of its main object be cause of the unwillingness of the Southern members to fulfill the conditions asked by the Northern division. This man's name was' linked to hi crime and to-day throughout the world it is, known as Burking. If I was to desire to lexpifess all that was pusillanimous in war, inhuman in peace, forbidden in morals and infamous in politics, I should call it Butler. J j For this violation of parliamentary order a resolution of ceusure was passed upon Brown, after a, very exciting debate," and was administered by the Speaker.- - - 1- The civil rights bill then Went over; till to-morrow, the House to meet at 10 o'clock. i . NEW YORK ' - Railroad Masnets In-Councll. New York, Feb. 4. Representatives of the Saratoga Railroad Combination held their second session here to-day. It was resolved that the powers of the Bureau of Commissioners of thej West ern Railroad be suspended, so far as relates to freight' business, untii further ordered. The Bureau continues its functions Regard ing passenger fares. NEW YORK. News from Cuba The Great Libel Suit Stolen State Bonds Returned. New York, Feb. .4. nothing below Good Ordinary, deliverable Ffebruary, 7fd. - ' I I ' V - scales on a basis or Middling uplands, nothing below Low Middling, shipped January, 7id. ' I ! i i Sales on a basis of Middling Uplands, nothing-below Low Middling, shipped January and February, 7fd. ! I Bales on a basis or Middling uplands, nothing below Low Middling, shipped March and April, 7 15 18d. I I Sales on a basis of Middling Uplands, nothing below Low Middling, deliverable March and April, 7fd. I m i Sales on a basis or Middling uplands, nothing below Low Middling, deliverable April and May, 7 1316d. Pi . sales on a basis or Middling uplands, nothing below Low Middling, deliverable February and March, 713-16d lVlI01.liKAL.fi PR1VJBS. if- MISCELLANEOUS. CST" Oar quotations. It should be understood, rep esent the wholesale prices generally. In making up small orders higher prices have to be charged. NEW ASS IT ALB GRAND CLEARING SALE ARTICLES. ZiSSSaSfi PraKftodi Orleans, of government troops are operaUng in GmCo i,,, vw tuh oMJ Villas district only to protect certain e:fr posed localities and prevent the burning of some plantations, i ne insurgents remain this side of the Trqcha. They spiire plant ations for a consideration, do not killfpris oners and are gaining the good will of the Tue libel suit against the Sun by rumoau goes ou, neither party accepting mutual offers of compromise. The suit s for fifty thousand dollars. The Sun is willing to retract the charge that the plaintiff received money, but will in no case confess judg ment. JjM Southern State bonds amounypg to over thirty thousand dollars, recently stolen from Adams' Express, were found orj the:' side walk and returned to the company SOUTH CAROLINA True Hills Found Against paper for Libel. Charleston! nothing below Low Middling, shipped ebruary and March, 7ila-16d. Sales of cotton yesterday included 9,810 bales American. I ' . Lard 13s 6d. Pork 80s for new mess. Breadstuff s quiet. j j I London, Feb. 4 Evening. Bullion in the Bank Of England has de creased 1,500,000. ; I - Paris, Feb. 4 Evening. Specie in the Bank of i France has in- jcreased 34,000,000 francs. Liverpool,! FebJ 4 Evening. Sales on a basis Middling Uplands, nt th ing below Low Middliiig, shipped February and March, 7d J ; I . COMMERCIAL. FEICBS. Mews- 1 W I L MING T O Feb. 4. The grand jury of Charleston poutyyes terday found true bills, on eight indictments for libel, against ti. It. iteardon pna jj . vv. Dawson, of the News and Courier, for pub lications during the last Staie Canvass af fecting Sheriff Bowen. CollectoC VVdrthing- ton and Election. Commissioners Hcryt and Gregory. I N I MARKET. .1- UKATHER REPOIfT - "War Department, 1 OHlceof Chief Signal Oflicer, j WasUington, Feb. 40:35 P. M. 1 8 ' Probabilities. South ; ELECTRIC srARKS. - '. . ' . ' y At Bangor, Me., Hersey, member elect to Congress, U dead. , j Rails were connected through the Hoo siac tunnel yesterday. In Spain, Gen. Lomah has defeated and captured the Carlist leader, Gen. Agana. Bismarck is suffering from nervous affec tion and seems determined to retire from office after his sixtieth birthday, j A Quebec dispatch says a falling rock at Cape Blanc crushed a number of persons. Eight bodies have been reclaimed. The avalanche came from Cape Diamond about 8 o'clock at night. - ! For Friday in the Eastern Gulf States, rising northwest to northeast winds, weather, except clouds on the! coasts. Atlantic and I barometer, ; I cold Clear! lnjmediatef Otllt NltiUT REPORTS. WASHINGTON. KLECTKIC SHARKS. j Darfaur has been annexed to! Egypt, The deaths from the Cape Diamond snow slide are confirmed. I 1 I The Racine Episcopal College and libra have been burned loss $60,000; ibsurancel $29,000. J ! i . . I S 1 A London telegram says liiircd nuggets of gold have been found in thej Good Hope: gold fields. ... 1 A Madrid dispatch says it is reported thai Loma destroyed several cannon foundries in Oninnyona 11 S - I f in Another ineffectual ballot in Minnesota Legislature for United States Senator-H Ramsey 54. STAl OFFICE, 'Feb. 4. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Receipts 121 casks. Market firm at 3oi cents bid. JNo sales reported. j ROSIN.Receipts 1,056 bbls. Strained Rosin firm at $1 70 j bid. Sales of 500 bbls Strained at $1 70 per j bbl. CRUDE ' TURPENTINE Receipts 319 bbls. Sales of 319 bbls at $2 50 for Virgin rfnd Yellow Dip and $1 50 for Hard. Market steady. j j TAR. Receipts 107 bbls. Sale of 137 ybls at $1 654 Market steady. COTTON. Receipts 245 bales. Sales of 2i5 bales, market firm and closing at the higher figutjes. The following are the offi cial quotations: j j Ordinary. .12 cents lb. good Ordinary 13 tow Middling......... 1414 " " liddling.i...., 14 . " boodMiddling........,i4ll4J " I Iu Florida Legislature two ballpts for U On the hrst, Democrats Summoning Witnesses to Rebut Report of Alabama1 Investi gating Coinmlttee The Pension Lawn-Vigorous Assault on Rutler lu tue IIouset &c. ; jV ' "Washington, Feb. 4. i MISCELLANEOUS. j The Democrats have summoned wit nesses in rebuttal of testimony taken by the Attbama Investigating Committee. The report will be delayed several! days. In Executive session, the Senate rejected the reciprocity treaty with Canada. A Joint Committee to investigate Arkansas; Ala bama and Louisiana has been; appointed, the committee to draft a bill. I " The Committee on Expenditures have summoned K. M. Dougla&s, Marshal West ern districtof North Carolina to explain ofucial matters. j CONGRESSIONAL. SENATE. Morton lot lnd.) presented a memorial signed by fifteen hundred col ored men of Baltimore, depositors in the Baltimore branch of the Freed men's Sav ing and Trust Compan', asking for relief. Referred to Finance Committee. i Boutwelltof Mass.), lrom committee on Commerce, reported with smendmeats Senate bill to promote economy and effi ciency in the Marine Hospital service. Caleudar. Pratt (of Ind.1, from Committee on Pen siuns. . reported with amendments Senate bill amending the pension law so as to re move the disability of those who, having participated in the rebellion, have since its termination enlisted in the army of the United States and become disabled. Cal endar. i A large number of bills reported by the Committee on Claims were passed. i House bill for ' the relief of Octovia Levert and her children was taken up and led to some discussion. Scott said there Svere eighteen or twenty claims yet on" the list, wiiich might properly be called South ern claims, or claims arising out of the late war. If tue beuate would give the com mittee further lime, claims of this class : 'mijiht be considered." To test the .sense of the Senate," he moved that time allowed the commiitee be extended one hour for the purpose of considering the class of claims referred to. j Peudiog discussion the time allowed the i committee expired. J The Senate then took up the concurrent j resolution submitted by Morion to repeal the twenty-second joint rule of the two Houses of Congress, in relation to counting the electoral votes for President and Vice President. Morton said the existence of this rule subjected the country to great dan ger. After consultation with a number of Senators he had determined to offer the fol lowing as a substitute for the motion to re peal: , No objection to the. receipt and counting or any electoral vote or voles, lrom any State, shall be valid unless such objection is sustained by tue amrmative votes of the t wo Houses. After discussion, the subject was re ferred to the Commiitee on Privileges and Elections. ' V ; . HOUSE '1 here wtis creat excitement in the House to-day, arising from a speech of Brown, of Kentucky, on (he Civil Rights oiu, in wmcn ue spoKe oi isuuer, oi. Mass., in i lie following terms: What should be said if the aceusation of the Southern people should .come from one who is outlawed in his own home from re spectable society, whose name is synony mous witn laisenoou, wuo is the champion ana uas been on all occasions the cham pin of fraud: who is the apologist of thieves; who is' such a prodigy of vice and meanness mat to describe lrnn imagination would sicken and invective would exhmiKt. it-i if. In Scotland, years ago, there was a man whose trade was murder, and he earned his livelihood by selling the bodies of his victims; for gold. He linked his name to his crime, and to-day it is known throughout the world as "Burking." The Speaker Does the Chair understand the gentleman to be referring in this lan . guage to a member of the House J Mr. Brown No, sir; I am describing an individual who is in my mind's eye. The Speaker The Chair understood the gentleman to refer, to a member of the House. - 31r. Brown No, sir. I call no names. New York Naval Stores market Feb. 3. 1874; Receipts to-day 4,186 bbls rosin, 418 do. spirits turpentine. In the market for spir its turpentine there was very little change lo note, the inquiry is small and prices ap pear to be steady at 38ic,; the only sales (beard of were 27' bbls j at 39c. Strained rosin continues in the same condition, quiet. (with prices about steady at $2 05$2 10 ffor common to good strained sales were 14,500 bbls to arrive on terms not made pub- BAGGENG--Gunny.,.: .. ' Double Anchor. Double Anchor " A" . BACON North Carolina, Hams, U Shoulders, $ lb...... Sides, fl.. ........ Western Smoked Hams ...... Sides, $tt - Shoulders,.... .... Dry Salted Sides tt.... ; Shoulders BEEF OntheHoof.. BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, Second Hand, each New New Fork, each , New City. each. BEESWAX BRICKS Wilmington, $1 M.,... onnern........ BUTTER North Carolina, 9 ft . Northern, $ ft CANDLES Sperm, ft......;. Tallow, to Adamantine, fi CHEESE Northern Factory $ ft Dairy, creamy ft State, $ ft COb'FEE Java, ft Rio, 9 ft Lagnayra, ft CORN MEAL $1 bushel COTTON TIES ft.. DOMESTICS Sheeting. 4-4, yd r Yarn, bunch.... FISH Mackerel, No. I, 9 bbl... j ko. 1, V X obL : Mackerel, No. 3, 9 boi I Nc. 2, ft i bbl r Mackerel, No. S, 9 bbl I Mullets, ftbbl ; N. C. Herring, V bbl. - Dry Cod, & FLOUR Fine, 9 bid I Super. Northern, I bbl...... Extra do. M 9 bbl i Family bbl i City ms Supr., 9 bbl.... f axtrat V ID1 Faisuy, 9 bbl... -Bx. Family, bbl ..! FERTILIZERS : Peruvian Unanu, V 2000 fts ; Baugh's Phosphate, " " J i, Carolina Fertilizer, " i 1 1 Ground Bone; " " ' s Bone Meal, ' i " Flour, " " i . ; Navassa Guano, " " i Complete Manure, ; Whann's Phosphate " i; Wando Phosphate, " ! s Berger & BuU'p Phoeph. " 1 GLUE-?J ft... j GRAIN Com, Is store. $J 60 fts. nnMn i r.u Ws a - vulilVaigv, 1a uu wo..... , f Corn. YeL. 19 bueheL j Oats. $ boHhel. Peas, Cow, baehel HIDES Green, $ ft.... Dry, $ ft HAY Eastern, 9 100 fts... . : North River, 9 100 ft... HOOP IRON $ ton LARD Northern, $ ft North Carolina, 9 ft. LLMK w bbl LUMBER Cm bTBAjr8Aww Ship stun, resawed, W M ft. Roueh Edge Plank, w M ft.. West India Cargoes, according to quality, ft M It Dreesed Flooring, seasoned.. Scantling and Boards, com mon, $ M ft... MOLASSES Cuba, hhds, 9 gal.. Cuba, bbls 9 Kal Sugar House, nhds, 9 gal... gai.... to m 16 10 12 17 25 S 00 3 58 28, 8 00 02 20 as 35 14 15 17 13 36 81 25 15 17 12 13 12 10 11 8 2 50 This Week. -AT en S75 B0 10 00 14 00 BO 40 42 15 WACCAMAW A CAPE FEAR FBESH-BEATEJN HAMS, SIDES, SHOULDMKS, i t (Dry Salted and Smoked). "English and Scotch. Ales, COFFEES of all -kinds at Reduced Prices, FISH, CASE GOODS of all kinds, TOILET SOAPS, Fine Pale and Common SOAPS, Twenty 45 Klarket Street, B ROW N & ROD D. I C K WllKlose their placo of business on Monday, the 18th January, 1875, for the" special purpose of Marking down the BALANCE OF OUR WINTER STOCK, & & & & & & 4 different kinds i Cigaw, Tobacco of TONIC BITTERS, 6 io a so 16 00 8 5C 13 00 7 60 11 00 5 00 0 00 18 16 6 25 27 1C5 7 11 4 500 625 7 25 0 01 0 01 0) 00 00 03. 50 & Hit 20 00 & 9 00 (2,13 50 11 50 8 00 8 50 I Kerosene Oil, Hay, Corn and Oats, WITH HUNDREDS OF OTHER ARTICLES OF Groceries at Wholesale. niSTT or rinse bavine customers can be suited al- wavs. with Good Goods at Lowest Market Prices. may 2-u i Aunteux a. vubbCAu, LIQUORS, WINES, CORDIALS, OUR LIQUOR DEPARTMENT JSMBKAUJia all the Finest and choicest Brands in the W ood. n . , ..nmuiinnnTMi BWAXPT.S 'RT.A'NTCKTS. 1 1 l! . . ' - UNDUi"VYiiAB nuiJBUJlVBUuni -.- -. Beaded Trimmings of every Description, WORSTED FRINGES OF THE LATEST STYLES, Ac, &C.i &C. . ' EVER Y AR7ICLE MARKED IN PLAIN FIG URES So fhat all have the opportunity of knowing just how much ot s reduction had been made. 500 6 CO 7 00 8 10 0 00 0 00 WOO 00 IK) m 80 00 CO 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 00 00 CO 00 00 00 00 60 00 13 l ooj - i ! 80 1 10 i 7i W 1 25; 1 00 6i 110 00. (g.000 00 15 00 00 00 1 55 GENUINE IMPORTED OLD JAMAICA RUM, Pure Holland Gin, OTARD. DUPUY & CO., Brandy Vintage, 1848, Pronounced by all the " Bett" ever brought to this city. ! PORTwINE, 12 years in Word, I CROWN MIERR7, ANGELICA KENTUCKY GEM, and the celebrated CAMELS HAIR DRESS GOODS,, Formerly v ........ ..v. .. k COLORED CASHMERES , formerly . 1 COLORED ShRGES, formerly f... SCOTCH PLA1 D, formerly DOUBLE WIOTH IOPL1NS, all colors, formerly.. ........ ALL WOOL EMPRESS CLOTH, formerly, FIGURED BLUB POPLINS, worth ''''X SHAWLS formerly $2 75, $3 08 and COATS' SPOOL COTTON, formerly 1j .... Togetherwithmanyotherarticlestoonttmeronstomentlon.ii ..75 .. 75 40 35 .. 40 .. 75 .. 37 $3 50 .. 7c N4w 55 55 29 25 30 45 15 $2 CO be. G oooo 60 00 65 09 40 00 45 00 57 00 65 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 17 0 00 83 8 14 0 00 0 00 It Blue Grass, ?5 We only bave space to call 'attention to a few special brands and claim only the decision of the . best judges.; j , . " ; ! xne aDOvegraoesoniy ior eaie uy Jan 24 if i GEO. Hl BBS', CORN, CORN. For 30 Days : ft An additional 5jer cent will be given oil all sales at time of purchase with the following exception: BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED SHIRTINGS, GINGHAMS AND SPOOL THREAD. TERMS STRICTLY CASH, ONE PRICK .! Our patrons will find this no advertising ruse. We mean business every time, j - BROWN & RODDICK, Jan 17-tf 45 Market Street. ilmington North Carolina Lines, SEMI-WEEKLY 10,000 Busliels White and Mixed. .1 : - 1 Fast Freight Eoute to all Points South and East. For f ale low by , Syrup, bbls-TB gal. NAILS Cut, 4d to 20d. Skeg.. Mess..... vote of eleci i says a train S. Senator bave been had. Gov. Walker came within one' tion. A Dubuque (Iowa) telegram is fast in th snow 700 miles theqee and 3q passengers'are without food orj fuel. Asist ance has been sent. Terrible isnow stoims are reported and thermomcter23to26dei;4. below zero, 'lie; in finer grades 2,000 bbls JNo. 1 at ive at $3 252 37j Wilmington. Pitch! I telegraphic advices we heard of sales of 3. Tar remains inact for Washington and is selling in. a jobbing way at $2 37 J for prime city delivered. The are as follows: Liver: ponl-spirits turpentine I 26s" Cd, common j rosin 6s; London spirits turpentine 26s 6d, I common rosin 63. It ....... . MARINE. Net Yoke, Feb. 1 4i Noon. Financial, j .1 Stocks active. Money 2 per cent. GoM ODened and closed at 114.i Sterling ex change long $4 07; short fyy. govern ment securities active ana eiming. . bta bonds quiet. ', CommercioL Flour dull and unchanged. and unchanged. Corn quiet pit firm, Pork 5Wh eat quiet in steam 14 iq at cents. oj 1,740 balej j s lpi cents. Sales! ARRIVED. Stmr Gov Wortii, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth j Stmr Clinton, Driver Point Caswell, A II VanBokkelen. I !i CLEARED. Stmr Gov Worth, Worth & Worth. I 1 1 Stmr Clinton, Driver, A H VanBokkelen. ; Worth, Fayetteville, Point Caswell, Evening. j 2319 cent, quiet mess 19 50. Lard ri cents. Spirits turpentine fi Rosin firm at $2"122 Hiifortiai:md. Freights firm. Cotton firm, wuu sates Uplands I5i cents; Orleans for futures to-day opened sttfaHy as fullo'sj Februarv 151S0-16 cents; March lo llfltf 15 23-ca cents; April 10(10 l ea cei)ts M&y lo ll-aalUf cents. Nkw Yoiik, Feb. 3 Financial. Money is in good supply premium, sterling czenange tneavy at Gold inactive ut 114i114.: Governmen).' securities dull but strong. State bonds duQ and nominal. Stocks closed dull sbuj steady.' j II Cotton steady with saleJ of 2,722 bales at 15i15J cents: boutbern flour pull and prices unchanged common to fair extra, $4 ?0$5 40. Wheat heavy a&d cent lower, with very limited demand, at $1 18fl 26 for winter;, red western; $1 24$l 25 for amber do; $1 25$1 30 for white do. Corn opened nrm, bOt closed heavy, , at 8384 jcents .for new Western mixed; 84 cents for yellow doJ and 8384 cents for while do. j Sugar very dull and heavy. Kice hrm, wjjh fair jobbing demand. Tallow steady at cents iliqs- in and turpentine steady! Pork firmer! new mess, $19 62i$19 75. Lard tirnierf- prime steam 1414i cents. WhiskeyiloW- er at 93i94 cents. .Freights nrmer. ( Cotton net receipts 773 bales; gross fe ceipts 2,582 bales.. Futiires closedtrorig, with sales ot 20. 100 bales as follows: Feb ruary 15 21-3?15 11-16 cents; Marth ll5 25 3215 13 16 cents; Apfil 16 5-32 cents; May 1(S 7-lt518 15 33 cei?ts; June 16 cts; July 17 cents; August 17 3-16 cents;! Sep tember 16f cents, j . j. , "BALkTMOKE, Feb. 4i Flour quiet but steady. Wheat steady Corn ! firm southern whpte 7678 beats; yellow 7879 cents. Oas 6768 ctsi Rye qiiiet at 93 cents. Pork $?0. Bacon shoul tleis cents. Lard dtill-f steam and refioed ldf14i cts. uottee quit and unchanged. Whiskey dull and nominally 95i9G cebts. COTTON W.A H K EXS. Mobile, buoyant at 131, 141at4i4re ceipts 1,257 bales; New ijOrleans, string at 16, i44(io receipts c4ii tiaies; Ujiarles ton, firm at idj, 1414f receipts bales; Savannah, firm at 134, 141ll5-l-re ceipts 2,036 bales; Baltimore, firm atjl44, 15 !5 reoeipts 284 balpi; Augusta, jstEorg ai loi, 14, I42(gi4f ptceipis 09J pales Philadelphia, firm at 1'44. 15, 15i151- receipts 36 bales; Boston, firm at 1 5 --re ceipts 308 hales; Norfolk, firm at 144-s-n ceipts 1,322 bales; Galve'sion. steady atf receipts 2,501 bales: Memphis firm at 14 J una neiu uiguer receipjs i,o4 oaie; xMISCELLANEOUS. OILS Kerosene, 9 gal Lard, gal , Linseea, V gal , Rosin, V Ral PfiANUTS V bushel POTATOES Sweet, W bushel lriea, Mortuern, f ddi. POKK Northern, city Thin, 9 bbl frime, 9 ddi.... Kump, v DDI RICE Carolina, ft Bast India, $ fi Rough, 9 bush UAGS-Country, 9 lb city, v so.. KOriS SALT Alum, 9 bushel... Liverpool, t? sack. .... American, 9 sack.... SLOAR Cuba, S.. Porta Klco, 9 A ooiree, 9 id .., B " V U. .... C 9 Ex. C ft , Crushed, t ft SQAP Northern, 9 ft 8IICNGLES- Contract, 9 M. common, 9 ja ....... Cypress Saps 9rM,. ...... Ovprert Uf-art. 9 M. STAVES W.O.Bbt, Jt.. R.O Hhd., M. f Cypress, 9 M... i TALLOW 9 ft TIMBKR Shipping. 9 M Mill tme, w M Mill Fair. M.. inrenor to uramary, 9 M WHISKEY Northern, 9 sal North Carolina, 9 gal WOOL Unwashed, 9 .... Washed. 9 ft 34 00 22 00 1 20 00 30 00 16 00 41 15 84 33 40 4 75 IS 1 10 1 00 30 1 10 60 8 25 00 00 00 00 00 & 2X00 25 OG 23 86 00 23 00 43 47 35 40 & .80 5 50 00 00 145 110 40 150 000 8 50 S2 50 00 00 00 00 jan 16-tf- WTLLIAMS & MUIiCHISON. 00 CO 00 00 00 20 6 75 15 10 m . x 104 10 iox 5 8 00 130 1 S 23 00 00 4 DC 2 50 20 00 00 on '18 00 08 s17 1 13 8 50 4 CO 1 00 1,75 .20 135 6 00 800 .25TJ0 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 00 10 00 6 00 500 350 1 40 IM'J'ES OP PKE16IIT. A Beautiful Selection; PEiL Jnot receited. Jaa 31-tf JEWELRY GUANO, Low Prices at j GEO. HONNET'S, ! No. 53 Market Street. GUANO. 250 Tons No. 1 Guanape. 350 Tons Eureka. For cale to arrive low for . cash or on reasonable Per Stcamerij To Sw Yuiix. " ! Crude Turpuntiiie S bbl 045 0 0 0 00 0 35 Tar hbl. 0 30 a 0 35 0500S5 Spt TunxTitine bbl 85 0 00 0 00 75 Uoani ft bbl 40 O 0 00 000 35 Cotton 9 bale. 3 00 0 00 0 00 1 25 Peanuts 9 bushel. 0 10 0 00 0 00 0 10 To Philadelphia. Crude Turpentine $1 bbl 0 OT 0 50 0 00 0 50 Tarbbf. 000050 0 00050 Spts Turpentine 9 bbl 0 00 1 00 0 00 0 80 Rosin 9 hoi 0 00 0 50 0 00 0 50 Cotton 9 bale v. 0 90 2 00 00 2 00 Cotton Goods N bale.. 0 00 0 75 0 00 0 75 Peanuts 9 bushel...... 0 00 0 10 0 60 0 10 Lumber 9 11 0 00 10 00 7 00 8 00 To Baltikobh. Crude Turpentine bbl 0 00 0 45 0 00 0 45 Tar 9 bbl.. 0 00 0 45 0 00 0 45 Spts Turpentine W bbl 0 00 0 90 0 00 0 75 Rosin 9 bbl 0 00 0 45 8 00 0 45 Cotton 9 bale 0 00 3 80 0 00 3 GO Peanuts 9 bushel 000OJ1 000000 Lumber 9 M 0 00 8 00 6 50 00 To Bostoh Crude Turpentine 9 bbl 0. 00 0 00 0 00 0 65 Tar 9 bbl. '.. 6 00 0 00 8 00 0 65 Spts Turpentine 9 bbl 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 90 RobId 9 bbl 0 00 0 00 0 65 0 70 Cotton 9 bale 0 00 0 00 2 50 0 00 Peanuts 9 bushel.... .1 0 00 0 00 0 12 0 10 Lumber 9 M I 0 00 0 00 11 50 13 J NOTICE. BY VIRTUE OP A DECREE of the SBPERIOK COURT of New Hanover County, rendered on ihe 30th dav of January, 1874, in the matter of Ed ward B. Duiley and others ex parte, tbe nuder cigned Commissioner will offer for eale at public aution, at tht! Court House doer in the City or vt fl- : . c... J . K .. t Un.ti 1 CT; that Valnable Lot in the City of Wilmington located on Market street, and being part of I ots 3. 4 and 5 in Block US,- beginning at a point 132 feet eastwardly from Ihe nortntastern luierscci on oi Market snd Ninth streets. ind running along Market street e-iBtwardly 66 ft, and running back 165 ft. TK1(MSS or SALt ime tnira casn, oaiauce in six and i iue months. Title restrved Purchaser to paj for tiUe papers. JOHN LtN I'OJM, commiseiuuer. jan 31-eod30d s Sn Wed Fr&dof e . PHILADELPHIA &' SOUTHERN Mail Steamshb Company! 'pnB FIRST CLASS STEAMERS PIONEER, 812 tons, Capt. John Wakeley, TON A WAN DA. 844 tons, Capt C. C. WUlbank form a Weekly Line, and sail alternately from Phila delphia and Wilmington every TucsdaySnorning, a 6 o'clock. i Threush mils oi Ladme Given tNew Tortj, Boston, Providence, Fall River, Portland and all paints in the JSew luigland btatesr at as low rates as by any other route. Aleo to Liv erpool, London, Antwerp, Bremen, Hamburg, Ams- lera&m, ana an points ou me uiiliiicul uu awi -Coast of Eneland. Througn rates xrom rnuaaeipnia to an points in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, ' Louisiana, Mississippi ana Tennessee, at 88 low rates as by competing lines. Jfor txeignt ensagements ana rates appiy to I WORTH & WORTII, Agents, j Wilmington. N. C. J. M. Foksuee, SaperiBtenderit. Oi to WM. L. JAMES, General Agent, jnne 6-tfl 237 and S:i3 Dock street. Philnvtelphla. j ! Coaceraiiig prays, Waicns, Carts, k TnE IXARDOF ALDERMEN OP IUE CITY OP WILMINGTON, N. C, BO ORDAIN. That any Dray. Truck Wagon, or Cart found in use within the City limits without the '! , Badge or Registered Number as required by City Tax Ordinance passed May 9th, 1873, snail De subject to seizure iy tne uity marsnai, and the owner thereof subject to a fine of Five Dollars for tach and every day the same is used in this City without the prepayment of the monthly tax, or without having on the Badge or Registered Number as the Ordinance of the City requires. - Any Ordinance or parts thereof conflicting with the foregoing are hereby repealed. The above ordinance was passed Dy tne Board oi Aldermen at their meeting February 16th, 1874. k T. U. S1SKVU&S, feb 18 tf I City Clerk. $ I 00 Reward I I ! I WILL PAY ONE HUNDRED DOLT ARS FOR the apprehension and d elivery to me of the follow ing named prisoners who broke Jail, February 2nd. 1675, or TW -TY-FIVK DOLL ARS lor tse appre hension and delivery ef. each one. BALTIMORE. Baltimore and Southern Steam Trans portation Company, Sailing from BALTIMORE. Tuesday and Friday, at 3 1. M., AND FROM WILMINGTON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. ! NEW, YORK. Clyde's Wilmington JL.ine, Sailing from NEW YORK : ; Tuesday and Friday, at 3 P. 11. - j , AHD TKOM WILMINGTON I ' WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Uivlng Througb Bills of Lading to all points In North and South Carolina, Geoijg t and Alabama. For North or East bound Freight, to Baltimore Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Providence. Fall River and other Eastern Cities. ':-!''' i .I..:.''; -also Liverpool Glasgow, Bremen, . Antwerp ; and Other European Ports; . These Lines connect at Wilmington wita the Wilmington Columbia & Augusta Railroad, Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, and Carolina Cen'ral Railway and Cape Fear River Steamers, with their connecting Roads, offering unequalled facilities for the prompt delivery of Freight to all points, as the Steamers on these Lines on arrival in Wilmington stop at Railroad depot, the Freight transferred under covered Ehed to cars without delay, aad forwarded by the Fast Freight Express that morn ng. " No dray age in Wilmington and no transfer from Wilmington South. Rates guaranteed as LOW as by any other boats. . Losses or Overcharges promptly paid. Hark all goods via Wilmington Lines. For further information, apply to either of the undersigned Agents of the Line, i ' EDWIN FITZGERALD, Gen'l Agent Baltimore Line, 50 South St, Baltimore, WOT. P. CLYDE & CO., Gen'l Agent New York Line, 6 Bowling Green, N. Y., oct 29-tf f A. D.CAZA DX Agent Baltimore and New York Lines, Wilmington,' N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. The Low Prices Easily Account for the Extent of Our liaily Sales. O INCE WE RESOLVED TO SELL AT PRICES O that would surely reduce- our STOCK, it has required no Salesmanship to sell our goods, SILKS, BLACK ALPACAS, . FURS, DRES GOODS. Bleached and nnbleached Shirting and bheeting, SHAWLS, TABLE CLOTHS, x BLANKETS, SPREADS, FLANNELS, HOSIERY, RIBBONS, GLOVES, LACKS, COLLARS, . Gent's FineWhite Shirts, Underwear, Suitings, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs and j COLLARS, With thousands of other goods belonging in"a First Class Dry Goods Stock, are daily being deposed of rl urices that reallv make it to the advantage of persons in want to buy them now from the best Stock in the City, at U.e prices never sold at be) ore. Remember the inducement is offered only by the leading Dry Goods House of Wilmington. ; BOSKOWITZ & LIBBER, jan 10-tf 29 Market street Blacksmith's Bellows, ANVILS, SLEDGES, HAND-HAMMERS, Vises, Screw Plates i Blacksmith's Tongs, Drills and. evervtaine re auisite for Pla antation or Blacksmith ' Shop, for sale at Rock Bottom Prices at the new naraware store oi r GILES & MURCHTSON. jan 31-tf 38 North Front St ! Wilmiiigton 'Merchants WHO WISH TO EXTEND THEIR BUSINESS on the Carolina Central Railway should not overlook the fact that Rockingham is the wealthiest and has theereatet population f any tcwnlbetween Wilmington and Charlotte, and that it has but una newspaper, tne . e . . Spirit of the-South, which enjoys the LAR GEST CIR C ULA TION of any paper published in the Pee Dee conntry, mak ing it the BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Rates of advertising reasonable. Subscription 8 a year. Address, W. R. TERRY, Publisher, . feb6-tf ! Rockingham,N. C. The Central Protestant A WEEKLY RBLIGIOtJS AND FAMIUY NEWS paper and the Organ of the Methodist Protes tant Church in North Carolina, is published t Greensboro, N. C. ' , Terms, 'i uu per annum, m aavance. ; The elieibiiity of its location, the number and ac tivity of its agents, and the constantly increasing de mand forit among the more solid classes iof readers in various sections, give the CENTRAL peculiar claims upon tne patronage si tne advertising puouc Terms very, favorable. Consult your business inter ests, ana aaaress tne eanor. marlltf Corn, Hay and Meal. 20QQ Bushels Corn, . Bales Hay. i PAA Bush Water Ground Meal. jan 31-tf For sale by' KBRCHNER & CALDER BROS. terms or crop time. jan l-tf WTLLIAMS ft MTJRCHISONi We Invite Attention WIL1TI1NCTON 1KONKY; 1QARKET. OORRKCTID SATX.T BT THB BJLKX OT JTBW HANOTU, I. B. GRAINGER, PRESIDENT. ' Bums. IIIUKS. Gold ! U i 111 Silver... . .j.103 I 1M Exchange sight on Northern cities XX disc't Exchange 30 days on " " j liM Scdis. rQ OTJR STOCK OF ii Bank of New Hanover Stock. First National Bank Wilmington Building Stock,. .1 (Par 25) 4.... 100 Peerless Shirts, And the prices they "are now fast selling at ! all kinds of t Pr - M . And FURNISHING GOODS, GO TO .21 .15 .14 .13 . 5 29 1(0 95 83 110 GEORGE CRAWFORT, (white) 5 ft, 6 inches high, light complexion, with lisiht beard. 30 years of age. : a t - JOE BURKE, (mulatto) 5 feet, 6 inches high, grey eyes, with light mustache and whiskers. j A RCHIE STEWART, (black) 5 feet, 8 inches XV. high, about 16 years of age. ! - ' JUDGE BOLDEN. (black) about 6 feet, 8 inches high, broad shoulders, wears a military jacket ; New Barbary Dates. T ARGE ASPINW ALL BANANAS. 1 J Oranges. Pine ABDles. Sapad Has. Grapes, Lsuv Finger, Rus et and Baldwin SWEET Malaga Apples. Cape Cod Cranberries, Horse Radish, and a large assortment of the finest Candy, just received at S. G. NORTHROP'S jan 24-tf I Fruit and Confectionery Store. MUNSON & CO., feb 3 tf City Clothiers. A Hare Opportunity. rEFORE YOO It . BUY YOUR Navassa Guano Co. ' N. C. Bonds Old Ex-Coupon . .-, Do. Funding 1866.... Do. 1868.... Do. New.. Do. Special Tax.... Do. to N. C. Railroad.. W. A. W. R. R. Bonds 7 ffc (Gold Int)-.90 Carolina Central R. R. Bonds, 6 c. .70 Wilmington City Bonds, 8 9c... 1 70 " " ! 7 Wc. J......85 - " " ; old 6 Ci... .65 " . " , new 6c....65(GoldInt) " I 8 9i..X ....80( " " ) new nanover county uonas au years). 6c(Go.d Int).... 1 .70 W. & W. Railroad Stock U.....65 North Carolina R. R. " j. .... .30 C C. Railroad " . ..t ... ..01 Wil. Gas Lteht Co. l l' 70 ! fc Seaside R. R. .... ..1.. ..10 1 febSlw 8. H. MANNING, Sheriff. The Savannali Advertiser, ' PTJBLISHID VAILT AKD WSBKJ.T iT S A V A N N A LTtQG A . GEO. N. Wil. u. liONDON, Feb. 4 Jsptf l"vi ie railfioftl sua res 5u2bi. The bank directors liive posted a feard to the effect that the expected change lib the bank rate has not beeDj made. H Paris Feb. 4. Noqn. Paris Bourse Reuteii 64f. Liverpool'I Feb. 4. )pn. Coltoa firm Uplands 7d; Orleans 7d. Sales of 15,000 bales,!! including 3,000 for speculation and exportl Cotton to arrive 1-1C dearer. ! Sales on a basis of i Middlirjg Uplands MISCELLANEOUS. St. alentiiie is Here ! rjH ANTICIPATE THE DAY OF ENJOYMENT to all. in i heir own way. His grandest display in that line will take place the 14th, the proper time All tne ianciec ana conceits or man ana woman pictured, with appropriate verses. The choicest and handsomest Valentines in proper lace and colors. The Serious, Seni imental,; Comic and ex treme ludicrious. All will be placed in their greatest light in frames of fhueulxiana. For sale at " HEINSBERGER. i - feb4 tf ! Live Book and Music Store. NICHOLS, Proprietor. F. "W. SIMS, Business Manager C I, O T H I N G SEE OUR r jan 41-tf PRICES. DAVID ft WEIL. Hats and Caps. THE LATEST STYLES, TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, cV Chromos. THE Advertiser is a live, comprehensive news paper, publishing the latest News and Market Kenorts from all Darts of the country, particular at tention being given to Savannah's Local and Com mercial Affairs.! . . IN POLITICS the Advertiser wul be a bold and fearless exponent of the Democratic Conservative TO ADVERTISERS unexcelled advantages are offered, our large and increasing circulation render ing the Advertiser a valuable advertising medium. TERMS. . Daily 1 Year.... ....$7 00 " 6 Months......................... 3 50 " 3 Months.......... 1 75 Weekly 1 Year... 150 Agents wanted in every town. Sample copies free on application to this onice. I sept 2-tr feb 4 tf At HARRISON & ALLEN'S 38 Mark -t St. Fresli Groceries. ntci in 'he most e!eal ty)e,:al ! WM. H. BERNARD'S JjERltlS' HAMS and BREAKFAST STRIPS, COLEMAN'S MUSTARD, 'J ! . . ' : J CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S PICKEL8, Anchovy Paste, Vennecelli and Julienne Soups G 0 ODS DELIVERED I REE. PLANNER & SHURE, Egg Maearoni, feb 3 tf Molusses and Coiree. QQ Bbls S. H. Molasses, jQ Bags Rio Coffee, jan 31 tf Tuscola XXX. ! ' i i OHO BRREL,3 THIS FAVORITE FLOUR, gust in. OTEEL ENGRAVINGS, STEREOSCOPES AND Views. Violins, Barjos, Accordeons, Harmonicas and Sheet ilu;lc. Pla ing Cards, Dominoes, Chess and Checker Men and Boards. Crlbbage and a large assortment of new Parlor Games. Also BLANK BOOKS, PAPER, ENVELOPES, STEEL and GOLD PENS, Penholders, Rulers, Paper Knives, &cr, &e. At CONQLKY & YATES. febStf . No. 47 Market Street. J L. MICHAUX, Greensboro. N. C. The Baleigh News, . DAILY A ND WEEKL Yt I . PUBLISHED BY I STO.E & IIZZELL. ! - - ' ! DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF the State of North Carolina to the success of the Conservative party, the development of the hid den wealth of the State, the inviting emigration in to our midst, aac aavancemem or tue weiiare or our people in everything that serves to make a State prosperous and independen ) Its ADVERTISING COLUMNS will be found of great advantage as botjt the Daily and Weekly circulate largely in every portion of the state. Kates moderate. SUBSCRIPTION KATIES: Dailv. On Year. Weekly, Oa Year. Subscribe for 1874. L..$7 00 X uu janS-tf .STONE & UZZELL, . Proprietors. THE ANSONIlAN, u ' - V- T Weekly Newspaper, Published at I i! Folkton, N. L. L. POLK. .Editor. IT WILL BE PATRONIZED LARGELY BY the Farmers and Business Men of Anson, Unlcs. tral Railroad, and the Merchants and other Business Men of Wilmington, if they would secure the trade For sale bv KERCHNER CALDER BROS. Oats, Ktce and Sugar. . 31 North Front Street. janlOtf EDWARDS & HALL. 2QQ0 Eufhels Oats, , 2g Tierces and Bbls Rice. A t Barrels Sugar, Refined, 10 Hhds Porto Rico TtU Sugar, . Pot sale by jan 31-tf i .KERCBNER & CALDER BROS. Swede Iroil, PLOW STEEL, SMITHS' BELLOWS, SCREW Plates, Anvils, Sledge Hammers, Hand Ham mers, &c A 'arge assortment of the above goods c-iirbe found at tUe Old Established Hardware House of - JOHN DAWSON, jan 31-tf Nos. 19, 30 and 21 Market St G. IT. W. Runge. Smoked jowl, choice family flour in bbls. and half bbls., new lot Celery, Fresh Milk Crackers., j Northeast eor. market and Second t. jany 24 tf " . - . I Bacon and Pork. (gQ Boxes D G. Sides and Shlds Q C Boxes Smoked do, 25 For sale by jan 31 tf i KBRCHNER & CALDER BROS. of that prosperous eection, will cium ior aaverusmr. find Bbls Pork, STILL A H-E no better me-j aprltf AD TPvESIRING TO PLACE A WIDE-AWAKE, LTVB J. and progressive newspaper inj the hands of every qualified voter in Robeson and adjoining conn ties we win f ena tne R ORES ON IAN To all new subscribers at the following rates: 1 Copy, 40c; 2 Copies, 75c; 8 Copies, $1 00: 10 copies, ou; i copy a montns, ? Months, (1 S5: 1 Copy 12 Months, $a Dena stamp ior specimen copy.1 75c; 50. Notice. IF l copy e AVING PARTIALLY RECOVERED FRO mv recent illness. I will huve ut the Citizens Market on to morrow, a lot of fine Mountain Beef. Those wishing choice cuts will please jcall early jan 34-tf T. A. WATSON. Proprietor.

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