gftr jgornteg ffctr. FIELD . AND FIEESIDE. SALTPETER FOR HYACINTHS. Win. Laurie says:--It may be in teresting to know that while the bulb is producing its roots in the water, by applying a little nitrate of potash (saltpeter) to the water in which the bulb is in, it will in a great measure stimulate growth and be the means of producing better roots and flowers than they otherwise would be. Dis solve the nitrate in water,pour into the glasses when changing the water, which ought to be done at least every two or three weeks. If there are any who doubt the fact, let them apply it to some such thing as mustard or cress, which they may be growing in their hot houses now, when, I doubt not, they will find it to produce bene ficial effects. But although all means are taken to produce growth there will be many failures, which will arise from not having the proper bulbs for water. As a rule, single hyacinths grow much better in water than the double varieties. The water ought to be soft, and when changed not .colder than the temperature of the room or the place where the hya cinths are kept. Many are the fail ures I have seen,, owing to some la dies thinking if they just had a bulb struck in a glass with the water near ly over the bulb; it was all right. A Chinese llevival Meetlns:. Sacramento Record," lOtt.l The sensation of the day was a1 meeting gotten up by Wah Loy, a converted (hinaman. It was held at the corner of I and Third streets. Wah Loy, managed at half-past 1 o'clock to get together some- 200 of his countrymen'. He had about him six Chinese who had been Christian ized. These were provided with sing ing books, while on a blank wall were hung a number of slips of white cloth, on which various songs were stenciled. Loy stood in front and with a long , wooden pointer pointed put the - words, emphasizing the syllables and U 11 W . ... V. U . W MW k U UUU1. . j . M lit. i singing by the Chinaman was credit- . ' 1 1 . . - 1 -1 aoie, oetter man we naa any reason I to expect. Early in the evening a number of ladies came up and aided in the singing, and, subsequently the 50 or 60 'white men in the croyzJ joined in the choruses. After con- , siderable singing, Rev. Mr. Hough addressed the Chinese assembled, Wah Loy interpreting sentence by , sentence. " When Jesus was here in the ' world" " How lov sing chewing see Jesus see you l ate ' " He said, 'Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavY laden, and 1 will give you rest. " Say lung yet che choy ching buy sat che qujy long-ng, onlying yah wong yet ying choyse." " Yoa are all seeking for happiness, but you are not happy." . x-rg -sr ac uugyou moy cnawing sing nek set yeng." ' You seek for hautnness. but do not find it." ; "Aynghow u sing chong lee set . niut J ul,3 ir. j " Jesus shows us the way to true happiness." " " "Ying low musing leying toy set o-Y-ng." In this manner the exhortation pro ceeded. The Chinese above given, if .not thoroughly intelligible to the civilized reader, can be sifted out by the-nearest Chinese laundryman, our report being special and accurate and in the ph rest tone of the poetical tongue of the flowery kingdom. Wah Loy now took the stand and preached to the Chinese for twenty minutes, in what appeared to be an earnest and eloquent manner, if elo quence has a place 'in Chinese culture. Mora singing followed, and Mr. Hammond having meanwhile arrived was placed in a buggy, and Wah Loy mounting beside him, the Evangelist preached to the Chinamen, the inter preter, sentence by sentence, trans lating for him. The Chinese gave good attention, and nearly all wore smiling faces. It was a curiosity to them. Said one: "All same Melic man, Chinee hab big meet, all same in street. Bully." A Novelty In Women' Dress. " From the Metropolitan. Since extravagance in stockings has come back to us again, and silk hosie ry is almost a criterion of the woman of fashion, of course something must be worn to preserve these silken lux uries from wear and soil, when walk ing in a dusty and dingy city. Wool that is knitted may be warm, but it is not a hindrance to the entrance of Jusf. It rather holds than rejects the soiling, while fine broadcloth or velvet, that is both linen and rubber lined, is a certain protection against water or in nd. Leggings of these . materials are made to reach up and curve upon the ' knee, and are fitted about the foot like a gentleman's gaiter, with a strap under tne toot, lney button up on tne outside ot tne leg, and are care fully fitted to" the wearer by front and back seams. 'They are sometimes bound on the lower edge with a dark i'ur, which gives the foot a chubby and youthful appearance. For spring wear they are quite as requisite as for the winter." With a short quilted silk or satin petticoat and an Ulster coat of rough cloth, they look very coquet tish on a cold or stormy day. Any taay can mafee them tor herself. They should be fitted like any gar ment, and alter being bound with braid, the iet buttons and button holes may be added.- They should be adjusted so perfectly that a button hook would be required to fasten them over the boot and about the ankle. Russia is active, and Persia and mum are aiarmed. ; Mr. Browni ltemarks on B a tier. vm vu, v.11 lD'uavu KSUGU C3 D Ij LI D rounds of the Radical: press to the effect that General Gordon had re buked the Hon. John Young Brown for his remarks .about jButler, and that Senator iMerrimoii j had said to Mr. Brown that he oHght to apologize both to the House of Representatives and to Butler personally The Wash ington correspondent of the Courier Journal has the direct authority of both of these Senators for denying that either of them uttered the re marks above ascribed: io them, j or anvthiner of a similar purport. The statement, is i . . .'fit . ii . a fabrication out of whole cloth. . The Wrong Side of the meridian. On the down hill side of life. Which an old medi cal writer quaintly terms "the; wrong side of the meridian," when the functions decay and the frame gradually bends under the weight of years, the sys tem requires to be sustained under the burden j im posed upen it. Innumerable physical ailments and , infirmities then press upon it to which it had been in earlier life a stranger. The surest and pleasanteet support and solace of declining years is found in Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, long recognized as the most wholesome and agreeable of diffusable stlmu- j lants, the most potent of tonics and alteratives. The j aged and infirm may place implicit confidence in this invigorating elixer, which not only checks those j maladies to which .elderly persons are peculiarly subject, but in a measure retards the encroachment ' of time upon the constitution. feb 26 deodlw fri su wed-wlt MISCELLANEOUS. JACCEl ,AND YOU Are sure you have the best in quality. In all the leading sizes, fall assortment. T)LANTERS HOES, A FULL ASSORTMENT. SPADES, SHOVELS, PICKS, WHEELBARROWS, RAKES POTATO DRAG, BUSH HOOKS', RID TRAM n.,.1 ST17RT. Ill of all sizes.j LONDON TWISt GUNS, . . - I i i i a fine assortment atj very low prices. ' i 1 i We invite attention to one of the largest assort ments of ! Cutlery In the Market, at verjr low prices. A full assortment of CARRIAGE WOOD WORK and materia. Call and examine at ! NATU'L. JACOBl'S HARDWARE DEPOT. r gFeb2-tf No. 9 market Street, : - - j i Just Eeceived ! i $1,000 WORTH OF GOODS ! it- PATENT MEDICINES, DRUGS, ;. Chemicals, Fancy Articles, &c. Also, a large lot of Gardeu'.Seedj of every kind on hand. ! j Country Merchants will do well to call and ex amine Stock. i S J J. K. McILHENNY !S Drug St .ic, . i N. E, Corner Market and Front Streets. feb 17-tf Horry Weekly Hews, PUBLISHED EVERT TUESDAY MORNING AT CONWllBOItO, S. :., . W. BEATY, EDITOR; J.' ,W. G-.' SAIlTiiY PUBLISHER Terms $2 Per Annum. A DVERTISEMENTS ASSERTED AT LOW XJl. rates. The Horry News is the only paper pud-! lished in the coHnty, and having a large circulation in tnts eouniy, ana cutiBiueruuie urcmaui'u ui jw lnmbus and Brunswick county y N. C, makes, it desirable medium for advertisers.! ; W. H. Bernard is our authorized Agent in Wil mington.N. C. j I h ttec 18-tf j . Do You Want to Sell Anylhing? IF YOU DO WE WOULD ADVISE YOU TO J i . ADVERTISE IN I !.' 't c PUBLISHED A.T WADES B O K if N. C. Only $3 5Q Icr An n urn.- The Ealeigh HewsJ .... i i . ". BAIL Y AND WEKLYt ' PUBLISHED. BY ' ' ' if.! H ' ' ':V.. STONE & VZZELL.. ' . ' j DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF the State of North Carolina 4o the success of the Conservative party, the development of the hid den wealth of the State, the inviting emigration in to our midst, and advancement or tne weir are or our people in everything tnat serves to: make a state prosperous ana lnaepenaen j its 1 -.' ADVERTISING COLUMNS will be found of great advantaee.'as both tao Daily and Weekly circulate largely in every portion of the suue. stales mouerate. 5 ! - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Daily, One Teat ..!. . . ....... J Weekly, One Year. .-. . ' . t . .(.' ........ . Subscribe' lof - !l874. j$7 08 . 2 00 STONE & UZZELL, I Proprietors. jan i-tt The Central Protestant A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS DaDer and the Orma of the I Methodist Protes tant Chnrch in Nortk CardliniL. is - TinWiRhfid at ixreensooro, xh. u. . ; i i - - 1 ' Terms, f uo per annum, in; advance. f The eligibility of its location, the number and ac tivity of its agents, and the constantly increasing de mand forit among the more solid classes of readers in various sections, give the' CENTRAL peculiar claims upon the patronage of the advertising public Terms very favorable. Consnlt your business inter ests, ana aaaress tne editor, s J Jj. M1U11AUA, marlltf i Greensboro. N. C, The Tobacco Leaf & CettoH Plant. CIIARL0T1E, N. C. ' ', i - Terms of Subscription : . One copy, one year. . i . k . j . . 4 $2 00 six months... j.Ji.x-.....' l 00 CL UB R ATES: T ! Six copies, to one address, one year ..$10 TO Twelve copies, to one address, 1 year. ... . 80 00 - ' : - i S ' f 1 : ' I j - Rates ot AdTertlslug: i Ten lines, or one inch, to constitute a square. One square, first insertion $1 00, . Each subsequent insertion 50 cents. . j jj I " - ' 4 ' j I J. R. M0EEIS, Editbr knd Proprietor. Largest Circulation of any Trade Organ in the Southern States. dec 22-tf I p.tty 3 : ' i I i ; RAILROAD LINES. Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAD CO. OFF1UM OF GlN't 8ITPXBLNTENDIMT, ) , i - Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 23, 1874. f t Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER NOV. 24th INST, l'Afc semrer trains on the Wilmington and WeldoE Railroad will run as follows : MAIIi TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily, (San day's excepted) ...L At 7:35 A. M. ArriveatGoldsboro..!.. Kocky JMonnt.. :w . u Wlrlnn j , 8.60 P. M. Leave Weldon daily i.i At :60 A. M Arrive at uockj muuiu,. .-. s . toiaeuuru... . ............ p... Union Depot.- - . - 6:05 P. M. EXP RESS ; TR AIN AND THROUGH it FREIGHT TRAINS, Leave Union Depot daily ...At 7:15 P. M. 2:11 A. M. Arrive at GoldsDoro. t . . Rocky Mount Weldon.... . 5:19 A. 7:30 A. 6:30 P. :36 P. 12:39 A. M. M. M. M. M. Leave Weldon, i dailyi.. Arrive at Rocky Mount. GoldSDoro.... Union Depot. 6:30 A. M. Tha moil train Tnatepu f.l(itf connection at WeldOU for all points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. . ji li'- ! ' .'I ,1 Express Train connects only with Acquia ureea route, i Pnllinan's Palace Sleeping wri en this Train. 1 FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington trT weekly at 5:45 A. M., and arrive at 1 :40 P. M. nov 34-tf ! General Buperiatendgn General Sup'ts 0B.ce, WIBilTIlNfcrl'ON, COLUlTlIilA Oc AU GUST A R. R. COIKPANT, j WILMII'TON, N. C. Jan. 5 IS.5 Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER TUESDAY, 5th instant, the . followins; Schedule will be run: . ; NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN, (Bally.) Luave iv'.ijninLtoc . . . Leave Florwioo..:..-i A rrive At. flniuinb'.a. L ... : 6:25 P. M 11:65 P. M , 4:0 A. k 8:45 A. M. 4:15 P. M. 8:15 P. M. . 12:50 A. M. Arrive at Augusta, . . i . , . . Lieave Augusta, . . Lavo ueiumDia.. . . t !.p9vp "Pirwrp.nhi; "i L... 7:10 A M. rasseugers gomg : went oejuiiu vuiuiuum uuu through tram, leavmg W'ilmiiigton at 6:25. j Passenger and Mall Train. Dally (ex cept Sundays). Leave Wilmington . . . , Arrive at Florence. . j Arrive at Columbia. . . Leave Columbia, t . . 4 f lAflTA 'B'lnrp.Ttr.ft. J: . . I 6:45 A. M. 12:30 P. M. -. 5:10 P. M. .......... 8:31 A. M.' ., 1:10 P. M 7-nn t m Arrive at WilmiDKton. . . rnvu BL v .. . ... ....... " Through connections at Florence with trams for Charleston, i . . . Through Sleeping Cars on nignt trains ror inaries ton and Augusta. . JAMJ! ANUiSKSUW, Gen'l SuD't. nov 24-tf MISCELLANEOUS. Reduction in Price ! jMlTOL LEY'S Celebrated PING ENGLISH Breach - lioading Guns, l?Iariufac!or3 ' Pioneer ' Works, I JJ UIMIN GUAM, UN G. ! I j I i -TTAVING ESTABLISHED A BRANCH HOUSE XI in New Sork for the sale of our celebrated weapons, we offer to sportsmen the Cheapest Guns of guaranteed: quality and shooting powers ever sold in the United States. They are built with every im provement for American sport, and are made in six qualities, each Gun being branded with one of the undermentioned names, which denotes its quality : Brand. i j 1 fracas. PIONEER ; ... $ 65 Gold. TOLLEY. 4 90 " STANDARD 1.. ..115 " NATIONAL 140 " CHALLENGE..... 1... 180 " PARAGON i .225 " Any one of the above brands may be selected with the greatest confidence, as bo Gun bears our name that we do not thoroughly guarantee in every re spect . '. v G UNS FORWARDED C. 0. D. 'Hi : ; N, B. Guns built to order, at above prices, a specialty. Send for detailed particulars, with illus trated descriptive price sheets and testimonials, to our Branch House, i : 29 Maiden j Lane, New York. - ! Jf-M ; eept 25-D&W tf i . FINAL NOTICE. ' . . . . 1 ii t : i ' X OlGce Treasurer & Collector, (JITY OP WILMINGTON, JN. U., ; jH February 4th, 1875. LL PERSONS STILL OWING- CITY TAXES XL on Real and Personal Property are hereby no tified that in case the same is not paid before the 10th DAT OF FEBRUARY (INSTANT) their property, including expenses thereon, will then (without discrimination) be positively advertised and sold. ; ill i j T. C. SERVOSS, i j jj Si I ' - teb 5-td city Treasurer. Selected Poems, BEAUTIFULLY I ILLUSTRATED, AND ON fine paper, only ten cents per number. Gray's Elegy," "Death of Arthur," by Tennyson. ' The Bridge of Sighs," by Hood. - '' Locksley Hall," by Tennyson. f To the Skylark'" by Shelley, f The Death of the Old Year' by Tennyson. Tarn o'snanter," Dy uurns. Tne iJroojc, v Dy Tennyson. . ALSO ESSAYS. The Morals and Manners of the Kitchen."; " Baby Suffrage" and many oth rs. i For sale at -! : t I j: t i CON6LEY & YATES, febSOtf " ft, I .- City Book Store. G. WEST & SONS, Alkddin j Security Oil. Warranted 150 Degrees Fire Test. THE BEST HOUSEHOLD OIL IN THE WORLD. ' Indorsrd bt th Firs Insurance Companies. i Read the following Certiflcate selected from t!" f many others: . HOWARD s FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF BALTIMORE. Baltimore, December, 23, 1874. Messrs. C. West & Sons Gentlemen: Having used tue various Oils sold in this city for illuminating purposes, I take pleasure in recommending your " Aladdin Security'? as the safest and Qest ever used ui uur liuitBcuuiu. j luura, ixulj, (Signed.) .'i ! Akdbbw Rbbse, President. IT WILL NOT EXPLODE I ! ASJC TOUR STOREKEEPER FOR IT. WHOLESALE DEPOT. C. WEST & SONS, II i 1 113 and 115 W. LembardSt., oct27-6mos . Baltimore, Md. Wright's Minced Meat f rPHE BEST THAT'S MADE. JUST COME IN. L Apple Butter; N. C. Hams, Ferres' Hams, Strips and Shoulders, Java, Laguagra and Rio Coffee, Koaatea ana grouna oany at 1 feb 11-tf i JAMES C. STEVENSON'S. -TEDDING CARDS AND VISITING CARDS T T printea in tne most elegant style, at i i WM. H. BERNARD'S shpII ' : : Printing and.PnbliBhiiig Hoose. If i 1 ' ! ' i' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Baltimore Female College, Incorporated in 1849 with authority to confer de grees, and endowed by the State of Maryland in isou. Tne uouege is neauuruiiy siiuuiea m a grove, within the city limits, on a lofty eminence that com mands a view of the country, the city, and river and bay for many miles. The College has a good library,- chemical and philosophical apparatus, cabi nets of minerals, medals, coins, gems, &c, and the course of instruction is thorough. Board and tuition $ 250 per annum. J H i K. C UKUUJiO, ijiM v., rreBiaeni. friXl CJ --The choicest in ithe world. Impor- America staple article pleases everybody Trade continually increasing Agents wanted;every where best inducements don't waste time send for Cir cular to KOEEBT WELLS, 43 VCSey St.,N. 1., f. J. JDUJt. 1XOI. 11 D OLLA R S TO THE AMOUNT OF TWO MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND ARE TO BE DISTRLBU TED ON THE 27TH FEBRUARY BY THE PUB LIC LIBRARY OF KY., UPON THE OCCASION OF THEIR FIFTH AND LAST CONCERT. Drawing Certain or Money Befonded. f " :i 6 if - . -I . ONE GRAND CASH GIFT,..i;..L i. $250,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT, U- 100,008 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT, j. . 75,0)0 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT, ..!.. 60,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT,..1, 25,000 5 uasn uts, f eacn,.k t luo.uw 10 Cash Gifts, 14,000 each,. .j. . 140,000 15 Cash Gifts, 10,000 each,. 150,000 20 Cash Gifts; 5,000 each, ...-.I. 100,000 25 Cash Gifts,, . 4,000 each, .1 . 100,000 80 Cash Gifts, 3,000 each, ....!.. 90,000 60 Cash Gifts,! 2,000 each. L . 100,000 100 Cash Gifts,! 1,000 each, 100,000 240 Cash Gifts, 500 each, 120,000 500 Cash 13Ifta. 100 each L . 50,000 19000 Cash Gifts, gffi each L . 950.000 Whole Tickets $50. Halves $25. Tenth, or each Coupon, f 5. ; .Eleven Whole TicKets, $sou. For Tickets, or information,address "... . 9 THO. E. BRAMLETTE. Asent and Manager. Louuviile, Ky. 1 1 j PUBLIC LIBRARY OP KENTU0KY. , i, ' I; I ' Deatli of Bramlelle Action of tne Trustees a successor Appoiniea No More Postponeitients Drawing Certain February 27th. At a meeting 6f the Trustees of the Public Library of Kentucky, Jan. 16, IISTO, it was resolved that O. At. Biiggs,- Esq., who under the late Hon. Tbo. E. Bramlette was the real business manager of the gift concerts already given In aid of the Public Library of Kentucky, be and hi is hereby authorized to take the place made vacant by the death of said Bramlette, in the management of the affairs of the 11 f i h and last gift concert, and that the drawing an nounced for February 27, 1875,?6hall positively and Unequivocally tase place on tnat aay witnout any further postiucnt or delay on any account whatever. li. t uymoriT, ires. JOHN P. CAIN, Secretary. 1; j ' Hereastv " communica ions relating to tlie 5th Concert KhouK. i. A-'dressed to the undersigned, and nledce iusel .liui the drawing shall! come off Ft bimry 27th or thot every dollar j paid for tickets shall be returned. ' 6 H t C. M BRIGGS. Agent and Manager, Room 4, Public Library Building, i Louisyuie, Jiy. : IILSKAMS i '! ! ij 1 Calcined Magnesia Is free from unpleasant tastes, i'or roughness to the touch or palate. In one-third the dose - of common Costiveness, and other diseases of the stomach and bowels. The World's Fair Medal and four First .Premium Silver Medals awarded it as the best in the market. For sale by druggists and country store keepers, and by i. i. iiusiiAiNW, tir.ii rnuaaeipnia, r-a. RAW FURS SEND FOB PBIOB CUBKKN T TO A. E. BURKHARDT &.CO, Manufacturers and Exporters of Americrn Fur Skins, 113 WEST 4TH STREET, . CINCINNATI. WANTED We pay the highest prices tcurrent in America Shipping to ns will save the Commissions, Profits, etc., and bring prompt Cash and encouraging re turns. PleaseJBtate in what paper you saw thia ad vertisement. . ill i A ADVERTISING: Cheap: Good Syste J. matte. All persons who contemplate making; contracts with newspapers for the insertion of ad vertisements, snoniu sena cent to ueo. r. Rowell fc Co., 41 Park Row. New York, for their 3ng papers in many States at a tremendous reduc tion from publisher-' rates. Get; the BoeK. S75 A WEEK to Aeents able as tour. Profits jto sell an article sale- nnmense. Package free. Address BUCKEYE M'F'G CO., Marion, Ohio. 1 ffi?Ji(iA a month to agents everywhere. Address ,)JJ EXCELSIOR M'F'Q CO., Buchanan, Mich. rtjrj.O fl Per Day to Ladies or Gents. Patent 5I E-i 01 U Novelties. Address H. D. Brier & Co., Atlanta, Ga. j j $5 g $20 per day at home. Terms free. Address, Geo. Stinson & Op., Portland, Me. ijij A WEEK guaranteed to Male and Female I I Agents, in their locality. Costs NOTHING to try it Particulars yree. jP. O. VICKERY & CO., Augusta, Me. I I fct "DSYCHOMANCY, OR SOUL CHARMING." JT How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any person i they choose, ' in stantly. This art all can possess, free, by mail, for 25 cents; together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, etc. 1,000,000 toiu. jsl queer dook. ii r Aaaress, t. wiuuiam b uu., jan 30-d&w4wks. Pub's, Philadelphia. AMERICAN ATCH WHOLESALE SALESROOM. . ! :i I . David F. Conover & Co., SUCCESSORS TO WM. B. WA11NE & CO, IMPOHTBBS, MANUTA.CTUrtEE9 AND WHOLESALE dealers :w ;j . WATCHES AND JEWELRY, SOUTHEAST CORNER j CHESNUT AND SEVENTH STREETS, (FIRST FLOOR.) ! si. i P II I L A D K I, P II. I A. " nov23-dv.6mos FERTILIZERS. peeu vi an 1 0tr ino, I ! ii i : In Large or Small Q i auti ties J T Y INSTRUCTIONS of tfiie I'eruvitin Govtrn- X) ment, their Agent s here have advanced the pi ice or uuanape uuano, irom September 1st, 1871, to sixty-two dollars and fifty cents tjfe6-4.r0). Hold. per ton of 3.240 Bs. gros. establishius at the same time a new scale of discount si the lowest being 50 cents on parcels from 50 to 100 tons, and the highest $3 70 on 500 tons and over. As nnai, they wilt not sell in lots or less tnan ten ton-. Under this new arraiitsretueiit I am enabled to fill orderx lor loin of leu tons and upwards at Lent Price iltaci the Agents of the Peruvian Govern- ment. i wiu, as neretorore, uppiy quainities under ten tons at THE SAME HATt -iS HaKGEU BY THEM. Circular containing testimonial, lui- erences ana lull particulars manul rre on ap;iiica- tiAti tn U . .; MM m & 'M A I P. O. Box 129. No. 53 Beaver St, New York, may 13-D&W10meg ! ( Orton Plantation. NOTICE' TO TRESP-1 SSERS. xLL Persons are hereby warned against shooting. hunting, fishing, ranging or otherwise trespassing on the lands known as the Orton Plantation, in the County of Brunswick. The indiscriminate slaughter of game at all seasons and the incessant depreda tions innther and more important respects, have rendered it necessary to post theee lands; and fair nonce is now given tnat tne jiw win ue ngiaiy eu- lorcea against an onenaero. b dec 12-d&w-tf fl. B. GRAINGER. Tonsorlal Removal JDi ARTTS has purchased the stock and material of dames Carraway ana. removeu w me snop iurm prlv ocennied hv him. in the basement of the Purcell House, where he invites his old friends and the pub lic generally to call on him. Best workmen in the State employed, and Shaving, Hair Catting and Shampooing done at tac snorLeot uuuee. j. iy mm MISCELLANEOUS. , INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION CO. $20 WILL BUY A FIRST MORTGAGE PREMIUM BOND OF THE Kew Yor Industrial Exhibition Co These bonds are issued for the purpose of raising funds for the erection of a building in the City of New York, to be used for a Perpetual World's Fair, - . .-: ' ; . ' L . . ' ' ! ; : - a permanent home, where every manufacturer I can exhibit and sell his goods, and every patentee; can enow his invention; a centre 01 industry wmcu will prove a vast benedt to the whole country. I For this purpose the Legislature of the State of New York has granted a charter to a number of our most wealthy and respectable merchants, and these gentlemen have purcnasea noless than eight blocks or me most vaiuuuie nun iu iue k,v y ui new luin. The building to be erected will be seven stories high (150 ft. in night), surmounted by a magnificent dome, and will cover a space of 23 acres. It will be constructed of iron, brick, and glass, and made fire proof. The bonds, which are all for $20 each,: are secured by a first mortgage on the land and building; and for the purpose of making them popular, the Directors have decided to have quarterly drawings of $150,000 each, this money being the interest: on tne amount or tne. wnoie loan. i .. Every bondholder mustrecelve at least $21, but he may receive j $100,(300! or $35,000, or $10,000, or $5,000 or $3,000, &c, &c. Fourth Serie Drawing, April 5, '75. These drawings take place every THREE MONTHS, and eventually EVERY BOND will par ticipate m tnem. I ; The next premium allotment .will be held on Monday, March 1, 1875, on which day. 1.C00 premiums, amounting to $150,- 000, will be distributed among l,C0O i bondholders. w e nave a umitea numDer 01 arawn serie Bunas on hand, which may be purchased on application. Address, for Eonds and fall information, a Morgenthau, Brunbl & Oo,, FINANCIAL AGENTS,; ! 23 Park Roto, New York, Post Office Drawer No. 29. Remit by Draft on New York City Banks, Regis tered Letter, or Post Office Money Order. Postponements Iipossle Mer Ms Plan Applications ior Agencies Received. feb 20-D&W 3m. , A Representative and Qtopion ; of American Aft Taste ! . Prospectus for' 1875, EIGH T H YSE AS, THE ALDINE, THE ART JOURNAL OF AMERICA. Issued Monthly? " A Magnificent Conception, wonder fully carried out." Tke uoceBoity of a popular medium for the repre sentaiion cf the productions of our ereat artists, has always been recognized, and mfty attempts have been made to meet the want. The successive failures which so invariably followed each attempt in this country to establish an art journal, did not prove the indifference of the people of America to the claims of high art. So soon as a proper ap preciation of the want and an ability to meet it were shown, the public at once rallied with enthusiasm to its support, and the result was a great artistic ana commercial uiumpn rum Ai.jjsta. THE ALDINE, while issued with all the regu larity, has none of the temporary or timely interest characteristic of ordinary periodicals. It is an ele gant miscellany of pure, light, and graceful litera ture; and a collection of pictures, the rarest speci mens of artistic skill, in black and white. Al though each succeeding number affords a fresh pleasure to its friends, the real value and beauty of THE ALDINE will be most appreciated after it is bound up at the close of the year, i While other publications may claim superior cheapness, as com pared with rivals of a similar class, THE ALDINE is a a unique and original conception alone and unapproached absolutely without competition in price or character. The possessor of a complete volume can not duplicate the quantity of fine paper and engravings in any other shape or number of volumes for ten times its cost; and, there is the chromo, besides! , The national feature of THE ALDINE must be taken in no narrow sense. True art is cosmopoli tan. While THE ALDINE is a strictly American institution, it doi-s not confine itself entirely to the reproduction of native art. Its mission is to culti vate a broad and appreciative art taste, one that will . discriminate only ell grounds of intrinsic merit. Thus, while placing before the patrons of THE ALDINE, as a leading characteristic, the pro ductions of the most noted American artists, atten tion will always be given to specimens from foreign masters, giving subscribers all the pleasure and in struction obtainable from heme or foreign sources. The artistic illustration of American scenery, original with THE ALDINE, is an important fea tute, and its magnificent plates are of a size more appropriate to the satisfactory treatment of details than can be afforded by any Inferior page. The judicious intereperBion of landscape, marine, figure, and animal subjects, sustain am unabated interest, impossible where the scope of the work confines too closely to a single stjle of subject. The literal ure of THE ALDINE is a light and grace ful accompaniment, worthy of the artistic features, with only such technical disquisitions as do not in terfere with the popular interest of the work. s PREMIUM FOR 1875. Every tu seriber for 1875 will receive a beaiitifnl porn ait, hi oil colors, of tne same noble dog whose picture hi a toimer Ibbue attracted so mucn atten tion ! . " MAK'S UNSELFISH FRIEND" will bu welcome in every h me. Everybody loves sucaadug and the portrait i executed so true to the life, t at it Hcems the vt ritaole presence of the aniruai itself Tne Kev. T. le W itt Talmuge tells that his iwn Newloiuidland dog (the finest in Brook lj uj barks at it 1 Although to natural, no one who Fe js this pieuiiuin chroiuo will have the slightest fear of being bi' ten. I B.ides tliis chromo. every advance subscriber to TuE fiUJllHii f. r l8i5 its constituted a member, and entitled to all the rivheges of j - THE ALDINE ART UNION. The Union o WHe the originals of all THE ALDIN1S pictures, which, wiih other paintings und engrav ings, me to ie dictr.buted among the memDers. Tu every series of 5,UX) subscriUrs, lOfr different .ieces, valued at over 42,500 are distributed as t-oon as the series is lull, and the awards of each tciies as mace are to be pub.ished in the next suc ceeding issue of THE AUulNK. This featu e enty applies te subscribers who pay for one year in ad vance, jt'ull particulars in circular sent on applica nt enclosing a stamp. . TERMS. ! Oms Subscbiption, untitling to THE ALDINE ONE TEAK, THB CHBOMO AND THE AT UNION, $6.00 per annum, la advance. (No charge for postage.) Specimen Copies of THE ALDINE, 50 Cents. THE ALDINE will, hereafter, be obtainable only by subscription. There will be no reduced or club rates; cash for subscriptions must be sent to the Bublishers direct, or handed to the local canvasser, without responsibility to the publishers, except in cases where the certiflcate is given, bearing the f ac-simile signature of James Stjtton, President. - ; i - . "' i ; I ': ; ' ', ' CANVASSERS "WAMTED. Any person wishing to act permanently as a local canvasser will receive full and prompt information by applying to- f , j ' THE ADIilNE COMPANY, jan 19 tf 53 Maiden Lane, New York. Soluble f IN&TSsd-C.' At t58 00 Per Tolf IMAVASSA ACID lAt $33 00 per Ton, Cash, or $38 WE GUARANTEE that the previous High Grade! X4a R. R. BRIDGERS, President, . V II TT A C Q A D. McRAE, Treasurer, i iX XX V HuSa C. Li GRAFFLIN, Superintendent, f jan 6-DeodfcW4m Wed i 200 TONS PACIFIC .' , '-i. , - i Compound Acid Phosphate of Lime : FOR Composting with This article is manufactured expressly for composting with Cotton Seed, and when thus applied com bines economy and excellence in the highest degree. It Should be composted with an equal weight of Cotton Seed, and 400 to 600 lbs of the Compost should be applied per acre. ; It has been applied with the cseea m the ami with excellent results, aitnouga ii is 2,500 JJons Soluble Pacific Guano ;! ' iiifc 1 r i 200 Tons For Sale by feb 17-2m I , 1 MISCELLANEOUS. The Morning Star PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY SuteiBtion Rates-Is . Advance : DAILY STAR, One Year, postage paid,.. 7 00 Six Months, " A... 4 00 ThreeMonths" " ...... 2 25 One Mouth " " ...... 1C0 WEEKLY STAB, One, Year postage paid, $150 Six Months, " f' 1 Three Months ' 50 Notices of the Press: A first-claes psqmt.Battleboro Advance. P i i " Emphatically a live paper. Ootdsbero News. The Stab is a live paper.T Sumter (S. C.) News. I ' I - 1 One of bur best exchanges.-2fiue (S. CI Couriet i - ! One of the best daily papers in the State. Weldon News, j j j One ot the very best of our daily exchanges.- South Carolinian. Banks among the leading Dailies of the State. Christian Advocate. - ii 1 One of the best Dailies in the State. Statesville Inteiliaencer. j A valuable paper. We cheerfully recommend it. Pee Dee Courier. i i - i ' " ! ' Ranks among the leading journals of the South. Marion (S. C.) Star. j nrvtu:iiat ana most aesnable papers in North a.rom&. Norfolk Virginian. i L i 1 Full of: general news, and a credit to Wilmington Elisabeth City North Carolinian. j j ! i One of the best daily papers published in the Southern States; Horry (S. C.) News, j ..!! i One of jour best Southern journals. As a newspa per not surpassed by any. Friend of Temperance. One of ithe best conducted in the State; bold, inde pendent and well informed. Hillsporo Recorder. Ably edited, and has a circulation which speaks volumes of comment on its influence. iffg'woiia Monitor. Onward and upward it goes until how it has the largest circulation of any Daily in the State. Pied mont Press. The Wilmington Stab, now very much improved, has the largest circulation of any paper in the State. Enfield Times. The Stab stands among the first of North Carolina papers in point of enterprise and literary merit. Chester 0. C.) Reporter. i i i ' . ; ' Unquestionably the best daily journal in North CaroUna, and has no superior in any other Southern State. Marlboro (S. C.) Times. - i i . i ; For editorial ability, general news, correct market reports and fine literary selections the Stab has no superior. Rocky Mount Mail. s ' i i " .' , It well conducted and has as maeh and great a va riety of good reading matter as any Daily in the State. Warrenten Gazette. i: ! . . This paper, though not many years old, is one of the best dailies in the State, and well merits the support it receives. Louisbura Courier. . i I : One of the best dally journals on oar exchange list. Belongs to bo ring save that which encircles the good of the people. Savannah Mirror. The Wilmington Hobhik Stab is among the best newspapers in the South.' Rich, rare, racy, always fresh and "en time," Asheville Expositor. - I j - . ,- j . . A staunch and Independent advocate of the peo ple's rights. Deservedly raaks among the first jour nals of the Southern CQuntry.-EocHngham Observer. A live newspaper, and the best Daily n the State. The circulation is larger than that of any other Daily in the State, which proves It. Milton Chron- Those bf our readers desiring to take a daily or weekly paper from North Carolina cannot do better than take the Wilmington Stab. Cheraw (S. C.) Democrat. ' j . .1 ;!-.:--: No paper ever started in North Carolina has grown so rapidly as has the Stak. Though only five years old, it is now a fixed institution,1 enjoying an Influ ence and: a prosperity second to none in the State. Salisbury Watchman. - I - !'" l- The Stab is one of our most highly valued ex changes, and it affords us pleasure to recommend it as one of. the most racy and reliable dailies in North Carolina. A'iraton Gazette. , Aft ORDINANCE, CQncfrhing Erays; Wapns, Carts, R T'HE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. Cr, DO ORDAIN, That any Dray, Truck Wagon, or Cai t found in use within the City limits without the Badge or Registered Number as required by City Tax Ordinance passed May 9th, 1873, shall be subject to seizure by the City Marshal, and the owner, thereof subject to a fine of Five Doixabs for each and every day the same is used in this City without the prepayment of the monthly tax, or without having on the t Badge or Registered Number as the Ordinance of the City requires. Any Ordinance or parts thereof conflicting with the foregoing are hereby repealed. The above Ordinance was passed by the Board of Aldermen at their meeting February 16th, 1874, 1 h T. C. SERVOSS, febl8tf I City Clerk. The Lincoln Progress Published urfays MlAncdrtfon,N. C. I I:-, : ' -K IS the only paper published in Lincoln county, and has an extensive circulation among the Mer chants, Farmers and all classes of business men in th s State. i h - It offers to the Merchants of Wilmington a de sirable medium for -advertising their business througrut Western North Carolina. ; Iiberr! terms will be allowed on yearly adver tisements. Subscription price, $3 00 per annum in advance. i 6 Address I F. H. DtsLANE, I I . i Editor and Proprietor. k . , .. SylE OFFER ,j t ' ; , I OUR STANDARD FERTILIZERS For the Season of 1875, delivered on the Cars, at Our Factory, at the following REDUCED PRICES: Navassa Quano' . i i "i or $60 00, payable 1st of November, next. i - . I .- rA i Cash, PHOSPHATE, 00, piyable 1st of November neit. i of our Fertilizers Ehall be fully Maintained GUANO COMPANY, HlliOlinUlUN, M. c. GUANO COMPAS i '! i . . V i i Cotton Seei. aououess Detter to prepare a compost in advance. I I ! No. 1 Guanape Guaiio; W.j H. McRARY & ;CO., Agents MISCELLANEOUS. i of the : ' r '!:'' ! ' !' 'I BRITISH PERIODICALS. The Doliiical ferment amon? IheXiironenn iml ions. the strife between Church and State.-, the discussion jof science in its relation to Theology, and the con- . ui: a; .. , r .i i i r riant juuiiluliuu ui new worKS vu msc ana Kin dred topics, will give unusual interest to the leading foreign Reviews during 1875. f Nowhere else can the inquiring reader find in a condensed form the facts ana arguments necessary to euide him to a correct jlHJUliaEUUU., 1 1 ; - LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISIt ! IKG CO., , . i -: 41 BARCLAY STREET, NEW YORK, ! it: continue the reprint of the four leading Reviews, viz EDINBURGH REVIEW, (Whig.) LON DON QUARTERLY REVIEW (Con servative). WESTMINSTER RE ' ; VIEW, (Liberal.) BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEW, ; (Evangelical.) AND Blackwood's Etinlin: .pine TERMS Payable 8tkicti.x in Advance: For any one Review For any two Reviews For any three Reviews.. . . . For all fomr Reviews For Blackwood's Magazine. .$ 4 00 per annuo. 10 00 " 12 00 " 4 00 " Fer Blackwood and 1 Review 4 7 00 " - For Blackwood and 2 Review. . j 18 00 For Blackwood and 3 Reviews. ... 18 00 For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews, 15 00 The postage will be prepaid ly the publishers without charge to the subscriber, only on the express condition that subscriptions are paid invariably in advance at tne commencement or each year. ! ' : ' CLUBS: ! A discount of twenty ter cent will be allowed i.. clubs of four or more persons. Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Reviewwill be sent to one a dress for $12.88; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $48, and so on. . j JTo clubs of ten or more, in? addition to the ubov? uiecoum,, a copy gratis will De ainowefl to the gettr- ; 1 t ' - : . PREMIUMS:; i may have, without charge, the last volume for 167-J of such periodicals as the may subscribe for. r instead, new subscribers to any two, three, or four of the above periodicals may have one f the "Four Reviews'' for 1873; subscribers to all five may haire two of the " Four Reviews," or one set f Blackwood's Magazine fer 1873. Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount: to clubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to the publishers! No premiums given to Clubs. Circulars with further particulars may be had on application. 1 i . - I I . p THE LEONARD SO 5TT PUBLISHING CO., 1 eb26-tf it Barclay st. Neyr York. TjfljE ALDINE C0MP1HWS NEW PCLICATIOXS. SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. TfiEj ALDINE; THB ART JOURNAL OF rThlH BnlTlll nitwririm Tl .1. t ..u. .a uuij wen sus tained in every feature, but is being constantly de veloped and improved.! It to-day stands witbout a' rival in the whole world ofi periodical literature. The beautiful dog-otraiti "Man's .Unselfish Friend,'." a chromo presented to every subscriber, is a oicided hit, and will, if possible, add to the popularity which this work has gained. The Art Union feature also nromlsnn prrmt. nnA hpnotWnf results, in arousing public interest in the fine arts. Otrp.nlArA nnd fnll mfnnnallnn .n onnlinotlnn i I Parts i, n, ra dry are now ready.. I S FT TON'S LEISURE-HOUR MISCELLANY. TO be completed in 40 Darts, issued forni?htlv. - Each cart will contain an eleeant frontisniece. orignally engraved onj steel for the London Art journal, " " I i i ! i REPRODUCING , at a price within the popular reach, engravings never Derore onerea at less tnan nve times the amount. ri nese piates nave Deen tne attraction of . THE LONDON AfiT JOURNAL ! ; .1 . i ' ! Each Dart will contain 26 ouarto nnma. inrlndincr the elegant frontispiece, on heavy plate paper. I a superb title page, richly illuminated in red and gold, will be piven with the first part, and the print ing of the entire work will be a worthy renresen t- tatioa of "Tbe Aldihe Press" which is a-,guar- auiee oi soiueuimg ueauuiQi ana vaiuaoie. At a Cost of 25. Cents a Part. IPARTS I, II & III V EE JUST PUBLI9HED. i THE ART JOURNAL. ' Complete in 13 monthly parts, at $1 each. Repro- i A .kA ... ' I 111 r the earlier volumes of The Aldine. Each monthly part will contain six nunerb nlniea which arTomriftnvino- dpcurinHvi maltw nil vhether for binding or framing, will be entirely be yond competition In (price tor artistic character. Every impression will be most carefully taken on the finest toned paper and no pains will be spared to make this the richest production of a press which has won. in a marvelously short time, a world- tYIUC rCLIULttLlUU. GEM FROM THE ALDINE. Especially assorted for Scrap Book Mvstfationi & Drawing Class A laree collection of pictures of different siscea and on almost every conceivable subiect have been put up in an attractive envelope, and are now offered at a price intended to make them popular In' every sense,- r. , i Envelope No. 1, containing 60 beautiful engrav ings, is new reaay, ana win oe sent, postage paid, to any address for ONE DOLLAR. A liberal dis count to agents and teachers; : - j SCRAP BOOKS. lA splendid assortment of SCRAP BOOKS have been expressly prepared fer the holiday seasen. and no present of more 'permanent interest can be selected for gentleman or lady, old or younp. . No. 1. Half bound, cloth sides, gUt back, 250 ! 4 pp. 12x16 inches i j $5 00 No. 2. Half boundVclotb aides, gilt back, t - ? 600 pp. 12x16 inches...., 7 00 No. 3. Full morocco, beveled boards, gilt ' . j and antique, very rich, 500 pp " " 13 00 Lettered to order in gold at 85 cents each line. Sent by maH, post-paid, on receipt of the price, ( .- I