THE nOEimiO STAR. , PUBLISHED DAILY, BT - . wim:. EC. zb:e:r:njl:r:d- - I UATXB Or StTBBCBIPTIOK nf advajtcs: On year, (toy mall) postage pa .......... f7 00 Six months, ( " " " " M Three months(." "J " " One month, ""' " ' -1 00 To City Subscribers, delivered In any part of the city, Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are not authorized to collect for more than 3 months in advance. - - ' OUTLINES. - Disasters from heavy gales reported on coast.-- Bon apart ist 3 threaten coup d'etat. - Steamer Tonawanda reports having seen several wrecks in voyage from : this port to Philadelphia. The Legislature. - Condensed, from th Sentinel. J SEVENTY-SIXTH DAT. senate. . ; ; - !. ! Tuesday, Mareh 9. , ' The Machinery Bill came up on its second reading. - Certain amendments were rejected- Pending the amendments discus siori was indulged in by Senators La tham, Standford, Cantwell, Kerr, Lin ney, McCaulcy, Morehead and Tuck er, colored. V.- ; The bill then passed its second reading:- ' Air, Morehead moved a reconsider ation of the vote just taken .in order ! to amend the bill with a property ex emption to the amount of $25. Car- ried. The amendment was so offered, j Mr. LeGrand, an amendment mak ing. the exemption $50. - Mr. Jenkins demanded the previous question. .Sustained,-aud the $50 ex emption was rejected. . t The $25, exemption was adopted. Tha bill then passed its final reading j ayes 28, nays 16, and goes to the I House for concurrence in the amend ( merit. - w ' j : Mr. Holton, a bill to incorporate jthe'N. G. Water Power Company. Referred. On motion of Mr. Graham, the bill" concerning the Western N. C. R. R. was made special order for Wednes day at 12 M. , f' r On motion of Mr. Waring the bill ; to incorporate' the Mecklenburg Ceu Association was taken up and passed its several readings, it being a substitute for the original bill with the appropriation stricken out. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. By Mr. Erwin, a resolution con-. Icerning an appeal to the United States Supreme Court. By Mr. Trivett, .a bill to facilitato the incorporation of the Narrow Guage Railway Companies and 'for other purposes. Referred. By Mr. Gu'dger, a bill to author ize the authorities in charge of the Eastern Division of the Western jNorth Carolina Railroad to pay the money in the treasury of the same to the proper authorities. Referred. j By Mr. McRae, a bill for the relief of Messrs. Hawley and Powers, Tax Collectors of the town of Fayetteville. Referred. - By the same, a bill-to authorize the Commissioners of Cumberland coun ty to. fund the debt of said county. By Mr, Oaksmitb, a bill to restore the eredit of the State, and to incor- porate the Bank of North Carolina. Referred. THE UNIVERSITY AND THE LAND SCRIP. 1 At 11 o'clock the House bill in re lation to the Land Scrip Fund for the establishment of Colleges for the benefit of Agriculture and the Me chanic Arts, taken up as the first special order. Mr. Mebane replied to the remarks of Mr. Boyd, who spoke against the ! bill a few days ago, in which he (Mr. ; M.) defended-the County Commis sioiiers against the sweeping charge that they were responsible for the misappropriation of the school fund, lie then proceeded to show who it was that squandered the funds, charg ing that one Lassiter, known in the slang vernacular of that day as " Kil dee" Lassiter, Treasurer of the Board of Trustees, composed in part by W. Wi Holdeu, Wm. F. Heuderson, John Pool and other like luminaries of .the dark, days of 18G8 't$y, manipulated these bonds with Bain & Co., .a firm name that is a synonym for fraud, fcc. Mr. M. proceeded in -explanation of 'the bill and its objects, and appealed to the House to support it. Mr. Mendenhall offered an amend ment to strike out all the first para graph of the preamble after the words '"were invested," in line 14, and in sert the following: " In securities, some of which are void and all of which are unavailable, whereby , the aforesaid fund of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars has be come impaired." By this amendment the special tax bonds are in no way meutioued or rec ojrnized. - Mr. Moring thought that with the nr l 1 amendment onereu, no oujeciion could be urged against the bill, and . hoped it would pass without opposv tion. Mr. Pinnix warmly advocated the bill, with amendments. Mr. Erwin said he was pledged to his constituents never in any way, di rectly or indirectly, to cast, a vote that would recognizftthe special tax bonds. He claimed that the bill was an mdi . rect recognition, and argued the point at some length. , - Mr. Strong, as an alumnus of the University, said be could not let this opportunity pass without making one effort to raisa-the dear old University from the dust in which she now slum- Uf rs. iic uuiiuiea mat giunuun uiu m stitution for what she had done, and it was with little degree of pleasure, that he could raise bis voice in ber behalf. In reply to the obiec tion offered by the gentleman from 1 9 i ' ! VOL. XV. NO. U. McDowell, Mr. Erwin, be was at a loss to know how he constructed the bill as a recognition of the special tax bonds, after the amendment offer ed by Mr. Mendenhall, and claimed that it did not directly or indirectly recognize them in any way. Mr; S. proceeded to discuss the general merits of the bill: and warmly advo cated its passage.! j s i; Mr. Erwin replied briefly, main taining his position. i i - j Mr. Boyd replied to the argument of Mr. Mebane. He denied charging upon County Commissioners the ! re sponsibility of manipulating this land scrip to its detriment, &c. ' Mr. Spears advocated the bill at some length, j- - . - On motion of Mr. Erwin the further consideration! of the bill was post poned. . , .;- ..; CALENDAE. . House bill to charter the Roxboro, Norfolk & Greensboro Railroad," pass- C Senate bill to authorize the ; Com missioners of Moore county to levy a special tax, with an amendment by Mr. Mclver, passed its readings. ; House bill o authorize thei Com missioners of Rockingham county; to levy a 'taxfot the purpose of con structing a bridge in said county, passed its una reading. ' THE CITY. -The MalW - - 1 i . . L J The mails will; close at the City Post-Office until farther notice as follows: j Northern (night) mails daily. ... 6 :15 P. M. 44 through arid way (day) mails dailjM . : .1 ........ . 6:30 Al M. Southern mails daily. ......... 5:00 A. M. Charleston direct(night) daily. . 5:00 P. M. Columbia " j . 44 5:00 P. M. Augusta 44 ; i 'V 44 .. 5:00 P. M. Western mails (G. C. R'y) 44 . . -5:30 As M. Smitbville (via jasy Hill and j i Town Creek) Tuesdays and i i Saturdays 1 . 6 K)0 A. M. Fayetteville,-and offices on Cape ; Fear River, Mondays and !" Fridays. .1. .. i . 1 KX) P. M. Fayetteville by C. C. R'y, daily 5:30 A. M Onslow C. H. and intermediate - offices every Fndav . . . . . . , .. 6 .00 A. M. Mails delivered! from 7 A. M. to 7 P. M., and on Sundays from 830 to 9:30 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12'M., and from 2 to 6 jP. M. Money order or Register Department open same as stamp office. 1 !! ' '-i .1 : : NEW ADVERTfSliltlEMTS. Fbank H. Darby A Card, j : I Hottexdobf& Hashaqen Sausages, W. P. CANADAt Card to the Public. See ad. of new.jticket for Aldermen. , Harrison & Allen Stylish Fur Hats. Kekchker& Calder Bros. Sundries. .W. F. WeiszeL Merchant Tailoring. 'TTn : TTnrrrrn nrf " T I.eal Dot. 1 Import Entries for sale :at the office of The Morning Star, i ; -tj Messrs. IL Toilers and S. H. Fishblate request its to say, that they are not candidates for Aldermen.; ; I :-! i- I" . 1 - "r .1 Both printing and ruling done in the finest grades of copying ink at the Star Job Printing Office. tf One trifling case; was disposed of at the Mayor?s Court; yesterday. De fendant was dismissed on payment of costs. A marriage took place yesterday in the Sheriffs office.: ; Want of space com pells us to refrain from! describing the unique affair, -jl j.j j ' ' 'j. A ooloredjchild was found dead, supposed to be smothered: accidentally, in a house on Dock between Eigth and Ninth streets. The Coroner will hold ah inquest to-day. ; ' j . I : We learn ithat the four Conser- vative Aldermen j who resigned yesterday will publish a statement ia a day or two ex planatory of the pauses which led to their resignation. . ' ; I ; l ' ,.' . ( I '! The coroner will have a medical examination made at A o'clock this even ing of the body of the child that was found in the woods near the Market street road, as reported in our last. Foul play is sus pected. ; I ' ! ! ' BleetlDE or Third Ward Clab. The Third Ward Club south of Market street met last night at the corner of Fifth and Queen streets. A large and enthusi astic crowd was present. - The question of the nominations made on Tuesday night was fully discussed and the following resolution was onered and adopt ed unanimously:; I '. j i ' ! ; ! : Resolved, That ithe Third Ward Club south of Market street repudiate the nomi nations submitted to by the delegation from this Ward Club, vihich were contrary to the instruction to them, and will sunnort F. H. Darby and J W. Perdew as the nominees of our people for Aldermen to represent the lower ana miaaie division or Third ward respectively, and we regret that our dele gation so signally failed to act in accord ance with the feeling of onr division of x uiru vv uru iu luia reBpeci. The meeting then adjourned. Companr 91eetine.v. A meeting of the Wilmington Light n- fantry took place last higut at the bid Li brary Hall over Carpenter & Mallard's store, the object of the meeting being the selec tion of a Captain yice Maj. J.? II. Hill, de clined. An election; was entered into and Maj. M. P. Tayloc was elected to the Cap taincy of the company. The officers then being as follows: j ? j I i Captain M. . Taylor. 1st Lieutenant A. L. DeRosset. ; 2d;, J. C, James. ' 8d " , ! H. C McQueen. A Committee on Constitution and By Laws was then appointed, after which the meeting adjourned, h Morn WILMINGTON, Report of the Street Jury. The street jury elected some -time since, three on the part of the city and three on the -part of the owners of property on Front street, between Orange and Chesnut Sts., to assess the benefits or damages to such property owners on account of the Belgian block pavement, have made the following report to the Mayor1 and Board of Aldarmen : To all whom these presents shall come . : Y We, B. G. Worth, J. H. Chadburn, Geo. W. Williams, II. B. Eilers, Wm. Larkins and R E. Calder, committee Chosen, three by .the city of Wilmington andthree by the owners of property on-.Front street and vicinity, between (grange and Chesnut Sts., to whom has been submitted the matter of assessing the benefits or damages arising from the paving ojf said-Front street, be tween the points named above, with Belgian blocks. -Now, therefore, know ye that we, the aforesaid coramitlee or jury ' having been first duly sworn according to law and having viewed the j aforesaid improvement and examined the matter to ua submitted, do make; this award in writing, that the property along thelineof said improvement has been benefitted and that we assess- the same as ollows:. .. , c , t-l o Cm 13 O K P. Fowler 139 It. Vollers 1139 Jacob Loeb! 1e9 Sol Bear ! 139 Adrian & "Vollers C. t-temerman ql3S J. E. Lippilt 138 Est. John Walker ; 188 ieameu' Home j 138 Est Henry Bremer .152 L.A. Hart i il53 Geo. Wyeis iilSi Heirs Mrs.:. E.Loudon 151 IL VonG aha 1151 L. Vollers Sl51 KetC. linaeu . 151 L. Frink 151 J. A. Bradl' y 151 KstCTinkca 151 Ket W. J. Harris j ?151 A. i.esi'm'n p51 T. H. Smith . .151- Est P. Mnrpby '151 A. J. DeRoeset, trustee 15 James Dawson 165 Heirs Mrs.H.Treadwell 165 J. H. Hot, or Edwards; i A Skinner 1H5 Est H. McLin 165 Mrs. C. A. Fulton . 1165 G. R. French & on 15 5, 6, X, $399 00 4,5. 159 00 5, 4, i; 297 00 2, ;i 99 W 1, a, 7 00 6, X, 297 00 3, 4 0, 4ZU vu . 2,8, 1. - 5. 3, l: i 5, 1 4, 2. a. 28 2 00 1K3 00 193 00 288 CO 108 e 366 00 99 00 9i 00 144 00 16 00 72 00 72 00 46 87 52 13 99 00 7 00 153 10 108 00 1.6 00 if 3, 5, 4: P8100 H 00 X, 1U5 (Ml 1,. 2 2 00 . C9 00 145 50 f a so 79 00 90 03 234 0. J 87 00 114 00 84 00 Ret W. C. Bettencourt ;i65 1, 5, 5. 4, 4, 2,3, 2, 1. . 1. Est John Woosier A. Lessoian O. P. Meares James Dawson James Dawson Don. McKne Agent Aaroo & Kheintein First National Bank j 3W 164 nun ?jl64 Si 64 164 1K4 161 i E. K. Bnrrufsvs. Estol Kahnweiler 1178 5, 193 01 4, 73 00 3. 4. 222 00 2,3, 207 00 Geo. R. French &8ona l'.H I A. Smith r)378 Est Ell W. Hall 178 Mrs. R." R. Bridgers. or i b. F. Newcomer . 178 Back of ew Hanover 177 Mr. Catherine March!- ! eon 177 Bank of New Hanover 177 James Walker 177 Est M Lawten 177 1. 2, 5, 288 00 198 00 4, 177 50 3, 145 69 8, 72 94 2, 198 00 1, 198 00 Mrs. S 8. McKee andl children 177 B. O. Worth, Geo W Wiixiams, II B lufltfi. Wm L.vRKiis, jSigued Vitux6TON,N;C., March 4th, 1875. Flrt lYurd Meetlne. Tiie DtmocratiC-Coflseivatives of the First Ward assem bled at Lippitt's Hall last evening pursuant to a call of the delegates who withdrew! from the nominating con vention of j the previous evening. It was one of the; largest and most earnest political gatherings! we havel ever seen in Wilming ton. ; j- I The meeting was called to order by Maj. C. M. Stedman, on whose motion Mr. C. H. Robinson was called to the Chair; and on further; motion Maj. James Reilly was appointed Secretary. ' ; j The Chairman having explained the ob ject of the meeting in an appropriate man" her; and Capt. I. BL Grainger having given an, account of the circumstances under which he i . . from the and his. co-delegates withdrew .j nominating convention, Maj. Stedman offered the following resolution, which, without discussion, was almost unanimouslv adopted: j Whereas, At a meeting of the nominat ing convention held last evening, a majori ty of the delegates from this ward were not allowed a voice in the nomination in conse quence of the actions of the delegates from the other wards, be it resolved: - That we the citizens of the First Ward, endoise the action of our delegates, Messrs. L B. Grain ger, N. Jacobi, H. Vollers and James Reilly in withdrawing from said nominat ing convention and; declare that we do not regard Messrs. Kerchner, VanBokkelen and DeRosset as the regular nominees of our ward. - -t ' . f; Maj. Stedman then offered the following resolution : .'-I j' ; j 'j . 1 For the sake of harmony and to prevent division and strife in our party, we will not oppose the election! of Messrs. Kerchner, VanBokkelen and DeRosset and will make no opposing domination. Maj. Dtedman advocated tne resolution n an earnest and feeling speech. He heartily endorsed tne first resolution adopt ed; and, after alluding to the gross injus tice which he contended had been done a large majority off the Democratic-Conser vative voters of the First Ward, begged the meeting to adopt the second resolution for the sake of harmony and good feeling in the party, i ! After some further discussion, the reso lution was voted down by a large majority. After a determined effort, a reconsidera tion was secured; but it seemed like leading a forlorn hope to prevent the nomination of a new ticket. Anpverwhelming majority of the meeting were clamorous for; a new ticket at this stage of the proceedings and it was only after most earnest and vigorous efforts, made by Maj. Stedman, Col. JLW. Atkinson, Col. E. p. Hall, Maj. T. H. Mc Koy, Capt. I. B. Grainger, Mr. A. Adrian and Mr. N. Jacobi that the resolution not to nominate was adopted. . , After three cheers for Messrs. Adrian and Grainger, the meeting adjourned. i- t . sjB- y I City subscribers who fail to re ceive their papers regularly will please re port the fact promptly at this office. .1 tf 9 N. C., THURSDAY, BOIKSOF ALDEBnEN. Itealsiiailon of the Democratic Mem A called meeting of the Board of Alder men was held at jrtbe City Hall yesterday .yesterday afternoon; presant Hia Honor, the Mayor, and Aldermen Adrian, j Atkin son, Fishblate, Moore, Rice; Banks, ! Han kins and Holmes. - v" j , ' Col. Roger Moore tendered his resign i tion as an Alderman of the city .in the fol lowing communicatien: . . -t i - Wilmington, N. C, ) March' 10, 1875. f To His Honor ffie Mayot and the Board of Aldermen : ' .' I herewith tender my resignation as a member of your Boardr to take effect im mediately. Thanking you for the uniform courtesy extended me by each and very member xf the Board, . - 1 ' : 'i ; :. I remain, very respectfully, j;- ; !; RooerIMoore. ' Col. Moore's resignition was accepted, and On .motion, ani; election was gone into t fill thi vacaneyii with Aldermen Rice aojd wa8'duly:decIared!eliected'A ; , CoL John Wilder Atkinson'sresignation, which is as follows, was then placed be fore the Board, and on motion, was ac cepted:; " i ' - ; . ' ;1 1 Wilmington, N. C, ) . ! March 10, 1875. f Hon. W. P. Canaday, Mayor: j Sir: Owing to circumstances which ap pear to me to mak6 it my duty so to do, I hereby tender my resignation as an Aldea man of the city. It gratifies me to be able to place upon record my sense of the uniform consideration I have always re ceived at your hands and from other mem bers of the Board during my brief service there. ' 1 ; I 'm, very respectfully j 1 ,h:ix Wilder Atkinson. An election was Ihen entered into which resulted in the choice of Jesse J. Cassidey, Esq.,to fiil the vacancy occasioned by Col. Atkinson's resignation. . l j Mr. Adrifin's resignation which was next tendered tjd accepted, is as follows: j i Wilmington, N. C, ) j March 10, 1875. J J' To the Mayor and Board of Aldermen : I herewith -tender my resignation as a member of your Board, to take effect on next Friday. Thankingyou for the uniform courtesy extended i me by each and every member or the Board, I remain, very respectfully; l ,M ;A. ADRIAN. On motion, an election was held for Mr. Adrian's successor which resulted in the choice of Thos. M. . Gardner, Esq. Mr. S, H. Fishblate's resignation, which is as follows, was then read : j T Wilmington, N. C, ) ! ! March 10, 1875. f Hon. Wm. P. Canaday and Board of Alder men : il l : ".! ! I herewith tender my resignation as a member of your Board, to take effect im mediately Thanking you for the uniform member of tne Board, ' . . i j J am, very respectf ally yduraj j j S. II. Fishblatk." An election for Mr. Fishblaiata resulted in the choice of Jos. H. Neff , Esq. The oath of office was administered to each new member of the! Board (except Mr. Neff, who was not present) by Justice VanAm ringe, and they then successively assumed the seats vacated by-their predecessors, the resigning Aldermen leaving the Board and the Hall as soon as their resignation was ac cepted. ji ! ! ; ' The following preamble and resolution, offered by Alderman Ricev were unani mously adopted; jj ; ! ; ' i Whereas, Aldermen Moore, Adrian, At kinson and Fishblate have requested the Board to accept their resignations, which has been acceeded to; now be it H i Resolved, That to you, the retiring 'Alder men, we, the remaining members, desire to express bur regrets ithat a change should oc cur in this Board whereby the city loses public servants, faithful to the trusts re posed in them by a general vote of our citi zens. We bear testimony to your attention to the business of the city at the meetings of the Board and in committees; also, to your courteous demeanor in all official in tercourse, and sincerely regret your retire ment from the Board. , j j The following ordinance was adopted: j Be it Ordained, By the Mayor and Alder men of the city ofi Wilmington, that the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company shall have license to lay down along Nutt street, from the Depot of said Company to the Carolina Central Railway Depot, a single track of railroad, subject, however, to the following conditions, viz: The said Railroad i Company shall . pave the road bed between the rails and outside of the rails, and on! both sides to the ex tent of eighteen inches, with cobble sIodcs; 6c otherwise make such paying from time to time as shall correspond with the other paving made by the city along said street, and keep the same at all times in good re pair. It shall not allow any car or cars to stand upon said track at any time, nor per met any car to be moved along said; track at a speed greater than five miles an liouf, and the said Railroad Company is to euler idto a written agreement : to - ob serve , all - the i Conditions aforesaid, andalso to pay all damages, ' costs, penal ties and judgments as may at any time be recovered against the city for injuries to persons or property by the cars or engines of the said Company, along the . said track, or for injuries resultrtg in any way by rea son of the cars or engines aforesaid running along the street within the limits aforemen tioned. ; Provided, alwavs; that this license shall be revoked, either upon the failure of the said Company to observe the conditions aforementioned, or i when the public exig ency, in the opinion of the Board of Alder men, snail so require. The Board then adjourned. Itealened. We regret to learn that Rev. J. C. Hiden, Pastor of the First :jBaptist church of this city has resigned bis pastorate here to take charge of the Baptist church in Greenville, S. C, to which he was recently elected by a unanimous'; vote. Greenville is the seat of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, , of Furman Uni versity, and of other schools of high grade. Mr. Hiden's resignation takes effect ! from the second Sunday in April. He has been pastor there since September, 1868. We regret to lose this able preacher and excel lent pastor. .'';-- m ! mo MARCH 11, 1875. Blabop Atkinson's Appointments. Rockfish........ r . . . . . . . . March 13 Fayetteville. .... . 14 Jackson April 1 Windsor. Woodville. Bertie co. " Murfree8borough ..... . . .. -Winton: . .. . ; v. . Gatesville.. ...... St Peters, Gates co Hertford...". ..... Woodville, Perquimans co Elizabeth City. . . . ... . . . . . Edenton. . . . . ... , , St. Lukes, .Washingtonxo. 8t.: David's, . ' I j 4 7 8 19 11 12 13 15 -17 18 19 21 23 25 27 29 80 2 uoiumbia...: .....S Plymouth.. , .. .. .. .i. ,V. . . ... .. j St James'. Beaufort co. . . jv. . .. 'k Lake Landing, Hyde co. ...... . Sladesville, " Bath. . . ... .. . Zion Church, Beaufort co. . . . . Washington. 7. .......... . Jamesville. .'. May Williamston.'. Hamilton J.: Scotland Neck m o. CITY ITliJTls. ery does all klags of Kadins and Baling la a work maolike manner,: and atTeasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Becelpt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness is the exaendeaof their ordera. ' x - Transpeb FsnmHO-lNKS. invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others. They arc en during and changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having just received a fresh supply of these inks, wears pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. " ' '! ' ; I i Copt of Testimonial. Hanhibal, Mo., May 30, 1874. Messrs. J. & W. Tolley, 90 Maiden Lane, New Tork Gent.: The 12 Gun which yonl built for me, No. 2093, has arrived safely to hand. Allow me to thank yon for the fidelity with which yon carried oat my instructions. The general outline, teauty of t proportion and excellent finish, are all that could be desired, and more than meets my expectations. I am more than ever impressed with the idea that it is as necessary for a man to have a gun built to meas urement as to have a boot so built to ensure a good fit The pattern 175 and penetration 40 are very su perior. The pattern is as close as I desire, and; the penetration I think is seldom attained, being far ahead of any public record which I have seen, i Respectfully Yours, G. W. EOBHAN, Want a Situation, Want a Salesman, ' Want a Servant Girl, Want to rent a Store,, Want to sell a Piano Want to sell a Horse, Want to lend Money, Want to buy a House, Want to bay a Horse, Want to rent a House, Want to sell a Carriage, Want a Boarding place. Want to borrow Money, . Want to sell Dry Goods, Want to sell Groceries, Want to sell Farniture, Want to aell Hardware, Want to sell Real Want a Job of Carpentering, Want a Job of Blackamfthing; - - r - Wsnilo-eeU Millinery Good. Want to sell a House and Lot, Want to find any one's Address, Want to sell a piece of Farniture, Want to bay a second-hand Carriage, f Want to find anything you have lost, . Want to sell Agricultural Implements, Want to Advertise anything to advantage, Want to find an owner for anything Found, Advertise In THK MORNING STAB. Spirits Turpentine; ; Charles Brown, a Raleigh col ored fireman, is dead. ; Mr. William Dunn, of Raleigb aged 81, died Tuesday evening, i I Mr. James A. Robinson has withdrawn from the Oxford TortihUgJit. j ; Maj. J. M. Potts, of Mecklen, burg, a former member of the Legislature is dead. B. Franklin Harris, Esq., one of Granville county's oldest and weathiest cit izens, died last Saturday, says the Leader. Albert H. Dowell, formerly of the Asheville Pioneer, is publishing the Daily Telegraph, a New Tork paper devoted to the interests of the Catholic Church, ji Buncombe. was badly damaged by the freshet, .The Expositor says most of the mills were washed away or greatly dam aged. Two piers of Capt. Alexander's new bridge on the French Broad were washed awy. - We learn from the Raleigh News that the congregation of the Presbyterian Church have refused to accept the resigna tion of their pastor, Rev. Dr. Atkinson a just and meritorious tribute to the valuable 1 services m a good, pious and able divine. Weldon News :' On .Thursday last, on the farm of Col. D. Bell, near En field, Jesse Bell, a negro, shot another negro named - Bell, and wounded him- so badly that' be will probably die. The would-be murderer was sent to jail in Hali fax. " The Asheville Pioneer quotes a sentence from a speech made in that town during the war to Confederate troops by Hon. Labdon C. Haynes, of Tennessee, late ly deceased: . There may be a mote on the lily, a spot on the moon, a blur on the sun, but-upon the air name of North Carolina there is not a single blemish." i; - A man named Bnragarner was drowned in Richland Creek, not far from WayneBville, on the 24th ult. - He endeav ored to ford the stream with two horses and a wagon, but the current, which was swollen by the recent rain, turned the wagon upside down, and he was caught be neath it. 1 !.:--: ;.v.i .: ; . ' :' !:-;! ... NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, i 1.000 Lbs. Sausages, QQNSIGNMENT FROM CHARLOTTE. For sale cheap. marll-lt HOTTENDORF & HASHAGEN. Stylish Fur Hats. SILK MATS, . ! TBtTNXS, TJMBRSLLAjB, Ac " At HAltBISOIT ALLEYS mar 11-tf ' City Hat Store, . i , . : i . . ... .i ... ,n .. ... . . L' U f i' WHOLE NO: 2,318. JTEW ADVERTISEMENTS ; fWO RING! NO CLIQUE! Mependent Wortepen's Ticiet XHK NOMINATTNG COMMTTTES HAVING seen fit o totally ignore the Werkingmen in their nominations for Aldermen, In not giving them a single representative on the 'Board, the Working men of the City respectfully submit the -following Ticket, and solicit your suffrage. Let as for once show that Mechanics and' WerUlngmen cannot! be ignored in a government haaed on popular suffrage, either by Kings, Cliques or packed meetings: , j - -' t-; First Ward. ' -.' . ! JAMBS RKILLT, THOS. H. SMITH, H. VOLLERS. ; Second Ward. ;' i j , 8. H. FISHBLATE, JOEL WOOL VST, JOHN F. DIVINE. . 1 THird Ward. 'T jeHNW.FKBDEW. i 4 , JOHN D. LOVE, mA: CARD: j As MY NAME HAS BEEN PLACED IN K9M inationfor Alderman of the Third .Ward by jhe members of the Third Ward Clab' sooth of Market street, last night, despite the remonstrances I could Interpose, I hereby take this method of declining the nomination. To my friends I would say that while I thank them for the honor I feel in duty bound to Insist on declining, and hope that they will cast their suffrages accordingly, as under circumstances will I serve if elected. marll-lt Kespectfnlly, FRANK H. pABBY. To the Mayor and Board of Al dermeu of Wilmington : $ - ' .- i i- VOU ASK OTJB OPINION AND ADVICE AS X to the rights of 3 oar; Board in complications growing out of the Legislature concerning! year charter, t -' - I i Judge Pond, of the Circuit Court of the United States, has decided that the election of the 11th of March cannot be enjoined. : His decision proceeds on the eronnd that- iniunction ia not the Broner remedy to enforce the right of yonr Board, nor of tne electors. Be naa aeciaea notmng oeyona tnis. We are of the opinion that the election of the 11th of March Is void and confers no title on those claiming ender it. ; : i We concur in yonr feelings and sentiments against holding disputed public offices without the sanction of jndiclal authority. We understand you to say that you desire a settlement of the controversy; it possible, before the time arrives when those claim ing under this election will assert their right to pos session of the city government. - To effect this It is only necessary for the claimants to bring their ac tion, and, under your instructions, we will take no advantage of the law's delay but, on the contrary, will afford every facility to have a full and complete settlement of the case on the merits at the Jane term of the Supreme Court . M In the meantime, we advise that it is the right, of -your Board to hold possession of the corporation. We have an abiding confidence in a result of the controversy favorable to yonr views. f . DAN. il RUSSELL, ) I W.H. BAILEY, V Attorneys. March 8, '75. ED. CANTWELL, ) j j .To the Citizens of Wilmington t ) i Reports having been circulated In this city that it is the purpose of certain persons, who expect tcibe elected aa Aldermen to-day to capture by force and violence the municipal government of this city4 I do not believe that nciu attempt will be coun tenanced by tbe law-abiding and eabatantlal citizens of this city. Men who have in teres a and property at stake ought not to countenance violence, lawless neaa, riot, social disorder, and civil .commotionj I know that many of the gentlemen "to be voted for to-day will discountenance war and bloodshed, i I write this card to put the Board I represent! in their true position before the community. That po sition ia this; We deny the title of those to be elect ed to day. We ask nothing bat a settlement of our rights according to law. This we not only ask but will have. Aiy attempt to deny it will be resisted, and on those who attempt it will rest the responsibility for the consequences. j ... The attorney of the city and other counsel learned in the law have advised that the new Board of Al dermen will have no title antil August next flf their election is not lawful they cannot obtain the city government then. Our duiy is to hold the city until the courts instruct Us to. whom to deliver it We might take all legal advantages and bold file city government for years. This we do Lot desire or propose to do. So far from it we invite the ear liest possible settlement. If the highest Court de cides against us we propose to surrender on the very day that the decision is made known. It can all be done before August next. These are our rights, and these we win have, i j I call on all good citizens to discountenance in temperate and violent action. This is aland of law, and men cannot be deprived of their lawful 'rights in peace. The gentlemen that may be elected to-day have only to proceed according to law against us. j marll-lt W. P. CANADAY, Mayor! Corn. Oats, Hay. &c. 5 000 BUSHKLS c0817' 2 ()()0 BUSHELS OATS, ; O AA BALES EASTERN AND N. R. HAY JQ HHDS NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, JAA Bbls " I " j OAA " Sugar House ! " 65 Boxes D. S. C. R. Sides, 1 1 , Boxes Smoked and D. 8. Shoulders, 2Q Boxes Smoked Sides, 2 K Bbls Pork, j 2QQ Bbls Potatoes (Seed), gMBbbPlom, j 2Q Bbla New Orleans Molasses, j 20 A Hhds Demarara Molasses, i OA Hhds P. R. andDemarara Sugar, Bbls Refined Sugar, -JCA Bags Rio Coffee, Tubs Butter, . K A Boxes Cheese, " C A Cases Lye and Potash, 4a j &c. j w For sale by mar 11 tf KERCHNER & CALDER BROSj G. W. Itl. Reynold's Great Books. . !' ' . i - I ' i I- fpHB COURT OF LONDON; OR,THEMYSTE- ries of the Court of George the Third, with the1 Life and Times of the; Prince of Walea, af- terwardCeorgo The Fourth, By George. W. M Rejno'dsi One volume, paper xover; jprice, $1 00. ISABELLA VINCENT. By Geo. W. M. Reynolds, One vol.,,octavo, price 75c VIVIAN BERTRAM; or, a Wife's Honor. A sequel to "Isabella Vincent," One volume, price 75c. For sale at - , j. .11!';. '". I HEINSBERGER'S ma 11-tf - ' Live Book and Music Store.; Merclaant Tailoring.!; I RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO MY Cus tomers and friends the receipt of a complete BVUWh VI ... j . SPEIKG AND SUHMEE CASSIMERE, DUCK AND MARSEILLES, which I will make up by j THE LATEST STYLES. Call and examine at . r - ...( . .. . . :. A- W. V. WKNZEL8 mar ll-n " " Merchant TaHor.! WTiifii'iTif - HA? fcfe O AmTiSllVji UBC Square 4he uay.. . i , ; .V. .... . fit f H i ; two oaynsif. .....lf4... " threeday,..w..s........w.M... K four days, ...t ....i. . M five days. 3 W one wek.. ....... ............... S Cf Twb weeks... 06 Three weeka .-. ........... 6 60 One month ? Two months. .................. . . 15 (H Three months... ............ ......a 00 Six months ...85 00 i " !. 4. . V" Oneyear.-....,...,.... 60 W . GVCdntract Advertisemento taken at propoi tionately low rates. 1 - - f Five Squares estimated as a' quarter-column, anu Un squares aa a half -column. . MISCELLANEOUS. : BBairiGz:. If Yon Want Bargains Rlgltt now HAVING JTJST TAKEN STOCK WE FIND hundreds of articles that we had rather sell at customers own prices than to give house room to for another season; we had rather have the room than the goods, i- ! -: - - . ... Oar wholesale and retail trade this season has so diminished stock that we are compelled to go North early in order to have stock in store in time for our - - - ;(- i'.-i - - . .;- ' Spring Trade. Then you of onr customers who are in 'want of any article, usually found in winter stock, in a- ' DRY GOODS STOKE, . Can save money by ; taking the advantage of the situation and buying it now of the Leading Dry Goods House of 1 .1 . " BOSEOWTTZ LIBBER, ( S9 Market street. febSl-tf Dissolution of Copartnership. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE exist ing under the firm name and style of David A Weil, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, H. R. Weil having withdrawn from the firm. " S. R. W&it, Feb. S7th, 1875. A. DAVID. Having purchased the Interest of Mr. 8. R. We in the late firm of David A Weil, I will continue the business at their Old Stand No. 57 Market street, . and respectfully solicit a continuance of the patron age so liberally bestowed upon the late firm. j; " A. DAVO. Noticb. Mr. A. David will settle all claims against the late firm of David & Well. Parties owing the late firm will please call and pay at once as the! Books MUST be Closed. i ! A. DAVID. " Larch 2-tf. 1 I C. WEST & SONS, Aladdin! Security Oil. Warranted 150 De sprees Fire Teat. THE BEST HOUSEHOLD OHi IN -THE WORLD. Ikdorsrd bt thu Fikx Instjrancb Companies, Read the following Certificate selected from . many others: . ; HOWARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF BALTIMORE. Baltimore: December. 23. 1874. ileisrt. C. West & Sons Gentlemen: Having used the various Oils sold' In this city ' for illuminating purposes, I take pleasure in recommending yonr Aladdin Security" aathe safest and best ever used in our household. 1 1 Yours, truly. (Signed.) - Andbbw Rbksb, President. IT WILL NOT EXPLODE 1 ASK TOUB STOREKEEPER FOR IT. WHOLESALE DBPOT. C. WEST & SONS, 113 and ll&.W. Lombard St. . oct 27-4mos , Baltimore, Md. Thelkt est Styles of Initial and Plain Papetorleas The Pacific, Longfellow. Argosy, Union, Ar lington, Stella, Paris, Bertha, Bath, Broadway, &c., &c -Just received at . 1 THE OITT JB O OK STORE. 3ric-a-Brac Series. ' THE GREVILLE MEMOIRS. A Journal of the Reigns ef King George the Fourth and William the Fourth. " ; j i - - - - "SUT LOVINGOOD'S YARNS." All for sale by I 1 CONOLEY & YATES' ,mar7-tf., " .1 . 47 Market t-t New Crop Molasses. O j A HOGSHEADS, ' 1 fy JTERCES. j 1 i JUST ARRIVED PER ECBR. 8. R.. BRO WW, FROM CARDENAS. I 1 . , For sale by mar9-8t. ' . WORTH A WORTH. 40 Cases and Baskets "PUNEST AND MOST POPULAR BRANDS OF Champagnes. - SPARKLING M6SELLE and CATAWBA WINES: "u rinis, ai importers' mces. VIUL9. JJ, ML X BitUi St tU., ! 57 North Front St CORN SHELLERS, FEED COTTERS.: FAN MILLS, TRACE CHAINS, STEEL HOES, Axes, Haines, Collars, Back Bands, Cotton Plow Lines, &c A fall stock and at tbe lowest market rates can be found at the Old Established Hardware House of i 1 - I ! JOHN DAWSON, mar 7-tf Nos. 19, SO and SI Market St Hoop Iron, Glue, Nails, Shot Hi 111 JBOLH UOOPIRON, 100 BblGIne' OH ft Ke5 Nails, 300 Bags Shot, ! r or sale low by mar 7-tf . i WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. BjTOHtiiiB aiii CcMJBBrs' Tools. -ACKERS, PULLERS AND DIPPERS OF L best brands known in the market HACK FILES, Hack Weights and Hack Whetters of all kinds. 1 . j COOPERS' TOOLS of best brands Horton, Bar ton and Simmons -for sale at lowest prices at, the New Hardware House of mar7 tf j i GILES & MURCHISON. ' . Repairing, of OM Hats and BOM. o LD HATS AND BONNETS BLEACHED pressed ana made to - , : Look as Well as New. Stamoimr of aU kinds titm For particulars call on MRS. JEN NIK t nan, Between aru ana 4tn streets. -1 Gaaao t j Guano I Guano ! TONS EURAKA GUANO, 200 250 , Tons Guanape Guano, j .' j- ...... For sale low W - ' ; J i mar 7-tf : WILUAMS & MUECHISON. Tne nillsbore JBecorder, THE OLDEST PAPER IN THE STATE. CIB cnlates extensively is Orange and adjoinian counties. Subscription price $3 CO per Published weekly, JOHN D.CAMERON. Editor sad Proprietor octS-tf . Canned Q-oods, fec. AFRE8H CTPPLT ! OF CANNED , BLACK berries, Gooseberries, Strawberries, r Pears, Cherries and Green Corn. Also Sweet Oranges, Apples and Bananas at 1 I S. O. NORTHROP'S feb Jl-tf Fruit and Confectionery store. . -' Hay , Bacon, Surup, Eico. , OAft Bales Hay, Hay, ' SAO Boxes Smoked and D. 8. Bides, 1 fid Boxes D. S. and Smoked Boulders, 50 BNsS. H. Syrup, ! au vr ' i. -.r f -,-s CA BbWRice. m For aalelow-bv mar 7-tf : . . WILLIAMS MURCHISON. M