TEE HORNING STAB. PUBLISHED DAILY. BY " uth or subscbxftios is asvaxce: One vear. (bv mail) postage pa f 7 Q Six months, " ") 1 f it " 'it li t 4 -14 4 00 nths " " ) 9 SS 1 00 One month. (" " ) To City Subscribers, delivered In any part of the city. Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are not authorized to collect for more than 3 months in advance. . - : OUTLINED ;, ... Negro fexpelled from Alabama Legiala ture by unanimous roteor proposing to be bribed as a legislator. German; GoTernment meditating more extreme measures against Catholics.. Tele graph building and museum at Albany, N. T., burned. Fifty thousand dollar fire at Houston, Texas. 1 New York marKeis: couon, itt; spirits turpentine 36; rosin, $2 071, strained, $2 12; gold, 114115. r Twenty thousand persons died of starvation in Asia Minor. Lewis' rider to River and Harbor Appropri ation bill defeated in the Senate. Bill introduced in Virginia House of Dele gates to punish persons who should make clamor in demanding accommodations un der civil rights bill. Episcopal Dio-. cese New Jeisey refuse to agreev to conse cration . of ''. Bishop " Jaggrer... A. J." CrK ifr 'irregulariliea." u At Johnstown, " Jfew;York,'abank was' partly consumed with an officer. -. Governor, of Rhode Island, has presented the State side of the controversy with Federal authorities. Mr. Hale, of New York, who intro duced the resolution to censure Hon. Jqhn Young Brown, the yonng Ken tucky memberwho denounced Butler in a Juniari manner some time ago, has had the manliness to correct a mistake into Which he bad fallen. He says in a letter to a fellow-member, to whom he gave privilege of " publica tion,1 that eo far as that resolution im- r T: ; ' puteu to i.ur. uruwu any luieiuiou oi prevarication and double-dealing in his response to the Speaker, himself, and a majority of the' House had been misled, and had done injustice to Mr. Biown. . lie adds: "A careful exami nation of the record since, qualifying it by my own distinct recollection, satisfied me that I did a great wrong to Mr. Brown in imputing this intent to him,' and that there was nothing in his response to the Speaker inconsist ent with the rentire good faith, or with inlpcrritui rf nn ntiriorlit. on1 Vinn orable man." j The Shelby Banner is a new paper which takes the place of the Cleave ;laud Banner, i until recently pub- ..ov. ... J , .v.-.M.. .North Carolina. Ine new Banner jisa larger, handsomer, and every way belter paper than' the ol4-' It is edited by Messrs. W. C. Dur ham and J. L. Webb. It is Demo cratic Conservative in politics. ' The Colorado bill is now a law, but the amendment put on by the Senate postpones its admission to the Union until after the next Presiden tial election, so that it cannot Jake part in that contest. It is likely Col orado will be a Democratic Siate. There would seem to be a right lively war waging in Rhode Island between the revenuemncers ana tne State authorities. Head the vigorous speech of Gov. Howard. Little Rhody is plucky in her encounters with the On next Tuesday votes New Hamp shire for,Congress, State officers and Legislature. We shall be greatly surprised if the granite hills do not reverberate with Democratic io tri omphes on the morning of the i 0th. STATE CHANGE. Second Dai. From the Raleigh News The following officers were elected for ibe ensuing year: Master Dr. Columbus Mills, Cabarrus icoanty. t Overseer P. M. Fitts, Warren. Lecturer John 13. bmitb, Caswell. Steward D. H. Armstrong, Pender. Assistant Steward Hill E. King, On ' slow. h - Chaplain Rev. M. J. Hut, Franklin. Treasurer P. C. Carlton, Iredell. Secretary G. W. Lawrence, Cumber ' land. i .. ,:.. Gate-Keeper J. B. Clark, Watauga., ? Ceres Mrs S. A. Mills, Cabarrus. Pomona Mrs. A. 8. Fitts, Warren. - Flora Mrs. P. C. Corlton, Iredell. Lady Assistant Steward MissEllaBoyd, Cabarrus.' 'S- Executive Committee G. Z. Ereuch, New Hanover; Azariah Graves, Caswell; A. T. ; Mial, Wake. . ' Proxy to represent N. C- State Grange at " next meeting of National Grange James F. Johnston, Mecklenburg, i Capt. E. T. Paine, Secretary of the Direct i Trade Union of Georgia, explained the ob : jects and workings of that movement, and l Messrs. Jas. F. Johnston, N. W. Woodfin and Jasper Stowe were appointed a Com I mittee to issue an address to the patrons of tbis State and urge upon them the impor tance of subscribing to the stock of the Direct Trade Union. i The Slate - Agricultural Journal was en dorsed as the organ of the State Grange, the Grange to add an assistant Editor to that paper. The meeting throughout has been of a most harmonious character, and an amount of work has been done that reflects, great credit upon the btate Grange. ; The St, Louis Democrat reports that a new petticoat, made of roan leather, simple and light, has been invented. Good gracious! f , - ' - ' " 11 . ' - . ' ; ,. .. .. j " n . 1 , ; i ,.. . '?! wj "i". :" ..-'--a.- V": A 'T',"-. .- j -. .. . 'J.wi,,-. . F VOL. XV.-rNO. 141. The Legislature. i Condensed from the News. J SEVENTY-THIRD DA. If. i - r . SENATE. ;-v ;'. ..j-: ; Friday, March 2. Mr. Caldwell introduced a bill to encourage the manufacture of cotton acture of cbttonl North Carohni and woolen fabrics in Referred. ' i i Mr. Parish, a bill to amend Bat tie's Revisal so as to have all fines and forfeitures in the counties paid j over to the respective county Treasurers for the benefit of the school fund of the county, instead of sending ft to the Public Treasqrer. Referred j - Mr. -Taylor, a bill to amend an act prohibiting the sale of. liquor in town ships when the people so . determiae. Referred. . ' ' i' ; ' j mmr&aaagn tmMnvvim "peymit- ting the liovernor to extend pardon to Mack Rousal, of Tyrrell. Adopted. PSRSONAX PRIVILEGE. . I .it 1 : Mr. Waring arose to a question of privilege on this morningV Sentinel. He read the following extract from that paper: "Except Gudger land Col. Waring, few'members have' the pluck to put such a load on the North Carolina Road.'V He said lie ihad never expressed any opinion of ! the merits of any bill befoie the Senate in connection with! this road. JHis votes on the bill, and amendments last winter showed bis position; and he had seen no reason to change it since. ;. i !; : - .-!. THE LIEN; LAW. Mr. Cook's bill to i repeal sees.1, 19 and 20, chap. 65, of Battle's Revisal, was considered. ! The bill provides for the repeal of the agricultural I la bor lien law, to go into effect January 1st, 1875. 1 ' I- Messrs. Cooke, Peebles and K?rr, f avored the repeal, believing that the law had been productive of great damage to the farming interests' of the State. - ;j -1 ' - i ' - Messrs. Bell, French, Latham and Tucker opposed the! repeal. They could not agree with the Senators that the law worked j the hardships claimed, but believed it enabled many farmers to cultivatejtheir farms tat could not otherwise do so. : , Pending the question, the special order was called. j j i i 1 THE N. C. R.jR. BILL. ; ; Mr. McElroy's bill to amend the charter of the N. C. R. I. Co., em powering that road to purchase the A..V&N. C. R. R., and to purchase the W. N. C; R.- R. and complete the sametO-i flmt if nmr r - -W TT-fc I Jm BUI." r. r rench wanted the bill post poned until Monday, in order that the Senate might have before it the bill which passed the House- yesterday, and both bills be considered at the same time. ) j j ;!: : l. S Mr. McElroy opposed the post ponement. l j. ! Mr. Graham offered as a substitute the House bill, (passed that body Thursday, the substance of which has been given in the Hoose reports.) . j On motion of Mr. French, the mat ter was postponed until Monday at 11 o'clock. I : I PASSED THIRD READING. Bill to incorporate the Snow Braneb Railroad Company. Hill HOUSE OF REPRE$ENTATIVES By Mr. Tate, a bill 1 to vest lands purchased by the State in the Trus tees of the university Referred, j LAND SCEIP. The bill in relation to the lrind scrip fund for the establishing qf colleges for the benefit of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts was taken up as the special order for lljo'clock. Mr. Mendenhall explained fully the bill and its objects, which is to require" the State Treasurer to take up the amount of the land scrip, donated by the United States Congress to North Carolina, for the purpose of establish ing a College of Agriculture, &c, for which special tax .bonds had been re ceived in payment at a sale of the same and the interist thereon to be applied annually to the State Univerf sity. He then proceeded to advocate the adoption of the bill. . ! Mr. Tate followed in support of the bill, also explaining: the various com4 plications that surrounded this fundj arising from the sale of this land scripi ; Mr. Gash was not . opposed1 to the objects to be attained by the passage of the bill, and while he favored, it, yet he desired its postponement till after the passage of the State debt bill. J t. . H i Mr. Boyd was willing to favor any! legislation that would 1 result to the advancement of the University, but believing that the passage of this bill; .would be a recognition of the special, tax bonds, he felt compelled p op pose it. I i Mr. McRae said be was as much opposed to any recognition of the special tax bonds as the gentleman: from Alamance, but claimed that the adoption of the bill would in no wise be so considered. He ar'gued at con siderable length in favor! of the bill, and appealed to the House to come to the rescue of the University by pass ing the same. Mr. Tate offered an amendment that nothing herein contained 'shall be con strued to a recognition in: any manner of the bonds commonly known as the special tax bonds, which the General Assembly hereby declare to be fraud- WILMINGTON, ulent and void, and in no manner binding on . the State. Mr Hanner, an amendment provid ing for the sale of the State lands and buildings lying in and around Raleigh not used for pablic purposes, and to invest $125,000 of the proceeds for the purppses contemplated in the bill, the remainder to be added to the pub lic school fund. . Mr. Boyd again took the floor in op- position to the bill, and pending his argument the v second- special order Pwas taken tfp, being the feenate com promise to commute and settle the public debt,, and pending discussion thereon the House adjourned till 3 :30 o'clock.! i.-- ' '.-? -Pi '' 1' Civil Klsbt Cases lu nestaaranis. Baltimore Sun, 5th. 1 Two restaurant "civil-rights" cases developed themselves-vesterday which met with verv uncivil treatment. i iil one vase xnree coioreu men went into the : eating-bar of a prominent restaurant, and, taking their pieces at the rack, made known their wants. The. proprietor seeing them come in, and determining to avoid any , viola tion of the law in his house, made the colored Waiters employed by him stand aside, and served the' colored customers in person. , What, they called for was served them; but some white customers, not liking the pres ence of the colored men, attacked them, and ; made things lively with flying glasses, &c. The colored ad Venturers were obliged to get away as rapily as possible. The broken china and glassware : was picked up by the attendants of the house, and the proprietor, who had done his best unaer ine circumstances, retirea to his cashier's desk to place the frac tured erockery to the profit andoss -"bount. -: . , .....".!' .if i:jThe second case occurred at anoth er point. A white man ' brought a colored friend into, a well known res taurant and both sat down at the eat ing bar. The white man called for what they wanled.jThe attendant, a" white man, servecTtbe colored man and then some one attacked the white friend and gave him a hustling. The atmosphere soOn became 60 warm that both the unwelcome guests were obliged to retire. THEGITY. HEW AUVKBTlSEMKS'lN. - Brown & Roddick See Dry Goods Ad. on Telegraphic Page. j j ! Shiukr Bros. Spring Styles, j W. Jewett Attention Firemen ! j J. C. Mujjd3 Meeting 2nd Ward Club, j Conoly & Yates Initial Papetories. "Harrison & Allen -Bpring Hats. ' " neoin35XoT3Juy CIoTBingTNbw; ; JonN Dawson Corn Shellers, &c. Giles & Murchisois Cooper's Tools. Keuciiner & C alder Bros. Cqrn, &c. Wnj.ii.Ms & Murchisos Molasses, &c. W. J. Buhmann Attention Firemen ! G. II. W. Rcnge Onions, Hams, &c. Heinsberoer New Novels. George Honnet Watches and Jewelry. C. D. Myers & Co. Ham Bologna. Geo. Myers Family Supplies. Coroner's Inqnett. j Coroner Hewlett yesterday empanelled a jury and held an inquest upon the remains of Daniel i Smith alias Cowan, a colored man, aged about 22 years, whose body was found in the water near the saw mill of Messrs.5 Northrop & dimming. From the looks of the remains it is supposed that the body must have been in the water for some time m - j r '.. ' The last seen of the deceased was about six weeks ago, when he stepped ! into his boat at the Market dock and moved away. At that time he was intoxicated. ' The coroner's jury rendered a verdict that deceased came to his death from acci dental drowning. ! Found Drowned. The body of a white man was on Friday last found in the water at Rat Island, about five miles from this city, on the Northeast branch of the Cape Fear. The deceased was well and neatly dress ed, his attire , betokening a well-to-do or wealthy citizen. : The place at which his body was found, we learn, is a lonely, deso late place, and some mystery seems to hang around the affair. No particulars regard ing the unknown man or his death have reached us. p ! i ; Coroner Hewlett was, notified yesterday evenine and left this morning for the place to bold an inquest over the body. ' Meeting of Ward Clubs. . Special attention is directed to the official call in this issue of meeting's of the several Ward Clubs at the usual places on Monday . night, for the purpose of selecting delegates to a nominating convention that will meet at Lippitt'a Hall on Tuesday night to nomi nate nine candidates for Alderme'n of the city:- ; ; . -. .. -- , ;. - City Tax Receipts. The receipts at the office of the City Treasurer and Collector for the week end ing yesterday footed up as follows : SDecific Tax. ........ ; .... L $1,055 70 Real and Personal for 187a-'74. . . 1,8 30 Dray licenses. .-v. .... 20 00 Total., ......$2,494 00 Magistrate's Court; ; Before T. M. Gardner, J. P.: P Daniel Williams was arraigned on a peace warrant and bound over to the next term of the Superior Court. ; City subscribers 'who fail to re' ceive their papers regularly will please re port the fact promptly at this office. tf N.! C.' SUNDAY, MARCH 7, 1875. Local Dots. .! :j f t, vyi, UA ff WXJ f, ' , : PPP - Don't forget the Ward meetings Monday night. fj ; -1 p " - I - Two sailors yesterday ran away from the (Nor.) brig Anne, now lying ' at this port . pPiUjiP ... j'P- -.'.'-'-pP .-! A bill has leen introduced in the Legislature to incorporate the Wilming ton Ice Company. tl , h i ' 1 .-There was only one interment in Pine Forest Cemetery, that of a child, during the week just passed. '. There were, three interments in Oakdale Cemetery during the; week, two of which were ad uHs and one child. - - The interior j of the Superior Court room is undergoing a .cleaning out and a thorough course of repairs. - -j First Ward . Club will meet - at Lippitt's Hall Mislay night to. select eight delegates to thity nominating convention. .. i Don't - stay '; awly P. from, your .Ward meeting Monday, jiight,; nd then growl about what was dcjne In your ab sence. : i! Let everj' business, man attend his Ward meeting Monday night, and see that proper persons are selected to repre sent him. -1 " : j : - The Association of Spiritualists will meet at Masonic Hall at 3 o'clock this P. M. Subject for discourse, 'Dr. T. De Witt Talmage.and Spiritualism." j . A bill has been introduced in the Honse of Representatives by Mr. Mc Rae, tu incorporate the Clarendon Gas light Co. of V .iuington.j It was appropri ately referred, j P . "P:".j. P"-. .-..L. To-morrow night Third Ward Club South of Market! Street meet at the corner of Fifth and Queen streets, and Third Ward Club North of Market Street at Brooklyn Hall. j j ' j If there ever ijvas a time in the tide of the affairs of men, &c.,i it is right now. Aldermanic distinction is seemingly in the grasp of two hundred and fifty am bitious gentlemen. ; i i We learn from passengers who came down on one ofj the nver steamers last night that the river near , Fayetteville has risen very high. It is to within 5 feet of the Big bridge. jj I j . The Wilmingapn Light Infantry will hold a meeting on Monday night in the hall over Carpenter & Mallard's saddlery establishment for the purpose of electing a captain vice Maj. J. H.iHill, declined. Sam Allen, colored, was. yester day put in the county jail to . remain until Monday whee wHt'atiaaVvn ins way To RaTeigEP wBeie he is. to serve out a term in the penitentiary, 'Samjiails from Bruns wick. City Executive Committee Meeting. The City Executive Committee met last night, all the members being present. MrPF. H. Darby was! elected Temporary Chairman, and Mr. S. C. Godshall was ap pointed Secretary, i jj.i jl j An election for permanent officers was entered into, and Mr. Donald McRae was elected Permanent Cbaiaman, and Mr. F. H. Darby was elected Permanent Secretary of the Committee, j - j " " ... ' , A committee1 consisting of. Major J. A. Engelhard and Messrs. John Cowan and "George Sloan was appointed to forward an amendment to the city charter providing for an election to be held j at some future day if from any cause it should not be held on the 11th inst , ! j ! The following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That we recommend to each of the wards to appoint a committee of eight to nominate candidates for Aldermen, and that each of the said committees in meeting assembled, cast the registered strength of its ward and further, that each ward select three names as their choice for j Aldermen from their ward, j l i!P: I Resolved, That we request the ward clubs' to meet on Monday evening atr their re spective halls, and select their nominating committees and that the l nominations be made on Tuesday eveting, at Lippitt's Hall. -,:; - I The committee then adjourned, subject to call. . ' The following prices! ruled yesterday: Apples, (dried) 12 cents per pound; dried peaches 25c per pound ; walnuts, 25 cents per peck; ' pickles, 20 .cepts . per dozen ; lard, 18 cents per pound; butter, -4050 cents per pound ; cheese, 2$ cents per pound ; grown fowls 6075c a pair; ese f 1 SO per pair; beef 10gSl61c.r per pound; beef, (corn ed) 12i15c. per poundj veal, 12116jc. perpound; mutton, 12i16 cts. per pound; ham, 1618 cts. perpound ; sh)ulders, 12 14 cents per pound ; , tripe, 20 cts. per bunch ; clams, 25 cents a peck; open clams, 2025 cents a quart; soup bunch 5 cents. ; eggs, 20 cents, a doz; sturgeon, 25 ct3. a chuak (5 lbs); potatoes, Irish, 50 cts. a peck; sweet 25 cents; fish trout 25c. per bunch! mullets 1025c. per bunch; turnips, 10cl " k bunch; onions, 50 cts. a peck; cabbages 1025 cts. a bead; sausage 20 cents a pound ; bologn a 20 cents a pound; liver pudding, 1220 cts a pound; hog head cheese, 0 cents a pound; New River oysters $1 50 a gallon; Sound do., 80. cents a gallon ; wild ducks 50?5 cents a pair , . - !- k - S-"T Market Report. x The following is the report of the Clerk of the Market for the week ending March 6th, 1875: ! P. ;. -.( ;:'-! ; o. of Carts in Market '. , 80 " Beeves Slaughtered.;.......... 56 " Calves " i. 6 " Hoes " i. 100 " Goats " 1 Import Entries for sale at the office of The MoBsmsta Star, ii ii . 3t FROM RALEIG-H. Tne Injunction Case Beforo Judge . Bond Tne Case. Elaborately Ar gned Decision te ibe Rendered . - ,r-- . . -1 .Oi. i Monday at 1 1 O'eloclt A Decision - Against Bv Holmes and B; Gay .' Predicted Legislative Matters Tbe Convention Question Uncer tain Tbe Usury Bill state Debt BlU, &c. 1 Special Star Telegram.! : Raleigh, March 66 o'clock P. MJ v The case of David Gay and others to en join the municipal election! in Wilmington was opened at 10 A. M. to-day before Judge Bond.' " ' 1 ' . ::-p P Judge -Russell opened the argument for tne. complahiants and spoke two hours. He waa followed hjthe HoifciW. IL Battle for the defendants. P2Jext came Judge Cant well for the complainants, ' and he was fol lowed bytheHtoo. W. N. II. Smith, who is now speaking .for the defendants. W. H. Bailey will close. for the' complainants, and it is probabto Judge Bond will render his decision to-night. Raleigh. LSBCOSb TELEOBAM. . ' Raleuih, March 611:80 P. M. The argument in the injunction, case closed at 7i o'clock to-night." The points in the plaintiffs' argument were, first, that being citizenVof the United States and qualified voters according to the constitu tion of North Carolina, they are entitled to vote at any city election. - Second, that the terms of the act of the Legislature showed that the territorial divis- ion-and division in population (in city bill) as to colornanifested an Intention' on the part of the General Assembly to deprive plaintiffs. and other colored voters of the right of suffrage, or to diminishhe value of such suffrage, h . Third, on account of the heavy paths and penalties denounced ; against (he present Board of Aldermen fany attempt to hold over, there 'was reasogable ground to2"ap prehend that the present Board flfould re fuse to do bo. P ryn. '"" ' - Fourth, that this shows thatfiae plaintiffs had no adequate remedy at law to protect the rights of suffrage, and entitles them to the injunctive aid of a Court of Equity, and they relied on the 5th section of the recent act. -. i- Pi Is 1 1 The respondents contended, first, that by virtue of the 4th section of j the eighth arti cle of the constitution of North Carolina the Legislature has exclusive ! power to fix the qualifications of city electors, and such qualifications are not governed by that ar ticle i .thevconeUttUioa entitled "Suffrage,.' and that the latter article was confined to State and county elections. ! i Second,-that at all events, the subject jnaUcr-i-41i-4M)tion wasa political ques tion which the Courts should refuse to en tertain, reference here being! made to the Stanton and ! Johnson cases touching the reconstruction acts. 4 j : ! The case wag ably argued! by both sides. The case was adjourned I until Monday morning at 11 o'clock, whem Judge Bond will render his decision. "V 1 1 It is believed in legal circles that the de cision will be in favor of the defendants. j The State debt bill (previously passed the Senate) passed its second reading in the House to-day, and was made the special order for Wednesday next j ' j j , ' P ' ! The supplementary bill has hot yet been taken up m the House. The Convention question is yet . uncer measure are tain. Warm friends of the doubtful of the passage of a bill calling it. p : i-p.i -Raleigh. . Our Cliurcb.es To-Day. I First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets, Elder J. C. Hiden, Pastor. Sunday, March 7, 1875. Services at 11 a. m. and 7i p. m. Lord's Supper will be ad ministered after morning sermon. Sunday School at a. m. Prayer, meeting, on Thursday night at 7 o'clock. Young men's prayer meeting on Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. ' I ,r ! I ' -P I ; Services in- St Paul's Evang. Lutheran Church as follows; English! service, at 11 a. m. ; German service at 7i p. m.; Sun day School at 3 p. m.; Catchetical instruc tion on Friday; at 3J p. m. ' ; - " First Presbyterian Church, corner Third and Orange streets: Services at 1 11 o'clock a. ni; and 7J p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. in. Rev. J. It Wilson, D.i D. Pastor. Services at Front street M. E. Church at 11 : a. ., , in. and 7J p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 7 o'clock. TJahers will be in attendance to conduct strangers to seats. Rev. J. E. Mann, pastor. -- ' 1 1 ! Fifth Street Methodist E. Church, South, situated on Fifth, between Nun and Church streets. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m.t Rev. J. T. Gibbs. pastor. Sabbath School at 9i a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 7J o'clock. ; Seats free, j j Services at S. James' . Church' td-day, Fourth Sunday in Lent, as follows: Morn ing Prayer at 11 a. m.; Evening Prayer at 5 p. m. ; Sunday School at 4 o'clock p. m. Daily services daring Lent, Monday, Tues day, Thursday j and Saturday j Morning Prayer at 7J a. m. Evening Prayer at 5 p. m.; Wednesday ; and Friday j mornings, Prayer and Litany at 11 a. m. j j - Services in St John's ""Church to-day, Fourth Sunday in Lent, as follows: Morn ing Prayer, Litany and Celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 11 a. m. ; Evening Prayer at 7i o'clock. J ;:!!. : ;;;."PtP.' PP--: Services at St Paul's (Episcopalhurch, corner of Fourth, and Orange streets, as fol lows: Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock; Even- WHOLE! NO. 2,315: ing Prayer at 7i o'clock, bier, Pastor." Seats free, Rev. T. M.'Am- I Seamen's Bethel: Services at '3$ pi m. 1 Rev. Jos. L. Keen, Chaplain. , . .j Services at St 'Mark's (colored) Episcopal Church Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock-, Bi ble Class at 3i p. m. ; Sunday School at 3 p. m. ; Confirmation Class at 4i p. m. ;; Even ing Prayer at 7i p. in. Wednesday even ings at 7 :45 p. m. j On each ' day during tie veek, Morning Prayer at?i aP tcL ; Evening Prayer at 5 p. a. -Seats free. " - ! f 1 1 ' ' First Baptist Church,' colored,' on Fifth and Canvbell streets. Services as foSows: Sunday School at 9 a. m. ; preaching at 10J a. ml, 3 p. m.'and7i p. m.. Rev. F.R. Howell, Pastor. ' P ; . P Pf JP; '-- 'a Services' at the First Colored Presbyterian Church, Chesnut; between Seventh itnd Eighth streets, as follows: At 11 a. m. and 7i pmi, by Rev. D. J. Sanders, Pastor. Sabbath School at 9 a. ill r4 '- j; Second PjbyterianvChurch, comer of Pourth and Cunpbell streets:jS$rvlces tit 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Seats 4tee. Rev Unas. MJ 'Payne, pastor. " Sunday Scnool at 8J p. m. p. vv-V ' Services at the Primitive Baptlk Church on Castle, between Fifth and SS street at 11 o'clock, by Elder Q. A. Ward. Elder Aaron Davis, Pastor. " i St. Thomas' Catholic Church, Dock St. between 2nd and 3rd, Services to-day a$ follows: Mass at 7 a. m. and 10J a. m. Yes pers chanted at 4 p.'m.. Sunday School at 91 a. m. Sunday school for the colored people in the basement of the church at 31 p. m. Officiating, clergymen, Rev. Mark! S. Gross, ResMmes B. White. The WcMher To-Dajr. For the South Atlantic States, falling ba rometer, northeast to northwest winds, and warmer, rainy weather. Cautionary sig nals are ordered for Wilmington. ;' Ward OTeetlnga,..'" ' '; P. f '. The City Exeautive Committee request "the several W8'5fclubs to meet on! Monday evening 8ijmst, to select . Nominating J 4mmitgfees. r ? l , a . a. uarby, jf res t pra tern, S. C. Gopshaix, Sec'y pro tern. CITITEJIS. Latx Pjut I'o Sjarrls' Newa Depot Welt side Front Street, .wre indebted for copies of the New York Ledger himney Corner and Frank Leslie's Illustrated wspaper tat the current week. The Stand will f fiin,jpen until li o'clock this morning. - JjfrPW P ' P' P ' ! Book tonBtta mokhiks Stab Book Bind ery dcUinfioi 'Binding and Ruling ins work manHkjPwfir, and at reasonable prices. Mer- 5 ' . . - .era needing Receipt Books, or other workVy rely ca promptness in the execution of IjBSfr; ortew. P " j P TEJissriB PBSBnsa-lNK 8. Invaluable to rail road companies, .Aeamshlp companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others. They are en daring and changeless, and 'Will copy Bharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. ; Having just received a fresh supply of these inks, we are pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. . '. . - M l i DIED.; JACKSON On the 5th Inst, of paralysis, at the residence of his brother, at Whiteville, N. C, Sam uel 8. Jackson, a prominent citizen and lawyer of Randolph county, and son-in-law of the late Gover nor Worth, aged about 43 years. NEW 1 ADVERTISEMENTS. . j . BUYERS OF ' - ' SHOULD APPRECIATE THE FACT THAT prices are lower now than ever before since the war. -it ij ' i - V I j THEY MUST GO UP! i i;i -ii i S ; I. -, Therefore, I . BUY NOW! i I! --I. - - IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY. MUNSOIT& CO March 7-tf . City Clothier?. Cera, Hay, j Oats, Meal. 4 QQQ Bashela Corn, ; ; 250B1C8ay': - y. J . I-' :'-' QQ Bushels Water Ground Meal. - ul. For sale by i T " nar 7-tf . KERCHNEE & C ALDER BROS. !i i i i' i , i i " -Blolassea! molasses! MoflMses ! JpJQ HHD3NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, loo fr r; .--'tf OAA ! Sugar House OA Hhds Demarara 25 Bbls New Orleans ' For sale b: lale Dy i ERCHNER mar 7-tf & CALDER BROS. Potatoes! Potatoes ! Potatoes ! QQ Bbls Early Rose Potatoes, ' QQ Bb!s Pink lye Potatoes,; . j P For sale by P : '"P 1 mar 7 tf KBRCBNER A CALDER BROS. Powder!! Powder! Powder! 2 KB-8 RIFLE AND SPORHNQ POWDER, OAA kegs Blasting and Mining Powder, OUV i f 10,000 FeetFnse, - !h!l For sale by -1 s msr 7 tf KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. Corn, Flour, Stigar,' CofFse. . 8 AAA BUSHELS PRIME WHITE CORN, U U U h .OOO Bbls Floor, All Grades; -fAA Barrels Refined Sugar. 1UU ii ao Bags Prime Rio Ceffee, For sale low by mar 7-tf : WILLIAMS A MTJRCHISON. '; ' Latest Spring Styles. 1?ELT AND SILK HATS. X' I;- . TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, Ac HARRISON A ALLEN'S - p City Hat Store, ; At mar 7-tf I TuTBentine anil CoojersV Tools. - HACKERS, PULLERS AND 1 DIPPERS OF best brands known in the market HACK FILES, Hack Weights and Hack Whetters of all kinds. COOPERS' TOOLS of best brands Horton, Bar ton and Simmons for sale at lowest prices at the New Hardware House of mar 7-tf ! GILES & MTJRCHISON. Molasses ! ir Molasses ! Molasses! 2QQ Hnda and Barrels New Crop Cuba, For sale low by lj ' f. muT tl WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. ae ue one L$?iiZ.UiiJ.i.i;M - three days. .................... .... s 04 . a . -..1 . . v6 flays.. ......... w w - . . !; - Kit " - Two weeks. B M - r .... Threeweek...i. ......... 6 60 . ? . r Onemonth.....i;. ......... ....... 8 CO " - TwonKnth..:.?..................15 W . Threemonths..i............. 00 LY tTi-'-ixonth.i.,....v..... ...86 00 u . Oneyear M 04 W Contract Advertisements taksn at prepof UonsielTloW'rates. t u a-.-i a ., Pive Squares estimated sea vurter-eotamn, and Un squares as a half -colunau - ifEW ADVERTISEMENTS. : : Family Supplies TRBSH THIS "WEEK. PP ' - ' i;'p: BUCKWHEAT ; P NEW TEOCESS XMPTSB Ft QTJB, UN RIVALED tMpmsFroTj in the World: StnffeoTlIsiigeesf -v-"; .v' '-Vl-r v J'--5tt'; Amber, New Orleans . i 111 (':. It ll-- ii An Mple ;iop o i Premium Chocolate ; P f P rAaoow ,nvbu iaiiuiw duf, cooses. zor . , v r Table Use . , Fresh MUk Crackers; Best Batter la the Werld; Ex ; rJ J New Mackerel; Roasted Java and J f; v; : 'Y'" Xagoayra Coffee:. A- '. n .. ..;v.;-"- . A1XTHB ABOVfi FRESH THIS WEEK AT ' mat7tf ' GSO. MTKRS', -11&13 South Front St. Ham Bolca,! i ; . A VERT . DESIRABLE RELISH tOR LUNCH xVandPic-NicUae. .-j ;- : u ,-: . ilENTS4 PurATKR AnjOBUTTfiR CRACKERS. ' ALBERT BISCUIT, . :: : - ; ' ' " . PEEK FREAN CRACKERS, Celery Salt, Carrie Powder, Anchovy Paste, Ysu month Bloaters, Jams,' Marmalades, Jellies, Ac, . IN GREAT VARIETY! ! CHAS. D. MYERS & CO . . .j 5 A 7 North Front St. TheTSibst, Best flavored china and japan teas ' imported.; , ' -' - . .i p :.'.. Best Eelected stock ever in 'North Carolina, at our Stores ' j ; . 5 A 7 North Front Street, mar7-tf CHAS. D. MYERS A CO. Journal copy. j ... t ; Just Received. & SILVER WATCHES, CORAL AND JET Jewelry. VERY LOW PRICES . At GEORGE HONNET'S, 59 Market street. mar 7-tf SECOND SUPPLY OF NEW. NOVELS. THE LAND AND THE LADY. By Wilkio Collins.- ! I ;; OLD MYDDELTON'S MONEY. A Novel.. By Mary Cecil Henry, j .j,;, - - Just received and for eaie at I 'HEraSBERQER'S. Pianos, QRGANS AND CHROMOS. j . - For sale at- - - - 4 ' . - , 1 HEINSBERSER'S March 7-tf Live Book and Music Store. Tliis Week L OPEN OUR NEW? BPS .- f ' ! ! XTTE WILL OPEN OUR NEW; SPRING STOr-TC it -or Men's, YoutliB' and Soys' FURNISBINGJGOODS, Ap. Our Stock will be of j ' , j THE LATES STYLES, And for Beauty and Finish Will Surpass Anythlr-g Ever. Offered Before ! 8HRIER BROS., 39 Market street. March 7-tf The Latest Styles ef Initial and Plain Papetorless St The Pacific Lonefellow. Artrosv. TTnlnn A r. lington, Stefla, Paris, Bertha, Bath, Broadway, Ac, Ac, Just received at j ' i THE CITTB O OK STORE. Bric-a-Brac Series, rpHE QREVTLLE MEMOIRS. A Journal of the J. Reigns of King George the Fourth and William uie couruo. . . - ' ;: - "SUT LOVINGOOD'S YARNS." i j All for sale by CON9LEY A YATES' j mar 7-tf i . , , 47 Market St. . IIL. STEAM F. E. COMPANY NO. 1. y requested be present By Order of the Foreman. W. L. JEWETT, March 7-lt Recording Secretary. I Second Ward. THE DEMOCRATIC-CONSERVATIVE VOTERS of this Ward are notified to meet AT THE COURT HOUSE ON MONDAY EVEN j ING, AT 8 O'CLOCK, for the purpose of nominating Candidates for AN dermen. . i JAS.OL MDND8,- j March 7, 1875-lt Sec Second Ward Ckib. . j Hay, Bacon, Snrnp, Bice. . on A Bales Hay, 1 It JmiW SOO Boxes Smoked and D. 8. Sides, 1 nn Boxes D. S. and Smoked Sonlderr, JLv v Bbls S. H. Syrup, Bbls Wee. For sale low by ! ar7tf WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Guano ! - Goano ! Onano ! 200 TONS EUBAKA vsio. ; 250 ToM 6BnPe Qaat i i For sale low by i mar 7-tf WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. HOWARD RELIEF F( E. CO. NO. I. N ADJOURNED MEETING WILL BEHELD IX ou MONDAY the 8th Instant, at 8 o'clock P. Mi. sharp, to Vansact business of importance lei t unflnished at the last monthly meeting. A toll at tendance is required.- I J - By Order of the President. 1 WM. JNO. BUHMANN, mar 7-lt Recording Secretary. J v Onions, Selected hams. 'jl ' BEEF TONGUES, ) SMOKED BEBFV For sale at i ; ' G. H. W. RUNGE'8 ' Nrtneast cor. AlarMet and Second, ats. mar7-u . -1 : f CORN SHELLERS, FEED CUTTERS. T7AN MILLS, TRACE CHAINS, STEEL HOES. X1! Axes, Hames, Collars. Back Bands, Cotton Plow Lines, Ac A full stock and at the lowest market rates ean be found at the Old Established Hardware House of ; j . JOHN DAWSON, j nar 7-tf ' . Nos. 19, 30 and SI Market 8b ; Hoop Iron, Glue, Nails, ShoT AAA BDLS hoop IRON, uvv JQQ Bbls Glue, OAA Kegs Nails, AW OAA Bags Shot, j For sale low bv mar 7-tf III? rSSOM , WILLIAMS A MURCHISON, i

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