Jinx. X77.1. II. BERNAUD, Editors. CICEIIO TV. HARRIS WiJsMiuwi VJS iV.. 0'..- Saturday Morning, April 10, 1875.. ax election for one hundued and twenty delegates TO A contention to amend the state constitutjon Trai J5 held on the first. Thursday otTffrar.iffri rzns? contention will MEETAT RALEIGH' ON THE tTH OF THE J following September. - those critics. I iit i . i l I w e nave seen several ; articles amonc? our exchanges commenting I unon that insulting criticism in the TM.i-i. t- xr.-i. x uiiaueipuia.x.w.ycr x.ux.u y-. . lina's action in the matter of her debt which we briefly noticed a few days ! rw.. "-' ..' T a ago. .- .inese are unuormiu meir uib- i s . , . a approval ot tne narsn terms empioyeu by our northern critic, and some of them quite sharp in tne. It will be seen from the extracis we make be- " - low from the Washington Critic that that paper goes even beyond us in characterizing the infamous man ner in which much of the Southern debt was contracted: , v With reference to the largest part of the indebtedness of the Southern-States, tbe term ' honest and confidiDg creditors" will hardly apply, for the purchasers of most of the bonds held against them were coconspi ritors. with the rascally officials who issued them, ana wnue it is quesuonaoie wnetuer an average of forty per cent, in money was ever paid for the North Carolina bonds, or could nw be obtained for them in open market.it is well-known that some $6,000,- I . . . Z Vm "'T of at half that amount in currency when rttxr iroo wrl ohant tVA rlnllnrQ mnkinrr tue Bpecie value about ten cents on the dol lar. If South uaroJina were to oner to pay these bonds at ten cents on the dollar, it .mm . J would oe .aenouncea as repuaiauon, udu i .,tnhinia nutnt.h.n' thnt h nnirht not to Dav one cent of them, as the officials 1 who issued them, and the men who bought J them, w,ere simply a ring of conspirators j Threnormousbondeo'debtimnosedunon me enormous oonaeaaeDiimposeu upon people of these States is a mortgage upon ;ry man's home, and upon every man's, the every woman's and child's labor for a century to I .TT;VeTO "X1 Zfnn&) i alions. Fuither on in the same article we find this pregnant paragraph A State may be bankrupt as well as an in dividual, owing, perhaps, obligations less in 4 li a ft vrwAvaf-A 4kon milliAnoira VkQ l7"OTQ hnvfi failed for: vet if a State nronoses to compromise with its creditors, by offering I them perhaps a full equivalent for what they j iiavt: paiu lur ncx uuuus iiiaicau ui uic " valiift. it is at once denounced as "hiffh- I lmndpd rftnndiation." , 1 , . Thflcfl o ro fioneiKla oriil rronOTATifl i m rir ' u woras. niey are true, "e uuve made a fair offer of compromise. The act passed by,our: Legislature after J mature deliberation nroDoses to Dav off our public debt in the proportion of the real moral obligation resting oh us. The prior claim being the old debt the act otters to settle on a basis of forty per cent, on the whole amount, with interest at different MtP inPTPo.; ?n rpnWr Bl0 - i I wiuer uouesi, ueuis are proviueu ior as liberally as it was possible. The State is poor. Her Deonle were de- vo.Kil Kir ror Thmr nrnntu n . , . , rm , " ' ..uupvucuuieuw to grow and prosper, which it cannot io while tied to this Ixion's wheel of debt. Cut us loose and we can thrive. -Our thrift is the gain of the whole country, as much that of Philadel phia and other Northern cities as of others. North Carolina has too hon orable a record to be reviled, but if nueicBieu auu luanciuus jmriies win throw mad at her she likewise has too proud a spirit to be overwhelm ed by it. ,.' ; ' " ' ; " Senator" Pinchback, it would ap- pvar, was 'not in good odor with Mor lonV Senatoiial ciwd. While they were looking around and talking poli tics with the white Radical politicians Pinch paid assiduous court. His1 din ner was successfully flanked, and they also declined an invitation to meet a number of the negro politicians of the Pinchback stripe to consult on the " the situation," sending word that they were otherwise engaged. This time .Carl ' VogU is, before J uge Hlalchford on a certiorari. T!ie Judge "tjok the papers and re nerved his decision." Carl i "grad ually working up, and in the' course f a few years more, if he live long enough, it may be decided whether he shall be extradited or not. The danger, says the Philadelphia Times, is that in the meantime all the wit nesHea may be superannuated. ' rV , " Disorganization and cowardice defeated the Republican party in Connecticut," says the President's Washington organVy' Some other peo- V ihink it was disgust, I discontent, and a vicious , spirit of opposition to Grantism.' It; doesn't - particularly matter. We won't disagree as to terms. ': o' Thorndyke Brooks, oh Balti more, denies in a letter to Senator Logan Wheatley's 'affidavit charging that Logan enlisted roeu for the Con federate army.. The South is easy, now. jogan would have been a fear ful burden to carry into history. . : aonunn A. Hard Nut for Speller to iJrack ' From the Lou isville Ledger. " We would not for any considera tion be guilty of immorigerousness towards the 'New York World, but we are really afraid that a tendency in Iflvirilionmic m i nna rF h idm gyncrasies of that paper." It indolges at times in a magniloquous and gran I disonous verbiage wnicn. u not amen we to the cbaree of beins catachres- u n employed, is yet irresistibly 1 n'stiv0 Z circumcursatiori in suggestive or a jinsumettrsauoj hi search of didoecasyllabic and asym- metrical veruai muusiruBiwa auu painful peering with emissitious eyes tbrousti tbe pages or some onomasti nn for those orthosraDhic nodosities! wujQl are - such maxillary royodyna- : - . . ' , mometers. borne time ago the won applied to the J3eecher-ltlton offenders an erjithet which nobodv has. ever been Wft to T,neat. and in' an article re centlv on the spelling-classes itiidis- onnraail oo frllrirn? i i - - . h , ' "The competiuve orthography ma exteDd1Dg its magio spell all over tDe iand, and all: class j distinc- tions (except those of -high school classes) are merged in ia cmonide- era in not iVlA llPfit. in T (InilPMSTl- sire to get the best 'lin ? dodecasyi- liabio diacnticism. Ihis week the war of words reaches (where it should by right have begun) theslNew Hng land home of the 'great unabridged, for, as Pans is b ranee, so ilioston jnay be taken to include Connecticut, whence arose theNoachiah : deluge of Websterian kakography: which has flooded the literature of all tbe Jiast era States, and in a few daysthe Hub will witness a battle wherein the con tending hosts will comprise, on ;the one hand, journalists, proofreaders, and compositors", and On the bthef an pnnal nnrriher of seleeted Combatants from the public schoo s.'r r , ,, , ; - Tbe y"dodecasyllabic iachlicism and the "Noachain deluge of Wel sterial kakography" in iUe above ex tract ate but faint indications of sthe , . , il - .uJ heteroclitical onslanghls the! World is constantly making upon the mera clous vernacular, to say- nothing of those polyglotical pyrotechnics irijthe way of citations from foreign scribes, , - . i . . i. . whose coruscations, (though, they doubtless irradiate tbejacroamaticism of the World, are frequently intern pestime, and servo on y! to jput into periclitation the. intellectual vision of the mere exoteric reader.! We trust it will engender no abet ocity in the feelings of the World if we suggest to it me propriety or an aoeruncation ot tms cacoiogical apor- ration. v e nave no sympatny witn those misomegalogists or microiogo phils, as they may properlv be ca ed, in - whose - writings even f dyssylables gj-g ran Lief "And ten short words Oft creep i t- one idull iuc even this style is less inconcm nou3 and ahedonic than those micro ty pus classicisms wh ich I deverberate iu the columns of our cosm leal con- temporary . . Come to Grief. ; - Petersburg ETeningjSlaii Tlie report of the Cincinnati elec tions, resulting in the election! of Johnson for Mavor bv a larsre ma jority, has given us the) most immense satisfaction. JNot chiefly i because Johnson was the democratic norai- r on " htit. haanca hia nmmnhnt u.ll Joh Robinson had changed his life-long principles and turned Repub- lican simply to cet the nomination of I .1 . - - -v-r i. , ' ' . i if : ' - 1 Pariy., 1MOW, IkODmSOn Was ne I of ourearliest idols. From the lime .when the spangles and awdust of the circus first ereeledloiir distended I eyes, old John Robinson j has! been a her0 bef?re. hose fame and ham we reverently bowed. For lpng years He was master of the arena the prince of clowns, the most Cdssadkiari! of riders, . facile princep ! of ring masters; and duringj. all that iera in wlitffi- TnViri - rnadn i fortin iin.l fQn amJ moneyi theold felloJ hadtfce i manliness to buck to inejpary Of j ills choice, and to meet every audience all over the country, North, ipoutb, East and West, with a distinct avdwal jib v " true words spoken iri jest" of ' his own opinion of public (uestions. jBut alas ! when old John forook the honest atmosphere of the jiavillion and cast his . eye downward to the ting in which political mountebanks somersault and tumble, he fell from the grace of consistency :! abjured jhis laiuj, ana soiu t nimseu out ior me promise of place. ' Right! glad are we? that the thitty pieces proved to be counterfeit. Robinson's: fate is a good warning to turn-coats the world over, bo ever may the 'whitling 1 of these times bring bis otyn revenues upon himself I Tbe mcClellans in k'cypt. ; t ' LCourier Journal! J.i ' i Mr. . ueneral ilcUlelliin writes many pages to her mother, Mrs. Gen eral Marcy, about her winter Ion the W lie. I he Khedive has' been i most polite and attentive i General Mc Clellan and family, lief gave, them permits to visit his wonderful gardens on the Nile. General Afid ' Airs. Alc Clellan have Vtoo interesting children May, aged 13, and - Max, aged 9. Ths party has consisted of the parents, children, a governess, anji the! Arabs who have been guides as well las ser vants. The party have navigated the Nile as far as ordinary boat pene trate. Thev have eni ived nninfer rupted .good health and perfect hap piness and content. Th-General vill remain abroad with his jfamily tuitil August. On a former occasion they lived in Europe four years. 4 Before going to Egypt, General- and" Mr. McClellan were entertained at Flor ence by the Count aid . Countess Pizano, who owns one. K tho finHt palaces in Italy. The house w eight hundred feet long and as many wide. I he frescoing was executed 1 by Tin toretto and other famous painters. ;j One of our rejoicing exchanges ?oao8?eir wflame8e baDd from fcV AkiDlST. A new.Indiana law givea rail road conductors police powers. Miss Jennie! Patterson was to have read in Savannah last evening. Offenbach has introduced a bal let of nurses and babies into the" latest op era bouffe. j ' A man named, Edgar A. Poe has bee appointed a! judge of election in Jersey City. ; : Elective light houses are said to be too costly and. are besides extremely liable to getut of order. - -t A half-breed Indian girl lately committed in Weaverville, CaL, because she was ashamed of her pedigree,. , 4 Ripe blackberries, soda water, palmetto hats, and linen coats, are now the things that Jfalataa, florid a, indulges in. -i The Chicago; Journal objects to newspaper jokes. He don't want anybody to do any thing he can't do himself. De- troit Press. ; - f - In the municipal elections in the Buckeye State there is much to encourage the idea that there is no backward step in the revolution which began some time ago and which swept the IJmon last yearV i r Independence Day, it seems, is a misnomer. . i ue , uvvihtruvu whs atreeu upon the evening of the 4th of July. His tory demands, therefore, that we should say Independence Night, and not let our patriotism sizzle before sundown. Chicago In reply to the qustion of a cor respondent, "what is the greatest difference in time possible L at the same moment be- twcen'anv two Points on ' the elobe " the" JSew t xoiK Jouriuii ot Uommerce replies: ,!. We suppose that twelve hours may be said to be the difference, of time between anti- podes." . , ;; T - . s; ' ; ;r;'; Tbe Vice President a Little " Blue." .'!'' LCincinnati Eqquirer Special. 5 Vice President Wilson talks glomi- ly of the prospects.of the Republican party, unless the Administration pro gramme be changed, lie savs; that iu the last Presidential election the Republicau party obtained hundreds! of thousands of votes upon sufference merely,' being! the votes of those who! were discontented!, but willing to trivel the party , anotner trial, it uecame necessary to modify the policy of the urovernmeiu. ana iu auout a pouev on . . 1 retrenchment and! reform in order to ".( , i - retain this element of strength. A trouble has occurred between the theatrical people, Tracy Titus and. his- talented) little wife. Mrs.' Titus-Oates, formerly Mrs. Oates, and they have separated. This sad story comes from the Chicago unbune.. MISCELLANEOUS. HOT ICE. LISTING OF TAIABLES FOR 1875. Ofilcc Treasurer & Collector, ) 5 City of Wilmixqton, C, V J March 22nd, 1875. ) ALL PERSONS AND CORPORATIONS within the corporate limits Of the city of Wilmington, on the first day of April, 1875, are required by law to list mil their Real. Personal and Pull Taxes for the year 1875.J j- j . ---'. - : The Tax Listprs For theci'y of Wilmington, 'J. L. Barlow, W. M. Monroe and Wm. IL Banks, will be in attendance at the 1 '.. CITY HALL COURT ROOM, I On the first day of April, 1873, and for twenty days thereafter (Sunday excepted) between the hours of 9 o'clock A- M. and 3 o'clock P. M.,-andon Friday nights from 6 o'clock toi 9 o'clock P. M., for :b pnrpose of listing all the Rea Personal and Poll Taxes within the corporate limits of this city. , ALL PERSONS AXD CORPORATIONS Neglect'ns or refusing to comply with the above tubject to Double Tax will be Delinquent, and thereon.- -j T. a SBRVOS8. mar 23-tf CJty Clerk and Treasurer. North Carolina Oassimeres. I rpiIE TRUE WAY TO ATTAIN SOUTEERN A I " .""i '. Commereial Independence $8 to I'atronfze Soutliern Industry ! ' v - - --- A handsome lot of Salem Cssimeres just received. Qsntlemea are invited jto call and examine these meritorious goods.. In color and fabric they are un- rivllled among American Good, and would be creditable to the highest English man-' nfactnring skilL BOSKOW1TZ & LIEBER, max 24-tf : ;. I . . 89 Market street Look to Your Interest. Myertising a Profitalilfi Mestoent. The Kershaw Gazette i -. ..- j -., - ... . "VFFFRS TO THR MWRPHA1?Ta OF WTT- yj mineton and elsewhere, superior inducements : to advertise their business in its columns. Having a a large ana rapidly increasing circulation tnrougnout ' one of the wealthiest sections on the Wateree river. i it is constaei ea a most - i Valuable' Advertising medium.' j i Advqrtlxen who desireto reach purchasers should ; ad vert li- In the GAZETTE. i t W published in Camden, Kershaw Co., 8. C, at i the heart of navigation on the Wateree river, at $3 :B jvalt WWftVB IU BUVttUCC r or uj nis of aavertisingj Ac, address ' ! FANK P. BEARD. Ed. A Prop'r. no vtf - . i Camden. S. a The Piedmont Press. ! IIICKOHY, N. C, IU THR ONLY PAPER PUBLISHED IN CA uwbs etmuiy. and has an eitnslve circulation looiiv muTf iiamn. itnuur. ana an c asses or oust- n4Mn man in nn mwo, i n rnitna in H inP A WA KE DEMOCRATIC PAPER, ml l adlrlilroi(iim for advertising la Western li th Csrolii Wmiti term slhWtd on venrlv miftmytuiu ? In tunnne. AMren I - '' MUBBfi L A TOM LIN SON, mur jti-tt - rdltws wid Prwprieto s, THE VINDICATOR IANP SOUTHERN WATCHMAN, IXV? MEW OF WILMIJIfCITOW WILL To A4rrllMln lb "VlBdIlor," Burke sud UMwmmuHiitm, Wt, 4 Jn Halifax! Warren, Kdgucoiube, th ii4 Wnbmpton, ihi Kant. . Wmul Uxm fifr4 U rsny aovrr.iarSi 1 Un 81-tf tkWIN. . it i , . Whteh h flo4 cfrcltlo In Lf neoln, Catawba, llatitou.CUmmliud. ltuihiiii-d. folk. Mihnwull. SPEING'AND SU AT 2sL. M. 'KATZ'S, 36 MARKET! STREET. All The Latest Novelties AND THE , Best qualities at tlie More particulars i i April 4-tf BUSINESS (JAUDS. THOMAS GRJEMEj Gen! Insurance Agency. : j Princcus Street, between may 10-ly . Front and Water Sta. k. ADRIAN. a. volusus. ADRIAN & VOLLEItS, i'orntr Front and Mock 6tM V V IN ALL ITS BKAKCIlEa. Country Kerchauu will do well by calling on ne and examining our etwk. nor 19-tf i QOMMISSION MERCHANTS And Dealers In Grain. Flour. Han and Also Fre tiro and lueal, fearl Uomlny - and Grits. OB. 9 and 10 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C Proprietors of the Merchant's Flooring Mills. nov25-tf . LEGAL CAKDS. N. A. STEDMAN, Jr. Attorney at Law, ELIZABETI1TO WN, Ar. C. July7-D&Wtf REAL ESTATE SALES. Sale of Real Estate Under Mortgages. T Y VIRTUE OF AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH JD the respective provisions of the several deeds of mortgage nereinaiier reierrea to, ine several iota or parcels of land and premises, all situate within the present limits of the city of Wilmington In the county of New Hanover and State of ftorth. Caro lina, and conveyed by said deeds respectively to " The Wilmington Building Association as herein? after set forth, will be sola for cash by public aac- tion at the Court House in said city, at 13 o'clock M , on Thursday the 22d day of April 18?5-that is to say a certain parcel of land conveyed by Joseph B. RusseU and his wife Mary RasseU to Michael Cronly, DuBrutzCutlar'and Robert K. Calder as trustees of the Wilmington Hull ding Association, by deed bearing date the 39th day of January, ' 18701 and duly reeiBU-red in the ofilce of the Register of the county of New Hanover aforesaid in Book Y. Yi at page 412, and conveyed by said Cronly, Catlar andCaidfr to said Association by deed bearing date tue Bin day or April, 1S71, and registered in the office aforesaid in Book B. B. B. at page 49. ; and by a subsequent deed of mortgage made by said Joseph B. RusseU and his wife Mary E. Russell, bearing daie the 26th day of March. 1873. and reentered In the omce aroresaia in book is. a. a., at page 139 con- veyea to said Association, ana aescrioed as roiiows: viz : Beeinnine at tho southeastern Intersection of Fourth street with Nun street, thence running east wardly with the Southern line of Nun street 85 feet, thence southwardly and parallel with Fourth street .60 feet, thence westwardly parallel with Nun street 83 reel to tne eastern line or r ourtn street, and thence northwardly with said line of Fourth street 66 feet to tne beginning. A certain other parcel of land conveyed by Alex ander M. bholar to the aforesaid Michael Cronly, Du Brutz, Cutlar and Robert B. Calder as trustees aa aforesaid by deed of mortgage dated the 29th day of July. 1!&9, and registered in the office aforesaid in Book W. W. at page 611. and conveyed by said uronjy, uuuar ana iviaer to saia .association oy tne deed before referred as made by said trustees to said Association. Beginning in the Nortern line of Church street 8 i feet irom the northwestern inter section of Church and Fifth streets, thence running; westwardly with eaidline of Churchstreet .83 feet thence northwardly and parallel with Fifth etreet 6i feet, thence eastwardly and parallel with Church street 83 feet, and thence southwardly and parallel with Fifth street 66 feet to the beginning. - j A certain other parcel of land conveyed bv Edwin R. Brink and bis wife Eliza Jane Brink, to said As sociation by deed of mortgage dated the 25th day of. August, 1S7i, and duly registered In the office aforesaid in Book Z. Z. at page 771. Beginning at tbe intersection of the Northern line of II arnet t street with Love's Avenue or street running, thence north-: wardly with the Western line of said Love s Avenue 66 feet, thence westwardly In a line parallel with Harnett street 75 feet, thence southwardly in a line; parallel w.tn taia iove a Avenue wi leet to tne Northern line of Harnett street, and thence east- wardly with sa d line of said street 75 feet to the beginning,. WRIGHT & STEDMAN. Wilmington, March 18th, 1875. -. Attorneys, mar 280d. - Sale of Real Estate Unaer Mortiaies. BY VIRTUE OF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH the previsions of the several and respective- in dentures of mortgage hereinafter referred to, made by Thomas B. Carr andhis wife Caroline N. Carr, the lot of land and premises conveyed by said in dentures of mortgage and hereinafter described, will be sold by poblic auction, for cash, on Friday the 80th dav of April. 1875. at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House in the titv of VV ilmington in tho coun ty of New Hanover atd state or iNortti uaroiiua. 1 he two flrct of faid indentu. es of mortgage being made to Du Brutz Cutltr, Michael ronly and Robert E Calder ss Trustees of "The Wilmington building Association," and. the reat estate thereby conveved tra nsferred snd conveyed by said Trustees to said Ass elation oy deed dated tne Sunday ot Apiii, 18". 1 and duly registered in tbe office of the Resist r of the county of New Hanover, in Book B. K li. at ouire 4'JO: and the remaiuiij&r ten of said indentures of mortgage being made uirecUy 'to said Association; viz: I he first of raid indentures of mortgage bearing date the ailh of August. I8b0, and registert din the office aforesaid in Beok W. W. at Dai?e t;97. the second da.ed the 21tt ol Januarv. 1870. and registered as a oretatd in Book Y. Y. - at page 808. tbe third dated the 8rd of January, 1871. and registered as atoresaid in Book A. A. A. at Jpage 51S, thef .nrth dat d the27th of April. 1871, and leLisered a aforesaid in Book B. B: B. ttt page 546, the fifth dated the 28 h oi Sep. ember,, 1871. and registered as aforetaid in book C. C. .-'. at page 476, th xth dated the 4th of October, 1873, and regis tered as aforesaid In Book V. F. K. at page 244, the sevtnth dated theS5tu of June. 1873, and registered as aforesaid in Book G. U. at page 586, the eighth daiea the 1st of December, 1871, and rexie-turtd as aforesaid in Book U. U. H. at page 86 , the ninth dated the 2iith of December, 1873, and registered as aforesaid in Book H. H. U. at pace 445. the - tenth dated the 7th of February. 187 -t, and registered as aforesaid In Book H. U. n at page 725, tbe eleventh dated the Slst of April. 1874, nd registered as afore vaidin Book J. J J. at page 1K1, aid ihe twelfth dated tbe S9;h of October, 1874, and regiettred as f rena d In Book K. K. K. at page 151, Tbe land and premises conveyed by sa d several indentures of mortgage and to be sold as aforesaid being situate In the City of Wilmington aforesaid and batted and bounded as follows: . Viz: Beginning in the bouth era line of Market street at a point one hundred and Arty-one feet eastwardly from the southeastern in tersection ot Market street with Front etreet, thence running eastwardly with said line of Market street twenty-four feet and four Inches to the coiner bt a lot formerly belonging to the late Sarah tomlth, thence southwardly with the Western line of tbe lot referred to and at right angles with the Use of Mar ket street to the line of an alley extending from Front street to Hecond street known as Bettencourt's Alley, i hence westwardly with the Northern line of Mid Alley to a lot whlc h formerly belonged to the lr Mrs, A, Paul Iteplton, and thence northwardly with the Western Hue of the lot last referred to, to the beginning on Market street, f i c ;.. Wiluttogum, March soth, 1875. WKI0UT tb STEDMAN, jnr808rtd Attorney. M 51 EE' GOO D S , very lowest prices. in a tew days. I' V1."K AT Z , 36 MARKET ST.1 REAL ESTATE SALE. Sale of Real Estate Under Mortgage. T Y VIRTUE OF AN DIN ACCORDANCE WITH XJ the provisions of a certain deed or mortgage, r.kfion W. Potter and Harriet Ann Potter to Micl oel Cronly. Du Brutz Cutlar and Roberts. Calder as Trustees of "The Wilmington Building Association." said deed i of mortgage being dated on the fifth day or Marcn a. u., is.u, and registered in the office of the Register of New Hanover county. In Book Y. Y. at page 7i0 and fol lowing: We will sell for cash by public auction, at the Court teuse door in the city of Wilmington, on Thursday the 22d day of April A. D., 1875, at 12 o'clock M. tueiouowineaescriDea. iana: viz.: jl certain lot lying and beiBg in said city of Wilming ton and known in the plan of said city as part of a lot in Block 158. fronting on Dock (treet. between Seventh and Ktgntn streets. Beginning on jjock etreet 176 feet from Seventh street, thence running with Dock street 44 feet to the line or Kdward T. Barries, thence a northwardly direction with said Nancy Ward's line 44 feet, thence a sontheaBtwardly course with Nancy Ward's line 139 feet to the first statloii on Dock street. i WRIGHT & STEDMAN, Attorneys. mar21-30d Sale of Real Estate Mer Mortgage. ji Y VIRTUE OP AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH AJ the provisions of a certain deed of m'ortsaee executed by Stacy Van Amringe and bis wife iiary Frances Van Amringe, to " The Wilmington Build ing Association" dated on the 23d day of November A.! D., 1871, and registered in the office of the Retrial er of New Hanover county in Book D. D. D. at page 50 and following.- We will oa Thursday the ay V Coo SSdday of April, 1875, at 12 o'clock M., at the Court House door, in the city of Wilmington, sell by pub lic auction ror casn tne following described property : Viz. : A certainpiece or parcel of land, situate in said city of Wilmington on the East side of Second street and on the South side ef Orange street and bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of said Orange and' Second streets, and running thence with orange street East 70 feet, thence South in a line parallel witn second street oa feet, tnence West parallel with Orange street 78 feet to Second street, thence with Second street North 65 feet to the beginning. - Being part of lot No. 1, Block 1 127 according to Turner's plan of said city of Wilming ton..; - , WRIGHT & STEDMAN. - Attorneys. mar l-3Cd I ME OF REAL ESTATE BY VIRTUE OF AND PURSUANT TO THB provisions of a certain indenture of mortgage made by Samuel U. Birdsey and Kate S. Birdsey hia wif in "Th Wilminortnn Rnilrtlncr Aaonrtatinn " bearing date tbe 27th day of Auzust. A. D.. 1870. and duly registered in the proper office, the under pinned as the Attorneys of said mortgage, will' on Wednesday the 28th dajfrf April A. D., 1875, at the door of the Court House of the county of New Han over.sell by public auction for cash the following dee-' cribed piece or parcel of land, situate in the city of Wilmington, in said county of New Hanover that is to say one certain lot or parcel of land, begin ning at a point in tne aoutnern tine or uock street, thirtv-eeven feet and six inches from the northwen- ttrn corner of a lot belonging to the heirs at law er devisees of the late Dr. William J. HarrUs. Said point bemg about one hundred and seven feet and six laches from the Western line of Second street. thence running westwardly with the Southern hue of Dock street thirty seven feet and six-inches, thence southwardly in saline parallel withecond street one hundred and thirty-two feet, thence eastwardly in a line parallel with Dock street, thirty-seven feet and six inches to the line of the lot first referred to and thence northwardly along the line of said lot to the oeginning. . WK1UUT & STEDMAN, mar 28-30d. Attorneys. Sale of Real Estate Unfier Mortgage. BY VIRTUE OP AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH the respective provisions of two cejtain indent ures oi .mortgage made by Josepn J. Jkliis, tne fijst to Du Brutz Cutlar. Michael Cronlr and Robert BL Calder, as trustees of "The Wilmington Building Aenuciaiuu,- ouea me lutaaay or August, loba, and duly registered in the proper efSce in book w W, at page 700 and following, conveying the land and premises hereinafter described to said Cutlar, Cronly and Calder, who by their deed dated the 8th day of April. 1871, and duly registered in the proper office in book B B B, at page 49, conveyed the same to fThe Wilmington Building Association;" and the second of said indentures of mortgage made by said Joseph J. Ehisto "The Wilmington Building Association," dated the 1st day of May, 1870, and duly registered as aforesaid in book Z Z, at page 212 and, following, the lot or parcel of land hereinafter described will be sold by public auction for cash at the aoor oi tne wonn uonee in tne city or Wilmington, in the countv of New Hanover, at 12 o'clock M., on J. a tvxaj, m,ui uajr ui auxii, iota, LIUlk us UJ Kny, s certain piece or parcel of land situate In said city of Wilmington, and described in said two Indentures of mortgage as followa, yizi i - , ; Beginning on Chesnut street, running thence north fifty feet along Tenth street to Erambert's line, thence west along Erambert's line sixteen poles to Hunt's line, thence southwltuaunt's line fifty feet to Chesnut street and thence along Chesnut street sixteen poies to tne oeginning.. ,r Wilmington, March 28. 1875. ! i - . . WRIGHT STEDMAN, mar 28-304 - . - , .t.., i,-.- r Attorneys. iValiaWe; Real, Estate for Sale.- BY VIRTUE OF AND PURSUANT TO THE provisions of a certain Indenture of mortgage made by Thomas B. Carr and his wife Caroline N. Carr, to Samuel E. iWeetray, bearing date the 14th day of March, A. D , 1874, and duly registered in the proper otfi'-e, the uudcr&ianed as the Attorneys of aid mortgagee, will on Saiurday the 8th day of Aiay, a u. ib at tne aoor or tne court iiouse or tiie eouhiy of New Hanover, sell by public auction, for catih, the following described lot . or pared of land! situ ate in the city of Wilmington iu said county of New Hanover that is to say beginning in the Northern line of Market street, at a point bixty-six feet iwerttwardiy from the northwestern intersection of sa d Market s ieei and Seco d irtreet, running tueupe ea-twaraiy wn n saia line . or flarKet street roity-cight feet to the line of a lot belonging to the heirs or devisees of the late Thomas Cowan, thence northwardly one hundred and thirtv-two feet to th Sou hern line Of Toomer's Alley, thence westwardly with: said line of said alley forty -eight feet to the line of a Jot belonging to St. John's Lodge, and thence ouumwaruij wim tne eastern line or said lot last re ferred t' oi.e hundred and thirty -two feet to the be ginning . f WRIGHT & STEDMAN. April7,lS75-80il - Attorneys: . msCELLANEOUS. FIELD DOGS. Breefline-KenMl of A. C." WaJielL ... f " 1 I iNcwton, Kew Jersey. ; i . , - - - . "VOUNG POINTERS AND SETTERS OP THE Finest Strains - FOR SALE., . - Dogs broken thoroughly for $5t f0.s For full par ticulars address, 1 - A. C. WADDKLL, mar 20-DAWtf . Newton.-New Jersey. ! " Hew Process TROUBLE EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR - "EMPIRE!" - Send for Samples. Guaranteed the WHITEST In the city. a4-tfj At GEO. MYERS. s i r.i r.ro rj o " V 4? ECU THE FAVORITE ; ; ' HOME REMEDY Is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any Injurious mineral substance, but is PURELY . VEGETABLE, - containing those Southern Roots and Herbs, which an allwtse Providence has placed in countries .where Liver Diseases most prevail. : It will care nil Disease caused by feraogenenl of tbe Liver and Bowels. . '-jj'.V.v; ,p.!n Siiions' Liier RemJatdr, cr MBOtciiiB. - - - . j la eminently a Family Medicine, and by being kept ready for immediate resort will save many an hour of suffering and many a dollar in time and doctor's hfllR. i -s -t - - '-t ri 1 "-I"- After over Forty Tears'rrial it Is still receiving tne most unqnaimea lasunouum w its ijhuw persons ef the highest character and responsibility. Eminent physicians commend it as the most . : EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC -1 for Constipation, Headache Pain in i the Shoulders, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, bad taste in the mouth, billions attacks. Palpitation of tbe HeaxtPain in the region of the Kidneys, despondency, gloom and forebodings of evil, all of which are the offspring of a diseased liver. . , j . . j For Dyspepsia or Indigestion, i ; Armed with this ANTIDOTE, all climates and changes of water and food may be faced without fear. As a Remedy in MALARIOUS FEVERS, BOWEL COMPLAINTS, RESTLESSNESS, JAUN DICE, NAUSEA, ...... . IT II AS NO EQUAL. It is the Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine j mine wonai n Caution! Bnv no powders or Prepared SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR unless in our engraved wrapper, with Trade mark, Stamp and Signature unbroken. None other is genuine. - h i 1- J. II. ZEILItV & CO., ! Macon, tia., and Philade'phia. - FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. M - . TALKIE Simmons' Liver Eegulator. For all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen. As a Remedy tn I MALARIOUS FEVERS, BOWEL COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, MENTAL DEPRESSION. REST LESNESS, JAUNDICE, NAUSEA. 4 SICK HEAD ACHE. COLIC, i CONSTIPATION and BILIOUS NESS," ' -i - IT HAS NO EQUAL,. j GTJ AN AN IMPORTED t ; A Genuine Animal Deposit. A MONOPOLY OF THIS VALUABLE DEPOSIT HAS BEEN G HEATED IN FAVOR OF THIS Company by tie Crown Officers. ! The name " GUAN AH AN r ' is a Registered TRADE MARE at the United States Patent Office, and all persons are warned from making use of the same in connection mm iviuiixcrs vx nuj jluiuv - TnE COMPANY EVEKY CARGO will be Analyzed BEFORE IT IS OFFERED FOR SALE JExamine the Analyses and Letters of Pror. P. B. WILSON, Baltimore; Prof. H. C. WHITE. Professor of phomistry. University of Georgia; Prof.. F. A. GENTH, PhVitdelphia, Prof essor of AppUed bhemistry. University of Pennsylvania. i - -1 : - . . - . ' . , ' IiapOUTED Guanahani Guano Company. . ottenng mis huiilizbr to the Agiicultural Community a Second Season we do so with the icciuiE nuBirni iiuti. cue mgn opinion, we lormeo, and expressed last season based on it Chemical ConstituentsTiave been most satisfactorily bonie out by thereat, by which aU Fertilisers must be judged, that of tbe Plantation. i T j ' . Last season, owing to the lateness at which we commenced importing, we were forced to put our Guano pn the market at once but now having continued our importations during the summer and fall and bavins Tl veBtila Warehouses in this City and at city Point, we ale enabled puYour &uo of the market, in a condition as to dryness, and freedom from lumps, equal to any Manufactured FerUlizer. ' w,f "??tcl fSfiSSf f onr ccn,ar containing the certificates sent us, and which can be had on application at this OFFICE, or from any of our AGENTS,; Having nothing to conceal, we made an luno T; ne'tabllshed usage, by publishing those letters received imfavorable to ouranob careful ut" quiry m a ty cases proves that the "ause of its failure was not owing to afcy fault in the Gnant? but to iW Jar beyond our controL : We lave frequently heard the same'comilaint. of its'kindreKertilLr.. PeraviHn Guano, hut the concurrent teetmony of well known Farmers and Planters from Man lai.d anL tomyaiid lenTto none?" f nh Crolin' Snatit nsln place for our Fertilizer teperior- spwed'oS oWart tolnake6 continned ViroIMg f Agricultural Commhnity, and no exertion shall be -GUANAHANI! ! - r u ' i l ' ' - 3 . . - ' i ! S t AND ARD FERTILIZER THE A FOR Cotton, .Tobacco ! OF. THE iY j - DIRECTORS. President. N. M. TANNOR. of Rowlett. 5"KLNTP. 0' John Arlington & .IIIHm hf Ml' i.vuunH T. ...... TnfriT n uwu" xuiiijghuu Oi K. bishop, or RUhnA JOHN MANN, - DAVIO CALLENDAR, W. A. IL FALKENETi. 1 For Sale by - - Adrian :l??i feb 17-8m The Svnrntnma nt T tun- nlii . -it , v.. v.vjiu uiani T, llrfl ATlRAiimKM flnd nam In IU 1 t, . : : x- iuc Blue Sometimes the pain is in the shoulder Stnmqpti la affor-inA ntk 1 7- "-v-"- -" iviuo ui unpen tite and sickness, bowels in general1 coBtiye, sometimes alternatini with lax. J The head is troubled ywith pain audidullheavy sensation, consider' with painful sensation of having left uluvw cuuir.iuiig WIUCU OUgHt to have been done. Often complaining of weakness, debility, and lew spirit sometives many of the above symp toms attend the disease, and at other AS - . , ... .. . -tulles very tew 01 mem, out ineuver - is oucioujr uie uigou. juust involves L O R. TESTIMONIALS. " I have never seen or tried such a simple eflica --H. Hainib, St, Louis, Mo. ;v- Hon. Alex.H.3tq7ien8.;. ' I occasionally nee, when my condition rtonivJ if lis Ki'mmrinJ I.ivovPomilntMi .ntifk nAnJ I Governor of Alabama. " Tonr RegHlater has been In use In my family for some time, and I am persuaded it Is a valuable addi tion to the medical science." Gov. J. Gnx SnoEf -B&t Ala. . - ..... ' "I have used the Regulator in mv famiiv f or tli past seventeen years. 1 can safely recommend it tb the world as the best medicine I have ever used for that class of diseases it purports to cure. -H. F. J.XUQx'JSH, President of Citv Bank. Simmons' Liver Regulator has proved a good OUU VUIUOUUUB XUCUXClllV. V. A. IX UTTINO. ; ' Druggist, "We have been! acquainted with Dr. SlnimonJ Liver Medicine for more than tarentv vc&rs. n'n - know it to be the beet Liver Regulator offered to the public- ja. it Laos and a. l. Ltos, Bellefon "I was cured'hyiSimmsns' Lifer Regulator, niter navmg sunerea seyerai years witn imuis and Fever. R. F. Amdebsok. - I ... . ;vv 27ie Clergy "Have been a dyspeptic for years; began the iteguiator two years ago.; it nas acted like a i charm n my case." Key. J. ct Hoiauss. Ladies Indorsement "I have given vour medicine a thorough trial, and in no case has ii failed to give fall satisfaction. "- tSLLES MXACHA3C, Chattahoochee, Fla. . SJitriffBibb Countv., "I have used your 'Regulator with succefiifal effect In Bilious Colic and Dyspepsia, It is an ex cellent remedy, and certainly a public blessing. C. Mastkbson, Bibb County, Ga ; . . ; : . ; Mu Wife. . .. i My wife and self have used the.' Regulator for years, and testify to its great virtHes." Rev,' J. R, Fkudbr, Perry, Ga, ; J T "Ithink Simmons' Liver Regulator one of t" best medicines ever made for the Liven, j My wife, and -many others,! have used it with wonderful effect." E. K. Spabks, Albany, Ga, . j 1. M. D. ' i I have used the! Regulator. In my famflr, and also in my regular practice, and have found it a most valnable ana satisfactory medicine, and be lieve if it was used by the profession it would be of service $n ve.y many cases.. I know very much of its component parti, and can certify its medicinal quauues are peixecuy narmiessw" B. JT. U1UGOS M. D., Macon, Gaj - ) . Sold by all Druggists. Wholesale by i ' i , GREEN & FLANKER.. janl2-DGm&Weow. All AN I NATURAL GUANO. GUARANTEES THATJ . '.: I" ! ONIY BC TUB THE and Grain Crops SOUTH. ! r f Tannor & Co. K - I Sons. X SOnS. rNK POTTS, General ARenf.! & Yollers WILMINGTON, N. C, .1