THE HORIiniG STAR. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY . RATS 8 OP SUBSCRIPTION IK ADTAKCB: una y. P06 $ Three montnsi t ; .100 One montn, i - . - , . ... T anharniRM.: delivered In any part of the j,?"mftm Cents per week. Our City A, wifteen Cents per woefc-irarun ;Agenis are ffiSwtorwfcf.l ntll advance. OUTLINES. r iberal Democratic victory in Connect- liutii" -v I v,,t c )nfirmed. Gain of two Congressmen. icutonuiiucu Republican majority ,n Michigan of 15, 000. on light vote. A correspondent of a Paris journal says the Pope will go to a mnrira to reside if it becomes impossible America JLr. o stay in lwuie. inm-u "-p' Gladstone's "Vaticanism." In the fa- election disturbance at Annapojis the ., aesressors and cot frisrht- ne niur iviid for it. Local victories in Obib confirmed. . Case of Sophia B. Moo're, a minor, decided in Court of Claims against United States. " Welles ap pointed Surveyor General of New Orleans. j Flirst National Bank at Washington pays 10 pSii' cent, to creditors on the 14th inst. Conly displaces Gov. Bard as P. M. at Atlanta? Brakeman killed in a collis ion -of freight trains .near Bergen, N. Y. L Two or three persons suffocated in Frankfort, Ky. Bearers of Cardinal ArcbbisjKp JilcCloskey's cap have arrived " Lr- Ingei'Soll's majority was largely in creased in Njew Haven and Hartford. Now? York markets: Gold, 145 ; cotton, 1 rosja, $2 10$3 15. ' 1 '11 K ELECTIONS. . .' The Democrats by the liberal policy they have adopted have suc ceeded in making Connecticut a Dem ocratic State. Except in 1873 in the Congressional election it has voted with that party since 1872. In -the election Monday the Liberal Democ racy, carried thefull State ticket, the Legislature by a reduced majority, and three out of four Congressmen, making a gain of two.' The success ful Democrats on the State and Con jressional tickets are these: Charles K. Ingersoll, Governor, re-elected; (ieo. G. Sill, Lieutenant Governor; Marion II. Sanger, Secretary of Statf ; . E. Raymond, Treasurer; A. K. Goodrich, Controller; for Congress 1st District, 6. M. Landus; 2d, James Phelps; 4th, W. II. Barnum. We are s r.y .to see that Lafayette S.. Foster, .the ablest man on the Congressional ticket on either side, was defeated by. 1,000 majority in theUrdDistrict. He is a far better man than Barnum. This victory, won over the com bined effort of the united ReDubhcan fyarly and the money and influence of I t )h Ad.m n st.ral ion. wIiorp p.hifif bnsi- ,w.,i., , i - I lliird term, is'more than a set-off for New Hampshire and shows that with I , 1 t . i jM.uiem geueraisnip ine lyemocrauo opposition is bound to elect its Presi- " dent in 1876. In Michigan "the Dutch have taken ; Holland." The Rejfu'blicans for the most part elected their Judges as ev erybody expected they would. An array of .local victories in Ohio for the Democracy doubtless form pleas ant reading these spring mornings for -Mr, Ben Wade, the representative swearing man of the Northwest, and j I&rosDective Kenuhlicnn candidate for I defeat at the hands of the sonorous iij t i , . I aie, aim iuii returns muKe.inger- soli s majority over all 6,854. I lis plurality over Green, Administration, I is 9,528. Last year Gov. Ingersoll heat Harrison, Rep., 6,782 votes. The , Democrats carry three Congressional districts by considerable majorities. It is anotable victory, very encour agingand very significant. " What's to Hinder ?" Arc." - " " Joan of Spirits Turpentine, Some of the Fayetteville Rads ;speuk of Capt. Benj. liobinson for Conven- tion.' . ... ; " A horrible case of infanticide by colored people has just been developed in liilisboro. Mecklenburg will not have as many goods as the Philadelphia Centennial, tut more patriotism. So says the Peters burg Evening Star. Netty: The Standing Commit- tee of tue-BniscOnal T)io(.(Rn of N"or1.h tar- nlirm l.av ,nnfi mPH ,(,. .nnn n.m.n f i:... i . .. . . liisbcp Jaggar, but have refused to confirm the uppoiniment of Dr. DeKoven, the Bish op elect of Illinois. rhjree, years ago Mr. J. R. Dills, a lawyer of "Webster, was shot by Henry -tJaunoD, it is claimed accidentally by the latter. Since then a cancer commenced on Hie wounded place, and lately the man died. .... - Asheville Pioneer: On Wed nesday last, about 4 o'clock in the after noon, the dwelling of Mr. Robert VV. Pick eos, uf Flat Creek Township, in this coun ty, was destroyed by flre. i .Loss, $1,200 or $1,500. Asheville Pioneer: We learn tliat on Wednesday a man named Robinson, .who resided on Beaver Dam, in Haywood county, met with a fatal accident. He was oriving a two-hose team, when the animals became frightened and dashed off at a fear iul speed. The unfortunate man was j tiirowu from his nerch in front of the wagon, the wheels of. which horribly man- Kled his body. Before medical assistance reached him he" was dead. Newspaper fob Sale. a bargain is effefed in one of the best paying Democratic- newspapers in the. State. Address "U," Raleigh, N. C care of the Dally News, T7Y" I" V1TT tvtX f VOL, XVI. NO J. '20, r THE CITY. The Mails. . , The mailn will 1noA fim Drt n " r " J voK fice until further notice as follows: Northern (night) mails daily.... :6:15 P. M. through aad way (day) mails daily .5:80 A. M. Southern mails daily. ; . . ... ; . . j 5:00 A. M. Charleston direct (nieht) daily. . 15:00 P. M. f - oinn,.,!. . . - ! k .ha o tlt 5:00 P. M. 5. -00 P. M. Angusta "- " . Western mails (C. C.R'y) , i. . I5-.30 A. M. v"?."- Town Creek) Tuesdays and Saturdays , . ; Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Mondays and Fridays. t i..,.. Fayetteville by C. C. R'y, daily Onslow C. H. and intermediate 6.00 A. M. IMP M. 5:30 A. M. r ( i offices every Friday 16:00 A. M. Mails delivered from 7 A. M. jo 7 P- Mi, and on Sundays from 8:30 toj 9:80 A. M. tamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 SI." and from 2 to 6 P. M. Money order or Register Department open same1 as stamp office. ' , ' ! i NEW A MVEItTISKMKIVTS. Geo. W Bordeaux. Hotice C. S. Ellis. M. B. & L. Association. S. G. Northrop. Fresh Teas. Wright & Stedman. Real Estate. .Geo. MRose. Assignee's Notices. Local JDoi. Another delightful day was yes terday. ' The Mexican Show struck its tents yesterday. Import Entries for sale at jthe office of Tms Morning Star. 1 I 3L ! We acknowledge our indebted ness to Hon. A. M. Waddell for valuable public documents. ; ! Both printing and i ruling done in the finest grades of copying link at the Star Job Printing Office. ! I I tf, The meeting of the Board of Uldermen. which was to have been held last night, was again postponed. City subscribers who fail to re vive their papers regularly will please re- rt the fact promptly at this office.! tf; t t I I I L ! We learn that a trial of the en gine at the Cotton Factory took place yes- terday afternoon and that it - worked very 6moothiy and satisfactorily. . ! j The body of Wm. Heary Foy, the little colored boy who was c rowned off the wharf near the foot of Castle street on Monday afternoon, had not been recovered at a late hour yesterday. ' 1 A meeting of the Light Artil lery Company will be held at the Arniory wum oi me vvumingian JUigni; inianiry Company this evening, atjj 8 o'clock. A full attendance is desired.' VV e announce that mar . , .. .. m j . nage and obituary notices are charged as advertisements, and that those Received by mail wiil not be inserted unless I accompa nied w ith a responsible name. County cominlMlonera. An adjourned meeting of the! Board was held yesterday afternoon; present; Acting Chairman J. G. Wagner, and Commission ers A. H. Morris, S. VanAmringe and I)el- aware Nixon. The following persons were granted re newal of retail liquor licenses: W. H. M. Kocb, Jno. C. Kocb, Wm. Bosch, Henry Bosch, H. Marcus, G. H. W. Runge, J.!F. Rulfs. John Haar. Jr.. N. Hutaft The report of the Auditing Committee was received and ordered spread on he minutes. - ! : I Tfae townsh;p claim of W. II. Hand was," on motion, referred to the Board; of Education. The report of the County Treasurer was received and ordered spread on: the minutes The Poor House and Hospital reports were received and-ordered sbread on ihe minutes. : The Board then adjourned. Republican Nominations In Pender. The Republican county nominating con vention which .assembled at Long Creek, Pender county, yesterday, nominated the following ticket, which can easily be beaten if the Conservatives come ;up squarely to the fight: . For Sheriff A. Gamberg, For Clerk of Vie Superior CoUrPC llM. Galloway. For Register of .D& Thomas ixon, colored. i , ror surveyor uemon w. JLiarnins. ' n " For Treasurer W. J. Biveni . Fop OommtmonersD&ale Shaw. WjsH. French, A. V. Horrell, C. ik. Manning, I . . . r I i ! i Mira Armairon?. coioreu. miles ArmSlTOHg, COlOFBU. . . . . . i i Magistrate' Court. I Before Justice Cassidey, yesterday, Mary Giles, colored, was arraigned for f. and a. and sentenced to pay costs and to be con fined in the county jail for ten days. Sellers Ferguson, charged with the same, was ordered to pay the costs, iin default of which he was committed to jail. Mary Giles, arraigned on t, ipeace war rantwas sentenced to pay the costs. ;- Sellers Ferguson, arraigned i on a peace warrant, was ordered to pay trte Costs. Sellers Ferguson, charged with resisting an officer in the discharge of his-duty, was found guilty, but judgment wps suspended on the payment of costs. ; j - Give Tnem the Fundi. -v.- The Fifth Ward Independent Bucket Company No. 1, we understand, are yet short about $75 of the amouni necessary to pay for their outfit and would jbe glad if our citizens would assist, them to! that extent. As the company will no doubt be of much service to the community the amount should he raised without any difficulty. WILMINGTON, DABING BCKGIiAHIT. - Store Entered and ' Robbed Tne Thief Captured After a ? Hard Struggle. . The store of Mr. Henry Hashagen, cor ner of Fourth and Walnut streets, was bur glariously entered yesterday morning, about 5 o'clock." It seems! the thief entered by One of the rear windows, which he prized open with an axe he; found in the yard. He then made his way from the kitchen where he had first entered,! and which was ed join ing the house, into the store In the front part of the building Here he proceeded to prize open the money drawer with the axe, from which he abstracted $4 86. He then went to- work n lhej safe, which he turned Over and then endeavored to prize out the bottom. It was while 'engaged in this en- terprizing scheme that the noise awoke Mr. Hashagen, who slept in an upper room. He slipped down stairs, locked the burglar in and proceeded to call a policeman. . For tunately officer Brooks was close at band and hastened to the Iscene. Mr. Hashagen also aroused two of his neighbors, who soon came to his assistance. In. the meantime officer Bodks entered the building aad made his. way to the room in which the robber was enscoosed. Arriving there and sight ing his man he drew! his pistol and told him to 'surrender or he would fire upon him. This he was in no wise inclined to do, as he replied, "Come on, G d d n you, and I'll kill you r The parties then advanced upon each other and soon wer engaged in a terrible struggle for the mastery. ; The burglar was a stout colored manj possessed of powerful Strength, and the ' Officer, who soon found that he was i no match for him, was com pelled to use his club. He struck the man repeatedly on the head, knocking him down, but was himself knocked down several times by his burly antagonist, upon whose Cranium the stout billet seemed to have but Tlittle effect, t The battle rased furiously and with varying success the pistol being knock ed from Ihe officer's .hands and his club even wrested .from jhis grasp, the position of the policemen becoming critical in the extreme.- when Mr.. H. and his friends sud- ! i ...... . i denly and opportunely rushed in, and the desperado wan finally overpowered. The Officer then started for the Guard House with the prisoner, but upon arriving Upon the street the fellow again became obstreperous and made a furkjus assault upon his captor, the chances &Wbne time being very favorable to his final escape. By the assistance of Mrj nashagen and friends, however, he was again overpowered and tied, when he, was placed in a cart secured for the purpose, and finally: landed safely in the Guard nousei The prisoner, who gave his name as Henry - Wilson, an( who seems to be a stranger in the city, s evidently a desperado of the first water. On his wav to the Guard House be shut his eyes and lips lightly to gether and would answer no questions pro pounded to him, and he maintained the same sullen attitude jafter his arrival at the Guard House and also before the Court yesterday morning, but was finally induced by an officer to givd his name.. Wilson, it is said, has been employed on the W. & W, Y'T..1 5 !!!.. ...1 " M J R. R., and was implicated in a railroad robbery some three or four months since, but the evidence was not sufficient "to fixH the crime upon himj. I The result of the nvestigation in his case will be found in the! proceedings of the City Court. - - . Fair and Festival. i The colored Fair land Festival opened at Giblem Lodge, corner of Eighth and Prin cess streets; last night under very favorable auspices. There are a large number of articles on exhibition, including the handi work of both sexes, and comprising a very creditable display of quilts, counterpanes, garments of - all descriptions, handsome paintings and drawings, specimens of me chanical skill and; ingenuity, samples of cookery, products of the garden, farm,, etc., etc., altogether making a very fine display and for which the colored people deserve much credit. The Fair will be continued this evening. Prisoners Released No requisition having been made by the Sheriff of Robeson county for the two oris oners, Matthisen aijid Roial, who were ar rested a few days since on suspicion of be' ing concerned in a robbery in that county, and who have since , been confined in the Guard House, were released yesterday, there being nothing! against them here. City Marshal Robinson,! however, instructed an officer to see them beyond the city limits and gave them to understand that a second appearance in our. j" oity by the sea" would not redound to their benefit, Dally Prayer meetings. ; We are requested to state that there will be daily prayer meetings at the First Pres byterian Church each morning this week at 8i o'clock;! These meetings will be prepar atory to the Con munion next Sabbath, when Rev. A. W. Miller, IX DM of Char lotte, will be present. The meetings will be conducted by pev. Dr. Wilson, Pastor. We are glad to leatn that a good deal of in terest is being manifested by the congrega tion of this churcli. , ' . To City subscribers.' Beginning April 1, Mr. Samuel Davis takes charge of the entire city circulation of The Morning Star, and from that date all subscriptions will be payable to him. He will serve the paper early and regularly, and hopes -all his subscribers will pay promptly, as he has to meet his engagements-with the proprietor whether the sub cribers pay him punctually or not. tf N. O., WEDNESDAY mayor's court. The following cases were disposed of yes terday mornings Henry, Graham, charged with assaulting his wife.: Case dismissed on the payment of costs. The wife of the defendant in this case called at the Marshal's office yesterday morning and applied for a warrant for the arrest of her husband, who, she said, would neither feed her nor allow her to work for the money to procure the necessaries of life. While talking with the Captain of police about the matter the husband came in, when the official referred to endeavored to make peace between them, advising them to settle their dispute and eschew the law. They seemed finally to adopt the officer's suggestions and took their departure. ; They had gone but a short distance in' the direc tion of Princess Btreet, however, when, from some cause, the man, suddenly made an as sault upon his wife, and the police had to interfere, when Graham was taken to the Guard House and locked up, It being bis-i first appearance before the Court the pen. alty fori his offence in this instance was made light. v 1 I Henry Wilson was arraigned before the Court on1 the charge of burglary. . He was turned lover, to the Sheriff and securely ironed in a cell in the county jail to await his trial j at the next term of the Superior Court. .1 - miss Dickinson. The papers continue to speak in glowing terms of the lectures of Miss Dickinson, who is expected to appear at the Opera House in this city this evening. r ; i The Pffrrsburg Index-Appeal thus speaks of her:" is of youthful and pleasing, and her face, though its lines of beauty are not regular, is indicative of great mental power, of rapid mobile ex pression, of rare theatrical and oratorical capabilities. When she began to speak her voice was so low that it could not be beard except by those who were nearest to her; but after the din of the late comers had sub- I. - - ....... .. 17 .- I - i sided, and the great theme of her eloquence had warmed and waxed within, Miss Dick inson's utterance was clear and strong, and at times rang out "like a sword on the ground.?' It is, well for mankind and wo mankind that Miss Dickinson has devoted her life; and labors to the platform if only to retouch in such brilliant colors, the. fig ure of Jean d'Arc, as history depicts her." Cotton. Compress company. ! The new Cotton Compress Company met at the Produce Exchange yesterday for the purpose of electing officers for the ensning year and transacting other business. The following are the officers chosen : ! President. Uapt 'E. J. Pennypacker. i Directors. AY. L. DeRosset, C. P. Me- bane, D R. Murchison, K E. Burruss, Jas. Sprunt, II. A. Burr, I. B. Grainger. ! I We learn that a first-class cotton press will be erected and that the new company will tio into the warehousing businsss, for which miroose the necessary stock has! al- i i i i ready been taken. j "The Scattered Nations." I I We learn that committee of the True Brothers' Society of this city, consisting? of Messrs.! Nath'l Jacobi; M. Bear and I A. Weill, tave extended an invitation to Gov. Vance jto deliver his celebrated lecture "The Scattered Nations" in this place at an early day, under the auspices of the So ciety, the proceeds to be applied to the fund for building a Jewish Temple in Wilming ton. It is to be hoped the Governor will find it i convenient to accept the invitation and that our citizens will have the oppor tunity of listening to his admirable and elo quent lecture on the subject referred to. Gains' to charlotte. At a meeting of the Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1, held last even ing, it was finally , decided to accept the in vitatiori to attend the Centennial celebration on the 20th of May, taking their engine and horses with them. . . j ' The following gentlemen were appointed a committee of arrangements for the occa sion: Capt E. W. Manning, J. H. Chad bourn,' Jr.; Berry Gleaves, Capt. J. HRob inson, W. F. Hargrave, D. F. Shure. j Bishop Atkinson's Appointments. ! Apriu " 4 " 6 : r 7 " 1 8 ; o f r'f - ii t 12 j ia - " 15 "17 1 V ,. 18 -;'l9 tl-2l H 25 f P 27 " ) 24) ! ao May 2 I r t 4 ! h ; Woodville, Bertie co. i k ,.. . i. Murfreesborough . . . .. .. . . . .i . Winton ' Gatesville St. Peters, Gates co. .. Hertford .'. Woodville, Perquimans co. . j. Elizabeth City Edenton. k - St. Lukes, Washington co. . .i. St. David's, 41 "..J. Columbia Plymouth. .. . , A St. James', Beaufort co. . . . .j. Lake Landing, Hyde co. . . .. . SladesyUle, Bath.J Zion Church, Beaufort co; . .i; Washington ..; A Jamesville... - Williamston t . . Scotland Neck. Bishop Iiyman'e Appeliiimeiit.. ; The1 following' are the appointments of Bishop Lyman, of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina: ! '; . - Tuesday, April 6th, Holy Innocents, Le noir county. ; , Thursday, April 8th, Beaufort. i ; Sunday, April 11th, Newbern. Tuesday, April 13lh, Swift Creek Bridge. Wednesday, April 14th, St. John's, Dur ham's Creek. - - Thursday, April 15th, South Creek." Saturday, April l?th, Blount's Creek. - Sunday, April 18th, Trinity Church Beau fort county. .. " Friday, April 23d, Sanford. ; i Saturday, April 24th, St; Mark'sf, Deep River.; , - - Sunday, April 25th, Pittsboro. -' Sunday, May 2d, Wttliamsboro. f Tuesday, May 4th, Goshen, (Consecra tion.)1 Collection in each congregation for Dior cesan Missions. APRIL 7, 1875. CITY ITEMS. . Book Bitokbt. xhb moknum Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Ruling In a Work i manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. " Mer chants and other needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of their orders. ' i Transfer Pkintims-Ink s. Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, hanks, mer chants, manufacturers and others, v They are en during and changeless,' and will copy sharp and dear for an indefinite period of time. Having just received a fresh supply of these inks, we are' pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. ' j "I? j - - 1 i ,i .Coft op Tk8timokial. Hannibax, Mo., May 30. 1874: Messrs. J. A W. Tolley, 39 Maiden Lane, INew York GenL; The 18 Gun which you built foil m. No. 2093, has arrived safely to hand. Allow me to thank you for the fidelity with which you carried out my i instructions. ' The general outline, beauty of proportion and excellent finish, are all that could be desired, and more than meets my expectations. I am more than ever impressed with the idea that it is as necessary for a man to have a gun built to rneas. n1611' as t have a boot so built to ensure a good ub. I iuc ptuusm i iu buu ptuieuauun hj are very su perior. The pattern is as close as I desire, and the penetration; I think Is seldom attained, being far ahead ot any public record which I have seen, k . VT. f V IP STOP Want a Situation, Want a Salesman', ! '. Want a Servant Girl, I ; . Want to rent a Store, ; Want to sell a Piano, i Want to sell a Horse, ! ' Want to lend Money, Want to buy a House,' Want to buy aHerse, ! 1 Want to rent a House, Want to sell a Carriage, : Want a Boarding plaee, -Want to borrow Money tV Want to sell Dry Goods. v Want to sell Groceries, ' Want to sell Furniture, i Want to bell Hardware, Want to sell Real Estate, Want a job of Carpentering, Want a Job of Blacksmithing, i Want to sell Millinery Goo6, Want to seQ a House and Lot, - . Want to find any one's Address, ; . i Want to sell a piece of Furniture, " . j Want to buy a second-hand Carriage, Want to find anything you have lost, i Want to sell Agricultural Implements, i Want to Advertise anything to advantage, j - Want to find an owner for anything Found, ; I . - Advertise in . ' I TUB MORNING STAR. I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ; YalnaWe Heal Estate for Sale. TT VIRTUE OF AND PURSUANT TO ITHE j provisions of a certain indenture of mortgage made by Thomas B. Carr and his wife Caroline N. uarr, to samuei if. westray, Dealing date me in day of March, A. I) , 1874, and duly registered in ika nnnne (At Aa nntAwslAnA1 thn A tfnMihra of said mortgagee, wilt on Saturday the 8th dav of May, a. u. ibvs, at tne aoor or tne court Mouse or i r - .. . . " . .. " the county of New Hanover, sell by public auction. for cash, the following described lot or parcel of land situate in the city of Wilmington iu said county of New Hanover that is to say beginning in the iioruiern line oi Maraet street, at a point sixty-six feet westwardlv from the northwestern intersection of said Market sireet and Second street, running thence eastwardly with said line of Market street forty-eight feet to the line of a lot belonging to the heirs or devisees of the late Thomas Cowan, thence northwardly one hundred and thirty-two feet to the Southern line of Toomer's Alley, thence westwardly with said line of said alley forty-eight feet to the line of a lot belonging to St.- John's Lodge, and thence southwardly with the Eastern line of said lot last re ferred to one hundred and thirty-two feet to the be ginning. -v . " i ! -. ! , WRIGHT & STEDMAN. April 7, 1875 30-d ' ' Attorneys; Assignee's Notice.! i- In the matter of ! 1 ' W. P. BARNES, Bankrupt ; f O WHOJtIT MAY CONCERN: Notice is here by given that a second General Meeting of the Creditors of said Bankrupt will be held at the office of W. A. Guthrie, Register in Bankruptcy, In the town of Fayetteville, N. C. at 10 o'clock A. M., on Wednesday, 38th day f of April, 1875, for the pur poses named in the 27th section of the Bankrupt Act of March 8, .1837. i i j GEO. M. ROSE. April 7 St ; " Assignee. NOTICE. A LL RETAIL LIQUOR DEALERS ARE HERE- by notified te come forward and renew their Liquor License according to law, otherwise'they will be liable to the penalties prescribed by law'.' i j ! GEO. W. BORDEAUX, I 1 ' ' AdrH7-lw" t" Register. Fresh Teas, j, . SG. NORTHROP, AGENT OF THE UNITED , States Tea Company, has just received his fourth invoice of those popular teas, consisting of tnirty ainerent varieties, put up in very nanasome ana us- rat air u nt tin canisters, witn screw covers. and sold at the same prices as over the -counters of the company in New fork city. t At s. U. NUKTUKUrS April 7-tf Fruit and Confectionery Store. MecMnics' Enilflioi & Lear Association. T HE 6JTH REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING will be held at the Hibernian Hall (old Library Ronms) this eveniag a! 8 o'clock. C S. ELLIS, Secretary and Treasurer. April71t r i Assignee's Notice! : 1 HE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY GIVES NOTICE of his appointment of a soignee of Willi. P. Earner, of Lumberfon. in the couuty of Robeson and! State of North Carolinia, who has been adjudged a Bank rupt oums own petition . . H , GEO. M. ROSE, April 7 4woaw - Assignee. MISCELLANEOUS. i Orton Plantation! NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. a ' - - - :f x.LL Person, are hereby warned against shooting. bunting, fishing, ranging or otherwise trespassing on the lands known as the Orton Plantation, in the County of Brunswick.' The indiscriminate slaughter of game at all seasons and the incessant depreda tions in other and more important respects, have rendered it necessary to post these lands; and fair notice is now given tnat tne law win ne ngiaiy en forced against an oneaaers. i . decl2-d&w-tf . L B. GRAINGER. Repairing, of Oil Bats antBopets. LD HATS "AND BONNETS ' BLEACHED , KJ pressed and made to ' Ijook as.lYell as New. '.r:- tf" Stamning of all kinds done. : For particulars call on MRS. JENNIE OKR, on un, Between sta ana 4tn streets; - I WHOLE NO. 2,341. MISCELLANEOUS. Bacon, Sugar, CofTeet Flour, &. 200 BoxesD S Bides and Shuuldera, 2QQ Boxes Smoked aides and Shoulders, . Y-- ; 3QQ Barrels Beflned Sugar. " -l 2 Q Q Sacks Prune Rio Coffee. 1000 arre FIonr ft Z16' 10 000 Badxel8 PrIme W11 Corn ' QQ Bales N. B. Hay, gQQ Bdls Hoop Iron, JQQ Barrels Glue, 4QQ KegsNails, . Bags Shot. Barrels Whole Rice. Barrelg S, H. Syrup, ."I A A Boxes Soaps, SO Cases Soda, 150 Boxes and 1UU Half Boxes Candles, 50 Boxes Candy, 10 cases Matches, 50 Cases Oysters, 50 Oases Brandy Peaches. I , For sale low by ! apr4-tf WILLIAMS ft MURCHISON. Newest Cut" ND MAKE OF . SPRING CLOTHiiisra- , FOR Men, Youth and Boys' - opened yesterday. NOVELTIES IN THE WAY OF SCARFS, HAND KERCHIEFS, &b MUNSON& GO. April 4-tf , City Clothiers. Hew Crop Cuba MOLASSES. ANOTHER CARGO JUST IN WHICH WE offer to the trade at T n ' ' I" mC . LOW FPif UBE8 In Hogsheads and Barrels. i feb27-dAwtf BDTFORD. CROW A CO. rirsi oi ine oeason, ti-a.. iAi. - r f iADEBS DESIROUS OF GETTING FIRST choice in the : New Styles OF' ' Spring Dress Goods. Can be supplied by calling at J. & H. Jamson'B No. 43 Market Street. . We are receiving daily per Rail and Steamer fresh Installments to oar - it , I WELL SELECTED STOCK In all our departments. 1 i . : d. oi u. sabiouu, marSl-tf ,r ; . 43 Market street. Hoop Iron, Spirit Casks, &c. I 1 fifth Hoop Iron, I .111111 200 St&ud Spirit Casks. 2)Q RolsGIue. 2Q0 Rets. j 2Q Bbls Bungs. :. OA A KegsNails, j For sale by 1- KBRCHNER St C ALDER BROS. apr 4-tf. Sundries QQ Bbls Refined Sugar, 50 Bags Coffee, 100 4 Potatoes, . 400 Fionr j 20 Kits Mountain Butter -K 50 Boxes Tobacco, Off Barrels Snuff, 0 ITnw lan din f? and f m sale low bv I EDWARDS & HALL. febSl-tf 350 Tons Celebrated WHANN'S PHOSPH A Just arrived and for sale by VICK & JSIEBANA mar 88-3w BUY r Our Half Dime Cigar -for ; j Half Dollar Per Dozen, THE BEST EST THIS MARKET, AT No. M Market Etreet." D. PIGOTTt April 1-tf Tobacconist. The Annual Meeting j OF.THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE M Estate and Loan Association OR THE ELECTION OF DIRECTORS AND the transaction of other business, will be held at the Hibernian Hall, en FRIDAY EVENING THE 9 Til IXST., AT 8 O'CLOCK. " - V - ! April 1-tdm C. S. ELLIS. Secretary and Treaurer. 5 Sugar House Molasses! 400 Sugar House Molat sea. J50 Hhds. . do do . . For sale by pr 4 tf KBKCgNBR & OALDKR BROS. Liverpool Salt, 3 000 8ack Liverpool8aIt j ' Now landing and for sale by . j '. apr 4-tf KERCHNER ft CALDER BROS. FAMILY SUPPLIES. "7 THRESH THIS WEEK. JJ Choice Canned Goods. '; --': Sugar-Cured Pig Hams, . apr 4-tf At , GEO. MYERS'. : Don't Forget! " Best Butter in the World." fUST ARRIVED AND FRESH DIRECT FROM 1 DAIRY, at GEORGE MYERS'. ttA'riiS OV AUVEU'l'lMNb. One Square one day,.. ... 1 tt - " " two days, 1 tf . three day. SOI four days M " :t avedays. 8W " one week , , 8 6r I', Two weeks 5 C " Three weeks... 8 W . " " One month...... 8 09 " , Two months.... I ......15 Of ' " ,. Three months... 4 .....S3 CO ' V. S.ix 0th , .85 00 - " , One year 50 C6 tv contract Advertisementa taken at propfci tkmately low rates. i Five Squares estimated, as a quarter-column, actf ten squares as a half-column. i ; - . mSCELLANKOUs! OPERA HOUSE. Wednesday Evening April T. JpiRST SOUTHERN TOUR AND FIRST-AND Only Araearance infilininkton ct" Ihf j of the eloquent and most, popular.! speaker in America, 1 , J 1 MISS ANNA DJCEINSON, t Who wQl deliver her thrilling and popular sketch of . JO AN OF ARC, 1 -.'. Ill -I 'I '? Creating a profound sensation everywhere. . -j H ; M Seats can be Secured at Helnebergcr's. ! !'?!-' .- - ' Admission 75c. ; reserved seats 1. ij ap8-6t : OPERA HOUSE. TWO NIGHTS ONZY. ThursdaylandFriday, April 8 th and 9th. i - i I I i Engagement Extraordinary, -! 1 : .-OF THE " ' ' l ' I, .i- . - .'(I Justly Celebrated and Original MAD.BEITM FEMALE MINSTRELS, Ll'lle Ularie De Labours, PAWSIAN CAN-CAN DANCERS, COMPOSED OF J 80 I BEAUTIFUL I YOUNG Ladies and! a corps of Specialty Artists, form- :' lng a Mammoth Organization never before excelled -on the American Stage. . No advance m prices. Seats can be secured at Heinsbcrger's Book Store. ' j ' Doors open at 7 P. M. Peiformance to commence atSP. Cattiages can be ordered at 10:30 P.M. 1 ! 1 M. B. LEAVETT. HARRY PHILLIPS, Gen'l Snp't. . business Agent. t Aprill-5t jl . - - Choice Family Teas 1 1 1 IN EVERY VARIETY. JjMNEST TEAS IMPORTED. GUNPOWDER, IMPERIAL and r HYSON, FROM 60c. TO f 1.75. OOLONGJ ENGLISH BREAKFAST and NATURAL JAPAN, : TE AS, FROM 50c. to $ -i We'can and will sell line Teas as LOW AS IM PORTERS' RETAIL PRICES. Samples sent out when asked for. l Sold in any. quantity. jl - We pack finest Teas in Small Caddies-tnve to tin UUItUUB CBtU-MUriiEUiUUXUl!. HUU UUBnUlUH! UWl quaiiiy. ap 4-tf CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., I 5 & 7 North Front St. Am Examination O F OUR NEW ! , II 'I SPRING and SUMMER STO OK , i ! of MEN'S, YOUTH8', ' BOYS' and CHILDREN'S C LOT HI N will convince anv one that we are offering the GREATEST INDUCEMENTS of any house in the city. Our stock is large and complete, aad we GUARANTEE SATISFACTION in every case.j j 1 - , . . SHRIER BROS., ap4-tf ' ... , 30 Market street rr vJSlO.OO -ylLL BUY A Handsome BTJiSIlTllSS STJIT. Suits made to order ! ill- i . - i From 025.00 Up. aprilf f) ,f T A. II DAVID, Chroinos! Chromos! A: KOTHER NEW LOT OF ; I M Bcantiful . Chromos Just received at !. ; HEINSBERGER'Sr . Live Book and Music Store. ap-tf Pianos and Organs. JUST RECEIVED A- LARGE ASSORTMENT . - - j - ; -or- t ' - New Pianos and Organs. " ap2tf ' At HEINSBSRGER'S. -rt 4 1 r-'- FOR THE ENSUING WEEK ; At CITIZENS' MARKET. A FINE LOT OF Sampson County tStallfed Beef which I will tell at prices to suit ithe times. Call and see for yourself. T.'A. WATSON, Proprietor. f eb28-tf Bu Pont'S Powder, JIFLE, SPORTING AND DUCK, BLASTING . ' AND MINING, JJ ' ' In Whole, Half and Quarter Kegs, For sale by mar31-tf O. G. PARSLEY A CO. Garden Tools. JUST RECEIVED, " one of the best assorted stocks of. I - f .-"'- ...,- . j GARDEN TOOLS j -ever brought to the city, consisting of Hoes, Rake. Spades, Hoes and Rakes combined. Hoes for Draw ing Drills. Ladies' Uoes, Hedge Shears, Ac. Ac. All above for sale at very low prices at-the H&w Hardware Stare of apr 4-tf - GILES tt MURCHISON. Guano, Guano, CSaano. , . QKft Tona Guanapo Guano, 300 Tons Eureka For sale low by - ' . arrr 4-tf WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Powder Powder, Powder. 00 Kega Sporting and Blasting Jf owaer, , " For sale by ! apr4-tf , KERCHNER & CALDER BROS.