iTHE HOBIIHTG STAR. 1 PUBLISHED DAILY. BY I vt-u:. zee. BEiaisrxax). I BAT8 OF UUBSCBIFTIOH IKADVAtfCI! i.- im nnobiira nt .......... 7 00 ona I- v7'i ' . ' 4 00 Sir months. inhrMi raonti . 25 a 1 00 " -.v JKSedw collect for mow than 8 months In .Hvance. OUTIANIiS. nnnfied warehouse at San Francisco and 'several other buildings blown up by giant powder explosion yesterday, and several persons perished, r- Ceremony of pre senting the Cardinal's cap to Archbishop Jlcdoskey took place yesterday at his resi dence. Editor of the Munich Voter land arrested in Austria and sent to Berlin for lriaj In Rhode Island noelection of Governor by the people. The Prohibi tion ticket received more votes than the regular Republican, Kentucky Court of" Appeals decide that Jones is eligible as ClefST although charged he had accepted challenge, to fight a diieL Argument in the Dana caseheard before Judge Blatcli ford in New York yesterday; decision re servcd. la Springfield (Mo.) $50,000 flre- Gordon declines to allow his- name to be used as candidate . for Vice presidency. One Carsen gave him 8;lf up in New York saying he was a de f milter to the Philadelphia nd Beading R. K i Morjs of Beecher's denials are tele graphed. The Alfonso government in Spain have arrested Senor Salmeron, late President of the Republic. j New York markets: Gold, 114J115; cotton, 1617; rosing 10$2 15; spirits turpentine, 86. GOOD NEWS. The Raleigh News has a, letter from an Edgecombe correspondent who was opposed to Convention before the Legislature called it. The writer says the Conservatives will make a gain of 500 votes in the next election over their last vote. The1 negroes have been deceived so long and so often that they, have become dis heartened. He adds: "North Car olina's greatest misfortune is she never puts'enough life and vigor into her campaigns. Every good man should take i part privately or pab licly." " . THE THING IN CVlOBS. The Philadelphia Times says: Greene haviDg been done brown is now blue. When he read the returns he ex claimed: " The two-terra theory is invio late, and I hearlhat old 'rebel yell Oh t The future is black, and to this complexion mustwe come at last." Ingersoll's prospects are rosy. , ' . v - - - .- - v. ' Grant says Blaine did it, and Blaine knows Grant did it. Tut it doesn't matter Blaine or Grant it's done. Shall we say that water is stronger iiian whiskey in Rhode Island ? -See telegrams. " - Spirits tTurpentiiie. The spelling fever has reached Greensboro. "'- Interesting vsfiies of nightly meetings are going on at the Methodist Church, Greensboro. ; - , The Echo says the Presbyterian and Episcopal festivals recently held in Washington realized each $200. The Greensboro Patriot says it is reported that Judge Pearson will be the candidate of both parties in Yadkin county for the Convention. I Petersburg Stan John Deweese, I ex-carpet-bar Congressman from North Carolina, is now a resident of Cleveland, Ohio, and is a Democrat. We regret that Mr. Caldwell, the entertaining and industrious "local" of the Charlotte Observer, has been laid up with inflammatory rheumatism. .f The bar at Washington during Superior Court last week adopted resolu tions of respect and .tribute to X . a. bat terthwaite, Esq., deceased. Dr. Craven will deliver the lit erary address at Yadkin College commence' mcnt, June 17thrandRev. A. W. Linebery will preach the annual address on the lbtn, says the Patriot. ; On, Monday evening in Char lotte, while the family of Gov Z. B. Vance were at supper, some unknown person en- iei eu me uouse ana Eioie a cuusiucrauio amount of clothing from C. N. Vance. The Good Templars of Raleigh have rented the old Standard building, on Fayetteville street, which will hereafter be known as the Good Templars' Headquarters, as it will be used by the Grand Lodge of the oiaie, me two city lodges ana ine secretary, Says the lialeigb Neies: The citizens of Orange have a meeting on the Ziia msu, to select candidates to tne Von vention. the first meeting, we be lieve, that is called. Orange will have the honor of leading off. and she will have the uonor of putting the name or tne nrst man in the State in nomination, tne lion, win, A. Graham. Washington Echo : Austin Gas kins, colored, sent to Martin from this county and tried for the killing of Mr. M: J. Kerman, owing to the failure of the jury to agree upon a verdict, has been remanded to our lail T3ince his arrival, however, the interested parties have agreed to a verdict or manslaughter, and Austin will proDaoiy be imprisoned a few months. - . Gtncroa Becklewnei. There is enough of heroism and in the way a Tennessee loco motive engineer! mt his death to temper with sympathy the judgment which his foolhardiness deserves. , xi was emRloyed on the Georgia and East Tennessee railroad, and was cautiously working his way over the track with a passenger train just after the recent floods had subsided, lie reached Sweetwater creek, ove which a temporary bridge had been thrown to replace the one washed away by tlie swollen waters. It seemed . in secure, and he feared to risk his train and his passengers in crossing it; so, uncoupling the engine from its tender, and ordering the fireman to leave his post, that but one life might be en dangered, he dashed at fall speed for me- other bank. There were mo nor inn JL JLJLjDj VOL. XVI.--NO.17L mehts of breathless suspense,1, then a crash of broken timbers, an explosion, a cioua ot steam, and a; wrecked en gine. The engineer was seen rio more; the rushing river i into which he! fell swept his body faraway, leaving ionly ma name, iavia j xlalloway to; me morize nis generous but reckless actJ . . Taxes on CIrenaea, &c. - There is a misconception as to ,the aw in this State taxing! circuses and menageries. We copy from Schedule 1, Sections 4 and 5, of the Revenue Acts'as adopted bv the late Session of the General Assembly i i -. : '. Section 4.: On !every:exhibition of circus or menagerie for each dkv or part of day, fifty dollars and five per cent, on their gross receipts,! am for each side show or concert, accomnanw ing a circus or menagerie for which extra cnarge is made, ten dollars; and five per cent, on their jross reftiint:s. A retnrn of their receipts shall be uiauo iu me suerm upon me: oain oi the manager of such exhibitions as are herein-referred to. I Sec 5. On all itinerant comnanies or persons who exhibit for amusement of the public, otherwise than is tnen- tionea in tne tour preceding' sections, ten dollars for each exhibition or Der- formance. Flying trapeze With ropes 'i uiauuiuerjf uuaii pay a tai oi len dollars per day,' whether, they charge for exhibition or not J Exhibitions given for the promotion of feligious, educational or charitable objects ishall be exempt from taxationj t TSIJE OIT1ZT. Tne Alalia. ;' " .1 Ml I i--' M ''' 4 The mails will close at the City Post-Of- fice until further notice. as follows: ,! i Northern (night) mails daily. ... 8:15 P. M. through and way (day) s mails daily. .........J.... 5:30 A.M. Southern mails daily. i.. 5KK) A.M. Charleston direct (night) daily.. 5:00 P. M. Columbia " " . f ..5:00P.M. Augusta " V 5.-00P.3I. Western mails (C. C.R'y) V I.. 5:30 A. M. Smithville (via Easy Uill; and i lown ureeR) ruesuays; and j Saturdays ........... 6 KW A.M. Fayetteville, and offices on Cape I ; ' .1 iear stiver, Mondays! and j Fridays Y M. Fayetteville by C. C. R'y, dailv 5 :30 A. M Onslow CEH. and intermediate ! f m omces every rndav . 6:00 A. M. Mails delivered from 7 A. M. to 7 P. M.,- afid on Sundays from 80 to 9:80 Al M. Stamp Office open from 8 A.M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6 PJ M Monet order or Register Department open same as starap 0lBc. 1 s ntiW ADVEBTISEniiNTS. Wm. Lakxn8 Bankrupt Notice. i S. P. IIakd Important Notice, ! J. 1. Macks Notice of jMeeting. I C. D. Myers & Co. Pure Coffee, &c. j Shrier Bros. New Styles of Shirts, i Cbonly & Morris Auction Saks. i Uetnsbergkb New Novels, j Local Dot, i . !' . Import Entries for Sale at the office of The Morntng Stab, j i ; M 3t. SDecial meetinsr of the Board of Trade this afternoon, at 3 o'clock. ? The colored people are tof have a calico ball at Walnut Hall on Monday night next. I i ; 1 The Norwegian Barque Stanbo, Gundersen, arrived at Hamburg from this port on the 3rd inst. j I i t . ' ' Both printing and ruling done in the finest grades of copying ink; at the Stab Job Printing Office. if to re City subscribers ceive their papers regular who fail ly will please re port the fact promptly at this office. ' tf : Very few married men were .at the Opera House last eyening only those being present who were Hole to walk. M ' 'Can-can-can I go to the theatre to-night ?" said a stuttering husband to his better-half yesterday: ! "Tou Can-Can not," replied the devoted spouse. j ' The members of the Democratic Conservative Executive Committee jfor the county of Pender will meet at Rocky Point on Monday next, the 12th. inst. i j j - We announce again that mar riage and obituary notices are charged as advertisements, and 'that those; received by mail wiil not be inserted unless aqcompa nied with a responsible name, j I - Arrangements are! being! made for the usual Memorial celebrationj on ' the 10th of Mav, and it is expected that the Wilmington Light Infantry, will receive their uniforms in time to participate. One of the most brilliant nieteors we have ever seen flashed across the firma ment yesterday morning,! about 2 lo'clock. Its: course w"as northeastwardly from the zenith, and for a moment the light jemitted was sufficient to have disclosed a pin upon the. ground. m '.A ;, i Every Trther man ini town told his wife last night, about' tea timtv that he had i go to " the lodge,' or toi" this office," or to a " dirccjors! meeting,"' or to a "special meeting of the club," or toj"ee a sick friend." And 'it! turned out thai all the " sick friends" were at the Opera House. Robbed. ; ' . ' I : We learn that an employee of the C C. Railroad shops at Laurinburg, named Don oley, who had just been ! paid a considera ble sum of money, was robbed of about $C5 of the amount last evening. A war rant was issued for, the arrest of a party suspected of the crime, but, for reasons sat isfactory to us, we forbear to give his name until the matter has undergone investigation. Morn WILMINGTON, N. C; FRIDAY.! Bath Rooma It has often been a subject of much won derment why some of our barbers have not even show a disposition to run bath rooms in connection twilh their : barber ; shops; strictly speaking, it is a branch of the art tonsorial, and apart from that, it strikes us, bath rooms would pay7 handsomely. There are a good many Of " our citizens who have not the conveniences for bathing at home, and we venture to say that even those who have would patronise freely vpublic bath rooms rather than go to the trouble, under the present lamentable system of labor, of having water pumped or carried up to their bath rooms; while on the other hand there are a good many who are compelled to go through a process of ablution in ordinary washing tubs, with the Imminent danger of fracturing a limb in trying to crowd them selves in a tub! much too small for them. Let the barbers give the, subject! of public bath rooms their serious attention, now that summer is close upon us.. Arrest of an Escaped Convlet. , Special Deputy James K. Davis, colored, arrested an escaped prisoner last . night, about 8 o'clock by the name" of Eli John son. It appears that -Johnson had, about four weeks: ago, undergone an examination in two cases, for'assauhV and battery and larceny, one before the City Court and the other before a Magistrate's Court, in one of which he had been bound over to the Su perior Court and in the other had been sen tenced to pay the costs and to be imprison ed for thirty days. Subsequently he was taken to the Vtf. & W, R. R. depbt for some purpose, in cukody of Officer Davis, when by some means he effected his escape and had since eluded capture. The officer came upon him last night, at the corner of Prin cess and Water streets, and arrested him. The prisoner struggled and fought man fully for his liberty, but was finally convey ed to the county jail and locked up. Anotner Escaped Prisoner Captnred. An escaped prisoner by the name of Dan- ielIack, a colored man, was arrested at the corner of Fourth and Brunswick streets last night, about 9 o'clock, by special Dep uties Strode, Ashe and Whitney. He was taken into. Mr. C. Hussell's store nearby and securely handcuffed, after which the officers proceeded to take him to jail. On the way the party were followed by two colored men, friends of the prisoner, who loudly threatened a rescue, but the fact coming to their knowledge that the officers were, plentifully supplied with powder and ball, with-projectiles of small dimensions hut of sufficient power to inoculate the pair with the ingredients referred to,they finally concluded to leave their friend in the hands of the law. Mack, we learn, is charged with, larceny,! and effected his escape about twelve months ago. i Mayor's court. j " The following cases were disposed of yes terday morning: - Jack Bess, pharged with disorderly con duct, cursing! and abusing H. Hutaff, was found guilty and, ordered to pay a fine of $5 or be. imprisoned, for ten days in the guard House. .-! ..'.... Jack Bess, charged with resisting police officer Edward Davis, was found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of $25 and costs or be imprisoned for thirty days in the Guard House. : j . -'! - Handy Williams, charged with disorder ly conduct, was ordered to pay a fine of $5 and the costs. Sam Small; charged with disorderly con duct, was found guilty, but judgment was suspended pn the payment of costs Frulta of Gambling;. "Heflry James and Edward Hill, both col ored, were arrested yesterday morning by officers Price) and Walcott, of the police force, and lodged in the Guard House. The two men had been engaged in gam bling in a saloon kept by a colored man by the name of Joyner, pn South Water street, and got into a ; dispute. - ;They ; finally ad journed from the, saloon to the sidewalk in front and were about "going for" each oth er in good earnest when they suddenlyf ound themselves , in the clutches" of the police. They will probably have a hearing before the City Court this morning. Recovering: From His Wound. Mr. J. P.I Hill, a member of Madame Rentz's troupe, now showing in this city, has so far recovered from the wounds re ceived by him at Macon a week or. tw since, an account of which appeared in our paper, as to be able to participate in the performance, which he did last night It will be remembered that Mr. Hill received several pistol shot wounds at the hands of a wrathful "young blood" of Macon, whom he had previously chastised for presumipg to inflict his attentions upon Miss Mollie Demar, a member of the troupe. About the Boys. We learn that our informant was in error in the statement that the white and colored boys alluded to in the article in reference to the trial of the coloied boy, Edward Stanley, in our last issue, were playing to gether, i i The white boys and the colored boys -were playing ; separately, when the difficulty that occurred, in which one of the white boys received a dastardly blow with a stick in the hands of Stanley, drew them together, j - "tm"m To City Subscribers. -Beginning April 1, Mr. Samuel Davis takes charge of the entire city circulation of The Morses g Star; and from that date all subscriptions will be payable to him. He will serve the paper nearly and regularly, and hope' fall his subscribers will pay promptly, as he has to meet his engage ments with f he proprietor whether the sub. scribers pay him punctually or not. if z OPEBA HOUSE. - j 1 Madame Henlz's Female minstrels. The sensation of the season in the theat rical line took place last night at the Opera House, j The Female Minstrels reached our city on the evening train, and as the troupe bad been extensively advertised and spoken of,' old land young Wilmington of the mas culine gender were upon the tip-toe oi ex citement to witness so rich, so startling and withal so' gay and festive a throng as the minstrels were said to be. The orchestra chairs were the choice Beats of the occasion, and long before the raising of the curtain fEey were well filled and many eager spec tators who had previously secured1 them were turned away to seek a point . of view from some other portion of the house. All classes of citizens were well, need we' say fully, represented. The business man,, the professional man, the clerk, accountant and the boy each sougbt a cosy seat from which to feast his eyes upon the anticipated sensation. some staid, sober looking Benedict almost stealthily walked into the hall, ad exclamation went up from acquain tances,! "What! y6u here ?V But still they came and still the Wonder grew until an audience congregated that would have done honor o a more worthy occasion. Yes, "we venture to say, old friends met who had - not been so close . together . for months, and all because the new and sensational Can-Can and the attendant performances, with all their unique and gushing situations, songs and dances, were to be the attractions of the night There was not a lady among the audience. , We "did not -1 e many opera glasses among the audience, o! card that a gentleman had sent t J one of luc square-riggers in port to borrow a marine spy -glass of such immense power that it was calculated to bring tne fairy Can-Canners within arm's reach of its contented possessor. r ! The curtain arose at last, as if in answer to the numerous rounds of applause that arose from the parquette and reverberated to the galleries, and twelve persons, nine of whom were actresses attired m full dress, marched in and took their places for the i ..... r female minstrel scene. This portion of the performance was passably fair the major ity of the jokes and songs being new and were well recited and sung. i The olio of specialties, which consisted of the swinging of ten-pound Kehoe clubs by Sallic Swift, was well received and loudly applauded. f Thei dances, mostly by the female mem bers of the troupe, who were attired in a ho wise different style from similar performers we have often witnessed in' the i Opera House on many other occasions, were very good and loudly encored. y Thej performance consisted of many min strel scenes, some fine singing and funny situations, in which Hany Armstrong seem ed to bear'off the palm among the male performers. It was only occasionally that anything in the scenes and situations savor ed at all of indelicacy, and for the most part it seemed to us that the great ; body of the audience were disappointed in this par ticular. At last the curtain arose on the Can-Can, and expectation was on tip-toe, every! spectator seeming to test the length of his neck, for the occasion. . This portion of the performance was by many considered short! of the real Can-Can, as each agile dancer was fully attired and their nether limbs were not shown to the extent evi dently expected, even in the various swing ings of the waltz, though in that part of the Can-Can dance loose skirts were thrown around in such a way as to produce dis plays of limbs and situations of person not altogether'calculated to improve the morals of the lookers-on. ! We do not, of course, . approve of such performances. They in a great measure debase the moral tone of any audience when 'too freely indulged in, still there were many scenes in the performance which were well rendered, and might be seen in the most moral-toned theatre; and many which were perhaps, a trifle too lascivious ands too full of lively incidents and suggestions for our latitude. I i s Delegates to tbe Orana Lodge I. o. of O.F. -'; . At the regular meeting of Orion Lodge No. 67, 1. O. O. F., held on Wednesday 'evening last, P. O. James M. McGowan was elected as Representative . to the Grand Lodge, which meets in Elizabeth Ci'y May 12th,1 " P. G. M. Wm. L. Smith was elected from Cape Fear Lodge No. 2, on Tuesday even ing, as delegate to the same body, j . Robbery. i ' From a letter received by a gentleman of this city we learn that, the store of Mr. Henry Friar,-at Faison's, was entered oue night last week and robbed of $25 in cash and a number of pairs of boots. Entrance was 'effected by breaking open one of the window blinds. No clew tot the perpetra tor of the robbery. ; i ....... I Change of Time. j . ( J The time for holding the Wilmington Dis trict Conference of the M. E. Church, South, which was announced a few days' since to open at Magnolia on Wednesday,! the il9ili of May next, has been changed to the 2Cth prox., a week later. " -- . j ; Festival. . 1 - The ladies of the First Baptist Church will hold a festival to-morrow , eveaing at No. 29 s.North Front street, next north of Mr. Love's book store, in the French build ingJ The public will no doubt! find it to their interest to attend . j Unmallable Letters. i The following is a list of unmailable let ters! remaining in" the city post-office at this date: J. S. Devane, Brinkland, N. C; APRIL 9, 1875. Col. J. D.' Powere, Camera, -N. C; Julia Daniel, ' Columbus, Ga, ; Jessie ,Bowden, Rocky Point, N. C. . , . . - CITY 1TE jttS. Book Butdkkt. rime Morkims Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Baling In a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness In the execution of their orders. " - , Tbassvsb Pbiktino-Ink 8. Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others. They are en during and . changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having just received a fresh supply of these inks, we are pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. ' 1 " ' Copt of Testimonial. Hankibal, Mo., May 80. 1874. Messrs. J. & W. Tolley, 39 Maiden Lane, New York Gent.: The 13 Gun which you built for me, No. 2093, has arrived safely to hand. Allow me to thank you for the fidelity with which you carried out my instructions. The general outline, -beauty of proportion and excellent finish, are all that could be desired, and more than meets my expectations. I am more than ever impressed with the idea that It is as neeessary for a man to have a gun built to meas urement as to have a boot so built to ensure a good fit. The pattern 175 and penetration 40 are very su perior. Tbe pattern Is as close as I desire, and the penetration I think is seldom attained, being far ahead of any public record which I have seen. - : Rospectfully Tours, . O. W. Eormait. IF YOU . ':-- Want a Situation, - j . Want a Salesman, j x Want a Servant Uirl, , Want to rent a Store, Want to sell a Piano, Want to sell a Horse, r Want to lend Honey, Want to buy a llottee. Want to buy a Ilaree, Want to rent a Uouse, Want to sell a Carriage, - Want a Boarding plaee, ,. , s Want to borrow Money, . i Want to sell Dry Goods, -Want to sell Groceries, Want to sell Furniture, ' Want to sell Hardware, " j Want to sell Real Estate, Want a Job of Carpentering, ' Want a job of Blacksmlthing, j Want to sell Millinery Good?, Want to sell a House and Lot, Want to find any one's Address, Want to sell a piece of Furniture, Want to buy a second-hand Carriage, Want to find anything you have lost. Want to sell Agricultural Implements, Want to Advertise anything to advantage, Want to find an owner for anything Found, - ' !; '.Advertise 'in - TUK MORNING STAR. Bishop Atkinson's Appointment.' Woodville, Bertie co Murf reesborough ...., 4 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 15 17 18 19 21 23 25 27 29 30 2 4 5 6 9 Winton..... Gatesville. . ............... St. Peters, Gates co. ...... . Hertford.... Woodville, Perquimans co. ! it It Elizabeth City. .......... .. Edenton......... SL Lukes, Washington co. . St. David's, " Columbia........... Plymouth. . ...... . . St. James', Beaufort co. . . . Lake Landing, Hyde co. . . . SladesviUe, Bath Zion Church, Beaufort co. . Washington. .............. JamesvUle. Williamston. tt 41 U May u Hamilton . . Scotland Neck DIED. WTNANTS Dr. Joeiah O. Winants. son of Dr. J E. Win ants, died at the residence of the latter, on Fifth street, at 10:15 Wednesd&Y msht. after a brief illness, with congestion of the fiver. Deceased was as years oia. nouceoriunerai nereauer. - , NE VV ADVERTISEMENTS. Eastern Hay, T ARBER AND OTHER FURNITURE. OFFICE L Chairs, Desk, Writing Table, Looking Glass 48x60 incnes, with sundries, at auction at our sales rooms this regular sale day. Friday, at 10 o'clock CRONLY & MORRIS, , ap 9-lt . Auctioneers. PENDER COUNTY. Important Meeting. rnilE MEMBERS OF THE DEMOCRATIC-CON- JL servative Executive Committee for toe county r r Pender are earnestly requested to meet at KocKy roint Aiepot on Monday next, tne vtm nut. By order of the Chairman. " ap9 3t 8. P. HAND, Secretary. KILT SUITS "For CMliren from 2 to 5 Years OW. Fometuing Newand Very Stylish. T OYS' SUITS NICE ASSORTMENT AT V ERT J LOW prices.; Have you keen our Vest Bosom Shirts? We have a fine assortment of both Whit 3 and Colored.' " SHRIER BROS., i - 8) Market street, ap 9 tf NEW NOVELS. OVIi'S VICTOKV Fy B L. Faijon. THK STORY OP VALENTINE AND HIS JL BROTUKR-fy Mrs. Oliphant. : A 1IFE SECRET; A 8tory of Woman'sRevenge l. By Mm. iieEry weod. , For sale at ap9-tf HEINSBERQER'S, Live Book and Music Store. Bankrupt Notice. TTOTTCR Ih herebv eiven that a petition has been lN filed in the District Court of the United States for the Pane Fear District of North Carolina, bv Hester McMillan, of Cumberland county, duly de clared a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March S, 1867, for discharge and certificate thereof from all his debts and other claims provable nndr aid act, and that the 23d day of April, i875, at 10 o'clock A. M-, Deiore w imam a. uuuine, aeguwsi in RunkniDtcv. at his office in Favetteville. Cum berland county, is assigned - for the hearing of the same, when and where all creditors who have uroved their debts, and other persons in interest. may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer or tne petitioner snwuu not oe grantea. Dated at Wilmington, N. C.,on the 9th day of April, A. II. lo(o. WM. LARKINS, ap9-lawSwFri Clerk. TTTEDDINQ CARDS AND VISITDXa CARDS VY printed to the most elegant style, at - WM. H. BERNARD'S ' aagll - . Printing and Publishing House. WHOLE; NO. 2,343. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TEYIT! i TEYIT! QUR FRESH ROASTED, i FRESH GROUND Pure L-agnyra Coffee i We know that It Is fresh, pure and costs less and saves trouble to housekeepers. . CHAS. D. MYERS & CO , I ap 9-tf 5 T North Front St. Notice. gPECIAL MEETING OF i THE BOARD OF TRADE this day (Friday) at 8 P. M. By order of the President, ' t ap 9-lt J. L MACKS, Secretary. L. A. IX ART'S ScuppemoDg Champagne ! t JjMNEST DOMESTIC SPARKLING WINE IN AMERICA. I CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., ' ap9-tf f 5&7NorthFront at. MISCELLANEOUS. I if. CRONLY, Auctioneer. By CRONLY & MORRIS. Bi Y VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE STJfE- rior Court, for the county of New Hanover, made on the 18th day of November; 1874, in the case of John London and wife Lucy against II. N. Latham and wife Eliza W. and Isaac B. Grainger, guardian praying for a eale of the Real Estate hereinafter des cribed, for partition, the undersigned, by said decree duly appointed Commissioner for that purpose, will. On Tuesday, the 4th day of May, 1875, at Exchange Corner, in Wilmington, at 11 o'clock A. M., expose for sale That Desirable IIone and Lot situated on the north side of Market street, 9 feet westwardly from the western line of Third street, with a front on Market street ef 42 feet moie or less, running back north 132 feet, the same being part of Lots 4 and 5, Block 166, now occupied by Mrs. Clifford. Terms at sale. A. T. LONDON, Commissioner, ap 2-6t-ap 3 9 16 23 30 and may 4. . Look at Our S5.50 COAT & PANTS, LOOK AT OUR 86.50 Coat and Pants; Look at our $7.50 Suits: Tou win surely buy. MUNSON& CO. April 8 tf - City Clothiers. rrHE BLOSSOMING OF AN ALOE A- i . ; A Novel, by Mrs. Hoey. fcf T OVE'S VICTORY " - i JLi : A Novel, by B. L. Farjeon. U npnE STORY OF VALENTINE AND HIS X BROTHER'1 . A Novel, by Mrs. Oliphant '6 rrHK mattj nw Trrr.T.TiTcwA ' i by William Black. A STRANGE WORLD" . ANovel, byMiss M.C. Braddon. All for sale by apr8-tf C0N6LEY & YATES, No.'47 Market street First of the Season" LADIES. DESIROUS OF GETTING FIRST choice in the l ij 1 ' New Styles -OF Spring Dress Goods, Can be supplied by calling at J. & H. Jamson's No. 43 Market Street ' - , We are receiving daily per Ran and Steamer iresn msiaumentsio our WELL SELECTED STOCK L la all our departments. ( mar Sl-tf 43 Market street The Annual Meeting - OF.THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE Real Estate and Loan Association, J? OR THE ELECTION OF DIRECTORS AND the transaction of .other business, will be held at the Hibernian Hall, en i i FRIDAY EVENING THE 9rH j INST., AT i 8 O'CLOCK. CL 8. ELLIS. . April 1-tdm Secretary and Trea nrer. New Spring Fashions. VHHDRENS STRAW nATS, SILK AND FUR Hats, Umbrellas, Trunks, &c. At AprU8tf HARRISON & ALLEN'S, City liat Store. Repairing, of Old . Hats and Bonnet?. OLD HATS AND BONNETS BLEACHED pressed and made to ii i 1 Look as Well as Kew. C3T Stamping of all kinds done. SJ For particulars call on MRS. JENNIE OKK, ol N un, oetween am ana 4tn streets. Du Pont's Powder, TilFLE, SPORTING AND DUCK, BLASTING . AND MINING, In Whole. Half and Quarter Kegs, . For sale by ', ... .mar31-tf ' O. G. PARSLEY & CO. FAMILY SUPPLIES. FRESH THIS WEEK. . Choice Canned Goods, " Sugar-Cured Pig Bams, tv- , Sugar-Cured Pig Shoulders. Breakfast Strips apr4-tf At t GEO. MYERS'. Guano, Guano, Guano. . 350 Tons Guanape Guano, 300 Toss.. Eureka uuano. - , For sale row by S apr 4-tf WILLIAMS & MUECHISON.' - Dried Fruits. A PPLES . .PEACHES ..... . . .CHERRIES, apr, 4-tf - At GEO. MYERS' BATES O AUVtltt lMt. One Square one day....... . ... .. ... .. . .. ...... 1 It twoaays,....;,.., 1 t three days .... M - t four days.... .. i... a W ..... 8 W ..... 8 Bf .... .SCO .ave aays. . one wees , - - .......... Three weeks. ....... , One month... . ....... Two montlia.i..v.-.. . Three mnnthi ,-..,.15 W wr - Six montha .... ...k .. u wne year. .... ...... ....60 C tionately low rates. - :-. f,i- jfive squares estimated as a euartct-column, ai d ten i MISCELLANEOUS, OPERA HOUSE. TWO NIGHTS ONLY. Thursday SLndFriday, April 8th and 9th. Engagement : Extraordinary i OF THE " f i - Justly: Celebrated and Original ; ' HAD. BEHTZ'S FEMALE MINSTREL?, A;-- 4 :H'-V' AND P'..;:4-''4 -v v' Il'lle Harie De Lacours, PARISIAN CAN- CAN DANCERS, f COMPOSED OF 80 BEAUTIFUL 1 YOUNG Ladies and a cores of BDecialrv Artist, form ing a Mammoth Organization never before excelled on the American Stage. : : .. Noaavanceln prices. Seats can be secured at Hclnsberger's Book Store. i Doors open at 7 P. M. Peiformance to coromenro at 8 P, M. Cai triages can be ordered at 10:30 P. M. -! M. R. T.TtAVRTT. ' HARRY PHILLIPS, Gen'l gup'tK, business Agent. r April4-St ! : 7 - . - . ; IsTOTZCOE. 'ALL PERSONS ARE f hereby forwarned against harbbriog tbe Craws, or allowing accounts to be made by them, as such will not be paid by Masters or undersigned Consignee, RUFUS, HTXDING, MELITUS, ALKAR, MIRA, N DA CAPO, MAGENTA, ZARIA, j j dblphin and ara. ' . i ,.l BABES. FORSETE, MELANCHTON, SIGURD JARL, LYN ANE FYKN. ! 1 R. E. HEIDE, AprO 8-3t Consignee. NOTICE. J ALL RETAIL LIQUOR DEALERS ARE HERE- bj: notified tai come forward and renew their : ; Liquor License r according to law, otherwise they will be liable to ; - i . . ; j . ) the penalties, prescribed by law. 1 :-: j GEO. W. BORDEAUX, I Adril7-lwJ Register. 350 Tons Celebrated TfHAN'N'S ;' - : I 'J- PHOSPHATE i: - - ;' i-i Just arrived and for eale by ' I VICE & MEBAnA marSg-Sw B XT "3T y " '. .':iI...:;:iv-.' .:'' I Our Half Dime Cigar ' . t " FOB ! ; r v Half Dollar Per Dozen, THE BEST IN THIS -MARKET, AT j No. 83 Market Street 5 D. PIQ-OTT, April 1-tf; - Tobacconist" Sundries. 100 Bbl,Eeftned Susar QBagsboffee, ' 100 Potatoes, . QQ Bbls Flour, Kits Mountain Butter BoxeS Tobacco, Opi Barrels Snuff, TTnw lnnrlinir and for vale low "hr i i EDWARDS & HALL, feb Sl-tf i ; - i - - Hew Crop Cuba : !.NOTHBR cargo just in wnicn WE - -1 offer to the trade at I 1. . . JlOW FIGURES v - ! In Kog8heads and Barrels. : - i feb 27 d&wtf ' -SINFORD. CROW A CO. j Fresh Teas i j SG. NORTHROP, AGENT OF THE UNITED , States Tea Company, has jast received his fourth invoice of those popular teas, consisting of thirty different varieties, put up in very handsome . and useful air tivht tin canisters, with screw cover. -and sold at tbe same prices as over tbe counters of the company in New York city. i t , At S. G. NORTHROP'B : April 7-tl Fruit and Confectionery Store. - . - FOR THE ENSUING WEEK ,. At cmZENS' MARKET. A FINE LOT OF Sampson County Stallfed Beef which I will sell at ' . . t . - !;-. ' prices to suit tbe times. Call and see for yourself. i feb38-tf ; T. A. WATSON, Proprietor. Garden Tools. JUST RECEIVED, ona of the beat assorted stocks of i f GARDEN : TOOLS ever brought to the city, consisting of Hoes, Rakee, Spades, Hoes and Rakes combined, Hoes for Draw ing Drills. Ladies' Hoes, Hedge Shears, Ac Ac All above for safoat very low prices at the New Hardware Store of - t ' ' apr 4-tf, GILES & MURCHISON. 1 Baldwin Apples, j-ESSINA I LEMONS AND ORANGES, . , ' -i BEST MORTENS GILT-EDGE BUTTER, at the lowest retail price. . Peach and Apple Butter. A full assortmenlof fresh family supplies always on hand at lowest prices, delivered promptly. v -apr 8-tf . - JAMES C. STEVENSON. 9