THE HOEimiO STAB. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY JBATM Of SUBSCBIPTIOX 1H ADTATCS: one year, (by mail) postage pa .......... f7 00 Six months. ( " " . " " 4 00 Three montha(" ") " ......... 25 One month, ("")' " 100 To City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the Fifteen Cents ner week. Onr Citv Aeents are not authorized to collect for more than 3 months in advance. jt OUTLINES. Alfonso's train was fired into by the Car lists. North Carolina has a new conn ty named Pender, and made -out of iJew Hanover county. - Senator McCreery made a statement concerning certain ru mors about the introduction of cholera into this country and asked that means be pro vided to investigate the matter. Pe nobscot. .Jay frozen over. ' C W. Jones, Democrat, elected to the1 United States Senate from Florida. New York markets: Gold, 114i114J; spirits- turpentine, 38i39; rosin, $2 10$2 15; cotton, 154ai6.. New tariff bill was discussed without action in Lower House of Congress yesterday. ..- THK CSUHY AUlTATION. No question has excited more gen eral interest in North Carolina since the election last year than the agita tion in favor of more stringent laws concerning usury. The passage of such a measure through the Senate has aiqused many business and agri cultural communities. Ihe masses of the people j ho - Have not hereto fore "irf Stigated the .subject for themselves, but have been content to accept loose theories based on super ! ticial grounds are beginning to ap preciate the danger to the material interests of the Slate if the Legisla ture shall declare relentless war upon capital and drive it from the JState. We trust ttiis.awakening of interest will Lot be too late to accomplish tha defeat of the ruinous measure. It will be seen by reference to our special dispatches that the Senate bill was again considered in the House yesterday without action. If the House will pause until the peo ple can be heard from, it will hardly pass the bill,-unless itdesires to defy public opinion and recklessly sacri fice public interests. ' A OKMOCltATIt; SKNATOU One by one the Radical roses fall. Florida has elected a Democratic U. S. Seuator in the place of the carpet bagger Gilbert. His name is C. W. Jones, ' and he is from Escambia county. If this thing keeps on we shall have the Senate. Come, Minnesota, fol low Wisconsin, Michigan and Florida. Give ns an anti-bayonet-programme man. The Legislature. Condensed from the Sentinel. J FIFTY-FIRST DAY. SENATE. Wednesday Feb. 10. Mr. Cantwell, petition from leading merchants of Wilmington protesting against the passage-of the usury law. Referred. Rules suspended and bill to auth orize Carteret county to compromise its debts passed the third reading. The Senate concurred in House amendments concerning the fernfe laws in several of the codnties. Mr. Waring, bill to incorporate Mecklenburg Centennial Celebration. Referred.'' Mr. Bellj bill to amend charter of Newbern. Referred. - Mr. Anderson, rules suspended, and bill allowing citizens of Cabarrus to'vote on the fence law passed third reading. Mr. " Busbee's . bill repealing -that section of Battle's Revisal reqinrinct township trustees to report condition of the roads to the commissioners and leaving the overseer responsible, ayes and nays called and bill passed third resding ayes 19, nays 15. . V- Mr. Kerr, House bill" to establish county of Cohara. The county to be formed from portions of Johnston, Sampson and Wayne connties. The bill leaves it to vote of the people. Mr. Waddell presented" a counter petition from citizens of Johnston county. He was undecided how to vote as ' representative men of his ' county were for and against it. Mr. Parish presented a counter pe tition from the citizens of Sampson county. . Mr.-Kerr pressed the bill. Mr. Waring: strongly opposed it,, moved it be laid on the table. . Mr. Stand ford sopported the bill. ; The bill was postponed. i HOUSE OF REPRESEM TAT1VESJ PENDER. The unfinished business of yester day being the bill to establish a new county by the name of Pender was taken up. Mr. VValker advocated the passage of the bill in remarks of length. He was in principles opposed -to the es tablishment of new counties, but he ijiought that this bill considering the peculiar circumstances surrounding it, contained unusual merit, &c: Mr. Moring opposed the bill, and moved to indefinitely postpone. ' , Mr. Erwin favored the measure. Mr. Gudger supported the bill.. Mr. Norment was opposed to the establishment of the proposed new county. , 1 HE . .;. -. I' 1 . : . rl , ,, , 1 i I I i I '...IS VOL. XV.-r-NO; 121. Mr. McRae spoke at length! in fa vor of the proposed county. J Mr. Staples favored the bill'. ' ; The motion to indefinitely postpone was put to a vote and rejected. The bill then passed its Uecdnd reading by a vote of yeas 54, pkys.46. The bill to amend section 6 of the act to errmower the Aldermen of Wil mington to establish streets, ;fcc, in the Uity of W llmington, was taken up as the special Order. On motion of Mr.! VValker r Rich until Rich- mond, the bill was! postponed next Monday at 12 M4 On motion of Mr.' Walker, mond, the bill to create the county of Pender was mada special orjder for to-morrow at 12 nj.j The bilj jpassed its final reading vestei'day, wel learn by telegraph. "The; new county is a fixed fact. StakJ ! j The resolutions jin favor of y udge McKoy was takeOkup j as the; second special order and massed" its 41 ieverat readings. r I USURYJ The Senate bill to regulate he rate of interest and to taken up as 'the prevent usury was third special order. Mr. Gash moved !to refer IP Judi- ciary Committee. Mr. McKae was; ia favor o the re- ference. : Mr. Candler was opposed to the reference, as was also Mr. Pinnix. Mr. Moring favored the reference, n Hi-., f ivir. n.rwin opposea .me re: Mr. Oaksmith was in favor erence. bf re- f erring. : . Mr. Gudger argued in favor iof th reference. i j Messrs. Staples, jMendenhal! Pat ton and ureeue opposed the reference. Mr. Ureene moved to lay the mo tion to refer on the table, buM when informed by the Speaker that the pre- vaience or mat motion wouia carry the bill with it, a$ked to withdraw the motion. The House objected to the withdrawal. J -St. t The quesiiou recurred on tlie mo tion to table the motion to refe"r, and it was rejecte'd by a vote of yeas nays 67.: .1 f The question recurred on e mo tion to refer to the Judiciarj! Com- mittee, and it Was rejected. ll Mr. Oaksmith moved to Rejected. i j adjourn Mr. Gudger moved to postpone until t ndav, which i motionwas re jected. Vu motion of Mr. Staples the House adjourned. THK CARNIVAL. Savannah had a mawjue bal . sAt Mobile the carnival was cele brated in magnificent styleV The parade was the finest ever witnessed there. At night three mystiq 1 socie ties! paraded. The; streets were bril liantly illuminated. Subjects of il lustration of the M. W. IX. was the Feast of Esther; that of the? Oi O. M Shadows from the Land "of Egypt that of the In f anil Mystics, the Pil erim's Progress. tThe day was de voted to pleasure. I Business was en tirelv suspended, and -many visitors were in the city. !', .: Special dispatches from Memphis show that even the ante-bellum dis plays of "Comusi and . his iMystic Crewe' at-New Orleans did never surprise' the comic antics of Memphis 'U(ks," and the imposing pageants pf Ouro and "The Mem phi." Referring to trie Memphis, J frolic the Baltimore oun says: If Icynics will be sure to ask what is the use of such carnivals of fun and frolic and gorgeousness tbereare but few even of the cynics, who Will not Rejoice that our neighbor of the South can laugn and be merry, it but tor one day, despite the oppression they are so manfully enduring, and that they have in them enough of the old life left to make jolly Pancake Day any thing but a flat occasion. Slerebaut aad Farmer. l... .j - ..j J? We are inclined to attacn: more weight to the representations of those who represent large mercantile inter ests, who are familiar with the Taws dfc trade and versed in the mysteries of finance, than to the demands of those who may i suffer a t real grievance, but who' have not found the true road to deliverance. .We , li . J 1 , -4- must give neea io ine appreoen sions of those who look, to the enactment of the proposed laW, as the signal for wide spread rum, pot to themselves alone, but: to the: very class demanding relief,! The relations of the merchant and the farmer in volve a mutual dependence. What cnpples oue, maims the other: i . Ihe merchant, hampered in his facilities lur iiis uusiuess, is po mat. exten.t ais abled from aiding ihe farmer. 1 1 " If a mercantile community becomes alarfned it is time to pause. It is not banks or the note1, shaver alorJe that are to be restrained; It is the whole monetary system of! shock that, if we hfpak it dowrf,!there is no other resort, banking, like the. The freedom of reedoru in! much else, is gone. Money is a necessity, and the habits of our people hiye be come too wedded (6 modern ideas to submit to what is suggested byisomi a rigid economy! of the primitive modes or trade. i - , I Newbern JS Ut-Shell : A dis patch was received by J. J. "Wolfenden Esq , in this city, on iTuesdav lasti fetatine' that Mr. Ned Buck, Well known to the cit izens or tms city and surrounding country, nau ueen &uiea in t loriaa. Tne particu jars m iub case were not given. j r . v WILMINGTON, A. Practical Arsament (Soldsboro Messeager. The equalization of the value of money cannot be benencial to one class and injurious to another class. Our country friends have no difficulty in understating that of any com modity the consumption necessarily governs the price. Ifan increased corn crop should reduce the price of corn a larger number of money lenders would necessarily correspondingly re duce the interest on money. The nat ural law is the same. Money is mer chandised It is to the inteiest of the farmer alike with the merchant that the price of money should be low when he wishes to borrow: and com petition would bring about this re sult. . There are many, men who now horde money in bauk vaults and re ceive sis per cent., who would gladly accommodate their neighbors at 10 per cent.; if at liberty to contract so. -.;- Spirits Turpentine The wife of Dr. Manning, editor of the Weldon News, is very ill. Raleigh has a small forgery case with a colored individual as defendant. : A very interesting revival of re ligion is in progress at the Edenton Street Church, Raleigh.. John Robinson, Esq., .lectures on "Atomism or Tyndalism," at the Golds- Doro Town Hall next Monday evening for a Christian, enterprise. Raleigh gave DeMurska, the great singer, a large audience on Tuesday evening, and the News of yestarday told us an aDout it in a iour-ntths of a column no tice. J To-day in the House of Repre sentatives there will be more fun when the Civil Rights resolutions of Mr. Qlenn are considered! The resolutions call on white men to leave the Republican party. The Aews intimates that there will be other ac cessions to the Conservative party. Cases argued Wednesday before Supreme Court from 6th District: Jno. S. Dancy vs. Jno. J. Long et al., from Hali fax, Battte & Son, Moore & Gatling, Ed. ConiglandJ and J. B. Bachelor for defend ant D. Pender vs. Griffin Bro. & Co., from Halifax, (2 cases; plaintiffs appeal.) E. G. Haywood, Busbee & Busbee and Jno. L. Bridgers, Jr., for plaintiff, and Smith & Strong and!; Clark & Mullen for defendants. TSIEJ CITY. INICW ADVERTISEMENTS. Marsden Bellamy. Fair View for Sale Munsos & Co. Rain Protectors. r-Wa. Larkixs Bankrupt Notice. " Geo. HoNXET.-r-Beware of Peddlers. See Adv. Real Estate and Loan Ass'n Shriek Bros. Clothing. Local Dots. Cape FeartJouncil P. of H. will meet in the Court House at 10 o'clock, A. M., todayj There will be four Ward meet mgs to-night, one .each in the First and Second Wards and two in the Third Ward. For place of meeting see sidvertiscment. - By reference to the Legislative proceedings of Wednesday, it will be seen that Mr. Cantwell presented a petition from leading business men of this city, in opposition to the passage of the usury bilL .- ,.We hear by passengers on the Charlotte train that ice was more than an inch thick around " the Hornets' Nest" Wednesday last.! The Charlottese have had a week of bitter cold weather. A number of young Wilming tonians, ladies and gentlemen, returned last evening from Charlotte, where they went to attend a masquerade ball on Tuesday night. It was pronounced a splendid affair. From Wednesday's Legislative proceedings, as reported in the Raleigh News, we learn that the bill to amend sec tion 6 of the act to empower' the Aldermen of the city of Wilmington to establish streets in the city of Wilmington, was taken up as the special order for 12 o'clock, and on motion of Mr. Walkei, of 'Rich, mond, was postponed till Monday next. The (Third Ward .Democratic Conservative Club South of Market street met last night at the appointed place ac cording to notice and adjourned without action, to meet again to-night at the corner of Sixth and Castle streets. All Democratic-Conservative voters of the Third Ward, South of Market street, are request ed to be present ' Mayor's Court. Thefollowing cases were disposed of yes- erday: r-. J. L. Gause and Mart; Hill, botk-col- ored, were I charged with disorderly con- duct and fighting, both having been engaged in an affray! Both parties were fined 5 and costs, " j v Marine Disaster. It will be seen by reference to bur tele graphic columns that the steamship Pioneer of the Philadelphia and Wilmington Steam ship Line, collided at a place called Horse Shoe, with: the steamship Juniata. The Pioneer Was on her way from Philadelphia to this port and lost her head gear .and foretoDraast bv the collision. She returned Philadelphia, j ' - lemperance Rally To-Nlh,t. In accordance with " previous notice, heo. N. Ramsey, Esq., Temperance Lec. turer for the State, will deliver a lecture to night, at Temperance Hall, on Third street opposite the City Hall. -l The lecture will begin at 8 o'clock. There will be music on the occasion by a number of ladies and gentlemen of tlie city. All are invited to attend, and it is hoped that Mr. Ramsey -will be greeted by a large audience. A lodge of Good Templars will probably be organized. t T i . .. . J'. : N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1875. FROM RALEIGH. The New Conntr Aconr Over-Pen . der an Accomplished - Fact The Usury Folly Great Debate in the House No Vote TakenThe Cob vention Question, - Special Stak Telegram. ' i - i " Raleigh, Feb. 11. The bill to create the county of Pender passed its final reading in the House to-day, without amendment, and is now a law. The usury bill is now under discussion. No vote will be taken on its passage on second reading today. "VlDETTE. Latek Telegram. I Nothing definite has transpired concern ing Convention, but the probability is it will tot be called. f ...TihetflHjwaa 'jl greatnjdelataJ o , ihe House to-day on an amendment offered to the usury bill that if it could not legally affect national banks, it should not operate on State banks and individuals, j This was bit terly opposed by the usury advocates who want half a loaf if they can't get the whole. No vote has yet been taken. VioetIe. r The City Election. A Bugle Blast Fron'the Republican II I I.eaders-Tbey Advise. Their Fol lowers to Take no Part In the Ap- I i prot I5g Election. . There have been gentle whisperings in' the air for some days thai the Rads. would probably determine to take no part in the municipal election to be held in this city March 11. As this ? as a rumor of consid erable interest a Stab reporter has been specially charged with the duty of getting at the facts. Last night his labors were re warded by receiving a copy of a manifesto which we print as a matter of decided local interest: jjj j To the Bepublican Voters if the City of Wil- mington: . jjj The Democratic Legislature of this State, has for the third time attempted to subvert the principles upon which popular govern ment is basedJ and to deprive - you of the privileges conferred by the Constitution of the "United States and of this State, in the control of the municipal affairs of this city, where you have a very; large majority of voters. On the previous occasions you have defeated their attempts by tne exer cise of the ballot, and have maintained your ascendancy. .Enraged by their lauures, they have thrown aside all legal restraints, and by a. late act, they porpote to give to . . s J 1 twenty-two nunarea rtepuoucaos oniy one' third the share in the management ofrour municipal affairs which they give to three bundred and seventy-five Democrats. ' In order to signify your condemnation of this last measure, to avoid complicity in this gross invasion of your guaranteed rights, and to defeat a j measure fraught with peril to your liberties, we recommend that every Republican in the city absolutely and positively refuse to have part or lot in tne so-called registration; and tue election provided to be held on the 11th of March next. It is our judgmentibat no Republi can who properly regards hia rights under the Constitution, or his own" self respect or the integrity of bis party, can eitner as a registrar, poll holder or voter participate in this glaring fraud, lo tins (end, tnerefore, we earnestly request youl ; to abstain from visiting the places where the registration books are kept, or from (countenancing in any manner, this so-called election, and on the lltb of Marcn to Keep away from the polls. .Let those who initiated these pro ceedings, and who will now venture to at tempt their consummation, take the entire responsibility, while you trust to legal meas ures to remedy the iniquity, i And we especially enioin upon all, as good and law-abiding citizens, to refrain from language which might cause excite ment, and from any word or act which might provoke disturbance; and let us all give an example of calmness and obedience to law, trusting to an ultimate vindication before the proper legal tribunal. Do this and all will be -well. - H. Reed, Duke Davis, Wm. Cutlar, Wm. Phinney, Daniel Howard, Jaa. K. Cutlar, Chas. Mallett, br., John .hvangelist, Kev. J. H. Spriggs, Rev. Jos. H. Nichols, Elder Thos. 11. Ijomax, Rev. IX J. Sanders, Rev, W. H. Bank, Rev. G. W. Price, Rev. J, P. Farmell, Rev. F. B. Howell, Rev. John trause. w . A, Oreen, Abner Morsjan, l hos. Ganon, Edward Cantwell; W. H. Thnrber, Bryant McMillan, John II. Whiteman, E. li. Brink, B. G. Bates, J. E Sampson, Jos. C. Abbott, J. J. Cassideyl W. M. Munroe OweBurney, John H, Brown, T. M' Gardner, George L. Mabson, .las. Heaton' S. H. Manning, Jos. C. Hill, J. II. Smyth' 8. VanAmringe, F. Wy Foster, G. Z French, J. A. Lowrey, E.; M. Shoemaker W. H. Howe, H. E. Scott j and many others' The Water Deepening! on the Bar. We are glad to learn by a letter from Capt. WJ. Potter, which reached us a day behind owing to some unknown mishap, that the water upon the ; bar is becoming deeper. - Capt.-. Potter writes that the steam tug Alpha on the 8th towed the German barque 'Fear Not over Bald Head channel, the barque at the time drawing 1(1 feet inches. German measurement, which is equal to fully 16 feet 8 inches of the Ameri can standard. Mr. Elijah Piver, a pilot, was in charge of the tug and Mr, Wm. Sel lers was the pilot in charge of the barque Fear Not. This is thought to be the deepest water upon within 60 or 80 years, and is an eviaCice of the: thoroughness of the work of the Bar Improvements which has been going on for some time. (Hie work is still progressing favwrably. j v ! Off for Ralelcn. , j Messrs. G. W. Williams, Donald Mc Rae, John W. Atkinsoh, F. W. Kerch her, B. , G. Worth, J. E.j Crow and Roger Moore left for ; Raleigh this morning to represent the 1 commercial interests of Wilmington on the usury ques tion, which is now before the Legislature. This is not a squad of lobbyists, but a com mittee of thorough business' men, whose only wish is to accomplish something for the good of the agricultural and commer cial interests of our people, i StM . " i i i'-- Proclamation of Outlawry. , Charles McRae and John H. Morrison, Esqrs., acting Justices of the Peace for Alfordsville township, in Robeson county, have issued a proclamation of outlawry against Jesse Legett, complaint on oath having been made before them by John Burchet, Murdoch Mclnnis and William Bridgers, that on the night of the 5th ult Jesse Legett, near the South Carolina line, in said township, did, without any just cause, shoot and kill David Trawick. The proclamation recites that if the said Jesse Legett continues to stay out, lurk and conceal himself, and does not immediately surrender, any citizen of the State may capture, arrest and bring him to justice, and in -case of his flight or resistance after being called upon and warned to surrender, may slay him without accusation or im peachment of any crime. ! In addition to the proclamation of out lawry, a reward of $335 has been offered by Alex'Trawickj Almira Trawick and Saml B. Thompson, for the arrest of ; Legett. and his delivery to the Sheriff of Robeson county. : David Trawick is said to have been a quiet and peaceable farmer and well-to-do citizen, while Legeit is known to be a worth less fellow. He is described as aged about 27 years, 5 feet 10 inches in height, of a fair complexion and weighs about 175 pounds. Stockholders IHeeilue of the Bank of Mew Hanover. The stockholders .of the Bank pf New Hanover met yesterday at 11 o'clock. On motion, Mr. Jas. A. Bradley was called to the chair and Messrs. W. H. Green and M. Bellamy were appointed Secre taries. The annual report of the Directors was read by the President. On motion, the report was Teceived and adopted. ' The following directors were elected unanimously for the ensuing yearr L B. Grainger, D. Rv Murchison, C M. Stedman, D. McRae, J. W. Hinson, R. R Bridgers, Jas. A. Leak, E. B. Borden, M. Weddell, H. Vollers, B. F. Little. The meeting then adjourned. The New County of Pender. The new county of Pender, which has been created by the. passage of a bill for that purpose through the Legislature, as will be seen by reference to our special tel egram, comprises all of the original thirteen townships of the county of New Hanover with the exception of Wilmington, Cape Fear, Masonboro, Harnett . and Federal Point. The valuation of the real and personal property of Pender county is $1,162,757. The State, county and ; township tax is $16,021 92. The population is abont equal ly divided between white and colored, The Republican majority is about 28 vot ers. . meeting of Registrars. The Registrars appointed under the new city bill held a meeting yesterday at twelve o'clock, to make arrangements for the opening of the registration books. The form of registration book containing sepa rate spaces for ward, block and lot in ac cordance with the provisions of the bill, was fixed upon and the books ordered to be printed. The books will be opened at eleven o'clock, A. M., on Monday the 15th at the following places In the First Ward, at the Engine House on Ann street, between Front and Second streets. For the Second Ward at the Court House. In the first precinct of the Third Ward, at Thornton's cart house; in the sec ond precinct of the said ward, at Wilming ton and Seaside Railroad-stables, corner of Red Cross and Seventh streets; in the third precinct, at the corner of Ann and Seventh streets; and in the fourth precint, at An thony Howe's shop on Queen street, be tween Third and Fourth streets. Exchange of Circuits. We learn that an exchange of circuits has been made between Judge Kerr, of the Seventh Judicial District and Judge McKoy of the Fourth Judicial District. Judge Kerr will hold the courts of the Fourth District, beginning at Brunswick county on the 4th Monday in February, and Judge rMcKoy the courts in the Seventh District, begin niog at Alamance on the 4th Monday: in February. A Word of Commendation The Raleigh News says of the meeting! of business men and farmers to protest against the usury bill pending in the Legislature, held in this city last Monday night: "The Legislature will not listen to dictation as to its duties, but will without doubt give re spectful consideration to .views so well ex pressed and so impregnably sustained as those will be by the Wilmington delega tion." Mr. Hlden to Leeture at IiUmberten. The Eobesonian says: "We are gratified to be able to announce that Rev. J. C. Hi- den, of Wilmington, who has consented to deliver a lecture before the Young Men's Christian Association in the Presbyterian church in this town on the night of the 17th inst., and will preach in on the day following. We promise him large audiences on both occasions." The Weather To-Day. . . For Friday, in the South Atlantio States, rising barometer, colder and partly cloudy .weather, with northeast to northwest winds. Temperance Appointments. Theo. N. Ramsey, Esq., who is at pres ent in this city, will deliver temperance lec tures throughout this section at the follow ing times and places; '--,F Rocky Point. . . ..v. . ... . . .Saturday, Feb. 13 Goldsboro.. .Monday, -"15 Magnolia... .Tuesday, 16 WHOLE NO. 2,295. The Malls. The mails will close at the City PostiQf- fice until further notice as follows: ' Northern (night) mails daily ... . 6:15 PJM. " ! through and way (day) malls daily 5:80 A. M. Southern mails daily ...... 5:00 A. M. Charleston direct (night) daily. . 5:00 P. M. uoiumuia 6 KM) P. M. Augusta 5:00 P. M. 5:30 A. M. Western mails (C. C. R"y) " Smithville (via Easy Hill and Town Creek) Tuesdays and Saturdays J 6:00 A. M. Fayetteville, and offices on Cape J ear liiver, Mondays and Fridays...!. 1:00 P. M. Fayetteville by C. C. R'y, daily 5:30 A. M. Onslow C. Hi and intermediate ofl&ce8 every Friday . . . . ' 6 KK) A. M. Mails delivered from 7 A. M. to 7 P. M.,- and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A M. Stamp Office-open from 8 A. M. to 12 M and from -2 to 6 P. M. Money order or Register Department open same as stamp office. Bishop Atkinson's Appointments for i February, 1875. Goldsboro. . .!. .Ash Wednesday 10 12 14 16 17 19 Wilson i , Rocky Mount. Enfield..... j... Ringwood. ,'.!. Halifax.....! (. Wpldnn 2k Collections! at each nlace in behalf of Diocesan Missions. . CITY ITEJS1S. Speelal Notice. Db. M.Weil, the eminent Ocaliet from Berlin, Prussia, whose success has been so marked in the North and Soathvwillbe in this city on or about the 16th inetj., where he will successfully attend to all cliwases of the Eye, in the most scientific and satis factory manner.; JDr. Weil is also enabled to supply his superb and iexclueive make of Crystal Rock Glasses to all who may require a ; safe and reliable article. j j . :V; ' j! The Postal Scale Contract. We recently allBded to the fact that the award of the con 1 1 act ) or Joet office t-cales to Messrs. Fair banks A Ce. had given sat'sfaction to the trade and the public generally. The following commuaication is important in this connection: : ; i Washington, D. C, Jan. 30, 1875. To tht Editor of the New York Express : j Srat In a late number of your paper I notice : an article headed: i J "LARGEST SCALE CONTBACT EVER AWARDED." In ibis on refer to the fact that 3,000 or 4,000 postofflces had to be supplied with scales in a very short space of time, and the satisfaction it- gave th public generally that the contract was given to the champion scale makers ot the world," Fairbanks A i o. As the officer in charge of the di'ttihution of these thousands of scales, by order of the Postmaster-General, I take pleasure in reporting the result not that any new event can add to the now world wide fame of the airbanks' tanaard scales. You say nms is the largest contract ror scales ever awarded," to which 1 add th;.t it has its parallel shown in the capability and energy with which it was carrier out. r The uepartmeurs order and lists desii at ng the kind of scales and offices to be sap plied, fonud every eca e of the thousands required made, ooxed and ready for shipment. To the letter of the advertisement was the contract filled, and hut one voice comes like an echo back from the people all over the country, and th't is. all are satisfied and gratia, d that they are furnished with scales of the reliable brand of the house of Fairbanks. . . i ' " i . "Honor to whom honor is due." f HeHoectfullr. " - N. A. Ghat, i Snot. Blank Agency. PostofBcc Department. . A", Express. - Fixes have been Very frequent of late, atid busi r ess mem are examining their insurance policies, and what is of. Quite as much importance, the security provided lor thrir books and papers. Fib - proof safes are not ail aiiKe trustworthy, ana it is well to l urchase of a manufacture that has been thoroughly proven The '-Herring" Safe has kept the lead for more than a third of a century, and shows a most remarkable ecord of the fires throngh which tbey have preserved their vaiuaoie contents, more than one thousand havin&r been thus tested. The greaffirea of Portland. 1866; Yokohama, Japan, 1867; Constantinople, 1870; Chicago, 1871; Boston, 1872; made, evident their kUperiority. The Heb bino Bankers' 8afs has many late Patented Im provements, without which, it is claimed, no safe is secure against the scientific mode of attack, and tools now used by burglars. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. it Fair! iView" For Sale. A VALUABLE AND HIGHLY IMPROVED i PLATATION in Brunswick county for Sale! Only 10 miles from Wilmington. 1 oner lor sale tne mgniy improvea ana Eligibly Located PLANTATION, j ON THE MAIN ROAD . leading from Wilmington to Smithville and George town, 8. C, TE miles from Wilmington, N. C, containing about 350 acres. 140 acres of which is cleared, and 40 acres of which is under good fence, and under 1 ' , i High State of Cultivation. There is upon the premises a fine TWO STORY DWKLLInG HOUSE, containing 8 Rooms, with a fire place in each room, with all necessary outhous es. ; There is als upon the land, immediately upon the ma n road, a MEW STOKE, SlxiO feet The above plantation is the same lately owned by Dr. i F. W. Potter, immediately adjacent to Zion Church, and ia the voting plaice of Town Creek township. 'V : Terms $3,000 cash; balance In 1, 2 and 3 j ears, with interest from sale. feb l2-dlt:w4t M ARSDEN BELLAMY, . Att'y at Law, cor. 2d and Market ets., Wilmington, B E A LEST AT E AND Loan1 Association. v ; i . HE REGULAR MONTHLY PAYMENT IS DUE PAYABLE TO-DAY, at the office of the Secretary and Treasurer. C. 8. ELLIS, Secretary and Treasurer. feb 13-lt SPECIAL NOTICE. jgEWARE OF Spectacle Peddlers, Who charge you five times more than the Bame j goods can be bought for at '! J ! GEO. HONNETS, jaaSl-tf : No. 53 Market Streei. Call! and Be Convinced HAT we are selling fine , t . dassimere Suits for $16, Wertli $25. . OVERCOATS AND I TALMAS AT CQST. febl-tf SHRIEB BEOS., 80 Market et. .(i et " twottays,; li Ffl three days S CI four days.. ft 60 vedays 8 OT " one week 8 t& Two weeks & Cfl Three weeks i.... E0 One month ; 8 CO " Two months ; 0O Three months......... 1 00 Six aonthfl......". ...85 00 " Oneyear C ..........60 M Contract Advertisements tkcm at nmnnK Uonately low rates. , i Five squares estimated as a euarter-columQ, and ten squares as a half-column. i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RAIN PR0TECT0RS7! PATENTED. Jj'or cale in different styles and material at the ' : City Clothing Store -OF MUX'S ON & CO. feb iit Bankrupt Notice. j NOTICE Is hereby given that a petition has been filed in the District Court of the United State. for the Cape Fear District bf North Carolina, by mu ty. xhiaoii, 01 new nanover county . auiy ue clared a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March , 1867. for discharge and certificate thereof from all his debts and other claims provable under said act. and that the 5th day of March. i875. at 10 o'clock A. M., before William A. Guthrie, Register In Bankruptcy, at the United States District Court Boom in Wilmington is assigned for the h-a ing of the same, when and where all creditors who have proved their de ts, and other persons in interest. may auenu ana snow cause, v any tney nave, why Lilt: umver ui I lit, uciiuuner Hiinnin Tirir no ornnron : Dated at Wihnington,N. C, on the 11th day jof WM. LARKINS. feb 13-law2wFri , ClerkJ ! NOTICE. , j ' HAVING DISPOSED OF OUR SADDLE, HAH ness and Trunk business, stock, eood wilt and book account in Wilmington, N O.. to Messrs. Car penter a Mallard, we hereby tender our thanks to a generous pudiic ror tneir i.oerai patronage tne past ten years, and ask a continuance of the same to onr successors, who have been acceotablv in onr emnlov for many years, and are thoroughly posted in the eadolery, harness ana trunk business in all its branches. Messrs. Carpenter & Mallard will settle all claims contracted against ub in Wilmington, N. -C, and collect debts due ub and receipt fur 'the same. JAMES S. TOPHAM & CQ. A. Carpenter. " J. H. Mallard. ! SADDLES, HAENESS, &c. ( HAVING BOUGHT THE ABOVE MENTIONED stock of guods we offer a full assortment of 8addles, Harness, Trunks, Collars, bridles. Whips, and all kinds of Saddlery Goods at jrery low prioi s for cash or to prompt paying buyers.' We respect fully solicit patronage. ClitPKNTEt & MALLARD, i febSnaclw No. 8 So. Front St., Wilmington, Southern Life Insurance Co, j . PSmCIPAL OFFICES: . Blempliig, Tenn., aud Atlanta, Ga. t " - - . . - i T. A. NELSON, Preset Gen? I Office. Memphis, Tenn BEN MAY. Secretary " " " Hon. JNO. B. GORDON, PresH Atlanta (GaJUen't Gen. A. H. COLQUITT, Y. P.. " " ' J. c. wiNUEfft, General Accnt Assets .. ..... . $2,500,000 Annual Income over. . 1,600,000 Wilmington (N. C.) Branch : D. It. MURCHISON, Pres't; DuBRUTZ CUTLAK. Vice Pres't; THOB. C. DkBOSSET, Secretary, j Dtbectobs: ' W. A. Wright, D. MacRae, D. G. Wouth, IF.- W. Kerchneb.'I. B. eRAINGEIt, Ji W. HrKSON, H. y ollers, a. shout, M. ji. jiATZ. I Rescrvf d fund investd and Iof ses adjusted under snpervisiou of the Oftlcers and Board of Directors. ! Policies front foreign Companies transferred1 to tne sontnera uac wiTilUUT JWSS Ult. AUDI - TiONAL ANNUAL OUTLAY, i For full information apply to THOMAS C. DsROSSET. feb 5-1 ni Secretary and Agent, NEW AREIVALS This Week. WACCAMAW A CAPE FEAR FEESH-BEATEN . R I C E ; SAMS, SIDES, SHOULDERS, (Dry Salted and Smoked). English and Scotch Ales, COFFEES of all kinds at Reduced Prices, FISH, i - - .CASE GOODS of all kinds, TOILET SOAPS, Fiae Pale and Common SOAPS, Twenty different kinds, of TONIC BITTERS. r Cigars, Tobacco Kerosene Oil, i j Hay, Corn and Oats, VtlTH HUNDREDS QP OTHER ARTICLES OF Groceries at Wholesale. ; , i CASH or close baying customers can be saHed al ways, with Good Goods at Lowest Market Prices, i mayS-tf ADRIAN & VOLLBRSj PHILADELPHIA & SOUTHERN Mail Steamshn Companvi 1 rpHE FIRST CLASS STEAMERS PIONEER. 81J tons. Cant. Joan Wakeler. TON A W A N B A. 844 tons, Capt. C. C. Wiltbank form a Weekly Line, and sail alternately from Phila delphia and Wilmington every Tuesday morning, a 6 o'clock. i , . Tbrongh BIUsj of Ladlnc " -! Given to New York. Boston, Providence, Fall River, Portland aad all points in the New Englaad States, at as low rates as by any other route. Also to Liv- uul T, ltMman UamKnnr WpWl, uniuuu, Auttw.', v.un.u, iiiim.m. .m.- terdam, and all points on the Continent and Bast Coast or Kngiana. 1 Through rates from Philadelphia to all points In . North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee, at as low rates as by competing lines. For Freight engagements aad rates apply to : 4 WORTH A WORTH, Agents, - Wilmington. N. C. J.' M. Fobshxx, SuperiBtendent. - A OltO " ' June 6-tfl 237 and 239 Dock treet. Philadelhia.! ; Mayor's Office WILMINGTON, N. C, ' i . .Feb. 10th, 1874 f - J3IDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THIS OFFICE Uhtil 13 o'clock M., Fiiday 12th inst, for the pur pose of constructing a 300 bbX cistern, back of the Adrian Engine House on 4th street. - I ' '" -I : W. P. CANADAY, jfebll-Stj I, - L ' Mayor. Tne I . Democratic ' Conservative Toters of tlie City, I Wijl,jl. jasif r oim rmuAY night, I8tn, at 8 o'clock at the following named places:- I i The 1st Ward at Lippitt's Hall, Sd Ward at the Court House. Srd Ward, all living North of Market street will meet at Brooklyn Hall, and those South of Market street at the Hall of the' Bucket Com pany, for the purpose of organizing Campaign Clubs for the approaching Municipal election. It ia im portant that every member of theDemocratic Con servative party should attend these meetings as very Important business will be brought before them. Challengers, Canvassers and committees will be appointed at these meetings. The General Convention to nominate candidates for the Board of Aldermen will take place at the City Hall, on Frt- Aat the Sfith ltrnt. tic P M I -. " By order of the City Executive Committee j I - J. H. ROBINSON, j ; feb ll-3t 8ecretat7 KATES OF ADVERTISING. One Square one day.......