i tut m a. -Minimi THE II0B1TI1TG STAB.. - ' . PUBLISHED DAILY, BY SATIS OF SUBSCRXPTXOX IK ADVAFCi: On year, tby mall) postage pa f 7 00 Six months, (" "). " " 4 00 Three months( "")"". S5 One month, (" " ) " ' 1 0 To City Subscribers, delivered In any part of the city, Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are not authorized to collect for more than S months in advance. Reported that there is some trouble over the election of John Mitchel to Parliament. Senate did not get beyond the first section of the tariff bill yesterday after. an all'day discussion. The Senate ex Judge Russell yesterday at Baltimore made a motion before TJ. S. Judge Bond for an injunction on the municipal election to be held in this city next March; case to.be tried March 6th. An unkqown man leaped from the dome of the Capitol at Washington yesterday to. the roof of the main building. . New York markets: Cotton, 15i15J; rosin, $2 f 5$3 12; 6oirits turpentine, 3?-J38. The Legislature. Condensed from the News. J FIFTY-SIXTH DAY SENATE. - , . - Tuesday, Feb. 17. Mr. Cantweli, a memorial from Dr. J. E. Winaots, of Wilmington, - proposing . to establish a braucu Insane Asylum at the Marine Hospital building in tltat city, for Ibe accommodation or sucn insane as can not be taken in the State Asylum, to be sub ject to tku same control and same charge per patient as the State Asylum. Referred. Mr. Boddie, a petition from citizens of Nash county, making it a misdemeanor to have an unlawtul feuce. Referred. Mr. Bell, a petition in- reference to the Turnpike at North river and Adams' creek. Referred. M. Mills, a Dill to authorize the Commis sioners uf Burke to sell lots in town, -and a bill to preserve the records of thai county. Referred. Mr. French, a bill to incorporate the Ash Pole Education Company.:. Referred. Mr. Busbee, a bill to amend the North Carolina Home Insurance Company. Re ferred. Mr. Ti ylor, a bill to amend the laws of 1873-'74, reU'irjng to the snpport of luna tics by counties. Ret erred. Mr. LeGrand, a bill for the increase of - the State Library. Referred. Mr. Busbee, a bill concerning fire com panies. Calendar. . ti Mr. Young called up House lull, paying the contractors of the Marion ami Ashe ville Turnpike Rad the sum of $8,644 33. The question was discussed at some length as to the Constitutionality of the act under which this work was done. The bill passed its third reading by a Tote of 20 to 12. Mr. Cooke called up bill to amend the charter of the city of Newbern. Tucker, col., opposed the bill. Enough i r .i.:.. i.:,i ..i k.... ,!.... .. i legidiuiiou ui luia kiuu unu uccu uuut?- al ready, enough harm had been done by it, and he hopedjthe "gentlemanly portion of the L'"s?islature" would vote the bill down, lie offered an amendment that the first and second wards shall have only one Al derman each. , Lost Mr. Bell explaiued the necessity of this bill.-" The tax-paving and the honest citi- zens of tiiht town asked relief from the op pressVoDTlhat corrupt officials had forced upon them The last act of the retiring Board of Commissioners ia 1874 was to or der the burning of the vouchers iu the pos session of that body, in order to prevent investigation. " Tucker, col., moved an amendment that the bill shall not become a law until it shall receive a majority of all the qualified voters . ..t (v. . T ui uie iowu ui iicwiici ii. iiiwi. Mr. Cantweli opposed the bill at some . length. The hill to constitute the county of Co hara out of a portion of the counties of Johnston, Wayne and Sampson came upas a special order. Air. Busbee's motion to change the name to Bragg was considered and adopted. After considerable discussion and further amendment, the bill failed to pass its sec ond reading by a decided vote, the roll not being called. - . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Pin nix, from the House Branch of the Joint Select Committee to examine into the affairs of the Albemarle & Chesapeake Canal Company, reported a recommenda tion that tbe Committee proceed to Norfolk after the adjournment to make said exami nation. - USURY. Mr. Finger took the floor, and at consid erable length argued the necessity of tbe adoption of Mr. Mebane's amendment, and ' also discussed tbe bill on its general merits. He referred to the late act of Congress pro tecting the National Banks from State legis lation, &c, and asked if this was not a sig nificant fact that any legislative enactment by this General Assembly could not possibly affect their operations, and if they could not proceed as heretofore in utter defiance , of any lavs that we could make. Mr. Dortch followed in favor of tbe bill and in opposition to the amendment offer- . ed. His remarks were in reply to tbe legal arguments adduced by tbe opposition. ' Messrs. McRue and Walker followed Mr. Doncb in favor of the amendment and in opposition to the bill, Mr Oaksmith took the fl-wr at li o'clock against tbe bill, but before the conclusion S?"ln""j'" a motion to aa On motion, a niL jpn wassailed to-night to contiuueule discussion, ai Rer which the House adjourned. 'I be New Oouueellcut Senator. Eaton, the new Senator from Con necticut, who was sworn in and took his seat Saturday, says the Washing ton Star, is aouarentlv about sixty years of aye. He is small in stature, has a well shaped head, is almost bald, his -hair being thin 'and gray in color, and wears nobeardof.anjr kind.- lle was greeteq with great cordialit y. especially by the Democrats, and took a seal in tbe second tier of seats be tween Senators GordOfrand Ipri the Democratic siddt Tih- eViirawr. Scripture Bevlelon. The revision of the authorized ver sion of the New Testament proceeds slowly. The revisers meet in London in the Jerusalem Chamber. Their last work is the revision for the sec ond time of a portion of the Gospel of St. John. , A constant correspond ence aud interchange of views is kept up with tneir American colleagues. It is nob known when the whole of the New Testament will . be finished, nor whether it will be given to the public at once, or its publication postponed until the Old , Testament ia reauy io oe pnotea. . . ' - I .t VOL. XV,---NO; 126. TUB USCBY B A Bill to Be Entitle An Act toBesa . Jate the Bate of Interest and to Present Usury. ' Reprinted from the Morning Star of Jan uary 30th. Section 1. The General Assemblp of North Carolina do Enactt That tbe legal rale of interest shall be six percent, per annum, or for such time as interest may accrete, and no more; Provided however That upon special contract in writing, signed by the party to be charged therewith, or his agent, so great a rate V as eight" per cent, may be allowed, j i M fr Sec. 2. lhat no person, banking in stitution, corporation,! or) company, upon any contract shall directly or in directly take for loans of any moneys, wares, - merchandise, real j estate, or cqjnmodities whatever, above the value of six dollars or ight: dollars as provided in section first of this act, by way of discount r or ;interst for the forbearance of oue hundred dol lars for one year, and. so after the rate as above specified for a greater or less sum, or for a longer or shorter time. All bonds, contracts, and as surances whatsoever, ; for i the pay meut of any principal or money to be leut, or covenanted to be 'performed, upon or for any usnry, whereupon or whereby there shall be reserved or taken above the rate of six dollars on the hundred as aforesaid shall be void, and every person, banking institution, corporation, or "company, j who, upon any contract, shall take, accept au'd receive, by way of any corrupt bar gain, loau or other means whatsoever, for the forbearing or giving day fof payment, a rate of interest greater than hereinbefore specified, shall for feit and lose for every such offence, the double value of the moneys, wares, merchandise or real estate so lent, bargained or exchanged to any pei son who will sue for the same. h Sec. 3. That every person, bank ing institution, corporation I or com pany, and all-the officers 'and agents ot any banking lnsutution, coruora- Hon or company, who shall violate I ia lirMviuifHiti if tKita o.t shall ; be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, Son. conviction in the Superior -Court, shall be fined not less than one hun dred dollars nor more than one thous- and dollars, Sec. 4. That the provisions of this act shall not be construed to apply to any( existing contract made in confor mity with law, nor to invalidate any remedy or rights now- exercised by any! Building "and ' Loan i: Association for , tbe redemption of their own stock. ' i s! 5. That all laws or clauses Sec. of aws iu conflict with this act (are Hereby repealed. I : ' fi Sou. 6. 1 hat this act shall take ef- ect and be in force thir y days from and after its ratification Organ ttloqueuce. Of all kinds of journalistic jelo quence the strictly organ eloquence is the worst. A specimen of this sort in the late Zack Chandler's organ is striking: j , Si Regarding Senator Chandler as the ablest American Senatop, the peer of Clay, Calhoun and jBepton in their best days, we had hopeq the Kebub licans of Michigan by ja party vote would re-elect him, and; thus show to the world that the ability, the manly devotion to duty, the unfaltering pa triotism and the superior statesman ship of the senior Senator wajs, to every Michigan Republican, a- source of personal as well as State pride.'V- Manner, Michigan t O certainly," says a disgusted contemporary. M l ' I - ' - a . Dan Blee Baied' AsaluJ Dan Rice, the veteran showman, has junt repeated his usual annual ex ploit of ascending the financial spont.. In Pittsburg, on VVednesday, a, for midable document was received from Girard, Pa., which proved to be Mr. RiceV voluntary petition in bank- ruptcy. i ne most j striking leatura of the petition is tbatj while the lia bilities run up to something like eighty five thousand dollars, Dan put down bis entire assets to ber a Bait of clothes valued at seventy-five dollars. ii,ven tnat, ne claims, is exempt unuer nt . t . i i . . f .1 . ljuiejpf the State, j 1 he principal losersafff showmen who have- lost their salaries and steamboatmen who transported'Dan'a show up and down the YV estern rivers last season. A jolly doctor called on a- lady oil his way homefrom a dinner party, so full that he could not! count her pulse beats. Conscious of the cause; of his difficulty, he, in ,a moment oH irrita tion, blurted out, "Drunk, by Jovel" and rushed out of the house. The next day the lady sent for him, aud said that she lamented that be had discovered her condition, and begged that be would keep it a secret When people sav !" Oh. the dick- ensl" "The dickens: it is!" many of them are not aware that Shafespeare wrote " I cannot! tell what, the dick ens his name is," a sentence that first gave circulation to' the use of the word " dickens,'t and it has been rust ling around the English-speaking world for more thau 200 years. 1 It occurs in the "Merry Wives of Wind sor," Act III. j v. - A negro by the ; name of John Middletoti, froze to death in tbe county jail of Rockingham on the night of the 8th. i WILMINGTON, N. Spirits jTurpentme Rev. R. II. Griffith, of Charlotte, has been called to the pastorate of the First Baptist church of Columbia, S. C. J udge Eure, of the 1st J udicial District, seems to be a terror t evil doers from the number of convicts arriving at the Penitentiary from that eircuit. , Among the ! Supreme Court de cisions of Tuesday are these: E. T. Regan vs. J. S. J Regan, from Robeson. Judg ment reversed and ; venire de novo. E.T. Regan & Son, from Robeson. Judgment affirmed. i t - Robert Brack, a shoemaker of Ashville, recently went to Washington City to obtain patents for three useful inventions of his owd, but soon after arriving in the citv he became insane. The Ashville Pioneer says that he is possessed of consid- eraoie mecnamcai lugenunj, nuu inquiuucia were not without merit. It is naturally supposed that his lunacy was caused by the intense anxiety for the Biiccess of his pat ents -f .- i - i - ; Raleigh News : We learn that one morning during the prevalence of the recent sleet Mrs. HawK oieaaows, resiaing near Tally Ho.'Qranville county, went, out to milk a cow, and slipping, fell and broke a leg. Her screams -startled her husband, who was himself a cripple, being on crutch es, and in endeavoring to go to the relief of his wife he too fell and was unable to : get up, and thus both husband and wife lay upon the cold ground utterly unable to help each other. No other person was in hear ing at the time,! and they were compelled to wait some time before their condition was discovered.' We also learn that a few days since Mr. James C. Cozart, living near Tally Ho, fell from his horse and had one of his legs broken. I THEIGITY. NKV ADVKttTISEJlKN'fS. Adrian &Vollers See Advt. of Guan- ahani Guano, on 4th Page. Harrison & Allen Stylish Hats, i Kerchnkb & Caldeb Bros. Pork, &c. David & Weill 20 Per Cent. Saved. W. J. Buhmann Howard Relief. Local Dot, t i Brewingtou and Lloyd both voted for the usury bill. Bill Moore didn't vote at all. h . No session of the city court r yesterday. The Mayor still continues out of the city. ( i Our special telegrams from. Raleigh give the lull vote on tbe usury bill by yeas and nays, The First i. Ward Club held a Nothing of a necessarily meeting last night. public character transpired As the usury bill will no doubt pass its third reading in tbe Legislature to day, and become a law, we print it again in the shape in which it passed its second reading yesterday. The Ho ward ffelief Fire Engine Company No.: 1 will celebrated their nine- i - . II I; , . , . ' teenth anniversary to-day by a parade in full uniform. The order to march will be given at 10 o'clock A. M. See notice else- where. On Tuesday a memorial was presented in the State Senate from Dr. J. E Wiuants, by Mr. Cantweli, proposing to establish a branch Insane Asylum at the Marine Hospital building in this city. The memorial was referred. Mr. Ji E. Neimyer, who was the owner of the building located at the cor ner of Sixth and Orange streets which was burned down on last Sunday morning, re quests us to state that the fire did not orig inate from tbe stove, and that the origin of it is unknown. ! Rev. F. R. Howell, one of the colored ministers whose name appeared to the circular addressed to . the Republican voters, a copy of which was published in tbe Stab, a few - days ago, requests us to say that his name appeared to the circular without bis consent or knowledde. He says he has nothing to do with politics. Important : Information. An Associated Press telegram from Washington says information has been re ceived there that a motion was made before Judge Bond, of the U. S. Circuit Court, at Baltimore," yesterday, by D, L. Russell, counsel for the plaintiffs, for an injunction to prohibit the j holding of the munici pal election here, March 11, on the ground that the bill recently adopted by the Legislature disfranchises the negroes. The case will be tried at Raleigh March 6. Beglatratlon. , Our citizens are reminded that three days of the twelve alloted for registration have already passed.' Thus far comparatively few have registered and those who have not are requested to do so at once. No one can vote unless he has registered, and all those who are entitled to vote may aa well do so at once to prevent crowding on the latter days of the allotted time. Registra tion closes on Saturday, the 27th inst. Money Stolen. " . Last night a gay and festive son of Nep tune after a cruise around the city, landed at the house of a colored woman named Cecila Slocum, where with other congenial spirits that "sailed the salt seas" and number of colored 'women, a lively sociable was indulged in. This son of Neptune had in bis possession about f 40 when he entered the house. After enjoying the festivities of the evening and the delightful company, he was about to take bis departure when he discovered that the $40 was no longer in his possession. He at once made complaint to the police beadquarters, and accompanied by an officer started for the house vibrating between a perpendicular and a horizontal position. j On arriving there, however, his perceptive powers were too much muddled to enable, him to identify the thief and the search was relinquished. C. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1875. FROM RALEIGH. Tbe Cenry tflll Passe Its Seeona Reading by 98 Majority The Tote In Foil by Teas and Nay Depres Ins Effeet In Business, circles In . - .'" i , , . . - j! j - - Raleigh The BUI to be Called on Third Reading To-Day and to he Rushed Through Under tbe Call of the Prevloas Question I - ' ..' i .. -". -i 'Raleigh, Feb. 17. The House vote on the amendment to the usury bill to postpone the time at whiclr it is to go into. effect to January 1, 1876: Ayes 36, noes G4. This is a test vote. I ji .VlDETTE. '' . r - " I '' I I " ' Second Telegkam.1 ! Raleigh, Feb. 17. . The usury bill passed its second reading in tbe House to day by the following vote: Ayes, 63; nays, .55. iVidette. Third Telegram. v a Raleigh, Feb. 17. Tha usury bill was taken up in the House at 9 o'clock to-day, and the discussion was resumed on the general merits of the bill. Messrs. Staples and Pinnix occupied the floor 45 minutes each in advocacy of the bill. Messrs. Mendenhall and Patton also spoke in its favor. II j I Messrs. Gudger, MacRae, Reid and Wal ker, of Richmond, led the opposition. Mr. Staples called the previous question at half- past 1 o'clock. j i . i Mebane's amendment was lost by 36 ayes to 64 an s. All the other amendments were lost by ttboul i he same vote; I The bill was then put on its second read ing and passed by the following vete: Yeas Anderson, of Davie; Atwater, of Orange; Barnhardt, of Rowan; Bennett, of Brunswick; Bettis, of Cleaveland; Brewing ton, of N. Hanover; Bryson.of Swain ;Bunn, of Edgecombe; Candler, !of Buncombe; Carey, of Caswell; Carson of Alamance; Carter, of Warren; Crews, of Granville; Davis, of Haywood; Davis,, of Jackson; Dortch, of Wayne; Dula, of Wilkes; Eat- man.of Wilson; Erwin, of McDowell; Eth eridge, of Dare; Fields, of Alleghany; Freeman, of. Stanley; Gaither, of Iredell; Garrison of Polk; Glenn, of Yadkin; Good win, of Edgecombe; Good,- of Craven; Green, of Watauga; Hayibore, of Surry; Hicks, of Clay; Hill, of Craven; Hughes, of Granville; Jones, of Halifax; Kendall, of Randolph; King, of Cherokee; Latta, of Orange; Lloyd, of "Nevr Hanover; Martin, of Stokes; McCobbins, of Rowan; McNeill, ot Bobeson; Mendenhall, of Guilford; Mitchell, of Franklin; Mock, of Davidson; Moffitt, of Randolph; Moseley, jo Duplin; Mun den, of Pasqndtank, Ne well, of Bladen ; Patton, of Buncombe; Pinnix, of David- eon; Proffitt, of Yancy; SharpeJ of Iredell; Smith, of Anson; Staples,! of Guilford; Stowe, of Gaston; Thompson Of Lincoln; Thorne, of ; Trivett, of Ashe; Wal- don, of Northampton; Ward J of Bertie; Whisnant, of Rutherf ord j Whitley, of Wake; Wood, of Perquimans, Woodhouse, of Currituck. 63. I I Nats Barnett, of Person ; Barnhardt, of Caldwell; Bryan, of Sampson; Finger, of Catawba; Gash, of Transylvania; Grif fin, of Nash; Holt, of Johnston; Hooker.of Greene; Isler. of Wayne; jiJessup, of Cum berland; Jetton, of Mecklenburg; John ston, of Rockingham; McCallop, of Samp son; Mclver, of Moore; McRae, of Cum berland; Mebane, of Rockingham; Moring, of Chatham; Norment, of Robeson; Oak- smith, of Carteret; Page, j of Wake; Reid, of Mecklenburg; Richardson, of Columbus; Scott, of Jones. Smith, : of Hyde; Spears, of Harnett; Staton, of Pitt; Stephenson, of Wake; Strong, of Wake $ Tate, of Burke; Thompson, of Beaufort; JWalkcr, of Rich mond, Wheeler,, of Forsyth; Wiley , of Washington 35. , ; 1 J "' The bill comes up to-morrow at 11 o'clock as the special order, when it is un derstood that the previous question will be called at once. The opposition here have given up all hope of any compromise. and the bill will pass through. The announcement of the votes created intense excitement in business circles here, and the unanimous Bentiment with our business men is that the calamity is irre trievable i Raleigh.. The Bialls. " ... 1 .". . ' The mails will close at the City Post-Of- fice until further notice as followsi ' Northern (night) mails daily.... 6:15 P. M, V through, ana aay Way) mails daily. . . . J?, . Southern mails daily. . . 5:30 A. M. '5:00 A.M. 5 KM) P. M." 5:00 P. M. 5:00 P. M. Charleston direct (night) daily. Columbia " " j Augusta " " h Western mails (C. C. Ry) 5:30 A. M. Smitbville (via Easy Hill and Town Creek) Tuesdays and Saturdays J . , . 60 A. M Fayetteville, and offices on Cape . Fear River. Mondays and Fridays.... ......... I i. .. L. 1KX)R M. Fayetteville by C. C. R'y, daily 5:30 A. M Unslow C 11. and intermediate . offices every Friday .. J . . 6:00 A. M. Mails delivered from 7 A. M. to 7 P M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A.M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6 P. MJ ; Money . order or Register Department open same as stamp office, ,: :.;'.-!! j " Reslstratlou. Yesterday . ' Tbe following are the registration returns for yesterday: . j . First Ward, no returns. Second Ward SO, all whites. 'Third Ward, first precinct, no returns. Third Ward, second precinct, 8 whites. Third Ward, third precinct, no returns. Third Ward, fourth precinct, 8 whites. " Import'Entries .for of The Morning Stab; e at uie orace St. Bishop Atkinson's Appointments7 for February. 1875. . .-.r -I Goldsboro. ... .Ash Wednesday. . . ; ."" ; 10 Wilson. . . ...... 1 12 Rocky Mount. 14 Enfield. ..!...,." i 16 Ringwood I.. ........ i 17 Halifax I " 19 Weldon. . .....!...,....... i 21 Collections at each place in behalf of Diocesan Missions. i C1T ITEffls. If toc are troubled with Weak and Defective Sight do not fail to consult Dr.We!l, Oculist, No 47 Market street, above Conley & Yates' Book Store. The Tollkt Got. Copt or TkbtihoniaIu Hudson Citt, N. J., Sept 80th, 1874. Hxbsbb. J. & W. Toixbt 89 Maiden Lane, New York: The 10-guage Qnn No. 8078 1 ordered from you gives me entire satisfaction. I was very exacting when or dering the Gun, bat must say that yea have more than fulfilled what I required of you. I have shot several bretch-Ioaders by first-class makers and yoax gua beats them all for beaity and workman ship. As for shooting qualities, your guc shoots stronger and more even than any gun I ever shot. 1 1 have shown it to several good judges (including first-class gonmakers) and all agree that the taction is very strong and durable, and that the gnn is one of the beet they ever saw. I have made some very long shots with it, nsing only 8 drs. ef powder, which is all your gun requires. I have shot it at a targat according to the rules of the Turf,- Field and farm trials, and the average of 6 shots at 40 yards Is: Left-pattern, 169; penetration, "88: right-pattern, 175; penetration 39; using 3X drs. powder. Now I am sure such a gun is seldom met with, and am very proud to be the owner of it. But tbe real teat of vonr ena Is in the field there it excells all others, killing cleaner and handsomer than any gun 1 ever saw, as yon assured me they would. Both paper and met al shells work splendidly. Gentlemen. 1 have to offer you my very best thanks, and will recommend your guns to all my friends. X ours Kespectf ully, Uenbt Lobiot. Book Butokby. tbm MObNiks Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Ruling in a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices., Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of their orders. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Proclamation of Outlawry. BTATB Of NOBTH CAROLINA, 1 i KOBKSOM COUNTY. . I WhRREAS. John Bnrchet. Mnrdoch Mclnnis nd William Bridgers have complained on o-th be fore the nndersigned Acting Justices of the Peace for Alfordaville town hip, in said county, that- JESSE LEGETT did, on the night of the Eth of January, 1875. near the outh caiolina line, in said township, without any jusi cause, smfox AiL is.uaj UAVID lBA wick; and : I Whkbeas The said JESSR LEGSTT flees from Jn-tice. conceals himself and evades arrest and ser vice of the usual proce s of law; mow, THKiuurORK. we, Charles McJtCae and John H. Morrison. Acting Justices as af ores -.id, i.-sue this our Proclamation: I hat if the sid JBS.sK LKGUTT continues to 6tv out. lurk and conceal himself and does not immediately surrender himself, any citizen of the tate may capture, ar est and bring him to jnstice; and, in case of flight or resistance by him after beinca.led on and warned to surrender, M A x SLAY II I'M without accusation or impeachment of any crime. uiris unuer our nanus ana seals, tais tae lltn aay p. s.1 CHAS. McRAR, J P. (Copy.) JOHN H. MORRISON, J. P. Reward $33$.0O Reward. WE, the nnderrigned. will pay the above Re ward ol $335 00 to any person or persons who wOl aires: and deliver JK SK LEGKT I' to the t-herifltor Robeson county. Dated this January 11th. 1875. , ALBZ'R ThAWICK, ! . A MIR TRAWICK, SAMUfeL B. THOMPSON. Descbiption. About 27 years old; w iihs about 15 0s auout 5 ft 1 in. high; scar under left eye: fair complexion; hair chesnut colon feludltwjt Howari Relief F. E. Co., No. 1. OFFICE OF RECORDING SECkETARY. TTENTION MEMBERS : You are ordered to appear at the Engine House' this (THURSDAY) morning, at 9 o'clock. In fall uniform (with hats), for Parade in celebration of the Nineteenth Anni versary of our Company. The order to march will be given at 10 o'clock A. M.,- sharp. Honorary Members are especially requested to join. ' j By order of the Foreman. j W.J. BUHMANN. j Recording Secretary. LINE OF 31 ARCH : From Engine House down Market Street to Frost, no rroni to i-nncee, np Princess to Third, np Third to Chesnut, up Chesnut to Fourth, up Fourth to Non, dews Nun to Front, up Front to Market, np jnarKt t oacK to ongine uoase. ieD le-it 25 Per Cent. Saved by buying your C L O T II I N G : .. . . ' . . '. now. Baslness jSaits, I Dress Suits j i Wedding Suits. Mae to Order at Cost Until MarCa 1st. feb 18 tf .1 DAVID & WEIL. - Bacon and Fork.. ijf BOXES D. S. Sides. Q I Smoked hides, j ll I " 8hosWer. BblsPork. For tale by feb 18 f KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. !3IoIa8C8! molasses! . M - 1 A A HBLCS NEW CROP CUBA. 1UV ; 10 0 Bl)la SQgarHonBe- I For sale by feb 18 tf ; KERCHNER CALDER BROS. ! Corn ! Corn ! Corn ! 3000 nBlse58 Cqrn ' I i For sale by 'feb 18 tf KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. - . Stylish Fur Hats, jL HE ' ENGLISH BLACK, STIFF AND FINE SOFT FELT HATS. At HARRISON & ALLEN'S feblS-tif ; ; r 88 Market St C. H. Ward's pVASHIONABLE HAIR DRESSING A 8HAV- ing Saleon, f Sosth Front St, Wilmington, N. C N. B I have aeenred the serricet of kthe BEST artists of my profession. AK, m ill WHOLE NO. 2,300. MISCELLANEOUS. 350 TONS Eureka Cuano. i - -1 T7QUAL TO ANYTHING OFFERED IN THE Hi Market. i For sale on crop time to responsible pastieefy j - t WILEIAMS ft MURCHISON. " Guanape Guano. 250 TONS store- 1 For sale low by i febl7-tf 1 WILLIAMS A MURCH1SON. The Low Prices Easily Account for the Extent of J Our Daily Sales.! SINCE WE RESOLVED TO SELL AT PRICES that would surelv reduce our feTOCK, it has required no Salesmanship to sell our goods, " I FURS. DKESS GOODS. Bleached and unbleached Shirting and bheeting, SHAWLS. TABLE CLOTHS, I BLANKETS, SPREADS, ' . ! FLANNELS, HOSIERY, RIBBONS, GLOV.KS, LACKS, COLLARS, Gent's Fine White Shirts, Underwear, Sailings, Suependera, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs and I ; - i COLLARS. I With thousands of otuer goods belenglng in'a First Class Dry Goods Stock, are daily being disposed of at prices that really make it to the advantage of persons in want to buy them now from the best Stock in the City, at the prices never sold at beiore. Remember the inducement is offered only by the leading Dry Goods House of Wilmington. , i i i boskowitz libber, jan 10-tf i . 29 Market street. New Novels, JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS. rpHB MAID OF KTLLEENA AND 1 STORIES, by William Black, Autt Princess of Thule,!' &c , &c, 60 cents. OTHER A AST RANGE WORLD, by Miss M. E. Braddon. Ahthor of ' Aurora Floyd. "Publicans and sinners, ljost isr ixve, Ec. , tc., 73 cents. or sale at .6 tf I " HEINSBERGER'S live Book and Music Store. feb At Wholesale. W E OFFER a , large , and varied assortment of 14 BOOTS Mfe AND : SHOES i At prices lower than elsewhere in the State. GEO. R. FRENCH & SON'S, 39 North Front street. feb 13-tf -22-- Tobaccos TTOR RETAILERS AT 45 cents and nnwards. X? For consumers at 50 cents and UDwards. A general assortment of Tobacco G-oods . AND j Smokers' Articles, At prices guaranteed to suit reliable purchasers by D. PIGOTT. i feb 7-tf S3 Market Street. I MAYORS OFFICE, Citv of Wilmington Jan. 23d, 1874 FROM THIS DATE AUCTIONEERS ARE prohibited selling horses or; stock of any kind in front of the City Market.- Princess street, from the Eastern line ol Front street to the Western line of Fourth street, or Hecond and Third streets, be tween tbe Northern line or Market and the Southern line of Uhesnut streets, are designated for this pur pose by order of the. Mayor. . j - J. H. ROBIN80N. ; jan34-tf CityMarshaL SPECIAL NOTICE. jgEWAREOF Spectacle Peddlers. Who charge you five ; times more than the same goods can be bought for at - GEO. HONNB'TS. . No. 53 Market StreeL Jaa 8t-tf Hoes, Hoes. E 9' COVIL. LAWS' EL WELLS WEEDING AND Hilling and Aultmuns Hoes at low prices at New Hardware store. i j GILES St MURCHISON. feb 7-tf I . 88 North Front St Beets, Parsnips, tn Trr ttt tt rrt i r n WD 5 iir XU.SU J. ; Kt J. JS Mi JLI. Just arrived and for sale at f 6. H. W. BTJNQES,'i Nort beast cor. Marfce and Second see feb7tf - i i Just Received. ..!...-- i ARNOLD'S COUGH KILLER, LICORICE iimio Att.wAml'a Oninine Tenic. Savascs TJrsinia. Browa'a Essence Gineer. Garden Seed of cverv descriution i For sale by .feb 11-tf i GREEN &FLANNER, I Druggist COAL ! COAL ! LL SIZES BEST QUALITY, SCREENED Free from dirt Delivered promptly, LOWEST PRICE FOR CASH! febie-tf O. G. PARSLEY CO. iHB HOBNINO STAB BOOK BIND- A KKX is complete m au au ua sppowoneniB, and ia in charge of one of the meet skillful workmen In the State. All kinds of Binding executed neatly, cnrapijMUft upwuuimuj r i mmm Kwrdaye.;j.iii4. t tt tvedays .v.... ......... S W one week.. ;.. a EC Two week,.. .T........ 6 Oft Threeweekji..............,.. 6 to Jtoe month........................ 8 ro Two sotha.......i. J.-15 W Three month.... 00 BIX atcmtlw . . . . fc no mm t ... i: t - --..-...-.. ,..w Uonatelylowtatee.- .. it Five Squares estimated as a uarter-colurr.n. at 4 tm squares as a half-eommn. ; yMwauiv MISCELLANEOUS. OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY EVENING FEBBJIAST22d TONT DEN1ERIS PANTOniflIB TROUPE. - ' - I i Presenting the eomical ' j. HDMPTY DUMPIY ABROAD. And the lraghable ? - - - JACK AND THE BEANSTALK. j S5 SPECIALTY ARTISTS. Nsw ScximtT Nxw Tbtcks New Wardkobk. t3n THE USUAL SCALE OF PRICES. Reserved Seats for sale at Heinsberger'a Bookstore. upen at'j o ciock; commences at 8. febl7-5t' - ; W. E. COLEMAN, Agent ' O. 18 MARKET STREET. Tobaccos Not Fnnct" bnt Sound. For close bavins retailers at 45 cents and upwards. For con sumers at 50 cents and upwards. I keep . . . PLUG i AND SMOKING TOBACCOS Of all kinds constantly on hand, and au sorts or 111 - 3 .. m . . . And at Prices to snft the times. Tall WllilS ; IIH H and be saUsfied et iWi&wwm. i ! I GEO. HALL'S feb 14-tf Tobacco Store, Sign of the Indian Girl. Just Received. ! A LARGE LOT FINK IMPORTED , I AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. : j Also, I 1- : Fine Doable-Thick,i j Navy, And Other, Brands of Pine Chewing !, Tobacco. H. BUREHIMER, r ! july 9tt-tf No. O market Streets CASH. g AVE YOUR MONEY BY BUYING YOUR i UTAUUAAAXiS XUA MJXOIX. A fresh supply of choice ' Family Groceries. 1 1 -1 . Try our goods and be convinced. PURE BAKER (WHISKEY. .' I . ' .-.!" . PLANNER & SnURB. feb 7-tf 31 North Front Street. Fifty Casks and Cases "OUNGER'S BLOOD WOLFE AND I Bass Pale Ale. AND BARCLAY PERKINS & CO'S BROWN : , STOUT AND PORTER, . Finest Malt Goods Imported. For sale in any quantity by , ! ' ' . CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., ! 7 North Front St., - " ' Wilmington, N. C feb 16-tf We Are Ready JX)GIVE BARGAINS GN BALANCE OF STOCK -OF- pXiOTBExnsro-, Gent'g Furnishing Goods HATS, CAPS, Ac. t 3f UN'S ON & CO. City Clothiers. ifeb 14-tf J Just Received ! 1,000 WORTH OF GOODS ! LATENT MEDICINES, DRUGS, Chemicals, Fancy Articles, &c. Also, a large lot of Garden Seed of every kind on hand. i j Country Merchants will do well to call and ex amine StOCK. - i J. K. McILHENNY'S Drug Store, N. E. Corner Market and Front Streets. i feb 17-tf Carolina, T Y THE AUTHOR OF DR. ANTONLi, Ac LADY SWEET APPLE OR THREE TO ONE, By G. W. DASENT. D. C L. THE BABES IN THE WOOD By JAS. DkMILLE. iTHE HEAD OF THE FAM'LY. 'I Bv thn Anthor nf OT.TVTE. Aiv " Also all the the leading monthlys, FASHION BOOKS, Ac. Ac i -..' For sale at feb 14-tf CON0LKY A YATES. City Book Store SEABOARD AND MOUNTAINS. ! VV TLMINGTON MERCHANTS, WHO DESIRE to cultivate business relation, with .Dealer, and (Farmers. In thla region and Western North Carolina, now having direct railroad communication wuo w u raington, from rttatesville,wiU find the American a ood medium for that Durooee. it beinz one of the widest and most widely circulating Journal in Wes tern jNortn uaroima. i Advertisemento of any length, mar be tent, with an assurance that the cost will be moderate. 1 JS. B. DHAJUt SON, i decliVtf Proprietors. Hardware. I AIL8, POT WARES, COTTON CARDS, Coffe USIla fw. PawK Gtint 1MW1aw litl. Ja, jnilAD, villi J vvuiwb) duv vBj wnui aiaj' lish Files, Pocket Cutlery, Razors. Locks, Hinges, Screws, Ac, at prices that will rait the Wholesale Trade can be found at the eld Established Hardware -Hoese of - -' -J , JOHN DAWSON, ! -feb 14-tf Nos. 19, SO and SI Market Si, Just Arrived, BBLS NAVY BREAD, 1AAA Founds Mountain Batter. For sale at lowest at HOTTKNDO. HASHAGEN New arrivals every day. febrlw. Fresh Roasted. J? RESH, GROUND, PURELAGUYRA COFFEE. Yon can save trouble and cost by using it Sold only by f -X. 1tt le-tf ! CHAS. D. MYERS A CO. Tonortal KemoTal . E. ARTIS has nmchaaed the stock and material of James Carraway and removed to the shop tons. -erly occupied by him, la the basementef the PareeU Hoose, where he invites his old friends and the pab lie generally to call on him. Best workmen is the State employed, and-Shaving, Hair Catting and Shampooing done at the shortest notice Try him 1 i I