. i - ; ; : i : : THE HOKBTIIIG STAR. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY BATM 0 BOT80RIPTIOH IH ADVA1TCK Six months, ( t M Three montBt to fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are nofkatCed to collect for more than 3 months in . advance. . - " ...v.::;::::;:J. A member of the Louisiana " Legislature has been indicted for forgery. Coit block, Buffalo, burned; loss $220,000; one man killed. -'Collision on Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad killed one and wounded several. . All the rivers in New England are 'rapidly rising. Excursion of Senators abandoned. Prof. Walker, the Brooklyn scientist, died from overdose of hemlock " extract- New York markets: Gold, 114114i; rosin, $2 10; spiritaT turpentine 36$; cotlon, gQI, . , Believed that Gloucester schooner . B. Stanwood is lost, being fafr overdue. - A Ban Francisco telegram reports . the .burning of University at Mound City. Spanish and Cuban cigar -makers in New York struck. 7- President said yester day be bad not spoken his mind to any one on Mexican question, cor had there been a consultation of Cabinet; no reason for ap prehension of war. Yellow fever situ ation at Key West favorable. The Connecticut State election shows a triumph for ther Liberal Democracy, as do the mu nicipal contests at Cincinnati, Ohio, and Aanupolis, Md. . , The Concord Register edited by 'Mr 'Walter J. Boyliu, late of the Monroe Enquirer y appeared last Sat urday in tte town of Concord, Ca '.barrus county. It is a good local paper, and promises to do well. Mr. Boylin, though young, is industrious, sprightly and tasteful. Grant says be sees no reason to ap prehend war with Mexico, .though he could nolj say what might happen. ICAL UPUOiy LAW. Au Act Amend' Sec. 5 Cbap. 138, Laws 1873-74. Sec. 1. The General Assembly of Xorth Carolina do enact. That Sec. 5, Chapter 138, laws of 1873-'74,fbe amendeil by striking out in line six, all after the word " lownship, down to the word " and" in line seven, and insert the following: - Until n elec tion shall be held, under the permis sion and in the same 'manner, as pre scribed in said chapter, and a majori ty of the 'votes so cast shall be against "prohibition and in favor" licenses." All laws or clauses of law in conflict with this act! are hereby repealed. Katjtied 25th day of Feb.,: 1875. ; Still Proaeeuilns tbe War." Baltimore Sun I Mr. It. S. Ripley, quondam Con federate General, at present, residing in poudon, lately forwarded to Gov. Gaston, of Massachusetts, the battle llag of the fifty-fourth Massachusetts 'regiment, captured duriugthe assault upun Fort Wagner, July 18, 1863. With the flag came a letter. After consulting Mr. Loring, President of the Senate, and Mr. Sandford, Presi dent of the House, as to the prece dents, the Governor had notified the General Assembly of the arrival of flag, supposing that order would at once be taken for. its formal re ception iu joint convention. The House committee, however, had ta ken a different view of the proprieties, and reported a resolution formally ac ceptitig the flag, and directing the Governor to have it placed in Doric Hall. Mr. Pierce, brother of the Congressman, had moved to amend by extending the thanks of Massa cnusetts to Mr. Ripley, and quite an 'excited debate had sprung up.' A Mr. Codman had assured the House that the letter was replete with such patriotic feeling that members would be ashamed to vote against the amendment after once hearing it Mead. Bitter' speeches had been iade on the other side. Mr. Pierce had given notice of his purpose to move a recommittal of the report in rrder to procure the letter from tbe Governor. In order to prevent this a member had moved the previous ''question. The tall tr Rtnnri S7 to 57. aud SpeakersSandford threw his cast ing vntft in lha offl Sprinorfield. Re-publican don't doubt that the not very gory warriors who nave captured the "G. A. It." organ ization in some sections of Massachu setts and turned it into a propaganda oijLsuiiensm will applaud his action - Forgery and Defalcation. 'J no. Bossieux, late President of the Dollarjsavings Bank in this city, and Thoff. S. Armistead, late cashier, were arrested this evening upon a warrant taken out bv E. T. Burcb. , - J . depositor, charging Bossieux with the emuezziement of sixteen thousand dollars of the fjindsnf th denositors and Armistead with making forged ana raise entries. UUliopJLyman's Appolutments. Tbe following are tbe appointments of uibuop iiyman, ot the .Episcopal Diocese wi nu Carolina: I Tuesday, April 6th, Holy Innocents, Le uoir countv. Thursday, April 8th, Beaufort. Sunday, April 11th, New bern. Tuesday. Anril 13th. Swift Creek Bridce, Wednesday, April 14lh, St. Jolin's,: Dur Thursday, April 15th, South Creek. Saturday. Anril 17th. Blount's Creek, Sunday, April 18tb, Trinity Church Beau 1 "i i couniy. - . Friday, April 23d. Sanford. Sutunlay, April 24th, St. Mark's, Deep -xuver., , Sunday. Anril 2.1th. Piftshnrn J Sunday, May 2d, Williarasboro. ; luesday, May 4th, Goshen, (O turn.) ;onsecra- Collection in each congregation for Dio- -"Bail missions. . - n I I I i. r! t 1 I -.. Ill - A - : V .'II 1 V II, ill II. V- VI ft " I ' VI VI . I 1 :', )-.. ' mV -. M :-. II M :.- II I 1 . - .. V. , I . ......... . ' - j : ' .! - ' - ,-;, , , - . - . - : , VOL. XVI.-NO.-19. THEOITY. The malls. j ' j s The mails will close at the "City Post-Of fice until further notice as follows: T i Northern (night) mails daily. .1. 6:15 JJ. M. """ugu auu yv ay . i mails dailv....i. J...L. rn'A M Southern mails daily...vj!.. 5:00 A.M. Charleston directiil;ht) daily5. . 5:00 P. M. Columbia 5KK) P. M Augusta 5 WV. M. Western mails (C. C.R'y) l"r f . 5:30 A. M ouiikuviim via jasy tim ana . Town Creeks Tuesdays and ! t Saturdays............!....!.. 6.-00 A.M. Fayetteville, and offices on Cape i j . j a ear uiver, Mondays and i i Fridavs :...L..a.. i-nnp r Fayetteville by C. C. R'y,l daDv 5:30 LA. M. Onslow C. H. and intermediate1 i j 1 offices every Friday... 6.00 1A. M. Mails delivered from 7 A. to 7 P. M.L- and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A M. I Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to !12 Mi. and from 2 to C P. M. Money order or Register Department open same as etarn office NKW ADVEHTISEnBNT; See Adv. " 'Fur, Fin and Feather. 'j Morgenthau, Bruko & Co. N. Y. In dustrial Exhibition Company, ,; WrxBUB,F. Parker. VEod and Gun.'j C. P. Mebane, Sec'y and TreasJ Wit. Compress Co. ' : I" J. I. MacRee Orderly4-Wil. LtJRf'irjf. Lotal Dou. - ; j r , The weather on Sunday and yesterday was delightfully pleasant j v " Voter" is informed that we do not print anonymous communications. The Schr. Minnie sailed from Savaanatrf or this port on the 22d inst. ' . ' .' . : ' t II . 1 There was no session of the. City - : 1 i ' Court yesterday morning and no cases for trial. -,:V-.Cv ' Ml. l'i- .'.': : l; ! I! I 1 i The German Barque Artillerist Giese, cleared from Mobile for this port on the 1st inst. The Schr. A. Lftj Valentine, Hunter, arrived at New York from this pert on- the 2d inst. . - The colored firemen were out i : i ir . . ;t I i yesterday for regular monthly parade and trial of engines. The Board of Aldermen met ast night, but, without business, adjourned until this evening. Mr. Isaac Jessup was appointed Conductor of the Western Railroad--not Auditor, as we had it a day or two since. The British Barque Englishman, arsons, ffrom fMartiaiaue via Kingston. ' I ! I "it ' i Ja., sailed from Havana for this port on the st inst. u : j j j Hereafter, until ifurtheri notice, the mails for the South will close at 5:15 M., and the pouch for Charleston jS. d, at 5 A. M. and 5:15 P. M. , , i. I::. II ' There was an alarm of fire last night, about 8 o'clock,! but it ; did not amount to anything-on'ore than to put the firemen to some inconvenience. M ! J The Mexican Show had another performance last nigbt : The actors, pre ceded by the band, paraded through tbe streets yesterday afternoon in costume. Mr. D. C. La Roe, proprietor of La Rue's negro minstrels, died in Charles ton lecently. He has visited this city with his company on two or three occasions, j A large number! of persons, tak ing advantage of the fine weather, jvisited Oakdale Cemetery on 1 Sunday afternoon. The Cemetery is bcjnnmng to put on a lovely appearance. 1 il i I .n ! Tbe Wilmington ana Cotit Turn pike, -j ti. . . .... j At a meeting of the Wilmington and Coast Turnpike Gompany, held, as per an nouncement, at the Purcell last night.! a committee of five was appointed to arrange and open books of subscription to the stock of the Company. . j 1 j i j The following gentlemen constitute the Committee: W. A Wright, W, A! Cum ming, C. D. Myers, 'Clayton Giles and T.!j. Southerland. i I j Hon. R. R. Bridgers and others spoke in very favorable terms of the enterprise and tbe great benefit which it would guarantee to our people generally, We learn that vigorous steps will be taken at once to ensure an early completion of this important scheme, m - ! Tbe Episcopal Convention. 1 At a meeting of the iVestry of St; John's Church, held last evening, the following delegates were appointed : to the Episcopal Convention, which meets in Newbernjon the 19th of May: 1 Delegates. S. L. Fremont,- J. A. Willard, J. L. Holmes, C. D. Myers. Alternates. M. P. Taylor, T. C. DeRos- set, Wj H. Green, M. A' Curtis. The Vestry of St. Paul's Church elected the following: - DcUaates.3. W. , Atkinson,! W.!H. Ber nard, DuBrutz CuOar, F. H. Mitchell.- - Alternates. Uob't. G.i Rankin, R. (E. Heide, K. H. Grant, T. II. Howley, Front Street JTI. K. Cburcu.; Last Sabbath's exercises at ! the Front Street M. E. Church, South, of this city, were very interesting and impressive. J In addition to the usual Sabbath; School and morning and evenmg services, the ordi nance of baptismwas administered to 'fif teen persons, nineteen were received into church membership, the sacrament of jthe Lord's Supper was administered jto over two hundred communicants and a prayer meeting held.' The ! congregations, both morning and evening, were much larger than any which have assembled there for a number of years. j , I . i : - j . j I ' ; - " 1 v , I UATE OV ADVliKTlMNG. I TO iVi n)MTO(R-i rT: A TR WILMINGTON, N. (p., TUESDAY. county coanmissioNKs. - . Extracts from the Proceeding. - The Board met in regular session yester day morning; present, J. G. Wagner, Chair man nro tem.t and Commissioners Morris. VanAmringe and Nixon. Lincoln Township claims in favor of W. W. Larkins were approved and the Clerk ordered to notiry the j Tax Collector of the same, l-zi ''--;4-.'-t ; r Applications -for liquor licenses were granted the following parties: N. C. H. Tienken, Jesse J.! Pounds, Jno. Bremer, R. A. Price, M. W.J O'Brien, August Dume landt, Owen R. Hanchey, Geo. F. Colin, Get). D. SchultJno. F. Staller, D. Cart john, C. Hussell, !B. iSmith, Jos. H. Neff, Martin Muller, N. C. A. Abrens, J. H. Grotgen, M. IF. Finjiken.l H. Hunson, F. Martens, Edward T. Suden, W. H. Grotgen, Charles Wessell, Jno! F. Hines, D. J. Gil bert, B. H. J.,Ahrens, Henry Koster. D. J. Gilbert, J. D. H. Klander and August Deumelandt were granted liquor licenses for 13 months I It was ordered that the County levy the same tax w'ilh regard to liquor licenses as :s contained in section ill of the last Revenue Act of the General Assembly, viz., $3 per month for retail liquoj dealers and $1, 50 for malt liquor dealers, i : . It was ordered by jtbe Board that if the Bridge Company pay1 the amount of taxes due the State and County, within tweoiy days from this date, the 10 percent, penalty will be remitted. M The report of the Committee on Work House was read and ordered filed. The Board theu took a recess, it ' aeterxoon 'session. It was ordered that the tax paid by Alex. ' gholar on the same property as listed and paid by Mrs. Susan Williams be remitted for 1874. i i It was ordered that in accordance with an act. of the .General Assembly of North Carolina, ratified the: 22nd day of March, 1875, an act concerning the maintenance of lunatics, Drs. J. F. King and W. J. Love are hereby appointed by this Board to visit as soon as practicable the County Hospital and proceed according to Jaw in the exami nation of the lunatics in said establishment. It was ordered by the Board that the tax on 308 white polls, amounting to $693, and the tax on 792 colored polls, amounting to $1,782; 78 delinquent white polls, amount ing to $351,! and 147 delinquent colored polls, amounting to $661 50; 13 part unpaid delinquent while polls, amounting to $29 25, and 19 part unpaid delinquent colored polls, amounting to $43 75 j making a total of $3,- 559 40; also the tax on personal property, amounting to $411 66, and the county tax on property sold the State, amounting to $1,135 58, be abatedJ i Commissioners "Wagner, Morris and Van Amringe reported that they had examined the Sheriffs vouchers and receipts in his settlement with tbe County Treasurer for 1875, and that they had found them correct. The Board then adjourned until 3 o'clock this afternoon. j Radical meeting. I - The Republican Imass meeting at the Court House last night, some allusion to which was made in- our last, ; was presided over by Capt J. M. Wise, the cigar man, with Ellis Patrick as: Secretary. The first speaker wasW. H. Moore, one" of the re cent liepresentatives of the party in tne Legislature, who talked for about one hour and a quarter in explanation of his acts in. the Legislature. Some one asked him about his position on the usury bill, to .which he replied that two petitions went up from the county; one in favor pf and the other against the bill, and as he could not vote to carry out the wishes of both, he concluded it would be as well not to vote at all. He complimented the Legislature as a body of public servants who! did their duty, &c. . W. P. Canaday offered a resolution look ing to organization, &c. F. W. Foster made a humorous speech, introducing very little matter of a political character. I G. L. Mabson was the next speaker, and was followed by J. H. Smythe, who is said to have made a very' sensible speech, urging the importance of chosing men of intelli gence and j fidelity jto represent the party. He alluded to the course of the Democratic- Conservative party in this respect, taking oc casion to pey a high compliment to one of bur most distinguished citizens.who, he said, was the choice of that party in the State as one of the representatives of the county in the approaching Constitutional Convention, on account of his possessing the qualities referred to in such a remarkable degree. ' Smyth's remarks palled. Brewington, an other of the late Republican Represents tives in the Legislature, to his feet, who - talked a good portion of the audience out the remnant adjourning with three cheer for W. H. Moore. In Time. '' The Norfolk Landmark of the 2d says that quarantine has, been ordered upon all vessels coming from Galveston, New Or leans, Pensacola, and West India ports gen erally. The yellov fever has broken out in Havana, " and exists at Key West. " A stitch in time," &c.j, and Norfolk never will forget her last scourge.' So we say for Wilmington..- Let us have the quarantine at once. Ladles' Benevolent Soeleiy The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Benevolent! Society will be held at the Hook, and Ladder Hall, on Dock street, between Third andj Fourth, this (Tuesday) afternoon, 6th instJ, at 3 o'clock. City subscribers who fail to re ceive their papers regularly will please re port the fact promptly at this office, tf ; city Affairs--A Friendly suit.' After a cons ultation between the Attorney for the presen ; contestants for the manage ment of city affairs and the new Board of Aldermen reo mtly elected, which took place yesterday, we learn that a friendly suit for a settlement o t the matter was finally agreed upon, the A torneys for the new .Board agreeing to relinquish all the pains and pen alties which lihe law imposes againswany one holding over contrary to law, and that all the emoluments and perquisites of the Mayor's office! shall be allowed the present incumbent until the suit is decided. . It was also agreed, by the Attorneys for the present incumbents, for the sake of a peaceful sejtlement.not to take advantage of the legal opinions to the effect that their ierms oi omce do not expire until August. In other words, the case is to go .up on its constitutional merits. It is understood that the suit will lie a strictly friendly one in every particular, and that no counter suit will be attempted by either party. Drowned. A colored tjoy by the name of William Henry Foy, about 7 or a years old, whose father is; employed at Union Depot, fell overboard from the wharf at the foot of Castle street, yesterday afternoon, about. 4 i i o'clock, and was drowned. His hat was found floating in the river, and a basket wb.ich ho had with him at the time was on i i the wharf, but at last accounts the body had not i been 'recovered, although ever' effort was bei ig made to do so. To City Sub icrlbers. ; Beginning April 1, Mr. Samuel Davis takes c!.:i,jr-- of the entire city circulation of The Moicn ;;n Star; and from that date all subscriptions will be payable to him. He will serve the paper early and regularly, and hopes ' a 11 bis subscribers will pay promptly, as he has to meet his engage ments with the proprietor whether.the sub. sciibers pay t im punctually or not. tf lU&bauded. i ' The John Thompson Troupe, which was expected to lave appeared at the Opera House in this city during the present week, failed in Nor! oik on Friday night and dis banded on the following day. A portion of the troupe ha1 e gone to New York and the remainder have stopped in Norfolk. ' i Fertilizer. We learn tliat a much larger amount of fertilizers than usual have passed through and been shipped from this place into the interior during the present year, on the va rious roads. A large amount have also come into the! State by the way of .Norfolk. Import Entries for sale at the office of TrrE MoRNrNo Star. 3t. Smritls Turpentine " i J : The Badical papers of the State formed a pre: s association at Newbern last week.- i . n . , Coddl i Creek township, Iredell county, votec "No Fence" by a large ma jority, last Thursday. :i Its pa; ers claim that no town in the State has improved more than Con cord in the lapt 12 months. The Old i Porterage Church grounds near Louisburg still belong to tbe British crowi , says the Raleigh iVewvs. Conco rd Sun: Rev. Mr. Thorn well, Pastor ( f Poplar Tent, has been con fined to his n m for the last week, on ac count of severe illness, superinduced by an attack of par ilysis. v u ' We Itarn from the Times, that on Saturday night before last, while an old colored Woman of Newbern was "sitting up" with the body of a white woman who had died the day before, she was taken suddenly sick and died afinost instantly. Concord Register: We learn that by the storm of the 21st instant, all the chimneys to jtbe College, at Mt. Pleasant, but one, were blown down, and one of the society buildings unroofed. There were some other slight damage done in the town Between this place and Mt. Pleasant, the timber, is the line of the storm, is all de molished. " -, Statesville landmark : We make the statement upon unquestionable authoiity that a woman in Wilkes county has given birth to triplets five times in suc- hcession.! - The children, of each birth have been raised, and the whole number are now alive. No two of the children resem ble each other in any marked degree except in the color bf the hair. In point of sex the female predominates largely. The children are all well developed, aud with out the least malformation. This is cer tainly one of the most remarkable cases on recprd. I , ' The Raleigh News thus records the progress of one of our newest" towns : To-day 1 the population of Reidsville closely approximate s two thousand souls, and its career is onward and upward. It coitains within Us borders seventeen energetic firms actively engaged: in tne manufacturing auvl handling o tobacco; i fourteen lmt-class stores, three) hotels, three churches, a steam planing mill, two good ! schools, one drug, store, a numoeroi restaurants ana saloons, and last, though by no means least, a live. readable and enterprising newspaper ihe Reidsville Hews. Raleigh Sentinel: .A deep feel ing has been aroused throughout the State by the invasion or tne Mate witn UOO ne groes who so altered tbe gauge of the rail road passing through the centre and by tbe Capital of the State,' as to require a passen ger leaving Raleigh for Statesville to change cars twice in a distance of 150 miles. There are but few papers who have not joined in denouncing this outrage and indignity to the State, and the Judges who are thought to have offered aid such as was offered in the University suit. ' Near Mt. Mourne, Iredell county, a negro named Byers was killed in a peculiar manner, which is described by the Char lotte Observer. : He was going from his work seated j on kn ox. Tbe ox had a chain around! his horns,- one end of which was being carried by Byers in his hand. The negro got tired carrying the chain in his hand, and put the end of it around his own neck. The ox took fright, at something, threw the negro off, and dragged him about a hundred yards over a very rocky place. Both were found sometime afterwards, the ox standing still and the negro perfectly dead, with the chain still around, his neck. APRIL 16,! 1875:- CITY'ITEJls. Newspapeb fob Sale. A bargain is effered In one of the best paying Democratic newspapers In the State. 'Address "W Kaleieh. N. C . care of the Daily News. ! j ! : ' - t Book Butdkrt. xhx mokniks Star Book Bind ery does all kinds, of Binding and Baling In a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness In the execution of their orders. ; . i . ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. THERE WILT. BE A MEETING OF THE STOCK bolders (old and new) of the Wilmington Com press Co., at the Produce Exchange to-morrow (Tuesday) at 11 o'clock A. M. AMI attendance is desired. .- - .. . ; i i By order of the Directors. i r I . , ) C. P. MEBANE, , April 6-lt ' f Secretary & Treasurer. Wilmington Light ilnfafitry Attention ! YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED TO MEET AT YOUR ARMORY, 8 S. Front street, r i i Tills (Tuesday) Evening i I at 8 o'clock. Those Members who have not yet signed tbe Constitution, as well as those who have done so, are commanded to attend. 4 - ; 1 - By order of the Captain, . .1 I apr 6-lt f.l. MacREE, Orderly Serg't 1 INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION CO. $20 WILIV BUY A FIRST MORTGAGE PREMIUM BOND OF, THE lew, Tort Mnstrial EiMMtion Co.! Don't compare it with a Lottery; bear in mind that the capital invested is always secured; 1 i ' Vf ; 1 ; "I'- ' This Loan isissued on a novel plan, and is authorised by special Act of the Legislature of the State of New York. j , i ! ' Every bondholder must receive at least $21, but he may receive ! v - l-.-.l : - - - $100,000! I ! " " 1 ' ' ! (.'-. " I I'M - 1 . " . . . ! or $35,000, or $10,000, or $5,000, or $3,0C0, &c.i &c I 4th Premium Allotment, July 7th, f 75, ,5th Serie Drawing, July 6, 1875. ':'.'!' ..: 'f Circulars giving full . explanation, will be sent, free of charge, on appli cation. ! ! : . For Bonds! and full information, address without delay, ' Morgenthau, Bruno & Co., FINANCIAL AGENTS, 23 Park Row, New York, I Remit by Draft on New York City Banks, Regis tered Letter, or Post Office Money Order. April 6-D&W 3m. j I! A Wort tMi Eyery Sportsman Wants. FTJR FIN AND FEATHEE, A ..QUARTERLY; PERIODICAL. DEVOTE!) TO Field Sports & Angling BEING A COMPILATION OF THE i ! w GAME LAWS T -. I- Of all the States of the Un on and the Provinces of Canada, with Interesting Articles on Hunting and Fishing, Valuable Notes on Game and Fish. Descrip tive Sketches of the Game Fields and Angling Waters of America, and other Useful Information for Gunners and Anglers. " - - Terms -Single copy one year, $S; six copies, $10; ten copies, $15, and for each additional copy at $2, the agent may retain 60 cents. Single copies be had of all gunsmiths. Ashing tackle dealers, or news agents, or will be mailed on receipt of price (50 cents) by CHARLES SUYD AM, Publisher, ' 149 Chambers St., New York City. The extent and character of the circulation of Ftra, Fin and Feather renders it one of the best adver tising mediums in the country for Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, Carriages, and all kinds of goods and wares pertain ing to tbe wants of Sportsmen, Those who make the repairing of fine guns a specialty and the keepers of hotels for sportsmen at the various hunting and fiehing localities, will fin it aa excellent medium to bring their establishments to the notice of this class of patrons. i i r . i Mute m jiuveriiging per Annum. one page, $50; half page, $80: quarter page, $20; eighth of a page, 51; sixteenth of a page, $7. April 6 tf ROD $c GUN, LATE THE' AMERICAN SPORTSMAN, A -SIXTEEN. JPAGE- PAPER. ! DEDICATED TO V-.) Sliooliiig, Flsiunkni natural History. Wilbur F. Parker. ! lreprietor and Editor. SCISNCE, AMUSEMENT, ADVENTURE AND Field Sport articles by the First Scientists & fpoRTfHEN of America. PBICE. $1.00. S Months. $.UO 6 Months. ; $4 Yearly i : i . Send for epucimen copy, to . 1 . - ' Ii'D & GUN, April 6 tf i i West Meriden, Conn. MISCELLANEOUS.! Green & Flanner, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL " . DRUGGIST, dealers in Pure Drug, Chemicals, Proprie tary Medicines, Mineral - Waters, Fancy Goods, Garden Seed, &&, Ac, v . , ; " 49 Market Street,! " mar 20-tf ! Wilmington, N. C. ' EeiiairiEi ef Old Hats and Bonnets. OLD HATS AND BONNETS BLEACHED pressed aad made to Liook as. Well as New. StamDin of all kinds done. For particalars call on MRS. JENNIE UKR. on nun, Dctween sra ana na streets. WHOLE NO J. .2,340. MISCELLANEOUS. To the Ladies. J WILL SELL AT AUCTION, COMMENCING Monday at 10 O'clock, My Entire Stock ; CONSISTING OF DRESS GOODS, j ; BLK. ALPACAS, ; , - s TOWELS, . DAMASKS, " and a variety of T DRY G O ODS, NOTIONS, &c. The sales will be continued until the Stock is sold. LADIES wiU find It to their advantage to be present.. ...- : . I will also sell sundry articles, consisting of - STOKE FIXTURES, Ac. i . N. B. I will also i Rent My Store i , for the balance of the year.' S. E. LYON, apr4-tf ', Foot of Market Street. Bacon, Sugar, Coffee, Flour, &c. 200 BXe8 D' S" SIde8 Shuulders, i 200 ZeS mote Bide8 nd Shoulders, 300 arres eflne Sugar, t 4 200 SackB Prime Coffee. 1 j IQQQ Barrels Flour, all grades, ; 10 000 Bnsllels White Corn. ! . - QQ Bales N. R. liar, I gQQ Bdls Hoop Iron, ! JQQ Barrels dlue, : ,i ' QQ Kegs Nails, j j i ' 3QQ Bags Shot- r Barrels Whole Rice. ! Barrelg S. H. Syrup, i inn Boxes Soaps, 50 Cases Soda, 150 Boxes and 1UU Half Boxes Candles, 10 Boxes Candy, lb caes Matches, 50 Cases Oysters, 50 Cases Brandy Peaches. .. m . . ! . , 1 For sale low by i apr4-tf WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Newest Out ND MAKE OF j ' .. SPRING oxaOTHiiisra- FORi- Men, Youth and Boys' ; opened yesterday. NOVELTIES IN THE WAY OF SCARFS, HAND : KERCHIEFS, Ac i MUNSON& CO. April 4-tf ! City Clothiers. New Crop Cuba Another cargo just in which we i offer to the trade at ! , LOW FIGURES i In Hogsheads and .Barrels, feb 97-d&wtf i BINFORD. CROW & CO. ii First of the Season, LADIES DESIROUS OF GETTING FIRST, choice In the. - ; New Styles '.! OF - v .. Spring Dress Goods Can be supplied by calling at J. & H. Jam son's No. 43 Market Street. We are receiving daily per Sail and Steamer fresh installments to our WELL SELECTED STOCK I, la all our departments. 3. St H. SAMSON, mar 21-tf - 43 Market street. Hoop Iron, SpiritrCasks, &c. 1 000 Bdl8Hooplon, 1 O Q Standard Spirit Casks. : 25QBbl.Glue. , . 2QQ PkSB BJvets. 2Q Bbls Bungs.'" I ' 2QQ Kegs Nails, i, For sale by apr 4-tf KERCHNER & C ALDER BROS.; Sugar House Molasses. 400 BW"" Suear Honse Molasses. JFJQ Hhds. do do For sale by apr 4-tf KERCHNER & CALDKR BROS. LilTerpool Salt, 3 QQQ Sacis LiverpoolSalt- V Now landing and for sale by apr 4-tf KERCHNER A C ALDER BROS. Sweet Florida Oranges. &c. JKD AND YELLOW BANANAS, 'PINK AP- ples, Baldwin and Rnssett Apples, And a large variety of Plain and Fine Candies Just received at S. G. NORTHROP'S merl9-tf Fruit and Confectionery Store. FAMILY SUPPLIES. FRESH THIS WEEK. Choice Canned Goods, ' i i Sugar-Cured Pig Rams, r ' i : Sugar-Cured Pig Shoulders. Breakfast Strips, apr 4-tf At GEO. MYERS'. Stylish Fur Hats. BR OAD WA Y SILK II A TS i TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, &c At HARRISON & ALLEN'S, i April 4 tf . City llat Store. - Don't Forget! " Best Butter in the World." TUST ARRIVED AND FRESH DIRECT FROM tf .v- , DAIRY, at . GEORGE MYERS'. Bottled Lagabeer As ROCHESTER, MILWAUKEE AND TTVOLI, i- For sale at G. H. W. RUNGE'S, Nortbeast cor. Market and Second St. .AprU4tf - Hew Process jj0UBLK EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR "E II PI RE!" Send for Samples. Guaranteed the WHITEST in the city. a4-tfl - At . GO.MYERS,. Dried Fruits. A PPLES.... .....PEACHES. .......CHERRIES XX ..TURKISH PRUNES., apr 4-tf - 4- At GEO. MYZKS ..........$i a ttree days. S M " four days.... ........ ............. t WT " . " five days... I.......... 3 Ot " one week 8 6P ' - Two weeks........ .. 6 CO : " Three weeks..... 6 M " M One month.. 8 CO " " Two months...., 15 W " " . Three months 22 CO . i Hlai months.. ...L,. .-. .35 00 1" One year 50 C tionately low rates. . jj lve squares estimated as a auarter-column, anrf ten squares as a half-column. ) ' ; MISCELLANEOUS. OPERA HOUSE. 4.- Wednesday Evening, April . F URST SOUTHERN TOUR AND FIRST AND "Only Appearance' in WiliWoi of the eloquent and most, popular speaker in America. MISS ANNA DICKINSON, 1 1 ' Who will deliver he thrilling and popular sketch 6Tr JOAN OF ARC, Creating a profound sensation everywhere. i t Seats can be secured at Heineberge r's. Admission 75a ; reserved seats $1. . ap2-5t OPERA HOUSE. TWO NIGHTS - ONLY. Thursday and.Friday, Aprilfith and 9tk Engagement Extraordinary OF THE Justly Celebrated and Original MAD. PENH'S FEMALE MINSTRELS, I . AND " M'lle Marie De Lacours. PARISIAN CAN- CAN IDANCEBS, COMPOSED f OFi 30 BEAUTIFUL YOUNG . Ladies and a corns of Soecialtv Artists, form ing a Mammoth Organization never before excelled on we American stage. i i NoaavancemJ nrices. Seats ean be secured st Heinsberger's Book Store. : t Boors open at 7 P.: M. Performance to commenco at 8 P. M. Cairlages can be ordered at 10:30 P. M. M. B. LEAVETT. HARRY PHILLIPS; i i Gen'l. Sua't. Easiness Agent.. April 4-5t 1 Choice Family Teas nf EVERY VARIETY. F UNEST TEAS IMPORTED. I GUNPOWDER, I ; ! i IMPERIAL and o : 1 " ! :!.:: I HYSON, BROM 60c. TO $1.75. OOLONG, ! .11 ENGLISH BREAKFAST and NATURAL JAPAN TEAS, I ' jl "ROM 50c. TO $1.50. ' We can and will sell fine Teas as LOW AS IM- PORTEH8' RETAIL PRICES. I Samples sent out when asked for. Sold in any quantity. ' We pack finest Teas in Small Caddies five to ten pounds each for shipping, i and Guarantee best quality. CHAS. D. MYERS & CO . 5 & 7 North Front St. ep 4-tf An Examination fV OUR NEW- ii t !:; , - . SPRING andS UMMER STO GK - - - "J j - ! - .. ! - i - " .... of MEN'S, YOUTHS', , BOYS' and CHILDREN'S. , C L O TH IN G will convince any one fhat we are offering the . UHIS&T1CM' IDiUUUUSlBlXTS of any house in the city. Our stock is large aud complete, aad we GUARANTEE SATISFACTION in every case. . , i : : ,i 1 BUJUKK rSKUO.. ap-tr , i 30 Market street. 810.00 Handsome BUSIUBSS STJIT. I Suits made t order i ' ; Froin 025.00 Up. apr 4-tf A. DAVID. Ghroinos ! Ghromos ! ANOTHER NEW LOT OF - ' Beautiful Chrbmos Just received st . V HEINSBERGER'S, 4 Live Book and Music Store. ap 2-tf Pianos and Organs. J UST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT New Pianos and Organs. ap2tf !!At '- . HEINSBERGER'S. FOR THE ENSUING WEEK At CITIZENS' ! MARKET, A FINE LOT OF Sampson County StaUfed Beef which I wiH sell at prices to suit the times. . Call and see for yourself. ' 1 ,v i T. A. WATSON, feh28-tf i i ir ,! Proprietor. Du Font's Powder, R IFLE, SPORTING AND DUCK. BLASTING ! AND MINING, I - In Whole, Half and Quarter Kegs, For sale by " ! i marSl-tf il ... -.3 O. G. PARSLEY A CO. I Garden Tools. JUST RECEIVED, one of the best assorted . stocks of t . - " I v - I j GARDEN TOOLS ever brought to the city, consisting of Hoes, Rakes, 8pades, Hoes and Rakes combined. Hoes for Draw ing Drills. Ladies' Hoes, Hedge Shears, Ac. Ac i All above for sale at very low prices at the New Hardware Stere of - apr 4-tf - j GILES-; MURCHISON. Guano, Guano, Guano. 350 Tons' Gnanape Guano, 800 Tons Eureka Guano. . - i mala 1vnr r - - i A va Btuw iv w . J apr 4-tf j 1 J WTT.T.TAMa A MURCHISON. . , Powder Powder, Powder. Add Kegs Sporting and BlasJUng Powder, For sale by '. ! apr 4-tf KERCHNER A UAUUJtit baub. i

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