KIN 1 ll 4 JL fftl V 11 ; i a i i j 1 t !! h y f. . ,' '-. ' . il 1 1 " s son ' !1 - )!?' THE IIORimiG STAR. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY BATM t BUBBOBXmOH IS ADTA.ITCI: On year,- (by mall) postage pa , ;.. 7 00 'Six months, ( " " K " t M 00 Tnreemontas( " " a ss One month, (" ") 44 . 4" ; 1 0 To City Subscribers, delivered In any part of the city, Fifteen Cents per week. Oar City Agenti are not authorised to collect for more than 8 months in advance. ' - . ,. - OUTLINES. . At the annual convention of the General picket and Passenger Agents' Association ppresentafivesof all the important roads, scept the Baltimore and Ohio, were pros it. -Twenty Chinamen were killed I bile attacking the Indian government's jrvejing expedition at Rangoon. There is smell of war. Oxford crew Yictdri- is at University boat race yesterday. John titchel died yesterday at Dromalane, fre- ld. j-. Spaniards -in Cuba have , been lightly reinforced. The bandit Vas- Juez has been executed in California. -Democrats carried Mayor's election at iangor, Me. - - The Senate will have a ng session.- Two Repablican Sena- have withdrawn from the caucus. New York markets: Cotlow3fi4U spirits, turpentine, SO; rosin, $3 1Q$3 15. Storms all along the coast to New York interferes with telegraph. , Elizabeth, N. J., Equitable Insurance Company failed. Democrats still insist on opposing the - Kellogg resolution in the Senate by making speeches against it. -Civil rights case on a boat at New Orleans.- .,. A brilliant life went out yesterday when John Mitchel expired. We sketched the ontlines of his career at the" time he "was' elected to Parlia ment. ' .- ' - -: , The Legislature. Condensed from the News j EIGnTf'FOCBTn DAY. ": SENATE. n t Raleigh, March 18. Mr. Standford, a bill to define tbe jurisdiction of the Mayor of Newbera. Passed its several readings. Mr. Mills, a bill to protect the State Railway policy and gauge. . Provides .for the enforcement of the bill passed ou Monday prohibiting the change of gauge of the North Carolina and other roads. Passed its several read ings' under a suspension of the rules. Mr. Busbee, a resolution reqniriug ' the Attomey-Genoral to examine into and ascertain if the lessee of the North Carolina Railroad has not vio lated inu several instances agreements of the loan,, and if so, that officer re port the fact to the Governor, and with the consent of the parties leas ing the lease be declared invalid. Mr. Morebead objected to the Le'jr- hlature being made the cat's paw for nictinsr railway interests, and what were the chafes ssees of the N. C. R. at as made U jese charges. as not thechampion of it. R.. buhe did Jeneral Assembly called ho Attorney Ueneral dy his duty. chairman of the Com- Railroads, hoped the reso- would pass. The lessses of the N. C. Railroad ad failed to keep tbe road np. and ?e demanded in the name of the dear- interests of North Carolina that trrfs ! State take every step in its fa vor to thwart tbe,ends of those for eign corporations who were seeking to destroy the railroad interests of this State, and he wanted to see North Carolina put its foot on ' all Buch at tempts. . - Mr. Busbee could see no objection to the investigation asked. If no breach of the contract had been made no harm could come to any one. . Messrs. McElroy and Mills support ed the views of Messrs. Busbee and Graham. f v Mr. Graham moved its reference. Lost. ' . " , The resolution then passed by a vote of 29 to 9. i " BILLS PASSED THIED HEADING. Bills requiring the Judges of the Supreme Court and every Judge of the Supreme Court, within thirty days preceeding each regular session of the General Assembly, to report to the Governor any amendment or changes - in the laws of the State and suggest the passage of such other laws as to them shall important. - Senate bill supplemental to the rev enue bill, plaeing all the duties con nected with the examination of insur ance companies in tbe office of tbe Secretary of State. J Senate bill giving the public printer ninety days after tbe adjournment of the Legislature to complete the laws and the journals. j THE LAND SCBIP BILL. The bill, in favor of the State Uni versity making good the monies re ceived .for land donated to the Uni versity by the Federal Government, came up on its third reading. It was supported by Messrs. Kerr, Cantwell and Cooke, and opposed by Messrs. McElroy and Love. Mr. LeGrand moved that the ac tual interest atcruing from the $125, 000 be applied and used exclusively for tbe Agricultural and Mechanical Departments of, said institution. Lost by a vote of 16 to 22. The bill then passed its third read ing by tbe following vote: Affima tive 23; negative 18. THE K. C. B. B. Senate bill authorizing the N. C. R. R. Company to purchase the Con struction Bonds outstanding against that road, and; providing the manner in which such purchase shall be made. A substitute was lost. ' V ;';, - The -bill was discussed at 'some length by different Senators. The bill passed second reading by W vote of 19 to 17, pending considera- ,- -V, ' hU .- 1- JL i lill IFyi j - i , . . VOL. XiV.--NO. 153. tion on third jreading. journed. - j Senate ad- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES v By Mr. McRae, a bill to j incorpo rate, the Wilberforce School. Cal endar. , j .'. j By Mr. Richardson, a bill in regard to county taxeain Columbus county. Referred. j ' :"- - ' - j- ' By Mr. ..Smith, of : Anson,, a bill amending the charter of Wades boro. Referred. S - . S . MEMORIAL. j Mr. Pattori, by leave, presented a memorial from 4U. S. Senator.; A. S. Merriraon, replying to the resolution introduced into the House! by Mr. Boyd, of Alamance, on Thursday last. Senator MerrimoVrepels- the charges made against him, saying that in the Gubernatorial canvass In 1872 similar charges, were - made I and; repelled. They, were base slanders. .lie had' courted the fullest investigation and it had never been accepted. - The charges were 'maliciously false. The memorial was placed upon the Cal endar. - ' 1 THE WESTERN INSANE ASYLVMi - The bill to establish a branch asy lum in the Western portion of the State laid upon the table a few days ago, was, upon motion, taken; up and passed, all amendments and substi tutes having been rejected, j ; It is the bill as passed by the Sen ate and locates the branch asylum at or within three miles of Mofgaiiton, Bnrke county.1 ! ( 1 j Bill in regard to the tim fW hold ing the Superior Courts in the Second Judicial District passed its several readings. j, r 1 , . Bill concerning county taxes in Co lumbus county. Extends toe time to N. McPhail to ipaytaxes until J uly, 1875.1 I Passed its several read- mgS. . i; ! ' J j. y Senate bill to provide acolored -Insane Asylum near the city of Wilmington.- ' : p - ; j I . " j Lloyd, col., an amendment striking out the word ' colored." Lloyd and Brewington opposed the bill.j Mr. Staples moved the previous question, which prevailed and the amendment wis rejected. j Mr. Walker, of Richmond, s. 2 ported the bill, j : Crews, colored, opposed it.! The bill passed its second reading, the previous question ! was again or dered. :j: ' - U . . Moore, colored, spoke against, wnen the bill passed its third reading. . iThe location of this aylunL. to oe in ine iuanne xiospiiai at w n miugton, donated to the State1.) An engrossed : amendment was transmit0 ' tii'ftmwi ileum tne Senate proposing . that ' the dine die adjournment on Monday lake place at 8 a. m. The House concurred in the amendment, but.reconsidered and adopted Mr. Finger's motion to strike out 8 a. m. and insert 12 m. SUPPLEMENTAL USURY BILL. The supplemental usury bill, post poning the operations of that bill un til the 15th of pctober, was taken, up. Mr. Stapjefs moved to lay the bill on the tawrTjThe motion prevailed. Yeas 56, nays 471 M Bill authorizing a specific! appro priation for the erection of the Peni tentiary, after being explained by Mr. Strong, passed its i several read ings." . .:, jf . - Resolution in favor of the Principal and Reading Clerks of the two houses, and the Engrossing . Clerks jof tbe same, paying them extra for their ser vices, passed its several readings. " Bill to incorporate the American Type-Setting Machine passed jits sev eral readings. J j 'j-'i 1--1 .. BUhop AtlLlmson's Appointments. Rockfish I.... ... . . L". . . . . March 13 Favetteville. . . . J . . . " 14 Jackson ...u Windsor. .;;. Woodville, Bertie co. . ... Murfreesborough. . . . .. ..t... ... . Winton.. i........ Gatesville. .... it. .. ... , St. Peters, Gates co. Hertford. . . . . .J. .!...;.. . . . . . . Woodville, Perquimans co;. Elizabeth City. ;.; . i . .. . i . ; j Edenton. . . . . . . i ............. SL Lukes, Washington co. . St David's, j " ; Columbia. .....p......... .... Plymouth. . ... Us. . . . St. James', Beaufort co........ Lake Landing, Hyde co. ....... Sladesville, , j " " Bath..... !; Zion Church, Beaufort co. . .... Washington. .U!. ....... i. . . Jamesville. . . ...... ... Williamston. . .t.JJ. . .. . ... .. .. April 9 11 12 13 15 17 18 19 21 23 25 27 29 430 IMay 2 4 5 G 9 uaiuuiuu ...................... Scotland Neck j i I . BUnop Lrmao'i Appointments The following are the appointments of Bishop Lyman, of the Episcopal; Diocese of North Carolina: . I j Easter Day. March 28th. Tarboro, Weflnesday, March 81st, Greenyille, Pitt couuty.4 :- - r f R ! ! . .- fS.--. Thursday, April 1st, St John's Pitt co. ; Friday, April 2d, Snow HilL v j . Sunday. April 4th; Kinston. - .- . Tuesday, April 6th, Holy Innocents, Le noir county. .'!' t. :'' I Thursday, April 8th, Beaufort Sunday, April 11th, Newbern. 1 Tuesday, April ISthSwift CreekBridge. Wednesday,-April 14th, St. John's,- Dur ham's Creek. . f i - Thursday, April 15th, South Creek. Saturday, April 17th, Blount's Creek. ' Sunday, April 18th, Trinity Church Beau fort county. " i v t - - I ,. Friday, April 23d, Sanford. f I - Saturday, April 24th,' St. Mark's, Deep River. ' j . , , h. Sunday, April 25tb, Pittsboro. . - Sunday, May 2d, Williamsboro. i Tuesday, Mayi 4tb, Goshen, (Consecra tion.) i . . .; Collection, in each congregation for Dio cesan Missions. ! f WILMINGTON, TSTS OIT3T. NEW ADVEaTIICaCJItJ. x Kerchneb & Calder Bros. Bacon, 8. T. Pott Tax Notice. ' - . X3eorqe HoNNBT.---Bilver Cups. ' . ; HEiNSBERGEk-The Spectre Lover. See K. of P Funeral Notices. Geo. Myers! Irish Oat Ileal. "Willtams &i Mvbchxso& Flour. J. & H. Sampson. New Styles. : Harrison Alleh Fashionable Styles. MuNSON & Col -Spring Clothing. . Wright '& TEDJtAH.-Property Sales.' H. O. Rankis. L O. of Recbabites. -.-. ' W. J. Buhiiank. Howard R. F. E. Co. G. 'H. Wf Rracat Family Flow. - H.G. 8iCALiBOTWB;-Notice. Vf. ;;Ai WrLLsoN.-tWii. H. & L? Cov " FBSlx.MAVcaoie. Notice. . . - Josh Dawson. Hammers, &c. J. T. IdAcREE.Wilming Light Infantry. D. PiQOTT.-4Half Dime Cigars. O. G. Parsley & Co. Phosphate. . Shrier Bros. Children's Fancy -Suits. Chas. D. . Mterb. Anchovy Sauce. ; Grant & Hinton. Canned Goods. Giles & Murchison. Fishing Tackle. See New AUmUtemeaU on - tele craphle pse tut-Ill !tk uie taxi listers will commence operations on the 1st of April i The storm signal was displayed at the weather bservatory yesterday. Aresterday was sufficiently windy to be cmisidei ed a genuine March liny. There was only one interment in Oakdale Cemetery during the wjpek just closed.;'' J " March seems to be a favorite month for parad es in our city. Very ap- propnate. ; Pigeon shooting at the City Hall yesterday afternoon attracted consider able attention to that quarter. We prin the full text of the new Revenue Bp on our third page. Every tax-payer is interested in this document - i The Register of Deeds issued 8 marriage licenses during tbe past week, of which 4 were for white and 4 for colored couples. j As Good Friday approacheth those clerks whose establishments generally close on that da, r are making arrangements accordingly. - There w ?re three cases' on the City Court docket yesterday morning, but they were all continued over until Monday for a hearing, j ! Luulw Dull.', WlUllli. II Mi mmi rested yesterdayj for disorderly conduct on the streets. He gave bail for his appear ance on Mondnyl The interments in Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery during the past week numbered three, of which two were adults : and one a child. The Wilmington Light Infantry will meet - at their armory room Tuesday evening,' at 8 o'clock, for tbe tiansaction of important business. The dailjr prayer meeting is still being held every afternoon at 5 o'clock at. the Front Street Methodist Church, with an increased attendance. We learl that quite a revival of religion is in progress in the Methodist Church in Wilson, conducted by the Pastor, Rev. F. H. Wooi, formerly of this city, as sisted by Dr. Rasser and others. :.- . I - The funeral of Mr. S. M. Brown ing will take place to-day from St James' Home, and will be under the auspices of Stonewall Lodge No. 1, Knights of Pythias, of which deceased was a member. Vr. ' ' " I The position of County Ranger seems not to be a very lucrative one. The present incumbent has been in office about five or six months and has yet to "turn" his first "honest penny" through this particular channel. : , : We are requested to say that persons having business to transact with our business hoUsesVvmorrow, should at' tend to' it early in the forenoon, so as net to interfere witji clerks attending the fire mens paraaeiu tne atternoon. .-' We learn from a private tele-, gram receiued here yesterday that the bill incorporating the Fifth Ward Independent Bucket Company No. 1 yassed the House of Representatives. It passed' tbe Senate some time ago and is therefore now a law. Legislative. A bill concerning county taxes in Co- extends thetime of -Sheriff N. McPhail to pay taxes until July 1875) passed its several readings in the House on (Thursday. -'I : y: , The Senate bill to provide a colored In sane Asylum near the city of Wilmington ame up in the House on Thursday. Lloyd, colord, offered an amendment striking out the word "colored." Lloyd and Brewing ton opposed the bill, and Moore also spoke against it. The bill, however, passed its third reading, j ' ' J The location of the Asylum is to be fa the Marine Hospital, which has' been do nated to the State. '-,,' vp City Tax Receipt. - . The receipts kt the' office of tbe City Treasurer and Collector for the week end- . ing yesterday footed up as follows : Specific Tax. . . J.... . . . ... . . ... .$,,$12 50 Real and Personal for 1873-'74. . . 52 60 Dray licenses. . .1. - 12 00 Total. $ 377 00 N. C.v SUITDAYrtACn 21, 1875. Oar ;CIiar4.: rorvy;.";'j;fii3 st. jAxra' crrcr.-n PtBUO bebvxces at fT. JAStEs' PlTSSStJ EOLt WEZK ACT A TTCU TIDE. " - , V; - J ' , Palm Sunday . -, . . ..CommuEon . '. a ra - " - ; MornlnsPrayer.llani 1 ! ! " Evening Prayer.5 ph l , K -' Sunday School. 8pm Monday bef Easter. .Horning Prayer.?! a mi : Ante-uo am - Evening Prayer.5 pm Morning Pray er.7i am s Ante-Co'muni, am Evening Prayer.5 pm , Morning.Priyer.7ia m Tuesday Wedn'y Z -..f.-- ''f Evening Prayer.5 pm Maunday Thuredayt Morning Prayer.7i a m - , - Evening Prmyer.5 pm ., . Communion.. ..8 p m Good Friday. .Morning Prayer . and Ante-Corn- - ' I ' . munion ...i...9 a in . Evening Prayer.3 pm Easter Eve, Saturday. Morning Prayeri t . " and Ante-Corn- , - i . mnmon .7iara Eveniag Prayer.8 pm '. . ; .Morning Prayer.1?! a n) Easter. . r - ." Litany and Com-, iii .maqioaV. ; .ll p ; ' Evening Prafer.5' in Easter Monday t , . Morning Prayer , . i -ii and Ante-Corn- v: ji .' munion ......11 am Evening Prayer.5 pm Morning Prayer a . Easter-Tuesday. . -it - and Ante-Com- . i; munion ..' 11am' !; Evening Prayer.5 pm Services iu est. John's Church tolay, the Sunday next before Easter, as follows : Celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 1 a. m. ; Morning Prayer, Litany and Celebration of the Ante Communion at 11 a. m.; Evening Prayer (children's service) at 4J o'clock. St. Paul's Evaag. Lutheran Church. Passion week, fpalm Suaday, March 21st: English service; and examination of cate chism at 11 a. m.; German service at t p. m.; Sunday! School at 3 p. m. Week day's services: Every day in the English language at 3 p. m., except Good Friday. Good Friday, ; March 26th: Preparatory service (German) at 10 a. m ; German ser vice and Communion at 11 a. m. ; English service and Confirmation at 8 p. m. First Presbyterian Church, corner Third and Orange streets: Services at 11 o'clock a.' m. and 7 pi- m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Hev. J. jit Wilson, D. D., Pastor. Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets: Services at 1 1 a. m. and j pv aif Seats free. Ttev. Chas.; M. Payne, pastor. Sunday School at 3 p. m. 'vV:;..- - f-; ; " n ii. " - " iV fTT. ii n phnwti' corner of Fourth and Orange streets, as fol lows:, . Morning PrayeratlLoZc T""ii Tin n fhg Prayer at 7f o'clock. Rev. T. M. Am bler, Pastor. Seats free. : .' First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth street Elder J. C. Hiden, Pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7:45 p. m. Sunday School at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting on Thursday night at 7 :45 o'clock. Young men's prayer meeting; on. Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. . ji '-.'. Seamen's Bethel: Services at 3; p. m. Rev. Jos. L. Keen, Chaplain. - Services at Front street M. E. Church at 11 a. m. and - 7 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m, Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 7i o'clock. Ushers will be in attendance to; conduct strangers to seats. Rev. J. E. Mann, pastor. Fifth Street Methodist E. Church, South, situated on Fifth, between "Nun and Church streets. Service at 11 a. m.rand 7ip. m., Rev. J. T. Gibbs, pastor. Sabbath School at dr a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at7io'clock. j Services at the Primitive Baptist Church, on Castle, between Fifth and Sixth streets, at 11 o'clock, by Elder Q. A. Ward. Elder Aaron Davis, Pastor. i ; The Rt Rev. Thomas Atkinson, D. D., Bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina, will visit SL Mark's Parish and administer the Rite of Confirmation on Sunday even ing, March 21st.: Services to commence at 8 o'clock. All are .cordially invited to be present Seats free. v - First Baptist Church, colored , , on Fifth and Campbell streets.- Services as'foITows: Sunday School "at lJa. m. ; preaching at 101 a. m 3 p. m. and7i p. m. Rev. F.R. Howell, PastorJi . . V '' r: - -ji ' - "- " " - .... ) - ' - Services at the First Colored Presbyterian Church," Chesnut : between Seventh and Eighth streets, asfotlows: At ll a. m. and 7i p. m., by Rev; D. J. Sanders, Pastor. Sabbath School at 9am. v -. MaaUtrate'e Court. Before Justice Cassidey, yesterday, Dau'l Batts, colored,. of Harnett Towuabip, was arraigned on the charge of forcible tres pass. Defendant plead , former couvictiun and the case was dismissed. . . , Charles Dedney, colored, charged with the same offence, was feaid guilty, but judgment was suspended on the payment of costs. -1, ' ., - ' - - - ' - - U : 'tvT - l - f New Claarelk. si Rev. G. D. r Bernheim, Pastor of St Paul's Lutheran Church of this city, organ ized a new church of that denomination at Lumberton, N. C , on Wednesday last, the 17th inst.tobe known as St John's Churoh. The coBgregaOoh will worship in the Pres byterian Church for the present t - , The Case of Fanny Foy. : r- The argument in the case of Fanny Foy, for alleged infanticide, was concluded be fore Justice YanAmringe yesterday. - The Justice reserved his decision until to-mor row at 10 o'clock. pi &sclrcrsrr i sarade. , - . - "The anniversary parade of the Wilming ton Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1 will take place to-morrow. The Howard Relief and the Hook and ladder companies have been intited to attend and win participate. The Fifth Ward Bucket Company was also invited, but not having received their truck and uniforms, they have concluded nona parade. ' '"""J. ' " - A full attendance of the members of the organizations that will participate has been requested, and a large and creditable pro cession will no doubt be the consequence. 1 casioar- . , . I Chief Marshal-Jno. H Robinson. Aids Robert? Houston, ; JFGause and . '- G. Holmes. -Tbe companies will report to the Chief Marshal at 3,15 o'clock and the procession will move promptly at 2:30 in the following order:" . . , j Apollo Cornet Band, ; WfhningtOttS. F. E. Company, No. I.;--Howard Relief S. F. E. Company, No. 1. " - Cornet Concert Club. , ", Hook and Ladder Company, above organizations will report to lie-Chief Marshal at the corner of Fourth andpock streets, and after the formatiou of the procession, tbe following t - ' LINE OF MABCH ii will be observed : Down Fourth to Nun, up Nun to Fifth, down Fifth to Chesaut, down Chesnut to Front, down Front to Nun, up Nun to Third, up Third to Prin- "cesajHp Princess to the Engine House of. the Wilmington S. F. E. Compaay, No. 1. Immediately after the procession the an niversary supper of the Wilmington S F. E. Company will take place, at the Hall of that company. ' - ? ' The Weetera Rail raa Case.: The New York Woftd gives the f ollowing Interesting particulars of the suit recently decided in favor of the Western Railroad, a decision that will be worth a vast deal to our Fayetteville friends, who are princi pally interested : ;, jr"""" " The-Western Railroad oft North Caro lina brought suit in the Supreme Court against Lawrence P. Bayne& Co., bankers, of this city. The railroad company allege that about three years ago they deposited 425 of their $1,000 bonds with Bayne& Co. , for negotiation. Failing to get them or their proceeds., the company brought this suit. The case was sent to Philo T. Reg gies as referee. Bay ne & Co., set up a counter claim of $80,000 for expenses and commissions. . Mr. Ruggles decided in favor of the railroad company. The bonds still not being produced. Judge Donohue grant ed an order of arrest against Bayne & Co., fixing the bail at $200,000. The members "Mtlfi firm Wflraawnnlnrl Mftmir j-, niiiioftOT aconference with tb Jtrfgtr dcpwltcJ; Uie 425bonds with the Clerk of the Ceurt. The bail was then reduced to $1,000, which' was promptly given." WUmlBCton Be tall Market. ' - The following prices ruled yesterday: Apples, (dried) 12i cents per pound; dried peaches 25c per pound; walnuts, 25 cents per peck; pickles, 20 cents per dozen; lard, 18 cents per pound; butter, 4050 cents per pound ; cheese, 25 cents per pound ; grown fowls 90 $1 00 a pairjgeese $1 50 per pair; beef 1016fc. per pound; beef, (corn ed) 12i15c. per pound; veal, 12J16fc. per pound; mutton, 1216 cts. per pound; ham, 1618 cts. per pound; shoulders, 12J 14 cents per pound; tripe, 20 cts. per bunch; clams, 25 cents a peck open clams, 2025 cents a quart; soup hunch, 5 cents.? eggs, 20 cents, a doz; sturgeon, 25 cts. a chunk (5 lbs); potatoes, Irish, 50 cts. a peck; sweet 25 cents; fish trout 25c. per bunclymullets 1025c. per bunch; turnips,. lOca bunch; onions, 50 cts. a peck; cabbages 1025 cts. a head; sausage 20 cents a pound; bologna 20 cents a pound ; liver pudding,' 12i20 cts a pound ; hog head chepse, 20 cents a pound; New River oysters $1 50 a gallon; Sound do., 80 cents a gallon wild ducks 5075 cents a pair - Ceanty vommluloaen. . : - The Board met yesterday at .10 A. M. ; present,; John G. .Wagner,-. Chairman pro tem., and Commisslondrs Morris and Yan Amringe. ' ' 7: ;"'. ;.,:,,.. -.-'t .All';;' . The meeting was called pursuant to order passed at the regular meeting held March 3rd, for the purpose of conferring with the Trustees of the several Townships and agreeing upon a uniform valuation of real and personal property of the county, to be adhered to as near as possible by the town ships. Notice7 of ten days having been served on the Trustees of each township, as required by section 3rd, Trustees "present : Wilmington Township, J. J. Casstdey; Co lumbia, C. M. Galloway- Lincoln, W. J. Biyen ; Rocky Poiut, A. Gamberg; Mason boro, .Elijah Hewlett; Harnett, Daniel C. Davis; Point Caswell, James Thompson. .Tbe' following resolution was offered and accepted by the Board of County Commis sioners and the County Trustees: - Jteadved, That the valuation of the real and personal property, as adopted by the Trustees of the County in the year 1874 be and is hereby adopted asrtbe standard of the valuation for the year 1875. '. Tbe Board then adjourned. St. George and St. Andrews SoeJetyV Thd anniversary supper and sociable of the above society will take place at the City Hall on to-morrow mornmg. i lt is calcu lated by the committee of arrangements to make the occasion a fitting sui Hssor of its enjoyable and pleasant predecessors, and they have left nothing undone that could possibly conduce to" "the feast of reason and flow of soul' on tiiat. occasion. ;J3ee notice of secretary ot the society elsewhere Import Entries for sale at the office of Thb Mobntko Stab. aw, ' 8t ' ' t ' "i WHOLE NO. 2,327. Naturalised, j ,,,, , , , v f Alfred Lynn, colored, a former resident of Jamaica, a British subject, received his naturalization papers from the Clerk of the Superior Court yestcrda. - This, we be Eeve, is the first Caspia which a colored man has been granted naturalization papers in North Carolina. - CIT1CITSIS.' Lost. Oa Mofidy night oo Third, bctvreea the City Ball ana Market street, a large else Smith Wesson's six shooter. . The. aaauner 'was ' oace brokeu Saad kas been filed iow&sutktec tt shorter aait abMld beV Aieward ot, two dollars wIIHmJ tmin dj leaTmg n a.ijpe vkj fiaii, care vapw uz geralct '"v j-- . V. , , mar S0-3t - LAftrTATMa.-.l Harria New ' Depot,' Wet aide Front Street,, we are Indebted for copies of the New York Ledfftr, Chimney Corner and Frank ZetlWt Illustrated Mwpaperfet the current week. The Stand will remain open'tintO. 11 o'clock this tnoriiiRf&F . ' -- " ' ' . J DIKI. BROWNING. In this city, last night, at 12:80 o'clock, Henrietta Angaata, Infant daughter of Sam uel M. and Cornelia A. Browning,: aged Xi month and 18 days. , , . & The funeral will take place this afternoon, at 3 o'clock, frona the family residence 'corner ot Elgth and Orange streets. The frtenda ind acqnatntance4 of the family are invited to atten. . v ; NEW AnVERTlEMENTS. Stoaewall . Loflie No. 1 E. ofiP. BEOTHBKS: "Son. are hereby summoned to ap pear at yonrCaatie Hall this (Sunday) evening at S:15 pnnenally, to attend the faneral or. bar de ceawd Brotfasr J3. :H. Browning. All Brother Enisbtrare eetdfaU invited to attend. i : A fer order of rheC. C. i ,1 W. L. JEWETT. ltt. , K.-bf B.; A S. CASTLE UALI., . March Sl8tl87S. OFFICE OF KEEPER OF BECOBBi AND ; SEAL, ' ; Germania Lodge Ko. 4, r& ol P. ATTENTION KNIGHTS : Ton I are j hereby ordered to appear In the Lodge Koom, this Monday afternoon at S o'clock abani, for the purpose of attending the faneral of : oar aeceased orother Knight, bamnel Browning, of Stonewall V Lodge No.1, , I.--. Ryorder of the C. C, j i H. KOKOWSKT, mar 21-lt ! K. of XIA S. I. of Bechabites. , - NEVS? HASOYEJt TENT No. 57. "-- i--- - 'f BEOTHERSs Yon are hereby notified to meet at 1 your Hall o Jtonday 22nd lnat., at 8 o'clock P. M., sharp, tar tbe purpose of conferring decrees. Bj Order of C R. mar Sl-lt ; 7 - - j . H. O. EANKIN,;P. S. HOWARD-BELIEF F, E. CO, ; HO. 1. ATTENTION MEMBERS 1 Yon? are 'hereby ordered to appear at the Engine House in full Uni form for Parade, on Monday afternoon, the 22nd Inst., at S o'clock, sharp. Honorary members are invited to Join. , -i Bv order of tbe Foreman. - P WM. JNO. BUHMANN, Kecording Secretary. mar 21-lt V Notice. rpHE BUSINESS MEETING OFTfiB St. iGeorge wty aau at Half pact 7 P. M., ff; ana S Anarewa nociety, wui De neutu-M-arc . Mondav evenwut- who are to participate at the Dinner and Sociable, will be ready to take their Beats . promptly at 8 o'clock. ; By request of Committee, f mar 21-lt n. G. SMALLBONES, Secretary. An WILMINGTON HOOK & LADDER CO. TIT EMBERS: Meet at the Truck House iM ionday j-i-b. at a f. jl, eoarp, in iou -uniform an d white gloves. Honorary member are invited to attend. - By Order or the Foreman, ? M j WM. A. WILLSdN, mar 21-lt j Secretary. f UmiDgton liflitliifuiitry. A TTENTTON: Ton are hereby ordered to meet xi.K your Armory jno. e sontn Front street, Tues day evening 22nd Inst , at 8 o'clock, as business of imDortance is to engage the Company! ' A fall and punctual attendance ii commanded. a I By Order of the Captain, i ' j. i macree. " . Orderly Sarg't. E. Frank Coe'sl MMONIATED BONE S UPER PHOSPHA tJ, For sale by - f mar 21-tf O. a PARSLEY & CO. JB TJ Our Half Dime Cigar Salf Dollar Per Dozen, THE BEST IN THIS MARKET, AT No. 23 Market Street J. PIGOTT, mar 21-tf Tobacconist. Choice Family Flour F HALF BARBELS. TEA, SELECT BRANDS. For sale at G. H. W. RUNGE'S, North east eor. Market and Second St. , mar 21-tf ' j .. , ..-Notice. . . : rpo MY FRIENDS. MY FORMER CUSTOMERS J. and tbe public generally. I take pleasure to announce that I am to resume the Butcher business again at Stall No. 13, in tbe Mrket House. On Wednesday next 24th insL, I shall open with a superior supply of atall-fed beef and solicit a liberal patronage.. Respectfully, -i mar 81 2i FRED. MARTENS. John Dawson : HAS IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE a LARGE stock of Smith's Bellows, Anvils, Screw Plates, Vices, Hammers, Drills, Iron, Steel, c, at the lowest market price, j , i mar41-tf : Nos. 19, iO and ;i Market St Fashionable Styles. I.:, Fi INE SILK HATS. fTIFF AND SOFT FELT HATS. . (-'.- . At mar 21-tf HARRISON A ALLEN'S' 1 City Hat Store, , Fresh Every Week. NEW PROCESS EMPIRE FLOUR, - SUGAR Cared Pig Hams and Shoulders, Breakfast Strips and all Family Supplies at . M I . A - I GEO. MYERS', mar Sl-tf .. It and 13 Sonth Front Pianos, Organs and Chxomos.! gOLD FOR CASH OS TIME PAYMENTS AT . . J- HEIN8BEBGER'S.' ' mar 81-tf - Live Book and Music Store, ; OV AUVKKTlSlf' One Square one day. two days,......'... ....... ...... ..4 V " M three day..,,.. " " fowdaya .-- Svedaya. , 7 , . one week ; ; " " Two weeka..., " " Three weeks. . u " One month.. monthly Three mono , Six month? A - One Tear. . A - EVuontnet Uonately low rates. Five Sanarea eatimatel ten sqnarea as a half -column. NEW APVEttTISEul WILL ARRIVE T T EVERY STEAftEIt OUR STOCK OF C L 0 T:H jM '. Hats, Ties, dec, &c.J March 21-tf :Cllf Clol "First of the Seasc LADIES DESIROUS OF GETTING J choice in the . .... . . j . . . i .. A New Styles' Spring Dress Goodj Can be supplied by calling at J.- & H Jamsonv 43 Market Street, s ! - 1 We are receiving dally per Kail and S(e fresh Installments to our - ! . WELL SELECTED STOCK 1 la all our departments. j I v , J. & H. SAMSON, A mar 2l-tr 48 market srreei Silver Cups, Seal I Eings And Patent Ceys, Joat lecelvi GEORGE H' mar 21-tf ' -. - 3 M, Tobacco, SntuX Lye arA Potash. 2gQ Boxes Chewing Tobacco.Vw. 2 Q Boxes and half Barrels EQSy! rk (TaM9 1 nnnr.a Rnnff. L to . JQQ CasssLyc, 75 Cases Potah. -i . For sale bv . : mar 21-tf KERCHNER & CAL' Corn and Bacon 3000 Bn8nel8 Corn JQQ Boxes D. 8. Sides and Shoulders, Boxes Smoked Sides and Shoulders, 2g Bbls Pork, . . For Bale bv mar 21-tf KERCHNER St C ALDER Coffee, Suar and Cliee- 2 Q Q B8 Coffee, . Barrels Sugar, Boxes Cheese. - For sale bv mar 21-tf . KERCHNER ft f Totatoeay Potatoes, Barrels.Early Rose PoUtoes. - ; "i'oMale bv " mar 21-tf y KERCHNER ft C ALDER BROS. Bacon, Pork, Sugar, Coffee. 200 BXe8 D" S SIdes and Shoulders, " 2 Q Q Boxes Smoked sideB and Should rs. Barrels C M. Pork, i " 2QQ Barrels Refined Sugar, J 2Q0 Bags Prime Rio Coffee. . . . " For sale low by .i mar 21-tf - - WILLIAMS ft MURCHISON. Flour, Corn, Kails and Shot 1000 Banl8Plour' 811 Brades, j 8000BaslielsFrlmelliMCor' ! 2oo Kcg8NaiL5' . 1 OAfi Bags Shot m v v mar 21-tf For sale low by ' , WILLIAMS ft MURCHISON. Hay, Hoop Iron; Glue, Bice. : 406Bde"N B, H7' g QO Bdls Hoop Iron, ' j -00 Baiels 6me il ' 0 Barrels Whole Rice. j For sale low by " ' . . mar 21-tf. . .J WILLIAMS ft MURCHISON. Molasses! ffolassest Holasses! ' 20Q Hnda- New Crop Cuba. . -JgO Bbls New Crop Cuba. - For sale low by I L . mar Sl-tf r' WILLIAMS ft MURCHISON. Tax Notice! WILMINGTON Townshipj rpflK BOARD OF TRUSTEES 'AND TAX- Listers for the Township and City of Wflming- (iiucot, uu uie ux umj vi Apni, us to, ana -f qr twenty days thereafter, at the City Halt in tin city or. Wilmington, between the homy of 9 A. M. andSP. M., and every Friday evening daring the wunui ui jipni, oerween tne nours or or. M, and and 9 P. M. on said day, to List the taxable Lands and Property, and make tbe assessments required by law. ., .. . , . , ' All persons and Coroorationa within M rpnnrtI. snip ana city taxables. and for tbe purpose specified within 20 days. renaity or uoaDle tax. . . . Extract from Act to Raise Bevenue.Q Ani m persona who are liable for a Poll Tax, and wilfully fail tarive them selves in. and all ner. shall sens who own property and fail to list within tne time allowed, snail be deemed ).. GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR, -. and, on conviction thereo', shall be Fined net more than Fifty Dollars, or Imprisoned not more than Thirty Days," . By order of the Board of Trustees, v : S. T. FOTTS Township Clerk. mar Sl-lt The Spectre Lover, , 4 NEW NOVEL, jgY MRS. E. D. b. N. SOUTHWOBTH. Anthor of "How He" Won' Her,1 " The BrideV Fate," Fair Play." The Changed Brides," "The Maiden Widow," " The Lost HeireM," " The De eertedWlfe," Etc. " s ' ' For sale at ' ' - , " ' " HEINSBERGER'S. v ft at OSNET'S. uket street. pv. f;,;o ' . :.' ' '1' X m' - JU .A

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