not THE HOBIIIITG BTAE. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY V BATXS OF BUBBCB1TTKHI IK AVAKC: on yer (baiDposUgepa Six months, ( t 1 , Three months! I ,. . f7 00 4 00 a 25 1 00 nun raouiui . ' : to Citv Subscribers, delivered In ny part of the tV Fifteen Cents per week. Omr City Agent are Jfkn&ed w coWt for mow than S months in city, advance. OUTLINES. New "York Senate Jto investigate canal frauds. - A large meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, declared support 'of the Jtteck lpnburff Centennial. - CoL Richard Thomas, of Confederate notoriety, is dead. J - Civil rights case in New Jersey, in- I v.ilvins right of negroes to billiardize at I will, decided against complainants by U. S. Commissioner. Louisiana can't have a Federal Judge jt place of Durell until "amy ana never wunout taking sup next Congress. Altera plies of some kind. Dr. Miller, of Rhode Island Republicans nominated Lip- Mechanicsbnrg, Bland I county, was 5'for Governorr : Gov. -Chamber- the attending physician. : Morgan r 1 Win art - THEDWEiT OPPAHDEE. The Rich mondlrispafcA says, with , truth: "The Republican party I of the United States Senate has nounced his allegiance to Great 'Brit tW ;th n hJbi.inn ain in May, I860,- and became a citi- C1U3C..-...... of Kepuoiican malice tnat is quite in keeping with the reputation of the meanest and most destructive party that ever existed in this .; country. General Grant, nominated for the ''office of United States District Judcje of Louisiana, in place of J Durell - the dishonored ; v Judge, who resigned D. : A. Par- dee, a gentleman ana a just man. And the Conklings and other leaders .who still bitterly nourish the passions of -war, which gave the Republican jcuiy existence, opposed hm and suc ceeded in laying his nomination on the table. Pardee was irreproach able, and therefore not the proper in strument for persecution of the South and for that corruption upon which the Radical party subsists. So he had to die." Y A WATER SPOUT. : phenomenon In middle Tennessee. Nashville Banner.l Both Moore and Lincoln counties were visited on Sunday, by not only heavy storms, but water spouts, which proved very dangerous. A heavy gale visited Lynchburg, the county site of Moore county. : It brought with it a heavy black cloud, whose appearance was extremely foreboding, it proved very disastrous.' - As the clouds came over the town, a water spout broke loose with all its force, and the land wss almost instantaneously cov ered with water, and the small creek which, in ordinary times, ripples by that town became a ! river in a remarkably short space of time. The-wonderful phenomenon was accompanied by hail of the size of heuVeggs. It fell so fast that the stieam was covered a broad sheet of ieel which more or less congealed into yreat urnps. I lie hailstones made n.. riili dm nnnltrc L-illmur I s:iii lijvnc. with llm noiilLrv. killinyr I ahuost every fowl they struck. Even the ducks and geese naa not Deen 6t0n court pledged the couniy .not to vole given time to swim out. They were J for a man for the ConventOsl or the Legis cujiint Anwn stream 'unci to I lature who would not pledge! himself not to death. IIo,nL sheen: cattle and stock, unable to escape, were "also carried down on the angry bosom of the rag ing stream, aud hundreds of them drowned. Small houses tambled over into the flood and away they went, j j An Indian 123 lean Old. lErom the Santa Cruz (CaL)' Enterprise. The Mission; of Santa Cruz was J . ... 1 ISf Kranpw ThP firtrpfnm which I " ss , m. -ww - " ------ I they preserved of a baptism was that f an Indiaagirl, narucd Micnela, on Out. 9, 1791: On the 4th of March following was baptized Justiniano lioxas, by Fr. Isidro Salazar, O. S. F. Hoxas was then forty years of age, and perhaps even somewhat over forty,. so that he was at least 123 years old when he died. The record ... , . . . .,. , , I oi .nis oapusm 13 stiu preserveain lue. tK, .u u . ' I that there can be no doubt concern ing the truth of his extreme age. Little is known -of his career, as be has outlived those who were children when he was already very advanced in1 vears. It is probable, however, that ho bplanoroH to thft Antos tribe of Indians. For some time he had been quite feeble, and his death, was expected to take place at any mo- ment. Three davs aero the lXev. Father Adam administered the last sacraments. At the hour of his death lioxas was attended by the In dian who has been his guardian for some time past. He remained .con scious until within a few moments of ins death, when he became msensinie, and quietly passed into the world be yond. We believe we do not exag gerate in saying that Roxas.was the oldest inhabitant of the earth. . , . Another Editor Assaulted. I At Norwalk, Conn., on Saturday, Mr. Nathan Requa. one of the editors of the Hour, was violently assarilted ly Captain Selleck because of an ar- tide in which Selleck was made the subject Tf a joke, tlequa received five terrible blows on the'head, which resulted in closing one eye, breaking the bridge of his nose, and prodncing r,t,0- . -L t t5 vbiiri in 111 i h y uiiiiii w a a.-ri 1 iin 1 1 recovered his eouanimitv he took counsel and entered a grand jurors complaint against SellecK tor assauti and hat tortr Sollo.V ,iroa orrpfitPfl find gf boj, fr hU appearance io'JSrSjZ. lV"l ' '. ( The Rome Courier says that Col. f . A. Miller, late ofthe Macon Star, i now assisting Hon. A. . H. Steph ens, as secretarv. m the nreDaration of an American Illustrated Cyclo- ; t it irn ' "". . . ; m . rrr VTTT VT . V (j-L. XVI; NOi 158. FlTe at a Birth. . The Montgomery, (Ya.) Messenger . O ... i i- n m- -a m , says oorae two vearsao-o; ivirs' n nr. -i ean, who lives on Wolf Creek, in Giles county, gave birth! to five male children at one time. Thev arn still liwng, are not the slightest deformed. .'. I are of good constitution and as sprightly as well-fed i kittens. Mr. Morgan is a laborer and; quite poor. The neighbors f requentjlyj visit this 8tock 19 at a pwmwm. It now appears from the records of the Supreme Court of -the District of Columbia that John :Mitchel re- zen of lne Unitea State8 Spirits Turpentine The Raleigh Rads are coloniz ing for the city election. s The Toisnot Ledger will make its appearanc nex week. A Wake county man killed two large wild turkeys at one shot. 1 The hurricane was terrific and destructive aropnd Battleboroand Castalia. i . .1 n i . ,-" About tweuty persons, , from Forsyth and Yadkin counties, left oh last Thursday for Indiana. '' jj - Lately, Rev. Mr. . Twittv and Miss Beaman, of Murfreesboro, were mar ried by liev. Dr. Duncan. A new and better bridge is to be erected immediately at the Falls of Tar Kiver, near Kocky Mount, t i. j The son of Mr. J. M.' Harrison, of Rowan, was killed by some' frightened horses Thursday, says the Watchman. : Since the Supreme Court re stored his judgeship. Judge Cloud las ta- a . . - - . - t . Ken to wmsinng, such is nis gooa nuraor. Some ladies in Stokes county put strychnine m goose eggs s to kill; super fluous dogs, but in every instance the geese and not the canines were victims. .. . : f i !. Three religious ret ivais are in progress in Raleigh. - Seventy-five converts at the Baptist Chapel, 13 at the; First Bap- - Tarboro Southeer j John Goodman, colored, was committed to jail on Tuesday for burelarv. having broken into a . house ou the Poor Jlouse premises the night before. M i The SoutJterner sajya the hurri cane of last Saturday was the severest ever known in those parts. It damaged Mr. Sol. Pender's farm over $500 blowing all his outhouses down. The Winston Sentinel Concludes that the travel on the roadi between that place and Greensboro wilt ;boi injured if better prices are not paid the passengers for pushing the trains up gratiej i j The JVews hears molhiii" uore from Washinston of the removal of Gov. Holden from the Raleigh Postoffice, in fa vor of Tim "Lee, and presumes Grant has Qot li8tened to the piea !of Lee and his - - 1 i. ! i , i : r ; j large county meeting at John- part with the States' interest in the North Carolina Ragroad. Elizabeth City Register : While iP lLt Sunday last, a gust of wihd capsized the boat and two ot me occupants, ; jacoo ju.iu- yell and Jane SBruill were prowBea.! - Winston -tentinettl tiill Jeffer son, of Yadkin, consulted iai fortune-teller, some time ago, who told him that bis wife was not all she slioum ue,; wnereupon ne 1 M nA hav o orrlhln luaatintr weofc uuuio uu gao w pyiM.v vv.-w II . . C W: I f 'Irttlrt OA n f I'll ITI 1(1 105 an 01 wuiuuuu6W jau ior iuicc uiuuius, The dwelling occupied by Mr. .T - W. York, the property ;of Mr. J. W. Gardner, in Battleboro, was destroyed by fire the other night. Mr. Gardner's loss is $700, while that of Mr. York is probably f300. It was with much difficulty that Mr. ti.'s other dwelling, occupied jby himself, was saved. I T? o In? rrVi V7v Thp onnfirmation . - . ; iQ tne Coll e Ohapel bf St.! Mary's School .h .it,r 1 RiuhnrT T.vman attendance from the city, j Bishop Lyman preached a most excellent sermon and was assisted in the ceremony by. Kevs Dr. SmedesJ Mr. Marshal and Mr. Kicn. Twenty-two young ladies were confirmed. Wilsou Advance t. -A : corres- , pondent in Nash informs us that thenorna- I n whirh nwent through his; neighborhood. i was more terrinc and destruUye that itwas '0. j . hnn,roi4 -rria.werai:biawn ud. - Mr. Hiuforil Williamson had several houses un rooted and others in the neighborhood suf fered more or less damage, j Wilson Advance : It is with sor- m w are called upon toi announce the death of F. B- Sattertbwaitei a leading citi and nrominent lawyer of Eastern Caro lina. The sad news reaches! us that he fell dead on the street in Washington .c.,un ... . 1 1 XarCMrf Mne cause 01 ms aeam waite has tilled many positions of honor in the service of the Stale andhis death win j jj i8 hoped that the citizens of Wilming he deeplyjamented -j, . ; tori will manifest their appreciation of this . 2ff L Kvt? taotTO I a3 heretofore announced ! following the Centennial in Charlotte. lbB Masters of tne w.ra?Se8"4 "V;ltTZti. V. w 8umer8 of cotton in tbeNorih will meet here also at the same time tojequsuit with the planters of the South. . Tins will be a most toetttag occasion . Wilson Advc rr. Ihe revival at the M. E. Church in .s place continues Jef three weeks and there s no telliDg wben it will end. There nave neen j con- I trerta and nearly all have connected them- I . . l,.; Viririnia Pinlflirpnfp With whom preaching seems to ibe! a labor of love. Though there are several other able minis tersof the church present during the revi val he has preached at every meeting, and Ma sprmons. instead of diminishing in interest, seem to crow mpreand more pow WILMINGTON, T JE3T JE3 OIT1T. man.. f The mails will dose at the City Post-Of nee until further notice as follows Northern (ntehl mails daily.... 6:15 P, M i ! f h mn it h anil n;n.1r thmn?h and wav (dav mails daily .1 . . . 5:30 A. M. Southern mails daily. .. . , . 5:00 A. M. Charleston direct (night) daily.. 5:00 P. M. Columbia Augusta o:UU if. M. " u - .. 5:00 P. M. Western mails (C. C. R'y) 1 . : 5:30 ArM. Smhhville (via Easy Hill land Town Creek) Tuesdays and ! Saturdavs . . . . . ... . . J.'. . . 0 M A M. Fayetteville, and offices on Cape i ear Kiver. Mondays I and Fridays.... 1:00 P M. Fayetteville by C. C. R'y, daily 5:30 A. ML. Onslow C H. and intermediate j offices every Friday ... .1 .. . 6:00 A.M. Mails delivered from A M. to 7 P. M.,- and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. Stamp Office opep from $ A. M. to 12 MV and from 2 to 6 P. M. Money order or Register Department open same as stamp office. ' : NEW A DVBBTISB3IENTS. . See Adv. The Great Mexican Show. A. Davjd. Something New. E. A. LtraisDEN. Spring Millinery. See Adv. "Found." Ckonlt & Morris. Stocks at Auction. .cent llotn. Import Entries for sale at the office of The Momrnra Star St. 1 ! Yesterday being .Good Friday most of the .city and county . offices were closed. The SchoontT X, A. Juhrards sailed from New York for It is port on the 24th inst. Both printing and ruling done in the finest grades, of copying ink at the Star Job Printing Office. tf - ' . . , ..---'-. -i- y at- ' ' - City subscribers .Who fail to re ceive their papers regularly will please re port the fact promptly at this office. tf The fierce March wind yester day whirled the dust in clouds through the streets, making it very uncomfortable and annoy ins to pedestrians. 1 1 . ! Mr. James Heatont Clerk of the . .... - . r - Superior Court, is prominently spoken of in Republican circles in connection with the Candidacy for Convention. I The Scbr. Henri12. Tilton. i : ; which arrived here yesterday from Wil mington, Del., is a new "and handsome three-masted schooner, this being her first trip. - Rev. W. S. Black, Presiding Elder, will occupy the pulpit at Fifth street BL E. Church Sunday morning and even- ing.! j lie second quarterly meeting win . 1 m. .4 . Ml take place also ou Sunday. -4- We announce ag:iin that mar riage and obituary notices tire charged as advertisements, and that those received by mail will not be inserted unless accompa nied with a responsible name, I. & Wlf. I -I Cotton Slealine Arrest of One of the Allesed.Tnleves. j A colored man by the name of Sim. Rob- inenn nnrl liia vifn Ann Ttiihinsnn were on the charge of being implicated in recent cotton steal ings in this city. It appear that the woman mentioned went to the junk shop of Mr. Newton tJillican, jesterdaj,-wiih a bag of cotton which she offered for sale. The proprietor of the shop, having heard that a I 1 ! U J T . qnauuijr vi cuuvu uau uccuDwicunvwiiai. Leahder Moore and others, detained tne I i t- V . ' " woman and sent to the City Hall for a po liceman. Officer Simon Richardson soon appeared and took the woman into custody andi.8uhsequently arrested 1 Sim. Robinson as the principal in the transaction. The woman was discharged on her own recogL hizance in the sum of $100" for her appear- I inn, "th!c mnminir an n Rfnfp'n witnPRain tha I OhUW .U.V MVf.M.M& mm w v " ca8e and Robinson was lodged in the Guard House to await triaL Mr. Moore identified some of his' missing samples among the cotton and upon'inter- i i. . , t, y.aA Viewing me piwuucr wao miu iiui u another bag of the staple at home, which he Would get if allowed to go after! it in I charee' of an officer; permission was Xranted and he soon returned with the ad 4iUonal bag. Mr. GUUcarf stated that this I was the second visit of Ann Robinson to his place with cotton for sale An . investi gation of the matter will take place before the City Court this morning. , rii North Carolina Centennial. Lists for subscriptions jto the expense und of the approaching Centennial of In ijeDerjdence at Charlotte will be found this 1 r - . . . . ! , .- . norning at the various bookstores and at the News Stand. kreat historic erent by making up a hand iome sum, to he forwarded at an early day to the Committee at Charlotte. It is de - edj tim is short hurry the pre- We hope that 'all our citizens be. If you can't give dollars, parations. tviV subscribe. If you give dimes. A large list can and should be sent" Leave the amounts "subscribed with Ihe agents as above named'. Good. Friday. j Good Friday was very generally observed in this city yesterday, business for the most part being suspended. The streets present- lad the aoDearance of Sunday, and as the browds wended their jway to the churches jwhere services appropriate -to the occasion jwere held, and the solemn tones of - the bells were heard, the impression became still stronger on the mind, j . " I All the public offices, we believe, were closed. ' . 1 1 N. C, SATURDAY. Uorse liana way. , ., f Mr. H. W. Shure was riding to the sound yesterday evening, accompanied by his wife and little daughter., ! It appears that while about two mile from the city, where there are numerous stumps on the road, when the horse was moving very fast, the carriage wheels on the left hand Bide, where it was difficult for Mr. Shure to see, passed over a high slump so suddenly that it had I th flWt t"l,rw1nr Mr. Rhnre and :" his , . c. I uuw uauguier yu ui vuc uuggr, jiy. falling in front of the wheels on .the right I hand side and both of them passing oyer J his lower limbs cansinc him to relinauish his hold upon the reins when they fell down by the side of the horse. Mrs. Shure still remained in the buggy, and the horse kept on, wildly gliding through the woods, and was only stepped by the presence of mind and daring of Mrs. Shure, who stepped over the dashboard on the shafts and suc ceeded, through great effort, in getting hold of the reins, when the progress of the horse was stopped and further damage prevented. We are glad to say tha the accident re sulted in no serious injury. New Tribe I. O. R. M. j. Vice f3reat Incohonee W. P. MMahon, last night instituted a new tribe of the Im proved Order of Red Men at Wyoming Wigwam In this city. The following offi cers were elected: . - i; . - J. R. Melton,; Sachem. - Julius Hahn, Sen. S. . David Pratt, Jr. S.v F. W. Foster, C of R. C. Hussell, K. of w. ;i W. F, Wenzel, Prophet. ' . - '- 'n-a-" Cnlekeu k iff Arrested. : OfHceT J. J. Cutlar, of the .'police force, arrested a veil known colored individual, named Jere Forbes, yesterday afternoon, charged with stealing chickens. The war rant for the arrest of Jere, who by the way is an old offender, was issued on the 4th inst., but he succeeded until yesterday in e'udiug the vigilance of the police. He Was lodged in the Guard House to await a hearing this morning. - .. ; m Fell overboard. A gentleman, yesterday, while passing over a gang-plank between two jutting wharves, fell overboard on account of the shifting of the plank. Fortunately assist ance was near at hand, and being a toler able swimmer he finally regained terra firma, having lost a valuable pistol which fell out of his pocket and dropped in the river. . : ' St. James Cnareh. l ST. JAMES' CrrURCH PUBUC SERVICES AT ST. JA31E8' DURIKQ JIOLY WEEK AKD EAS TER TIDE. - , jr Easier Eve, Saturday. MorningPraycr - and i Ante-Com- . : muuion .?i am Evenisg Prayer. 3 p m Easter Morning Prayer.71 am " Litany and Com munion ..11am Evening Prayer.5 pm Easter Monday. .... .Morning Prayer and I Ante-Com munion .11am Evening Prayer.5 p m Easter Tuesday. . . . ..Morning Prayer and j Ante-Com munion .......11am Evening Prayer.5 pm V Bltbop Atkinson's Appointments. Rockfish ................ i. .... i March 13 Fayetteville. . . . .... . Jackson... . . 14 April Windsor............ 3 Woodville, Bertie co, f 4 Murf reesborough i i. . . . Winton. li... Gatesville St. Peters, Gates co ! . . . Hertford .....4. .. Woodville, Perquimans co. . . Elizabeth City Edenton k 8L Lukes, Washington co. . . . St David's, " Columbia. . i ... . Plymouth. St. James, Beaufort co. J;... Lake Landing, Hyde co. .1 .. . 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 15 17 18 19 21 23 25 oladesville, 27 Bath., Zion Church, Beaufort co Washington. ......... JamesvUle. ........... . e 29 B0 2 4 May Williamston. 5 Hamilton Scotland Neck 6 9 ! BIsIiop Ljnaa'1 Appotalmente. The following are the appointments of Bishop Lyman, of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina: i! Hunter T)av. March 28th. Tarboro Wednesday, March 81st, Greenville, Pitt county. Ii Thursday, April-1st, St! Johu's Pitt co Friday, April 2d, Snow Hill, ftnndav. Anril 4th. Kinstoo. Tuesday, April 6th, Holy Innocents, Le- noircounty. h - Thursday, April 8th, Beaufort. !RnnHlv Annl 11th. Newbern. Tiifisdav. Anril 13th. Swift Creek Bridge. Wednesday, April 14lby St. Johu's, Dur ham's O'reeK. , r , Thursday, April 15th, iSoutb ureeK. Ratnrdav. ADiil 17th. Blount's Creek. ;; Sunday, Apnl 18th, Trinity Church ttcau- iort county. J' . Friday, April aaa, oanioru. Saturday, April 24th, St. Mark's, Deep River. l: . - Sunday, April 25th, Piltsboro. Sunday, May 2d, Williamsboro. Tuesday, May 4th, ; Goshen, (Consecra: tion.) " , I . , . . Collection in each congregation for Dio: cesan Missions. : " , ' Book Bixdkky. ibx morions Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Ruling in a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of their orders. - mm m ' ' ' ' TBiirsrxB Pnnme-IKKS. invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants,' manufacturers and others. , They are during and changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time." 'Having Just received a fresh supply of these inks, we are pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. Star. MARCH 27, 1875. CITY ITEMS. Tot Toixbt Gew. Copy or Tibtmokiau Hcdsok City, N. J., Sept. 30th, 1874. Mebsbs. J. & W. Toixbt 89 Maiden Lane, New. York: The 10-gnage Gun No. 3073 1 ordered from you gives me entire satisfaction. I was very exacting when or dering the Gun, bat most eay that 70a have more than falfilled what I required ot yon. I have shot several breech-loaders by flrst-class makers, and your gum beats them all for beaaty and workman- Wp. Ai for shooting qualities, your got shoots wger. and more even than any gun I ever shot I have shown to several good judges (including flrgtlass eunmakers) and all aeree that the actioa is very strong and durable, and that the gnn Is one of the best they ever saw. v I have made some very Kng shots with IV nstog only SX drs. ef powder, which is all your gun requires. I . have shot it at a targat according to the rules of the Turf, Field and Farm Mais, and the average of 6 shots at 40 right-pattern, 175; penetration 89; using 3X drs. powder. Now- I am sore such ' a gun is seldom met with, and am very proud to be the owner , of it But the real test of your gun is in the field there it ezcells all others, killing cleaner and handsomer than any gun I ever saw, as you assured me they would. Both paper and metal shells work splendidly. Gentlemen, I have to offer you my very heat thanks, and will recommend youi guns to all jaj friends. Yours Respectfully, HKKBT LOBIOT. : 'v . if rou '" "-r Want a Situation, . . Want a Saleamanf i i Want a Servant Girl, Want to rent a 8torc,"" , Want to sell a Piano, . 1 Want to sell a Horse, i : Want to lend Money, i Want to buy a House, i Want to buy a Horse, Want to rent a House, ' Want to sell a Carriage, I Want a Boarding place, i Want to borrow Money, ; Want to sell Dry Goods. Want to sell Groceries, . . j Want to seU Fmrniture, Want to sell Hardware, Want to sell Real Estate, j Want a job of Carpentering, Want a job of Blacksmithing, Want to sell Millinery Good. 1 Want to sell a House and Lot, Want to find any one's Address, 1 Want to sell a piece of Furniture, Want to bny a second-hand Carriage, Want to find anything you" have lost. Want to sell Agricultural Implements, ' .Want to Advertise anything to advantage, . Want to find an owner for anything Found, Advertise in TUB MORNING 8TAB.S 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Great -Mexican Show; iyOST THRILLINGARTISTS IN THE WORLD. 24 Star Performers, 24 , TBS CELEBRATED ! V Monceyd Family, Great Mexican Wire-Walkers. Acrobats and Trapeze Per . formers, i THREE OREA1 CLO WNS, I UAPPT jACKL0WT0m The people's Favorite Clown, will exhibit in Wil mington, on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, "April 1st and 2nd, on Fifth street, between Chesnut aid Mulberry. AamissioE, suets; Children, 25cts. marx7-4t - i Something New.r LATEST FASHION, LATEST FAinON, Gents' Dress Coats. ' Gents' Business Coats. LATEST FASHION, Gents Dress Suits. LATEST FASHION, Gents' Furnishing Goods. LATEST FASHION. SDrine Goods Generally. 1 nave, witnout exception, tne nneet assortment . or jn ew j mngs in uents' Attire tnat it naa ever been rav privilege to offer an ap preciative people. My spring effort rar excels inai or any otner i house In the city. Both Merchant TaUorinz and Ready Made Department iuiiy erganizea ana . ready for an im mense snsmess. A DAVID. mar27-tf A. DAVID. A. DAVID. S-nrins: Millinery. ITlRS. E. A. LUMSDEN has last returned with the latest Style s of V illinery Goods, consisting of Pattern Hats and Bonnets, Children's Hats and French Flowers. i mar 87-lw . E. A. LUMSDEX. Found, i .... : . , .. . yjm PRINCESS STREET, THURSDAY NIGHT a silk neck-tie with K. of P. pin attached. The owner may have the same by calling at the Stab office, proving property, and paying for this adver tisement.' mar 27-1 1 Railroad and East Stoci at Auction, HIS DAY (SATURDAY MARCH 27TH , 1875) at Exchange Comer, at It o'clock AM. - CRONLY ft MORRIS, ; -Auctioneers, Stock and Real Estate Brokers. mar 27-lt MISCELLANEOUS. Fine Art-Superb Books rpiK LARGEST AND MOST VALUABLE COL . LECTION OF I Works in the Fine Art - Ever exposed for f ale in this city. Now; on exhibiiibn at, HEINSBEBGER'S, Live Book and Music Store . mar 20 tf Floor, Flour. 300 BWs B' W- F,onr tjQQ Bbla Bell Mills Flour, 6ft Bbls Imperial Star Flour. ; For sale bv mar 25-tf KERCHNER ft C ALDER BROS. -- Sweet Florida Oranges, dec. JJED AND YELLOW BANANAS,' PINE AP " pies, Baldwin and Russett Apples, -i . : And a large variety of Plain and Fine Candies -- iJuet received at 8. G. NORTHROP'S mar!9-tf Fruit and Confectionery Stere. John Dawson en - I HAS IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE A LARGE atnek of Smith's Bellows. Anvils. Screw Plates. Vices, Hammers, Drills, Iron, Steel, Ac, at the lowest market pnee. . , mar 21-tf Nos. 19, 20 and 21 Market St. "WHOLE . NO. .2,332. MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE. LISTING OF TAXAB1ES FOR 1875. Offlce Treasurer & - Collector, I um of YfnasrsGTOir, m. u., March 22nd, 1875. ALL PERSONS AND CORPORATIONS within the corporate limits of the citv of Wil&ineten. on the first dav of April. 1675. are reauired bv law to list all their Real, personal and Poll Taxes for tne year is3.; 1 t The Tax Listers For the city of Wilmington, J. L. Barlow, W. M. If unroe and Wd. H. Banks, will be in attendance at the ' , , CITY HALL COURT ROOM, On the first dav of April. 1875. and -for twenty davs thereafter (Sunday excepted) between the hours of 9 o'clock A . M. and 3 o'clock P. M., and on Friday nights from 6 o'clock to 9 o'clock P. M., for The arpose or listing an the Keai, .personal and foil axes wiuun tne corporate limits 01 tnis city. ALL PERSONS AND CORPORATIONS Neglecting or refusing to comply with the above will be Delinquent, and subject to 1 Double Tax tnereon. -. . ........ . - 1 T. C. SBRVOSS, mar 23-tf city Clerk and Treasurer. North Carolina Gassimeres. MIE TRUE WAY TO ATTAIN SOUTHERN Commercial Independence is, to Patronize Soullicru Industry ! A handsome let of Salem Cseimercs just received. Gentlemen are invited to call and examine these meritorious goods.- In color and fabric they are ua- rivalled tfmong . j American Oood, and would be creditable to the highest English man ufacturing skill. " i 'I BOSKOWITZ St LIEBER, marS4-tf 29 Market street Every Day THRESH ROASTED, FRESH GROUND COFFEE, ju eniy tne neat. ... 1 r . Strictly Fure, FINEST GRADE, CHOICEST ! LAGUYRA COF- FEB. BUY IT, TRY IT,! - We" guarantee its Superior Guality, Perfect Uniform mity. You can always have GOOD COFFEE By using it It will eave you trouble, labor, incon- 1 venience and Money. CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., ' . -T . -f ." - - 5 & 1 North Front Street mar 25-tf Sundries. 100 blsI!enned Bll2r Bags Coffee, 100 Bb PototoefJ A A A Bbls Flour, j tuu 10 Kits Mountain Batter 1 1 PA Boxes Tobacco, OK Barrels Snuff, Now landing and for sale low by 1 EDWARDS & HALL, feb 21-tf - - C LOT HI N G, Trunks, Valises, I Bags, Umhrellas, Canes, &c. MUNSON& CO. March 33 tf City Clothiers. IB TJ 3T Our Half Dime Cigar ' FOR .: Half Dollar Per Dozen, THE BEST IN THIS MARKET, AT No. 22 Market Street i. PIGOTT, mar 21-tf Tobacconist Irisli Oat Ileal. Dundee Jams, Kemp Day Preserves, mar 21-tf At GEO. MYERS. Fine Fur Hats, T HE' BROADWAY SILK I HAT, TRUNKS, Bags, &r. Atj mar 25 tf V HARRISON ft ALLEN'S ! 1 City! Hat Store, Repairii& of Oil Hats and Bonnets. LD HATS AND BONNETS BLEACHED pressed and made to j 4 . Look as Vell as Mew. RLamDiiiB- of all kinds done. For Darttcuiars call on MRS. JENNIE ORR, on Nun, between sra ana in sxreeis. . Flour, Corn, Nails and Shot 1000 BaJ1TCl9 Flonr' 931 SradeB, Q AAA Bushels Prime White Corn, ouuu, OA A Bags Shot For sale low bv t mar 21-tf WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. FIsblns Tackle I Fishing Tackle ! HPHR LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK X of Fishing Tackle ever Drougnt to this city. COnslBtlJuc m purl ui ruwD uuou, wiuun, diu wu Grass Lines, Hooks of all kinds, Hoeks on Wire, Floats in great variety, Bobs, Fly Spoons and Spin- nere, and in fact everytmng aeeaen oy a nsnerman, at rock bottom figures at the new hardware store of mar21-tf GILES ft MURCHISON. XlTEDDING CARDS AND VISITING CARDS V T printed in the most elegant style, at WM. H. BERN A RD8 amgll - ' Printing and Publishing House. Uii Square one day,..'.... "... tl two days,... ? 1 f - threedays S Ot ' four days............. i.-.i. . M ' ' five days , 8 Ot 1 : one week.......... .......i....... 8 M1 ' Two weeks 5 Cfl k Three weeks.. .............. ...... 6 tP One month... 8 CC ' .Two months. ....... .,..15 W - 1 Three months........... ...-S CO Six months...,..;,,....,..'... ...85 00 Onevear.. j . ...R0 Ct ! I u tiv Contract AdverttaemnntA tulcrai it nrorxii- Uonately low rates. Jflve Bouares estimated- as a ennrtar-eohimti. &t ten squares as a half-column. - - MISCELLANEOUS. Millinery Goods, - AT- MRS. E'. M. STROCK'S ! A LARGE AKD BEAUTIFUL VARIETY OP 1. THE - i - - Latest SpriDg. Styles - OF BONNETS, BATS, I MILLINERY GOODS, 4c., Just received. We keen nnlv the ReRt. Roml'. ana coll thpm at tne 1 Lowest Possible Prices Tor Caslt. 1 Call and examine our stock before makina vonr purcnases. , T : MRS. R. M. STROCK. i mar 85 tf . i Evan's Block, Princess St Kew andpinterestiiig Games. STAPHET JENKINS' AND SALLY JONES' i Visit tu Boating with the Old Hare and a i.oaa ov tf roauce, 1 oeucai rot rie, ...('. . - . .- .-. 1 or Aunt Hulda'B Courtship; 1 , fata Shcki from Weathersfield to Paris and the lx- ! position; New Game of Authors; Characters -1 s and Predictions, a pastime of pscti cal prognostication sand pro- . . 1 1 4 Vcrbial prophecios, just received and for sale at, mar 24 tf - City Book Store. First of the Season,- 1 T ADIES DESIROUS OF JLi choice in the . GETTING FIRST New Styles " j OF Spring Dress Goods, Can be supplied by calling at J. & H. Jam son's No. 43 Market Streeti j We are receiving dally per uau ana steamer fresh installments to our i j WELL SELECTED STOCK. , In all our departments. .. . mar 21-tf ! - 43 Market street. BakerWhiskey. TnE BEST AND MOST PQPULAR WHISKEY in the city,; j v Warranted Genuine And pure. TRYT. I keep no books and sell for CASiH ONLY. Old Port, Ale, Porter, &c : : II. W. SHURE. 31 North Front St 1 mar 20-tf. Silver Cups, Seal Kings And Patent Keys, just roceived at 1 1 mar 21-tf 53 Mfrket street I Fresh Teas, j Gun powder English ' breakfast Oplong, Imperial j Young Hjson, Uncolored Japan,, .1 . ii; ... - , .,...(....., all fresh and of Good Quality. Prices low down for Cash. I i mar 23-tf f jajuuj v. TJiVJiouri o. 1 w . -'. W.I- W-1 --1 .... i xioiasses j jaoiasses 1 moxasses; . 2QQ Hhds. New Crop Cuba. BDls jNew uropuuDa. j 1 For sale low Dy ; I mar 21-tf WILLIAMS ft MURCHISON. XFUli b UAgCt tAAC Pressed Corned Beef ; 1 -- - -. - 1 -- - - ' ; ' . : .. COOKED PORTABLE USE, DELICIOUS ruu lunch. No family should be without it Try it For salq only Dy mar 21-tf j GEO. MYJKKS. i 1 G-reen & Flanneiy TI7HOLBSALB AND RETAIL DttUUUlBT, iVV dealers in PUre Dru?s, Chemicals, Proprie tary Medicines, Mineral Waters, rancy uooub, uaraen sees, a, c r . ; 49 Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. j mar 20-tf ! I Fresh Every "Week. JEW PROCESS EMPIRE FLOUR, SUOAR S Cured Pic Hams and Shoulders. , Breakfast fctrips and ail ramuy suppaes at , - GEO. MYERS', 11 and 13 South Front at- mar 21-tf j FOR THE ENSUING WEEK A.T CITIZENS' MARKET, A FINE LOT OF Sampson Countyj SUllfed Beef which I will sell at prices to suit the times. -Call aad see for yourself. T. A WATSON, - Proprietor. feb28-tf Bacon, Pork, Snjar, Coffee. Boxes D. S. Sides and Shoulders, nnn Boxes Smoked sides and Shouldtrs, ." n . m ... T . - . fyy arreis i. jn. iuri, , 1 20Q Barrels Refined Sugar, A A Bags Prime Rio Coffee. For sale low by ' F 1 - I WILLIAMS ft MURCHISON. mar 21-tf THE VINDICATOR '. AND SOUTHERN WATCHMAN, Newton, N. C. : i ' I IA 1 1TSINESS MEN OF WILMINGTON WILL find it to be; to their interest r ; , 4 To Advertio fa the Vlndleator." Warren, Edgecombe, Nash and Northampton, in the East. Liberal terms offered to yearly advertisers. j L. P. ERWIN, - Jan 81-tf ; . " - Publisher. J7ia. W "' " "" 1 Is. f i! is : ll ' 1, If ,leuia. ' I criui u