UATtS OK AElVMtTISlNfi. vna Square one eavJ i u " twodays,. l re THE HOBITIITG STAR. PUBLISHED DAILY, BT BATM Or SUBSCBIPTtOH XX advakc: . Six months, y M t, M I Three monthst j , . One month, ( l , to Citv Subscribers, delivered in any part of the citT Fifteen Cents per week. Oar City Agent, are not authorised to collect for more than 3 months in advance. " : - - - ? -'- OUTLINES. A Paris paper says the Emperor of Brazil proposes to abdicate in favor of his'' daugh ter, and settle in the United States after a tour of Europe. Serious differences between the Carlists. -- Troops will be stationed on the Rio'Grande to prevent out rages. The Wilmington and Reading Railroad will be sold on22d. Serions troubles are threatened in the coal region of Pennsylvania. Yellow fever at Key Vest. Gov. .Coke, of Texas, asks for protection from Mexican raids and the Sec retary of War telegraphs that it will be ex-( tended. New York markets: Money very easy at 45 on call; gold more active at 114fiWi; cotton dull at 16f17; spir its turpentine and rosin steady. OES, JOHNSTON AND THE CKN , . TENTVIAL. Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, the great Confederate ' strategist, has been chosen to act as. Chief Marshal at the North Carolina Centennial of Inde pendence, on the 20th of May, 1875. lie accepts id the following letter, which we find iu the , Charlotte Ob- server. ' v : ' r . : Savannah, Ga., March 26, 1875. . Thos. W. Dewey, Secretary; &c. . 0-n . T 1 ova ? n ot Karl tKa rvlaocrtva to receive your favor of the. 24th inst, in forming me of my selection as Chief Mar shal on the occasion of the celebration of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independ ence. - ; . . . ' I accept the position wiih great pleasure, having a high appreciation of the courage and patriotism of the North Carolinians with whom I have been associated, and a most agreeable recollection of my residence in Charlotte. Most respectfully, ', : Yours truly, r' j J. E. Johnston. Tl,o Rfito in t.nhfi oancrra.LnIa.ted on j this acceptance. General Johnston's .' presence in this role will add to the - occasion. So far the appointments of the com mittee have been admirable. We trust that nothing may occur to mar the beauty and grandeur o the cele .. bration, which should be all that southern pnae can maKe it. letiers fnvnrinor the Tmrnoses of the memo- 0 r r ..11 i r r n;u nave ueeu ittcincu 1 nuui vjcuo. Hoke and Cox, accepting Assistant Marshalships, and from James Barron Uope, the gifted editor of the Nor folk Landmark, in appreciation and acceptance of an honor tendered , to him. Gen. A.M. Scales, M. C, writes: j Permit me to express my high appreciation of the action of your commit lee, and. to add the hope that the celebra tion will be worthy of the State and her people and to increase our State pride, and kinttli nnpw Ihp firpa rf frpprlom nnnn thn consecrated spot where civil- liberty had its iiirtk. Let it be such a success as to put to Minnie the lying partisans at the North, j who, for party purposes, are saying that we Lave no love for the old flag, the old consti tution and the old land. I would not miss it for much. Spirits Turpentine Rev. Dr. Farman will lecture soon in Charlotte. The Charlotte , Observer says Capt. P.N. Waddell has been appointed so liciting agent of the Piedmont Air Line. ; The grocery store of R. M. Mil ler & Sons, of Charlotte, was entered early lust Sunday and robbed of a considerable quantity of goods. -.-'.", The tin roof of the East building at Chapel Hill was torn off and lodged in the neighboring trees. ' Steps . have been takeo to supply a new covering. , Mr. F. H. Busbee, of Kaleigh, will deliver before the young ladies of the Misses Nash and Miss Kollock's school, at Hillsboro, on Saturday, the 3rd of April, at 8 o'clock, a lecture on Immortality. Hillsboro Recorder: There is a Robin that frequents the grove at Locbiel, near this place, that is evidently the musi cal genius amonz the Robin brother-hood: and has either been taking, lessons from a mocking bird or is endeavoring to pass him self off for one. His imitations are on a limited scre at nresent. though doubtless he will khprove as the season advances. It is tne second instance of the Kind that we have seen, tho' we have heard of others. JZUhop Atkinson' Appointments. - Jackson........................ April t Windsor....................... " vvoodville. Bertie co..... " 4 Murfreesborough . . Winton . (Jatesville " 8 St, Peters, Gales co. . . . ...... ... " 9 Hertford ............... "11 Woodville, Perquimans co. .... . " 12 Elizabeth City ...... " 13 iuienton. . 15 StJ Lukes, W asbington co. . . . . . 17 St. David's, " . " " 18 Columbia...,.......;.... ...... u 19 Plymouth... " 21 bt. James', Beaufort co. " 23 , Lake Landing, Hyde co. . . . . " 25 Slade8ville, " " ......... . 27 Brtth... ........................ " 29 ion Church, Beaufort co. . ..... " 30 Washington. May Jamesville. ........ . ........... " Vvilliamston ;....., Hamilton Scotland 'Neck. .... tt it KUhop Lymau' Appointments. The following are the appointments of jaiBuop Liyman, ol the Episcopal Diocese iionu Carolina: : Thursday, April 1st, St John's Pitt co. Friday, April 2d, Snow Hill. ' Sundav. ADril 4th. Kinston. Tuesday, April 6lh, Holy Innocents, Le- uuir county.- r i Thursday, April 8th, Beaufort. Sunday, April 11th, Newbern. Tuesdav. Anril 13ih. Swift Creek Bridge, , Wednesday, April 14th, St. John's, Dur ham's Creek. Thursday, April 15th, South Creek. Saturday. Anril 17th. Blonnt'B Orefik. Sunday, April 18tb, Trinity Church Beati- county. . Fridav. Anril 23rt Saturday, April 24th, St. Mark's, Deep VOL. XVL--NO. 162. T -EHT'JBj Oil1 y. Tne Malls. - v i: 1 1 - The mails will close! at the City Post-Of fice untfl further notice as follows: J i Northern (night) mails daily.!..; 6:15 P. M: inrougn ana way; (day) ! s mails daily.. .. ..i..i.J..L 5:30 A. M Southern mails daily. L. .. .j.. 5:00 A. M. Charleston direct (night) daily.;. 5:00 P. M. Columbia " 44 j ", 5KK) P. M. Augusta - " " J "j . . 5:00 P. M. Western mails (C. C.R'y) " j .1 5:30 A. M. Smithville (via Easy Hill and j j iown ureet) Tuesdays and Saturdays J.' . ii-on A M Fayetteville, and offices on Cape f ear mver. Monaavs and Fridays. ....... 1:00 P J! Fayetteville by C. C. R'y, daily 5:30 A, Mi vnsiow kj. a. ana intermediate ) omces every Fridavi ..... r. l ; 6 :00 A. M Mails delivered from 7 A. M.' to 7 P, M. J ana on ounaays irom :au to :i$0 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 AJM. to 12 M. and from 2 to 6 P. M. Money order of Register Department open same as stamp office; I 1 1 , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W. L. Jewett WiL S. F. E. Co. No. 1 Hasrison & Allen Silk Dress Hits. J. H. RoBrKSON Notice. ' j j Sprunt & HresoN Dissolution. DtentH & Co iSash, 'Blinds, Ac C. S. Eixis Real Estate: & Loan Ass'n. B. II. J. Ahreks New Ice House. H. W. Shtjke Florida Oranges, &4 D. Pigott Half Dime Cigar. - ! ';-! ' To City Subscribers, v I I Beginning. April 1, Mri 'Samuel Davis takes charge of the entire city circulation of The Mousing StabI; and; from that Mate . . . li , -i A all subscriptions will be payable to him He will serve the paper early ;and regularly, and; hopes ; alt -his subscribers will ij pay promptly, as he has to meet his engage ments with the proprietor whether the sub - seribers pay himpanctiallyjbr not. tf Local Dots. March goes out 1 like lamb." if Regular meetih'gof W. S. M E. Company this evening. The old Board of Aldermen -Will meet in regular session I if r . i -to-morrow evening. To-day, being j!he Isi of April, is known in tne calendar as! 44 All-Fool's Day." : We learn that (!J. Esq., is one of the Republican aspirants for Conventional honors. There were orily two tnfliue cases before the City Court rest j;rday , which were appropriately disjtoscd or. i A good substantial : sidewalk U being laid down on thej south side of Prin cess to Ninth street, anj improvement which was hadlv needed. J ! , 1 f We learn that there is. a eolorud J . I ill : I ' i ii " woman livine on Nun. between Second and Third streets, whej has 'reached the ad- vanced age of 115 years. We learn from Win. A. Green. Clerk, that the Market! bellj for; closing; the Market, commencing yfilii ito-day, will be rung at 10 o'clock A? it. Hi i T i J j ; .5- 'The Public Schools of the city will be examined to-mdrrow; Friday. Pa rents and friends of the pupils; are invited to attend. The schools are to have a vaca tion of one week. j 111 W. P. Canaday Esq., requests us to say that he is nofj a candidate for the nomination for Convention,' and would refuse to run for the position if be should receive the nomination. Now for. balmy j breezes ijarid modest April showers in place of blustering March winds and cold, drenching rains. Who will not welcome the change if 'Old Probs." will but vouchsafe it t . J The men who have been selling small red" balloons on i the streets for Borne time past, with something after the fashion of a "sauedunk" accompaniment to aitract customers, were ordered by the authorities yesterdayOo pay a lic( nse tax of $5 or leave town within an hour, i They concluded to leave. . j Rev. Elias Hanes, preacher, will preach again at Baptist church to-night at Subject, The inheritancis Dromised to Abraham and bis the blind the Second 7 o'clock, which! God seed. After preaching, he will offei" hisj book of . 4.Th 3 Creation, Condition and Destiny of man.1 Also a book entitled "S'piritjualism Unaile 1 and shown to be the Work of demons.? All I. i 1 !. I : i it ally the Israelites oj the city, to attend. ! J niaartst rates Conrtll? ji: Before Justice S. VanAmringe,i yester day, was arraigned Alfred Williams, on the complaint of Alonzoj Belli charged with forcible trespass.- Th case was finally con tinued over until this morning: at 10 o'clock John Self was arraigned! before Justice Cassidey on the charge of assault and! bat tery on the person of Rosanna Larkins. Judgment suspended on the. payment of costs. i ' , j Grayson Jenkins, charged with cursing and swearinz and using profane language on the streets, was. found guilty, Judg- ment suspended on tne payment oi costs. Christmas Swann. arrested, on a peace warrant sworn out by Edward S. Gause was recognized in the! sum of $100 to ap pear at the next term of the Superior Court and to keep the peace; '' Sent Oui '';:'''or-;v.i'' - i , t"-; ' A white man by I he name of -1 ilton Bartley, who was arrested bn Tuesday and lodged in jail, on a capias -from . Mecklen burg county, was seni to Charlotte yester day in charge of an officer.' The complaint against Bartley is for fighting; ' - 9 t WILMINGTON, N. C., THURSDAY. Arrived. - : i The new truck ofjthe Fifth Ward Inde pendent Bucket Company No. 1 arrived from New York cm ibe steamship Benefactor 3resterday. It is a jvery handsome truck, light and very easily managed. It is from the manufactory of Fred. J. Miller, 65 Lib erty street, N. Y. and its equipments con sist 'of four ladders, j three of which can be joined together, making an extension lad der thirty-two feet in length, one large chain hook and four roofj hooks, four lanterns, sixteen rubber buckets, eight of which came with thet ruck. There are hooks for the buck ets, eight on the topj of the truck and eight Underneath; but these will -not constitute all the buckets to be used. The company were on hand and took the truck to a position in front of Messrs. Adrian & Tollers' store, where it remained! for some time, after "which it was taken to the truck house on. Fifth, between Nun and Church streets, which is a very convenient building for the purpose. On the sides of the truck is neat ly painted the words, ,45th W. I. B. Co. 'No. 1." lt y , e The uniform of the company,' which has been ordered, will consist of a black cap, .with, red front, with "the name and number of the company in front; a black belt, with name and number of company in front, and dark gray shirt with red trimmings. i ; The first parade of this company, which is n4 doubt destined to prove a valuable! i i l ' i - ' auxiliary to our fire department, will take place in the course of the next two or three' weeks, ; ' i IX .j : i ' ' Muttuy tu tbe Coiiwtf Jail. : ' - : The prisoners in the county I jail bccame mutinous yesterday morning and refused to be returned te their respective quaitera, de- fying the efforts of thej jailor to control them. In fact their resistance became sol determined that the jailor finally sent for assistance to the City Hall and a number of policemen were dispatched t the jail to quell the disturbance and enforce obedi ence to the mandates of the lawful, -officer in chrge of them. They appeared to be acting (under the leadership of a white prisoner by the name of Mc Williams, and; their complaint was that they were notsuffl-j ciently fed. One of them drew out a parcel from bis cell containing a piece of corn bread about seven inches long, two and a half inches wide and two inches thick. which he said comprised the' rations for! himself and another prisoners for one day,! alleging at the same lime that if they were! sufficiently fed by the jailor f they would cause no trouble. Tbe Sheriff, on the other hand, assures us that' to his certain knowl edge each prisoner r ;ceivs a pound and a half of bread and a j ound of meat as his or her Rations every daj , being a half pound more of bread than the law requires, and that in addition they receive molasses and pea?, which are not required by law. -The Sheriff says that as aj general thing the pris" oners get fat on their prison diet, and he thinks they have little reason to complain Vender Nomination. The Democratic-Conservative convention. of Pender county met at Long Creek yes terday, and made the following nomina tions for the principal offices: For Sheriff J Thomas .Williams, nominated on second ballot. For Superior Court Cleik, Robert K. Bryan, nominate on first ballot. For McPhersonJ Register of Deeds,; lames Ji. nominated on fifteenth ballot. ; We congratulate our Conservative friends . . ( . ..... . in Pender on the admirable selections they ave made. We do not believe a stronger, team than Messrs. Bryan, Williams and Mcpherson could have been brought out! They are not only capable men, but they are available candidates, and will poll more .than their party vote. With determined and! energetic work jthey will all be elected Change In Business. The. old established firm of Sprunt & Hinson is dissolved to-day, Mr. Hinson re tiring with the intention of i removing to Baltimore, where he will enter into busi ness ! The bsiness; of the old firm will hereafter be conducted by Messrs. Alexj. Sprunt and James Sprunt, under the style of Sprunt & Son. j Mr. Hinson will not leave for some weeks and in the meantime 'can be found at hisj old quarters. I Mr. 'EL has many warm friends in the community, including his late copartners, whose best wishes will follow him to his new field of enterprise andlabor. lew Billiard Hall. The formal opening of the new billiard hall of Brock's Exchange,! under the pro prietorsbip of Mr. j W. H. j Gerken, took place last night and was attended by Quite a larsre number of invited euests. The room is 38 by 26 feet, is fitted up in fine style, with H. W. bollender's carom and pocket tables, private, cue racks, elegant mirrors, &c. The hall is brilliantly lighted with gas, and is altogether, no doubt, the finest billiard hall id tbe State. On tbe first floor of the establishment, in the rear, is an elegantly furnished, saloon, to which, will ue auueu u cigar auu iuubvcumuiciu uuui. Improvements. i Mr. J. H. Allen the jeweller, who has just removed his establishment to the build ing corner of Front and Princess streets, formerly occupied by Mr. Harry Webb, proposes to make quite an improvement in the character and appearance of the store. These will consist of splendid glass fronts, both on the Front and a portion of the : Princess street sides, rounding the corner, where an iron column will be placed. This, with vestibule doors, which willre added,: will make a great change as well as a de cided improvement I in the appearance of the store. . Import Entries for sale at the office -of The Morning Star. , 3t Tbe Can-can In Jllacon, Ga. A Sboot- , Ine Aflalr. j A shooting affair occurred at Macon, Ga on Friday night last between Tom Perry, trapeze performer with the Female Min strels and Can-Can Company, advertised to perform in this city on the 8th and Oth insts., and a young Macbnite by the name of Schacckly. It appears, that after the per formance that evening Schoeckly, who had become smitten with one of the young dam sels connected j with the troupe," sent her a note stating that he would call upon her at tho Lanier, House, where the troupe were stopping, and invited her to partake of f champagne and oyster supper, etc. He subsequently repaired to the hotel and wended his way to the sitting room, where he expected to meet the charmer, when, as the account in the Savannah Morning News says, 4,hc was suddenly knocked off bis' pins by a terrible blow from the lively genius who does the trapeze business, and another male attache of the troupe saluted him on the proboscis with a healthy bunch! of fives. ; He was knocked about like a foot ball, and battered; and bruised picked him-j self up the best he could and retreated rap-i idiy. iv4,.;;;"4v- j Determined j upon revenge, however,: Schoeckly, with some of his friends, re-i paired to the depot on Sunday night,' when the company were about leaving the city, and immediately opened i fire upon Perry, wounding him seriously. The affair created great excitement, nearly the entire popula tion of Macon flocking to tbe scene. - At last accounts the wounded man was in At lanta in a dangerous condition. The lleutic. .' ro ape. : i Theladies, oi course, will let the Can-Can troupe, who perform here , next, week, severely alone, i But for the benefit of the gentlemen who may be interested in this matter we give the following from the Ma con Telegraph: j ; " p We regret to hear that considerable dis appointment was, experienced by many Benedicts at the nature of the performance at Ralston Hall on Friday night. After tearing themselves from the delights and comforts of slippers and dressing gowns and the sweet prattle and loving words of wives and little ones, it was too bad, they thought, to find so little that was naughtily nice in the 44 Can-Can." They complained that the dresses were too long and the dancers too modest. They fondly hoped for a big revel in the results of contraband contortions and suggestive saltations. As one of them re marked,' almost with tears in bis eyes: 44 Only to the garters after all !" Then he walked off, mournfully humming, 44 Where are now the hopes I cherished ?" The same paper adds: I Tbe Can-Can performance was not what was expected. ! It did not violate all the rules of decency and propriety It was not a gross outrage upon all the laws of mor ality. There have been many coarser per formances in tbe ball by highly reputable ccmpauies. - i Tbe Light Artillery company. ' Several gentlemen met 3laj. Reiiley at the Armory Room 'of tbe Wilmington Light It fanlry Company last night, for the pur pose of organizing a Light Artillery Com pany, lt was unally decided, however, to postpone the organization of the company until to-morrow (Friday) evening, when another meeting will be held at the same hour and place. It is hoped that there will be a large attendance on the occasion. ' i . - - . IT. 8. Commissioner Court. Henry Williams, colored, was arrested on a warrant issued by U. S. Commissioner J. J. Cassidey, yesterday, charged with selling cigars at retail without having secured the necessary license'. Defendant was ordered tb give security in the sum of . $100 for his appearance at the office of the Commission er on Monday next at 10 o'clock, in default of which he was committed to jail. " ' LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the city post-office April 1 1875: ' "" ' . MB Ann Brickhouse, Agnis Buford, Colonel Bates, George F Brown, Helan Bordeaux, Joseph Berry, J A Beery, Lee Baul, L F Brown, Walter Brinton, William Brotberton, William Butler, Stephen Ben nett, Samuel M Burney, Sam Burne, Rufin Bass, PaulJBrown, Capt M V. Bates, Mary Jane Boland, Mary M.BueL - i C Capt Cornelus Carson, W F Carr, William Campbell, Thos Callayon, Tbos Carney, Mary Conner. John M Corbett, John Cannedy, D A Cooper, George Cnry, Alice Craig. i D W .W Dreyfoor, C H Davis, John Duixson, Demeran L Dean, r " r ! E Hon H G Eastman. i Balam Fenderson, Edith Fail fai,' Robert Finly, Simon Field. G Henry B Green, -i H Roseyeter Herrien, Maryllaidy, Wil liam Hardwick, Henry n Ilodgton, Isaar Highfield, DrJ W Hughes, Martha Harris, Martha Henderson, Dan'i II Hutchison, Arrisaie Harriss. I EIrvin. J Amretta Jackson, i Annie Johnson, James Johnson. i s K Thomas J King, Bruce King, i L Lucy A Laine, Susan Louiue, Honer Love, for J M Green. M Benjamin Moore, li Eliza Murphy, Woory Morris, John Morrill, Susan Merick, Thomas Miller, Miss S E Meadows, Sarah Morgan, Steve Merick, Ann McMilan. . "M Winbpna "Ertmond Neill. John (t Nixon, John Nelson, ; Nancy A - Noon, i P Ida Putton, Susan M Peirec, Wil HamH Payne. l.R Katty Ramson, Laura Robert s, Julius Robinson, J D Bobbins, Ida Roberson, Franklin Russ, Alice Roberson, Alfred Roberson. - i S William Smith, Robert Spicer, Peter Stelling, L R Smith, J Sweet, John Sidbery, Horry Smith, Gaston Sanders, Charles R Smith. Abram Smith. t . -i T Haywood Turner, Eld D W Trosk. T,W James L Welton, Dr J N Walbridge, Loveless Ward, Mrs Y Ward, W C Walker. ; SHIP LETTERS. 1 Paul G Rivers, Schr Seventy Six; L W Willington, Schr Martha Maria; Thomas Marshall, Schr J C Richardson; John Rendel, Bark Eliza Evelina; Augustus A Steven, Schr Astra; R L Hall, Schr E P Gowryer; L & H Bracy, Schr M B Reene; Henry Cox, Schr Mattie Holmes; Job- R Doisly, Schr Mary E Traine; Thomas H ' APRIL i; 1875. Bailey, Schr Robert Palmer; Robt Ste son, James S Jenks. ; i , t i Persons calling for letters Jn the above list will please' say ."advertised." ; If not called for within SO days they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. - i -! : , Ed. R. Brink, P M. i i Wilmington, April 1, 1875. - A . ' CITY ITEMS.' ' " Book Bisdke. xhb mounins Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Baling In a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices, i Mer chants and others needlng"Kecclpt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of their orders.' ! . Fbksii Otstbrs continue to be received at Gil bert's Saloon, Sonth Water street, and always of tbe best quality and flavor. ," I ! 1 BCRUL SERVICE. ENNETT. The Order for the Burial i of the Dead will be recited over the mortal remains of David Mclntyre, son of Dr., W. T. Knnettand Sarah his wife, at Kocky Poiat to-morrow (Thursday) morning at 10 o'clock, t i The relatives and friends of the fami ly are most respectfully invited to attend. ' ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. Marshal's Office, ! WIIiMINGTON,N. C.! j 1 . i ' April Ut, 18T5. f , The attention op the citizens op the community is respectfully called to the fact that the sickly season approaches wiih the warm weather which is now near at hand, and that it becomes my duty to adopt the most stringent sanitary measures at this time in order to preserve the health of the city. To prevent, as far as possible, the spread of all diseases Incident to the warm season; which DECAYED MATTER, FILTH, GARBAGE, TRASH, AND ALL KEPUSE MATTER, Tend to generate, I would most earnestly ask the hearty co-operation j ot the citizens j generally In placing our city in such a cleanly condition as to render it impregnable to those diseases which have birth la filth and an unwholesome atmosphere, and to a lack of prompt attention at the proper season. To this end the entire force of the city wilt be em ployed in CLEANSING, DRAINING, DISINFECTING; RE MOVING TRASH, &c, Ac , For. at least the next t went I davs All persons are earnestly reouested to have the trash and refuse matter upon their premises placed upon the streets, where jracticable in Barrels or Boxes, which will be removed immediately. ' DISINFECTANTS . I. will be furnished free of charge at my Office to any person calling for same.' i i THE HEALTH OFFICERS TO BE DESIGNATED BY A YELLOW ROSETTE, . Maybe notified of; any stagnant water standing upon any lot, damp cellars, or any thing 4-hich would tend to Impair the health of the City. Any complaint lodged at! my Office will have prompt attention.- Hoping" that proper sanitary measures adopted now may secure to us a healthy city during the summer. : I earnestly solicit the aid and nLt cooperation of all eood citizens tb attain this greatly to do aesired end. I Very Respectfully, J. H. ROBINSON, April 1-tf ! City Marshal The Copartnership TTERETOFORB EXISTING BETWEEN ' THE JJ. undersigned under the firm name of Sprunt & Hinson, is this day dissolved by mutual consent Alex. Sprunt and James Sprunt are alone authorized to settle the Copartnership and to sign the name ol the firm in liquidation. i . j ALEX 8FRUNTJ JOHN W. I HINSON, JAMES SPRUNTi i I The undersigned have this day associated ithem selves as copartners under the firm and style of Alex. Sprunt & Son. They will continue thef busi ness of the old firm at the same place; and they pledge to the friends and patrons of Sprunt & Hin son and to all others entrusting business to them the most diligent and faithful attention to their in terests. U. -,t. .I.-,. I. L April 1st, 1875 S f . - ' ... r ALEX. SPRUNT, ; JAMES SPRUNT. : Having been associated ia business with Messrs1. Alex, Sprunt and James Sprunt for tne past eight years, and intending to leave the State to enter into business elsewhere, I retire from that connection with the very highest appreciation of J them b Jth as merchants and gentlemen of thorough capacity and integrity; and most cordially recommend the new firm of Alex. Sprunt Son to the patronage and confidence of the public, and especially of all my friends ; and take pleasure in assuring them that their business could not be entrusted to Detter ori safer hands. . , , ,. , . April 1st, 175. . . 1 April Mw JOHN W. HINSON. I The Annual Meeting OP THE STOCKHOLDERS ,OF THE i - I Real Estate and Loan Association,! F; - -.'-;v ;f;::-'.': '; ;; 1- ; ; OR THE ELECTION OP DIRECTORS AND the transaction of other bu sincss, will be' held at the Hibernian Dal', en i i i i PKI AY KVENISG TUB 9m LNST., AT 8 O'CLOCK. ' i-i : C. 8. ELLIS,' Apiil 1 St Secretary and Treanrer. The New Ice House. 1 RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY MY FRIENDS aud the public generally that I have this day opened my ICE HOUSE on Dock, between Water aud Front and also at the corner of Market and S venth greets, where the citizens can always get the best Cf Ice t ';' ' -- r b. n. j. AnREN, April 1 4t - i Proprietor. WIL. STEAM F. E. COMPAMJU. 1. Regular meeting tbis (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock. " j. t ... By Order of the Foreman. - 4 W. L. JEWETT, ' April 1-lt j ; Recording Secretary. Silk Dress Hats. ri OBBY SPRING STYLES. WE ARE RECEIV ing daily by Express a variety of New Styles at Wholesale and RataO. v ' : . HARRISON & ALLEN, April 1-tf ' . City Hatters. Notice. ii.LL PERSONS ARB J HEREBY WARNED against harbroing or trusting the Crew of Brig Aba as no account will be paid by Master or Consignee. April 13t ' . R. E. HEIDE. WHOLE NO.; 2,33.0. JNEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Feathers. A LARGE LOT OF Live Geese I Feathers On hand and for sale low by :iWWAxA0A:-:-AAMWk April l-DSt W3t . ID. A. SMITH & CO. Sash, Blinds land Boors. LAJt GE S2 0CK CJ UST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE AT RE- dsced prices by r - - ' j i ' April 1-D3t W8t D. A. SMITH & CO, ' Nuga Bar, Bon Bpns. . FLORIDA ORANGE S tAr --:- -:r f -' ; AND :AA&A Lemon Slices, GREAM CHOCOLATES,!- GUM DROPS AND fuU assortment of Mixed Candies aud nuts. Mince Meat, Apple Butter, Crosse & Blackwell's Eickles. .. ; j ..... . . , .. Old Port and Baker Whiskey. i ; h. w. snuRE. . . Apr ll-tf. I I 31 Noeth Front St . ..;IB TJ IT'l A : Our Half Dime Cigar ' -FOR . j Half Dollar Per Dozen; THE BEST IN THIS MARKET, AT No. J Market! Street d. Pigott, April 1-tf : . Tobacconist MISCELLANEOUS. Menjand Boys' v spring( Shirts, Drawers, &c. Scarfe, Ties, Bows, &c. MUNS0N&iC0. March Sl-tfj , City Clothiers. Du Font's Powder, JIFLE, SPORTING AND DUCK, ! ELASTLNG In Whole, Half and Quarter Kegs, For sale by mar 31-tf I r-fir -::fX li - ----- O. G. PARSLEY & CO." . Busbee's 1 ISforth Carolina Justice and Farm Book, A Hand-Boek for All Business Men, . ; For sale at mar 31-tf nEINSBERGER'S, Live Bock and Mubic Store. " Notice to Shippers. A-- :: ''"-:-- ' -v ; v:v.jvv-: A' - :r 4 ; ? : "THE - - CLYDE LINE. M Tort and WilminstonlSteamsliiB C o. TO MEET THE WANTS OF THE TRADE . nave added another Steamer to the Hine, and will sail; from ! NEW YORK EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, ... j j .... , - '-: .- at 3 P. M. fromPier 13 NorthRiver. , Semi-Weekly from Each Fort HEREAFTER SHIPPERS CAN RELY iJPON the Prompt and Regular Sailing of these Steamers from New York as advertised. As- the Company has determined to adopt regular sailing days, and with the additional Steamer there can be no cause for delay in shipments. Otner steamers wui De aaaea as required. l; A. D. CAZAUX, Agent, mar 16-tf I ! . . Wilmington, N. C. Office, Treasurer & Collector CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, I i February 18th, 1674. y Notice to Owners of any Truck, Dray or Wagon. -. THE OWNER; of any Truck, Dray, Cart or Wasron. used in the city, will send the same to the shep of John A, Parker, en Second Street, and nave tneir Kegisterea numDer pain tea mereon De fore the first day of March, prox., when the Ordi nance Imposing a Penalty will be enforced. A list of the registered numbers will be furnished on application at this office. 1 feh 19-eod tf thur ! Treasurer. AnDle. Butter. .New ORANGES,"" CHOICE LEMONS,, JUST ARRIVED AND 1 j - - . . For sale at . i -t .. G. H. W. RUNGE'S, DTortbeaat tor. Market and Seeond Sta. mar 30-tf ! FOR THE ENSUING WEEK S - - 1.T CITIZENS' MARKET, A FINE LOT OF SampBon 'County Stallfed Beef which I will sell at prices to suit the times. Call and see for yourself. T, A. WATSON, Proprietor. feb38-tf Spring Millinery. 1Y1&3. B. A. LXJMSDKX has last returned with the latest Styles of Millinery Goods, consisting of Pattern Hats j and Bonnets, Children's Hats and French Flowers., r mar S7-lw ' E. A. LUM8DEN. Guano, Guano, Guano. 350 Tons Guanape Guano, 200 Tons Eureka uuano. For sale low by marS-tfS . WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. - i - . - - mree aaye.... ....... ...... 3 Ct four days.. .;. .i. .... i. .. tf1 ive day8......i...i...i,.......i... 8 W one week 3 M Two weeks....................... 5 ti Three weeks.... ............ ...... 6 to One month . . - ft rx It :. Two months... ...........15 " , ' Threemonths.i......... :... fO .! &1X months. . . . . .88 DO' Oneyear 50 W Cionately low rates. ' ten i i ifuho''1uii as a euartcr-coiumn. ani1 - MISCELLANEOUS. Spring Hillinery; A -AT IE. M. STHOCK & CO'S. Evans' Block, Princess Street. A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL VARIETY CF v TUB Latest Spring Styles . jOF BONNETS, ATS, , ' i . " x , . f MILLINERY GOODS,: Ac., Just Received. I We keep. cnlyJie Best Goods, and fell them at P 1 , 1 - ' " ; ' t.owet Possible Prices for Casli.i f Call and examine onr stock before making ycur , purchases. mar su u . ! - Evans' Block, Princess St. fWorld JDefiance. : i. t - vTTE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN ELEGANT iVV lot of this reliable old bracd. Try the popular Seenr of the cltv. They are ccr. tainly rich, sweet nd fragrant. Also . . mortei Segars; of -no Choicest BraBis FU09I $SQTU $260 PGR 1.600. ' Tr the KENTUCKY GEM at 63. Pure and el egant. The nush.' and demand for the .celebrated brand of I j I . - i BLUE GRASS' is positive evidence of its superiority over all ether prangs. Sold only by - mar 28-tf 11 and 13 South Front st. 350 Tons Celebrated :" W II ANN'S pho S PH ATE Jittt arrived and for ra!e by V mar 28-2 w AM ORDINANCE, Csncernini Drays, laps: Carts. &c. rpHE BOARD OV ALDERMEN OF THE CITY LL OF WILMINGTON, N,C, DO ! ! ORDAIN, That any Dray, Truck Wagon, or 3 Cart found in use within the City limits without the ' ' I 1 I- ' Badge or Registered Number, as required by City Tax Ordinance passed May Oth, 1873, shall be subject to sebeuseby the City Marshal, and the owner thereof subject to a fine of Five Doixars for each: and every! day the same is used ia this City withoat the prepayment of the monthly -tax, or without havins on tho? Badge or Begistered Number 5 as the Ordinance of the City requires. ' ! Any Ordinance pr parts thereof conflicting with the foregoing are hereby repealed. ' 1 The above Ordinance was vassed bv the Board of Aldermen attheir meeting February 16th, 1874. - I febl8tf I - I L Citr Clerk. Newj Crop Cuba MOLASSES: U t . - f XjlNOTHER CARGO .JUST IN WHICH WE i offer to the trade at L O T FI G UBES In Eogsheads andjBarrels. I i r ... :;. j ; ro-M'-- -: i K feS 27-d&wtf BINFORD, CROW & CO. Lower Prices fpO CASH, BUYERS OF ! ' I : Family Groceries , ...- i than ever, t '-'V-'A l.'v. :K'- SUGAR LOWER; ! t I , -.4- FLOUR LOWER, - ' I i BUTTER LOWER. A. liberal discount for Cash. , i i CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., marSS-tf I fi & 1 North Front Street. Wanted, ; EVERY ONE TO KNOW THAT I WILL MOVE may Stock'Of ), .-. ! ! jWatches, Jewelry,' &c, To the Store on the Corner of Front and Princess streets, on the 1st of April, where l will open .. A NEW AND FINE ASSORTMENT OF ''ill , - JWatclies,! Clocks. Silverware : and Fancy Geods. . . J. H. ALLEN, ' Agent mar SO-tf HERRING'S Patent Champion Safes ESTABLISHED jMORE THAN A THIRD OF A ' "J CENTURY, . . " i .-. , REDUCED IN PRICE. ALSO TWO HUNDRED SECOND-HAND SAFES' FOR." SALE Alj VERY LOW PRICES, t HERRING & CO., '.! 251 and 252 BROADWAY, New York v m v " I - ( v. -?- 56 and 60 SUDBURY'ST., Boston. . feb H-Deod8mThSa Tu; FIELD DOCS. Breetink lm of I A. C. MM Newton; New Jersey. Y0IJNG POINTERS AND SETTERS OF THE Finest Strains FOR SALE. Dotrs broken thorone-hlv for 5fl CO. For fall par At ,? J J ..." ... . A, C. WADDELL, Newton, New Jersey.; mat 20-D&WM llolassest llolasses! Ilolasses! 2QQ Hhds. andBblsNew Crop Cuba. For sale low bv , mar 23-tf WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. fry. " :H;-; r i x-T--;-?