R ODD T C k foe motning mux. WILMINGTON, N. C: i Friday Morning, March 5, 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. NOON IMSFOIITS. i WASHINGTON. s The Closing Iabora of Congress Lawrence and Sheridan Sworn In All the Appropriation Bills - passed and Signed The Force BUI r a Dead Failure, &c. Washington, March 4. s CONGRESSIONAL. HOUSE. Lawrence, who contested Sypher'8 seat, Sheridan, who contested . Pinchback's place as Congressman at large, i were sworn in. The bill regulating the compensation of ; agents and attorneys prosecuting claims be " fore Congress, passed. The Senate amendments to the Bounty bill were concurred in and a Committee of i Conference asked on the Army Appropria tion bill as reported from Committee of Conference. ' f ' SENATE. The Conference Committee : reported oa the Postoffice bill, with an amendment requiring telegraph companies i to take down poles and reach the capital by underground cables. Passed, s The Judiciary Committee .reported f avor i ably on removing the disabilities of Gener als L. Hawkins and S D. Lee, and adverse ly on Raphael Semmes. The Committee l claimed that Semmea has been '"cruel to ! American seamen in the Indian ocean." An amendment to the Appropriation bill, giving $350,000 to ante-bellum mail contrae i: tors, was ruled out of order, t The bill appropriating money for awards ! of the Southern Claims Commission, after i striking out nine cases involving $57,000, f assed. i This carries the bill back to the louse. i The bill to pay awards for quartermaster i and commissary stores, taken during the s war, was tabled. I Eads' (bill for the improvement of the Mis sissippi river, has been accepted by the Com i mittee of Conference an amendment to the i If iver and Harbor bill. MISCELLANEOUS. The Senate continued in session, but the . House took a recess from 8 to 9 o'clock. The report of the Committee of Confer ence on the Bounty bill was laid on the table and the bill is lost. Congress adjourned at noon. All the ap 1 propriation bills were passed -and signed There are some details inaccessible until later in the evening. ENGLAND. . The Steamer Gotten bo rg. Her Passen gers and Crew Wrecked Negotia tions for the New French Cabinet. 1 London, March 4. The steamer Gottenburg, with eighty-five passengers and thirty -five of her crew, was wrecked at New Australia. Only four of ; the number are known to be saved. Those I who filled the boats are yet to be heard i from. The Gottenburg had a large cargo, including three thousand ounces of gold. A special from Versailles says that nego i tiations for a new Cabinet are progressing Buffet will be Vice President and the Cofln- cils be without a port-folio. t The German Gazette hopes the govern ment will prevent the French from pur s chasing ten thousand cavalry horses, which ! the French government have ordered from t Germany. . PENNSYLVANIA. Labor Troubles Virginia Colored Pnddlers Employed in Place of Whites. Pittsburg, March 4. -A Baltimore company have contracted with a gang of Virginia colored puddlers, part of whom have arrived. Trouble is apprehended from home puddlers, who have been on a strike since December on account of reduction of wages. The pud dlers offered to pay the new corners way ; back to Richmond, but they refused to ac cept the proposition and went to work without molestation. ILECTKIC SI'AK K S. The late snowstorm stopped the railroads throughout Michigan. The South Boston chemical works have been burned loss $75,000. ' The Episcopal Dioceses of Wisconsin have voted to confirm Bishops De Kovan and Jagger. At Franklin, N. H.', an insane woman cut her daughter's and her own throat. The mother will die. In the March Consistory, the Pope will institute new dioceses in the United States or raise those already created to a Metropoli tan See. .... A Dublin telegram says the return game of the American-Irish riflemen occurs June 29th. A committee to entertain American visitors has been appointed. Manager Tom Darcy, of the Memphis, Tenn., theatre excluded negroes who had tickets to the dress circle. He will make this a taste case if the negroes bring suit. OPJI& KICiit'r ItKlUHt'lh. WASHINGTON. The Honse Backs Down from Its Dis agreement to Various Senate. Amend ments Bills Calendared and left Untouched Andrew Johnson on Hand, &c, &c. . Washington, March 4. miscellaneous. The House receded from its disagreement s to the following Senate amendments: i Making the single rate of postage on fourth . class mail matter one ounce instead of two i ounces; striking out the items of $50,000 f for a new lighthouse vessel for the Fifth s District, $100,000 for a steam tender on the i Pacific .coast, $50,000 for payment for i property lost in the military service, $34, 00(Tfor Montana war claim, $150,000 for the purchase of tbe Stevens' Battery, and also the provision authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to call in on three months'; notice such five-twenty bpnds as he may need for the sinking fund. All of these Senate amendments, therefore, have been enacted. The New Orleans Custom House gets $75,000. V Among the bills which remained on the Senate calendar at the close of the session !; to day, and which therefore failed, are the following: The House General Amnesty bill, which reached the Senate in Decem her, 1873; the House bill for the' protection of elections, &c., known as the caucus Force bill, which got no further in 4he Sen ale than its second reading; t All tbe various postal telegraph bills in troduced in the Senate failed in the Senate. Others of a similar character, originating in the House, failed in the House.. ; The following bills were also left on the Senate calendar.and tailed at adjournment: : Senate'bUls for the payment of the Frenr.h ' Spoliation Claims; to Protectee Naviga ble waters of the United States from Injury and Obstruction ; Declaring the True In tent and Meaning of the Union Pacific Railroad Acts; to ray tbe Two Per Cent. Oaim of the States of Ohio. Indiana and Illinois; to Establish a Bureau of Internal l Vwnmeree: to mase general provisions in regard to cable telegraphic communication; t grant pensions . lor service in the war with ilpxica; to amend', the act granting pensions to survivors of the war of 1812; to regulate the counting of the' electoral votes for President and Vice President ; the bill of the Joint Committee appointed to frame a better government for the Dis trict of Columbia, and , manjther ; Senate bills of minor importance; also the House bill known as the McCrary bill to Regulate Commerce by Railroad Among the Several States; the House bill , to repeal: the pre? emption laws and secure homesteads to ac tual settlers on the public domain, and the House Steamboat bill. ;. i . " , Among the other prominent failures of the session are the bills for the equalization of bounties, for the admission of New Mexico, and the Texas and Pacific, and. Northern Pacific railroad bills, and all other land grant or subsidy bills,' except a very few which proposed grants merely of rights of way. . " .ii n . Aside from the regular appropriation bills comparatively few bills of general interest have been enacted this session, but they in clude the following measures of national importance: The finance bill to provide for the resumption of specie payments, &c. ; the Little tariff bill, the tax rand tariff bill, the civil rights bill, the bill supplemental to the acts in relation to immigration and the bill granting rights of way through the pub lic lands, on certain conditions, for all rail roads that may be incorporated under local laws of States or Territories. Ead's jetties for the mouth of the Missis sippi is law. !: i i In the Senate, Gordon called up the bill to amend the act for the erection of a pub lic building for the U. S. Court at Atlanta, which passed. The Secretary of the Treas ury has discretion regarding material. There are various rumors-about the bounty bill. It may be positively stated it is not a law. f M ! , Andrew Johnson is here, i Ex-Senator Pease and the Postmaster. at Vicksburg are in trouble for slander. 1 Colorado is a State, but New Mexico re mains a territory. - p i ; Nominations Pardee,' District Judge of Louisiana and Evans Marshal of Texas. Returned to the President. I The Senate amendments to pay the awards of the Southern Claims Commission were adopted. ."M i WEATHER; It IS POUT. War Department, Hfflnf Cilupf Ricrnnl OfrWir i Washington, March ifrtfiSo.JP. M. Probabilities.!, For the South Atlantic: tates.falling bar ometer, southeast winds, iwarmer, cloudy weather and rain. ULECTRIO SPABKS. The light house at Cononicut Point, Nar ragansett Bay, has been carried away. . The Alabama and Chattanooga railroad has repaired the breaks in its road, caused by the late flood, and iwitl run trains over the entire route to-dayj l Advices from Buenos Ayres say that tu mults have occurred, and that the palace of the Catholic Archbishop was sacked and the houses of Jesuits fired. DOnUSl'lC jnAUKBTS. New Yokk, March 4. Noon. Financial, j j. Stocks active but lower. Money 3 jj cent. Gold opened at 115 and closed at 115i. Sterling exchange long $4 81 ; short $4 85. . Government securities dull. State bonds quiet.' ill. j ' . j , :j . Commercial. . Flour firm. Wheat, is la shade belter. Corn is a shade better. ! pork heavy mess $19 25. Lard firm stcAh 13f cents. Spirits turpentine heavy at 35 cents. Rosin dull at $2$2 05 for strained.1 ! Freights firm. - Cotton quiet with sales of 671 bales at 16ft for middling uplands and 16 for middling Orleans. Sales of futures ito-day opened quiet but steady, as follows: March 16j 16 13-32 cents; April 16 U-1616 23-32 cts; May 17 1-16 cents; June 17 5-1617$ cents. New Fork, March' 4 lEveri'iug. - - - - Financial. Money active at 34 ijf) scent. - Sterling exchange weak at $4 81. 1 Gold firm at 115 9115. Government securities are dull and lower. State bonds quiet! nhd nominal., : 0mmnrchf. ...... . Cotton, dull, with sales of 812 bales at 1G 16J cents. Southern! flour is a shade firm er, with a fair inquiry common to fair ex tra $4 90$5 60; good! to choice do. $ i Go $8. Wheat is a cent better with a moder ate demand, closing rather quiet, shippers generally refusing to pay the advance winter red western $123(&$i 26. Corn is a cent better, closing with a fair demand western mixed 8485 cents;! yellow western 848o cents. Pork steady ne w $19 25. Lard easier prime steam1 1313 11-16 cts. Coffee is quiet but steady at 1618i , cents, gold, for Rio. Sugar is more active at an advance of i. Rice steady with a moderate jobbing inquiry. Spirits! turpentine heavy . o i . 1) . dttf . A t- ai oaj veins. . 4wiu iicavjr ui. xorsiraineUi latiow steaay at accents, j Whiskey quiet but firmer. -. J., !"' Cotton net receipts 1,574 bales; gross're- ceipts 1,574 bales. Futures closed easy, with sales of 19,200 bales as follows: March 16 11-32 cents; April 16 21-32 cents; May 17 1 32 cents; June 17 5-1617 11-32 cents: July 17 9-1617 19-32 cts; August 17 23-32 cts; September 17 1-33 cts; Uctober 16 11-16 16J cents; November 16i cents. i COTTOtl fflABKBTS. : Norfolk, firm at 15l4-receipts 907 bales: Savannah, quiet and nominal at 14f, 15 15 receipts 995 bales; Charleston, .- quiet but firm at 14f, 15iai5 -receipts 824 bales; New Orleans, quiet at 14, 15il59-i-re- ceipts 4,977 bales; Mobile, firmer at 15J--receipts 65 bales; Baltimore; firmer at 16 receipts 28 bales; Memphis, firm at 15i 15 receipts 1,219 bales;' Galveston, quiet and unchanged at 15$ receipts 1,075 bales; vuguuia, quiet out urm at iOvgllOj receipts 302 bales; Boston, quiet at 16$ re ceipts 220 bales; Philadelphia, firm at 16$ receipts m bales. r i FUUEI6N IT! AR.K.UTS. London; March 4 Noon. Erie railroad shares SJ4ff 'j . . ; PAKiSj. March 4 Noon. . . Rentes 65f 40c. : , j j Liverpool, March 4 Noon. Cot ton steady Middling Uplands 78d ; Middling Orleans 8d. Sales of 15,000 bales, including 3,000 for speculation and export. . ; h. i Sales on a basis of i Middling Uplands, nothing below Low Middling, deliverable May and Juue, 8d. . I I j LATER The sales of cotton to-day included 9,600 bales American. " ; r ji i. Sales on a basis of Middling Uplands, nothing below Good Ordinary, shipped February, 7 15-16d. 1 i j. . Sales on a basis of: Middling Uplands, nothing below Good Ordinary, shipped February and March, ! 8d. ! Sales on a basis of Middling Uplands, nothing . below Low I Middling 'shipped February and March, 8 l-16d. Sales on a basis of Middling Orleans, nothing below Low Middling, deliverable March, 8 l-16d. i ? - ' BreadstBffs quiet, ! -,'. Pakis, JUarch 4 Evenng. " Specie in the' Baiik of France has' in creased 6,125,000 francs. ; ! - LivEKPooii, March 4 Evening.' ' Sales on a basis of J Middling Uplands, nothing below Low Middling, 1 shipped April and May, 8 l-16d. -J - i Sales on a basis of. Middling. Uplands nothing below Low Middling, , deliverable April and May, 8d. 1 "; , Com 33s 6d34s Sdl : r COMxMEliClAL. WILMINGTON MARKET. , - STAR OFFICE, March 4. SPHIITS TURPENTINE Receipt 178 casks. Sales of 150 casks at 31i cents per gallon for J Southern packages. Market quiet. . ; ROSIN. Receipts 601 bbls. Sales of 300 bbls Strained at $1 .50 and 100 do. Ex tra Pale at $6 25 $ bbl. CRUDE TURPENTINE Receipts 400 bbls. Yellow Dip has declined 5 cts. Sales of 400 bbls at$l 25 for Hard and $2 20 for Yellow Dip. . TAR Receipts 165 bbls. Sales of 100 bbls at $1 40 bbl. Market steady. COTTON. Receipts 84 bales. Market unchanged. i Small sales at the following official quotations: Ordinary. . I j. . j . . . . . . 13 . cents lb. Good Ordinary.! 14i " " Low Middling. 4 15 ' " " Middling 15f " " Good Middling.;..... 15 ' M " New York Naval, stores; Market I march 2, 1875. Spirts turpentine continue in the same condition, in light jobbing demand -with prices barely steady sales were 100 barrels at i 36c. Strained rosin is inactive and unchanged; 500 barrels strained, buyer's op tion 30 days, at $2; in finer grades there were sales of 360 barrels No. 2 at $2 371 flat. The following were the tele graphic ad vices: Liverpool- common rosin, 5s 9d; turpentine, spirits 26s. London common rosin, 5s 9d; turpentine spirits, 25s. - i - MARINE. ! J i ARRIVED. Steamship D J Foley, Price, Baltimore, A D Cazaux. i Steamship Regulator, Wood. New York, A D Cazaux. . Stmr Juniper, Phillips, Fayetteville, Vick & Mebaue.: ! CLEARED. Stmr Juniper, Phillips, Fayetteville, Vick & Mebane. MISCELLANEOUS. jBIEJ quick. If You i7ant Bargains RI gilt now ; Is the Time, HAVING JUST TAKEN STOCK WE FIND hundreds of articles that we had rather sell at customers own prices than to give honse room to for another Reason; we had rather have the room tban the goods. ; Oar wholesale and retail trade this season has so diminished stock that we are' compelled to go North early in order to have stock in store in time for our Spring Trade. Then yon of onr customers who are in want . of any article, usually round in winter Btocn, in a DRY GOODS STORE, Can save money by taking the advantage of the situation and buying it now of the Leading Dry Goods House of J ! boskowitz & libber, ! 29 Market street.. f eb 21-tf Exposition. ROLLED PRESSED BEEF W E HAVE SUCCEEDED IN GETTING THE Agency" OF THIS DELICIOUS LUXURY Corned Beef Fat up in Foil Rolls from 4 to 6 pound and already for immediate .-.. I Table Use. i ? . f . ' .... Try it, Try it Also put up in 1iandon a poaad canB. ?. i i Sold only by ' . i ! GEO. MYERS', feb 21 tf ; j Hole Agent Sundries. QQ EbisReftnedj Sugar, pjQ Bags Coffee, 2Q0 Bbla Seed Pototoes, . QQ Bbls Flour, j Kits Mountain Butter, gQ Boxes Tobacco, 2 Barrels Snnff, H Now landing and fer sale low by EDWARDS & HALL. feb 21-tf , j j Reading for Lent! SOME WEEK-DAYS IN LENT. By the Rev. G.' 1L Wilkinson, M. A. THOUGHTS FOR LENT. By Rt Rev. Ashton Oxenden, D. D. .-! ', i ' A ROSARY FOB LENT, OR DEVOTIONAL READINGS; 1 1 , . j STEPS TO A T.TVING FAITH; ! J ; , GUIDE TO A DEVOUT LIFE; Bt Rbv. G. H. WlLKINSOX. IiENT, A PRECIOUS SEASON. For tale at marS-tf i C0N9LEY ft YATES City Book Store. IR. MVIXGSTONE'S LAST JOURNALS. THE LAST JOURNALS OF DAVID LIVING STONE, in Central Africa, from 1865 to his Death. Continued by a Narrative of His Lwt Mo ment and Sufferings, obtained from His Faithful Servants Chama and 8 uaL I BY HORACE WALLER, F. R. G. 8., Rector of Twywell, Northampton. With Maps and Illustrations. 8vo, Cloth $5 00. For sale at t . : . r HEINRBERGER'S March 3 tf j j Live Book and Music Store. i But a Few More Left. And YET .WE WOULD GLADLY SEE THOSE few disappear. ; IF THE PlTBUC j WOULD LIKE TO KNOW ! WHICH - , THOSE FEW I Are let them call on . - ' MUNSON& CO., March 3 tf ! - City Clothiers. i Rooms to Rent. s UITABLE TO SMALL FAMILY- - 1 EVEBY CONVENIENCE ! Apvly at Corner Dock and Eighth. mar 8-3t In Store and to Arrive. KA COILS COTTON PLOW LINES, 6 CASKS ww Truces, 25 dozen Hames, 30 dozen Collars, 500 Plow, Ten Tons Plow Castings, 300 dozen Hoe, all kinds and everything needed on a Plantation. I u Headquarters for Coopers Tools. . i GILES & MDRCHISON. feb38-tf 38 North Front St Canned G-oods, &o. A " FRESH SUPPLY OF ' CANNED BLACK. Jr. berries. Gooseberries, Strawberries, Pears, Cherries and Green Corn. Also Sweet 'Oranzes. Apples and Bananas at - - - ! - . S. G. NORTHROP'S ' eSJ-tf ; Fruit and Confectionery Store. WHOLESALE PRICES. B Oar quoutuons, it sbould be understood, rep esent the wholesale prices generally. In making up email orders higher prices have to be charged. ABTIOT.KS. . PBICB8. BAGGING Gunny. ...... : ! Double Anchor..-. .... Double Anchor " A". BACON North Carolina, ill Hams, 9 S. ......... - Shoalder8, a.. .... Sides. IB 1 & 18 17 10 - 12 12 & 3' 13 17 12 I lZX 9 10 Western Smoked . Hams. . ........ a.j... T i Sides, Jflb ni ; Shoulders,.... " Dry Salted-ill"- Sides W fi..; ...j I.. '..2.. hi Shoulders.......... u BEEF ,! ii On the Hoof Ji., BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, in Second Hand, each ..jd.. 11 8 6 25 2 50 00; & 68; 2 75 8 & 30 00 10 00 03 14 00 20 30 83 & 40 in New New York, each ! New City, each...... BEESWAX a ft BRICKS Wilmington, 9 K. j Northern BUTTER-t North Carolina, lb. ii JNortnern, n td. CANDLES Sperm, eft. ii TaUow, ft Adamantine. W lb .... . S5 & 14 a 15 & ! 17 & ia 35 Si & 25 & 42 IS CHEESE Northern Factory tt ft iairy, cream w id.... I . State, ft COFFEE JavaW ft I Rio,W ft.TT. ., iii Laguayra, 8 ft. ..... , CORN MEAL $ bushel COTTON TIES ft... 18 16 Eti 25 27 1C5 7 11 6 10 , an gk DOMESTICS-Sheeting, 4-4, yd Yarn, ft Duncti.. ...... ....... FISH Mackerel, No. 1. bbL . . 00 SO 00 5C & 9 00 00 13 50 60 00, 11 50 00 8 0U 00 8 60 73tf 50 5 00 hi - jno. bbL........ .... ill Mackerel, No. 2, S bDi..i .. ! Wc- 2, 9 bbl. ......... .1.. S Mackerel, No. 8, bbl...j.. II! Mullets. bbl... ...j.. II N. O. Herring, bbl. . .... i Dry Cod, $ & ;.. FLOUR Fine, bbl. s Super. Northers. & bbL.... I!! Extra do. bbl..i.. ii! Family . - a bbl..:.. I City Mills Super., bbL.. ill' - : t . .ri 1.V1 ... oo e oo 25 7 00 So (tS S to 00 0 00 03 0 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 65 00 00 4000 00 45 00 00 57 00 00 65 00 00 67 00 00 70 00 00 70 00 00 0000 .1 .." " Family, S bbl., if " S: Family, M bbl,, FERTHilZEiiS ii! Peruvian Guano, 2000 8e ilk Baugh'fl Phosphate, " M - Carolma Fertiliacr, " ' Ground Bone. .. " , Bone Meal, " ii " Flour, ! " V i Navassa Guano, i. " V Complete Manure, " ' Hi Whann's Phosphate ' il Wando Phosphate, " i i Berger & Butz's Phosph. ' GLUE ft...; 111.. ...... j " . Ju .tfltt, H'UUl...! 13 17 09 0 00 I Ci GAIN Corn, is store, 60 lbs. ii worn, uargo, w w ids.... i! Corn, YeL, busheL.... iij Oats, bashel.... ii Peas, Cow, & bushel . . . . HIDES Green, $ E. ....... i DryfB ........ HAY Eastern, 100 lbs.... ii North Kiver, 1C0 ttrn... HOOP IRON ton LARD Northern, lb P North Carolina, ft LMK bbl 83 80 10 7 12 25 00 8 14 0 00 1 1 0 00 110 00 0.000 00 15 00 00 00 65 ' LUMBER Cits StbajtSawbd ii Ship Stuff, re sawed, M ft !! Rough Edge Plank, f H ft. 00 8700 00 35 00 00 S3 00 85 00 West India Cargoes, according ii to quauty, ia.ii ii . Dressed Floorine. seasoned it Scantling and Boards, com mon, $ Mft .... MOLASSES Cuba, hhds, J gal.. i Cuba, bbls gal ii ' Sugar House, hnds, V gal. . ! l?- " bbls.tt gal;... ii Syrup, bbls, gal NAILS Cut, 4d to 20d. a keg.. . OILS Kerosene, M gal.......... Lard, a gal - in Linseed, $1 gal Rosin, $ gal . PEANUTS bushel........... POTATOES Sweet, W bushel.. . Irish. Northern. bbl . 00 23 00 4 (& 45 34 83 40 On. 43 47 35 40 80 75 5 50 18 00 00 10 1 45 00 & 110 30 40 10 150 60 000 25 350 00 23 50 00 00 00 00 Gh 00 00 PORK Northern, City Mess.... . Thin, w bbl............. .... Prime, M bbl..:.. ... Rnmn. W bbl j... 'i... RICE Carolina, & ft. ji East India, $ ft..,. UU 00 OO i Bh 8 00 20 SX 2 6 75 15 10 8 0 Mtf 10 10 10 i0 6 Sh 00 Hi tiough, v Dusn..... RAGS Country, .. r mty, v ROPE 3 23 00 SALT Alum, buBhel......!.... ji Liverpool, sack... ii... ill American, 8 sack. SUGAR-Caba, lb..; ....J... 09 rortaitico, 9 e. A-CofEee,lb...i.... B " C E.. Ex. c a..j... 0... Crashed. 12 SOAP Northern, ft.. SHINGLES--Contract, M..... Common, W M.... j... ; Cypress Saps a M,.. ill Pvnn.iHoti4att If ' 0C 6 00 50 S 00 CO 50 STAVB-W;-lJfeL1 ajLMJrt R O rrha, w K... .' 00 00 03 17 13 60 00 00 75 80 35 09 00 00 00 oo eo 14 00 10 00 600 500 2 50 40 Cypress, $ Af TAIJjUW H.i TIMBER Shippin Mill Prime. 9 St. IT. I Mill Fair, "gM.... lot arior ta iirrlrnmrv. KM. WmSKEY-NorUusm, gal.;; North Carolina, gal .... -j. WOOL Un'jhed, 9 fi....Lj. in Washed, 2 WStiTilNOTTyN KIONKY HABEET, OaKRBCTSS DAILY BT THB BAJTK OT HXW HASOVKB, I. . GRAINGER, PRESIDENT. i i ,ii, Btrmio. bzixxxs. Gold .1 ,.....Ji....lW I 111 Silver. , J;..-..103 I 16S Exchange sight on Northern cities..... diec't Exchange SO davs on Bank of New Hanover Stock. Ii. First National Bank,. .iL, ..li9cdia. .(Par 86) 29 .....100 ieo 95 82 , 110 I Navassa Guano'Co. N. C. Bonds Old Ex-Coupon.... . Do. Fnndingl866...t... Do. " 1868....... E a I DO ' 2?WT a a a a t . IS Do. Special Tax...-.: Do. to N. C. Railroad. 1... ...81 .i.15 ...14 ...12 ..J 6 .42 w. . w. R. R. BondsAe (Gold Tntt BO varoima uentrai it. a. aoxae, b e .70 ,70 .85 .65 .65 (Gold Int.) Wilmington City Bonds, S c. IE " ! - -i WC...... i! " old 6 Ve.. I " " new C 9e. i( " .." " .; 8t3c.... 80( " " ) New Hanover County Bonds (10 yean). Ii 6Wc(Go.4It) 70 W. &W. Railroad Stock ....i.... 65 North Carolina R.R. " li... 80 C C. Railroad " ....it... 01 WU. Gas Light Co. " 76 Wil. A Seaside R.R. " ....Ji.... ..10 ii RATES OF FREIGHT. - Per Steamer. Te i i ii, i i a i ToNbw York. I-i. Crude Turpentine V Bbl 0 45 0 0 0 00 0 35 Tar V bbl.... ....... 0 80 a 0 85 i 0 60 & 0 85 Spts Turpentine 9 bbl -85 a 0 00 0 00 75 Rosin V bbl.;.;....... 40 0 00 0 00 85 Cotton V bale. I 00 0 00 0 00 1 25 Peanuts jl bushel...... 0 10 & 0 00 i 0 00 & 0 10 To PBIIDBXPBIA. .;.)! i . .. (udeTurpentine bbl 0 09 0 50 0 00 0 50 Tar bbl... ... ..... 0 00 0 50 0 00 0 50 Spta Turpentine bbl 0 00 & 1 00 0 00 & 0 80 Rosin nbl. .......... e 00 & 0 50 0 00 0 66 Cotton W bale...... .. 0 80 t 00 I 00 S 00 Cotton Goods W bale.. 0 00 0 75 0 00 0 75 Peanuts $ bushel. 0 00 0 10 0 60 0 10 Lumber M... 0 00 10 00 7 00 8 00 III To Bai-timoSb. ' " -i . i Crude Turpentines bbl 0 00 0 45 i 0 00 0 45 Tar f) bbl 0006 45 0000 45 Spts Turpentine 8 bbl 0 00 0 SO i 0 00 0 75 Rosin $ bbl.... 000045 000045 Cotton bale...,...;. 0 00S60 0 00 S 00 Peanuts $ bushel. ... 0 00 0 11 0 00 0 00 Lumber ?M. 000800 660 60 To Boston . Crude Turpentine bbl 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 65 Tar' bbl.. j: 0 00 0 00 9 00 0 65 Spts Turpentine bbl 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 90 Rosin $ bbl 0 00 8 00 0 65 0 70 Cotton $ bale..-.!..... 0 00 0 00 i S 50 0 00 Peanuts JJ bUBheL... .t 0 00 0 00 0 12 0 10 Lumber M I 0 00 0 00 11 60 IS 350 TONS Eureka Guano. E QUA L TO ANYTHING OFFRRRT) IN TUB d Market - ' For sale on crop time to responsible pastiet, by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Guanape Gitano. li . -ft', 250 T0XS ST0Ra s For sals low by '! ' 4 -,---.,, , s . t. fob 17-tf. . WILLIAM ' MURCHISON. MISCELLANEOUS. 4 ,APPLET0N'S American Cyclopasdia New Revised Edition. Entirely rewritten by the . .lest writers on every bu; ject. Printed from new type, and illustratei with Several thousand Engravings and Mapf. -ThewcKerigmally pubUshed udder the tiUeof Tu Nw Amkrioan Ctcopadia v as completeam 1863, since which time the wide circulation wnicnu has attained in all parte of the United States and the signal developments' which have Uken place s. everylranch of science, literature, d -rt, have in dnced the editors and publishers to submit to an ex act and thorough revision, and te issue a new edi tion entitled Thb Aksbicak Ctclofdia. , i Within the last ten years the progress of discovert In every department of knowledge has made a new work of reference an Imperative want. - The movement of political affairs has kept pace with the discoveries of science, and their fruitful ap plication to the industrial and usefal arts and the convenience and refinement of social luei Great wars and consequent revolutions have occurred, in volving national changes of peculiar moment. The ciYil war of our own country, which was at its height when the last volume of the old work appeared, hae happily been ended, and a new course of commercial and industrial activity has been commenced. Large accessions to our geographical knowledge have been made by the indefatigable explorers of Thegreat political revolutions of the last decade, with the natural result of the lapse of time, have brought into public view a multitude of new men, whose names are in every one's mouth, and of whose lives every one is curious to know the particulars. Great battles have been fought and important sieges maintained, of which the details are as yet preserved only in the newspapers or in the transient publica tions of the day, out which ouiiht now to take their permanent and authentic history. i In preparing the present edition for the press, it has accordingly been the aim of the editors to bring down the information to the latest possible oates, and to furnish an accurate account of the most re cent discoveries in science, of every fresh produc tion in literature, and of the newest inventions in the practical arts, as well as to give a succinct and original record of the progress of political events. The work has been begun after long and careful preliminary labor, and with the most ample resource for carrying it on to a successful termination. None of the original stereotype plates have been used, but every page has been printed on new type, forming in fact a new Cyclopedia, with the same plan and compass as its predecessor, but with a far greater pecuniary, expenditure, and with such lm-i provements in its composition as have been suggest ed by longer experience and enlarged knowledge. The illustrations which are introduced forthe fliet time in the present edition have been added not for the sake of pictorial effect, but to give greater lnajd ity and force to the explanations in the text. ; They embrace all branches of science and of natural histc ry, and depict the most famous and remarkable fea tnres of scenery, architecture, and art, as well as Jie processes of mechanics and manufacturers. Al though intended for instruction rather than embel lishment, no pains have been spared to insure their artistic excellence; the cost or their execution it enormous, and it is believed they will find a welcome reception as an admirable feature of the Cyclopaedia, and worthy of its high character. This work is Bold to Subscribers only, payable n delivery f each volume. It will be completed ir. sixteen large octavo volumes, each containing about 800 pages, fully illustrated with several thousand WoodEngravings, and with numerous colored Lith ograph Maps. Hice and Style of Binding: In extra Cloth, per vol $ 5 00 In Library Leather, per vol. 6 00 In Half Turkey Morocco, per vol 7 0C In Half Russia, extra gilt, per vol... 8 00 In Full Morocco, antique, gilt edges, per vol. . 10 0b Ih Full RuBBia, per vol 10 00 Three volumes now ready. Succeeding volumes until completion will be issued once in twelve months. ; ; i Specimen pages of the American Cyciajpkdia, showing type, illustrations, eta, will be sent gratis, on application. Fibst-Clabs Canvassing Agents Wanted. Address the Publishers, D. APPLETON & CO., r- 549 & 551 Broadway, N. Y. jan9-tf THE STAR; Published at Marion, Year in Advance Offers the following liberal premiums to sub- scribers: A HANDSOME single subscribers. ENGRAVTNG (19x14 in.) to AN EXT HA COPY OF THE STAR for one year to any uhc wuu wui aeiiu. a ULUB or pivk suDscriDers, and an Engraving to each member of the Club. A LADY'S MOROCCO SATCHEL!. OR SEUOF GOLD STUDS, each valued at $7 50, to any one wriiuiug it wuu ui ruueo. I 1 TEN DOLLARS IN GOLD for a club of twenty five, i 1 ! '!' I ! TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS IN ! GREENBACKS for a Club of Fifty. I FIFTY DOLLARS IN GOLD for a Club of One Hundred. - ' : -i ; AN ELEGANTTFAMILY SEWING MACHINE, vv ucux uioDB. wortn xdu lor a i:mti or one Hun. energy and enterprise,, rone ladv or gentleman in every neighborhood mieht set one or more of the handsome ureminma affercd. Premiums promptly paid on receipt of names ac- cuuipameu oy me casn. i ; Mosky may be remitted by draft. Post Office uraer, or in regisierea letter at our mfc. Address, ail letters to i ' ' -'. I W. J. McKERALL, Editor, 1 1 dec 15-tf Marion, Si C. Is Wilminitoii Ali?e to Her Interest s SEEK THE TRADE OF EASTERN NORTH Carolina that now goes to Norfolk, Va. Norfolk business men ADVERTISE IN THE SOUTHERNER-ENQUIRER, ! j A Large 32 Column Paper, ESTABLISHED 1822, And the only one published in Edgecombe county, with a !.", i i LARGE CIRCULATION j Inthose adjacent, making its territory the i finest agricultural section in the State. The Southskneb Ehquirbb is, therefore, without a superior as an j ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Address, WILLIAMSON A CHARLES, v j Editors and Proprietoi s, jan 15-tf Tarboro, N. C. THE J3EOPLE BUY THEIR SUPPLIES OF Tobacco Goods At No. 22 MARKET STREET. f South side, Head of the Market House, ef D. PIQOTT, - . Tobacconist feb 9 7tf TICK! G-O TO AliLEN'S AND GET Christmas Presents, Christmas Presents, ( Christmas Presents, decl&tf Molasses ! Molasses ! Molasses! ! JQ HHDS. NEW CROP CUBA, BBLS. NEW CROP CUBA. For sale low by i i . V feb 81-tf - WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. New Crop Cuba MOLASSES. Another cargo just in which we f - ' -. - offer to the trade at '. LOW FIGURES la Hogsheads and Barrels. v ' feb 87 d&wtf -; BINFORD. CROW A OQ. B E O W N- & OFFER SPECIAL. IMVCEMEaYTS THIS WEEK IN ! -j i - ' K; '' ' j Hamburg Edgings and Insertions. COTTON IS are in want of such to buy at once. C LOS I The balance of all our Flannels at i .: t A Job lot o Eid liloves, W-orth $1 50 selling for 50 cents per pir. STRICTLY .CASH, ONE FebUtf GU AN AN IMPORTED A Genuine A MONOPOLY OF THIS VALUABLE DEPOSIT3 HAS BEEN GREATED - IN FAVOR OF THIS Company by the Crown Officers. The name GUANAH ANI" is a Registered TRADE MARK at the United States Patent Office, and all persons are warned from making use of the same in connection with fertilizers of any kind. , i J t t "'It- - ' : 1 . i I - I ,. THE COMPANY EVEBY CAEG0 will be Analyzed Examine the Analyses and Letters ttt Threat "P of Chomietry, University of Georgia; Prof. F. A. ISIPORTED Guanahani Guano Company, PBTEBSBBG,YA.! musffludS fhi Sffff ?t' fiSf 1'aten.e88, nt we .tfitPtJ1 ' oCircuJar containing the certificate sent us, and which caa be had on Sl?lSUfi,5ICK- Srfr0S,"ny of 0"AGB!NTS, Havingothing -to conceal, we made an inno- : i "j puuiinuiug tuose leiiera receivea nmavoraoie to our unano, out careful in quiry in many cases proves that the -4rose of its failure was not owing to any fault in the Guano, but to those far betond onr control. WeVivifMniiniHiuwi iu ni.i... u. u. j j e- .j; Peruvian Guano, bnt the concurrent testmony of well known Farmers and Planters from Man laiid and the extreme Western Counties of North Carolina, justify as in claiming a place for our Fertilizer superior to many and second to none. s. i , . , '. " 1 .1 ' ! i . ; We confidently expect the continued patronage of the Agricnltnral Community, and no exertion shall be spared on our part to make i t j Y I::..::-;:.:.:.:::.-,;, j.-:. .- ' . i : GUANAHANI ! THE STANDARD FERTILIZER ! - . ; . A v I . - Cotton, Tobacco DIR President, N. M. TANNOR, of Hewlett, JOHN B. STEVENS, of Htevena Brothers. 7 8. P. ARRTfJOTON rf Tnh iSIlPATTER80N' of Ptteroa, Madison A Co. ! i ' G RBISHOP, of Bishop Branch. " , JOHN MANN, DAVLU CALLENDAR,' W.- A. K. FALKENER. For Sale by . ' j FUAN,t POTT8' f ", "uU Adrian feb 17-8m Wilmington Worth1 Carolina Lines. i , - ' i I - . j. I : . i- - , Fast Freight Ronte to r ! i - i ' 1 - -, ' ' " j BALTIMORE. - f - - Baltimore and Southern Steam Trans 1 portation Company, Sailing from BALTIMORE ' ; Tneidar ad Frtdby, at 3 . M. i AND FROM WILMINGTON WBONESDAY AND SATURDAY. ; Olvlns Tkroncb Bills of Ladlnx Alabama. For North or East bound Freight, to Fall River and other Eastern -Cities. Liverpool, Glasgow, Bremen, Antwerp arid. Other European Ports. i ,COBCCt at Wilmlngton lhe Wiimingon, Oommbla A AngusU BiUroad! Wllminifton 1 A Weldon Railroad, and Carolina Cen ral Railway and Cape Fear Wver Steamera, wXteSmS ' Roada offering uneoualled faciUtie, fo, the prompt delivery of Freight to all points, S. bSZSoJ these Ltoe. on arriral ta Wilmington .top at Railroad depot, the Freight Warrea nndertoTe" : to care without delay, and forwarded by the Fast Freight Expresa that monrna !l No drayage in Wilmington and no transfer from Wilmington South. Rateanaranteed a. LOW as by any otherboaU. Lo.8 or Orercaarge. promptly pail Mark all goo, via Wilmington LW 1 For farther information, apply tp either of the nnderaigned Agento of the Iine,: ! EDWIN FITZQEBiLDt en Baltimore Line, 50 Sonth St, jBaltiaore, ' , TO P. CI1TO8 CO.. Genl Ageni New York Lbi,, Bowling" Green K Y " oct9.tf ; 4v.CASATX,-AgtBalttmo , jj 1 ADVANCING. : II:! W C O U T! prices that cannot fail to meet the aj,pro- " , J '1 ' !"':. r . ' k ' bation jof ALL. , 1 . PRICE. NO SAMPLES CUT. BROWN & R1)DICK. AH AN I. i NATURAL GUANO. Animal Deposit. r. GUARANTEES THAT BEFORE IT IS OFFERED FOR SALE. Tl TS7TT.RO"V "Rolflmnro trrt TT i.vliTTU' Tivfaccni" GENTH. PlliJadelphia.'ProfeeBor of Applied Chemistry, ONIiY Blf THS out the "test, by which all Fertile commenced impprtfrn?, we were forced to nut our Gaar.o V lnmsa. enn&l to bit MiHinfiMtnrut T?rt-iMvr FOR THE ' . ! i,-f . . f ' . I 'I- ; and Grain Crops " OF THE SOUTH. j " I TORS. J Tannor A Co. f Kobt. A. Martin Co. j 1 JToL '' --' ! I I & Toilers, ;- j . WILMINGTON, N. C. SEMI-WEEKLY N all Joints tSouth and East OT . i r - . ! , ' NEW TORE. j o Clyde! Wilmington Xlno, v Sailifig ftom NEW YORK j : i . ; Tuesday and Friday, at 3 P. m., ard nox WILMINGTON : WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, i to all 'points In North mod South Carolina, Georgia and Baltimore Philadelphia. New Vork, Boston, rrovidence, : U -ALSO- J A if ' 1 ,

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