THE HORlimG STAR. . . 1 PUBLISHED DAILY, BY ; I BATES OK ADTKHTlSlNCt. I One Square one day,. ....i l Z ir0- ! 1 ' i.. " three days...j. S Ot , one week....!. ,4 f.i 8 6f . " Three weeks.... 6 to . u 2?emonta i 8 CO T. Jw months...... ....15 OP rm B4.TKS OT BUBBOBIFTIOa TS ABTJJTCX: Ons year, (by mall) postage pa .......... J7 00 Six months, W" ") " .... ..... 4 00 Three montha(" " ) " " 25 One month, C " ) " ' ......... 1 00 To City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the city. Fifteen Cents per week. Onr City Agents are not authorized to collect for more than S months in advance. OUTLINE. . The Left in France has agreed to sup port the new Senate bill. Reported that the Oustave controversy between Ger many and Spain has been settled. Brownlow appears well w6rn in the role editorial Three boys frozen near New York. Minister Jay, at Tien n a, is to be supercededjby Congressman Orth, of Indiana. German papers denounce the Pope's encyclical letter. Bis marck's colors are to be brightened. Johu Aiitchel ig again a candidate for Parliament from Tipperary. Wohl's glne works at Chicago burned, with loss of $400,000. The La Grange Yidette is bringing out an editorial serial oh Government and the theory of State Rights. Majority of Elections Com mittee of House report in favor of Sheri dan and Lawrence. ' River and Har bor Appropriation Bill passed House of Representatives yesterday. Bill to pay three-fotirlhs million annually South ern claims passed lower House of Con gress yesterday. Morton failed yes terday by a close -vote in the Senate to have his amendment to a bill on counting Votes in Presidential elections passed. It provided for the abolition of the 22nd joint role, which he contends in the event, of a difference in the count between the two houses would throw the election into a Democratic House 'of Representatives. The Legislature. Condensed from the Raleigh papers. FRIDAY NIGHT'S SESSION. Tho calendar was placed at the dis posal of the Chairman,, and the fol lowing among other bills passed their reading. Senate bill providing for a fence law in the comities of Union and An BOIl. " . Bill to incorporate the vRoanoke Valley Railroad Company. Mr. Bushee introduced a bill to in corporate the Carolina Plumbago Company. Senate bill to incorporate the Meck lenburg Centennial,- appropriating $5,000 to the same, passed its second reading by a vote of 18 to 16, after the failure of amotion made by Mr. Latham to strike out the appropria tion of $5,000 by a vote of 17 to 18. - Quite a number of bills passed their secoud reading'or were otherwise dis posed of. SIXTIETH BAY. SENATE. V ' IIaleigh, Feb. 20. Mr. Bell, a petition to protect the oyster beds of North River, Car teret county.. Referred. Mr. Cantwell, a bill to incorporate the Wilmington and Coast Turnpike Company. . Referred. , - , - Mr. Cantwell, a bill concerning the salaries and fees of clerks, registers and jurors. "Referred. Mr. N. S. Cook, a bill to repeal law to allow corporations to levy a spe cial tax on solvent creditors.. Re ferred. PROHIBITING AN ABOMINATION. Mr. Marler, a bill forbidding any white person to hire white children rlo colored persons, and to prevent tu3 latter from taking and holding white orphans. Referred. GIFT CONCERTS. On motion of Mr. Busbee, the Sen ate considered the following House bill : " '; A Bill to he Entitled an Act in re- lotion to Lotteries and Gift Con certs: ' Whereas, there are various or ganizations in different parts of the State which dispose of property, both real and personal, by gift and chance upon tickets and certificates, for the purpose of raising money and funds for the aid and benefit of benevolent and charitable institutions, and - ', Whereas,' it is doubtful whether such organizations are liable to prose eutiou and indictment under section 69, chapter 32, Battle's Rev isal, in the same manner as lotteries 1 and other games of chance. Therefore, We, the General As sembly of North Carolina, do enact : Section 1. That any person or person, or society, association, com pany or organization of persons whatsoever who engage in disposing of any species of property whatso ever, money, evidences of debt, or in any manner distribute gifts or prizes upon tickets or certificates sold for that purpose, shall be deemed to be held liable to indictment and prosecution under the provisions of section 69, chapter 32, Jbattle s Re visa, entitled crimes and punish ments, f Provided, however. That any per son or persons, societies, associations, companies or organizations of per- foii whatsoever, who have hereto fore sold tickets, or in any manner issued certificates of indebtedness for value, to be cancelled by gift in any manner whatsoever, the proceeds of such sale of tickets or certificates- to -be applied exclusively to benevolent and charitable purposes, shall be al lowed until the fmt day of January, A. D., 1876,1 to close up their busi ness, and such person or persons, society, association, company or or ganization shall not be liable under the criminal laws of this State for such sale of tickets and certificates as have heretofore been made and for VOL. XV.---N.O. 130. such sales hereafter, as will enable them to close up their. said business by the said first day of January, A. D., 1876. ' J Provided, That sucb tax as may be fixed in the revenue laws of this State shall first have been paid. : I " Sec. 11. This Act shall be in force from and after its ratification. I i Mr. Cantwell opposed the bill. He could not Bee why parties, who by their intelligence should i know the law of the land, should be allowed to escape the law.; The greater the rea son they should be punished. ! i Mr. Busbee warmly defended the character of the gentlemen naged in the charitable enterprises Ttnown as the Greensboro, Wilson and Kin ston Gift Concerts, which had been and were being conducted fori. chari table purposes! that should commend themselves to every one. i The igno rance of the law in this case should excuse these honorable gentlemen for their conduct in this connection.- I Messrs. Morehead and French ;sup ported the views expressed by Mr. Busbee. i : 1 : Bill then passed its several read ings and became a law. 1 1 ! PUBLIC DEBT, i '!! I This question came up at 12 o'clock as the special order, j n i Mr. Jernigan spoke at some length in support of the proposition. of the Joint Committee to adjust the debt. The substitute not embodying the construction bonds (or first mortgage bonds on tho N. C. lv; R.,) the ques tion of said bonds were considered at some lengb, under a motion of Mr. Linnev to pay dollar for dollar for the same, f The motion did not pre- vail. ' Several amendments were Offered and discussed, but as we propose pub lishing the propositions of the bill when it shall-be completed by the Senate, we deem it unnecessary tq give the amendments as offered. ' Reporter. j : l ! Bill passed its scoqd reajjing with out any amendment jbemg adopted. During the suspension "of the rules, several private bills Were considered and adopted, among them two called up by Mr. French, to incorporate the Robeson Agricultural Society, and to incorporate the Ashpole Educa- uonai oocieiy. : HOUSE OF REPRESEN TATIVES By Mr. Walker, a! bill concerning banking institutions ; of this j State. Referred. i' By Mr. Woodhouse, a bill to pro hibit the killing of deer at certain seasons of the year- -? Referred. By Mr. Mcliae, a bill to restore, re-enact ajid amend chapter 40,' of the Revised Code, "draining andj dam ming lands' together with an act amendatory thereof jJf chapter 146, laws ot 1868-9, and to repeal chapter 49, or ISatlie s Revisal, entitled dram injr lands. - NEWBERN CHARTER. Mr. Pinnix called' i up the Senate bill to be entitled ah j act to amend the charter of the city! of Newbern. ijood and Lull, colored, opposed the bill. Mil Mr. Richardson, as Chairman of the Committee on Corporations:' said ue naa careiuny examined trie Dili and found that it was not only desir able and necessary to the tax-payers of that city, but asked by gentlemen of the very highest character and re spectability. - Ibe bill passed its: readings.! GIFT CONCERTS. Mr. JU.rwin caned up House Dili in m w " ' A' wr ' relation to gift ' concerts, gambling, &c, which passed its readings, and on bi3 motion, was ordered to be sent to the Senate without engrossment. Mr. Pinnix called hp Senate bill to incorporate the Albemarle and Roan oke River Railroad Company, which passed its second reading. j I ' THE THORNE EXPULSION CASE. Mr. Moring, from the Select Com mittee to investigate the right of J. Win, Thome, the member from War ren, to a seat on this 'floor, submitted his report of documentory evidence. The first evidence against Mr. Thome was in the shape of a pampK- let, issued by 1 borne, defending in fidelity and denouncing the christian religion, characterized by Mr.jPatton as the most infamods production he ever heard. Aftei which was read the evidence of several parties in Warren county tcf j the effect that they bad known him for many years and never heard liirh deny the exis tence of a God; that he was a mcrrf ber of Progressive Friends and a di rector in said Church. The evidence of Thome himseifiijwas next read.! He admitted that hp believed in a supreme being, and the God! of the Bible in part, but not all of it. Mr. Moring theu! - stated that the committee were unable to.agree, and therefore submitted the report to the House, asking to bej discharged 1 from; further service ou the comaiittjee. j Mt. Gudgvr moved that the report of the committee be received. v Mr. Patton desired to know if that would reliever . Thorne from j the charges against him; if so, he would oppose it, as he thought the authorof such an infamous circular as the one summa read by the Clerk, Should be rily expelled from this body, and if no one else would, jhe would offer a resolution to that effect. j t .: I Mr. Gudger said he did not mean, of course, to relieve him, but to bring the matter before the House! I . j t Hughes, colored J ioffered a resolu n WILMINGTON, tion with a preamble, stating that as Throne, had issued an infamous circu lar, denying the existence of the Al mighty i God, and otherwise blas pheming the Christian religion that he at once be expelled from the House. : . i i Mr. Norment moved that the mat ter be postponed till Tuesday next, and made the special order for that day. , ! Brewington,. colored, endorsed the views of Hughes. s i Mr.: Mclver, after denouncing in fitting terms the character of the in famous pamphlet, favored immediate action. j i! ! Messrs. McRae, Finger, Staples and Spears each favored postponement in order to give the defendant a fair and impartial trial. While they werepre pared to vote for expulsion if he de nied the God of the Bible or any part of it, yet something might turn up in his favor. ! i j s i Messrs. Walker, of Richmond, and Moring also offered resolutions of ex pulsion,1 after which the whole mat ter was postponed till Tuesday next. The bill to amend an act entitled an act to amend the charter! of the North Carolina Railroad Company, and for other purposes therein men tioned, came up the, special order for 1 o'clock, and passed its readings. ! UNIVERSITY MEMORIAL. i A message was received from his Excellency, the Governor, in regard to a memorial from the Trustees of the University and read. ! On motion of Mr. Mendenhall the message !, and accompanying docu ments were transmitted to the Senate with a proposition to print land re ferred to the joint action of the Com mittee on Education. ; I 1 ar-HE city. ISiiW ADVEBT1SURIKNTS. War. A. j WiLL8ou Meeting H. & L. Co. W. J. Buhmann Meeting H.RF.E. Co. J. A. Engelhard Agricultural Meeting. T. D. Meares Meeting W. 8. F. E. Co. Gilbert & Bawar Rooms to ttent See AdVt of "Shelby Aurora. Jno. McEntee Hibernian Meeting. Registration Yesterday. The following returns have been made of the number registered.yesterday : First Ward Place of registration at Ann Street Engine house 14 whites. j Second Ward Place of registration at the Court House 18 whites. j Third Ward, first precinct Place of reg istration at Thornton's Cart Bouse no re turns.! !i: I . - , . I Third Ward, second precinct Placer of registration at W. & S. S. Company's stables 7 whites, i I .1 -:i Third Ward, third precinct-i-Place of registration corner of Seventh and Ann streets no returns. j Third Ward, fourth precinct Place of registration at Anthony! Howe's u orkshop, on Queen street, between Third and Fourth 3 whites. J - i All those entitled to register are requested , 1 ! to come forward at once, in order to pre vent crowding when the time becomes lim ited. !: : " I . Explanation. I Tliis, from the Goldsboro Messenger, will explain itself ; j j Our eotemporary, the Wilmington Morn ing Star, of the 17th insL- gives the report of a meeting held in that city iq favor of the usury bill, during which one F. W. Foster, Kadical, declared hiuself in favor of the usury bill and stated that he had been telegraphed to by Mr. I. F. Dorlch, of the House of Representatives, to the effect "that if a petition was not gotten -up at once, praying for the passage of the bill, it would be defeated." This statement is cal culated to place Mr. Dortch in - a question able position and seems to have created .sur prise in those of his fiiends who read the report in the Star. The usury question is generally considered no party measure, and the fact is Mr. Dortch did not know Fos ter's politics when he answered a dispatch addressed to him by Foster, asking whether petitions in favor of usury would be in time. magistrate's Court. j Before J. J. Cassidy, J. P. : i Eli English was arraigned for violating a general ordinance of the city of Wil mington by creating a disturbance in the street. ! Defendant found guilty. Judg ment suspended. . Hargrove Dickinson, alias Francis Harg rove, larceny. Committed to the sheriff in default of $100 bond. Eleven warrants were issued prehension of sundry persons, for the ap who, were &c The charged with forcible tresspass. difficulty grew out of an attempt to obtain possession of a lot of land in this city. Three of the defendants were bound over i i to the next term of the Superior Court the balance were discharged, Temple of lsreal. ! The Isrealites of our city, at a recent meeting, concluded to award the contract, within the next sixty days, for the building of their temple. The building will be lo cated at the! southeast corner of Fourth and Market streets, and will be a handsome edifice and one that will do credit to that portion of the city. The plan of the build ing hasj not yet been definitely settled upon, but; it is calculated to make it all that could be desired as a temple of worship. : Iq this connection, we wou! d stale j by request, that Mr. J. L Macks will, in a few days call upon those of our citizens who have subscribed in aid of the good work Tbe Weather ToDajr. During Tuesday, in the South Atlantic States, falling barometer, southeast winds, and slightly warm and cloudy weather. ' Import Entries for sale at the office of The Morning Star. I " ' 3L .. .. . 1' N. C; TUESDAY,- FEBRUARY 23, 1875. Local liottt. ij Song of the modern registrar: 'We met, 'twas in a crowd." Mrl Cantwell, from this county, offered a bill in the Senate on i Saturday- to incor porate the Wilmington and Coast Turnpike Company. - ! The River and Harbor bill hav ing passed the National House of Repre sentatives, secures the appropriation of $100,000 to theape Fear river, i , The registration books will be closed on Saturday of the present week. All those wishing to avail themselves of the opportunity to register should do so at once.' We have been Requested to state that a joint meeting of the officers and- Ex ecutive Committees of the several Ward Conservative Clubs will be held this even ing, at 8 o'clock, at Lippitt's Hall. r According "to If a recent ruling of the Post Office Department postal cards may like ' letters; be forwarded without additional postage in. cases where they may be resent td parties for whom they are intended. ' ij u ' 1 Yesterday, the anniversary of Washing ton'sJBirthday, was not observed as a holiday in this city. A colored military company paraded in the afternoon, but beyond this every thing pursued the even tenor of its way as usual j! j , Hon. Geo. W. Lindsay JuTlge of the Orphans Court of Baltimore City and Great Incohonee of the Improved Order of Red Men was in the city yesterday stop ping at the Purcell House. He was enter tained wni'n here by representatives of the Lodges of 1. O. R. M. of this city. Reception of the .New steamer. The formal reception of the new Steam Fire Engine IMa Gtiant, of the Wilmington S. F. E. Co., into the Fire Department will take place this afternoon. I ; The Committee of Arrangements have decided-to change the place of holding the reception ceremonies. They will therefore take place from Misses. Kennedy & Hart's school room, on Third, between Market and Princess streets, instead of at the Daw son Bank buildiDg, as heretofore announced. The following is the programme of ex ercises under the new, arrangement: ORDER OF; MARCH. ! Axemen and Committee. Marshal and Aids. Band. ! Howard Relief Company. " Oratprs. Hook and Ladder Company. ' Rankin Company. LINE OF MARCH j from corner Fourth and Dock, up Fourth to Rankin Hallup Fourth to Red Cross, down Red Cross to Second, down Second to Walnut, down Walnut to Front, down Front to Princess, up Princess to Third, down Third to school house of : Misses. Kennedy & Hart. There the procession will halt and the addresses will be delivered. Forming again wilf march down Third to Market, up Market to Fourth, down Fourth to Adrain Hall, where a halt will take place for refreshments; again forming the line of march, jjwill be taken down Fourth, to Ann, down; Ann to Third, down Third to Nun, down Nun to Front, up Front to Market, up Market to Tfrrd, down Third to Dock, up Dock to the Hook and Ladder Hall, where ;the line wiH 1-alt for refreshments. From thence the rirch will be continued up Dock to Fourth, up Fourth to the Rankin Hall, where the ceremonies will terminate. f j : OFBUA HOIISG. Tony Denier. The fuu-loving people of Wilmington were highly entertained last night by the excellent rendition of Humply Dumpty, by the celebrated Tony Denier Troupe. Though the house was not so large as could have been desired,: persons who were there manifested their thorough appreciation of the performance byvery hearty applause. We would call especial attention to the fine cornet performance of master johnny Skel ton. The acrobatic feats were also of the finest character. , Mayor's court. The following cases were disposed of yes terday: ,. ' I j Marten Bohling, charged with disorderly conduct, submitted I the case. Judgment was suspended on payment of costs. W. W. Harriss, charged with the larceny of a chicken was found not guilty. A. Ivery was found guilty of disorderly conduct. Judgmen suspended on . pay ment of costs, jj ! ' Six cases were continued until to-day. Woolen's Express, j We are glad to learn that arrangements will soon be perfected, by which the South? ern Express Company will transfer freights with Wooten's Express. This wiil be a great benefit and will, considerably, facilitate the business of the lattei company, in cases where a transfer is necessary, as under the present system, unless freight is addressed care of Wtfoten's Express," or it is so or dered by the consignee, it will not be de livered at this point;' by the Southern Ex press Company, n f Robbery of Clothing. The house ofMr. IjL.) Moore who resides on Ann between Seventh and Eighth streets, was entered on Saturday last about noon, by some sneak thiei who stole two over coats and one pair of pants. The family of Mr. Moore were in the rear of the house and knew nothing of the robbery until they missed the clothing in question. City subscribers :who fail to re ceive their papers regularly will please re port the fact promptly at this office. tf , JL CITY ITEMS. Fob Rest. The fine Btore cn Northeast corner of Market and North Water streets, will be rented en reasonable terms. Enquire at the store. lebSMf j 8. K Lyon. : XOOK BlVDKBT. '111 MOSNIHe 8 tab BooK Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Baling in work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness In the execution of their orders. ' Ths Tomer Gun. Copt of Testimonial. Hudson Citt, N. J., Sept 80th, 1874. Mesbrs. J. & W. Toixet 29 Maiden Lane, New York: The 10-goage Gun No. 3078 1 ordered from you gives me entire satisfaction. I was very exacting when or dering the Gun, bat must say that you have more than fulfilled what I required of you. J. have shot several bret-ch-loaders by first-class makers, and your gum beats them all for beaity and workman ship. As for shooting qualities, yonr gun shoots stronger and more even than any gun I ever shot I have shown it to several good judges (including flrst-cla8s gunmakere) and all agree that the action is very strong and durable, and that the gun Is one of the best they ever saw. I have made Borne very long shots with it, using only Z drs. ef powder, which is all your gun requires. I have shot it at a targat according to the rules of the Turf, Field and Farm trials, and the average of 6 shots at 40 yards is: Left-pattern, 169; penetration, 38: right-pattern, 175; penetration 39;- using 3jf drs. powder. Now I am sure such a gun Is seldom met with, and am, very proud to be the ewner of it But the real test of your gun is in the field there it excells all others, killing cleaner and handsomer than any gun I ever saw, as you assured me they would. Both paper and metal shells work splendidly. Gentlemen, I have to offer you my very best thanks, and will recommend your guns to all my friends. Yours Respectfully, Bknbt Lobiot. Spirits Turpentine Milton has slain a great owl. Fielding A. Belvin, an old cit izen of Raleigh, is dead. Canora is said to be improving faster than any town in the West. Mr. Nat. McCain, a young Milton ian, took arsenic, whether through mistake or not the Chronicle does not know, and for a while was in a critical state. The Reidsville Enterprise has no hesitancy in saying that Our Living and Our Dead is superior to any magazine it has ever seen published in this State. Hughes the colored member in the House,, has offered a resolution to expel, from his seat Thorne, of Warren,a white re publican, because of being an infidel. Tucker, col., of Craven, also desired his ex-' pulsion. Madison Enterprise: Mr. J. A. Moon, of South Boston, met with a fa tal accident in Florida a few weeks ago. He landed in the night unknown wharf and stepped off, falling some fifteen feet His skull was badly fractured. His remains were intered at his home in South Boston. Raleigh News : , . On the planta tion of Buck Jones, in Wake Forest Town? ship, a colored woman left her bouse to visit a neighbor, leaving two small children playing before the fire.- On her return she found them on the hearth, burned to a crisp, their clothes taking fire it is reason ably supposed. f - Statesville Lnadmark: Waynes viile, Haywood county, had a big shooting affair on Monday of last week. A young man by the name of J. C. Smatbers shot ten times at W. P. Welch, late Senator from that county, neither of which took effect. The parties were arrested and bound over. It resulted from an affair, "concerning of woman." Additional particulars of the Concord fire, copied from the Sun : We have not been able to learn the exact amount involved in the losses, but can only approximate to the value. The loss to the county will not be much short of $35,000 in the Court House, (saying nothing of re cords destroyed. The Court House was nsured for only $5,000, and the policy was takeniust two weeks ago. . It should have beenVosured for double that amount The loss tov Joel Reed, Esq., will probably amount to $1,000 or $1,500 no insurance. Mr. Litaker's loss is estimated at $2,000, in sured for $800. Mrs. Lizzie Eeetler lost everything she badp except a bed and a bureau no insurance. BIED. NIELAN. In this cltv, on the morning of the Slat inut, Martin Nielan.'a native of the Parish of Furety, County of Roscommon, Ireland, aged &3 years. The funeral will tace place to-day at 10 o'clock, from his late residence on Third Street to StThomab- (Catholic) Church, thence to Oakdale Cemetery. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WIL. STEAM F. E. COMPANY M. 1. MEMBERS: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED to appear at the Engine House At 2 1-2 O'clock Sharp, ibis Tuesday Afternoon, in fall uniform, with white gloves, for Parade. - -' Honorary Members are respectfully Invited to attend. j By Order of Foreman. THOS. D. MEARES, feb23-lt Recording Secretary. ' WIL. HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY Wo. r. The MEMBERS OF THIS COMPANY ARE hereby notified to meet at the Truck House,, in full nniferm and white gloves, . At 2 1-2 this P. MM for Parade. . i . All Honorary Members are invited to participate By Order of the Foreman. ' . WJL A. WILLSON, February 23, 1875.-1 12 ' . ' Secretary. HOWARD RELEAF FIRE ENGINE CO. No. I. Attention members: you are ordered to appear at the Engine House in fail uniform (with hats) this (TUESDAY) AFTERNOON, AT O'CLOCK, SHARP. . Honorary Members are Invited to attend alto. By Order of Foreman. WM. JNO. BUHMANN, feh23-lt .. Recording Secretary, 1T A D Jl. WHOLE NO. 2,304. JEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Agricultural Meeting. . Ir - 'if f : . : I' THE ADJOURNED MEETING I : 'Of THS . j - ' " j! STOCKHOLDERS OF THE CAFE- FEAR A6RI- CULTURAL ASSOCIATION 'i will he held in the Bank of New Hanover this even ing at half -past seven o'clock, i - L - " ' j. The Annual Election of Officers and other bust ress of importance will command attention. . A full meeting is desired. - Ti i, I J. A ENGELHARD, feb 23-lt Secretary.! Shelby Aurora. rjHE ATTENTION OF THE 1 i BUSINESS MEN OF WILMINGTON is called to the above-titled paper, which, being published at Shelby, N. C , the terminus r the C. C. R. R., is one of the best mediums in Western Caro lina through which to introduce themselves ta the Trade of that portion of the State. Rates for adver tising very liberal, feb 23-tf i Address: . "PUBLISHER AURORA.' Booms to Rent. rpBREE TO FIVE ROOMS IN A LARGE ANO L pleasantljkjpcated house on Second Street be tween Dock and Orange, will be Tented to a eood tenant on reasonable terms. Brick Stabled on premises will also be rented. ! APPIV tO GILBERT BAWAR, feb23-tf 34 Market Street.! Notice. Ti HE MEMBERS OF THE HIBERNIAN BR. nevolent Association are requested to meet to-day uruuipuy u 04 u'ciur.K, at meir nan uaie Laorary Heading Roome) for the purpose of attending the funeral of their deceased brother member Martin Nielan. ! JOHMcETEF, ! feb 23-lt :; Secretary. Flowers in Bloom. npO-DAY I WILL HAVE IN MARKET A COL X Isction of beautiful Flowers in Bloom. Orders left at the store of Mr. Mr O. H. W. Range, north east corner .of Market and "Second streets, will be promptly attended to. At the proper time i Spring I will have a large and varied collection of all kinds of rare bedding plants suitable for : thl country, such as Roses, 1ouble Petunias,. Geraniums, Ver benas. Heliotropes, Foliage plants and plants euit- i taDie ior oassets. C. H. HEIPE, 1 i Florist. feb 16-eodlw nac MISCELLANEOUS; 200 CASES 200 CHOICE CANNED Fruits and Vegetables "PACKED OF THE FINEST MATERIAL AND JLj in tne aea style Jfxpress'y for . Family Use. -These are far superior in every way to the goods - - 1 - 4 1 i usually sold by Jobbers, THEY ARE PRERARED EXPRESSLY , For Family Use. Every variety of finest Fruita and Vegetables on sate oy 1 (: j' CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., febSl-tf 5 & 7 North Front St., Exposition. ROLLED PRESSED BEEF TTTB HAVE SUCCEEDED IN GETTING THE Agency" OT? THIS DELICIOUS LUXURY i . 1 t a t- j? ! i ! V Put up In Foil Rolls from 4 to 6 pounds aad already lor immediate . Table Use. Try it, Try it. Also put up in handsome 3 pound cans. ' j- ! . Sold only by ! I i j v GEO. MYERS feb21tf! j Sole Agent To the Public ! Those wishing to buy j CLOTHING I 1-AJT COST Hast do so within the next week as we cease to I i. ! ' " ' ! f : sell in that way after the first of March. 1 1 DAVID & WEIL. feb 21-tf A CARD. pERSOSS with whom I may have influence are ; -r I. CAUTIONED j thai the use of my name as 4 reference by an Indi- ! I vidnal styling himself j "lr. Weil, Oeolist and Optician, IS WHOLLY UNAUTHORIZED. i y . !: "v The aid "Dr. Well" is unknown tome, and hence cannot have ray recommendation. 1 ( i J. J. CHI80LM, M. D. Baltimore Ete and Ear Institute. ! i Feb'y 16, 1875. fe 19 If ' VfO. 13 MARKET STREET. L Tobaccos " Not Funct" but Sound: For close buying retailers at 45 cents and upwards. For con sumers at CO cents and upwards. I keep PLUG A5D SMOKING I TOBACCOS Of all kinds constantly on band, and h all sorts of 'l Smokers' Articles. 1 !i-.v r. . - And at prices to suit the times. Call ana oe satisned at GEO. HALL'S I Tobacco Store. Sign of the Indian Girl. feb 14-tf j j At Wholesale. "y E OFFER a large and varied assortment ef BOO T.S j j;- AND - ' SHOES At prices lower than elsewhere in the State. j GEO. 8. FBENOH A SON'S, febl3-tf 89 North Front street. -rnreemontns.... ..;......:. CO Six months. ...85 -. ...60 M !!."' vneyear....i 7"Contract Advertisements taken tionately low rates. .1 one year. at propci- Five squares estimated as a quarter-column, and ten squares as a half-column. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 - 1 . . ir You Want Bargains Right now It the .Time. ' 1 ' 1 ' ; .' f .. - "' : .;-V -v;; HAVING JUST TAKEN STOCK WB FIND hundreds of articles that we had rather fall st customers own prices than to give house room to for another season; we had rather have the room tban the goods. . i Oar wholesale and retail trade this reason has W diminished stock that we are compelled to go North early in order to have stock in store in time for our Spring Trade. Then you of our customers Who are in want of any i article, usually found in winter stock, in a j DRY. GOODS STORE, i 1 ' ' ' - i ' j -' Can save money by taking the advantage of tUe situation and buying it now of the Leading Drv Goods House of .1 1 1 ,1 BOSKOWITZ LIBBER, II 1 S9 Market street ! feb 21-tf We j)ffer the Greatest I JgARGAINS TO BE HAD IN THE ClTY IN I .oxjOthhstcs-. j 1 - I 1 - - - i . V " 1 From this date our entire Stock of . I MEN'S, BOYS' AND YOUTH'S OLOTHlNoj I OENT8 FURNISHING GOODS, &e Will be sold at greatly reduced prices in order to make room for our large Spring Heck, which is now being manufactured especially for our own trade, i 1 . i . ij SHRIEK BROS., !i . 80 Market st feb 21-tf Sundries j QQ Bbls Refined Sugar, ! Bags Coffee, 1 JQQ Bbls Seed Pototee, QQ Bbls Flour, j q Kits Mountain Butter, fJQBoxes Tobacco, j 2 Barrels Snuff, j j - , Now landing and f er sale low by ! . 1 1 .EDWARDS & HALT i ieo 21-tr We are Still Pegging Away3 !T THE BALANCE OF STOCK OF ' OLOTIE3:iIN"3- Which the low prices is fast diminishing. I BARGAINS EVERYDAY IN" ! I I - 4 Overcoats, Talmas, Business Suits AND DRESS SUITS. &c I ! - i . I - . At ! fsb 21-tf aty Clothiers. !.r! the. j- JEOPLE BUY THEIR SUPPLIES OF Tobacco Goods -At No. 22 MARKET STREET, South side, Head of the Market House, of D. PIGOTTA Tobacconist. feb 21-tf Molasses ! Molasses ! ! Molasses ! .- - ! ' I- .;-. JQ BHDS. NEW CROP- CUBA, ! j . i 1KA BBLS. NEW crop cuba! For sale low by feb 2Wf WILLIAMS & MURCmsON. Cheese, Batter, Bice land Lard. 50 Bexes Cheese, 2Q Tubs Batter, j ' Tierces and bbls Rice, fjQ Tierces and Tubs lard. .1 i For sale by feb 21-tf KERCHNEB A C ALDER BROS. i Potatoes, Potatoes. ! -J 100 Barrels E. B. Potatoes, 100 Barrels P. E. Potatoes. : For sale by . feb 21 tf KERCHNEB & CALDEB BROS- ; 1 H ' r molasses! Slolasses! Molasses I 10 HHDS NEW CROP CUBA 100 Bbls New Crop Cuba 25 Ehds Sugar House Molasses. I ""' For sale by . I feb 21-tf KKRCHNER & C ALDER BROS. : Corn! Corn! Corn! O A A A Bushels Corn, I : , For sale by feb 21-tf KERCHNEB & CALDER BROS. The Watt Plow, THE DIXIE Pr OW, THE COOK PLOW. A large stock just come in and at very low prices can be found at the Old Established Hardware Uous3 of i 1 ; JOHN DAWSON, ' eb 21-tf Nos. 19, 20 and 21 Market St The Alderneyj Brand O ' i I ! " i! JV CONDENSED MILK IN PATENT BOXES. Milk Crackers, Zwieback, i . j 1 i Just la rfnd for sale at r if I ) G. H. W. RUNGE'S, Nort beast cor. Market and SeeonA htm, febSltf I - ' ! - if" Hats- j FINE STIE AND SOFT ! FELT HATS. At HARRISON A ALLEN'S . . I City Hat Store, feb 21-tf -V . I 88 Market St Country Merchants ? WHY BO YOU BUY YOUB HARDWARE North when yon Can find such a lanre assort ment at such low figures as can be obtained at Giles A Murchison's, who have on hand sad to arrive one; of the best assortments ever in tha city. Write for i prices before purchasing elsewhere or send ins yonr orders North. i GILES A MURCHISON. feb 21-tf . r i . 88 North Front St COAL!. GOAL! i - -i A LL SIZES BEST P.UALITY, SCREENED Free - - from dirt. : Delivered promptly, LOWEST FBICB FOB CASnr feblfi-tf O. G. PARSLEY A CO. . ... 1

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