THE IIORIIIHG STAR. PUBLKHED DAILY, BY .'.WM;:H; JBSlJEllSrJkJa.JD- ' HATSS or SUBBCMPTI03 ' IK ADTATCI : One year, (by mail) postage pa $ 7 00 Slxmonths. (" ") " iS9 Threemontha( " " ) " " One month, (" ") " ' 160 " To City Subscribers, delivered In any part of the city. Fifteen Cent per week. Our City Agents are not authorized to collect for more than 3 months in advance. . OUTLINE. An outline oE policy has been drawn up by the new French ministry. - Said that Germanyjtsks Italy whether she will continue to permit the Pope to ferment re bellionin Germany. - The new Captain-General of Cuba has arrived. Lady Merdaunt, of divorce fame, has been found guilty of adultery. Wheatley, Williams & Co., New York sugar refiners, . failed. New York markets Gold, Uof 115i; cotton, 16i16$ cents; spirits turpentine, 36 J cents; rosin, $1 07$1 12. Boston Herald, independent Republi can, has mgy words of praise for Gordon and Lamar who lately canvassed New Hampshire, and predicts good to the South from their speeches. 7 - The Supreme Court decides that the lease "of the N. C. Rail Road to the R. &' D. Rail Road, is valid, and that lessee has right to change guage of former road. Gordon and Lamar choicest flow ers of our clime were greatly ad mired in New Hampshire. Read the extract tejegraphed as taken from the Boston Herald, a Republican news paper. Surely, Grant means to bore New Orleans since he has given over the idea of bayoneting it. He sends an Auger to his forces there. ' : The Legislature. Condensed from the Raleigh News. SEVENTY-SIXTH DAY. SENATE. Raleigh, March 10. THE C0NYENTIOX BILL. Mr. Morehead, from the Committee on Constitutional Reform, reported a bill, providing for the call of a Con vention "to .meet in the. city of Ral eigh on the 6th? of September, 1875, ! for the purpwse of considering and adopting such amendments to the Constitution as they may deem nec essary and expedient, subject only to the restrictions hereinafter provided." The bill provides that the election for delegates to the said Convention shall be held on the ffrst Thursday in Au gust,, 1875, and that it shall consist of 120 delegates. The provisions of this bill were furnished by telegraph and printed in The Morning Star yesterday. On motion of Mry Morehead, the bill was ordered tq; be printed and made the special order for Friday at 1 2 o'clock: - A NEWBERJf MATTER. -Tucker, colored, had read an arti cle from the Newbern Times iu -which a Mr. Pavie stated that the . vouchers of that city were burned in 1873 by order of the Commissioners. .Messrs. George Allen, and the said Pavie,-Democrats, burning the same. 1 Mr. Bell said the - vouchers to which he had referred on this floor were burned on the 5th of May,1874. Among other thingsias to corruption at the hands of the city officials, the Neiobernian, a Democratic-journal of Newbern, had charged; the burn ing of these vouchers for purpores of fraud. If the Times had ever denied it be had not seeu it. Daring the late recess, in company wilh'Wm. II. Oliver, one of the, most respectable citizens of Newbern, he visited the office of the Clerk of the City Coun cil rnd found the order to burn the vouchers as alleged. , If he could be made to believe that in any statement of his he had done the Republican party or any of its officials any injus tice, no one would be more ready to retract than himself. But if it could be shown that there was no intention of wrong in this voucher matter," enough still remained on record of Radical misrule and corruption in Craven county to warrant the asser tion that the half bad not been told. It would be difficult for the Times to prove anybody to be a lie. .., THE W. N. C. K. R. CO. Mr. Tate's House bill providing for the State to buy the Western North Carolina Railroad with mortgage . bonds issued on the road itself, and then finish it to Paint Rock with con vict labor, came up as special order .on its third reading. . Mr. Linney offered an amendment providing if the commissioners find the 6um they are required to pay too . great, or the claims they are required to pay to be fraudulent, then they shall make no purchase and report the same to the next General Assem bly. : : ' V The question was discussed at some length by Messrs. Love, Graham and Morehead, when, at 12 o'clock, the - Senate went into executive session on the election of Directors for the dif ferent State Institutions, adjourning the same at 2 o'clock without having completed this duty. BRANCH INSANE ASYLUM. The bill to establish a Western Branch Insaue Asylum at Morganton, appropriating therefor $50,000 this year and $25,000 next year. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES By Mr. Trivett, a bill to incorpo rate the- N. jC., Tennessee and Vir ginia Narrow Guage Railroad Com pany. Referred. . By Mr. Walker, of Tyrrell, a reso i VOL. XV.-NOJ 146. lution! to adjourn on the 22d instant. Calendar.-' ! ' 'I V, J By Mr. Seott, a-bill to restore the charter of Beaufort, Carteret county. Referred. V I ; " - j I By jMr. Fobte, a bill to incorporate the Piedmont and Yadkin Valley rail road, j Referred. ,j - j By ,Mr. Kiug, a bill to j citizenize certain Indians belong. to the eastern band pf Che1 rtfkees of North Carolina. Referred, if' j',; f j ! On jmotio i of Mr. Fobte, the rules were suspended arid the hill to amend the adt chartering Wake Forest Col lege was taken up and passed its sec ond reading1.! I j- j i On motion of Mr. Means, the bill supplemental to the act to prevent live stock running at large in Cabar rus arid other counties, was taken up and parsed its readings.' - House bill concerning- Inspectors of Timber 4n tb -oityv i W4kmgtotf passed its readings. ' ! 1 - , House bill todefiuethe jurisdiction of the Mayor or Ihtendant of the town pf Salisbury, passed its readiugs. House bil to provide artificial limbs passed its readings. i House bil to incorporate the Ruth erford Mane facturing Co. passed'in second reading, was taken up on third and referred to Judiciary" Committee. House bil to authorize j the Com missioners o : Cabarrus county to sell the present Court House site and jail lots in said town, and to authorize the Commissioners of said county to levy a special tax, ; j M ; House resolution providi:ig for sine die adjournment on the 22nd, taken up. 1 ' . i .!- Mr. Boyd offered an amendment to strike Lost. out 22nd and insert 15th. Resolution adopted by Yeas 105; nays 01 House bill to authorize the issuing ot writs of certiorari of theipaprenre Court fa certain cases where ! appeals I I 1 ! . D 1 i . 1 I nave Deen lost, c, passea its reaa DgS. j ; ;! . j :j - At 12 o'clock the Omnibus Prohi bition bill came up as the special or der, and was discussed proi land con till 1 o clock! After the addition of a number ofj I amendments passed its final reading. j the bill senate bill to. commute,' com pro- mise and adjust the UBLlG debt ' was taken up as the specia order at 1 o'clock, and discussed to the hour of adjournment. Mr. Orudger opposed the bill at considerable length, and fa bred pudiatibn, knowing that he was fleeting 'the views of his constituency finH hi cort lAn 1 Mr. McRae replied in favorUf LliiOPB0 H4 wMctme rdetaHe iu variouTpvestel',y wimK warmer. cload-v weather hllU propositions and believed that it was the bestjthe State could do linder the circumstances. ; 1 Mr. Boyd offered an amendmenl to strikd out 40, and insert! $3. He believed-thati was all the people could willing to pay. If the bond- ras to take ef ct ,Mlay whe iLr.L? .t -l i t L t as written, ltl was to take effect lmmedi- or were r,..i y0 .-r-j. holders refuse this, .then he was in favor of jreuudiation. Pending jfnrther discussion, the uouse aqjouxnea. - "TTt Spirits Turpentine Greensboro Gift Concert will take place; on the 17lh. Coll I Harrison, of Raleigh, is slowly recovering from a severe!' attack of paralyses.'! ;: - - K The Washington Eeho prints a lone account oc the hanging of Aarou Bon- ner last Friday. le protestea ms inno- cence. 5 i The Raleigh Neics 6ays that on Monday last Col. P. F. Faison received very severe and painful injuries from the kick of a horseJ - Vance took the Richmonders by storm last Monday "night in his brilliant lecture "The Scattered Nation." He will deliver this lecture in Petersburg to-night. The! bill! making the Mayor of the City of Charlotte a Judge, and his Court a special Court, has passed both branches of thej General Assembly, ! and. is now a law.; I u One j Rosenthal, representing himself falsely Las from Durham, 'bought $5,000 worth f goods in Charlotte las' week, te be sent to .Durham. The good were not sent, is he didn't puy for them, - A necrrd woman named Mollie Allen either accidentally or intentionally shot and killed herself at Capt. Ellis' works, on the Carolina Central Railway, about six miles from; Mot roe, on lastThurslay night. The ;Rideigh - News says : Mr. James Bryant, an old and much liespected citizen of that City, had the - misfortune to nearly sever his leg in twain, Wednesday, while trimming trees in Modecai's grove. Thej J Raleigh Light Infantry having alaeady secured tents, will provide themselves' with the regular camp equipage for the Grand I Centennial Campaign at Charlotte, and for the first time will be in structed id the important part of a soldier's life campj and guard duty. j j Supreme Court decisions Tues day: John H. Long vs. A. Cole, et, at., from Richmond jj Reversed and cause remanded. State vs. Simon Dildy.from Wilson-i-error; venire de novo. 11. W. Faison vs. I Hi! Bour den, ex'r, ffom Duplin; reserved and venire denow.1 Jdh VV. Jenkins & Co. vs. W. H. Smith erJ jfrom Halifax; judgment in favor of Wl H.J Smith, and the judgment of the Court jbelow reserved, as to him.- Supr'emi Court opinions Mon day: H. J.! Hervey vs. John Devereux, from Halifax; iaffirmed. W. H. Shields, guardian, ys. J. A. Lawrence, collector, from Halifax; affirmed. Harvey I vs. Har vey from I Lenoir; affirmed. State vs. Batchelor, frorA Halifax; reversed. IM. L. Holmes caZ. vsl T. J. Crowell etal., from Union. R.!J. Holmes et al vs. T. J. Cro? well et al, fromi-TJnion. Henry A. Baker vs. William! G. Jordan et al., from Wilson. The JBoard of Commissioners of Lenoir having refused Detitiona of citifna of Kinston township lying on south side of Neuse river for anew township, procured hi WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1875. this privilege from Legislature. But to avoid complying with the act of the Legis lature these Commissioners employ an at torney and get two individuals to apply to Judge Seymour for an Injunction forbid ding the Commissioners to order tbe town ship election,as ordained by the Legisla ture, which is granted and set for hearing at Trenton during the session of Jones Court. So we hear by the Gazette. :TH)E CITY; Tbe Ilialls. The mails will close at the City Post-Office until further notice as follows: , Northern (Digit) mails daily. ... 6:15 P. M. " through and way (day) mails daily 5:30 A. M. Southern mails daily L... 5:00 A.M. Qharleston dii-ect (night) daily. . 5:00 P, M. Columbia j" 41 " ..5:00P.M. Augusta J" " " ..5:00P.M. Western mailfe (C. C. R'y) " . . 5:30 A. M. 8mithville (via Easy Hill and Tbwn Creek) Tuesdays an& -. Sdays j;.. . . 6 JLM; Fear River, Mondays and " ; Fridays... J 1K30P. M. Fayetteville by C. C. R'y, daily 530 A. M. Onslow C. IlJand intermediate offices every Fridav ........ 6 :00 A. M. Mails delivered from 7 A. M. to 7 P. M.,- and on Sundays from 8:30 to 0:30 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6 P. M. Money order or Register Department open same as stamp officii. MlW ADVKBTISEMKNTS. C. S. Eixisl Real Estate & Loan Asso'o. DeRosset & Co. Virginia Bacon. R. M. Mclivtire Bazaar of Fashion. Williams & Mcrchison Guano. M. CROSLYt-AuctioDeer. Heissbeboer Quitars and Violins. - See Ad Certificates of Election. . i Local Doth. No sersion of the City Court yesterday. The police force has been some what increased lately. Import Entries for sale at xe office of The Morning Star. 3t ; The House bill concerning In spectors of Timber in this city passed its readings on vtednesday. - Both pointing and ruling' done in the finest grades of copying iuk at the Stab Job Printing Office. tf . 'j . We urMJerstaud that the Alder-- j. men elect will qualify to-day and formally demand tbe city government. City sJbscribers who fail to re ceive tbeir papers regularly will please re port the fact promptly at this office. If For lhJ Gulf and South Atlantic and rain. j In the letter, of itsignation of Mr; A.' Adrian!, printed in the proceedings uf the Board pf Aldermen yesterday, it was made to itppear that his resignation as written, it j was to take effect immeui atel'. J . A subscriber at Kenansville complains of It he irregular receipt of the Star at that post-office. . Frequently, the Kenansville package is carried by Magnolia, the connecting point, and thus the subscrib ers fail to get their papers on the day of publication. We hope this evil will be cor rected. I x j ITIeetlus of the Board ot Aldermen. A called meeting of the Board of Alder, men took place yesterday afternoon : The Mayor and a quorum of tbe Board were present I I A change in the standing committees of the present Board having been rendered necessary by te changes in the Board the tollowing were announced as the com mittees: 3 " i Finance and Expenditure-The Mayor and Aldermen Rice and Neff. - Pottee DrparMent The Mayor and Alder men Rice and Banks. Streets and Wharves The Mayor and Al-rteT-men Bates and Brewington. v PuMc Buildings -The Mayor and Alder- p Gardner and Holmes. light Department The Mayor and Alder- lo Neff and Hankins. Jlarkets and Wees The Mavor and Alder men Gardner and Cassidey. Auditing Aldermen Rice, Bates and Cassidey. I " . Ordinances The Mayor' and Aldermen Holmes and Gardner. Board of Supervisors-M.&yor, the Marshal and Aldermau Banks. Sanitary Dejmrtment The Mayor and Al dermen Holmes and Brewington. A communication was received from Messrs. Wm. IJ. Turlington, J. M. Hender son, John Cdlville and John C. Heyer, stat ing that brick sidewalks, eight' feet wide will be laid by a number of lot owners on the east side of Fourth, between Walnut and Campbell streets, and suggesting that to complete the line, -the city cause a sim ilar pavement to be placed in front of the school house on Fourth streei, between the Second Presbyterian Church lot and that of J. M. Henderson. Referred to Committee on Street and Wharves with power, to act The Board then adjourned. Mr. Hlden's Lecture. Rev. J. C. Hiden will deliver the second and last lecture; on "The, New Science" this evening atjs o'clock, in the First Bap tist Church. As it is perhaps the last treat of the kind that will be. offered to our peo ple, we trust that his friends will show their appreciation , of Mr. Hiden's talent and ability as a lecturer by a largeattend ance this evening. " f Tl Election Yesierday. - The municipal election under the'new city bill came off yesterday. The polls wer e opened at 7 o'clock A. M. at j the six poll ing places designated in the bill, viz: one in First Ward, one in Second Ward, and one in each of the four precincts of Third Ward There was virtually but one ticket in the field, that nominated by the' Convention of Tuesday night. ' Outside of this there was some scratching of names and some irregu lar voting. j ;'- v - : 1 . - if - The entire election passed off in a very quiet manner. There was an absence of the usual stirring scenes and excitements of an ordinary election day,,and with the ex ception of the closing of . saloons and a seeming stagnation in business circles, which had the effect of giving the day a sombre, Sunday-like appearance. . ' There was no organized opposition to the Convention ticket, and., consequently that 4iekt received nearly M thevoteg-that were polled. I FIRST WARD. .... : r . ? v jxercuner. ................. W. L. DeRosset. ..... . . il . . . . .. A. H. VanBokkelen J ..... . H. Vollera.l..L .155 .151 .146 ..12 . ft . 9 James Reilly.. ....... Thos. n. Smith ! SECOND WARD. 8. W. Vick..,:J. .......... L. H. Bowden. '. W. L. Smith!.. r THIRD WARD." T. W. Player .............. John D. Love. . i Wm. D. Mahn........ John F. Per Jew! John W. Perdew. F. H. Darby. Wm. E. Mayb... .193 .193 .192 224 .......206 .207 23 :-38 .26 ....... 19 The genii lipn whosen ames are marked were not cauw.luites. In no case was the registered strength of any ward polled, as will be seen by the fol lowing figures: . I First Ward. Registered strength, 220; number of ballots cast about 1601 Second Ward Registered strength, 233; number pf ludiots cast, 193t l Third Ward Registered strength, 361; number of ballots cast, 266. S In accordance with the above returns, tbe Judges of j Election haye declared the following gentlemen elected: !! First Ward F. W. Kerchner, W. L De Rosset, A. H. yanBokkelen. Second Waid. S. W. Vick, L. H. Bow den, W. L. Smith. Third Ward. T. W. Player, Ifohn D. Love, W! D. Mahn. Supreme Con rt Decisions. On Tuesday:! Howett Proctor vs. Wil mington & Weldon R. R. Company, from Hash. Reversed and judgment here for defendant. j j ' . On Wednesday: Daniel G. McMillan vs. No error. Judgment affirmed. Henry Melvin et al vs James K. Mclvin et al , from Bladen. Judgment- State cx-rel. G. W, -A vent et mI vs. K. Murchison, from Harnett. Judgment be low affirmed. , . I William H. Sykes vs. Commissioners of Bladen county, ! from Bladen. Reversed, and judgment for plaintiff. R. H. & C. C. Lyon vs. J. L. McMillan, from Bladen. Reversed. - John P."Ro8Coe vs. S. B. ' Hyman ct al., from Halifax. I; Reversed. ; J. C. Abbott et al vs. A. K, Cromartie, from Bladen. Reversed Other opinions recorded under our State news column The New Kan Flirtation. Fashionable: ladies may possibly wish to learn the languaee of the fan, and we therefore publish for their benefit the fol lowing, which we find going the rounds: When a lady uses her fan from inward, from space to the body, it means that she is not engaged': If, however, . this inner movement is made by fanning in a down ward direction, it means she is a widow; if in an upper direction, that she! has never been married. ; A close.; fan held upright means "shut up." An open fan resting on the breast means "silence." A closed fan presented to you horizontally means an invitation to dance,; presented by the small end, means you are a Jerusalem zoological. With one leaf open, "friendship;" two open leaves, "sympathy ;"jhree, "love and passion." A "talking fan'! should be corn- posed of seven leaves, to correspond with the seven days of the week. A circular movement of the fan means ' "we are en gaged." Spelling may be done with it When the wearer is certain of her spelling, coroner's Jury. aP- . jj In accordance with a statement in our lastl concerning a jury to be einpanuelled Coroner Hewlett held an inquest yesterday morning over the body of a small colored, infant, which had been found dead in bed on Wednesdayj morning in a house located on Dock, between Eighth and Ninth streets. Dr. Winants was called in and made an examination of the body, after 'which, he submitted . a report . and in accordance with the result of this medical examination, the jury rendered a verdict that the 'child came to its death from natural causes. magistrate's Court. Before J. J. Cassidey, J. P. : Phillis Moore and Eliza Self; were ar ranged for an affray 'and creating a distur bance on the street Judgment suspended on payment of costs. Defendants were sent to jail for costs. Tbahbrr pRnmHG-lHM. Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others. . They are en during and changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having just received a. fresh supply of these inks, wears pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. - Blstaop Limaa't Appointments. - - The following are the appointments of Bishop Lyman, of -the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina: :T:.-i4tvVx:: '; 5th Sunday in Lent, March 14th, Durham. : Easter Day, Mareh 28th, Tarboro. - Wednesday, March 31st, Greenville, Pitt couuty. 1 y- ' j - Thursday, April 1st, St John's Pitt co. Friday, April 2d, Snow Hill. , i Sunday, April 4th, Kinston. Tuesday, April 6th, Holy Innocents, Le noir county. Thursday, April 8tb, Beauf ert. Sunday, April 11th, Newbern. s Tuesday, April 13th, Swift CreekBridge. - Wednesday, April 14th, St. John's, Dur ham's Creek. Thursday, April 15th, South Creek. Saturday, April 17th, Blount's Creek. - Sunday, April 18th, Trinity Church Beau fort county. - Friday, April 23d, Sanford. Saturday, April 24th, St. Mark's, Deep River. . Sunday, April 25th, Pittsboro. Sunday, May 2d, Williamsboro. I . Tuesday, May 4th, Gk)shenk.(Consejcra-, Collection in each congregation for Dio cesan Mi8sions i . Blsbop Atkinson's appointments. Rockfish. ..i.. ...... Fayetteville .i Jackson. , . . Windsor. .. ; Woodville,' Bertie co. Murfreesborough . . . March 13 . " 14 .April 1 " 3 4 " 6 " 7 " -8 9 winton....;... Gatesville. . J .. ; St. Peters, Gates co. ...... . Hertford. . . ; ' Woodville, Perquimans co. Elizabeth City. ........... L Eden ton. j St. Lukes, Washington co. . St. David's, i. " " . Columbia. . .! ! Plymouth. '.I j St. James', Beaufort co. . . i Lake Landing, Hvde co Sladesville, ' Bath.............. Zion Church; Beaufort co. . Washington Jame8ville Williamston Hamilton ......... . ..... . Scotland Neck. - 11 12 13 15 17 18 19 21 23 25 27 29 30 2 4 5 6 9 11 May CITY TtEMS. Book Bibsxbt. 'in mobrihs Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Baling in a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Kecelpt Books, or other woric, may rely oa promptness in the execution 01 their rders. Copy of Testimonial. Hansibai Ho., Hay 30, 1874. Messrs. J. k W. Tolley, 90 Maiden Lane, New YotGent.t The 13 Gun which you built for me, No. 3093, has arrived safely to hand. Allow m$ to thank you for the fidelity with which you carried out my instructions. Th$ general outline, beauty of proportion and excellent finish, are all that eoul&be desired, and more than meets my expectations. I am more than ever1 impressed with the idea that it is, as necessary for a man to have a gun built to meas urement as to have a boot so buQt to ensure a good fit The pattern 175 and penetration 40 are very su perior. The pattern ts as close sft desire, and the penetration I think is seldom attained, being far ahead ft any public record which I hare seen. if jrotr -vrant a Situation, f Want a Salesman, ' ; Want a Servant Girl, Want to rent a Store, Want to sell a Piano, - Want to sell a Horse, Want to lend Money, Want to buy a House, Want to buy a Horse, Want to rent a House, Want to sell a Carriage, Want a Boarding place, Want to borrow Money, Want to sell Dry Goods, Want to sell Groceries, Want to sell Furniture, Want to sell Hardware, Want to sell Real Estate, Want a job of Carpentering, Want a job of Blacksmithlng, Want to sell Millinery Good, Want to sell a House and Lot, Want to find any one's Address, Want to sell a piece of Furniture, Want to buy a second-hand Carriage, j Want to find anything you have lost, Want to sell Agricultural Implements, J Want to Advertise anything to advantage, " Want to find an owner for anything Found, : Advertise in TUB MORNING STAR. I M1RB1ED. j 1 CRAIG ALTAF PER In this cily on the 9th inst., by Rev. J. E. Mann, Mr. Henry C. Craig to Miss K. Ida Lee Altaffer, all of this city. No cards. s : ; died. j ! i HINES December S3, 1874. Nettie M., youngest daughter of J. C. and N. if. Hint s, aged 1 month and 16 days. : i -.: , March 11, 1875, Mary Leola, oldest daughter of same, aged 4 years, 3 months, 24 diy s. We miss them yes, wemissthtm ! . t Their features yet are plain, Hope is wreathed around them, i : 1 to we abmit and endure the pain. , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, j BAZAAR OF FASHION "Fashion Department. r T A AM PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE TO MT LADY friends that I have taken the agency for the justly Celelrateu "Domestic" Paper Patterns, and have on hand a . M FULL LINE OF SPRING STYLES. Ibis Department is in enarge of Mr. Geo. L. John sen, so favorab'y known to the fashionable public Order s from the country will meet prompt and careful attention. R. M. McINTIRE, mar 18-St fri an i 41 N. Front street. Eureka Guano. j 3 0 0 T O N S, ', For sale low by r ; :- mar lS-tf r WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. j Virginia Bacon. 3 000 P0UNDS V3SRY SUPERIOR Banu, Sides, Slioiilderi, For sale by marlS-lt DxBOSSBT ft CO. I tespectfnlljr Yonra. ' j '-.j v .1 TAR; WHOLE NO. ; 2,319. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ; Ot. CBONLT, Auctioneer. .-;; I ' , H -i :.! j iy CBOKLT A 210B2I3. i Wit & Wei Railroad Stock at Auction ON HAIURDAYV MARCH 13, 1875i AT 11 o'clock A. M., I will sell at Exchange Corner, ia lots to suit, SO Shares Capital Stock W. 4 W. B. H. Co. Terms: 4 months credit, Interest added,. approvea paper. v. a. uajlnjsk. mar lx-M Sx'r J. K. Vvtcb. Certificate of Election. rK, THE UNDEESIGNSI) JUDGES. DTJLT TV qualified to hold an election for Aldermen for the First Ward of the city of Wilmington, on the second Thursday of March, 1875,' pursuant to an act of the General Assembly of North Carolina entitled "An Act to Amend the Charter of the City of Wil mington," ratified the 8rd day of February, 1875, do hereby certify that the following is a true and cor rect statement ana return 01 saia election: F. W. Kerchner received one hundred and fifty-five (155) votes: i h "Wm. L. DeRosset received one hundred and fifty- one (151) votes :. t 1 . A. H. YanBokkelen received one hundred and forty- six (i) votes; ! -js. H. Vollers received twelve votes; T. W. Flayer-received one vote; J. J3. Loje received one vote; - v " Wnt D-Hahn received one vote & ' D. G Worth received one vote; v A. Wronski received one vote; : Jaa. Beilly received six votes; : Thos. H. Smith received nine votes; and we do hereby declare that F. W Kerchner. Wm. I DeRosset and A. H. VanBokkelen, having received a msjority of the votes cast, are elected Aldermen of the city of Wl'mington from the First Ward. . 1 W. P. OLDHAM, Registrar. E. H. JtlLEKS. lii 1), M.' BUIK. I L. S F. BROWN, f E. 8. MARTIN'. I Judges. Wilmington, N. C, March 11, 1875. i St Certificate of Election. TtTE. THE UNDERSIGNED JUDGES OF ELEC 11 lion in and for the (Second Ward of the city of Wilmington, N. C, do hereby certify that at an elec tion for Aldermen of the said city, held on Thurs day, the 11th day of March, 1875, in the Second wara: p 1 j , . ; Wtliam L Pmith received 193 votes; ! Lemuel H. Bowden received 193 votes; ' Samuel W. Vick received 193 votes; and the said William L. Smith, Lemuel II. Bowden nd8acunel W. Vick, having received the highest number of votes, are hereby declared to be duly elected Aldermen ef the city of Wilmington, N. C, from the Second Ward of the said city. j WM. L. JAOBSl 1 henry; a BROCK. JAMES a LTJMSDEN, mar 13-8t Certificate of Election. Wt,! THE UNDERSIGNED JUDGES! DULY qualified to hold an election for Alderman for the Third Ward of the City of Wilmington on the second Thursday of March, 1875, pursuant to an act of the General Assembly of "worth Carolina entitled rAn Act to Amend the Charter of the City (of Wil mington, ratified the 3rd day of February, 1875." do hereby certify that the following is a true and cor rect statement and return of said election: Thomas W. Player received S24 votes ; John D. Love received S66 votes; Wm. D. Mahn received 207 votes; John F. Perdew received 3 votes; ; John W. Perdew received 88 votes; i Wm. E. Mayo received 19 votes; Wm. S. War rock received 1 vote; j Wm. C. Warrock received 1 vote; F. H. Darby received 26 votes; W. M. Pojson received 1 vote. And we hereby declare that Thomas W4 Player, John J. Love and Wm. J. Mahn. having 'received1 the majority votes cast, ae elected AldenSen of the vity 01 Wilmington irem Tairtt Ward. f-a - i ;JJ.v 'us. r .OTP t TTaa R. C. ORBKLL, J. II. WISE. ? O. A. WIGGINS. I CH. SCHULKKN, A ; J VflPP i JOHN M. ROBINSON, ' WEN DOVE, S. C. GODSHALli, A. R. CAMPBELL, E-JMclVER, i J. HODGES, JOHN H. HOWE; : FRANK H. DARBY, p. t ninKawY 1 men 13-st Guitars and Violins. - JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT 1 - i ' OF VIOLINS AND GUITARS, at mar 12-tf HEINSBERGER'S. Italian Strings.! YU CAN ALWAYS GET THE VERt". BEST ITALIAg GUITAR AND VIOLIN, STRINGS AT I HEINSBERQER'S Live Book and Music" Store, malStf Peruvian Guano. 45 0 TONS j I NO, 1 GV AN APE . ' For sale low by j mar 18 tf WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Real Estate and Loan Association. ' 1 ! ; i -: THE 24TH MONTHLY INSTALLMENT OF Foxtb Dollars per share is due and payable to day at the office of the Secretary and Treasurer. C. S. ELLIS. Secretary A Treasurer. March 13, 1875-lt MISCELLANEOUS, f Stylisli Fur Hats, SILK II A 7 S, TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, Ac At mar 11 tf HARRISON & ! ALLEN'S I 'City Hat Store, OOAB ! COAL !i 1 : .. ' ' -.1 - i . : A LL SIZES BEST QUALITY, SCREENED Free -" rom dirt. Delivered promptly, I LOWEST PRICE FOR CASH! feb lfr-tf j O. G PARSLEY A CO. Onions, j Selected hams. 2 i SMOKED BEEF, rora&ieat . O. H. W. RUNGE'S. Nenheastcor, Market aadseeoad Stm. mar 7-tf i Guano ! Guano h Guano ! 200 TOl?iS EX5KA QVANO' nKA Tons Guanape Guano, For sale low bv r marTtf . WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Holasses I Molsse&! Uolasses ! 2QQ Hhds. and Barrels New Crop Cuba. For sale low bv mar 7-tf - WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. BATES OK ADVERTISING Vff Sowe one day,.. two days, inreeaays........ '':..... t u : 1 a u M veuays.. ...... one week....... S M " Two weeks.... " . Three weeks.... 1 1 One month Two months.... I " , ? .Three months.. - !- ' Six months M OneTear.... i 5 M ,. Ml 8 M .....-. ..15 tti ....i..........S Mi 85 CO , KA ffM i PvContract Advertieements takan at propoiv tionatelv low rates; . 1; 14. M'VV V 1 Five Squares estimated as a quarter-column, ar.fl: ten squares as a naii-coiumn. ; MISCELLANEOUS. CornJ Oats, Hay, &c. (jQQ BUSHELS CORNV , : ! 200 BUSHELS OATS, ' jj OAA BALES EASTERN AND N.H. HAY, gQ HHD3 NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, 100 -r : ; --y 200 1" SnKar House " Boxei D..S. C, R. Sides, : Q Boxes Smoked and D. 8. Shoulders, 2Q Boxes SmokedjSides, 2 BblsPork, ." 200 Bbls Potatoe8 (Seed). l 600 fbliFionr'-! ' -'"I :M 2Q Bbls New Orleans Molasses, ! 2QQ Hhds Demarara Molasses, i 2Q Hhds P. R. and Demarara Sugar, Bbls Reflned Sugar. 1 -JQ Bags Rio Coffee, ! " s 2 fj Tubs Butter, . ; 1 fJQ Boxes Cheese, . !.. i JgQ Cases Lye and Potash, ic, Ac, j ' i For sale by mar 11-tf J KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. BEQUICK. If Yon Want Bargains Right" now; is tbe Time. HAVING JUST mKEN STOCK WE FIND- , hundreds of articles that we had rather sell at I customers own prices than to give house room to-; for another season; we had rather have the roomj than the goods. 5 t j Oar wholesale and retail trade this season has ' diminished stock that we are compelled to go North . Spring Trade. Then you of our customers who are in' want of any . article, usually found in winter stock, in a j DRY GOODS STORE, isuiwve munejDT uuiig mo nuvaniapB or lack situation and baying it now of the Leading Dry !' Goods House of , . i if 1- . .t. a - ' ii BOSKOWTTZ ft lisber, -j febSl-tf, J - 29 Market street ! 'p Dissolution of Copartnership.! THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE exist ing under the firm name and style of David & Weil, is this day dissolved by mutual consent,- S. it. wen Having witnarawn irom vne nnn. 1 ; ' ' S. R. WEiL, Feb. S7th, lffTo. A. DAVID. Havinznurchased the interest of Mr. S. R. We : . 1 a . n.-jj b. t in .1 .V 1 iu me lttio uriu ui xaviu a rr cu, x wui uuuiiiiuc luvf. business at their Old- Stand .No. 27 Market street, and respectfully solicit a continuance of the patron-:: age so unerauy oeetowea upon tne late nrmr A. DAVID. Notice. Mr. A. David will settle all claims against the late firm of David &WelL I Parties Owing the late firm will please call and I. pay at once as the Books MUST be Closed. - jj A. DAVID. Larch ?-tf. G. WEST & SONSJ Aladdin ? Security Oil, Warrsinced. ISO Desrrees Fire Test. THE BEST HOUSEHOLD OIL IN THE WORLD. Indorsed bt thk Fnw Instirance Companies. . Read the following Certificate selected from i . j many others: - , , t 1 ' HOWARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF' BALTIMORE. Baltimobb, December, S3t 1874. Messrs. C. West A Sons Gentlemen: Having used the various Oils sold in this city for illuminating purposes, I take pleasure in recommending your ''Aladdin Security" as the safest and beet ever used in our household. Yours, truly, (Signed.) Andbxw Rbksx, President. I rr WILL NOT EXPLODE 1 ASK TOUB STOREKEEPER FOR IT. WHOLESAUS DEPOT. - C. WEST & BOSS, 113 and 11& W. Lembard St.. oct 27-moi Baltimore, Hd. The Latest Styles ef Initial and Plain Fapetorlesi Tne Pacific, Iiongfeuow. Argosy, Union, Ar- -lington, Stella, Paris, Bertha, Bath, , Broadway, &c, &c, i Just received at ; THE CITY BOOK STORE. . i Brie-a-Brao Series. THE GREVILLE MEMOIRS. A Journal of the Reigns of King George the Fourth and William the Fonrth. : , "SUT LOYINGOOD'S TARNS' 1 AUforsaleby CONOLBY & YATES' I mar7-tf 47 Market St - CORN SHELLERS, FEED CUTTERS. PAN MILLS, TRACE CHAINS. STEEL HOES, Axes, Haines, Collars, Back Bands, Cotton Plow lines, &c A full stock and at the lowest market rates can be found at the Ola Esttbllshed Hardware House of i , JOHN DAWSON, mar 7-tf Nos. 19. 90 and 31 Market Sr. TurB6ntine aid Coopers' Tools. HACKERS. PULLERS. AND - DIPPERS OF best brands known in the market. HACK FILES, Hack Weighta.and HackWhetters of all kinds. i : ' GOOPERS' TOOLS of best brands Horton. Bar ton and Simmons for sale at lowest prices at the New Hardware House of i i mar 7 tf GILES & MURCHISON. : RepalriHi of 014 Hats anil Bonnets. ; rLD HATS AND BONNETS BLEACHED ! V pressed and made to . s i i Look as. Well aa Jfcw. Stamping of an kinds done, 'a a For particulars call on MRS. JENNIE OS Nun, between 3rd and 4th streets. . . FOR THE ENSUING WEEK ot T CITIZENS' MARKET. A FINE LOT OF Sampson Osunty Stallfed Beef which I will sell at prices to suit the times. Call and see for yourself. I T. A. WATSON, ,t Proprietor. feh38-tf G-aren Seed. o NION SETTS, BAY RUM, FANCY ARTICLED, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnish, Kerosene, Ac. For sale by mar6-tf j ! GREEN A FLANNER, - - Com, Hour, Sugar, CoSee. 8AAA BUSHELS PRIME WHITE CORN. UUU I 1.0OO Bbls Fkmr, All Grades; inn Barrels Refined 8 near. -1 ; JLUl ) 20O Bags Prime Rio Ceffec, For sale low by i niar 7-tf WILLIAMS MURCHISON. Canned Goods, &c AFRE8H I SUPPLY OF CANNED BLACK- berries, Gooseberries, . Strawberries, Pears, Cherries and Green Com. Also Sweet Oranges,. Apples and Bananas at j t - 8. O. NORTHROP,8 -feb Sl-tf 1 Fruit and Confectionery Stere, - 1 ij '- 1 t U s t r I -1 ;: I

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